Nepal’s largest selling English daily Vol XXVIII No. 292 | 8 pages | Rs.5 O O Printed simultaneously in Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Bharatpur and Nepalgunj 23.1 C -7.4 C Sunday, December 20, 2020 | 05-09-2077 Dipayal Jumla As Oli skates on thin ice, ruling party meetings come thick and fast Oli, who rarely steps out of Baluwatar, goes to Khumaltar to ‘convince’ Dahal and then drops by Thapa’s residence amid pressure to withdraw the ordinance.

TIKA R PRADHAN party committee should decide its KATHMANDU, DEC 19 fate,” said a member of Dahal’s secretariat. Communist Party chair and Party insiders say Oli seems to have Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli run out of options and hence was barely steps out of Baluwatar. making a last-ditch effort to reach a Especially since he underwent a deal with Dahal ahead of Sunday’s second kidney transplant on March 4 Standing Committee meeting, which and given the pandemic, most of is expected to discuss Dahal’s political the party and Cabinet meetings are document as well as Oli’s rebuttal. held at his official residence. But But if Oli does not withdraw the sometimes Oli does venture out. And ordinance before the meeting, that this happens whenever he is in a will become the major agenda and Oli deep crisis. will face censure for refusing to abide Just as the opposing faction led by by Wednesday’s party decision, other chair pre- according to leaders. pared to turn up the heat on Oli to Oli’s sudden move on Tuesday of abide by party decisions or step down, bulldozing an ordinance to amend he decided to turn on the charm. some clauses of the Constitutional On Saturday morning, he went to Council Act, making it easier for him POST PHOTO: MANOJ POUDEL Khumaltar to meet with Dahal. to call the Council meetings and tak- A truck carrying a load of paddy imported from India is supported by bamboo poles as it gets stuck in an under-construction road at Naya Tole Chowk in Taulihawa, Kapilvastu. Traders say According to Dahal’s private secre- ing decisions attracted widespread paddy from across the border is less expensive than the local produce. tariat, Oli urged the other chair to opprobrium. withdraw the political document. Many have said Oli committed Dahal’s political document present- fraud on the constitution. ed at the November 13 Secretariat Insiders say Oli is now making the meeting has levelled serious charges ordinance a tool, saying he would against Oli and the latter does not withdraw it only if Dahal obliges to Government yet to respond to growing calls for want that to be formally discussed at his demand. party committees. A leader said the party has had “But Dahal conveyed to Oli that enough of Oli now and no one is in a since the document has already mood to tolerate his mischief. winter session of federal parliament become the property of the party, the >> Continued on page 2 Ruling party internal feud is also besetting parliamentary processes, analysts say.

BINOD GHIMIRE Party. could lose his chair. KATHMANDU, DEC 19 On Wednesday, a day after the “Oli is making every attempt to President issued an ordinance on the delay the House because he is afraid The clamour for a Parliament session Constitutional Council Act on the rec- of it,” Chandra Dev Bhatta, who is getting stronger by the day. ommendation of Prime Minister KP writes commentaries for Kantipur, the On Saturday, the Nepali Congress Sharma Oli’s Cabinet, two Standing Post’s sister paper, told the Post. and the Janata Samajbadi Party Committee members of his Nepal “Delaying the House session together decided to call for the winter Communist Party (NCP) had gone to means stopping lawmakers from put- session of the House after a meeting the Office of the President with signa- ting the concerns of the people before of their leaders. tures of 83 lawmakers with a petition the country. This will only weaken “The two parties have decided to for a special session of Parliament. democracy.” demand the winter session of the But two weeks before the govern- The interval between the two House federal parliament immediately,” said ment is constitutionally obliged to sessions cannot be more than six Keshab Jha, a central working com- call the winter session, political par- months, as per Article 93 of the mittee member of the Janata Samajadi ties resorting to calling for a special Constitution of Nepal. As the budget session is a reflection of the session of Parliament was prorogued uncertain political climate in the on July 2, it is mandatory that the country. winter session begins on January 2. “The government seems reluc- The Parliament Secretariat has tant to call the House though the already started preparations for the constitutional deadline is close,” winter session. Speaker of the House Jha told the Post. of Representatives Agni Sapkota and Political analysts say that Oli is Chairperson of the National Assembly reluctant to call the winter ses- Ganesh Timilsina have both said they sion because he is afraid not only are ready to host the winter session to face the music because of his ensuring necessary safety measures incompetence in governance but against Covid-19. also because he fears that he >> Continued on page 2 How a Buddha Air plane flew the wrong way and landed 255 kilometres away Ground staff changed the flight number but did not brief the pilots who, in turn, failed to check the passenger manifest and flew, officials say.


Next time you take a Buddha Air flight, make sure to reconfirm, as you board the plane, that the plane is fly- ing to your destination airport. Those who did not do that on Friday were in for a surprise. When 69 passengers boarded Buddha Air’s ATR 72 on Friday after- noon, they were headed for Janakpur. But when they landed, they found themselves in Pokhara, 255 kilometres FILE PHOTO: BUDDHA AIR a w a y. A Buddha Air flight headed for Janakpur landed in Pokhara on Friday due to managerial error. Buddha Air admitted to serious lapses on its side. Birendra Bahadur make use of every available weather a set of regulations under which a Basnet, managing director of the car- window to take passengers on board pilot operates an aircraft in weather rier, told the Post they have formed a as quickly as possible and take off. conditions generally clear enough to committee to investigate the incident Buddha Air’s flight U4505 was allow the pilot to see where the air- Since domestic carriers resumed cleared to take off for Janakpur air- craft is going. services on September 21 after nearly port in the plains. Passengers were “The weather was already causing six months of no flights due to the taken in and the plane took off, with flight delays and to make up for the pandemic, planes are flying almost its estimated arrival time at Janakpur flying time, Buddha Air officials full to all destinations. by 3:15 pm. When it took off, it had decided to fly to Pokhara first,” said On Friday also, there was a lot of already been delayed. But when it an official at the airline company. hustle and bustle at the domestic ter- landed, it actually landed in Pokhara, Accordingly, the flight number was minal of the Kathmandu airport. It not the destination airport. changed. “The difference in flight was a breezy afternoon and the weath- As per the preliminary report, due schedule between Janakpur and er was not quite favourable for the to weather issues, flights to Pokhara Pokhara was 15 to 20 minutes,” said flights—some had already been were permitted until 3pm under the the official. delayed. Carriers were in a bid to visual flight rules (VFR). The VFR is >> Continued on page 2

C M Y K SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 | 02 NATIONAL Massive landslide in Someshwor hill dams Parui stream There is no immediate threat of dam outburst, police say.

RAMESH KUMAR PAUDEL pipeline of a local drinking water CHITWAN, DEC 19 project. “Three hundred taps in Madi-7 run A massive landslide at Someshwor hill dry now due to the damage caused by in Madi Municipality, Chitwan, has the landslide. Local residents are hav- dammed the Parui stream, leaving ing a hard time managing water for downstream settlements at risk of drinking and irrigation purposes,” flooding. said Krishna Paudel, a member of According to local residents, the Ayodhyapuri Buffer Zone Consumers’ water flow along the stream has been Committee. He urged the authorities blocked after the fragile topography of concerned to remove the debris of the Sete Paharo caved in and buried the landslide from the stream and repair stream along a stretch of 500 metres. the damaged water pipeline. Ram Bahadur Acharya, ward mem- According to Jhalak Sharma, ber of Madi-7, and Dhaka Mohan inspector at the Area Police Office in Timilsina, a resident of Devendrapur Madi, the artificial lake is around five in Madi-7, reached the incident site on to seven metres deep as of Saturday. Friday. According to Timilsina, the “A security team reached the site Parui stream originates in Someshwor immediately after they were informed hill and empties into the Riu stream about the incident,” said Sharma. “We that finally mixes with the Rapti river. are discussing with Mayor Thakur “The Parui stream is not a big one Dhakal to invite geologists and act as but there is a high risk of floods if the per their suggestions.” artificial lake formed due to the land- However, the local residents are slide is not drained out immediately,” terrified, as they fear that the artifi- said Timilsina. cial lake might burst and flood their He said the massive landmass fell settlements. into the stream on Thursday night. “Water in the lake should be drained Krishna Bahadur Rana of Madi-7 as soon as possible. We have informed emerged from his house early Friday the people’s representatives, techni- morning to irrigate his wheat field. cians and other government authori- POST PHOTO: BIJU MAHARJAN “But the irrigation canal was com- ties about the incident and requested Karsanav Shakya, the newly consecrated living god Bhairab, looks on during his anointment ceremony in Kathmandu on Saturday. He succeeded Rojan Shakya as the new pletely dry. I was shocked when I them to address the issue at the earli- lord Bhairab. reached the stream, as it had no est,” said Shivaji Gayak, the chairman water,” said Rana. of Ayodhyapuri Buffer Zone The landslide also damaged the Consumers’ Committee. How a Buddha Air plane flew the wrong way and landed 255 kilometres away

