Nepal’s largest selling English daily Vol XXVIII No. 318 | 8 pages | Rs.5 O O Printed simultaneously in Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Bharatpur and Nepalgunj 22.9 C -3.9 C Friday, January 15, 2021 | 02-10-2077 Dipayal Jumla As Gyawali lands in Delhi, India hints boundary talks unlikely Joint Commission and boundary talks are two different mechanisms, says India’s Ministry of External Affairs, even as keeps the territory issue high on the agenda.

SURESH RAJ NEUPANE external affairs minister tomorrow.” NEW DELHI, JAN 14 “The joint commission is an impor- tant mechanism. It provides an oppor- In what could be a major setback for tunity for reviewing at high level the the KP Sharma Oli government, India entire gamut of our bilateral partner- has indicated that boundary talks are ship and to provide political guidance unlikely during Foreign Minister to further enhance the special and Pradeep Gyawali’s New Delhi visit. unique ties that exist between our two Gyawali arrived in the Indian capi- countries. We look forward to con- tal on Thursday to participate in the structive discussions on the numer- Sixth Meeting of the India-Nepal Joint ous sectors that encompass our bilat- Commission, a high-level mechanism eral agenda.” that deals with the entire gamut of Gyawali’s is the first high level visit bilateral relations. to Delhi from Kathmandu in over a The boundary issue is high on the year which saw bilateral ties hitting a POST PHOTO: DURGA LAL KC agenda, but as soon as Gyawali landed rock bottom. Tharu women in traditional attire attend a Maghi celebration at Gadhawa in Dang on Thursday. Maghi is a major festival of the indigenous Tharus who live mostly in Nepal’s plains. in New Delhi, India’s Ministry of Relations between Nepal and India External Affairs reiterated India’s started to deteriorate in November position on the boundary row. 2019 after Delhi published a new “Our position on the boundary map including Kalapani within India’s INTERVIEW issue is well known,” Anurag territories. Srivastava, spokesperson for India’s New Delhi cold-shouldered Ministry of External Affairs, said Kathmandu’s call for diplomatic dia- during a regular press briefing on logue. Instead, in May last year, India Pradeep Gyawali: ‘I am here with the objective of making Thursday. “The joint commission and opened a road link via Lipulekh to boundary talks are two different Kailash Mansarovar in the Tibet mechanisms.” Autonomous Region of China. In Nepal-India relations even stronger based on trust’ Responding to queries on Gyawali’s response, Nepal published its own visit to Delhi, Srivastava said: “The political map depicting Kalapani, foreign minister of Nepal arrived in Lipulekh and Limiyadhura as parts of New Delhi a short while ago. He is here the Nepali territory. The foreign minister on his visit to Delhi, which is taking place not only after a long gap of engagements but also to co-chair the sixth session of the Both countries entered a state of India-Nepal Joint Commission meet- cartographic war. at a time when there is a political crisis in Kathmandu, and on his agendas and priorities. ing. This meeting will be hosted by the >> Continued on page 2

Foreign Minister Pradeep Gyawali have similar expectations. We will dis- arrived in New Delhi on Thursday cuss all the facets of our ties and come afternoon on a three-day visit. Gyawali up with a conclusion. is in the Indian capital to participate While Nepal has been saying that it in the Sixth Meeting of the Nepal- will raise the boundary issue with India Joint Commission, which deals priority, India’s Ministry of External with the entire gamut of bilateral Affairs has said that the joint commis- relations between the two countries. sion and boundary talks are two dif- This is the first visit from Kathmandu ferent mechanisms. at the highest level in over a year. The I am not aware of India’s reaction. visit is taking place after Nepal-India So it won’t be appropriate to comment relations hit a rock bottom over the on that. But this Joint Commission boundary issue. Nepal is expecting to has a very wide mandate. Political, raise the boundary issue with India border, security, development and during Gyawali’s stay in Delhi. transportation issues fall under it. We Gyawali’s visit is significant also will hold discussions on all these because it is taking place at a time issues and come up with a necessary when there is a political crisis in conclusion. Nepal will discuss the Kathmandu caused by Prime Minister issues that it has prioritised and will KP Sharma Oli’s decision to dissolve try to find a resolution. the House. The Post’s Suresh Raj Neupane caught up with Gyawali to PHOTO: FOREIGN MINISTRY/TWITTER What kind of discussions are know about this visit, his agendas and Foreign Minister Pradeep Gyawali expected with India regarding priorities. Covid-19 vaccines? The interview has been condensed tant. Given the way our relations have for clarity. gone through in the recent past, I India has conducted successful trials believe this meeting will not only help of two vaccines. I would like to con- What expectations do you have from restore the ties to the previous state gratulate the government of India and the meeting? but also open the doors for further the scientists involved. We believe that enhancing them. I have come here Nepal should take the benefit of the The Joint Commission’s meeting is with the objective of making Nepal- vaccines developed in India. And we being held after a gap. That the meet- India relations even stronger based on have made a request accordingly. ing is taking place in itself is impor- trust. I believe our Indian friends too >> Continued on page 3 Lost and never found: Hundreds of children, more girls than boys, go missing every year The majority of children who go missing are eventually found but stakeholders fear all those who go missing are vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation.

CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL Year Total lost children Boys Girls Search ongoing Found KATHMANDU, JAN 14 2017-18 2,330 923 1,407 1,018 43.7% 2018-19 3,422 1,051 2,371 882 74.23% Last week, the border city of Birgunj was rocked after two children went 2019-20 2,729 690 1529 510 81.31% missing. The two sixth graders did not return home after their tutorial dren anywhere. happen to them. We are middle-class classes on Saturday morning. Apparently, both children had families and worried how we could “At first we thought that he must crossed the border and reached the have even managed if there had been have stayed out playing cricket as it Indian city of Patna—more than demands for ransom.” was Saturday,” father of one of the 200km away. Not every family is as fortunate as children told the Post, requesting ano- “They crossed the border, took a bus these two from Birgunj. nymity. and reached Patna after midnight. A 16-year-old boy, originally from Family members, neighbours and They slept in the bus,” said the Mahottari, has gone missing from the local police looked everywhere for father. “After roaming around near Duwakot, Bhaktapur, for more than a them but there was no sign of the chil- the bus park on Sunday morning, they month now. got scared and approached a According to S., the missing boy’s nearby police station seeking uncle who did not want his identity to help. The police then called be disclosed, they have no information his mum.” of his whereabouts. Family members, along with “He has been missing since the Nepal Police personnel, rushed afternoon of December 8,” said S. “We to bring back the children. Both have filed a missing person of them made it home on report with the police, inspected Monday. CCTV footage and called our relatives “We had given up our hope and friends. However, we have not that we would get our kids back,” heard any news about him. The said the father. “People were tell- family is going through tremendous ing us that our kids might have emotional stress.” been kidnapped. Anything could >> Continued on page 2

