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Download Jacobite Studies Trust Bibliography The Jacobite Studies Trust Bibliography 1688 [Broadside declaration of the birth of the Prince of Wales] By the King, A Proclamation. James R. It having pleased Almighty God of his great and continued Mercy to His Majesty and His Kingdoms, to bless Him and His Royal Consort with a Son ... [commands a public thanksgiving]. Given at Our Court at Whitehall the Tenth day of June 1688. In the Fourth Year of Our Reign (London: Charles Bill, Henry Hills and Thomas Newcomb, 1688). 1689 His Majesties Late Letter in Vindication of Himself: Dated at St. Germans en Laye, the Fourteenth of this Instant January 1688/9 ([London, no printer], 1689). 1691 [Miege, Guy], A Complete History of the Late Revolution, from the First Rise of it to this present Time (London, 1691). 1702 [Jones, David, fl. 1676-1720], The Life of James II. Late King of England. Containing An Acount of his Birth, Education, Religion, and Enterprizes, both at Home and Abroad, in Peace and War, while in a Private and Publick Capacity, till his Dethronement: with The various Struggles made since for his Restoration; the State of his Court at St. Germains; and the Particulars of his Death. The whole intermixed with divers Original Papers, Debates, Letters, Declarations &c. and Illustrated with several Medals (London: J. Knapton et al., 1702). [Porter, James, 1638-1711], A Funeral Oration upon the Late King James. Composed From Memoirs furnished by Mr. Porter, his Great Chamberlain. Printed by the Consent of the late Queen. Dedicated to the French King, and published by his Authority. Wherein it is own’d, That the late King reconciled his Brother King Charles II. To the Church of Rome; That He Himself design’d to destroy the Protestant Religion, and to reduce these Kingdoms to the Obedience of the See of Rome, according to the Example of Louis le Grand, who, they hope, will effect it, and punish these Rebellious Nations, as they are pleased to call them. With Remarks upon the Whole (London: A[nn] Baldwin, 1702). The Memoirs of King James II. Containing An Account of the Transactions of the Last 1 Twelve Years of his Life: with the Circumstances of his Death. Translated from the French Original (London, 1702). 1703 [Craig, Sir Thomas], The Right of Succession to the Kingdom of England, In Two Books; Against the Sophisms of Parsons the Jesuite, Who assum’d the Counterfeit Name of Doleman; By which he endeavours to overthrow not only the Rights of Succession in Kingdoms, but also the Sacred Authority of Kings themselves. Written Originally in Latin above 100 Years since ... and now Faithfully Translated into English [ed. and trans. James Gatherer] (London: M. Bennet for Dan. Brown [et al], 1703). 1705 Kennedy, M., A Chronological, Genealogical and Historical Dissertation on the Royal Family of the Stuarts; beginning with Milesius and ending with King James the Third of England (Paris, 1705). 1707 Anon., The Secret History of Colonel Hooke’s Negotiations in Scotland, in Favour of the Pretender, in 1707 (London 1707). 1709 Leslie, Charles, The Constitution, Laws and Government of England Vindicated (London 1709). 1710 A Letter from a Gentleman at the Court of St. Germains, To One of his Friends in England;containing A Memorial about Methods for setting the Pretender on the Throne of Great Britain. Found at Doway, after the Taking of that Town. Translated from the French Copy, Printed at Cologne, by Peter Marteau (London, no printer, 1710). 1712 Anon., Memoirs of the Life of the Chevalier de St George (London, 1712). 2 1713 [Harbin, Rev. George], The Hereditary Right of the Crown of England Asserted; the History of the Succession since the Conquest clear’d; and the True English Constitution vindicated from the Misrepresentations of Dr. Higden’s View and Defence ... By a Gentleman (London: G. James, 1713). 1714 [Balcarres, 3rd Earl of], An Account of the Affairs of Scotland, Relating to the Revolution in 1688. As sent to the Late King James II when in London (London, 1714). [Hickes, George, 1642-1715] Queries Relating to the Birthright of a Certain Person [James Francis Edward Stuart] (?London, 1714). Published in 1712 with the title: Some Queries Proposed to Civil, Canon, and Common Lawyers; also published in 1714 with the title: Seasonable queries relating to the Birthright of a Certain Person. Leslie, Charles, The Old English Constitution, in Relation to the Hereditary Succession to the Crown, Antecedent to the Revolution in 1688 (London, 1714). 1717 Patten, Robert, The History of the Late Rebellion. With Original Papers, and Characters of the Principal Noblemen and Gentlemen concern’d in it (London, 1717). 1718 [Rae, Peter], The History of the Late Rebellion; Rais’d against His Majesty King George By the Friends of the Popish Pretender (Dumfries, 1718). Anon., A Compleat History of the Late Rebellion (London, 1718). 