>> Continued from page 1 pilots also did not look at the passen- said Manandhar. “Such lapses cause Air will be summoned on Sunday to Then the mix-up happened. gers’ manifest.” passengers to suffer. On the other brief on the lapses.” “The ground staff transferred [on The Post’s attempts to talk hand, airlines too have to bear losses.” Basnet of Buddha Air said there paper] 69 passengers of flight U4505 to to the pilots failed, as they were not One international event in the was miscommunication from the flight U4607 which actually was allowed to speak as per the company recent past is related to British ground staff from the very beginning cleared for Pokhara by the air traffic rules. Airways. and at the final stage, just before the controllers,” said the official. Aviation experts say such incidents In March last year, a British plane took off, pilots did not look at Everything was in the right order may happen, but they happen quite Airways plane landed in Edinburgh, the passenger manifest. but the ground staff and the flight rarely. though it was destined for Düsseldorf “Paperwork was fine,” said Basnet. attendant failed to brief the flight’s Tri Ratna Manandhar, former direc- in Germany. “There were weather conditions also captain and co-pilot that the flight’s tor general of the Civil Aviation According to reports, the incident so the pilots were more focused on number had been changed, according Authority of Nepal, said this is the happened after the flight paperwork flying.” to the official. second incident of such kind in was submitted incorrectly. The airline company said all “The flight attendant did make an Nepal’s aviation history in the last two The Civil Aviation Authority of the passengers were flown to announcement on the flight that it and a half-decades. Nepal, the country’s aviation regulato- Janakpur directly from Pokhara later was heading to Janakpur,” said the In 1993, a Twin Otter of then ry body, said it would launch a formal in the day. official. Royal Nepal Airlines Corporation had inquiry into the incident. “It’s an occupational error... or a But there was nothing the passen- landed in Simara airport which “We had made an inquiry into the human error you can say. Though gers could have done, as the plane was was supposed to land in Bharatpur matter with the airport. As today such errors cause losses to the organi- already airborne and headed to its airport. [Saturday] is a public holiday, a formal sation, it has nothing to do with the destination—Pokhara. “The Buddha Air incident hap- probe is possible tomorrow,” Raj safety issue,” said Basnet. “Our inter- “There was miscommunication pened due to miscommunication. It’s Kumar Chettri, spokesperson for the nal committee will recommend an PHOTO COURTESY: SHALIN GHIMIRE between the ground staff and the not part of safety lapses but it’s a seri- Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal, appropriate system not to repeat the The fragile topography of Sete Paharo caved in and buried the stream on Thursday night. pilots,” said the official. “The flying ous lapse on the part of management,” told the Post. “Officials from Buddha mistake in the future.” Government yet to respond to As Oli skates on thin ice, ruling party growing calls for winter session ... meetings come thick and fast

>> CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tary democracy more than 25 years >> CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 look like in a mood to retreat anytime Committee member told the Post. Similarly, Minister for Law, Justice ago comes to mind. “Some might find Oli’s visit to soon. “Anyway Oli in the past too had intro- and Parliamentary Affairs Shiva Officials say Then prime minister Girija Prasad Dahal’s residence as a display of Speculations are also rife that Oli duced both the ordinances.” Maya Tumbahangphe, addressing preparations are Koirala had dissolved the first parlia- flexibility on his part,” said Matrika could take some drastic political There, however, is one concern that the 14th anniversary of the federal ment, after multi-party democracy Yadav, a Standing Committee member steps, including the dissolution of could make Oli waffle. Since Tuesday’s parliament on December 13, had said underway for the was restored in 1990, and opted for close to Dahal. “But it is not. He is a Parliament, though it is not ordinance has already dragged the the winter session would commence mid-term polls in 1994 despite his master at pulling a fast one on anyone. provisioned by the constitution, and President into controversy, Oli might very soon. But her boss Oli has been winter session. Nepali Congress party having a major- This is his yet another tactical reissuing the ordinance on Political hesitate to reissue the ordinance to trying to undermine Parliament, ity in the House only because he lost manoeuvre.” Parties Act to amend clauses to split amend the Political Parties Act. according to observers. the support of a section of his party. According to party insiders, Oli a party. Oli had issued the ordinance President Bhandari’s act of Hari Roka, a commentator on poli- national insignia. In the general elections that fol- never hesitates to use different means in April this year only to withdraw swiftly approving the ordinance, tics and the economy, says the federal But once the budget for the fiscal lowed, Nepali Congress lost its major- to win over leaders. it within five days after massive which was once repealed, has raised parliament has become hostage to the year 2020-21 announced and perfuncto- ity and Manmohan Adhikari of then The last time Oli had left Baluwatar criticism. questions over her role, with many ’s internal ry discussions on it took place, Oli CPN-UML formed a minority govern- was in July when he visited party Later in the evening, Oli went to saying she has become a rubber stamp feud and Oli sees postponing the suddenly, without taking the Speaker ment. That government soon fell but vice-chair Bamdev Gautam’s house in meet with President Bidya Devi of Oli and brought disgrace to the House session as a way to keep his into confidence, recommended that when Adhikari called mid-term polls Bhaisepati. Then too he was under Bhandari. high office. chair safe. the House session be prorogued. in 1995, the Supreme Court did not pressure in the party. A Standing Committee member “The very act to end the budget ses- In the past, political parties have allow it saying that there were other Oli, who is known for making who has emerged as the most vocal sion in July without even consulting used Parliament for their own purpos- options to form a government. The tongue-in-cheek remarks, is also According to party critic of Oli said that the party chair the Speaker had demeaned es rather than to make it a place for CPN-UML had taken to the streets to known by long-time party members as and prime minister has no option than Parliament,” he told the Post. “Not making laws, the primary duty of the protest the court order. Oli was home a master politician, who is not only insiders, Oli never to take back the ordinance before calling the House session while there House, and to discuss issues that con- minister in the Adhikari government. vindictive but also unpredictable. Sunday’s meeting. is less than two weeks for the constitu- cern the country. During the dec- The next majority government was Many say Oli might have been try- hesitates to use “If Oli does not withdraw the ordi- tional deadline is its continuation.” ade-long political transition, when following the 1999 general elections ing to gauge Dahal’s mood after his nance, it will automatically become Officials at the Parliament there were frequent changes in gov- but due to internal wranglings refusal to withdraw the ordinance and different means to the top agenda of Sunday’s Standing Secretariat say preparations are ernment often in less than a year, Krishna Prasad Bhattarai did not assess whether Dahal would be ready Committee meeting,” Bhim Rawal, a underway for the winter session. Parliament was used to bring down complete the full term as he was to make concessions. win over leaders. Standing Committee member, told the “We are making preparations on and form new governments. replaced by Koirala once again. After his refusal to withdraw the Post. Rawal, along with Pampha our part. However, we have no Of particular notoriety of this cycle Since then Oli has become the first ordinance, Oli has already invited Bhusal on Wednesday had reached idea about the day [the session was when Parliament voted unsuc- leader to lead a majority government. confrontation in the party. Dahal, One of the advisers to the President Sheetal Niwas with signatures of as commences],” Gopal Nath Yogi, secre- cessfully 17 times between July 2010 But now concerns are being raised along with Madhav Kumar Nepal and described the meeting as “regular”. many as 83 lawmakers to demand a tary at the House of Representatives, and February 2011 to choose a prime by his opponents in his own party if Jhala Nath Khanal, on Friday held a “The prime minister usually briefs special House session to discuss the told the Post. minister. Neither Pushpa Kamal Oli is planning a House dissolution, gathering at Paris Danda with party the President on political develop- ordinance. Before this Parliament was elected Dahal, then leader of CPN (Maoist even though the constitution does not members close to him to devise ments and Cabinet decisions,” the “Things are getting serious,” said in 2017, there was a provision to call a Centre), nor Ram Chandra Poudel of allow this. future strategy against Oli. Party vice- adviser, who did not wish to be named, Rawal. “Let’s see what Oli does before new House session with a 15-day the Nepali Congress, both prime min- According to Bhatta, Oli might have chair Bamdev Gautam, who is cur- told the Post. “Given what is going on, the Sunday meeting and how he pre- notice. Although there is no such pro- ister aspirants after Madhav Kumar played every trick in the book to keep rently with the Dahal faction, he may also have talked about the sents himself at the meeting.” vision at present, there was a practice Nepal of then CPN-UML had resigned, Parliament hostage but he cannot run however, skipped Friday’s Paris ordinance related to the Constitutional But Oli, according to leaders to give at least 10 days’ notice. But the could get a majority vote. away from the constitutional deadline Danda gathering. Council.” close to him, has not decided yet Oli government disregarded the prac- In the 18th vote, another CPN-UML of resuming the House on January 2. But Gautam did visit Dahal’s resi- The adviser refused to elaborate. whether he will participate in tice even while calling the budget ses- leader Jhala Nath Khanal was elected Experts on parliamentary affairs dence on Saturday morning when he A Standing Committee member Sunday’s meeting. As far as the ordi- sion earlier this year. prime minister with the support of say that the date for the House session was holding talks with Oli. Oli left said Oli has become even more unpre- nance is concerned, there is no point “The incumbent government broke Dahal’s Maoist party. should be announced immediately so Khumaltar after Nepal arrived, dictable lately and it is difficult to say in discussing whether it will be with- the tradition by giving just five days in Political parties, observers and ana- that they get adequate time to be back according to leaders and headed to what moves he can make. drawn or not as the party has already the budget session. We thought it was lysts at that time interpreted the inci- to the Capital from their constituen- Pulchowk to meet Ram Bahadur The ordinance comes as a good taken a decision. because of Covid-19,” a senior official dent as the bane of a hung parliament. cies and the Parliament Secretariat to Thapa, a Secretariat member and the example, as Oli brought it suddenly on “The party’s Standing Committee at the secretariat told the Post on the But Oli’s Nepal Communist Party make necessary preparations. home minister. Tuesday, agreed to withdraw it on has already decided that the govern- condition of anonymity because he has a handsome majority with 173 “Parliament is not subordinate to During the meeting, leaders Wednesday but then decided to call a ment should withdraw it. So it’s not an was not authorised to speak to the seats in the 275-member House of the executive which can direct law- said, Oli asked Thapa to play a role in Council meeting on Thursday without issue,” said Subas Nembang, a media. Representatives. Even then, the House makers to join or leave the House making Dahal withdraw his political withdrawing it. Though Oli later can- Standing Committee member close to But then too there was pressure on has by and large remained dysfunc- meeting whenever it wants,” Som document. celled the meeting, he has not with- Oli, refusing however to explain why Oli from within his own party to mend tional. Just as there is uncertainty Bahadur Thapa, former secretary at Oli’s two loyal ministers— drawn the ordinance yet. it has not been withdrawn even four his working style. The budget session, over when the Oli government will the Parliament secretaria told the Bhanubhakta Dhakal and Padma “No one knows what Oli is up to. He days after the decision. “There has not however, was focussed on amending make a recommendation to the Post. “Giving them adequate time is a Aryal—joined in. may withdraw the ordinance or may been any decision on whether Oli Schedule 3 of the constitution to President for the winter session, gesture of respect to the House and Party insiders say Oli may have even come up with another ordinance will attend the Standing Committee incorporate Nepal’s new map in the another parallel in Nepal’s parliamen- lawmakers.” been feeling the heat, but he does not related to party split,” the Standing meeting.”’