C M Y K FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2021 | 02 NATIONAL As Gyawali lands in Delhi, India ... One dead, three injured at the hands >> Continued from page 1 talks with his Indian counterpart S Jaishankar. After Nepal protested against India’s inclu- An announcement on India’s Covid-19 vac- sion of Kalapani within its borders, Delhi had cine support is likely, according to officials said the Indian political map “accurately familiar with the preparations. depicts the sovereign territory of India”. Two Indian companies have manufactured of faith healers in Gulmi district “The new map has in no manner revised our Covid-19 vaccines and India is likely to provide boundary with Nepal,” said Raveesh Kumar, some doses in grant. who was the spokesperson for India’s Ministry “Procuring Covid-19 vaccine from India at a A 64-year-old man was fatally burned and beaten in the name of treatment. of External Affairs, at a regular press briefing subsidised rate and easing the procurement on November 7, 2019. “The boundary delinea- process is a high priority for the Nepali side,” MADHAV ARYAL tion exercise with Nepal is ongoing under the said the official. “This will be communicated to PALPA, JAN 14 existing mechanism.” the Indian side during the meeting.” After Nepal published the new political map Nepal has been looking for at least 12 million An elderly man died after a faith depicting Kalapani, Lipulekh and Limpiyadhura doses of Covid-19 vaccine to inoculate 20 per- healer couple burned parts of his within its borders, Delhi called the move “car- cent (or 6 million) of its population and is plan- body and thrashed him in the tographic assertion”. ning to roll out vaccines first for health-care name of treatment at Resunga “The Government of Nepal has released a workers and volunteers, people above 60 years Municipality-1 in Gulmi district revised official map of Nepal today that includes and other frontline workers. on Wednesday. parts of Indian territory. This unilateral act is India has already given its approval for two Three others were also injured not based on historical facts and evidence,” said Covid-19 vaccines produced in the country and due to the beating from the Srivastava on May 20 last year. “It is contrary to is preparing for a mass rollout starting Saturday. couple. the bilateral understanding to resolve the out- Apart from participating in the meeting and DSP Purushottam Pandeya at standing boundary issues through diplomatic holding separate talks with Jaishankar, Gyawali the District Police Office said dialogue.” is expected to meet with Indian Prime Minister Ram Bahadur Mukhia, 64, of The ties between the two countries Narendra Modi and Defence Minister Rajnath Darlamchaur in Isma Rural then nosedived. Singh, among other top officials. But both sides Municipality-3 died in the inci- Bilateral relations started to return to nor- are tight-lipped about the date and time. dent that he described as “inhu- malcy after Delhi made some moves to effect a A former diplomat with a good understand- man and shocking”. rapprochement with Kathmandu. ing of Nepal-India relations said there is a lot of “The faith healer couple had The stage for Gyawali’s visit to Delhi was set interest about Nepal in New Delhi after Oli dis- been employing similar supersti- after India sent its foreign spy chief, Samant solved the House. tious rituals in the name of treat- Goel, in October. Goel’s visit was followed by the “The meetings of Gyawali, Oli’s close confi- ment to other people for years,” visits of Indian Army chief MM Naravane and dante, with Modi and other top political leaders said Pandeya. “Mukhia died as Indian Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan hold special political significance because it the couple branded him with POST PHOTOS Shringla. gives a sense how Delhi has perceived the recent heated iron and steel plates.” Hum Bahadur Mukhia and Topala Damai were beaten in the name of faith healing. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs’ developments in Kathmandu,” he told the Post Mukhia’s two sons Hum indication that boundary talks are unlikely dur- requesting anonymity. Bahadur and Krishna and one According to Udaya Bahadur bade our father from eating on few months and visited the ing Gyawali’s stay in Delhi comes as a setback Four days after Oli dissolved the House, India Topala Damai of Resunga-5 were Thapa, the ward chief of Tuesday evening. They repeated- Shrestha couple seeking a cure at for Prime Minister KP Oli who has once again responded by describing the developments as also injured due to the beating of Resunga-2, the Shrestha couple ly burnt different parts of his the recommendation of my ratcheted up his nationalist rhetoric after dis- “internal matters of Nepal”. the faith healers. had taken a local man’s land on body with a heated iron rod and neighbours,” said Damai. solving the House and declaring snap polls. “We have noted the recent political develop- “Damai who was seriously lease and built a hut there. severely beat him till midnight,” She had already paid Rs 11,000 Gyawali, however, said he was unaware of the ments in Nepal. These are internal matters for injured in the incident was Police handed over Mukhia’s Hum Bahadur said. “They to the couple. Indian External Affairs Ministry’s statement. Nepal to decide as per its democratic process,” referred to United Mission body to the family after carrying stopped beating our father only “They beat me and burnt me “I am not aware of India’s statement. So I Srivastava said during a weekly presser on Hospital in Palpa while Hum out his postmortem at Gulmi after he fell unconscious. They with heated iron rods and pipes cannot comment on this” Gyawali told the Post. December 24 in New Delhi. “As a neighbour and Bahadur is being treated at District Hospital on Wednesday. told us that our father would be in the name of treatment,” she “But this [joint] commission is for discussing all well-wisher, India will continue to support Gulmi District Hospital,” said He was cremated the same day. fine the next morning. But he said. bilateral issues, including the boundary.” Nepal and its people in moving forward on the Pandeya. The Shrestha couple were was dead the next morning.” According to local residents, Sources told the Post that New Delhi has not path of peace, prosperity and development.” Krishna sustained minor inju- taken to custody after the inci- Hum Bahadur said his family they did not know what the agreed to include the boundary dispute in the In New Delhi, Gyawali will address a gather- ries and did not require a hospi- dent. “Investigation is going on had paid the Shrestha couple Shrestha couple was up to. official agenda, saying that the issue ing of Indian experts, diplomats, journalists tal stay. into the incident. A case will be around Rs 30,000 to treat his The incident came to light should be dealt with by the foreign secretary and others organised by the Indian Council of Pandeya said Mukhia suc- filed against them on murder father. when a local resident called level mechanism. World Affairs. He will hold interaction with cumbed to injuries inflicted on charge. They will also be tried for Damai, the other victim, police after hearing a disturbing The foreign secretary level mechanism Indian diplomats and members of the Indian him by Ram Prasad Shrestha and spreading superstitious beliefs,” said he visited the couple because sound coming from the hut of the between the two countries is tasked with resolv- strategic circle and some media persons during his wife Shantila Shrestha. said Pandeya. his thyroid issue was not getting couple. ing the disputes concerning Susta and Kalapani. the visit. The Shrestha couple, original- The deceased was suffering better. “We sent a police team to the In November last year, during Shringla’s visit Delhi has not made anything public about ly from Malika Rural from severe back pain and had “I started taking medicines for hut. But the investigation to Kathmandu, India, however, had refused to Gyawali’s meetings and detailed itinerary. Municipality-6 in Gulmi, was liv- been visiting the Shrestha couple thyroid condition from June last revealed just the opposite. We include the boundary dispute in the official What surprises many is the Ministry of ing at Tindhara in Resunga-1 on regularly since Saturday. year but I wasn’t getting better. I found Mukhia dead when we agenda. External Affairs releasing a brief itinerary rent. “They [Shrestha couple] for- stopped taking medicines after a reached there,” said Pandeya. Srivastav’s statement on Thursday also con- only on Thursday morning, hours before tradicts the statement issued by the Ministry of Gyawali’s departure for Delhi. Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, in which it said the In bilateral visits, the trend is that Joint Commission will discuss, among other both the countries make the announcements things, the boundary issue. simultaneously. Lost and never found: Hundreds of children ... The meeting of the Joint Commission will The Ministry of External Affairs does not discuss the whole gamut of Nepal-India rela- provide any details of Gyawali’s visit. >> Continued from page 1 with families.” were trafficked in the year 2018-19. tions, including trade, transit, energy, boundary, In its statement, the ministry has just given Every year, thousands of children go miss- According to the council, in the fiscal year “Missing children are highly vulnerable as Covid-19 cooperation, infrastructure, connectiv- information about Gywali’s arrival and depar- ing from different parts of the country. 2017-18, a total of 2,330 children—923 boys and they are likely to trafficked for sex trade and ity, investment, agriculture, tourism and cul- ture and the Joint Commission meeting at However, hundreds never return home, leav- 1,407 girls—went missing from different parts forced labour,” said Gurung. “Some could ture, the ministry stated. Hyderabad House on Friday. ing their families in pain and suffering worry- of the country. In 2018-19, the number stood at have already been trafficked and therefore Observers in Kathmandu had told the Post on Oli’s decision to dissolve the House has result- ing about their safety. 3,422, with 1,051 boys and 2,371 girls. missing whereas others are missing but Wednesday that since Gyawali is visiting Delhi ed in the split of the . Every month around 200 to 300 children, or Last fiscal year 2,729 children went missing, remain at the high risk.” at a time when there is a political crisis in The other faction led by up to ten every day, go missing, according to shows the latest ‘State of Children in Nepal The National Human Rights Commission in Nepal, talks are likely to revolve more around and Madhav Kumar Nepal has taken to the government data. 2020’ report. 2019 said nearly 1.5 million Nepalis are at risk the political situation, even though Nepal was streets, calling Oli’s House dissolution move The population below the age of 18 years is According to Rudra Kumar Giri, police of various forms of human trafficking. Most hoping for boundary talks with India. unconstitutional. defined as children as per the Children’s Act, inspector at the National Centre for Children vulnerable among these are aspiring migrant An official at the Nepali Embassy in New Oli, who rose to power riding on the national- 2018. at Risk, hardly any day goes by without the workers, Nepalis working abroad, people in Delhi said that issues related to political ties, istic plank and ratcheting up anti-India senti- “Children go missing when they are sepa- centre receiving reports of missing children. the adult entertainment sector, girls and energy cooperation, border security, connectivi- ments, is now facing allegations that he has rated from their parents or when they forget “Reports of at least four to five children of women from rural areas, missing persons and ty, trade, transit and cooperation in the railway kowtowed to India. directions home at a new place. Some even run all age groups missing are filed every day. The child labourers. sector will be discussed. Speaking at a function in Kathmandu, Dahal, away from home. These are the usual reasons number of children going missing also sees a According to Gurung, there is a strong link “The meeting will also review the a former prime minister, on Wednesday raised behind missing cases,” said Ram Bahadur surge during festival season or when families between missing children and their chance of progress made by different mechanisms in the suspicion if Oli had dissolved the House at Chand, information officer with the National go shopping,” Giri told the Post. being trafficking. past,” said the official who spoke on condition Delhi’s behest. “There is an understanding Child Rights Council. “Some are believed to “If the children are missing from “Not all of those still missing are trafficked. of anonymity. among the people that you [Oli] dissolved the have been even kidnapped or trafficked. Kathmandu Valley, then we immediately start But they are more likely to be trafficked or at Ahead of the Joint Commission meeting, House and split the party as per India’s sugges- However, the reason behind their missing can a search operation with the help of the area a higher risk of trafficking,” said Gurung. Foreign Minister Gyawali will hold one-on-one tion. Is it true?” only be determined when they come in contact police, and if it is a matter from outside the “Children are lured before they go missing. Valley, then we relay the information to the Sometimes they go missing before they are district police.” trafficked or some may have already been traf- The National Child Rights Council and ficked when they are reported missing. Nepal Police jointly operate National Centre Likewise, some might have fled their homes for Children at Risk (hotline number 104) and are likely to be trafficked later.” from Bhrikuti Mandap in Kathmandu. The majority of children missing are girls There is also a Child Helpline (toll-free 1098) and hence more likely to be trafficked. for supporting targeted or vulnerable Last fiscal year, a whopping 1,898 girls were children. reported missing out of the total 2,729 missing The council also provides service related children. In 2018-19, as many as 2,371 among to search for lost children, family tracing of the 3,422 children missing were girls. destitute and infirm children found in the Of those still missing from 2018-19, 655 are streets, family reunification, and communi- girls and 226 boys while from 2019-20, 369 are ty reintegration in 74 districts. Outside the girls and 141 boys. Kathmandu valley, these services are inte- Chand, Giri and Gurung agree there is a grated with the Women, Children and connection between missing children and the Senior Citizens Service Centers of Nepal probability of them being trafficked. Police. “There are instances of missing children “While these numbers show an alarming being rescued from sexual exploitation or picture, we should also note that some cases exploitative labour conditions. Even during of children missing are not even reported,” our consultations with entertainment sector said Benu Maya Gurung, executive director workers, they have shared how they had run with the Alliance Against Trafficking in away from home and landed up in that sector,” Women and Children in Nepal (AATWIN), a said Gurung. “We hardly see girls among national level network of non-governmental street children which could also mean they organisations. might have already been trafficked or ended But most of the children reported miss- up in the entertainment sector.” ing are found. Of the 2,330 children that Officials claim that they are taking steps to went missing in 2017-18, 1,312 were later mitigate the risk of children going missing found. Among the 3,422 reported missing in and are raising awareness among children at 2018-19, 2540 were found and in the fiscal schools. year 2019-20 of the 2,729 reported missing, “The government has been constantly mon- 2,219 were found. itoring and rescuing children who could be at Although the proportion of missing chil- risk,” said Chand. “Besides call centres, we dren has been higher in the last two fiscal are making children aware at schools of 104 so years, that was not always the case. that they can call for help whenever they are “One year the success rate remained at in trouble.” around 26 percent. Then for a few years, the However, experts like Gurung believe that proportion of missing children found was whatever is being told to school-going children at around 60 percent,” said Chand. “In 2018- in schools is not enough for safeguarding 19, it was around 74 percent and last year it those children at the risk of exploitation. was 81 percent. The success rate has “There are basic concepts in the improved but there are children who still curriculum like human trafficking at second- remain missing.” Government officials, ary level. Such information should start at an however, say the actual number of children early age as chances of children dropping out still missing may be lower than what of school before they get to the secondary lev- records show as families file missing person els are higher in rural areas and this means reports as soon their children are lost, but they can never learn about these things,” said don’t always report back to the authorities Gurung. “What is more important than this when they are found. theoretical knowledge is making children “Also, sometimes information like aware through extracurricular activities. addresses and contact details are recorded Only literature will not be enough to protect wrong and this could be a mistake of the these children.” staff or the person filing the report,” said In Bhaktapur and Mahottari, parents and Chand. “We cannot reach out to them later.” other family members of the 16-year child are According to experts in the field, chil- still waiting for him. All they have got so far dren, who are already at the risk of human are some fake calls from unidentified people trafficking, forced labour and other abuses, asking for ransom. become even more vulnerable when they go “We have reported the National Centre for missing. Children at Risk as well,” said S., the boy’s The National Report on Trafficking in uncle. “We can only hope he returns home safe Person estimated that nearly 5,000 children and sound as soon as possible.”

C M Y K 03 | FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2021 NATIONAL Use technology to curb deaths related to childbirth, experts say Family Welfare Division starts dialogue to reduce country’s maternal, neonatal deaths. ARJUN POUDEL KATHMANDU, JAN 14

