List of Alternative List of Alternative Dungeons Dungeons & Dragons

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List of Alternative List of Alternative Dungeons Dungeons & Dragons List of alternative Dungeons & Dragons classes rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a list of alternative base character classes to the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. As base classes rather thanthan prestige prestige classclasses,es, they can be taken by newly creatcreateded characters withoutwithout need for any rerequisites. any of these classes have been repeatedly added after the core rules books were released, including the shaman, artificer, and runecaster or runepriest. Contents 1 Original Dungeons & Dragons 22 A Advanceddvanced Dungeons Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition 2.1 NPNPCsCs 3 BBasicasic Dun Dun geons geons & Dragons 4 2nd editioeditionn 4.1 2n2ndd edition alternaalternativetive classes 4.2 2n2ndd editieditionon kits 5 3rd anand55.1.1d Dungeon 3.5 editions Master's GGuideuide 5.2 Other sousourcebooksrcebooks 5.2.1 Core class variavariantsnts 5.2.2 Campaign-setting specific 5.2.3 GenericGeneric classes classes 5.2.4 Psionics-related 6 44thth edition 6.1 Multiclass-only classes 7 5th edition 8 References Original Dungeons & Dragons Two new classes were introduced after the release of the original D&D boxed set: Thieves in Supplement I - Greyhawk and Bards in The Strategic Review. New subclasses were introduced in Supplement I - Greyhawk, Supplement II - Blackmoor, Supplement III - Eldritch Wizardry and the Strategic Review. SSoouurrcceebbooookk NNeeww ccllaasssseess aanndd ssuubbccllaasssseess SSuupppplleemmeenntt I - GGrreeyyhhaawwkk TThhiieeff,, PPaallaaddiinn ((FFiigghhttiinngg MMaann)) SSuupppplleemmeenntt IIII - BBllaacckkmmoooorr AAssssaassssiinn ((TThhiieeff)),, MMoonnkk ((CClleerriicc)) SuSupppplelemementnt IIIIII - ElEldrdrititchch WiWizazardrdryry DrDruiuidd (C(Cleleriric)c) The Strategic Review - VolumVolumee 1, Number 2 Ranger (Fighting Man) The Strategic Review - VolumVolumee 1, Number 4 Illusionist (Magic-user) The Strategic Review - VolumVolumee 2, Number 1 Bard dvanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition ive standard base classes and five subclasses were offered in the Player's Handbook , with an optional 6th base class, the Bard, presented in an appendix. Additionally, various alternative base classes, subclasses and rule changes were offered in the magazine Dragon and elsewhere, such as the Mystic and the Witch. Eventually, some of these alternative rules came to be compiled in 1985 in the volume Unearthed Arcana. Among other changes, it included the thief-acrobat, a Thief subclass, and the barbarian, a Fighter subclass which had abilities such as summoning a horde of fellow barbarians to any location. Unearthed Arcana also included the cavalier class as "alignment champions" and reworked Paladins to be a subclass of Cavalier. The thief-acrobat, arbarian, and cavalier had previously appeared in Dragon magazine. Many existing classes were also drastically reworked and given different abilities. The Barbarian and Cavalier both had revised treatment in Dragon Magazine #148.[1][1] The other major book that offered new base classes was the 1985 version of Oriental dventures; it included the Bushi, Kensai, Ninja, Samurai, Shukenja, Sohei, Wu Jen, and Yakuza. Dragonlance dventures presented alternative classes for Knights of Solamnia (Knight of the Crown, Knight of the Sword and Knight of the Rose) and Wizards of High Sorcery, as well as the Tinker class, which is exclusive to Gnomes. PCs ost NPCs did not technically have a class in 1st and 2nd edition; they were, instead, "0th level characters" or "hirelings." Most classes gained the ability to attract and recruit hirelings at 9th level and later; others could be ired for a fee. Their abilities were not normally laid out very specifically, leaving more to the Dungeon aster's improvisation. First Edition did have a few "quasi-classes" which acted in a similar fashion. For example, humanoids could become shamans and witch doctors, which were functionally equivalent to clerics and cleric/magic-users except highly limited in terms of maximum level advancement. asic Dungeons & Dragons "Basic" Dungeons & Dragons introduced two alternative classes: the Druid, an option for advancing a cleric character, and the Mystic, a counterpart to AD&D's Monk. Optional classes (human and demi-human) from other books include: Dervish (GAZ2), Elf Wizard (GAZ5), TreeKeeperobold (GAZ10), (GAZ5), Goblin Dwarf-Cleric (GAZ10), (GAZ6), Orc (GAZ10), Wise Woman Hobgobl (GAZ7),in (GAZ10), Master Gnoll (GAZ8), (GAZ10), Merchant-Prince Bugbear (GAZ10), (GAZ9), Ogre (GAZ10), Troll (GAZ10), Merchant (GAZ11), Shaman (GAZ12), Shadow Elf (GAZ13), Shadow Elf Shaman (GAZ13), Shamani (gaz14) nd edition nd edition introduced a large number of alternative classes in