AD&D™ Trading Cards— TSR staff Issue # 180 Insert Your preview of the 1992 series is here in this issue! Vol. XVI, No. 11 April 1992 OTHER FEATURES Publisher Not Quite the Frontispiece — Ken Widing James M. Ward 9 Our April Fool’s section wandered off. Just enjoy. Suspend Your Disbelief! — Tanith Tyrr Editor 10 Maybe it’s fantasy, but your campaign must still make sense! Roger E. Moore Not Another Magical Sword!?! — Charles Rodgers Fiction editor 14 Why own just any old magical sword when you can own a legend? Barbara G. Young Role-playing Reviews — Rick Swan 18 A good day for the thought police: three supplements on psionics. Associate editor Dale A. Donovan Your Basic Barbarian — Lee A. Spain 24 So your fighter has a 6 intelligence. Make the most of it. Editorial assistant Wolfgang H. Baur Hot Night in the Old Town — Joseph R. Ravitts 28 If your cleric thinks his home life is dull, wait till the DM sees this! Art director Colorful Connection — Raymond C. Young Larry W. Smith 34 What’s the puzzle within this puzzle? A fantasy crossword for gamers. Production staff The Voyage of the Princess Ark — Bruce A. Heard Gaye O’Keefe Angelika Lokotz 41 What happens when a D&D® game character dies? Tracey Zamagne Mary Chudada Your Own — Robin Rist 52 When funds run low in your gaming club, it’s time for a fund-raising Subscriptions adventure. Janet L. Winters The Role of Computers — Hartley, Patricia, and Kirk Lesser U.S. advertising 57 A visit with Dr. Brain, Elvira, and the Simpsons. Roseann Schnering Novel Ideas — Will Larson and Pat McGilligan 66 Two new trilogies are launched from the two popular settings. U.K. correspondent and U.K. advertising The Power of the Pen — The editors Bronwen Livermore 68 Tell us what you think, and win big! A readers’ survey—with prizes. The Dragon’s Bestiary — Spike Y. Jones 70 A goat that knocks down walls, and a lizard that knocks down everything. Murder Most Fowl — fiction by Deborah Millitello 82 The goose that laid the golden eggs is dead—and almost everyone has a motive to kill it. Wear Your Best Suit! — Justin Mohareb 95 The best defense is a battlesuit in the MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ game. The Wanderers — Jerold M. Stratton 98 Wouldn’t it be nice to have logical random-roll encounter tables? Through the Looking Glass — Robert Bigelow 112 Is it real, or is it one of Saddam’s decoys? Notes on Desert Storm gaming.

D EPARTMENTS 5 Letters 63 Convention Calendar 102 Dragonmirth 6 Editorial 77 Sage Advice 104 Twilight Empire 37 Forum 92 TSR Previews 108 Gamers Guide COVER There’s nothing like getting the gang together with a dragon and some stolen treasure to make a dwarf’s day perfect. Our cover artist, Dan Frazier, reveals a cheerful romp in a dungeon corridor over the ownership of some loot.

4 APRIL 1992 DRAGON® Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is published monthly by TSR, Inc., P.O. Box 756 (201 Sheridan Springs Road), Lake Geneva WI 53147, United States of America. The postal address for all materials from the United States of America and Canada except subscription orders is: DRAGON® Magazine, P.O. Box 111, (201 Sheridan Springs Road), Lake Geneva WI 53147, U.S.A.; telephone (414) 248-3625. fax (414) 248-0389. The postal address for all materials from Europe is DRAGON Magazine, TSR Ltd., 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton, Cam- bridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom; telephone: (0223) 212517 (U.K.), 44-223-212517 (international); telex: 818761: fax (0223) 248066 (U.K.), 44-223-248066 (international). Distribution: DRAGON Magazine is available from game What did you think of this issue? Do you have scores of STR 25, DEX 23, CON 18, INT 23, WIS and hobby shops throughout the United States, Canada, the a question about an article or have an idea for a 18, CHAR 16 are weak. It drives me crazy. Since United Kingdom, and through a limited number of other new feature you’d like to see? In the United overseas outlets. Distribution to the book trade in the United there’s no other campaigns in my area, what States is by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random States and Canada, write to: Letters, DRAGON® should I do? House of Canada, Ltd. Distribution to the book trade in the Magazine, P.O. Box 111, Lake Geneva WI 53147, United Kingdom is by TSR Ltd. Send orders to: Random U.S.A. In Europe, write to: Letters, DRAGON House, Inc., Order Entry Department, Westminster MD 21157, . . . Please make twenty copies of this letter U.S.A.; telephone: (800) 733-3000. Newsstand distribution Magazine, TSR Ltd., 120 Church End, Cherry and see what happens in four days. The chain throughout the United Kingdom is by Comag Magazine Hinton, Cambridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom. comes from South Venezuela and was written Marketing, Tavistock Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7QE. United Kingdom, telephone: 0895-444055. by a missionary from South America. Since the Subscriptions: Subscription rates via second-class mail are copy must make a tour of the world, you must as follows: $30 in U.S. funds for 12 issues sent to an address in make twenty copies and send them to your the U.S. or Canada: £21 for 12 issues sent to an address within Unanswerables friends and associates. After a few days, you the United Kingdom; £30 for 12 issues sent to an address in Europe, $50 in U.S. funds for 12 issues sent by surface mail to will get a surprise. . . . any other address, or $90 in U.S. funds for 12 issues sent air The following are short excerpts from letters mail to any other address. Payment in full must accompany all orders; include checks or money orders made payable to that were actually received by the editors of My character’s name is “Brogg.” He is a 475th- TSR, Inc., or charges to valid MasterCard or VISA credit cards; DRAGON Magazine. Except for minor editing, level fighter with 2,078 hp. Brogg is immune to send subscription orders with payments to: TSR, Inc., P.O. Box they appear as they were written. everything except a +3 club. And I would like 5695, Boston MA 02206, U.S.A. In the United Kingdom, methods of payment include cheques or money orders made you to send me some new monsters that you payable to TSR Ltd., or charges to a valid ACCESS or VISA Dear Dragon, think could defeat him! He has killed almost all credit card; send subscription orders with payments to TSR Why isn’t there a table or something for of the arch-devils, dragons, etc. He has killed Ltd., as per that address above. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. The issue of expiration of each subscrip- falling in love? I mean, if you look through the everything in the I and II, and tion is printed on the mailing label of each subscriber’s copy of Monster Manuals, you find some rather cute the ® tome. the magazine. Changes of address for the delivery of subscrip- beasties such as the dryad, sprite, alu demon, tion copies must be received at least six weeks prior to the effective date of the change in order to assure uninterrupted Glasya, and nereids. But, of course, there’s those My question is, what characteristics do I get delivery. girls in the group who have 18 comeliness. But with dwarf/human offspring? (Dwarven females Back issues: A limited quantity of back issues is available my DM just doesn’t look like the kind of guy are in short supply.) What are the differences from either the TSR Mail Order Hobby Shop (P.O. Box 756, Lake Geneva WI 53147, U.S.A.) or from TSR Ltd. For a free who would put something like that in our between half-brother PCs with the same half- copy of the current catalog that lists available back issues, group. You see, there’s this girl elf in our group father but with a human mother and an elf write to either of the above addresses. who really makes me weak in the knees. Oh, mother? What do I do if my crazy chaotic Submissions: All material published in DRAGON Magazine becomes the exclusive property of the publisher, unless special well, just send me a table if there is one, though dwarven baron succeeds in his siege of the arrangements to the contrary are made prior to publication. I seriously doubt it. elven dowager viscountess’s castle? My worst- DRAGON Magazine welcomes unsolicited submissions of P.S. If there is a table, could you rig it so that case scenario is a character whose grandparents written material and artwork; however, no responsibility for such submissions can be assumed by the publisher in any female elves fall in love with 9th-level assassins? include a half-elf, a stout , a half-, and event. Any submission accompanied by a self-addressed, a dwarf. Any help on these genetic problems stamped envelope of sufficient size will be returned if it cannot This paper was sent to you for good luck. The would be appreciated. be published. We strongly recommend that prospective authors write for our writers’ guidelines before sending an article to us. original is in New England. The luck has been In the United States and Canada, send a self-addressed, sent to you. You will receive good luck within Is it possible for you to send me a complete stamped envelope (9½” long preferred) to: Writers’ Guidelines, four days of receiving this letter, provided in list of the prices of slaves you can buy? c/o DRAGON Magazine, as per the above address; include turn you send it on. This is no joke. You will sufficient American postage or International Reply Coupons A friend of mine wrote to you and asked you with the return envelope. In Europe, write to: Writers’ Guide- receive good luck in the mail. An R.A.F. officer lines, c/o DRAGON Magazine, TSR Ltd; include sufficient received $470,000.00. Joe Elliot received if he could have a half-cat character (like in return postage or IRCs with your SASE. $40,000.00 and lost it because he broke the Thundercats). And I was wondering if you said Advertising: For information on placing advertisements in that he could have them in the DUNGEONS & DRAGON Magazine, ask for our rate card. All ads are subject chain. to approval by TSR, Inc. TSR reserves the right to reject any ad DRAGONS® role-playing game? I was also won- or any reason. In the United States and Canada, contact: dering if he could also use all the weapons from Advertising Coordinator, TSR, Inc., P.O. Box 756, 201 Sheridan I am sending you a copy of my 215th-level Springs Road, Lake Geneva WI 53147, U.S.A. In Europe, magic-user/fighter, Sharmal. Will you send me a Thundercats—e.g., +5 claw shield or a sword of omens? Because he said that you said he could. contact: Advertising Coordinators, TSR Ltd. remodified copy of him telling me what is legal Advertisers and/or agencies of advertisers agree to hold TSR, Inc. harmless from and against any loss or expense from and illegal about the character? If a werewolf had sex with a human woman, is any alleged wrongdoing that may arise out of the publication of there a chance she would contract lycanthropy? such advertisements. TSR, Inc. has the right to reject or cancel One of my PCs fell in love with an NPC who is any advertising contract for which the advertiser and/or agency a silver dragon. He accepts her for what she is. Keep getting those great cover paintings. of advertiser fails to comply with the business ethics set forth in ( would be welcome to tattoo my such contract. They have been married for some time now and DRAGON is a registered trademark of TSR, Inc. Registration want to know if it is possible to have a child. back!) applied for in the United Kingdom. All rights to the contents of this publication are reserved, and nothing may be reproduced When you’ve got a three- garage, from it in whole or in part without first obtaining permission in Have you ever taken a shower with a person keep gold dragons as pets, and rule a kingdom writing from the publisher. Material published in DRAGON® who has been mauled by a tiger? I have. Magazine does not necessarily reflect the opinions of TSR, Inc. when you’re not moonlighting as an assassin of Therefore, TSR will not be held accountable for opinions or gods, it’s easy to forget that you started out with mis-information contained in such material My friend and I have an idea for a submission a broad, or maybe a long sword, and some ® designates registered trademarks owned by TSR, to your magazine concerning cross-breeding of chain mail, and a dungeon. Inc. ™ designates trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Most other product names are trademarks owned by the races (e.g., half-troll, half-umber hulk, etc.) and companies publishing those products. Use of the name of we would sure like a copy of your writer’s My house was minor damaged by Tiamat and any product without mention of trademark status should guidelines when I almost killed her she alway go back to not be construed as a challenge to such status. the 9 plains of hell. This happens about 3 times ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Second-class postage paid at Lake Geneva, Wis., I have a problem. The only campaign in my every 6 months in D&D terms. I want to put a U.S.A., and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send area cheats like hell. They make up stupid rules stop to her coming and destroying my house, address changes to DRAGON Magazine, TSR, Inc., P.O. friends, and most importantly my hit points. Box 111, Lake Geneva WI 53147, U.S.A. USPS 318-790, (such as sex drive), and they don’t use most of ISSN 0279-6848. the real rules (such as THAC0, saving throws, Can you tell me how. and experience points). Their characters get to the 40th level in one week. The DM says ability Continued on page 120

DRAGON 5 Communication: The character should ideally be able to communicate with the rest of the adventuring group, meaning that the player can simply talk with the other gamers and the game mas- ter to make his character’s words and deeds clear. However, many game systems hamper communication between charac- ters because of language difficulties. Mute, deaf, or blind characters might also have trouble making themselves understood, and if they cannot read or write, either, then they are in a fix. If a player has a character who relies on pantomime or sign language, the GM might require the player to perform the same actions as his Artwork by Michael Ferman character in order to see if anyone else understands what the character is saying (this could turn into an amusing party The centaur of attention game even under the pressure of a dan- gerous encounter—perhaps especially then!). Once upon a time, there was a happy standards for what it accepts as legitimate Optionally, the character might not want gnome thief with light fingers, a magical character types. As has been discovered to communicate with the rest of the dragonfly, and a human girlfriend. He had by many gamers around the world, how- group. If the character is silently and it all, as far as he was concerned, but later ever, such rules are usually flexible invisibly following the other adventurers, events proved that it wasn’t enough. One enough to allow for even weirder charac- he would need only to communicate with day he got himself killed out in the wilder- ters than the designers imagined. Some the GM to make his actions known. ness when no clerics were about except games, like TSR’s ® sys- Though the other players know that the for one old druid who muttered some tem, allow for incredibly bizarre charac- “missing” character’s player is present phrases, waved his hands, and had the ters including robots and mutant animals (unless that part is a secret, too, with the gnome reincarnated. Then there was no and plants, many of which are perfectly player being secluded in another room or gnome at all; instead, there was a groggy playable even if they aren’t human at all. even in another home, communicating eagle wearing gnome clothes. (An insectoid thri-kreen from the AD&D with the GM by phone during breaks in It took time for the ex-gnome to get used ™ campaign and an amoeboid the main action), their characters won’t to his new form. He lost his girlfriend and Dralasite from TSR’s ® have the faintest clue unless the hidden thief skills, of course, and he gave away game are completely nonhuman but usea- character has a dose of bad luck. In most his magical dragonfly, but after a while he ble within their respective rules.) Face it: games, this situation might occur if the began to like being an eagle. It wasn’t bad In terms of game mechanics, you can hidden character is a thief, a spy, or a at all to soar thousands of feet over the make a toaster with arms and legs just as secret benefactor who helps the heroes party, to see encounters miles away, to effective a character as anything else. without their knowledge. Perhaps he is dive on with claws outstretched and A few general game-mechanics limits are forbidden to speak with the other charac- to fly so fast that arrows could barely usually observed in order for a novel ters thanks to some sort of spell or reli- catch him. So eagle he stayed, for many character in any role-playing game system gious belief. Perhaps, however, the exciting adventures. The moral of this to become a playable one—but, as shall be character is by nature unable to communi- story is: Hey, why not? noted, even these “laws” may be violated, cate effectively, being transformed into a The eagle was one of my characters in at least for a short period of time. pack mule, a bird, or the like. (The eagle in an AD&D® game played long ago. About the introduction was able to use telepathy, half the AD&D game groups I’ve been Intelligence: All characters in any role- so it didn’t count.) Perhaps it even started with have featured at least one oddball playing game, even barbarians (and even the game as an animal or other being that player character that you’d never have toaster characters in Steve Jackson Games’ could not speak. imagined would be allowed in the game. TOON* game, as noted in the editorial in In the long run, a character who cannot As long as the character isn’t some sort of issue #178), are assumed to have at least communicate with other characters is not godling, things often work out just fine enough intelligence to plan out what they much fun to play. On short-term missions (even extreme circumstances can be toler- want to do in their next game turn. Of all this isn’t as much of a problem, and if ated for an adventure or two). Some the basic necessities for oddball charac- cleverly run it adds much spice to the groups have more trouble with cavaliers ters, this one is the least likely to be dis- goings-on. I wouldn’t recommend more from the AD&D 1st Edition game than carded (though I’m sure some people who than one PC being incommunicado during they have with centaur archers, dryad play barbarians and toasters will take an adventure, as the adventure then be- wizards, or aquatic-elf clerics. issue with me). If a character is too dumb comes nothing more than an endless Every role-playing game has different to think, it’s too dumb to be played. string of notes being passed to the GM

6 APRIL 1992 with no one knowing what’s going on. so several potentially good games managed magical items, and he could always use Manipulative ability: The character to get out of hand. favors from other group members or from should be able to use tools, weapons, or By compatible power, I mean that no one the people they rescued. I also used to magical powers that allow it to alter its character can control the actions of other play a high-level half-ogre fighter who no environment. This broad statement in- characters or handle the majority of all longer cared about collecting either expe- cludes things like beating up monsters, conflicts and problems the group faces as rience or treasure, simply enjoying the picking up treasure, fixing armor, catching a whole. If someone is so powerful as to thrill of pitting himself against terrible food, writing letters, drawing maps, etc. make the rest of the group redundant on foes (I’ve played a silver dragon and sev- However, you might have situations in an adventure, that character is too power- eral neutral ogres for the same reason). which a character is unable to use his ful. Anyone should be able to run a char- hands (being restrained or injured) or has acter significantly weaker than most Given these seven characteristics and no hands at all (being a nonhuman animal others if he wants, however, as this could the knowledge that you can fudge with or robot). Even a tentacle can be a blessing provide interesting role-playing opportuni- several of them and still get an enjoyable if it can flip off a light switch or carry a ties. How well would a 1st-level halfling and playable character, you can come up dagger or gun; my eagle could use his thief cope with an AD&D adventure in with some very interesting roles for your claws and beak to pick up and carry which everyone else is 20th level? Maybe next gaming session. If someone has a things. the thief has some use after all (“Hey, let paladin, would someone else like to role- Playing a character with limited or no me open the door, okay? I can check for play his talking war horse or Pegasus? If manipulative ability is a real challenge. A traps!”). Maybe the weakest character has someone has a wizard, would someone paladin in a long-ago AD&D game was something that gives him more power, or else like to play her brownie or pseudo- transformed into a giant cockroach for has a mission that no one else can accom- dragon familiar? The CREATURE smart-mouthing a deity; it was quite amus- plish (what did Bilbo and Frodo Baggins CRUCIBLE™ accessories for the D&D® ing to see how he got around for the next do, after all?). game each offer a wide assortment of two weeks of game time, being unable to If the player is trustworthy, other group unusual character races, and past articles open doors, carry weapons, etc. A charac- members might let him play a very power- in DRAGON® Magazine have given such ter with no way to handle things might ful character if his actions are constrained variant AD&D game races as half-ogres still prove useful as a scout or advisor. so as to make other characters important. (issue #22), winged folk (#51), centaurs Consider an SF-game character who is a Gandalf traveled with some dwarves and a (#103 and #105), half-dryads and half- computer, unable to move about but able hobbit, I recall, and everyone was impor- (#109), aquatic elves (#116), aarako- to speak with the other heroes through tant to the adventure at Lonely Mountain cra (#124), and humanoids (#141). The radios and able to see what’s going on by in some way. Perhaps the most powerful RPGA™ Network has had AD&D tourna- watching television pictures sent by small character in a group might be a female ments in which all of the characters were cameras carried by the heroes or mounted golden dragon who has secretly assumed lycanthropes, animals, monsters, plants, or on the group’s car. Game editor Anne human shape to rescue her children from undead revenants (they died in the first Brown recalls an adventure using a dungeon, but she cannot assume dragon round and were brought to unlife in the Chaosium’s CALL OF CTHULHU* game in shape in narrow corridors; she might look second to complete their mission). In one which her brother-in-law’s investigator for competent fighters and thieves to adventure, only one character was human literally lost his body. The hero became an assist her, but she’ll otherwise act like a and the rest were his sentient magical insubstantial, invisible presence that was wizard. Perhaps the toughest character is items. unable to pick up any object or even com- a cursed monster (a ki-rin or a deva, may If you’re looking for more ideas on bi- municate with other group members be) or a high-level cleric forced to do peni- zarre characters, check out other role- unless he was allowed to temporarily tence and limit his abilities. In any event, playing games and see what they offer. possess an investigator. However, he made he can’t finish the adventure on his own— Some recent horror games allow the char- a dandy spy, being able to pass through he needs some helping hands. acters to become vampires, but even a solid objects and report back later about Cohesiveness: The ability of a charac- vampire is pretty normal compared to traps and monsters lurking ahead of the ter to work on group goals with low fric- certain SF aliens such as the Hiver from group. tion is very important. In a long-term GDW’s MEGATRAVELLER* game. I once Movement: The character should be campaign, this quality ranks second in tried to talk a GM into letting a friend and able to move about in the game world importance for a playable character only me role-play a two-headed giant, with each with the other characters, sensing what to intelligence. Granted, amusing adven- of us running half the giant; maybe you’ll they do and able to go where they go. tures can be had with set-ups like West have better luck than I did. However, there are exceptions like the End Games’ PARANOIA* system, in which The next time you’re in the mood to computer in the SF game mentioned previ- everyone is a traitor out to sell out every- experiment and bend a few role-playing ously, or a sentient plant or crystalline life one else for personal gain, and this idea rules just to see what happens, give this a form. An intelligent sword in a fantasy works well for most short-playing adven- try. You may have to spend a little time game could move about only if someone tures. But if the players genuinely don’t figuring out just what a sentient holy carried him (unless it was capable of trust each other in a serious setting, the sword or think tank can do to make itself “dancing” —fighting an opponent on its gaming group will fall apart and is very useful as a character, but the time might own—or could control a flesh golem or unlikely to be resurrected. well be worth the effort. After all, role- unintelligent monster). In one game in Rewards: In almost every game sys- playing is only a game, and games are which I took part, one character was a tem, characters have the chance to gain meant to be fun. cleric who was cursed to remain only 6” some sort of reward for their deeds, be it tall; he had his own special carrying case experience points, karma points, higher when the group had to move along at a ability and skill scores, better combat and rapid rate. defensive abilities, more hit points, more Compatible power: One player in an spells, or whatever. Even if the character early game I refereed had a demigod char- cannot gain bonuses to his personal statis- acter who constantly caused problems for tics, he can gain money, treasure, prop- * indicates a product produced by a company other other player characters. Had I used any erty, personal favors, wishes, and fame, than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks smarts in the matter, I would have simply and the player gains the enjoyment of owned by the companies publishing those products. The use of the name of any product without mention banned his character from play in my outwitting the GM. My eagle took the of its trademark status should not be construed as a games, but I was a novice and didn’t do it, treasure route as he could use certain challenge to such status.


by Tanith Tyrr Artwork by Joseph Pillsbury

Too many Dungeon Masters construct able and consistent manner. I can say: anced ecology with a specific prey or plant their AD&D® adventures arbitrarily, creat- “Okay, magical spells exist in this reality. population to support them; encounter ing cities, monsters, and characters with- What I cannot do is allow them to be tables should reflect this. It takes a large, out rhyme or reason. Cities spring up out thrown around in a careless fashion. Only steadily breeding population of prey ani- of thin air, built by the whims of the DM certain people—mages—can cast these mals to support one predator, and in any and populated with inhabitants who ap- spells after years of hard work and sacri- given area, it is a lot more likely that a parently eat leaves and dirt as no arable fice, and they must perform certain spe- party will meet a deer or other prey ani- farmland is in sight. The citizens spend all cific gestures and rituals to cast them. mal than a giant lizard or other predator. their time hanging out in taverns and Such spells take energy, and some of them How did your monster evolve? Is it a offering the party gold and magical trea- cause a reaction in the body of the mage.” I natural beast that simply occupies a con- sures to defeat evil monsters who romp have now established a reasonable set of venient environmental niche, or is it a around in empty dungeons, apparently rules for the use of magic, a sort of magical monster whose race was originally eating cave moss and stray adventurers pseudo-physics, and as long as I do not created by an insane sorcerer’s experi- since dungeons can’t support balanced violate them, my players can enjoy suspen- ment? If your monster is an intelligent ecological systems. The dungeons, of sion of disbelief. humanoid, what sort of a cultural back- course, consist of numerous underground A fantasy role-playing game usually ground and codes of behavior does it rooms connected by twisting tunnels, all provides a reasonably coherent system of have, and how do these influence its inter- built by little elves or dwarves or what- magic-use. Sticking to that system in a action with the PCs? If people think the ever solely to harbor monsters and store consistent manner and making the events monster is a threat, why is it a threat in treasure for adventurers to discover. in your fantasy world fit those rules of the first place? If you can’t justify a mon- If this sounds painfully familiar, then magic will go a long way to making your ster’s existence, you seriously jeopardize you or your DM is missing something that campaign a believable one. If an event your players’ suspension of disbelief. would be called a plot if we were dealing violates the magic system (for example, an with a literary adventure instead of one enemy mage goes invisible with a snap of Character consistency for a role-playing game. Plots are what his fingers instead of chanting the usual Nonplayer characters also deserve logi- give motivation to the player characters words and making spell-casting gestures), cal consistency in a game. If they are well- and, ultimately, give continued life to a there should be a good reason for it (per- drawn and colorful, with realistic motives campaign. haps the enemy mage has developed a and distinctive personalities, they are powerful invisibility spell). eagerly accepted as “real” by the players. Do you believe in magic? An antipaladin who kills innocents and One of the most important elements of a Three-dimensional monsters pulls wings off butterflies just because he’s plot, albeit an unseen and subtle one, is An area where suspension of disbelief is eeevil isn’t believable as a villain. Villains called suspension of disbelief. It allows a necessary but seldom invoked is in the can be totally psychotic, be vengeful of a reader or player to pick up a story line creation of “monsters!” I can easily accept past defeat or injury, worship a fiend who and accept the existence of things not that there are magical creatures if I have demands sacrifices in exchange for favors, known to exist, like ghosts, fairies, magic, accepted the existence of magic. What I or just be hungry for wealth or power; a starships, or aliens. Suspension of disbelief cannot accept is that they apparently run motiveless villain who is bad “just because” allows this to happen without spoiling the around in underpopulated dungeons and strains belief to its limits. Unintelligent reader’s or player’s enjoyment by making wildernesses with nothing to eat but the monsters’ motives are usually pretty sim- him stop and think, “Hey, that isn’t real. occasional adventurer. The excuse that ple: They attack you because they are Fireball spells don’t exist.” Logical consist- they’re magical, so they don’t need to eat, Neutral Hungry. Intelligent monsters ency in your adventures enables your drink, or go to the bathroom, just doesn’t should have correspondingly more com- players to enjoy this suspension of disbe- make it. plex motives, ranging from defending lief and empathize with the ghost, alien, or If your monsters are intelligent, each their territory or young to robbing you of fairy character that has no actual exist- monster race should have a culture with your goods and gold (if these creatures ence except in the author’s imagination. specific codes of appearance and social appreciate the value of such things). Logical consistency means you don’t behavior, and probably a religion or crea- Even good-aligned people or creatures violate the rules that you have set for your tion myth that justifies its social structure can be violently opposed to the party for universe. If you have established that or lack thereof. If the monsters are not various reasons, such as fanatical belief in magic works, it ought to work in a reason- intelligent, they had better fit into a bal- a cause, disputes over land or property

DRAGON 11 rights, or a clash of cultures. To a typical in rank. ducts. Said waste byproducts hit the pro- elf or druid, the idea of land ownership An isolated city or group might develop verbial fan when one of the heroes of the might be utterly laughable. Who could a specific and unique culture, perhaps books released Ellegon and left the city possibly own Mother Earth? Any farming similar to that of feudal Japan, which was without a viable sewage system. The city’s culture will disagree, and disputes might based on honor and elaborate social rit- rulers then had to pay outrageous sums to then arise over land use. The , a uals. A bit of forethought can add a great clerics and mages to magically incinerate small mischievous race detailed in the deal of local color to your city and the the garbage, or have the streets piled ® books, don’t even recog- characters within it, making them easier malodorously high in no time. DMs can nize individual property rights, and nei- to role-play. take their pick of methods, but should not ther does the Innuit (Eskimo) culture of An oft-neglected detail in the construc- ignore the issue altogether. our own world. These and other cultural tion of cities is a fixed water supply, criti- differences can lead to problems and cal to any agrarian culture. Where is the Magical deus ex machina result in no lack of challenges for the water, how do the people send it to the Another serious impediment to achiev- party. city, and what happens if it fails? And ing a successful suspension of disbelief is what about sewage? No humanoid group deus ex machina, which is the use by an Urban organization of 20 or more can exist for long in one author or of any event, The cities and villages you create for place without a consistent way to dispose item, or being to solve a messy situation in your world should have a practical econ- of their wastes. This is one of the main a simplistic and very unconvincing man- omy, usually based on some surplus of reasons why hunter/gatherer cultures ner. This appears as an arbitrary plot production, be it cattle, grain, or rare have to move around a lot—not to follow device when seen in fantasy novels, or a magical herbs. The government should be game, but to escape garbage. Medieval conveniently placed magical item when congruent with the local economy and cities either solved that problem with seen in fantasy games. A horrendous cultural values. An elven culture might be some sort of sewage disposal system or profusion of such “convenient” items, nature-oriented and freewheeling, disdain- else stank horribly and were filthy and acquired from “Monty Haul” DMs, adorns ing authority. A human village might be disease-ridden. the character sheets of many players, crop-and-cattle oriented and highly class- Of course, with the assumption of work- making a 3rd-level thief a walking arsenal conscious, ruled by a council of merchant ing magic, the water supply or sewage comparable to a SWAT team. (“What? You elders or experienced farmers. An orcish system can be creatively supernatural. A have two wands of Orcus?”) Even without culture might be based on fighting prow- good example of this is depicted in the the problem of Monty Haul referees, a ess and a military hierarchy, and its rulers Guardians of the Flame novels by Joel character who has played in enough cam- might change monthly or yearly, as the Rosenberg. In the city of Pandathaway, a paigns will eventually pick up a lot of assassination of superiors might be consid- baby dragon named Ellegon was chained magical treasure. One or two magical ered a socially acceptable way to move up in a pit to burn the city’s waste bypro- items in the party can add creative spice to the game, giving the players more options to use in surmounting their challenges, but one or two items for every occasion is a sure plot-killer. Try this quick trivia quiz: How many magical items were there among the entire party in The Lord of the Rings or The Sword of Shannara, or any other major fantasy novel for that matter? The answer is, invariably, “not many!” Why? Such items ruin the plot if at every hint of danger the heroes can whip out a magical thingamajig and neatly extricate themselves from any predicament. The vulnerability of the heroes who strain against overwhelming odds works in their favor to create an enjoyable plot. Published authors know that walking arsenals and arbitrary adven- tures will bore the waste byproducts out of their audience, and they don’t inflict them on their readers. Many game ref- erees would do well to emulate those authors.

Finding a balance between keeping up the willing suspension of disbelief and keeping the adventures exciting isn’t al- ways easy, but it is well worth doing, as any published author can tell you. So why isn’t this principle valid in fantasy gaming as well as fantasy writing? Should it even apply to gaming at all? If you want to treat the D&D or AD&D system as a game in which the whole point is to garner trea- sure and magic and beat up the monsters, then probably not. If you treat your cam- paigns as interactive adventures, with your PCs as part of the plot, then the answer is most emphatically yes.

12 APRIL 1992

14 APRIL 1992 Even the lowliest sword + 1 should be unique

by Charles Rodgers

Take #1: rust), damascus (layered steel). language? Is the weapon usually found in GM: “Ahead, through the doorway, Other blade materials (magically a sheath, box, or some other type of con- Zandar sees a large reptilian shape.” strengthened): Crystal or glass (with glas- tainer? (The previous suggestions can help Player: “Zandar pulls out his sword.” steel), obsidian, ceramic, bone. you make these decisions quickly). GM: “Which one?” Blade shapes and features: Straight, Combat bonuses: All bonuses or penal- Player: “His sword +2, +5 vs. dragons.” curved, tapered, kris (wavy blade), blood ties to attack and damage are given here, CUT! grooves (fullers), notches. including those against special opponents Hand-guard materials: Brass, bronze, (e.g., lawful beings, dragons, shape chang- Though I have played D&D® and steel, nickel. ers, etc.). AD&D® games for the last 12 years, I still Hand-guard shapes: Arched snakes, Magical abilities: Here are detailed all have not seen adequate descriptive cover- clenched fists, clashing dragons, human or special powers granting detection abilities, age of the weapons detailed in fantasy godlike forms. light emission, dancing, sharpness, etc. gaming. Most players can name 20-40 Handle materials: Ivory, fossilized ivory, How and when such powers operate are different types of medieval weapons. Some antler, horn, human or monster bone, also described. players might also remember how their dragon teeth, ebony or exotic wood, mar- Intelligence: If the weapon is capable of characters obtained their current weap- ble, jade, leather-wrapped metal. thought, the intelligence score is given. ons. These same players, however, can’t Handle shapes and features: Straight, Ego: If the weapon has willpower, the tell you the specifics about those weapons tapered, fluted (with straight or spiral ego score is noted here. except for their official rule-book names grooves), prism (flat sides, not rounded), Alignment: The weapon’s alignment, if (e.g., sword +2, +5 vs. dragons). The hand-fitted, hollow (detachable pommel; any, is given here. artists who depict the weapons used by can hold small items like gems, coins, small Communication: All means of communi- our fantasy characters have been doing an tools, papers, liquid). cation that the weapon is capable of are excellent job. It is time for the writers and Pommel materials: Steel, crystal, or large given here, including spoken languages, gamers to catch up. gemstone (magically strengthened). empathy, telepathy, pointing, pulsating Most weapons outlast the characters Pommel shapes and features: Monster’s glow, or moving runes that form words wielding them, being passed on to fellow head, cross, skull, holy symbol, treetop, along the handle or blade. characters or subsequent generations. hand or paw, short blade. Personality: If the weapon is intelligent, Some of these weapons may be complex Accents: Word engravings, picture carv- has an ego, and can communicate, the enough to deserve their own record ings or etchings, magical runes, precious details of its habits, typical responses, likes sheets. Every weapon should have at least metal inlays, jewels and gems. and dislikes, and other personality notes a name. Even a high-quality dagger costing should be given as well, with notes on how 20 gp should receive a nickname from its The ® accessory, it is likely to interact with anyone who owner; names like Small Fry, Needle, or FR4 , has a few good exam- picks up the weapon or activates its Minimal might apply, ples of sword detail. I propose to take this powers. I also feel that not every weapon with a one step further and use the standardized Other: Other questions that need to be bonus to hit should be considered magical. outline that follows for swords and all answered concerning the new weapon A weapon might be superior in balance, other remarkable weapons: are: How can this weapon be destroyed or have an exceptionally keen edge, be of its powers reduced or negated? Is anyone superior workmanship, or boast exotic Name of weapon: This can be assigned currently seeking this weapon, and does steel in its blade. It might have special by the DM or given by the bearer of the someone already have it? What possible magical powers due to certain features on weapon. adventures involve this weapon? the weapon itself, though the blade is not Gold-piece value: This is the average itself magical. If characters use their non- value of the weapon if sold, provided a Two good blades magical weapons to pry open gates and suitable buyer can be found. What follows are examples of two weap- chests, these nonmagical bonuses won’t Legend: This part details the weapon’s ons using the format suggested in this last for long. Any weapon with bonuses of history: Where did the weapon originate? article. These are weapons from my own + 3 or more should exhibit some type of Are there others like it? Who made the campaign but have been slightly modified magical enhancement that was given for a weapon, and how? What is the age of the to fit the FORGOTTEN REALMS® cam- logical reason. weapon? Why was the weapon made? paign world, so that they might be more The following are just a few of the many Who were some of its previous owners? In useful to other gamers. possible materials to increase our options what great battles was the weapon used? on weapon detail. Be creative in the weap- Where was it last known to be? (Please Soulseeker ons used in your campaign. note that not all of a weapon’s legend will Gold-piece value: 7,500 gp necessarily be true; the legend reflects Legend: From the volcanoes of the Great Brainstorming blades what most people know of it.) Sand Sea come large amounts of lava, The following are suggestions for the Appearance: A precise verbal depiction some of which has large pieces of obsidian materials, shapes, and decorations for of the weapon should be given, answering in it. The desert nomads have learned the fantasy swords. After that is a format for questions like: How big is it? What materi- art of flint napping and have used obsidian detailing a magical blade and some ques- als were used in its making, and how? tips on their spears for centuries. Highly tions that should be answered when a DM What is the guard made of, and in what skilled artisans are able to make large creates any magical weapon for use in his configuration? What are the handle and blades for daggers. Soulseeker is such a campaign. pommel made of? What shapes and pat- blade. Steel-alloyed blade materials: Mithril, terns are present on the weapon? What A war fought deep in the ’s adamantite, stainless, high carbon (will writing, if any, is evident, and in what caverns resulted in the destruction of

DRAGON 15 many of the evil creatures involved. The as rock +2 and can be destroyed in any Alignment: N remains of some of the vilest fiends were number of ways. Two good-aligned Communication: Empathy. melted into a magical lava flow, forming churches, one assassins’ guild, and four Personality: Spellbinder is a bit of a snob an especially large chunk of obsidian. One adventuring parties are currently seeking and wants an owner that it cannot easily of the great blade makers used this piece this weapon to either destroy or make use control. In the past, Spellbinder has con- of obsidian to make Soulseeker. The name of this item. stantly kept on the move from owner to is derived from the fact that the fiends owner, forcing its user to trade it away if flesh in the blade is constantly seeking a Spellbinder he did not measure up to the sword’s soul for itself. This blade has killed many Gold-piece value: 10,000 gp standards. It is currently seeking an own- times and still seeks more souls. Legend: A warrior named Algor and a er who understands the schools of magic, The blade traveled from the Great Sand nameless, evil wizard decided to end their preferably a fighter-wizard. The weapon Sea to the trading cities. A blade collector feud of many years with a duel. Algor, wants to be polished often and kept in a in sent for the dagger, but realizing his magical inferiority, had a nice, gem-encrusted scabbard. Soulseeker never reached its destination special sword crafted that would absorb Other: The evil wizard who engineered because of a theft from a trading caravan. spells cast by an opponent. On the day of Algor’s death has since become a lich. As a The last known rumor is that the blade is the duel, Algor presumed he was now side interest, the lich has begun to look in the hands of Waterdeep’s black market, superior, but he should not have trusted into rumors of a sword matching the one perhaps having made its way to the city of an evil wizard to fight fair. At a decisive Algor used against it years ago, and it Skullport (from the Ruins of Undermoun- moment in their battle, the wizard was would like to obtain this weapon simply to tain boxed set and DRAGON® issue #172, joined by two of his evil cohorts. Simulta- add to its trophy collection. “Seeing the Sights of Skullport”). neously, all three blasted Algor with spells. Appearance: Soulseeker has a 20-cm Algor was annihilated, and his possessions With all of this information in mind, let’s glassy-black obsidian blade that is approxi- were thrown across space and time. Sev- revisit the opening scene in this article: mately 4 cm wide at the guard. The blade eral years and many miles away, a farmer was made using flint napping and has a found Algor’s sword in his field, and he Take #2: slow taper to the point. The handle is traded the blade for animals and equip- GM: “Ahead, through the doorway, made of fossilized ivory, the guard is gold ment. The sword has changed hands many Zandar sees a large reptilian shape.” with inlaid runes of onyx, and the butt cap times since. Spellbinder was once reported Player: “He unsheathes Drakedoom and is also of gold and onyx. The blade travels to have been offered as payment for a waves its kris blade before him.” in a silk-lined case made of ebony, with glass of ale in a tavern. Most of its owners GM: “His blade’s blue-marble handle gold hinges and a cover that is a thin sheet never realized Spellbinder’s full potential. gives off a soft fluorescent glow.” of translucent obsidian. Spellbinder was also known as Algor’s Player: “Ah, so the exquisitely sharp Combat bonuses: + 2 to hit; + 5 to damage Weakness after its history was made pub- edges of the sword will penetrate the Magical abilities: Soul stealing (see fol- lic by a wizard-sage. dragon’s scales!” lowing) on a failed saving throw vs. death Appearance: The extremely sharp GM: “Roll for initiative.” magic; detect evil/good in a 60’ radius; layered-steel blade is 120 cm long; overall, detect invisible objects in a 10’ radius; this well-balanced weapon measures 160 detect magic in a 30’ radius. cm. The blade has a single blood groove This blade has one of the sharpest edges and two bilateral notches near the base. available. Obsidian edges are prized by the The handle is of deeply fluted dragon nomad healers for use in surgical proce- bone with a gold ring at each end of the dures. The strongest power of Soulseeker flutes. The guard is curved toward the is its stealing of souls. Anyone who is hit point and ends in two claws grasping by the blade with a natural 20 must save crystalline spheres. The face of the guard vs. death magic or lose his soul to the has two large triangular sapphires with blade, dying at once. If the victim dies their points together. The pommel is coni- from a hit by the blade, his soul is auto- cal. If found, the crystal spheres will prob- matically taken into the blade, and the ably already be shattered or absent. creature cannot be resurrected. Only a Combat bonuses: + 2 to hit; + 3 to damage wish spell will bring back a soul and per- Magical abilities: Absorbs (as a rod of mit resurrection. Those of alignments absorption) up to 12 levels of wizard or other than that of the blade suffer 1d6 hp cleric spells (12 first-level spells, or six damage every round they touch any part second-level spells, etc.); detects magic in a of this weapon, unless they are its victim 30’ radius. and suffer damage as detailed otherwise. This sword can be wielded by members Intelligence: 17 of any alignment. The sword must be held Ego: 16 by its handle to absorb incoming spells; no Alignment: CE part of the hand can touch the blade or Communication: Speaks Common. guard. The crystal spheres absorb the Personality: Soulseeker makes no pre- spells, each sphere absorbing six levels. If tense of its true goals, but it is remarkably the wielder attempts to absorb more than seductive to any chaotic-evil being that this amount in a single round without grasps its hilt. It always tries to control its discharging some of the spell energy, the owner and urge him to slay victims at spheres shatter and the sword no longer every possibly turn, seeking all souls possi- absorbs any spell levels until the crystals ble, though it will encourage stealth and are replaced (they can be had at glassware duplicity to keep the killing spree going as shops for roughly 50 gp each, but enchant- long as it can. Soulseeker especially seeks ing each of the spheres with the proper victims of high level or high social stand- spells is quite a bit more expensive, requir- ing, gladly stealing the soul of a great ing a wizard of 16th level or greater). wizard, mayor, priest, or general. Intelligence: 12 Other: Soulseeker saves against attacks Ego: 11

16 APRIL 1992

Magic of the mind: three approaches to psionics

©1992 by Rick Swan

Here's my instant psionics system, in- tended for the AD&D® game but adapt- able to any fantasy role-playing game with a minimum of fuss. Using these simple rules, player characters can generate mental lightning bolts, communicate tele- pathically, and annoy their enemies with a startling variety of mental magic.

