AUGUST, 2019

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FOREWORD The annual development plan outlines policies, projects and programmes that will be implemented in the financial year 2020/2021 in order to contribute towards vision of providing high quality life for residents. The annual development plan is prepared annually to guide departments, non- governmental organizations, civil society organizations, private sectors and development partners on what the county government intends to do in each financial year. The plan forms the basis of preparing the budget for the same financial year. In addition, the plan is useful in tracking the achievements at the end of the financial year. The plan is divided into four chapters: chapter one has a brief introduction of the county in terms of Location, Size, Physiographic and Natural Conditions, Administrative and Political units and Demographic Features; The county covers a total area of 2,479 sq. km with a population of 758,339 as per 2009 National Population and Housing Census and is projected to be 926,237 by the end of plan period taking into consideration of a population growth rate of 2.5% per annum. Chapter two provides the County development analysis. The plan reviews the previous year’s performance, the major development challenges and cross-cutting issues that affect the development of the county. Chapter three presents details of projects and programmes derived from Kericho County Integrated Development Plan (2018-2022) that will be implemented in the financial period 2020/2021. It also gives the name of the project, objectives, targets and description of activities for each department. Chapter four presents the monitoring and evaluation framework that will be used at the county level to track progress on implementation of projects and programmes. An indicative matrix detailing projects and programmes, costing, implementing agencies as well as monitoring tools and indicators based on projects and programmes identified in chapter three. The implementation of this document depends entirely on the cooperation and commitment of all the stakeholders in the county. This document will be disseminated widely and be used as a reference point in allocation and identification of projects to be implemented in the financial year 2020/2021 in order for the county to achieve its goal.

Hon. Charles Birech County Executive Committee Member, Finance and Economic Planning and Head of Treasury

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The preparation of the annual development plan 2020/2021 was through collaboration of many stakeholders in the county. I wish to acknowledge the following for making the development of this plan a success: - H. E The Governor H.E The Deputy Governor Members of the County Executive Committee Budget and Economic Forum and other Stakeholders including the County Assembly Members County Public Service Board Chief Officers Technical and other staff members from all departments.

Your contributions provided valuable information and we highly appreciate your tireless efforts toward the development of this document are clear demonstration of our collective unwavering effort to achieving our development goals. The department would like to assure all that the necessary mechanisms will be put in place to ensure that the plan is fully implemented as well as ensure we are accountable for all the results thereafter. I wish to thank you again. God Bless Kericho County, God Bless Kenya.

CPA George Kirer Chief Officer, Finance and Ag. Chief Officer, Economic Planning

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Vision “A prosperous county where residents enjoy a high quality of life in a sustainable environment’’ Mission “To foster equitable and sustained socio-economic development through effective and efficient mobilization and utilization of available resources. CORE VALUES Accountability and Professionalism Accountability to its citizens by paying attention to details and running the affairs of the county in a fair manner.

Yield and Sustainability

Yielding lasting fruits to be enjoyed by the citizens, putting in place measures to ensure sustainability of programs and services rendered.

Commitment and Hard work

Commitment to work by ensuring that there is always competitive and efficient service delivery, responsive to the needs of the people.

Innovation and Creativity Innovation services driven by creative strategies. TAGLINE

All You Can Imagine

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FOREWORD ...... 2





1.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 9

1.1 LOCATION AND SIZE ...... 9

1.2.0 Physiographic and Natural Conditions ...... 11 1.2.1 Physical and Topographic Features ...... 11 1.2.2 Ecological Conditions ...... 11 1.2.3 Climatic Conditions ...... 12 1.3 Administrative and Political ...... 12


1.4.1 Population Size and Composition ...... 14 CHAPTER TWO ...... 17 (COUNTY SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIES) ...... 17

2.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 18


2.1.0 Major Development Challenges ...... 18 2.1.1 Infrastructure ...... 18 2.1.2 Poverty ...... 18 2.1.3 Unemployment ...... 18 2.1.4 Inadequate Clean Water for Domestic Use ...... 19 2.1.5 Poor Marketing Systems ...... 19



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2.3.1 Gender Inequality ...... 20 2.3.2 Environmental Degradation ...... 21 2.3.3 Climate Change ...... 21 2.3.4 Disasters ...... 21



3.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 27


3.1.1 Department Projects/Programmes ...... 27 3.2 COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD...... 32


3.3.0 Introduction ...... 33 3.3.1 DepartmentProjects/Programms ...... 34 3.3.2 Revenue Projection ...... 36 3.3.3 Summary of ADP 2020/2021 Projects/Programs Cost Estimates ...... 37


3.4.0 Department Projects/Programms ...... 41

3.5 HEALTH SERVICES ...... 54



3.6.1 Department Projects/Programmes ...... 69


Department Projects/Programmes ...... 85


Department Projects/Programmes ...... 89




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Department Projects/Programmes ...... 152



4.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 159



4.2.1 Office of The Governor and Deputy Governor...... 160 4.2.2 Finance and Economic Planning ...... 161 4.2.3 Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries...... 164 4.2.4 Health Services ...... 180


4.2.6 Lands, Housing and Physical Planning ...... 184 4.2.7 PUBLIC WORKS, ROADS AND TRANSPORT ...... 191

...... 225

4.2.8 Water, Forestry Energy Environment and Nutural Resources ...... 225 301 2.2.9 Public Service Management ...... 301 4.2.10 Trade, Industrialization, Tourism, Wildlife and Cooperative Development ...... 305 4.2.11 INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION, E-GOVERNMENT, YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS ...... 310

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(General Information County Profile)

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CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INFORMATION COUNTY PROFILE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Location and Size Kericho County is one of the 47 counties in the Republic of Kenya. It is located in the South Rift of the Great Rift Valley, about 256kilometers from , the capital city of Kenya. The County lies between longitude 35º 02’ and 35º 40’ East and between the equator and latitude 0 23’ South with an altitude of about 2002 meters above the sea level. The county is bordered by the to the North West, to the North, to the North-West, County to the East and County to the South. It is bordered to the South West by County and to the West by County. The county occupies a total area of 2,479 square kilometers and is divided into 6 sub-counties, 30 wards, 88 locations and 211 sub locations.

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Map 1: Location of the Kericho County in Kenya

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1.2.0 Physiographic and Natural Conditions

1.2.1 Physical and Topographic Features

The county is characterized by undulating topography. The overall slope of the land is towards the West, consequently drainage is in that direction. The county forms a hilly shelf between the Mau Escarpment and the lowlands of . To the North West are the hilly areas of Kipkelion rolling towards Koru. The Kericho plateau forms the central part of the county sloping gently from 2,500m to about 1,800m above the sea level.

The county is surrounded by Tinderet Hills to the North and to the North- East is the Mau Escarpment and between them is the gently rolling land which forms Londiani hills (Tuluap-sigis). The central part of the county rises eastward towards 3,000m above sea level. The county is well drained with a good number of rivers that include Chemosit, Kiptaret, Kipsonoi, Timbilil, Maramara, Itare, Nyando, Kipchorian and Malaget. Some of these rivers are characterized by rapids and falls which could be harnessed for hydro-electric power generation. Some of the rivers with the waterfalls include Maramara, Itare and Kiptaret.

1.2.2 Ecological Conditions Kericho County lies in the Lake Victoria Basin. Its geology is characterized by volcanic as well as igneous and metamorphic complexes. The county is predominantly underlain by tertiary lavas (phonlites) and intermediate igneous rocks. A small part of the county is dominated by undifferentiated basement system rock (granites), volcanic ash admixture and other prolific rocks.

The hilly nature in some parts of the county encourages soil erosion. This problem is however minimized by the presence of a dense vegetation cover, except in a few areas like Sigowet in Belgut, Chilchila in Kipkelion and partly the lower zones of Ainamoi Division covering Koitaburot in .

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1.2.3 Climatic Conditions The county receives relief rainfall, with moderate temperatures of 170C and low evaporation rates. The temperature ranges between 290C and 100C. The rainfall pattern is such that the central part of the county, where tea is grown, receives the highest rainfall of about 2,125mm while the lower parts of Soin and parts of Kipkelion receive the least amount of rainfall of 1,400 mm.

The county experiences two rainy seasons: the long rainy season occurs between April and June whereas the short rainy season occurs between October and December every year. The driest season is mostly from January to February. The variations in the temperatures and rainfall are mainly determined by the altitude of the place. 1.3 Administrative and Political The County covers a total area of 2,479 sq. km and is divided into 6 sub- counties, which are further sub-divided into 85 locations and 209 sub- locations. The tables below presents this area distribution per various administrative units. There are also a total of 333 villages. Table 1: Political units, Administrative units and Area

Constituency Sub- Divisions Area No of No of Sub- Counties ( locations Locations

Ainamoi Kericho East Ainamoi 239.9 11 24

Belgut Kericho Kabianga 337.4 12 26 West Belgut

Sigowet/Soin Sigowet Soin 473.2 13 39 Sigowet

Kipkelion West Kipkelion Kunyak 333.0 17 37 West Chilchila Kamasian Kipkelion

Kipkelion East Kipkelion Londiani 774.4 16 32 East Sorget Chepseon

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Bureti Bureti Bureti 321.1 19 53 Roret Cheborge

Total 2,479.0 85 209

Source: County Commissioner’s Office, Kericho, 2019

Table 2: Kericho County’s Electoral Wards by Constituency

S/No Constituency Electoral Wards Number of Electoral Wards

1 Belgut Waldai, Kabianga, Cheptororiet/Seretut, 5 Chaik and Kapsuser.

2 Soin/Sigowet Sigowet, Kaplelartet, Soliat and Soin. 4

3 Kipkelion Kunyak, Kamasian, Kipkelion and Chilchila. 4 west

4 Kipkelion Londiani, Kedowa/Kimugul, Chepseon and 4 East Tendeno/Sorget.

5 Ainamoi Kapsoit, Ainamoi, Kapkugerwet, Kipchebor, 6 Kipchimchim and Kapsaos.

6 Bureti Kisiara, Tebesonik, Cheboin, Chemosot, 7 Litein, Cheplanget and Kapkatet.

Total 30 Source: Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission, 2018

1.4 Demographic Features This section presents the county’s demographic profile in terms of distribution by age, gender, settlement and projection up to the year 2022. The 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census statistics forms the basis for the population projections. The county’s annual population growth rate is 2.5 per cent.

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1.4.1 Population Size and Composition The county’s population was 758,339 in 2009 as per the 2009 National Population and Housing Census. This comprised of 381,980 males and 376,359 females translating to male to female ratio of 1.01:1 meaning that there were more males than females (i.e. 1.01 males for every 1 female). Population was projected at 995,566 in 2018, males being 514,069 and 481,879 are females. A further projection puts the county’s population at 1,046,216 by 2020 with male population being 547,136 while females will be 499,080. This is further projected to increase to 1,137,716 by 2022 and it will consist of 583,924 males and 553,894 females.

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Table 3: Population Growth Projection by Gender and Age Cohort

Age 2009 (Census) Estimates (2018) Mid-Term End-Term Cohort Projection 2020 Projection 2022

Male Fema Total Male Fem Total Male Fem Total Mal Fem Total le ale ale e ale

0-4 60,9 58,94 119, 82,0 75,5 157, 87,3 78,2 165, 93,2 86,7 179, 35 6 881 52 09 501 30 04 534 02 93 981

5-9 57,4 55,80 113, 77,3 71,4 148, 82,3 74,0 156, 87,8 82,1 170, 68 6 274 83 86 813 61 38 399 99 70 055

10_14 48,7 48,92 97,6 65,5 62,6 128, 69,8 64,9 134, 74,4 72,0 146, 06 3 29 85 69 204 04 06 710 98 35 517

15-19 42,2 41,64 83,9 56,8 53,3 110, 60,5 55,2 115, 64,6 61,3 125, 55 8 03 98 50 206 58 54 812 30 23 942

20-24 37,1 42,57 79,6 49,9 54,5 104, 53,1 56,4 109, 56,7 62,6 119, 05 7 82 64 40 459 78 87 665 53 91 419

25-29 31,2 31,07 62,3 42,0 39,8 81,8 44,7 41,2 85,9 47,7 45,7 93,5 28 5 03 50 08 26 55 29 84 64 57 12

30-34 25,8 23,00 48,8 34,7 29,4 64,2 37,0 30,5 67,5 39,5 33,8 73,3 36 4 40 89 67 34 27 19 46 17 71 87

35-39 20,4 18,28 38,7 27,5 23,4 50,9 29,3 24,2 53,6 31,3 26,9 58,2 92 2 74 93 17 92 68 53 21 43 17 59

40-44 13,3 12,36 25,6 17,9 15,8 33,7 19,0 16,4 35,4 20,3 18,2 38,5 07 2 69 19 35 42 71 01 72 53 02 54

45-49 12,7 12,29 25,0 17,1 15,7 32,8 18,2 16,3 34,5 19,4 18,0 37,5 24 2 16 34 46 67 36 08 44 62 99 58

50-54 9,28 8,276 17,5 12,4 10,6 23,0 13,3 10,9 24,2 14,1 12,1 26,3 2 58 99 02 92 03 80 83 97 86 83

55-59 7,00 6,080 13,0 9,43 7,78 17,2 10,0 8,06 18,1 10,7 8,95 19,6 5 85 2 8 14 39 6 05 14 2 66

60-64 5,48 4,716 10,2 7,39 6,04 13,4 7,86 6,25 14,1 8,39 6,94 15,3 8 04 0 1 27 5 7 22 4 4 38

65-69 2,99 3,197 6,18 4,02 4,09 8,11 4,28 4,24 8,52 4,57 4,70 9,28 1 8 8 5 9 7 1 8 5 7 1

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70-74 2,43 2,913 5,34 3,27 3,73 7,00 3,48 3,86 7,34 3,71 4,28 8,00 1 4 3 2 2 4 5 9 8 9 5

75-79 1,65 2,031 3,69 2,23 2,60 4,83 2,37 2,69 5,07 2,53 2,99 5,52 9 0 4 2 4 8 5 3 8 1 7

80+ 2,85 4,053 6,90 3,84 5,19 9,03 4,09 5,37 9,46 4,36 5,96 10,3 5 8 5 2 2 2 7 9 7 8 31

Age 213 178 391 NS

Total 381, 376,3 758, 514, 481, 995, 547, 499, 1,04 583, 553, 1,13 980 59 339 069 879 566 136 080 6,21 924 894 7,71 6 6

Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2018

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(County Socio-economic Development, Challenges and Strategies)

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2.0 Introduction This chapter provides the County development analysis. It also analyzes the major development challenges, cross-cutting issues that affect the development of the county and how the county respond to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

2.1 Situational analysis 2.1.0 Major Development Challenges Despite several initiatives undertaken to address the challenges hindering the county from achieving its development agenda, there are still several key challenges as outlined below;

2.1.1 Infrastructure Although great strides have been realized in the improvement of the physical infrastructure (roads) in the county, some parts i.e about a third of the road networks are yet to be opened and more maintenance requirements.This therefore continues to be a major impediment to trade, investment and mobility by farm produce to markets. Key challenges being experienced are: - i) Encroachment to road reserves by land owners leading to several court cases resulting in delays in road construction ii) Inadequate supervision tools iii) Late release of development funds iv) Unpredictable weather conditions which renders construction seasonal and delays in implemntation of procurement plan v) Competing interest by various stakeholders which often leads to reorganisation of projects priorities. 2.1.2 Poverty Attempts have been made by the County Government and other development partners to address this problem but despite this effort, poverty is still a challenge in hindering the county from achieving its development objectives.

2.1.3 Unemployment The county’s unemployment rate stood at 47% in the year 2009. The population employed at that period had the rural populace contributing a larger share of the employment. In the county, 53.4 percent of the population is economically inactive in which the rural settlement contributes a larger percentage. This creates a dependency challenge for the working and active population. The major source of income for the people of Kericho County comprises of proceeds from farm produce such

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as tea, pineapples, coffee, sugarcane, potatoes, maize and horticultural crops. Employment by 33 multinational companies such as tea farms and factories is another major source of income. The informal sector and more specifically the Jua Kali offers another form of employment. With the devolved government brought about by the Kenyan Constitution 2010, job opportunities are expected to be created both in the formal and informal sector.

2.1.4 Inadequate Clean Water for Domestic Use Despite the county receiving reliable rainfall, there are certain areas which experience water shortages especially during dry seasons. These areas are in the lower zones of the county covering part of Soin Division in Ainamoi Constituency, Sigowet in and Chilchila in Kipkelion Constituency. Sanitation is also a challenge due to poor waste management.

2.1.5 Poor Marketing Systems Market outlets for agricultural produce which includes crops, livestock and livestock products in the county are not well established. For cash crops especially horticultural produce, poor marketing is occasioned by weak cooperative societies in the county. Lack of market and market information, inadequate storage facilities and transportation problems all work against the development of agricultural, livestock and industrial sectors.

2.2 Low Own Source Revenue Collection Revenue from local sources constitutes a very small proportion of the annual total revenue estimates. To demonstrate this scenario, out of the total revenue sources of Kshs 8,417,967,273 for the fiscal year 2018/2019, only Kshs. 356,294,000 representing 4.23% of total revenue came from local sources while substantial proportion of Kshs 5,714,800,000 (i.e. 67.89%) came from CRA Equitable share. Below, is a tabulation of the various sources of revenue as per revised projected revenue under supplimetary 2 for financial year 2018/2019. 2018/2019 2019/2020 FY REVISED PROJECTED REVENUE (SUPP2) Sources of Revenue Kshs Kshs 1 CRA Equitable share 5,714,800,000 67.89%

2 Local Collections 356,294,000 4.23%

3 Facility Improvement Fund/NHIF Rebates 338,525,121 4.02%

4 Conditional Grants

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4.1 User Fee Reimbursement 18,048,789 0.21%

4.2 Routine Maintenance Levy 150,465,707 1.79%

4.3 Development of Youth Polytechnic Fund 41,005,000 0.49%

4.4 Agricultural Support Fund (AFA) 5.0 Donor Funds 5.1 DANIDA FUND 17,516,250 0.21%

5.2 Agricultural Sector Development Support 24,732,548 0.29% Fund (ASDSP) 5.3 Transformative Health System (World Bank) 61,507,974 0.73%

5.4 Kenya Devolution Support Program (World 44,538,343 0.53% Bank) 5.5 Climate Smart Agriculture Project (World 116,443,510 1.38% Bank) 5.6 Kenya Urban Support Program (World Bank) 256,299,000 3.04% – UDG 5.7 Kenya Urban Support Program (World Bank) 41,200,000 0.49% – UIG Unspent Fund 1,236,591,031 14.69%

5.8 Other Donor Funds Total 8,417,967,273 100.00%

2.3 Cross Cutting Issues The following are cross cutting issues that continues hinder the county from realizing its full socio-economic development potential.

2.3.1 Gender Inequality Sustainable development should recognize the key role of women in development processes. It has been observed that women perform over 70 percent of development activities. Despite this crucial role, the concept of gender equity has not been fully understood resulting into misunderstanding between men and women. Equality has been viewed to mean sharing of some domestic chores between a husband and wife. In the context of national development, equity functionally refers to equality of rights, responsibilities and opportunities for participation of men and women. Attainment of such equality thus implies equality of access to resources and informed participation in decision-making at all levels. The county will promote gender participation in the development processes at all levels as well as encourage gender sensitive practices and culture within the wider county stakeholders. Additionally, efforts will be made to bring together county development partners to improve the status of women and support their role in development so as to achieve gender equity. Women participation and decision making in development

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can be witnessed by co-opting women representative in the various development committees.

2.3.2 Environmental Degradation The county has several degraded hilltops especially in the lower altitude areas and efforts are being made to re-afforestate them. The wetlands available in the county have similar problems of ownership and uncertainty thus causing encroachment and sub-segment destruction. Riverbanks often than not are encroached by individual farmers to an extent of collapsing the banks. Efforts are being made to enforce EMCA (1999), Water Act 2002 among other Acts requirement on river line protection through participatory approach.

2.3.3 Climate Change The impacts of climate change are clearly manifest in the county. The main climate events are associated with rising temperatures and increased precipitation. These have particularly become frequent and more severe in the past two decades presenting huge additional burden towards sustainable development of the county. Rising average temperatures have made the county a favourable habitat for anopheles mosquito. This explains the increasing cases of malaria in areas hitherto unknown for the disease.

2.3.4 Disasters

Fires: Fabrication of water tank for the fire engine purchased during the financial year 2015/2016 has been completed and is yet to be inspected the and payment made before it is released for commissioning. Once it is commissioned, the county capacity to response to fire disasters will be considerably enhanced.

Landslide: This mostly happens within Chilchila area of Kipkelion West Sub County during heavy rains. During the Financial Year 2015/2016, major landslide occurred at Muhoroni which cut off the Londiani- Fortenan-Kisumu Road near Muhoroni market. Although no lives were lost out of the incident, it confirms that Landslide disaster in the region continues to pose real threat hence the need for the conunty to be better prepared to respond accordingly. It is however worth noting that no landslides were experienced during theed FYs 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 except isolated sinking of toilets and roof damage by wind. In Sigowet, massive soil erosion occurs which has led todevelopment of deep and dangerous gullies which require rehabilitation among other activities. Lightning: The areas prone to lightning include Sigowet area in Soin/Sigowet Sub-county and some areas in Kipkelion.

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De-forestation: This happens in the Mau complex where people cut down three for fuel and settlement. This has greatly affected the local climate of the county. The ecosystem has also been greatly affected by the destruction of the forest cover. Mining/ quarrying: Open quarry sites left after quarrying mostly in Kedowa and other parts of the county has caused serious loss and destruction of the environment. Farm land has also been lost due to the activity.

2.4 Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into County Plans On 25 September 2015, the Member States of the United Nations agreed on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The SDGs build on the Millennium Development Goals, the global agenda that was pursued from 2000 to 2015, and will guide global action on sustainable development until 2030. All of the SDGs have targets that are directly or indirectly related to the daily work of County Governments. County Governments are catalysts of change and are best-placed to link the global goals with local communities. Further, the County governments are the basic local governance units that can support localization, mainstreaming and implementation of Sustainable Development Goals.

The sustainable development goals agenda is a plan of action for people, planet, peace, prosperity and partnership. The 17 sustainable development goals and 169 targets seek to build on the millennium development goals, and complete what these did not achieve. They are integrated in the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental. The goals and targets will stimulate action over the next fifteen years (up to 2030) in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet. (Ps) • People: Ending poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions; • Planet: protecting the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production; • Prosperity: ensuring that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives; • Peace: fostering peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence; • Partnership: mobilizing the means required to implement this agenda through a revitalized global partnership for sustainable development. Summary of County Departments and SDGs falling under their mandate.

S/NO Department GOAL 1 Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Goal 1 and 2 2 Health Services Goals 3 3 Water, Environment, Energy, Forestry and Natural Goal 3, 6 and Resources. 14

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4 Education, Culture, Youth Affairs and Social Goals 4 and Services 11 5 Public works Roads and Transport. Goal 9 and 11 6 Trade, Industrialization, Cooperative Management Goals and Tourism 2,3,8,10 and 17 7 Finance and Economic Planning All 8 Public Service Management Goals 1, 2, 11 and 13 9 Office of The Governor and Deputy Governor All

The following is County respond to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s);

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere The County will identify people living in poverty at the grass-root level and to target resources and services to help them overcome deprivation and dehumanizing poverty. It will ensure that all men and women, particularly the poor and the vulnerable have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership, and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology, and financial services including microfinance. The county endures to implement strategic intervention based on the need for different areas within the county. As a result, this will build the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations, and reduce their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and other economic, social and environmental shocks and disasters.

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture The county will continue to support agricultural production and local economic growth by strengthening extension service to farmers and by providing basic transport infrastructure and markets to promote good exchange in local food chains. Further through use of healthcare services and Early Childhood Centers (ECDs) to identify and tackle child malnutrition the county will ensure that everyone can enjoy a safe, nutritious diet, all year round. The county will carry out feeding for ECDE School going children to address issues of malnutrition

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages The county has a huge responsibility of ensuring the local communities have access to good quality health care and live a healthy life.

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

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The county is responsible for early childhood development (ECD) that form the basic foundation for education. As such, it will continue to identify and tackle the barriers to school attendance. It will also integrate technical and vocational training programmes into local economic development strategies, making sure training is valuable to labor market opportunities. The county will further reach out to vulnerable and marginalized individuals and communities to ensure they have accessed to quality education and training that meet their needs.

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls The county will continue to advocate for gender equality and the empowerment of women through non-discriminatory service provision to citizens and fair employment practices and mainstreaming of gender equality across all areas of their work in order to tackle the multiple barriers to women's empowerment.

Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all The county is committed to ensuring access to clean and safe water and sanitation through effective local governance, natural resource management, and local planning. Integrated water resources management will be enhanced through cooperation in planning and environmental policy between the County and National Government.

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all The county plans to identify gaps in access to affordable energy among vulnerable groups in the communities and address them thus contributing to energy efficiency directly by investing in energy efficient infrastructure, alternative and green energy sources.

Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all The county will generate growth and employment from the bottom up through local economic development strategies that harness the unique resources and local opportunities. The county also will improve business environment that attract investment and flourish existing businesses.

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation The county has continued to put more efforts in developing and maintaining infrastructure to serve local communities and link them up with their surrounding areas. This includes the promotion of small-scale industry and start-ups in their local economic development strategies, taking into account local resources, needs and markets based on the local comparative advantage.

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

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The county will build local capacities and tackle poverty and exclusion through political inclusion at local levels of government.

Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The county is in the process of developing strategic urban plans to prevent growth of new slums, and work with slum-dwellers to improve conditions and provide basic services where slums already exist.

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The county will support short supply chains, thereby reducing transport and carbon emissions, through land management, infrastructure, urban planning, education and training, and public markets to ensure supply goods and service is at par with demand. The County also has put strategies to ensure that production is all year round and producers are well educated on post-harvest losses.

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. The capacity of the county governments to deal with climate related hazards and natural disasters need to be strengthened through integration of climate change adaptation and mitigation into local planning to reduce the emissions from our cities and increase their resilience to environmental shocks.

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development Urban sanitation and solid waste management are essential to reducing pollution in water bodies. There is therefore need for collaboration between County Government and relevant National Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies to put in place these policies.

Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. The County Governments' role as service providers (especially of water, sanitation, and solid waste management), coupled with our ability to incentives behavioral change in our communities, puts us in a unique position to protect natural resources and habitats.

Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. County Governments lead the way in experimenting with new forms of participatory decision making, such as participatory budgeting and planning. The County Governments has expanded these efforts and become even more responsive to community needs while ensuring transparent and accountable processes and making sure no group is excluded. The Executive office of the

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Governor leads the way in experimenting with new forms of participatory decision by holding public participation on all projects across the County through the support of Kenya Devolution Support Program (KDSP) and in partnership with Civil Society Organization in the County in Carrying out civil education on Governance and County planning cycle.

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. There is need for local resource allocation to support SDGs implementation. The County Government of Kericho mainstreamed SDGs into its County Integrated Development Plan (2018-2022) to ensure budgetary allocation to SDGs is realized. It is at the local level that coherent policies can be developed to address the multiple challenges of poverty reduction and sustainable development.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) in Kericho County are being addressed within their respective sectors through different interventions as indicated in the development priorities and strategies.

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County Development Priority Programmes and Projects 3.0 Introduction This chapter presents details of projects and programmes derived from Kericho County Integrated Development Plan (2018-2022) and were identified in various forums including, Vision 2030; MTEF consultative forums; 3rd MTP Consultations; Public hearings; Governor’s Manifesto; Jubilee manifesto and other development consultations at the devolved levels. The information is presented per department: the departments are: Finance and Economic Planning; Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries; Education, culture, Youth Affairs and Social Services; Health Services; Water, Environment, Energy, Forestry and Natural Resources; Information, Communication and E-Government; Trade, Industrialization Cooperative Management, Tourism and Wildlife; Roads, Public Works and Transport (Infrastructure) and Land, Housing and Physical Planning. For each of the Department, the department vision and mission are stated as well as the county’s response to the sector vision and mission and the role of the stakeholders. In addition, the priority projects and programmes are presented as follows: the ongoing projects and programmes, multi year (flagship) and newly proposed projects. Finally, strategies for mainstreaming cross cutting issues in each sector are included.

3.1 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR & DEPUTY GOVERNOR 3.1.0 Introduction The department comprises of Governor’s and Deputy Governor’s offices. a) Vision: “A leading sector in public policy formulation, coordination, supervision, resource management and legislation”.

b) Mission: “To provide overall leadership and direction in resource mobilization, management and accountability for quality service delivery”.

3.1.1 Department Projects/Programmes

(i) On-going projects/programs

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S/ Progra Projects Objecti Descrip Start Descrip End Amo Remark N mme Locatio ves tion of Date tion of Date unt s o Name n Activiti activiti Paid includin es es Done (Ksh g and s) pending %age works

1 Count County To Establis July Secreta July 3,00 A proper y headqua track hment 2018 riat 2020 0,00 budget deliver rters flagship of the establis 0 for the y unit project unit hed same are through should implem appoint Staff be done ented ment of training on time secretar ongoing and at iat 30% the right Training cost of staff and its Preparat impact ion of is quarterl realised y, and . annual reports of flagship projects.

2 Promot Local To Attendin Conti 10 conti 10,0 A county ion of and attract g nuou Investm nuou 00,0 should Count internati investo investm s ent s 00 conducte y onal rs, local ent forums d a study compe and confere attende to titiven interna nces d establish ess, tional its Partne to Marketi 10 competit rships invest ng M.O.U iveness. and in campaig signed ns joint kericho 50% ventur Partners es To market hip kericho pitching as a tourism destina tion

To increas e

Page 28 of 314

S/ Progra Projects Objecti Descrip Start Descrip End Amo Remark N mme Locatio ves tion of Date tion of Date unt s o Name n Activiti activiti Paid includin es es Done (Ksh g and s) pending %age works

public/ private partner s in the County .

3 Count Sub To Executi conti Making conti 8,00 A county y counties involve on of nuou reports nuou 0,00 public Public /wards citizens public s on s 0 participa partici at the particip minute tion pation grassro ation resoluti policy policy ots on forums ons and should and county attenda be citizen Plannin nce enacted s fora g cycle sheets

4 Region Regional To Member July Paymen conti 10,0 Assembl al leverag ship to 2018 t of nuou 00,0 y yet to econo e on a regional member s 00 pass the mic regiona economi ship necessar block l c fees y market blocks( legislatio and tap LREB) Attendi n for full compar ng engagem ative regional ent advant investm age ent econom confere y to nces spur Passing econom of a ic member growth ship bill and by the encour County age assembl speciali y zation.

(ii) Multi - year projects/programs( FLAGSHIP)

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S/ Program Projects Objecti Descrip Start Descripti En Amo Rema No me Name Locatio ves tion of Date on of d unt rks n Activiti activities Da Paid inclu es Done and te (Ksh ding %age s) pendi ng work s

1 County County To Establis contin Secretaria Ju 300 No delivery wide ensure hment uous t ly 000 opera unit that of the establishe 20 tions flagship unit d 22 budge project through t are appoint Staff have implem ment of been nted in secretar inducted/ time iat trained and at 30% the Training right of staff cost. Prepara tion of quarterl y, and annual reports of flagship projects

2 Promotio Local To Attendi contin 10 Ju 0 n of 3 and attract ng uous investme ly County internati investor investm nt forums 20 competiti onal s, local ent attended 22 veness, and confere Partners internat nces 10 MOU’s hips and ional to signed Marketi joint invest in 50% ventures kericho ng campaig To ns market kericho Partners as a hip tourism pitching destinat ion

To increase public/

Page 30 of 314

private partner s in the County.

3 County Sub Plannin Public counties g public participat /wards particip ion policy ation and forums citizens for a Making reports on minute resoluti ons and prepari ng attenda nce sheets

4 County To Member Economi HQ and leverage ship to c blocks LREB Hq on a regional joined regional economi market c blocks and econom y to spur economi c growth.

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3.2 COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD Introduction The Public Service Board draws its mandate from Section 59 of the County Governments Act No. 17 of 2012. Some of the functions of the Board include; a) Vision A competitive, effective and efficient public service for a working County

b) Mission To recruit, develop, nurture and retain an efficient county public service that complies with the values and principles of good governance.

c) Mandate The functions of the County Public Service Board shall be, on behalf of the county government, to—

(a) Establish and abolish offices in the county public service;

(b) Appoint persons to hold or act in offices of the county public

service including in the Boards of cities and urban areas within the

county and to confirm appointments;

(c) Exercise disciplinary control over, and remove persons holding

or acting in those offices as provided for under this Part;

(d) Prepare regular reports for submission to the county assembly

on the execution of the functions of the Board;

(e) Promote in the county public service the values and principles

referred to in Articles 10 and 232;

(f) Evaluate and report to the county assembly on the extent to

which the values and principles referred to in Articles 10 and 232

are complied with in the county public service;

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g) Facilitate the development of coherent, integrated human

resource planning and budgeting for personnel emoluments in


(h) Advise the county government on human resource management

and development;

(i) Advise county government on implementation and monitoring of

the national performance management system in counties;

(j) Make recommendations to the Salaries and Remuneration

Commission, on behalf of the county government, on the

remuneration, pensions and gratuities for county public service


3.3 FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING 3.3.0 Introduction This department comprises Finance, Economic Planning, Budget, Audit, Revenue and Procurement Divisions. The department is charged with the responsibilities of proper Planning and management of all the financial resources of the county in order to achieve the goals of the CIDP 2018/2022 and the Vision 2030.

a) Vision: “To be a world class institution in economic and financial management”. b) Mission: “To create an enabling environment for accelerated and sustained economic growth through pursuit of prudent economic, fiscal, and monetary policies and coordination of government financial operations”.

c) Mandate: The County Treasury is responsible for managing county government finances. Supporting efficient and sustainable public

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financial management is fundamental to the promotion of economic development, good governance, social progress and a rising standard of living for all county citizens. The Constitution mandates the county Treasury to ensure transparency, accountability and sound financial controls in the management of public finances. County Treasury is mandated to promote government’s fiscal policy framework; to coordinate macroeconomic policy and intergovernmental financial relations; to manage the budget preparation process and to monitor the implementation of departmental budgets.

3.3.1 DepartmentProjects/Programms i) On-going projects/programs

S/ Progra Proje Object Descript St Descrip End Amou Remark No mme cts ives ion of art tion of Date nt s Name Loca Activitie Da activiti Paid includin tion s te es (Kshs) g Done pending and works %age

1 County Coun To Develop Fe Develop Dece 15,103 The Baselin ty provid ment of b ment of mber ,907 Data e wide e survey 20 survey 2019 cleaning, survey baseli topic, 19 topic, analysis ( ne tools , tools , publishi County data training training ng and Statisti in the manuals manual report cal county , s, dissemin abstrac for recruitm recruit ation. t planni ent of ment of ng research researc assistant h s and assista clerks, nts and field clerks, data field collectio data n, data collectio entry, n and data data cleaning, entry. analysis publishi 60% ng and done on report the project

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dissemin ation.

i) Multi - year projects/programs S/ Progra Proje Object Descri St Descrip End Amo Remarks No mme cts ives ption ar tion of Date unt includin Name Loca of t activiti Paid g tion Activit Da es Done (Ksh pending ies te and s) works %age

2 Revenu Coun To Introdu 20 Automat Conti 65% e ty enhan ce 16 ion nuous implemen automa wide ce own online revenue tation tion. revenu payme streams. rate. e nt collecti platfor 65% on for ms to Done improv all ed revenu service e deliver stream y s.

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ii) New Projects/Programs S/No Project Name Project Objectives Description of Location Activities

1. County County To establish county Measures the set competitiveness Wide comparative of institutions, index established advantage policies, and factors that set the sustainable current and medium-term levels of economic prosperity 2. County ease of doing County To motivate reforms Contract a business index Wide through county consultant to carry established benchmarking; enrich out the exercise. county initiatives on development effectiveness 3. County human County The objective of the Undertaking a development index Wide HDI is to rank survey established countries on a scale of human development conceptualized in terms of capabilities of humans within the countries to function. 4. Geographical County Enhance Own Source Data collection; Information System Wide Revenue collection Consultancy GIS) for revenue services to map collection and Mapping of all revenue streams 5. Standard Operating County To develop guidelines Digitization of Procedure Manuals Wide for various procedures and departmental service manuals provided 6. Integrated County To improve service Identification of Enterprise Resource Wide delivery required ERPs Planning Procurement 7. Establishment and County To improve service Procurement of a refurbishment of Wide delivery contractor county revenue offices, county planning offices and county treasury offices

3.3.2 Revenue Projection Sources of Revenue 2018/2019 FY 2019/2020 FY Kshs Kshs 1 CRA Equitable share 5,714,800,000 5,270,000,000

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2 Local Collections 356,294,000 512,294,000 3 Facility Improvement Fund/NHIF Rebates 338,525,121 401,641,000 4 Conditional Grants 4.1 User Fee Reimbursement 18,048,789 18,048,789 4.2 Routine Maintenance Levy 150,465,707 152,729,063 4.3 Development of Youth Polytechnic Fund 41,005,000 29,433,298 4.4 Agricultural Support Fund (AFA) 0 5.0 Donor Funds 5.1 DANIDA FUND 17,516,250 17,516,250 5.2 Agricultural Sector Development Support 0 Fund (ASDSP) 24,732,548 5.3 Transformative Health System (World 61,507,974 Bank) 61,507,974 5.4 Kenya Devolution Support Program 44,438,348 (World Bank) 44,538,343 5.5 Climate Smart Agriculture Project (World 117,000,000 Bank) 116,443,510 5.6 Kenya Urban Support Program (World 256,299,000 Bank) – UDG 256,299,000 5.7 Kenya Urban Support Program (World 10,000,000 Bank) – UIG 41,200,000 Unspent Fund 1,627,652,234 1,236,591,031 5.8 Other Donor Funds 92,719,071 Total 8,417,967,273 8,611,379,022

3.3.3 Summary of ADP 2020/2021 Projects/Programs Cost Estimates ESTIMATED RATIO DEPARTMENT COST KSHS - %

Office of The Governor and Deputy Governor 0.21 1 10,000,000

- 2 Public Service Board 0

77,000,000 1.59 3 Finance and Economic Planning

7.71 4 Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries 373,835,500

15.54 5 Health Services 753,000,000

1.65 6 Education, Culture and Social Services 80,000,000 12.52 7 Lands, Housing and Physical Planning 606,800,000

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33.24 8 Public Works, Roads and Transport 1,610,600,595

Water, Environment, Energy, Forestry and Natural 22.79 9 Resources 1,104,480,000

0.77 10 Public Service Management 37,540,000

Trade, Industrialization, Cooperative Management and 3.15 11 Tourism 74,450,000

Information, Communication Technology, E-Government, 0.83 12 Youth Affairs and Sports 40,000,000 4,845,942,472.70 TOTAL 100.00

3.4 AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES Introduction The Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries comprises four directorates namely; Agriculture, Livestock Production, Veterinary Services and Fisheries. Under the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Schedule 4, the department is mandated to carry out the following functions; crop and animal husbandry, livestock sale yards, county slaughter facilities, plant and animal disease control and fisheries development. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) number 1 and 2 obligates the department to promote food productivity so as to reduce poverty and eliminate hunger.

Under Vision 2030, the department is expected to raise farm incomes through accomplishment of innovative, commercially oriented and modern agriculture, livestock and fisheries sector. To achieve these the department is carrying out the following roles and responsibilities:-

(a) Agriculture

Formulation, implementation and review of county agricultural and food policy; Provision of agricultural extension services and promotion of appropriate technologies; Advice on regulation and standards on quality control of agricultural inputs, produce and products; Collaboration with research institutions in undertaking crop research and development; Management of Agricultural Mechanization Services (AMS) and Agricultural Training Centres (ATC); Crop pests and disease control and Management; Promotion of conservation of soil and water management for Agriculture.

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(b) Livestock Formulate, implement and coordinate county livestock policies and programmes; Collaborate and liaise with mandated research centres and set county research agenda; Provide livestock production extension services and promote livestock technology transfer; Collection, maintenance and management of livestock production information; Promote sustainable use of natural resources for livestock development; Regulation and quality control of inputs, produce and products in the livestock sector.