C M Y K 03 | SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 NATIONAL Workers can now renew their labour permits in destination countries New provision is expected to provide respite to thousands who had to return to Nepal for their re-entry permits.

CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL tract period with the employer is over. KATHMANDU, DEC 19 Such practice resulted in a large num- ber of workers overstaying their In the country’s two-and-a-half dec- permits. ade-long history of foreign employ- Overstaying workers are not includ- ment Nepali migrant workers ed in the government’s compensation employed overseas, for the first time, scheme. Migrant workers, who over- will be able to renew their work per- stayed abroad, and their families, are mits in the country where they work. not considered eligible to receive vari- This means they will not have to ous financial support provided by the visit government offices back home in government if the worker comes Nepal for re-entry work permits, the across any tragic incidents such as government’s permission to work death, injury or illness. abroad. The official believes allowing work- “Re-entry permits can now be ers to get re-entry work permits in received anywhere in the world,” said their destination country will bring Tikamani Neupane, spokesperson for down the number of Nepali workers the Department of Foreign overstaying their permits. Their visas Employment. “All applications for may be extended and their labour con- work permits will now be handled tracts may be extended by their online.” employers but they would not have the The department will launch the dis- Nepal government-issued permits to tribution of the re-entry labour per- work abroad. mits in labour destination counteies “Workers overstaying is a major from a mission abroad next week. concern. With the new provisions, we “Nepali missions abroad will soon hope that workers will renew their POST PHOTO: SANTOSH SINGH start distribution of the labour per- labour permits soon after their first Devotees participate in a ceremony to re-enact the wedding of Goddess Sita with Lord Ram as part of the Vivaha Panchami celebrations at Rangabhumi Ground in Janakpur on Saturday. As the mits,” he said. permit expires,” said Neupane. border with India remains closed due to Covid-19 restrictions, the traditional wedding procession from Ayodhya, India, didn’t come to Janakpur this year. The online application system is The government had rolled out the being upgraded so that even Nepali plan to issue re-entry labour permits missions can provide labour permits online in 2019, following the fifth to visiting Nepali migrants in their amendment to the existing Foreign respective countries, Neupane told Employment Regulations. However, the Post. the plan could not take off as there BRIEFING The move is expected to provide was no mechanism available for Ministry says 10 days enough relief to tens of thousands of workers online payment to buy insurance. who had no option but to return to The Department of Foreign One held with brown sugar Nepal and visit the Foreign Employment has resolved this issue NEPALGUNJ: Police arrested Indramani Employment Office in Kathmandu, or of insurance by bringing on board Gautam, 45, in possession of 44.5 one of the provincial offices to obtain online payment gateways to make it grams brown sugar in Kohalpur, for Covid quarantine, isolation re-entry labour permits. possible for payment of insurance pre- Banke, on Saturday. Acting on a tip- “The new system will save time, mium online. off, the security team nabbed money and effort,” said Neupane. “Having re-entry permits issued Gautam, a resident of Kohalpur Public health experts say that such an advisory is meaningless as the government has “This is an important beginning from labour destination countries Municipality-12, from NTV Road. aimed at helping Nepali migrant makes it much easier for Nepali work- According to police, Gautam had ear- halted all other measures to fight Covid-19, including testing and contact tracing. workers working abroad. It also gives ers,” said Swarna Kumar Jha, a labour lier served an 18 months’ prison sen- them the freedom of applying and migration researcher. “The worker tence in Jajarkot on charge of smug- ARJUN POUDEL that such an advisory would work treat only “symptomatic” patients, as receiving their work permit from any- can get the renewed work permit gling hashish. KATHMANDU, DEC 19 only if all measures needed for con- defined in the revised guidelines. where in the world.” along with a return ticket when they tainment were in place across the “The new advisory was issued just A Nepali migrant worker receives a plan to return home. In such situa- The Ministry of Health and Population country. for the sake of it,” Dr Baburam work permit for a maximum of two- tions, they will not have to visit labour Teen bludgeoned to death says that 10 days of isolation or quar- “First of all, we do not know who is Marasini, former director at the years. However, a majority of workers offices during their job break, nor do SYANGJA: A 14-year-old boy was bludg- antine is sufficient for infected infected. Secondly, we have stopped Epidemiology and Disease Control stay on and continue to work for the they have to face the rush of getting it eoned to death in Harinas Rural patients or suspects to carry on with contact tracing,” Dr Sushilnath Division, told the Post. “As the govern- same employer even if their work per- days before their flight or deal with Municipality-5, Syangja, on Saturday. their normal lives. Pyakurel, former acting secretary at ment has given up on its responsibili- mit has expired and the initial con- any agents.” Security personnel detained Resham The new advisory was in line with the Health Ministry, told the Post. ties, new advisories can’t achieve Bahadur Thapa, 36, for his alleged the result of studies carried out in “Without knowing their infection anything.” involvement in the murder. various countries, according to offi- status, people are moving freely in The advisory would have had some According to police, the suspect is a cials. But public health experts are not society.” meaning, had the authorities contin- patient of mental illness and he convinced. ued contact tracing, monitored infect- bludgeoned the boy to death with a “Several studies carried out in vari- ed people placed in home isolation and spade as the latter refused to work for ous countries show that infected Doctors say infected stepped up surveillance to monitor the him. An investigation is on. patients, if they are asymptomatic, do infection status in society, said not pass the virus on after nine days,” are seeking help Marasini. Dr Samir Kumar Adhikar, joint With the government halting free Fate of suspension spokesperson for the Health Ministry only after becoming tests and contact tracing, the number told the Post. “We have asked sympto- of new coronavirus cases went up by bridge uncertain matic patients to return to their daily critically ill. several folds. These days, new report- POKHARA: The construction of a sus- lives three days after their symptoms ed cases of infection have declined, pension bridge in Arjewa Sunasa disappear.” but doctors suspect that it might be Phant over the Kaligandaki river is Earlier too, the ministry had direct- The Cabinet on October 5 had the result of a decline in the number yet to resume, nine months after ed hospitals designated for treatment decided to provide free testing and of tests performed in the country. work was halted due to lack of con- of Covid-19 to discharge patients after treatment only to those who can’t Doctors involved in the treatment struction materials. The bridge con- 10 days so that other patients could afford to pay, frontline health workers, of Covid-19 said patients are seeking nects Baglung and Parbat district benefit from treatment and care. security personnel and cleaning staff. tests only after becoming seriously ill. after completion. According to Adhikari, hospitals as The decision was enforced by the This has increased the disease’s death well as institutional isolation and Health Ministry from October 17. rate and added pressure on the inten- quarantine facilities can discharge After the implementation of the sive care units and ventilators. Literature festival to go virtual patients in 10 days, and doing so decision, contact tracing, which was “If someone really thinks the risk POKHARA: The ninth edition of the doesn’t require a negative polymerase never done effectively, came to a grind- of infection has declined, they need to IME Nepal Literature Festival is chain reaction test result. ing halt. Swab samples collected by come to the Tribhuvan University going to be organised virtually in “Additional tests are also not the local levels were destroyed even Teaching Hospital and see,” Dr Niraj Pokhara. The two-day festival is required to discharge patients or for without testing. Bam, associate professor at the scheduled will start on December the patients to come out of their home After a Supreme Court’s ruling, the Institute of Medicine and a chest phy- 29, organisers of the event said isolation,” he added. “Other countries government is obliged to provide free sician told the Post. “Patients have to POST FILE PHOTO during a press conference in are also doing the same.” testing and treatment to all infected wait several days for intensive care The Department of Foreign Employment will launch distribution of re-entry labour permits in Pokhara. Public health experts, however, said patients. But it has decided to test and unit beds at our hospital.” labour destination countries from a Nepali mission abroad next week. Birth of calves gives hope for conservationists of increasing Arna population Wild water buffaloes brought to Chitwan from Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve initially struggled to survive in their new habitat but they are slowly getting used to it.

CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL and two this year. sible to release them out of the con- KATHMANDU, DEC 19 According to Lamichhane, whose trolled enclosure.” organisation has been involved in Arna is placed among endangered Birth of two calves of wild water buf- their translocation, monitoring and species—there are 3,400 of them in the falo, locally known as Arna, in managing the reintroduced popula- world—on the International Union for Chitwan National Park, has elated tion, six calves from seven female Conservation of Nature Red List. park officials, giving them hope for its adults is a notable sign of their Until 2017, Koshi Tappu Wildlife conservation in the new habitat. growth. Reserve remained the only natural Last month, a calf of Arna (Bubalus These wild water buffaloes are cur- habitat of wild water buffaloes in the arnee) was born inside the Chitwan rently living around the Old Padampur country. National Park. area, inside an enclosure built in a The reserve has seen an impressive Another calf was born in Chitwan core area of the park. rebound of wild water buffalo popula- this week. Gender of both newborn The park authority has no plans of tion to 432 from a low of 63 in 1973. calves has not been identified yet. freeing these Arnas from enclosures However, the conservation of these “Birth of two calves of Arnas with- and releasing them into the wild. Arnas also faced challenges. in a month is exciting news from the Currently, the park’s 15 Arnas live in According to wildlife experts, close conservation point of view,” said enclosures with areas of 22 hectares proximity of the reserve to human Ananath Baral, chief conservation whereas the park has further expand- settlements creates chances of inter- officer at the Chitwan National Park. ed their habitat by 15 hectares. species breeding between domesticat- “The arrival of two calves has also “It depends on how they can survive ed water buffaloes and indigenous shown that the Chitwan National Park once they are released. We also need to wild water buffaloes, potentially area can be an ideal habitat for Arnas. consider whether these species will be threatening the latter. A mysterious The park is turning out to be a suita- able to protect themselves from preda- death of cattle around the protected ble habitat for their birth and upbring- tors like tigers,” said Baral. “There is area last year worried officials about ing.” no immediate plan of letting them out the possible transmission of the dis- Chitwan National Park, which is POST FILE PHOTO as they are still in small groups.” ease to the wild species. home to large animals like elephant, As part of the translocation plan and for creating a new alternative habitat for Arnas, 15 wild water buffaloes were translocated from Koshi Lamichhane agrees with Baral, say- “The number of Arnas has bounced one-horned rhino and tigers among Tappu Wildlife Reserve and the Central Zoo in 2017. ing that the Chitwan park does not back to 15—the number of Arnas that others, however, is not a native habitat have a viable population for letting were brought to Chitwan three years for wild water buffaloes. However, many of the translocated others had died due to diseases and better to their new habitats than other them out of the enclosure. ago. They are being taken care inside The government had decided to Arnas could not survive in their new tiger attack,” said Baburam species which have been translocated “The calves have survived because the enclosure and are given extra translocate 20 rhinos to Chitwan. As habitat. Five of them had died due to Lamichhane, who is the chief of the within the country.” they are inside the enclosure. Once a grass and supplements when there is part of the translocation plan and for parasitic diseases and a tiger hunted Biodiversity Conservation Centre, The birth of a female Arna calf for tiger had breached the enclosure and malnutrition among them,” said creating a new alternative habitat for one down. Sauraha, under the National Trust for the first time in Chitwan in 70 years in attacked Arnas,” said Lamichhane. Baral, the chief conservation officer. Arnas, 15 wild water buffaloes were “Initially, Arna conservation was Nature Conservation. “The remaining 2018 rekindled the hope of maintain- “The existing herd is not large enough “Chitwan is an old habitat for these translocated from Koshi Tappu met with challenges in Chitwan. Arnas brought from Koshi Tappu have ing the Arna population in the to defend itself from tigers. It should wild water buffaloes, but there is no Wildlife Reserve and the Central Zoo Three brought from the Central Zoo shown good signs of survival in their protected area. In 2018, three calves be of around 50 individuals. With the such plan of bringing more animals in 2017. could not survive the wilderness and new habitat. They have also adapted were born, followed by one in 2019 current population, it will not be pos- as of now.”

C M Y K SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 | 04 OPINION Life and theatre during hard times The continuum of life and human cultural achievements cannot be halted or deranged by any circumstance.



This article is half memoir and half analysis of the subject of theatre. The reasons are two. First, it is to share some experiences on the occasion of the anniversary of the International Theatre Institute, famously known as ITI, whose sessions I attended virtual- ly last week; it has evoked my memo- ries. Second, through the visceral nar- rative, I want to show the intimate nature of the power of theatre and our own connection with it. The struggle that the theatre groups in Nepal are facing to survive in this time of crisis has moved me deeply. This becomes all the more important because the government does not have any plan, or rescue budget however minimum, that may be to keep the theatres going. A state that functions with a paradox—visible everywhere but invisible in time of need—has made the life of cultural organisa- tions like the theatre difficult and challenging. The history of theatre shows it has always functioned in crisis. In some sense, theatre evolved out of crisis. The famous critical term about the component of theatre is conflict. Life is dramatic; by the same token, its emulation in drama is conflict savvy. Whether it is performed at the prosce- nium or in the open it always per- SHUTTERSTOCK forms life. Now, the world is undergo- bly was undoubtedly great. It came at organisations to survive, as we can see not the only centre of theatre; but receive honorary membership of the What strikes me most about this poem ing a process of change due to the a time when the world is fighting with how our theatres are facing the most judging by the hundreds of thousands Institute at an award ceremony. is that it evokes the condition of the impact of Covid-19, the question on the pandemic, especially the cultural serious Hamletian dilemma of to be or of people who went to see plays there, Receiving the membership was a great individuals in a difficult time. The everyone’s mind is whether the nor- organisations. And the ITI, too, is not to be, they have not accepted we would call it a meaningful troupe experience. This conference saw poet says, ‘But for him it was his last mal functioning of life come to a point facing great challenges. defeat. We can see or read about the at a time when history’s drama is tak- UNESCO participation, whose repre- afternoon as himself,/An afternoon of of no return. The answer that we can The Institute was organised right activities of the theatre in Nepal, out ing confusing turns. We do not know sentative Himalchuli Gurung (daugh- nurses and rumours;/The provinces give from the point of theatre is—no, after the Second World War in 1948. in the open and in virtual presenta- the nature of the denouement’. That is ter of the late scholar Harka Gurung), of his body revolted,/The squares of it’s not. The continuum of life and Then, a Cold War started between the tions. The ITI heralded that spirit certainly true. We do not know the last had addressed the historic global his mind were empty,/Silence invaded human cultural achievements cannot communist world and the so-called worldwide. achievement because there is not a meet. My faith in this organisation the suburbs’. be halted or deranged by any circum- ‘free world’. But the problems were The ITI has wide membership in the conspicuous one. After the Gurukul was doubled when I saw numerous My conviction is that theatre can stance. I want to explain this point there in all forms. And the purpose of world. We also became its member in closed, theatres rose like the phoenix theatre people, whose age ranged from instil hope and courage in those peo- by citing one important example the ITI was to heal the wounds of the 2000. I became the founding president in different forms. The erstwhile 19 to 90, attending the celebration. I ple who are seeing many afternoons of the largest international theatre Great War and restore people’s faith in and Sunil Pokharel the founding gen- Gurukul artists and others created am not in touch with them, but saw of nurses and rumours today, and organisation in the following life and keep up the creative energy of eral secretary. We organised ITI activ- new theatres and gave it a new lease several of them at the virtual meet- where silence invades the suburbs. lines and its reverberations experi- the people all over the world. The cul- ities here and participated in several of life. ings last week. Theatre precisely does that. On the enced around the world, including tural organisation whose function is events outside in the world despite The important feature of the ITI is I want to recall a poem that a famous occasion of the ITI anniversary, I want our own. to restore life and ensure people that hardships. That was followed by vari- the longevity and tenacity of the thea- English poet WH Auden wrote on the to repeat our conviction that we go on The ITI organised its virtual nothing is lost made some important ous openings. Gurukul Theatre was tre people. I was moved to see the sen- death of another British poet WB performing. I was moved to see the General Assembly in the second week impact. It has become very important established in 2003 and closed in 2012. ior theatre people I had met and Yeats in 1939 when the terrible Second pro-life performance of the Shilpee of December. As it is a widely known, in today’s world assailed by the pan- Gurukul ushered in a new era in the known, in course of my years of activ- World War was raging in Europe. The Theatre directed by Yubaraj Ghimire and the biggest, global theatre organi- demic to harp on that spirit with world of theatre in Nepal. I wrote in ity and participation, at the 70th anni- poet evokes the dismal picture of the at the ancient site of the eternal Patan sation with its UNESCO association, greater faith in art and life. Though it the Post, back in 2012 in a column versary of the ITI in Haikou, China, time when the individual became just Durbar Square open theatre during the significance of the general assem- is very difficult for the theatre titled ‘The curtain falls’, ‘Gurukul was November 2018. I had been invited to an entity of the moment of history. the pandemic.

Now is as good a time as any

demonstrate to international inves- Covid-19 has shown that tors that even during the pandemic, the government has been committed if you want to attract to incentivising prospective investors and offering facilitation services investment, you have with digital and online mechanisms to those who have been doing to digitise your economy. business here.

