On-line Virginia Bulletin Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution ______2010-11 Volume XXXIV No. 4

General William Campbell Chapter ….. “Keeping History of the American Revolution Alive”

Since Memorial Day, May 2006, the General William Campbell Chapter has been actively involved in all Memorial Day and Veterans Day Ceremonies and Dedications of Memorials at the Veterans Memorial Park in Abingdon, Virginia. Permanent memorials have been dedicated in the Park to American Revolution patriots, including “Spirit of 1776” in, 2006, the “Overmountain Men” in 2009, and the “Citizen Soldiers/Minutemen” Memorial on Memorial Day, May 30, 2010.

The Chapter’s most recent Veterans Day Ceremony was last year when the “Liberty & Peace Tree” Memorial was dedicated. The Memorial is a one-of-a-kind in the entire United States, a Bronze Tree & Peace Dove attached to a seven- ton granite monument that towers over the east end of the Ceremonial Grounds. It is most impressive with the words “Peace & Liberty” inscribed on the branches of the Bronze Tree in 22 different languages. “The first “Liberty Tree” was an American Elm Tree that stood on the Boston Commons in Boston, Mass. prior to the American Revolution. The famous “Boston Tea Party” on December 6, 1773 resulted from a rally under the Elm. News of the “Liberty Tree” spread throughout the colonies. Thereafter, many communities had their own Liberty Tree where citizens would gather to express their grievances against the British, while giving an appearance of a group just chatting beneath a shade tree. Virginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution 2010-2011 Officers

* Robert L. “Bob” Bowen. ……………………………………………...President 78 Smithfield Way, Fredericksburg, VA 22406 540-374-1720 [email protected]

* Mark S. Brennan, Sr, Esq. ……………..……………………… President-elect 2120 Christendom Drive, Midlothian, VA 23113 (H) 804-379-6363 (O) 804-237-8804 [email protected] President Bob Bowen * Henry P. Williams III, PhD…………………………………2nd Vice President All good things must come to an end. And, 841W.LeighDr.,Charlottesville,VA22901 434-938-8141 2010-11 has proved to be all I had hoped it [email protected] would be … and more. Consider all of Virginia’s 26 Chapters * Kent S. Webber ………………………………………………3rd Vice President donating $500 or more to the Center for 9405 Delancey Dr., Vienna, VA 22182-3410 703-938-8141 Advancing America’s Heritage to all of the [email protected] Chapters participating in the National Flag Certificate program, the Virginia Society has *William A. Broadus, Jr. ………………………………………………..Secretary stepped to the plate and demonstrated it is 10133BrandonWay,Manassas,VA20109 703-361-2665 an organization of which its members can be [email protected] proud. Our special program to dedicate a plaque * Frederick N. Elofson……..……………………………………………Treasurer honoring 24 Revolutionary War soldiers or 21 Paula Maria Dr., Newport News, VA 23606 757-596-6825 patriots buried in a single cemetery near [email protected] Raphine in the Valley (along with 24 other soldiers who served during the War of 1812), * Walter Jervis Sheffield, Esq…………………………………….…...Chancellor brought credit to the Society and the 14 1314 Sophia St., Fredericksburg, VA 22401-3742 540-371-2370 Chapters that attended. The program was [email protected] organized by Graves Registration Chairman Mike Lyman. Brent D. Morgan…………………………………………………...…….Registrar The same could be said about the special 8091 Pantego Ln., Mechanicsville, VA 23116-5837 804-550-3039 program to commemorate a 1788 meeting [email protected] near Orange between James Madison and the Elder John Leland to discuss making Frederick S. Downs, Jr. ………………………………………...……….Historian freedom of religion part of Madison’s 28 Little Chestnut Lane, Lyndhurst, VA 22852 540-941-8148 proposed Bill of Rights. Thirteen Chapters [email protected] attended that special program. VASSAR Chaplain Nick Minich and past VASSAR Rev. Henry N. F. Minich…………………………………………….…..Chaplain President Jim Bayne had the lead on this 3115 Dundee Rd., Earlysville, VA 22936 434-975-0569 program. [email protected] I am also proud of the 11 Chapters represented in South Boston the week after W. McKenzie Wallenborn, MD……………………………….……….....Surgeon we began our 2010-2011 journey to help 700 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22903 434-293-6779 commemorate the 229th anniversary of the [email protected] Crossing of the Dan, sponsored by the Dan River Chapter. COL Andrew M. Johnson……………….………...... ………..National Trustee And, the more than 100 people 1200 South Monroe St., Arlington, VA 22204 703-892-4247 representing nine Chapters who gathered at [email protected] the Belle Haven Country Club in Alexandria to honor retired Marine Corps General Peter Robert L. “Bob” Bowen ……………………………..Alternate National Trustee Pace by presenting him the SAR Gold Good 78 Smithfield Way, Fredericksburg, VA 22406 540-374-1720 Citizenship Medal. Thank you, Bob Carr, [email protected] Mark Brennan, and Joe Dooley. * Executive Committee First Lady Helen and I traveled more than 20,000 miles in pursuit of our obligation to you. And, we enjoyed each and every mile of that journey. However, none of what we The on-line Virginia Bulletin is published quarterly by the Virginia Society, Sons of the did could have been achieved without the American Revolution. Editor: Robert L. “Bob” Bowen, 78 Smithfield Way, Fredericksburg, support of every member of the Virginia VA 22406 EMAIL: [email protected] Chapters wishing to report on their activities, Society and the officers you gave me to help should send their reports to the Editor. Email submissions preferred, to Bob Bowen – share the load. We are in your debt. EMAIL: [email protected] Semper Fi - Bob Bowen VASSAR’S Flag Certificate Program recognizes a wide range of worthy recipients and brings recognition to Chapters by their communities. The VASSAR Flag Certificate program was initiated in 2001 so Virginia would be eligible for the National Society’s annual Admiral Furlong award. That award, a streamer, goes to state societies that present a Flag Certificate during the calendar year along with at least 50% of the Chapters in that state. Virginia won the award in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 and State Chairman Dr. Kirk Sheap, MD challenged all of VASSAR’s 26 Chapters to present a Flag Certificate in 2010, so VASSAR would have 100% participation in our 10th year. All Chapters met the challenge! Congratulations, Kirk. VASSAR will be recognized on Awards Night at the Annual Congress in Winston-Salem, NC in July. In the interim, each VASSAR Chapter is receiving a special streamer for their flag commemorating our 10th straight Admiral Furlong Award win.