1720 The King’s most gracious Declaration to all his loving Subjects of what Rank and Degree soever ([London], 1720). 1722 D’Orleans, F. J., The History of the Revolutions in England under the Stuarts, From the Year 1603, to 1690. In Three Books; Wherein are contained many Secret Memoirs relating to that 3 Family, and the last Great Revolution, Anno 1688 … Translated from the French Original Printed at Paris. To which is prefixed, An Introduction to this History, By Laurence Echard, M.A. Arch-Deacon of Stowe (2nd edn., London: E. Curll and R. Gosling, 1722). [Earbery, Mathias], An Historical Account of the Advantages That have Accrued to England, by the Succession in the Illustrious House of Honover [sic] (London: no printer, 1722). 1725 Echard, Laurence, The History of the Revolution, and the Establishment Of England in the Year 1688. Introduc’d by a necessary Review of the Reigns of King Charles, and King James the Second. In Three Books (London: Jacob Tonson, 1725). 1727 Higgons, Bevil, A Short View of the English History: with Reflections Political, Historical, Civil, Physical, and Moral; on the Reigns of the Kings; their Characters, and Manners; their Successions to the Throne, and all other remarkable Incidents to the Revolution of 1688. Drawn from authentick Memoirs and Manuscripts (‘Hague: Printed by T. Johnston’, 1727). 1738 [de la Pause, Guillaume Plantavit, Abbé de Margon, ?1685-1760], The Life of James Fitz- James, Duke of Berwick, Marshal, Duke, and Peer of France, General of his Most Christian Majesty’s Armies. Containing, An account of his Birth, Education, and military Exploits in Ireland, Flanders, Spain, The Sevennes, Dauphiny, and On the Rhine: With the Particulars of the Battle of Almanza, and the Siege of Barcelona. Giving a General View of the Affairs of Europe, for these fifty Years past: The whole interspersed with Military and Political Reflections, and the Characters of Eminent Men (London: A. Millar, 1738). 1739 [Johnson, Samuel], Marmor Norfolciense: or an Essay on an Ancient Prophetical Inscription, in Monkish Rhyme, Lately discover’d near Lynn in Norfolk. By Probus Britanicus. (London, 1739). 1742 [James III], Printed, 1742. A Letter, &c. I Received in due Time, the Letter or Paper, written by your Friend in March last, with another short Paper, in the same Hand, that accompanied 4 it; I have perused both with Attention and Satisfaction, and can easily remark in them, a Fund of Experience, good Sense and Affection for Our Country and My Family ([?London: no printer], 1742) 1745 Anon., Considerations Addressed to the Publick. Printed by Authority. MDCCXLV. ([?London]. 1745). [Fielding, Henry], The History of the Present Rebellion in Scotland: from the departure of the Pretender’s son from Rome, down to the present Time, taken from the relation of J. M., who was eye-witness to the whole, etc. (London, 1745). 1746 Anon., The History of the Rise, Progress and Extinction of the Rebellion in Scotland, in the Years 1745 and 1746. With a particular account of the hardships the young Pretender suffered after the battle of Culloden, until he landed in France on the 10th of October 1746 (London, ?1746). [Graham, Dougal], A Full, Particular and True Account of the Rebellion in the Years 1745-6 (Glasgow, 1746). [Griffiths, Ralph], Ascanius, or the Young Adventurer: a true history (London, 1746). [? MacEachen, Neil], Alexis, or, the Young Adventurer: A Novel (London, 1746). Marchant, John, The History of the Present Rebellion (London, 1746). True Copies of the Papers wrote by Arthur Lord Balmerino, Thomas Syddall, David Morgan, George Fletcher, John Berwick, Thomas Deacon, Thomas Chadwick, James Dawson, and Andrew Blyde; And delivered by them to the Sheriffs At the Places of their Execution (np, nd [1746]) Turnbull, W., Some Verses composed upon the Insurrections of the Jacobites, in the Kingdoms of Great-Britain and Ireland, from their First Rise to the Present Time (Newcastle, 1746). 1747 A Distinct and Impartial History of the Conspiracies, Trials, Characters, Behaviour and Dying Speeches of All Those who have Suffered On Account of the House of Stewart, from the Revolution down to the Commencement of the last Rebellion. Being a Compendious View of the Plots hatched by That House and their Adherents, and the Fate of the Instruments 5 employed by them (London: T. Gardner, 1747). Anon., Alexis, or, The Worthy Unfortunate (London, 1747). Boyse, Samuel, An Historical review of the Transactions of Europe, From ... 1739 to the Insurrection in Scotland in 1745 ... To which is added, An Impartial History of the late Rebellion (2 vols., Reading and London, 1747). Carte, Thomas, A General History of England (4 vols., London: Printed for the Author ... and sold by J. Hodges, 1747-55). [Fielding, Henry], A compleat and authentick history of the rise, progress and extinction of the late rebellion and of the proceedings against the principal persons concerned therein (London, 1747).
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