On Sunday, a 22-year-old woman from Jumla delivered a still- born on the way to the Karnali Academy of Health Sciences. Doctors said that the woman was brought to the hospital in a critical condition as a result of excessive bleeding. “We had to transfuse five pints of blood to keep her alive. We saved her but the baby did not survive,” Dr Sharmila Shrestha, associate professor at the academy told the Post over the phone. According to the World Health Organization, there are near- ly 2 million stillbirths every year--one in every 16 seconds. Three-fourths of the stillbirths occur in South Asia and Sub- Saharan Africa and 60 percent occur in rural families from these areas. Stillbirths, neonatal and maternal deaths have always been a health concern in Nepal. The ongining Covid-19 pandemic, which increased home delivery and limited antenatal and postnatal visits, has made the matter worse. “It was the second time the woman had delivered a stillbirth baby,” Shrestha added. “Such cases come to our hospital fre- quently. The trend of seeking help from health workers only after all efforts to deliver babies at home have failed is taking the lives of mothers and their babies.” The WHO says that over 40 percent of stillbirths occurring during labour can be avoided with improved quality and respectful care during childbirth including routine monitor- ing and timely access to emergency obstetric care when required. In Nepal, neonatal death rate stands at 21 in every 1,000 live POST PHOTO: DEEPAK KC births and that of maternal deaths at 239 in every 100,000 live Fish come to the surface of the water to feed on puffed rice and soya chunks thrown at them at Taudaha, Kathmandu on Thursday. births, according to the National Demographic Health Survey-2016. These ratios have not declined for a long time. “To reduce the maternal and neonatal deaths we have start- ed a policy dialogue with the health agencies under the pro- vincial governments,” Dr Punya Poudel, chief of Safe Motherhood Programme at the Family Welfare Division under the Department of Health Services told the Post. Oli to focus on polls, rival camp on protests “We will review all the measures we have been taking to lessen maternal and neonatal deaths.” Maternal and neonatal death rates and causes of deaths in While Dahal-Nepal faction seeks support from other forces to intensify protests, Oli group is pleased with informal gatherings. each province will be reviewed in the discussion, added Poudel. TIKA R PRADHAN by the group’s Central Committee. Maternal and child health experts say the existing govern- KATHMANDU, JAN 14 Oli’s faction has been holding an orienta- ment policy to promote institutional delivery has yielded the tion for cadres since the dissolution of the result it could give and the authorities should think beyond With the split in the ruling Nepal House of Representatives after Oli expand- that to address the remaining problems. Communist Party following the dissolution ed the central committee to include 1199 “If women are not coming to health facilities for delivery, of the House of Representatives, the two members on December 22. we should send health workers to the villages,” Dr Damaru rival factions have decided to focus their Asked by the Election Commission about Prasad Paneru, associate professor at Pokhara University, told short-term strategies on polar opposite the expansion, Oli on Sunday wrote said the Post. “It is the only way to bring the existing maternal and objectives. that he, as the main office-bearer of the neonatal deaths rates down.” While the faction led by Prime Minister party, had expanded the Central Committee Of the total delivery, institutional delivery rate is only KP Sharma Oli is preparing for elections, as the erstwhile 445-member Central around 59 percent, according to the Ministry of Health and the camp led by Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Committee had lost its legitimacy in May Population. With the start of the coronavirus pandemic,insti- Madhav Kumar Nepal are seeking to forge last year after it couldn’t organise the par- tutional delivery rate has declined. alliances to demonstrate against the disso- ty’s general convention on time. Nepal has already missed the 2020 target of reducing mater- lution of the House of Representatives. Both the Oli and Dahal-Nepal factions nal mortality rate to 125 per 100,000 live births from the cur- “The prime minister has told members have approached the Election Commission rent rate of 239 deaths per 100,000 live births. of the Standing Committee that the focus stating that theirs is the legitimate faction. In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, several hospitals should now be on making the elections But the commission has been unable to which used to provide maternity services were converted into successful,” said Subash Nembang, a pass a decision. On Wednesday both fac- Covid-19 treatment facilities. Some birthing centers and hos- Standing Committee member from the Oli tions had submitted the documents the pitals were shut down to contain the virus spread. Women faction. commission wanted. were forced to give births at home as a result. While the Dahal-Nepal faction held the Oli also addressed a mass gathering in Poudel, chief of Safe Motherhood Programme, said the meeting of its Standing Committee at the Dhangadi where he justified his move to overall maternity services declined by more than 30 percent party’s office at Paris Danda, the Oli fac- dissolve the House saying he was forced to during the first few months of the lockdown, which has also tion held an informal Standing Committee do so as detractors within the party did not increased the death rate of both mothers and newborn babies. on Thursday to chalk out short-term let him work on governance. Paneru of Pokhara University, who is also a maternal strategies. The constitutionality of the dissolution and child health expert, said that use of technology such as “We have started discussions on ways to POST FILE PHOTO has been challenged in the Supreme Court. telephone and internet could be another effective means to make ongoing protests more impactful by The Dahal-Nepal faction has been holding protest programmes against the dissolution of the House as But Oli has told the court that issues relat- address the existing problems of maternal and neonatal including as many groups as possible,” per a decision taken by the group’s Central Committee. ed to the dissolution are not for the court to safety. said Matrika Yadav, a Standing Committee decide as they are political and don’t fall “We can keep record of all pregnant women and newborn member from the Dahal-Nepal faction. On Wednesday evening Dahal and Nepal Kathmandu Valley. within the court’s jurisdiction. babies and follow up about their conditions by using the tech- “Yesterday’s meeting of the two chairs met Deuba at his residence and asked him But during Thursday’s Standing During the informal meeting of Oli fac- nology we have,” said Paneru, “Even if we cannot contact the with (Congress chief) Sher Bahadur Deuba to join the protests. But Deuba was Committee meeting, according to insiders, tion’s Standing Committee held at women and their families, we can ask the female community was also part of an attempt to encourage non-committal and said he needed to dis- Dahal told party leaders that discussions Baluwatar, leaders have decided to intensi- health volunteers in their areas.” the party to join the movement.” cuss the matter in the party, according to with different groups have been positive. fy gatherings throughout the nation to Either patients can be brought to health facilities on time or Of the 44 members in the erstwhile the party’s Ramesh Lekhak who was pres- “Dahal said the discussions have been attract more cadres to the group. health workers can be deployed to the villages on time for Standing Committee before the split, 27 are ent at the meeting. positive, but refused to elaborate,” said. “During the meeting, I briefed the lead- service, if the condition of women and children are known, in the Dahal-Nepal camp and 16 have sworn The Dahal-Nepal faction has also started “He may elaborate on it on Friday.” ers about the ongoing activities at the according to him. their allegiance to Oli. Party vice-chair discussions on intensifying the ongoing The Dahal-Nepal faction has been hold- Election Commission and the Supreme Nepal aims to reduce maternal mortality rate by 70 per Bamdev Gautam has so far remained protest by incorporating all sections ing protest programmes against the disso- Court, including our preparations,” said 100,000 live births and 12neonatal deaths by 1,000 live births by neutral. of the society, and focusing on the lution of the House as per a decision taken Nembang. 2030 to meet the Sustainable Development Goal target.

BRIEFING National Examination Board to take 10 more Pradeep Gyawali: ... >> Continued from page 1 Man arrested with arms They have also said that they have RUKUM (WEST): Officials at the days to publish grade 12 results attached priority to Nepal. As India is Sheyphoksundo National Park in rolling out mass vaccination, we firmly Dolpa arrested a suspected poacher believe that Nepal will be their priority. with weapons at the park area. Students preparing for various entrance exams find themselves in a fix over the delay, call on board to respect deadlines. With the confidence that Nepal can According to Saroj Mani Paudel, act- procure the vaccines, we have ing chief conservation officer at the BINOD GHIMIRE prioritised the issue and put it high on park, Laxmi Chandra Shahi of KATHMANDU, JAN 14 agenda. Tripurasundari Municipality-6 was held with a musket and its 19 bullets When the National Examination Are you expecting any commitment in Nigalgaira area. An investigation Board conducted grade 12 examina- from India on this? is underway, said Paudel. tions in November, it had announced that the results will be published with- I believe there will be some concrete in a month. development on this issue. Three held with brown sugar However, one and half months after It is said that some political meet- TAPLEJUNG: Security personnel have- the examinations, the board says it ings too are lined up? What will those detained three people in possession needs another 10 days to publish the meetings focus on? with brown heroin in Phungling results. Municipality-6 on Thursday. “We couldn’t fulfill our commit- According to Deputy Superintendent ment because schools sent us grades In the meetings with the Indian of Police Mahendra Kumar Shahi, for their students unsystematically,” leaders, I will, naturally, convey the Amrit Limbu of Phaktalung, Kalpana said Chandra Mani Poudel, board message of the President and the Gurung of Phungling-9 and Rupan chairperson at a virtual interaction prime minister. Basically, I will con- Sah of India were held with 25.81 on Thursday. “We will publish the vey to them the message that Nepal grams of brown heroin. A prelimi- results in the next 10 days.” wants to build a problem-free relation- nary police investigation showed that The board had said that the stu- ship with India based on trust, where the narcotic was smuggled to dents’ answer sheets would be graded both the countries can benefit. Taplejung from Jhapa district. in their respective schools unlike in POST FILE PHOTO History has left some problems upon the past when they were marked by Board says schools didn’t follow its directions while submitting grades, and this caused delay. us. It’s time to find a solution to those examiners appointed by the board. problems. It is not in anyone’s favour Transportation services This would speed up the process, the final grades, another 40 percent came ties and embassies have already Shreedhi Neupane from Capital to let the problems linger. Discussions board had said. from their grades in grade 11 and the sought applications for entrance College and Research Centre, will focus on how we can build an halted in Rukum (West) The board, according to Poudel, remaining 20 percent from internal exams for medicine and engineering Koteshwor, who is currently prepar- environment of trust. That finding RUKUM (WEST): Transportation servic- issued a format to all schools to dis- evaluation by their schools. degrees. ing for MBBS entrance tests. solution to all these problems only es has come to a halt in Rukum (West) patch their students’ grades. Officials say the delay in the results The Bangladeshi Embassy has “Hundreds of students like me are in will help us focus on our shared future from Thursday after entrepreneurs “However, most schools completely is mainly due to the delay in upload- called applications for students want- a fix.” She said they will be deprived will be at the centre of the discus- disagreed to implement the transpor- ignored that,” he said. “We couldn’t ing marks as they are not provided as ing to pursue MBBS on scholarship. of applying for scholarships in differ- sions. tation fares fixed by the District stick to our deadline because of the directed. They say an official who Students need to submit the results of ent countries if the results are not It is also said that your visitz is Transport Management. Due to this, negligence on the part of the schools.” could upload 50,000 pieces of data a grade 12 or the A-Levels to qualify to published in a couple of days. aimed at garnering support of the passengers were compelled to walk to Owing to the Covid-19 pandemic the day in the previous years struggled to take the entrance test by January 21. Students will miss the deadline set government of India amidst the recent their destinations. The committee weightage of the tests was reduced by enter 10,000 this year, as schools didn’t Similarly, the Indian Embassy has a by both the embassies if the board political development in Nepal. had decided to reduce the transporta- 60 percent while the duration of the follow directions while submitting the January 23 deadline. takes 10 more days to publish the I don’t want to talk about Nepal’s tion fares of rural roads almost by a exams had been shortened to one-and- marks ledger. “The deadline is just a week away, results. As many as 433,131 examinees internal political matters on foreign half from Thursday. Locals say the a-half hours. While students took the The delay has ultimately cost stu- however, we don’t know when the had taken the grade 12 examinations soil. My entire attention is towards situation needs to improve soon. written exam for 40 percent of their dents their time. Different universi- grade 12 results will be out,” said this year. Nepal-India relations.

C M Y K FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2021 | 04 OPINION EDITORIAL Are we poised for Jana Andolan III? Vaccine for all The government cannot evade its primary obligation to the citizens.

