THE UKRAINIAN REVIEW a Quarterly Journal Devoted to the Study of Ukraine
T he U krainian R eview A quarterly journal devoted to the study of Ukraine Spring, 1991 THE UKRAINIAN REVIEW A Quarterly Journal devoted to the study of Ukraine EDITORIAL BOARD Slava Stetsko Roman Zwarycz Editor Associate Editor Prof. Nicholas L. Fr.-Chirovsky Borys Potapenko Assistant Editor Associate Editor Prof. Lev Shankovsky Dr. Oleh S. Romanyshyn Assistant Editor Associate Editor Prof. Volodymyr Zarycky Stephen Oleskiw Assistant Editor Associate Editor Price: £5.00 or $10.00 a single copy, Annual Subscription: £20.00 or $40.00 Editorial correspondence should be sent to: The Editors, “The Ukrainian Review”, 200 Liverpool Road, London, N1 ILF. Subscriptions should be sent to: “The Ukrainian Review” (Administration), d o Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, Ltd., 49 Linden Gardens, London, W2 4HG. Overseas representatives: USA: Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine, Inc., 136 Second Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003. Canada: Ucrainica Research Institute, 83-85 Christie Street, Toronto,Ont. M6G 3B1. Printed in Great Britain by the Ukrainian Publishers Limited 200 Liverpool Road, London, N1 ILF. Tel.: 071-607-626617 T h e U k r a in ia n R eview Vol. XXXIX, No. 1 A Quarterly Journal Spring, 1991 C o n t e n t s Editorial: D emocratic Referendum — or Imperialist H oax? 2 1990 in U kraine: The Empire Strikes B ack Eugene Kachmarsky 3 Q uo Vadis; The D ialectics of Liberation Politics in the Soviet U n i o n ...................................................... Roman Zwarycz 10 U kraine and The U nion Treaties of 1920 and 1922 Yaroslav Dashkevych 19 England, Russia and the U krainian Question D uring the Great N orthern War (Part 1 ).
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