Strengthening infrastructure PRABHAKAR GHIMIRE Digitising services and strengthening the information and communication technology infrastructure should be the key priority for Nepal to win the confidence of investors. This is a great opportunity to show Nepal’s resilience amid such a catastrophe by creating an investment-friendly envi- Countries emerging from long years ronment. This is a very opportune of economic mismanagement, conflict time for host country governments to and misrule are more vulnerable to bring into effect new policies that the effects of the Covid-19 crisis as will enhance their comparative and they are not fully prepared economi- competitive advantages. Informing cally, logistically and technologically investors about government pro- to face such sudden challenges. Poor grammes, helping them to cope with countries which desperately need the crisis and supporting their ongo- external resources in the form of cap- ing investments or operations are ital, technology and human force to immediate priorities. stay afloat are going to suffer the most. For Nepal, this is a great chance to The United Nations Conference on create investor confidence in its Trade and Development (UNCTAD) investment environment. The country forecasts in its report entitled Impact should cash in on the situation to of the Covid-19 pandemic on trade and become the most viable investment development: transitioning to a new destination at a time when global com- normal that global foreign direct panies are seeking new bases for new investment (FDI) flows will plunge by investment. To tackle the worsening a whopping 40 percent in 2020 com- effects of Covid-19, it is high time pared to $1.6 trillion recorded in 2019. Nepal followed the path of other coun- Given this gloomy picture of the tries which are responding with global economy, FDI flows are at their favourable policy reforms. Providing lowest level. Various reports by inter- SHUTTERSTOCK more incentives, improving digital national agencies including UNCTAD mies. This is testimony to how sensi- The developing countries have been to hurt the promotion efforts of poorly percent) are shifting production clos- infrastructures, promoting start-ups, show that the least developed coun- tive investors are becoming due to rushing to come up with strategies prepared countries for such a crisis. er to consumers by near-shoring or assisting investors and developing tries are far behind in digitising their Covid-19. with fresh incentives and policies that For many prospective investors, reshoring. Diversification of suppli- health infrastructures to the interna- economies. Most of the least devel- are expected to attract more invest- this crisis is an opportunity to evalu- ers and geographic location is going to tional level should be the govern- oped countries are highly dependent Myriad of incentives ment. Strategies introduced by host ate the capacity of prospective host have a remarkable impact on global ment’s focus to become a more com- on FDI for financing to bolster their To benefit from this trend, aspirant governments include interventions, countries to create an invest- trade and investment amid this eco- petitive destination. The government economic resilience during the crisis, FDI destination countries are compet- simplification of land acquisition and ment-friendly environment. Investor nomic dislocation. should also ensure reliable, quality push economic transformation and ing to roll out the red carpet to poten- business process, and digital systems priority has shifted to countries which Countries which are aspiring to and fast medical facilities and associ- create jobs to bounce back. A number tial investors by offering a myriad of for the approval process. The least are found to be crisis resilient with become preferred investment destina- ated infrastructure to deal with any of companies have shifted their opera- incentives. They are also making developed countries are not necessari- the necessary health infrastructure tions need to rapidly transform health issues. We can begin by digitis- tions from countries that are at high efforts to show their capability to cope ly the most attractive destination for and safety measures. digitally to make themselves capable ing industrial parks and providing risk from the health crisis to relatively with such crises to assure them that foreign investors due to lack of appro- Investors have given high priority of providing online and digital better facilities so that international resilient countries or diversified their investments will be safe. India is the priate investment ecosystems and sev- to destinations which are technologi- service delivery and information investors will see a better environ- operation bases. Due to supply chain front runner in calibrating policies eral supply-side constraints, includ- cally and digitally well prepared to sharing. Such nations including Nepal ment to do business. We need to disruptions caused by Covid-19, multi- and strategies to woo global firms ing lack of skilled human resources, facilitate businesses. A World Bank need to rapidly transform themselves prove that Nepal is not only urging national enterprises are re-evaluating packing up and shuffling out of China. dilapidated and deficient infrastruc- survey shows that 58 percent of multi- to grasp digital technologies and apply foreign investment but also sincerely their global footprint and refreshing Even state-level competition is visible ture, limited logistics services and national companies turned to digital them to business procedures, service working to set a favourable ground their operation strategies. Some mul- in India where key states including digital backwardness. technologies to optimise capacity and delivery and information sharing. for investment. tinational companies have shifted Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Haryana, Covid-19 is not only impacting improve logistics, 37 percent to diver- Nepal needs to make a lot of effort to operations from China to India, Gujarat, Punjab and Assam, to name a investments but also investment nego- sify suppliers, and 18 percent to diver- catch up with better-performing coun- Ghimire is a consultant at the office Vietnam and other emerging econo- few, are scrambling to lure investors. tiations and agreements that are going sify production sites. Some firms (14 tries in terms of FDI. It needs to of Investment Board Nepal.

C M Y K 05 | SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 MONEY Nepal-Bangladesh trade deal Protesting farmers unconvinced unlikely by end of December they will be paid soon despite The proposed agreement gives preferential access to certain products by reducing tariffs assurances from the government but Bangladesh is reluctant to remove other duty charges on imports, officials say.

KRISHANA PRASAIN Broom grass, spices, cabbage, toma- list under the preferential trade agree- KATHMANDU, DEC 19 to, kiwi, avocado, orange, lentil, pick- ment was not finalised. les, snacks, carpet and dairy products Bangladesh has not yet signed The first Nepal-Bangladesh preferen- are potential exports to Bangladesh. minutes of the meeting as Nepal tial trade agreement is slated to be “As Bangladesh is an initial mem- has recently sent the finalised signed by the end of December, but ber of the World Trade Organisation, minutes, he said. Nepali officials doubt it will happen as it is permitted to levy other duty On November 6-7, the technical key issues remain unresolved. charges. After adding other duty committee met to finalise the list of On October 8, the two countries charges on top of the tariffs on goods products, text of the preferential trade held a commerce secretary-level meet- exported from Nepal, total charges arrangement and rules of origin. The ing on trade and economic coopera- could come up to 130-132 percent,” the two sides have exchanged the product tion through video conferencing and official said. “But they are not willing lists and are reviewing them. proposed to sign the deal by the end of to remove it as it would impact the Bangladesh has been providing this year. The accord gives preferen- country’s revenue.” duty-free access to 108 Nepali prod- tial access to certain products by Providing duty-free quota-free ucts. Nepal has been urging reducing tariffs, but it does not abol- access to Bangladeshi products with- Bangladesh to expand the list to cover ish them completely. out removing it on Nepali products major exportable items such as lentil, “The chances of the pact being will not benefit Nepal, according to tea, coffee, large cardamom, broom, signed are getting slim,” said an officials. fresh fruits and pashmina, among oth- unnamed official of the Ministry of “Not much progress has been made ers. Items not getting duty-free access Industry, Commerce and Supplies. on the major issue raised by Nepal. We have difficulties entering Bangladesh. During the meeting in October, had planned to conclude the agree- Earlier, at the commerce secre- Nepal had proposed eliminating the ment by the end of December, but tary-level meeting held in March in POST PHOTO: KESHAV THAPA other duty charges and has put this at Bangladesh has not made any move,” Dhaka, the two sides had agreed to Sugarcane farmers continued their agitation in Kathmandu on Saturday, demanding payment of arrears from the sugar mills. the top of the agenda as a key condi- he said. sign a preferential trade arrangement tion for signing the preferential trade “Nepal will lose by signing the pref- by June, but it had to be pushed back POST REPORT ment should not only focus on Parliament’s Industry, Commerce, agreement, according to the official. erential trade agreement without because of the coronavirus pandemic. KATHMANDU, DEC 19 mills that owe amounts more than Labour and Consumer Interest The other duty charges are normally eliminating the ODC,” another official Nepal is seeking zero tariffs on Rs10 million. Protection Committee on Thursday added as an indirect cost. from the ministry told the Post. “Nepal goods listed under the agreement and Sugarcane farmers are unconvinced There are about 15 sugar mills in had directed the government to make “But Bangladesh does not want to has sent a draft of the conditions, but the removal of the other duty and that the different sugar mills will pay the country and while the government sugar mills liable to clear all arrears eliminate it. Less than two weeks Bangladesh has not given feedback.” charge. them the due amounts soon despite has only been focussing on the ones of farmers within a week. remain for the year to end, and The meeting led by Baikuntha The preferential trade agreement is assurances by the government. that owe more than Rs10 million, It is unclear how much the different we have not heard from the Aryal, secretary at the Industry also one of the issues that the prime Following the visit of Minister of smaller amounts also mean a lot to sugar mills owe the farmers. The mill Bangladeshi side,” said the official Ministry, had primarily focused on ministers of the two countries wanted Industry, Commerce and Supplies the farmers. owners say it owes farmers Rs550 mil- who is involved in preparing the agen- tariff, para-tariff and non-tariff barri- to finalise as soon as possible, accord- Lekh Raj Bhatta to the protest site at “The mill owners do not count dues lion while farmers say they are owed da from Nepal’s side. ers in listed products, but the product ing to government officials. Maitighar Mandala on Friday, differ- less than Rs5 million which is a huge Rs900 million. A probe committee Bilateral relations between ent sugar mills have issued press amount for farmers and labourers,” needs to be formed to find out exactly Bangladesh and Nepal have been mov- statements saying that the arrears Mishra said. “Mill owners with small- how much is owed to the farmers, ing ahead since the founding of are being deposited in the farmers’ er dues have not been making pay- Mishra told the Post. Bangladesh in 1971. The two nations bank accounts. ments on different pretexts saying According to the Ministry of are separated by the Siliguri Corridor- “There is no clear procedure on the that farmers have not opened bank Industry, Commerce and Supplies -a small stretch of territory of the payment to farmers and we do not accounts.” Shree Ram Sugar Mill has arrears of Indian state of West Bengal lying know when the dues will be cleared,” The protest of the sugarcane farm- Rs350 million to be paid to the farm- between southern Nepal and northern said Rakesh Mishra, patron of ers began on Sunday with about 50 ers, Annapurna Sugar Mill, Sarlahi Bangladesh. Sugarcane Farmer Struggle farmers mainly from Sarlahi but as of owes Rs170 million in outstanding Bilateral trade between Nepal and Committee. “There is a difference Saturday 300 sugarcane farmers have dues to farmers, followed by Lumbini Bangladesh started to flourish between making a commitment to pay arrived from Sarlahi, Rautahat, Sugar Mill Rs80.41 million and after the Kakarbhitta-Phulbari- and actually paying.” Nawalparasi and Kapilvastu, accord- Indira Sugar Mill Nawalparasi Rs40.70 Banglabandha transit route came into According to Mishra, Minister ing to Mishra. million. operation in August 1997. Bhatta showed the protesting farmers Students and others have also joined Lumbini Sugar Mill has committed Nepal was enjoying a trade surplus payment details sent by Shree Ram the protests in solidarity with the to clear the dues from January 15 with Bangladesh till 2013-14, but after Sugar Mill, which has Rs160 million in farmers. through a press statement and is pro- that, a drop in the export of lentils led its bank account and informed them Minister Bhatta went to meet the cessing the payment. to a trade deficit which it has not been that the process of payment by the protesting farmers on Friday after Indira Sugar Mill and Bagmati able to shake off. mill and other sugar mills would start they refused to sit for talks saying that Khadshari Sugar Mill are among In the fiscal year 2019-20, Nepal from Sunday. they only want to get paid and there is other mills that still owe the farmers, imported goods worth Rs5.29 billion But Mishra says that the govern- no point of talks. according to Mishra. POST FILE PHOTO from Bangladesh and exported goods Broom grass, spices, cabbage, tomato, kiwi, avocado, orange, lentils, pickles, carpet and dairy valued at Rs954 million, according to products are potential exports to Bangladesh. the Department of Customs.