The world’s fight against the pandemic has entered a turning point with coronavirus vaccine rollouts in several countries. But the road ahead for Nepal is not easy as rich countries hoard vaccines amid limited production and bilateral vac- cine deals. What’s more, the government plans to spend billions of rupees on midterm polls at a time when it should be saving every paisa possible for buying vaccines and inocu- lating citizens. While the government is hopeful about its plans to procure Covid-19 vaccines manufactured in India to vaccinate 52 per- cent of the country’s population, there is concern that rely- ing on just one country would make it difficult to procure all the required doses. There are also worries that India may coax Nepal into using Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin, which is yet to complete its phase III trials. Making prudent decisions based on science amid uncertainties is more crucial than ever, but there is a fresh controversy as the government seeks funds to procure vaccines. On Wednesday, the Ministry of Health and Population pub- lished a notice asking international donor agencies, busi- POST FILE PHOTO nesses, non-governmental organisations and philanthropic whether we are poised for Jana a new constitution in September 2015 thy and frustration at the political par- institutions to contribute to the immunisation fund. Public The bigger the political Andolan III. The first people’s move- and hold elections at the federal, pro- ties and their senile, sick and mean health experts have criticised the move saying saving lives is ment took place at a time when the vincial and local levels. leaders have reached a boiling point. a legal and moral responsibility of the government, which void and uncertainty, the Soviet empire was crumbling and India was not happy with the new People are tired of unsubstantiated should mobilise internal resources instead and parallelly greater the chances for German unification was taking place; constitution and merely ‘took notice’ airy promises. Talk is already in the air pursue financial assistance. there was a kind of global movement of its promulgation; as a result, the about a joint political and civil agita- New infections are being reported daily, and people contin- for liberal democratic values. country faced another round of unoffi- tion against the untimely dissolution a people’s movement. Internally, the Nepali people were sick cial blockade. Madhesis, Janajatis, of Parliament. So far, the major politi- ue to die. According to epidemiologists, science doesn’t dis- and tired of nearly 30 years of the mon- Dalits and other minority groups have cal parties, with their inflated egos, miss the possibility that the coronavirus circulating in the archy-led one-party regime called more than enough reservations with have been waging public demonstra- country could mutate into a more infectious and lethal NARAYAN MANANDHAR Panchayat. Much divided and disar- the present constitution. The untimely tions on their own. They still have to strain. Science is also clear that unless every single one of us rayed political parties, hitherto operat- dissolution of Parliament shows that find a rallying force. is inoculated, the threat remains. The government must ing underground, got unified to wage a either we have wasted our enormous A caretaker government, promising translate scientific knowledge into sound decisions and mass movement. A nearly 18-month- efforts in drafting the constitution or to hold elections in the coming four understand that we must procure and administer the vac- long blockade by India helped to there are fundamental flaws in it that months, has been keeping busy appoint- cines as early as possible. There is no going back to normal fuel the political fire burning inside need to be corrected. ing henchmen in the constitutional without vaccines, and our economy faces further threat amid Nepal. King Birendra finally had no bodies, expanding the Cabinet and the already sagging revenue sources. option other than to bow down to pub- Jana Andolan III reshuffling members, and wasting time On December 20, the prime minister’s lic pressure. He abolished the Prime Minister Oli’s move to dissolve performing near stand-up comedies. We cannot wait for funds to procure vaccines because it recommendation to dissolve Parliament Panchayat system and reinstated Parliament is similar to king Except for Prime Minister Oli and his will only delay inoculation and increase our risks. In and hold early elections on April 30 and multiparty democracy that had been Gyanendra’s coup preceding Jana team, no one is sure there will be elec- November last year, the cabinet had estimated that Rs48 bil- May 19, and blank endorsement of the illegitimately snatched away by his Andolan II. As long as the political par- tions in April-May. Even if all parties lion would be required to inoculate 52 percent of the popula- same by the President set off a political father in 1960. ties were disunited, the king managed agree to go for elections, they have to tion. A decision was also made to procure coronavirus vac- whirlwind in the country. The intra-par- The second people’s movement also to keep the country. However, he wait for the Supreme Court to rule on cines that have received emergency approval and administer ty quibbling which had been brewing exhibited similar backdrop informa- lost his legitimacy once he failed to Parliament’s dissolution and the them to people free of cost based on priority with those within the Nepal Communist Party tion. The monarchy was greatly dis- hold the promised elections; and Election Commission to decide which at risk getting vaccinated first. According to Health Secretary came to a boiling point. credited by the notorious palace massa- moreover, his anti-corruption body of the two cantankerous factions Laxman Aryal, the cabinet has also decided something It is sheer irony that a government cre in 2001. The royal coup by king called the Royal Commission for of the Nepal Communist Party is the about the vaccines, the details of which are not in the claiming to have a two-thirds majority, Gyanendra provided a kind of rallying Corruption Control was declared legitimate one. elected for a five-year term and work- force for the disarrayed and disillu- unconstitutional by the Supreme There are hosts of technical, finan- public domain yet. ing towards ‘Prosperous Nepal, sioned political parties to wage a uni- Court. Similar to the recent last-minute cial and human resource constraints The Oli administration, which has been accused of corrup- Happy Nepali’ had to face an uncere- fied mass movement. The signing of a mediation by a team of Chinese envoys, related to managing the elections tion and moral bankruptcy in handling the pandemic, has to monious end, and that too half-way 12-point agreement in New Delhi in Gyanendra too failed to heed the within four months. Already, the com- get the last lap of Covid-19 right. There is an urgent need for down the road, because of an intra-par- November 2005 between the seven agi- last-minute advice of Karan Singh—a mission is reported to have suggested clarity and transparency regarding the government’s pro- ty feud. The unfolding of the events tating political parties and the Maoists special envoy sent by India for a negoti- holding a single election, instead of curement of vaccines and the decision-making process once again proved that the enemy with- to launch a joint movement against the ated settlement. holding it in two phases. Ironically, it of the cabinet. On Tuesday, Reuters reported that Russia in is far more dangerous than the monarchy was a key turning point. Regime change is the core feature may sound anti-nationalist, but with- intends to supply Nepal with up to 25 million doses of its enemy outside. Faced with losing international sup- of the people’s movements. If the out the ‘green signal’ from India, it is Sputnik V vaccine, but the Health Ministry has said it is una- port, Gyanendra bowed down to the dissolved Parliament is not reinstated near impossible to hold elections in Jana Andolan I and II political demands. He reinstated the and if the government fails to hold Nepal. Can we unilaterally close the ware of such a deal. The report has also been refuted by Dr In Nepal’s recent political history, we dissolved Parliament and it, in turn, elections in April-May; and street more than 1,500-km-long open, free Shyam Raj Upreti, who coordinates the Covid-19 Vaccine have seen two rounds of people’s move- abolished monarchy and paved the way demonstrations are not quelled, it and unregulated border with India dur- Advisory Committee. ments effecting a regime change. In the for drafting a constitution by an elected will not be difficult to predict ing the election? The bigger the The country witnessed the consequences of bad decisions, first round (Jana Andolan I) in the assembly. another round of people’s movement. political void and uncertainty, the one after another, with the pandemic’s onset last year. But the 1990s, the country switched from a near When the first Constituent Assembly Interestingly, the months of March- greater the chances for a people’s move- government cannot afford another mistake and continue to autocratic monarchy-led one-party (2008-12) failed to draft a constitution, April-May have shown to be conducive ment. Amid choppy political waters, evade its primary obligation to the citizens. The Oli adminis- political system to a multiparty democ- political leaders hurriedly invited months for political agitations in pro-monarchists and Hindu fanatics tration must ensure that we have a comprehensive plan to racy with the king as a figurehead. In the chief justice to take over the seat of Nepal. may salivate for a while with their procure and safely deliver effective vaccines at the earliest the second round (Jana Andolan II) in the chief executive to hold elections to The external environment is also ‘raaja aau, desh bachau’ slogan. which must be followed by nationwide free vaccine distribu- 2006-7, the country abolished monarchy the second Constituent Assembly (2013- favourable for such a movement. With a But the clock is definitely not going to and laid the ground for a federal demo- 15). Following the devastating April global pandemic situation and the turn back. tion and administration. Anything less, which compromises cratic republic. 2015 earthquake, donors dangled the economy in tatters, dwindling foreign our fight against Covid-19 at the cost of citizens’ lives or The background or contextual mate- carrot of ‘relief funds’ to push the aid and cooling of relationships with Manandhar is a freelance management serves business interests, is unacceptable. rials do provide some clues to predict ever-bickering political parties to write the neighbouring countries, public apa- consultant.

Has Lukashenko won?

billion to cover the trade deficit. Kremlin initiatives in Moldova, Belarusians will be a To survive the winter, Lukashenko Georgia, and Armenia, where Russia will need massive financial support ‘allowed’ sympathetic factions of the formidable adversary from Russia. But, knowing that the opposition to overthrow undemocrat- regime cannot repay the debt, the ic governments. Belarus is incompa- for Lukashenko’s exhausted Kremlin is likely to withhold or attach rably more important to the Kremlin stringent conditions to its support. In than these other countries; but the security services. exchange for hard currency, the situation is delicate. Given its experi- Kremlin will demand a weaker ence in Ukraine, Russia knows that Belarusian presidency and economic using force could backfire by fostering SŁAWOMIR SIERAKOWSKI access for Russian oligarchs and state- a sense of shared identity and solidar- owned enterprises. Lukashenko can- ity in Belarus. not hope to deliver on these demands Of course, that has already hap- while also remaining in power. pened, with Belarusians preparing to It is no secret that Russian President take to the streets again in the Vladimir Putin and Lukashenko spring. After months of learning from despise each other. For years, experience and building up their Lukashenko regularly cheated the strength, they will be a formidable Following his fraudulent re-election Kremlin by not upholding his side of adversary for Lukashenko’s exhaust- victory in August 2020, Belarusian various ‘oil-for-sovereignty’ agree- ed security services. In fact, there is President Alexander Lukashenko ments (preferring ‘oil for kisses’ still a chance that the independent spent more than 100 days suppressing instead). This history explains why opposition movement will both defeat the massive peaceful protests that Russia has not intervened directly to the dictator and avoid ending up engulfed his country. But don’t read quell the protests. The Kremlin could under Russia’s thumb. too much into the silence: far from easily stomach Lukashenko’s down- It is thus a mistake to conclude that being cowed, Belarusians are con- fall, especially if he were replaced by just because 200,000 people are no stantly adapting their tactics to a Russia-friendly successor. longer demonstrating in Minsk wrong-foot the regime. To that end, The Insider, a Moscow- every week, the Belarusian people After the large-scale marches last based independent newspaper, reports have surrendered. The protests have fall in Minsk and other cities and that the Kremlin is already forming a simply moved and changed form for towns, demonstrations became more new pro-Russian party in Belarus. the winter. localised and scattered, cropping up in With the goal of including Belarusian The most important factor now is residential areas around the country. media figures, ruling elites, and gov- the security services that are protect- Opposition hackers blocked govern- ernment officials among its members, ing Lukashenko. BYPOL, an organisa- ment websites and hijacked state the ‘People’s Law’ party will stand tion of security employees who have media’s online broadcasts, exposing SHUTTERSTOCK ready to come out against Lukashenko left or are helping the opposition the regime’s dirty laundry and the futile game of ‘Whack-a-mole’ for financial ruin. The European Bank for only around 40 percent was denomi- (and in favour of deeper integration while still working for the regime, is brutality meted out by its security the authorities. He has even ordered Reconstruction and Development nated in foreign currencies. with Russia). publishing more and more materials services. that opposition flags embedded and the European Investment Bank With the ruble’s exchange rate at The People’s Law Project is being documenting a breakdown of disci- When journalists were prevented beneath the surface of frozen lakes be have suspended cooperation with 0.32 ($0.39), the several billion rubles headed by Russian General Vladimir pline and morale within the OMON from reporting, citizen journalists hacked out. the regime, and the International held by the Finance Ministry should Chernov, who has led the Kremlin’s (riot police), state-aligned militias, started recording everything, demon- Ongoing opposition activities have Monetary Fund has refused to offer it be enough to keep the country rela- previous efforts to thwart ‘colour rev- and the special forces. strating to the authorities that they imposed additional costs on a govern- financing. tively stable for several months. But olutions’ in the ex-Soviet world. More and more siloviki (state elites) could not hope to cover up official ment that cannot afford to bear them. As a result, the authorities have after that, the financial rot will accel- Chernov is now working to create a are leaving, and those who stay no criminality. And, to this day, Today’s low oil and potassium fertil- been forced to spend some $1.5 billion erate and become much more visible. network of up to 1,200 potential longer do so out of conviction. The Belarusians are carrying out low-level iser prices, Lukashenko’s closure of of Belarus’s currency reserves to And that, in turn, could trigger anoth- candidates from various opposition regime, it seems, is dying from within. sabotage, displaying the opposition the borders, the exodus of young peo- maintain the ruble’s exchange rate er wave of protests. As Alachnovi parties. One plank in the new party’s flag and related symbols everywhere ple (including tech and other highly and cover the public debt. Ale points out, the budget deficit for 2020 platform is a call for privatisation, Sierakowski, founder of the Krytyka they can. skilled workers), work-to-rule resist- Alachnovi, an independent Belarusian may have hit $2 billion, and likely will which would entail selling the Polityczna movement, is Director of Lukashenko remains on the defen- ance by factory workers, sanctions economist, sees the regime heading reach that level again in 2021. largest Belarusian enterprises to the Institute for Advanced Study in sive. He has demanded that all anti-re- imposed by the European Union and for a slow-motion economic collapse. Lukashenko will have to come up Russian oligarchs or state-owned Warsaw and Senior Fellow at the gime graffiti be removed and painted the United States, and the Covid-19 As of September 1, the central bank with not just $4 billion to cover giants such as Gazprom. German Council on Foreign Relations. over as soon as it appears, creating a pandemic have left the regime facing still had reserves of $7.5 billion, but debt servicing, but also another $2 Chernov has carried out similar —Project Syndicate

