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1 Thessalonians 1:6-10 Their Good Example Good morning, church. It is wonderful to be here with you all this morning. This morning we will continue our study of first Thessalonians, we will finish chapter 1. If you do not have a Bible this morning, there are some in the Pews in front of you, please grab one. If you do not have a Bible at home, please take one of those Bibles home. Last week we ended our time together in verse 5 of the first chapter, where Paul speaking to the church of the Thessalonians says… 1 Thess. 1:5 For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake. P a g e | 2

Paul calls the reader in Thessalonica to remember the gospel that he and his associates Silas and Timothy brought with them into their city. How this message of Jesus of Nazareth dying in their place for their sins and was only One Way to Salvation and into a relationship with God Almighty. Paul reminds them that their gospel was not in Word only but it also came in Power, with the Holy Spirit, and with much assurance. As each Jew and Gentile took by faith the message that Paul, Silas and Timothy preached, the Holy Spirit immediately filled each believer with His Power. Their eyes were open and they immediately saw the deception that they were in bondage too, and the Truth set them free, and their New Lives brought them much assurance. You know many today, come forward at an altar call or at a great crusade in response to an emotional plea. Some are genuine in their response, but many people are simply caught up in the moment. P a g e | 3

I remember taking a family member to the Harvest Crusade, it was a wonderful night, Leeland was playing their worship songs, and the weather was perfect, as an ocean layer of mist came over Angel’s Stadium. The atmosphere was energetic, and when Greg Laurie took to the stage, our hearts were so hopeful for our family member and his friends. I remember the message was clear and clever. Then Pastor Greg gave the invitation. And one of our family member’s friend was overwhelmed with emotion. And he stood up boldly and declared “I am going down there.” Then as Jess and I were praying, it happened, our prayers were answered, her family member got up, and followed his friend. We were so overwhelmed with emotion, and thought, “This is it! He is coming to Jesus.” We went to search out our group after all was said and done. P a g e | 4

And we had so much hope this was the end of a destructive lifestyle for our loved one. And we found him there on the field, and we hugged and congratulated him. The prayer was said, and our hope was now the Holy Spirit would fill his life. As we strolled out the gates, he revealed his real reason for going down on the field. He had a pocket full of grass, and informed us, “The Angels were World Champions a couple years back, I went down to grab some of the grass from the field, so I can remember when I stood on the field of the World Champions.” Our hearts sank, he only went forward to grab grass, his friends that went forward were stirred by the emotion of the night, but nothing ever took root in their lives. Every one of them continued in their lives of sin. The message that night came to them in Word only, their hearts never fully surrendered. P a g e | 5

But this was not the case in Thessalonica, when the message reached their ears, they were moved by the Holy Spirit, and their lives were changed, and as we will see this morning the evidence was in the fruit of their lives. They were in fact the Elect of God, because they chose to believe on the Good News of the Gospel, and received by faith what it required of them. A heart totally surrendered to their Lord Jesus, and His Will. You see, it is not a magical prayer that someone recites that saves a soul, it is a life that is completely dead to our own will and desires, as we yield to God’s desire for our lives. This is the point of conversion. If you read Christian writers throughout the 1800s and early 1900s, they seem to separate conversion from coming forward at an altar call. Many men have responded to the altar calls throughout the ages but failed at the conversion. P a g e | 6

I remember while stuck in my addictions, I responded to many, many altar calls, and gave many halfhearted commitments to the Lord, but never fully surrendered my life. I remember the day of my conversion, when the Holy Spirit came upon me, and I fully handed Him the keys to my life. It was not in a church, it was not at a crusade, I was trying to score dope from my friend who was mourning the death of his mother, and I went to the funeral selfishly to get a baggy. I sat in the back of the funeral home, I saw my friend crying, and I thought, “What kind of man have I become, I have no heart.” In that moment, the Lord illuminated the wickedness in my heart, and I was disgusted with myself, I felt so dirty and ashamed. And I fled the funeral home across the street, to the Black Bear Diner, there in Havasu, and I remember P a g e | 7 looking up into the Blue Sky, and I surrendered finally to my Lord Jesus. In that moment, I literally felt free, I felt a Power that was beyond my capability, a Divine strength, and I knew my life was different, I was converted to Christ, and His Spirit took residence in my heart. Those demonic addictions that once controlled my life were defeated by the Power of God’s Spirit, and in a moment my life was changed. The Thessalonians were converted, they received the message of Paul and were given Power and the Holy Spirit. Paul explains at the end of verse 5, that they knew what kind of men Paul, Silas and Timothy were. Paul, came from the beating in Philippi and there was no hiding the fact that with this message came hardships and tremendous trials. Paul gave them the honest truth, “If you receive by faith this message that I preach, hardships like mine will come upon you.” P a g e | 8