Role-playing games’ ratings

X Not recommended * Poor, but may be useful ** Fair *** Good **** Excellent ***** The best

18 APRIL 1992 1. Every wizard and priest spell has a Powers: Are there a variety of imagina- psionicist. Just as the fighter‘s abilities psionic equivalent, the only difference tive powers, effective enough to be fun to derive from strength and the wizards being that the name of the spell is pref- use but not so formidable as to unbalance talents stem from his intelligence, the aced by either “psi” or “mind,” as deter- a game? Are the effects of psionic powers psionicist’s skills are based on wisdom and mined by the Dungeon Master. For clearly distinguishable from magic spells? constitution. Beyond minimum wisdom, instance, blindness becomes Psiblindness, Psychic combat: Is there a clever constitution, and intelligence scores, and knock becomes Mindknock. system for staging psychic duels? Is psy- psionicist requirements aren’t significantly 2. At the beginning of each day, a PC chic combat an exciting contest in which more restrictive than for any other class. receives a number of Brain Cell Points opponents make meaningful choices with Though humans can attain higher levels of (BCPs) equal to his intelligence score. To dramatic results, or a tedious exercise in expertise, all races are eligible. Chaotic use a , he expends a number dice-rolling? characters, however, aren’t allowed to of BCPs equal to the power’s level. For Extras: These aren’t necessary, but they become psionicists, the rationale being instance, using Psiblindness costs 2 BCPs, are nice. Possibilities include role-playing that volatile chaotics lack the discipline while Mindknock costs 3 BCPs. tips for psionic characters, psionic NPCs required to focus their mental energies, 3. A psionicist uses his powers in the and organizations, and adventure outlines. It’s an understandable limitation in the same way as a wizard or priest casts Thankfully, the folks at TSR, Inc., May- context of the rules, but an unfortunate spells, except there aren’t any verbal, fair Games, and Steve Jackson Games have one in terms of drama, as it seems to somatic, or material components; the risen to the occasion with the release of eliminate the possibility of scenarios fea- powers come directly from his mind. The the supplements discussed here. Since turing psionic loonies on brain-blasting effects of a psionic power are identical to each book has a distinct emphasis and rampages, leveling villages and disintegrat- those of the corresponding spell. approach, and none is adaptable to all ing innocent bystanders. But you can’t 4. When a PC runs out of BCPs, he can’t styles of play, there’s no clear winner. have everything. use any more psionic powers. He recovers However, they’re all comprehensive, intel- Psionic powers are assigned to six disci- a full load of BCPs the next day. ligent, and entertaining treatments of a plines, roughly comparable to a wizards What’s that, you say? My system’s no topic that’s gotten the short shrift far too schools of magic or a priest’s spell spheres. good? Too simple-minded? Too much like often. Disciplines include clairsentience (compa- magic? No significant effect on the play of rable to the greater divination magic the game? school), psychokinesis (animating and Okay, you’re right—it stinks. But it’s only controlling existing objects and forces), marginally worse than the psionics sys- The Complete Psionics psychometabolism (body-changing tems in most RPGs. Designers often ac- Handbook ***½ powers), psychoportation (teleportation knowledge the potential of psionics by 128-page softcover book variants), telepathy (mental communica- including psionic-like elements in their TSR, Inc. $15 tion and psychic attacks), and metapsionics games, but they seldom come up with a Design: (monster updates by (enhancement of other psychic abilities). coherent, inventive approach to the con- Blake Mobley) Powers aren’t assigned levels like magic cept as a whole. Usually, the psionics sys- Editing: spells; rather, they’re designated as either tem turns out to be either just another Illustrations: Terry Dykstra, Dee Barnett sciences (major powers) or devotions magic variant (as in Palladium Games’ Graphic design: Stephanie Tabat (minor powers). As a psionicist gains expe- PALLADIUM ROLE-PLAYING GAME*, rience and advances in level, he acquires which makes a cursory attempt at distin- One of the curiosities in the AD&D 2nd more powers; for instance, a 1st-level guishing psionics from magic by using Edition revision was the absence of psi- psionicist has only one science and three inner strength points and mind mages, but onics rules. While nobody really believed devotions, but gets 10 sciences and 25 muddies the water with levels and saving that TSR would abandon the concept devotions if he makes it to 20th level. As a throws), just another collection of spells altogether (not with monsters like the psionicist rises through the ranks, he also (as in The Avalon Hill Game Company’s thought eater and cerebral parasite still gains access to defense modes, a concept RUNEQUEST* game, in which psionic- running loose in pre-existing AD&D cam- carried over from the 1st Edition rules but styled powers like mindlink and mind- paigns), I still doubt that anyone expected refined and clarified in this handbook. The speak are lumped in with the magic anything as radical as the The Complete defense modes are special telepathic system), or a set of vaguely defined rules . Considering that the powers, such as Mind Blank and Tower of bordering on the incomprehensible (as in 1st Edition rules amounted to little more Iron Will, which are received free of the AD&D 1st Edition game—I never did than an appendix in the Players Handbook charge and don’t count against a psioni- get the hang of attack and defense modes). with a few pages of combat rules in the cist’s normal power limits. So, what’s the problem? In a nutshell, Dungeon Masters Guide thrown in, a 128- Mechanics: The use of psionic powers psionics is too complex to be adequately page expansion may strike some as not involves a variant of the proficiencies covered in a skimpy appendix or a few only too much of a good thing but down- system developed in the 2nd Edition rules. paragraphs of optional rules. The topic is right intimidating. Is all this (groan) yet Each power has a score rated in terms of a rich enough to merit a full-length book another set of rules? particular attribute; Tower of Iron Will, that ideally should address all of the Not to worry. Most of the book consists for instance, has a Power Score of Wis following: of power descriptions; the rest is a - 2. When attempting to use a power, the Premise: What’s the rationale for psi- straightforward presentation of an easily player makes a Power Check by rolling onics in the campaign world? Who gets managed and highly playable system that 1d20 and comparing the result to the psionic powers, and why? Is psionics su- clears up the ambiguities in the 1st Edition Power Score. A roll less than or equal to pernatural or scientific; is it learned or game and adds a number of elegant new the Power Score means success; if the PC’s innate? Are there special psionic character touches. So appealing is the new approach wisdom score is 16, a roll of 14 or less is classes? What distinguishes psionics from that about an hour after I eased psionics needed to use Tower of Iron Will. Addi- magic? into my AD&D campaign, all four of my tionally, each power description includes a Mechanics: A good psionics game players were itching to abandon their specific penalty suffered by the psionicist system requires complete, understandable, long-standing fighters and wizards and if a 20 is rolled; if the Tower of Iron Will and logical rules for the acquisition and start from scratch as psionicists. roll is 20, the psionicist is unable to engage execution of psionic powers. The rules Premise: AD&D game psionics is now in psionic activity for 1d4 hours. should be self-contained and original, not the domain of an entirely new character A psionicist has a fixed number of Psi- clones of the magic system. class called, appropriately enough, the onic Strength Points, derived from his

DRAGON 19 wisdom score, to expend on psionic enemy. transfer and mind reading), telekinetics powers. Instead of memorizing spells like Extras: The book takes a no-nonsense, (matter manipulation), pyromancy (tem- a wizard or praying for magic like a priest, nuts and bolts approach to psionics, which perature and energy control, particularly a psionicist simply expends the number of means that it’s long on game mechanics as applied to fire), and empathy (emotional PSPs required by a particular power (6 and power descriptions but short on bonding). The somniomancy and pyroman- PSPs for Tower of Iron Will), then at- game-mastering advice and campaign cy schools are especially intriguing, having tempts a Power Check. If the check fails design. Aside from updates on psionic no clear parallels in any other psionics and the power doesn’t work, he forfeits monsters (including the thought eater and system that I know of. The spectacular half the PSP cost but is free to try again cerebral parasite), there’s not much here powers of the pyromancer make him as later. If he passes the check and the power in the way of extras. The discussion of formidable and as fun to play as any wiz- is successful, the psionicist has the option society’s reaction to psionicists is informa- ard, and though the somniomancer’s skills of expending additional PSPs to maintain tive but all too brief, and the section de- are a bit on the passive side, experienced the power in subsequent rounds. The scribing the role of psionics in role-players will find mastery of the school basic procedure is similar to the magic- ™ and other TSR campaign to be an appealing challenge. Unfortu- point system used in other fantasy games settings is frustratingly superficial. I’d nately, once a character decides to become (such as the RUNEQUEST game) and has have gladly traded a dozen or so power a psionicist, he must also declare his alle- the obvious advantage of increasing the descriptions for a chapter or two of adven- giance to a particular school, and having player’s options and giving him more ture outlines and role-playing tips. [See done so, he’s totally denied access to the control over his actions. DRAGON® Magazine issue #174 for “Are powers of all the other schools. It’s an- Psionicists recover lost PSPs every hour You Having Bad Thoughts?” an article by other puzzling, unnecessary limitation. in which no additional PSPs are expended. RAVENLOFT designer that Each school consists of six levels. As a The less physical exertion, the more PSPs details how psionics work in the Demi- psionicist becomes more experienced, he’s recovered; a walking PC recovers 3 PSPs plane of Dread.] able to use higher-level powers, not unlike per hour, and a resting PC recovers twice Evaluation: The triumph of The Com- a wizard or priest. Acquiring new powers as many. The recovery system makes plete Psionics Handbook is its clear deline- is by no means automatic; a psionicist sense, but it’s a pain to manage; not only ation of the differences between magic must spend 1-2 days in study with an must the DM keep track of time to the and psionics. The deceptively simple me- appropriate teacher (psionics can’t be hour (awkward even in the best of circum- chanics complement the rules for spell- learned from books or scrolls), then must stances), he also must estimate activity casters without slavishly copying them, practice for another 1-3 days per level of levels (difficult in complex encounters). I’d which makes playing a psionicist a unique the power. Whether he succeeds in mas- have preferred something along the lines and memorable experience. By assigning tering the skill depends on a die roll. If he of automatic recovery after a good night’s powers to sciences and devotions instead fails, he can try to learn the power again sleep. This reservation aside, the rules as a of levels, and allowing easy access to the when he advances to another level; if he whole are succinct, entertaining, and— disciplines, the rules give the psionicist a fails twice, he can never learn it. The best of all—distinct from those governing freedom of choice that the wizard and system makes the acquisition of new spell-casting. priest can only envy. powers less of a sure thing, which is an Powers: There are powers galore, over arguably more realistic approach than that 150 of them, some expected and pedestri- taken in The Complete Psionics Handbook, an (Enhanced Strength, Inflict Pain), oth- Psionics *** but it also requires a fair amount of book- ers wildly off-beat (Switch Personality, 128-page softcover book keeping, as somebody has to keep track of Hear Light, Psychic Surgery). Many push Mayfair Games Inc. $12 how many times each psionicist has at- the limits of what I consider to be mind- Design: Nigel Findley tempted to learn the various powers; in a associated effects, such as Flesh Armor Editing: Jeff R. Leason long campaign with a lot of psionicists, (the user’s skin turns to leather or plate Illustrations: Bob Giadrosich that can become real drudgery. mail) and Cause Decay (the user’s touch Cover art: David Dorman Mechanics: Psionicists use their rusts metal or rots wood), but that doesn’t powers by expending Mental Points (MPs); mean they’re not fun to use. I’m always A recent entry in Mayfair’s excellent the higher the level of the psionicist, the willing to give my credibility another ROLE AIDS* series, Psionics is literately more MPs he has to spend. A psionicist stretch in the name of a good time. More written and imaginatively conceived. fully recovers his MP allotment after six vexing is the clutter of powers that echo While the distinctions between psionics hours of rest. existing wizard and priest effects; Levita- and magic aren’t as well drawn as those in Except for the MP requirement, a psioni- tion, ESP, Teleport, and Clairaudience are The Complete Psionics Handbook, its cist employs a power in much the same minor variants on the similarly named unusual approach and provocative powers way as a wizard casts a spell—that is, if he magic spells. While no psionics system make it a viable alternative. knows it, if he isn’t interrupted, and if the would be complete without these, I can’t Premise: As in the TSR version, the target isn’t eligible for a saving throw, the help but wish that the designer had gone Mayfair psionicist is treated as a separate power generally succeeds. Though a the extra mile and come up with another character class, requiring a minimum psionicist with enough MP can use the twist or two to distinguish them from wisdom (or Insight, in ROLE AIDS-speak) same power repeatedly (unlike a wizard, their wizardly counterparts. of 13. Only humans are eligible for psionic who’s limited to the spells he’s memo- Psychic combat: Psychic combat skills; despite the litany of justifications for rized), psionics use doesn’t feel much merits its own chapter, good news for this (humans are better motivated than different from spell-casting; like a magic those of us who relish the idea of brain other races, elves and dwarves lack the spell, a psionic power involves the use of duels but have never figured out a satisfy- right type of brains, limiting psionics to verbal and somatic components, and there ing way to stage them. Unfortunately, the humans better balances the game), I’m not are no failure penalties or proficiency standard rules for adjudicating psionic convinced there’s any compelling need for checks comparable to those in The Com- clashes boil down to dice-tossing festivals; such a rigid restriction. Place limits on a plete Psionics Handbook. A few interesting the best rolls win, and that’s about it. demihuman’s psionic powers, if you must, options allow the psionicist to modify his Much better are the rules for telepathic but there’s no reason to deny a campaign powers (for instance, he can spend extra combat, an elaborate rock-scissors-stone the pleasure of an elven telepath. MPs to increase slightly the damage variant involving the play of defense and Psionic powers are sorted into five caused by attacks), but these rules have attack modes, and establishing partial schools: somniomancy (abilities related to only a modest effect on the fuzzy distinc- contact (called tangents) to destabilize the sleeping and dreaming), telepathy (thought tion between psionics and magic, which

20 APRIL 1992 remains the book’s weakest feature. resist translation to other game systems, a materializes solid objects inside an enemy’s Powers: Dozens of powers are includ- GM wanting to dig out the material specifi- body with appropriately grisly results. ed, a generous mix of the familiar (Know cally suitable for, say, a fantasy campaign Some of the techniques require a bit too Alignment, Telepathy) and the exotic has his work cut out for him. much number juggling for my taste. Con- (Walking Nightmare, Enforced Wakeful- Premise: Since the absence of charac- sider, for example, the use of the Telere- ness), with only a few truly dreary entries ter classes is a hallmark of the GURPS ceive ability. In a combat situation, a (such as Awaken, which allows the user to system, designer David Pulver treats psi- Telereceive attempt involves a Concentra- wake up a sleeping character without onics as just another collection of skills tion maneuver, application of the target’s touch or sound—big deal!). Despite the purchased as part of character design, Mind Shield and Strong Will factors, and a occasional vague description and a few too then modified by power levels (the general success roll of at least three points, which many similarities with magic spells (nei- potency of a skill), skill levels (a measure results in a +2 to the user’s active defens- ther Lightning Bolt nor Enlarge strike me of the character’s innate ability), enhance- es and a - 1 penalty to the target’s defens- as appropriate for a psionicist), it’s an ments (that increase a skills utility), and es. Additionally, the target may attempt to agreeable collection. limitations (that decrease utility). Distinc- counter the attempt by “fighting without Psychic combat: A clever diceless tions between a psionically skilled charac- planning,” which restricts the option to system simulates mental duels. The attack- ter and, for instance, a spell-caster are Feint and reduces the skill level by three, er secretly selects the type of attack he’s more likely to arise from actual role- unless the Combat Reflex modifier is appli- making, then declares the number of MPs playing than the rules themselves. That’s cable, in which case the skill is reduced by expended. The defender deflects the at- fine for hardcore players, but those com- two. That strikes me as a lot of work just tack by expending half the number of MPs fortable with rigid class definitions may to read someone’s mind. declared by the enemy, counterattacks by find the generic approach of the GURPS Powers: The GURPS Psionics book expending more MPs than the attacker, or game to be more frustrating than fun. tends to encourage the development of does nothing and takes damage. Presum- The GURPS Psionics book groups abili- previously acquired skills rather than the ing the referee monitors the action and ties into nine categories: antipsi (skills that greedy acquisition of new ones. Only keeps everyone honest, a combatant can neutralize other psionic characters), astral about 50 skills are included, and it’s a so-so never be sure how many MPs the other projection, electrokinesis (mental control collection; many duplicate the effects guy has or the type of attack he’s attempt- of computers and electronics), ESP heal- traditionally associated with magic spells ing, making for a fast-moving, exciting ing, psychic vampirism (skills that drain (Illusion, Healing, Lightning), and some are engagement. emotions, life forces, and dreams), psycho- mere variants of each other (Mental Blow Extras: In addition to power descriptions, kinesis (matter manipulation), telepathy, and Mental Stab, Autoteleport and Exotele- each school’s section features an informative and teleportation. The categories include port). The telepathy category has the discussion of the philosophy and combat varying numbers of skills; telepathy lists broadest and most interesting selection of techniques of the relevant practitioner, along more than 20, antipsi has a measly two. powers, ranging from Emotion Sense and with a selection of appropriate magical items Electrokinesis, psychokinesis, telepathy, Telescan, to Mindsword and Signature (incense of dreaming for the somniomancer, and teleportation cost five points per level, Sniffer. a ring of suppression for the telekineticist) and the rest cost three points. The pur- Psychic combat: With only the basic and a sample NPC. The final section includes chase of antipsi excludes the purchase of rules, a psychic duel conceivably could be a handful of short but engaging plot out- any other category. staged with only a handful of skill rolls, lines. Mechanics: In general, psionic abilities the results being quick and convincing but Evaluation: Though the book abounds require skill rolls, a concept familiar to not particularly dramatic. Using the ma- with interesting powers and role-playing GURPS game veterans. A successful roll neuvers described in the advanced tech- notes, the frustrating restrictions (one means the skill works as intended, a failed niques chapter, a psychic duel can become school per psionicist, for humans only) roll means the skill fizzles. Some skills may a full-blown game in itself; it took me a full makes it more useful as a source of ideas be resisted by the target, some cost the hour to stage a telepathic battle between than a set of rules. Surprisingly, despite user fatigue points, and some may be two reasonably skilled psionicists, and I the sizeable number of powers in both this sustained indefinitely if the skill rolls con- admittedly ignored or took a wild guess at and The Complete Psionics Handbook, tinue to be successful. If a skill fails against some of the more esoteric details. (Does there’s an insignificant amount of overlap, a particular target, the user may try again Player A’s character know Player B’s char- and elements of both could conceivably be in five minutes, but the attempt costs him acter well enough to earn a + 1 bonus for incorporated into the same campaign. a fatigue point and a penalty to his roll. He the Mental Blow skill? Beats me.) Whether can continue to expend fatigue points until this level of complexity is excruciating or the skill succeeds or he collapses from the exhilarating depends on the strength of * * *½ GURPS Psionics* game strain, a clever rule that appropriately your wrist (there’s a lot of die-rolling) and 128-page softcover book punishes a psionicist too stubborn to know your willingness to navigate a lot of tricky Steve Jackson Games $17 when to quit. rules. Once I got the hang of it, the system Design: David L. Pulver The chapter devoted to advanced tech- impressed me as the best of its kind, but Editing: Lloyd Blankenship, Creede Lam- niques is the books best feature, a fasci- it’s not recommended for the impatient. bard, Steve Jackson nating array of defensive and offensive Extras: Despite the detour into parapsy- Illustrations: Rick Harris, Charlie Wied- tactics. Rules for power tapping, chology (a superfluous chapter describing man, Doug Shuler, Evan Dorkin, Angela mindwipes, and telepathic gestalts include poltergeists and other scary stuff that Bostick, Rick Lowry, Mike Scott detailed examples of play, along with should have remained in the GURPS Hor- Cover art: David Patrick Menehan guidelines for adjudicating unusual situa- ror* game), the supplementary material is tions. (Wonder what happens when a first-rate. The psychotronics chapter cata- Based on concepts introduced in the psionicist teleports from his house to a logs an assortment of psi-tech devices in GURPS* Basic Set, the GURPS Psionics swimming pool? His living room fills with lavish detail, including dreamscanners, book offers an impressive and wide- water.) Those dismissing psionicists as psionic computers, and my favorite, psi- ranging smorgasbord of ideas adaptable to docile mind-readers will be surprised at berplas, an organic plastic that changes horror, science-fiction, and virtually any just how nasty a psi-warrior can be when shape into response to psychokinetic im- other role-playing genre. While considera- he employs the offensive techniques de- pulses. Equally fascinating are the brain bly more ambitious than the TSR and scribed here; Deathscream, for instance, tissue grafts, psiborgs, and symbiotic Mayfair books, the GURPS Psionics book is rattles the brains of everyone in the imme- crystals featured in the bio-psi chapter, also less focused; not only do the rules diate area, while Combat Exoteleport any of which could serve as a springboard

DRAGON 21 for a compelling adventure. essays discussing behavior and customs There’s more. The chapter devoted to (ever wonder how a copper dragon cele- psionic NPCs describes both the obvious brates his 51st birthday?) makes for a (the mystic, the ghost hunter) and the delightful read, while the SPELLJAMMER™ eccentric (the precocious child, the puppet material clears up a few questions about master). The copious campaign material dragons in space. Less successful are the includes outlines for staging adventures in adventures, four rather routine excursions super-hero, witch-hunting, and postapoca- that feature promising plots but suffer lyptic settings, along with hints for incor- from a lack of development; one or two porating psionics into GURPS supplements longer adventures would have been pref- as far-ranging as the GURPS Cliffhangers erable to four short ones. And yes, there and GURPS Martial Arts books. A fully are new dragons, among them steel, yel- developed world background called “The low, and mercury. (How long before the Phoenix Project” features a secret organi- fiberglass, cardboard, and polyester ver- zation dedicated to the promotion of psi- sions come crawling out of their caves?) onic technology as a catalyst for world peace; the bad guys include the Eugenic Ashes to Ashes, by Stewart Wieck. Security Police, a fanatic branch of the White Wolf, $10. This excellent first ad- Federal government bent on stamping out venture for the quirky VAMPIRE* game “abnormal genetic material,” and the Over- packs a lot of punch into 80 pages, featur- mind Institute, a covert band of crazed ing a deadly struggle between the demonic technologists who support themselves by Elders and Anarchs of Chicago that should peddling mind-bending psi drugs and keep even the most jaded role-players on training psionic criminals. the edge of their seats. Though the investi- Evaluation: The GURPS Psionics book gations are more successfully staged than has a more contemporary emphasis than the action scenes, and the finale is a bit either the TSR or Mayfair books, and it underwhelming, Wieck maintains a suit- works best in a cyberpunk, science-fiction, ably tense atmosphere throughout and or modern horror setting. It’s less suitable serves up a gallery of the creepiest NPCs for fantasy; in fact, the fantasy elements this side of Chaosium’s CALL OF are underplayed throughout, mainly lim- CTHULHU* game. Don’t let the Ghoulie ited to a few sidebars that explain the Man get you! relationship of psionics and magic (which is nothing special). The powers themselves * indicates a product produced by a company other aren’t anything out of the ordinary, but than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks owned by the companies publishing those products. their application in terms of role-playing The use of the name of any product without mention and advanced mechanics makes this the of its trademark status should not be construed as a most sophisticated psionics system to date. challenge to such status. The sheer volume of material here may give novices a headache, but for experi- enced players, this may be the system of their dreams. Short and sweet Wilderness Encounters, by Roy Cram. Moving Away? Flying Buffalo, Inc., $10. Strictly speaking, this collection of 17 short scenarios (adapt- If you have a subscription and plan able, with effort, to any fantasy campaign) to move soon, please let us know at has less to do with the wilderness than the least six weeks beforehand. If you monsters who live there. Reminiscent of live in the United States or Canada, TSR’s from a few years back, Book of Lairs send your old address, your new each scenario features one major critter along with a few of its critter lieutenants, address, and your most recent mail- a reasonably thorough description of its ing label to: Subscriptions Depart- hideaway, and a handful of story hooks to ment, DRAGON® Magazine, P.O. motivate an investigation. The scenarios Box 111, Lake Geneva WI 53147, range from the seen-it-before (a goblin U.S.A. If you live in the United King- cave, a haunted pool) to the appealingly dom, send the above information goofy (a giant hornet’s nest, a giant spider’s to: Subscriptions Department, hole, a giant ant hill—the designer has a DRAGON Magazine, TSR Ltd., 120 thing for the multilegged). With creatures Church End, Cherry Hinton, Cam- called Slippery Slimes and an NPC named Warren Peece, a high tolerance for whim- bridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom. sy is a must. The ideas are old-fashioned, The more quickly you let us know but they’re still fun. about your move, the easier it is for us to keep your subscription going. , by Nigel Findley (with We might not be able to replace cop- adventures by Christopher Kubasik, Carl ies of the magazine that you miss! Sargent, John Terra, William Tracy). TSR, Inc., $15. The busy Mr. Findley strikes DRAGON is a trademark of TSR, Inc. again with this entertaining collection of ©1990 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. draconic odds and ends. The fanciful

22 APRIL 1992

Did you ever roll up an AD&D® game character under the watchful eye of a strict Dungeon Master? Despite your best dice-rolling efforts, you still got stuck with eights, sevens, or worse as ability scores. You probably then chose a fighter and distributed the low scores to charisma, intelligence, and wisdom. Yet, when your character descended into the dungeon, you reverted to your normally witty and charming real-life personality, didn’t you? Instead of exploring life from an obnox- ious moron’s perspective, you applied all of your wit and native intelligence to the challenges of the adventure. You should have played the fool. By doing so, you could have gained fresh perspectives on life and taken your game to new levels of excitement. For your next stupid fighter, I have assembled 12 simple tenets for life and death:

1. Boot the door. Faced with a dungeon door, the intelligent character

24 APRIL searches for traps, listens, and picks the undead, move silently in field plate armor, If your party’s mage ever leaves his spell lock. This is a waste of time. The moronic use music to quell a riot, or eat strange books or scrolls unattended, your fighter fighter-type strides boldly forward and leaves and berries with safety, but he can may even wish to borrow them for reading boots the door with confidence and style. make a courageous effort. and personal study in his spare time. Re- If your character should spring some member, even if your fighter cannot read, horrible trap, savor the experience. It 4. Leap to all conclusions. Of course, he can always use extra books and scrolls would never have happened to someone even a barbarian is able to analyze his for kindling or toilet paper. of your own real-life intellect. actions and learn from his mistakes. How- ever, it is highly likely that the barbarian will 7. Be wary of water. Every fool, even a learn only the lessons he wants to learn. “Whooaaa! This is bogus!” exclaimed fighter, knows that metallic armor sinks. Farfig Newton, the barbarian. Suspend- Thus, you should never cross a body of ed 20’ above a pit filled with scores of “Farfig! Because of you, we lost three water while so encumbered. If encountering poisoned spikes, fire ants, and the henchmen, two clerics, a wizard, and a an underground river, your fighter should skeletal remains of other stupid fight- thief when we attacked that red drag- insist on taking at least 16 rounds to proper- ers, Farfig watched coins, magical on! Do you have the faintest idea of ly remove every item of armor and weapon- hammers, and other prized possessions what you did wrong?” ry before swimming across in his under- drain from his pack, and wistfully “Whoa, I think that’s pretty obvious! clothing. During this time, the rest of the muttered, “Gotta get me some Velcro!” A is totally barfed out against a party should explore the dungeon corridors fireball ahead. red dragon, but a lightning bolt would 2. Let the future take care of itself. have been most excellent!” The bold boot-the-door approach also Echoing down the dark dungeon corri- applies to other aspects of a fighter’s life. 5. Strength is authority. Intelligent dors, the clash of swords and a cry of As a rule, the simple fighter never for a and learned people are usually entrusted “Farfig! Help us!” reached the sturdy moment considers the future conse- with leadership positions. But in a medi- barbarian’s ears. Clad in his underwear quences of his actions. To do so is to lack eval world where might makes right, the as he waded the 2’-deep stream, Farfig faith in his own outstanding capabilities. moron myrmidon can assume leadership could only shake his head in regret and positions by virtue of superior strength. reply, “Oh, man, like, I am ready — not! Given the chance to make party decisions, Just party on, dudes!” “No problem, dudes!” announced New- your fighter might want to make some ton to his comrades, while he was still suspended above the treacherous pit. changes. He might not want to take the Every trained fighter with any intellectual point, and he might not want to absorb all “I’ve got this bodacious idea!” skill at all knows that water can cause leath- the damage. He might even want to dis- Pulling his backup blade from a boot er to rot and iron to rust. Thus, after swim- scabbard, Farfig did an amazing stom- tribute wounds equally throughout the ming, he should dry his belongings, party. If your fighter tires of being the ach crunch and dexterously reached meticulously oil his weapons, and take at first through every door, he might toss the for the rope that snared his left foot. least 16 more rounds to dress for battle. scrawny mage into the room first, then With one swipe, he boldly freed him- self. For a fraction of a moment, New- close the door. If the mage survives, it is probably safe to enter the room. Screams, explosive spells, and the ring of ton savored his accomplishment. swordplay continued down the corridor. Then, he discovered gravity. Again, our hero heard the call, “Farfig, “Dudes, there sure was an awesome for the love of the gods, help us! We’re 3. Emulate the best of others. Many amount of thrashing around behind that getting killed!” people think fighters are limited to hack- door,” observed Farfig in a rare contem- Carefully oiling and sharpening his long and-slash techniques. This is nonsense, as plative moment, “but it’s, like, all died sword, our hero sighed and called back, even a brute-force warrior is capable of down now, so I guess we can go in.” “Hey, take a chill pill and cool out until I studying a situation and applying the get my board waxed, you know?” specialized techniques of other characters, 6. Improve the intellect. Wizards and even if in theory the warrior should not clerics possess exceptional wisdom, and the While your character prepares, the rest of have the slightest talent for using those fighter can always learn from his association your party should have ample time to clear techniques. with such learned people. The fighter should the dungeon of remaining challenges. By the use every available moment to discuss burn- time your fighter is ready, the area should Dominating the treasure chamber was ing philosophical questions with the cleric, be perfectly safe. a gigantic red dragon perched atop an and should try to learn at least simple spells immense hoard of spilled gold and and cantrips from the magician. Every fight- Stomping at last into the silent, blood- gems. Summoning all their courage, the er should have a conceptual idea about the filled room, Farfig offered his services party rushed forward to do battle— workings of magic, and he should put the with a hearty, “It’s time to shake some except for one member. Remaining time that spell-casters normally use for catsup on the monster-burgers, dudes!” behind, Farfig the Fierce waved his resting or praying to better use, strengthen- ing his own intellectual muscles. hands in broad circular gestures and roared, “Kaza kaza hoolam aza wazza Please note that many perfectly intelligent kazoo sazam!” Cracking open his most revered tome, and exceptionally wise fighters have also “Farfig! What are you doing?” shout- Arias huddled in his robes by the dim used the aforementioned ploy to survive ed the party’s distracted mage as the fire’s warmth and focused on memoriz- underground. dragon attacked. ing his spells before the next battle. “Casting a spell, dude! That mondo “Let’s see,” the mage mumbled, his 8. Share your knowledge. Honesty is fireball you threw yesterday looked forehead creased by his intense concen- critical to all adventurers. If you know some- easy enough.” tration. “Magic missile — ‘Extend the index thing really important, you should share that finger toward your target and utter the knowledge with everyone. If the surviving A fighter can also emulate clerics, phrase—’ ” members of your party had the wit to hide thieves, bards, rangers, etc. Your multi- “YO, WIZ! WHATCHA READIN’?” the dragon’s gold in Old Man Batson’s grave, talented warrior may not be able to turn let the whole town know. Everyone will be

DRAGON 25 impressed with both their cleverness and mediately. The party may be particularly your forthrightness. “Hey, like, how much for a bow, a quiver, concerned when your fighter comes across In the same vein, while prudent people and about twenty of those flight-type items such as the lance, sling, morning star, may refrain from talking religion or politics arrows?” asked Farfig Newton at the local flail, arquebus, crossbow, arbalest, ballista, in general company, your fighter may wish bazaar. or siege engine—but fighters fight, right? to engage in theological debate to spread his “That would be twenty royal,” replied knowledge of religion and establish your the earnest fletcher. “It’s called a bola,” Farfig explained “Whoa,” Farfig said thoughtfully, toying own party’s credentials. proudly. “I got it at the bazaar. I grab one with his sword hilt. “I’m not usually stone like this and swing the other two mental or anything, but I used up all but “Yo, Mister Evil High Priest! My man around my head like this, and—whoa, six royals getting Brother Thalmus into here, Brother Thalmus the Acolyte, told hey, bogus move on my part, Garth! Want Memorials E.R., then I got me that your religious order is greedy, me to flag down an oxcart to Greyhawk fined for fighting with a whole priest- corrupt, and just flaming stooopid! He Memorial?” hood and killing twenty of them, and I says that there is only one true way and still gotta woof down something for that’s the way of his church, the one lunch. I can give you one royal, if that’s 11. Wish for yourself. You are the you’re always picking on, and he’s not butch with you: strongest member of the party, and you scared of any of your antipaladins in The fletcher eyed the barbarian’s enor- have the right to think independently. If you Spandex plate mail!” mous arm muscles as the latter’s fingers get an actual magical wish, from a ring or began to tighten on the blade’s hilt. “I anywhere else, don’t be pressured into 9. Drive a hard bargain. Everyone suppose you want it gift wrapped,” he fulfilling someone else’s plans. Ask for some- knows the old adage that a fool and his said with an unhappy sigh. thing that any true-blooded fighter would money are soon parted. However, no one want, without concerning yourself with how ever asks how the fool feels about this situa- the DM will interpret or twist your request: 10. Don’t limit your skills. Your fight- tion. It hurts—just ask any moronic fighter. er’s dinosaur-grade mind may be his greatest While he may be a sensitive guy, your armed source of frustration and anger. This has, “Oh, wow, like, I wish we were neck- and dangerous fool soon learns to be aggres- perhaps, driven him to resolve all of his deep in the most bodacious dragon hoard sive in business situations. He must always predicaments in a physical manner, using in all existence!” try to get the best deal—and if he cannot use weapons, which has probably gone a long reason, other tactics will do. way to making him feel more powerful and Finally, don’t waste time arguing with in control of his life. Throughout his adven- other characters about syntax and sentence tures, your fighter will undoubtedly find structure. Life is too short. Just make the new weapons and wilI try to use them im- wish and enjoy the results.

“Man, forget the treasure—I just wish my buddies and I had another opportunity to defeat that red dragon:

12. Never let your DM forget. By following these simple guidelines, you don’t have to cringe at the prospect of playing another stupid fighter. You alone can be the life (and death) of the party. Make sure your DM knows how much you enjoy role-playing your barbarian. There is one more thing to remember. When creating your next character, smile and ask your DM the following question: “Are you sure I can’t reroll some of these scores?”