C M Y K 05 | FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2021 MONEY Nepal to build four new economic zones Indian stores shuttered on the borders with India and China by protests cost Reliance, The construction of a cross-border economic zone in the far west will help industrialisation, insiders say. Walmart millions KRISHANA PRASAIN REUTERS Both firms can absorb the losses for KATHMANDU, JAN 14 MOHALI, JAN 14 now, said Ankur Bisen, head of con- sumer and retail at consultancy Nepal plans to build two cross-border Dozens of Reliance Industries’ retail Technopak Advisors, but he added, economic zones on the border with stores and a giant Walmart outlet “They have to keep their fingers India and two on the northern border face revenue losses of millions of dol- crossed that shutdowns do not extend with China as part of the effort to lars after being forced to shut for to other states.” develop economic corridors that more than three months over protests A Punjab official said authorities will link up with the two immediate against India’s new farm laws, were ready to provide security but neighbours. sources said. could do little if companies had decid- Preliminary work has started for Thousands of farmers from states ed to keep their stores shut. the construction of economic zones at including northern Punjab have For their part, farmer unions have Dodhara-Chandani in Kanchanpur camped for weeks on the outskirts of vowed to continue the protests and and Jogbani in Morang that will con- the capital, in a bid to force Prime block stores from opening, even as the nect with the economic corridors in Minister Narendra Modi to repeal the Supreme Court this week ordered a India, said the Ministry of Industry, laws they contend will benefit corpo- temporary suspension of the farm Commerce and Supplies. rates, rather than cultivators. laws as it sets up a panel to examine On the northern border with Fears of farmers’ agitation in their complaints. China, the special economic zones Punjab, home to many protest leaders, “Our protests against corporates will be located in Kimathanka in have stoked companies’ fears over like Reliance will continue ... there is Sankhuwasabha and Korala in vandalism and the safety of employ- no question of lifting our sit-ins,” said Mustang. ees, prompting the closure of dozens Kulwant Singh Sandhu, an official of Construction work is expected to of shops, store employees and indus- one protesting group, the Democratic begin in the fiscal year 2021-22. try sources said. Farmers’ Union. Industry Secretary Chandra POST FILE PHOTO Since October, more than half the Another farm leader, Jagtar Singh, Kumar Ghimire said that the Among the country’s 154 trade partners, India accounts for the largest share of exports and imports, followed by China. roughly 100 stores of top retailer said protests against Reliance would construction of the cross-border eco- Reliance Retail in Punjab and continue until the government nomic zones would be initiated has conducted a field visit to Dodhara- country’s GDP will double,” said Walmart’s 50,000-square-foot (4,645-sq- repealed the laws. India says the laws through mutual understanding with Chandani to study the possibility of Ghimire. m) wholesale outlet in the district of passed in September will boost farm- China and India to boost trade and Nepal’s total building a cross-border economic Large scale industrial development Bathinda, a centre of the protests, ers’ incomes by letting them deal investment. zone. has lagged behind in the far western have been shut, the sources added. directly with big companies and “We have been holding talks foreign trade Nepal is setting its sights on region, and the construction of the “We are scared of the protesting bypass government-regulated whole- with both countries, and hope the con- in the last fiscal Mumbai as a transit point for third cross-border economic zone will help farmers,” said a senior official of a sale markets. struction of these vital projects will country trade, and has started work to industrialisation in the province, shuttered Reliance outlet in Mohali, a But many of the unions disagree, begin from the next fiscal year,” year amounted construct a dry port in Dodhara- insiders said. prosperous city located in the farm saying they risk losing their bargain- Ghimire said. Chandani on the western border with According to ministry officials, jobs belt. One industry source said esti- ing power and becoming vulnerable to According to the Trade and Export to Rs1.29 trillion. India which offers the shortest route will be created in agriculture process- mated losses for Reliance from its potential bulk buyers such as Walmart Promotion Centre, Nepal’s total to the sea. ing, herbal-based industries, for- state-wide shutdowns run into mil- and Reliance. exports to China stood at Rs1.91 bil- The inland terminal will provide est-based industries and mine-based lions of dollars. They fear the eventual disappear- lion while imports amounted to According to ministry officials, access to India’s largest seaport, industries. Two other sources said Walmart’s ance of the guaranteed prices the gov- Rs181.9 billion in the last fiscal year. 500-600 bighas of land is available Jawaharlal Nehru Port in Mumbai, After the infrastructure comes estimated revenue loss from its store, ernment pays for their grain. Nepal’s exports to India amounted in Jogbani while the cross-border and facilitate Nepal’s foreign trade online, it will pave the way for foreign one of 29 such outlets nationwide, has Reliance, controlled by one of Asia’s to Rs70.11 billion in the last fiscal economic zone in Dodhara-Chandani and lower costs, officials said. trade and investment in the far crossed $8 million. richest men, Mukesh Ambani, has year, while imports from the will be built in the area where Dodhara-Chandani dry port will be west and allow it to connect externally, “The farmers camp outside the said it would require suppliers to southern neighbour were valued at the dry port is expected to be con- the first business gateway to India they said. Walmart store daily, they don’t let any- abide by these prices, known as mini- Rs735.3 billion. structed. from Nepal’s far west. Nepal’s total foreign trade in body go in,” said one of the sources, mum support prices, or a similar “The potential construction site in “Once the cross-border economic The Intermodal Transport the last fiscal year amounted to adding that the store employed about mechanism. Korala has been identified, but we are zones are constructed, they Development Committee under the Rs1.29 trillion. 250 people. Thousands of items in the In December, the protests also still looking for an appropriate spot in will attract investment for large Ministry of Industry, Commerce Among the country’s 154 trade part- store are gathering dust and have disrupted Reliance’s nearly 2,000 Kimathanka,” Ghimire said. “We have and medium scale factories from and Supplies has started exploring ners, India accounts for the largest passed their use-by date. telecom towers and several petrol been holding talks with China on domestic and international inves- possible sites for the dry port share of exports and imports. In Reliance store officials and the pumps in Punjab. Protests along high- these issues.” tors,” Ghimire said. “It will create a at Mayapuri and Gaurishankar com- the last fiscal year, 62.22 percent of sources, who have direct knowledge ways linking it to New Delhi have dis- The available land in Kimathanka tremendous number of jobs,” he munity forests. Nepal’s total foreign trade was done of the situation, sought anonymity as rupted transport and industries such is small and narrow. But the proposed added. The manufacturing sector current- with India. they were not authorized to speak to as textiles. site in Korala looks feasible, officials In November last year, a high-level ly accounts for around 5 percent China is Nepal’s second largest media. Walmart and its Indian unit, In November, Punjab estimated eco- said. A possible building site has been delegation led by Industry Minister of Nepal’s gross domestic trading partner. The northern neigh- Flipkart, did not immediately respond nomic losses from the protests at $4 identified in Dodhara-Chandani Lekh Raj Bhatta and Industry secre- product. “We expect that once the bour accounts for 15.20 percent of to a request for comment. Reliance, billion, while one industry group has and Jogbani on the Nepal side of the taries Chandra Kumar Ghimire and cross-border economic zones are Nepal’s imports but only a small por- India’s largest private company, also pegged the overall hit to India’s econo- border. Baikuntha Aryal and technical team developed, its contribution to the tion of its export trade. did not respond. my at $9.6 billion.


US Dollar 117.17 Euro 142.42 WhatsApp scrambles Pound Sterling 159.90 Japanese Yen 11.27 as users in big Indian Chinese Yuan 18.13 Qatari Riyal 32.17 market fret over privacy Australian Dollar 90.98 Malaysian Ringit 29.03 REUTERS facing criticism in India for not doing NEW DELHI, JAN 14 enough to curb disinformation— Saudi Arab Riyal 31.23 underscores the severity of the crisis Exchange rates fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank WhatsApp is battling mistrust global- for the world’s most popular messag- ly after it updated its privacy policy to ing platform. PRICE PER TOLA let it share some user data with parent Parent Facebook and WhatsApp BULLION Facebook and other group firms, and have bet big on India and any user the backlash risks thwarting its ambi- grumbling could dent their plans. Fine Gold Rs 92,100 tions in its biggest market, India. Last year, Facebook invested $5.7 Though WhatsApp has yet to see billion in the digital unit of Indian oil- Silver Rs 1,245 mass uninstalls of its app in India, to-tech group Reliance—the social users concerned about privacy are media giant’s biggest deal since its $22 SOURCE: FENEGOSIDA increasingly downloading rival apps billion buyout of WhatsApp in 2014. such as Signal and Telegram, research A huge part of the India investment firms say, propelling them higher on hinges on a WhatsApp and Reliance GASOLINE WATCH the download charts and putting those project to allow about 30 million apps ahead of their ubiquitous rival mum-and-pop store owners to transact in India for the first time. digitally. The reaction in India—where 400 While WhatsApp’s payment service, million users exchange more messag- approved by India’s flagship payments es on WhatsApp than anywhere in the processor late last year after two years world—has forced the messaging app of waiting, does not fall under the to unleash an advertising blitz costing privacy policy update, any sizeable tens of millions of rupees this week in user shift to other messengers could at least 10 English and Hindi newspa- mean losing out to well-entrenched pers. “Respect for your privacy is rivals. Users around the world were coded into our DNA,” WhatsApp said alarmed when WhatsApp said on in one newspaper announcement. January 4 it reserved the right to It said its privacy policy update share some user data including loca- “does not affect the privacy of your tion and phone number, with Facebook messages with your friends and fami- and its units such as Instagram and ly in any way”. WhatsApp has also Messenger. said that the changes to the privacy Even as WhatsApp sought to calm policy are only related to users’ inter- fears and assure users that neither it actions with businesses. nor Facebook would have access to When asked for comment, their messages, calls, or call logs, the WhatsApp referred Reuters to its pub- privacy policy update triggered a lished statements on privacy. storm globally with Signal downloads The media campaign—similar to swelling as people looked for alterna- one it ran two years ago when it was tive messengers. Unilever says global consumption will remain depressed in first half of year

REUTERS half of this year and then next year,” not expect any major setbacks on a LONDON, JAN 14 Chief Executive Officer Alan Jope margin perspective, but I don’t want to said in an interview at the Reuters get into a numbers game beyond that Consumer goods maker Unilever Plc Next conference on Wednesday. until things globally stabilise a little expects global consumption patterns The maker of Dove soap, Hellmann’s bit,” he said. to be suppressed in the first half of mayonnaise and Tresemme shampoo The pandemic has boosted sales of this year, even as business returns withdrew its annual sales growth tar- packaged food for companies like to normal in East Asia and markets get in April and Jope said he was still Unilever, Nestle and Kraft Heinz, in Africa and Latin America show wary of making any predictions about though Unilever was hurt by sharp resiliency, its chief executive told its future business due to the fluidity declines in foods served in public plac- Reuters. of the Covid-19 pandemic. es like beaches and restaurants. “We still hold that the first half of However, he said the company Still, there were signs of progress, this year will be a continued period of would grow ahead of the broader mar- with Jope saying business was back to suppressed consumption ... with that ket and he does not expect any hits to normal in East Asia, notably in starting to come back in the second margins in the near term.“We would Singapore and China.