But as we will see this morning the hope of Jesus’ soon return, and their future heavenly residence would be enough for them to withstand the satanically fueled persecution. Paul did not mask anything, but gave them the whole truth. Many today give the gospel without the whole truth, they try to sell it as though it was another product or another healthy prosperous way of life among others. They promote it as a cure all, “you will be financially secure, and healthy if you just believe.” They present it with a glowing smile, and as means for selfish gain. They proclaim, “It is a way to unending happiness and pleasure.” But that is not an accurate gospel. Paul presented his wounds and explained this truth will come at a cost. P a g e | 9

This God hating world will immediately reject you because of your association with the One True God. You will immediately be turned into a square peg in a world designed for round pegs. You will not fit, and yet this is the price for ultimate truth. Paul brought this message as we read last time, and this week we will see their response to this message… Let us read our portion and then come back through a verse at a time. 1:6 And you became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit, 7 so that you became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia who believe. 8 For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place. Your faith toward God has gone out, so that we do not need to say anything. 9 For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from to serve the P a g e | 10 living and true God, 10 and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. Let’s pray… Well let us look to the Thessalonian’s example this morning. It says here in verse 6… 1:6 And you became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit, This Gospel that came in Power, and with the Holy Spirit, was received as Paul presented it. Those who put their faith in Jesus then followed Paul’s example. They saw in him, a passion to preach even under such hostility. They witnessed Paul’s sacrifice to bring them this message and they became followers of Paul, Silas and Timothy. P a g e | 11

They witnessed the Power that Paul’s message was capable of, and in turn, they preached this message with the same Power, and in the Holy Spirit. We see here too, within Paul’s 3-week discipleship, he taught them about the Lord Jesus and His life and ministry here on earth. The Thessalonians received the Testimony of Jesus of Nazareth, and the Word of Him laying down His life for the Church, and they emulated this selfless kind of ministry. Paul said they received this message in much affliction. Understand the sacrifice that these believers made. Mount Olympus was 90 miles from their city; the Greek culture was saturated in every area of the Thessalonian lifestyle. The Greeks worshiped a pantheon of gods, the chief god was Zeus, and he supposedly ruled from Mount Olympus along with Poseidon the god of the sea and Hades the god of the underworld. P a g e | 12

They had many other gods and goddesses, Athena the goddess of wisdom and learning, Apollo the god of music and culture, there was Aphrodite, the goddess of love and sex. Dionysus, the god of wine, Diana goddess of the hunt. And many, many more. They lived in a pluralistic world, where there were many gods, and many different beliefs. Their gods had no roles in morality, in fact, most of their worship was immoral and debased. There was no structure or emphasis on ethical conduct. Even the legends behind these god’s portrayed them as liars, cheaters, unfaithful, scandalous, even as drunkards. The Greek and Roman ideology was that the gods really never determined the path for humanity. In fact, this was a very humanistic culture, that believed the gods or goddesses were there as a P a g e | 13 potential source of help for their own human endeavors. The Greek culture did not focus on devotion to their gods, instead the gods were devoted to helping man. And the Apostle Paul came in preaching a monotheistic message, that totally refuted every social norm of the day. There was One God, and One Way, and only One Truth. Anyone who believed this message would instantly be ridiculed and treated with hostility. It did not matter what kind of social status you held before believing in Jesus the Christ, all would be lost after conversion. They literally had to lay down their lives, their reputation, their status, and they would be derided for their choice. They had to be courageous, and willing to surrender personal comfort, even property, and perhaps even life itself. P a g e | 14

But they had the selfless example of Paul and his associates, and the Ultimate example of their Savior Jesus. Today it is so difficult to even fathom this kind of sacrifice. However, the Thessalonians had found what all the polytheism of Rome and Greece left meaningless. They found what all of those demonic god’s and idols tried to mask and confuse, they found Truth. And this Truth became their greatest treasure. They needed nothing else in their lives, but only Jesus Christ, and the hope of His soon return. And we see in the midst of their great persecution, the Truth in their hearts and minds was validated by this supernatural joy of the Holy Spirit. This is not silliness or happiness, those things are conditional on my environment. Joy, unspeakable Joy, comes flooding into our lives the moment we put our faith in Jesus Christ, a joy that is unaffected by the environment that surrounds us. P a g e | 15