FOREX Samsung works its way US Dollar 118.00 Euro 144.64 Pound Sterling 159.70 into European 5G race Japanese Yen 11.42 Chinese Yuan 18.05 Qatari Riyal 32.00 to fill Huawei gap Australian Dollar 89.81 Malaysian Ringit 29.20 REUTERS extra cost for Samsung so, even if you MADRID/STOCKHOLM/PARIS, DEC 19 are inviting them, it is difficult for Saudi Arab Riyal 31.45 them to be competitive.” Exchange rates fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank European mobile operators are start- A Samsung spokesman said the idea ing to consider Samsung Electronics, that its equipment was not compatible long seen as a non-starter, in the race with existing infrastructure was a PRICE PER TOLA BULLION to replace China’s Huawei as the sup- misconception, but did not provide plier of their fledgling 5G systems, technical details. He declined to speci- Fine Gold Rs 94,300 although early talks suggest it will fy which European markets it was still be an uphill struggle. trying to enter, but said it hoped to Silver Rs 1,280 After Samsung unexpectedly landed replicate inroads it had made in Asia a $6 billion deal with US giant Verizon and the Americas. SOURCE: FENEGOSIDA in September, Spain’s Telefonica and Verizon is using Samsung for vari- France’s Orange have both held talks ous parts of its vast US network. “We with the South Korean firm, company had done some trials with them and GASOLINE WATCH executives say. Huawei’s hardware given them a few markets to see how makes up nearly half of the European they would work and, and then it 4G network that will form the founda- worked well,” Verizon’s Chief Product tion for super-fast 5G, alongside that Development Officer Nicola Palmer of Nokia and Ericsson. told Reuters. Orange Chief Technology But European operators are under and Innovation Officer Michael pressure from the United States to Trabbia said he, too, was considering shun the Chinese giant for 5G systems Samsung in Europe. that could in future be supporting ser- The two European countries where vices ranging from telemedicine to Orange has not yet chosen an equip- factory automation. Washington says ment maker are Poland and Romania. there is a risk Huawei could spy for “We can see that Samsung is becom- Beijing, though the firm has repeated- ing more and more credible on 4G ly denied this. and 5G,” Trabbia said. But he said One problem for Samsung is that Orange had tested both Samsung and operators worry that its products will Huawei equipment before opting for not be compatible with the existing 4G Nokia and Ericsson for its 5G systems networks built by Huawei, and that it in France. will cost hundreds of millions to rip European operators have already these out and replace them rather spent billions of euros to roll out fibre than simply upgrade them. optic networks in Europe, and 5G will “They need to be extremely compet- drain their pockets even more. The itive,” said Telefonica Chief industry body GSMA expects $1.14 Technology Officer Enrique Blanco. trillion to be invested globally over “The cost of swapping the 4G is an five years, 78 percent of it on 5G. Apple puts supplier Wistron on notice

REUTERS Contract workers angry over unpaid progress on corrective action. NEW DELHI/BENGALURU, DEC 19 wages destroyed property, gear and “Our main objective is to make sure iPhones on December 12, causing mil- all the workers are treated with digni- Apple Inc has placed supplier lions of dollars in losses to Wistron ty and respect, and fully compensated Wistron Corp on probation, saying on and forcing it to shut the plant. promptly,” Apple said, adding that it Saturday it would not award the Apple said Wistron had failed to continued to investigate issues Taiwanese contract manufacturer implement proper working hour man- at the plant, which is located some 50 new business until it addressed the agement processes, which “led to pay- km outside of the southern tech hub way workers were treated at its south- ment delays for some workers in of Bengaluru and assembles one ern India plant. October and November”. iPhone model. Early findings of an Apple audit in Wistron on Saturday admitted “This is a new facility and we recog- the wake of violence at the Wistron some workers at the plant in nise that we made mistakes as we plant in India’s Karnataka state Karnataka’s Narasapura had not been expanded,” Wistron said in a state- showed violations of its ‘Supplier paid properly or on time, and it ment. “Some of the processes we put Code of Conduct’, the Cupertino, was removing a top executive oversee- in place to manage labor agencies California-based tech giant said in a ing its India business. Apple said it and payments need to be strengthened statement. will continue to monitor Wistron’s and upgraded.”

C M Y K SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 | 06 WORLD India hits 10 million coronavirus cases Pakistan warns India but pace of infection spread slows planning ‘surgical strike’ Looking at hospitalisation numbers, Delhi says its third and worst surge in Covid-19 cases has now ended. against its targets

REUTERS ASSOCIATED PRESS MUMBAI, DEC 19 ISLAMABAD, DEC 19 Such a strike will India exceeded 10 million infections Pakistan’s foreign minister has of the new coronavirus on Saturday, accused neighbouring India of plan- disrupt ongoing much later than predicted only a ning a “surgical strike” against his Afghan peace month ago as the pace of infections Islamic nation, the latest in a war slows, despite many in the country of words between the two nucle- process, Minister giving up on masks and social ar-armed rivals. distancing. Shah Mahmood Qureshi spoke Qureshi says. After hitting a peak of nearly 98,000 during a televised news conference daily cases in mid-September, daily in the United Arab Emirates where infections have averaged around he is currently on a visit for talks Yusuf, later Friday tweeted that the 30,000 this month, helping India widen with senior UAE government “world must prevent India from its gap with the United States, the officials. destabilizing the region in its attempt world’s worst affected country with He did not offer evidence to support to divert attention from its domestic more than 16 million cases. his claim but cited “credible intelli- trouble.” India reported 25,152 new infections gence” about the alleged plot. He Foreign ministry spokesman Zahid and 347 deaths in the past 24 hours, added that Pakistan was fully pre- Hafeez Chaudhri said Pakistan data from the health ministry showed. pared to respond to any such attack learned “from credible sources that The virus has so far killed 145,136 from India, which he said could India is planning to undertake people in the country. India took 30 endanger peace in the region. a military misadventure” in Kashmir days to add the last million cases, There was no immediate comment and pledged that the Pakistani mili- the second slowest since the start of from New Delhi. Pakistan and India tary was “fully prepared to defeat the pandemic. have a history of bitter relations and Indian designs.” Islamabad has The country expects to roll out vac- often trade accusations. They have informed the international communi- cines soon and is considering emer- fought three wars since gaining inde- ty about the intelligence, Chaudri gency-use request for three types, pendence from Britain, two of them said. developed by Oxford/AstraZeneca, over the disputed Himalayan On Friday, Pakistan’s military said Pfizer and local company Bharat region of Kashmir, which is divided Indian troops targeted a vehicle with Biotech. But some health experts say between them and claimed by both in two UN observers who escaped the fall in cases suggests many Indians its entirety. unharmed. A military statement said may have already developed virus Qureshi said an Indian strike could the attack was deliberate as UN vehi- antibodies through natural infection. disrupt the ongoing Afghan peace pro- cles are clearly marked and “recognis- “Herd immunity is a huge part of it cess, which is being facilitated by able even from long distances.” ... which is helping us to break the AP/RSS Pakistan. The Taliban, over whom UN deputy spokesman Farhan transmission,” said Pradeep Awate, a Kashmiri health workers inspect a nasal swab sample kept on a heater due to the cold weather as they test it for Covid-19 in Srinagar, Pakistan yields considerable influ- Haq only confirmed that the vehicle, senior health official in India’s worst- Indian-controlled Kashmir, on Saturday. ence, and Afghanistan’s government carrying personnel from the observ- hit state of Maharashtra, home to representatives have been holding ers’ mission and their driver Mumbai. Council Of Medical Research. negotiations since September in Qatar was “impacted by an unidentified India’s richest state was in dire A government-appointed panel US authorises Moderna vaccine to try and hammer out a peace deal object while conducting routine moni- straits back in September when its tasked with making projections based that would end the war. toring activities.” No one was harmed daily cases averaged 20,000 and hospi- on a mathematical model has estimat- WASHINGTON/BEIJING: Moderna Inc’s expert panel on Sunday set to recom- A Taliban team arrived in Islamabad and the incident is being investigated, tals ran out of beds and oxygen. It is ed that 60 percent of India’s 1.35 bil- coronavirus vaccine has become the mend what groups follow, as indus- this week for talks with Pakistani gov- Haq said. now reporting fewer than 5,000 cases. lion people have already been infected second to receive emergency use tries compete to have their workers ernment leaders amid growing calls A top Indian army officer, speaking The national capital territory of with the virus. authorization (EUA) from the US given precedence. for a reduction in violence in neigh- on condition of anonymity under Delhi said on Saturday its third and “If the model is correct, it is unlike- Food and Drug Administration, The FDA announced the authorisa- boring Afghanistan. The Taliban dele- regulations, denied the Pakistani the worst surge in cases has now ly that a second wave will happen, welcome news to a nation with a stag- tion the day after the agency’s panel of gation met with Prime Minister Imran accusation. Indian army spokesman ended. It reported 1,418 new infections because once 60 percent have immuni- gering Covid-19 death toll of over outside experts endorsed its use and a Khan on Friday. According to a gov- Lt Col Devender Anand in turn and 37 deaths on Friday. ty, nothing can cause another wave,” 307,000 lives lost. week after the FDA authorised a vac- ernment statement, Khan expressed accused Pakistani soldiers of violat- “If infections were surging, we said Manindra Agrawal, a committee Millions of doses of the Moderna vac- cine from Pfizer Inc and German part- his concern during the meeting over ing the cease-fire in two incidents would have seen the number of member and professor at the Indian cine are expected to be added to the US ner BioNTech SE. the high level of violence in on Friday along the Line of patients in hospitals go up, especially Institute of Technology in the north- rollout, which began this week with Meanwhile, China will focus first on Afghanistan and called on all sides to Control separating the Pakistani- after the festival season. That has ern city of Kanpur. “However, the healthcare workers. Older people in vaccinating high-risk groups over the reduce violence levels and work administered and the India-run sec- not happened,” said Raman predictions of the model need to be long-term care facilities are next in winter and spring before widening the toward a cease-fire. tors of Kashmir. Gangakhedkar, who until recently independently confirmed by a sero line for vaccines, with a US Centers inoculation to the general public, a Echoing Qureshi’s concerns, Khan’s There were no immediate reports of headed epidemiology at the Indian survey for us to be certain. for Disease Control and Prevention senior health official said. (REUTERS) adviser on national security, Moeed casualties in Kashmir.