C M Y K FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2021 | 06 WORLD BRIEFING Trump impeached in historic second charge South Korea court upholds jail for ex-president Park President Trump has been charged with ‘incitement of insurrection’ over the deadly mob siege of the US Capitol. SEOUL: South Korea’s top court upheld ASSOCIATED PRESS shot and killed a woman during the on Thursday a 20-year jail sentence WASHINGTON, JAN 14 siege. Three other people died in for former President Park Geun-hye what authorities said were medical on graft charges that led to her down- President Donald Trump was emergencies. The riot delayed the fall, bringing an end to the legal pro- impeached by the US House for a his- tally of Electoral College votes that cess and so for the first time raising toric second time, charged with was the last step in finalising Biden’s the possibility of a pardon. Park “incitement of insurrection” over the victory. became South Korea’s first democrat- deadly mob siege of the US Capitol in Ten Republican lawmakers, includ- ically elected leader to be thrown out a swift and stunning collapse of his ing third-ranking House GOP leader of office when, in 2017, the final days in office. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, voted to Constitutional Court upheld a parlia- With the Capitol secured by armed impeach Trump, cleaving the ment vote to impeach her over a scan- National Guard troops inside and out, Republican leadership, and the party dal that also landed the heads of two the House voted 232-197 on Wednesday itself. conglomerates in jail. The daughter to impeach Trump. The proceedings Cheney, whose father is the former of a military dictator, Park took office moved at lightning speed, with law- Republican vice president, said of in 2013 as South Korea’s first woman makers voting just one week after Trump’s actions summoning the mob president. violent pro-Trump loyalists stormed that “there has never been a greater the Capitol, egged on by the presi- betrayal by a President” of his office. dent’s calls for them to “fight like hell” Trump was said to be livid with Fire destroys Rohingya refugee against the election results. perceived disloyalty from McConnell camps, UNHCR says Ten Republicans fled Trump, join- and Cheney. ing Democrats who said he needed to With the team around Trump BANGLADESH: A huge fire swept be held accountable and warned omi- hollowed out and his Twitter account through the Rohingya refugee camps nously of a “clear and present dan- silenced by the social media company, in southern Bangladesh in the early ger” if Congress should leave him the president was deeply frustrated hours of Thursday, the United unchecked before Democrat Joe that he could not hit back, according Nations said, destroying homes Biden’s inauguration January 20. to White House officials and belonging to thousands of people. The Trump is the only US president to Republicans close to the West Wing UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said be twice impeached. It was the most who weren’t authorised to speak more than 550 shelters home to bipartisan presidential impeachment publicly about private conversations. around 3,500 people were either total- in modern times, more so than against From the White House, Trump ly or partially destroyed in the blaze, Bill Clinton in 1998. leaned on Sen Lindsey Graham of as well as 150 shops and a facility The Capitol insurrection stunned South Carolina to push Republican belonging to a non-profit organisa- and angered lawmakers, who were senators to resist, while chief of tion. Photographs and video provided sent scrambling for safety as the mob AP/RSS staff Mark Meadows called some of to Reuters by a Rohingya refugee in descended, and it revealed the fragili- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi displays the signed article of impeachment against President Donald Trump in an engrossment ceremony before his former colleagues on Capitol Hill. Nayapara Camp showed families ty of the nation’s history of peaceful transmission to the Senate for trial on Capitol Hill, in Washington. The president’s sturdy popularity including children, sifting through transfers of power. The riot also forced with the GOP lawmakers’ constituents charred corrugated iron sheets to see a reckoning among some Republicans, and said, “Mob violence goes against Trump, said the strategist, who still had some sway, and most House if they could salvage anything from who have stood by Trump throughout everything I believe in and everything demanded anonymity to describe Republicans voted not to impeach. their still smouldering homes. his presidency and largely allowed our movement stands for. ... No true Trump was first McConnell’s conversations. “We are debating this historic him to spread false attacks against the supporter of mine could ever disre- In a note to colleagues on Wednesday, measure at a crime scene,” said integrity of the 2020 election. spect law enforcement.” impeached by the McConnell said he had “not made a Rep Jim McGovern, D-Mass. Thai police arrest student after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Trump was first impeached by the House in 2019 over final decision on how I will vote.” During the debate, some king’s portraits defaced invoked Abraham Lincoln and the House in 2019 over his dealings with Unlike his first time, Trump faces Republicans repeated the falsehoods BANGKOK: A student activist has Bible, imploring lawmakers to Ukraine, but the Senate voted in 2020 his dealings with this impeachment as a weakened lead- spread by Trump about the election been arrested and charged under uphold their oath to defend the acquit. He is the first president to be er, having lost his own reelection as and argued that the president has Thailand’s strict laws against Constitution from all enemies, foreign impeached twice. None has been con- Ukraine, but he was well as the Senate Republican majori- been treated unfairly by Democrats insulting the monarchy after he was “and domestic.” victed by the Senate, but Republicans acquitted. ty. Even Trump ally Kevin McCarthy, from the day he took office. accused of defacing portraits of She said of Trump: “He must go, he said on Wednesday that could change the House Republican leader, shifted Other Republicans argued the King Maha Vajiralongkorn, his is a clear and present danger to the in the rapidly shifting political envi- his position and said Wednesday the impeachment was a rushed sham and lawyer and police said on Thursday. nation that we all love.” ronment as officeholders, donors, big president bears responsibility for the complained about a double standard Sirichai Nathuang, 21, a student at Holed up at the White House, watch- business and others peel away from leave the White House, McConnell’s horrifying day at the Capitol. applied to his supporters but not to Bangkok’s Thammasat University, ing the proceedings on TV, Trump the defeated president. office said. The legislation is also In making a case for the “high the liberal left. Some simply appealed is one of at least 40 activists charged later released a video statement in Biden said in a statement after the intended to prevent Trump from ever crimes and misdemeanours” demand- for the nation to move on. with “lese majeste” since November which he made no mention at all of vote that it was his hope the Senate running again. ed in the Constitution, the four-page Rep Tom McClintock of California amid protests demanding the the impeachment but appealed to his leadership “will find a way to deal McConnell believes Trump commit- impeachment resolution approved on said, “Every movement has a lunatic resignation of former junta leader supporters to refrain from any further with their Constitutional responsibili- ted impeachable offences and consid- Wednesday relies on Trump’s own fringe.” Yet Democratic Rep Jason Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha. violence or disruption of Biden’s ties on impeachment while also work- ers the Democrats’ impeachment incendiary rhetoric and the Crow, D-Colo and others recounted the The youth-led movement has also bro- inauguration. ing on the other urgent business of drive an opportunity to reduce the falsehoods he spread about Biden’s harrowing day as rioters pounded on ken longstanding taboos by demand- “Like all of you, I was shocked and this nation.” divisive, chaotic president’s hold on election victory, including at a rally the chamber door trying to break in. ing reforms to the monarchy, which deeply saddened by the calamity at the The soonest Republican Senate the GOP, a Republican strategist told near the White House on the day Some called it a “coup” attempt. led to resumption of use of the lese Capitol last week,” he said, his first leader Mitch McConnell would start The Associated Press on Wednesday. of the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Rep Maxine Waters, D-Calif, con- majeste law, which had not been condemnation of the attack. He an impeachment trial is next Tuesday, McConnell told major donors over A Capitol Police officer died from tended that Trump was “capable of invoked since 2018. (AGENCIES) appealed for unity “to move forward” the day before Trump is already set to the weekend that he was through with injuries suffered in the riot, and police starting a civil war.” WHO team in Wuhan to probe coronavirus origins ASSOCIATED PRESS since the 1930s. WUHAN, CHINA, JAN 14 After Australia called in April for an independent inquiry, Beijing A global team of researchers on retaliated by blocking imports of Thursday arrived in the Chinese Australian beef, wine and other city where the coronavirus pan- goods. demic was first detected to conduct One possibility is that a wildlife a politically sensitive investigation poacher might have passed the into its origins amid uncertainty virus to traders who carried it to about whether Beijing might try to Wuhan, one of the WHO team mem- prevent embarrassing discoveries. bers, zoologist Peter Daszak of the The group sent to Wuhan by the US group EcoHealth Alliance, told World Health Organization was The Associated Press in November. approved by President Xi Jinping’s A single visit by scientists is government after months of diplo- unlikely to confirm the virus’s ori- matic wrangling that prompted an gins; pinning down an outbreak’s unusual public complaint by the animal reservoir is typically an head of WHO. exhaustive endeavour that takes Scientists suspect the virus that years of research including taking has killed more than 1.9 million animal samples, genetic analysis people since late 2019 jumped to AP/RSS and epidemiological studies. humans from bats or other ani- A worker in protective coverings directs members of the World Health Organization team “The government should be very mals, most likely in China’s south- on their arrival at the airport in Wuhan in central China’s Hubei province on Thursday. transparent and collaborative,” west. The ruling Communist Party, said Shin-Ru Shih, director at the stung by complaints it allowed the researchers, who wore face masks, States, Australia, Germany, Japan, Research Center for Emerging AP/RSS disease to spread, says the virus were greeted by airport staff in full Britain, Russia, the Netherlands, Viral Infections at Taiwan’s Chang A colleague holds a portrait of Okky Bisma, a flight steward, one of victims of the crashed Sriwijaya Air came from abroad, possibly on protective gear, including masks, Qatar and Vietnam. Gung University. passenger jet during his funeral in Jakarta, Indonesia, on Thursday. imported seafood, but international goggles and full body suits. A government spokesman said The Chinese government has scientists reject that. They will undergo a two-week this week they will “exchange tried to stir confusion about the Fifteen team members were to quarantine as well as a throat swab views” with Chinese scientists virus’s origin. It has promoted the- arrive in Wuhan on Thursday, but test and an antibody test for Covid- but gave no indication whether ories, with little evidence, that the two tested positive for coronavirus 19, according to CGTN, the English- they would be allowed to gather outbreak might have started with antibodies before leaving Singapore language channel of state evidence. imports of tainted seafood, a notion Cambodia court convenes for and were being retested there, broadcaster CCTV. They are to China rejected demands for an rejected by international scientists WHO said in a statement on Twitter. start working with Chinese experts international investigation after and agencies. The rest of the team arrived at via video conference while in the Trump administration blamed “The WHO will need to conduct mass treason trial of opposition the Wuhan airport and walked quarantine. Beijing for the virus’s spread, similar investigations in other through a makeshift clear plastic The team includes virus and which plunged the global places,” an official of the National tunnel into the airport. The other experts from the United economy into its deepest slump Health Commission, Mi Feng, said. REUTERS Cambodia’s ties with the United States PHNOM PENH, JAN 14 have deteriorated in recent years and crit- ics say international pressure on Cambodia A court in Cambodia convened on Thursday over the CPP’s crackdown has moved it for the treason trial of scores of opposition deeper into China’s orbit. figures, one of a series of cases seen by Theary Seng, an American-Cambodian activists as moves by the ruling party to lawyer who was among the defendants, told sideline threats to its political monopoly. reporters the charges aimed to silence her The defendants are among 121 people and described them as “laughable”. affiliated with the dissolved Cambodia Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific National Rescue Party (CNRP) who are Regional Director Yamini Mishra in a state- charged with treason and incitement. ment called the mass trials “an affront to Of more than 60 defendants summoned to international fair trial standards” and appear on Thursday, 11 showed up, accord- Cambodia’s human rights commitments. ing to Sam Sokong, a defence lawyer who US ambassador to Cambodia, Patrick represents dozens of the defendants. The Murphy, on Twitter posted a picture of CNRP has said many of the accused are in Theary Seng and said embassy observers exile, concerned they would not get a fair were monitoring the trial. hearing. “We have serious concerns about lack of Sam Sokong said the trial had been due process and urge Cambodian authori- adjourned to January 28 and the court had ties to preserve the constitutional right to completed the questioning of only one of peaceful expression,” Murphy said. the accused. Mu Sochua, CNRP’s deputy president, The CNRP was banned and its leader who is in the United States said in an email Kem Sokha arrested before the 2018 elec- she would lead exiled party members and tion, allowing Prime Minister Hun Sen’s activists to Cambodia on Sunday to defend Cambodian People’s Party to win every themselves in court, which she said was parliamentary seat, prompting internation- duty-bound to enable their return. al concern. Mu Sochua said authorities were spread- The charges against party leader Kem ing fear to discourage opposition support- Sokha stem from accusations he conspired ers from rallying behind their leaders. with the United States to overthrow Hun Government spokesman Phay Siphan Sen, who has ruled Cambodia for 36 said defendants would be allowed to return years. Kem Sokha and Washington reject to Cambodia but must abide by the court’s the accusations. decision.