May it be a ridiculing by co-worker, or a flame lit under our feet as we are tied to a wooden stake, a Christian’s joy remains. It is not conditional upon the events of this life, but solely hangs on our hope for the next. Christian, this morning think of your life, where is your source of joy. Began now in your heart, in your mind to mentally strip away the things of your life. Your job that brings you such prestige and respect, what does your life look like without it? Take away your car, take away your bank account, take away your toys, your hobbies, take away your immense comfort, your technology. And if you find your joy is no longer within your heart, your putting your faith in a false idol. Joy, unspeakable joy comes from the assurance that if all be stripped away, we still have Jesus, and no one can ever take Him from us or separate us from His Love. P a g e | 16

The Thessalonians were willing to forsake it all, because this was the example set forth by the preacher heralding this message. And this was the only God they had ever heard of, that was willing to lay aside all of His Divine Power to become like one of them, to die at the hands of the humans He loved so greatly. The One True God was willing to come and touch the pain of this cursed world in order to have a relationship with mankind. And it was by the example of their New God, they were willing to lay down their own lives. And we see next, they took so seriously their calling to self-sacrifice, to live for others, that these baby Christians became examples across all of Greece and even into the whole Roman Empire. 7 so that you became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia who believe. 8 For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth, not only in Macedonia and P a g e | 17

Achaia, but also in every place. Your faith toward God has gone out, so that we do not need to say anything. These believers in Thessalonica had such a life changing dunamis experience from the Gospel that they received, that it so transformed them, that their testimony is being talked about all over Macedonia and Achaia. Macedonia and Achaia made up the northern and southern provinces that the Conquering Roman Government divided in the ancient land of Greece. Thessalonica would be in Macedonia in the North and Paul would be writing his letter from Achaia down in the south in Corinth. Map of Macedonia and Achaia This port city of Thessalonica was visited by many traders and merchants and various other travelers. Paul left Thessalonica in hast, and wondered if their young faith survived the immense persecution he left them under. P a g e | 18

And as he went south from town to town, the testimony of these believers traveled quicker than he was able to. In every place, the believers spoke of their brethren in Thessalonica, and their example was the objective or aim of the other churches all throughout the region and beyond. Remember the accusation that was brought against them while Paul was there, Acts 17:6 "These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.” And the Thessalonians maintained this world changing faith. Now not only did the church find comfort in their example, but I imagine the pagans all throughout Greece marveled that such a message as The Gospel of Jesus Christ could affect a city in such a way. From age to age, the Greek god’s influenced each generation of this region. P a g e | 19

The Greek gods had such influence on the world that the Romans even adapted the same system of belief and changed the names of the gods. And a missionary with a bloody back and a weak presentation, was able to sway so many with a message of One God, the True God, and the people were willing to forsake their idols and paganism that held such a demonic stronghold on the known world at this time. If you look at history, there was no greater force in any age, than this message of the God-Man, Jesus, a Carpenter from Nazareth, dying on the cross for man’s sins, providing the Way to salvation, this simple message destroyed the demonic influence of the pagan gods and Greek and Roman Mythology. Jesus’ Gospel revolutionized the known world, and pagan mythology crumbled under this message of Grace. P a g e | 20