(c) Veterinary Implementation of national veterinary policies and development of relevant county veterinary policies and laws; Livestock Disease investigation, vector and disease surveillance, diagnosis, reporting and notification; Local quality control, inspection and certification of animals, animal products, feedstuffs and veterinary inputs; Delivery of animal health, production, welfare and food safety advisory services; Implementation of animal reproductive services including Artificial Insemination; Veterinary technical responsibility for livestock sale yards, livestock markets, county abattoirs and associated infrastructure; Implementation of standards for value addition to animal products including meat, milk, eggs, hides, skins, wool and feathers; Participation in research agenda setting in the livestock industry; Collaboration with the Department of Fisheries and Kenya Wildlife Service in matters of fish and wildlife health respectively; collaboration with the Department responsible for health services in their respective counties in matters of zoonosis and the ‘One Health approach’.

(d) Fisheries Formulation and Implementation of county fisheries policy; Provision of Fisheries extension services and promoting aquaculture development; Provision of fish trade license and fish movement permits; Ensuring fish quality assurance and product development; and Managing of fisheries data bank

Vision and Mission Vision “A prosperous County where residents enjoy a high quality of life in a sustainable environment” Mission “To foster equitable and sustained socio-economic development through efficient and effective mobilization and utilization of available resources”

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Goal “Enhance livelihoods and ensure food and nutrition security through creation of an enabling environment and sustainable natural resource management” Background information: Agriculture and livestock production are the major activities in the county. Majority of the people in the county depend either directly or indirectly on agriculture for employment and income generation. The county’s household income from the sector accounts for 70 per cent and provides employment to over 70 per cent of the Labour force.

The sub-sectors also provide raw materials such as crop produce and livestock-based products for both the on-farm cottage and formal industries within and outside the county.

Research and development plays a critical role in terms of providing farmers with modern farming technologies that include use of high yield varieties of tea, coffee, maize seeds, potatoes, and control of livestock diseases among others. This will help increase yields; reduce food poverty and hence improve overall quality of life in the county. Continuous research and development will enhance agricultural and livestock value addition critical for competitiveness of the county’s products both at national and international markets.

Since the inauguration of the County Government emphasis, in the sector has been on revamping the livestock industry owing to its socio-economic importance to the people of Kericho. At the same time crops and fisheries programmes taken-over from the National Government were continued and elevated to a pedestal necessary for the county’s industrialization take-off.

In the previous year 2018/2019 the department implemented ten (12) programmes namely; Livestock Breed Improvement through provision of artificial insemination services, Livestock improvement, Feeds and Product processing through promotion of on farm feed formulation, pasture/fodder conservation, value addition of livestock-based products, Livestock Pests and Disease Control Programme through rehabilitation of dips, supply of acaricides and vaccination against notifiable diseases; support to dairy sector development through provision of milk cooling facilities supplied by the National Government; and agricultural

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information dissemination services. The other programmes included: Food security enhancement project, Industrial crops development project, Horticulture Development Support Programme, Smallholder Irrigation Development Project, Agricultural Mechanization and Technology Development project, and Soin Agricultural Training Centre Modernization Project. Other projects that are co funded by donors which were under implementation and will be ongoing are; Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KSCAP) and Agriculture Sector Development Support Programme (ASDSP).

The department intends to consolidate the gains realized over the past years by implementing 16 programmes in 2020/2021 financial year as depicted in the reporting matrix for annual development plan in-order to contribute meaningfully to the county’s vision.

3.4.0 Department Projects/Programms 3.4.1 On-going projects/program

N Project Project Object Descrip St Description End Amount Remarks o Name Locati ives tion of ar of date paid(Ks including . on Activiti t Activities hs) pending es da done and works te %age

1 Livesto County To Procure Ju Procuremen June 2,616,0 Procurem ck wide increa ment of ly t of assorted 2019 00 ent improv se assorte 20 pasture/fod complete ement, livesto d 18 der seeds. d and feeds ck pasture 100% delivery and produ /fodder made, produc ction seeds. distributi t and on to process produ farmers ing ctivity ongoing

Procure Ju Procuremen June 990,000 Delivery ment of ly t of hand 2019 done hand 20 operated operate 18 grass cutter d grass 100% cutter

Procure Ju Procuremen June 4,500,0 Procurem ment of ly t of day old 2019 00 ent

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day old 20 chicks process chicks 18 (improved complete, (improv Kienyeji) awaiting ed delivery Kienyeji 100% from ) KALRO

Procure Ju Nil June 0 Procurem ment of ly 2019 ent Medium 20 wasn’t honey 18 done but press has been machin re- e budgeted in the next Financial Year

Procure Ju Nil June 0 Procurem ment of ly 2019 ent large 20 wasn’t scale 18 done but centrifu has been ge re- machin budgeted e in the next Financial Year

Chick Ju Nil June 0 Procurem mash ly 2019 ent 70kg 20 wasn’t bag 18 done but has been re- budgeted in the next Financial Year

Galla Ju Nil June 0 Procurem goats/d ly 2019 ent orper 20 wasn’t sheep 18 done but has been re- budgeted in the next

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Financial Year

Procure Ju Nil June 0 Procurem ment of ly 2019 ent DAP 20 wasn’t fertilizer 18 done but has been re- budgeted in the next Financial Year

2 Fish Soin To Constru Ju Constructio June 0 Procurem farmin ATC facilita ction of ly n of 3 liner 2019 ent g and te fish 20 ponds 0% wasn’t utilizati fingerli ponds 18 done but on ng has been project produ re- ction budgeted in the next Financial Year

To Farmer Ju 1,500 0 Agricultu increa s ly Farmers June ral training 20 trained – 2019 extension se s 18 30% funds not incom accessed Barazas 120 because it es and , Barazas was done -40% reduce field placed Promot under ion of food days 4 field days developm Food done – 20% insecu ent and County 3 Nutriti -wide rity budget on among Food Ju 90 demo 0 Agricultu Securit crop ly plots done – June ral y rural demons 20 30% 2019 extension house trations 18 funds not holds accessed because it in was Kerich placed o under developm

Page 43 of 314

Count ent y. budget Maintai Ju 4 on-farm 0 Agricultu ning ly seed June ral on-farm 20 multiplicatio 2019 extension seed 18 n sites – 5% funds not multipli accessed cation because it sites was placed under developm ent budget

Market Ju 1 marketing 0 Organic develop ly strategies June coffee to ment 20 operationali 2019 Denmark and 18 zed – 10% from 2 Linkage FCS s Kichawir, formati Kamachu on ngwa

4 Horticu To Setting Ju 12 0 Agricultu lture increa and ly horticulture June ral Produc se Maintai 20 demo plots 2019 extension tion produ ning 18 established- funds not ,Proces ctivity on-farm 40% accessed sing and demons because it And emplo tration was Market yment plots placed ing opport under Project unities developm in the ent produ budget County ction, Trainin Ju 1500 0 Agricultu -wide proces g of ly farmers June ral sing farmers 20 trained-40% 2019 extension and 18 funds not marke accessed ting of because it hortic was ulture produ placed ce under developm ent budget

Page 44 of 314

Support Ju 4 4.23M Roret and ly horticulture June pineapple strengt 20 cottage 2019 got some hen 18 processing support operatio groups ns of supported- horticul 30% ture cottage processi ng groups Ju 1 0 NG,CGK ly managemen June and t group set KIRDI are Support 20 2019 up and currently setting 18 trained-30% working up together effective to jump manage start. ment Contracto structu r on site re at working Roret on Waste pineapp Water le Treatmen processi t Plant ng plant and Boiler Room. 5 Enhan To Count Trainin Ju 360 farmers 0 Agricultu cement increas y-wide g of ly trained – June ral of e farmers 20 10% 2019 extension industr produc (Coffee, 18 funds not ial tivity Sugarc accessed crops and ane, because it Tea & was income pyrethr placed s of um) under small- developm holder ent industr budget ial Trainin Ju 30 0 Agricultu crops g of ly agricultural June ral farmer agricult 20 officers 2019 extension s by ural 18 trained – funds not promot extensi 20% accessed ing on because it cottage officers was industr placed under ies. developm ent budget

Page 45 of 314

Maintai Ju 6 demo plots 0 Agricultu ning ly supported – June ral on-farm 20 5 % 2019 extension Crop 18 funds not Demons accessed tration because it plots was placed under developm ent budget Product Ju 500 kgs 3.75 Procured ion of ly coffee seeds- June million but yet to high 20 40% 2019 be quality 18 delivered seedling in Dec s 2019. (coffee, tea) To Ju 5% increase 0 81000 expand ly in tea and June Coffee industri 20 coffee 2019 seedlings al crops 18 hectarages bought & hectara distribute ges d

Develop Ju At least 3 0 Kipkelion ing and ly new brands June coffee mill blendin 20 developed 2019 has g new 18 locally – 30% already brands developed within 2 brands the county (Coffee & Tea) Purcha Ju 3 0 7 se of ly motorcycles June motorcycl project 20 and 3 2019 es still motorcy 18 computers under cles and procured – procurem comput 0% ent ers 6 Smallh To Count Trainin Ju 600 farmers 0 Agricultu older open y-wide g of ly & value June ral Irrigati up the irrigatio 20 chain 2019 extension on margin n 18 players funds not Develo al Farmer trained-10% accessed pment areas s & because it Project Irrigatio was of the n Value placed county chain under for Players developm

Page 46 of 314

maxim ent um budget exploit ation of the existin g agricult ural potenti al

Trainin Ju 60 staff 0 Agricultu g of ly trained-20% June ral Agricult 20 2019 extension ural 18 funds not Staff accessed because it was placed under developm ent budget 7 To Count Develop Ju 200 acres of 0 Land promot y-wide ing ly cropland June prepared

e Land 20 developed- 2019 for for crop farmers sustain 18 75% product under able ion tractor and hire compet services itive Rehabili Ju machinery 2m 3 farm farm tation of ly fleet June tractors , Agricul mecha machin 20 rehabilitated 2019 1 tural eries bulldozer nizatio 18 -30% Mecha and and all nizatio n to Equipm the n and enhanc ent equipmen Techno e food ts/imple logy securit ments Develo y, functiona pment income l Project Purcha Ju Purchase of 7.5 2 farm and se of ly farm June million tractors employ farm 20 tractors,1 2019 still ment tractors 18 forage under ,1 harvester ,1 procurem forage forage ent harvest process chopper ,a er ,1 feed mill and forage chopper mixer-75% ,a feed

Page 47 of 314

mill and mixer Purcha Ju 1 set of 1.5m Agricultu se of ly mobile June ral worksh 20 workshop 2019 extension op 18 equipment funds not equipm to be accessed ent procured- because it was 0% placed under developm ent budget Agricult Ju 200 farmers 0 Requisitio ural ly trained-80% June n done mechan 20 2019 but ization 18 procurem extensi ent not on done services provide d to farmers Trainin Ju 200 farmers 0 Agricultu g of ly and June ral farmers 20 stakeholders 2019 extension & 18 -50% funds not stakeho accessed lders because it was placed under developm ent budget 8 To SOIN Bush Ju 30Acres to June 0 Not done train ATC clearing ly be cleared & 2019 farmer & 20 leveled s and levelling 18 Soin other Agricul stakeh Establis Ju At least 20 0 Not done hment tural olders ly acres of land June Trainin of 20 will be put 2019 g Irrigatio 18 under Centre n irrigated Modern System farming ization Project Procure Ju farm inputs June 518,000 Farm ment of ly procured- 2019 inputs farm 20 procured inputs 18

Page 48 of 314

Procure Ju equipping 2 million Under ment of ly of the June procurem Kitchen 20 kitchen will 2019 ent Equipm 18 be done ent Trainin Ju 900 farmers 0 Annual g of ly and June field day farmers 20 stakeholders 2019 nit done and 18 trained-20% other stakeho lders Conduc Ju 2 M&E 0 Not done t M & E ly exercises June exercise 20 conducted 2019 s 18

Establis Ju 1 tree 0 Procurem h Fruit ly nursery June ent of tree 20 (10,000 2019 seeds not nursery 18 seedlings) done will be established( ATC)-0%

Constru Ju 1 septic tank June 0 Not ction of ly constructed 2019 achieved septic 20 tank 18

Constru Ju 6 pit latrines June 0 Not ction of ly constructed 2019 achieved Pit 20 latrines 18

Procure Ju 1 motor June 0 Not ment of ly cycle 2019 achieved motor 20 procured cycle 18

Procure Ju 300kgs of June 300,000 Complete ment of ly pasture seed 2019 d 100% pasture 20 procured seed 18

Drilling Ju 1 borehole June 0 Not of ly drilled 2019 achieved borehol 20 e 18

Constru Ju 1 Dairy unit June 0 Not done ction of ly constructed 2019 dairy unit

Page 49 of 314

20 18

Constru Ju June 0 Not done ction of ly 2019 kraal 20 1 unit for 18 constructed shoats 9 Livesto Kipkeli Promo Fencing Ju June 2 million Complete ck Pest on East te of ly 2019 100% and (Cheps meat Chepse 20 Slaughter Diseas eon) hygien on 18 house site e e slaught fully fenced control er manured house shed and constructed constru ction of manure shed STRATEGIC INTERVENTION

1 Horticu Tenden To Builder 20 0% 2020 Similar lture o/Sorg provid s Work, 19 \202 - Cooling collecti et e Electric /2 1 store has on storag al 02 been centre e for Installa 0 identified & perish tions, and its cereal Mechan able cost was store - ical goods. being Tenden Installa o/Sorg tions obtained et from the Ward foreign suppliers

3.4.2 Multi –year projects/programs

N Project Project Objectives Descrip Start Descr End Amo Re o Name Location tion of date iptio date unt mar . Activiti n of paid ks es Activ (Ksh incl ities s) udi done ng and pen %age din g wor ks

Page 50 of 314

Enhanc To increase Distribu 2016 Procu 2020/2 Ong ement productivity tion of /17 red 021 oing of and incomes of high Coffe industri small-holder quality e and al crops industrial coffee seeds crops farmers planting and by promoting material distri cottage s. buted Tea and industries. (60%) 1 coffee Renovat . growing ion of Reno areas tea vatio buying n of centres tea buyin g centr es (40%)

Horticul To increase Constru July Excav June 4 Inco ture productivity ction of 2017 ation 2021 milli mpl product and Roret and on ete ion employment pineapp const ,process opportunities Bureti le waste ructio 2 ing and in the Sub water n . marketi production, county treatme (40%) ng processing and nt project marketing of horticulture produce

3.4.3 New projects/programmes s/no Project name Project Objectives Description of activities location 1 Dairy County wide To increase dairy Procurement of; development production and productivity 2830kg of assorted pasture 15,000 fodder tree seedlings

660 bags of DAP fertilizer

2 Poultry County wide To increase Procurement of; development poultry 60,000 day old chicks (improved kienyeji) production and 1200 bags of Chick mash productivity

3 Apiculture (Bee County wide To increase Procurement of; keeping) honey 24 sets of assorted bee harvesting equipment

Page 51 of 314

production and 400 pieces of langstroth hives productivity

4 Sheep and Soin/ To increase Procurement of 94 galla goats and dorper Goats Sigowet, sheep and goats sheep development Kipkelion production and East, productivity Kipkelion West, Ainamoi

5 Livestock Sub county To facilitate Procurement of 6 motorbikes extension headquarters effective extension service delivery

6 Fish farming Kipkelion To develop a fish Construction and stocking of two earthen and utilization Coffee Farm farming training fish ponds project centre for farmers

Soin ATC Completion of Construction of three liner fish ponds hatchery centre

County wide To increase fish Procurement of monosex fingerlings production and productivity

County wide To increase fish Procurement of fish feeds production and productivity

County wide To facilitate Procurement of 20m fully mounted fish effective fish harvesting equipment (seine net) harvesting

7 Livestock Countywide To improve Purchase Semen doses, Purchase Liquid Breeding livestock Nitrogen, Distribute to Cooperative Programme productivity societies, To offer AI services to farmers, to train farmers on improving genetics

8 Livestock Pest Countywide To promote To purchase vaccines and carry out and Disease livestock health vaccination campaigns against ECF, Control and increase Rabies, Blackquarter, Anthrax, Lumpy Programme productivity Skin Disease, Foot and Mouth Disease, CCPP, PPR, and others Rehabilitation of cattle dips Procurement of assorted acaricides. Distribution of acaricides to Sub-Counties and to the Cattle Dips. Rehabilitation of slaughter facilities Relocation and construction of Slaughter facilities Construction of Poultry Slaughterhouse

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9 Soin To facilitate Installation of 2 metallic gates with Agricultural concrete support Procurement of water farmer training Training Centre County wide tanks Procurement of project computers Modernization and printers Procurement of training Project equipments 10 Agricultural To enhance Capacity building of farmers and staff Extension County wide service delivery Services 11 To interrelate Farm demonstrations and trainings

agricultural Farm demonstrations and trainings production with Promotion of nutrition Food and Countywide Nutrition Security To improve home management in relation to food

12 Horticulture Promote agro Value addition of horticultural farm production processing produce ,processing and Ainamoi marketing project 13 Crop To revive pyrethrum by availing planting diversification materials to the farmers Replace old Expansion of moribund tea varieties with high yielding Kipkelion area under high clones Support farmers with high yielding East & West Enhancement Sugarcane yielding clones planting materials of Industrial growing areas Improve crops Tea growing sugarcane areas productivity through improve varieties

14 Agricultural County wide Capacity Dairy, poultry and tomato value chain sector building, market development development and support social inclusion program and climate (ASDSP) change resilience

15 Kenya climate Soin/Sigowet, Increase Bananas, finger millet , poultry and dairy smart Ainamoi, agricultural Value chain agriculture Kipkelion productivity and program West build resilience (KCSAP) to climate change risk in the targeted smallholder farming

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3.5 HEALTH SERVICES Introduction This chapter presents details of projects and programmes derived from Kericho County Integrated Development Plan (2018-2022) and were identified in various forums including, Vision 2030; MTEF consultative forums; 3rd MTP Consultations; Public hearings; Governor’s Manifesto; Jubilee manifesto and other development consultations at the devolved levels. A well developed and healthy human resource is an important aspect in the development of the county. The sector provides both preventive and curative services. It ensures a healthy population who can actively participate in development activities in the county. The big challenge, however, is shortage of qualified health personnel; inadequate medical facilities and equipment; high poverty rates; HIV and AIDs prevalence; and reduced budgetary allocation for the sector. The county will therefore endeavour to provide health care facilities and to create awareness for improved health seeking behaviour. Over the plan period, the county will strive to improve provision of health services to its residents.


“A healthy County population for economic development and quality life”

Mission “To provide the highest standards of health services by developing a health system that is technologically driven, equitable, accessible and community oriented”


’To provide health services, create an enabling environment, regulate, set standards and policyfor health service delivery in Kericho County

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Departmental Projects/Programs i) Ongoing projects/Programs

S Program Location Objectiv Description Of Start Descript End Amo Rem / Name es Activities Date ion Of Date unt arks N Activitie Paid o s Done Kshs And % Fort Chilchila To proposed 25.04 Work in 30.04 0 Ong 1 Tenan ward ensure construction of .2019 progress .2020 oing Surgical access Surgical wards wards to Fort Tenan curative Hospital health Roret Bureti Sub To proposed 25.04 Work in 30.04 2,46 Ong Hospital County ensure construction of .2019 progress .2020 9,17 oing access laboratory at 1 2 to Roret Hospital curative health

Londian Kedowa/Ki To proposed 25.04 Work in 30.04 0 Ong 3 i mugul ensure construction of .2019 progress .2020 oing Hospital ward access laboratory at to Londiani curative Hospital health

Medical Kedowa/Ki To proposed 25.04 work in 30.04 0 Ong 4 store at mugul ensure construction of .2019 progress .2020 oing Londian ward access medical store i to at Londiani Hospital curative Hospital health

Kipkelio Kipkelion To Construction of 24.05 Work in 30.05 0 Ong 5 n Sub ward ensure Kipkelion .2019 progress .2020 oing County access wards Hospital to curative health

KCRH Kipchebor To Construction of 24.05 Work in 30.05 0 Ong 6 ward ensure Modern .2019 progress .2020 oing access Mortuary at to KCRH curative health

Kericho Chepseon To Renovation 14.06 work in 30.12 0 Ong 7 forest ward ensure works at .2019 progress .2019 oing dispens access Kericho Forest ary to Dispensary

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preventi ve health

Itoik Kapkatet To Completion of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 8 Dispens ward ensure Itoik .2019 progress .2019 oing ary. access Dispensary. to preventi ve health

Fort Chilchila To Completion of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 9 Tenan ward ensure operating .2019 progress .2019 oing Hospital access theatre at Fort to Tenan Hospital curative health

Fort Chilchila To Construction of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong Tenan ward ensure generator .2019 progress .2019 oing Hospital access house at Fort 10 to Tenan curative Hospital. health

Kaitui Soliat ward To Fencing of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 11 Dispens ensure Kaitui .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary to preventi ve health

Soliat ward To Construction of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 12 Baregei ensure Baregeiwet .2019 progress .2019 oing wet access Dispensary Dispens to ary preventi ve health

Mosore Kisiara To Completion of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 13 Dispens ward ensure Mosore .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary to preventi ve health

Tulwet Kisiara To Construction of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 14 Dispens ward ensure laboratory at .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access

Page 56 of 314

to Tulwet preventi Dispensary ve health

Chilchila To Construction of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 15 Kapsine ward ensure Kapsinende .2019 progress .2019 oing nde access Dispensary Dispens to ary preventi ve health

Sosit kapsoit To Construction of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 16 Dispens ward ensure Sosit .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary to preventi ve health

Mabasi Kisiara To Completion of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 17 Dispens ward ensure Mabasi .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary to preventi ve health

Kapkur kabianga To Construction of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong es ward ensure Kapkures .2019 progress .2019 oing 18 Dispens access Dispensary ary to preventi ve health

Kaprore Kisiara To Completion of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 19 t ward ensure Kaproret .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Dispensary. ary. to preventi ve health

Magire Chilchila To Construction of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 20 Dispens ward ensure Magire .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary to preventi ve health

Page 57 of 314

Chilchila To Extension of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 21 Mokyolo ward ensure OPD at .2019 progress .2019 oing k access Mokyolok Dispens to Dispensary ary preventi ve health

Kalaach Litein ward To Completion of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong a ensure Kalaacha .2019 progress .2019 oing 22 Dispens access Dispensary ary to preventi ve health

Ainamoi To Construction of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong Mungul ward ensure Mungulwet .2019 progress .2019 oing wet access Dispensary

Dispens to ary 23 preventi ve health

Binyiny Kapsaos To Renovation of 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 24 Dispens ward ensure Binyiny .2019 progress .2019 oing ary. access Dispensary. to preventi ve health

Sitotwet Kapsoit To Sitotwet 14.06 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 25 Dispens ward ensure Dispensary .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access to preventi ve health

Roret Kisiara To construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 26 Hospital Ward ensure kitchen at .2019 progress .2019 oing access Roret hospital to curative health

Koboeit Tebesonik To construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 27 o ward ensure Koboeito .2019 progress .2019 oing dispens access dispensary ary to preventi

Page 58 of 314

ve health

Kabianga To construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 28 Kaplutie ward ensure Kaplutiet .2019 progress .2019 oing t access dispensary dispens to ary preventi ve health

Kamasian To construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 29 Tingatel ward ensure Tingatella .2019 progress .2019 oing la access dispensary dispens to ary preventi ve health

Tuiyabei Kipkelion To construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 30 dispens ward ensure Tuiyabei .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access dispensary to preventi ve health

Timbilil Kunyak To Construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong Dispens ward ensure Timbilil .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary 31 to preventi ve health

Ngoina Chemosot To construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 32 Road ward ensure Ngoina Road .2019 progress .2019 oing dispens access dispensary ary to preventi ve health

Kapsaos To Fencing of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong Kapsaos ward ensure Kapsaos .2019 progress .2019 oing 33 dispens access dispensary ary to preventi ve health

Page 59 of 314

Kipchimch To completion of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 34 Kimesw im ward ensure Kimeswon .2019 progress .2019 oing on access Dispensary Dispens to ary preventi ve health

Mokyolo Chilchila To proposed water 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong k ward ensure works at .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Mokyolok 35 ary to Dispensary preventi ve health

Kimolog Kipkelion To Construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong it ward ensure Kimologit .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Dispensary 36 ary to preventi ve health

Kalyet Kipkelion To Construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong Dispens ward ensure Toilets at .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Kalyet 37 to Dispensary preventi ve health

Cheribo Litein ward To Construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 38 Dispens ensure Cheribo .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary to preventi ve health

Lelu Kamasian To Completion of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 39 Dispens ward ensure Lelu .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary to preventi ve health

Testai Kedowa/Ki To construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 40 dispens mugul ensure Testai .2019 progress .2019 oing ary ward access dispensary to preventi

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ve health

Chepch Chepseon To Completion of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 41 oliet ward ensure Chepcholiet .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Dispensary ary to preventi ve health

Kapkiko Soin ward To Completion of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 42 ro ensure Kapkikoro .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Dispensary ary to preventi ve health

Soin ward To completion of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong Koiyabei ensure Koiyabei .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Dispensary 43 ary to preventi ve health

Koitabu Soin ward To Renovation of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 44 rot ensure Koitaburot .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Dispensary ary to preventi ve health

Nyaban Kabianga To completion of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 45 gi Staff ward ensure Nyabangi Staff .2019 progress .2019 oing House access House to preventi ve health

Mochor Waldai To erection and 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 46 wa ward ensure completion of .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Mochorwa ary to Dispensary preventi ve health

Page 61 of 314

Taiwet Sigowet To proposed 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 47 Dispens ward ensure perimeter .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access fencing and to finishes at preventi Taiwet ve Dispensary health

Rungut Litein ward To construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 48 Dispens ensure Rungut .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary to preventi ve health

Soin ward To Renovation of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 49 Kapche ensure Kapchebwai .2019 progress .2019 oing bwai access Dispensary Dispens to ary preventi ve health

Chesan Kipchebor To proposed 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 50 ga ward ensure drainage works .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access at Chesanga ary to Dispensary preventi ve health

Kimalal Sigowet To construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 51 Dispens ward ensure Kimalal .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary to preventi ve health

Kamwin Tendeno/S To Construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 52 gi orget ward ensure Kitchen at .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Kawingi ary to Dispensary preventi ve health

Kapsuser To Renovation 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 53 Kakiptu ward ensure Works Kakiptui .2019 progress .2019 oing i access Dispensary Dispens to ary preventi

Page 62 of 314

ve health

Serutut Seretut/C To Completion of 29.04 Work in 30.12 1,29 Ong 54 Dispens heptororiet ensure Serutut Staff .2019 progress .2019 8,67 oing ary ward access House 6 to preventi ve health

Setek Londiani To Construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 55 Hills ward ensure OPD at Setek .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Hills ary to Dispensary preventi ve health

Cheptag Kaplelartet To construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 56 um ward ensure Cheptagum .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Dispensary ary to preventi ve health

Mugum Tendeno/S To completion of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 57 oinin orget ward ensure Mugumoinin .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Dispensary ary to preventi ve health

Soliat Soliat ward To renovation of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 58 dispens ensure Soliat .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access dispensary to preventi ve health

Kipchebor To for Proposed 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 59 Kimung ward ensure Landscaping of .2019 progress .2019 oing en access Kimungen Dispens to Dispensary ary preventi ve health

Page 63 of 314

Masaita Tendeno/S To Renovation of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 60 Dispens orget ward ensure Masaita .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary to preventi ve health

Malinja Cheboin To Completion of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 61 Dispens ward ensure Malinja .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary to preventi ve health

Cheboin To Completion of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 62 Kabarus ward ensure Kabarus .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Dispensary ary to preventi ve health

United Londiani To construction of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 63 Dispens ward ensure united .2019 progress .2019 oing ary access Dispensary to preventi ve health

Chilchila To fencing of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 64 Mokyolo ward ensure Mokyolok .2019 progress .2019 oing k access Dispensary Dispens to ary preventi ve health

Getarwe Chemosot To renovation of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 65 t ward ensure getarwet .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access dispensary ary to preventi ve health

Chepkor Soliat ward To Construction 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 66 gonget ensure of .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Chepkorgonget ary to dispensary preventi

Page 64 of 314

ve health

Mokyolo Chilchila To Extension of 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 67 k ward ensure OPD at .2019 progress .2019 oing Dispens access Mokyolok ary to Dispensary preventi ve health

Chesan Kipchebor To Proposed 29.04 Work in 30.12 0 Ong 68 ga & ward ensure finishes at .2019 progress .2019 oing Kimuge access Chesanga and n to Kimugen Dispens preventi Dispensary ary ve health


1 Erection soin To Builders Work, 2019 Works 2019 Ong and reduce Electrical /202 yet to \202 - ing completi child Installations, 0 commen 0 on of mortalit Mechanical ce MCH at y. Installations Kipsitet Dispens ary 2 Constru ainamoi To Builders Work, 2018 Foundat 2019 Ong ction of provide Electrical /201 ion /202 6,00 ing operatin better Installations, 9 works 0 0,00 g health Mechanical done 0 theatre services Installations at . 5% Ainamoi Health Centre to Sub County Hospital 3 Constru soliat To Builders Work, 2018 Foundat 2019 Ong ction & reduce Electrical /201 ion /202 - ing Equipin acciden Installations, 9 works 0 g of t related Mechanical done wards deaths Installations for 5% accident & emergen cy unit in Kaitui Health Centre

Page 65 of 314

ii) Multi-year projects/programs

S/N Program Projec Objectives Descripti Start Description End Amo Remarks o Name t on of Date of Date unt including Locati Activitie Activities Paid pending on s Done and % works 1 Curative Kipch To ensure access Cancer 2017 Expression 2021 Nil New Health ebor to modern centre /201 of interest /202 ward cancer screening 8 done for 2 and treatment design services drawings. 2 Curative Kipch To ensure access construct 2017 At 2020 Nil New Health ebor to uion of /201 procuremen /202 ward comprehensive Ophthal 8 t stages for 1 eye care services mology eye centre equipment. 3 Curative Kipch To ensure access Modern 2017 LSO issued 2020 Nil New Health ebor to modern and mortuary /201 out to /202 ward expanded at 8 contractor. 1 farewell funeral Kericho services. CRH 4 Curative Kedow To improve Londiani 2017 Demarcation 2021 10m There is a health a/ access to health Refaral /201 and fencing /202 slow down on Kimug services hospital 8 2 the ul of land implentation by the Natonal Goverment.

iii New projects/Programs

S/ Project Name Project Objectives Description of Activities N Location o 1 Level 2 Health County wide To enhance primary Health Completion and renovation of Facilities Care and Community Unit level 2 health facilities linkages 2 New ambulances Sub County To strengthen prompt health Purchase of 3 equipped level referral ambulances 3 Primary Health Primary To strengthen support Purchase of four hardy support care support Health Care supervision at Community supervision vehicles vehicles coordinatio Unit as well as levels 2 and 3 (preventive n sites services program ete) 4 Medical ward Roret Sub To improve access to Construction of a surgical ward County comprehensive curative for pre-operation and post- Hospital services operations patients 5 Assorted medical County wide To improve access to quality Purchase of assorted medical equipment ( All level 2 & healthcare in the county equipment for better patient 3 health care and management facilities in the County)

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6 Kapkatet Kapkatet To enhance critical care Purchase of critical care HDU/ICU level 5 services in the county medical equipment for the Hospital HDU/ICU 7 Mobile outreach Kipkelion To improve access to Purchase of two equipped clinics West preventive health services such mobile clinic Trucks. Sigowet- as immunization outreaches Soin 8 Oxygen plants for Both level 5 To improve access to medical Implementation of medical ICU & HDU units) Hospitals oxygen oxygen (now classified oxygen strategy concept All level 4 as a medical drug by WHO) Hospitals 14 level 3 centres

3.6 EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SOCIAL SERVICES Introduction There has been number of changes in realignment of the departments in Kericho County. In 2014, department included the following service sectors, education, youth affairs, culture, sports and social services. With alignment in 2017, the youth affairs section was excised and placed in department of ICT and e- government. Currently the department constitutes the following service sectors; education (ECDE), vocational education and training, social services and culture.

c) Vision: “A globally competitive education, training, sports, cultural and social services for sustainable socio economic development.

d) Mission: “To provide, and coordinate quality education, training, and integration of sustainable socio-economic development through promotion quality culutral, social and sporting services for all”.

e) Mandate The department of Education, Culture & Social Services has been mandated to develop education, empower the youth through vocational training, promote and preserve cultural heritage improve the provision of social services whereas ensuring gender is mainstreamed in all its programmes.

(a) Education (i) Implementation of the Pre-primary education policy; (ii) Quality assurance and supervision of pre-primary institutions;

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(iii)Pre-primary curriculum implementation ; (iv) Establishment and management of child care centers. (v) Early childhood education, care and development; (vi) Provide information on education and education trends to the County Executive Committee; (vii) Undertake research and development, and (viii) Coordinating and presiding over education activities in the County. (ix) Sourcing, disbursement of bursary and scholarship funds to needy children. (x) Monitoring and implementation of infrastructural projects.

(b) Culture i) Domestication/Implementation of National policy on culture and heritage at County level; ii) Development, implementation and review of County policy on culture and heritage; iii) Establishment of operationalization of community cultural centers as focal point of Promotion of cultural dialogue and expression. iv) Documentation and preservation of historical/cultural sites, indigenous knowledge and other elements of intangible cultural heritage; v) Development of creative cultural industries and commercialization of the arts(fine, creative and performing arts) vi) Coordination of cultural exchange programs at the county, inter- county, national and international levels; vii) Empowering cultural practitioners through capacity building workshops ,exhibitions, symposia, seminars, concerts, art and traditional food competitions and festivals; viii) Educating the public on cultural rights and intellectual property rights in the county; ix) Organize county music and cultural festivals to promote unity, cohesion and the spirit of patriotism; x) Establishment and operationalization of county museums.

(c) Social services (i) Implementation of policies and programs on gender, social protection and vulnerable groups-disable, widows, elderly (ii) Gender Mainstreaming into County development programs;

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(iii) Coordinating the implementation of national standards and guidelines on variable groups; (iv) Sensitization on issues of Women Enterprise, Uwezo Funds in the county and other relevant programes ; (v) Social Welfare including all vulnerable groups such as widows and PWDs. (vi) Community Development programs- registration of community groups, grant in aid to social groups. Vocational Training and Home Craft (i) Domestication and implementation of the National technical and vocational training and home craft policy. (ii) Management of polytechnics, quality issuance, infrastructure and learning resources. (iii) Co -ordinate the national examinations in the vocational training centers. (iv) Development and management of home craft centers, quality issuance, infrastructure and learning resources. (v) Research, Monitoring and evaluation of Youth internship programs. (vi) Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship. Capacity building of instructors and board of management of vocational training centers

3.6.1 Department Projects/Programmes

ii) On-going projects/programs

S/ Program Projects Objective Description of Sta Descrip End Amou Rema No me Location s Activities rt tion of Dat nt rks /project Dat activitie e Paid inclu name e s Done (Kshs ding and ) pendi %age ng works

1 Kipkagan Ainamoi To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well it ECDE improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours Classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

2 Baraka- Kapsaos To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well Kipsigori improve advetisement, y ment e on award of done

Page 69 of 314

Classroo access to tender, site 201 ,site 202 cours m ECDE handing over. 9 handing 0 e over on- going

3 Koisagat Kapsoit To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well ECDE improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours Classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

4 St. Kapkugerwet To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well Patricks improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours Classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

5 Kapkong Waldai To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well a improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

6 Kiletien Kabianga To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 cours m ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

7 Chepkut Seretut/che To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well bei ptororiet improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours classrom ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

8 Kiboito Kapsuser To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 cours m ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

Page 70 of 314

9 Chelosgei Sigowet To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 cours m ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

10 Chemogo Kaplelartet To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well ch improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

11 Kapsorok Soliat To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 cours m ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

12 Kaplelac Soin To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well h improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

13 Kaplamb Chepseon To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well oi improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

14 Barotion Londiani To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 cours m ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

15 Kemeliet Kedowa To Tender Ma Procure Jun Well /Kimugul improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 Nil cours m ECDE 9 ,site 0 e handing

Page 71 of 314

tender, site over on- handing over. going

16 Kongasis Tendeno To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well /Sorget improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 cours m ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

17 Kokwet Chilchila To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 cours m ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

18 Kiptende Kunyak To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well n improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

19 Center Kamasian To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well Juu improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

20 Chesoen Kipkelion To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 cours m ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

21 Ngesumi Litein To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well n improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

Page 72 of 314

22 Kapnyak Cheboin To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well oba improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

23 Chematic Kapkatet To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well h improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

24 Ruandet Kisiara To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 cours m ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

25 Ainamoi Chemosit To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 cours m ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

26 Ochi Tebesonik To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 cours m ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

27 Tegat Jnr Cheplanget To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well improve advetisement, y ment e on classroo access to award of 201 done 202 cours m ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e handing over. handing over on- going

28 Chepkolo Kipchebor To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well n improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours ECDE 9 ,site 0 e handing

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classroo tender, site over on- m handing over. going

29 Kimeswo Kipchimchim To Tender Ma Procure Jun Nil Well n improve advetisement, y ment e on access to award of 201 done 202 cours classroo ECDE tender, site 9 ,site 0 e m handing over. handing over on- going

30 Mlimani Chilchila To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 50% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent.