BRIEFING UN rights office calls Fiji scrambles to provide aid as cyclone toll rises on Thailand to amend SUVA: The devastation in Fiji follow- ing Cyclone Yasa was compared to a war zone on Saturday as reconnais- royal insult law sance flights showed entire villages wiped out and authorities put the cost REUTERS and peaceful assembly,” spokeswoman at hundreds of millions of dollars. GENEVA, DEC 19 Ravina Shamdasani told a news brief- The death toll rose to four with aid ing in Geneva. workers fearing it will increase when The United Nations human rights The office of UN High Commissioner contact is re-established with outly- office has called on Thailand to for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet ing areas. A state of natural disaster amend its lese majeste law which urged Thailand to change the lese has been declared for 30 days as emer- it said had been used against at least majeste law to bring it in line with the gency services scramble to provide 35 activists, one as young as 16, in right to freedom of opinion and food and clothing to the worst affect- recent weeks. expression. ed areas. The superstorm slammed It said Thailand should stop using In response, a Thai foreign ministry into Fiji’s second-largest island the law, which bans insulting the mon- spokesman said the law was not aimed Vanua Levu late Thursday, leaving a archy, and other serious criminal at curbing freedom of expression and trail of destruction and affecting charges against protesters, noting was similar to libel laws. 93,000 people, according to the that criminalising such acts violates “In the past couple of months, National Disaster Management freedom of expression. protestors have not been arrested sole- Office. Prosecutions, which had stopped ly for the exercise of the right to free- in 2018, restarted after protesters dom of expression and peaceful broke longstanding taboos by calling assembly,” Tanee Sangrat said in a UN extends DR Congo for reforms to curb the powers of statement. peacekeeping mission King Maha Vajiralongkorn during “Those arrested had violated other UNITED NATIONS: A French resolution months of street demonstrations. Thai laws and admittedly the majority concerning the mission, known as Those found guilty under the royal have been released.” MONUSCO, was adopted by 14 out of insult law face three to 15 years Youth-led protests began in July to 15 members of the Security Council, in prison. call for the removal of Prime Minister with Russia abstaining. It will The spokesperson for the UN High Prayuth Chan-ocha, a former junta “extend until 20 December 2021 the Commissioner for Human Rights leader, and for the drafting of a new mandate of MONUSCO in the DRC,” noted that charges had also been filed constitution. providing for a maximum deploy- against protesters for sedition and They later called for reforms to the ment of 16,300 soldiers and police. computer crimes offences. monarchy: seeking the king to be The text asked the UN secretariat “to “We call on the Government of more clearly accountable under the consider further reduction of Thailand to stop the repeated use constitution and the reversal of of such serious criminal charges changes that gave him control of royal MONUSCO’s level of military deploy- against individuals for exercising finances and some army units among AP/RSS ment and area of operations based on their rights to freedom of expression other demands. A balloon vendor riding his bicycle looks for customers in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Saturday. the positive evolution of the situation on the ground, in particular in the regions where the threat posed by armed groups is no longer signifi- cant.” The Security Council also endorsed a joint UN-DRC plan pre- sented in October on a “Progressive Jupiter, Saturn merging in night sky, closest in centuries and Phased Drawdown of MONUSCO” aimed at handing ASSOCIATED PRESS be one of the greatest of Great for weeks. Jupiter—bigger and closer responsibilities over to Congolese CAPE CANAVERAL, DEC 19 Conjunctions. to Earth—is vastly brighter. forces. “What is most rare is a close con- “I love watching them come closer Jupiter and Saturn will merge in the junction that occurs in our nighttime and closer to each other and the Massive iceberg pivots, breaks night sky Monday, appearing closer to sky,” said Vanderbilt University’s fact that I can see it with my naked one another than they have since David Weintraub, an astronomy pro- eyes from my back porch!” Virginia LONDON: Strong currents have taken Galileo’s time in the 17th century. fessor. “I think it’s fair to say that such Tech astronomer Nahum Arav said in hold of a massive Antarctic iceberg Astronomers say so-called conjunc- an event typically may occur just once an email. that is on a collision course towards tions between the two largest planets in any one person’s lifetime, and I To see it, be ready shortly after sun- South Georgia Island, causing it to in our solar system aren’t particularly think ‘once in my lifetime’ is a pretty set Monday, looking to the southwest shift direction and lose a major rare. Jupiter passes its neighbor good test of whether something mer- fairly low on the horizon. Saturn will chunk of mass, a scientist tracking Saturn in their respective laps around its being labeled as rare or special.” be the smaller, fainter blob at Jupiter’s its journey said. As the iceberg, the sun every 20 years. It will be the closest Jupiter-Saturn upper right. Binoculars will be needed dubbed A68a, approached the western But the one coming up is especially pairing since July 1623, when the two to separate the two planets. shelf edge of the south Atlantic close: Jupiter and Saturn will be just planets appeared a little nearer. This Despite appearances, Jupiter and island this week, it encountered one-tenth of a degree apart from our conjunction was almost impossible to Saturn will actually be more than 450 strong currents, causing it to pivot perspective or about one-fifth the see, however, because of its closeness million miles (730 million kilometers) nearly 180 degrees, according to width of a full moon. They should be to the sun. apart. Earth, meanwhile, will be 550 Geraint Tarling, a biological easily visible around the world a little Considerably closer and in plain million miles (890 million kilometers) oceanographer with the British after sunset, weather permitting. view was the March 1226 conjunction from Jupiter. Antarctic Survey. “You can almost Toss in the winter solstice in of the two planets—when Genghis A telescope will not only capture imagine it as a handbrake turn for the Northern Hemisphere, the Khan was conquering Asia. Monday’s Jupiter and Saturn in the same field the iceberg because the currents were longest night of the year—and the conjunction will be the closest pairing of view, but even some of their bright- so strong,” Tarling said. That’s when AP/RSS summer solstice in the Southern that is visible since way back then. est moons. the berg appeared to clip the shelf In this Sunday, December 13, 2020 photo made available by NASA, Saturn, top, and Jupiter, Hemisphere—and this just-in-time- Saturn and Jupiter have been draw- Their next super-close pairing: edge and break. (AGENCIES) below, are seen after sunset from Shenandoah National Park in Luray, Virginia. for-Christmas spectacle promises to ing closer in the south-southwest sky March 15, 2080.