Even under attack with great violence and often under immense poverty the Christian Church was able to win over many pagans. Remember the simplicity of Paul’s message as recorded in Acts. Paul Acts 17:2-4 …reasoned with them from the Scriptures, 3 explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, "This Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ." 4 And some of them were persuaded; and a great multitude of the devout Greeks, and not a few of the leading women, joined Paul and Silas. This message to the Jews brought clarity to their long awaited Messiah, but we see this message of Hope gripped the pagan Greek’s hearts, and even some of the leading woman in the city. The simplicity of this message dismantled all the great orators and philosophers of Greece. And it so impacted this strategic city, they renounced Zeus, Apollo, Diana, and all the rest, and all the while P a g e | 21 being able to abstain from the circumcision the Jews demanded. This Phenomenon was talked about so much that Paul had no need to declare all that God had done in them, their reputation sounded forth. Paul declared “Your faith toward God has gone out, so that we do not need to say anything.” Their faith toward God has gone out or more literally sounded out. Echoed forth or boomed. You see when I hit this cymbal. The sound vibrates through the air as it displaces the air particles as it travels through the air moving left to right. The sound goes in all directions from the source of the boom. Almost like throwing a stone in the middle of a completely calm lake, and the ripples travel out from P a g e | 22 the source of contact, where the rock smashes into the water. The Thessalonian Sound Wave reverberated through the hills and valleys of Macedonia and Achaia, and even into the Mediterranean World. Paul explains at the end of verse 8 that when he tries to speak of their Great Witness, that the hearers already know and tell him of the News of the Thessalonian believers. He says next… in verse 9… 9 For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, Paul writes here that the testimony going forth speaks of the manner of entry the missionaries came into Thessalonica, weak, beaten, chased, and frustrated. The Thessalonians saw the great sacrifice made by Paul to bring the gospel to them, and in the Power of the message the missionaries preached, in spite of P a g e | 23 themselves, the Thessalonians turned from their idols to serve the living and true God. I imagine as the Spirit was at work in Thessalonica, He had already been working in the hearts of the people of this city. God had gone before Paul to prepare for the Gospel’s reception. When Paul arrived, perhaps they were secretly already considering the foolishness of worshipping lifeless, manmade idols. The culture around them determined to live blindly in their foolishness, yet this multitude of Gentile seekers were met in their seeking by the living God. Remember Paul went to the synagogues, to the Jewish place of gathering. In this place were found a great multitude of devout Greeks. These cultured Greeks were already seeking answers in monotheism, there in the synagogue of the Jews. P a g e | 24

The Jews knew about the One True God, however they kept the gentiles out of the faith, they were to be a light to that illuminated the way to Yahweh; however, they were now following man’s tradition and forsaking the commandment of God at this point, they had become a synagogue of Satan. The Jews had no answers for the Gentile seekers whom the Spirit of God was calling to Himself. And when Paul and the missionaries arrived with the News of the Christ, the Way, the worshippers grabbed ahold of this Living God, this Resurrected Jesus. They repented with a true repentance; they bore fruits worthy of repentance by throwing out their worthless idols. Understand this is the fruit of true conversion, today, there is too much culture wrapped up with True Religion. Many today want to keep their idols, and incorporate them somehow into the worship of Christ. P a g e | 25

They take paganism, or spiritualism, and put Christian themes on them. They incorporate their old beliefs into a mixed and confusing form of Christianity. The idol of relevance has ministries trying too hard to emulate the world, in the belief they are reaching more of the world. They take on the identity of the world, and take Christianity along with them. True Christianity is a complete turning away from, it is a departure from the world, taking on your identity in Christ Alone! Paul’s preaching all throughout the Book of Acts severely came against the idea that the True and Living God could coexist with any form of empty idolatry. Remember in Lystra, when Paul and Barnabas healed a crippled man, and the people lifted them up and started worshipping these two missionaries as gods. Paul’s response there in Acts was Acts 14:15 "Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men with P a g e | 26 the same nature as you, and preach to you that you should turn from these useless things to the living God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things that are in them Paul was stoned and left for dead because he came against their idolatry. Remember Paul’s message on the Areopagus in not long after he was with the Thessalonians. Where it says in Acts 17:16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols. He declared boldly… Acts 17:22-25 "Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious; 23 for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore, the One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you: 24 God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven P a g e | 27 and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. 25 Nor is He worshiped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. Never in Paul’s preaching did he blend culture with Christianity, the gospel demands a turning from something to God, through His Son Jesus Christ. This turning from idols was the start of something New for these believers in Thessalonica. It gave their lives new meaning, a new focus. It says they served the living and true God. That word ‘serve’ here is ‘douleuo’ in the Greek; it means they literally became slaves to God. They completely yielded their lives into the service of spreading the Gospel. John Calvin remarks, “Only the man who has learned to put himself wholly in subjection to God is truly converted to Him.” Heibert p. 69 P a g e | 28

You see true conversion is not found in taking Christ with you in your life. This is American Christianity, today the churchgoer is like a man driving his car through life, well, Jesus is welcome to come along in the back seat of your car, you know with everything else in your life, and the man still drives where he pleases in life. Maybe looking in your rear view mirror when he needs directions every now and again, or maybe asking Jesus for some gas money every now and again when things get financially tight. Maybe some even let Jesus in the passenger seat with them, you know hoping to get a little more help from Him, but never ever, trusting Jesus to Drive. This is our cultures Christianity, where we like to control our lives, we protect our identities, we celebrate our own successes, but we never really truly hand over control to the true and living God. You know the Thessalonians didn’t just hand Jesus the keys to their lives and sit in the passenger seat with P a g e | 29