26 APRIL 1992

AD&D® “hometown” adventures for priest characters by Joseph R. Ravitts

Artwork by Scott Rosema

As long as role-playing games have exist- Lord of the Rings took place right in the genuinely religious activities as opposed to ed, there has been an understandable Shire, before Frodo ever traveled abroad mere club-the-foe-and-heal-the-friend tendency to skip over those periods of and right after he returned. The first two adventuring. Much could be made of game-world time between player charac- books of Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast temple-related events, I realized—just as, ters’ expeditions. After all, if a wounded trilogy are set entirely in or near one in many kung-fu movies, a lot of the action fighter lacks access to any means of imme- gigantic castle. I believe that there is more takes place inside Shaolin Temple. Thus, diate healing and so must sit around town that can be done with “adventures be- my selection of “hometown” scenarios recuperating for weeks, why not just jump tween the adventures,” those events befall- revolves around a hypothetical priest-class ahead to a time when he’s back up to full ing the home-base communities of the player character, establishing or serving at hit points? Or if a mage is constructing player characters. Accordingly, I have a temple in his city or town of residence. some enchanted device for himself, why devised a random-occurrence table, some- There is, of course, no reason why PCs of not just jump ahead to the adventure in what like random encounter tables. other classes can’t be involved in the situa- which he first gets to use it? My thinking in this area was stimulated tions as well. Yet there are interesting things that can by the fact that the AD&D® 2nd Edition Each of these selections amounts only to happen in one fixed location. A fair game, in reworking the priest class, has a brief suggestion for events; details must amount of plot action in Tolkien’s The made more allowances for that class’s still come from the DM’s mind. But with

28 APRIL 1992 just three die rolls—a four-sider, a six-sider, only just begun serving locally, it could be 2. A pilgrim arrives with some quest or and another four-sider—the DM’s his predecessor who has been suffering mission to fulfill. It could be a paladin, imagination can be fueled. It is possible to this trouble.) carrying out an atonement for some com- roll up more than one event and see what 2. A national or local government under- promise of paladinhood; an unwilling can be made of the combination. takes to confiscate the temple’s property, lycanthrope seeking to be cured; a descen- To use the tables below, roll 1d4 to de- tax its income, censor the sermons, or dant of some past chief priest of the tem- termine the broad category of adventure otherwise tie the hands of religion. PCs ple; or a pious adventurer, bringing to the (Home & Temple, Neighbors & Commu- associated with the priest might have a temple some relic or treasure stolen from nity, Internal Danger, External Danger). hand in uncovering which lord or official there long ago (with priest and pilgrim Next, roll 1d6 to ascertain the type of is responsible for the interference. both unaware that thieves are still on the adventure seed. Then roll 1d4 to deter- 3. Competing secular factions try to win item’s trail). mine the specific event. Or, just read the support of the priest’s religion. There 3. A rich, prominent, and obnoxious through the list and pick an event that may be a clear moral reason why the person, who is either a local congregation would fit well into your campaign. temple should favor one side over the member or a periodic pilgrim, annoys other, or it may be a right-and-wrong-on- everyone by constantly demanding special both-sides case, with the priest wishing to treatment. Such a person would think 1. Home & Temple avoid all involvement except as an impar- nothing of claiming the last available cure tial peacemaker. disease spell just to be rid of a sore throat, 1. Religious issues 4. Fugitives of some sort (whether flee- though some sick peasant child were at 1. A rival religion is trying to drive out ing from the local authorities or from a the verge of death before his eyes. the PC’s own. If the DM knows his players foreign country) seek sanctuary at the 4. Some seemingly ordinary newcomer enjoy metaphysical discussions and are temple. Their arrival may be public or to the temple is suddenly revealed to be a mature enough not to get belligerent secret; they may be innocent or guilty; secret messenger from the priest’s deity. about them, the resulting play can include they may even belong to some nonhuman This NPC should, if possible, appear pe- acting out plausible debates between race whose very presence causes difficul- ripherally in two or three game episodes priestly competitors. Otherwise, the situa- ties for the priest. prior to the one in which his secret identi- tion can instead be defined more in simple ty is dramatically uncovered. The ensuing harassment or fighting terms at whatever 3. Temple administration message could be the springboard for the level of intensity suits the experience level 1. Building, repairing, or enlarging a next out-of-town expedition in which the of the characters concerned. temple can give rise to many dramatic (or priest character will participate. 2. NPC swindlers, not belonging to any comical) situations. Suppose, for instance, clerical class, are impersonating priests. the priest character befriended a storm 5. Household affairs For example, a diviner specialist mage and giant while adventuring abroad, and the 1. The priest is seeking a spouse—or, if an illusionist might feel themselves too giant decides to return a kindness by already married or celibate, is seeking a weak to risk wilderness and dungeon coming to town to help in the work; he spouse for a relative. adventures—but, working together, could could unintentionally put quite a scare 2. A family member turns bad, taking up use their spells (possibly supplemented by into unprepared citizens. immoral ways (possibly gambling with a few magical items such as curative po- 2. The priest has to make preparations money stolen from the priest). This trou- tions) to simulate clerical powers. People for the visit of an overbearing, demanding blemaker could easily do great damage to ignorant enough to be fooled by them superior. This “grand inquisitor” may or the priest’s reputation in the community could be induced to make contributions may not be someone the PC has met be- until he repents. for a glorious temple that would never fore. As with the rival-religion scenario, 3. Someone in the household, whether actually be built. This fraud might be this situation can accommodate profound family member or servant, undergoes a perpetrated out of mere greed—or per- theological discussions if the DM judges supernatural transformation or displace- haps out of a malicious desire to leave the that his living, breathing players can enjoy ment (possessed by a fiend, changed into public thinking that the PC priests are just this without animosity. an undead monster, kidnapped and re- like the swindlers. 3. The character seeks to recruit non- placed by a doppelganger, etc.). 3. The priest’s deity commands him to clerical personnel for supplementary 4. A series of bizarre accidents befalling prophesy to the community in some fash- purposes, such as a bard to serve as a family members leads the priest to discov- ion. This may entail simply reciting a director of music for worship services. er that a long-forgotten ancestral curse message verbatim; or something more Both clergy and laity might oppose the has been “reactivated.” unusual—as when, in the Old Testament, priest’s hiring choices for various reasons. the prophet Ezekiel was commanded to 4. Offerings made to the temple turn out 6. Extraordinary surprises perform a sort of street-mime warning of to include stolen, cursed, or otherwise 1. Some part of the temple site is found judgment. Crowd response to the message embarrassing treasures. (Imagine an Or- to conceal the entrance to a dungeon, its could be handled similarly to NPC reac- thodox Jewish synagogue receiving a existence long unsuspected. tions in regular adventuring encounters. donation of canned hams!) The priest 2. As above, only the secret entrance 4. The priest must carry out a fast or would have considerable trouble disposing leads to another world or plane. some other self-denial. A major restriction, of unacceptable items tactfully—and avoid- 3. Some natural disaster or accident such as not speaking for a month, could ing a frame-up in the case of stolen destroys the temple or priest’s residence. hamper the character’s actions even in a treasures. 4. The priest’s religion is itself disrupted, stay-at-home scenario, but a lesser self- such as by the deity’s very identity proving denial, such as having to give away all 4. Pilgrims and worshipers to be different than was supposed. silver coins acquired, would add color to 1. The priest must train an unruly or character interactions without the player slow-learning disciple. The disciple may who plays the cleric being left unable to have been forced into this novitiate by 2. Neighbors & Community do anything. zealous parents when the disciple really wants to be, for example, an alchemist. Or, 1. Spiritual needs 2. Crime & politics if joining up voluntarily, the disciple may 1. General attempts to convert wrongdo- 1. Thieves burglarize the temple or the have had inappropriate motives, especially ers are always potential role-playing mate- priest’s residence, or attempt to extort if the priest or priestess is attractive and is rial. The ones to be converted may be of protection money. (If the PC priest has not bound to celibacy. any intelligent race. Their sins need not

DRAGON 29 have any bearing on adventures in the world. The things people or creatures 4. Righting wrongs usual sense, but a trivial fault in a trivial could be addicted to are numberless. The 1. The priest uncovers criminals running NPC might have relevance not apparent at DM permitting, the priest might invent a a slave trade—or, if slavery is legal in the first. Say, for example, that some halfling new clerical magical item for the specific , decides that he is duty- has been stealing writing supplies from a purpose of curing chemical dependencies. bound to abolish it. local scribe. A trifle—until, confronted by 3. The priest is called on to mediate 2. Nonhuman neighbors of the priest are the priest, the halfling confesses that he quarrels between neighbors, or between a victims of racial hostility (as in the TV had been forced into stealing these things husband and wife. series, Alien Nation). Any nonhuman PCs for an outlawed evil spell-caster who 4. Some NPC makes a confession (per- associated with the priest should be inter- needs them to prepare scrolls of spells. haps a dying confession) to the priest, of ested in helping to set this right. 2. The priest wants to resurrect a dead such a nature that the priest faces a moral 3. The priest must try to talk his coun- citizen whose services the community dilemma over whether to take some action try’s ruler out of waging a war of particularly needs; but someone else, such upon his new knowledge. For example, a aggression—or, perhaps must speak up as a money-grubbing heir, interferes with wizard who routinely travels abroad for against cowardice when fighting is this. long periods of time has a wife who’s justified. 3. A rash of possessions or curse-effects fallen in love with another man while her 4. Some neighbor or follower of the plagues the community, perhaps from husbands away; she confides this to the priest is arrested and jailed for a crime he some evil artifact passing from hand to priest, who must decide what, if anything, didn’t commit. The priest’s efforts to hand. New victims are affected faster than to do about it. amend this injustice may entail exposing a the priest can help them, leaving the play- corrupt judge who accepted a bribe from ers to devise emergency measures until 3. Physical needs the real criminal. the root problem is solved. 1. The priest attempts to raise funds for 4. Some former adherent of the priest’s some charitable purpose, such as shelter- 5. Fighting crime religion is now bitterly denouncing the ing the homeless. If religious frauds have 1. The priest finds plenty of use for faith to everyone who will listen, and this previously occurred in the community, the detect lie and detect magic spells in the person will cry “Persecution!” if the priest priest may have to go to great lengths to course of unmasking various frauds in the tries (however gently) to answer the accu- prove his honesty. marketplace. sations. It may develop that an older 2. Some petrification-using monster has 2. A sadistic husband is regularly beating priest, to whose post the PC priest suc- just been destroyed, leaving numerous up his wife and children. If the game- ceeded, was responsible for alienating the petrified people in its wake. With a cur- world has the same standards as most embittered character. rent shortage of the means to restore real-world medieval societies, the priest these victims, buck-passing officials foist will get no help from any authorities in 2. Emotional needs on the priest the job of preserving the trying to stop this. 1. The priest tries to council a depressed statues until they can be un-stoned. 3. A neighbor is threatened with murder person. It should be easy to plant the 3. An abandoned infant, human or or with the kidnapping of loved ones. psychological theme in a fantasy context; otherwise, is left on the temple’s doorstep, 4. The priest becomes involved in trying for instance, the counseled one could be a perhaps without clues to its parentage. to prevent a duel or trying to prevent the female dwarf, despondent because she 4. A businessman friendly with the priest offending party from winning by treach- can’t grow any facial hair. suffers a setback due to lack of specialized ery, such as using a magical sword when 2. Intoxicant addictions can similarly be labor; the priest tries to help him find new the other guy has only a normal one. translated into the social life of a game- help with the requisite talents. 6. Extraordinary neighbors 1. The priest is convinced, possibly by divine revelation, that the son of a couple in his congregation is destined for a career as a cleric or a paladin—but the youngster resists the idea. 2. A neighbor, on whom the priest has never felt the need to direct a detect evil spell, is actually a disguised evil monster. 3. Another neighbor (on the other side of the street from the above one?) proves to be a disguised benign monster, perhaps a gold or silver dragon, with some reason to hide out. 4. Some seemingly unimportant individ- ual turns out to be no less than the ruler of a foreign country (fleeing from assas- sins, suffering from amnesia, etc.).

3. Internal Danger

1. Epidemics 1. Disease spreads among humans. For details on plague effects, see “The End of the World,” in DRAGON® issue #138. 2. Disease spreads among demihumans. 3. Disease spreads among all intelligent beings. 4. Disease spreads among domestic animals.

30 APRIL 1992 animals.

2. Street crime mayor, snatched dripping from his bath. to be deposed. 1. Shopowners are robbed and extorted. The priest character’s involvement would 4. A curse of the DM’s choice befalls the 2. Random murders indicate the possible begin with calming the outrage of the local ruler or some member of his family. work of wererats, jackalweres, or similar conjured dignitary, then would extend to monsters. trying to convince the bumbling teacher 3. Vandalism and arson suddenly in- that he needs more lessons himself. 4. External Danger crease in the community, resulting from 4. In another case calling for the priest’s racial or religious bigotry. talents at mediating disputes, some routine 1. Disasters 4. Street gangs, possibly of different use of magic in the community is ad- 1. A broad area including or adjoining species, battle each other for turf or con- versely affecting certain local residents. the priest’s hometown is stricken by trol of criminal business. Continual light spells, for instance, would floods. These may be of natural or magical be a nuisance to beings of a light-sensitive origin (for example, something opened a 3. Organized crime race dwelling near the work site. An en- doorway to the elemental plane of Water 1. Criminals infiltrate city government. terprise entailing repeated use of air ele- at a point uphill of inhabited land). 2. Criminals infiltrate craft guilds, per- mentals might infuriate a neighborhood 2. A large-scale famine could again have haps first discovered by the priest when sage, as winds pouring in his window supernatural causes, such as some major he tries to hire artisans for temple repairs. scattered his parchments. evil being that causes a whole circle of 3. Criminals try to gain power over all druids to go insane, who then devastate temples, pretending to offer each one 6. Upsets in local government the farmlands. support against its rivals. 1. The local ruler dies or abdicates. Rival 3. Massive tectonic and volcanic upheav- 4. Major gang wars erupt. The priest’s heirs or successors fight for his post, and als change the entire geography of neigh- first involvement with this situation could the priest’s own congregation is perilously boring regions, making some areas arise from having to dispel some undead divided in loyalties. uninhabitable. The priest must shame his monsters that ran loose after being used 2. Relationships change suddenly be- cold-hearted neighbors into helping the by one side or the other in the strife. tween the municipal authorities and some victims who come to town seeking aid. guild or mercantile association. An armor- 4. The climate changes radically. This 4. Accidents and disasters ers’ guild, for instance, might demand a would be bad enough, but the secondary 1. The recently slain corpses of several sharp increase in fees to equip the city consequences could be nearly as bad. An types of poisonous monsters (black and guards. This could again be a case where extended winter, for instance, would facili- green dragons, giant scorpions, etc.) cause the priest would act as a moderator. Per- tate an invasion by frost giants or other contamination of a vital water supply. haps something more melodramatic is cold-dwelling monsters. 2. Large buildings with unsafe construc- afoot, with the priest uncovering some tion, long held up by magic, collapse when hidden villain who is profiting by the 2. Trouble with national the magic fails (remember the Monty crisis. government Python’s Flying Circus TV sketch about 3. During a temporary absence of the 1. The priest receives a vision warning apartments raised by hypnosis?). The local ruler, news comes to the priest of an that the current monarch is about to be priest will naturally do all he can to help impending coup attempt by underlings. supplanted by someone horribly evil. The the casualties, but this might not prevent The priest and associated PCs must decide DM can decide whether this accession is his being affected by an unthinking public between slipping out to alert the ruler, preventable, and the PCs must decide backlash against all spell-casters. combatting the coup themselves, or joining whether to try to mobilize their commu- 3. An earthquake or volcanic eruption in the coup if they feel the ruler deserves nity against the coming tyrant. devastates the city. (If that’s not supernatu- ral enough, there can always be some buried relic, lich’s tomb, etc., unearthed by the disaster.) 4. A magical storm, originally conjured by someone far away with no intention of affecting the priest’s hometown, does chance to come there and cause damage. The timing and the nature of the damage might cause the priest’s flock to think they’ve somehow incurred their deity’s anger.

5. Magic out of hand 1. A standard NPC evil mage from the DM’s files, residing in or near the city, conceives a grudge against the priest. 2. A local nonevil mage, in the course of trying to create a major magical item, causes unpredictable effects to the popu- lace (everyone on a street being levitated, for instance, or some persons becoming years younger or older). 3. An incompetent teacher at a school for mages causes mishaps to local stu- dents. A student learning conjuration spells, for instance, might attempt in the laboratory to summon a low-level monster—but, because of a slight error in procedure caused by poor instruction, would instead materialize the local lord or

DRAGON 31 2. The national government comes un- the previous scenario) acts on its own to ing to have peaceful intentions. (And if you der the influence of a religion hostile to attack the priest’s city. believe that one . . .) that of the PC priest, and the priest finds 2. The priest’s city is attacked by for- 2. Nonhumanoid intelligent monsters officials trying to tell him and his flock eigners as part of a general invasion of the turn up and insist that, by some treaty that they must forsake their deity for the country. The capital has not yet been dating back for millennia, some of the other. assaulted. city’s real estate rightfully belongs to 3. Rabble-rousers, possibly using mass 3. The capital has been devastated in a them. (The priest might help negotiations hypnosis, are stirring unjustified public ill- massive sneak attack, then occupied with by using the tongues spell.) will against a virtuous monarch or some the aid of powerful magic. The first hint 3. Nonintelligent monsters move into the other good-aligned person of national the priest and his neighbors get of this is area. If the DM rules that they do not pose importance. when they find themselves besieged. a major danger to the whole community, 4. The priest’s hometown and temple are 4. Warlike foreigners, not immediately the priest may find himself trying to dis- visited by an unpopular member of the attacking the priest’s native country, are suade the aristocracy from endangering royal family, harm to whom would be trying to entice or intimidate it into help- commoners’ lives needlessly in the staging blamed on the community. ing their country to attack a third country. of grand monster hunts. 4. The priest’s home could be invaded by 3. Threats to commerce 5. Otherworldly invasion comparatively normal animals—like dino- 1. Pirates or bandits are increasingly 1. Fiends or other evil extraplanar be- saurs. preying on trade moving to and from the ings achieve entry into the world for priest’s community. The priest has clues standard purposes of killing, torturing, that the criminals have an agent in town. enslaving, etc. Resubscribe! 2. Some resource vital to the national or 2. The extraplanar beings are after a local economy fails. Metal ores are exhaust- particular object, owned by or known to Check your mailing label. If it’s time to ed, an exportable crop is blighted, etc. the priest. resubscribe, fill out the reply card 3. Workers indispensable to commerce, 3. The beings want to kill or capture a inside this magazine, or write your like sailors, begin to mutiny, strike, or specific person, possibly the priest or a name and address on a sheet of pa- desert. regular PC comrade of his. per, then send it along with your pay- 4. The priest’s hometown suffers an 4. Extraplanar beings are only passing ment to: economic depression because of gains through the area for some reason, intend- DRAGON® Magazine made in trade competition by a rival com- ing no harm—unless provoked. P.O. Box 5695 munity. Riots may ensue. Boston MA 02206 6. Monster migration 4. Military invasion 1. Orcs, trolls, or other humanoid mon- DRAGON is a registered trademark of TSR, Inc. 1. Another city (possibly the rival from sters begin immigrating uninvited, claim- ©1991 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

32 APRIL 1992

A crossword puzzle with unexpected encounters

by Raymond C. Young

Lurking within the answers to this puz- 5. Puts on fancy armor 34. Kind of “foam” that packing peanuts zle is a pattern. Five answers should give 6. What you should have done when you are made of you clues, as should this puzzle’s title. The met Baba Yaga 36. Lackey or carrier answers are on page 50. 7. How a nilbog spells “era” 37. Off in -land (fantasizing) 8. What the referee calls when two ogril- 38. Phantasmal force lons fight and one is too injured to 39. Von Gasik’s refusal, taken literally Across continue (FIEND FOLIO tome; abbr.) (Tome of Magic) 1. Flightless bird from AD&D® 1st Edition 9. Boat you can make on a desert island 40. Puzzle enthusiasts Monster Manual 10. Pertaining to Kara-Tur 41. Cantrip of darkness () 4. Weight unit for gems 11. Guardian of the upper planes (Mon- 45. Diamonds and frozen water 9. Item used to rappel strous Compendium, Outer Planes 46. Reverence to one’s lord 13. Minstrels songs appendix) 48. Where to find a gem in an eye of fear 14. “It was and stormy night....” 12. Direction from Waterdeep to the High and flame (FIEND FOLIO tome) (two words) Moor in the FORGOTTEN REALMS® 49. The publishing company of the AD&D 15. His enemy is Athena (Legends & Lore) setting game (two words) 16. How a man makes a moat 13. Evil plant spirit (D&D® game) 52. Showed anger, Takhisis’s way 17. Something red? (three words) 18. Weld metal together, as armorers do 53. Editor’s boo-boo 19. When gamers tire, they call 20. Result of teleporting too high 55. Part of a battle axe night (two words) 23. Come (grow up; two words) 58. Toward the stern of the Spelljammer 20. Middle position (abbr.) 24. Celestial event 59. Magnon (replaced Neanderthal) 21. Suffix for imp? 25. Healing lets you hit points 60. Three tsp. 22. Something green? (two words) 26. “Lawful evil” is one (abbr.) 61. Hit in the jaw 27. Individual controlled by the DM (abbr.) 28. Viking skald, for example 62. How a bard says “before” 30. Sitting-room furniture 29. Vehicle on rails used for mining 63. Sault Marie 31. A fish’s armor 32. Blibdoolpoolp rules the kuo- 33. Truly a beast of burden 35. Roman numerals for weeks in a year 36. Odorous, cold-dwelling humanoid 37. Something blue? (two words) 41. Associate editor Mr. Donovan 42. Opposite of “nope” 43. Romantic Egyptian sky goddess (2nd Edition Legends & Lore) 44. Hound of omen (FIEND FOLIO® tome) 45. Leprechauns are 47. Old-time celebration 50. Javelin, to an samurai 51. Something white? (three words) 54. What a robe of eyes helps you do 56. M’s, as written by Greek gods 57. in one’s beer (get emotional at a tavern) 58. Something black? (two words) 63. “Sage Advice” columnist Williams 64. You—after you meet Baba Yaga 65. Boat for shipping a large captive monster 66.“ ’clock, and all is well.” (two words) 67. Voice quality, used in role-playing characters 68. Lens of reading (Tome of Magic) 69. And so forth (abbr.)

Down 1. Mythologist Hamilton and namesakes 2. Kind of -saurus and -centipede 3. Starship Enterprise 4. Sources of water in desert terrain

34 APRIL 1992

“Forum” welcomes your comments and opinions something stupid, they go first. Do the words Mr. Donovan’s last point, related to the pre- on role-playing games. In the United States and ‘pin cushion’ mean anything to you?” vious one, is that the level of magic in the cam- Canada, write to: Forum, DRAGON® Magazine, In order to avoid the initial problems encoun- paign must be taken into account when dealing P.O. Box 111, Lake Geneva WI 53147, U.S.A. In tered when the PCs meet the legend, the GM with figures from other source material. I Europe, write to: Forum, DRAGON Magazine, must be flexible and be able to improvise when agree, but there is no reason to eliminate mate- TSR Ltd, 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton, the unexpected occurs. rial that does not compare directly. Simply Cambridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom. We ask Mr. Donovan’s next argument deals with a adapt the source material completely to the that material submitted to “Forum” be either game version of a film or legend paling in com- campaign. In other words, Robin Hood would neatly written by hand or typed with a fresh parison to the original. However, I would argue be familiar with AD&D game magic and per- ribbon and clean keys so we can read and just the reverse. When creating a completely haps even have a mage in his band. Beware, understand your comments. original campaign, the GM must build all of the however—the Sheriff of Nottingham would have imagery, characters, and atmosphere completely equal access to magic. There is no reason why I would like to address Mr. Donovan’s com- from scratch. By borrowing from existing this cannot be done. In the Robin Hood sce- ments in his editorial for issue #172. In that material, players who are familiar with the nario, a mage casting a magic missile might be editorial, he discusses the pitfalls of introducing material already have the imagery in their quite surprised to have it reflected back by that standard PCs to legendary characters. For the heads. A simple statement like, “Remember the ring of spell turning Robin is wearing. past five years, I have run adaptations of popu- scene where . . .” or “Imagine Robin Hood saying Mr. Donovan’s main argument was that by lar films—including Escape From New York . . .” will evoke imagery and feeling without any adapting the source material to the AD&D (using the AD&D system), The Warriors (the real effort on the GM’s part. For example: “You campaign, the source changes and loses its AD&D system), and Die Hard (SJG’s GURPS* are in a vast park. There are hundreds of other appeal. Not true. The appeal of Robin Hood has game)—as adventures at the ® game young people around, with groups dressed in nothing to do with the fact that there is no fair. Judging from the players’ feedback, the gaudy costumes. A black man in robes climbs magic in his world, or that he always has the adventures were all very successful and every- onto a makeshift stage and begins to speak.” upper hand against those who travel through one had a good time. Certainly it is easier to do Anyone who has seen The Warriors will instant- his forest. In fact, some fiction has Robin inter- such an adaptation when there is no existing ly remember gangs like the Baseball Furies and acting with otherworldly creatures, such as campaign into which to integrate the adventure, Turnbill ACs, with their distinctive outfits. sprites and faeries, which are so popular in but I have done that successfully as well. Remember, the entire game is based on British fantasy. Robin’s appeal is the irony of his While he correctly notes some of the prob- imagination. The players will be very receptive situation: a basically good man who, through lems associated with such an endeavor by using to the GM conjuring images from their memo- unfortunate circumstances, is forced to a life of a past attempt as an example, Mr. Donovan does ries. They are already familiar with all of the thievery, all in order to serve the true king. He not realize the true source of his failure: rigidi- NPCs as well; they all know Robin Hood’s Merry takes the real rogues and thieves of Sherwood ty. When Mr. Donovan set up his adventure, he Men and how they can be expected to act. In Forest and forges them into a force of good. had a “script” in his head that he wanted the my experience, players have always been de- These concepts and story lines are universal, PCs to follow, and he was prepared to lead lighted to meet fictional and legendary charac- not confined to the current retelling of the tale. them through that script. Well and good, but as ters they recognize, even when I do not Look at how different Errol Flynn’s Robin Hood he himself stated, “The first thing I failed to do describe them explicitly. Once, during the is from Kevin Costner’s. Yet, even with all the was to consider all the possible actions the party adventure based on The Warriors, I described a differences, most people are thrilled to accept could take . . .” Sometimes I think that GMs take small group of attractive young women out on both as Robin Hood. I would contend that the the analogy of the GM being a god a bit too the street. One of the players said, “Holy [exple- introduction of gunpowder into Robin Hood: seriously. Attempting to do so is folly and will tive deleted], the Lizzies! Run!” Prince of Thieves is akin to introducing magic lead only to disappointment. Mr. Donovan’s next point had to do with the to him in an AD&D game campaign. An adventure should be set up with the NPCs, legends meshing closely with the existing cam- I hope that this discussion has given other the setting, and elements of a plot, but with no paign. To do otherwise, he asserts, will give the GMs ideas on how to handle fictional and leg- script for how the action and interaction should adventure the wrong “feel.” I couldn’t disagree endary figures in their campaigns. The main take place. When faced with the robbers (Robin more. Throwing the players a curve ball, shak- trick is to be flexible, not only with the PCs but and his band), the PCs should have been free to ing them up, or presenting them with some- with the NPCs as well. Adapt the legends to the do whatever they liked, not be (to paraphrase thing totally unfamiliar is an excellent way of AD&D game, so that they will not be at a great Mr. Donovan) convinced, cajoled, or browbeaten refreshing a campaign. If the PCs only encount- disadvantage or advantage to the PCs, and allow into pursuing the script. Perhaps, if Robin had er what the players expect, complacency sets in for deviations from the “script” you have in recognized the PC party as a significant power, and the campaign withers. There are many your head. If the situation evolves differently he would have approached them differently ways to avoid this, and using fictional and from what you expect, go with it. It will often (“Hi, guys! Mind if I join you while you wander legendary figures is just one way. There is an be more fun than what you had in mind. through the woods? I’m heading that way my- entire subgenre of science fiction that deals Adam Lesh self. So, what’s up?“). Robin has always been with just this concept, one of the best being A Los Angeles CA portrayed as a bright fellow, and he would Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, by surely change his methods if the situation Mark Twain. The richness of this subgenre is In the AD&D 2nd Edition Legends and Lore warranted. Furthermore, there are few parties generated by a central character being out of cyclopedia, page 10, it states, “If [heroes who that could handle being surrounded by a com- place in the setting, giving him the wrong feel. meet the right conditions for godhood] are pany of 24 archers. I can just imagine it: To use the previous example, an adventure player characters, they are removed from play Fighter: “I reach for my sword.” based on “Conan in King Arthur’s Court” and treated as a demigod [sic] from that point Mage: “I cast magic missile at that guy in the presents such a unique set of circumstances and on.” I see no reason for this. I believe that allow- green hood.” encounters to exploit that playing it would be a ing PCs to become gods opens the door to clever GM: “Well, guys, since they had their weapons blast. Imagine Conan going head-to-head with a DMs and players to take part in fantastic cam- trained on you and were waiting for you to do pompous Lancelot, and the point is made. paigns of epic proportions.

DRAGON 37 What’s wrong with running a campaign of character class and, even if the fighters were celebrates or agonizes over the exploits of his godly stature? Many DMs may argue that the made a little more equal to the other classes favorite team. characters will be too powerful and more than a with the advantage of weapon specialization, Another stand-out comparison that can be match for any earthly creature, but this is a multiclassed characters received higher level made between these two forms of entertain- weak argument. I seriously doubt that any limits than before! Why bother playing an ment is in the use of statistics. In the sports character who has met the conditions listed on inferior human fighter when you can arrive at world, fans are frequently obsessed with num- page 10 of the Legends and Lore cyclopedia relatively high levels of experience when play- ber in sports—and not just with wins and losses, (twice average xp level in campaign, at least one ing a demihuman fighter/mage or other multi- but with figures such as a players’ batting 19 ability score, charisma at 18, over 200 fol- classed character? The temptation to play a average, shooting percentage, yardage gained, lowers, perfect alignment) and has then become ranger or paladin instead of a “normal” fighter or goals scored. This is similar in the case of a demigod would be interested in the sea mon- is still very high, as the latter is not as powerful role-playing games as well. Players are constant- ster in the bay or the troublemaker in the bar. as the others, and you might feel inferior to ly striving to better their characters’ experience Why worry about dragons down the street your fellows who are playing rangers or pala- points, hit points, skill points, or armor classes. when there are fiends downstairs? dins in your group. Just like the spectator who has a favorite Others may say that a demigod character will Is the fighter character class in danger of athlete, gamers also enjoy identifying with their have a field day in the DM’s world, altering extinction? Or is it just going to survive at the favorite characters. Yet, the fan knows and reality to meet his own needs. Keep in mind that price of being used only by the DM as an NPC realizes that he is separate from that favorite the character is only a demigod, the weakest of source until the referee gets tired of role- player just as the average gamer knows that he all such powers, and he will be watched closely playing characters so inferior to his PCs? is separate from his character. This draws me to by the other gods in the pantheon. Some feedback on these topics would be very my point. The comparison between sports and The main argument, however, is that the appreciated. role-playing games exists because each is noth- campaign will lose all of the spirit of the AD&D Victor Paraschiv ing more than a contest with sets of established game. I agree that the campaign will be very Brussels, Belgium rules, designed to test its participants and enter- different from your average campaign, but I tain its viewers. believe it will be a step above the normal cam- I am writing in support of the editorial writ- My final point is on the issue of violence in paign. Interacting with gods and other powerful ten by Michael Stackpole that appeared in issue role-playing games. Stackpole attacks studies beings would be a welcome reward to veteran #171. In his editorial, entitled “Role-playing and done by the National Coalition against Television players who have brought their heroes this far. the real world,” Stackpole attempts to dispel Violence, and its allegations that role-playing Just imagine the adventures the PCs would now certain misconceptions people have about role- games conjure up feelings of violence in their have and the beings they would meet. Good- playing games, including those who theorize players. It is true that role-playing games often aligned heroes may be sent by their greater role-playing games are mind manipulators that use imaginary violence (combat) as a tool to powers to investigate an evil new power in the lure their participants into becoming disillu- install a sense of excitement or danger into the depths of the Astral plane or some previously sioned with reality and unnaturally violent game. Yet, it is also true that this violence is undiscovered plane. I, as a DM, would have a toward society. As an avid gamer for over 10 never graphic or descriptive in the way that it is field day creating new and powerful creatures years, I would like to extend my support for Mr. on television. For example, I find it difficult to and even entirely new universes. Stackpole’s argument by making a comparison feel a sense of frenzied disquietude every time a I think that there should be more information between the mentality of role-playing game character is “hit for eight points of damage.” for DMs and players who want to run godly players and the rest of society. Through my Sure, there are many acts of imagined violence campaigns, and I believe that these adventures experiences over the last 10 years with role- in any given scenario, but these never come can be very successful if handled correctly. The playing games, I have found that the entertain- across as anything more descriptive than a set D&D® game did it with the Immortals Set rules, ment that role-playing games provide is quite of numbers. In the case of television, many and the AD&D game is far more developed than similar to and certainly as harmless as America’s shows are indeed violent in nature, but (not to the D&D game when it comes to gods and the favorite pastime: spectator sports. beat this comparison to death) so are sports. In planes. Whether or not TSR, Inc. publishes any First of all, Stackpole states that groups like fact, the Boston Bruins redefine the word “vio- information of this type, I will still begin adven- Bothered About Dungeons & Dragons (BADD) lence” every time they take to the ice—and this tures of this grand scale. claim that role-playing games allow players to is real violence, too. No father can say to his Steven Davis escape into worlds of fantasy, thus forcing them son, “Don’t worry, it’s only Hollywood makeup Rockford MI to tune out the real world. I disagree with this and special effects,” every time a hockey player allegation. How is it that millions of Americans bashes another’s lower jaw into splinters with I have been playing FRPGs for some time now can watch and enjoy professional sports without his fist or stick. My point is that we live in a and I switched to the AD&D 2nd Edition rules being sucked into their personal fantasies about society that is engulfed in violence, and though not long ago. A friend of mine had told me that, the games they attend or watch? Gamers are much of it is modeled after that which is found in these new rules, the fighter character class not sucked into imagined worlds any more than in the entertainment world, we certainly cannot was finally worth playing, as it was definitely a fan is sucked into his television set while pin the blame on role-playing games. inferior and not worth playing in the AD&D 1st watching the game. We use role-playing games I feel strongly about this issue, and I have Edition game. But, after reading the Player’s not as a device to tune out reality, but rather as made this comparison because I have enjoyed Handbook, I found I had been greatly deceived. a contest in which the player can experience both sports and role-playing games throughout In fact, the fighter class was still the weakest glory or defeat, much like the fan who loyally my life, yet still kept a clear head on my shoul- ders. Neither has ever affected my perception of reality in any form. Thus, I strongly support both role-playing games and sports, as they are both harmless, great forms of entertainment for kids who wish to keep clear of the real dangers in the modern age: unsafe sex, drugs, and gang violence. Jake Remley Newburyport MA

* indicates a product produced by a company other than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks owned by the companies publishing those products. The use of the name of any product without mention of its trademark status should not be construed as a challenge to such status.