31 Kiptarag Chepseon To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well wo a xcavation and y 30% e on conducive construction 201 done 202 cours toilet learning 9 0 e environm ent

32 Chepken Chilchila To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well di a xcavation and y 90% e on conducive construction 201 done 202 cours toilet learning 9 0 e environm ent

33 Tulwapm Chilchila To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well oi a xcavation and y 30% e on conducive constructionon 201 done 202 cours toilet learning -going Ma 0 e environm y ent 201 99

34 Masaita Londiani To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive constructionon 201 done 202 cours learning -going 9 0 e environm ent

35 Kapkond Londiani To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well oo a xcavation and y 30% e on conducive construction 201 done 202 cours toilet learning 9 0 e

Page 74 of 314

environm ent

36 Chebirir Kipkelion To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 80% e on toilet conducive construction 201 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

37 Lelechwe Kipkelion To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well t a xcavation and y 90% e on conducive construction 201 202 cours toilet learning 9 0 e environm ent

38 Chepkon Kedowa/kim To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well gony a xcavation and y 30% e on conducive construction 201 done 202 cours toilet learning 9 0 e environm ent

39 Tulwaple Kedowa/Kim To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well kwa a xcavation and y 30% e on conducive construction 201 done 202 cours toilet learning 9 0 e environm ent

40 Ngatume Kedowa/ To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well k Kim a xcavation and y 30% e on conducive construction 201 done 202 cours toilet learning 9 0 e environm ent

41 Kejiriet Soin To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 90% e on toilet conducive construction 201 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

42 Kondame Soin To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well t a xcavation and y 30% e on conducive construction 201 done 202 cours toilet learning 9 0 e environm ent

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43 Kabore Soliat To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

44 Kapbokye Soliat To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well k a xcavation and y 30% e on conducive construction 201 done 202 cours toilet learning 9 0 e environm ent

45 Seronik Kaplelartet To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

46 Kipkok Kaplelartet To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

47 Laliat Kamasian To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

48 Leldet Kamasian To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

49 Borowet Kamasian To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 70% e on toilet conducive construction 201 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

50 Imbaraga Kunyak To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well i a xcavation and y 30% e on conducive construction done toilet learning

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environm 201 202 cours ent 9 0 e

51 Kotetni Kunyak To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

52 Talai Kunyak To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

53 Kilengel Kunyak To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

54 Jambo Tendeno/Sor To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well get a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

55 Silo Chepseon To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

56 Chepcha Chepseon To create Procurement,e Over Jun Nil Well bai a xcavation and 30% e on conducive construction Ma done 202 cours toilet learning y 0 e environm 201 ent 9

57 Koisegem Chilchila To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

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58 Sorget Tendeno/Sor To create Procurement,e Ma Over Jun Nil Well get a xcavation and y 30% e on toilet conducive construction 201 done 202 cours learning 9 0 e environm ent

59 Purchase Across the To better procurement Ma Over Jun Nil Well of county enable y 30% e on assistive the PWDs 201 done 202 cours devices 9 0 e for PWDs

56 Furnishi Across the Create a procurement Ma Over Jun Nil Well ng of county conducive y 30% e on ECDE learning 201 done 202 cours Classroo environm 9 0 e ms ent

57 Purchase Across the Improve Procurement, Ma Over Aug 13mil Comp of county on ECDE tender award y 100% ust lion lete teaching/ curriculu and delivery of 201 done 201 learning m the materials. 9 9 materials implemen for ECDE tation

58 Construc Chilchila appreciati Procurement Ma Over Jun Nil Well tion of on and y 30% e on cultural preservati 201 done 202 cours center at on of 9 0 e Fortterna cultural n heritage

ii Multi- year Projects/Programs – 2020/2021

S/No Project Project Project Objective Description Of Activities Name Location EDUCATION – ECDE. 1 Furnishing and Across the To create a Development of Stimulating equipping 150 ECDE county conducive learning classrooms that is fully centers environment. equipped. Inventory records, LPOs, S13. 2 Hiring of 200 teachers Across the To improve access Advertisements of the positions county to ECDE 3 Equiping the ECDE Across the Improve the Procurement of ECDE learning classrooms with county curriculum materials learning materials implementation 4 Fencing of 70 ECDE Across the To improve access fencing around the of ECDE centers county to ECDE centers

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5 Hiring of ECDE Across the To improve the Advertisements of the positions supervisors county curriculum instructions 6 Capitation funds for Across the To improve Budgeting for the capitation ECDE learners county curriculum funds. implementation CULTURE 7 Development of Across the Strengthen policy Draft culture policy; -Workshops cultural policy county legal and and Public participation. institutional framework for Culture and Arts. 8 Promote and Across the Enhance community cultural exchange coordinate inter county County/National programmes cultural exchange Cohesion programmes to build integration and cohesion pride using culture 9 Organize and facilitate Across the Empower cultural Training of the artist and seminars/trainings county practitioners provision of the grants and workshops -Provision of grants for groups. 10 Organize and facilitate Across the Empower Groups identifications, and community cultural county communities and groups competitition festivals and core stakeholders competition 11 development, Across the - Identify training Trainings conservetion and county needs -Registration promotion of -Identify colleges -Analysis and conservation. traditional medicine and courses -Payment 12 Protect cultural sites Across the To safeguard and -Identifying of cultural sites. county protect tangible -Protection of the sites. cultural heritage 13 Equipping of Cultural Fort-tenant safeguard and Building Constructions at fort Centre/museum. cultural site. protect tangible tenant cultural site cultural heritage 14 Construction of Tulwap kipsigis.. safeguard and Building Constructions at museums AT TULWAP protect tangible TULWAP KIPSIGIS cultural site KIPSIGIS. cultural heritage SOCIAL SERVICE 1 Development of social Throughout the To guide the Workshops, services policy county operations in the sector 2 Purchase of County wide Help the disabled Purchase of equipments equipment for the fit into the society Persons with Disability Programmes 3 500 Rehabilitation of Kericho town, Provide homes for Construction of rehabilitation Street families centre Litein town and street families centers kapsoit

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4 Capacity building Self County wide Training to acquire Identification of the help groups knowledge to make groups,Training and monitoring them self reliant their perfomances 5 Capacity building County wide Training to acquire Training Identification of the Women groups knowledge to make groups,Training and monitoring them self reliant their perfomances 6 Revolving fund for County wide Uplifiting the Identification of the groups, women and disabled standards of living Provision of funds and monitoring their perfomances 7 Construction of social Ainamoi sub- To create a facility Construction of the hall hall county for social events/activities

ii New projects

S/No Programme Name Projects Objectives Descripti Start Descripti End Location on of Date on of Date Activities activities Done and % age 1 Ndubusat ECDE Chilchila Improve Develop July Construc May Classroom and access of ment of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE BQs. classroo education. m 0% 2 Samolel ECDE Chilchila Develop Awarding July Construc May Classroom and child of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0% 3 Nyagacho Day Kpchebo Develop a Develop July Construc May Care r childfriendl ment of 2020 tion of 2021 Center and toilet y day care BQs classroo center m 0% 3 Kabarak ECDE Londiani Develop Develop July Construc May classroom and child ment of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly BQs. classroo schools. m 0% 5 Kipsirichet Londiani Improve Awarding July Construc May ECDE classroom access of of 2020 tion of 2021 and toilet ECDE contracts classroo education. . m 0% 6 Tuiyobei ecde Kipkelio Develop Construc July Construc May classroom and n child tion. 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly classroo schools. m 0% 7 Tachasis ECDE Kipkelio Improve Develop July Construc May classroom and n access of ment of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE BQs. classroo education. m 0%

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8 Chepcholiet Chepseo Develop Awarding July Construc May ECDE classroom n child of 2020 tion of 2021 and toilet friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0% 9 Cheboror ECDE Chepseo Improve Construc July Construc May classroom and n access of tion. 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE classroo education. m 0% 10 Ainapkoror Kapsoas Improve Award of July Construc May ECDE access of contracts 2020 tion of 2021 Classroom and ECDE classroo toilet education. m 0% 11 Kapsilangwa Kapsaos Improve Award of July Construc May ECDE and toilet access of contracts 2020 tion of 2021 ECDE classroo education. m 0% 10 Kiprotgorik Kapsoit Improve Awarding July Construc May ECDE access of of 2020 tion of 2021 Classroom & ECDE contracts classroo toilets education. . m 0% 11 Jordan ECDE Kapsoit Improve Awarding July Construc May Classrooms & access of of 2020 tion of 2021 toilets ECDE contracts classroo education. . m 0% 12 Chepkoson Waldai Improve Awarding July Construc May ECDE access of of 2020 tion of 2021 Classroom & ECDE contracts classroo toilet education. . m 0%

13 Chepngisiriet Waldai Improve Awarding July Construc May ECDE access of of 2020 tion of 2021 Classroom & ECDE contracts classroo toilet education. . m 0% 11 Irerma ECDE Kedowa/ Improve Awarding July Construc May classroom and Kimugul access of of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE contracts classroo education. . m 0% 12 Tiriita ECDE Kedowa/ Develop Construc July Construc May classroom Kimugul child tion. 2020 tion of 2021 friendly classroo schools. m 0% 13 Tumaini ECDE Tendeno Improve Develop July Construc May classroom and access of ment of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE BQs. classroo education. m 0% 14 Mugumoini Tendeno Develop Awarding July Construc May ECDE classroom child of 2020 tion of 2021 and toilet friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0%

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15 Kapias ECDE Kunyak Improve Construc July Construc May classroom and access of tion. 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE classroo education. m 0% 16 Chepngosos Kunyak Develop Develop July Construc May ECDE classroom child ment of 2020 tion of 2021 and toilet friendly BQs. classroo schools. m 0% 17 Chebakal ECDE Litein Improve Awarding July Construc May Classroom & access of of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE contracts classroo education. . m 0% 18 Kiptenden ECDE Litein Develop Construc July Construc May Classroom & child tion. 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly classroo schools. m 0% 19 Kaplellach ECDE Soin Improve Develop July Construc May classroom & access of ment of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE BQs. classroo education. m 0% 20 Ngeremi ECDE Soin Develop Awarding July Construc May classroom & child of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0% 21 Mereonik ECDE Kapsuse Improve Develop July Construc May Classroom & r access of ment of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE BQs. classroo education. m 0% 22 Kabungungwo Kapsuse Develop Awarding July Construc May ECDE r child of 2020 tion of 2021 Classroom & friendly contracts classroo toilet schools. . m 0% 23 Sanga ECDE Kabiang Develop Develop July Construc May Classroom & a child ment of 2020 tion of 2021 toilets friendly BQs. classroo schools. m 0% 24 Kapsisywo ECDE Kabiang Develop Awarding July Construc May Classroom & a child of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0% 22 Chemildagei Soliat Develop Develop July Construc May ECDE classroom child ment of 2020 tion of 2021 & toilet friendly BQs. classroo schools. m 0% 23 Cheramor ECDE Soliat Improve Awarding July Construc May classroom & access of of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE contracts classroo education. . m 0%

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24 Kaplelartet Ecde Kaplelart Develop Construc July Construc May Classroom & et child tion. 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly classroo schools. m 0% 25 Tabet Ecde Kaplelart Improve Develop July Construc May Classroom & et access of ment of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE BQs. classroo education. m 0% 26 Kawangware Kamasia Develop Awarding July Construc May Ecde Classroom n child of 2020 tion of 2021 and toilet friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0% 27 Murao Bakery Kamasia Improve Construc July Construc May Ecde Classroom n access of tion. 2020 tion of 2021 ECDE classroo education. m 0% 28 Kimolwet ECDE Cheboin Develop Develop July Construc May Classroom& child ment of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly BQs. classroo schools. m 0% 29 Kisutuk Cheboin Develop Awarding July Construc May /Tepkutwet child of 2020 tion of 2021 Classroom& friendly contracts classroo toilet schools. . m 0% 30 Kaptebengwet Kapkatet Develop Awarding July Construc May ECDE child of 2020 tion of 2021 Classroom & friendly contracts classroo toilet schools. . m 0% 31 Kamachuma Kapkatet Develop Awarding July Construc May ECDE child of 2020 tion of 2021 Classroom & friendly contracts classroo toilet schools. . m 0% 29 Kipsamoi Ecde Sigowet Improve Awarding July Construc May Classroom and access of of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE contracts classroo education. . m 0% 30 Ihanja Ecde Sigowet Develop Construc July Construc May Classroom & child tion. 2020 tion of 2021 toilets friendly classroo schools. m 0% 31 Kapcheptendenie Ainamoi Improve Develop July Construc May t Ecd access of ment of 2020 tion of 2021 Classroom& ECDE BQs. classroo toilets education. m 0% 32 Kitoben ECDE Ainamoi Develop Awarding July Construc May Classroom & child of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0%

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32 Korosiot Ecde Seretut Develop Awarding July Construc May Classroom and child of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0% 33 Chemoson ECDE Seretut Develop Awarding July Construc May Classroom & child of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0% 33 Ketigoi Ecde Kisiara Improve Construc July Construc May Classroom & access of tion. 2020 tion of 2021 toilet ECDE classroo education. m 0% 33 Ngainet ECDE Kisiara Develop Awarding July Construc May Classroom & child of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0% 34 Isako ECDE Chemoso Develop Awarding July Construc May20 Classroom t child of 2020 tion of 21 &toilet friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0% 35 Siritiet ECDE Tebesoni Develop Awarding July Construc May Classroom& k child of 2020 tion of 2021 toilet friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0% 36 Kabusienduk Tebesoni Develop Awarding July Construc May ECDE k child of 2020 tion of 2021 Classroom& friendly contracts classroo toilet schools. . m 0% 37 Kenene ECDE Cheplan Develop Awarding July Construc May Classroom get child of 2020 tion of 2021 &toilets friendly contracts classroo schools. . m 0% 38 Kamugenik Cheplan Develop Awarding July Construc May ECDE get child of 2020 tion of 2021 Classroom & friendly contracts classroo toilet schools. . m 0%


3.7.1 PHYSICAL PLANNING DIVISION The department comprises of Housing, Lands and Physical Planningdirectorates. Vision: “To become a unique technical and proactive entity, able to contribute effectively to the rational spatial development of sustainable human settlement in Kericho County” and its

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Mission: “To plan, manage, and promote harmonious, sustainable and effective spatial development of human settlements in the county in accordance with sound environmental and physical planning principles”. Mandate: “To formulate and implement Land, Housing and physical Planning policies” “To undertake Physical planning activities such as preparation of plans, development control and granting of development permission” “To register land transactions” “To undertake land survey and mapping including boundaries and fences” “To undertake housing development and promote use of appropriate housing technology” “To undertake evaluation and administration of state and trust land.”

Department Projects/Programmes i) On-going Projects/Programmes

Programe Project Objectiv Description Of Star Description Of End Amou S Name Locatio es Activities t Activities Done And Date nt Paid / n Date &Age (Kshs) N o Physical Planning Directorate 1 Preparatio Roret, To come Technical Jan- Advertisement Jan- n of Local Sosiot, up with a meeting 19 Data collection, 20 Physical Kapsus plan to Stakeholders Situational analysis and Developm erKapk guide consultations base map preparation ent Plans ugerwet developm Data collection , ent and Base map Kapsoit acquisitio preparation and n of Situational Chebor ownershi analysis gei p Administering documen of household ts for the questionnaires above Focused Group mentione discussions d market centers

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2 Survey of Roret, To come Boundary Jan - Boundary establishment Jan 2M Towns Sosiot, up with a survey 19 20 Kapsus topograp Beacon erKapk hical and placement ugerwet cadastral , survey Kapsoit plans for and the above Chebor mentione gei d towns/m arket centers ii Multi - year projects/programs

S Programm Projects Objective Description Start Description End Amou Rem / e Name Location s of Activities Date of activities Date nt arks N Done and Paid inclu o %age (KShs ding ) pend ing work s

1. Constructi Within a To Acquisition July Identificatio June - Land on of 20km radius provide of land 2019 n of suitable 2022 to be Governors of Kericho official and land purc , Deputy town CBD residence constructio hase Governor for the n Communica d in residences county tion to NLC the executive on 2019 and compulsory /202 speaker acquisition 0 in line of land with the provision of the SRC 2. Constructi Kericho To Design, July Design of June - Adve on of County provide Advertiseme 2019 the offices 2021 rtise additional adequate nt, ment offices office Tendering, , facilities Award Tend ering , Awar d

3. Developm Kericho To Identificatio July Identificatio June - Publ ent of Town and provide n of suitable 2019 n of suitable 22 ic urban Litein Town facilities site, site cons infrastruct for use by Consultatio ultat ure the n with ion public members of

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(KUSP/ the public Preparation Departme and of Bills of ntal technical Quantities Project) staff, Preparation of Bills of Quantities, Tendering, Award, Constructio n, Supervision 4. Design for Whole To Design of July - June - - densificati County provide a the 19 22 on conduciv facilities, e working Demarcatio and living n/Survey of environm the land, ent site planning

iii)New projects/ programs 2020-2021

S/NO PROJECTS NAME PROJECT OBJECTIVES DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION ACTIVITIES 1 Preparation of Kedowa To come up with a Technical meeting development plans Kipsitet plan to guide Stakeholders Kenegut development in the consultations Kapcheplanga County in line with Data collection the County Base map preparation Government Act Situational analysis Administering of household questionnaires Focused Group discussions 3.7.2 SURVEY DIVISION 1 Survey of Towns Kedowa Security of Tenure Topographical and detail Kipsitet picking, cadastral survey Kenegut Kapcheplanga 2 Survey of County Bureti, Belgut, To safeguard county Topographical survey and owned properties Soin Sigowet, owned property detail picking, Ainamoi, against georeferencing, verification Kipkelion East encroachment and of ownership, and Kipkelion acquire ownership West documents for the same. 3.7.3 HOUSING DIVISION 1 Informal settlement Swahili Village To improve Identification of the upgrading in Kipkelion living required interventions conditions within informal settlements

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2 Design for densification Whole County To provide a Preparation of Bills of conducive Quantities, Tendering, working and Award living environment

3.8 PUBLIC WORKS, ROADS AND TRANSPORT Introduction The Department has three sections: Public Works, Roads and Transport whose functions have been devolved from the Central government mainly to promote welfare services amongst the people. The Department is guided by among other policy instruments, departmental development plan, county medium plan, Constitution of Kenya 2010, Governor’s manifesto and county integrated development plan (CIDP 2014-2018) that are developed by Kericho County Government as a blue print for development of the county. The department after the transition, inherited most of the defunct local authorities functions among others. Half of the workers have also been from the former authorities, more workers have however been recruited and more are required so as achieve the set objectives. The department has also acquired more heavy earth moving machines like tippers and excavators though more are needed since most of the equipment from the former authorities are old, may require repairs that are expensive and maybe inefficient. Vision “A World class provider of cost-effective physical infrastructure facilities and services”. Mission “To provide efficient, affordable and reliable infrastructure for sustainable economic growth and development through construction, modernization, rehabilitation and effective management of all infrastructure facilities”

Mandate The key mandate of the department is “carryout construction and maintenance of the County physical infrastructure to create connectivity through road networks and drainage systems, supervision of public buildings, provision and development of efficient public transport and transport issues, ensuring clean secure built environment through proper street lighting and provision of proper storm water management systems. County Response to Sector Vision and Mission

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Road projects and drainage structures are a link to resource centers, markets and agricultural areas. County roads act as feeder roads hence they are connectors to the main highways. They link various sectors and allow access to inputs for production and outputs for consumption they also provide direct employment opportunities for the people during construction and maintenance. Department Projects/Programmes (i) On- going projects/pogams Maintenance Projects funded through Roads Maintenance Levy Fund (RMLF)

S/N Section/ Proect Description of Budgete Start Expecte % Of Remar O. Road Name Location Activities d Cost Date d End Work ks Date s Done

1 Kaptongilo- Ainamoi Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 0% Yet to Metro Road Ward Light Grading, 1,343,6 19 19 be Desilting of 53.60 Hande existing Culverts d Over

2 Nyitnyitet - Ainamoi Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 0% Not Yet Kapkwen - Ward Light Grading, 1,110,0 19 19 Hande Koita Road Spot Patching 13.28 d Over And Desilting of Culverts

3 Laliat- Ainamoi Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be Barsayan- Ward Light Grading, 2,025,2 Re- Koitamat- Spot Patching 95.04 Tenere Primary And Desilting of d Road Culverts

4 Baraka- Kipchimchi Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 100% Compl Chepyose- m Ward Light Grading, 3,650,1 19 19 eted Kimweson Spot Patching 69.68 but Road And Desilting of not Culverts Paid

5 Kapkwen- Kipchimchi Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 100% Compl Ainamoi m Ward Light Grading, 1,273,2 19 19 eted Quarry Road Spot Patching 39.20 but And Desilting of not Culverts Paid

6 Kapkwen - Kipchimchi Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 70% On- Keldabeliot m Ward Light Grading, 1,058,4 19 19 Going Road Spot Patching 55.92 And Desilting of Culverts

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7 Boito - Kipchimchi Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A Not Yet kapcheptoro m Ward Light Grading, 1,832,8 Hande r -Kapnyoyo Spot Patching 29.98 d Over –Kipsigon And Desilting of road Culverts

8 Kamatweri – Kipchimchi Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be Itibet Road m Ward Light Grading, 1,138,5 Re- Spot Patching 98.00 Tender And Desilting of ed Culverts

9 Chepsetyon Kipchimchi Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/9/1 0% Award - AGC Road m Ward Light Grading, 1,571,8 19 9 ed Spot Patching 34.80 And Desilting of Culverts

10 Kimungen- Kipchebor Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 100% Compl Kwa Ward Light Grading, 1,419,5 19 19 eted oriango- Spot Patching 79.00 but Kipkeles- And Desilting of not Kwa Sambu- Culverts Paid Kap Eli Road

11 Kapketienya Kipchebor Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be -ochi - Ward Light Grading, 2,227,5 Re- kimungen - Spot Patching 63.08 Tender Kwa Oriango And Desilting of ed Road Culverts

12 Kenya Kipchebor Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/9/1 0% Award Power- Ochi Ward Light Grading, 1,348,6 19 9 ed Road Spot Patching 80.00 And Desilting of Culverts

13 Site and Town Roads Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 60% Gradin Service Light Grading, 1,796,7 19 19 g Roads Spot Patching 70.40 comple And Desilting of te Culverts

14 Off - Town Roads Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 0% Hande Central Kwa Light Grading, 2,881,1 19 19 d over Towett Talai Spot Patching 90.00 but Estate Road And Desilting of not Culverts started

Annex Kapkugerwet Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 0% Hande Prison- Ward Light Grading, 1,221,2 19 19 d over Sumeiyon Spot Patching 55.00 but Road And Desilting of not Culverts started

19 Mangweni- Kapkugerwet Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be Kipsirichet- Ward Light Grading, 1,059,6 Re- Spot Patching 71.60

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Chemugusu And Desilting of tender Road Culverts ed

20 Off E222- Kapkugerwet Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Chelogoi- Ward Light Grading, 1,155,6 19 19 Award Sumeyon Spot Patching 37.24 ed Chepchwir And Desilting of Road Culverts

21 Off E222 - Kapkugerwet Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Chepstyon Ward Light Grading, 1,155,5 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 13.12 ed And Desilting of Culverts

22 Highway - Kapkugerwet Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Kaboloin Ward Light Grading, 920,250 19 19 Award Sec- Spot Patching .21 ed Kaboloin Pri And Desilting of Road Culverts

24 Kipsigori - Kapsaos Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Sachangwan Ward Light Grading, 1,200,1 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 01.20 ed And Desilting of Culverts

25 Buchenge- Kapsaos Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Chebigen Ward Light Grading, 1,225,6 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 99.62 ed And Desilting of Culverts

26 Baraka Kapsaos Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Not Primary – Ward Light Grading, 947,789 19 19 Yet Kamungen Spot Patching .20 Hande Road And Desilting of d Over Culverts

27 Muiywek tbc Kapsaos Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% - Koisamoi Ward Light Grading, 1,330,4 19 19 Hande Primary Spot Patching 00.00 d over School And Desilting of but Culverts not started

29 Kenegut Kapsoit Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be Sign Post Ward Light Grading, 1,376,9 Re- Pri. Sch. Spot Patching 78.00 Tender Lemeiwet And Desilting of ed Road Culverts

30 Kipsamumg Kapsoit Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be ut Telanet Ward Light Grading, 2,014,8 Re- Pri. Spot Patching 62.00 Tender Kipkutuny And Desilting of ed Cheribo Sign Culverts Post Ack

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31 Chemosit - Chemosot Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 100% Compl chebarema - Ward Light Grading, 1,516,2 19 19 ete but Kabitungu Spot Patching 65.00 not Road And Desilting of paid Culverts

33 Patrick- Chemosot Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 20% On- Simon- Ward Light Grading, 1,189,6 19 19 Going Sachangwan Spot Patching 94.00 - Menet TBC And Desilting of Road Culverts

34 Kap Reuben- Chemosot Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 100% Compl Chepswerta- Ward Light Grading, 1,273,1 19 19 ete but Changoi Spot Patching 46.40 not Road And Desilting of paid Culverts

35 Ngoino Road Chemosot Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be TBC- Ward Light Grading, 1,133,4 Re- Ngaram Spot Patching 26.72 Tender Primary- And Desilting of ed Kapkosum- Culverts Chebarema Tbc Road

36 Off C23 Chemosot Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be Cheluget rd- Ward Light Grading, 2,291,3 Re- Museset Spot Patching 48.00 Tender TBC- And Desilting of ed Kusumek Culverts Market- Chepngeny Road

37 Ngororga- Chemosot Site Clearance, July, Decemb 100% cheptigit Ward Light Grading, 940,582 2018 er, 2018 Compl sachangwan Spot Patching .00 ete But Road And Desilting of not Culverts paid

39 Sachangwan Cheboin Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 100% - Cheboror Ward Light Grading, 1,853,1 19 19 Compl road Spot Patching 00.00 ete But And Desilting of not Culverts paid

40 Chakoror- Cheboin Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ Kamososet Ward Light Grading, 1,589,0 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 77.04 0% ed And Desilting of Culverts

41 Cheborgei Cheboin Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Boys- Ward Light Grading, 1,408,2 19 19 Award Kimolwet- Spot Patching 58.56 ed Kimugul And Desilting of Road Culverts

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42 Kapmabema Cheboin Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A Not - Masubeti Ward Light Grading, 1,798,8 Yet Primary Spot Patching 81.60 Hande School Road And Desilting of d Over Culverts

44 Cheplanget Cheplanget Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Market- Ward Light Grading, 1,603,8 19 19 Award Tembwo Spot Patching 24.68 ed TBC- And Desilting of Kipkonyanit Culverts Road

45 Mosubeti Cheplanget Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% TBC-Tiritab Ward Light Grading, 1,316,8 19 19 Award Moita Sec Spot Patching 50.56 ed Road And Desilting of Culverts

46 Ainapkarik Kapkatet Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A Done bridge- Ward Light Grading, 600,235 By mabwaita Spot Patching .04 Kerra TBC Road And Desilting of Culverts

48 Off c23 Kapkatet Site Clearance, July, Decemb Not kaptote aic Ward Light Grading, 1,513,3 2018 er, 2018 Yet church - Spot Patching 08.62 Hande Muturi tbc - And Desilting of d Over Kaprasto - Culverts Kap mosco Road

49 Kolongei – Kapkatet Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Kimugul Ward Light Grading, 1,479,7 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 54.14 ed And Desilting of Culverts

50 Sosit – Kapkatet Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Kaptirbet Ward Light Grading, 1,153,2 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 82.90 ed And Desilting of Culverts

51 Tengecha Kapkatet Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Kapkatet Ward Light Grading, 1,501,6 19 19 Award Hospital – Spot Patching 22.78 ed Daraja Sita And Desilting of Road Culverts

52 Kaproret – Kapkatet Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Charera Ward Light Grading, 1,561,2 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 02.00 ed And Desilting of Culverts

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54 Kapsimit- Kisiara Ward Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Changkelek- Light Grading, 1,956,1 19 19 Award Kondamet – Spot Patching 25.31 ed Keregut And Desilting of Road Culverts

55 Sachangwan Kisiara Ward Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be - Kapemit Light Grading, 1,427,6 Re- Road Spot Patching 81.60 Tender And Desilting of ed Culverts

56 Kapkitony Kisiara Ward Site Clearance, July, Decemb Not banda- Light Grading, 522,208 2018 er, 2018 Reprot Kapsimet Spot Patching .00 ed to river Road And Desilting of Site Culverts

58 Ngesumin Litein Ward Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be girls - Light Grading, 1,141,8 Re- kipsamoi Spot Patching 11.20 Tender river ngeny And Desilting of ed pry junction- Culverts pry sch Road

59 AIC Litein Ward Site Clearance, July, Decemb 0% Chepwagan- Light Grading, 1,259,5 2018 er, 2018 Award Kipkuna Spot Patching 40.76 ed Chepwagan And Desilting of Tbc Road Culverts

60 Ketisyek - Litein Ward Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be Church of Light Grading, 1,379,0 Re- Christ Spot Patching 03.36 Tender Kibaliach And Desilting of ed Bridge Road Culverts

61 Kiptenden - Litein Ward Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% AIC Light Grading, 1,231,8 19 19 Award Maronget Spot Patching 89.00 ed Kiptenden And Desilting of Pry Road Culverts

62 Moroncho Litein Ward Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Chebagal Light Grading, 1,102,4 19 19 Award Junction Spot Patching 00.20 ed Moroncho And Desilting of Tbc Road Culverts

63 Nigeria - Tebesonik Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To be Kabusiendu Ward Light Grading, 1,252,0 Re- k Road Spot Patching 25.12 tender And Desilting of ed/ Culverts

65 Ngoina AGC Tebesonik Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 40% -Kipsamoi Ward Light Grading, 2,761,5 19 19 Gradin Spot Patching 93.44 g

Page 94 of 314

Cattle dip And Desilting of comple road Culverts te

66 Tombitret Tebesonik Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Bridge- Ward Light Grading, 1,346,0 19 19 Award Cheboror Spot Patching 17.60 ed Road And Desilting of Culverts

67 Kiptome Tebesonik Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 100% Compl dispensary - Ward Light Grading, 2,200,0 19 19 ete But itondo pry - Spot Patching 56.00 not off And Desilting of paid chebirirbei Culverts Road

69 Conner C - Kabianga Site Clearance, July, Decemb 0% Kabianga Ward Light Grading, 1,662,0 2018 er, 2018 Award Bridge Road Spot Patching 32.22 ed And Desilting of Culverts

70 Mp/CS Kabianga Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Road- Ward Light Grading, 1,139,5 19 19 Award Kabianga Spot Patching 10.92 ed Tea Factory And Desilting of Road Culverts

71 Kimolwet - Kabianga Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 60% On- SBI juction - Ward Light Grading, 1,494,4 19 19 going Surian Spot Patching 86.00 Canteen And Desilting of Arap Culverts seroney Arap tonui Kigorwet Road

73 Borborwet Kapsuser Site Clearance, July, Decemb 0% Tbc- Ward Light Grading, 1,613,8 2018 er, 2018 Award Kapjokega- Spot Patching 32.88 ed Kiboe And Desilting of Junction- Culverts Sachoran AGC Road

74 Kapnandet- Kapsuser Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Kaplemeiyw Ward Light Grading, 1,624,6 19 19 Award et-Bae River Spot Patching 49.60 ed Road And Desilting of Culverts

75 Seretut- Kapsuser Site Clearance, July, Decemb 100% Compl Chepngetun Ward Light Grading, 1,738,7 2018 er, 2018 eted y Road Spot Patching 18.89 but And Desilting of not Culverts paid

Page 95 of 314

77 Kapkelek - Seretut Ward Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 100% Compl Chepseron - Light Grading, 1,386,7 19 19 eted Chepng'etun Spot Patching 88.17 but y Road And Desilting of not Culverts Paid

78 Cherigat- Seretut Ward Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To be Chepkutbei- Light Grading, 1,893,5 Re- Cheswerta Spot Patching 21.36 Tender Road And Desilting of ed Culverts

79 Seretut Pri. Seretut Ward Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Sch.-Arap Light Grading, 1,138,2 19 19 Award Kitur- Spot Patching 36.54 ed Kisagetiet And Desilting of Road Culverts

80 Chepkoin - Waldai Ward Site Clearance, July, Decemb 80% On- Chemororoc Light Grading, 1,375,5 2018 er, 2018 going h Road Spot Patching 51.20 And Desilting of Culverts

82 Off Cheribo- Waldai Ward Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Kiptaldal Light Grading, 1,129,7 19 19 Award AGC- Spot Patching 51.40 ed Ainapkoi And Desilting of Road Culverts

83 Sosiot Posta Waldai Ward Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% - Light Grading, 1,453,6 19 19 Award Chemororoc Spot Patching 19.20 ed h Road And Desilting of Culverts

84 Tulwap Waldai Ward Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Kibiywet- Light Grading, 1,009,3 19 19 Award Tapsargoi/O Spot Patching 91.08 ed ff Sosiot And Desilting of Highway Culverts

85 Kapkatunga Chepseon Site Clearance, 716,453 N/A N/A N/A To be - Kaplamboi Ward Light Grading, .12 Re- Road Spot Patching Tender And Desilting of ed Culverts

87 Off binyiny - Chepseon Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ On- tonongoi Ward Light Grading, 4,109,5 19 19 going sec- Spot Patching 20.00 kamagaa - And Desilting of sokobet Culverts Road

88 Momoniat- Chepseon Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Center- Ward Light Grading, 1,141,7 19 19 Award Kondamet Spot Patching 88.00 ed

Page 96 of 314

Primary And Desilting of Road Culverts

89 Offd12- Chepseon Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To be Sigowet- Ward Light Grading, 871,160 Re- Cheboror Spot Patching .00 Tender Road And Desilting of ed Culverts

90 Lelsotet - Chepseon Site Clearance, July, Decemb 0% Not Tegat Road Ward Light Grading, 544,214 2018 er, 2018 Starte Spot Patching .00 d And Desilting of Culverts

92 Chepkongon Kedowa/Kim Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To be i- Kiptenten ugul Ward Light Grading, 1,559,7 Re- Road Spot Patching 12.80 Tender And Desilting of ed Culverts

93 Kahorora Kedowa/Kim Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Ring Roads ugul Ward Light Grading, 2,621,4 19 19 Award Spot Patching 29.48 ed And Desilting of Culverts

94 Offd314- Londiani Site Clearance, July, Decemb 100% Compl Mashariki Ward Light Grading, 1,162,7 2018 er, 2018 eted Road Spot Patching 84.00 but And Desilting of not Culverts Paid

95 Kapkondoo Londiani Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 100% Compl Centre - Ward Light Grading, 2,059,7 19 19 eted Kimaut Spot Patching 88.80 but Primary And Desilting of not School Road Culverts Paid

99 Kamwingi - Londiani Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To be Sanchangwa Ward Light Grading, 2,069,1 Re- n -D314 Spot Patching 15.20 Tender Road And Desilting of ed Culverts

100 Subukia Tendeno Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To be Independent Ward Light Grading, 2,898,1 Re- Road Spot Patching 90.40 Tender And Desilting of ed Culverts

101 Sereng - Tendeno Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 0% Not Chemosogon Ward Light Grading, 2,800,4 19 19 Starte Road Spot Patching 72.00 d And Desilting of Culverts

Page 97 of 314

102 Off C35- Chilchila Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Museum Ward Light Grading, 1,102,3 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 24.70 ed And Desilting of Culverts

103 Sombo-Lelu- Chilchila Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Sambu Road Ward Light Grading, 1,698,0 19 19 Award Spot Patching 00.69 ed And Desilting of Culverts

104 Lelu- Chilchila Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 100% Compl Bartera Ward Light Grading, 2,842,8 19 19 eted Road Spot Patching 93.20 but And Desilting of not Culverts paid

105 Murau - Kamasian Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Centre - Ward Light Grading, 1,892,7 19 19 Award Tinga Firm Spot Patching 85.92 ed Road And Desilting of Culverts

106 Kipchorian Kamasian Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 0% Not Primary - Ward Light Grading, 972,010 19 19 Starte Martha road Spot Patching .40 d And Desilting of Culverts

107 Kipkelion Kipkelion Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 30% On- town Ward Light Grading, 1,307,2 19 19 going maguni - Spot Patching 10.00 police And Desilting of station - Culverts chongoti bridge Road

108 Eng. Fred- Kipkelion Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Soi Mingin Ward Light Grading, 1,202,2 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 40.24 ed And Desilting of Culverts

109 Tamarsat- Kipkelion Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Tingoro Ward Light Grading, 1,561,2 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 02.00 ed And Desilting of Culverts

110 Kiptenten- Kipkelion Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To be Kapkurin Ward Light Grading, 1,544,3 Re- Road Spot Patching 66.00 Tender And Desilting of ed Culverts

Page 98 of 314

111 Mariwa – Kunyak Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Singoiwek Ward Light Grading, 1,832,9 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 18.24 ed And Desilting of Culverts

112 Tektek- Talai Kunyak Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To be Farm Road - Ward Light Grading, 1,512,1 Re- Kapkwen Spot Patching 76.00 Tender Road And Desilting of ed Culverts

113 Soko Huru- Kunyak Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To be Kapsegut Ward Light Grading, 1,242,3 Re- Pry - Spot Patching 84.36 Tender Kabinkok And Desilting of ed Road Culverts

114 Kapkara – Soliat Ward Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Kap Light Grading, 1,482,4 19 19 Award Cheruiyot Spot Patching 84.64 ed Road And Desilting of Culverts

115 Posta- Soliat Ward Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be Kaitui-Root Light Grading, 1,523,8 Re- Eleven- Spot Patching 34.00 Tender Chemutian And Desilting of ed Dip Road Culverts

116 Soliat - Soliat Ward Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To be Mogonjet Light Grading, 1,746,2 Re- Bridge Road Spot Patching 26.88 Tender And Desilting of ed Culverts

Chepkiku- Soliat Ward Site Clearance, July, Decemb 80% On- 117 Kapchebwai- Light Grading, 1,664,0 2018 er, 2018 going Kipchorian Spot Patching 72.20 Road And Desilting of Culverts

118 Kapkisai - Soin Ward Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Kapkigoro Light Grading, 1,187,1 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 04.10 ed And Desilting of Culverts

119 Kipsitet - Soin Ward Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Kabore Road Light Grading, 1,150,2 19 19 Award Spot Patching 13.31 ed And Desilting of Culverts

120 Kipsitet Pri- Soin Ward Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Kipsitet Dip Light Grading, 1,074,6 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 06.60 ed

Page 99 of 314

And Desilting of Culverts

121 Koitaburot - Soin Ward Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Kejiryet Light Grading, 1,584,9 19 19 Award Road Spot Patching 28.90 ed And Desilting of Culverts

122 Keteswa - Sigowet Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be Mwebe - Ward Light Grading, 2,957,5 Re- Chepangoro Spot Patching 00.00 Tender ror-Koilsair And Desilting of ed Road Culverts

123 Kipranye- Sigowet Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be Chemangat- Ward Light Grading, 1,965,0 Re- Koilsir Road Spot Patching 00.00 Tender And Desilting of ed Culverts

124 Chebulu- Kaplelartet Site Clearance, 16/4/ 17/10/ 20% Site Taita Road Ward Light Grading, 1,268,0 19 19 Cleara Spot Patching 49.36 nce And Desilting of On- Culverts going

125 Cheptagum- Kaplelartet Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Cheptembe- Ward Light Grading, 1,241,6 19 19 Award Panda Spot Patching 80.24 ed Tililbei Road And Desilting of Culverts

126 Koitat-Iraa Kaplelartet Site Clearance, 28/6/ 29/12/ 0% Road Ward Light Grading, 1,225,6 19 19 Award Spot Patching 99.62 ed And Desilting of Culverts

127 Ormarichok- Kaplelartet Site Clearance, N/A N/A N/A To Be Kapsomboch Ward Light Grading, 1,087,6 Re- Road Spot Patching 16.00 Tender And Desilting of ed Culverts

GRAND- TOTALS 162,674 ,485.66

Page 100 of 314

3.8.2 Framework Contract for Hire of Machinery & Supply and Installation of Culverts

S/NO Section/ Road Proect Description of Lengt Budgete Start Expec % Of Remarks . Name Location Activities h of d Cost Date ted Works the End Done Road Date

1 Sambula- Ainamoi Site Clearnace, 4 2018 2019 20% Site Lelechwet- Ward Heavy Grading, 3,738,3 /19 /20 Clearance Mureret Road Gravelling 95.00 & &Culvert Earthwork Insatllation s On-going

2 Muai- Kipchimc Gravelling & 5.6 2018 2019 30% Grading Kapotaris him Ward Culvert 2,444,6 /19 /20 done Road Insatllation 55.00

3 Off B1- Kipchebo Site Clearnace, 2.5 2018 2019 0% Not Chepkolon r Ward Heavy Grading, 3,488,8 /19 /20 Started Pry- Gravelling & 80.00 Chesanga- Culvert AGC Road Insatllation

4 Off B1- Kipchebo Site Clearnace, 1.2 2018 2019 0% Not Kipchebor TBC r Ward Heavy Grading, /19 /20 Started Gravelling & Culvert Insatllation

5 Ketienya- Kipchebo Site Clearnace, 0.8 2018 2019 0% Not Kooma Centre- r Ward Heavy Grading, /19 /20 Started Chief Rop- Gravelling & Cheorte- Culvert Kimugen Insatllation Dispensary- Kimasain Centre Road

6 Chemokoso- Kapkuger Gravelling 5 2018 2019 0% Not Keongo- wet Ward 3,170,7 /19 /20 Started Junction- 55.00 Quentete- Keonog- Sumeiyon Road

7 Maso Market- Kapsaos Gravelling 5.6 2018 2019 40% Grading Manyoror Pry- Ward 3,425,5 /19 /20 completed Lel Timber 95.00 Road

8 Cheribo TBC- Kapsoit Site Clearnace, 2 2018 2019 20% Site Kapsinei- Ward Heavy Grading, 2,398,5 /19 /20 Clearnace Kapjumo Road Gravelling & 00.00 & Culvert Eatrhwork Insatllation s On-going

Page 101 of 314

9 Sound City- Kapsoit Site Clearnace, 3 2018 2019 30% Gravelling Telanet TBC Ward Heavy Grading, 1,064,2 /19 /20 on-going Road Gravelling & 95.00 Culvert Insatllation

10 Museset TBC- Chemoso Gravelling 1 2018 2019 0% Not Chesingoro t Ward 2,422,9 /19 /20 Started Road 95.00

11 Chemoiwa Chemoso Gravelling 1 2018 2019 0% Not TBC- Karap t Ward /19 /20 Started Mamet Road

12 Chepeseron Chemoso Gravelling 2 2018 2019 0% Not TBC- Kap t Ward /19 /20 Started Zephania- Chebeululu TBC Road

13 Kiptororgo Chemoso Site Clearnace, 1 2018 2019 0% Not TBC- Togoben t Ward Heavy Grading, /19 /20 Started TBC Road Gravelling & Culvert Insatllation

14 Kapsegut TBC- Cheboin Site Clearnace, 4.5 2018 2019 0% Not Nyaga- Kaptele Ward Heavy Grading, 3,183,7 /19 /20 Started Road Gravelling & 25.00 Culvert Insatllation

15 Arokyet Cheplang Site Clearnace, 4.5 2018 2019 0% Not Liberty- et Ward Heavy Grading, 3,183,7 /19 /20 Started Kaminjeiwa- Gravelling & 25.00 Kapsinendet- Culvert Butiik Market Insatllation Road

16 Chematich- Kapkatet Site Clearnace, 5.6 2018 2019 0% Not Kaptirwet- Ward Heavy Grading, 2,406,5 /19 /20 Started Itoik- Sosit Gravelling & 95.00 Road Culvert Insatllation

17 Kesebet- Kisiara Site Clearnace, 2 2018 2019 40% Gradding Kolonget Road Ward Heavy Grading, 3,128,4 /19 /20 On-going Gravelling & 75.00 Culvert Insatllation

18 Machorwa- Kisiara Site Clearnace, 2 2018 2019 0% Not ngariet Road Ward Heavy Grading, /19 /20 Started Gravelling &Culvert Insatllation