(LEFT) The Col. Fielding Lewis Chapter presented its annual Flag Certificate to the National Marine Corps Museum at Quantico on November 8. Among other Flags displayed at the Museum, there is a diorama of the Flag Raising on Iwo Jima during World War Two. Retired Marine Colonel Marv Pixton, Chapter President, presented the certificate to Museum Director Liz Ezell. Bill Turner recited the National Sojourner’s “Toast to the Flag” during the presentation ceremony. (RIGHT) The General William Campbell Chapter presented its annual Flag Certificate to the Johnson Memorial Hospital in Johnson City, Tennessee in December. After the ceremony, the hospital’s chief executive officer, San McMurray, said “We have proudly displayed the American flag for a number of years in support of our country and our men and women of the Armed Forces. We will continue to do so in the future.” Chapter President John Elliott presented the certificate to McMurray. Others shown include Jack Butterworth, Jerry Wimmer and Rev. Bill Graybeal.

Among others receiving the special Flag Streamer during their Annual Meeting were the George Washington Chapter (President Bob Carr accepting) and the Colonel Fielding Lewis Chapter (President Marv Pixton accepting.)

3 More than 100 Compatriots and guests gathered in Alexandria to present Gen. Peter Pace, USMC (Ret) the SAR Gold Good Citizenship Medal

Retired Army Colonel Bob Carr orchestrated a series of toasts to our national’s leaders, past and present. He toasted George Washington.

Marine Corps General Peter Pace, retired (second from left), the first Marine to serve as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was honored by the Virginia Society on January 8 at the Belle Haven Country Club in Alexandria. The George Washington Chapter hosted the gala event. (L-R) Genealogist General Joe Dooley; General Pace; President General David Sympson; VASSAR President- elect Mark Brennan and George Washington Chapter President Bob Carr.

Retired Marine Corps Colonel Paul Briggs toasted General Pace.

(L-R) President General Bruce Wilcox (2007-08); VASSAR 2nd Vice President Phil Williams” remembers the ladies” in attendance; and it was a time for old friends to meet and greet new friends.