Jesus, that wouldn’t do, they could still try to manipulate or even try to help Him steer to where they wanted. You see true conversion is handing Jesus the keys to your life, and you popping the trunk, and jumping in and shutting the trunk. Letting Jesus have total control of your destiny, putting the fate of your life into His hands, and putting all trust in Him. To relinquish control, and becoming a slave to His Will and His Purpose for our lives. It is this kind of commitment in a group of people that is capable of turning the world upside down for Christ. This is how the Thessalonian testimony resounded across the known world, because they forsook the world altogether, and lived their lives sacrificially for their soon coming King. As we will see, next… it was the thought of Jesus’ imminent return that spurred this kind of passion and witness for Jesus Christ. P a g e | 30

They turned from idols to serve the living and True God… 10 and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. The Thessalonians served the living and true God with an expectancy of the coming of Jesus to Rapture the Church. This hope of the imminent return of Jesus put joy in their hearts as they labored for the Lord. Jesus is currently interceding for the church and enthroned with the Father waiting for the Father to send Him for the church. Notice Jesus will come from heaven; Paul will declare in the 4th chapter of this letter that we will meet Jesus in the clouds and be received into heaven. Notice Paul makes mention of the resurrection of Jesus, this connects the Son of God with the Risen Jesus of Nazareth. P a g e | 31

And as surely as Jesus was risen from the dead, Jesus will return for His church. Notice Paul here tells them Jesus will come and deliver the church from the wrath that is coming. Jesus will rescue His Church from the impending wrath that awaits this world. This verse clearly speaks to the premillennial Rapture of the Church. The wrath here speaking to the coming day of judgment, for which we spent many weeks learning about in our study of Revelation. This Seven Year Tribulation, the last 3 and half years referred to as the Great Tribulation will certainly come, God’s wrath will come upon all sin and idolatry. But the hope of the church, is that our Rescuer, Jesus will deliver us first. God’s Wrath comes from the holiness of God’s nature. He is the Moral Ruler of the universe, and is opposed to all sin and rebellion, and any form of wickedness. P a g e | 32

Now once again, This Divine Morality and Holiness can only be determined by the Creator. He presents the dividing line between Holy and evil. Man does not get the privilege to determine right and wrong as so many believe today. And any rebellion against God’s Revealed Standard is met with His Wrath. Now our sin experiences a certain degree of God’s wrath and consequences presently. Understand our sins will have consequences today; any prolonged activity that rises against God’s Revealed Word will be met with the Law of Reaping and Sowing. This law is as certain as the law of gravity. Gal 6:7-8 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. P a g e | 33

Understand hiding your sin will not dispel your current misery. If you are here this morning hiding your sin, the only salvation from the consequences of your choices is confession and repentance. There is no healing offered to anyone apart from this One and Only solution. But these consequences for our sins are not what is in view here. The wrath spoken of here is not simply the wrath felt in disobedience to God’s leading… but this wrath points to the ultimate Day of Wrath, the final judgement. And anyone who has placed their faith in Jesus Christ, any who have surrendered their lives to God’s Will, those of us who serve the living and true God, can live with this hope. You see church; do not be blinded by the delusion among our culture, that this life is it, to get all you can in this life. P a g e | 34

We must ask the Holy Spirit to continually put eternity at the forefront of all our decisions we make in this life. You see a life that is lived with the hope and anticipation that Jesus can come back at any moment, and will surely come for His church, this life will live in such a way that it will stand in direct contrast to this world. Your life will become a light, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden, in the darkness of this world. When your life is lifted up above the gloom of this world, others will be drawn to your example. The church in Thessalonica was this kind of light. They maintained a witness for Jesus even in spite of cruelty and persecution. And because of this testimony, the world was gossiping and spreading the story of the changed lives in Thessalonica. We live in a day of self-promotion, of branding, and it has infected the church. P a g e | 35

You see, I believe God wants to do such a work in us, such a life transformation, such a mighty testimony in us, that no amount of branding or self-promoting will compare to what your lives will testify when we walk out there in this world. I believe God’s Holy Spirit is working in our midst, and in spite of who we are, He is working. We know we are nothing special, we are weak, we are the despondent, we are the no bodies, we are the misfits, and because of this, God can get great Glory from our lives. I have come to a crisis of faith personally, and God has challenged me on this need to be accepted socially, and culturally. To trust Him and His Spirit to build His church. You see there is a lot of pressure on pastors today to look a certain way, to talk a certain way, to have a certain air about them. Today pastors are celebrities, and honored far too greatly. P a g e | 36