Page 102 of 314

19 Mosore Pry- Kisiara Gravelling 0.5 2018 2019 20% On-going Tulwap Ward /19 /20 Kipsigis Road

20 Macheget- Litein Site Clearnace, 4.5 2018 2019 0% Not Chebune- Ward Heavy Grading, 3,001,0 /19 /20 Started Kipkesombe Gravelling & 95.00 Dip Road Culvert Insatllation

21 Kongasis- Tebesoni Site Clearnace, 2.5 2018 2019 20% Chesirto- k Ward Heavy Grading, 3,128,4 /19 /20 Earthwork Tebesonik Gravelling & 75.00 s On-going Road Culvert Insatllation

22 Chesamisiet- Tebesoni Site Clearnace, 2 2018 2019 0% Not k Ward Heavy Grading, /19 /20 Started Road Gravelling & Culvert Insatllation

23 Kap Elijah- Kabianga Site Clearnace, 4.5 2018 2019 20% Site Mlimani Road Ward Heavy Grading, 3,388,4 /19 /20 Clearance Gravelling & 00.00 & Culvert Earthwork Insatllation s On-going

24 Off B1- Kapsuser Site Clearnace, 3.5 2018 2019 10% Site Samituk- Ward Heavy Grading, 1,998,9 /19 /20 Clearance Masarian Gravelling & 45.45 & Road Culvert Earthwork Insatllation s On-going

25 Peter Rono- Kapsuser Site Clearnace, 2 2018 2019 0% Not Masarian- Ward Heavy Grading, 1,142,2 /19 /20 Started Mosobob Road Gravelling & 54.55 Culvert Insatllation

26 Kipsongony- Seretut Site Clearnace, 2.2 2018 2019 20% Site Kipkoiyat Ward Heavy Grading, 3,948,4 /19 /20 Clearance Polytechnic Gravelling & 00.00 & Road Culvert Earthwork Insatllation s On-going

27 Samituk- Link Seretut Site Clearnace, 2.3 2018 2019 0% Not Kapsoit Road Ward Heavy Grading, /19 /20 Started Gravelling & Culvert Insatllation

28 Ochi- Itanda- Waldai Site Clearnace, 4.5 2018 2019 0% Not Kabiwot- Ward Heavy Grading, 2,139,5 /19 /20 Started Keben Road Gravelling & 00.00 Culvert Insatllation

Page 103 of 314

29 Mile Nne- Chepseo Site Clearnace, 3 2018 2019 0% Not Chepnonet- n Ward Heavy Grading, 3,701,2 /19 /20 Started Ainapsosiot Gravelling & 00.00 Road Culvert Insatllation

30 Marusoi- Chepseo Gravelling 2 2018 2019 0% Not Ainapsosiot n Ward /19 /20 Started Road

31 Ngororga- Chepseo Site Clearnace, 1 2018 2019 0% Not Sabunit Road n Ward Heavy Grading, /19 /20 Started Gravelling & Culvert Insatllation

32 Kap Maxwel- Kedowa/ Site Clearnace, 2.4 2018 2019 0% Not Ewat Road Kimugul Heavy Grading, 3,701,2 /19 /20 Started Gravelling & 00.00 Culvert Insatllation

33 Kedowa -River Kedowa/ Site Clearnace, 1 2018 2019 0% Not FarmRoad Kimugul Heavy Grading, /19 /20 Started Ward Gravelling & Culvert Insatllation

34 Kiptenden Kedowa/ Site Clearnace, 1 2018 2019 0% Not Road Kimugul Heavy Grading, /19 /20 Started Ward Gravelling & Culvert Insatllation

35 Kimaaut Londiani Site Clearnace, 4.5 2018 2019 0% Not Tuiyobei Road- Ward Heavy Grading, 2,139,5 /19 /20 Started Kedowa River Gravelling & 00.00 Farm Rad Culvert Insatllation

36 Subuki- Tendeno Site Clearnace, 5 2018 2019 20% Site Kaburi- Ward Heavy Grading, 3,183,7 /201 /20 Clearance Magumoini Gravelling & 25.00 9 & Road Culvert Earthwork Insatllation s Completed

37 Kipteris- Chilchila Site Clearnace, 4.5 2018 2019 0% Not Korosiot- Ward Heavy Grading, 3,169,7 /19 /20 Started Tinderet Gravelling & 45.00 Forest Road Culvert Insatllation

38 Lelu Central- Kamasia Site Clearnace, 4.5 2018 2019 20% Sitre Lelu Dip- n Ward Heavy Grading, 3,169,7 /19 /20 Clearance Nyairobi Road Gravelling & 45.00 & Culvert Earthwork Insatllation s On-going

Page 104 of 314

39 Siret Centre- Kipkelion Site Clearnace, 4.5 2018 2019 60% Grading Siret Factory- Ward Heavy Grading, 3,169,7 /19 /20 On-going Boror Centre Gravelling & 45.00 Road Culvert Insatllation

40 Kenegut- Kunyak Site Clearnace, 4.5 2018 2019 0% Not Tumoek- Ward Heavy Grading, 3,169,7 /19 /20 Started Kapkurin Gravelling & 45.00 Road Culvert Insatllation

41 Kabokyek- Soliat Site Clearnace, 3 2018 2019 0% Not Chesiche- Ward Heavy Grading, 4,821,2 /19 /20 Started Tuiyobei Road Gravelling & 00.00 Culvert Insatllation

42 Samutet Soliat Site Clearnace, 2 2018 2019 0% Not Sombicho- Ward Heavy Grading, /19 /20 Started Kaitui Road Gravelling &Culvert Insatllation

43 Matero- Soliat Site Clearnace, 0.5 2018 2019 0% Not Kiptenden Ward Heavy Grading, /19 /20 Started Road Gravelling & Culvert Insatllation

44 Cheptililik- Soin Site Clearnace, 5.5 2018 2019 0% Not Chebotot- Ward Heavy Grading, 3,141,2 /19 /20 Started Ngeremwo Gravelling & 00.00 Road Culvert Insatllation

45 Cherote- Sigowet Site Clearnace, 4.5 2018 2019 0% Not Kigoma Road Ward Heavy Grading, 3,141,2 /19 /20 Started Gravelling & 00.00 Culvert Insatllation

46 Cherote- Obot Kaplelart Site Clearnace, 4.5 2018 2019 0% Not Recho- et Ward Heavy Grading, 3,141,2 /19 /20 Started Kapkamano- Gravelling & 00.00 Cherote- Culvert Sondu Road Insatllation

47 Road Across all Compaction of 139. 3,40322 2018 2019 0% Not Compaction the Road Network 7 0.00 /19 /20 Started Wards across the County

GRAND- TOTALS 139. 95,856, 70 285.00

Page 105 of 314

3.8.3 Framework Contract for Hire of Machinery (Excavator At Quarry) and Supply and Delivery of Gravel

S/No Project/ Quarry Project Description of Activities Budgeted Start Date End Date . Name Location Cost

1 Kiptome Quarry Kapkatet Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Ward Quarry

Supply of Road 1,111,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,113,300 Totals

2 Ririat Quarry Litein Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Ward Quarry

Supply of Road 1,323,000 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,324,700 Totals

3 Mosore Quarry Chemoso Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 t Ward Quarry

Supply of Road 1,323,000 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,324,700 Totals

4 Kiptome/Ririat Cheplang Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry et Ward Quarry

Kiptome/Ririat Supply of Road 907,200 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry materials(Gravel)

Sub- Totals 1,908,900

5 Tebesonik/ Tebesoni Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Kisiara Quarry k Ward Quarry

Tebesonik/ Supply of Road 1,111,600 2018/19 2019/20 Kisiara Quarry materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,113,300 Totals

6 Kapchelach Kisiara Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry Ward Quarry

Kapchelach Supply of Road 1,323,000 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry materials(Gravel)

Page 106 of 314

Sub- 2,324,700 Totals

7 Kiptome Quarry Cheboin Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Ward Quarry

Kiptome Quarry Supply of Road 1,111,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,113,300 Totals

8 Cheribo Quarry Kapsuser Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Ward Quarry

Cheribo Quarry Supply of Road 1,006,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,008,300 Totals

9 Cheribo Waldai Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Ward Quarry

Cheribo Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,022,300 Totals

10 Kibingei Quarry Seretut/ Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Cheptoro Quarry riet Ward

Kibingei Quarry Supply of Road 1,006,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,008,300 Totals

11 Kabianga Quarry Kabianga Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 /Chema Quarry mul Ward

Kabianga Quarry Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,022,300 Totals

12 Koitaburot Soin Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry Ward Quarry

Koitaburot Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,022,300 Totals

Page 107 of 314

13 Cherote Quarry Sigowet Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Ward Quarry

Cherote Quarry Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,022,300 Totals

14 Kaplelartet Kaplelart Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry et Ward Quarry

Kaplelartet Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,022,300 Totals

15 Kapkumba Soliat Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry Ward Quarry

Kapkumba Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,022,300 Totals

16 Songonyet/Kunya Chilchila Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 k/Kamasian/ Ward Quarry Yala Quarry

Songonyet / Yala Supply of Road 1,157,100 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,158,800 Totals

17 Jagoror Quarry Kipkelion Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Ward Quarry

Jagoror Quarry Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,022,300 Totals

18 Songonyet/Kunya Kamasia Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 k/Kamasian n Ward Quarry

kamasian Supply of Road 3,061,800 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 4,063,500 Totals

19 Songonyet/Kunya Kunyak Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 k/Kamasian Ward Quarry Quarry

Page 108 of 314

Songonyet/Kunya Supply of Road 1,157,100 2018/19 2019/20 k/Kamasian materials(Gravel) Quarry

Sub- 2,158,800 Totals

20 Jagoror Quarry Londiani Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Ward Quarry

Jagoror Quarry Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,022,300 Totals

21 Jagoror Quarry Tendeno Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 /Sorget Quarry Ward

Jagoror Quarry Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,022,300 Totals

22 Kedowa Quarry Kedowa Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Ward Quarry

Kedowa Quarry Supply of Road 1,530,900 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,532,600 Totals

23 Kedowa Quarry Chepseo Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 n Quarry

Kedowa Quarry Supply of Road 1,530,900 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- Totals 2,532,600

24 Binyin/Chebigen Kapsaos Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry

Binyiny Quarry Supply of Road 1,157,100 2018/19 2019/20


Sub- 2,158,800 Totals

25 Laliat Quarry Ainamoi Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry

Laliat Quarry Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,022,300 Totals

Page 109 of 314

26 Laliat Quarry Kipchimc Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 him Quarry

Laliat Quarry Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,022,300 Totals

27 Cheribo Quarry Kipchebo Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 r Quarry

Cheribo Quarry Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- 2,022,300 Totals

28 Binyin/Chebigen Kapkuger Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 wet Quarry

Binyiny Quarry Supply of Road 1,157,100 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub- Totals 2,158,800

29 Tebet Quarry Kapsoit Gravel Excavation at 1,001,700 2018/19 2019/20 Quarry

Tebet Quarry Supply of Road 1,020,600 2018/19 2019/20 materials(Gravel)

Sub-Totals 2,022,300.0 0

TOTAL 63,293,300. 00

GRAND- TOTAL 159,149,585 .00


S/no. Project name Project Item description Budgeted Cost Start End % Of Remark Location Date Date Work s s DOne

1 Londiani Londiani Box culvert 2018/ 2019/ 10% On- Farmers Bridge Ward Construction 3,900,000.00 19 20 going

2 Itoik Box culvert Londiani Box culvert 2018/ 2019/ 10% On- Ward Construction 3,750,000.00 19 20 going

Page 110 of 314

3 Kaboloin- Chepseon Box culvert 2018/ 2019/ 0% Not Kapseger foot Ward Construction 3,450,000.00 19 20 Started bridge

4 Kibulkany- Chepseon Box culvert 2018/ 2019/ 0% Not Kuresoi box Ward Construction 3,950,000.00 19 20 Started culvert

5 Kapkwen- Kipkelion Box culvert 2018/ 2019/ 0% Not Matarmat box Ward Construction 3,933,500.00 19 20 Started culvert

6 Kapkesiro box Sigowet Box culvert 2018/ 2019/ 0% Not culvert Ward Construction 3,800,000.00 19 20 Started

7 Boreywek box Cheplanget Box culvert 2018/ 2019/ 0% Not culvert Ward Construction 3,640,000.00 19 20 Started

8 Chemosot/Aina Chemosot Box culvert 2018/ 2019/ 0% Not btibik box Ward Construction 3,720,000.00 19 20 Started culvert

9 Chemorir- Ainmamoi Box culvert 2018/ 2019/ 0% Not Kapkwen box Ward Construction 3,800,000.00 19 20 Started culvert

10 Brooke Kapkugerwe Drainage 2018/ 2019/ 0% To Be Drainage t Ward Structures 23,000,000.00 19 20 Procure Structures d

11 Drainage Across the Construction of 36,149,544.00 2018/ 2019/ 0% To Be Structres County Drainage 19 20 Procure Structures d

Grand- Totals 93,093,044.00


S/no. Project name Project Item description Budgeted Cost Start End % Of Remark Location Date Date Work s s DOn e

1 Boda Boda Across The Consruction of 2018/ 2019/ 0% To be Sheds in 30 30 Wards Boda Boda 20,000,000.0 19 20 procure Wards Sheds 0 d

Grand- Totals 20,000,000.0 0

Page 111 of 314


S/NO Programe Name Project Obje Description of Start Descript End Amou Remas Location ctive Activities Date ion of Date nt ks s Activitie Paid includi s done (Kshs) ng and pendin %age g works

1 Rehabilitation of Kunyak To Site clearance 4th Site Mar 2,185, Good Kapia-Timbilil- impr April, clearanc ch 500 progres Kamotos Road ove Earthworks, 2019 e and 20 s acce Culverts and earth ssibli Drainage works ty Works, done Grading and Gravelling

2 Rehabilitation of sigowet To Site clearance 2019/2 Site 201 Procure Lelagoi - Yanja impr 020 clearanc 9/2 - ment Karap Maina Road ove Earthworks, e and 020 stage acce Culverts and earth ssibil Drainage works ity. Works, done Grading and Gravelling

3 Rehabilitation and Londiani To Site 4th April site Mar works construction of town prov Investigation, 2019 clearenc ch 53,88 on drainage ide Demolition e , 202 2,278. track structures and acce and site murrum 0 40 tarmacking of ssibi +clearance, ing and minor roads at lity Earthworks, grading Londiani Town and Precast of the work concrete, Pipe upper envi work- side ron Manholes and done, men pipe work and all t. ancillaries, drainage Drains, s opened Ditches and up Trenches works at 10%

4 Rehabilitation of kapkatet To Site 2018/1 survey 202 0 picked Kapkatet Drainage prov investigation, 9 works 0/2 up Works ide demolition and done 5% 1 slowly cond site clearance, due to uciv earthworks dermac e ation work pipe work - challen envi manholes and ges but ron pipe work the men ancillaries, progres t drains, ditches s after and trenches survey

Page 112 of 314


Descripti on Of Remarks Projects Activities % Of Including S/ Section/Road Location Description Start Done And Works Amount Pending No. Name s Objectives Of Activities Date %Age Done Allocated Works

1 Rehabilitation Chaik To Ease Site 2017/1 None 0% 200,000,0 The initial & Upgrading of transportat Clearance & 8 00 Contract Kerenga ion of Expansion of was Airstrip agricultural existing terminated. goods and Runway with people. other Airstrip To be Re- amenities tendered


S/ Programe Project Objectives Description Start Descript End Amount Remasks NO Name Locatio of Activities Date ion of Date Paid including n Activitie (Kshs) pending s done works

and %age

1 Rehabilitatio Londia To provide Site 4th site March works on n and ni town accessibili Investigation April clearenc 2020 53,882,27 track construction ty and , Demolition 2019 e , 8.40 of drainage work and site murrum structures environme +clearance, ing and and nt. Earthworks, grading tarmacking Precast of the of minor concrete, upper roads at Londiani Pipe work- side Town Manholes done, and pipe and all work drainage ancillaries, s opened Drains, up Ditches and works at Trenches 10%

2 Rehabilitatio Kapkat To provide Site 2018 survey 2020/2 0 picked up n of Kapkatet et Ward conducive investigation, /19 works 1 slowly Drainage work demolition done 5% due to Works environme and site dermacat nt clearance, ion earthworks challenge

Page 113 of 314

pipe work - s but the manholes progress and pipe after work survey ancillaries, drains, ditches and trenches




Cheborge TBC-Ririiat TBC Road Cheboin Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 1 Goods and Services

Kapsogut Centre - Kapsogut Cheboin Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 2 School -Morubo Goods and Services

Kinyose bridge - Bakoiyot Road Cheboin Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 3 Goods and Services

Kabartegan AIC -Chemamul Chemosot Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 4 TBC -KAP Micheal -Kap Patrick Goods and Services Road

Chereres TBC -chebulu tbc - Chemosot Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 5 mosombop river -arap kurgat Goods and Services Road

Kenene Gold Mine- Kaminjeiwet Cheplanget To ease movement of Road Maintenance 6 Road Ward Goods and Services

Kibwastuiyo-Maswai – Cheplanget To ease movement of Road Maintenance Kapchege-Ngenny Road- Ward Goods and Services 7 Kapchristed-Karapmogoni- Chebongi T.B.C

Sosit TBC-Kaptibet Road Kapkatet Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 8 Goods and Services

Arap Rono- Kaptirbet AIC- Kapkatet Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 9 Ngesumin Bridge- Chebitet Jnt- Goods and Services Cheptangulgei- C23 Road

Kapcheluch Aic Off C24- Alice Kapkatet Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance Koech & Emanuel Sec. School- Goods and Services 10 Itoik- Chemoiben Jnt- Egisiek TBC Road

Page 114 of 314

Sachangwan- Ngariet- Ketingoi- Kisiara Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 11 Kipsengoi Road Goods and Services

Chebwagan -Lebekwet - Litein Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 12 Kolonget- Kiptenden TBC- Goods and Services Kiptenden Road

Chebaibai church of christ- Litein Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 13 ketiisiek TBC Road Goods and Services

Kibolgong aic-kibolgong pry- Tebesonik Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 14 woeto-ninja canteen Road Goods and Services

Kelunet-Kakimoro- Wochi Road Tebesonik Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 15 Goods and Services

Central academy – ngenybare Ainamoi Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 16 primary – kapjona – deliverance Goods and Services church Road

Bachulelach-Merto Road Ainamoi Ward To improve access and Road Maintenance 17 open up new areas

Cheribo Pry- Kesinet Road Kapsoit Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 18 Goods and Services

Arap Tegere – Kwa biwot – Kapsoit Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 19 Korosek Road Goods and Services

Chebigen - Buchenge Road Kapsaos Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 20 Goods and Services

Laboso - Chebigen Road Kapsaos Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 21 Goods and Services

Motobo Pry- Satelite- Nyagacho Kipchebor Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 22 Police Station Road Goods and Services

Off B1- Chepkolon Green Kipchebor Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 23 Hignlands- Kap Zablon - Goods and Services Chesanga AGC Road

Green Breeze- Kipkeles Road Kipchebor Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 24 Goods and Services

Chepsetyion AGC- Kinyose Kipchimchim To ease movement of Road Maintenance 25 River- Chepsetyion Road Ward Goods and Services

Munai- Kipchimchim Sec. Kipchimchim To ease movement of Road Maintenance 26 School Road Ward Goods and Services

Boito- Kapcheptoror- Injiani Kipchimchim To ease movement of Road Maintenance 27 Road Ward Goods and Services

Kapcheptoror- Kapsirgong Road Kipchimchim To ease movement of Road Maintenance 28 Ward Goods and Services

site and service roads town roads To ease movement of Road Maintenance 29 Goods and Services

Page 115 of 314

Litein town drainage culverts town roads To ease movement of Road Maintenance 30 Goods and Services

Kaptera- Kapkiboko Road Kapsuser Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 31 Goods and Services

Maintenance of Mungwana- Kapsuser Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 32 Kapsuser Dipsensary Road Goods and Services

Borborwet banda - mereonik Kapsuser Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 33 Road Goods and Services

Chemumbe- Kapsiya Road Kabianga Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 34 Goods and Services

Kamatayo - chemamul water Kabianga Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 35 project road Goods and Services

Kaptongeno – Chemoson Road Seretut Ward To improve access and Road Maintenance 36 open up new areas

Kipchombul – Kesagetiet – Seretut Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 37 Kapbel – Kipserten Road Goods and Services

Kipsolu TBC - Soweto Centre Seretut Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 38 Road Goods and Services

Maintenance of Cheptenye – Waldai Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 39 Kapturgat road Goods and Services

Kapkokwon -Kapkichelek- Waldai Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 40 Chemumbe TBC ROAD Goods and Services

Kapcheren- Kapsoit Police Waldai Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 41 Station Road Goods and Services

Kaplelit - kamiwa - Kapkese rd Chilchila Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 42 Goods and Services

Cherara Centre-Kapmiwa Coffee Chilchila Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 43 Goods and Services

Kebeneti Junction-Nyairobi- Chilchila Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 44 Zongoyet Roa Goods and Services

Off C35-Lesirwo Junction- Kipkelion Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 45 Lesirwo Round Goods and Services

Segetet Junction-Kaplabotwo Kipkelion Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 46 Road Goods and Services

Barsiele - kimologit - Kipkelion Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 47 sachangwan Goods and Services

Kaptembwo - Leldet - polythcnic Kamasian Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 48 - kipsegi rd Goods and Services

Mutai lelei - morau - monastry Kamasian Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 49 Goods and Services

Page 116 of 314

Off Tinga Farm-Saoset Road Kamasian Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 50 Goods and Services

Sireret B- Mogiiywet Road Kunyak Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 51 Goods and Services

Mutata-chepkoto-kakibe-taiwet Sigowet Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 52 primary school Goods and Services

Koilsir banda-chemangat-bbc- Sigowet Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 53 road Goods and Services

Ndonyomari–Kaplelach Pri Soin Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 54 School Road Goods and Services

Kipsitet Primary- Karap Tele- Soin Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 55 Muhoroni Junction Road Goods and Services

Senetwet- Mototnyi- Materma Soin Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 56 Road Goods and Services

Sombicho-Baregeiywet Soliat Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 57 Goods and Services

Kiptugumo Primary- Kamasega- Soliat Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 58 kabokyek Road Goods and Services

Kipsewer- ML 10 Road Kaplelartet To ease movement of Road Maintenance 59 Ward Goods and Services

Kaplleartet- Solait Factory Road Kaplelartet To ease movement of Road Maintenance 60 Ward Goods and Services

Cheptagum- Cattle Dip Sondu Kaplelartet To ease movement of Road Maintenance 61 Road Ward Goods and Services

murasoi –ainapsosiot bridge Chepseon Ward To improve access and Road Maintenance 62 road open up new areas

Leberer- Kamachungwa- Chepseon Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 63 Mutanya Road Goods and Services

Kipkeremwo- Chepsir Road Chepseon Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 64 Goods and Services

Barotion primary school – Londiani Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 65 Lelsotet sawmill Goods and Services

Lelsotet – Kapsegut Road Londiani Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 66 Goods and Services

Lemotit- Kalyet Road Londiani Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 67 Goods and Services

Off 352-Eastly-AIPCA Church- Tendeno Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 68 Soget Primary Goods and Services

Wambere -Tegat-Tendeno Road Tendeno Ward To ease movement of Road Maintenance 69 Goods and Services

Page 117 of 314

Off B1-kwa DC-Ewat road Kedowa/ To ease movement of Road Maintenance 70 Kimugul Ward Goods and Services


S/N Project Location Project name Objectives Description of activities O.

Kapsirityet-Kapberenge- Ainamoi Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 1 Tolilet Road 4km open up new areas Murruming

Laliat Cattledip-Koitamat Ainamoi Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 2 Primary School Road 5km open up new areas Murruming

Kipkwes- Arap Sang- Ainamoi Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 3 Barsiayan Road open up new areas Murruming

Kapkesengi- Kapkwen- Ainamoi Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 4 Telanet Road open up new areas Murruming

Keongo-Kipkeigei-Sumeiyon Kapkugerwet To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 5 Road Ward open up new areas Murruming

Prison-Queen Tete- Site Kapkugerwet To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 6 Roads Ward open up new areas Murruming

Queen Tete-Laibon Road Kapkugerwet To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 7 Ward open up new areas Murruming

Tapkei- Mulembe- Sambusa Kapkugerwet To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 8 Road Ward open up new areas Murruming

Chief's Office-Kipsilangwa- Kapsaos Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 9 Ainapsosiot-Binyiny Road open up new areas Murruming

Chepkitach- Chepngobob- Kapsaos Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 10 Injerian Road open up new areas Murruming

Chebigen-Buchenge dip- Kapsaos Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 11 Soko-Tugunon open up new areas Murruming

Chagaik Full Gospel Church- Kapsaos Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 12 Kaboloin Catholic Church open up new areas Murruming Road

Page 118 of 314

Ap Line Road-Via Kapsoit Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 13 Torit,Sitotwet-Samutet open up new areas Murruming

Kenegut- Kisaei- Kiptega Kapsoit Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 14 Road open up new areas Murruming

Samutet-Kapkorio-Sombicho Kapsoit Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 15 Road open up new areas Murruming

Chemobei-Koitabai-Tuiyobei Kapsoit Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 16 Road open up new areas Murruming

Ogirgir-Kisabei-Ketitui Road Kapsoit Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 17 open up new areas Murruming

Kipchebor Tea Buying Center- Kipchbor Ward To improve accessibility Kipchebor Primary School and motorability of Road Opening, Grading and 18 Road people, goods and Murruming services

Ketienya- Kooma Hill Road Kipchbor Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 19 open up new areas Murruming

Mombasa Ndodgo- Satelight Kipchbor Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 20 Road open up new areas Murruming

Arap Mitei- Charunga- Kipchebor To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 21 Kamasian AGC- Kipkelei Ward open up new areas Murruming Road

Kcc- Mjini Road Kipchebor To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 22 Ward open up new areas Murruming

Cheptigit-Sanik Cooler Road Kipchimchim To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 23 Ward open up new areas Murruming

Ngenymbare/Kimaech Road Kipchimchim To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 24 Ward open up new areas Murruming

Senetwet-Cheimen- Cheboin Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 25 Kabusienduk, open up new areas Murruming

Specon-Cheborge Primary Cheboin Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 26 Road open up new areas Murruming

Kaptuigo-Kabambwe Cheboin Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 27 open up new areas Murruming

Road opening from Kolil to Cheboin Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 28 canteen, Nyangau to open up new areas Murruming Ngororga.

Chelilis Primary- Chemosot Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 29 Ainaptibik&Cheborus-Menet open up new areas Murruming Tbc

Kimulwo-Liberty Church- Chemosot Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 30 Chepseon Tbc open up new areas Murruming

Page 119 of 314

Kimulwo-Kibori-Chemeteget- Chemosot Ward Bargiro, Chemosot-Kap To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 31 Elisha-Getarwet-Cheborgei open up new areas Murruming (3km)

Ngororga TBC Lt 08-Titany Chemosot Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 32 TBC Road open up new areas Murruming

Lelach Water Dam- Leach Cheplanget To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 33 Primary School Road Ward open up new areas Murruming

Mombwo Aic- Kipwastuiyo Cheplanget To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 34 Mkt Ward open up new areas Murruming

Kapzabulon (Mombwo)- Cheplanget To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 35 Chepngonjo Tbc- Maburo Ward open up new areas Murruming Quarry (Osama)

Kaldit Pri Sch- Wholeman Cheplanget To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 36 Ward open up new areas Murruming

Kaminjeiwa Sign Post- Cheplanget To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 37 Kaminjeiwa Canteen- Kenene Ward open up new areas Murruming Goldmine

Catholic Church- Tegat Cheplanget To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 38 Spring- Kesholi Spring Ward open up new areas Murruming

Street Lights from Kmtc To Kapkatet Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 39 Nganaset Primary open up new areas Murruming

Keror - Kapkiko Kapkatet Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 40 open up new areas Murruming

Cherus Tea Buting Centre To Kapkatet Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 41 Samuget TBC Road open up new areas Murruming

Construction of Feeder Road Kapkatet Ward from Sub -County Offices to To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 42 Kipkosil School & Join Litein open up new areas Murruming Town

Mabasi Kamwanga Coffee Kisiara Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 43 Factory open up new areas Murruming

Chandeke To Keregut 1km Kisiara Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 44 open up new areas Murruming

Sigongo/Cheptembe To Sda Kisiara Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 45 2km open up new areas Murruming

Chebomiriong-Kiptenden Litein Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 46 Primary-Kiptenden Tea open up new areas Murruming Buying Centre

Aic Kamanamsim-Kapchogen Litein Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 47 open up new areas Murruming

Page 120 of 314

Opening of Litein Mission – Litein Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 48 Arap Tele River Road (1.5 km) open up new areas Murruming

Arap Segem Junction- Tebesonik Kapsikab- Kap Jacobo- Kap Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 49 Johnstaone- Kapainaniji- open up new areas Murruming Kibugat- Kibaraa- Kelunet Road

Chesamisiet-Nyamanga Tebesonik To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 50 Ward open up new areas Murruming

Ainabkosobek – paulngetich – Tebesonik silaosoro – kapmatatu – Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 51 Johnstone – Tiriita – open up new areas Murruming kachewet road

Kipsolu Agc – Kibaraa Road Seretut Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 52 open up new areas Murruming

Chebown – Ainapkoi Dip Seretut Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 53 Road open up new areas Murruming

Chemoset Primary – Letyo Seretut Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 54 Road open up new areas Murruming

Brasil- Chemurwok Road Seretut Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 55 open up new areas Murruming

Magrama- Cheswerta Road Seretut Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 56 open up new areas Murruming

Kaldit- Kipset Koech- Paul Seretut Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 57 Misik- Tegat Junction Road open up new areas Murruming

Kapchelibon- Kabangas Kapsuser Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 58 1.8km open up new areas Murruming

Ministry Of Public Works – Kapsuser Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 59 Kapchelibon 1.3km open up new areas Murruming

Kap Jeremiah-Kapsamkoiyo- Kapsuser Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 60 Arorwet Agc open up new areas Murruming

Bagdad- Kap Christopher Kapsuser Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 61 Road open up new areas Murruming

TG 14- Pentagon- Chebocho Kapsuser Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 62 Road open up new areas Murruming

Kapchebelion- Kabangas Kapsuser Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 63 Road open up new areas Murruming

Masusotet- Chemumbe tea Kabianga Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 64 buying centre open up new areas Murruming

Page 121 of 314

Cheptembe-Kichinjio-Kapelija Kabianga Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 65 road-chemutwo river-mobego open up new areas Murruming tea buying centre

Cheptigit primary- Chemolo Kabianga Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 66 bridge open up new areas Murruming

Construction of Bodaboda Kabianga Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 67 shades in market centres. open up new areas Murruming

Kipkones- Turguito Road Waldai Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 68 open up new areas Murruming

Construction Sosiot Village - Waldai Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 69 Karapsoimo – Chepkoin Dip – open up new areas Murruming Chepkoin/Chemororoch

Chemaluk-Cheribo-Kipkones Waldai Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 70 Road open up new areas Murruming

Cheronget-Chebinyinyi- Waldai Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 71 Kaptoboiti Road open up new areas Murruming

Mutwot Cattle Dip- Kapwos Kaplelartet To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 72 Road Ward open up new areas Murruming

Chepkemel Centre –Sumeeck Kaplelartet To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 73 Ward open up new areas Murruming

Chepkosa - Kapsorok Kaplelartet To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 74 Ward open up new areas Murruming

Seronik – Chepkitwa – Kaplelartet Musaria secondary school Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 75 road – Opening and open up new areas Murruming murraming

Kapchanga- Chepokiptaa- Sigowet Ward To improve access , Road Opening, Grading and 76 Sigowet Road open up new and Murruming connect areas

Kiparenge Primary- Sigowet Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 77 Chemindilil- Kibirbirgut Road open up new areas Murruming

Tamboiyot-Kapindisin- Sigowet Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 78 Changware-Kabasweti Road open up new areas Murruming

Kamaget-Shops-Tamboiyot Sigowet Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 79 Tbc open up new areas Murruming

Emitiot-Kapkisai-Nyaberi Soin Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 80 Road open up new areas Murruming

Chepterwo – Kap Zambia- Soin Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 81 Chepterwo River- Ainamoi open up new areas Murruming Road

Chepsengeny-Kwandap Soin Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 82 Mosongkapnyangor- open up new areas Murruming Kaptepengwet/Canteen Road

Page 122 of 314

Soliat Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 83 open up new areas Murruming

Corner-Kapilo Road Soliat Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 84 open up new areas Murruming

Kapkara- Chepyegon- Soliat Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 85 Rotinwet- Ngendalel- Kisumu open up new areas Murruming ROad

Kapkara- Asenwet- Karap Soliat Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 86 Terer- Simbi Road open up new areas Murruming

Arap Bore-Chepyegon- Soliat Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 87 Kapsorok open up new areas Murruming

Owasa- Cheres Road Londiani Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 88 open up new areas Murruming

Masaita Primary- Farmers Londiani Ward To improve accessability Road and motorabilty of Road Opening, Grading and 89 people , goods and Murruming services

Chepseon –millenium- Chepseon Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 90 tembwet-kamakaa open up new areas Murruming

Kaptenet –Kapseger- Chepseon Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 91 Chepcholiet open up new areas Murruming

Ketira –Ruto-Road Kedowa/ To improve accessability Kimugul Ward and motorabilty of Road Opening, Grading and 92 people , goods and Murruming services

Canaan kondamet forest road Kedowa/ To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 93 Kimugul Ward open up new areas Murruming

Kabisoi – ngariet road Kedowa/ To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 94 Kimugul Ward open up new areas Murruming

Jambo-Kiploikyi Road Tendeno Ward Road Opening, Grading and 95 Murruming

Kamwiigi-Jambo- Evans Road Tendeno Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 96 open up new areas Murruming

Sereng- Koisagat- Chebululu- Chilchila Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 97 Pre School Chemogoson open up new areas Murruming

Cherara-Kaplellit-Kamotos Chilchila Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 98 open up new areas Murruming

Leldet- Nauro- Kimologit- Kamasian To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 99 Factory Boror Rd Ward open up new areas Murruming

Nyaboke- Thomas- Mwitoria Kamasian To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 100 Ward open up new areas Murruming

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Kairo-Kapkoros-Mulango- Kunyak Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 101 Sugut-Ngebebo Road open up new areas Murruming

Chesigot-Kenegut-Chengosos Kunyak Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 102 Pry open up new areas Murruming

Kapkwen-Kaborok Road Kunyak Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 103 open up new areas Murruming

AIC Lesirwo-kiptenden Kipkelion Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 104 factory. open up new areas Murruming

Kimologit –Miti moja – Kipkelion Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 105 Kaptilda. open up new areas Murruming

Siret centre –Kwenet road. Kipkelion Ward To improve access and Road Opening, Grading and 106 open up new areas Murruming

Surveying of all countty Across the To enhance Roads Roads County Invetory Condition Surveying and ditigizing the 107 Survey Report county Roads to ARICS format

Tarmacking of Hill Top- Across the Subukia Road, Tarmacking County To improve access and 108 Roads Around Ainamoi Tarmacking of Roads open up new areas Center and other Roads across the County

Drainage Structures Across the To improve access and Constrcuction of Drainage 109 Countywide County open up new areas Structures


INTRODUCTION The department of water, environment, energy, forestry and natural resources is one of departments in thecounty which was established with the mandate of ensuring provision of safe and quality water, conserved and protected environment, promotion of renewable energy and sustainable utilization of natural resources. Devolution under Kenya’s new 2010 Constitution has wide-ranging implications for the water, environment, energy and natural resource management sectors. The Constitution recognizes that access to safe and sufficient water is a basic human right. It also assigns responsibility for water supply and sanitation provision to 47 newly established counties. The constitution also enshrines a series of environmental rights that summed up the right of citizens for a clean environment .In addition ,the constitution provides for devolution of certain Environmental mandates to the county

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government which includes environmental conservation and protection ,refuse removal and disposals sites, noise and air pollution control ,forestry and soil and water conservation.. The department is currently working under two divisions namely; the division of water and sanitation, and the division of Environment, Energy, Forestry and Natural Resources

3.9.1 Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives

(a) Vision A prosperous County where residents enjoy a high quality of life in a sustainable environment

(b) Mission To foster equitable and sustained socio-economic development through efficient and effective mobilization and utilization of variable resources

(c) Strategic Objectives  To Increase access to safe water  To increase access to basic sanitation  To Increase forest and tree cover  To Protect and conserve the environment  To Enhance solid waste management  To Enhance urban Aesthetics  Enhance the use of Energy saving devices in the county;  Increase uptake and use of alternative energy sources in the county

(d) Strategies  Develop new water supply projects  Rehabilitation and augmentation of existing water supplies  Protection of water sources  Drilling and equipping/Rehabilitation of boreholes  Develop new water pans and dams  Desilting/Rehabilitation/Augmentation of Pans and dams  Provision and Installation of water harvesting facilities in public institutions/schools  Develop new sanitation facilities  Rehabilitation and augmentation of existing sanitation facilities  Develop new sanitation facilities

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 Develop appropriate policy and legal frame work for Solid Waste Management to reflect current and future needs  Develop SWM infrastructure  Management of recreational parks /arboreta.  Town beatification programme  Formulate noise and air pollution policy and legislation control  Undertake noise and air pollution assessments  Build capacity on noise and air pollution control  Provision of forestry Extension Services  Tree seedlings production  Promotion of Agro forestry and commercial tree growing  Tree planting programme  Rehabilitation of Degraded sites  Promotion of tree based enterprises  Training of Solar Energy Artisans  Biogas Energy plants for individual households  Training of biogas Artisans  Independent Hydro power Generation plants  Establishment of wind power generating systems  Improved cook stoves for households and Public schools  Training of cook stove Artisans  Training on Efficient Charcoal Burning Technology

3.9.2 Key Issues and Challenges a) Inadequate Clean Water Main Challenges;  Old infrastructure  Inadequate management and maintenance of existing infrastructure  In adequate investment into the sector  Insufficient sustainability  Water pollution from farms & urban runoff b) Insufficient/inadequate waterborne sanitation facilities Main Challenges  Inadequate investment into the sector  Frequent sewer leakages due to increased discharge into the existing sewer systems  Mush rooming of densely populated informal settlement in towns and shopping centres

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 Weak Planning and poor plan Implementation  Uncoordinated planning and implementation between the county government and other stakeholders. c) Other Challenges Facing the Water Sector  Political interference-The political nature of water as resource attracts political influence which overrides the need/necessity  Conflict between ‘water as a commercial service’ versus ‘Water as a free public good’-There is a perception that water is a public good and should be provided for free  Inadequate human resource capacity  Overlapping of mandates-LVSWSB, NWCPC and County Governments  Lack of equipment  Inadequate transport d) Environmental degradation  Catchment destruction-Wetland, Hill tops and riparian areas  Catchment encroachment especially the wetlands  Reduced forest cover  Weak legislation and enforcement capacity on environmental policies  Climate change e) Inadequate Solid waste management  inadequate solid waste disposal facilities and equipment  Inadequate human resource capacity  Inadequate SWM policies and legislation within the county  Weak enforcement of Solid waste management legislation  Continued use of landfill SWM system as opposed to modern SWM technology f) Unregulated Noise and air pollution  Lack of air and noise pollution measuring equipment  Lack of human resource capacity  Lack of enforcement on noise and air pollution regulation

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3.9.3 Department Programs and Projects ON-GOING PROJECTS/PROGRAMMES

S Project Project Objectiv Description Start Descrip End Amou Remarks / Name Locatio es of Date tion of Date nt including N n Activities activiti Paid pending o es Done (Kshs.) works and %age 1 Ainamoi Ainamoi Enhance Construction Octo 0% Marc 0 Tendering water water of 2no. 50m3 ber h process is on project supply Masonry 2019 2020 going (KEWASC services storage break O) Pressure/bal ancing tanks Extension of distribution pipeline 2 Fortenan Chilchil Enhance Construction 11/6 0% 10/12 0 The Health a water of 3 No. 25 /201 /2019 contractor Centre supply m3 ground 9 has just Water services level Masonry mobilized Project tanks, Composite filtration unit and a gravity pipeline. 3 Supply County Enhance Supply and Sept 0% Dece 0 and wide water delivery of embe mber delivery of supply plastic tanks r 2019 plastic services 2019 tanks 4 Kendabei Kabiang Improve Drilling and 2016 Drilling 2016/ 2,039, The drilling borehole a / access Equipping of /201 of 2017 130.00 was done water Chema to safe Borehole; 7 borehol but the project mul water Construction e done. borehole and Distribu failed as it Electrificatio tion was dry. Pipeline Equipping of n of Pump complet borehole; House; ed but Construction Rising Main; not yet and Elevated tested. Electrificatio Storage Tank n of Power ;Distribution House; and pipeline; and Construction Fencing ofRising Main will not be implemented . As a result of the dry borehole a surface source was identified