(L-R) VASSAR President-elect Mark Brennan and VASSAR Treasurer Rick Elofson and Retired Navy Captain Don Kellerman VASSAR’s youngest President Tom Burch (34) in 1974-75 and his wife Linda. Tom helped toasted the SAR. support the program through his National Vietnam Veterans Foundation. 4 General Pace gave a stirring account of his 40 years service in the Marine Corps, from his days as a midshipman at the Naval Academy, combat service in Vietnam as a platoon leader, various assignments of major military commands and his final tour as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Never one to forget the troops assigned to him, Immediately following his retirement at the Pentagon, General Pace went to the Vietnam Memorial ... Genealogist General Joe Dooley walked to Panel 50W ...and placed a 3x5 card on which he had attached his four-star explained the significance of the Gold insignia. The card read: “For Guido Farinaro USMC. These are yours – not mine! With Good Citizenship Medal and introduced love and respect, your platoon leader, Pete Pace.” Lance Corporal Farinaro was the first General Pace. Marine to die under then Lieutenant Pace’s command in Vietnam.

VASSAR President-elect Mark Brennan introduced the head table guests.

(L-R) President General David Sympson brought greetings on behalf of the National Society. Old friends joined for a photo…Retired Marine Corps MajGen Tom Wilkerson, former Treasurer General Jack London, Jennifer London, Lynne Pace and General Peter Pace. Wilkerson and Pace were classmates at the Naval Academy, graduating in 1967. London graduated from the Academy in 1959.

The George Washington Chapter was presented a Certificate of Distinguished Service for hosting the Pace Gala.

(L-R) Former Marine Greg Canterbury, President of the Col. James Wood II Chapter and General Pace share a moment beside the Marine Corps Flag. Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Bill Turner, offered a Toast to the Flag as the program got underway. General Pace and former VASSAR President Joe Dooley. Col. Paul Briggs, USMC (Ret) presented a bust of George Washington to Gen. Photos by Wayne Rouse Pace on behalf of the George 5 Washington Chapter. New Chapter Presidents Take the Helm…

Spurgeon Keith was elected President of the Fincastle Resolutions Chapter for a second term. He was installed at a luncheon meeting at the The George Washington Chapter reelected the entire slate of 2010 officers for 2011. Shenandoah Club in Roanoke on President Bowen installed them at their Annual Meeting on December 11. (L-R) Treasurer Mike Elston, Secretary Don Kellerman, Vice President Paul Briggs and January 18. President Bob Carr

President Bob Bowen presents the neck President Bowen adjusts the Neck ribbon to the newly installed President of Ribbon of newly installed President the Colonel Fielding Lewis Chapter, David Darrin Schmidt of the Fairfax Hazel, on January 15. VASSAR Chancellor Walt Sheffield looks on. Resolves Chapter on December 11.

VASSAR 2nd Vice President Phil Williams presented an interesting talk on the Convention Army in Charlottesville during the Revolutionary War at Fort Harrisons’ Annual Meeting on January 8. John Cloud (R) was installed for a second term.

Matt Hogendobler accepts the gavel from VASSAR President-elect Mark Brennan as he assumes the presidency of the Norfolk Chapter on January 11.Immediate Past President Robert Hitchings assists in the transfer of duties. Lance Lyngar accepted the gavel of authority in the Culpeper Minute Men President Bowen installed Joe Shipes Chapter when the Chapter held its (L) as President of the Thomas annual installation of officers on Nelson, Jr. Chapter and Ed Truslow January 22. VASSAR President Bob as President of the Williamsburg Bowen, a member of the Chapter, Chapter during a joint Annual installed the new officers and Meeting of the two Chapters at the inducted Don Hollar, a new member. President Bowen installed Bob Vogler (C) Riverwalk Restaurant in Yorktown on as President of the Col. George Waller January 15. Chapter on December 4. Immediate Past President Andy Doss is on the left. . 6 Nominating Committee Slate of Officers for 2011-12 The VASSAR Nominating Committee, chaired by Past President Bill Simpson, has presented the following slate of officers for the next term. The slate will be presented to and voted on by members attending the 2011 Annual meeting in Richmond next month. Other members of the Nominating Committee were Past President Trice Taylor, Past President Larry McKinley, Taylor Cowardin and Jim Swords.

