The Vampire Kingdoms

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The Vampire Kingdoms Warning!?, Violence and the Supernatural. This book may be inappropriate for young readers. The nature of vampires means extreme elements of violence. Undead monsters return from the grave to feed on living human beings by drinking human blood. Decapitation, impalement, the mass destruc- tion of the vampires, as well as magic, insanity and the supernatural are all elements in this book. We suggest parental discretion. Note that Rifts and the Rifts Vampire Kingdoms are works of fiction! NONE of the monsters, charac- ters, magic or depictions are real. None of us at Pal- ladium Books condone nor encourage the occult, the practice of magic, the use of drugs, or violence. Compatible with Beyond the Supernatural™, Heroes Unlimited™, the Palladium (fantasy) RPG™, and the entire ! Megaverse® ® Book m Palladiu 1 Dedicated to Cheryl Corey for all of her help over the years. Other titles in the Rifts® series include: Rifts® RPG Rifts® Sourcebook One ® Mechanoids : Two k Sourceboo ® Rifts Rifts® Sourcebook Three: Mindwerks™ Rifts® Sourcebook Four: Coalition Navy e On k Boo n Conversio ® Rifts Rifts® Conversion Book Two: Pantheons of the Megaverse® Rifts® World Book Two: Atlantis Rifts® World Book Three: England Rifts® World Book Four: Africa R NG e th d an ™ Triax : Five k Boo d Worl ® Rifts a Americ h Sout : Six k Boo d Worl ® Rifts s Undersea : Seven k Boo d Worl ® Rifts Rifts® World Book Eight: Japan o Tw a Americ h Sout : Nine k Boo d Worl ® Rifts Rifts® World Book Ten: Juicer Uprising n Campaig r Wa n Coalitio : Eleven k Boo d Worl ® Rifts Rifts® World Book Twelve: Psyscape r Sta e Lon : Thirteen k Boo d Worl ® Rifts t Wes w Ne : Fourteen k Boo d Worl ® Rifts Rifts® World Book Fifteen: Spirit West c Magi f o n Federatio : Sixteen k Boo d Worl ® Rifts And More! Otter Palladium RPG titles include: The Compendium of Weapons, Armor, and Castles™ ™ Weapons y Contemporar f o m Compendiu e Th The Palladium* RPG Revised Heroes Unlimited™ Villains Unlimited™ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and Other Strangeness After the Bomb* ™ Superspies d an s Ninja Fifth Printing — June 1997 Robotech* RPG Macross H™ RPG Beyond the Supernatural™ Find us on the world wide web at: Copyright © 1991, 1990, 1988, 1986, 1983 by Kevin Siembieda. , M.D.C. , Mega-damage . Siembieda n Kevi y b d license d an d owne s trademark d registere e ar e Megavers d an , Rifts , Books m Palladiu s Heroe , Game g Role-Playin m Palladiu e Th , likenesses r thei d an , Lazlo r Victo , Tarn n Eri , Splugorth , Xiticix , Triax , P.P.E. , S.D.C. Siembieda n Kevi y b d license d an d owne s trademark e ar s title r othe d an , Superspies & s Ninja , Supernatural e th d Beyon , Unlimited r o m for y an n i , whole r o t par n i d reproduce e b y ma k boo s thi f o t par o N . Convention t Copyrigh l Universa e th r unde d reserve s right l Al , institutions , situations , incidents l Al . reviews n i e us r fo s quote f brie r fo t excep , publisher e th m fro n permissio t withou , means y an y b y strictl s i , dead r o g livin s person r o s character f o , intent c satiri t withou , similarity y an d an l fictiona e ar e peopl d an s government coincidental. Rifts World Book One: Vampire Kingdoms is published by Palladium Books Inc., 12455 Universal Dr., Taylor MI 48180. Printed in the U.S.A. Palladium Books Presents m Kingdo e Vampir : One k Boo d Worl s Rift ® ™ s Kingdom e Vampir Written By: Kevin Siembieda Additional Text and Ideas: Steven Sheiring Additional Art: Timothy Truman Editors: Alex Marciniszyn Kevin Siembieda Thomas Bartold h Gustovic l Michae g Lon n Kevi : Art r Cove Art Direction & Key lining: Siembieda g Lon n Kevi : Art r Interio Typography: Maryann Siembieda g travellin n o s idea , shapers , floopers r fo e Stev . art e th n o n i g pitchin r fo o Gust d an y Timoth o t s Thank l Specia , enthusiasm r thei d an z Juare d Ciuda n o s idea r fo n Thor d an n Maryan . things y sill d an s seriou r othe d an s show comments and long hours of work. Kev for his inspkational art and letting me ink some of his pencils, Julius for his encouragement, and Alex for all his efforts. Also to our fans for their insight, input, and patience. CONTENTS Vampires .............................. 8 Vampire Towns & Cities ..................... 47 . ........... e Intelligenc e Vampir e Th . 8 The Kingdom of Ixzotz ...................... 47 8 4 . ........................ f Sherif e Th . a Dat l Statistica e Intelligenc e Vampir . 10 9 4 . ............... r Protecto r Monste c Krynto . ........... r Familia n Demo e Th 1 1 . Other Cities in the Kingdom ............... 51 . e Intelligenc e Vampir e th g Destroyin 2 1 . The Mexico Empire ........................ 51 Vampire Minions ................. 13 Mexico City ......................... 