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S Project Project Objectiv Description Start Descrip End Amou Remarks / Name Locatio es of Date tion of Date nt including N n Activities activiti Paid pending o es Done (Kshs.) works and %age and the project is ongoing. 5 Koiwalelac Kabiang Enhance Construction 30/5 Pump 30/11 364,70 terminating h water a / water of, pump /201 house /2018 0.00 the contract supply Chema supply house, 8 constru and mul services pipework, cted; to retendering connection be the mains power painted. remaining Pipewor works owing supply k to the slow repairs implementat done ion by the but not contractor to and high completi cost of on. electricity connectivity 12% complet e 6 Kapcheluc Kabiang Enhance Ablution Octo 0% Marc 0 Tendering h borehole a/ basic block ber h process is on water Chema sanitatio construction 2019 2020 going Project mul n and services relocation 7 Kapcheluc Kabiang Enhance Equipping of 18/5 Pump 17/11 0 h borehole a/ water Borehole; /201 installe /2019 water Chema supply Construction 9 d, Project mul services and Power electrification house of Control constru cted, Panel House, and Water steel storage tank tower is on a painted under steel tower, constru rising main ction and distribution 65% pipeline, and complet water Kiosks e 8 Lelu Water Kamasia Enhance Spring 18/6 0% 17/12 0 Contractor Project n water Protection, /201 /2019 yet to move supply Storage Tank 9 to site services 50m3, Gravity Main and Distribution 9 Kipkok Kaplalar Enhance Construction 16/0 150m3 15/08 1,081, Implementat Water tet water of Intake 2/20 Masonr /2017 034.50 ion of the Project Works, a 17 y project

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S Project Project Objectiv Description Start Descrip End Amou Remarks / Name Locatio es of Date tion of Date nt including N n Activities activiti Paid pending o es Done (Kshs.) works and %age supply Gravity Main, Storage delayed due services a 100m3 Tank to conflict Masonry constru between Storage Tank cted. users at the and a Intake(S source. The Distribution pring) source has under since been Pipeline constru Changed

ction and the project is 40% now under complet construction e 1 Cherire Kaplarte Enhance Development 2/5/ 50M3 10/2/ 1,582, The 0 water t water of three 2017 ground 2018 560.00 remaining project supply springs, level works will be services construction masonr retendered of 25m3 y tank in 2019/20 sump, constru FY owing to cted. the slow construction 30% implementat of 50m3 complet ion by the ground e contractor masonry water storage tank and construction of rising mains and distribution pipeline. 1 Simbamoi Kaplelar Enhance Construction 30/5 50cu.m Nove 1,059, Slow 1 Water tet water of 50m3 /201 ground mber 150.00 progress of Project supply Simbamoi 8 level 2018 works services Village Water masonr Tank y tank constru cted. 80% complet e 1 Chepkoini Kapsoit Enhance Spring 7/6/ Excavati 8/12/ 0 2 k/Kirukto water protection; 2019 on for 2019 Water supply Construction tank project services of 50m3 floor masonry foundati sumpand on commen distribution ced. pipeline;

Rehabilitatio 1% n of pump complet house; and e supply and

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S Project Project Objectiv Description Start Descrip End Amou Remarks / Name Locatio es of Date tion of Date nt including N n Activities activiti Paid pending o es Done (Kshs.) works and %age installation of 4No. 10 m3upvc water tanks 1 Kipkutuny Kapsoit Enhance Springs 18/5 0% 17/11 0 Site handed 3 Springs water Protection /201 /2019 over to the supply 9 Contractor services 1 Ogirgir/ Kapsoit Enhance Rehabilitatio 18/6 0% 17/12 0 4 Kinyose /Kipchi water n of Kinyose /201 /2019 water mchim supply project, 9 projects services Rehabilitatio n of Ogirgir water project and intake manhole 1 Londiani Kedowa Enhance Construction 10/7 Pipeline 9/6/2 0 5 water / water of Londiani – /201 under 020 supply Kimugul supply Kedowa 9 constru services gravity main. ction

25% complet e 1 Chebewor Kedowa Enhance Construction 2016 52 % 0 6 Water Kimugul water of a /201 Complet Project supply Distribution 7 e services Pipeline 1 Melit Kipcheb Enhance Spring 18/5 0% 17/11 0 7 2/Kimung or water protection /201 /2019 en and supply 9 Ainapbon services springs 1 Kipsotet Kipchim Enhance Spring 18/5 0% 17/11 0 8 Water chim water protection /201 /2019 Project Ward supply rehabilitation 9 services , Construction of a 100m3 ground level masonry storage tank and Pipeline 1 Kipkelion Kipkelio Enhance Rehabilitatio 15/7 Pipeline 14/6/ 0 9 Water n Ward water n of Jambo /201 under 2020 Supply supply Kenya - Siret 9 constru services Pipeline. ction

50% complet e

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S Project Project Objectiv Description Start Descrip End Amou Remarks / Name Locatio es of Date tion of Date nt including N n Activities activiti Paid pending o es Done (Kshs.) works and %age 2 Chebirirbe Kisiara Enhance Spring and 18/6 0% 17/12 0 0 i water water cattle trough /201 /2019 project supply Rehabilitatio 9 services n, fencing 2 Koituk Kisiara Enhance Equipping of 18/5 0% 17/11 0 Site has 1 Primary water Borehole; /201 /2019 been handed School supply Construction 9 to contractor Borehole services and electrification of Control Panel House, Water storage tank on a painted steel tower, rising main and distribution pipeline, and water Kiosks 22 Roret Kisiara Enhance Construction 12/7 0% 11/6/ 0 Site has Pineaple water of pump /201 2019 been handed Processing supply house, a 9 over to the Plant services 25m3 and a contractor 50m3 ground level masonry storage tanks, Rising Main and Distribution Pipeline; and Procurement and installation of a booster pump. 23 Roret Kisiara Enhance Construction 11/5 90% 11/11 0 The pipeline Water water of Mabasi /201 complet /2016 is yet to be Supply supply Distribution 6 e tested. services Main 24 Chesonoi Kunyak Enhance Construction 11/6 0% 10/12 0 Contractor Water water of gravity /201 /2019 has been Project supply main pipeline 9 handed over services and 100m3 site Ground level masonry storage tank.

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S Project Project Objectiv Description Start Descrip End Amou Remarks / Name Locatio es of Date tion of Date nt including N n Activities activiti Paid pending o es Done (Kshs.) works and %age 25 Tendwet Kunyak Enhance Completion 18/5 0% 17/11 0 water water of a100m3 /201 /2019 Project supply ground level 9 services masonry storage tank and Construction gravity pipelines. 26 Timbilil Kunyak Enhance Replacement Octo 0% Marc 0 Tendering Water water of gravity ber h process is on Project supply Main; 2019 2020 going services construction of distribution pipeline; supply and installation of 2No. 10m3 Upvc tanks and completion of distribution pipeline to the dispensary 27 Chebwaga Litein Enhance Distribution 18/6 0% 17/12 0 n-Kalacha water pipeline(2" /201 /2019 Dispensar supply Class E 9 y Water services Upvc, 2" GI Project and Pipe fittings)3km and repair of pipeline 28 Kiptangit Londian Enhance Construction Octo 0% Marc 0 Tendering Water i water of the raising ber h process is on Project supply main and 2019 2020 going services distribution pipeline 29 Cheptorori Seretut/ Enhance Equipping of 18/5 Power 17/11 0 et Cheptor water Borehole; /201 house /2019 borehole oriet supply Construction 9 done up water services and to project electrification roofing of Control level

Panel House, 10% Water complet storage tank e on a painted steel tower,

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S Project Project Objectiv Description Start Descrip End Amou Remarks / Name Locatio es of Date tion of Date nt including N n Activities activiti Paid pending o es Done (Kshs.) works and %age rising main and distribution pipeline, and water Kiosks 30 K.M.T.C. Sigowet Enhance Construction Sept 0% Febru 0 The Sigowet water of Extension embe ary contractor Extension supply Line r 2020 has not Line services 2019 moved to site. There is a possibility of terminating the contract and retendering 31 Maemba Sigowet Enhance Spring 2017 Spring 30/5/ 0 Rehabilita water Development /201 constru 2018 tion Water supply and 8 ction Project services Construction going of 50m3 on. Ground Level Excavati Masonry on for Tank tank constru ction done. 12% complet e 32 Sigowet Sigowet Enhance Replacement 12/6 0% 11/5/ 0 Contractor Water water of Rising /201 2020 has not Project supply Main; 9 reported to services Renovation of site a 100m3 masonry storage tank and distribution pipeline; and fencing off Intake catchment Area. 33 Kipsitet Soin Enhance Power Line 6/6/ Power 5/12/ 0 borehole water Extension, 2019 house 2019 water supply Borehole constru project services Equipping, cted to Construction lintel of Control level

Panel House, Construction

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S Project Project Objectiv Description Start Descrip End Amou Remarks / Name Locatio es of Date tion of Date nt including N n Activities activiti Paid pending o es Done (Kshs.) works and %age of 50m3 steel 5% water tank complet with tower, e Construction of Rising Pipeline, Distribution Pipeline, 1No. Masonry water kiosk, supply and install 1No. 5m3 uPVCtank, Fencing off the borehole Area. 34 Laitigo Soin Enhance Construction 11/5 80% 11/11 2,537, Paid in Q4 Water water of Intake /201 complet /2016 272.00 Project supply Works, 6 e (1,315.320.0 services Gravity Main 0 was paid Pipeline and earlier ) a 50m3 Most fittings Masonry not fixed. Storage Tank Plastering of intake not yet done Contractor stopped working 35 Bargeiwet Soliat Enhance Dam 18/5 Gravity 17/11 0 Water water desilting and /201 pipeline /2019 Project supply construction 9 done, phase 1 services of weir, Main dam gravity desilting pipeline and and fencing of weir dam area constru ction on going.

60% complet e 36 Bargeiwet Soliat Enhance Construction 18/6 Pipeline 17/12 0 Water water of a 50m3 /201 complet /2019 Project- supply ground level 9 e, tank Phase 2 services masonry constru tank, ction is distribution ongoing.

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S Project Project Objectiv Description Start Descrip End Amou Remarks / Name Locatio es of Date tion of Date nt including N n Activities activiti Paid pending o es Done (Kshs.) works and %age pipeline and 50% fencing complet e 37 Kabokyek Soliat Enhance 50 m3 13/6 0% 12/12 0 Contractor is borehole water Masonry /201 /2019 Mobilizing water supply ground level 9 project services water tank, Rising main and distribution pipeline, Pump set installation. Power house construction and electrical connection 38 Mobet Tebeson Enhance Spring 0% 0 Water ik water Protection; Project supply Construction services of Gravity Main, 50 m3 ground level masonry storage tank, cattle trough and gravity Pipeline 39 Benditai Tendeno Enhance Construction 95% 0 Pipeline yet Water Sorget. water of a to be tested. Project. supply Distribution services Pipeline 2 The community was earlier denied abstraction of water from the forest but authorizatio n has since been granted. The project is expected to be completed soon and pipeline tested.

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S Project Project Objectiv Description Start Descrip End Amou Remarks / Name Locatio es of Date tion of Date nt including N n Activities activiti Paid pending o es Done (Kshs.) works and %age 40 Benditai Tendeno Enhance Expansion of 10/7 Constru 9/6/2 0 Water / water Intake works, /201 ction of 020 Project. Sorget. supply Construction 9 intake services of 100m3 works Masonry are Storage tank ongoing

and 5% distribution complet pipeline e extension. 41 Kiboet Waldai Enhance Supply, 18/5 0% 17/11 0 Borehole water delivery, /201 /2019 water supply installation, 9 project services testing and commissioni ng of a submersible pump set 42 Sosiot Waldai Enhance Rehabilitatio 12/7 Constru 11/6/ 0 Water water n/completion /201 ction of 2020 Supply supply of an intake 9 clear services weir; water Construction tank is of a complet e, CFU Composite almost Filtration complet Unit e complete with an elevated back 70% wash tank complet and other e accessories; and Construction of a clear water tank. ENVIRON MENT 01 Rehabilita Kericho Improve Construction April Excavati 31st 4.9 Walling tion of town the of a 2018 ons for Septe million ,installation Recreation security perimeter foundati mber of pillars, al parks of the wall, ons, 2018 seats metal parks, installation installat grills, gates, conserve of seats, ion of parking area the parking area pillars and lighting environ at Moi ,and and ment gardens partial landscaping and walling, works enhance installat

Page 134 of 314

S Project Project Objectiv Description Start Descrip End Amou Remarks / Name Locatio es of Date tion of Date nt including N n Activities activiti Paid pending o es Done (Kshs.) works and %age its ion of aestheti grills cs -70 % works done 02 Rehabilita Kericho Improve Construction June 0% Augus 0 tion of Town the of Car park 2018 t Recreation security and resting 2019 al parks of the bay front parks, park and conserve children park the at Moi environ Gardens ment and enhance its aestheti cs 03 Procureme Kericho Procurement 0% Tendering nt and Town and process is on installatio installation going n of litters of litters 04 Proposed Kericho Improve Site 12/0 Constru 11/10 0 Fencing of Town the clearance 4/20 ction of /2019 Parking security and 19 boundar Lot of the excavations y fence garbage Construction and collectio of boundary parking n fence yard machine Installation ry of culverts

05 Tionysoyet Kipcheb Conserv Demarcation, Sept Planting May - Planting of wetland or e and fencing of embe of 2021 indigenous conservati protect riparian area. r bamboo and bamboo, on project water Planting of 2015 1300,fe relocation of sources indigenous ncing car wash at seedlings(esp 25no Kipchimchi ecially beehive m bamboo s, tree junction,de along the nursery marcation of riparian ,fish riparian hatcher area,fencing y of dregraded -30% sites complet e

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S Project Project Objectiv Description Start Descrip End Amou Remarks / Name Locatio es of Date tion of Date nt including N n Activities activiti Paid pending o es Done (Kshs.) works and %age 06 Town County To -Landscaping July Beautifi May Funde Landscaping beatificati wide conserve and planting 2017 cation 2021 d by and planting on and of of 1no stakeh ornamental enhance ornamental round olders trees on urban trees and about in round aestheti flowers on Kericho abouts and cs. round abouts town open spaces and open Works in 3 towns – spaces within done londiani,Kip town streets 10% kelion and and road Litein reserves 07 Kipkelion Kipkelio To Fencing and Sept Fencing May - Fencing and town n protect Tree planting embe of the 2019 Growing of riparian and r arboret 5000 water protection conserve 2015 um, friendly trees project water planting catchme of 5000 nt areas. seedling s Works done 20 %


S/ Programe Project Objectiv Description of Start Descript End Amoun Remasks N Name Location es Activities Date ion of Date t Paid including O Activitie (Kshs) pending s done works and %age

1 Drilling soliat To Drilling and 2018 Drilling 2019 On-going Motero provide equipping of /201 \202 1,036,0 Borehole clean borehole, 9 0 00 and safe Construction drinking and water electrification of pump house, rising main, Elevated Storage tank and

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Distribution line.

2 Kiptunoi kapsoit To Intake works, 2018 Works 2019 Just Water provide gravity main /201 has not \202 0 Launched Supply clean pipeline, 9 started 0 and works and safe construction will drinking of masonry commence water tanks soon ,Treatment plant and distribution lines

3 Kiboybei kapsoit To Intake works, 2019 Works 2019 Just Water provide gravity main /202 has not \202 0 Launched Supply clean pipeline, 0 started 0 and works and safe construction will drinking of masonry commence water tanks soon ,Treatment plant and distribution lines

4 Soliat soliat To Intake works, 2019 Works 2019 0 Water provide gravity main /202 has not \202 Supply clean pipeline, 0 started 0 and safe construction drinking of masonry water tanks ,Treatment plant and distribution lines

5 Sombicho soliat To Construction 2019 Works 2019 Water provide of 50m3 /202 has not \202 0 tank safe ground level 0 started 0 storage masonry tank of water and distribution line

6 Kapkenyel soliat To Construction 2019 Works 2019 oi Water provide of 100m3 /202 has not \202 0 tank safe ground level 0 started 0 storage masonry tank of water and distribution line

7 Drilling soliat To Drilling and 2019 Works 2019 0 Kiptugum provide equipping of /202 has not \202 o Borehole clean borehole, 0 started 0 and safe Construction and electrification

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drinking of pump water house, rising main, Elevated Storage tank and Distribution line.

8 Drilling of sigowet To Drilling and 2019 Works 2020 0 Koisil provide equipping of /202 has not \202 Borehole clean borehole, 0 started 0 and safe Construction drinking and water electrification of pump house, rising main, Eleveted Storage tank and Distribution line.

9 Kaboloin kapsaos To Distribution 2019 Works 2019 0 water provide lines and /202 has not /202 project - clean construction 0 started 0 Lower part and safe of masonry of Kapsaos drinking tanks water

i) Multi-year projects/programs

S/ Program Projects Objecti Descriptio Start Descripti End Amoun Remarks No me name location ves n of Date on of date t paid including activities activitie in pending s done (KShs) works and %age 01 Kipkobob Chemosot Enhanc Constructi 25/6/2 The 24/5/2 0 The project water , e water on of 019 process 020 site has project cheboin,K supply Intake of land been Phase I isiara services works, acquisitio handed wards pump n is on over to the house, going contract pipeline and 0% The project masonry cost is storage 102,407,4 tanks 37.61 Million Procureme nt and No funds installatio were n of pump allocated set specifically for this

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Rehabilitat project in ion of the existing 2019/202 tanks 0 Financial year River intake protection works 02 Solid County Improve Procureme July Procured May 18,720, Purchase waste wide ment of nt of 15no 2015 6no 2021 000 of 9no managem solid garbage garbage trucks ent waste collection tractors, Purchase manage trucks and 4no skip of 100 ment 100 skips , loader skips 1no and skip wheel loaders loader 1.35 wheel million loader for garbage Installatio collection Installati n of litter in the on of 50 bins in entire litter bins Kericho , county. in litien and Kericho londiani Installatio town town n of litter bins Works done 50% 03 Solid Kericho Improve Rehabilitat July Garbage April 4.9 Clearing of waste town, solid ion 2015 heaps 2021 million garbage managem Londiani waste of 3No. cleared, heaps, ent and manage waste Improve Sondu ment disposal ment of Supply of towns sites- 150 murram kericho,Lo metre for ndiani access stabilizatio and sondu road , n of supply of dumping murram area, in on the fencing dumpsite and installatio Works n of done security 40% gates in Kericho tow dumpsite

Fencing and Rehabilitat ion of 3No .waste disposal sites-

Page 139 of 314

kericho,Lo ndiani and sondu 04 Tree All the 30 To -Provision 1stJuly Establish 30th Tree planting wards of promote of tree 2018 ment of June 435,00 seedlings programm the forest seedlings 1No. tree 2021 0 production e county cover for nursery and Tree and planting planting in climate in schools 154,000 schools, tree riparian change ,riparian seedlings areas mitigatio areas and planted (identified n degraded by the hill tops Works public ) done - 25% Establish Procureme ment of nt of 5No. tree material nurseries for county is tree pending. nurseries

STRATEGIC INTERVENTION 1 Rehabilit Kamasia To Intake 2018/2 Works 2020/2 0 Site just ation n provide works, 019 has not 021 handed and clean gravity started. over construc and main Contract tion of safe pipeline, Kimologi drinkin construct or has t Water g water ion of just Supply masonry mobilise tanks, d Treatmen t plant and distributi on lines. 2 Construc chilchila To Intake 2019/2 Contract 2020/2 0 Works yet tion of provide works, 020 was 021 to start Kapkure clean gravity recently s Water and main awarded Supply safe pipeline, Project drinkin construct g water ion of masonry tanks ,Treatme nt plant and distributi on lines 3 Construc Kipkelio To Intake 2019/2 Contract 2020\2 0 Works yet tion of n provide works, 020 was 021 to start Tuiyobei clean gravity recently Water and main awarded safe pipeline,

Page 140 of 314

Supply drinkin construct Project g water ion of masonry tanks Treatmen t plant and distributi on lines


S/ Project Project Objectives Description of No Name Location Activities

1 Lamaiyat/K Ainamoi Improve Water quality Acquisition of land for treatment plant ondamet water Construction of treatment plant project Construction of distribution pipeline

2 Protection of Ainamoi Conserve and protect Spring protection 4 water water sources Construction of cattle trough and springs in community water points Ainamoi ward 3 Drilling of Cheboin Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of the borehole boreholes in water. -Power line Extension Cheboin -Purchase and installation of overhead Ward tank

4 Litein Water Cheboin Enhance water supply Construction of pipeline extensions Project services

5 Sosiot Cheboin Enhance water supply purchase of Pump and renovation w/project services

6 Protection of Cheboin ward Conserve and protect Spring protection 6 No. water water sources. Construction of cattle trough and springs in community water points Cheboin ward 7 Drilling of 1 Chemosot Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of the borehole boreholes water. -Power line Extension -Purchase and installation of overhead tank

8 Litein water Chemosot Increase area served with Construction of distribution pipeline supply piped water extensions

9 Protection of Chemosot Conserve and protect Spring protection 6 water water sources. Construction of cattle trough and springs in community water points Chemosot ward 10 Drilling of 1 Cheplanget Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of the borehole boreholes water. -Power line Extension -Purchase and installation of overhead tank

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S/ Project Project Objectives Description of No Name Location Activities

11 kondamet Cheplanget Enhance water supply Procurement and installation of pump dam services set Construction of pipeline 12 Mobet Water Cheplanget Enhance water supply Construction of intake works and Reservoir services Pump house

13 Protection of Cheplanget Conserve and protect Spring protection 8 water water sources. Construction of cattle trough and springs in community water points Cheplanget ward 14 Chepseon Chepseon increase water storage expansion of the pan, Fencing water supply (Chilchila pan

15 Drilling of 1 Chepseon Provide clean quality -Drilling and equipping of the borehole boreholes in water. -Power line Extension Chepseon -Purchase and installation of overhead ward tank -Construction of distribution pipeline

16 Sachoran Chepseon Enhance water supply Installation of Solar panels and water services construction of pipeline distribution project -additional 50M3 storage tanks -water & sanitation 17 Kapkese – Chilchila Enhance water supply Distribution Pipeline Extension kaplelit- services cherara water project

18 Mariam Chilchila Enhance water supply Rehabilitation of intake works and Water services gravity main-construction of 3No. Project 50m3 masonry storage tanks- Construction of distribution network 19 Tulwapmoi Chilchila Enhance water supply Construction of a 100m3water tank water services project

20 Promotion of County wide Enhance rainwater Procurement and installation of rain Rain water harvesting and availability water harvesting Upvc tanks Harvesting

21 Proposed Kabianga/ Improve the quality of -Engagement of a consultant; Kabianga chemamul water and increase area of water and coverage Carry out feasibility study Sewerage project -Undertake preliminary survey and design

-carry out detailed survey and design

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S/ Project Project Objectives Description of No Name Location Activities

22 Protection of Kabianga/ Conserve and protect Spring protection 3 water water sources springs in Chemamul Construction of cattle troughs and Kabianga community water points ward 23 Kibingei kabianga/ Provide piped water to the Construction of intake works, Rising water chemamul community main and project Distribution pipeline.

Procurement and installation of hydram 24 Koiwalelach kabianga/ Enhance water supply Construction of 50m3 masonry sump water supply chemamul services Construction of distribution pipeline. Rehabilitation of intake works, Construction of composite filtration unit. 25 Drilling of 1 Kamasian Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of boreholes boreholes in water. Kmasian Ward 26 Kawambatte Kamasian Conserve and protect Spring protection Water water sources project Construction of cattle trough and Phase I community water points

27 Mtaragon- kamasian Enhance water supply completion of 50m3 water tank 100M3 Nyairobi services tank -7 km piping water project - 28 Tachasis kamasian Enhance water supply Construction of 50m3 masonry water services storage tank and pipeline project 29 Drilling of 1 Kapkatet Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of boreholes boreholes in water. Kaplelartet ward 30 Litein water kapkatet Enhance water supply Constriction of pipeline extension supply services 31 Protection of kapkatet Conserve and protect Maintenance, spring protection and three water water sources tree planting springs in kapkatet ward 32 Protection of Kapkugerwet Conserve and protect Spring protection 4 water water sources springs in Construction of cattle troughs and Kapkugerwe community water points t ward 33 Chebulul Kaplelartet Increase area of coverage Construction of distribution pipeline water supply Construction of 3No. water kiosk complete with a 5m3 plastic tank 34 Drilling of 1 Kaplelartet Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of boreholes boreholes in water. Kaplelartet ward

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S/ Project Project Objectives Description of No Name Location Activities

35 Kaplelartet Kaplelartet Enhance access to water -Storage masonry tank water and basic sanitation -Distribution pipe project at services chepkemel primary school 36 Kipkok Kaplelartet Provide clean water to Completion of Gravity mains water Sondu town and the Construction of 2No. 100m3 masonry project surrounding community storage tanks Phase II Construction of distribution pipeline 37 Kiptere Kaplelartet Improve Water quality -Acquisition of land for treatment (Cheptarit) works water -Construction of full treatment works. project -Construction of clear water tank 38 Tabaita Kaplelartet Enhance water supply Construction of 2 No. water kiosks water supply services with 5m3 plastic tank each.

Construction of 2km HDPE pipeline

39 Kiptegan/Ki Kapsaos Improve the quality of Acquisition of land for construction of pkaganit water treatment works water project Construction of a treatment works

40 chepngatat Kapsoit Enhance water supply Rehabilitation of spring , Construction water services of pump house, rising main, masonry project tank and distribution pipeline

41 Ngecherok Kapsoit Enhance water supply Construction of Intake works and water services composite filtration unit project

42 Drilling of 1 Kapsuser Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of boreholes boreholes in water. Kapsuser ward 43 Protection of Kapsuser Conserve and protect Spring protection 6 water water sources. springs in Construction of cattle troughs and Kapsuser community water points ward

44 Samiytuk Kapsuser Enhance water supply Land acquisition, Construction of Water services 50m3 masonry tank and distribution Project pipeline 45 Drilling of 1 Kedowa/ Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of boreholes boreholes kimugul water.

46 Ararwet Kedowa/Kim increase water storage Establishment and desilting and Water ugul fencing Project Lemeiywet- Kimoson Dam

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S/ Project Project Objectives Description of No Name Location Activities

47 Cheptangulg Kedowa/Kim Enhance water supply Pipe construction and distribution and ei Water ugul services construction of 50m3 storage tank and Project repair of the spring. 48 Kimasian Kedowa/Kim Provide clean water near Construction of 3 No. 100m3 masonry Water ugul homesteads clear water tank Project Construction of distribution pipeline 49 Kiplelechon Kedowa/Kim Enhance water supply Tank 50m3 Completion, Piping Toben Tai ugul services Needed, Water Hydram Available Project 50 Londiani Kedowa/Kim Improve the quality of Desiliting of the dam water supply ugul water Construction of a complete treatment unit. Power supply to the treatment works 51 Chebocho Kipchebor Enhance water supply Construction of a 50m3 Masonry tank water services and pipeline project

52 Chesanga/ Kipchebor Enhance water supply Construction of a 50m3 Masonry tank Kimibei services and pipeline water project

53 Kinyose Kipchichim Enhance water supply Completion of fencing and purchase of water services water pipes and power supply project. 54 Drilling of 1 Kipkelion Provide clean quality water Drilling and equipping of 1 borehole boreholes in Kipkelion ward 55 Kapkiyai Kipkelion Enhance water supply Construction of 2no. 50m3 masonry services tanks and pipeline

56 Masibunwat Kipkelion increase water storage water source rehabilitation er project

57 Protection of Kipkelion Conserve and protect Spring protection 5 No. water water sources Construction of cattle troughs and springs in communal water points kipkelion ward 58 Sugutek Kipkelion Conserve and protect Spring protection and pipeline Libya water sources

59 Drilling of 1 Kisiara Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of 1 boreholes boreholes in water. (Mabasi secondary school and Tulwet Kisiara ward secondary school)

Construction of distribution pipeline

60 Protection of Kisiara Conserve and protect Spring protection 8 water water sources. springs in Construction of cattle troughs and Kisiara community water points ward

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S/ Project Project Objectives Description of No Name Location Activities

61 Roret Water Kisiara Enhance water supply Acquisition of land for treatment Project services works.

Construction of treatment works

62 Njoro water Kunyak Provide clean quality Spring protection, construction of Project water. gravity pipeline and 100m3 masonry storage tank

63 Chesonoi Kunyak Enhance water supply Construction of 50 m3 masonry water services storage tank and pipeline project 64 Drilling of 1 Litein Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of 1 boreholes boreholes in water. Litein ward 65 Litein water Litein Increase area served with -Construction of a distribution pipeline project piped water extension to Nyambolosa 66 Protection of Litein Conserve and protect Spring protection six water water sources. Construction of cattle trough and springs in community water points Litein ward 67 Chepkoiyo Londiani increase water storage Revival and renovation of the dam dam 68 Drilling of 1 Londiani Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of borehole boreholes water.

69 Rusoy Water Londiani Provide piped water near Construction of distribution pipeline Project to homesteads 70 Sachangwan Londiani increase water storage Revival and renovation of the dam dam 71 Cheswerta Seretut / Enhance water supply Spring protection Water Cheptororiet services Construction of pipeline Project

72 Seretut Seretut / Improve access to safe Equipping of borehole and Primary Cheptororiet water construction of pipeline water project

73 Kaldit water Seretut/ Provide clean water near Construction of 25m3 masonry intake project cheptororiet homesteads sump. Construction of gravity drive pipeline. Installation of a hydram pump. Construction of 25m3 masonry storage tank. Construction of 1000m rising main. Construction of 2000m distribution pipeline.

74 Chemangat Sigowet Provide clean water near Spring Protection Community homesteads Construction of gravity main water Construction of a 100m3 masonry project storage tank Construction of distribution network 75 Drilling of 1 Sigowet Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of boreholes boreholes in water.

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S/ Project Project Objectives Description of No Name Location Activities

Sigowet ward 76 Kipsotet Sigowet Provide clean water near Construction of a 50m3 masonry spring homesteads sump Protection Supply of power project Construction of pump House Supply and installation of a solar powered/electric powered pump set Construction of rising main Construction of a 50m3 masonry storage tank 77 Protection of Sigowet Conserve and protect Spring protection 6 No. water water sources. Construction of cattle trough and springs in community water points Sigowet ward 78 Drilling of 1 Soin Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of boreholes boreholes in water. Soin Ward 79 Kaptalamwa Soin Enhance access to water -Spring development water and basic sanitation -Storage masonry tank project services -Distribution pipe -Construction of community watet point - Construction of cattle trough -Re-aforestation -Fencing 80 Kipsitet Soin Improve Water quality De-silting at the intake community Construction of new intake water works/sedimentation tank project Extension of Gravity main to the new intake -Construction of full treatment works. -Construction of clear water tank 81 Koiyabei Soin increase water storage -De-silting water dam -Fencing -Cattle trough -Community water point 82 Cheramor Soliat Enhance water supply Spring protection , Power supply, water services Pump house, 50m3 and pipeline project 83 Kapkecheiye Soliat Enhance water supply Construction of 50M3 masonry water t/Kabasenw services tank and distribution pipeline. o water project 84 Kapkongoni Soliat Enhance water supply Construction of pipeline Water services Project 85 Kapsorok Soliat Enhance access to water Spring Rehabilitation; Storage water and basic sanitation masonry tank; Distribution pipe; project services Construction of community water point; Construction of cattle trough; 86 Motero/Koiri Soliat Enhance water supply Construction of 100M3 and pipeline. r water services project

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S/ Project Project Objectives Description of No Name Location Activities

87 Drilling of 1 Tebesonik Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of borehole boreholes in water. Tebesonik ward 88 Protection of Tebesonik Conserve and protect Spring protection 10 water water sources. Construction of cattle trough and springs in community water points Tebesonik ward 89 Drilling of 1 Tendeno/Sorg Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of 1 boreholes boreholes in et water. Tendeno/So rget ward 90 Kiplokyi Tendeno/Sorg Enhance water supply Power supply to pump house, water et services Completion of the project pipeline project- construction and construction of 50m3 solar storage tank.

91 Drilling of 1 Waldai Provide clean quality Drilling and equipping of 1 borehole borehole in water. Waldai Ward 92 Protection of Waldai Conserve and protect Spring protection 6 water water sources. springs in Construction of cattle trough and Waldai ward community water points Construction of pipeline

01 Solid waste Litein town Improve solid waste Development of solid waste managemen management in the all- management plan t county

02 Ainabtarit Ainamoi Conserve and protect Fencing, , Tree planting water water sources catchment area

03 Kapwastuiyo cheplanget Conserve and protect Tree planting across the street, mkt, water sources Planting indigenous trees along the Moburo and banks sugotek river, Tiriitabmoita

04 Tree nursery Kipkelion To ensure trees are Establishment of tree nursery project East sufficient in the county

05 Catchment Soin To protect and conserve Tree planting along kipsitet river protection water sources

06 Power Entire county Lighting up public Power connections to markets and supply institutions and market public institutions centers

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S/ Project Project Objectives Description of No Name Location Activities

07 Sun and Entire county Promote Alternative source Fixing solar panels renewable of energy energy and biogas plants

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Introduction It is a service department mandated to guide the county human capital in human resource policies provisions and guidelines both at the county headquarters and the devolved units down to the village level.

Vision To be a model department in the formulation of public policy and service delivery

Mission Provision of policy direction for public participation and quality public service delivery

Mandate The mandate of the department is to provide Human Resource policies and guidelines of the County Civil Service and Co-ordinate the Administrative Units at the County, Sub-County, and Ward and Village level.

3.1.1 Department Projects/Programmes (i) On- Going Projects/Programs

s/n Objective Descriptio Sta Descripti End Amount Remarks o Project s n of rt on of date paid(ks includin Project activities dat activities hs) g name location e done and pending %age works 1 5 wards Citizens - May Land Decemb nil Slow Sigowet, access to Constructio 201 surveying er 2019 works Kabianga services n works on 9 and because , and the sites material of land Kaplelrat Constructio improved specified on site ownershi et, n of Ward service -Periodic p Tebesoni offices delivery site 15% verificatio k, inspection ns Kapsoit, Kunyak, by Housing Londiani (QS, Works , Ainamoi Officer) 2 To set Refurbishm May Land Februar nil Slow operation ent of office 201 surveying y 2020 works Refurbishm point for 9 and because ent of Non coordinati material of land residential HQ ng Fire on site ownershi Building- Fire Station issues p 15% verificatio ns iii) New Projects/Programs

Page 150 of 314

s/no Project name Project location Objectives Description of activities 1 Chepseon Citizens access to Engagement of Contractors Kamasian services and improve for the construction Construction of Ward Cheboin service delivery offices-6 ward offices Kisiara Seretut/Chepto Soliat 2 Citizens access to Engagement of Contractors Construction of Sub- Belgut Sub-County - services and improve for the construction County Office Sosiot service delivery

3 To set operation point Equipping of the Modern fire Completion of fire Litein for coordinating Fire station with fire equipment station issues 4 Citizens access Engagement of Kipkelion East Construction of to services and Contractors for the and Fire Station and improve service construction Soin/Sigowet delivery

3.11 TRADE, INDUSTRIALIZATION, COOPERATIVE MANAGEME, TOURISM AND WILDLIFE Introduction This chapter highlights the department Vision, Mission, Mandate, ongoing projects/programs and new projects/programs. a) Vision:

“To be a leading agent in the promotion of value addition, fair trading practices and county competitiveness in a conducive environment”.

b) Mission:

“To Promote a Vibrant Business Enterprise Growth through an Enabling Policy and Legal Framework for Sustainable Socio- Economic Development”.

c) Mandate: 1. To develop and manage trade and industrialization 2. To promote development of co-operative societies 3. Promote and manage tourism within the county

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Department Projects/Programmes 1. Trade Development and Promotion 2. Co-operative Development and Promotion 3. Tourism development and Promotion i) On-going projects/programs

S/No Program Projects Objective Descriptio Start Descriptio End Amoun Remar me Name Location s n of Date n of Date t Paid ks Activities activities (Kshs) includ Done and ing %age pendi ng works

Trade Gikomba To provide Constructio 3/06/ 50% at 28/11 1,381,5 Finishi Developm Market a n of Water 2019 roofing stge /2019 74.40 ng and ent and conducive Born Toilet fitting Promotion environm Toilet Block 1 ent for at Gikomba business Market

Kipsitet To provide Constructio 3/06/ Handed 28/11 1, Market a n of Toilet 2019 over /2019 392,19 conducive Block Type Contractor 7.60 environm A still ent for (Exhaustibl mobilizing business e) at materials Kipsitet Market

Kapsaos To provide Constructio 3/06/ Handed 28/11 623,56 Market a n of Toilet 2019 over /2019 5.45 conducive Block Type Contractor environm C (Non still ent for Exhaustibl mobilizing business e) at materials Kapsaos Market

Tuiyo To provide Constructio 3/06/ 10% 28/11 686,21 Market a n of Toilet 2019 Contractor /2019 0.00 conducive Block Type on site environm C (Non ent for Exhaustibl business e)at Tuiyo Market.

Roret To provide Constructio 3/06/ 15% Laying 28/11 1,341,1 Market a n of Toilet 2019 of /2019 39.80 conducive Block Type foundation environm A slab (Exhaustibl

Page 152 of 314

ent for e) at Roret business Market

Kericho To provide Renovation 3/06/ 40% 28/11 4,229,0 Main Market a and Repair 2019 Painting of /2019 95.32 conducive and wall, environm Maintenanc replaceme ent for e of Kericho nt of worn business Main out iron Market sheets, laying of terrazzo

Co- Chesigot To Constructio 3/06/ 85% 28/11 1,104,5 operative FCS Ltd enhance n of Coffee 2019 Superstruc /2019 43.30 2 Developm developm Bag Store ture done, ent and ent of the at Chesigot roofing , Promotion co- FCS Ltd and all operative coffee society conditionin g bins done

Kosiachatan To Constructio 3/06/ Handed 28/11 1,019,8 y FCS Ltd enhance n of Milk 2019 over /2019 45.61 developm Cooling ent of the Plant at co- Kosiatchan operative y FCS Ltd society

LiteinKipage To Supply and 3/06/ 100% 28/11 1, nge FCS Ltd enhance Delivery of 2019 Procured /2019 080,00 developm milk and 0.00 ent of the Dispenser delivered to co- at the operative LiteinKipag departmen society enge FCS t Ltd

Various To Supply and 3/06/ 100% 28/11 500,00 enhance delivery of 2019 Procured /2019 0.00 developm computers and ent of the and delivered to co- Printers 4 the operative No. to departmen society various t FCS

Various To Supply and 3/06/ - 28/11 880,00 enhance Delivery of 2019 /2019 0.00 developm Milk Cans Procured ent of the 65 No. of 50 but not yet co- ltrs delivered. operative Capacity to society various FCS

Page 153 of 314

Various To Supply and 3/06/ 100%Procu 28/11 4,010,0 enhance delivery of 2019 red /2019 00.00 developm One Disk pending ent of the Coffee delivery, co- Pulping 14 installation operative No. and test society Machines running and One two Disk Coffee Pulping Machine 1 No.

3 Tourism Forternan To Constructio 3/06/ Handed 28/11 1,850,0 developme Museum enhance n of resting 2019 over /2019 28.00 nt and county shed at Promotion competitiv Forternan eness through tourism


1 Rehabilit Kaplerletet To Site 2018/ site 2020\ works ation, provide investigati 2019 handed 2021 0 have Fencing, conduciv on, over to the not Drainage e demolition cntractor starte & Sheds environ and site d construc ment for clearance, followi tion at Builders trading ng Sondu Work, emerg Market/ Electrical Kapkelek Installatio ing / ns, issues Mechanic with al KEHN Installatio A on ns the simila r marke t shade s that the KEHN A are in the proce ss of consr ucting

Page 154 of 314

2 Completi Kisiara To Builders 2018/ boiler 2020\ work on of Ward enhance Work, 2019 room and 2021 0 on Roret value Electrical water progre Pineappl addition Installatio treatment ss e plant - ns, plant Kisira Mechanic done to Ward al 10% Installatio ns

New Projects/Programs

S/No Project Name Project Objectives Description of Activities Location

1 Trade Development and Anamoi Sub- To provide a Construction of Kericho main Promotion County conducive business multipurpose market@ Kshs. environment. 14,216,377.00

Kipkelion East To provide a Constuction of market sheds at Sub-County conducive business Mugomoini Market @ Kshs. environment. 6,800,000.00

Soin/Sigowet To provide a Construction of market shed at Sub-County conducive business Kapsorok market @ Kshs. environment. 7,000,000.00

Anamoi Sub- To provide a Completion of Market Sheds Kapsaos County conducive business Market @ Kshs. 3,000,000.00 environment.