38 APRIL 1992

too, the vile substance that gives power but corrupts its user. All this could sweep the coast, brutally returning these bud- ding kingdoms to lawlessness and the darkest barbarism. As I reflected on these possibilities, Myojo informed me that we had reached the southernmost cape of a kingdom called Bellayne. He was excited, for he had heard this was a nation of rakastas. Surely their queen would have heard of our perform- ance in Louvines. This presented a prob- lem, since the Renardois and the Bellaynish were bitter rivals. We might be perceived in Bellayne as lupin sympa- thizers, and therefore suspicious visitors. So be it. The Princess was made invisi- ble, and I decided to disembark with Myo- jo and Raman, going incognito as travelers from Dunwick. We would visit the coun- tryside and observe the people of Bellayne, which would be helpful later should I decide to meet their queen. It wouldn’t do to commit an unfortunate faux-pas on our first visit there. I chose an old ruined castle as our land- ing point. The gloomy fortress stood over a cliff, overlooking the Western Sea in the sunset. The Saragón Gazetteer indicated this to be Castle Malburn. It would be an by Bruce A. Heard easy spot for Talasar to find. As we left the ship, I ordered Talasar to keep exploring This series chronicles the adventures of Nyxmir 18, AY 2001: Soon after load- the coast—and especially to keep moving. an Alphatian explorer and his crew as ing several barrels of genuine Boisjolis There could still be Heldannic prowlers in they journey across the D&D® Known Nouveau from Renardy into the Princess the sky, looking for an opportunity to lash World in their skyship. The information Ark, our mighty ship steered to the south- out at the Princess. Talasar was to return herein may be used to expand D&D cam- west. Several days passed as we continued in two days. We would spend the night paigns using the Gazetteer series. our exploration of the Savage Coast. The there and begin our visit in the morning. term “savage” has little bearing on the Nyxmir 19: Something terrible hap- people who dwell on these shores, yet pened during the night. We awoke to find their societies have remained very fragile, our old friend Raman dead, with neither nevertheless. Massive Hule looms to the any sign of a fight nor any wound on his northeast. Far to the north reign the bar- body. Had he been killed during his barian hordes. Great tribes of humanoids watch? Who could have done this, and hold the Yazak Steppes. There is cinnabar, why? He had an expression of horror on his face, his eyes wide with fear. He re- and feathered hats, you know. Any kip- account: In my flight from the red spec- minded me of the man we found dead in pers? Or a slice of pudding, perhaps?” tre, I discovered a strange place that Slagovich—the one called Pustek, if I re- “You are annoying our guests, love,” looked like a city. All was dark and crook- member it. We never knew what had intervened the innkeeper. “Let them rest, ed, as if the very forces of Chaos had built happened to him. Was his fate linked to and stoke the fire, please.” its streets and houses. There were people that of our Raman? The Master might The folks of Bellayne seemed a friendly there, many people, the souls of lost crea- have been behind this, but why Raman people. The day went on in this way as we tures like me, all seemingly stranded and not me? visited the city and learned about its peo- there. Since I was dead anyway, there There was little we could have done for ple. But nothing could truly ease our wasn’t much I could lose, so I entered and our friend. With pain in our hearts, we hearts after the death of Raman. I could explored this bizarre place. wrapped Raman’s body and his beloved still not understand it. It was so sudden Nobody seemed to mind my presence. books in his blanket, then placed them and meaningless. I wished I could still see There were shops selling various baubles, inside a large barrel. Once the barrel was his face and hear his voice. tools, and weapons—but no food. Indeed, I covered with stones, we somberly left. We Time unknown—Raman, from a felt no hunger. Like any other city, it came would recover the body when Talasar later account: Something was terribly with rather obnoxious folks, pick-pockets, returned. A few hours after our depar- wrong. The sun had not risen for what haughty lords, and beggars who looked ture, a farmer on his way to Theeds seemed an eternity. There was no castle to shrivelled, as if the light in their souls was picked us up on his cart. be found. The cliff was gone, and so was fading. One faintly begged me, “Have pity, Time unknown—Raman, from a the sea. Could have I wandered so far to master. Have pity for one who withers. later account: “Hey, what happened? be this lost? I kept running into crisscross- Please, bestow me with the gift of life, and Where am I?” My words echoed in the ing dirt paths and bare rocks. The trees I’ll serve you, my master. A mere shred of dark. I thought I must have fallen asleep here had nothing in common with what I your life . . .” I kept moving. during my watch. I’d had a horrible night- had seen before. This was too confusing. I found what looked like a twisted hos- mare in which the ghost I met at the Tow- “A penny for your thoughts, Raman,” telry, where I rented a room where I could er of Mercy in Vilaverde had found me. said a voice behind me. I turned and saw rest. The keeper, probably another lost She attacked me again and again, moaning her, the ghost I first met at the library in soul like me or perhaps a deceased inn- “Revenge . . . revenge . . .” I woke up just Porto Preto. However, she now wore the keeper himself, asked for his dues. I as she struck the final blow, and a chill leather cuirass of an adventurer and held dropped a few coins on the desk; I seemed ran down my back. a serrated sword. Her skin bore the red to have all my old clothing and items, even The sun hadn’t come up yet. Good, I mark of cinnabryl. “Welcome to my world, in death. The innkeeper looked up, sur- thought, I had not been asleep too long. I old sage,” she said with a wicked smile. prised. “A newcomer, eh?” He blew on the must have somehow wandered away from “Your world? What world?” I asked. coins and they dissipated into thin air. the ruins. I started to return and check “Have you not found out yet? You disap- “Your wealth is no more in the world the safety of my two companions, but it point me. Come now, old sage. This is beyond. I request your true wealth.” was dark and I had difficulties finding my your last discovery. This is Limbo, my “And what might this be?” I asked way back. dear, and you are the merest reflection of nervously. Nyxmir 20—Haldemar: Theeds-upon- what you once were. You are mine now.” “A mere shred of your life, stranger,” he Blythe was a city like many others we had “You lie, fiend! This is all trickery!” I said, pointing to a vial. “Touch here.” I did, seen on our journey. The majority of its responded, feeling a terrible sense of and a cold sensation crept up my arm. I felt people were indeed rakastas. Humans coldness in my spine. a bit more tired. So this is what a “shred” were not uncommon, including polite “Spare me. You failed me once and now was! In this world, only one’s lifeforce had locals, quiet merchants from Dunwick, I’ve come to make you my servant—and any value. I’d better learn quickly how to brash bankers from Smokestone City, and serve you will, old sage, for I need your use it. I went to my quarters. refined exporters from Boa Mansao. There soul to guard my grave.” She brandished I was happy to discover I still had my were even a few elves and dwarves, prob- her sword. An evil glint came from its trusted library scroll, and it worked. Per- ably Eusdrians, and a handful of native blade as she turned into a vile, crimson haps this was a mere reflection of my true . The latter seemed perfectly spectre. books, but I could still browse. How long suited to Bellayne’s orderly ways. I screamed in horror and ran. The night- would it last? I had no way to tell. We entered a small tavern called Ye Olde mare would not end. Many times she I spent a very long time there, alone and Shoppe to rest from our journey from found me cowering behind a rock or quiet, studying what little information I Castle Malburn. “’Tis not opened yet, mi- trembling in the shadow of an ethereal could dig up on Limbo and its laws. The lords!” said the rakasta innkeeper. “The tree, but I was lucky and escaped her for city was a safe haven, but also a backwa- meat pies aren’t ready.” some time. So it was true—I was dead, ter, for it led nowhere. Many souls ended “I beg your pardon,” I responded, “but dead and lost in Limbo. up there, afraid of Limbo’s wilderness. we are tired from our journey. We hoped Nyxmir 21—Haldemar: Despite our Those who were strong of heart and faith- to find rest and refreshment here.” depression, Myojo and I saw that Bellayne ful to their Immortals could find a way to “I’ll say!” intervened the serving wench. was a very likable place, except for the eternal rest, somewhere beyond this Lim- “You can’t possibly send our guests out this food. It seemed no real enmity existed bo. Others cowered in the City of the way! ‘Tis almost tea time, my dear!” between the Renardois and their feline Dead, safe perhaps but stranded until they “Great Cats, you’re right! Steam the neighbors, other than a natural dislike of decided to meet their fates. kettle, love. I’ll the crumpets at each other. A question of taste, I guess. At Someone knocked at my door. A tall once!” said the innkeeper. least they had common foes in the north, figure stood there, wrapped in a long “A cloud of milk, milord?” asked the and that alone kept them from the worst. black robe with a hood. It whispered, “You wench of Myojo. “And where might you Their queen, Her Gracious Majesty seek escape, human. I can sense it.” be from? I don’t know your accent. Dear Catherine “The Lioness,” is both honored “What do you want?” I inquired. me, of course, you must be from the For- and beloved of her people. She was seen “I know what you seek, and I know est Marches, true?” as a strong and wise ruler, which was where it lies,” it hissed. Wide eyed with confusion, Myojo mut- what I wanted to hear. This place seemed “What do you know of what I want? And tered, “Yes , . . yes . . . Forest Marches.” pleasant enough, but it was time to return what does it matter to you? Begone!” This “Truly amazing,” she went on. “One lump to the Princess Ark and give Raman a character was truly disturbing. or two? I never met the forest folks. I decent burial, then to mourn our loss. “Your companions are grieving,” it whis- always pictured them with green overalls In Limbo—Raman, from a later pered again. “They await your return

DRAGON 43 from beyond.” voice among them. It was compelling me Limbo “No one can leave here. What happened to move toward the bridge. At the time of death, a soul is immedi- has happened. Now go away.” The crimson spectre screeched and ately transported to Limbo, a very remote It slowly shook its head. “Not so, human. charged, her sword raised to strike me. . It is a dark and mysterious There is a way. You can return to your Suddenly she stopped, dropped the sword, place that no living being but Immortals friends, and I know how.” and fell to her knees, screaming in pain. may enter. There, the soul may seek eter- It dawned on me that perhaps this could She had hit a magical barrier around me, nal rest or struggle to return to its body, lead somewhere. “And you’ll reveal to me like some sort of protection from evil spell. thinking it still has unfinished business. your dark secret if I pay you—don’t tell “Cursed be thee, cleric of Razud! Cursed Chaos is the dominant element in Limbo. me—a shred of my life!” be all your crew!” croaked the crimson It affects many things, from the physical “Five, human. Five shreds of your life, or spectre. I had no wish to hear more. I ran laws to the passing of time. Time in Limbo darkness forever,” it whispered. to the gate, and all became black again. runs differently than in the Prime plane. “Prove to me first that you don’t lie! I Nyxmir 23—Haldemar: The night of The first day a soul “lives” in Limbo lasts will not let go of my life so easily!” mourning was over. It was time to return only an hour in the Prime plane. The The gaunt soul breathed deeply, then Raman’s mortal remains to the care of the second consecutive day in Limbo lasts two whispered, “In the City of the Dead, no sea by the light of dawn, as demanded by hours in the Prime plane, the third consec- one can cheat on a pact. The law of the naval tradition. The crew stood at atten- utive day three, and so forth. At this rate, Immortals binds me to my word.” tion as Raman’s shrouded body was placed an uninterrupted year in Limbo would be “So be it. Tell me your secret, and I will on the plank. Talasar uttered his last pray- a little over seven years in the Prime pay you.” er and farewell when Ramissur blew his plane, and a decade there would last seven “Seek the rock on which an obelisk whistle to signal Raman’s final departure, centuries on the Prime plane! stands. Beyond, at the bottom of the fallen with two long, saddening notes. When a soul manages to leave and then bridge, lies a gate. It leads back to your Suddenly, Raman’s body lurched, return to Limbo, the passage of time re- world. Go quickly, for your time now runs moaned, and sat up on the plank. Fright- sets itself, so a day there is equal to an faster.” ened out of their wits, the sailors holding hour in the Prime plane. Time in Limbo The gaunt creature grasped my wrist the plank screamed and accidentally can always be measured with a sundial with a skeletal hand. I could see spectral dropped the plank overboard—along with despite the lack of any sun. Natural sun- flesh materializing slowly on its bones as it Raman’s body! dials exist in Limbo’s wilderness. The mark drained my lifeforce. Then it left, quietly Ramissur immediately dove overboard to of the sun on the dial actually glows no and mysteriously. I felt very weak, and I recover our friend. By some miracle, Ra- matter how the sundial is held. Sigils on could see in a mirror I had faded a bit. man had come back to life, barely avoiding sundials mark the passing of weeks, This was troublesome. I had to move on. It another death by drowning this time. Pale, months, and years. Magical hourglasses seemed to me I had been here for over 10 exhausted, and visibly shaken, he was may also mark the corresponding time in days already. brought back to his quarters a mere the native plane of the entity consulting it. Nyxmir 22—Haldemar: At last we shadow of himself. After a long rest, per- The passing of time in Limbo explains recovered Raman’s body and returned to haps he could tell us whatever it was that why two creatures who entered that plane the ship. Consternation overtook the crew happened to him. Until then, Talasar at different times will not be able to exit it at the sad news. Talasar began to prepare would remain with him at all times. There and reappear in the Prime plane at the the mourning ceremony and the last pray- was no telling what might come from same time. For example, two warriors die ers for Raman. beyond to reclaim his soul. during a battle. The first warrior dies at His remains were brought to the chapel, To be continued... dawn, the other at noon (six hours later). and incense was lit around them. A few Both meet in Limbo. This means the first candles were all that brought light to the The world beyond warrior has already spent three full days chapel. The crew entered one by one to A study completed by Raman Nabonidus, there (three days in Limbo equal six hours pay their last respects to Raman. Later Sage and 1st Engineer of the Princess Ark: in the Prime plane). Together they manage that night, the officers, Lady Abovombe, “As many people correctly believe, a to find a gate back to the Prime plane after Myojo, Nyanga, Leo, and myself remained living being is made of two basic elements, another four days in Limbo. By then, the for an eve of mourning. Talasar then be- material and immaterial—body and soul. first warrior has spent seven days in Lim- gan the prayer for the dead. The body results from the interaction of bo, and the other only four. If both enter In Limbo—Raman, from a later forces pertaining to the Spheres of Matter the gate simultaneously, the first warrior account: At last, here it was—I had found and Time. Matter makes up the body, appears 28 hours after his death (at 10 the obelisk! From where I stood, I could while Time regulates its natural life. A.M. the day after his death), and the sec- see a fallen bridge below. I started scram- “The soul requires elements pertaining ond warrior appears 10 hours after his bling toward it when I heard a familiar to the Sphere of Thought and Energy. death (at 10 P.M. on the day of his death). If voice. Thought allows the soul to be sentient, they met again in the Prime plane and “And where do you think you are going, while Energy allows to it exist. It is the both reentered the gate to Limbo at the old sage?” The red ghost was there, stand- soul that animates and governs the body same time, time in Limbo would affect ing in front of me. “It took you some time when both are joined. Without it, the body both in the same way from this point on. to get here. I thought you would never soon perishes. As long as a soul remains in Limbo, it leave that city. Your five shreds of life felt “A fifth element exists, one that initially appears, feels, and thinks like its living so sweet, old sage! How kind of you to binds soul to body. This element pertains counterpart, though it neither ages nor bestow me with something so dear.” to the Sphere of Entropy. It is strong at requires food or water. It possesses all This evil soul had lured me out of the birth, then weakens as years pass. If natu- items the character carried or wore at the city’s protection. I had no hope of defeat- ral death occurs, that bond withers, allow- time of his death, complete with magical ing her now; I was too weak. I knew the ing the soul to leave the body. Otherwise, abilities. The soul and its equipment are pact was still good, but I would have to the remaining entropic force is released in only “reflections” of what they once were. reach the gate first. the Prime plane or wherever the body was Magical-item reflections function only in Again, she turned into her dreadful at the time of death. This force is one that Limbo, being powerless in the Prime and spectral incarnation and approached. creatures of Entropy feed upon. . . .” other planes. Should the next living owner Other voices then rose in the distance. of the deceased character’s magical items Faint at first, they grew in strength. I die in the Prime plane, the old reflections could have sworn I recognized Talasar’s of these item would dissipate and reap-

44 APRIL 1992 pear in the possession of the last owner’s ground, he would reappear on another If the character never adopted any phi- soul when it reaches Limbo. Exception: surface in all ways identical to the one he losophy at all, his soul must go on a quest Artifacts have no reflection in Limbo. just left. These places are all infinite exten- to find the gate that leads to eternal rest A soul in Limbo senses when its former sions of the same world, like interlocking on planes where free souls may reside. possessions, such as weapons, tools, Möbius strips. Like the Prime plane, Limbo These are the entities that mend the fabric clothes, and so on, are being used on the is not a finite universe; this is due to the of the universe in the Prime or Outer Prime plane. It also knows if they are predominance of Chaos in Limbo. Planes, allow the celestial clock to work, being used in a way the soul would ap- Many creatures populate Limbo, ranging enable the eternal cycle of creation to go prove of. The physical objects and their from the lost souls of otherworldly beings on, and maintain the balance between the reflections in Limbo are closely linked. to creatures of Entropy and predators powers of the spheres. The older the object or the stronger its unique to Limbo. These latter seek to Simple prayers from those still alive can magic, the greater the bond. An intelligent destroy lost souls, for they feed on ele- help a soul lost in Limbo. To someone in sword could even communicate with its ments related to the Spheres of Thought. Limbo, prayers sound like faint calls from owner on the Prime plane and its previous These entropic entities represent ultimate friends. If the prayers are uttered with owner’s soul in Limbo. Think again before oblivion for those who fall before them. enough faith, they can lead a soul in the stealing a sword from an ancient tomb; They usually remain in Limbo, since other right direction, toward a gate it seeks or one never knows to whom it once be- planes are deadly to them. Only the more away from danger. Many clerics know longed, and the owner’s soul might come powerful ones dare linger in the Prime prayers for the dead, which are particular- back from Limbo and haunt the grave plane, often in an attempt to stalk prey ly effective when said by mourning robber until the sword is finally returned that escaped them. The more powerful the friends gathered at the side of the de- to the tomb. prey, the more it will attract these deni- ceased or at his grave. Depending on the Most spells may be cast normally, except zens’ hunger. Other beings haunt Limbo as mourners’ background, candles, incense, for traveling spells used in an attempt to well, including Immortals on a quest or chimes, songs, Ochalean firecrackers, the leave Limbo. A teleport spell used to move fiends with some dark scheme in mind. toll of a bell, or the sacrifice of gifts, are from one region of Limbo to another will used to ward off evil spirits (equivalent to function. Teleport, travel, word of recall, Seeking eternal rest a protection from evil spell in Limbo) and or wish spells used in an attempt to exit The souls of nonplayer characters enter- help the prayers reach the soul beyond. Limbo will fail. The only way to leave ing Limbo will seek eternal rest in most The most effective prayers for the dead Limbo is through adventuring. Likewise, cases, at the DM’s discretion. If not, skip to were written many centuries ago by the all healing spells and all spells related to the next section, “Returning home.” ancient Nithians; these are still in use in life, death, or souls (e.g., raise dead, speak If the character chose an Immortal Pa- the HOLLOW WORLD™ setting. to the dead, animate dead, magic jar, or a tron to guide him during his previous life Other spells cast in the Prime plane can wish used in any way affecting death) and he has been faithful to his philosophy, affect lost souls, like speak with the dead. cannot be cast from inside Limbo. Enter- his soul will find a gate leading to the To a soul in Limbo, the spell induces a ing or leaving Limbo heals any damage plane of his Immortal Patron. The time trance that allows the soul to respond to done to the soul. spent in Limbo, ranging from a few min- questions (no save). The soul is totally To a soul, the environment in Limbo utes to several decades, depends on how vulnerable during that time and cannot looks and feels as if it were a tangible faithful that character was. The stay in break the trance until it has responded to reality. For D&D game purposes, the soul Limbo is meant as a period of atonement. the cleric’s three questions. is played exactly like the live character On the Immortal Patron’s plane, the soul was, with armor class, hit points, move- becomes a servant of the Immortal and Returning home ment, and so forth. Of course, a soul that cannot be called back to the Prime plane For a soul to desire its return to the just arrived in Limbo doesn’t immediately (by a cleric casting a raise dead spell, for Prime plane, there should be some un- believe it is “dead.” The soul needs time to example) without the Immortal Patron’s bearable need or feeling of distress such come to that conclusion. will. All memory of the Immortals plane is that the soul would be ready to risk losing Limbo may take different aspects, de- wiped out permanently if this is achieved. eternal rest in order accomplish a great pending on the character and his cultural No mortal magic can restore memory lost deed. An epic struggle against evil, a loved background. For example, a character that way. one in dire need of help, and revenge for from Ochalea may see Limbo as a shad- If the character had adopted an Immor- some terrible crime are examples of legiti- owy Oriental garden with pagodas, while a tal Patron’s philosophy but betrayed it mate reasons to go to the Prime plane. character from the Northern Reaches later, that character’s soul will not ever be When confronted with a character’s could see it as giant glaciers battered by allowed into the Immortal’s plane, and it is death and entry into Limbo, players will dark, thunderous storms. For those with- condemned to remain forever in Limbo. almost always attempt to bring their char- out such beliefs, Limbo is likely to look like Sooner or later, the lost soul will fall prey acters back to life, regardless of the legiti- dirt paths winding through jagged rocks. to entities of darkness that wander the macy of their reasons. Let them. If a The sky ranges from a dim, gray twilight paths of Limbo. Truly evil souls could fall player is being frivolous, make his charac- to total darkness. Eerie algae and veils of before the forces of Entropy there and ter’s path to the Prime plane dangerous Spanish mosses seem to stretch forever join their side, but they are more likely to and unforgiving. The path to the Prime from the ground up into the starless sky. become Entropy’s prey or the hapless plane can be a long and difficult one. In Even though the ethereal plants sway pawn of some grand, evil plot. the case of a character with a noble quest, slowly as if in some imaginary breeze, a A chaotic soul trapped in Limbo may some help could be made available in the sound like a howling wind can be faintly become a Minion of Chaos. It must first persons of benevolent entities guiding the heard far away in the darkness. Occasion- become familiar with the peculiarities of lost soul toward a gate. ally, a screech or the rumble of falling Limbo (subtract the character’s or mon- The wandering soul must face many rocks echoes in the distance. Limbo is a ster’s level from 40; the result indicates dangers that could destroy it forever. cold, dismal place, with grays and blacks the number of local days a soul needs to Creatures of darkness dwelling in Limbo dominating throughout. “survive” in Limbo to gain this knowledge). prey upon these lost souls. Gates are well If one flew “upward” alongside the algae, If it defeats a Minion of Chaos of the same hidden. Malevolent beings also know that he would discover that their other end is number of hit dice or better (minimum 10 lost souls seek these gates to return to rooted in a land that is the mirror image HD), a Chaotic soul then becomes a Minion their world, and therefore will haunt of the one he just left, as if Limbo were a itself, the very predator it learned to fear these places. The more powerful ones, giant sphere. If one could dig into the in Limbo. fiends or their Minions in particular, will

46 APRIL 1992 Cartography by John Knecht DRAGON 47 attempt to fool a lost soul into believing consent. To say the place is absolutely safe (ghouls, wights, mummies, liches) often they are trying to help. Instead, they will would be far from the truth, however; the require souls to be called back to the guide the soul to the wrong gate, one that only acceptable “currency” there is one’s Prime plane from Limbo and be bound to leads to their plane. There the soul will be precious lifeforce. Many reasons exist for their corpses. Souls that make it past a devoured or imprisoned by creatures of why a being might want to part with some gate to eternal rest cannot be called back Entropy. of its lifeforce; this is usually done for for the purpose of creating undead. Senti- If the soul succeeds in reaching the services or information. A Minion of Chaos ent undead whose souls are capable of Prime plane, it will enter at the spot may bestow upon a weak soul some of its traveling Limbo retain their ability to where its body was killed. The soul is lifeforce in order to obtain its services for control other undead souls in Limbo, just invisible totally immaterial, and incapable a time. A lost soul may accept the loss of like on the Prime plane. of affecting anything physically or magi- some lifeforce in order to gain valuable Undead without physical forms (wraiths, cally in the Prime plane. No one can see it information on the location of a magical spectres, haunts, spirits, etc) are perver- or hear it. The soul must find its body by gate. Another might want to pay a rent to sions of their original souls. This happens wandering the region and listening to “open shop” and sell goods (remember, in the cases of great sorrow or ultimate people. If it finds its body, the soul may there is no way to tell how long the reflec- evil. Some souls trapped in Limbo for a immediately enter it and attempt to reani- tion of an object will last in Limbo). A very long time may turn into these beings mate it, provided the body is in reasonably fiend may “loan” lifeforce to another enti- and return to the Prime plane many years good condition. Make a Constitution Check ty, at an interest, but the fiend might let after their actual deaths. based on the character’s original score. If the contract run past its deadline and Most undead have a goal that will allow it succeeds, the body is revived. For exam- claim its dues back when one is not in any them to earn eternal rest, sometimes good ple, a warrior dies from a stab in the shape to repay. Many souls became the (ghosts), sometimes evil (spectres). Others heart, and his soul leaves the body and victims of an unscrupulous fiend, either hope to break the curse that created them later returns. Everyone thought the fight- meeting their final doom or becoming (mummies). Most evil undead are content er was quite dead (he was), only to discov- followers of Entropy just to survive. Cities with spreading evil and sorrow around er that the deadly blade just grazed the crawl with such unsavory creatures. them (wraiths, nightshades) in revenge for fighter’s heart. He “miraculously” awakes, The trading of lifeforce is vital in Limbo their fate. Others have become insane in very weak and in pain but alive. because it often is the only way to cure their quest for power and knowledge If the body decayed beyond any possible damage to souls. A soul on a quest to find (liches), or in their painful, unbearable recovery, was damaged to a point it a gate might sustain great damage in a hunger for live flesh (ghouls, wights, couldn’t conceivably live, or was already battle against a creature of Chaos, and vampires). disposed of (cremated, buried deep in the thus would want to seek employment in Note that in order for an evil soul to ground, etc.), then the soul is in danger of order to cure its wounds. The reflection of become any of the undead in the following becoming a ghost. Make a Wisdom Check money and precious items has little value section, the late character must have had based on the original character’s score. If in Limbo. These are viewed as mere trin- at least the same number of HD as the it succeeds, the soul immediately returns kets and baubles. chosen undead form. to Limbo. If not, it becomes a ghost Lifeforce can be transferred upon con- Skeletons, zombies: These are the trapped in the Prime plane (see the de- tact. For simplicity, lifeforce is measured lowest manifestations of evil magic. Some- scription of the ghost in the Rules Cyclope- in hit points. The recipient cannot receive one in the Prime plane simply animated dia, page 182). more lifeforce than its normal hit-point the remains of dead bodies, which does Souls may be recalled to the Prime plane total. Lifeforce can be stored in vials and not affect their souls. The souls of the by powerful clerics. To a soul in Limbo, a used at a later time like a magical potion. victims of this magic may go on quests for raise dead spell would produce a great ball One may refuse to return borrowed life- eternal rest. of blinding light. The spell in effect creates force, but then the protection of the city Ghouls, wights: These creatures exist a magical gate for the soul. It leads it di- no longer applies to the delinquent, and in the Prime plane due to entropic magic. rectly to its body, at the time the cleric his creditor is entitled to take any action it Ghouls must feed only to ease the pain of casts the spell. If it does not desire to sees fit. hunger; they do not otherwise require return to the Prime plane, the soul must food to survive. A wight, however, is far pass a Wisdom Check to resist the call. Denizens of Limbo more than a hungry undead. After being Sometimes entropic entities will imprison As mentioned earlier, myriad entities killed by a wight, a victim’s soul first goes a newly arrived soul, hoping for an unsus- populate Limbo besides the souls of the to Limbo. There, it is stalked by the pecting cleric to cast such a spell. The dead. Because of the preponderance of wight’s mind, as the wight enters a cata- entity will enter the gate and take posses- Chaos there, the “law” of the strongest is tonic trance that allows it to send its own sion of the resurrected body. At other the only one that applies. Among the more soul after its victim. A wight’s soul looks times, a Minion of Chaos might sneak into powerful entities are fiends and their like a dark, frightening shadow straight the gate after the soul. Creatures of Limbo rivals, the Masters of Chaos. Fiends, or from the deceased’s worse nightmare. can be jealous of and spiteful toward those Lords of Entropy, are not native to Limbo The wight’s soul is more powerful in who escape Limbo. Clerics should always but consider that plane their hunting Limbo than in the Prime plane, and it take heed when summoning a soul back grounds. Masters of Chaos are souls that knows many tricks. It can cast the follow- from beyond, for there very well might remained in Limbo and rose to power ing spells once per visit in Limbo: hold also be a furtive shadow lurking some- there. Every Minion of Chaos remembers person, phantasmal force, web, continual where near, waiting for its time. vividly its very first encounter with a fiend darkness, and hallucinatory terrain. It can or its servants when it first entered Limbo also enter Limbo within 1d4 miles of its Cities of the dead as a lost soul. For this, Minions of Chaos victim. The wight can sense the general Invariably, there are places in Limbo abhor fiends and all other entities of En- direction of its victim. The energy drain that can be called cities. They offer a tropy, especially undead in the service of ability functions in Limbo. A soul totally neutral ground where souls, followers of Entropy. drained of its energy is forever destroyed. Entropy, and creatures of Chaos may meet Undead are abominations that should The wight’s soul uses this ability to heal and dwell without fear of each other. It is not normally exist, except that sometimes damage on its Prime plane body at the rate rumored that these places are under the intense emotions or evil magic interfere of 1d4 hp per hit die drained. protection and law of Immortal Patrons. with order in the Prime plane. Some un- If it catches the hunted soul, the wight As long as one remains in such havens, dead maintain links with Limbo. can instead bind it to the victim’s corpse, no harm may befall him without his own Sentient undead with physical forms thus creating another wight. If the victim’s

48 APRIL 1992 soul can stay clear of the wight for four death; the soul remains in the corpse to These spirits are destroyed when they Prime plane days (almost seven months in rise again later. When a vampire is de- reach their goal or exceed the time of Limbo), the undead will give up the hunt. stroyed, its soul returns to Limbo to seek their quests in the Prime plane. If the soul defeats the wight, the undead eternal rest. Vampires do not always begin Nightshades: Very rare on , awakens from its trance. It may attempt a as evil creatures, but the agonizing need these undead are constructs built by trance every night for four nights. The for fresh blood eventually turns each of fiends to further some grand, evil scheme. trance lasts 1d4 hours in the Prime plane, them evil or insane at the rate of one day Fiends use the souls of shades as the basic at which point the wight’s intolerable per hit die it has. element to build nightshades, which are hunger for flesh awakens it. Destroying Phantoms: Although treated as an often sent into Limbo to harass the more the body of a ghoul or wight in the Prime undead, the apparition is the reflection in powerful Masters of Chaos. Because of the plane also destroys its soul. the Prime plane of a Master of Chaos. This distorted time flow in Limbo, however, it Wraiths, spectres: These are the is a powerful tool given to Chaos, since it is difficult to retrieve nightshades. Finding corrupted souls of evil beings whose ha- can be used anywhere at any time, with- the right nightshade and determining with treds drove them to return to the Prime out the entity leaving Limbo. accuracy when it would arrive on the plane. Wraiths usually prefer to haunt an The shade is the undead servant of a other side of a gate is an arcane art that evil place. Spectres, however, often are fiend. It is the corrupted soul of someone few among Masters of Chaos or Lords of followers of Entropy sent back to the who was captured in Limbo and taken Entropy can master. Nightshades do not Prime plane by a fiend to complete a away to the fiend’s plane. When de- control the time distortion that occurs quest. stroyed, the shade returns to its evil mas- when they leave Limbo to go to another Wraiths and spectres hate all that lives. ter’s plane. plane. Destroying these entities also eradicates The vision is an amalgam of the souls of Liches: Magic is required to create a their souls. These entities can follow the warriors who died on a battlefield and lich, allowing the soul of the lich-to-be to souls of their victims into Limbo to drain found a way to return to the site. Their travel to Limbo where it must accomplish their energy. They possess the same spell emotions were so intense at the time of a quest. The object of the quest is usually abilities in Limbo as the wights. As with their death that they couldn’t leave the to gain some form of evil magic or a spell wight, energy drain heals any damage place. Their misdirected angst causes that will bind the soul back to its body and inflicted to the entities at the rate of 1d4 them to attack anyone entering the site, suspend its decay. Depending on the time hp per drained hit die. thinking them to be their old enemies. the lich’s soul takes to meet its goals, the Mummies: A mummy is the result of a They cannot communicate and go dor- body may reach an advanced stage of curse cast by someone who is already mant if no one approaches. If the vision is decay. There have been cases of liches that dead and desires revenge on the mummy- destroyed, these souls return to Limbo to accomplished their quests quickly enough to-be. The caster of the curse refused seek eternal rest. to prevent major deterioration of their eternal rest and remained in Limbo in Haunts: The most common manifesta- bodies, but as long as a few bones are left, order to take its revenge. Nithians were tion of Limbo on Mystara is the ghost (or a lich may yet succeed in its scheme. If notorious for this sinister practice. banshee, for evil female elves), which was nothing is left of the body, the lich cannot The curse has the power to send a soul brought up earlier in this article. further its quest and is trapped in Limbo. eater (see AC9 ) after Although treated as an undead form, the The lich’s quest often requires the destruc- its victim’s soul soon after the latter’s poltergeist is in truth the extension of a tion of a powerful denizen of Limbo. arrival in Limbo. The soul eater will stalk Minion of Chaos. The latter uses it to Like wights, liches dream and can thus the victim until the latter can locate and interact with the Prime plane without travel Limbo in search of victims to tor- destroy the caster of the curse. If the soul traveling there itself, like using a remote- ment and secrets to gain (such as new eater effectively defeats the soul, it will controlled device. By using a poltergeist, a spells or the location of artifacts). A lich drag it back to the victim’s mummified Minion of Chaos may pull objects into can enter Limbo once per new moon, and corpse, to which it will be bound. Limbo for its own uses. This is a way it tracks down victims much as a wight The curse prevents the soul from ever physical objects from the Prime plane may does. The souls of liches have the same leaving the body, except for a very specific end up in Limbo. An object’s reflection in abilities and game statistics in Limbo as task that the mummy must accomplish. Limbo, if one already exists there, van- the original monsters, complete with magi- The mummy might not initially know ishes from the hands of whatever soul cal weapons (which again are only reflec- what the task is. If it is to guard a tomb, it possessed it at the moment the physical tions of the true items). Liches prey on the may do so for 1d6 millennia. The hapless object is brought into Limbo. The soul of souls of dead wizards, preferably ancient being remains in the darkness of its tomb someone killed by a poltergeist’s aging rivals. until such time as it can meet the terms of ability is drawn into Limbo where it falls Liches, though able to summon and the curse. If the mummy meets its goal, prey to the Minion of Chaos. Poltergeists control undead creatures, are not neces- the corpse falls apart and its soul returns may be created only on the site of a dra- sarily followers of Entropy. For this reason to Limbo to seek eternal rest. matic death where the link between the and because they are very powerful entit- If the mummy is destroyed before it Prime plane and Limbo is strong. ies on Limbo, liches sometimes manage to achieves its goal, the curse prevents the Spirits: The druj and the revenant are become Minions of Chaos when trapped soul from then earning eternal rest. It similar to the ghost in that the soul re- on that plane. Lichdom often leads to must then attempt to return to the Prime turned to the body sometime after death. insanity—a symptom of Chaos—although plane, again, and seek revenge on those The difference is that the original, evil wanting to become a lich in the first place who destroyed its corpse. It returns as a character was 18th level or higher and his is a clear sign of a sick, evil mind. Lichdom ghost that can cast curses of insanity. Only soul may reanimate the corpse even precludes any hope for eternal rest. De- a wish or a remove curse spell cast by a though it has reached an advanced state of stroying a lich in the Prime plane traps its 20th-level spell-caster can cure a mummy’s decay. The odic is the soul of an evil mon- soul in Limbo; destroying its soul in Limbo curse. ster whose body was totally destroyed kills the creature forever. Vampires: The “gift” of vampirism is a before the soul’s return to the Prime Minions of Chaos: These chaotic magical disease created by an Immortal of plane. All three spirits travel the Prime denizens of Limbo were lost souls once Entropy and brought to the Prime plane in plane in search of those (and their descen- and still have the statistics and abilities of an attempt to spread sorrow and destruc- dants) who caused their deaths. Spirit the characters or monsters they once tion. Mortal magic or medicine cannot hauntings cease when all legitimate de- were. Each benefits from the ability to cure this disease. It prevents the soul of a scendants of the original culprit, up to the shapechange (with the ability to cast victim from entering Limbo at the time of seventh generation, are dead or insane. spells, if any are possessed, in whatever

DRAGON 49 shape they choose), dimension door at available to their Minions, with several Prime plane, in that they continue their will, and use alter reality The latter power differences. Each has an anti-magic resist- struggle against the enemy (presumably can’t be used to affect a victim directly, ance equal to its hit dice, the power to cast Entropy), either defending their home affecting only its perceptions, and it is telekinesis and ESP at will, and the power plane against their foes or returning regu- limited to a sphere with a diameter equal to cast confusion, reverse gravity, and larly to the Prime plane as “guardian an- to 1’ per hit die of the Minion. The altera- maze once per encounter. It exudes a 30’- gels” to protect their philosophy. tion can be centered as far away as 10’ radius aura of Chaos that temporarily A guardian angel permanently loses 1d6 per hit die of the Minion. A Minion can reduces the Intelligence scores of all crea- HD when destroyed or defeated in the use alter reality only in Limbo, once per tures caught in the aura by one-half, Prime plane, and it immediately returns to round, independent of anything else it rounded down (save vs. spell). This aura its home plane for 1d8 days thereafter. If does during that time. affects only creatures of fewer hit dice “killed” on its home plane, a guardian The difference between phantasmal than the Master itself. Its ability to alter angel is permanently removed from the force and alter reality is that if the victim reality affects a sphere 10 times bigger game. The guardian angel gains experi- fails an Intelligence check, the alteration and at 10 times the range of the normal ence levels as appropriate to its mission (so long as it is of a nonliving thing) be- spell. A natural 1 on an Intelligence Check and original character class, and it may comes real. For example, if the victim is needed to knock out a Master’s alter continue its quest for immortality if it struck a Minion of Chaos a damaging reality power in an encounter. wishes. blow, the Minion could respond by show- A Master of Chaos can open a gate to the The guardian angel has the original ing his wounds healing instantaneously Prime plane, but only once each time it character’s game statistics and abilities. (using alter reality). On the other hand, the senses a soul escaping Limbo (a one-mile The guardian angel’s incorporeal form is Minion could not cause a bridge to melt radius per hit die). The gate leads to an invisible in the Prime plane (infravision away under the victim’s feet, sinking him area in the Prime plane located 1d4 miles cannot reveal an incorporeal guardian into bubbling lava, but it could create this away from the location of the soul. As angel). It can freely materialize, thus be- illusion near the victim to prevent the with the souls of wights in Limbo, a Mas- coming visible. In either form, only spells victim from fleeing. This power is negated ter of Chaos can sense the general direc- or magical weapons of +2 or greater for the remainder of an encounter the tion of a runaway soul. It can survive in power can affect it. The guardian angel first time the victim succeeds in his Intelli- the Prime plane up to one day per hit die. may cast up to three travel spells a day as gence check. If several foes are present, Its alter reality power works on the Prime an innate ability. The guardian angel can- use the highest Intelligence score in the plane, too. not take away any material objects from party for the roll, with a + 1 bonus. Masters of Chaos can create ½-HD crea- the Prime plane. Guardian angels should The Minion can use this ability to shape tures of Chaos called discords (AC 7; MV not deliberately interact with other crea- its surroundings, create nonmagical, non- 30’(10’), 180’(60’) flying; AT alter reality as tures in the Prime plane; stiff experience living objects, and build itself a lair in a 3 HD Minion; Dmg none; Save MU1; ML penalties threaten those who do. Limbo’s wilderness or cities. The durabili- 6; TT none; Int 8; AL Chaotic; XP 7). Each So, if everyone in a party dies during a ty of such dwellings is largely based upon of these small winged eyes cost their crea- game, there’s no need to crumple up those its builder’s notoriety among Minions of tor 1 hp, recoverable only when the dis- precious character sheets. Favorite charac- Chaos, who will attack at any chance. A cord is destroyed. Discords act as the eyes ters might yet remain companions of lone Minion always succeeds in using alter and ears of their creators, with whom fortune in Limbo, on a quest for mysteri- reality. they remain in telepathic contact. ous adventures in the worlds beyond. A Minion of Chaos can survive no more For the same cost as a making polter- Good haunting! than an hour per hit die in the Prime geist, a Master of Chaos can also create an plane. It has the ability to follow someone apparition in the Prime plane, using it to through a gate and appear at the same seek information or revenge. The appari- time in the Prime plane, despite the time tion has a mind of its own, which frees the distortion in Limbo. The Minion can freely Master of Chaos from having to concen- return to Limbo anytime it wishes. trate in order to control it. The Master A Minion of Chaos can also create polter- does have the option to see, listen, and geists. Each poltergeist it creates tempo- control the apparition at will from Limbo. rarily reduces the Minion’s hit points by The apparition dissipates upon returning 10%, rounded up (or by 5 hp, whichever is to its master. greater). If the poltergeist is destroyed in Visitors: Other creatures may wander the Prime plane, those hit points are re- through Limbo, such as spectral hounds, covered. undead beholders, and other undead Creatures capable of earning levels of variants. Fortunately, not all that dwells in experience (the lost souls of player charac- Limbo is evil. Some friendly entities exist ters, for example) may resume their quest and may bring help, such as lawful souls for higher levels in Limbo if they become on their way to eternal rest, or guardian Minions of Chaos, using their original angels (see next entry). The archon is experience tables. A Minion of Chaos may perhaps one of the most powerful crea- become a Master of Chaos if it destroys a ture at the service of good that could roam Master in combat. Limbo. It enters Limbo to monitor the Note that a creature of Chaos can “heal” schemes of the Masters of Chaos there, or damage caused to it by feeding on lost to keep the Masters under control (see the souls. The more hit dice or levels a soul Rules Cyclopedia, page 158). had, the more damage is healed, at a rate of 1 hp per hit die or level devoured. Beyond Limbo Creatures of Chaos are fiercely competi- Characters reaching “eternal rest” past tive and aren’t known to form alliances. Limbo are still playable. They could be- Coercion and fear are the only motivations come servants of their chosen Immortals, for any such creature to obey another. or free entities in a separate plane. In Masters of Chaos: These powerful either case, their goals could be very simi- rulers of Limbo have all of the abilities lar to those they had when alive in the

50 APRIL 1992

©1992 by Robin Rist

Cast a raise funds spell on your gaming club

Treasure means a lot. Most characters in myself, and listed below are some steps to Write down all suggestions, because more a fantasy role-playing adventure hope to take that might help your gaming club’s than one of them could prove beneficial in, find lots of money, gems, and magical fund-raisers be successful. the future. After recording the sugges- riches, all the things that make the adven- tions, discuss each idea individually. This ture worthwhile. They’ll fight hordes of 1. Decide on your goals. If your club could take a little time, so be prepared. hobgoblins or a vampire to get them. But plans to go to a convention, buy gaming You should consider the time of year and once in a while, after all the bruises, cuts, supplies, or get a guest speaker, you must what activities other gaming clubs and and deaths have been taken, the party will estimate how much money this will re- civic groups are doing; for example, you anxiously open a treasure chest only to quire. Sometimes you’ll want to set your do not want to have a car wash in the find that it is empty. This can make the estimated costs higher than they actually dead of winter. If another club is doing a party’s feeling of victory seem hollow. are to ensure that you’ll have enough similar activity, you might want to use that When gaming clubs, small or large, money for all planned activities and some suggestion at a later time. attempt to earn money to attend certain of the unexpected ones. Once your club’s activities or to buy new games or supple- goals have been set, you can start the 3. Choose a project that members ments, they often fall short. Disappoint- planning. can agree on. Some people never seem ment results, and the enthusiasm needed to agree on anything, much less reach a for fund-raising activities is lost. I’m a 2. Brainstorming. Initial ideas for consensus, but try to be democratic and member of a small college gaming club fund-raisers should be considered now. vote on each idea. If this doesn’t work,

52 APRIL 1992 threatening to kill a few characters in an responsibility, and objectives will be 5. Allow plenty of preparation ongoing campaign might bring about some reached more quickly. Otherwise, it would time. One of the biggest problems I’ve cooperation. be like a fighter in an adventuring cam- had in my club is not having enough time paign trying to kill the monsters by him- to prepare for the activity we wanted to 4. Select a coordinator for the pro- self, while the rest of the party sits back do. Planning only a few days before the ject. Now comes the hard part: finding and watches. Sooner or later, that fighter event does not work. To have a successful people to do the work. People are often is going to become very tired and maybe fund-raiser, people must have enough time willing to help but are not willing to take very badly hurt, thus dooming the whole to accomplish their tasks. For example, if charge of a project. A lot of coaxing may party. That’s the way it is with fund-raisers your club decides to have a dance, a cou- be needed, and picking somebody you if one person takes on responsibility for ple of months of preparation would be a know to be responsible is usually the best everything; something is destined to go minimum amount of time needed to plan bet. You shouldn’t choose a member who wrong and maybe ruin all chances of and arrange all that is necessary. On the is habitually late or absent, or whom other earning money. Remember that the project other hand, if your club is doing a car people don’t trust to handle money. coordinator isn’t the only worker on the wash, only a couple of weeks would be Once someone has been selected, his project; he’s just the person who makes needed. It is better to have more time than first step is to get other members to help sure that the other workers are doing is needed rather than not having enough him and to assign tasks to each one. By their part. time. When rushed, certain aspects of the doing this, no one will have to take all the activity could turn out poorly, and the

DRAGON 53 whole organization of the event may that’s why ads for products are repeated you could hold a pizza party for those crumble; it’s like being charged by a tribe so often. who work the fund-raiser or some other of orcs and not giving your mage enough You want people to know about your activity. You could also tell the people who time to cast his fireball spell. club activity at least a week ahead of the do not help that they may be excluded activity’s time. For example, if you were from whatever benefits are gained by 6. Determine what is necessary to using flyers, the time to circulate them spending the money raised by the event. complete the activity. Knowing what would be a week before the designated Whatever route your club takes, just make the costs will be for your club to complete date. A couple of days later, circulate a sure you’re not short-handed. Having too a project, and decide what equipment, if few more flyers. Then the day before, as few workers causes stress for those who any, is necessary. Will you need to rent a well as the day of the activity, pass out are working and may make the fund- place for your activity to take place? Most even more flyers. A good way of letting raiser less successful. Also, tempers flare college clubs have buildings available for people know is by hanging flyers up more often under stressful situations, and use or have equipment you might need. where they are most likely to be seen. workers may take it out on each other Often, players have items of their own Some good places might be a local grocery instead of working together. that are necessary for an activity (like a store, gaming store, student union (if you stereo for a dance) or know how to get it have a college club), around school, and on With this step-by-step process, your at a lower cost. Sometimes gaming and cars. If your club does hang flyers them in gaming club should be successful in rais- hobby stores will sponsor your club or businesses, be sure to ask the manager or ing funds. After your first few fund- help out in other ways. These are all op- owner of the business first, or your flyer raisers, this process will get even easier. tions to keep in mind. The less money might not stay up for long. People need to This has proven true for my club, at least. your club has to spend for an activity, the know about your event, and the word No longer will you have to look at a trea- more money you can earn for the club. If won’t get out unless you spread it. sure chest that is continually empty. In- you do not know what is necessary to stead, you will have one that is full enough complete an activity, talk with other clubs 9. Make sure there are enough to suit your gaming club’s needs. or people who have done similar activities. people to work the activity. The peo- Without knowing which direction to go, ple who do all the planning for the fund- your club will only go in circles. raiser shouldn’t be the only ones who work at it. If that happens, those members 7. Have check-up meetings. Just could become burned out on future fund- because you assigned people certain tasks raising ideas, or they may develop some does not mean that those tasks will always negative feelings about the club itself. Find get done. Sometimes people have trouble a way to get everybody involved. Maybe getting started, run into dead ends, get confused, or aren’t motivated. Having periodic meetings along the way makes it possible for those involved to bounce ideas off each other, relate how they are doing, or discuss problems that have evolved. If you don’t do this, you could easily have an incident like the following: A member of the planning committee has a problem that he doesn’t know how to solve, and he doesn’t want to ask for help because that would make him feel stupid. The job then doesn’t get done. Later on, usually when the activity is underway, the part of the project that person was work- ing on arises and he says, “I had a problem and I didn’t manage to do it. Sorry.” By this time, it is too late. Imagine an adventuring party camping out in the middle of the woods for the night. Wood has been gath- ered, a fire is lit, and everyone looks at the character who was supposed to have acquired the food in town—and he says, “Sorry, I forgot.” In real life, hard feelings could arise toward the person who did not complete his responsibility, and other problems might stem from this. With check-up meetings, the chances of this happening are drastically cut if not totally eliminated.