C M Y K 07 | SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 SPORTS | MEDLEY BRIEFING India crumble to record low as Australia take 1-0 lead Qatar unveils fourth 2022 World Cup stadium The visitors were skittled for 36 in second innings, their lowest in 544 Tests going back to 1932, worse than their previous low of 42 against England in 1974. DOHA: Qatar inaugurated the fourth REUTERS tion where it’s impossible to win, it of eight 2022 World Cup venues, the ADELAIDE, DEC 19 really hurts.” Al Rayyan Stadium, when the coun- That turnaround was down simply try hosted the Amir Cup final Australia crushed India by eight wick- to the irresistible bowling of Cummins between Al-Sadd and Al-Arabi on ets inside three days of the first Test and Hazlewood, who in one early spell Friday. Al-Sadd, coached by former at the Adelaide Oval on Saturday, skit- combined to take four wickets for no Barcelona and Spain midfielder Xavi tling the tourists for their lowest runs over 29 balls, delighting a social- Hernandez, beat Al-Arabi 2-1 to lift innings score in 88 years of Test crick- ly distanced crowd of 15,026. their 17th Amir Cup title after et and taking a 1-0 lead in the four- Hazlewood later removed Wriddhiman Algeria forward Baghdad Bounedjah match series. Saha and Ravichandran Ashwin in scored twice. “It is a wonderful foot- Josh Hazlewood (5-8) and Pat successive balls and even though he ball stadium,” FIFA President Gianni Cummins (4-21) turned a tight day- was denied a hat-trick, the big pace- Infantino said in a statement. “The night Test on its head in a devastating man bagged his eighth Test five-wick- atmosphere is incredible, with the spell of pace bowling to open the day, et haul in his next over when he sent seats extremely close to the pitch... I ripping through the much-vaunted back Hanuma Vihari caught behind. am sure this will be a perfect football Indian batting line-up in less than two The tourists will be without Kohli’s arena in 2022 when it hosts matches hours to dismiss the tourists for 36. leadership for the remaining Tests in during the World Cup.” The Australia’s batsmen, playing without Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane as 40,000-capacity venue will host seven pressure, chased down the victory tar- the skipper returns home for the birth World Cup matches up to the round get of 90 runs with some ease, opener of his first child, but they will also be of 16. Khalifa International, Al Joe Burns giving his confidence a sweating on the fitness of Mohammed Janoub and Education City are the much-needed boost with an unbeaten Shami. The paceman took a blow to other three World Cup venues which 51 that included the six which secured the forearm from a short Cummins have already been unveiled. victory. delivery and was unable to bat on, If the tourists were shellshocked, bringing a premature end to India’s Struggling Schalke sack the hosts were also taken aback by a dismal innings when he retired hurt turn of events which few would have and headed off to hospital for scans. Baum, recall Huub Stevens predicted when India came out to bat The win extended Australia’s record GELSENKIRCHEN: Relegation-threatened with a 62-run lead and nine second-in- in day-night Tests to 8-0 after their club Schalke 04 sacked nings wickets in hand. “We were first meeting with India under the manager Manuel Baum on Friday expecting a real dogfight right to the lights, but victory had not looked by after a 28-game winless run in the end, late day four, maybe day five in any means certain even as recently as top-flight and appointed Dutchman this Test,” said Australia skipper Tim Friday afternoon. Huub Stevens as interim boss. The Paine. “Again, it shows the talent we Paine was named player-of-the- 41-year-old Baum’s last match was a have with the ball and when our boys match for his unbeaten 73 on Friday 2-0 home defeat by Freiburg on execute, and there’s anything in the that helped Australia stay in touch Wednesday which left them rooted to wicket, that’s what can happen.” with India’s first-innings tally of 244 the bottom of the standings with just The margin of victory will be a by scratching their way to 191. four points after 12 games. Baum, hefty blow to India’s morale as well as The decision to look past Cummins who had only been in charge for 10 their hopes of repeating their maiden AP/RSS and Hazlewood might have been a case games, is the second coach sacked by Test series triumph in Australia two Australia’s Pat Cummins (right) claimed four wickets against India in the second innings of the first Test match in Adelaide on Saturday. of not being able to choose between Schalke this season after David years ago. None of India’s batsmen, them after what the former thought Wagner was fired in September after including the prolific Virat Kohli and score of 36 was the lowest in 544 Tests history of the format. the first time in 26 Tests where he had was up there with the very best out- 18 games without a league win. “I stalwart Cheteshwar Pujara, managed going back to 1932, worse than their “It’s very hard to put (my) feelings won the toss. “When you work hard ings for Australia’s pace unit in recent spoke to Manuel Baum this morning. to get into double figures—only the previous low of 42 against England at into words. We had a lead of 60 when for two days ... to get yourself in a years. “It was just one of those days I wish him luck for the future,” said second time that has happened to any the Lords in 1974. Only two countries we arrived today and just collapsed good position and then literally where everything came off, everything caretaker boss Stevens, who returns team in a Test match. Their innings have managed fewer runs in the long completely,” said Kohli, who lost for in an hour, you put yourself in a posi- we tried worked,” he said. to Schalke for his fourth stint. “My heart is still blue and white. When the club turns to me in difficult times, I can’t say no.” Stevens, 67, managed Schalke from 1996-2002 Moukoko becomes youngest and 2011-12 before stepping in on Holders Liverpool thrash Crystal Palace 7-0 an interim basis at the end of the 2018-19 season. He led them to a AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE ment Minamino took just three minutes to season. However, Klopp’s men have so far scorer but Dortmund lose UEFA Cup triumph in 1997 and LONDON, DEC 19 open the scoring when he was teed up by survived an injury crisis and with more REUTER German Cup wins in 2001 and 2002 Mane for his first goal. players returning to fitness are now in pole BERLIN, DEC 19 plus a Bundesliga runners-up Liverpool ended a three-month wait for an Palace had chances to get back into the position to defend their title. Trent spot in 2001. away win in the Premier League in compre- game as Fabinho’s intervention just took Alexander-Arnold is one of those to have Borussia Dortmund’s teenage striker Youssoufa Moukoko hensive fashion with a 7-0 thrashing of Wilfried Zaha’s dangerous cross away from returned in recent weeks after a month out became the youngest player to score in the Bundesliga but Crystal Palace on Saturday to move six Jordan Ayew. Ayew then wasted a glorious and the England international’s pass was ended up on the losing side as they slumped to a 2-1 defeat at Athletic Bilbao beat Huesca 2-0 points clear at the top of the table. chance as he pounced on an uncharacteris- swept home by Henderson from outside the Union Berlin after conceding two set-piece goals on Friday. BILBAO: Athletic Bilbao spoiled In an ominous sign for the challengers tic error from Fabinho, but tried to tee up box to make it 4-0. The 16-year-old scored on the hour mark, latching on to a Huesca’s party by 2-0 and sent the hoping to dethrone Jurgen Klopp’s men as Zaha rather than going for goal himself and Klopp then took the chance to give Mane a Marco Reus through ball and lashing home to break the record Aragonese club to the bottom of the English champions, the Reds built on the played the ball behind the Ivorian. rest, but the Senegalese voiced his frustra- set by Florian Wirtz, who netted for Bayer Leverkusen against Spanish league on Friday. Athletic momentum of a last-minute winner that At the other end, the visitors were ruth- tion at being removed to be replaced by Bayern Munich aged 17 years and 34 days in May 2020. were being shaded at home until the beat second-placed Tottenham in midweek. less as Mane ended his longest goal drought Salah. The Egyptian played his part for the Dortmund, who sacked coach Lucien Favre last week after a 86th minute when Bosnian forward Roberto Firmino and Mohamed Salah as a Liverpool player at nine games with an fifth with the pass into Firmino, who has humiliating 5-1 defeat by promoted VfB Stuttgart and replaced Kenan Kodro drew a foul in the box scored twice at the Selhurst Park, while excellent turn and low finish from Firmino’s now scored as many goals in his last two him with assistant coach Edin Terzic, were lacklustre through- from central defender Jorge Pulido. Takumi Minamino, Sadio Mane and Jordan pass. A clinical counter-attack made it three games than his previous 27 Premier League out as they slumped to their fifth defeat of the season. Pulido left thanks to a second yellow Henderson also netted. before the break as this time Firmino appearances. Salah then moved to the top of Cameroon-born striker Moukoko, who represented Germany card and Kodro slotted the spot kick Klopp has repeatedly bemoaned having to latched onto Andy Robertson’s cross before the Premier League goalscoring charts this at youth level, had almost put his side ahead on the stroke of down the middle. The lead was dou- play Saturday lunchtime kick-offs after flicking the ball beyond Vicente Guaita. season with a late double by heading home halftime, latching on to a Reus pass and hitting the woodwork. bled in injury time after centre back Wednesday night games, but his side suf- Liverpool had not won in their previous from a corner before bending an incredible The hosts went ahead in the 57th minute when Taiwo Awoniyi Unai Nunez’s header to a cross from fered no hangover from their exertions five league games and have already dropped effort into the top corner. Victory ensured stole in at the far post to cleverly head home Grischa Proemel’s Jon Morcillo. Athletic moved into the against Spurs. Salah was given a rare rest more points this season than they had prior Liverpool will lead the league at Christmas flick-on from a corner and got the winner with another header top half of the standings. (AGENCIES) from the start, but his Japanese replace- to sealing a first league title in 30 years last for a third successive season. from a set piece this time by in the 78th. HOROSCOPE ARIES (March 21-April 19) **** CANCER (June 22-July 22) *** LIBRA (September 23-October 22) *** CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) **** Someone you don’t know very well could propose an Today, you could reach a turning point in one of your Things are going to be unpredictable today, so watch It’s going to be nearly impossible for anyone to hold idea that other people might balk at but you see some relationships, although you might be the only one out for last-minutes changes, cancellations, and met- you back or hold you down today! You’re like a wild sort of brilliance in it. Put some energy behind mak- aware of it! If this person doesn’t seem to see the aphoric wrenches getting tossed into plans. Nothing horse, ready to race off in any direction just to get ing it happen, and let this person know you’re behind same thing you see, wait until they do before bring- is for certain, and nothing is going to be written in away from someone who wants to rein you in. This is them all the way. ing it up as a topic of conversation. stone. a wise urge to follow right now.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) *** LEO (July 23-August 22) *** SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) *** AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) *** It’s a good time to move forward with any plans Your enthusiasm for what you believe in is more The energy of other people will inspire you and keep One or two things could change with little or no you’re brewing, but you shouldn’t sign any legal powerful than ever. Use this energy to turn other you feeling content with where you’re going today. notice today, but this fluctuation will do you some documents or invest large sums of money just yet. people on to your cause! If you want to make things Even if you’re feeling like you’d like to stay some- good. Sure, you could choose to flail about and try to Ride things out for a few more weeks and wait to see happen, today is the day to do it. You can easily per- what detached from other people, you need to find a fight to put things back into the little boxes you want if a better option crosses your path. suade others to see things your way, so go for it! way to get better connected with them today. them to be in, but what’s the point?

GEMINI (May 21-June 21) **** VIRGO (August 23-September 22) **** SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) *** PISCES (February 19-March 20) *** You’ll be able to read other people like a book today. Throw yourself into something that could really When it comes to investing your money for the long When you’re in charge, you have to be in charge! What once were vague undercurrents of their true shake up your life. Sure, it might be a little bit scary, haul, being conservative and cautious is totally Letting your group of co-workers just do whatever feelings will be blatant and obvious to you. This but it’s also going to be very exhilarating! It’s time to appropriate. But when it comes to sharing your feel- they want might make you think you’re winning insight into what motivates people is extremely use- discover a new hobby, food, sport—anything that will ings, you need to start taking a lot more risks. And their hearts and minds, but you sure aren’t winning ful for you, especially if you’re negotiating a deal. inject some new energy. honestly, that’s great. their respect. CROSSWORD SUDOKU


C M Y K (C.R.P.D.) - 3/052/053 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 | 08

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