Bureti Sub- To provide a Construction of Market Sheds at County conducive business Cheplanget Market @ Kshs. environment. 7,000,000.00

Bureti Sub- To provide a Renovation of the Roret Market County conducive business (Stimulus project) @ Kshs. environment. 3,000,000.00

SUB TOTAL 41,016,377.00

2 Industrialization and Bureti Sub- Value addition. Construction and equipping of a Value Addition County Cottage Industry for Bananas for value addition in Cheplanget Ward @ Kshs.10,000,000.00

SUB TOTAL 10,000,000.00

3 Co-operative Various Sub- To enhance Dairy infrastructure in various co- Development and Counties development of the operatives@Kshs 5,000,000.00 Promotion co-operative society

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Various Sub- To enhance Various value addition processing Counties development of the machines for co-operatives @ Kshs. co-operative society 8,000,000.00

Various Sub- To enhance Construction of stores, offices, and Counties development of the coffee pulper houses @Kshs. co-operative society 11,470,000.

SUB TOTAL 24,470,000.00

4 Tourism Development Various Sub- Tourism Beautification and publicity of the and Promotion Counties development and tourist attraction sites within the promotion county @2,750,000.00

SUB TOTAL 2,750,000.00

TOTAL 78,236,377.00



The Department of Information, Communication and E-Government is set to position itself so as to grow a knowledge-based economy in line with Medium Term Plans, County Integrated Development Plan (2013-2017), Kenya's Vision 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The department is a cross cutting service provider which is expected to contribute towards the implementation of selected strategies to enhance service delivery in the County. a) Vision: “To maximize Productivity and Efficiency in Service delivery by Utilizing and Exploiting ICTs platforms so as to make Kericho County the choice of everyone”. b) Mission “To develop, deploy and support innovative, quality and sustainable ICTs and E-Government solutions and services that meet and exceeds the changing needs of governance and management of the CGK”. c) Mandate  Establishing robust and reliable communication Platforms including but not limited to: Weekly County Newspaper; Monthly and Quarterly County Magazines; Journals; Annual Information Expo and County Radio  Facilitate the provision all ICT infrastructures required in Kericho County  Roll out of the necessary infrastructure for the IFMIS utilizations. Resource mobilization is key and extra funding should be sought. Due diligence has been followed to arrive at the final report.

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3.12.1 Department Projects/Programmes On-going Projects/Programmes



S/No. Project Project Objectives Description of Start Date Description End Name Location Activities of activities Date Done and %age 1 Data County To host all the automated Installation, 2015/2016 80% Ongoing Centre HQ system e.g Revenue System configuration ,HMIS,GeospartialSystem,etc and commissioning 2 Kericho County Sports enhancement Construction 2016/17 80% Ongoing Green Stadium of Tartan Stadium track,Perimeter Wall

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iii. New Project Proposals – 2020/2021 S/No Project Name Project Objectives Description of Activities Location 2 Establishment of Youth Sosiot To improve on the Construction of Youth Empowerment Park at information empowerment park with internet SosiotCentre dissemination enabled. 4 Establishment of Youth Kipkelion To improve on the Construction of Youth Empowerment Park at information empowerment park with internet Kipkelion Centre dissemination enabled. 5 Establishment of Youth Chepseon To improve on the Construction of Youth Empowerment Park at information empowerment 6park with Chepseon Centre dissemination i7nternet en8abled. 7 Establishment of Youth Roret To improve on the Construction of Youth Empowerment Park at Roret information empowerment park with internet Centre dissemination enabled. 8 Establishment of Youth Sokohuru To improve on the Construction of Youth Empowerment Park at information empowerment park with internet Sokohuru Centre dissemination enabled. 9 Establishment of Youth Ainamoi To improve on the Construction of Youth Empowerment Park at information empowerment park with internet Ainamoi Centre dissemination enabled. 10 Establishment of Youth Kericho To improve on the Construction of Youth Empowerment Park at Kericho information empowerment park with internet Centre dissemination enabled. 11 Establishment of Youth Londiani To improve on the Construction of Youth Empowerment Park at information empowerment park with internet Londiani Centre dissemination enabled. 18 Kericho Green Stadium Kericho To build and nature Construction of Sports Stadium talents enhancement facilities inside the Green Stadium e.g Swimming pool, Indoor games centre etc.

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Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation 4.0 Introduction This chapter presents the monitoring and evaluation framework that will be used to track progress on implementation of projects and programmes. The matrix enumerates projects and programmes, costing, implementing agencies as well as monitoring tools and indicators based on projects and programmes identified in chapter three. 4.1 Institutional Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation

One of the mandates for Department of Finance and Economic Planning in the county Government is to develop and implement a County Monitoring and Evaluation System, whose main aim is to improve the effectiveness and quality of implementation of various development policies, strategies and programmes in the county. Integrating monitoring and Evaluation to the planning process is therefore a critical aspect of governance. Monitoring indicators will assist the implementing agencies assess the progress made at the end of the plan Period. Monitoring and Evaluation is in the process of being revamped by ensuring that each department appoint an officer to coordinate functions of monitoring and Evaluation within the department. Such an officer will be the link person to the department of Finance and Economic Planning where overall M&E activities are coordinated and consolidated. In addition to the above, the county is at the initial stages of implementing an automated Electronic County Intergrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (E-CIMES), this will help in updating the status of each project implemented and its performance in terms of timelines and resources

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1 4.2 Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix 2 4.2.1 Office of The Governor and Deputy Governor S/No Project Project Objectiv Descripti Ann Project Time Monitori Monitoring Impleme Sources Implementat Name Location es on Of ual s frame ng Tools nting Of Funds ion Activities Targ Cost(k Indicato Agency Status(For ets sh) rs On-Going Projects)-%

1 County County To Establish 30% 2,500, No of Operation tool EOG CGoK 30% delivery HQ ensure ment of 000 reports for tracking unit that the unit 4 yrs generate flagship flagship through d projects project appointm are ent of No of impleme secretarie flagship nted in s projects time and complet at the ed on right time. cost.

2 Promotion Local/int Local To attract 30% 2,500, 4yrs conferen No of MOUS CGoK ongoing of County ernationa and investors, 000 ces signed. competitiv l internati local and eness, onal internatio Marketi No of

Partnershi nal to ng investors campaig setting camp ps and invest in EOG joint kericho ns ventures Partners hip pitching

3 County Sub Planning 30% 5,000, contin Public EOG CGoK Public counties/ public 000 ous participa participati wards participat tion Resolutions,m on policy ion forums inutes and and forums attended attendance citizens sheets fora Making generated reports

Page 160 of 314

on minute resolution s and feedback mechanis m.

Sub Total; Office Of The Governor & Deputy Governor 10,000,000


4 4.2.2 Finance and Economic Planning S/No Program Projects Objectives Description of Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Imple Sour Impleme me Name Location Activities Targets s frame Indicators Tools menti ces ntation Cost(Ks ng Of Status(Fo h) Agenc Fund r On-

y s Going Projects)- %

1 County County To establish Undertaking a 100% 5M 1yr County Contract Finan CGK competiti Wide county survey competitiven for ce and veness comparative ess index consultant Econo index advantage Measures the report ancy, mic establish set of developed Reports, Planni ed institutions, ng policies, and factors that set the sustainable current and medium-term levels of economic prosperity

2 County County To motivate Undertaking a 100% 5M 1yr Doing Contract Finan CGK ease of Wide reforms survey business for ce and doing through consultant Econo business county ancy mic Page 161 of 314

S/No Program Projects Objectives Description of Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Imple Sour Impleme me Name Location Activities Targets s frame Indicators Tools menti ces ntation Cost(Ks ng Of Status(Fo h) Agenc Fund r On-

y s Going Projects)- %

index benchmarki index services , Planni establish ng; enrich developed report ng ed county initiatives on development effectiveness

1 County County The Undertaking a 100% 5M 1yr County Contract Finan CGK human Wide objective of survey human for ce and developm the HDI is to development consultant Econo ent index rank index ancy mic establish countries on developed Planni ed a scale of ng human development conceptualiz ed in terms of capabilities of humans within the countries to function.

2 Geograph County Enhance Data 100% 50M 1yr GIS system Own Finan CGK ical Wide Own Source collection; developed source ce and Informati Revenue Consultancy and revenue Econo on collection services to operational improved mic System map and Planni GIS) for Mapping of all ng revenue revenue collection streams

Page 162 of 314

S/No Program Projects Objectives Description of Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Imple Sour Impleme me Name Location Activities Targets s frame Indicators Tools menti ces ntation Cost(Ks ng Of Status(Fo h) Agenc Fund r On-

y s Going Projects)- %

3 Standard County To develop Digitization of 100% 2M 1yr SOPS Operation Finan CGK Operatin Wide guidelines procedures manuals alized ce and g for various and manuals developed SOPS Econo Procedur departmenta mic e l service Planni Manuals provided ng

4 Integrate County To provide Identification 100% 10M 1yr Integrated Procureme Finan CGK d Wide efficient of required Enterprise nt ce and Enterpris service ERPs Resource document Econo e delivery Planning s, mic Resource Procurement constructed inspection Planni Planning reports ng

5 Establish County To provide Procurement 100% 10M 1yr Refurbished Procureme Finan CGK ment and Wide efficient of a contractor relavent nt ce and refurbish service offices document Econo ment of delivery s, mic county inspection Planni revenue reports ng offices, county planning offices and county treasury offices.

Sub Total; Finance and Economic Planning 77milli on


Page 163 of 314

6 4.2.3 Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries No. Project Project Objectives Descriptio Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implem Sourc Implement Name Locatio n of Targets Costs Frame Indicators Tools enting e of ation n Activities Agency Funds Status (on-going projects)

1 Dairy County To Procureme 2830kg 2,618,5 July Quantity of Routine DALF Count On-going developme wide increase nt of 00 2020 to assorted Field y nt dairy assorted June pasture Reports Govt. productio pasture 2021 procured n and and M&E productivi supplied to surveys ty groups

Fodder 15,000 150,00 July Amount (kg) Routine DALF Count tree 0 2020 to of fodder Field y seedlings June tree Reports Govt. 2021 seedlings procured M&E (assorted) surveys for farmer groups

DAP 660bags 2,640,0 July Quantity of Reports DALF Kipkel New fertilizer 00 2020 to DAP ion 660 bags June fertilizer Field visit East 2021 procured and issued to farmers

2 Poultry County To Procureme 60,000 6,000,0 July Number of Routine DALF Count On-going developme wide increase nt of day 00 2020 to day old Field y nt poultry old chicks June chicks Reports Govt. productio (improved 2021 (improved n and kienyeji) kienyeji) M&E productivi procured surveys ty and issued to farmer groups.

Page 164 of 314

Chick 1200 4,800,0 July Number of Routine DALF Count On-going mash bags 00 2020 to chick mash Field y June bags Reports Govt. 2021 procured and issued M&E to surveys beneficiary groups

3 Apiculture County To Procureme 24 sets 192,00 July Number of Routine DALF Count On-going (Bee wide increase nt of 0 2020 to bee Field y keeping) honey assorted June harvesting Reports Govt. productio bee 2021 sets n and harvesting procured M&E productivi equip surveys ty ment

Procureme 400 2,800,0 July Number of Routine DALF Count On-going nt of 00 2020 to langstroth Field y langstroth June hives Reports Govt. hives 2021 procured M&E surveys

4 Sheep and Soin/ To Procureme 94 2,350,0 July Number of Routine DALF Count On-going Goats Sigowet, increase nt of galla 00 2020 to galla goats Field y developme Kipkelio sheep and goats and June and dorper Reports Govt. nt n East, goats dorper 2021 sheep Kipkelio productio sheep procured M&E n West, n and surveys Ainamoi productivi ty

5 Livestock Sub To Procureme 6 2,100,0 July Number of Routine DALF Count New extension county improve nt of 00 2020 to motorbikes Field y headqu effectivene motorbikes June procured Reports Govt. arters ss in 2021 extension M&E service surveys delivery

Page 165 of 314

6 To Constructi 2 fish 250,00 July No of fish Routine DALF Count New increase on of two ponds 0 2020 to ponds Field y fish earthen construc June constructed Reports Govt. productio fish ponds ted 2021 n and in M&E productivi Kipkelion surveys ty coffee farm Fish farming and County- 3 fish 870,00 July Routine DALF Count ongoing utilization wide constructi No. of fish ponds 0 2020 to Field y programm on of 3 ponds construc June Reports Govt. e Fish ponds constructed ted 2021 at Soin M&E

ATC surveys

100,000 1000,0 July Reports DALF CGK New Procureme No of 00 2020 to nt of fingerlings June fingerlings procured 2021

7 8600 kg 1,720,0 July Reports DALF CGK new Procureme Quantity of County 00 2020 to nt of fish feeds wide June feeds procured 2021

8 Procureme 12 660,00 July Reports DALF CGK new nt of 20m 0 2020 to fully June No of fish County mounted 2021 harvesting

wide fish equipment harvesting procured equipment (seine net)

9 Agricultur County To Capacity 3 value 22,000, 2020/2 Number of Number of DALF CGK/ ongoing al sector wide increase building, chains 000 021 value chains doses SIDA developme productio market promoted purchased. nt Support n and developme program productivi nt and (ASDSP) ty in social

Page 166 of 314

dairy, inclusion Report on poultry, and vaccination tomato climate figures and change banana resilience value chains

10 Kenya Soin/Si To Increase 5 value 117,00 2020/2 Number of Number of DALF CGK/ ongoing climate gowet, increase agricultura chains 0,000 021 animals doses World smart Ainamoi productio l vaccinated purchased. Bank agriculture , n and productivit program Kipkelio productivi y and Report on (KCSAP) n West ty in build vaccination dairy, resilience figures poultry, to climate millet, change sorghum risk in the and targeted banana smallholde value r farming chains

11 Disease County To Vaccinatio 85% 24,700, 2020/2 Number of Number of DALF CGK ongoing and vector wide promote n of 000 021 animals doses control livestock livestock of vaccinated purchased. projects health and against 250,000 increase FMD, Report on productivi BQ&A, vaccination ty LSD, figures RABIES, ECF

Disease County To Rehabilitat 12 cattle 4,800,0 2020/2 Number of tenders DALF CGK ongoing and vector wide promote ion and dips 00 021 cattle dips given out control livestock constructi rehabilitated projects health and on of cattle and report by increase dips constructed inspection productivi teams ty

Page 167 of 314

Disease County To rehabilitati 2 2,000,0 2020/2 Number of tenders DALF CGK ongoing and vector wide increase on and facilities 00 021 slaughter given out control Livestock constructi facilities projects productivi on of rehabilitated report by ty slaughter/ and inspection slabs and constructed teams houses

Procureme 3 540,00 2020/2 No. of Routine DALF CGK ongoing nt of bold 0 021 Refurbished Field action slaughter Reports stun guns houses/slab s M&E surveys

Procureme 6000 180,00 2020/2 No. of Routine DALF CGK ongoing nt of 0 021 Refurbished Field cartridges slaughter Reports houses/slab s M&E surveys

Training of 200 500,00 20201/ No. of Routine DALF CGK ongoing famers farmers 0 2021 farmers Field and dip trained trained Reports committee s M&E surveys

Training of 40 Staff 600,00 2020/2 No. of staff Routine DALF CGK ongoing Livestock trained 0 021 trained Field Extension Reports Staff M&E surveys

12 Breed County To To 17,000 5,000,0 2020/2 Number of Number of DALF CGK ongoing improveme wide improve inseminate head of 00 021 cattle bull semen nt productivi livestock cattle inseminated doses Programm ty purchased. e Report on AI returns

Page 168 of 314

Livestock County To Procureme 20,000 10,000, 2020/2 15,000 Routine DALF CGK ongoing Breeding wide increase nt of doses doses of 000 021 doses of Field programm Livestock of bull bull semen Reports e productivi semen semen procured ty procured M&E surveys

Procureme 10,000 5,000,0 2020/2 10,000 litres Routine DALF CGK On-going nt of litres of 00 021 of liquid Field liquid Liquid nitrogen Reports nitrogen nitrogen procured procured M&E surveys

Procureme 40 600,00 2020/2 Number of Routine DALF CGK On-going nt of breeding 0 021 breeding Field breeding bucks bucks Reports bucks/goa procured /goats ts procured M&E surveys

Procureme 40 400,00 July Number of Routine DALF CGK On-going nt of Dopper 0 2020 to breeding Field breeding rams June dopper rams Reports dopper procured 2021 procured rams M&E surveys

Procureme 1,000 1,000,0 2020/2 Number of Routine DALF CGK On-going nt of poultry 00 021 poultry Field poultry breeding breeding Reports breeding stock stock stock procured procured M&E surveys

Training of 600 1,200,0 2020/2 No. of Routine DALF CGK On-going farmers livestock 00 021 farmers Field farmers trained Reports trained M&E surveys

Page 169 of 314

Training of 40 1,000,0 2020/2 No. of Routine DALF CGK On-going veterinary veterinar 00 021 farmers Field extension y staff trained Reports officers trained M&E surveys

To Manageme 40,000 3,000,0 July Area covered Pheromone DALF Count On-going increase nt of pest ha 00 2020 to traps and y incomes and June number of Govt. and disease 2021 moths reduce captured food insecurity Food crop 30 demo 1,200,0 July No. of on- Demo DALF Count On-going 13 among the demonstra plots 00 2020 to farm demos reports y poor rural tions June conducted Govt. Field household 2021 supervision s in Kericho Monitoring County. & Evaluation Promotion reports 14 Food and County- Home 1 500,00 July No. of Field DALF Count On-going Nutrition wide manageme Complet 0 2020 to kitchen supervision y Security nt e home June gardens, Govt. economi 2021 energy Monitoring cs kit, saving & 30 devices, Evaluation kitchen home reports gardens economics Seed model kit bulking reports

Value 1unit of 100,00 July The Quantity of DALF Count On-going addition of potato 0 2020 to purchased value y sweet chipper June chipper added Govt. potato and 2021 product other tubers

Page 170 of 314

15 Horticultu To Procure 30,000 5,000,0 July No. of Area DALF Count On-going re increase high assorted 00 2020 to certified planted, y Production productivi quality June fruit Govt. ,Processin ty and fruit tree 2021 seedling Routine g And employme seedlings purchased field Marketing nt reports Project opportunit

ies in the productio n, processing M&E and reports marketing Constructi 1 5,000,0 July 1 pack Certificate DALF Count On-going of on of 00 2020 to house of y horticultu horticultur June constructed completion Govt. re produce al produce 2021 packhouse

County- Procureme 1 7,500,0 July Equipment Delivery DALF Count On-going wide nt of 00 2020 to procured note and y horticultur June inspection Govt. al value 2021 report addition equipment

Purchase 8 560,00 July Number of Delivery DALF Count On-going computers 0 2020 to computers note and y and June and printers inspection Govt. printers 2021 purchased report

200 200,00 July The quantity Delivery DALF Count On-going Purchase litres 0 2020 to of pesticides note and y of June procured inspection Govt. pesticides 2021 report

Training of 1,750 1,200,0 July No. of DALF Count On-going farmers farmers 00 2020 to horticulture y June farmers Govt. 2021 trained

Page 171 of 314

Support to 6 1,200,0 July No. of Routine DALF Count On-going Greenhous greenho 00 2020 to functional Field y e-based uses June Greenhouse Reports Govt. production 2021 demos of M&E horticultur surveys e

Construct 2 1,400,0 July No. of Routine DALF Count On-going horticultur horticult 00 2020 to produce Field y e produce ure June collection Reports Govt. collection collectio 2021 centres centres n constructed M&E centres surveys

Support 4 1,000,0 July No. of Routine DALF Count On-going and horticult 00 2020 to horticulture Field y strengthen ure June processing Reports Govt. operations cottage 2021 groups of processi strengthene M&E horticultur ng d surveys e cottage groups processing groups

Procureme 3 1,600,0 July No. of Assets DALF Count On-going nt of motorcyc 00 2020 to motorcycles register y project les and 4 June and Govt. transport compute 2021 computers Routine and ICT rs procured Assets facilities procured audit reports

16 Enhancem To County- Training of 400 1,600,0 July No. of Training DALF Count On-going ent of increase wide farmers farmers 00 2020 to farmers Reports y industrial producti (Coffee, trained June trained Govt. crops vity Sugarcane 2021 M&E and , Tea & surveys incomes pyrethrum of ) small-

Page 172 of 314

holder industri al crops farmers by promoti ng farm- gate processi ng of product s

Procureme 1,000kg 7,500,0 July No. of Kgs of List of DALF Count On-going nt of high 00 2020 to coffee seeds beneficiarie y quality June bought s Govt. coffee 2021 seeds Routine Field Reports

Procureme 5 1,500,0 July No. of coffee Delivery DALF Count On-going nt of coffee 00 2020 to pulping note and y pulping June machine inspection Govt. machine 2021 purchased report

Renovation 24 24,000, July No. of tea Certificate DALF Count On-going and 000 2020 to buying of y completion June centres completion Govt. of Tea 2021 renovated and buying and inspection Centres completed report

Procureme 2Million 20,000, July No of Tea List of DALF Count On-going nt of high 000 2020 to clones beneficiarie y yielding June procured s Govt. Tea clones 2021

Page 173 of 314

Routine Field Reports

Procureme 200pkts 4,800,0 July No. of List of DALF Count On-going nt of 00 2020 to Packets beneficiarie y pyrethrum June bought s Govt. planting 2021 materials Routine Field Reports

Procureme 1.6millio 2,000,0 July No. of List of DALF Count On-going nt of high n 00 2020 to cuttings beneficiarie y yielding June bought s Govt. sugarcane 2021 planting Routine material Field Reports

Constructi 1 3,000,0 July Coffee store Certificate DALF Count On-going on of 00 2020 to and office of y coffee June constructed completion Govt. store and 2021 and office inspection report

To expand 20% 600,00 July Percentage( Routine DALF Count On-going industrial increase 0 2020 to %) increase Field y crops in crop June in crop Reports Govt. hectarages hectarag 2021 hectarage es from the M&E current surveys (per baseline crop)

Developing At least 0 July No. of new Routine DALF Count On-going and 3 new 2020 to brands Field y blending brands June blended Reports Govt. new develope 2021 within the brands d locally county M&E surveys

Page 174 of 314

within the county

(Coffee & Tea)

Purchase 3 1,500,0 July No. of Routine DALF Count On-going of project motorcyc 00 2020 to motorcycles Field y motorcycle les and 3 June and Reports Govt. s and compute 2021 computers computer rs procured M&E procured surveys

17 Smallholde To Soin Develop an 1 10,000, July Completed Certificate DALF Count On-going r Irrigation promote irrigation 000 2020 to and of y Developme irrigated scheme June functional completion Govt. nt Project agricult 2021 scheme and ure inspection report

County- Soil 30 km 1,000,0 July No. of Length of DALF Count On-going wide conservati 00 2020 to structures structures y on June completed Govt. structures 2021

County- Establish 600 0 July No. of farms List of DALF Count On-going wide ment of farms 2020 to established farmers y farm forest June and report Govt. 2021

18 To County- Developing 200 500,00 July Routine DALF Count On-going promote wide Land for hectares 0 2020 to The area Field y Agricultur al sustain crop of June (ha) of Reports Govt. Mechaniza able production cropland 2021 cropland and develope developed M&E tion and surveys Technolog competi d y tive farm Rehabilitat 100% 5,000,0 July The % of Repair & DALF Count On-going Developme ion of machine 00 2020 to machineries maintenan y nt Project mechan ization machinerie ry fleet June /Equipment ce plans Govt. to 2021 rehabilitated

Page 175 of 314

enhance s and rehabilit and M&E food Equipment ated functioning surveys security , income Purchase 2 Farm 4,800,0 July No. of farm Procureme DALF Count On-going and of farm tractors, 00 2020 to tractors, nt plan y employ tractors, 2 June ploughs, Govt. Assets ment. ploughs, ploughs, 2021 ridgers and Ridger and 1 Ridger trailers Register Trailer and 1 procured M&E trailer surveys procured

Agricultur 200 300,00 July No. of Routine DALF Count On-going al farmers 0 2020 to farmers Field y mechaniza reached June reached Reports Govt. tion with 2021 extension agricultu M&E services ral surveys provided to mechani farmers zation services

Constructi 1 1,500,0 July Feed mill Certificate DALF Count On-going on of feed 00 2020 to housing of y mill June constructed completion Govt. housing 2021 ,Machinery and and installed inspection installatio report n(3phase Electricity power installed supply)

Procureme 1 1,200,0 July Delivery DALF Count On-going hydraulic nt of 00 2020 to note and y harrow hydraulic June inspection Govt. Procured harrow 2021 report

19 Soin To train Soin ATC Bush 30acres 1,000,0 July Acres of Routine DALF Count On-going Agricultur farmers clearing & of land 00 2020 to land cleared ATC y al Training and leveling cleared June & leveled Reports Govt. Centre other 2021

Page 176 of 314

Moderniza stakehol tion ders Project M&E surveys

Establish At least 2,000,0 July Acres of Routine DALF Count On-going ment of 20 acres 00 2020 to land put Field y Irrigation of land June under Reports Govt. System put 2021 Irrigation under M&E irrigated surveys farming

Constructi 1 septic 945,00 July Septic tank Certificate DALF Count On-going on of tank 0 2020 to constructed of y Govt septic tank construc June completion ted 2021 and inspection report

Procureme 300kgs 300,00 July Pasture seed Delivery DALF Count On-going nt of procured 0 2020 to procured note and y Govt pasture June inspection seed 2021 report

Drilling of 1 2,000,0 July Bore hole Certificate DALF Count On-going borehole borehole 00 2020 to completed of y Govt drilled June completion 2021 and inspection report

Procureme Farm 500,00 July farm inputs Delivery DALF Count On-going nt of farm inputs 0 2020 to procured note and y inputs procured June inspection Govt. 2021 report

Constructi At 50,000, July No. of rooms Certificate DALF Count On-going on of least30 000 2020 to completed of y Hostel rooms June completion Govt. Block complete 2021 and d

Page 177 of 314

inspection report

Procureme 100% 1,000,0 July kitchen Delivery DALF Count On-going nt of equippin 00 2020 to equipments note and y Kitchen g of the June procured inspection Govt. Equipment kitchen 2021 report

Training of 900 500,00 July No. of List of DALF Count On-going farmers farmers 0 2020 to farmers attendance y and other and June trained and reports Govt. stakeholde stakehol 2021 rs ders trained

Establish 5 acres 150,00 July Acres of Routine DALF Count On-going bulking of 0 2020 to bulking plot ATC y plot for bulking June established Reports, Govt. traditional plot 2021 No, of crops establish bulking ed plots

20 Establish 1 tree 480,00 July Fruit tree No. of DALF Count On-going Fruit tree nursery 0 2020 to Nursery seedlings y nursery (20,000 June established raised in Govt. seedlings 2021 the nursery ) establish ed(ATC)

Constructi 1 unit 450,00 July Kraal Certificate DALF Count On-going on of Kraal kraal 0 2020 to constructed of y for Shoats construc June completion Govt. ted 2021 and inspection report

Procureme 5 water 300,00 July No. water Delivery DALF Count On-going nt of water tanks 0 2020 to tanks note and y tanks June procurement inspection Govt. 2021 report

Page 178 of 314

Procureme 4 400,00 July No. of Delivery DALF Count On-going nt of 0 2020 to computers note and y project June and printers inspection Govt. computers 2021 procured report and printers

Procureme 2 200,00 July LCD ,laptop Delivery DALF Count On-going nt of 0 2020 to and portable note and y training June screen inspection Govt. equipment 2021 report s

Constructi 1 dairy 1,500,0 July Dairy unit Certificate DALF Count On-going on of Dairy unit 00 2020 to constructed of y Unit construc June completion Govt. ted 2021 and inspection report

Total 373,835,500



Page 179 of 314

9 4.2.4 Health Services S/ Project Project Objectives Description Of Annu Projects Time Monitoring Monitoring Imple Sourc Implement No Name Location Activities al Cost(ksh) frame Indicators Tools ment es Of ation Targe ing Funds Status(For ts Agen On-Going cy Projects)- %

1 Level 2 County To enhance Completion 1 29,000,0 2020/ No. of health Inspection DOH CGOK Health wide primary Health and 00 2021 facilities and S Facilities Care and renovation of completed. acceptanc Community level 2 health e report Unit linkages facilities No. of Health facilities renovated.

2 New Sub To strengthen Purchase of 3 1 12,000,0 2020/ No. of Inspection DOH CGOK ambulan County prompt health equipped 00 2021 Ambulances and S ces level referral ambulances purchased acceptanc and e report equipped

3 Primary Primary To strengthen Purchase of 1 14,000,0 2020/ No. of Inspection DOH CGOK Health Health support four hardy 00 2021 supervision and S care Care supervision at support vehicles acceptanc support coordinat Community supervision procured e report. vehicles ion sites Unit as well as vehicles and levels 2 and 3 purchased.

4 Medical Roret To improve Construction 1 8,000,00 2020/ No. of Inspection DOH CGOK New ward Sub access to of a surgical 0 2021 surgical pre- and S project County comprehensive ward for pre- operation acceptanc Hospital curative operation and and post- e report services post- operation operations patients patients attended.

Page 180 of 314

5 Assorted County To improve Purchase of 1 45,000,0 2020/ No. of Inspection DOH CGOK Most medical wide ( All access to assorted 00 2021 assorted and S facilities equipme level 2 & quality medical medical acceptanc already nt 3 health healthcare in equipment for equipment e report equipped. facilities the county better patient purchased. These

in the care and equipment County) management are for the ones to be completed

6 Kapkatet Kapkatet To enhance Purchase of 1 20,000,0 2020/ N0. Of Inspection DOH CGOK New HDU/IC level 5 critical care critical care 00 2021 equipment and S project U Hospital services in the medical for acceptanc county equipment for HDU/ICU e report the HDU/ICU procured and operational

7 Mobile Kipkelion To improve Purchase of 1 30,000,0 2020/ No of Inspection DOH CGOK New outreach West access to two equipped 00 2021 operational and S project clinics preventive mobile clinic trucks acceptanc Sigowet- health services Trucks. e report Soin such as immunization outreaches

8 Oxygen Both To improve Implementatio 1 5,000,00 2020/ Percentage Inspection DOH CGOK New plants level 5 access to n of medical 0 2021 0f Oxygen and S project Hospitals medical oxygen oxygen Strategy acceptanc oxygen (now strategy concept e report All level classified as a concept implemente 4 medical drug by d Hospitals WHO) 14 level 3 centres

9 Londiani Londiani To Improve Building of 1 150,000, 2020/ Percentage Inspection DOH Nation New Hospital health Services New Hospital 000 2021 of and S al project construction acceptanc Gover done. e report nment

Page 181 of 314


10 Cancer Kericho To Improve Building of 1 200,000, 2020/ percentage Inspection DOH CGOK New Center Referall heath Services Cancer Center 000 2021 of cancer and S project Hospital center acceptanc constructed e report

11 Optamol Kericho To Improve Building of 1 100,000, 2020/ Percentage Inspection DOH CGOK New ogy Referall heath Services Ophthalmolog 000 2021 of eye center and S project Center Hospital y Center and constructed acceptanc Purchase of e report Equipment

12 Maternal Nishkam To Improve Construction 1 120,000, 2020/ Percentage Monitoring DOH CGOK New Child Commun heath Services of modern 000 2021 of MCH reports,Ins S /Nisk project Heath – ity maternal constructed. pection am Nishkam Hospital Child health and Comm Commu Center in acceptanc unity nity KCRH e report Hospital

13 Modern Kericho To ensure Construction 1 20,000,0 2020/ Percentage Monitoring DOH CGOK New Motuary County access to and equipping 00 2021 completion reports, S project Hospital modern and of modern Inspection expanded mortuary at and KCRH acceptanc farewell e report funeral services. Total; Heath Services 753,000, 000


11 4.2.5 Education Youth Affairs and Social Services S/ Project Project Objectives Description Annual Projects Time Monitoring Monito Impleme Sour Imple No Name Location Of Activities Targets Cost(ksh frame( Indicators ring nting ces ment ) in in Tools Agency Of ation milions years) Fund Statu s s(For On- Page 182 of 314

Goin g Proje cts)- %

1 Costruct Across Improve access to Tender Comple 35 1 No.of Tender Educatio CGO ion of the ECDE services awards,site tion classrooms docum n K classroo county handing completed ents, Departme ms over , materia nt construction ls on site, photogr aphs of the ongoin g

2 Constru Across To create a Tender Complt 15 1 No. of Tender Educatio CGO ction of the conducive learning awards,site ion toilets docum n K toilets county environment handing constructe ents, Departme over , d materia nt construction ls on site, photogr aphs of the ongoin g

3 Purchas Across To improve ECDE Advertiseme Provide 15 1 Tender Deliver Educatio CGO e of the Curriculum nts and for Documents y n K Teachin county Implementation award of 40,000 , actual Notes, Departme g/learni tenders learner material eg issuing nt ng s books, play form material equipment S11 s etc.

4 Furnishi Across To create a Advertiseme To 10 1 Tender Deliver Educatio CGO ng of the conducive learning nts and furnish Documents y n K ECDE county environment 150 , actual Notes,

Page 183 of 314

Classroo award of classro furniture eg issuing Departme ms tenders oms chaires and form nt tables S11

5 Constru Chilcila Appreciation and Advertiseme Comple 5 1 Architectur Tender Educatio CGO ction of Ward Preservation of nts and tion al design, docum n K Cultural cultural Heritage award of building ents, Departme Center tenders material, materia nt the actual ls on building site, photogr aphs of the ongoin g

Sub Total; Education Youth Affairs and Social Services 80,000,000


13 4.2.6 Lands, Housing and Physical Planning S/ Project Project Objectives Description Annual Projects Time Monitoring Monito Impleme Sour Imple No Name Location Of Activities Targets Cost(ks frame Indicators ring nting ces ment h) Tools Agency Of ation Fund Statu s s(For On- Goin g Proje cts)- %

Page 184 of 314

1. Preparat Kedowa To provide a guide Data 4 15M 12 No of plans List of County Coun 0% ion of for development in collection, Months prepared stakeh Govt of ty Local Kipsitet the above named Base map olders Kericho Govt Physical towns in line with preparation, Reconn of Kenegut Develop the County Stakeholder aissanc Keric ment Kapchepl Government Act s meetings, e ho Plans anga 2012 Compilation survey of list of reports, beneficiaries Worksh and Field ops survey. procee dings, Data collecti on reports, Draft report, Draft plan, Public notices and County Approv ed plan

2. Survey Kedowa To achieve Security Cadastral 3 15M 12Mont No of Survey County Coun 0% of Towns of Tenure survey, hs surveyed plans Govt of ty Kipsitet Topographic parcels of Kericho Govt al survey land Topogr of Kenegut aphical Keric surveys ho

3. Survey Belgut, To secure Cadastral 70 14M 12Mont No of Title County Coun 0% of Bureti, government property survey hs parcels of deeds Govt of ty County Soin and avoid land Kericho Govt owned Sigowet, encroachment surveyed of properti Ainamoi, Keric es Kipkelion ho East and Page 185 of 314

Kipkelion East

4. Informal Swahili To improve living Identificatio 1 50M 12Mont No of Improv County Coun 0% settleme Village - conditions within n of hs facilities ed Govt of ty nt Kipkelion informal settlements intervention upgraded infrastr Kericho Govt upgradi activities ucture of ng Keric ho

5. Constru Within a To provide official Identificatio 2 95.9 M 3Year No of Tender County Coun 0% ction of 20 Km residences for the n of site housing docum Govt of ty Governo radius of County Executive units ents, Kericho Govt r and Kericho Survey of constructe Site of deputy town the site d visit Keric Governo CBD report, ho Design of rs constru the houses residenc ction e and Tendering progres fencing s of the Award reports, residenc tender Constructio es docum n ents

6. Constru Within To provide for Mapping out 5Km 6.5M 12 No of Km’s Tender, County Coun 0% ction of Litein parking and paths and survey Months of Non Award, Governm ty Non town for safe movement of the areas Motorised Constr ent of Gove Motorize CBD by pedestrians to be transport uction Kericho rnme d within Litein Town constructed facilities (Grant to nt of Transpo CBD constructe Litein Keric rt and d. Municipa ho parking l Board) (Gra facilities nt to within Litein Litein Muni Town cipal Boar d

Page 186 of 314

7. Concrete Public To secure the offices Preparation 0.08 4.5M 10 Fence Tender, County Coun 0% walling Works of BOQ’s Km Months Constructe Award, Governm ty of the Building d Constr ent of Gove public Survey of uction Kericho rnme works the land nt of building Keric ho

8. Constru Within To reduce the rate of Site 5Km 10M 12 No of Kms No of County Coun 0% ction of Litein destruction of roads clearance, Months of drain Kms Governm ty storm town due to flooding constructe constru ent of Gove water CBD Digging of d cted Kericho rnme drainage trenches (Grant to nt of facilities Litein Keric Constructio Municipa ho n of the l Board) (Gra drains nt to Litein Muni cipal Boar d

9. Preparat Leasehol To provide for a Data 1 30M 12 No of plans List of County Coun 0% ion of d land basis for collection, Months prepared stakeh Governm ty Kericho within development control Base map olders ent of Gove Town Kericho preparation, Reconn Kericho rnme Develop Town Stakeholder aissanc (Grant to nt of ment s meetings, e Kericho Keric Plan Compilation survey Municipa ho of list of reports, l Board) (Gra beneficiaries Worksh nt to and Field ops Keric survey. procee ho dings, Muni Data cipal collecti Boar on d reports, Draft report, Page 187 of 314

Draft plan, Public notices and County Approv ed plan

10. Improve Kericho To provide for a Constructio 1 14 12 No of Tender County Coun 0% ment of town conducive n of modern Months design and docum Governm ty open air market environment for market constructio ents, ent of Gove market (next to traders n works Award Kericho rnme (Phase Stadium) Docum (Grant to nt of 1) ents Kericho Keric Municipa ho l Board) (Gra nt to Keric hoM unici pal Boar d

11. Constru Kericho To reduce the rate of Site 10Km 256M 12 No of Kms No of County Worl 0% ction of Town and destruction of roads clearance, Months of drain Kms Governm d storm Nyagacho due to flooding constructe constru ent of Bank water Digging of d cted Kericho – drainage trenches Keny facilities a Constructio Urba n of the n drains Supp ort Progr amm e

12. Constru Kericho To provide adequate Identificatio 2 25.9M 12 No of No of County Worl 0% ction of Town facilities for use by n of site and Months infrastruct people Governm d

Page 188 of 314

Urban members of the infrastructu ure using ent of Bank Infrastru public ral facilities constructe the Kericho – cture to be con d infrastr Keny (public ucture a toilets,b Urba us n stops, Supp bicycle ort stands, Progr branded amm shops) e

13. Connecti Nyagacho To provide for Identificatio 10Km 50M 12 No of Kms No of County Worl 0% vity Kapsuser connectivity n of roads Months constructe benefici Governm d (Urban and d aries ent of Bank roads) Kapsoit Kericho – Keny a Urba n Supp ort Progr amm e

14. Completi Bureti To provide for fire Internal 1 5M 12 No of Interna County Coun 0% on of fire Sub disaster response painting and Months buildings l works Governm ty station County mechanisms fittings constructe undert ent of Gove Offices d aken Kericho rnme land (Grant to nt of Litein Keric Municipa ho l Board) (Gra nt to Litein Muni cipal Boar d

Page 189 of 314

15. Acquisiti Within To provide a Identificatio 2 Acres 15M 18 No of Slaugh County Coun 0% on of 10 Km of conducive n of land Months designs ter Governm ty land for Litein environment for the house ent of Gove the town slaughter of animals Design of constru Kericho rnme construc CBD the cted (Grant to nt of tion of slaughter Litein Keric slaughte house Municipa ho r slab l Board) (Gra nt to Litein Muni cipal Boar d

Totals 606,800,000


Page 190 of 314

15 4.2.7 Public Works, Roads and Transport Impleme Monitori ntation Project Implem Sourc S/N Project Description Of Annual Time ng Monitorin Status Project Name Objectives Costs enting e of o. Location Activities Targets Frame Indicator g Tools for (On- (M) Agency Funds s going Projects)

To ease Survey,

Cheborge TBC-Ririiat Cheboin movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 1 2 1,400,0 Pwrt CGK New TBC Road Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey, Kapsogut Centre - Cheboin movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 2 Kapsogut School - 2.2 1,540,0 Pwrt CGK Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope Morubo 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Kinyose bridge - bakoiyo Cheboin movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 3 4.5 3,150,0 Pwrt CGK Road Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New Kabartegan AIC - To ease Survey,