8. Publicity. Whether by word of mouth, an ad in the newspaper, an ad in a gaming magazine, or even a flyer posted in the local hobby shop, publicity is very important. If people do not know about your activity, how are they supposed to attend? Remember, for most people it takes more than one exposure to some- “Well, it appears they have the thing new before they remember it, and element of surprise.”

54 APRIL 1992

Elvira II: The Jaws of Cerberus (Accolade)

Elvira needs help with an uninvited guest—namely, Death

Once again, we’d like to thank everyone rather than the quality of the games them- Our feeling, then, is that a popular vote who has written to us with comments, selves. Many small companies that don’t is too inequitable to be an accurate judge hints, and tips. It is quite obvious that have the budgets to wage advertising of a game’s true worth. We would like to DRAGON® Magazine readers are highly campaigns just can’t compete for attention eradicate the Beastie Awards as a popular dedicated gamers. We enjoy reading your other than through reviews. The smaller vote. Instead, we would prefer our read- letters and are especially thankful to those companies’ games might be just as good as ers let us know how they feel about the who help out their fellow gamers with the larger companies’ games, but the form- games we’ve reviewed; we’ll publish fair, new ideas for getting through the rough er don’t receive the attention they deserve. applicable comments. If we haven’t re- spots in computer games. viewed a particular game you’d like to see, We have been thinking about how fair tell us about that game in four paragraphs our Beastie Awards voting is to the various Computer games’ ratings or less. entertainment software companies. Our As we simply don’t have the space to X Not recommended conclusion is that awards based upon write about every game we receive, be * Poor reader votes really aren’t a fair proposi- assured that most games appearing in this ** Fair tion for many such companies. Sometimes, column possess high merit as playable, *** Good games are purchased because of expen- valuable entertainment for you. The rating **** Excellent sively rendered, point-of-purchase displays structure will remain. Occasionally there ***** Superb or advertising campaigns in magazines are games that show up that are simply so

DRAGON 57 bad that we have to warn gamers away from them. Thank heavens such offerings are in the minority! Whenever possible, game hints pub- lished here will now list the computer system for which they are applicable, as many tips simply do not work on all sys- tems. When you write in with a tip, please mention the computer system upon which you played your game. Thanks!

KnightLine Did you know that Atari Corporation has just sold its one-millionth game car- tridge for the Lynx hand-held video-game system? With a current library of 40 games, the company expects to have 75 titles by the end of 1992. Had problems with Falcon 3.0, PC/MS- DOS version? Spectrum HoloByte has released a new patch disk to take care of such matters. If you need this patch, call customer support at (510) 522-1164. For video gamers, NEC has announced it is releasing a new system incorporating both CD-ROM and 16-bit game machines in Castle of Dr. Brain (Sierra On-Line) a single unit. You can expect to see it in people?” You can also buy and sell land, wine, retail stores this summer. Bill Wilson of Traverse City, Mich., has a grain, and wool. When you wish to engage couple of questions regarding Dragon in trading commodities, you’ll note that H.E.L.P. Wars, played on a Commodore 64. “Has the specific item is either poor, average, or Marty Gleason, of Countryside, Ill., anyone found a use for driftwood, flot- good in production. The higher the pro- needs some assistance. “I have a Macintosh sam, or bones? Also, has anyone found duction quality, the higher the price, LC, and the first game I purchased was scrolls for Light Flash, Summon Salaman- whether selling or buying. Buy enough The Bard’s Tale. Now I’m stuck. I can’t der, Brambles, Invoke Spirit, Prison, or land and you can even award acreage to answer the riddle in Harkyn’s Castle, the both Rage and Wrath of Mithas?” subjects. You can confiscate lands as well. silver square in Harkyn’s Castle, and I Jason Dunn required help in a previous One new aspect that we found really cannot find Kylearan in his tower. My issue with Ultima VI. Mike Myers of La helpful is the ability to loan money as well characters are all over level 20, and the Mesa, Calif., has heard Jason’s call and as to borrow funds. The former enables game is driving me crazy!” responds, “To find the Mantra of Diligence you to earn interest, We tried to make Joshua Marquart of Hauppauge, N.Y., from the stairs, go down two rooms, then certain that each month we loaned the would like some assistance with Autoduel over one room, and look for a secret door. maximum amount available to ensure from Origin. “Can you increase your Go down the stairway. You may find it great rewards at the start of the new year. health and body armor from three and a easier to get past the daemons by using With taxes barely supporting our castle- total of six to a greater number? What is invisibility. Also, if you have solved the building efforts and military buildups, the the full password to ‘She sells . . .?’ What is game and are playing again, skip the pirate interest payments came in very handy in the best car to purchase, and which is the cave. Just get the moonstones, then the ensuring a more stable financial position. hardest division to play in, Five or Twenty codex. If you are looking for the pirate If things get rough monetarily, you can (don’t count unlimited)? How can a car cave, it may be useful to know that Lord always borrow funds—but, just as you qualify for these divisions?” Witsaber’s name is really Alastor Gordon.” extract interest from those who borrow David Crowe of Scottsdale, Ariz., asks, “I from you, the reverse is also applicable. am having a problem solving BattleTech: Reviews In combat, your infantry troops now do The Crescent Hawk’s Inception. I am in the not head into the fray until you click on Star League Map Room and have the map Castles: The Northern each icon with your mouse cursor. This that comes with the game, but I am unable Campaign ***** enables you to determine if an offensive or to determine what is the correct combina- Interplay defensive maneuver is better for the par- tion of planets to touch in order to finish PC/MS-DOS version $29.95 ticular encounter. the game. Please help!” This disk is the company’s Castles Cam- You can also select either a realistic or Thexder 2 is stumping Bob Gibson of paign Disk #1. The Northern Campaign fantasy world. We thought the latter was Raleigh, North Carolina. “I’m stuck in makes the original game a far better offer- more fun, as you never really knew what Firehawk (a.k.a. Thexder 2) running on an ing. Not only does it expand the reaches of was causing the gray, sticky substance to IBM. I’m at Level Nine and am unable to your kingdom, but it adds features not stick to your castle walls. The messengers get past the guardian at the end of the released in the original game. For example, who arrive for an audience (you can retain level, Does anyone have any suggestions?” you can now train your infantry and the original messengers or use the new From Georgia comes a Faery Tale Adven- archers, who rate from poor to elite. Be- ones included with this disk) are a varied ture request from Jeffrey Hadsock. “I have lieve us, when you have several hundred lot, ranging from trusted advisors to a found the Citadel of Doom but I cannot elite forces under your command, few can motley assortment of wizards, hags, and seem to get into it. I could sure use a hint better them in battle except through sheer merchants. Everything is quite interesting, for this!” force of numbers. You can counteract and the subplots are most intriguing. Ultima VI experts should readily know superior forces by ensuring that you have If you own Castles, you must purchase the answer to Ryan Wongvitaras’s call for enough castles built to enable you to raise this campaign disk. (A Macintosh version help, “What does the statue in the Shrine more military might, It costs money to should be available now.) Castles, with the of Control do by gaining control of more train your people, however. addition of this disk, is now definitely a

58 APRIL 1992 Elvira II (Accolade)

We haven’t had this much fun with a graphic adventure since Monkey Island from Lucasfilm Games. Throw in less humor and a lot more blood than the Lucasfilm game, with a damsel (Elvira) in distress, and you’ve got a terrific adventure. This sequel to Accolade’s Elvira sports an improved user interface, extremely color- ful and dynamic graphics, and a sound- track to suit whatever room you occupy. Elvira II (Accolade) We delighted in our Roland sound system’s music throughout this adventure. five-star entertainment. It supports CGA, one of three difficulty levels. While hard, Elvira has been kidnapped from Black EGA, and MCGA/VGA, as well as AdLib, the game is not too complex; we were able Widow Productions, and all kinds of evil Roland, Innovation, SoundBlaster, and to complete CDB using its standard level in creatures and horrendous beasties are Tandy sound equipment. about five hours. Adults may find a crawling around three sets within the greater challenge in Chris Crawford’s The confines of her studio. It’s up to you to Fool’s Errand or Three in Three from find her. This is not a cake walk. Elvira II Castle of Dr. Brain **** Inline Design. is filled with extremely scintillating puz- Sierra On-Line CDB is a great game for youngsters and zles. Elvira’s image will appear now and PC/MS-DOS version $49.95 helps them learn about math, astronomy, then (much to your joy) and offer some You are an applicant for the position of programming, and logic. The graphics and form of sarcastic advice—listen and learn. Dr. Brain’s lab assistant. In order to get animation are clear and crisp, and the If there is any one problem, it is that this job, you must successfully get through sound is good. The one criticism of the there is so much to consider when adven- Brain’s castle—but there are no monsters game we have is its short ending. You turing through the 4,000 or so locations to destroy or traps to overcome. This receive a few congratulatory statements that fill this adventure. You must learn game consists of mental challenges that and a list of credits, then CDB advertises exactly what you need to take and what must be completed in order to finish the its upcoming sequel. We thought the end- you should leave behind. The number of game. Castle of Dr. Brain (CDB) uses the ing could have been a bit more rewarding, retrievable objects is impressive. Too bad latest icon system seen in most of Sierra’s especially for youngsters who committed a you’ve got a strength limit that affects games. By clicking the appropriate icon lot of time and hard work into completing your inventory. over an object, you can pick up that ob- the puzzles. Otherwise, CDB is a recom- Since some spells require some form of ject, look at it, or use it. mended purchase for young people and reagent, you have to determine if this In CDB, you must “complete” a room in their parents who enjoying playing games cupcake or that gum is a required element the house before you can continue. Each together. It supports VGA and Soundblas- for a particular spell. The only way you room has a different theme and contains ter equipment. can determine an object’s magical use in from one to four puzzles. By clicking on a creating a spell is to click on the Spellbook door, a computer, or an object in the room, icon in the upper right-hand corner of the you’ll find the challenge that awaits you. screen. A second window appears, within The obstacles include completing a jigsaw which are spell listings. You click on a puzzle, playing Hangman, solving a crypt needed spell, and that spell’s description is code, finishing arithmetic, and using logic. revealed, as well as the ingredients re- Completing the puzzle gives you access to quired to make it. If you happen to have a code or key that allows you to move on the proper ingredients in your inventory, in the game. Instructions are provided you use your mouse and click on the ob- with each puzzle; if you become hope- ject, dragging it into the mixing page. Then lessly lost, hint coins enable you to solve a click on the Mix icon at the top left of this portion of the puzzle or obtain a clue as to window, and you’ll note that the spell how to complete the problem. Hint coins appears in your inventory. are not readily available. You receive one Castle of Dr. Brain (Sierra on line) There are dozens of spells. Some can be only after solving a new puzzle. Also, the used but once, while others have multiple more coins you have at the end of the Elvira II: The Jaws of uses. It’s up to you to find the correct game, the higher your total score. Cerberus ***** ingredients. Thankfully, some spells don’t While CDB was created for younger Accolade require any materials other than your audiences, adults can try the puzzles at PC/MS-DOS version $69.95 desire to create them.

DRAGON 59 If you want to fight, you’ll have plenty of chances. The opponent appears in the main window, battling you in real time. The foe swings at you, and you swing at it. Since the beasties all have different areas of vulnerability, aim your weapon accordingly. We have yet to complete this adventure, which is truly engrossing, exciting, and jam-packed with horror! From the opening screens, you’ll be on the edge of your seat trying to rescue the beloved Elvira. This is a “must” purchase! It supports VGA graph- ics and AdLib, Roland, or SoundBlaster sound equipment.

Hyperspeed **** MicroProse Software PC/MS-DOS version $59.95 This would have been a five-star game had not Origin previously released both Nova 9 (Dynamix) Wing Commander and Wing Commander II. Hyperspeed is a well-conceived space- can attest to their accuracy in helping us you stack your Raven II. With a fully de- combat and role-playing game, but its defeat some pretty serious opposition. tailed operational display panel, and with graphics lack the movielike quality of No, this isn’t as good as Wing Com- superb control using the keyboard and joy Origin’s games. However, when you con- mander, but for thousands of gamers it stick, you’ll soon be engaged in sizzling sider this game’s lower price, its support will provide hours of entertainment with- combat. Capture power modules and use for a wide variety of graphics cards, and out the need to purchase a new VGA card their capabilities as you cruise each planet. its high playability, it becomes a fine alter- or Roland sound board. This game is You’ll soon commit numerous hours to the native, presenting an entire galaxy at your worth every nickel of its retail price if you defeat of Gir Draxon and his forces. This fingertips. enjoy space combat and exploration. It game is sure to please any die-hard arca- The object is to locate a suitable home supports CGA, EGA, and VGA/MCGA der! It supports Tandy, EGA, and VGA for mankind. Our years of living on Earth graphics, with Roland, SoundBlaster, graphics, with Thunderboard Pro, AdLib, have made it nearly uninhabitable, and AdLib, Tandy, or IBM sound equipment. Roland, or Sound Blaster sound boards. only by using starships to search the uni- verse will humanity’s future be secured. You’ll encounter a wide variety of aliens Nova 9 * * * * ½ and their technology, some friendly to Dynamix, distributed by Sierra your cause and others totally hostile. It’s PC/MS-DOS version $34.95 up to you not only to find a new home for Dynamix always seems to come up with all mankind, but also to eliminate hostile a winner; even its manuals are top notch. aliens or to arrange peace treaties with So, what do you expect this sequel to the them to allow the habitation of new company’s smash hit Stellar 7 to be? It’s worlds. very good, the animation and scrolling are Your starship is an amazing vessel. With smooth, the graphics are as fully three- a wide variety of weapons, including fight- dimensional as is possible with current ers and an effective kamikaze attack, you consumer-level technology (although not can ultimately learn how to defeat your quite on a par with Origin’s Wing Com- enemies. Only through long and arduous mander II), and the sound through our talks with various aliens will you learn of Roland systems was an exciting enhance- Nova 9 (Dynamix) other races’ weaknesses, and only through ment to the game’s overall feel and play. long and arduous trading will you acquire Nova 9 is a tremendous, well-coded, the necessary equipment sets to further futuristic battle arcade game wherein you enhance your military might. pilot the Raven II against the forces of Gir The Simpsons’ Arcade Game * * * There are four star clusters to explore, Draxon, on nine different worlds. You Konami each one more difficult than the one pre- receive a distress message from Terran PC/MS-DOS version $49.95 ceding it. Using a combination of joy stick Command, requesting assistance as the Konami has released a decent conver- and keyboard commands, we soon learned Arcturans are attacking—then, suddenly, sion of the Simpsons arcade game, bring- the interface and found ourselves mixed the message calmly cancels the alert. Yeah, ing to PC/MS-DOS gamers almost all of the up in some pretty strange intergalactic sure! You recall Gir Draxon’s lack of appre- fun found in the arcade machine model. relationships. One race would offer to ciation of life and his desire to plunder Maggie, the Simpsons’ baby, was knocked help, but only if we rid the galaxy of an- and destroy just for the thrill. This is one into a crowd of escaping jewel thieves who other race. Considering the strength of the nemesis you have to destroy. accidentally let the stolen jewel fall into aliens we were supposed to take out, it’s You’ll run into Darters armed with la- Maggie’s mouth. Maggie, thinking it to be a no wonder our initial forays met with sers, Phoenix tanks that are extremely sucking toy, won’t let go, so the thieves disaster! maneuverable, Montrose hovertanks kidnapped her along with the jewel. It is A well-written manual guides you whose cannons can do you nothing but ill, up to Homer, Lisa, Marge, and Bart to through a tutorial encounter before you’re Ptera airborne craft packed with dual recover the lost baby. It is not an easy on your own. We definitely recommend lasers, and much more, including a ram- road, for they have to fight their way reading the entire manual before play; ming tank whose blade appears to be through six levels of action, all based on various strategies are explained, and we made of indestructible steel! Against these the hit television show.

60 APRIL 1992 Three-Sixty has set a new standard for war simulations. This is an absolute “must” purchase for any war gamer who owns a Macintosh. It can be played in either 256 color or black-and-white, and it supports System 7.

Back to the Future III ** Konami PC/MS-DOS version $39.95 It’s true—most movie (and game) sequels are not as good as the original. With Back to the Future III, not only does the hero, Marty, go back in time, we think the pro- grammers do as well. VGA is an option in the installation program, but the game supports only 16 colors. You also play the game using only the keyboard. The action scenes are related to the film, but they become quite boring and frustratingly difficult. Konami has made some great products in the past, but pass this game when you see it in the present—or the future.

The Simpsons’ Arcade Game (Konami) Clue corner The game can be played by one or two semblies of orders just to move units? Not players. The joy stick is the best way to so with V for Victory. Your unit icons Conquests of the Longbow (Sierra) control the Simpsons. One button makes possess all of the detail necessary to allow 1. Remember the hand code for the the character jump, while the other but- you to place them in their most effective druidic name for the oak tree, as it will ton allows you to go on the offensive. positions. Simply click on the icon and cause those who chase you to not see the Each Simpson has a different attack. For drag it to its new location during the Plan- forest for the tree. example, Bart attacks with his skateboard, ning phase. Order artillery fire and 2. Knocking over a goblet can assist in while Homer attacks with his fists. Two ground support from your airbases. Then obtaining proof of your sincerity. Simpsons can combine to form a super- order Execution and watch your battle 3. The gold net can catch the quick one. attack. Marge and Homer, when com- plans succeed or fail. With only two phas- 4. Remember that there is only one bined, knock down the enemies with a es to worry about, you can even order accurate way to spell “liege.” vicious barrel roll. Weapons, such as cola your staff to handle such matters as sup 5. Dexterity is required to avoid monk- cans and signs, can be picked up along the ply, one of the most important elements of thrown boulders while climbing down way to use on the thieves. Other items, your campaign. magic ivy. such as pies and apples, can replenish There are six scenarios; the first five are The Lessers one’s energy bar, which decreases in value individual battles. Scenario one finds you when a Simpson is the recipient of an leading the 9th Infantry Division in its Ultima VI (Origin) assault. attempt to clean out all German resistance To talk to Lord British at any point in Overall, the graphics are decently done, behind your own lines. This is also the the game, cast and place Enchant on a staying within Matt Groening’s animation tutorial scenario and is the easiest of the staff. You will notice the spell list stays on style. The music, however, could have lot, although it required four games for us the screen. Talk to the third spell from the been better, with only the familiar theme to learn how to quickly assault and cap- bottom of the list. (Afterwards, the face song being to our liking. If you enjoy a ture towns required for victory. The sec- remains on the screen. Talk to the same mindless aggression-release game, then ond scenario requires that the 101st place. You can do this as many times as buy The Simpsons. This game supports Airborne take Carentan within three you wish.) VGA and Soundblaster equipment. days—no easy feat. The third scenario Charles Lin finds you facing an SS Panzergrenadier Burnaby, British Columbia Division counterattack as it tries to recap- V for Victory: Battleset 1, D-Day ture Carentan. Then, with four divisions, Utah Beach—1944 ***** you are to assault Cherbourg. The final Thanks for turning to us. Don’t forget Three-Sixty scenario finds you trying to permanently that your fellow gamers are depending Macintosh version $59.95 isolate Cherbourg. The sixth scenario is a upon you to assist them in reaching their Watch out, SSI and SSG—Three-Sixty has total campaign game, one that will require gaming goals! If you have hints or tips for produced a superb World War II battle hours to finish. Thankfully, you can save your games, send them to: Clue Corner, c/ simulation. V for Victory is an intricate your simulation and continue the cam- o the Lessers, 521 Czerny Street, Tracy CA war game based upon the Normandy paign when you have time. 95376. Until next month, game on! invasion of World War II. You may partici- The interface is as smooth as silk. Every- pate as either an American or German thing from weather and victory conditions commander. to individual unit displays are handled There is little doubt in our minds that with the click of a mouse. You can alter * indicates a product produced by a company other this game is probably the best war simula- the historical variants and even try to win than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks tion ever produced for any computer. under the “fog of war.” You’ll find nearly owned by the companies publishing those products. The use of the name of any product without mention Remember when previous war simulations 500 military units representing land, sea, of its trademark status should not be construed as a required numerous key presses and as- and air forces, as well as 15 terrain maps. challenge to such status.


(some RPGA™ Network-sanctioned), tourna- ments, and dealers. Registration: $12/day or $20/weekend at the door. Send a business-sized SASE to: The Role-Playing Underground, Woolridge Hall, Box 39, Lock Haven Univ., Lock Haven PA 17745-2396; or call: (717) 893-3237.

AMIGOCON 7, April 24-26 TX This convention will be held at the Sunland Park Holiday Inn in El Paso, Tex. Guests include Jennifer Roberson, Patricia Davis, and Mel * indicates a product produced by a company other than TSR, White. Registration: $18/weekend or $6-$9/day Convention Calendar Policies Inc. Most product names are trademarks owned by the at the door. Write to: AMIGOCON 7, P.O. Box companies publishing those products. The use of the name of 3177, El Paso TX 79923. any product without mention of its trademark status should not This column is a service to our readers be construed as a challenge to such status. worldwide. Anyone may place a free listing DEFCON III, April 24-26 NJ for a game convention here, but the follow- POINTCON XV, April 10-12 NY This convention will be held at the Sheraton ing guidelines must be observed. This convention will be held at the U.S. Mili- Inn in East Brunswick, N.J. Events include In order to ensure that all convention tary Academy in West Point, N.Y. Events include AD&D®, CHAMPIONS*, WARHAMMER FANTASY listings contain accurate and timely infor- AD&D®, BATTLETECH*, WARHAMMER FAN- ROLEPLAY*, RUNEQUEST*, SPACE: 1889*, CAR mation, all material should be either typed TASY* and 40,000*, JOHNNY REB*, and micro- WARS*, CYBERPUNK*, MARVEL SUPER HE- double-spaced or printed legibly on stand- armor games, with RPGA™ Network events, a ROES™, BLOOD BOWL*, CALL OF CTHULHU*, ard manuscript paper. The contents of miniatures-painting contest, an auction, com- and ROLEMASTER* games, plus a FASA- each listing must be short and succinct. puter games, and open gaming. Registration: $8 sanctioned BATTLETECH* tournament. Other The information given in the listing must preregistered, or $10 at the door; no event fees. activities include a miniatures-painting workshop, include the following, in this order: Write to: Cadet Robert Williams, P.O. Box 3643, a chess exhibition, a costume contest, and board 1. Convention title and dates held; West Point NY 10997. games. Registration: $15/weekend preregistered; 2. Site and location; $20/weekend at the door. Single-day rates are 3. Guests of honor (if applicable); TECHNICON 9, April 10-12 VA available. Write to: DEFCON, 16 Grove St., Somer- 4. Special events offered; This convention will be held at the Donald set NJ 08873; or call Pete at: (908) 249-0570 5. Registration fees or attendance re- Brown Center for Continuing Education in evenings and weekends. quirements; and, Blacksburg, Va. Guests include Tom Deitz, Mark 6. Address(es) and telephone number(s) Rogers, and Colby Perkins. Activities include a GAME FAIRE ’92, April 24-26 WA where additional information and confirma- dance, an art show and auction, panels, gaming, This convention will be held Student Union tion can be obtained. SF and anime videos, computer games, and a Building, #17, on the campus of Spokane Falls Convention flyers, newsletters, and other dealers’ area. Registration: $23 at the door. Community College in Spokane, Wash. Events mass-mailed announcements will not be Students receive a $3 discount. Write to: TECH- include AD&D®, BATTLETECH*, CALL OF considered for use in this column; we NICON, c/o VTSFFC, P.O. Box 256, Blacksburg VA CTHULHU*, SHADOWRUN*, CYBERPUNK*, prefer to see a cover letter with the an- 24063-0256; or call: (703) 953-1214. STAR WARS*, and WARHAMMER* games. Other nouncement as well. No call-in listings are activities include SCA demos, a miniatures- accepted. Unless stated otherwise, all BATTLECON ’92, April 11-12 NE painting contest, and historical and microarmor dollar values given for U.S. and Canadian This BATTLETECH* game-only convention gaming. Registration: $12/weekend preregis- conventions are in U.S. currency. will be held at the Reunion Hall on the Univer- tered; $16/weekend at the door. Single-day WARNING: We are not responsible for sity of Nebraska campus. Events include tourna- passes are available. Write to: Game Faire, c/o incorrect information sent to us by conven- ments and other games, plus a miniatures- Merlyn’s, N. 1 Browne, Spokane WA 99201; or tion staff members. Please check your painting contest. Registration: $2/day preregis- call: (509) 624-0957. convention listing carefully! Our wide tered; $3/day or $5/weekend at the door. Send circulation ensures that over a quarter of a an SASE to: 48th Ronin, P.O. Box 21956, Lincoln CHAOTICON I, April 25-26 WI million readers worldwide see each issue. NE 68542-1956. This SF&F convention will be held in the Accurate information is your responsibility. Student Union of the University of Wisconsin- Copy deadlines are the last Monday of CONVENT, April 11-13 WV Green Bay. Events include AD&D®, SPACE each month, two months prior to the on- This convention will be held on the campus of MARINE*, CLAY-O-RAMA, CAR WARS*, TALIS- sale date of an issue. Thus, the copy dead- Marshall University in Huntington, W. Va. MAN*, and BATTLETECH* games. Other activi- line for the December issue is the last Events include an RPGA™ Network D&D® ties include seminars and movies. Registration: Monday of October. Announcements for tournament and scads of other games. Guest of $5/day or $7/weekend; all games are free, sub- North American and Pacific conventions honor is Richard Tucholka. Registration: $5/ ject to space. Send an SASE to: CHAOTICON I, must be mailed to: Convention Calendar, tournament or $3/nontournament for the week- 2469 Walter Way, Green Bay WI 54311-7070; or DRAGON® Magazine, P.O. Box 111, Lake end. Write to: Chuck Puckett, 821 Holderby call Adam at: (414) 465-5318. Geneva WI 53147, U.S.A. Announcements Hall, Marshall Univ., Huntington WV 25955; or for Europe must be posted an additional to: Steven Saws, 558 Aspen St., Morgantown WIZARD’S CHALLENGE ’92, May 1-3 ❉ month before the deadline to: Convention WV 26505. This convention will be held at the Delta Calendar, DRAGON® Magazine, TSR Regina in Regina, Saskatchewan. Events include Limited, 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton, HYPOTHETICON, April 11 CT AD&D®, BATTLETECH*, WARHAMMER FANTA- Cambridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom. This convention, hosted by the Univ. of Con- SY*, GURPS*, SHADOWRUN*, STAR FLEET If a convention listing must be changed necticut SF Society, will be held at the Univ. of BATTLES*, SUPREMACY*, and CAR WARS* because the convention has been can- Connecticut, Storrs branch Student Union. games, with game demos, movies, a game auc- celled, the dates have changed, or incor- Events include CALL OF CTHULHU*, TOON*, tion, and a Medieval Feast. Registration: $15/ rect information has been printed, please and AD&D® games, with panels, Japanimation, weekend, not including tournament fees. Write contact us immediately. Most questions or movies, and dealers. Registration: $7. Write to: to: Ken McGovern, c/o The Wizards Corner II, changes should be directed to the maga- HYPOTHETICON, c/o Anne MacFadyen, Rm. 2101 Broad St., Regina, Sask., CANADA S4P 1Y6; zine editors at TSR, Inc., (414) 248-3625 128B Shippee Hall, Univ. of Conn., Storrs CT or call: (306) 757-8544. (U.S.A.). Questions or changes concerning 06269; or call: (203) 427-4985. European conventions should be directed CONCENTRICS ’92, May 2-3 NH to TSR Limited, (0223) 212517 (U.K.). RU-CON ’92, April 11-12 PA This convention will be held in the Love Gym Note: This convention was previously an- of Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, N.H. ❖ indicates an Australian convention. nounced as taking place in the Holiday Inn in Events include AD&D®, CALL OF CTHULHU*, ❉ indicates a Canadian convention. Williamsport, Pa. This was an error. The con- SHADOWRUN*, PARANOIA*, and DIPLOMACY* ❁ indicates a European convention. vention will be held at the Days Inn in William- games. Preregistration is required for some sport, Pa. Events include many gaming events

DRAGON 63 events as space is limited. Registration: $10. include a costume contest, a dealers’ room, an GAMEX ’92, May 22-25 CA Write to: CONCENTRICS, 27 Court St., Exeter art show and auction, a con suite, open and This convention will be held at the Airport NH 03833. tournament gaming, videos, and panels. Regis- Hyatt hotel in Los Angeles, Calif. Events include tration: $20. Dealers are welcome. Make checks all types of family, board, strategy, and adven- GAMES DAY ’92, May 10 WI payable to OASFIS. Write to: OASFIS, P.O. Box ture gaming. Other activities include a flea This convention will be held in the Shorewood 616469, Orlando FL 32861-6469. market, an auction, and a dealers’ area. Write American Legion Northshore Post #331 in to: STRATEGICON, P.O. Box 3849, Torrance CA Shorewood, Wis. Activities include games, a DIXIE TREK ’92, May 17-19 GA 90510-3849; or call: (310) 326-9440. silent auction, food, and door prizes. Judges are This convention will be held at the Sheraton welcome. Registration: $3. Write to: Napoleon’s, Century Center hotel in Atlanta, Ga. Guests ONCE UPON A CON, May 22-24 CO 3948 N. Maryland Ave., Shorewood WI 53202. include actors Denise Crosby and Jonathan This convention, presented by the IFGS, will Harris, and musician John Serrie. Activities be held at the Holiday Inn in Northglenn, Colo. BLOODSUCKING CONTRAPTION ’92 include an exhibit concourse and dealers’ room, Activities include a video room, a trivia contest, May 15-17 MI model and model design workshops, an art a costume ball and contest, a dealers’ room, an This SF convention will be held at the Airport show and print shop, a con suite, a video room, art room and auction, and a con suite. Registra- Radisson hotel in Detroit, Mich. Guests include and gaming. Registration: $27 before May 7; $30 tion: $18. Write to: IFGS CON ’92, P.O. Box Nick Pollota and Bob & Ann Passovoy. Registration: at the door. RPGA™ Network and club discounts 100840, Denver CO 80250; or call Collin at: (303) $20. Write to: CONTRAPTION, P.O. Box 2285, Ann are available. Write to: DIXIE TREK, Box 464351, 665-4082. Arbor MI 48106; or call: (313) 334-4191. Lawrenceville GA 30244; or call: (404) 925-2813. KETTERING GAME CONVENTION VI CONDUIT 2, May 15-17 UT GAMESCAUCUS II, May 22-25 CA May 23-24 OH This SF&F/gaming convention will be held at Presented by Trigaming Associates, this conven- This convention will be held at the Charles I. the Quality Inn in Salt Lake City, Utah. Guests tion will be held at the Oakland Airport Hilton in Lathrem Senior Center in Kettering, Ohio. include Roger Zelazny, Mike Stackpole, Liz Oakland, Calif. Events include an RPGA™ AD&D® Events include FRPGs, board and miniatures Danforth, and Eric Wujcik. Activities include a tournament, plus AD&D®, CALL OF CTHULHU*, games, an RPGA™ Network tournament, and masquerade, art and short-story contests, films, CHAMPIONS*, GURPS*, DIPLOMACY*, AXIS & computer games. Other activities include a 16- seminars, and open gaming. Registration: $20/ ALLIES*, WARHAMMER*, ROLEMASTER*, STAR player World War II “Soldier” computer game. weekend before April 30; $24/weekend at the WARS*, CIVILIZATION*, and TALISMAN* games. Registration: $2/day, Write to: Bob Von Grueni- door. Write to: CONDUIT 2, c/o Dave Powell, Other activities include dealers’ room, a painting gen, 804 Willowdale Ave., Kettering OH 45429; 2566 Blaine Ave., Salt Lake City UT 84108; or contest, a PBM room, a flea market, and 24-hour or call: (513) 298-3224. call: (801) 467-9517. movies. Registration: $25/weekend preregistered, or $30/weekend at the door; GMs pay $10/ DER SÜDWEST-CON ’92, May 28-31 ❁ OASIS V, May 15-17 FL weekend. Make checks payable to Trigaming This convention will be held in Karlsruhe, This convention will be held at the Ramada Associates. Write to: Trigaming Assoc., P.O. Box Germany. Events include board, role-playing, Inn, Altamonte Springs in Altamonte, Fla. Guests 4867, Walnut Creek CA 94596-0867; or call Larry PBM, and tabletop games, with exhibitions and include Michael Bishop, Holly Bird, Ann & or Mike at: (510) 798-7152 Saturday afternoons. championship tournaments. Write to: Winni Kendall Morris, and Andre Norton. Activities Dörge-Heller, Goldlackweg 6, D-7500 Karlsruhe 51, GERMANY 0721/888978; or to: Reinhard Müller, Willi-Andreas-Allee 3, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1, GERMANY

NASHCON ’92, May 29-31 TN This convention, hosted by the HMGS- Midsouth and Games Extraordinaire, will be held at the Music City Rodeway Inn in Nashville, Tenn. Events include miniatures tournaments, plus role-playing and board games. Other activi- ties include a dealers’ room, a game auction, FigFair, and Waterpistol Waterloo. Registration: $15. Write to: NASHCON, c/o 2713 Lebanon Pike, Nashville TN 27314; or call: (615) 883-4800.

BEER AND PRETZELS HI, May 30-31 ❁ This convention will be held at the Town Hall in Burton on Trent, Staffs, England. Events include board, role-playing, and tabletop gam- ing. Other activities include a dealers’ area. Dealers are welcome. Registration: £3/day or £5/ weekend preregistered; £3.50/day or £6/week- end at the door. Write to: Spirit Games, 98 Station St., Burton on Trent, Staffs, UNITED KINGDOM DE14 1BT

GLASSCON ’92, May 30-31 NJ This convention will be held on the campus of Glassboro State College in Glassboro, N.J. Events include RPGA™ Network AD&D® tournaments, plus AD&D®, BATTLETECH*, KINGMAKER*, DIPLOMACY*, and GURPS* games. Other activities include board and war games and a dealers’ area. Registration: $10/weekend prere- gistered, or $7/Sat. and $5/Sun. preregistered (fees at the door will be higher). Events costs are $1/time slot. Write to: GLASSCON, P.O. Box 58, Wind Gap PA 18091-0058. Proceeds will go to the Center for Exceptional Children at Glass- boro State College.