Mark Brennan Phil Williams Kent Webber Bill Broadus Bob Carr Rick Elofson President President-elect 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Walt Sheffield Larry Aaron Brent Morgan Nick Minich Ken Wallenborn Chancellor Historian Registrar Chaplain Surgeon

It Is The Soldier It is the Soldier, not the minister Who has given us freedom of religion. It is the Soldier, not the reporter Who has given us freedom of the press. It is the Soldier, not the poet Who has given us freedom of speech. It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer Who has given us freedom to protest. It is the Soldier, not the lawyer 2011 VASSAR Who has given us the right to a fair trial. It is the Soldier, not the politician Annual Meeting Who has given us the right to vote. February 25-27 It is the Soldier who salutes the flag, The Holiday Inn Koger Who serves beneath the flag, Conference Center And whose coffin is draped by the flag. Richmond, VA by Major Dick Winters


(From left to right): Wesley Webb, Lee Webb, Jr., Lee Webb, Sr., VASSAR Registrar Brent Morgan, VASSAR Graves Registration Chairman Mike Lyman, John Sinks, Culpeper Minute Men Chapter Vice President Lance Lyngar, Norfolk Chapter President Robert Hitchings, Matt Hogendobler and Tom Whetstone.

Chesapeake, VA. At 11:30 on Saturday morning, December 4th 2010, the Norfolk Chapter attended the 57th Annual Battle of Great Bridge Wreath Laying, commemorating The Battles of Great Bridge and Kemps Landing, hosted by the Great Bridge Chapter, NSDAR.

The program began with an introduction by Anna Myers, Regent. The Honorable Alan P. Krasnoff, Mayor of the City of Chesapeake, attended the ceremony and proclaimed December 4th “Battle of Great Bridge Day,” marking the significance of the Battle of Great Bridge in 1775, and the responsibility of today's citizens to remember and celebrate its 235th anniversary.

Flanked by members of the of the Continental Line, Norfolk Chapter President Robert B. Hitchings joined Regent Myers in placing wreaths. Also laying wreaths were Brent Morgan, representing VASSAR, Mike Lyman, VASSAR Graves Chairman, representing the OFPA, Lance Lyngar, VASSAR Eagle Chairman, representing Culpeper Minute Men Chapter, Compatriot John Sinks, Mrs. Sally Triolet of Chesapeake Parks & Recreation, the Honorable Judge E. Preston Grissom and numerous members of the Norfolk Chapter.

It was a special day for CBN News Anchor Lee Webb, who was inducted into the Chapter in 2009. His two sons were in attendance this time for their own inductions into the Chapter (shown at left with President Robert Hitchings), and they, with their dad, graciously offered to fill in for the missing Color Guardsmen.

The Battle of Great Bridge took place on December 9th 1775 at “the Great Bridge,” a series of causeways and bridges which served as a strategic link between Virginia and the southern colonies. The defeat of the poorly-advised British demoralized troops and local Loyalists and led directly to the British evacuation of Virginia and the loss of Norfolk as their base of military operations in the South. This first land battle of the American Revolution fought in the South witnessed 900 "regulars" and Norfolk County militiamen meeting and defeating British forces, which in turn, prevented the return of the British to Virginia’s Tidewater and restored the Patriot’s north-south supply line; an effort which ultimately aided in the surrender of the British at Yorktown. Compatriot Matt Hogendobler, Norfolk Chapter. 8 VETERANS DAY – 2010 VASSAR President Bob Bowen (right) presented a streamer to President-elect Mark Brennan, third from left, joined with Thomas Jefferson Chapter President Pat Kelly (left) to recognize members of the Williamsburg Chapter to observe Veterans Day his Chapter’s participation at the special picnic/program to on November 11, 2010. From the left: former Assistant Secretary commemorate a1788 meeting between James Madison and of the Army and Administrator of Veterans Affairs; Williamsburg Baptist Elder John Leland to discuss religious freedom. VASSAR DAR Chapter Regent Elaine Strange; Brennan; Jim Swords, Chaplain, The Reverend Canon Henry Nick Minich assisted in then President of the Thomas Nelson, Jr. Chapter; Ben Fegan, the presentation. Minich and Past VASSAR President Jim Bayne then President of the Williamsburg Chapter and Colonial organized the program, held near Orange on September 18. Williamsburg interpreter of Richard Henry Lee, Frank Mergargee.