Chemamul TBC -KAP Chemoso movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 4 4.5 3,150,0 Pwrt CGK Micheal -Kap Patrick t Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Road Services n

New To ease Survey, Chereres TBC -chebulu Chemoso movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 5 tbc -mosombop river - 2.63 1,841,0 Pwrt CGK t Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope arap kurgat Road 00.00 Services n

Page 191 of 314

New To ease Survey,

Kenene Gold Mine- Cheplang movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 6 5 3,500,0 Pwrt CGK Kaminjiwet Road et Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

Kibwastuiyo-Maswai – New To ease Survey, Kapchege-Ngenny Road- Cheplang movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 7 Kapchristed- 6 4,200,0 Pwrt CGK et Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope Karapmogoni-Chebongi 00.00 Services n T.B.C

New To ease Survey,

Sosit TBC-Kaptibet Kapkatet movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 8 1.7 1,190,0 Pwrt CGK Road Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

Arap Rono- Kaptirbet New To ease Survey, AIC- Ngesumin Bridge- Kapkatet movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 9 Chebitet Jnt- 1.5 1,050,0 Pwrt CGK Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope Cheptangulgei- C23 00.00 Services n Road

New Kapcheluch Aic Off C24- To ease Survey, Alice Koech & Emanuel Kapkatet movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 10 Sec. School- Itoik- 4.2 2,940,0 Pwrt CGK Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope Chemoiben Jnt- Egisiek 00.00 Services n TBC Road

New To ease Survey, Sachangwan- Ngariet- Kisiara movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 11 Ketingoi- Kipsengoi 2.2 1,540,0 Pwrt CGK Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope Road 00.00 Services n

Page 192 of 314

New To ease Survey, Chebwagan -Lebekwet - movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 12 Kolonget- Kiptenden Litein 3 2,100,0 Pwrt CGK Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope TBC- Kiptenden Road 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey, Chebaibai church of movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 13 christ-ketiisiek TBC Litein 2 1,400,0 Pwrt CGK Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope Road 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey, Kibolgong aic-kibolgong Tebesoni movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 14 pry-woeto-ninja canteen 5.4 3,780,0 Pwrt CGK k Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope Road 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Kelunet-Kakimoro- Tebesoni movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 15 4 2,800,0 Pwrt CGK Wochi Road k Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New Central academy – To ease Survey,

ngenybare primary – movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 16 Ainamoi 5 3,500,0 Pwrt CGK kapjona – deliverance Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 church Road Services n

Survey, New To improve Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 17 Bachulelach-Merto Road Ainamoi access and open 3 4,366,8 Pwrt CGK Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope up new areas 00.00 n

Page 193 of 314

New To ease Survey,

Cheribo Pry- Kesinet movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 18 Kapsoit 2 1,400,0 Pwrt CGK Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Arap Tegere – Kwa biwot movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 19 Kapsoit 3.2 2,240,0 Pwrt CGK – Korosek Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Chebigen - Buchenge movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 20 Kapsaos 2.8 1,960,0 Pwrt CGK Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Laboso - Chebigen movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 21 Kapsaos 1.5 1,050,0 Pwrt CGK Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey, Motobo Primary- Kipchebo movement of Road 1,750,0 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 22 Satelight - Nyagacho 2.5 Pwrt CGK r Goods and Maintenance 00.00 21 Inspectio n of scope Police Station Road Services n

New Off B1- Chepkolon To ease Survey, Green Hignlands- Kap Kipchebo movement of Road 1,820,0 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 23 2.6 Pwrt CGK Zablon - Chesanga AGC r Goods and Maintenance 00.00 21 Inspectio n of scope Road Services n

Page 194 of 314

New To ease Survey, Green Breeze- Kipkelai Kipchebo movement of Road 700,000 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 24 1 Pwrt CGK Road r Goods and Maintenance .00 21 Inspectio n of scope Services n

New To ease Survey, Chepsetyion AGC- Kipchimc movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 25 Kinyose River- 1.8 1,260,0 Pwrt CGK him Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope Chepsetyion Road 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Munai- Kipchimchim Kipchimc movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 26 3.1 2,170,0 Pwrt CGK Sec. School Road him Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Boito- Kap Cheptorot- Kipchimc movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 27 3.6 2,520,0 Pwrt CGK Injaian Road him Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Kapcheptoror- Kipchimc movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 28 1.3 910,000 Pwrt CGK Kapsirgong Road him Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope .00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

town movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 29 Kericho Town Roads 2 1,400,0 Pwrt CGK roads Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

Page 195 of 314

New To ease Survey,

Litein town drainage town movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 30 3 2,100,0 Pwrt CGK culverts roads Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Kaptera- Kapkiboko movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 31 Kapsuser 2.1 1,470,0 Pwrt CGK Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey, Maintenance of movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 32 Mungwana- Kapsuser Kapsuser 1.7 1,190,0 Pwrt CGK Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope Dipsensary Road 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Borborwet banda - movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 33 Kapsuser 3.1 2,170,0 Pwrt CGK mereonik Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Chemumbe- Kapsiya movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 34 kabianga 3 2,100,0 Pwrt CGK Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Kamatayo - chemamul movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 35 kabianga 4 2,800,0 Pwrt CGK water project road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

Page 196 of 314

New Survey, To improve Kaptongeno – Chemoson Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 36 Seretut access and open 3.5 2,450,0 Pwrt CGK Road Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope up new areas 00.00 n

New To ease Survey, Kipchombul – Kesagetiet movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 37 – Kapbel – Kipserten Seretut 3 2,100,0 Pwrt CGK Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope Road 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Kipsolu TBC - Soweto movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 38 Seretut 2.1 1,470,0 Pwrt CGK Centre Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New Survey, To improve Road Opening, Kiptaldal-Ainapkoi- 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 39 Waldai access and open Grading and 2 2,680,0 Pwrt CGK Cheronget 21 Inspectio n of scope up new areas Murruming 00.00 n

New To ease Survey, Kapkokwon - movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 40 Kapkichelek-Chemumbe Waldai 2. 1,400,0 Pwrt CGK Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope TBC ROAD 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Kapcheren- Kapsoit movement of Road 2020/2 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 41 Waldai 5 3,500,0 Pwrt CGK Police Station Goods and Maintenance 021 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

Page 197 of 314

New To ease Survey,

Kaplelit - kamiwa - movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 42 Chilchila 6 4,200,0 Pwrt CGK Kapkese rd Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Cherara Centre- movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 43 Chilchila 2.9 2,030,0 Pwrt CGK Kapmiwa Coffee Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Kebeneti Junction- movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 44 Chilchila 3.2 2,240,0 Pwrt CGK Nyairobi-Zongoyet Roa Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Off C35-Lesirwo movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 45 Kipkelion 4.1 2,870,0 Pwrt CGK Junction-Lesirwo Round Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Segetet Junction- movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 46 Kipkelion 1 700,000 Pwrt CGK Kaplabotwo Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope .00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Barsiele - kimologit - movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 47 Kipkelion 6.2 4,340,0 Pwrt CGK sachangwan Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Kaptembwo - Leldet - Kamasia movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 48 2.2 1,540,0 Pwrt CGK polythcnic - kipsegi rd n Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

Page 198 of 314

New To ease Survey,

Mutai lelei - morau - Kamasia movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 49 9 6,300,0 Pwrt CGK monastry n Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Off Tinga Farm-Saoset Kamasia movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 50 3 2,100,0 Pwrt CGK Road n Goods Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 andServices n

To ease Survey, New

Sireret B- Mogiiywet movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 51 Kunyak 1 700,000 Pwrt CGK Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope .00 Services n

To ease Survey, New Mutata-chepkoto- movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 52 kakibe-taiwet primary Sigowet 3 2,100,0 Pwrt CGK Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope school 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Koilsir banda- movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 53 Sigowet 9 6,300,0 Pwrt CGK chemangat-bbc- road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Ndonyomari–Kaplelach movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 54 Soin 3 2,100,0 Pwrt CGK Pri School Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey, Kipsitet Primary- Karap movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 55 Tele- Muhoroni Soin 4 2,800,0 Pwrt CGK Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope Junction Road 00.00 Services n

Page 199 of 314

To ease Survey, New

Senetwet- Motonyi- movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 56 Soin 2.5 1,750,0 Pwrt CGK Materma Roa Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Soliat movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 57 Sombicho-Baregeiywet 3 2,100,0 Pwrt CGK Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New Kiptugumo Primary- Soliat movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 58 Kamasega- kabokyek 6 4,200,0 Pwrt CGK Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope Road 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Kaplelart movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 59 Kipsewer- ML 10 Road 6 4,200,0 Pwrt CGK et Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Kaplleartet- Solait Kaplelart movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 60 5 3.500,0 Pwrt CGK Factory Road et Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Cheptagum- Cattle Dip Kaplelart movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 61 4.5 3,150,0 Pwrt CGK Sondu Road et Ward Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

Survey, New To improve murasoi –ainapsosiot Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 62 Chepseon access and open 3 2,100,0 Pwrt CGK bridge road Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope up new areas 00.00 n

To ease Survey, New

Leberer- Kamachungwa- movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 63 Chepseon 6.0 4,200,0 Pwrt CGK Mutanya Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

Page 200 of 314

New To ease Survey,

Kipkeremwo- Chepsir movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 64 Chepseon 1.5 1,050,0 Pwrt CGK Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Barotion primary school movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 65 Londiani 3 2,100,0 Pwrt CGK – Lelsotet sawmill Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Lelsotet – Kapsegut movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 66 Londiani 2 1,400,0 Pwrt CGK Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

movement of Road 2020/2 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 67 Lemotit- Kalyet Road Londiani 4.3 3,010,0 Pwrt CGK Goods Maintenance 01 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 andServices n

New To ease Survey,

Off 352-Eastly-AIPCA movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 68 Tendeno 4 2,800,0 Pwrt CGK Church-Soget Primary Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

To ease Survey, New

Wambere -Tegat- movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 69 Tendeno 5.78 4,046,0 Pwrt CGK Tendeno Road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

New To ease Survey,

Off B1-kwa DC-Ewat movement of Road 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Inspectio 70 Kedowa 4.18 2,926,0 Pwrt CGK road Goods and Maintenance 21 Inspectio n of scope 00.00 Services n

Page 201 of 314

239.09 GRAND- TOTALS 170,909,800.00


Impleme Monitori ntation Project Implem Sourc S/N Project Description Of Annual Time ng Monitorin Status Project Name Objectives Costs enting e of o. Location Activities Targets Frame Indicator g Tools for (On- (M) Agency Funds s going Projects)

Kerenga Airstrip Chaik To improve Rehabiliataion 1 2020/20 Inspectio Pwr&T CGK Ward access and open & Upgrading of 150,000 21 n of Survey, up new areas the existing ,000.00 Scope B.O.Q's, Airstrip Inspectio n 1

Street Lighting Across Inspectio Pwr&T CGK New Installation the General n of &Maintenance of the County Rehabilitation Scope Survey, and 30,000, 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Street Lighting System Urban Areas N/A Maintenance of 000.00 21 Inspectio Street Lighting n System 2

Inspectio Pwr&T CGK New n of Survey, Purchase of Purchase of Heavy Plant Increased service 2020/20 Scope B.O.Q's, 3 JCB Excavator 1 26,000, Machinery delivery 21 Inspectio 220-260 HP 000.00 n

Purchase of Inspectio Survey, Pwr&T CGK New

Purchase of Heavy Plant Increased service Komatsu 2020/20 n of B.O.Q's, 4 N/A 1 52,000, Machinery delivery Grader 180- 21 Scope Inspectio 000.00 220HP n

Page 202 of 314

Inspectio Survey, Pwr&T CGK New

Purchase of Tipper Increased service Isuzu Tipper 2020/20 n of B.O.Q's, 5 N/A 2 24,000, Lorries delivery Lorries 21 Scope Inspectio 000.00 n

Inspectio Survey, Pwr&T CGK New

Purchase of Heavy Plant Increased service Purchase of 12 2020/20 n of B.O.Q's, 6 N/A 1 10,000, Machinery delivery Ton Roller 21 Scope Inspectio 000.00 n

Inspectio Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Purchse of Low Purchase of Heavy Plant Increased service 2020/20 n of B.O.Q's, 7 N/A Bed Prime 1 18,000, Machinery delivery 21 Scope Inspectio Mover 000.00 n

Sub- Totals for Public Works 310,000 ,000.00


Inspectio CGK New Construction n of Survey, of a terminal Kipchebo Ease Traffic 6,500,0 2020/20 Scope B.O.Q's, Kisumu Road Stage stage with N/A r management 00.00 21 Inspectio boda boda n shades 1

Fortenan Town, Londani Inspectio CGK New Construction Town, Hill Tea Centre, n of Survey, Across of a terminal Chepseon Centre, Ease Traffic 9,000,0 2020/20 Scope B.O.Q's, the stage with N/A Ainamoi Town, Kapsoit, management 00.00 21 Inspectio County boda boda Kipsitet, Litein, n shades 2 Kapkatet

Jumbo, Tuskys, Construction Inspectio CGK New Survey, Ukwala, Naivas, Former of a terminal n of Kericho Ease Traffic 4,500,0 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Uchumi, District stage with N/A Scope Town management 00.00 21 Inspectio Hospital, Nyagacho boda boda n 4 Stage shades

Page 203 of 314

Inspectio CGK New n of Survey, Boda Boda sheds at Across Construction Scope Ease Traffic 30,000, 2020/20 B.O.Q's, Designated points the of a boda boda N/A management 000.00 21 Inspectio across Urban Centres County shades n


50,000,000.00 Sub- Totals for Transport


Sub- Totals for Public Works & Transport



DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ACROSS THE COUNTY Annual Imple Implementa Targets Monitori Project menti Sourc tion Status S/No Project Description Time ng Monitorin Project Name Objectives Costs ng e of for (On- . Location Of Activities Frame Indicato g Tools (M) Agenc Funds going rs y Projects) To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 6,600,0 areas 21 00.00 Metro River Box Ainamoi 1 Culvert Ward

Page 204 of 314

To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 7,607,9 areas 21 Catholic- queentete - Kapkuge 60.00 site and services rwet 2 needs a bridge Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,800,0 areas 21 Construction of Kapkuge 00.00 Prison Banda-Kids rwet 3 Home Bridge Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,600,0 areas 21 Kapkuge 00.00 Ainapkosbin Box rwet 4 Culvert Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,400,0 areas 21 00.00 Kapkwen Box Kapsaos 5 Culvert Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,800,0 areas 21 00.00 Kiptegan Box Kapsaos 6 Culvert Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,700,0 areas 21 00.00 Ainapsosiot Box Kapsaos 7 Culvert Ward

Page 205 of 314

To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access , open Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

up new and n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,495,2 connect areas 21 00.00 Kapsoit 8 Cheribo Box Culvert Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access , open Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

up new and n 2020/20 scope Inspection 4,500,0 connect areas 21 00.00 Tuiyobei- Jordan Kapsoit 9 Box Culvert Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New accessibility Constructio on of B.O.Q's, and n scope Inspection motorability 2020/20 of people, 7,607,9 21 goods and 60.00 services Cereals- Nyakacho Kipcheb 10 Bridge or Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New accessibility Constructio on of B.O.Q's, and n scope Inspection motorability 2020/20 of people, 4,500,0 21 goods and 00.00 services DIP Kimungen– Kipcheb 11 Reuben bridge or Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,800,0 areas 21 Kipchim 00.00 Kipsakwa Box chim 12 Culvert Ward

Page 206 of 314

To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,512,3 areas 21 Kipchim 60.00 chim 13 Sebetet Box Culvert Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,600,0 areas 21 Kipchim 00.00 Cheptigit Box chim 14 Culvert Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection Bridge to be 6,200,0 areas 21 constructed in 00.00 centre 15 connecting Cheboin 15 Kiptingit Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's, open up new n scope Inspection areas 2020/20 3,805,0 21 00.00

Chepkochun Box Chemos 16 Culvert ot Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection Chemos 4,800,0 areas 21 ot/Cheb 00.00 Kapnyongo River oin 17 Box Culvert Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 4,600,0 areas 21 Cheplan 00.00 Tamboiyot River Box get 18 Culvert Ward

Page 207 of 314

Construction of A To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New

Bridge Joining Kapkate access and Constructio 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, 6,700,0 Highrise&KipkosilPri t Ward open up new n 21 scope Inspection 00.00 19 School areas To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

Chomisian Box Kisiara open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,800,0 Culvert Ward areas 21 00.00

20 To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

ArapKoimwilong Litein open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 4,300,0 River Ward areas 21 00.00

21 To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,600,5 areas 21 00.00 KapStephano Box Seretut 22 Culvert Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 4,100,0 areas 21 00.00 Cheswerta Box Seretut 23 Culvert Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 4,400,5 areas 21 60.00 Samituk- Masarian Kapsuse 24 Box Culvert r Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 4,800,0 areas 21 00.00 Cheboin- Kapnandet Kapsuse 25 Box Culvert r Ward

Page 208 of 314

To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 4,200,0 areas 21 ArapSerem- 00.00 ArapKitur Box Kapsuse 26 Culvert r Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 8,000,0 areas 21 00.00 Acess Roads in Kabiang 27 Kabianga a Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,800,0 areas 21 00.00 ChepkosonAcess Waldai 28 Culverts Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 4,800,0 areas 21 00.00 Ainapkoi Box Waldai 29 Culvert Ward To improve Bridge 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 4,500,0 areas 21 00.00 Kaplelar 30 Tililbei Box Culvert tet Ward To improve Drainage 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access , open sturctures on of B.O.Q's,

up new and 2020/20 scope Inspection 6,500,0 connect areas 21 00.00 Sigowet 31 Kiptome Bridge Ward

Page 209 of 314

To improve Drainage 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access , open sturctures on of B.O.Q's,

up new and 2020/20 scope Inspection 4,800,0 connect areas 21 Construction of 00.00 Chepkitwal- Soin 32 Koibeyot box culvert Ward To improve Drainage 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access , open sturctures on of B.O.Q's,

up new and 2020/20 scope Inspection 6,890,0 connect areas 21 00.00 Construction of Soin 33 Nunda Bridge Ward To improve Drainage 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access , open sturctures on of B.O.Q's,

up new and 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,800,0 connect areas 21 00.00 Kapsorok Box Soliat 34 Cuvlert Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New

Sombicho – access , open Constructio 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, 3,800,0 Baregeiwet Box Soliat up new and n 21 scope Inspection 00.00 35 Culvert Ward connect areas To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access , open Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

up new and n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,800,0 connect areas 21 Kabokyek / 00.00 Tuiyobei- Jordan Soliat 36 Box Culvert Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access , open Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

up new and n 2020/20 scope Inspection 3,800,0 connect areas 21 00.00 Kongeren&Kapsegut Soliat 37 Round Culverts Ward To improve Bridge 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New accessability Constructio on of B.O.Q's, and n scope Inspection 2020/20 motorabilty of 6,700,0 21 Kamarus – people , 00.00 Kondamet – Chepseo goods and 38 Momoniat Road n Ward services Page 210 of 314

To improve Bridge 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New accessability Constructio on of B.O.Q's, and n scope Inspection motorabilty of 2020/20 people , 6,200,0 21 Kedowa goods and 00.00 / services Construction of Kap Kimugul 39 DC Bridge Ward To improve Box Culvert 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New accessability Constructio on of B.O.Q's, and n scope Inspection motorabilty of 2020/20 people , 3,678,9 21 goods and 00.00 services Tendeno 40 Chagoror bridge Ward To improve Bridge 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New accessability Constructio on of B.O.Q's, and n scope Inspection motorabilty of Chilchil 2020/20 people , 4,500,0 a Ward 21 goods and 00.00 Chilchila- Koisagat services Boundary Box 41 Culvert To improve Bridge 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

Chilchil open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection Burutu Box Culvert 3,890,0 a Ward areas 21 00.00

42 To improve Bridge 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection Segetet Bridge 6,705,1 areas 21 80.00 Kamasia 43 n Ward

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To improve Bridge 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's,

open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection 4,800,0 areas 21 00.00 Kunyak 44 Rwahaha Bridge Ward To improve Bridge 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New access and Constructio on of B.O.Q's, Construction of Kunyak open up new n 2020/20 scope Inspection TimbililChesonoi 6,200,0 Ward areas 21 Bridge 00.00 45 To improve Drainage N/A Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Across access and Structures on of B.O.Q's, 24,006, 2020/20 Drainage Structures The open up new scope Inspection 380.00 21 County areas 46 Sub- Totals for Drainage Structures 240,000,000.00 18

ACCESS ROADS ACROSS THE COUNTY Annual Imple Implementa Monitori Targets Project menti Sourc tion Status S/N Project Description Time ng Monitorin Project Name Objectives Costs ng e of for (On- o. Location Frame Indicato g Tools Of Activities (M) Agenc Funds going rs y Projects) 1 Kapsirityet- Ainamoi To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kapberenge-Tolilet Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Road 4km open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 2 Laliat Cattledip- Ainamoi To improve Road 5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Koitamat Primary Ward access and Opening, 8,500,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, School Road 5km open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 3 Kipkwes- Arap Sang- Ainamoi To improve Road 6 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK Barsiayan Road Ward access and Opening, 10,200, 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, New open up new Grading and 000.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming

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4 Kapkesengi- Ainamoi To improve Road 4.7 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kapkwen- Telanet Ward access and Opening, 7,990,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Road open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 5 Keongo-Kipkeigei- Kapkuge To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Sumeiyon Road rwet access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Ward open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 6 Prison-Queen Tete- Kapkuge To improve Road 2.3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Site Roads rwet access and Opening, 3,910,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Ward open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 7 Queen Tete-Laibon Kapkuge To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Road rwet access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Ward open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 8 Tapkei- Mulembe- Kapkuge To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Sambusa Road rwet access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Ward open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 9 Chief's Office- Kapsaos To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kipsilangwa- Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Ainapsosiot-Binyiny open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection Road areas Murruming 10 Chepkitach- Kapsaos To improve Road 5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Chepngobob- Injerian Ward access and Opening, 8,500,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Road open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 11 Chebigen-Buchenge Kapsaos To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New dip-Soko-Tugunon Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 12 Chagaik Full Gospel Kapsaos To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Church- Kaboloin Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Catholic Church open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection Road areas Murruming 13 Ap Line Road-Via Kapsoit To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Torit,Sitotwet- Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Samutet open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming

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14 Kenegut- Kisaei- Kapsoit To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kiptega Road Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 15 Samutet-Kapkorio- Kapsoit To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Sombicho Road Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 16 Chemobei-Koitabai- Kapsoit To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Tuiyobei Road Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 17 Ogirgir-Kisabei- Kapsoit To improve Road 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Ketitui Road Ward access and Opening, 1,700,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 18 Kipchebor Tea Buying Kipchbo To improve Road 2.5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Center-Kipchebor r Ward access and Opening, 4,250,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Primary School Road open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 19 Ketienya- Kooma Hill Kipchbo To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Road r Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 20 Ndodgo- Kipchbo To improve Road 3 5,100,0 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Satelight Road r Ward access and Opening, 00.00 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 21 Arap Mitei- Kipcheb To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Charunga- Kamasian or Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, AGC- Kipkelei Road open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 22 Kcc- Mjini Road Kipcheb To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New or Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming

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23 Cheptigit-Sanik Kipchim To improve Road 2 Inspecti Pwrt Pwr&T CGK New Cooler Road chim access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of Ward open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope areas Murruming 24 Ngenymbare/Kimaec Kipchim To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New h Road chim access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Ward open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 25 Senetwet-Cheimen- Cheboin To improve Road 6 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kabusienduk, Ward access and Opening, 10,200, 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 000.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 26 Specon-Cheborge Cheboin To improve Road 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Primary Road Ward access and Opening, 1,700,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 27 Kaptuigo-Kabambwe Cheboin To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 28 Road opening from Cheboin To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kolil to canteen, Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Nyangau to Ngororga. open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 29 Chelilis Primary- Chemos To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Ainaptibik&Cheborus ot Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, -Menet Tbc open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 30 Kimulwo-Liberty Chemos To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Church-Chepseon ot Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Tbc open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 31 Kimulwo-Kibori- Chemos To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Chemeteget-Bargiro, ot Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 on of B.O.Q's, 2020/20 Chemosot-Kap open up new Grading and 00.00 scope Inspection 21 Elisha-Getarwet- areas Murruming Cheborgei (3km)

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32 Ngororga TBC Lt 08- Chemos To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Titany TBC Road ot Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 33 Lelach Water Dam- Cheplan To improve Road 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Leach Primary School get access and Opening, 1,700,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Road Ward open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 34 Mombwo Aic- Cheplan To improve Road 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kipwastuiyo Mkt get access and Opening, 1,700,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Ward open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 35 Kapzabulon Cheplan To improve Road 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New (Mombwo)- get access and Opening, 1,700,0 on of B.O.Q's, 2020/20 Chepngonjo Tbc- Ward open up new Grading and 00.00 scope Inspection 21 Maburo Quarry areas Murruming (Osama) 36 Kaldit Pri Sch- Cheplan To improve Road 6 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Wholeman get access and Opening, 10,200, 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Ward open up new Grading and 000.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 37 Kaminjeiwa Sign Cheplan To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Post- Kaminjeiwa get access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Canteen- Kenene Ward open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection Goldmine areas Murruming 38 Catholic Church- Cheplan To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Tegat Spring- Kesholi get access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Spring Ward open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 39 Street Lights from Kapkate To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kmtc To Nganaset t Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Primary open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 40 Keror - Kapkiko Kapkate To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New t Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming

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41 Cherus Tea Buting Kapkate To improve Road 5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Centre To Samuget t Ward access and Opening, 8,500,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, TBC Road open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 42 Construction of Kapkate To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Feeder Road from t Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 on of B.O.Q's, 2020/20 Sub -County Offices open up new Grading and 00.00 scope Inspection 21 to Kipkosil School & areas Murruming Join Litein Town 43 Mabasi Kamwanga Kisiara To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Coffee Factory Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 44 Chandeke To Keregut Kisiara To improve Road 1 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New 1km Ward access and Opening, 1,700,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 45 Sigongo/Cheptembe Kisiara To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New To Sda 2km Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 46 Chebomiriong- Litein To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kiptenden Primary- Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Kiptenden Tea Buying open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection Centre areas Murruming 47 Aic Kamanamsim- Litein To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kapchogen Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 48 Opening of Litein Litein To improve Road 1.5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Mission – Arap Tele Ward access and Opening, 2,550,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, River Road (1.5 km) open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 49 Arap Segem Tebeson To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Junction- Kapsikab- ik Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 on of B.O.Q's, Kap Jacobo- Kap open up new Grading and 00.00 scope Inspection 2020/20 Johnstaone- areas Murruming 21 Kapainaniji- Kibugat- Kibaraa- Kelunet Road

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50 Chesamisiet- Tebeson To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Nyamanga ik Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 51 Ainabkosobek – Tebeson To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New paulngetich – ik Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 on of B.O.Q's, silaosoro – open up new Grading and 00.00 2020/20 scope Inspection kapmatatu – areas Murruming 21 Johnstone – Tiriita – kachewet road 52 Kipsolu Agc – Kibaraa Seretut To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Road Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 53 Chebown – Ainapkoi Seretut To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Dip Road Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 54 Chemoset Primary – Seretut To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Letyo Road Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 55 Brasil- Chemurwok Seretut To improve Road 2.3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Road Ward access and Opening, 3,910,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 56 Magrama- Cheswerta Seretut To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Road Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 57 Kaldit- Kipset Koech- Seretut To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Paul Misik- Tegat Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Junction Road open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 58 Kapchelibon- Kapsuse To improve Road 1.8 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kabangas 1.8km r Ward access and Opening, 3,060,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming

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59 Ministry Of Public Kapsuse To improve Road 1.3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Works –Kapchelibon r Ward access and Opening, 2,210,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, 1.3km open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 60 Kap Jeremiah- Kapsuse To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kapsamkoiyo-Arorwet r Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Agc open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 61 Bagdad- Kap Kapsuse To improve Road 2.5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Christopher Road r Ward access and Opening, 4,250,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 62 TG 14- Pentagon- Kapsuse To improve Road 3.3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Chebocho Road r Ward access and Opening, 5,610,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 63 Kapchebelion- Kapsuse To improve Road 1.8 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kabangas Road r Ward access and Opening, 3,060,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 64 Masusotet- Kabiang To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Chemumbe tea a Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, buying centre open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 65 Cheptembe-Kichinjio- Kabiang To improve Road 5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kapelija road- a Ward access and Opening, 8,500,0 on of B.O.Q's, 2020/20 chemutwo river- open up new Grading and 00.00 scope Inspection 21 mobego tea buying areas Murruming centre 66 Cheptigit primary- Kabiang To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Chemolo bridge a Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 67 Construction of Kabiang To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Bodaboda shades in a Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, market centres. open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 68 Kipkones- Turguito Waldai To improve Road 2.5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Road Ward access and Opening, 4,250,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming Page 219 of 314

69 Construction Sosiot Waldai To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Village - Karapsoimo Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 on of B.O.Q's, 2020/20 – Chepkoin Dip – open up new Grading and 00.00 scope Inspection 21 Chepkoin/Chemororo areas Murruming ch 70 Chemaluk-Cheribo- Waldai To improve Road 5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kipkones Road Ward access and Opening, 8,500,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 71 Cheronget- Waldai To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Chebinyinyi- Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Kaptoboiti Road open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 72 Mutwot Cattle Dip- Kaplelar To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kapwos Road tet Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 73 Chepkemel Centre – Kaplelar To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Sumeeck tet Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 74 Chepkosa - Kapsorok Kaplelar To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New tet Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 75 Seronik – Chepkitwa Kaplelar To improve Road 6 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New – Musaria secondary tet Ward access and Opening, 10,200, on of B.O.Q's, 2020/20 school road – open up new Grading and 000.00 scope Inspection 21 Opening and areas Murruming murraming 76 Kapchanga- Sigowet To improve Road 5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Chepokiptaa- Sigowet Ward access and Opening, 8,500,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Road open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 77 Kiparenge Primary- Sigowet To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Chemindilil- Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Kibirbirgut Road open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 78 Tamboiyot- Sigowet To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New 2020/20 Kapindisin- Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 on of B.O.Q's, 21 00.00 scope Inspection Page 220 of 314

Changware- open up new Grading and Kabasweti Road areas Murruming 79 Kamaget-Shops- Sigowet To improve Road 6 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Tamboiyot Tbc Ward access and Opening, 10,200, 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 000.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 80 Emitiot-Kapkisai- Soin To improve Road 3.5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Nyaberi Road Ward access and Opening, 5,950,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 81 Chepterwo – Kap Soin To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Zambia- Chepterwo Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, River- Ainamoi Road open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 82 Chepsengeny- Soin To improve Road 3.5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kwandap Ward access and Opening, 5,950,0 on of B.O.Q's, 2020/20 Mosongkapnyangor- open up new Grading and 00.00 scope Inspection 21 Kaptepengwet/Cante areas Murruming en Road 83 Kileges Pry- Rai Soin To improve Road 6 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Cement- Ward access and Opening, 1,700,0 on of B.O.Q's, 2020/20 Kaptapargeny- open up new Grading and 00.00 scope Inspection 21 Kapleleach Primary areas Murruming School Road 84 Seska Corner-Kapilo Soliat To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Road Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 85 Kurabei- Kapsigawa Soliat To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Road Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 86 Kapchematege- Kap Soliat To improve Road 6 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Rose- Simbi – Ward access and Opening, 10,200, 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Kapsorok Road open up new Grading and 000.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 87 Kap Rero- Kap Mika- Soliat To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kabokyek Dip Road Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming

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88 Owasa- Cheres Road Londiani To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 89 Masaita Primary- Londiani To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Farmers Road Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 90 Chepseon – Chepseo To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New millenium-tembwet- n Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, kamakaa open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 91 Kaptenet –Kapseger- Chepseo To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Chepcholiet n Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 92 Ketira –Ruto-Road Kedowa To improve Road 1.5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New / access and Opening, 2,550,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Kimugul open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection Ward areas Murruming 93 Canaan kondamet Kedowa To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New forest road / access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Kimugul open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection Ward areas Murruming 94 Kabisoi – ngariet road Kedowa To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New / access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Kimugul open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection Ward areas Murruming 95 Jambo-Kiploikyi Road Tendeno To improve Road 6 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Ward access and Opening, 10,200, 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 000.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 96 Kamwiigi-Jambo- Tendeno To improve Road 9 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Evans Road Ward access and Opening, 15,300, 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 000.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 97 Sereng- Koisagat- Chilchil To improve Road 6 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Chebululu- Pre a Ward access and Opening, 10,200, 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, School Chemogoson open up new Grading and 000.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming

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98 Cherara-Kaplellit- Chilchil To improve Road 5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kamotos a Ward access and Opening, 8,500,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 99 Leldet- Nauro- Kamasia To improve Road 6 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Kimologit- Factory n Ward access and Opening, 10,200, 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Boror Rd open up new Grading and 000.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 100 Nyaboke- Thomas- Kamasia To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Mwitoria n Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 101 Kairo-Kapkoros- Kunyak To improve Road 7 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Mulango-Sugut- Ward access and Opening, 11,900, 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, Ngebebo Road open up new Grading and 000.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 102 Chesigot-Kenegut- Kunyak To improve Road 3 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Chengosos Pry Ward access and Opening, 5,100,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 103 Kapkwen-Kaborok Kunyak To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Road Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 104 AIC Lesirwo- Kipkelio To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New kiptenden factory. n Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 105 Kimologit –Miti moja Kipkelio To improve Road 4 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New –Kaptilda. n Ward access and Opening, 6,800,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming 106 Siret centre –Kwenet Kipkelio To improve Road 2 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New road. n Ward access and Opening, 3,400,0 2020/20 on of B.O.Q's, open up new Grading and 00.00 21 scope Inspection areas Murruming

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107 Surveying of all Across To enhance Surveying 30 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New countty Roads the Roads and 15,000, on of B.O.Q's, County Invetory ditigizing the 000.00 scope Inspection 2020/20 Condition county 21 Survey Roads to IReport ARICS format 108 Tarmacking of Hill Across To improve Tarmacking 5 Inspecti Survey, Pwr&T CGK New Top-Subukia Road, the access and of County 150,000 on of B.O.Q's, Tarmacking Roads County open up new Roads ,000.00 scope Inspection 2020/20 Around Ainamoi areas 21 Center and other Roads across the County Sub- Totals for Acess 753,20 Roads Countywide 0,000.0 0 STRATEGIC INTERVENTION

Annual Imple Implementa Monitori Targets Project menti Sourc tion Status S/N Project Description Time ng Monitorin Project Name Objectives Costs ng e of for (On- o. Location Of Activities Frame Indicato g Tools (M) Agenc Funds going rs y Projects) 1 Rehabilitation and Londiani To provide Site 100% 2yrs KM of Tender Finan CGK Procureme construction of town accessibility Investigation 32,625, road document ce and nt stage drainage structures and work , Demolition 827.10 construc s Econo and tarmacking of environment. and site ted Site visits mic minor roads at +clearance, and Planni Londiani Town Earthworks, Supervisio ng Precast n reports concrete, Inspection Pipe work- & Manholes Acceptanc and pipe e work certificates ancillaries, Drains, Ditches and Trenches

Page 224 of 314

2 Rehabilitation of kapkate To provide Site 3yr No. of Designs Finan CGK Kapkatet Drainage t conducive investigation 224,774 km reports/dr ce and Works work , demolition ,768.60 road awings Econo environment and site construc Tender mic clearance, ted. document Planni earthworks s ng pipe work - Site visits manholes and and pipe Supervisio work n reports ancillaries, Inspection drains, & ditches and Acceptanc trenches e certificates Initial Water test reports 257,40 Sub Total for 0,595.7 Strategic 0 Intervebntion Grand- Totals for Public Works, Roads & Transport 1,610,6 00,595. 70 19 20 4.2.8 Water, Forestry Energy Environment and Nutural Resources S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %


Page 225 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

1 Promotion of Rain County Enhanc Procurement 65 5.0 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County water Harvesting wide e and - infrastructu documents Govern rainwat installation of 2021 re ment er rain water of harvest harvesting -Availability Kerich Site visits and ing and Upvc tanks of Water o Supervision availabi near reports lity homesteads

Inspection & Acceptance certificates


Page 226 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

1 Lamaiyat/Kondamet Ainamoi Improv Acquisition of 1No 10.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County water project e Water land for composi /202 infrastructu reports/drawin Govern quality treatment te 1 re gs ment plant filtration of unit -Availability Tender Kerich Construction of Water documents o of treatment -Intake near plant works homesteads Site visits and Supervision Construction reports of distribution -1No. Inspection & pipeline 50m3 Acceptance masonry certificates storage tank. Initial Water test reports -Land acquired

2 Protection of 4 water Ainamoi Conser Spring 4No. 1.6 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County springs in Ainamoi ve and protection springs. - infrastructu documents Govern ward protect 2021 re ment water Construction -Cattle Site visits and of sources of cattle trough -Time taken Supervision Kerich trough and and to fill reports o community commun containers water points ity water Inspection & points Acceptance certificates

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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

3 Protection of 4 water Kapkuger Conser Spring 4 No. 1.6 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County springs in wet ve and protection springs - infrastructu documents Govern Kapkugerwet ward protect 2021 re ment water Construction 1 No. Site visits and of sources of cattle Cattle -Time taken Supervision Kerich troughs and trough to fill reports o community containers water points -1 No. Inspection & commun Acceptance ity water certificates point

Page 228 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

4 Kiptegan/Kipkaganit Kapsaos Improv Acquisition of -1No 55.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County water project e the land for composi - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern quality construction te 2021 re gs ment of of treatment filtration of water works unit -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Construction near of a homesteads Site visits and treatment -Intake Supervision works works reports

Inspection & Acceptance -1No. certificates 50m3 masonry Initial Water storage test reports tank.

-Land acquired .

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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

5 chepngatat water Kapsoit Enhanc Rehabilitatio -1 No 5.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County project e water n of spring , spring. - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply Construction 2021 re gs ment service of pump of

s house, rising -Availability Tender Kerich -1 No main, of Water documents o pump masonry near house Site visits and tank and homesteads Supervision distribution - 1 No reports pipeline masonry tank Inspection & Acceptance -Pipeline certificates construc ted Initial Water test reports

Page 230 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

6 Ngecherok water Kapsoit Enhanc Construction -Intake 6.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County project e water of Intake works - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply works and 2021 re gs ment service composite -1No of s filtration unit composi -Availability Tender Kerich te of Water documents o filtration near unit homesteads Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 231 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

7 Chebocho water Kipchebo Enhanc Construction -1 2.5 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County project r e water of a 50m3 No.50m - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply Masonry 3 2021 re gs ment service tank and masonry of s pipeline storage -Availability Tender Kerich tank of Water documents o near -Pipeline homesteads Site visits and construc Supervision ted reports Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 232 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

8 Chesanga/ Kimibei Kipchebo Enhanc Construction -1 2.5 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County water project r e water of a 50m3 No.50m - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply Masonry 3 2021 re gs ment service tank and masonry of s pipeline storage -Availability Tender Kerich tank of Water documents o near -Pipeline homesteads Site visits and construc Supervision ted reports Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

9 Kinyose water Kipchichi Enhanc Completion Power 3.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County project. m e water of fencing Supplied - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply and purchase . 2021 re gs ment service of water of

s pipes and -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents power supply o Fencing near done. Site visits and homesteads Supervision reports

Pipeline Inspection & construc Acceptance ted certificates


Page 233 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %


1 Protection of 3 water Kabianga Conser Spring 3 No. 1.2 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County springs in Kabianga / ve and protection springs - infrastructu documents Govern ward protect 2021 re ment Chemam water Construction Site visits and of ul sources of cattle -Time taken Supervision Kerich troughs and to fill reports o community containers water points Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Page 234 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

2 Koiwalelach water Kabianga Improv Construction -1No 20.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County On going project / e the of a composi - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern Chemam quality composite te 2021 re gs ment ul of filtration unit filtration of water complete unit -Availability Tender Kerich and with a of Water documents o increas backwash -Intake near Site visits and e area tank and construc homesteads Supervision of pumping unit ted reports coverag Construction -1No. e Inspection & of intake 100m3 Acceptance structure masonry storage certificates Construction tank Initial Water of raw water test reports gravity main

Construction -3.5 km of 100m3 distribut clear water ion masonry pipeline storage sump

Construction of distribution pipeline

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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

3 Kibingei water project kabianga Provide Construction -intake 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County On going /chemam piped of intake works /202 infrastructu reports/drawin Govern ul water works, Rising 1 re gs ment to the main and -Pump of

commu house -Availability Tender Kerich Distribution of Water documents nity o pipeline. -1 pump near set Site visits and homesteads Supervision -2 km reports Procurement of and distribut Inspection & installation of ion Acceptance hydram pipeline certificates

Page 236 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

4 Proposed Kabianga Kabianga Increas -Carry out - 45 2019 -Reports Designs W.E.E.F&NR County New Water and Sewerage /chemam e area feasibility Feasibili /20 reports/drawin Govern Project ul served study ty study gs ment with Reports of -Designs potable Tender Kerich piped documents o -Undertake water preliminary - prelimin survey and ary Site visits and design Supervision survey reports and designs -carry out detailed Inspection & survey and Acceptance design - certificates Detailed survey and designs

Page 237 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

5 Protection of 6 water Kapsuser Conser Spring -6No. 2.4 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County springs in Kapsuser ve and protection Springs. - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern ward protect 2021 re gs ment water Construction of sources of cattle -Availability Tender Kerich 1 No. . troughs and of Water documents o community Cattle near water points trough homesteads Site visits and Supervision 1 No. reports Commu nity water point Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Page 238 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

6 Samiytuk Water Kapsuser Enhanc Land -Land 2.5 2020 Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County Project e water acquisition, acquired - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply Construction . 2021 re, gs ment service of 50m3 availability of s masonry 1 No. of water to Tender Kerich tank and masonry consumer documents o distribution storage

pipeline water tank Site visits and construc Supervision ted. reports Distribu

tion Inspection & - Acceptance pipeline certificates laid.