Continued on page 118

64 APRIL 1992

The heroes who refused to die

by Will Larson and Pat McGilligan

The history of popular literature is full ly expanded version of his classic story FORGOTTEN REALMS® and of authors who have tried, unsuccessfully, Nightfall after several decades. The im- DRAGONLANCE® settings, respectively. to walk away from heroes or worlds they mensely popular mystery writer John D. had created, only to be drawn irresistibly McDonald, sensing early on that he had The Druidhome Trilogy back to them. created yet another larger-than-life hero in Back in 1987, ’s imagination No less a figure than Sir Arthur Conan “salvage specialist” Travis McGee, took a began populating a small group of islands Doyle tried to kill off his legendary detec- different tack, alternating his much- in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting called tive hero, Sherlock Holmes, in order to anticipated McGee stories with dozens of the Moonshaes with industrious Ffolk, move in new directions in his writing highly successful stand-alone novels. With fierce Northmen, and giant, lumbering career, only to have Holmes’s fans raise a little thought, any reasonably well-read creatures called firbolgs, just to name a such a hue and cry that he brought his follower of popular literature would have few. The result was a series of books uncannily deductive hero back to life. little trouble greatly expanding this list. called the Trilogy. Someone After the success of King Solomon’s Mines, This is all by way of introducing our else’s imagination must have been tuned to H. Rider Haggard was obliged to return to column this month, which deals with the same wave length, because to date the Darkest Africa and resurrect Alan Quater- writers of imagination returning to worlds series has sold well over 600,000 copies. In main for the sequel, She. they brought alive for us in the past— fact, the Moonshaes apparently made such In more recent times, the prolific Isaac specifically, the authors of the best-selling an impression on readers that many asked Asimov returned to his roots with a great- Moonshae and Tales trilogies, set in the for more, and this year their patience will

66 APRIL 1992 be rewarded with the launching of the In the intervening years, there has been spent a lot of time in my life in Krynn, and Druidhome Trilogy. Leading off the trilogy a growing demand for a new set of short it was nice to go home again.” is Prophet of Moonshae (March 1992), to stories, another “shared world” Tales Michael Williams, likewise, just finished be followed by The Coral Kingdom (Sep- Trilogy to match the quality and popularity his Thief to King trilogy for Warner— tember 1992) and The Druid Queen of the first. It has not been feasible, until interspersing his work for that publisher (Spring 1993). now, to reassemble the talent necessary with his well-known DRAGONLANCE What with the plethora of sequels in the for the task. novels Weasels Luck, Galen Beknighted movies (and elsewhere) in recent memory Nick O’Donohoe, Nancy Varian Ber- (part of the Heroes Trilogy), and the forth- (Rocky, Star Trek, Star Wars, cuddly Fred- berick, Richard A. Knaak, Paul B. Thomp- coming The Oath and the Measure (part of dy, Indiana Jones, etc.), we wondered son and Tonya R. Carter—these were the Meetings Sextet). “I was on the original whether consumers might be becoming among the list of writers who emerged in design team,” Williams reminisces. “The just a wee bit jaded with this phenome- the first Tales series to become the bul- world of Krynn grew beyond my dreams, non, suspecting that each subsequent wark of TSR’s DRAGONLANCE line in the though not beyond my wildest dreams, adventure was merely a rehash of its years since, who also wrote fantasy novels because I always saw plenty of possibilities popular predecessor. With this in mind, set in their own worlds, set outside of in it. It’s fun to return, now and then, we questioned Doug about his new Krynn. Michael Williams (the unofficial because Krynn is big enough that you can Druidhome Trilogy. bard of the DRAGONLANCE saga), Roger notch off little corners of the world and “I don’t think of this as a typical sequel, E. Moore (longtime editor of DRAGON® make them your own. You can remain for a couple of important reasons. First, Magazine), and Douglas Niles (who, as one faithful to what Margaret and Tracy in- the story picks up twenty years after the of TSR’s game designers, has written nu- vented, while still having a lot of freedom close of the Moonshae Trilogy, and the merous DRAGONLANCE modules) were to create.” human characters have aged accordingly part of the original design team, and they, One of the unique aspects of the new and changed somewhat. The villains in the too, have gained a reputation as distinctive Tales II Trilogy is that some of the stories, Druidhome Trilogy are completely differ- novelists. To this group are added Dan though they will stand alone, also will be ent. Bhaal is gone, and the main charac- Parkinson and Mark Anthony. linked to others in the series. For example, ters, for the most part, are also different. Arranged according to the timeline of Douglas Niles has created a character, a “Just as I did the first time, I find the Krynn, volume 1, The Reign of Istar, will diligent scribe doing his best to keep up Moonshaes a fascinating locale to write be on sale in April; volume 2, The Cata- with the turmoil of history, whose epistles about. I wanted Tristan and Robyn to be clysm, in July; and volume 3, The War of to the all-knowing Astinus will appear in bigger-than-life characters—epic heroes, if the Lance, in November. each volume. Dan Parkinson—a prolific you will—so they’re moved off center By special arrangement for this second author who ranges across many genres stage. Although both appear in the Tales series, and Tracy and whose TSR credits include the popu- Druidhome Trilogy, the conflict centers on Hickman return to the TSR fold, taking lar Starsong as well as The Gates of Thor- their daughters, Alicia and Deirdre. I time out from their successful careers bardin (in the Heroes Trilogy)—writes wanted the victory in the original Moon- (they have a long-term collaborative book about a roving band of gully dwarves who shae series to be satisfying, which is why contract with Bantam, and Weis writes will pop up sequentially in each of the Robyn’s and Tristan’s accomplishments led solo novels as well) to write fresh novellas Tales II books. His work in this area will to twenty years of prosperity. for each Tales II book and to oversee the dovetail nicely with his research and prep- “The downside of the original trilogy content and quality of all of the stories. aration for the long-awaited Dwarven was the loss of the Earthmother. Reader It is estimated that, between them, the Nations epic for TSR, coming up in the feedback told me people were disappoint- Tales II authors have roughly 100 novels to DRAGONLANCE series in 1993. ed with that. Given all these factors, I felt their credit, and many more modules and To the most loyal and meticulous read- there was lots more story to tell. I also feel game-design credits. They and others have ers, there will be frosting on the cake in this is the perfect topic for me right now, written most of the 18 DRAGONLANCE the form of many cross-references to and definitely not just another sequel.” novels for TSR since the initial success of previously published DRAGONLANCE the series, carrying on in the tradition of works. Richard A. Knaak has contributed DRAGONLANCE® Tales II Weis and Hickman. Including the first a story, for example, that borrows its main Trilogy Tales, DRAGONLANCE books have sold character from his first DRAGONLANCE DRAGONLANCE saga authors have upwards of 10 million copies in a dozen novel, The Legend of Huma. The fabled battled with the same questions, which different languages. companions (Raistlin, Caramon, et al.) will brings us to the upcoming Tales II Trilogy. The opportunity to return to the world make cameo appearances in some of the Even the most dedicated reader of the of Krynn—with all of its unique fantasy stories, and there will be key activity by international best-selling DRAGONLANCE elements—was a welcome one for each of major DRAGONLANCE figures—heroes series may need a gentle reminder of what the authors, though in some cases there and villains—especially in the novellas by the Tales series are all about. had to be a period of adjustment and Weis and Hickman. The original Tales Trilogy was published refamiliarization. Indeed, this second Tales series is so five years ago, in three installments: vol- For example, Nancy Varian Berberick, packed with vivid and exciting material that ume 1, The Magic of Krynn; volume 2, whose first novel, The Jewels of Elvish, there already is talk around the office of Kender, Gully Dwarves, and Gnomes; and was published in the TSR™ Books line, has another book in the series. At this point, you volume 3, Love and War. They were the gone on to write a series of books for Ace can be sure of one thing: With Tales II, TSR first DRAGONLANCE books to follow the Books, including Shadows of the Seventh promises a wondrous and enthralling collec- New York Times Top Ten best-selling Moon, A Child of Elvish, and the forthcom- tion of short stories that will live up to its Chronicles and Legends, by the original ing The Panthers Hoard. Apart from keep- predecessor and the five-year anticipation authors Margaret Weis and Tracy Hick- ing up her reading as a fan, she had not between the first and second series. man. Weis and Hickman edited the first visited the world of Krynn as a writer Tales series in 1987, contributed their own since 1988. “I was amazed at how much I untold tales of Krynn folklore, and helped had forgotten of the small details,” says discover a lineup of writers, many previ- Berberick. “I’ve been spending the last ously unpublished, who since have gone couple of years in Dark Ages England, and on to pen many DRAGONLANCE books I had some difficulty separating the two and forge their own reputations as first- worlds in my mind. It’s always tough to echelon fantasy authors. write in somebody else’s world, but I had

DRAGON 67 The Power of the Pen Here’s your chance to tell us what you think—and win! by the DRAGON® Magazine staff

You, the loyal readers of DRAGON® Magazine, can now tell us what you months “TSR Previews” column (be sure to correctly note the product like and don’t like about our magazine. We will use your responses to number of the TSR product you want, which is listed at the bottom of chart our future direction, so this is your chance to get the magazine you each “TSR Previews” entry). Incorrect or unreadable product numbers, really want. In addition, we are going to award prizes to ten randomly names, or addresses will forfeit your prize. Only one response per ad- selected respondents, and you’ll be able to choose your own prize should dress, please. Not only will multiple responses from one person skew the you win! results of this survey, they will also cause you to forfeit any prize you Photocopy this page, check one and only one box per numbered entry, might have otherwise won. All response forms must be postmarked by drop the form into an envelope, and mail it to: DRAGON Magazine Survey, 6/30/92 to be eligible for the prize drawing. P.O. Box 111, Lake Geneva WI 53147 U.S.A. Please print your full name and mailing address below, so that if you’re Give us your opinions and you could win any product listed in this chosen as one of our ten random winners, we can send your prize to you.

Below is a series of topics covered in DRAGON Magazine in the past. We’d like to know if changing the amount of coverage we give to these topics would be valuable to you as a reader. The rating system is as fol- lows: 5 = I always read the topic, 4 = I usually read the topic, 3 = I read the topic about 50% of the time, 2 = I rarely read the topic, 1= I never read the topic.

Topic 5 4 3 2 1 21. SPELLJAMMER™ setting ----- 22. RAVENLOFT™ setting ----- 23. DARK SUN™ setting ----- 24. WORLD OF GREYHAWK® setting ---- - 25. DRAGONLANCE® setting ----- 26. AL-QADIM™ setting ----- 27. FORGOTTEN REALMS® setting ----- 28. D&D® game ----- Please rate the following regular features of DRAGON Magazine for their 29. MARVEL SUPER HEROE™ game ----- value to you as a reader. The rating system is as follows: 5 = I always read 30. GAMMA WORLD® game ----- the feature, 4 = I usually read the feature, 3 = I read the feature about 50% 31. TOP SECRET/S.I.™ game ----- of the time, 2 = I rarely read the feature, 1 = I never read the feature. 32. Science-fiction RPGs ----- 33. Cyberpunk RPGs ----- Feature 5 4 3 2 1 34. Super hero RPGs ----- 3. TSR Previews ----- 35. Horror RPGs ----- 4. Convention Calendar ----- 36. Espionage RPGs ----- 5. Sage Advice ----- 37. Fantasy & SF board games ----- 6. Forum ----- 38. F&SF miniatures games ----- 7. Twilight Empire® ----- 39. F&SF computer games ----- 8. Dragonmirth ----- 40. War games ----- 9. Gamer’s Guide ----- 10. Role-playing Reviews ----- Do you have any specific comments about DRAGON Magazine? 11. The Role of Computers ----- 12. Through the Looking Glass ----- 13. The Role of Books ----- 14. Novel Ideas ----- 15. The Game Wizards ----- Remember to clearly print your name, address, and product number of 16. The Voyage of the Princess Ark ----- the one TSR product you’d like to win if you are a randomly selected 17. The MARVEL®-Phile ----- winner. Photocopy this form, fill it out, and mail it to: 18. Fiction ----- DRAGON Magazine Survey P.O. Box 111 Please rate the artwork in the magazine on the scale of 1 to 5, with Lake Geneva WI 53147 5 = Superb, 4 = Good, 3 = Average, 2 = Poor, 1= Awful. U.S.A.

Art 5 4 3 2 1 Unless otherwise noted, ® and ™ denote trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. 19. Cover art ----- TWILIGHT EMPIRE is ™ & © 1992 by Steve Sullivan. 20. Interior art ----- MARVEL and MARVEL SUPER HEROES are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.

68 APRIL 1992 DRAGON 69 by Spike Y. Jones

Artwork by Thomas Baxa Three peculiar beasts for all AD&D® campaigns

Battering ram

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subarctic to temperate/Hills and mountains FREQUENCY Rare ORGANIZATION: Flock ACTIVITY CYCLE: Day DIET: Herbivore INTELLIGENCE: Animal (1) TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Neutral NO. APPEARING: 1 (30%) or 2d8 (70%) ARMOR CLASS: 0 (head), 6 (body) MOVEMENT: 18 HIT DICE: 5 THAC0: 15 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 butt DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2d8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Charge SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to slow and hold spells; +4 save vs. fear MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil SIZE: L (6’ at shoulder) MORALE: Steady (11); see text XP VALUE: 975

The term “battering rams” is often applied to an entire flock of these sheep—rams, ewes, and lambs alike. These creatures appear to be giant-sized, mountain- dwelling sheep with obviously enlarged horns. In most respects, they are identical

70 APRIL 1992 to their smaller cousins, coming in a varie- ALIGNMENT: Neutral Combat: Aside from using the defenses of ty of colors. Ewes of this species possess NO. APPEARING: 5d8 their thorny homes (see “Habitat/Society”), much smaller horns, have an overall ar- ARMOR CLASS: 6 (2 in flight) gorse use a number of weapons in combat, mor class of 6, and have four hit dice. MOVEMENT: 3, Fly 12 (A) all of which are manufactured from the HIT DICE: 1 hp bushes they tend. They have minute bows Combat: Battering rams are normally THAC0: 20 with a 30’ range, spears (10’ range), and unaggressive; the morale score applies to NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 weapon swords, all of which do 1 hp damage on a all events except those in which a male DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type hit. Because of the weapons’ fine points (here simply called a ram) sees a creature SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison and the skill of the gorse, all of these attacking its flock. In the latter case, the SPECIAL DEFENSES: Minor spell use, lair weapons are used at +2 to hit. In addi- ram immediately charges and makes no traps tion, 10% of all gorse arrows will be coat- further morale checks until it or its oppo- MAGIC RESISTANCE: 5% ed with a weak poison that causes nent is slain. In combat, this creature rams SIZE: T (3” tall) confusion for 2d4 rounds if the victim fails victims with its horns, gaining a +2 to hit MORALE: Average (8) a save vs. poison. and doing double damage if it has 30’ of XP VALUE: 270 (420 with potion effects) In addition to these mundane abilities, straight running space to speed up to a gorse have limited magical attacks and charge. In addition, its head has an im- By far the smallest of the faerie folk, and defenses available to them. Once per day, proved armor class, thanks to its thick in some respects the most beautiful, is the each gorse can cast the cantrips extermi- horns and skull, that allows it to butt solid gorse. Averaging one-quarter the height of nate (to defeat threats that, while minor to objects like walls without harm to itself. a full-grown atomie, gorse must be secre- humans, are major to things the size of Doors, gates, portcullises, and the like tive and unobtrusive to survive. gorse), sprout (usable only on thorn bush- must save vs. crushing blow at -4 or be In appearance, gorse have the propor- es but useful in blocking a miniature path destroyed; walls must make a structural tions and physical attributes of human through a bush), and distract (see details saving throw against a small catapult (see children, although they are fully mature, on these cantrips in the AD&D 1st Edition the 2nd Edition Dungeon Master’s Guide, with, the only differences being their volume, Unearthed Arcana, pages 46 and page 76). Defensively, battering rams of height, their delicate wings, and their 48). The latter spell, along with the spell either sex are immune to all hold and slow slightly pointed ears. They have no anten- mirror image (which they can also each spells, although charm spells have normal nae, and their simple clothing is no differ- cast once daily) is used to confuse an ene- effects on them. ent in appearance than that of most my long enough to allow to escape. One humans or elves. They prefer dressing in gorse in 10 can also cast one spike growth Habitat/Society: Normally unaggressive, shades of green and yellow to blend in and a goodberry spell daily to be used in these sheep usually travel in flocks of 2d4 with their surroundings, which are most defending the lair and bribing intelligent sheep: one ram and 3-4 ewes, the remain- often gorse, a prickly evergreen shrub creatures not to attack them. All spell der being lambs (AC 8, MV 12, HD 1, #ATT with yellow flowers. effects are at 10th level. nil). Lambs are born in the spring and achieve adulthood after two years; only one out of every three births is male. Rams tend to wander off on their own from time to time, but ewes have a pierc- ing bleat that a ram can hear up to two miles away under good conditions (even farther in the mountains if the bleating echoes). Once a ram hears this bleating, it will stop at nothing to return to its flock and defend it while the flock flees. Battering rams prefer rocky grasslands in hills and mountains, avoiding forests.

Ecology: These creatures are found in the roughest mountains in the wild, in areas where other sheep would be in danger from ettins or other large mon- sters. They are sometimes found in the possession of wizards, who charm them to rent them out as military weapons (with mixed results). Some mountain-dwelling folk have managed to domesticate these sheep, but they cannot keep them penned as the rams like to butt down the fences and gates.


CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subarctic to temper- ate/Grasslands, hills, and prairies FREQUENCY: Uncommon ORGANIZATION: Tribe ACTIVITY CYCLE: Day DIET: Herbivore INTELLIGENCE: Very (11-12) TREASURE: O, P, Q, S

DRAGON 71 gorse’s small size, one standard dose of a ARMOR CLASS: 6 Habitat/Society: Gorse prefer to dwell in potion equals 20 doses for the gorse. Thus, MOVEMENT: 6 the green, thorny flower-bushes they’re it is not uncommon to find a large group HIT DICE: See Quakedancer Growth Table named after, making lairs forbidding to of these faeries who can polymorph them- THAC0: See Quakedancer Growth Table most predators too large to maneuver selves, resist fire, or turn rainbow hues at NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 bite and 1 stomp through the thorns as the gorse do. If will for short periods of time. Some po- DAMAGE/ATTACK: See Quakedancer creatures larger than twice their height tions, such as the various control potions, Growth Table attempt to enter their bushes, those crea- will not work unless a full dose is taken, SPECIAL ATTACKS: Stunning, swallowing tures each take damage equal to 1 hp per and no gorse could swallow that great a whole round if of AC 6-10, or 1 hp every other quantity of any liquid; these potions will SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil round if of AC 4-5. Movement rates be undisturbed in their hoards and will MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil through gorse bushes for beings of size S often be traded for more useful ones or SIZE: See Quakedancer Growth Table to L are slowed to one-quarter normal; used as bribes or rewards for bigger folk. MORALE: Steady (12) larger and smaller beings are unham- Gorse have their own language but are XP VALUE: See Quakedancer Growth Table pered. If threatened, gorse will retreat willing and able to speak the tongues of deeper into their bushes, luring attackers sprites or pixies. A sylvan elf would know The quakedancer (a.k.a. quakebeast, through the most thickly thorned regions enough of their language to conduct a quakemaker, thunderer) is a large reptilian and possibly over logs, pits, and other halting conversation with them, as would beast that resembles a Brontosaurus, hard-to-see natural obstacles. any druid from the same region as the except for the fact that it has six legs. It is Although they must be wary of all big- gorse in question. not a true dinosaur. The middle pair of ger folk (and almost all creatures are big legs have thick-clawed toes that point to them), gorse can be persuaded to deal outward, both forward and backward, with woodland-dwellers (e.g., dryads, Quakedancer and oversized knee joints, while the feet of satyrs, and centaurs), humans, and demi- the other, normal pairs of legs are broader humans who bring them gifts of fresh CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subarctic to at the base than would be expected of a fruit, bread, or milk. They become pro- subtropical/Plains, prairies, grasslands true sauropod of comparable size. tective of any who do them favors, such as FREQUENCY: Rare While it looks like a herbivore, the druids who defeat menacing beasts or ORGANIZATION: Solitary quakedancer is really omnivorous, eating elves who stop forest fires. Often a gorse ACTIVITY CYCLE: Day plants only as a ruse to convince true tribe will send a few members to accompa- DIET: Omnivore plant-eaters that it is harmless. It doesn’t ny its larger allies for the duration of the INTELLIGENCE: Semi- (2) have the specialized equipment of other latter’s stay near their lair. TREASURE: Nil meat-eaters (oversized claws and fangs, Some gorse tribes have magical potions ALIGNMENT: Neutral camouflage coloring, powerful legs to run in their treasure troves. Because of the NO. APPEARING: 1 down its prey, etc.). It hunts by means of its unique ability to create a miniature earthquake in its immediate vicinity.

Combat: When hungry (which is often), the quakebeast pretends to be a normal sauropod, vacuously grazing on the green- ery until a good number of unsuspecting creatures are within range doing the same thing, attracted by the illusion of safety the quakedancer provides. The quakedan- cer then roots the toes of its middle legs into the ground and balances its large body on these two pivots. Slowly at first, then faster and faster, it rocks back and forth from its front legs to its back like a living see-saw, pumping with its neck and tail to produce more force, resoundingly crashing its bulk down with each swing. The impact produced by this constant ground-pounding creates nerve-shattering shock waves in the beast’s vicinity, stun- ning unlucky creatures smaller than itself that happen to be too close to it. It takes 3- 6 rounds of rocking to warm up to the stunning attacks. Creatures within range must make a save vs. paralysis every round that the quakedancer maintains its stunning attack (it makes only one stomp per round) or be stunned for 2d4 rounds; details on what creature sizes are affected and the range of the attack are given in the Quakedancer Growth Table. Stunning effects are cumulative to a maxi- mum of 20 rounds. Once sufficient stunned prey is present for the quakedan- cer’s appetite (about 2d6 creatures of the largest size it can affect, or more of smaller sizes), it will cease its stomping

72 APRIL 1992

Quakedancer Growth Table

Age 0-1 years 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years 6-7 years 7+ years Hit dice 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 Size 2’-10’ S-L 10’-20’ H 20’-30’ H 30’-40’ G 40’-50’ G 50’-60’ G 60’-70’ G 70’-80’ G THAC0 (stunned) 20 (nil) 16 (12) 12 (8) 8 (4) 4 (0) 0 (-4) - 4 (-8) - 8 (-12) Bite damage 1d2 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 1d12 1d12 + 1d2 1d12 + 1d4 Stomp damage nil 1d8 2d8 3d8 4d8 5d8 6d8 7d8 Quake radius nil 10’ 20’ 30’ 40’ 50’ 60’ 70’ Max. size of prey stunned nil T S S ML L H XP value 15 270 1,400 5,000 9,000 13,000 17,000 21,000

and automatically swallow its stricken Tiny creatures in their near vicinity, and find if one knows where to look, they have prey whole at the rate of one creature per their success is virtually assured from this little market value considering the poten- round. No to-hit roll is needed for such point on. Quakedancers grow shockingly tially devastating effects a few years after swallowing; moving prey is ignored unless fast. Sexual maturity does not arrive until they hatch. Some unscrupulous individuals it attacks, in which case the quakedancer their fifth year, at which point they are as will sell the eggs as something else (e.g., attempts to stomp and bite the victim. A much as 50’ in length and well able to dragon eggs), while others have sent them swallowed victim either dies from suffoca- clear an area for egg-laying. as anonymous gifts to their enemies. Cities tion (as per the rules on breath-holding in that have suffered through such pranks the Player’s Handbook, page 122; monsters Ecology: Though their actions appear usually institute strict laws against the use twice their hit dice for an equivalent highly destructive, in the long run a importation, marketing, and possession of constitution score) or takes 3d8 hp damage quakedancer has only a slight effect on its these time bombs. per round from the beasts’ stomach acids, environment. Wildlife returns to a devas- At the other end of their life-cycle, ru- starting on the third round after the vic- tated area soon after the quakedancer mors claim that quakedancers never die of tim is swallowed. leaves, and it does not overhunt, as much old age; they can be brought down by of its stunned prey usually escapes upon predators, adventurers, disease, natural Habitat/Society: Quakedancers are recovery. Streams and rivers may have disaster, or even larger members of their careful to hunt only in level, stable areas their courses altered, and once in a while own species, but if none of these factors away from other predators, in order to a quakedancer might accidentally trigger a intrudes, they just continue to grow with- prevent two possible threats: scavengers more severe disaster with its movements out cease. In regions where such legends outside quake range darting in to snatch (e.g., landslide, avalanche, natural earth- are widespread, all earthquakes are attrib- their hard-earned prey, or quaking in quake, flooding after dam collapse, etc.). uted either directly to gargantuan quake- unstable areas that could open crevasses Civilized beings who rely on fixed urban dancers passing through, or indirectly to and rockslides rendering prey inaccessi- and agricultural areas find these beings to the passage of the semi-mythical First ble. As they get older, and larger, quake- be highly troublesome, however, and Quaker, which supposedly roams far-off dancers relax this “rule,” as terrain that quakedancers are hunted into extermina- regions but still causes local earthquakes would seem imposing to a 6’ human is tion in most areas. by way of transmitted shockwaves and much less so to a 50’ quakedancer. Although quakedancer eggs are easy to aftershocks. These beasts have no lairs, as the repeat- ed devastation of a single region would mark it as too dangerous to enter. Instead, they are constantly on the move looking for new hunting grounds where they are not feared by the local wildlife. A person with the Tracking proficiency could follow a quakedancer with ease, even years after it left an area, following the trail of slowly eroding wounds in the earth until he found the quake-producing beast at work. Annually, a quakedancer lays a cluster of 2d10 eggs in a shallow burrow at the center of a newly devastated area (these areas are often shunned for some time by other creatures that might threaten the 4’- foot-long eggs). After laying the eggs, the female quakedancer abandons them, as the male quakedancer abandoned her weeks before. Most of these eggs success- fully hatch, but few of the young survive to see their first year, being eaten by pred- ators or their clutch-mates. As hatchling quakedancers haven’t the mass to use the quake-making attack of adults, newborn quakedancers quickly scurry for cover after hatching, surviving that first year on a diet of vegetation, insects, and other small creatures. Those living through the trying first year are able to use their quaking ability to stun

74 APRIL 1992

by Skip Williams on a pivot, with one end of the beam a lot closer to the pivot than the other. A heavy weight was hung at the beam’s short end, and a pouch for holding rocks was hung on the other, then tied down; the whole weight of the short end was always far greater than the entire weight of the long end and its ammunition. When a loaded trebuchet was fired by releasing the long end, the weight snapped the long end upward, and the rock in the pouch was hurled away. If you’ve ever seen a troupe of acrobats working with a seesaw, you’ve got the idea. If you have any questions on the games chet were two different things. In historical terms, the SPELLJAMMER produced by TSR, Inc., “Sage Advice” will However, the SPELLJAMMER™ boxed setting’s light catapult probably is similar answer them. In the United States and set’s Concordance of Arcane Space to the historical onager, a small twisted- Canada, write to: Sage Advice, DRAGON® (page 40) says that a heavy catapult skein torsion engine that hurled a rock Magazine, P.O. Box 111, Lake Geneva WI is a trebuchet. Also, if trebuchets that weighed about 10 lbs. The medium 53147, U.S.A. In Europe, write to: Sage can hurl rocks weighting 500 lbs., catapult probably is similar to a larger Advice, DRAGON Magazine, TSR Ltd., 120 how can they be fitted onto skein- or leaf-spring torsion engine that Church End, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge spelljammers? If a trebuchet is a hurled a 25-lb. rock (in landsman’s terms, CB1 3LB, United Kingdom. We are no separate item, how much does it this would be a heavy catapult; the longer able to make personal replies; cost? How big would a ship have to SPELLJAMMER setting has adopted its please send no SASEs with your questions be to have one? What are this weap- own terminology). The spacefarers heavy (SASEs are being returned with writers’ on’s other statistics? catapult, or “trebuchet,” would be a very guidelines for the magazine). I didn’t actually say that catapults and large torsion engine hurling a 40- or 50-lb. What’s the most unusual question the trebuchets were different in issue 156, but rock; page 40 of the Concordance defines sage has ever been asked? It might be here they are according to the histories I’ve catapults as “large, stone-throwing devices in this month’s column on the AD&D® read. Technically, a catapult is a torsion- operated by springs, cranks, or flywheels.” game. Just in case any readers are won- powered siege engine. A catapult’s torsion I doubt that very large counterweight dering, I have reason to suspect the sincer- (twisting or springing) power was usually engines could be used on spelljammers at ity of only one of the following questions, provided by either tightly wrapped skeins all, except on dwarven citadels and other and that’s because I know the two guys of horsehair or layers of green boards massive bodies of 300 tons or more. If you who sent it in. The rest are as legitimate as arranged like the leaf springs on an auto- want to introduce such weapons into your any other question “Sage Advice” gets. mobile’s suspension. campaign, you’re on your own. First, two questions get “re-saged”; then To get an idea of how a twisted-skein As a general rule of thumb, I suggest we’ll try to make some sense out of the catapult worked, stretch a rubber band that doubling the weight of the missile prattle. between your thumb and forefinger. Now should increase the hull damage to the take a capped ballpoint pen or unshar- next higher step. For example, a weapon A few issues ago, you said only pened pencil and stick it between the two hurling an 80-lb. rock would do 2d6 hull elven fighter/mages can wear elven strands of rubber. If you flip the pen end points. Each increment of increased dam- chain mail without restriction. How- over end a few times like an airplane age should cost an extra 300-400 gp, re- ever, if you look under elven chain propeller, you’ll twist and tighten the duce the THAC0 by one (20 maximum), mail in the Dungeon Master’s Guide rubber band; you’ll have to slide the pen take one extra crew, reduce the rate of (page 182), it says, “Its lightness and in and out a bit (because your hand will be fire by one, and increase the weapon’s flexibility allow even magic users in the way) to rotate the pen fully. When “count” by one. So, our “80-pounder” and thieves to use it with few re- you’ve got the rubber band really tight would cost 1,300-1,400 gp, require five or strictions. . . . Elven fighter/mages (and aimed away from your face), let go. six crewmen, have a THAC0 of 19, have a use it without restriction.” What are The rubber band will flip the pen over rate of fire of 1/3 or 1/4, and would count the few restrictions for mages? quite forcefully. The catapult’s skeins were as three large weapons installed. I suggest This is a misprint. The line should read: tightened by men on either side of the that you do not allow the critical-hit num- “Its lightness and flexibility allow even catapult who turned cranks connected to bers and crew-damage ratings to increase bards and thieves to use it with few re- the skeins, tightening them up without beyond the heavy catapult’s 18-20 and strictions.” This official correction has moving the catapult arm, which was held 3d10 values. already appeared in more recent printings back. Once the arm was released, the of the DMG. torsion in the twisted skeins flung the arm I have a 6”-tall dual-classed In the core AD&D 2nd Edition rules, in an arc that was stopped by a crosspiece fighter-monk. When he was a fight- mages cannot wear armor unless they are on the machine itself; the ammunition, er, he was permanently basted, then elven fighter/mages. However, it seems to which had been placed in a cup on the end he was shrunk. To make up for his me that half-elven cleric/mages, fighter/ of the arm, was then hurled away. limited choice of weapons due to his mages, and fighter/mage/clerics also could The leaf-spring catapult worked just like size, I made him a monk. At 5th function while wearing elven chain mail. a big crossbow. In fact, the only difference level, haste and slow spells don’t Mage/thieves and fighter/mage/thieves between this kind of siege engine and a affect monks. Since the character could probably also wear elven chain mail ballista (which worked exactly like a big was hasted as a fighter, will the ef- since straight thieves can—but don’t forget crossbow) was that a catapult had a long fect remain? If so, will boots of to apply the penalties to thieving abilities arm with a cup or pouch at one end for speed improve his movement rate, if from Table 29, page 39, in the Player’s throwing stones in a high arc; in place of he can find a pair that will fit? Handbook. the arm, a ballista had a slide that hurled a If you think a 6”-tall character can’t do rock or large bolt in a flat arc. much damage with a fighter’s traditional In “Sage Advice” in issue #156, you A trebuchet, however, was powered by weapons, you’re right—especially if he said a heavy catapult and a trebu- a counterweight. A long beam was placed fights any foe larger than a cockroach.

DRAGON 77 However, diminutive swords, battle axes, edition, nor can a hasted character benefit changes would be under the recipient’s and the like still do more damage than tiny from a potion of speed. Likewise, boots of control, not the caster’s, I’m not sure what fists and feet. (I suppose a 6” monk wear- speed bestow a base movement rate (sub- form a tarrasque would choose if it could ing a girdle of giant strength might be able ject to encumbrance penalties) of 24. If the shape change itself, but it wouldn’t be to do some interesting things with judo wearer already moves that fast or faster, likely to bring any joy to the spell-caster, throws; a cartoon character called Atom he gets no benefit from the boots no mat- whatever that shape happened to be. Ant comes to mind.) ter where the superior movement rate Of course, even a tarrasque might fall Strictly speaking, the haste effect ends comes from. As it happens, your 5th-level victim to a polymorph other or polymorph as soon as the character becomes a 5th- monk has a movement rate of 19, which any object spell. In either edition of the level monk; the discipline and control the the boots can boost to 24, no higher. AD&D game and in the D&D game, a monk imposes on his body forces it to polymorphed creature keeps its hit points, return to its normal (non - hasted or non- Can you shape change a tarrasque natural armor class, and possibly other slowed) state. Also, most campaigns disal- into a little bunny, then eat it for purely physical abilities; in the tarrasque’s low permanent haste effects, as they tend dinner? If a human was poly- case this includes regeneration and maybe to unbalance play. Furthermore, this com- morphed into a bunny and some of even its limb-severing bite. So, your bination tends to burn out characters, as it the bunny’s fur was taken, then the tarrasque/bunny still is one tough cus- magically ages the character in either bunny was polymorphed back into tomer: A 300-hp bunny with AC - 3, at edition of the AD&D game. In the original a human, would the fur sample turn least two attacks (bite and kick), and a game, a haste recipient not only ages a back into human hair or would it legendary regeneration ability. Even if one year, but also must make a system shock stay bunny fur? In other words, will managed to eat this creature, you’d still roll or perish. In either edition of the a lightning bolt spell blow up in my need a wish to keep it dead (see the tarras- game, I recommend that the permanently wizard’s face if he uses the bunny que’s description in the Monstrous Com- hasted character reroll for system shock fur as a material component? pendium, volume 2). periodically, like every day, week, or First, in either edition of the AD&D Since polymorphed creatures assume month; a character’s body can take only so game, the tarrasque is a unique creature. their normal shape when killed, I suggest much abuse. Note also that the character A DM can decide that a whole race of that any pieces cut from them change should age at least twice the normal rate, tarrasques populates the world, but there back, too. After all, being separated from and the DM would not be out of line to are more original ways to challenge player the rest of the creature is a “death” of a rule that the character actually ages an characters. Second, shape change works sort. In the case of the tarrasque/bunny, extra year every hour, week, or month. only on the caster/user, so no one can use the creature would change back when Generally speaking, similar magical it like a polymorph other spell; if shape reduced to -30 hp, or perhaps any time effects are not cumulative in either edition change could be used on creatures other after being reduced to below zero hit of the AD&D game. A second haste spell than the caster, it would give the recipient points if the DM so decides. This method will not affect a hasted character in either the ability to change its shape and all such clears up esoteric questions such as, “Can I

78 APRIL 1992 use polymorphed human hair as a materi- at all, though by their very nature they weight be? al component for a lightning bolt spell?” It cannot be illuminated. A disintegration Bracers are made to be worn on the also keeps player characters from using chamber produces no spectacular effects wrist or forearm. Individual DMs are free polymorph magic as a cheap shortcut when brought into an extradimensional to decide if amputee characters can use when creating scrolls, potions, and other space, and it cannot destroy anything that bracers (and other items that must be magical items. is not inside it (even then, nothing happens worn) by wearing them on stumps or until somebody pushes the button). prostheses. Check out “Sage Advice” in Suppose an explosive dimensional In the situation you describe, the flatbox issue #172 for a discussion of where vari- mine is thrown into an extradimen- could explode when the dimensional mine ous types of magical equipment are nor- sional flatbox at the exact instant was tossed inside, as the flatbox is an mally worn. the disintegration chamber it in- extradimensional space that has a bad The DM must decide whether the loss of habits is activated. The resulting habit of exploding when it’s disturbed. a limb or appendage will affect thieving confluence of dimensions destroys However, it does not have to explode; it abilities at all. There’s no reason to assume the contents of the flatbox and could just be ruptured. The disintegration that the character cannot simply adapt opens a rift to the Astral plane. Now, chamber would be utterly destroyed in and go on performing just as before. If the the real question is: Do the magi- such an explosion, and would DM isn’t feeling this generous, I suggest a cally shrunk, mated pair of immor- survive and get sucked through the rift penalty of 5-25 on all applicable percentile tal astral dragons that were sleeping and tossed onto the Astral plane. Whether thieving abilities. For example, the one- inside the flatbox instantly recover the dragons were inside the disintegration handed thief mentioned above will suffer all their lost hit points (because they chamber when it was activated is irrele- no penalties to his ability to hear noise, are immortal), and if so where do vant, as their immortality (see their de- move silently, or hide in shadows, as he the dragons wind up after the explo- scription in the , doesn’t need to use his arms and hands to sion and rift formation? DRAGONLANCE® appendix) allows them do these things. The character might You’re definitely misreading the descrip- to survive being simultaneously “de- suffer a penalty to pick pockets or find tions of the magical items involved here stroyed” and disintegrated. and remove traps. The DM could decide (all three are from the Tome of Magic, that this one-handed character has fewer pages 136-137). Dimensional mines are If a thief lost an arm just below the options when picking pockets, and he inert until placed inside extradimensional elbow, would he still be able to could assess a - 5 penalty to his percentile spaces. Even then, a dimensional mine wear a magical bracer on the chance for success. The DM also might does not explode; it ruptures the extradi- stump? Could he wear a bracer over decide that rogues don’t use their hands mensional space, and any matter inside a prosthesis? What effect would the much when finding traps, but that two the space is spewed into the Astral plane. loss have on the character’s thief hands are helpful when removing traps, The effect does not damage the contents abilities? If he originally weighed and so assigns no penalty to “find” and a of the space. Flatboxes don’t inhibit magic 115 lbs., what would his new - 10 to “remove.” Finally, the DM might

DRAGON 79 decide to assign a - 15 penalty to climb Since the effect a sphere of annihilation the sphere with a rod of cancellation as walls, since the character’s remaining will have on its surroundings can vary quickly as possible. three appendages are going to be very widely from campaign to campaign, it I think it’s far more reasonable to as- busy when the character is climbing. If might be useful to discuss this item’s prop- sume that fluid matter, such as a body of penalties are assessed, I strongly suggest erties in some detail. Simply put, a sphere water or an atmosphere, will tend to flow that the DM give the character an oppor- of annihilation is a hole in the fabric of the around the sphere rather than contacting tunity to acquire some adaptive equipment multiverse. Like other holes, a sphere of it and being annihilated. Of course, air or and a chance to practice using it. The annihilation is benign until something falls water could be fanned or ladled into the easiest way to simulate this is to use the into it. sphere, where it would be annihilated. “Training” optional rule (see the Dungeon However, the strictest possible interpre- This effect is similar to what would hap- Master’s Guide, page 49). tation of a sphere’s powers (DMG, page pen if a portable hole was spread out on a As to the loss of weight, the character 180) yields a pretty terrifying point. Since sand beach. The hole displaces the sand should lose about 4% of his total weight anything that contacts the sphere is in- without otherwise affecting it, and no (4.6 lbs., in this case) for losing roughly stantly sucked into the void and utterly sand falls into the hole unless it is pushed half an arm. “Sage Advice” discussed this destroyed, a sphere of annihilation moving inside. I also suggest that a sphere of anni- calculation in issue #156 (see the “legless through the air might be accompanied by hilation be unable to utterly destroy any- gnome” question). a continuous rumble of thunder as the air thing bigger than it is. If, for example, the it encounters is annihilated and more air character controlling the sphere plunges it Exactly how many gnomes can an rushes in to fill the vacuum. Even at rest, a into the earth or into a castle wall, the adult griffon carry without losing sphere of annihilation might eventually sphere bores a 2’ hole instead of sucking its speed or altitude, physical at- strip a planet of its atmosphere as it anni- the entire “object” into oblivion. Likewise, tacks or fearsome temperament? hilates each and every gas molecule that small, man-sized, and large creatures A typical gnome, without equipment, touches it. A single such sphere could might survive touching a sphere unless weighs about 82.5 lbs., but this figure can drain oceans and maybe even gobble up they fall completely into it. (See the pre- be as little as 73 lbs. or as much as 92 lbs. stars and planets; if one does not place a vious question on “amputee thief” for (Player’s Handbook, page 24, Table 10). size limit on what the sphere can annihi- possible consequences of misadventures Carrying capacities for most flying crea- late, it could suck in the whole earth in- with spheres of annihilation.) Tiny crea- tures that can be used as mounts are stantly just by touching the ground. The tures probably don’t have enough strength conspicuous by their absence from the only way to safely store a sphere under or mass to resist being sucked into a creatures’ descriptions in the various these conditions would be to seal it into an sphere if they are unfortunate enough to Monstrous Compendium volumes. For the airtight vault, where it eventually would touch it. sake of game balance, I suggest that the annihilate the air around it and create a most common flying mounts—pegasi, perfect vacuum. Nevertheless, a more griffons, and hippogriffs—have the same responsible approach would be to destroy carrying capacity. The Pegasus description in MC1 lists this as the same as a medium war horse: 220 lbs. at full speed, 330 lbs. at half speed, and 440 lbs. at one-third speed. As a general rule, a flying mount loses one maneuverability class when carrying a rider. I suggest that a winged mount loaded to the one-third movement class be unable to fly at all. Note that there is no reason a DM could not apply the movement rate and carrying capacity modifiers from the horse quality rules (DMG, pages 36-37) to flying mounts, too. As to the question of a loaded griffon’s temperament: Griffons are infamous for their nasty dispositions, and carrying loads doesn’t make them any happier. Except for reductions to its maneuverability and movement, a griffon carrying a load still can fight normally. However, I suspect a griffon would strongly resent carrying multiple riders or being overloaded. Such a beast probably will try to shed—or even eat—excess riders.