Alexandria Deputy Sheriff Bryant Vaughn (3rd from right) was presented the SAR Medal for Heroism for placing his life in danger when he thwarted a burglary by three men at a neighbor’s home. Sheriff Dana Lawhorne (2nd from left) received the SAR Law Enforcement Commendation Medal for his leadership and distinguished service to law enforcement for more than 27 years. The awards were presented during the George Washington Chapter’s Annual Meeting on December 10. (L-R) VASSAR COWPENS - 2011 President Bowen, Sheriff Lawhorne, GW President Bob Carr; Deputy Sheriff Vaughn, GW Fire & Safety Committee Chairman VASSAR 2nd Vice President Phil Williams (second from left) led a th Jack Pitzer. A proud Reuben Vaugh smiles broadly as his hero three-man contingent to South Carolina to observe the 230 dad is recognized. anniversary of the Battle of Cowpens on January 15. (L-R) Fairfax Resolves Color Guardsman Vernon Eubanks; Williams; In two separate ceremonies, the George Washington Chapter former VASSAR member Allen Brahin (now with North Carolina recognized Firefighter Doug Townshend with an SAR Medal for society); and former VASSAR President Larry McKinley. Heroism; Fire Chief Adam Thiel with the AR Fire Safety Commendation Medal; Paramedic Matt Strauss with the SAR Emergency Medical Service Commendation Medal and Outreach Specialist with the SAR Fire Safety Commendation Medal. 9 General William Campbell Chapter President John Elliott and other members of the Chapter presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Col. Hubert Q. Gilliam for his many services to the Richmond Chapter SAR Holds Joint Grave Marking Ceremony with the Chapter over the years, including the donation of a musket which the Chapter Virginia Society of the War of 1812 at Shockoe Hill Cemetery sold to raise funds for its community outreach programs. On November 21, 2010 the Richmond Chapter along with the Society of the War of 1812 in Virginia held a joint grave marking ceremony for three Revolutionary War veterans and two War of 1812 veterans at Richmond’s historic Shockoe Hill Cemetery. Granite SAR markers were placed at the three patriots’ graves and two Veterans Administration headstones were ordered and installed for two of the patriots whose graves were previously unmarked. The ceremony honored the memory of patriots Sergeant Peter Eppes, Major William Price and Fifer George Raybourne along with the War of 1812 vets Private Charles Palmer and Sergeant Jacob Shook. Sergeant Peter Eppes entered the of Continental Forces as a private in April of 1777. In February of 1778 he was appointed Sergeant. He remained a Sergeant until he was discharged on March 26th 1778. On Veterans Day, 2010, the Fairfax Eppes saw action at Brandywine and Germantown. Resolves Chapter marked the grave of Major William Price served as a sergeant in the 1st Virginia Regiment from Revolutionary War Ensign Thomas 1776 until his promotion to Lieutenant in the spring of 1779. Price was Millan in the Fairfax City Cemetery. discharged at Point Fork in 1783 and saw action at Great Bridge, New York, Some sixty spectators were present including Delegate David Bulova, 37th Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, Stony Point, and District of Virginia General Assembly, Charlestown. Price was wounded twice at Cowpens and was allowed 2,666.66 five members of the Fairfax City acres for his service. He went on to serve in the War of 1812 and rose to the rank Council, representation from four of Major. different DAR Chapters, the C.A.R., Fifer George Raybourne served in the 3rd and 4th Virginia Regiments. He descendants led by SAR Compatriot enlisted in 1777, was captured at the in the spring of 1780 and two times Norfolk Chapter and taken by the British to Halifax, Nova Scotia “until the peace.” Pres. Richard Farr Millan, 3rd Great Grandson of Ensign Thomas Millan and Remarks were given by Virginia War of 1812 President (and Richmond other patriotic citizens in the area. The Chapter member) Jack Maxwell, Virginia War of 1812 past president and bugler was Jeff W. Johnson, a “Bugles VASSAR Graves Chairman Mike Lyman and Friends of Shockoe Hill Cemetery Across America” volunteer. representative Jeffry Burden. Wreaths were presented by the Virginia Society SAR, Virginia Society Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, United States Daughters of the War of 1812, Williamsburg, Thomas Nelson, Jr., George Washington and Richmond Chapters SAR, Commonwealth and Scotchtown Chapters DAR and Col. Alexander Spotswood Society CAR. Over 60 people were present and the ceremony was complete with three musket men firing volleys and a bugler playing “Taps.”