Page 239 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

7 Seretut Primary water Seretut / Improv 1 1 6.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR project Cheptoro e - infrastructu reports/drawin County riet access 2021 re gs Govern to safe ment water -Availability Tender of of Water documents Kerich o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

8 Cheswerta Water Seretut / Spring -1 No 2.5 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County Project Cheptoro protection spring - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern riet Enhanc 2021 re gs ment e water Construction of

supply of pipeline -Availability Tender Kerich service -Pipeline of Water documents o s construc near ted Site visits and homesteads Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Page 240 of 314

9 Kaldit water project Seretut/ Provide Construction -1No. 4 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County New clean of 25m3 25m3 - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern cheptoror water masonry masonry 2021 re gs ment iet near intake sump. intake of

homest sump. -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents eads o near Construction homesteads of gravity -60 Site visits and drive metres, pipeline. 4” Supervision gravity reports drive

pipeline. Installation Site handing of a hydram pump. over report -1No. Inspection & hydram Acceptance pump. Construction certificates of 25m3 masonry storage tank. -1No. 25m3 masonry storage Construction tank. of 1000m rising main.

-1000m rising Construction main. of 2000m distribution -2000m pipeline. distribut ion


-50 househo Page 241 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

lds to be served

10 Drilling of 1 borehole Waldai Provide Drilling and 1. 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County in Waldai Ward clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern quality 1 borehole 2021 re gs ment water. of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 242 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

11 Protection of 6 water Waldai Conser Spring 6 No. 3.0 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County springs in Waldai ve and protection springs. - infrastructu documents Govern ward protect 2021 re ment water Construction Site visits and of sources of cattle -Time taken Supervision Kerich . trough and to fill reports o community containers water points Inspection & Acceptance Construction certificates of pipeline



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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

1 Kipkobob water Chemoso Enhanc Construction -16,898 82.5 2018 Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County The project Phase I t, e water of pipeline metres - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern project cheboin, supply and masonry pipeline 2021 re, gs ment site has Kisiara service storage tanks availability of been wards s -3 No. of water to Tender Kerich handed Procurement New consumer documents o over to and tanks the

installation of contract pump set -3 No. Site visits and existing Rehabilitatio tanks Supervision n of existing reports tanks

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

2 Litein Water Project Cheboin Enhanc Construction Pipeline 2.0 2020 Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County e water of pipeline construc - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply extensions etd 2021 re, gs ment service availability of s of water to Tender Kerich consumer documents o

Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Page 245 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

3 Sosiot water project Cheboin Enhanc Purchase and 1No 2.5 2020 Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County e water installation of pump - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply Pump and purchas 2021 re. gs ment service renovation ed and of s installed Avaiability of Tender Kerich . water to documents o consumers. Renovati on done. Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

4 Drilling of 1 Cheboin Provide Drilling and 1 4.0 Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes ward clean equipping of the reports/drawin Govern quality 1 borehole infrastructu gs ment water. re. of Tender Kerich documents o

Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

5 Protection of 6 No. Cheboin Conser Spring 6 2.4 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County water springs in ward ve and protection springs - infrastructu documents Govern Cheboin ward protect 2021 re ment water Construction Site visits and of sources of cattle -Time taken Supervision Kerich . trough and to fill reports o community containers water points Inspection & Acceptance certificates

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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

6 Litein water supply Chemoso Increas Construction Pipeline 3.6 2020 Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County t e area of distribut - infrastructu documents Govern served distribution ion 2021 re. ment with pipeline construc Site visits and of piped extensions to ted. Avaiability of Supervision Kerich water Chesoen, water to reports o Tebeswet, community. Inspection & Kaminjeiwet, Acceptance and Bargiro certificates

7 Protection of 6 water Chemoso Conser Spring 6 2.4 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County springs in Chemosot t ve and protection springs - infrastructu documents Govern ward protect 2021 re ment water Construction Site visits and of sources of cattle -Time taken Supervision Kerich . trough and to fill reports o community containers water points Inspection & Acceptance certificates

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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

8 Drilling of 1 Chemoso Provide Drilling and 1 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes t clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern quality 1 borehole 2021 re gs ment water. of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 249 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

9 Drilling of 1 Cheplang Provide Drilling and 1 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes et clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern quality 1 borehole 2021 re gs ment water. of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

10 Protection of 8 water Cheplang Conser Spring 8 3.2 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County springs in Cheplanget et ve and protection springs - infrastructu documents Govern ward protect 2021 re ment water Construction Site visits and of sources of cattle -Time taken Supervision Kerich . trough and to fill reports o community containers water points Inspection & Acceptance certificates

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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

11 Mobet Water Cheplang Enhanc Construction 3.0 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County Reservoir et e water of intake - infrastructu documents Govern supply works and 2021 re ment service Pump house Site visits and of s -Time taken Supervision Kerich to fill reports o containers Inspection & Acceptance certificates

12 kondamet dam Cheplang Enhanc Procurement 1 2.0 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County et e water and - infrastructu documents Govern supply installation of 2021 re ment service pump set Site visits and of s -Time taken Supervision Kerich Construction to fill reports o of pipeline containers Inspection & Acceptance certificates

13 Protection of three kapkatet Conser Spring 3 No. 0.9 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County water springs in ve and protection springs - infrastructu documents Govern kapkatet ward protect 2021 re ment water Construction Site visits and of sources of cattle -Time taken Supervision Kerich trough and to fill reports o community containers water points Inspection & Acceptance certificates

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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

14 Litein water supply kapkatet Enhanc Constriction Pipeline 3.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County e water of pipeline construc - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply extension ted 2021 re gs ment service of s -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 252 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

15 Drilling of 1 Kapkatet Provide Drilling and 1 6.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes in clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern Kaplelartet ward quality boreholes 2021 re gs ment water. of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 253 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

16 Drilling of 1 Kisiara Provide Drilling and 1 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes in Kisiara clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern ward quality 1 borehole 2021 re gs ment water. of Construction -Availability Tender Kerich of of Water documents o distribution pipeline Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

17 Protection of 4 water Kisiara Conser Spring 4 1.6 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County springs in Kisiara ve and protection springs - infrastructu documents Govern ward protect 2021 re ment water Construction Site visits and of sources of cattle -Time taken Supervision Kerich . troughs and to fill reports o community containers water points Inspection & Acceptance certificates

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18 Roret Water Project Kisiara Enhanc Acquisition of -1No 10.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County e water land for composi - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply treatment te 2021 re gs ment service works. filtration of s unit -Availability Tender Kerich Construction of Water documents o of treatment - Land near works for homesteads Site visits and treatme Supervision nt works reports acquired Inspection & . Acceptance certificates Initial Water test reports

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19 Drilling of 1 Litein Provide Drilling and 1 6.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes in Litein clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern ward quality 1 borehole 2021 re gs ment water. of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

20 Litein water project Litein Increas - - 2.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County e area Construction Distribu - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern served of a tion 2021 re gs ment with distribution pipeline of

piped pipeline construc -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents water extension to ted. o Nyambolosa near Site visits and homesteads Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

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21 Protection of six Litein Conser Spring 6 No. 2.4 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County water springs in ve and protection springs - infrastructu documents Govern Litein ward protect protecte 2021 re ment water Construction d. Site visits and of sources of cattle -Time taken Supervision Kerich . trough and 1 No. to fill reports o community Cattle containers water points trough Inspection & and 1 Acceptance No. certificates

commun ity water point construc ted

22 Drilling of 2 Tebesoni Provide Drilling and 2 8.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes in k clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern Tebesonik ward quality 1 borehole 2021 re gs ment water. of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

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23 Protection of 10 Tebesoni Conser Spring 10 No. 4.0 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County water springs in k ve and protection springs - infrastructu documents Govern Tebesonik ward protect protecte 2021 re ment water Construction d. Site visits and of sources of cattle -Time taken Supervision Kerich . trough and . to fill reports o community containers water points Inspection & Acceptance certificates



1 Drilling of 1 Chepseon Provide Drilling and 1 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes in clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern Chepseon ward quality 1 borehole 2021 re gs ment water. of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 258 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

2 Sachoran water Chepseon Enhanc Installation 1 No. 4 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County project e water of Solar Solar - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply panels and unit. 2021 re gs ment service construction of s of pipeline - -Availability Tender Kerich distribution Distribu of Water documents o tion -additional pipeline Site visits and 50M3 storage Supervision tanks -1 No. reports 50 M3 masonry Inspection & tank Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

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3 Chepseon water Chepseon increas expansion of -1 Pan 8.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County supply (Chilchila pan e water the pan, - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern storage Fencing 2021 re gs ment of

-Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o near homesteads Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 260 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

4 Drilling of 1 Kedowa/ Provide Drilling and - 1 No. 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes kimugul clean equipping of borehole - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern quality 1 borehole s drilled 2021 re gs ment water. and of equippe -Availability Tender Kerich d of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 261 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

5 Ararwet Water Project Kedowa/ increas Establishmen Dam 6.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County Kimugul e water t and establis - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern Lemeiywet-Kimoson storage desilting and hed, 2021 re gs ment Dam fencing desilted of and -Availability Tender Kerich fenced. of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 262 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

6 Cheptangulgei Water Kedowa/ Enhanc Pipe 1 No. 3.0 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County Project Kimugul e water construction springs - infrastructu documents Govern supply and protecte 2021 re ment service distribution d. Site visits and of s and -Time taken Supervision Kerich construction 1 No. to fill reports o of 50m3 Cattle containers Inspection & storage tank trough Acceptance and repair of and 1 No. certificates the spring. commun ity water point construc ted. Pipeline construc ted.

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7 Kimasian Water Kedowa/ Provide Construction - 8.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County Project Kimugul clean of a 100m3 Distribu - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern water masonry tion 2021 re gs ment near clear water pipeline of

homest tank construc -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents eads ted. o near Site visits and -1 No homesteads Construction 100m3 Supervision of masonry reports distribution storage Inspection & pipeline tank Acceptance construc certificates ted.

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8 Kiplelechon Toben Tai Kedowa/ Enhanc Tank 50m3 - 2.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County Water Project Kimugul e water Completion, Distribu - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply Piping tion 2021 re gs ment service Needed, pipeline of

s construc -Availability Tender Kerich Hydram of Water documents ted. o Available near Site visits and -1 No homesteads 50m3 Supervision masonry reports storage Inspection & tank Acceptance construc certificates ted.

- Hydram installed .

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9 Londiani water Kedowa/ Improv Desilting of -Dam 20 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County supply Kimugul e the the dam establis - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern quality hed and 2021 re gs ment of desilted of water -Availability Tender Kerich Construction - of Water documents o of a complete Treatme treatment nt unit Site visits and unit. designed Supervision and reports Power supply construc to the Inspection & ted treatment Acceptance works -Power certificates supplied Initial Water . test reports

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10 Drilling of 1 Tendeno/ Provide Drilling and 1 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes in Sorget clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern Tendeno/Sorget ward quality 1 borehole 2021 re gs ment water. of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

11 Kiplokyi water Tendeno/ Enhanc Power supply - 7.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County project- solar Sorget e water to pump Distribu - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply house, tion 2021 re gs ment service Completion pipeline of

s of the project construc -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents pipeline ted. o construction near Site visits and and -1 No homesteads Supervision construction 50m3 reports of 50m3 masonry storage storage tank. Inspection & Acceptance tank certificates

Page 267 of 314

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12 Chepkoiyo dam Londiani increas Revival and Dam 2.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County e water renovation of renovate - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern storage the dam d. 2021 re gs ment of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

13 Drilling of 1 Londiani Provide Drilling and - 1 No. 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes clean equipping of borehole - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern quality 1 borehole s drilled 2021 re gs ment water. and of equippe -Availability Tender Kerich d of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

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14 Rusoy Water Project Londiani Provide Construction - 1.5 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County piped of Distribu - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern water distribution tion 2021 re gs ment near to pipeline pipeline of

homest construc -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents eads ted o near Site visits and homesteads Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

23 Sachangwan dam Londiani increas Revival and 1No. 2.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County e water renovation of Dam - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern storage the dam renovate 2021 re gs ment d. of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates



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1 Kapkese –kaplelit- Chilchila Enhanc Distribution Pipeline 2.5 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County cherara water project e water Pipeline construc - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply Extension ted 2021 re gs ment service of s -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o near homesteads Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

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2 Mariam Water Project Chilchila Enhanc Rehabilitatio -1 No. 8.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County e water n of intake intake - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply works and works 2021 re gs ment service gravity main- of s construction -3No. -Availability Tender Kerich of 3No. 50m3 50m3 of Water documents o masonry masonry near Site visits and storage storage homesteads Supervision tanks- tanks reports Construction -Pipeline of construc Inspection & distribution ted Acceptance network certificates

Initial Water test reports

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3 Tulwapmoi water Chilchila Enhanc Construction 1 2.2 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County project e water of a 100m3 - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply water tank 2021 re gs ment service of s -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o near homesteads Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

4 Drilling of 1 Kamasia Provide Drilling and 1 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes in Kmasian n clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern Ward quality 1 borehole 2021 re gs ment water. of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 273 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

5 Kawambatte Water Kamasia Conser Spring -2 0.7 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County project Phase I n ve and protection springs - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern protect 2021 re gs ment water Construction -1 No of sources of cattle cattle -Availability Tender Kerich trough and trough of Water documents o community water points -1 No Site visits and commun Supervision ity water reports point Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

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6 Mtaragon-Nyairobi kamasian Enhanc completion of -7 km 7 2020 Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County water project - e water 50m3 water pipeline - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply tank 100M3 2021 re, gs ment service tank -7 km - 1 No. availability of s piping masonry of water to Tender Kerich tank consumer documents o

Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Page 275 of 314

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7 Tachasis water kamasian Enhanc Construction -1 No.. 3.0 2020 Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County project e water of 50m3 50m3 - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply masonry tank 2021 re, gs ment service storage tank availability of s and pipeline -Pipeline of water to Tender Kerich construc consumer documents o ted

Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Page 276 of 314

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8 Drilling of 1 Kipkelion Provide Drilling and 1 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes in clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern Kipkelion ward quality 1 borehole 2021 re gs ment water of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

9 Masibunwater project Kipkelion increas water source 1 0.5 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County e water rehabilitation - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern storage 2021 re gs ment of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o near homesteads Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

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10 Kapkiyai Kipkelion Enhanc Construction -2 No. 3.5 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County e water of 2no. 50m3 50m3 - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply masonry masonry 2021 re gs ment service tanks and tanks of s pipeline -Availability Tender Kerich -Pipeline of Water documents o construc near ted homesteads Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

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11 Sugutek Libya Kipkelion Conser Spring -1No. 1.2 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County ve and protection spring - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern protect and pipeline 2021 re gs ment water -Pipeline of sources construc -Availability Tender Kerich ted of Water documents o near homesteads Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

12 Protection of 5 No. Kipkelion Conser Spring 5 No. 2.0 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County water springs in ve and protection, springs - infrastructu documents Govern kipkelion ward protect construction 2021 re ment water of cattle Site visits and of sources trough and -Time taken Supervision Kerich community to fill reports o water point. containers Inspection & Acceptance certificates

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13 Njoro water Project Kunyak Provide Spring 1 No. 3.5 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County clean protection, springs. - infrastructu documents Govern quality construction 2021 re ment water. of gravity 1 No. Site visits and of pipeline and Cattle -Time taken Supervision Kerich 100m3 trough to fill reports o masonry containers - 1 No. Inspection & storage tank commun Acceptance ity water certificates point

-1 No. 100m3 masonry storage tank.

14 Chesonoi water Kunyak Enhanc Construction -1 No. 7.0 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County project e water of 50 m3 50 m3 - infrastructu documents Govern supply masonry tank 2021 re ment service storage tank Site visits and of s and pipeline -Pipeline -Time taken Supervision Kerich construc to fill reports o ted containers Inspection & Acceptance certificates



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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

1 Chebulul water Kaplelart Increas Construction -3 km 3 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County On going supply et e area of distribut - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern of distribution ion 2021 re gs ment coverag pipeline pipeline of

e -Availability Tender Kerich -3 No. of Water documents o water near Construction Site visits and kiosks homesteads of 3No. water Supervision kiosk reports complete with a 5m3 Inspection & plastic tank Acceptance certificates

2 Drilling of 1 Kaplelart Provide Drilling and 1 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes in et clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern Kaplelartet ward quality 1 borehole 2021 re gs ment water. of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

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S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

3 Kaplelartet water Kaplelart Enhanc -Storage - 3.2 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County project at chepkemel et e masonry Distribu - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern primary school access tank tion 2021 re gs ment to pipeline of

water -Distribution -Availability Tender Kerich pipe -1 No of Water documents and o basic 50m3 near Site visits and sanitati masonry homesteads Supervision on storage reports service tank s Inspection & Acceptance certificates

4 Kipkok water project Kaplelart Provide Completion - Gravity 7.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County Phase II et clean of Gravity main - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern water mains construc 2021 re gs ment to ted. of

Sondu Construction -Availability Tender Kerich of 2No. - of Water documents town o and the 100m3 Distribu near Site visits and surrou masonry tion homesteads Supervision nding storage tanks pipeline reports commu construc ted. nity Inspection & Construction -2 No Acceptance of 100m3 certificates distribution masonry pipeline storage tank

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5 Kiptere (Cheptarit) Kaplelart Improv -Acquistion -1No 30.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County water project et e Water of land for composi /202 infrastructu reports/drawin Govern quality treatment te 1 re gs ment works filtration of unit -Availability Tender Kerich - of Water documents o Construction -land for near of full treatme homesteads Site visits and treatment ntment Supervision works. works reports acquired Inspection & - . Construction Acceptance of clear water -1No. certificates tank 50m3 Initial Water masonry test reports storage tank .

6 Tabaita water supply Kaplelart Increas Construction -2 No. 2.5 2018 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County On going et e area of 2 No. water /19 infrastructu reports/drawin Govern of water kiosks kiosks re gs ment coverag with 5m3 of

e plastic tank -2 km -Availability Tender Kerich HDPE of Water documents each. o pipeline near homesteads Site visits and Supervision Construction reports of 2km HDPE pipeline Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Page 284 of 314

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7 Chemangat Sigowet Provide Spring -1 No. 5.5 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County New Community water clean Protection spring - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern project water 2021 re gs ment near Construction -2 km of homest of gravity gravity -Availability Tender Kerich eads main main of Water documents o near Construction -1 No homesteads of a 100m3 100m3 masonry masonry Site visits and storage tank storage Supervision tank reports Construction of -7 km Inspection & distribution distribut Acceptance network ion certificates pipeline

Page 285 of 314

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8 Drilling of 1 Sigowet Provide Drilling and 1 4.0 - -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes in Sigowet clean equipping of 2020 infrastructu reports/drawin Govern ward quality 1 borehole - re gs ment water. 2021 of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 286 of 314

9 Kipsotet spring Sigowet Provide Construction -1 No. 6 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County On going Protection project clean of a 50m3 50m3 - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern water masonry masonry 2021 re gs ment near sump sump of homest -Availability Tender Kerich eads of Water documents o near Supply of -power homesteads power supplied to the Site visits and pump Supervision house reports Construction of pump Inspection & House Acceptance -Pump certificates house

Supply and installation of a solar -1 No. powered/elec pump tric powered set pump set

-200 Construction metres of rising rising main main

Construction -1 No. of a 50m3 50m3 masonry masonry storage tank storage tank

10 Protection of 6 No. Sigowet Conser Spring 6 No. 2.4 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County water springs in ve and protection springs - infrastructu documents Govern Sigowet ward protect 2021 re ment water Construction of of cattle Page 287 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

sources trough and 1 No. -Time taken Site visits and Kerich . community Cattle to fill Supervision o water points trough containers reports

1 No. Inspection & commun Acceptance ity water certificates point

11 Drilling of 1 Soin Provide Drilling and 1 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes in Soin clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern Ward quality 1 borehole 2021 re gs ment water. of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 288 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

12 Kaptalamwa water Soin Enhanc -Spring 1 No. 4.5 2020 -Existence of Tender W.E.E.F&NR County project e development springs. - infrastructu documents Govern access 2021 re ment to -Storage 1 No. Site visits and of water masonry Cattle -Time taken Supervision Kerich and tank trough to fill reports o basic containers -Distribution 1 No. Inspection & sanitati pipe commun Acceptance on ity water certificates service - point. s Construction of community 1 No. watet point 100m3 masonry - storage Construction tank of cattle trough Pipeline construc -Re- ted. aforestation


Page 289 of 314

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13 Kipsitet community Soin Improv De-silting at -1 No 30.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County water project e Water the intake Dam. - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern quality 2021 re gs ment -1 No of Sedimen -Availability Tender Kerich Construction tation of Water documents o of new intake tank works/sedim Site visits and entation tank Supervision reports Pipeline construc Inspection & Extension of ted. Acceptance Gravity main certificates to the new 1 No intake Treatme nt unit. - Construction of full treatment 1 No works. 100M3 masonry - water Construction tank of clear water tank

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14 Koiyabei water dam Soin increas -Desilting - 1 No. 4.5 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County e water Dam - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern storage -Fencing 2021 re gs ment -1 No. of -Cattle Cattle -Availability Tender Kerich trough trough of Water documents o and -Community commun Site visits and water point ity water Supervision point reports Inspection & Acceptance certificates

15 Kapsorok water Soliat Enhanc Spring 3.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County project e Rehabilitatio - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern access n; Storage 2021 re gs ment to masonry of water tank; -Availability Tender Kerich and Distribution of Water documents o basic pipe; Site visits and sanitati Construction Supervision on of community reports service watet point; s Construction Inspection & of cattle Acceptance trough certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 291 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

16 Drilling of 1 Soliat Provide Drilling and 1 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County boreholes in Soliat clean equipping of - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern Ward quality borehole 2021 re gs ment water. (Kapkongoni) of -Availability Tender Kerich of Water documents o Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports

Page 292 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

17 Cheramor water Soliat Enhanc Spring 1 Spring 4.0 2020 -Existence of Designs W.E.E.F&NR County project e water protection , - infrastructu reports/drawin Govern supply Power 2021 re gs ment service supply, of s Pump house, -Availability Tender Kerich 50m3 and of Water documents o pipeline Site visits and Supervision reports

Inspection & Acceptance certificates

Initial Water test reports


1 Rehabilitation and Kamasia To Intake works, 100% 2YRS No of large Tender Finance and CGK Site construction of n provide gravity main 186.28 water documents Economic handed Kimologit Water clean pipeline, facilities Planning over Supply and construction constructed Site visits and safe of masonry and Supervision drinkin tanks, operational reports g water Treatment Inspection & plant and Acceptance distribution certificates lines.

Page 293 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

2 Construction of chilchila To Intake works, 100% 2yrs No. of large Tender Finance and CGK Still in Kapkures Water provide gravity main 87.41 water documents Economic prelimin Supply Project clean pipeline, facilities Planning ary stage and construction constructed Site visits and of safe of masonry and Supervision settling drinkin tanks operational reports land g water ,Treatment dispute Inspection & plant and Acceptance distribution certificate lines

3 Construction of kipkelion To Intake works, 100% 2yrs No. of large Tender Finance and CGK Procure Tuiyobei Water provide gravity main 49.54 water documents Economic ment Supply Project clean pipeline, facilities Planning stage and construction constructed Site visits and safe of masonry and Supervision drinkin tanks operational reports g water ,Treatment Inspection & plant and Acceptance distribution certificates lines

Sub Total for Strategic Intervention 323.23

Total 454.83


Page 294 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

01 Rehabilitation of Kericho Improv Fencing and 1 10 2018 Procurement Progress W.E.E.F&NR County Ongoing Recreational parks town e the installation of /201 of works Reports and LPHD govern 60% securit seats, 9 /seedlings ment y of the parking area grown of parks, in Londiani Kerich conserv and Kapkatet Tender o e the towns documents environ ment and enhanc e its aesthet ics

02 Tionysoyet wetland Kipchebo Conser Demarcation 1 4 2020 Number of No of seedlings W.E.E.F&NR County Ongoing conservation project r ward ve and and fencing /202 equipment planted and govern 20% protect 1 purchased grown. ment water Planting of of sources indigenous Tree Conserved Kerich seedlings increase tree environments o cover

Page 295 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

03 Town beatification County Town Landscaping 3 5 2020 - Number of W.E.E.F&NR County wide beautifi and planting /202 Procurement landscape sites govern cation of 1 of gyro – /seedlings ment Kericho ornamental mower grown of county trees and Kerich urban flowers in o centres roundabout . and open spaces

Equipment Enhanc purchased e town beautifi cation

05 Solid waste County Improv Procurement 2 no. 30 2020 Provision of Number of W.E.E.F&NR County Ongoing management wide ement of 2no /202 solid waste efficient govern of solid garbage 1 managemen equipments in ment waste collection t place /working of manage trucks for equipments Kerich ment garbage for all 6 o collection in sub- the entire counties county

Page 296 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

06 Solid waste kipchebo Improv Procurement 50no 12.5 2020 Provision of Number of W.E.E.F&NR County Ongoing management r ement of skips for /202 solid waste efficient govern of solid garbage 1 managemen equipments in ment waste collection in t place /working of manage Kericho town equipments Kerich ment for all 6 o sub- counties

07 Solid waste Londiani Improv Rehabilitatio 2no 15 2020 Procurement Tender W.E.E.F&NR County New management and e solid n /202 of works for documents govern Sondu waste 1 clearing of ,progress ment towns manage of 3no waste solid wastes reports of ment disposal sites Kerich Procurement o of road works for improvemen t of 200 meters access site road

- Fencing of disposal site


Page 297 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %


01 Tree planting All the 30 To -Provision of 250,000 6 2020 Number of No of seedlings W.E.E.F&NR County ongoing programme wards of promot tree seedlings 0 /202 equipment planted and govern the e forest for planting 1 purchased grown. ment county cover in schools of and ,riparian Tree Conserved Kerich climate areas and increase tree environments o change degraded hill cover mitigati tops on Procurement of material for county tree nurseries

02 Kipkelion town Kipkelion To Fencing and 5000 2 2020 Number of No of seedlings W.E.E.F&NR County riparian protection protect /202 equipment planted and govern project and Tree planting 1 purchased grown. ment conserv of Purchase of e water Tree Conserved Kerich maintained catchm increase tree environments o equipment ent cover areas.

Page 298 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

03 Kapwastuiyo mkt, cheplang Conser Tree planting 3000 1.5 2020 Number of No of seedlings W.E.E.F&NR County New Moburo andsugotek et ve and across the /202 equipment planted and govern river, Tiriitabmoita protect street, 1 purchased grown. ment water Planting of sources indigenous Tree Conserved Kerich trees along increase tree environments o the banks cover

04 Establishment Tree Londiani To Establishmen 1 1 2020 Number of No of seedlings W.E.E.F&NR County New nursery project ensure t of tree /202 equipment planted and govern trees nursery at 1 and tree grown. ment are Bureti nursery of sufficie materials Conserved Kerich nt in environments o the county

05 Water catchment Kisiara Conser Planting of 3000 0.25 2020 Number of No of seedlings WEEF&NR County New areas ve and endigenous /202 equipment planted and govern protect trees in all 1 purchased grown. ment water spring of sources Tree Conserved Kerich increase tree environments o cover



Page 299 of 314

S/ Project Name Project Objecti Description Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source Impleme No Location ves of Agency of ntation targets Cost Fram Indicators Tools Funds status Activities e (for on- (Kshs. Million Going s) projects %

01 Power supply Entire Lightin Power 6 5 2020 Number of Site and W.E.E.F&NR County New county g up connections /202 connections progress govern public to markets 1 of power to reports ment institut and public public of ions institutions institutions Kerich and and market o market centres centers

02 Sun and renewable Entire Promot Fixing solar 10 12 2020 Functioning, progress W.E.E.F&NR County - energy county e panels /212 reliable and reports, PPP govern Alterna 1 affordable Agreement, site ment tive And biogas energy reports of source plants Kerich of o energy


Sub Total; Water, Energy, Environment, Natural 1,101, Resources and Forestry 480,00 0

Page 300 of 314

21 22 2.2.9 Public Service Management

s/ Project Project Objecti Description of Annu Project Tim Monitorin Monitoring tools Imple Sourc Implemen no name location ves activities al costs(k e g menti es of tation target shs) fram indicators ng funds status(for s e agenc ongoing y projects)- %

1 Construc Sigowet Citizens -Earth works 100% 1.5M 202 -Designs -Contract PSM CGOK tion of Ward access for foundation 0/2 for the documents ward to -Walling 021 office - Handover of offices services -Roofing - site report and -Finishing Preparatio - Inspection improve -Furnishing n of BQs reports service -Invitation -Site meeting delivery of bidders, reports evaluation -Certificates of and award payment - - Completion Handover certificate of site - Handover of completed projects Kabianga Citizens -Earth works 100% 1.5M 202 -Designs -Contract PSM CGOK Ward access for foundation 0/2 for the documents to -Walling 021 office - Handover of services -Roofing - site report and -Finishing Preparatio - Inspection improve -Furnishing n of BQs reports service -Invitation -Site meeting delivery of bidders, reports

Page 301 of 314

evaluation -Certificates of and award payment - - Completion Handover certificate of site - Handover of completed projects Kapleratet Citizens -Earth works 100% 1.5M 202 -Designs -Contract PSM CGOK Ward access for foundation 0/2 for the documents to -Walling 021 office - Handover of services -Roofing - site report and -Finishing Preparatio - Inspection improve -Furnishing n of BQs reports service -Invitation -Site meeting delivery of bidders, reports evaluation -Certificates of and award payment - - Completion Handover certificate of site - Handover of completed projects Tebesonik Citizens -Earth works 100% 1.5M 202 -Designs -Contract PSM CGOK Ward access for foundation 0/2 for the documents to -Walling 021 office - Handover of services -Roofing - site report and -Finishing Preparatio - Inspection improve -Furnishing n of BQs reports service -Invitation -Site meeting delivery of bidders, reports evaluation -Certificates of and award payment - - Completion Handover certificate of site - Handover of completed projects

Page 302 of 314

KapsoitWa Citizens -Earth works 100% 1.5M 202 -Designs -Contract PSM CGOK rd access for foundation 0/2 for the documents to -Walling 021 office - Handover of services -Roofing - site report and -Finishing Preparatio - Inspection improve -Furnishing n of BQs reports service -Invitation -Site meeting delivery of bidders, reports evaluation -Certificates of and award payment - - Completion Handover certificate of site - Handover of completed projects

KunyakWa Citizens -Earth works 100% 1.5M -Designs -Contract PSM CGOK rd access for foundation for the documents to -Walling office - Handover of services -Roofing - site report and -Finishing Preparatio - Inspection improve -Furnishing n of BQs reports service -Invitation -Site meeting delivery of bidders, reports evaluation -Certificates of and award payment - - Completion Handover certificate of site - Handover of completed projects

LondianiW Citizens -Earth works 100% 1.5M -Designs -Contract PSM CGOK ard access for foundation for the documents to -Walling office - Handover of services -Roofing - site report and -Finishing Preparatio - Inspection improve -Furnishing n of BQs reports

Page 303 of 314

service -Invitation -Site meeting delivery of bidders, reports evaluation -Certificates of and award payment - - Completion Handover certificate of site - Handover of completed projects Ainamoi Citizens -Earth works 1.5M -Designs -Contract PSM CGOK Ward access for foundation for the documents to -Walling office - Handover of services -Roofing - site report and -Finishing Preparatio - Inspection improve -Furnishing n of BQs reports service -Invitation -Site meeting delivery of bidders, reports evaluation -Certificates of and award payment - - Completion Handover certificate of site - Handover of completed projects 2 Construc Sigowet/Si Citizens Earth works for 100% 3.54M 202 -Designs -Contract PSM CGOK tion of on access foundation 0/2 for the documents Sub to Walling 021 office - Handover of County services Roofing - site report offices and Finishing Preparatio - Inspection improve Furnishing n of BQs reports service -Invitation -Site meeting delivery of bidders, reports evaluation -Certificates of and award payment - - Completion Handover certificate of site - Handover of completed projects

Page 304 of 314

3 Construc Kericho Citizens -Earth works 100% 12M 202 -Designs -Contract PSM CGOK tion of a Municipali access for foundation 0/2 for the documents one stop ty – to -Walling 021 office - Handover of shop Kisumu services -Roofing - site report citizen road and -Finishing Preparatio - Inspection centre Juction improve -Furnishing n of BQs reports service -Invitation -Site meeting delivery of bidders, reports evaluation -Certificates of and award payment - - Completion Handover certificate of site - Handover of completed projects

4 Citizens Engagement of 100% 10,000 202 -Designs -Contract PSM CGOK access Contractors for ,000 0/2 for the documents to the 021 office - Handover of services construction - site report and Preparatio - Inspection Construc improve n of BQs reports Kipkelion tion of service -Invitation -Site meeting East and Fire delivery of bidders, reports Soin/Sigo Station evaluation -Certificates of wet and and award payment - - Completion Handover certificate of site - Handover of completed projects Sub Total; Public Service Management 37.54 M 23

24 4.2.10 Trade, Industrialization, Tourism, Wildlife and Cooperative Development S/No Project Name Project Objectives Descriptio Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitoring Impleme Source Implementatio Location n Of Targets s frame Indicators Tools nting s Of n Status(For Activities Cost(ks Agency Funds On-Going h) Projects)-%

Page 305 of 314

1 Trade Kericho To provide Construct 1 14,216 - Number -Field CGK CGK New project promotion and Main a ion of ,377.0 inspection development Market conducive Kericho 0 reports business main - Field environme multipurp visit/monito nt. ose ring reports market@ -- Operational market 2 Mogomini To provide Construct 1 6,800, - Number -Field CGK CGK New project Market a ion of 000.00 inspection conducive market reports environme sheds - Field nt for visit/monito business ring reports -- Operational sheds 3 Kapsorok To provide Construct 1 7,000, - Number -Field CGK CGK New project market a ion of 000.00 inspection conducive market reports environme sheds - Field nt for visit/monito business ring reports –Operational sheds 4 Kapsaos To provide Construct 1 3,000, - Number -Field market a ion of 000.00 inspection conducive market reports environme sheds - Field nt for visit/monito business ring reports -- Operational sheds 5 Cheplang To provide Construct 1 7,000, - Number -Field CGK CGK New project et market a ion of 000.00 inspection conducive market reports environme sheds - Field nt for visit/monito business ring reports -- Operational sheds Page 306 of 314

6 Roret To provide Renovatio 1 3,000, - Number -Field CGK CGK New project market a n of 000.00 inspection conducive market reports environme - Field nt for visit/monito business ring reports -- Operational markets 7 Industrializati Cheplang Value Construct 1 10,000 - Number -Field CGK CGK New project on et Ward Addition ion of a ,000.0 inspection Cottage 0 reports Industry - Field for visit/monito bananas ringreports for value -Operational addition cottage industry - Improved market 7 Co-operative Various To Develop 6 5,000, - Number -Field CGK CGK New project development Sub enhance dairy 000.00 inspection and promotion Counties developme infrastruc reports nt of the ture in - Field co- various visit/monito operative co- ring reports society operatives -Operational facilities -Improved production on and returns.

8 Various To Various 1 8,000, - Number -Field CGK CGK New project Sub- enhance value 000.00 inspection Counties developme addition reports nt of the processin - Field co- g visit/monito operative machines ring reports society for co- -Operational operatives facilities -Improved production

Page 307 of 314

on and returns.

9 Various To Install 6 11,470 - Number -Field CGK CGK New project Sub- enhance various ,000.0 inspection Counties developme value 0 reports nt of the addition - Field co- processin visit/monito operative g ring reports society achiness -Operational for co- facilities operatives -Improved production on and returns.

10 Tourism Various Tourism Beautifica 1 2,750, - Number -Field CGK CGK New project Development Sub- developme tion and 000.00 inspection and Promotion Counties nt and publicity reports promotion of the - Field tourist visit/monito attraction ring reports sites -Operational within the facilities county STRATEGIC INTERVENTION 0 1 Rehabilitation, Kaplerlet To Site 100% of 54,450 3yr Number of Designs Finance CGK Site recently Fencing, et Ward provide investigati planned ,000 stalls reports/dra and handed over Drainage & on, year wings Economi and Sheds conducive demolitio activities Tender c foundation construction environm n and site documents Plannin works have at Sondu ent for clearance, Site visits g just started. Market/Kapke Builders and lek/ trading Work, Supervision 1% Electrical reports Installatio Inspection & ns, Acceptance Mechanic certificates al Initial Water Installatio test reports ns

Page 308 of 314

2 Completion of Kisiara To Builders 100% of 2yr Number of Designs Trade CGK Boiler room Roret Ward enhance Work, planned 20,000 machinery reports/dra and water Pineapple value Electrical activities ,000.0 procured wings treatment plant - Kisira addition Installatio for the 0 Tender plant work are Ward ns, year documents ongoing Mechanic Site visits al and Installatio Supervision ns reports Inspection & Acceptance certificates Initial Water test reports

Sub Total; Trade,Ind. Tourism, Wildlife & Cooperative Management 152,68 74,450,000 6,377

Page 309 of 314

25 4.2.11 Information, Communication, E-Government, Youth Affairs and Sports

S/ Project Project Objectives Description Of Annual Project Time Monitoring Monitor Implementin Sour Implem No Name Location Activities Targets s frame Indicators ing g Agency ce of entatio Cost(ks Tools fund n h) s Status (for on- going project s

1 Data County To enable Migration of 23M 2020- No of Applica Department CGK Centre Headquarte shared data, 2021 Application tion of ICT,S& r platform of Application Operati activated runnin YA information integration onalize g and Data automation. Centre

1 Establishm County To enable Construction All 8M 2020- No of Startup Department CGK ent of wide (12 youths have of Shade with Centres 2021 youths at s of ICT and youth ICT conducive internet and the centre establis Education Empowerm Centres) environment Secure field hed ent Park. for talent development and start ups growth.

2 Equiping of County To enable Supply of All 3M 2020- No of No of Department CGK Youth wide (All youths have Modern polytech 2021 trained Succes of ICT and polytechnic Polytechnic conducive Equipments nics youths sfully Education s. s ) environment trained for talent youths development and skills growth.

Page 310 of 314

3 Establishm County To enable Construction All 3M 2020- No of Youth Implem Department CGK ent of wide (All youths have of Modern Polytech 2021 Empowerm entatio of ICT and youth Polytchnics) conducive Workshops nics ent parks n Education Empowerm environment Constructe period

ent Park. for talent d development and skills growth.

5 Establishm County To enable Construction All Six 3M 2020- No of No of Department CGK ent sports wide youths have of Centres at Sub- 2021 Centres Sports of ICT and centres. conducive Green Stadium counties constructe Centres Education environment and d and ready for talent Construction Equiped for use development of New and skills stadiums growth.

Sub Total; ICT, E-Government, Youth and Sports 40,000 ,000

GRAND TOTAL COST OF ADP 2020-2021 4,784,927,338


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