Where can a wizard put a sphere of annihilation when he is not using it? You can “put” a sphere of annihilation anywhere you want when you are not using it, just by commanding it to stop. Of course, somebody else could set it in mo- tion again by trying to control it, so it behooves the owner to park his sphere of annihilation in a safe place, like a locked vault. (For an example of a creative use of a sphere of annihilation stored in this way, see “The Living City” in POLYHEDRON™ Newszine issue #52.)

80 APRIL 1992

82 APRIL 1992 he Goose was dead. Anyone could see that. And the murderer had been caught plucking feathers. It all seemed like a simple case of theft with intent Murder to feast. At least, that was how it ap- peared, but something told me there was more to this situation than just a hungry peasant stealing poultry. First, the Goose wasn’t an ordinary goose. It was the Most Fowl mainstay of Basilopolis’ economy because it laid golden eggs. Yes, I said golden. You know, that yellowish metal that’s used for the standard coinage of most countries. Instead of mining and refining gold as other countries did, Basilopolis’ Keeper of the Treasury went to the Goose’s nest twice a day and gathered eggs of solid pure gold. Sometimes one egg, sometimes two. No one could predict which. A young beggar named Thom stood before me, bound so tightly his chest barely moved when he breathed. His patched, oversized clothes were as dirty as his gaunt face, by Deborah Millitello and he stank worse than the filthiest stable I’d ever smelled. Dozens of guards surrounded him, some keeping back the crowd that filled the judgment hall, some intent on saving Thom for themselves. Lovely way to start a morning. “Do you have anything to say in your defense?” I asked. Thom crumpled to his knees and started to cry. When he spoke, his voice was higher than I’d expected. “Please, Your Highness, I didn’t do it!” “Your Honor,” I corrected him. “I’m the King’s Mag- istrate, not King Cannard the Fifth himself.” “Your Honor, I just found it layin’ there by the wall,” he sniffed and rubbed his cheek on his grimy shoulder, “an’ its neck all twisted. I just picked it up an’ took it back to my house an’ started pluckin’ it ’cause I was hun- gry an’ I didn’t do anything! I didn’t, I didn’t!” He start- ed blubbering. “Silence,” I said, frowning. He sniffed back several sobs and gazed at me, trembling. “That’s better. Now, what is the evidence against him?” One of the king’s guards opened a burlap sack and dumped the contents on the stone floor before the dais where I sat. A few feathers—long, white, and marked with a swirl of black—floated down beside a crude knife. “These were beside the prisoner when we found him, Your Honor, I saw him plucking the Goose myself. He’s guilty, no doubt.” I looked at the feathers, then at the dead Goose, its neck broken. Only one goose in the kingdom, or in the world, had those black swirls on white wings. It was the royal golden-egg-laying Goose. “Where was this man found?” I asked. “Just beyond the north wall, close to Fern Wood. Bunch of thieves.” The guard kicked Thom. I glared at the guard. “Don’t touch him, soldier, unless I tell you to.” The guard paled and swallowed visibly. Being half- brother to the king does have its advantages. Makes peo- ple very polite and civil. Illustrations by Bob Lessl I studied Thom. He looked as if he belonged in that

DRAGON 83 nest of hovels huddled between the castle and Fern Wood. be, and he walked with a limp. They tried to salute and “How did he get into the castle?” I asked. grimaced. The guard looked puzzled. “Well, he, uh, must’ve “Tell me exactly what happened,” I said. snuck in the gate.” The one-eyed soldier spoke first. “We was standing “Have you checked with the gate wardens?” duty like always, when I heard a noise. Herman and me, “Um, no.” we knew Mistress Marnie wasn’t there, so we crept into “Then I suggest you check with them.” the Goose’s room and looked around, but it was dark, The guard spoke to another soldier, who almost ran see? I mean we couldn’t see too good, but the garden door from the room, then he turned back to me. “Even if he was open, and we hurried quiet as mice to the door and didn’t come in the gate, he could’ve climbed the wall.” looked out.” “How? With what? Did you find any grappling hooks “An’ we don’t sees nobody at first, does we, George?” and rope in his house? Any ladders tall enough to reach Herman broke in. the top?” “Shut up, Herman,” George growled, then continued. “Well . . . no. But we didn’t search everywhere. Be- “We didn’t see anyone at first, then I saw a shadow run- sides, he’s guilty.” He drew his foot back to kick Thom ning for the wall. We ran after it, and suddenly we was again, then stopped dead still, glanced at me, and put his attacked by two or three men . . .” foot on the floor. “The king knows it, the people know it, “Or live or six,” Herman said. I know it. That gutter rat’s a traitor! I say hang him and George glared at his comrade. “Three or four, counting be done with it.” The rest of the crowd cheered him. the first one we spotted. We fought and kicked and tried to I sighed, blinked my aching eyes, and ran my fingers stop them.” through my short, graying hair. An hour’s sleep wasn’t I shook my head slightly, disgusted. “Which was it: enough for anyone, especially after an all-night feast. And two, three, four, five, or six?” I’d slipped away early. “Who discovered the Goose was “Four,” said George. missing?” “Six,” said Herman. “I did, Your Honor.” A buxom woman with masses of Wonderful. The guards were as honest as Mistress Mar- red curls stepped from the early morning shadows that nie. “Why didn’t you call for help?” darkened the hall. Her mouth was a little too narrow, her “I started to,” George said, glaring at Herman again, eyes a little too wide to be called beautiful, but she was “but one of them grabbed me around the neck and cut off attractive in a rough sort of way. And she was vaguely my breathing. I passed out not long after.” familiar. “An’ I tries to stop them,” Herman said, bobbing his “Who are you?” I asked, trying to remember where I’d head, “but they hits me on the head and knocks me out. I seen her before. woked up when Mistress Marnie was shaking me and She bowed low. “Marnie Sieler, Keeper of the Royal screaming the Goose was gone.” Goose, Your Honor.” I glanced around the hall until I spotted Marnie stand- Ah, yes, the original owner of the Goose. “Were you ing beside the court wizard, Arcus Magnus. “Mistress with the Goose when it was stolen?” Marnie, where did you find the guards?” She hesitated for a moment, then said, “No, Your “On the porch leading from the Goose Chamber to the Honor.” garden.” “Where were you?” “And how long were you absent,” I paused, a half smile “I went to speak with the husbandman about some new threatening to escape my practiced detachment, “talking straw for the Goose’s nest.” to the husbandman about . . . straw?” I think her face “Straw?” I closed my eyes and rubbed the lids. “At reddened, but I wasn’t certain. night?” “An hour, maybe two,” she said as she glanced at the “He’s busy during the day, watching after the royal wizard next to her. “Three at the most.” herds and flocks.” “Hah!” Herman said with a sly grin. “She’d been gone I stared at her silently, just stared, letting the time pass. at least four or five hours before the fight.” She looked away, back at me, at the ceiling, at me, at her Mistress Marnie started to reply but glanced at Arcus hands, at me, shifted her weight from one foot to the oth- first. Interesting. “I . . . may’ve been gone that long,” she er. I knew she was lying, and she knew I knew. “Is there said. anything else you have to say, Mistress Marnie?” I didn’t speak for several minutes, merely looked across She scrunched her lips, glanced left and right, then the crowd. The people shuffled, jostled, grumbled to each shook her head. She knew more than she was saying. I’d other until at last I said, “So the Goose could have been have to talk to her again—after I’d talked with the stolen anytime during the night.” husbandman. She nodded slowly. “I suppose that’s so.” I glanced across the soldiers in the room. “Are the Roy- There were too many secrets, too many ‘hows’ and al Goose Guards who were on duty last night present?” ‘whys’ to settle the case right then. I needed to check sev- Two soldiers stepped forward, wearing red tabards with eral things before I was satisfied I knew who had killed the golden eggs embroidered in the center of each. One man’s Goose. “I must think on this for a time,” I said as impas- left eye was swollen shut. He had scratches on his face and sively as I could. “Take the prisoner away until I render held his side. The other man’s head was wrapped with my verdict.” white cloth. His nose was bent and twice the size it should The guards fairly grinned at that.

84 APRIL 1992 “And . . .” I said snowflake soft, “he will be unharmed half a barrel by himself and still turn out a meal lit for a until I determine his guilt or innocence. Do you under- king. And Bill had been doing it for years, since the cam- stand?” paign against the Wildmen of the Western Steppes. That The guards muttered something but saluted me and was when he’d earned his nickname, fighting with a sword dragged Thom from the hall. A servant stuffed the dead in one hand and an iron skillet in the other, howling like a Goose, feathers, and knife in the burlap sack and carried Wildman. it to the guarded chamber where I keep evidence during “I’m hungry,” I said. trials. The crowd wavered a few moments, then drifted Bill choked, dropped the nearly empty mug, then turn- out of the judgment hall. ed pale when he saw me. “What?” he croaked. His breath I stood, stretched, and wished I’d had more sleep. My forced me back a step. stomach churned, reminding me I’d eaten very little at “I’m hungry,” I repeated. “Is breakfast ready yet?” the banquet and that it was past sunrise. Maybe after I’d He glanced around the kitchen slowly, his eyes wide as checked out a few things, I’d go to the kitchen and see if he’d just that moment realized where he was. “Break- what Wild Bill could find for my breakfast. fast? No. I mean, yes. There’s some honeyed bread in the I shuffled from the hall and headed toward the Goose oven, should be done by now.” Chamber. I wanted to see where the murder took place He staggered to the brick oven in the wall beside the and maybe find something, anything, to confirm my sus- great hearth and opened the iron door. Heat flooded the picions. If Thom had crept inside and killed the Goose, room, and with it came the fragrance of yeast and honey there would be some sign of his presence. My stomach and spice. Using a wooden paddle, Bill removed two flat- growled insistently, and I decided to visit the kitchen first. tened rounds of golden bread, slid them onto a table top, I’d left the main corridor and turned toward the kitchen went back, and kept taking out rounds until a dozen lay when suddenly Arcus Magnus stepped from a doorway. cooling on the wooden table. He broke one of the first He was nearly a head shorter than I and stringy as a rounds in half and gave it to me. winter-starved deer. He moved like a shadow, silently, as I took a bite and smiled. Delicious as always. I’d never if he had no true substance. been dissatisfied with his cooking, except last night at the “Your Honor,” he said in his low, oily voice, “if I could banquet. The beef had been roasted to tender perfection, speak to you on a matter of importance?” but the stuffing he’d served with it was, well, inappro- “What—” my voice cracked slightly as I swallowed my priate. Made with apples, raisins, and no sage. I’m very surprise, “what matter?” partial to sage. And no poultry had been served, although “What is to be done with the Goose? I mean, what will the venison had been excellent. I suppose one disappoint- happen to its body? Surely, it will not be roasted and eat- ment in twenty years wasn’t bad. en, not the royal Goose. It was unique, a treasure now I left, nibbling on the bread. Instead of heading for the lost for all time. If only I had been allowed to study it Goose Chamber, I went up to my room on the second while it was alive, if I could have discovered what forces floor. I needed to talk to my servant, Dale. The fifth son had combined to create such a marvelous bird. But no, I of a minor noble, Dale was more intelligent than all his was never allowed to examine it, and now it is gone! Such brothers together. I depended on him for information and foolishness, such waste!” His hands twitched like jumping insight. Sometimes, he told me things, gossip whispered spiders, and his sallow face was taut. among servants, that I’d never hear otherwise. It was several moments before he looked at me again, Dale was waiting for me with a cup of wine. Maybe not his graying brows furrowed. “I am sorry for my outburst, the best thing to have with the honey bread, but my throat Your Honor. I am distraught at the loss of so great a trea- was so dry, I wouldn’t have turned down anything wet. sure to our city and our king. I know that I am being “What’s the latest gossip among the servants?” I asked, bold, but I request the Goose’s body for study.” He then stuffed another chunk of bread in my mouth. paused, then bowed a bit too quickly, as if he were ner- “What kind of gossip, Master?” he asked as he cocked vous. “That is, if you would grant me this most extraordi- his head. His hair and eyes were chestnut brown, and he nary privilege. I should be exceedingly grateful.” He gave was scarecrow lean. me half a smile as his fingers played with a small but bulg- “Anything recent—surprising, unusual,” I mumbled ing leather pouch tied to his woven belt. The man had all around my breakfast. “Anything about anyone connected the subtlety of a hammer. with the Goose.” “I will inform you of the king’s wishes in this matter,” I “Ah.” Dale nodded. “Rumor has it that one of the said, giving him my most daunting stare. Royal Goose Guards recently married and bought prop- He cringed, shrank back, bobbed a bow, and hurried erty just outside the city.” away. I don’t think he wanted the king to know about the I halted in mid-bite and stared at Dale. “A guard? request. Hmm. Arcus, a suspect? Possible. I’d keep him When? Who?” in mind. “One named Herman. He married about a month ago, I walked toward the kitchen and paused at the doorway, a few days after buying Squire Plantus’s land.” hoping to spot something for breakfast. Wild Bill was “But that estate is worth more than a guard makes in propped on his sturdy stool, gulping a mug of something. several years!” Greenish-gold mead trickled from the sides of his wide Dale smiled and nodded. mouth and added another layer of stains to his broad I’d better check into Herman’s sudden wealth. “Any- apron. It always surprised me that the man could drink thing else?”

DRAGON 85 “Of course, Emperor Genyoofar has made no secret he “I’ve never seen it act like this before. It’s usually good wanted the Goose or one like it. He envies our wealth.” tempered, except when strangers are present.” Yes, I thought. Genyoofar hap Igdon of the Seventh “Why didn’t anyone hear the companion when the Dynasty of the Divinely Blessed Empire of Kolbindi—a Goose was stolen?” grand title for the puny ruler of an even punier realm— Marnie started. “I . . . don’t know.” I wondered if her had tried to wheedle information about the Goose for a surprise was genuine. long time. At that moment, Genyoofar was in Basilopolis I scanned the room. The pale gray walls and floor were for a meeting to discuss the threat posed to both our coun- all smooth stone. There were three doors: one to the corri- tries by the Wildmen. Last night’s banquet had been in dor, one to the garden, and one to Marnie’s own bed- his honor. chamber. Two large boxes filled with straw sat in the “Anything else?” I asked. center of the room. Nearby was a feed bin and a tub of Dale grinned. “Master Magnus is bedding Marnie water. Straw was scattered across the floor, probably from Sieler. I heard she’s having a wedding dress made, which the deadly struggle. she expects to use soon.” I searched the floor, lifting large clumps of straw, mov- The Wizard and the Keeper of the Royal Goose. An- ing smaller ones aside with my foot. There were no eggs other link between the Goose and Arcus. in the nest, golden or otherwise, but I found some crushed “One more thing,” Dale said. “One of the servants at and nearly dried leaves in one. I rubbed them between my the banquet told me that Morganstern Gleb laughed and fingers and sniffed. Herbs of some kind. drank a toast when he heard the Goose was dead. His I walked out to the square, walled grassy garden. A hands have dozens of scars; the Goose nipped him every dark purplish-red splotch stained the stone porch, proba- time he collected the eggs.” bly where Herman had hit his head. The grass looked Morganstern Gleb, Keeper of the Royal Treasury. I trampled, but that could’ve been from the geese. A small hadn’t considered him a suspect before. I’d heard him pond took up the southwestern corner, still shaded by the grumble because he’d had to collect eggs like some farm castle. The smooth stone walls were high and clear of boy. Maybe he’d been bitten once too often, his pride vines. Any thief would’ve had to climb over the outer damaged by his menial task. Add him to my list. wall, cross the surrounding courtyard without being spot- “All right,” I said as I washed my sticky hands and ted by patrols, climb the inner wall to this garden, kill the dried them, “I want you to talk to the husbandman. Find goose, and get out the same way. No, I decided, not likely, out if Mistress Marnie talked to him during the night, and especially for several men, if the guards were telling the if so, how long she was with him. Also, bring the sergeant truth—which I was certain they weren’t. of the night watch and the Captain of the Guard when you To the right, there was a door in the garden wall. I return.” tugged on the iron ring, then pushed on the door, which “Yes, Master,” Dale bowed and left. didn’t budge. Looking over my shoulder at Marnie, I I looked at my reflection in the polished mirror and asked, “This leads to the kitchen garden, doesn’t it?” winced. A middle-aged man who’d been up most of the She nodded. “Sometimes I let the geese go in there. night wasn’t a pleasing sight. Mirrors should be covered The king insisted they get to eat what they want from the until midday at least. garden.” The Goose Chamber was my next destination. I went “Was it usually unlocked?” downstairs, passed the kitchen, and turned the corner. No “No. Only when the geese were feeding. It was left guards bracketed the door. No reason for them, now. I open so they could come and go when they wanted.” pushed the door open and went inside. “Who besides you has a key?” Mistress Marnie was there, sparring with another Marnie slid her forefinger back and forth across her goose, the companion of the dead Goose. Geese need to lower lip as she gazed at the door. “One for the kitchen be with their own kind or they die of loneliness—at least, and one for the Goose Guards.” that’s what Marnie had told the king. So a second goose Three keys. That cut down the possibilities. “You had had been purchased at the same time the Goose had been yours with you all night?” declared royal property and moved from Marnie’s farm to “Well . . . no.” She stared at the grass. “I left it on a the castle. peg in my room except when I was using it.” The companion—a sleek, gray female—was nipping at “Get it.” Marnie, flapping wildly, and squawking and hissing while She hurried back inside the Goose Chamber while I the Keeper tried to loop a rope around the bird’s neck. examined the door for evidence of force. There was none: Marnie swore at the goose and kicked at it, and the goose no splintered wood, no pry marks, nothing. If anyone had flew out to the garden. come through this way, they hadn’t broken in. Marnie “A most gentle technique,” I said, trying not to grin. returned moments later with an iron key. I took it from Marnie jumped, cursed again, then turned as red as her her, unlocked the door, and pushed it open. hair when she saw me. “Your Honor, I was trying to re- The kitchen garden was the largest open area inside the move that . . . beast from the castle, since it’s not needed castle walls, except for the courtyard. Several gardeners anymore.” were hoeing and watering rows of beans, cabbages, “Noisy bird.” I massaged the back of my neck. “Does it greens, and herbs. At the far end, a pair of boys picked always act like this?” plums and peaches from the small orchard, and two wom- “No,” Marnie said as she threw the rope to the floor, en carried baskets of vegetables to the open kitchen door. I

86 APRIL 1992 shook my head and sighed. I wouldn’t find signs of any “So,” I said as I watched them shift nervously. “Mar- intruders here. Even if there had been footprints, they nie, you resented that the Goose was taken from you by were probably lost in the passing of all the servants. royal decree.” I walked to the kitchen and found Wild Bill growling Marnie didn’t say anything. orders to the other cooks and scraping leftover stuffing “The king shouldn’t have taken the Goose, should he? into the compost barrel. “Where do you keep the key to It was your Goose, your property. You would’ve been the Goose garden?” I asked. rich, a queen yourself. He had no right to take what be- Bill nearly dropped the bowl he was holding. “Don’t longed to you.” creep up on me like that! If I’d been holding a knife, “No, he didn’t!” Marnie shouted, then clapped her you’d be dead now!” hand over her mouth. “I mean, yes. Yes, he did. He’s the “I’m sorry,” I said, stepping back a bit. Bill looked as if king.” he’d been drinking ever since I’d left him. He was formi- I didn’t stop. “It wasn’t fair, was it? The king stole the dable sober. I didn’t want to know how dangerous he was Goose from you. And then he made you its keeper, a ser- when drunk. “Where do you keep the key to the Goose vant to a goose! But you found a way to pay him back, garden?” didn’t you? Kill the Goose, take away what he’d taken He pointed to a peg beside the door. from you. You killed the Goose and threw it over the wall, “Anyone could take it from there,” I said. didn’t you? Didn’t you?” He kept scraping. “Only if I didn’t see ‘em do it.” “No!” Marnie shouted. “I didn’t! But I wish I had! It “But anyone could, if you weren’t here.” might have been worth seeing the king’s face when I ad- “I suppose.” mitted it! But I didn’t!” “How many had the opportunity?” “Where were you all night?” I held up a hand. “And He was silent a moment. “Let’s see—six undercooks, don’t tell me you were with the husbandman. I didn’t four gardeners, two boys, seven serving women, four believe you the first time.” drudges, and me.” “She was with me,” Arcus broke in. I don’t think I’d Twenty-four people. Wonderful. That narrowed the ever seen so much color in his face. He almost looked possibiiities. “How many of those were in the kitchen last healthy. night?” “All night?” “All of ’em,” he said as the last scrap of stuffing fell into “Yes!” the barrel.“Because of the banquet. We were working all “Did anyone else see you?” yesterday.” “I doubt that anyone espied her entering my chambers. “Did you see anyone come through who shouldn’t have We were most discreet.” been here?” I almost smiled. So discreet that every servant in the He paused, then shook his head. castle knew about the affair. “You were together all “Did anyone here go to the Goose garden regularly?” night?” Bill dropped the wooden spoon he held, then cursed as “Yes.” he had to fish it out of the barrel. “Oh, uh, yeah. I took I turned to Marnie. “And when you returned, you greens and stuff to the geese sometimes, or I sent one of found the Goose gone and the guards unconscious on the the boys in my place. Other than that, no one.” porch?” I sighed and went back through the gardens to the She glared at me. “Yes.” Goose Chamber. I wanted to see the Goose Guards and She might be telling the truth, but I’d keep her—and ask about their key. The companion goose was wandering Arcus —on my list. “You are both under arrest for derelic- about the garden, honking and flapping. Noisy creature. tion of duty. Don’t try to leave the castle.” Just as I reached the door, I heard arguing. I’m not certain what Marnie mumbled under her breath “He’ll be back any moment! Now leave!” Marnie as I left the room, but I’m sure it wasn’t complimentary. hissed. I headed back to my room, hoping Dale had returned. I “But the Goose—I must have its body! I may be able was climbing the stairs to my floor when I saw the shadow breed a new one, and then we will be wealthy beyond of someone tiptoeing up the spiral stair to the next floor, even your dreams.” I recognized the man’s voice: Arcus the guest floor. I followed; I couldn’t help being curious. Magnus. As I reached the dimly lit top, I flattened against the “What good would another golden goose be if the king cool stone and peeked around the corner. George the takes that one, too? I’m almost glad the thing’s dead. It Goose Guard was just entering Emperor Genyoofar’s serves the king right, thief that he is! He stole it from me! room. I stepped out into the corridor, walked past the It was mine; he had no right to take it!” door guards, and entered the room next to the emperor’s. “Kings have the right to do as they wish, my dear,” Being Minister of Justice and half-brother to the king, I Arcus replied. “However, if I can retrieve the Goose’s knew all the secret passages in the castle. There was one in body, I may be able to create another, perhaps breed an the room next to the guest quarters occupied by Gen- entire race of golden-egg-laying geese. Every ruler in the yoofar. I opened a wardrobe door, entered, and eaves- world would pay to own one. And we would be richer dropped through a disguised opening. than any of them.” “You fool! Now the Goose is dead, and I have noth- I stepped into the room. Marnie and Arcus jumped ing!” Genyoofar’s voice was as puny as his stature, almost guiltily and glanced at each other. a whine. “I should expose your stupidity to King

DRAGON 87 spear straight. Dale bowed. “As you requested, Master. The sergeant of the night watch has been sent for. He left the castle grounds for his home in the town.” The captain saluted. “You wished to question me?” I nodded. “You have the key to the door between the kitchen garden and the Goose garden?” “Yes, Your Honor.” “Do you keep it with you always?” “Yes, Your Honor.” “Have you ever noticed it missing?” “No, Your Honor. I even sleep with it around my neck. It never left my possession.” Third key accounted for. “Has anything unusual hap- pened among the ranks lately?” I tried to sound careless, as if making idle conversation. “Unusual?” I poured a cup of wine and offered it to the captain, who refused it. Then I took a sip. “Rumors,” I smiled, “gossip, anything strange.” He thought for a few moments. “No, not that might have anything to do with the Goose . . . except one of the Goose Guards is leaving. Married about a month ago and decided to try his luck at farming. I heard he won a lot of money gambling and bought Squire Plantus’s estate.” Gambling. I should have such luck. “Thank you, Cap- tain. Please see that no one leaves the castle without my permission. I need to speak to the sergeant as soon as possible. Also, I want to see Herman and George, but separately at first, then together. Can you arrange it?” “Yes, Your Honor.” He bowed and left. I turned to Dale and took another sip. “Who do you Cannard!” think killed the Goose?” “That wouldn’t be smart, Emperor,” George said as “Who had the most to gain from its death?” he asked. soft as snow. “You’d have t’ tell how you know. And you “Everyone,” I said. “Everyone but you, me, and the couldn’t do that without exposing your part. Do you re- king.” ally want to tell the king you paid me to steal the Goose? I “Why not the king?” don’t think you’d leave here alive.” I gazed at Dale, puzzled. “Why would the king want to Genyoofar didn’t reply immediately. “Very well, but if kill the Goose? It brought him more wealth than he’d ever you ever reveal any of this, I’ll have Delmairin take care had.” of you.” “True, but I’ve heard he’s unhappy with his new I shivered. Delmairin was Genyoofar’s wizard-assassin wealth.” Dale leaned closer and whispered, “I’ve heard and the only force keeping the emperor in power. Black Treasurer Gleb has shown the king evidence that Basilopo- Del he was called. Even Arcus was wary of him. lis’ treasury was being depleted almost as fast as the Goose “And you remember, Emperor,” George said, “I’ve laid eggs, what with all the extra guards needed to protect hidden evidence of our deal in a safe place. If anything the kingdom from invasion. And goods from other realms happens to me, everyone’ll know what you’ve done.” are becoming so inexpensive, merchants and craftsmen of “Then we will keep our secret.” our country are being driven out of business. Gold is too “Yes, we will.” common here, and its value is dropping.” I heard footsteps, then Genyoofar’s door opening and I considered what he’d said. Economics had never been closing. So, George and Genyoofar had conspired to steal my strong point. I’d been relieved when I’d been appoint- the Goose. Had Herman found out? Was that why the two ed Minister of Justice instead of Keeper of the Treasury. guards had fought? Possible, but not likely. George “So you think the king could’ve been behind a plot to would’ve killed Herman to silence him. Or maybe Her- destroy the Goose?” man had blackmailed George with the knowledge. Her- Dale shook his head. “I’m saying he had reason to want man’s sudden wealth had to come from somewhere. the Goose dead. But so did many others. Every ruler in I’d have to talk to George and Herman separately, and the world wanted the Goose or wanted it dead.” I’d have to tell the king that it was time for Genyoofar’s More suspects. Just what I needed. visit to end. I didn’t trust that imperial snake any farther “Oh, the husbandman said Mistress Marnie did come than I could throw him. to talk to him about straw, but it was just after sunset and I headed back to my room and found that Dale had only for a few minutes.” returned. Beside him, the Captain of the Guard stood I smiled to myself. A knock at the door startled me.

88 APRIL 1992 Dale opened it, and George strode in. door. He saluted. “You sent for me?” Dale came back.“ So, if it wasn’t Herman or George, “Yes,” I stammered. “I’m surprised to see you so who was it?” quickly.” I rubbed a cramp from my shoulder. “I still don’t “I met the captain downstairs. He said you wanted to know. I have to talk to the sergeant first, then I’ll talk to a see me, so I came straight here.” few more people. I’d love a few hours of sleep.” “Ah.” I nodded at Dale, who bowed and retreated to The corner of Dale’s mouth twitched. “Perhaps later, the inner chamber. “Now . . . how long has Herman been after you’ve solved life’s great mystery.” blackmailing you?” I gulped the rest of my wine and immediately regretted George jerked. “Blackmailing me? Why would he do it. Wine on a nearly empty stomach is a recipe for nausea. that?” I was feeling better by the time the sergeant of the night “He found out you were working for the Emperor of watch arrived. He looked as if he felt as good as I did. Kolbindi.” He bowed awkwardly, as if stiff or sore. “You sent for The guard turned milk white. He started to say some- me, Your Honor?” thing, but no sound came. “Yes. Did you notice anyone on the walls last night who “Herman found out, didn’t he? And he threatened to wasn’t supposed to be there, anyone not usually present?” turn you in if you didn’t pay him. You’ve been giving him He thought for a moment. “No . . . no one I’d find money to keep quiet. That’s how he had the money to buy suspicious.” He frowned slightly, then continued. “No one the land and marry. What happened? Did you stop pay- I hadn’t seen before.” ing? Is that why you fought?” “No reports of noise or shadows or anything?” “No . . . I . . .no.” George started to sweat. “It wasn’t “No, it was quiet.” like that. He wasn’t blackmailing me. He didn’t know “Who walked the north wall last night?” about the emperor.” “Nob, Cully, and me.” “Then where did the money come from?” “You heard nothing? Saw no one?” He hesitated, then his shoulders sagged and he hung his “No one unusual.” head. “From the Goose.” “Well, did you see anyone usual?” “What?” He looked uncomfortable. Maybe I was getting some- “We took eggs from the Goose,” he mumbled. “Not where. often, only when it laid two and when Marnie wasn’t “Who was it?” I asked. there. We’d agreed not to spend the money until we re- “Your Honor, I don’t rat on other soldiers.” tired in a few more months. But Herman wanted some Ah. A soldier. “George?” No response. “Herman?” girl from the town.” George cursed under his breath. Still no response. I didn’t want to list every soldier in the “She wouldn’t marry him if he didn’t have a house and Guard. “Sergeant, if you don’t tell me, you can explain land and enough money to keep her. So he used his part to yourself to the king. And he won’t be as understanding as buy Plantus’s land, then married the girl. I told him he I am.” was a fool. The soldier’s hands clenched, and his eyes turned flint “Last night, he said he needed more money. I told him cold. “He can’t help himself. Sometimes, he walks the he’d have to wait ’til the Goose laid another egg. He said walls like he was still a real guard. Sometimes, he’s just he couldn’t wait that long. He needed the money now. I sick and heaves his guts up over the wall. But he can’t said he couldn’t make the Goose lay another egg, and he help it. Drink’s got a hold on him and won’t let go.” said that I could give him some money. I told him no. He “Who?” I asked. said if I didn’t, he’d tell the captain I’d been stealing eggs He looked at me, his eyes almost pleading. “Wild Bill.” an’ I’d be hanged as a traitor.” Wild Bill? “He was on the wall last night?” “And that’s when you fought.” The sergeant nodded. George nodded slowly. “I told him he’d hang, too, but “When?” that didn’t make any difference to him. He wanted the “After midnight sometime.” money, that was all that mattered. But we didn’t kill the After midnight. The feast was in progress then. Marnie Goose. We fought in the garden. He knocked me out, and was with Arcus. Herman and George were unconscious. I don’t know what happened after that. Marnie said she Morganstern Gleb, Emperor Genyoofar, and the king found Herman on the porch, his head bleeding. He said were at the banquet. The banquet where there’d been no he fell and hit his head, and I guess it’s true. I don’t know poultry, in spite of Genyoofar’s known preference for who killed the Goose.” goose. Where the stuffing had been made with apples and I looked at George silently. I didn’t believe that he or no sage and . . . I reached in my pocket, pulled out the Herman had killed the Goose either, but I didn’t know herbs I’d found in the Goose’s nest, and sniffed them who had. “About what time was it you fought?” again. Marjoram—the same aroma as the stuffing . . . “Sometime after sunset. It was dark.” poultry stuffing. Poultry stuffing with beef roast. I sank “You may go now.” I paused as he saluted and turned down into my seat, stunned. My voice a whisper, I said, to leave. “And I think you and Herman should resign “Thank you, Sergeant. You may go.” from the guard today. I don’t want you here in the morn- “He won’t get in trouble, will he, Your Honor?” ing, or the king will hear the whole story.” “You may go,” I repeated. George faltered for a moment, then proceeded out the “Yes, Your Honor.”

DRAGON 89 I left moments after the sergeant did. When I reached a goose and broke its neck quickly; didn’t want it to suffer. the kitchen, Bill was dragging the compost barrel outside. “Wasn’t ’til I saw the goose in the light coming from “Bill,” I said softly. the kitchen, I realized what I’d done. Couldn’t take the “I have to get this outside,” he said, his words slurred dead Goose into the kitchen—everyone knew what it as much by ale as by effort. looked like. Had t’ get rid of it, so I stuffed it in a bag and “Bill, I know.” hid it in the garden. Later, I took the bag with me to the The cook stopped struggling with the barrel and looked wall and dumped it over. Didn’t know it’d be found so straight at me. His dark eyes were watery. “Know?” soon. Didn’t mean to kill it, just the companion. I didn’t “Yes, I know.” I held out the herbs. “Poultry stuffing mean it.” with beef.” No grand conspiracies, no intrigues, just a drunken He braced his thick arms on the rim, hung his head, mistake. I stood there looking at him, not knowing what and cried. I ordered everyone else from the kitchen, then to do next. I’d proved the peasant boy Thom was inno- put my arm around Bill’s shoulders. “Why did you kill cent, but what about Bill? I could talk to the king and the Goose?” explain the situation. Wild Bill deserved better than dis- “I didn’t mean to,” he sobbed. “I’d been busy with the grace. He’d saved the king’s life numerous times and had banquet, checking sauces, baking pies, stewing fruit, been the hero of the war with the Wildmen. roasting the venison and beef. I’d already made the stuff- Maybe I could get Bill a pardon, especially if I ex- ing before I realized I hadn’t got a goose. It was too late plained it was an accident and emphasized the benefits to to get one from town. Market was already closed. Then I the economy, such as cutbacks in spending for the army. remembered the companion goose. Figured I could re- And now that I thought about it, Squire Plantus’s estate place it later. would be just the place for a veteran soldier and Royal “I waited ’til no one was watchin’, then I went through Cook to retire. I smiled to myself. I don’t think Herman the garden gate. It was dark, and I didn’t see Marnie or would dare complain. anyone else. I crept into the nest. The geese were sleep- Yes, I’d talk to the king. After all, being the king’s half ing. Thought I knew which nest was which ‘cause I often brother does have its advantages. brought greens to the geese . . . but I was drunk. Grabbed

90 APRIL 1992

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92 APRIL 1992 DRAGON 93

Wear Your Best Suit! by Justin Mohareb

Color by Steve Sullivan Advanced armored battlesuit rules for the MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ game

Scenario one (from the Iron Man comic book): Tony Stark, as Iron Man, fights Firepower and receives several damaging blows. Tony is beaten senseless and has his armor nearly destroyed, so he has to fly warily to his nearby helicopter. Scenario two (from the MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ game): Tony Stark, as Iron Man, fights Firepower and receives several damaging blows. Tony is beaten senseless and flies his undamaged armor at top speed to his nearby helicopter.

