Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2019 No. 197 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Minnesota Duluth before entering the During my 23 years as a law enforce- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Naval Aviation Officer Candidate ment officer in northern Minnesota, I pore (Mr. CUELLAR). School and earning the commission of heard far too many horror stories f an ensign. In April 1965, he received his about trafficked or murdered Native naval flight officer wings and was de- American women. Too often, these DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO ployed to Vietnam, flying in an F–4B cases go unresolved. TEMPORE Phantom as a radar intercept officer. These victims and their families de- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- In October 1965, David was shot down serve action. I was glad to hear that fore the House the following commu- and captured by enemy forces. He spent President Donald Trump recently nication from the Speaker: the next 7 years and 4 months as a pris- signed an executive order establishing WASHINGTON, DC, oner of war in various camps, including an interagency task force to review un- December 10, 2019. the infamous Hanoi Hilton. Despite the solved cases. I was especially pleased I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY cruel torture and inhumane conditions to see Fond du Lac council member CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on David endured at the hands of his cap- Roger Smith, Fond du Lac chairman this day. tors, they were never able to rob him of Kevin Dupuis, and Mille Lacs band NANCY PELOSI, his resilient American spirit. chief Melanie Benjamin standing Speaker of the House of Representatives. Following his release from prison, alongside our President in the Oval Of- f David vowed that he would be happy fice as he signed this executive order. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE for the rest of his life. David went on to I applaud Minnesota’s Tribal leaders continue a life of service, reporting to for standing united against this epi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- pilot training and earning his naval demic of violence, and I remain com- ant to the order of the House of Janu- aviation wings in 1975. mitted to supporting them in this crit- ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- Throughout his career, David flew ical mission. nize Members from lists submitted by various types of aircraft and retired f the majority and minority leaders for after 20 years of honorable service. morning-hour debate. David also got married and started a AND STILL I RISE The Chair will alternate recognition family of his own. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The between the parties. All time shall be In my hometown of Duluth, Min- Chair recognizes the gentleman from equally allocated between the parties, nesota, we are incredibly proud to have Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. and in no event shall debate continue a hero like Commander David Wheat Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other living amongst us. David has been an and still I rise with love for my coun- than the majority and minority leaders active member of our community, sup- try at heart. and the minority whip, shall be limited porting activities and fundraisers for Mr. Speaker, if I appear to have a to 5 minutes. various veterans organizations. pensive persona, it is because I am ex- f Mr. Speaker, on behalf of every Min- periencing a melancholy moment, a nesotan, I thank Commander Wheat for melancholy moment because some 2- CELEBRATING THE RESILIENT his brave service and wish him the plus years ago I came to the floor of SPIRIT OF DAVID WHEAT happiest of birthdays. this House, stood in the well, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The TAKING A STAND AGAINST VIOLENCE called for the impeachment of the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. STAUBER. Mr. Speaker, I rise President some 2 years ago. Minnesota (Mr. STAUBER) for 5 min- today to address the heartbreaking That moment is now at hand, and I utes. trend of violence troubling our Native do feel a sense of thoughtfulness, pen- Mr. STAUBER. Mr. Speaker, I rise American communities and recognize siveness because, to be very honest, I today to honor Commander David the Tribal leaders from my district am saddened about what is about to Wheat, a Vietnam veteran and former who are taking a stand on this issue. happen. It is not something that I want prisoner of war from Minnesota’s Native American women in par- to see occur in my country. I love my Eighth Congressional District, who is ticular face a disproportionately high country. This is not something that I about to celebrate his 80th birthday on risk of violence. According to one came to Congress to be a part of, but it December 16. study, the murder rate of Native Amer- is about to happen. David grew up in Duluth, Minnesota, ican women is 10 times the national av- The House will vote. The President and graduated from the University of erage. will be impeached, after which his case b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H9953 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:37 Dec 11, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.000 H10DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H9954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2019 will go to the Senate. The Senate will gaging in personalities toward the experts, he urged farmers to restore ni- have a trial. If the Senate convicts and President. trogen to their soils by practicing sys- removes the President from office, this f tematic crop rotation, alternating cot- will bring this ignoble chapter in Presi- ton crops with plantings of sweet pota- RECOGNIZING GEORGE dential history to an end. But if the toes or legumes, such as peanuts, soy- WASHINGTON CARVER Senate does not convict, then the beans, and cowpeas. President is still subject to impeach- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Once at Tuskegee, Carver trained ment for other acts that are impeach- Chair recognizes the gentleman from farmers to rotate and cultivate the new able. Alabama (Mr. BROOKS) for 5 minutes. crops successfully. Carver developed I have always brought my Articles of Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Mr. Speak- and established an agricultural exten- Impeachment to the floor. I have al- er, renowned Alabama educator, artist, sion program for all of Alabama. ways had a rationale for my actions. I and botanist George Washington Carver founded an industrial research never said to just impeach the Presi- Carver, like many Americans, over- laboratory, where he and assistants dent because he ought to be impeached. came numerous obstacles to achieve worked to popularize the new crops by I never felt that way. I do not feel that greatness. Carver’s contributions to developing hundreds of applications for way currently. Impeachment is a seri- science and agriculture made a huge them. ous undertaking, and I always have impact that is still felt across the In 1916, Carver was made a member of been serious about my actions. globe today. the Royal Society of Arts in England, I do believe that, if the Senate does On January 5, 2020, Alabama will one of only a handful of Americans at not convict, other Articles of Impeach- unveil a historic marker honoring Dr. that time to receive this honor. The ment may be considered. Currently, we Carver at Decatur’s Horizon School. United Peanut Associations of America are considering two Articles of Im- Carter visited Decatur in 1935. Carver invited Carver to speak at their 1920 peachment—abuse of power and ob- Elementary was named in his honor. convention. He discussed ‘‘The Possi- struction of Congress—but there is During his visit, Carver spoke to an au- bilities of the Peanut’’ and exhibited much more to be considered. It is my dience of more than 1,000 Decatur resi- 145 peanut products. opinion that we will still have work to dents. In a letter to then-super- Carver received the 1923 NAACP do if the Senate does not convict. intendent W.W. Henson after his visit, Spingarn Medal for outstanding To this end, I want to use an example George Washington Carver wrote: ‘‘The achievement by an African American. so that people will understand the Carver School far exceeds my expecta- Before his death in 1943, Carver do- point I am making. The President him- tions. It is a most beautiful building, nated his life savings to establish the self has said that he could shoot some- and I hope that it will be able in every Carver Research Foundation at one on Fifth Avenue—these are the way to integrate itself into the up- Tuskegee. President’s words—and he would not building and the development of the Carver was posthumously inducted lose his base of support. Well, if he does splendid possibilities which lie all into the National Inventors Hall of that with malice aforethought and if around you.’’ Fame. someone is hurt, regardless as to what Carver was deeply devoted to edu- The George Washington Carver Na- happens in the Senate, if the Senate cation. During the Civil War, George tional Monument was the first national does not convict, the President can be Washington Carver was born in Dia- monument dedicated to a Black Amer- brought before the bar of justice again.
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