51 . ............... e Vampir y Secondar . 14 Tula .............................. 52 . .................. e Vampir d Wil . 15 Mulue Th c Kingdom ......................4 5 . Vampires as Player Characters ......... 16 6 5 . ....................... m Kingdo a Milt e Th . e Tabl e Experienc . R.C.C e Vampir . 18 Vampire Powers .................. 18 Beyond the Threshold of Humankind ............ 58 . ................. d Bloo r fo t lus A 8 5 . ..................... ) City n . (Huma 1 8o Pas l E The Police .......................... 59 Vampire's Bite ................... 19 . s Vampire r Othe g Creatin : Kill w Slo 0 6 . 9 1 . ......................... s Gang e Th King Wyatt Halloway ................... 63 Call & Control ............... 20 El Paso City Highlights .................. 64 . t Enslavemen Human : Control d Min . 20 . e Vampir r ove e Vampir : Control d Min . 22 Ciudad Juarez ........................... 66 The Police .......................... 67 Psionic Powers .................. 22 The Gangs .......................... 68 . .................. s Metamorphosi . 23 6 7 . ................... d Gifte e th r fo d Guil Summon Vermin .................. 24 Limited 8 Invulnerabilit7 . y ................................. .s Highlight y 24Cit z Juare Super Regeneratio8 7 . n ................................ n Tow . h Nort d Ol : . 24Side h Nort Eternal Life (?)..................0 8 . ....................... 2 t 4 Marke e Slav Other Natural Abilitie1 8 s. .............. .................. s Gift . 2& 6 s Gag s Steve' . ............... e Vampir a I KO o T . 26 Detective Agency ..................... 84 . ................ s Weaknesse . 26 Fighting Cock ........................ 85 Wooden Stak7 e 8 . ............... 26.......................... y Beastiar Silver Bullet8 8 ................ ................... z . 27Camazot f o e Templ Garlic & Wolfba8 8 y. (a.k.a. Wolfsbane......... ) ) . (Mindolar n Taver t . 27 Serpen d Feathere . ........... s Cros e th f o l Symbo . 27 Palace Garcia ........................ 89 Water ....................1 9 . .................. s . 28 Apartment s Gus' g Bi Sunlight ..................4 9 . ................... r . Shelte 2 8s Game d Min Soil of the Homeland ........... 29 West Side .............................. 94 Vampir5 e9 Comba . t Notes ................................. n . Tow w Ne : . 29Side h Sout . ...... s Weapon d an e Tabl e Damag 5 9 . .................. s Slum n Rui d Ol . : 29 Side t Eas Wood Flechette Rail Guns ........ 30 Vampire Hunters of Mexico: Reid's Rangers ....... 99 Conventional Squirt Guns ........ 30 Fort Reid .......................... 101 . ........ s Weapon d Techno-Wizar . 31 Doc Reid .......................... 103 Penalties to Strike a Vampire's Heart ..... 2 3 . Planktal-Nakton ...................... 106 . ............. c Magi s versu s Vampire 3 3 . VyurrKly ......................... Ill . ........... s Psionic s versu s Vampire 4 3 . Traveling Shows ........................ 117 Vampires versus Bots & Borgs ......... 5 3 . Designing Travelling Shows .................. 118 . ........... s Dragon s versu s Vampire 8 12 . ............... s Circu g 7 3 Travellin . s Drak' . Mr . ........... y Technolog & s Vampire . 34 Mr. Drak .......................... 131 Knock-Down 7 Impac13 t Tabl. e & Rules . ..................... 3g 5 Darin n Captai Vampire Victim Table (Insanities) . 6 3 . Night Arcade & Freak Show ................. 139 . ............ e Tabl s Los d Bloo 36 Mr. Esteban Morricco .................. 140 Vampire Kingdoms ............... 40 Mr. Lizzaro ........................ 145 The Northern 0 Wasteland15 . s .................. r . Slaye n 0 4 Drago e . th r Bonecrunche The Wild Vampires of Northern Mexico . 41 The Mysterious Yucatan ................... 153 . ............. n Cla y Famil e Th 7 15 . .................... s . 43 Feature & s Note . ............. n Civilizatio e Vampir . 44 Yucatan Overview ........................ 157 . ............. t Habita l Idea e Th 7 15 . 45 ......................... e Palenqu . ............... s Societie e Vampir . 24 Yaxchilan ......................... 160 . ................ s Lord l Triba 0 16 . ......... s Phantom f o n . 4Regio 5e Th : Xibalba 1 16 . .................. ) City n (Demo l Tika Etzna ............................ 169 Uaxactun (Demon City) ................. 164 Uxmal ........................... 169 5 16 . ................. ) City n (Demo n Xultu Merida ........................... 169 Altun Ha .......................... 167 Chichen Itza ........................ 169 Rio Bee .......................... 167 Beca1 17 n Cluste. r .............................................. s . 167Monster r Othe e Tabl d Fin k -Quic : Note f o s rule w Ne Destroying the Vampire Intelligence .......... 35 Xibalba: The Region of Phantoms .........
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