C M Y K 07 | FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2021 SPORTS | MEDLEY BRIEFING Tottenham buckle again in familiar style England in control Dembele joins Atletico Madrid after dismissing on loan, Slimani signs for Lyon Jose Mourinho’s side have conceded late equalisers in draws against Crystal Palace and Wolverhampton over the past MADRID: Olympique Lyonnais forward Sri Lanka for 135 Moussa Dembele has joined La Liga month, while a 2-1 loss against Liverpool came in the same period after a 90th minute header from Roberto Firmino. REUTERS side Atletico Madrid on loan until the ASSOCIATED PRESS GALLE, JAN 14 end of the season, with an option to LONDON, JAN 14 buy, with Leicester City striker Islam England captain Joe Root struck his Slimani signing for Lyon on a free It has become a familiar pattern for 50th Test fifty to put them in a strong transfer, the French club said on Tottenham under Jose Mourinho this position on the first day of the open- Wednesday. Atletico have signed season: take the lead, retreat, invite ing Test after Dom Bess took five wick- striker Dembele to boost their La opponents on, and eventually concede. ets as the tourists bowled out Sri Liga title charge and Champions The same thing happened again on Lanka for 135. League hopes after Diego Costa left Wednesday, and it cost the team a An unbeaten 110-run partnership the club this month. Dembele, 24, place in the Premier League’s top four. between Jonny Bairstow and Root saw scored 45 goals in all competitions for Leading through a rarely seen diving England to 127-2 at stumps on Lyon. “This loan, in the amount of 1.5 header put away emphatically by Thursday, trailing by eight runs, with million euros ($1.82 million) is accom- Harry Kane, Tottenham couldn’t hold the opportunity to go on and build a panied by a purchase option set at out against a Fulham side playing the significant lead after Sri Lanka posted 33.5 million euros to which may be game on just two days’ notice — much the lowest first-innings score in a Test added incentives up to 5 million to the chagrin of their manager. at the Galle International Stadium. euros, as well as a sell-on fee of 10 Ivan Cavaleiro scored a header of The pair steadied matters after percent on a possible future transfer,” his own in the 74th minute to earn spinner Lasith Embuldeniya, who Lyon said in a statement. Slimani, Fulham a 1-1 draw at the Tottenham opened the bowling, had removed who scored 13 goals in 47 games in all Hotspur Stadium, giving Mourinho England openers Dom Sibley (4) and competitions for Leicester, joins Lyon that sinking feeling he is starting to Zak Crawley (9) cheaply. Root will on an 18-month contract. The Algeria know well. resume on Friday on 66 with Bairstow international’s deal at Leicester was After all, Tottenham have conceded playing a strong supporting role with due to end in the close season. late equalisers in draws against 47 not out. Crystal Palace and Wolverhampton Bess took 5-30 off just 10.1 overs Manchester United defender over the past month. with strong back-up from Stuart In that period, there was also the Broad (3-20). Bess got off to the perfect Fosu-Mensah joins Leverkusen 90th-minute header scored by Roberto start removing Kusal Perera with only MANCHESTER: Manchester United’s Firmino to earn Liverpool a 2-1 win his second ball of the morning. Dutch defender Timothy Fosu- over Spurs at the Anfield. Earlier in Attempting an ambitious reverse Mensah has joined Bayer Leverkusen, the season, Tottenham squandered sweep, Perera succeeded only in top it was announced Wednesday, after a home leads in draws against Newcastle edging the ball to Root at slip to depart lack of first-team opportunities at the and West Ham. AP/RSS for 20. Niroshan Dickwella was caught Old Trafford this season. The 23-year- Mourinho’s renowned pragmatism Fulham’s Ivan Cavaleiro (top) scored in the 74th minute to earn a 1-1 draw against Tottenham in the Premier League on Wednesday. at backward point for 12 while Dasun old centre-back, with just over 100 is well-received by supporters of his Shanaka, who scored 23, went in minutes playing time in three games teams if it pays off. It feels like a wast- tunities to kill off matches,” Mourinho United—with a game in hand. games under manager Pep Guardiola. bizarre circumstances, sweeping his for United this season, has switched ed opportunity when it doesn’t. said. “In other cases, especially away, Foden was the match-winner for “He is a guy with a special instinct shot onto the ankle of Bairstow at to the Bundesliga and joined According to Opta, the Premier we are winning but then don’t have City with a piece of skill followed by close to goal, not just with the left foot, short leg, popping it up into the air for Leverkusen on a contract until June League’s official statistics supplier, that ambition to get the goal and kill an unerring finish that capped a per- but with the right foot,” Guardiola wicketkeeper Jos Buttler to claim. 2024. His transfer reportedly cost Tottenham have had only 12 sec- the game.” formance—delivered in front of said. “He deserves to play. His stand- Preferred to England’s record Test Leverkusen around 1.7 million euros ond-half shots on target in their last Tottenham would have moved into England coach Gareth Southgate— ards are higher.” wicket taker James Anderson, Broad ($2 million). Fosu-Mensah joined nine league games. third place with a win, but dropped to which was the latest reminder of the City toiled at times but had plenty bagged opener Lahiru Thirimanne United in 2014, making 30 appearanc- Mourinho’s team wasted two chanc- sixth place because Manchester City 20-year-old midfielder’s massive tal- of chances to win the game by a bigger and struggling Kusal Mendis in the es, but has had few chances under es, in particular, to finish off Fulham beat Brighton 1-0 thanks to ent. It was his eighth goal in 22 appear- margin, not least when Kevin De same over for the first two wickets and Reds’ manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as Son Heung-min struck a shot Phil Foden’s individual goal in the ances for City this season, a team-high Bruyne won a penalty in stoppage then added Angelo Mathews after since recovering from tearing knee against the post when clean through day’s other game. five of those coming in the league. time. Substitute Raheem Sterling lunch. Dinesh Chandimal, who took ligaments which sidelined Fosu- and Moussa Sissoko was denied by a City jumped to third instead, and With four goals in his last six games, replaced De Bruyne as the penal- over the captaincy from injured Mensah for most of 2019/20. last-ditch tackle after a weaving run are now four points behind the new Foden has been City’s shining light of ty-taker and lifted his spot kick over Dimuth Karunaratne, top scored for into the area. “We have lots of oppor- leaders—fierce rivals Manchester late after finally getting a run of the crossbar. the hosts with 28. Murray tests positive for virus LONDON: Britain’s former world num- ber one Andy Murray tested positive for Covid-19 recently and his partici- pation in next month’s Australian Open is in doubt, local media report- Australia set sights on series win at Gabba fortress ed on Thursday. The 33-year-old Murray, who is self-isolating and in REUTERS mounting injury toll to keep the series The home side have had their own unlocked the game for Australia. The Covid-19 pandemic has seen good health, was awarded a wildcard MELBOURNE, JAN 14 alive but now have few bullets left to injury challenges, with Marcus Harris It was arguably the wicketkeep- both teams confined to their hotel to play in the main draw of the year’s fire. All-rounder Ravindra Jadeja has replacing Will Pucovski after the er-captain’s worst day in the office rooms in Brisbane before and after first Grand Slam in Melbourne and A punishing Test series that has exact- been scratched and pace spearhead rookie opener was ruled out with a since taking over the team in the wake training excursions. still hopes to compete at the tourna- ed a heavy toll on both sides draws to Jasprit Bumrah is also expected to be shoulder injury. Opener David Warner of the Newlands ball-tampering scan- A chastised Paine said Australia ment, the reports added. However, a fitting climax in Brisbane where a ruled out after an abdominal strain in was clearly hampered by his groin dal in 2018. would leave the frustrations behind that could prove difficult with players humbled Australia will aim to crush Sydney, meaning India’s attack could strain as he laboured for runs in Damning reviews tend to follow them upon taking the field at the and officials required to arrive in an ailing Indian side at their Gabba be in the hands of three rookie pace- Sydney but the veteran lefthander has Australia’s home series defeats and a Gabba and their only focus would be Australia during a 36-hour window fortress. men when the match starts on Friday. been cleared to play. reverse at the Gabba could prove ter- to administer the coup de grace. from Thursday and needing to serve a Australia had their confidence And the Gabba is no place for the Australia’s problems are more on minal for Paine’s leadership a year out “For me, it’s about rising above and mandatory isolation of 14 days. The rocked in the third Test as India’s walking wounded, with Australia the mental side, with India’s obstinacy from England’s Ashes tour. He will concentrating on what I’m doing and players, who will be allowed to spend batsmen held on for a gallant draw in undefeated at the stadium since 1988. having got the better of their captain lean heavily on his attack to deliver on concentrating on leading my team and five hours outside their rooms during Sydney but Tim Paine’s team hold the In short, Ajinkya Rahane’s India have and bowlers on the final day in Sydney. a pitch that tends to reward express not worrying about what’s going on on quarantine for training purposes, will upper hand for the decisive clash of a a mountain to climb, even if a draw Paine was moved to apologise this pace, and will hope Nathan Lyon can the other side,” Paine said. “We’ve play warm-up events at the series that has become survival of the would be enough to retain the Border- week after he lost his cool, was abu- also get among the wickets as the spoken a lot ... about controlling what Melbourne Park from January 31 fittest. Gavaskar Trophy two years after their sive to Ravichandran Ashwin and 33-year-old offspinner savours his we can control and focusing more on before the Australian Open starts on With regular captain Virat Kohli on breakthrough 2-1 win in the 2018/19 dropped three catches behind the 100th Test after lean pickings in the ourselves. Because if we do that then February 8. (AGENCIES) paternity leave, India have defied a series in Australia. stumps, any one of which might have series. we’ll be in a good position.” HOROSCOPE ARIES (March 21-April 19) **** CANCER (June 22-July 22) *** LIBRA (September 23-October 22) *** CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) **** Your insight and energy can lay the groundwork Mysteries of all kinds could intrigue you today, Unexpected news about a person from your past There is a ton of high energy circulating around you for an especially productive day. Whether it’s and they might be the reason you’re drawn to detec- could shock you today, not because of the news itself right now, and you will be feeding off the good vibes. finishing a project early or cleaning out your garage, tive novels or movies. Anything that requires solv- but because your reaction is so calm. Clearly enough You’ll be eager to move ahead with your goals and you are totally on the ball and kicking you know ing a puzzle or uncovering the truth can be very time has elapsed that you’ve gained a healthy dis- ambitions, and this tendency could intensify as the what! appealing. tance. Congratulations! day goes on.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) *** LEO (July 23-August 22) *** SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) *** AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) *** It’s time to be your own drill sergeant. Go ahead and If you’ve been waiting for a time to sway someone to There could be a lot of vibrant, positive communica- Dive headfirst into the day. You have all the energy discipline yourself. Is there some work you’ve been your way of thinking, you could have the perfect tion hovering around you today. This energy will you need to stay focused. It’s a great day to prepare a avoiding, an awkward conversation you’ve been put- opportunity today. When everyone is at a loss about enable long, fascinating conversations to evolve out big presentation or get in some solid research, ting off, or some other activity you’ve been pretend- what to do, you should toss in your ideas. Take them of modest small talk quite easily. If you strike up a although you should still be sure to squeeze in some ing you don’t have to deal with? with you into your creative mind. quick hello, you won’t be disappointed. fun stuff.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21) **** VIRGO (August 23-September 22) **** SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) *** PISCES (February 19-March 20) *** Anger can be a tricky emotion. Sure, it can get some- You’ve been going full steam ahead for a long time. Today you have to know when it’s time to bring out Every once in a while you get a sudden warm feeling one’s attention, but it can also push them away. Have you forgotten how to completely relax? To your the big guns or you could get a reputation as a bit of about your life. It’s like the universe is giving Nevertheless, it’s a legitimate emotion and one that credit, you’ve been trying to mellow out, but your a pushover. There is absolutely no reason to tolerate you a reassuring hug, reminding you that you’re you need to get more comfortable with. So if someone efforts so far aren’t giving you the full rest you des- someone being rude to you, so don’t be shy about special. Take this feeling for the gift it is and don’t ticks you off today, don’t suppress how you feel. perately need. sticking up for yourself. shrug it off. CROSSWORD SUDOKU