various supplemental handbooks, which also ntroduced a variety of "kits" to customize each base class. These kits would grant certain new special abilities at the cost of various restrictions. On occasion the concept of class vs. kit seemed to blur, for example, the Sha'ir of Al-Qadim was introduced as a wizard kit, but it had very different abilities from other wizards, and an alternative system of spellcasting, which warranted it being a class, and not a mere kit. It was treated as its own class in the release of The Complete Sha'ir's Handbook . As can be seen on the lists below, 2nd Edition had far ore alternative classes than 1st Edition, and provided significant flexibility with dozens of kits. The most common type of variant class was the specialty priest, which applied to almost all settings. Rules for specialty priests were in the 2nd edition Player's Handbook , with the druid offered as an example, and many campaign settings offered detailed abilities and domains for specialty priests of their deities. nd edition alternative classes SSoouurrcceebbooookk CCllaasssseess BirthBirthrightright campaicampaigngn setsettingting MagicMagicianian (p(primaryrimary box set), GuildeGuilderr (Hav(Havensens of the GGreatreat Bay expanexpansion)sion) Celts CampCampaignaign SourSourceboocebookk ManteManteisis CChrhroonnomomaanncceerr CChhrroonnomomaanncceerr,, TTememppoorarall CChhamampipioonn,, TTememppoorarall RRaiaidder er CCuulltt ooff tthhee DDrraaggoonn IInnccaannttaattrriixx Dark Sun Campaign Setting Defiler, Elemental Cleric, Gladiator, Para-elemental Cleric, Templar, Trader DDomomaiainnss ooff DDrereadad AAnncchhoorriittee,, AArrccaanniisstt,, AAvveennggeerr,,Gyppssyy Gy FFaiaitthh aanndd AAvvaatatarrss CCrruussaaddeerr,, MMoonnkk,, MMyysstiticc,, SShhaammaann LLeeggeennddss aanndd LLoorree AAsscceettiicc,, PPiioouuss KKnniigghhtt SShhaammaann SSoolliittaarryy SShhaammaann,, SSppiirriittuuaalliisstt,, TTrriibbaall SShhaammaann SSkkiillllss &&Powwerers Po s AAlclchhememiisstt,, GGeeoommeetteerr,, ShShaaddooww MaMaggee,, SSoongng WWiizzaarrdd SpSpeellllss && MaMagigicc ArArttiiffiiccer,er, CCrruussaaddeerr,, DDiimemennssiioonnaalliisstt,, FoForcrcee MaMaggee,, MeMennttaalliisstt,, MoMonnkk,, ShShamamaann The Complete Barbarian’s Barbarian Fighter, Shaman Handbook The Complete Druid’s Arctic Druid, Desert Druid, Gray Druid, Jungle Druid, Mountain Druid, Plains Handbook Druid, Swamp Druid The Complete Ninja’s Ninja (Spy/Killer) Handbook The Complete Psionicist’s Psionicist Handbook TToommee ooff MMaaggiicc EElleemmeennttaalliisstt,, WWiilldd MMaaggee Vikings Campaign Berserker, Runecaster Sourcebook GGiiaannttccrraafftt RRuunneeccaasstteer r Masque of the Red Death Adept, Soldier, Mystic, Tradesman Sourcebook ThThee SSccaarrletlet BBrrootthheerrhhoooodd AsAssasassissinn,, MoMonk nk nd edition kits Character kits were conceived as a way for players to customize a class. Like any kit, a character kit is a collection of things, in this case, minor modifications to the standard rules (generally involving bonus anguages, changes to forbidden/permissible weapons, bonus non-weapon proficiencies, et cetera). They tended o reflect culture, race, social class, or vocation. it repetition was also not unheard of. Some kit names were used multiple times, occasionally with different descriptions, such as the diplomat. Kits and classes also sometimes duplicated themselves. For example, the shaman appeared in at least six products. SSoouurrcceebbooookk KKiittss Age of Heroes Campaign Companion, Hero, Hoplite Sourcebook Askar, Barber, Beggar-Thief, Cleric of the Faith Pragmatic, Cleric of the Faith Ethical, Cleric Arabian of the Faith Moral, Corsair, Desert Rider, Elemental Wizard, Faris, Hakima, Holy Slayer, Adventures Kahin, Mamluk, Matrud, Mercenary Barbarian, Merchant-Rogue, Mystic, Rawun, Sa’luk, Sorcecer, Sha'ir Chronomancer Guide, HistorianHistorian,, Seer, Traveler City of Gold Clown, Fetishist, Trader, Hunter, Azupozi Healer, Bent Priest, Pueblo Priest, Sunwatcher Defilers and Preservers - Advanced Being, Arena Wizard, Cerulean, Chasseur, Earth Defender, Exterminator, Free The Wizard of Wizard, Illusionist, Mercenary, Restorationist, Shadow Wizard, Tribal Wizard, Necromancer Athas Diablo II: The Amazon, Barbarian, Necromancer, Paladin, Sorcerer Awakening Elves of Elven Knight, High Mage, Skinwalker, Totem-sister, Unicorn Rider Evermeet Artificer, Finder, Galvanist, Porter, Render, Sandman, Shadow Mage, Warden, Dilettante, Jakandor - Isle Bandit, Chirurgeon, Companion, Guildsman, Scribe, Cultist, Jurist, Pantheist, Philosopher, of Destiny Thanhotepic, Guardian Masque of the Cavalryman, Charlatan, Dandy, Detective, Explorer/Scout, Journalist, Labourer, Medium, Red Death Metaphysician, Parson, Physician, Qabalist, Sailor, Scholar, Shaman, Spiritualist Acrobat, Amazon, Animal Master, Assassin, Barbarian, Beggar, Cavalier, Diplomat,
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