God has challenged me to decrease, that He may increase all the more. Church this is what the Thessalonians did; they forsook everything to become slaves to God Most High. I imagine in their suffering, and persecution, they wondered what kind of effect they were even having for the Kingdom of God, they do not seem to be a church concerned about their brand, they were not concerned about pushing their advertisements and promotions. They instead decreased, to allow Christ to increase all the more. And the advertising took care of itself, Word got out that this Christ God was dismantling the idolatry and demonic worship, and One God was emerging as the God of the Thessalonians. It did not matter what kind of crushing blow Satan could bring against this church, their hope of their God’s soon return gave them an unconditional Joy. The Joy must have been contagious, ‘clang the cymbal.’ P a g e | 37

Because their faith toward God went out and set forth an example for many. You see church, this morning you might not think much of yourself, you might feel insignificant, and you might feel worthless this morning. But I have to believe every one of you have a purpose in the work of God. Your life can find lasting purpose and fulfillment, if, if, if, you are willing to surrender it all over to Christ Alone. If you are willing to hand Him the keys to your life, and declare, “Here I am Lord, Use me, I will go where You ask, I will do as You want, I will serve Your purposes alone.” When you can say this, then you will be content in all your doing. What is this life, but a vapor! The Thessalonians knew this, and they rose above this world. P a g e | 38

Jess sent me a video this week that just touched me greatly, it was a 105 year-old man, holding a 5-month- old baby, it was so precious. I looked at that video that illustrated the two book ends of life. I imagine that man looks back at his life and those years from 5-months-old to where he was now and they seemed like so few. Our days are short and cruel, it is interesting to me as I hear people all week long talking and sharing, those who have a house full of small children are wishing they just had a moment for themselves. Then I listen to those whose hair is grey and you are missing those crazy days where you never had a moment for yourself. And this life is cruel, it is so difficult to find the right perspective where we are, because everything is fleeting and always changing. But know this, no matter what stage in your life that you find yourself in this morning, serve Jesus. P a g e | 39

In whatever season, determine this morning to hand Jesus the keys of your life, jump in the trunk and do what He asks you, serve Him as an unprofitable servant, His slave. And then you will find meaning. You will find as you wake each morning to serve your God, your King, you will be filled with hope. Soon Jesus will come for His Church, hear that this morning, there are so many noises drowning that reality out today. But the fact is, we are so much closer than the Thessalonians were to this event, may God’s Spirit stir our hearts this morning to live for Him with this hopeful anticipation. Amen. If you have never put your faith in Jesus Christ this morning. I believe God has brought you here for a reason; He is calling you this morning. P a g e | 40

He is asking you to let go of this world, and come to Him in faith, He is asking you repent of your sins, to turn from your idols, and serve the living and true God. If this is you, during this last song, come forward this morning and experience the New Life He offers you. There will be men up here ready to pray with you. Come to Jesus today, and be filled with His Power and Holy Spirit. Maybe you are here this morning and you have fallen away from the truth you know, the world captivated you for a while. But you are empty this morning, come back to Jesus, rededicate your life to Him, ask Him to fill your life with His Spirit, and turn from this world. He has a plan for you, come to Him this morning. I want to end with this as well, this week, God has been speaking to me about suicide, I do not if there is anyone here dealing with these thoughts. P a g e | 41

I believe God wants me to speak to anyone here this morning that is contemplating suicide. God has a plan for your life, He brought you here for a reason this morning, your life has value to Him, He loves you greatly. Understand this morning, if you are dealing with these demonic thoughts, come and pray with someone today. This place is safe, we do not want you to leave without knowing this God who passionately loves you. Because He passionately loves us, we are able to love others, and we will love you very imperfectly. But we will love you non-the-less. Ps 68:4-6 Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name Yah, And rejoice before Him. 5 A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, Is God in His holy habitation. P a g e | 42

6 God sets the solitary in families; You see, this morning, He has placed in this family, open up to us, and we will share our lives with you. Please get prayer this morning. There are no accidents in this life. Whatever your prayer needs are this morning, please come forward and receive healing. There is no one like our God… The living and True God… Greater things have yet to come