C M Y K FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2021 | 08 CULTURE & LIFESTYLE (C.R.P.D.) - 3/052/053 ‘It was so frenetic’: HBO Max follows Wolfgang Puck Catering The four-part series, which started airing from Thursday, shows the intense planning and details that go into high-profile catering.

MARK KENNEDY vice president of catering sales. NEW YORK Watkin and Harrington began the pro- ject last January, only a few days before ooking a meal for a big the SAG awards—”It was a baptism by group is always stressful. fire,” says Harrington—and grew to hav- So just imagine cooking for ing three or four camera crews per event. over 1,000 guests. Now make The Rose Bowl event was the most physi- those guests white-hot cally taxing: “We got our 10,000 steps celebrities like Brad Pitt. times three or four probably every day on CThat’s what usually faces chef Wolfgang that show,” he added. Puck’s catering business, tasked with pre- Every event was likely to attract Puck paring hundreds of plates of miso-glazed himself, who is just as much as a celebrity salmon or slow-braised short ribs at as the guests. The chef often got busy— buzzy events. tasting, advising and even manning a Usually cameras are trained on the cooking station. “You don’t know if he’s celebrities at such shindigs but with the coming for 15 minutes or if he’s coming new HBO Max series “The Event,” they for two hours. But while he’s there, he have captured the cooks and servers toil- becomes the center of attention,” says ing behind the scenes. It starts airing Harrington. Puck didn’t interfere with Thursday. the series, and his only request was that “I do think we tend to take catered food his food “look good.” completely for granted,” says John In a separate interview, Puck admitted Watkin, who with frequent collaborator his personality isn’t always a perfect fit Eamon Harrington co-directed the docu- for the world of catering. “I’m a guy who mentary series and served as executive does everything at the last moment. I producers. often create chaos because I change my From the Screen Actors Guild Awards mind in the last moment,” he says. “I also to HBO’s premier party for “Westworld,” know in catering, it is really important to the four-part series shows the intense be organized so having a good team is planning and details that go into high-pro- AP/RSS very important,” file catering. Chef Wolfgang Puck and his son Byron make a dish at the Governors Ball Press Preview for the 92nd Academy Awards in Los Angeles in January, 2020. The film crews showed up on big days With complex dishes and makeshift with the cooks—sometimes as early as kitchens, something is bound to go wrong go vegan. the most expensive Mercedes you can want to make—it was really challenging.” 5:30 am—but there were some benefits. and that’s one of the lessons home cooks Puck’s caterers quickly canceled buy,” says Harrington. In the second episode, 1,200 business Watkin and Harrington felt obliged to try can learn from the series—flexibility. As incoming orders of 250 pounds of salmon Viewers also watch the butlers’ meet- venture capitalists and business bigwigs all the food. After all, they had to know one chef notes: “To me, catering is all and 300 pounds of chicken, pivoting to ings, when waiters are told to take advan- gather for the Upfront Summit at the Rose what they were describing. Watkin recalls about adjusting.” making a paella rice dish with kale and tage of the 2-minute commercial window Bowl for a two-day event that requires taking a few bites of the messy quiche— That was evident last January at the squash, charred baby carrots with a by swarming to clean tables and take catering for breakfast, lunch, snacks and and losing his mind. SAG awards in Los Angeles. Puck’s team harissa glaze and a bean salad with aru- drink orders. “Watch your thumbs! No dinner. “I’ve never taken heroin, but I think had created a dish for 1,280 that included gula, olives and baby peppers. thumbs on the plate!” they are warned. The Puck crew had to deal with a few that the experience of eating Wolfgang’s pan-roasted chicken with turnip ginger Cameras captured the painstaking As much as the servers were chal- curveballs, including high winds, not quiche must be very similar to what it’s puree and gooseberry salsa verde along- building of the dish on plates that stretch lenged, so were the filmmakers. “It was so enough servers and the so-called “quiche like when you get a shot of heroin in the side miso-glazed salmon with sticky rice for yards, element by element, often with frenetic,” says Watkin. “There’s so much incident”—in the rush to get the quiches arm,” he says, laughing. “I immediately and sesame cucumbers. a tiny leaf added at the end with tweezers. happening so fast and trying to find ways plated, there wasn’t enough time to let had this total feeling of ecstasy and then I Then the chefs got a stunning bomb- “It sort of moves along like an assem- of capturing all that and making sure we them rest so many ended up being messy. immediately had to chase the high. I had shell from organisers just days before bly line. But the quality of the product is got cameras in the right place and mak- “It’s not about the fumble. It’s how you to have another piece of quiche.” the vent: The award show had decided to so high it’s like doing assembly lines of ing sure we’re making the shots that we recover,” the film quotes Barbara Brass, — Associated Press Rare Tintin comic book art set to sell for millions in Paris The 1936 work in Chinese ink, gouache and watercolour, which was destined as a cover for The Blue Lotus, could possibly break the record for the most expensive comic book art in history.

THOMAS ADAMSON & OLEG CETINIC tional colour. (But the publisher) app. In “Blue Lotus,” Tintin trav- PARIS thought that the comic albums els to China during the 1931 were already expensive. Japanese invasion to investigate ot even the coro- Reproducing this cover art would and expose—along with his dog navirus can get in increase the production costs,” Snowy—Japanese spy networks, the way of intrep- said comics expert Eric Leroy at drug-smuggling rings and other id Belgian report- Art Curial auction house by the crimes. er and comic book Champs-Elysees avenue. But the huge interest in this legend Tintin. work has raised a host of ques- REUTERS Comic book lovers and tourists tions among French media Indonesians are among the top global users of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. N alike can catch a socially dis- regarding the work’s prove- tanced glimpse of a Tintin draw- The cover was nance—whether it was a gift to ing by Herge in Paris before it rejected for being the son of Tintin’s printer or a goes under the hammer drawing simply never returned Thursday, estimated to sell too expensive to to the artist. Instagram influencers are a vaccine between 2 and 3 million euros There is no question, however, and possibly break the record for reproduce on a of its authenticity. On Thursday, the most expensive comic book wide scale. Hergé, whose real name was priority in wary Indonesia art in history. Georges Remi, could break the The 1936 work in Chinese ink, record for the most expensive gouache and watercolour, was piece of comic book art at 2.6 destined as a cover for The Blue As the name “Blue Lotus” sug- million euros that was previous- Amid scepticism around the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, and whether Lotus, the fifth volume of the gests, the art work places Tintin ly set by himself. Belgian journalist’s adventures. in Asia. A huge red dragon “We set the previous record for it is halal or not, the government has prioritised artists with the hope But it never sat on any book store appears on a black background the ‘Pages de Garde’ in 2014 ..it shelves because it was rejected by the Belgian reporter’s petri- would be fair for this piece to they will ‘hopefully convey positive influence and messages’. for being too expensive to repro- fied face. It is a prized addition to break this record. Hergé had duce on a wide scale—a victim of the universe of Tintin, the sub- done only five comic covers using STANLEY WIDIANTO & KATE LAMB in Southeast Asia—with more for chances of acceptance, the its own rare craftsmanship. ject of recent shows in London this technique of direct colour so JAKARTA than 869,000 cases and 25,000 country’s top Islamic council has “They had to do a four colour and Barcelona, a 2011 Hollywood it’s very rare,” Leroy said. deaths—there has been scepti- deemed the vaccine halal. process printing, with an addi- adaptation, a videogame and an —Associated Press mong the first in cism around the safety and effica- However the decision to include the queue for coro- cy of any vaccine, and in the social media influencers on the navirus vaccines in world’s biggest Muslim-majority priority list backfired somewhat Indonesia has been nation, whether it is halal, or when photos of Raffi showed him one conspicuous allowed under Islam. partying hours after he was given group—social Indonesians are among the top the injection—which does not mediaA influencers. global users of social media plat- confer immediate immunity. The Alongside President Joko forms such as Facebook, Twitter images of him unmasked and Widodo as the world’s fourth most and Instagram. flouting social distancing proto- populous country kicked off its The health ministry did not say cols with a group of friends drew vaccination drive on Wednesday how many influencers would be criticism on social media, with was Indonesian television person- first in the vaccine line, but oth- calls for him to set a better exam- ality, Raffi Ahmad, who boasts ers due to receive a shot on ple. almost 50 million followers on Thursday included musicians “It also shows the government Instagram. Ariel, of the band Noah, and Risa is inconsistent in prioritising “Alhamdulillah [Praise be to Saraswati. who gets the vaccine first,” said God] a vaccine ... Don’t be afraid Ahyani Raksanagara, head of Irma Hidayana, cofounder of of vaccines,” the 33-year-old Bandung’s health agency, told pandemic data initiative celebrity wrote under a video of Reuters the artists would “hope- LaporCOVID-19, “They should’ve him receiving the shot, next to a fully convey positive influence done it with another health work- heart emoji and another of and messages” about the vac- er, maybe, not an influencer.” Indonesia’s red and white flag. cines, and especially to young Health ministry official Nadia Deciding who should be first in people. noted that “when you’re vaccinat- line for limited vaccine doses A poll last month showed just ed, you still have to abide by has been a challenge around 37 percent of Indonesians were health protocols and not be care- the world, with many countries willing to be vaccinated while 40 less in enforcing them”. prioritising vulnerable medics percent would consider it, and 17 Zubairi Djoerban of the and the elderly. percent refused. Indonesian Medical Association Senior health ministry official, Some doctors have raised said the strategy to hire influenc- Siti Nadia Tarmizi, said the deci- doubts over Indonesia’s initial ers could only work if “influenc- sion to include influencers along- use of Chinese company ers are briefed about vaccine and side almost 1.5 million healthcare Sinovac Biotech’s CoronaVac vac- Covid-19 so they can be agents of workers in the first round of inoc- cine—with studies from Brazil, change”. Police said they are ulations was a deliberate govern- Indonesia and Turkey showing investigating whether Raffi broke ment communications strategy. efficacies ranging from 50-91 per- the law, while he has offered a AP/RSS Although Indonesia faces the cent. public apology. The original artwork of the comic character Tintin and his dog Snowy as a pirate made for an advertisement and drawn by most severe coronavirus outbreak But in another possible boost — Reuters Belgian creator Herge is displayed at the Artcurial auction house in Paris.

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