We regret to announce the passing of Mrs. Marie Doris Burke Franko, a long time resident of Richmond, who served as the VASSAR Office Don Hollar (second from right) was inducted into the Culpeper Minute Men Manager from the 1970s to the mid-90s. At the time of her retirement, Chapter by President Bowen on January she was presented the Mary Washington Medal for her many year’s of 22. Immediate Past President Gar dedicated service to the Virginia Society. Schulin (left) and sponsor Paul Bess observed the swearing in.

10 Winchester’s Col. James Wood II Chapter Continues to Impress The Colonel James Wood II Chapter, based in Winchester and the surrounding community, is continuing to attract new members through its community outreach programs. Chartered in 2007, the Chapter has grown steadily from an opening membership of 20 (primary and dual) to its present strength of 56 primary UPCOMING EVENTS members. The Chapter also has eight Youth Registrants, 11 Junior Members, and five Dual members. The latest growth was recorded when 14 members of the Chase family were inducted on January 22. Feb. 11-13 - Battle of Kettle Creek, Washington, GA

Feb. 17-18 – Crossing of the Dan, South Boston, VA

Feb. 25-27 – VASSAR Annual Meeting, Richmond, VA

Mar. 5 – V.S.C.A.R. Annual Meeting, Midlothian, VA

Mar. 10-13 – NSSAR Trustees-Leadership Meeting, Louisville, KY

Six members of the Chase family were present for their induction at the Chapter’s Annual Mar. 12 – Battle of Guilford Meeting. (L-R) Paul, Joel, Michael and Steven with his two sons, William and Michael. Of Court House, Greensboro, NC the other eight, five live in Vermont and three were down with the flu. Mar. 16 – President Madison’s Birthday – Montpelier, VA

Mar. 25 – VADAR Annual Meeting, Roanoke, VA

Apr.13 – President Jefferson’s Birthday, Washington, DC

Apr. 16-17 – Battle of Petersburg, Petersburg, VA

Apr. 23 – President Monroe’s Birthday, Colonial Beach, VA On November 6, then Chapter President Ralph Pierce presided at a grave marking at historic Stone’s Chapel in Clarke County. Three patriots of the Revolutionary War were Apr. 28 – President Monroe’s recognized, including William Reed (above center), John Smith and Peter Hunsicker. Birthday. Richmond, VA About 50 people turned out for the program, conducted jointly by the Col. James Wood II Chapter and American Legion Post 41 in Berryville. Greg Canterbury (right) was installed as the 2011-2012 Chapter President at the Chapter’s Annual Meeting. In addition to its many membership-attracting community programs, the Col. James Wood II Chapter served as host for the 2010 VASSAR Semi- Annual Meeting in Winchester. It was the first time any statewide SAR meeting was ever held in the home of the annual Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival. Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution CHAPTER DIRECTORY

Clinch Mountain Militia Tazewell area Colonel Fielding Lewis Virginia’s Eastern Piedmont Region Colonel George Waller Martinsville area Colonel James Wood, Jr. Northwest Virginia Colonel William Grayson Prince William County area Culpeper Minute Men Virginia’s Central Piedmont area Dan River Danville area Fairfax Resolves Fairfax County Fincastle Resolutions Roanoke Valley area Fort Harrison Harrisonburg area General Staunton area Center for Advancing America’s Heritage General William Campbell Abingdon area George Mason Arlington County A donation of $100 or more to the CAAH will George Washington Alexandria earn the donor a lapel pin, shown above. If James Monroe Upper Northern Neck each of the Thomas Jefferson Chapters’ 84 Lieutenant David Cox Galax/Independence members were to meet this challenge, it would Martin’s Station Cumberland Gap add $8,400.00 to Virginia’s total CAAH New River Valley New River Valley area donation. That, added to the more than $4,800 Norfolk Norfolk/Virginia Beach area already donated by Virginia Compatriots in Overmountain Men Gate City response to a dual member’s challenge to Richmond Richmond/Petersburg match his anonymous donation of $50,000 two Rockbridge Volunteers Lexington months ago, would result in more than $13,000 Richard Henry Lee Lower Northern Neck being donated to meet the $50K challenge. Thomas Jefferson Charlottesville Thomas Nelson, Jr. Newport News/Hampton/Yorktown We can do it. You can help make it happen! Williamsburg Williamsburg

Our members are versatile and talented. Consider Matt Hogendobler, President of the Norfolk Chapter, (center with red cumberbund), accompaning Kenny Rogers along with other members of the Virginia Beach Chorale.