Notice the difference? In the MARVEL SUPER HEROES game, armored battlesuit combat should be handled differently to reflect damage incurred to the armor during combat, and to better represent the unusual abilities of an armored hero. The system in this article showcases an alternate method of generating and play- ing high-tech armored characters. Creating armored heroes This article assumes that you have MA3 The Ultimate Powers Book. If you don’t, simply use the Players’ Book from the Advanced Set rules, selecting the powers you think are reproducible by machinery or electronics. Using this system, armored heroes are rolled up using column 2 (“Nor- mal Folks”) of the character-generation table, not column 3 (“High Technology”) as in both the Ultimate Powers Book or the Advanced Set rules). These abilities are the character’s normal levels. This is to reflect that the character is a normal human wearing an armored suit that supplies him with his super powers. Judges may wish to allow a character to increase his physical stats when wearing

DRAGON 95 the armor by rolling once on Table 1 here, countermeasures) and is used against Matter Control powers: Bonding, then dividing the results among the hero’s attempts to control the armor from out- Machine Animation. four physical abilities (FASE). Note that the side sources. Matter Conversion powers: Disintegra- ability scores indicated when the charac- Because of their nature, armored heroes tion. ter adds the modifiers to his personal can use only certain powers that could be Matter Creation powers: Missile Crea- attributes reflect the benefits of the armor technology based. A suggested list of these tion, Spray, Webcasting. only when it is being worn. For example, a powers, from the Ultimate Powers Book, is Mental Enhancement powers: Clairaudi- character whose Strength is Typical (6), given here: ence, Clairvoyance, Communicate With with a + 3CS modifier for the armor, Cybernetics, Danger Sense, Speech- might add +1CS, +2CS, or +3CS to his Defensive powers: Body Armor (already throwing, Total Memory. (These powers Strength, or he might not increase his taken but can be taken again; + 1CS each are not mental powers per se, but are Strength at all, preferring to divide + 3CS time this is chosen as a power), Force technological versions of mental powers.) among his other three physical statistics. Field, Reflection, Resistance to Energy Physical Enhancement powers: Hyper- If the character created his own armor, Attacks, Resistance to Physical Attacks. Speed, Lung Adaptability, Stealth, he also receives a + 1CS to his Reason, a Detection powers: Circular Vision, En- Waterbreathing, Water Freedom. + 1CS to his Electronics talent, and an- ergy Detection, Hypersensitive Hearing, Power Control powers: None. other + 1CS to repair and modify his Hypersensitive Touch, Life Detection Self Alteration powers: Blending, personal armor. If the character receives Microscopic Vision, Penetration Vision, Invisibility. the armor from someone else, it is as- Radarsense, Sonar, Telescopic Vision, Ther- Travel powers: Gliding, Hyper-Digging, sumed that the original owner or people mal Vision, Ultraviolet Vision. Hyper-Leaping, Hyper-Running, Hyper- he knows (all NPCs) can repair it. In the Energy Control powers: Electrical Con- Swimming, and Rocket. latter case, the hero would not receive any trol, Energy Sponge, Hard Radiation Con- of the Reason bonuses above, though he trol, Magnetic Manipulation. Players can choose their armor’s powers could receive training later on, at the Energy Emission powers: All except for from this list. If you find this list to be too Judge’s discretion. Energy Doppelganger. limiting, just use your imagination, The The character then rolls up the number Fighting powers: Weapons Creation. cornerstone of super-hero gaming is the of his armored suit’s powers, using the Illusory powers: Illusion-Casting, Illusory use of powers in new ways, usual tables in the Ultimate Powers Book Duplication. Once the powers for the battlesuit have or the Advanced Set rules. This character Life Control powers: Sleep—Induced. been selected, rolls are made on Table 2 automatically has Body Armor at Excellent Magical powers: None. for the power rank of each power. These (20) rank, though this can be increased rolls are not modified, with the exception (see the note under “Defensive powers,” of Body Armor (as previously noted). Also which follows). When the character’s generate a power rank for Armor Endur- powers are determined, a special power ance at this point. rank called Armor Endurance is also cre- ated. This is usually called ECM (electronic Damaging armor To add depth to armored combat, each power—including Body Armor—and each of the FASE ability modifiers is then as- signed a number as part of a random-roll table. These numbers will determine which of the armor’s systems are damaged when an attack exceeds the suit’s Body Armor (or applicable Force Fields, etc.) by more than + 1CS, as noted later. The num- bers should be arranged so as they can be rolled on a simple die: 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, etc. Optionally, assign two or more num- bers on such a table to a power that would have a greater chance of being damaged, like Body Armor or Flight, depending on your vision of the character’s armored suit and the placement of his weaponry and equipment. We now get to the raison d’etre for this expanded system: armored suit combat. Every time the character is in combat and receives a blow that inflicts more damage than his Body Armor rank, the character takes damage equal to the amount of damage minus the amount absorbed by his body armor. For example, if a hero has Remarkable (30) Body Armor and is hit by an Incredible (40) rank Force bolt, the hero takes 10 points of damage (40 - 30 = 10). This is per the normal rules. If the damage is 2CS or more than the Body Armor rank, the character takes the appropriate damage, and percentile dice are then rolled on the rank of the attack - 4CS to determine if the character’s ar- mor was damaged by the attack. For ex-

96 APRIL 1992 ample, if the hero as above with powers can be added, up to the maximum upping appropriate powers and FASE Remarkable (30) Body Armor was punched number that was determined at creation, abilities one rank, or adding new things. by a villain possessing Amazing (50) by spending 3,000 Karma for each, plus 10 This should cost a great deal: about 10,000 Strength, the hero would take 20 points of times the starting rank number for that Karma points, a high Resource FEAT roll damage and would roll 1d100 on the Good power (this is also the formula by which (Amazing or better), and access to high- (10) column (50 -4CS = 10). If the result is robots can add powers). Power advance- tech equipment or a high (Incredible or red, then roll on Table 3. ment is done normally, by spending 10 better) Reason FEAT roll. (This is, of Energy attacks are a special case, as points times the current rank plus 500 course, up to the individual Judge.) All Body Armor is 20 points less effective points for cresting from one rank to other forms of advancement are per- against energy attacks than against physi- another. formed normally. cal ones. When a hero is hit by an Energy A Reason FEAT roll should be called for, attack capable of breaching the armor’s with the difficulty equal to the new rank, Creativity is the key to any successful reduced rank vs. Energy attacks, the char- if an old power is being advanced to a and enjoyable role-playing game. This acter must follow the procedure for deter- new, higher rank or if a new power is set system can only get you started on the mining armor damage from physical at its starting level. A Resource FEAT roll way. Where you go now is up to you. attacks as before. Armored heroes can might also be needed to see if the hero has take Resistance to Energy Attacks to cover the cash to perform the modifications. Marvel’s characters and the distinctive names and likenesses thereof are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group. Inc. this weakness. The Judge should make his own rulings and are used with permission. Copyright ©1992 Marvel on how to do the “total makeover” that’s so Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Repairing damage popular with armored heroes, including Fixing damaged armor is relatively sim- such things as resetting Popularity to zero, ple. The hero must make a Reason FEAT roll to make the proper repairs correctly. A Resources FEAT roll might be called for Table 3 as well, to see if the hero can afford to Armor Damage Table make the repairs. Other strictures can be 1d100 Damage result applied to the roll at the Judge’s whim. 01-20 One power is at - 2CS It is often a good idea for the Judge to 21-40 One FASE ability modifier is at - 2CS make the Reason FEAT roll for the hero in 41-65 One power is inoperative secret. That way, if the roll is a failure by a 66-90 All powers are at - 1CS narrow margin—say, within five points of 91-94 All FASE ability modifiers are - 1CS the number needed for success—the hero 95-98 All FASE ability modifiers and powers are at -2CS may mistakenly believe that his armor is 99-00 Massive systems overload. All FASE ability modifiers are at - 2CS, repaired when it actually might fail at an and all powers, with the exception of one (of the player’s choice) are important moment. This is a nasty thing to inoperative do, but I leave the decision whether or not to use this up to each Judge. Armored advancement The player may, at some point in his hero’s career, attempt to modify the hero’s armor by adding new powers. Armor

Table 1 Armor Modifiers for FASE Abilities

1d100 Result 01-10 Unchanged 11-20 +1CS 21-45 +2CS 46-75 +3CS 76-95 +4CS 96-00 +5CS

Table 2 Power Rank Generation Table

1d100 Power rank 01-05 Feeble (2) 06-10 Poor (4) 11-20 Typical (6) 21-40 Good (10) 41-55 Excellent (20) 56-80 Remarkable (30) 81-95 Incredible (40) 96-00 Amazing (50)

DRAGON 97 98 APRIL 1992 A new way to roll for random encounters by Jerold M. Stratton Artwork by Mark Doney

The standard ways of making a wander- Table 1 is for a rural area in my campaign, check Table 4. Most of these encounters ing monster encounters table—the 2d10 between the Low Road and the Long are with lone creatures. Even vampires and the 1d100 methods—often require a Lakes. I can see at a glance who lives here. and dopplegangers usually travel alone. lot of figure juggling to make sure that no The adventurers are twice as likely to The advantages of this type of table are encounter appears too often or not often meet a humanoid than members of a obvious, as each table holds information. If enough. They don’t provide much variety civilized race, and most of their encount- I want to know about humans in an area, I in encounter, either, and it can be very ers will be with normal animals. look at the human table. If I want to know hard to simply look at such tables and Let’s go further and fill out Table 2 for which giants are in the area, I look at the know what creatures inhabit the area. civilized peoples. This table stores a lot of giants table. I don’t need to search through I developed a new method of creating information. When I look at it a month one list and hope that I spot all of them, wandering monster tables to alleviate after creating it, I will remember these nor do I need to keep a separate reference these problems. First, I divided up en- salient facts: explaining which creatures are in the area. counters into the following types: 1. Adventurers are very rare. The table suffices. —Civilized peoples 2. Only humans have settlements in this I can also create one of these tables —Humanoid creatures area. quickly. While I might not know how often —Harmless encounters 3. Halflings, elves, and dwarves do not I want pegasi showing up, I do have a —Animals reside here. They travel through often, good idea how often I want “fantastic” —Fantastic creatures though, in groups of 1-20. Halflings and creatures showing up, so I can create the These divisions depend heavily upon the elves are more common than dwarves. main table very easily and work down. In mindset of the major local cultures. The The human subtable, Table 3, comes the end, there is greater variety with these distinction between civilized peoples (hu- next. From this table, I see that most of the tables than with simpler tables. mans, elves, dwarves, etc) and humanoid inhabitants of the area live in groups—a I’ve reproduced the rest of this set of creatures (orcs, goblins, trolls, etc) is a couple of farms or a village. Thieves are tables as a guideline. Remember that I good example of this. If you are creating present but not common. There are shape- designed these tables specifically for my tables for a culture that does not make changers in the area; “masquerader” is own campaign; you will want to design that distinction, your table should not local lingo for supernatural creatures your own tables for your campaign make the distinction either. disguised as humans. areas. Let’s fill out a sample encounters table. What masqueraders live in the area? We

Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Rural Area Encounters Civilized Peoples Humans

1d100 Encounter 1d100 Encounter (number) 1d100 Encounter (number) 01-10 Civilized peoples (see Table 2) 01-65 Humans (see Table 3) 01-30 1d8 farms (2d4 people each) 11-30 Humanoids (see Table 5) 66-78 Halflings (1d20) 31-55 Small village (1d6 x 10 31-46 Harmless encounters (see 79-90 Elves (1d20) people) Table 7) 91-97 Dwarves (1d20) 56-62 Large village (1d100 + 30 47-91 Animals (see Table 8) 98-00 Adventurers (2d6 - 1) people) 92-00 Fantastic creatures (see 63-64 Inn/tavern (1d8 workers) Table 10) 65-71 Brigands (1d20 brigands) 72 Caravan (5d10 merchants and guards) Table 4 73-76 Merchants (1d10 merchants Masqueraders Table 5 and guards) Humanoids 77-98 Travelers (1d10 people) 1d100 Encounter (number) 99-00 Masqueraders (see Table 4) 01-50 Werewolf (1) 1d100 Encounter (number) 51-68 Werebear (1) 01-35 Goblins (2d20) 69-88 Wererat (1) 36-67 Hobgoblins (1d20) Table 6 89-95 Wereleopard (1) 68-73 Trolls (1d6 -2*) Giants 96-97 Vampires (1d4 -2*) 74-78 Orcs (1d20) 98-99 Dopplegangers (1d8 - 4*) 79-89 Giants (see Table 6) 1d100 Encounter (number) 00 Gold dragon (1) 90-00 Cyclopskin (1d6) 01-70 Hill giants (1d10) 71-99 Stone giants (1d4) * Minimum of 1. * Minimum of 1. 00 Storm giant (1)

DRAGON 99 Table 7 Table 10 Table 13 Harmless Encounters Fantastic Creatures Faerie Folk

1d100 Encounter 1d100 Encounter (number) 1d100 Encounter (number) 01-30 Small stream in path 01-07 Griffon (1) 01-13 Fossergrim* (3d4) (1d6 +4 feet wide) 08-16 Hippogriffs (1d2) 14-20 Sylphs (1d2) 31-48 Swarm of insects/flock of 17-23 Wyverns (1d6) 21-31 Brownies (1d20) birds 24-25 Chimera (1) 32-36 Dryads—Tree* (1d6) 49-59 Strange noise 26-27 Unicorns (1d6 - 4) 37-38 Dryads—Rock* (1d4) 60-65 No noise 28-31 Hellhounds (1d4) 39-44 Nymphs (1d10); satyrs 66-90 Lake/pond ((5d10) x 100 32-34 Pegasi (1d2) nearby 60% of the time feet across) 35-42 Perytons (1d6) 45-58 Pixies (1d100) 91-94 Unmarked tomb 43 Beholder (1), from south 59-67 (1d8); nymphs nearby 95 Part of animal skeleton 44-47 Carrion crawler (1d20 - 10), 10% of the time 96 Human skeleton from Deep Forest 68-79 Leprechauns (1d6 - 2 **) 97-00 Remains of small settlement 48-54 Giant spiders (1d10) 80-89 Sprites (1d10 - 6**) 55-60 Giant bats (1d20) 90-00 Nereids (1d10) 61-84 Undead (see Table 11) 85-99 Faerie folk (see Table 13) * Special creature of author’s creation. 00 Dragon (see Table 14) * * Minimum of 1. Table 8 Animals

1d100 Encounter (number) Table 14 01-05 Badgers (1d8 -4*) Table 11 Dragons 06-07 Bull (1) Undead 08-10 Cattle (1d20) 1d100 Encounter (number) 11-15 Dogs (1d8 -2*) 1d100 Encounter (number) 01-48 Green dragon (1) 16-26 Herd animals (1d20) 01-02 Groaning spirit (1) 49-70 Red dragon (1) 27-29 Horses (1d6) 03-05 Vampires (1d8 - 6*) 71-90 White dragon (1) 30-36 Stags (1d4) 06-15 Ghouls (1d20) 91-98 Gold dragon (1) 37-45 Wolves (2d6) 16-17 Zombie, on mission (1) 99 Black dragon (1) 46-47 Wolverines (1d10) 18-20 Spectre (1) Blue dragon (1) 48-50 Bats* * (1d100) 21-24 Wraith (1) 51-52 Eagles (1d10) 25-39 Werecreature (see Table 12) 53-54 Goats (2d10) 40-44 Wight (1d6) 55-60 Owls (1d2) 45-49 Ghost (1) 61-63 Ravens (1d6) 50-69 Poltergeist (1) 64-68 Rats (2d10 - 1*) 70-00 Phantom (1d100 - 80*) 69-70 Rams (1d4 - 1*) 71-75 Skunks (1d4 - 2*) * Minimum of 1. 76-80 Snakes (see Table 9) 81-88 Squirrels (1d20) 89 Vultures (1d4) 90-91 Weasels (1d2) Table 12 92-93 Leopards (1) Werecreatures 94-95 Wildcats (1d3) 96-99 Black widows (1d8) 1d100 Encounter (number) 00 Dire wolves* * * (2d4) 01-50 Werewolf (1d6 -4*) 51-70 Wererat (1d10- 4 *) * Minimum of 1. 71-90 Werebear (1d2) * * At night only; normal flock of birds 91-00 Wereleopard (1d8 - 6 *) in daytime. * * * At night or in wintertime only; * Minimum of 1. normal pack of dogs otherwise.

Table 9 Snakes

1d100 Encounter (number) 01-20 Blue racers * (1d4 - 2 * *) 21-29 Copperheads* (1d8 - 4 * *) 30-80 Garter snakes* (1d4) 81-94 Water snakes* (1d20 - 10 * *) 95-99 Rattlers* (1d10 - 6**) 00 Huge snake* (1), from south

* Special creature of author’s creation. * * Minimum of 1.

By Barbara Manui & Chris Adams 102 APRIL 1992 By Larry F. Schoettmer DRAGON 103 104 APRIL 1992 DRAGON 105

108 APRIL 1992 DRAGON 109 110 APRIL 1992 By Elizabeth Hurlbut tank that can cost over a million dollars even for a poor one, or to artillery pieces that may cost several hundred thousand dollars each. There is a substantial savings when these decoys are destroyed by weap- ons costing nearly as much as their tar- gets. Worse, even satellites frequently cannot tell the difference between decoys and real vehicles. You thus have reasons to hesitate before making claims about target destruction—and when equipment seems to pop up immediately after being de- stroyed, sticking your neck out with claims of equipment kills seems like a really bad idea. ©1992 by Robert Bigelow The Iraqi troops also made good use of fabric, paint, and wood framing to create Photos and painting by Mike Bethke illusions of damage where there wasn’t any and to cover damage where there was. This camouflage forced pilots to hit targets, even those previously hit multiple times and destroyed, to make sure that those targets were really out of action. Paint jobs depicting cracks and bomb craters also made buildings or runways appear to be seriously damaged. The per- ceived damage caused mission briefers to classify a target as destroyed even though it was barely damaged and still functional. There is now evidence that this occurred on a large scale and that Iraq learned its lessons from outside sources and the combatants of World War II. During World War II, whole cities, industries, and mili- tary targets in Britain, Germany, Japan, and the U.S.A. “disappeared” through the magic of paint and screens. These targets turned into blocks of housing, parks, rivers, or even lakes to confuse potential Little deceptions: bombers or recon flights. We see now that intelligence officers and decoys in miniatures war games photo readers did not have an easy job confirming the destruction of actual tar- gets. Without large intelligence networks Real Scud or fake Scud? tary target in existence today. With or fifth columns in place, such as the The air campaign over Iraq during the heaters and weak electronic emitters, resistance movements in many occupied Persian Gulf war was credited with being decoys give off a “signature” that can fool nations in World War II, success is difficult the major reason that the ground war was thermal and electronic sensors and give to confirm without close visual inspection. so short and relatively bloodless for Coali- the enemy readings expected of a real This cannot be held against anyone and tion forces. However, this massive effort target. It is especially difficult for modern just means that you have to hit the targets raised a number of questions. Why did the jets to distinguish decoys from real vehi- over and over again and force your pilots U.S. Air Force downplay its success half- cles, as the jets travel so fast that visual to take higher and higher risks as they fly way through the campaign, after showing sighting is useless and only heat or elec- in lower for a confirmed kill. us video after video of successful target tronic imaging is available. Even “slow” The use of decoys and the need to gath- strikes? Why did the estimates of target aircraft that travel under the speed of er accurate combat intelligence can serve destruction and numbers of destroyed sound have trouble, as many decoys are as the basis for a miniatures or role- vehicles decrease, with reports becoming indistinguishable from the real things playing game using TSR’s TOP SECRET/ more guarded as the sorties increased? except on close inspection. S.I.™ or SNIPER™ games, GDW’s One last question was paramount in many Additionally, decoys are relatively cheap. TWILIGHT: 2000* rules, or many other people’s minds: If Coalition planes are In many cases, very good decoys cost military games. The GM should set up a destroying all those Scud missiles, under $50,000. While this may sound base that has several identical weapon launchers, and sites, how are the Iraqis expensive to you or me, compare this to a sites and hard points, of which only a few still managing to launch Scuds in areas are actual units and the rest are decoys. where Coalition aircraft rule the skies? Miniatures’ product ratings These units can be distinguished only by The answer to most of these questions can contact with the unit or from very close be answered in one word—decoys! * Poor proximity. All the positions should be The Iraqi military proved to be much ** Below average covered by guards and weapon pits. The more sophisticated in the art of camou- *** Average party of infiltrators has the job of deciding flage and decoy-use than anyone in the **** Above average which units are real in preparation for an Coalition had previously thought. Decoys ***** Excellent air strike to come later. This can be chal- can be made to resemble any prime mili- lenging for both players and GMs.

112 APRIL 1992 Reviews Lance & Laser Models Inc. P.O. Box 14491 Columbus OH 43214

Lance & Laser is a small company that produces a number of well-done figures that appeal to a lot of people. It seems to allow its sculptors a wider scope than most companies, and a number of minia- tures have been produced. that appear to have limited uses or are different from what we are used to. I purposely said “appear” to have limited uses, because on closer examination a wide variety of uses can be found. To prove this, let’s examine a couple of the pieces.

134 Wall of Skulls ***** This would definitely appear to be a limited-use figure. The miniature consists of a 38 mm × 11 mm × 20 mm pile of skulls carefully piled one on top of another, with vacant eye sockets staring outward. The pile is three to five skulls in height, and the skulls go all the way around in an long oval shape. The ends are held in place by bones and wooden stakes tied with rope and braced by more bones. No lower jaws are on any of the skulls. undead tornado. A skeletal rib cage shows No mold lines are visible except on the through the robes, bony hands protrude sides of the base, and the skulls are well from the sleeves, and a grinning skull defined and separate from each other shows from beneath an overhanging hood. except where they are joined into the This figure will require a little work. “wall.” The skulls have varying degrees of The bottom of the base is uneven, causing damage, ranging from dents and cracks to it to rock slightly. This can be easily fixed holes of the kind inflicted by large blunt by filing the base, but you’ll have to be objects and crossbow bolts. All of the careful not to trim too much. A very evi- skulls whose crowns are visible have dent mold line runs around the figure’s ridges and cracks typical of human anato- front and back halves (the mold line in this my, and a few have ridges such as would case was more of a groove), but this is also be common for a fantasy orc. easily cleaned up with a sharp knife and a This wall can be used as a boundary little filing. marker at the edge of a forbidden or The figure has some restrictions in loca- mysterious country. It could serve as a tion because of the tombstone, but you good anchor for a gate to a necromancer’s can ignore it and use the figure anywhere. keep or the entrance to a graveyard. A This is recommended at $1.40 each. game master could spread panic among players whose characters discover this wall outside the entrance to a dungeon Thunderbolt Mountain that they have visited, letting the adven- Miniatures turers figure out who or what could have 656 East McMillan set the skulls out so neatly. It could also be Cincinnati OH 45206-1991 a backdrop for an undead diorama. This piece is recommended at $1.75. Thunderbolt Mountain miniature measures over 210 mm from nose to tail, and each wing is over 150 **** Miniatures 135 Ghost 70 Harcourt Street from wing root to the first outside claw. Ghosts hold a particular fascination for Newark, Nottingham The base is 58 mm × 8 mm and has a most people and a terror for most player UNITED KINGDOM NG 241 R4 barren-rock formation molded onto the characters. Fortunately, you don’t run into top, including some rocks that act as the many of these creatures in a fantasy role- support for the dragon. No vegetation is 1012 Rampaging Red Dragon * * * * * playing game, but this is a good example of Among the newest releases from Thun- present. one that you might someday meet. derbolt Mountain is a new series of drag- This dragon presents the image of being This ghost rises from an oval base that ons done in Thunderbolt’s unique style. truly upset in every way. It is perched on represents a grave site. In the rear corner First in this new series is a red dragon its right rear leg and the base of its tail as is a cracked and weathered tombstone throwing a temper tantrum. The figure is if lunging forward to attack with all three with a semilegible epitaph. A fringe of made of lead and scaled for 25 mm. The remaining feet. The front feet have the grass surrounds the tombstone and gives kit contains 11 pieces, including the one- claws nearly fully extended, while the way to hard, flat land. The ghost rises piece base, all of which must be assembled back foot makes a swiping maneuver. The from his grave in a swirl of robes, stand- using the instructions and a little care. The mouth is open, with its tongue fully ex- ing over 40 mm tall and looking like an tended and teeth clearly visible. The nos-

DRAGON 113 trils are flared, and bony crests protect poised for instant use required a little filling after they have slitted eyes just behind the twisting horns. The model assembles fairly easily. No been put on, and I recommend the use of This figure has excellent scale detail, with flash was present except for small bits of epoxy or small pins in the ball joint on the clearly defined edge separations and de- lead, at the tips of some of the claws, that wings for added strength, letting each part pressions. Spinal ridges extend from head almost fell off on their own. The fit on the dry completely before moving on. to mid-tail, with some rising to very long parts is very good except for the rear legs, This is an excellent model. I believe the points. The large wings are partially fold- which need light trimming in the socket small problems on my model might not ed and swept back, but appear to be and a little filling when done. The wings exist on others, and this may be due to the slight shrinkage of some parts. You should have some experience with metal kits if you want a high-quality finished model, but this kit is suitable for beginners thanks to the close fit of most parts. A good kit, this is highly recommended even at $26.95.

Wargames Inc. Box 278 Triadelphia WV 26059

This month, we welcome another line of figures to the review column—Metal Mag- ic. This line is produced in Germany and includes a large number of different fanta- sy and SF figures that are marketed in the U.S. by Inc., which many of you have probably seen at major gaming con- ventions. This month, we’ll review two figures from this line.

C1037a Monster (Female Centaur with Bow) * * * * ½ This figure is made of lead and is in true 25 mm scale. The horse body measures 20 mm tall and 25 mm long from chest to flank, with a tail extending beyond that. Muscle detail is good, with only a few angular areas. Joint and vein detail is visible on the legs, with a fringe of long curly hair just above the hooves. The tail hangs down and curls slightly at the end, and individual strand detail is good. The horse body is slightly undersized for a centaur, but not obviously so; this could be explained by the fact that this is a female

114 APRIL 1992 A very noticeable mold line across the 5601 Witch * * * *½ back can be removed by a healthy finger- This new miniature from Grenadier nail without damage to the model. Some steps straight out of “Hansel and Gretel.” mold lines are also on the inside of the Sculpted by Nick Lund, this figure is very rear legs, and care should be taken when close to how I had always envisioned a cleaning and smoothing these areas. witch to look. The figure is made for true The human half extends another 16 mm 25-mm scale and stands 22 mm from feet up from the horse body. A fur-trimmed to eyes. The witch is a little old lady stand- quiver of arrows on her right side is held ing straight with her head bent slightly by a chain belt; in her right hand she forward. She wears a simple, long dress carries a short bow, and her left arm is with a hem sweeping the ground and an covered by a detailed guard. Her loose open oval front. In her right hand she blouse is cinched by chains and a belt with holds a long, intricately carved staff bear- an ornate buckle; a well-done necklace ing what looks like a partial skull at the and pendant are present. Her face is top and intertwining branches. Her left strange, as most of us at the shop notice hand is closed with thumb extended, so its similarity to the Cowardly Lion from she is either hitchhiking or has her spell the movie, The Wizard of Oz, complete components clutched tightly. She has a with overhanging lip. Hair detail is very simple belt, and a second strap secures a good, with enough waves and curls to large components bag at her left hip. complicate any painter’s day. Hanging from the belt are a couple of The bad points on this figure are the amulets and bags secured by long draw- mold lines. One slightly raised line runs strings. Around her neck is another amu- through the forehead on the left and goes let, one that looks like a crystal. on to the chin, also passing through the Her face is good, with high, gaunt cheek- arm guard and the bow. The good news is bones and skin pulled tight with age, had an excessive amount of flash. The that the mold line is cleaned off easily with though she seems to be grimacing. On space between the body and staff was a little care. Even with the slightly small very close observation, teeth may be seen almost totally filled, with some heavy flash horse body, this figure is well recom- in her mouth, a challenge for the best of close to the body and staff that will re- mended at $2.89. Note that this figure is painters. Her hairline has receded far quire some careful work with a knife to made of very soft lead, so care must be back, and sparse, long strands fall past her remove. The mold lines under both arms taken with it. shoulders. Excellently done wrinkles were also raised and needed trimming, as adorn her forehead and upper face. did the lines on the shoulders to a lesser C1002b Cleric with Staff * * * *½ The figure delivered to me is good, but it extent. A cat at the rear of the base looks This figure, which stands slightly tall at 26 mm, is an excellent representation of a medieval Catholic bishop. He has long robes, a woven belt, a miter with a cross in bas-relief, and a shepherd’s crook, the latter in his right hand (he is delivering a blessing with his left). The sash of office hangs from his neck on both sides, em- broidered with the cross and trimmed with fringes. A kindly, middle-aged face with a pug nose completes the figure. This figure is very well done. One visible fault involves the left hand, where the curled-over fingers are slightly flat. That hand and the miter’s cross also lack the detail present on the rest of the figure. The staff is joined to the robes, and you will probably have to paint in a separation. This is not an adventurer-type figure in fantasy gaming, representing instead a high-level cleric with his own church, keep, and land. He would be at home in Chaosium’s PENDRAGON* game or in modern scenarios set up to the early 1970s. Care should be taken with this figure, as it is made with a very soft lead. This is recommended at $1.69 each, in- cluding a small, square, plastic base.

Grenadier Models P.O. Box 305 Springfield PA 19064

Grenadier Models UK Ltd. 25 Babbage Rd, Deeside, Clwyd, Wales UNITED KINGDOM CH5 2QB

DRAGON 115 as if it is rubbing against the witch. This feline is a good touch but has some pitting and an indistinct, blobby face that comes falls down his face. The chest is good close to detracting from the figure. You’ll including a slight grimace and a bulbous have to look the figure over carefully nose. before going to work on it. This is a good support figure for an This figure could be used as a witch or army and also a great adventurer. Careful could play the part of a gypsy in the AD&D® painting will give you a figure you can be of-print STRIKER* rules for science-fiction RAVENLOFT™ setting. Even with the work proud of. A single hair from your comb miniatures, by GDW. This vehicle is so needed to improve it, this is recommended will provide a string for the crossbow. It’s versatile that it is almost a “must have.” It’s at $1.75 each for its uniqueness. recommended at $1.50 each. highly recommended at $3 per pack.

8133 Dwarf with Crossbow * * * * * The page numbers given for further Dwarves are rapidly becoming one of descriptions and illustrations used for the most modeled of fantasy-game races, 5938 Carthage Court comparison will be found in FASA’s Techni- regardless of their gaming scale. While Cincinnati OH 45212 cal Readout 3050. When I review figures, I this dwarf from Julie Guthrie could be judge them in part based on the illustra- termed just another dwarf, a number of Ral Partha Enterprises tions provided, which are supposed to be interesting details make this one unique. c/o Minifigs the “official” drawings. I understand that The figure is scaled to true 25 mm and 1/5 Graham Road, Southampton sculptors can take a certain license with stands 18 mm to the eyes. The miniature is UNITED KINGDOM S02 0AX figures, but they should get the basics made of lead and has the traditional high correct. The miniatures are still very oval base common to Grenadier figures. This month we review a number of suitable for use in BATTLETECH games, There was no flash, and the mold line was ’Mechs and vehicles commonly used in even with mistakes or modifications, and well camouflaged and did not show up to FASA’s BATTLETECH* game. Most of the the perfectionist is the only one who may any degree even after priming. The detail ’Mech models on the market today are be concerned. is clear and deeper than usual. between 5 mm and 7 mm scale, which This dwarf figure is armored but not in makes 1 mm equal to 1-1½’. All figures 20-898 IMP-3E Imp **** the “walking-tank” style so common to are made of lead. The illustration and the statistics for the dwarven miniatures. The figure is dressed Imp-3E are found on page 210 of the book. much as a support troop or middle-class 20-828 Savannah Master This ’Mech, listed among the Inner Sphere dwarf. His feet are clad in large boots Hovercraft ***** assault ’Mechs, weighs 100 tons, and no which have the faintest traces of a mold The Savannah Master is a five-ton recon variants are given. line. His upper body is protected by breast and light attack vehicle, described on page The Imp miniature stands 49 mm tall and back plates; the rest of his body is 6 of FASA’s Technical Readout 3026. The and suffers from an uneven base. This is covered by lamellar armor that covers the miniature itself comes four to a pack, each easily solved with filing. The body is 35 arms to the elbow, runs under the plate, measuring about 13 mm long × 7 mm mm at its widest and looks a bit like R2D2 then falls to the tops of the boots. A split wide × 6.5 mm tall. Close examination of a (the ’droid from Star Wars) with long legs. in the front of the armor exposes an un- vehicle shows it to be an almost exact There are quite a few differences between dergarment that covers the rest of the duplicate of the illustration, except for the the picture and the miniature, so we’ll body, including the lower arms but not the pilot and a small increase in the size of the start with the head and work down. head. A simple belt and buckle secure a steering vane that was probably done to The upper dome contains two weapon ration pouch on his left side, and a chest make the casting easier. All vanes, sensor or sensor boxes that are not shown on the strap secures a large battle axe to his back boxes, weapon mounts, and headlights are illustration or listed on the location tables. as a back-up weapon. His primary weapon in the correct places. Areas that appear to A very obvious mold line runs across the is a well-molded crossbow in a loading be mold defects turn out to be separations top of the head, left to right, but it is easy position on his left arm. This crossbow in armor when compared to the book to clean. The miniature’s left arm has a includes a visible trigger, a bolt that rides illustration. large pulse laser pointing to the sky (mine slightly higher than the grooved path that This vehicle is highly recommended, as has since been modified to point forward, it is fired along, and an upper lever for it can serve many different purposes. It which was very easy to do). The right arm setting the string. In his right hand he could be used as an armored recon vehicle differs greatly from the book illustration. holds a bolt by the shaft, as if preparing to in Steve Jackson Games’ OGRE* or GEV* The lower row of LRM-15s is cut off short, load it. His head is covered by a simple games, or in FASA’s RENEGADE LEGION* being located on the bottom edge of the helmet, and his hair waves out in the back game. It could even be used in a small- arm instead of toward the middle, and the as if windblown. A well-trimmed beard scale version of the ever-popular but out- bottom of the hand is flatter than it is

116 APRIL 1992 does capture the spirit of the ’Mech and is people. This ’Mech is basically for BATTLE- the only thing available that is even close TECH games only and is recommended at to the vehicle. This unit has few uses $4.25 each. outside of BATTLETECH games. With the ammo setup described, I doubt it would be much good in continuous combat. Priced That’s it for this month. If you need to at $5.75 each, this piece is recommended. reach me, call Friend’s Hobby Shop at: (708) 336-0790, at the following times: 20-811 WFT-1 Wolf Trap * * * * ½ M,W,Th,F: 2-10 P.M. CST The Wolf Trap is a 45-ton ’Mech operat- Sat & Sun: 10 A.M.-5 P.M. CST ed by House Kurita as an answer to the You can also write to me at this address: Wolfhound ’Mech. The miniature is 39 mm Robert Bigelow tall and 21 mm wide across the shoulders. c/o Friend’s Hobby No other variants are given; this ‘Mech is 1411 Washington St. not in full production. Waukegan IL 60085 The miniature is fairly true to the book illustration. The legs are well done and * indicates a product produced by a company other seem to be moving, albeit in a jerky way. than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks owned by the companies publishing those products. The entire miniature looks off-balance The use of the name of any product without mention because of the pose. Both arms are cor- of its trademark status should not be construed as a rect, including the number of fingers and challenge to such status. joints, the shoulder pin and joint on the left arm, and the hole in the AC-10 and shaping of the right arm. Major differ- ences exist between the figure and book picture over the middle of the ‘Mech’s supposed to be with no flexion. The cen- torso. The cooling pack on the back is not ter torso has two extended weapons big enough to match the one in the illus- which are probably lasers but are not tration; it needs bigger ports and a higher shown in the illustration (I grant that they profile. could be retracted). Neither leg is correct, This ’Mech has not been as effective in as both are too boxy and lack the flair and tabletop games at our club as was intend- bulges shown in the book drawing. ed. It gets beaten on a regular basis by the Having said all of this, the miniature Wolfhound even when played by different

DRAGON 117 Convention Calendar MOBI-CON ’92, June 12-14 AL LEGACY ’92, June 26-28 TX Continued from page 64 This SF&F/gaming convention will be held at This convention will be held at the Comfort the Days Inn in Mobile, Ala. Proceeds will Inn Convention Center in Arlington, Texas. MIGSCON XIII, May 30-31 ❉ benefit the Penelope House shelter for abused Events include the MechForce Southwest This historical gaming convention will be held women and children. Guests include Margaret Regional BATTLETECH* tournament, gaming, at the Holiday Inn in Hamilton, Ontario. Events Weis and comics artists. Activities include speakers, miniatures-painting contests, a movie include WRG*, DBA*, ASL*, and BATTLETECH* writing workshops, an art show and auction, room, a dealers’ area, and an auction. Special games. Other activities include Napoleonics, miniatures painting, a dealers’ room, a costume hotel rates are available. Registration: Ancients, and American Civil War games. Write contest, seminars, videos, and gaming. $10/weekend preregistered. Write to: LEGACY to: MIGSCON, c/o Apt. #8, 142 Caroline St. S., Registration: $13.50/weekend before June 1; ’92, 1604 Canfield No. 1107, Ft. Worth TX 76120; Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA L8P 3K9; or call $16/weekend at the door. Single-day rates vary. or call our 24-hour hotline: (214) 601-9032 and Brian at: (416) 525-7730. Write to: MOBI-CON INC., P.O. Box 161257, enter 6552#. Mobile AL 36616. LAGACON 14, June 6 PA CAPITAL CON VIII, June 27-28 IL This convention will be held at the Fraternal CONFIGURATION III, June 13-14 OK This convention will be held at the Prairie Order of Eagles Hall, 116 N 8th St., Lebanon, Pa. This convention will be held at the Days Inn in Capital Convention Center in Springfield, Ill. Events include AD&D®, BATTLETECH*, and Tulsa, Okla. Events include AD&D®, D&D®, Activities include RPGA™ Network tournaments; ASL* tournaments; MERC: 2000*, AXIS & BATTLETECH*, CHAMPIONS*, VAMPIRE*, role-playing, board, computer, and miniatures ALLIES*, TWILIGHT 2000*, and SUPREMACY* SHADOWRUN*, and STAR TREK* tournaments, games; a miniatures-painting contest; and a games; beginners’ games; and a dealers’ area. with board-game tournaments, historical game auction. Registration: $10/weekend, Ask about group discounts. Write to: Lebanon miniatures games, open gaming, and a video including game costs. Write to: CAPITAL CON Area Gamers’ Assoc., 806 Cumberland St., room. Registration: $4/weekend preregistered; VIII, c/o Tom Lawrence, 2557 Somerton Rd., Lebanon PA 17042; or call: (717) 274-8706 $7/weekend at the door. Write to: Springfield IL 62702. weeknights or Saturdays. CONFIGURATION, 3617 E. 24th St., Tulsa OK 74115; or call Mike at: (918) 836-8008. TANELORN ’92, June 6-8 ❖ How effective was your convention listing? This convention will be held at the Robertson ORGANIZED KHAN-FUSION IV If you are a convention organizer, please Gardens Convention Centre in Robertson, June 20-21 write to the editors and let us know if our Brisbane, Queensland. Events include AD&D®, This convention will be held at the Embers in “Convention Calendar” served your needs. BATTLETECH*, TALISMAN*, SPACE Carlisle, Pa. Activities include AD&D® games, a Your comment are always welcome. CRUSADE*, DIPLOMACY*, and CYBERPUNK* railroad tournament, dealers, a miniatures-painting games, with Napoleonics, food, and RPG contest, and over 50 gaming events. Registration sessions in individual rooms. Write to: Club fees vary from $6-10. Write to: M. Foner’s Games Tanelorn, GPO Box 2148, Brisbane, Queensland Only Emporium, 200 Third St., New Cumberland 4001, AUSTRALIA; or call: 0011-61-7-209-7336. PA 17070; or call (717) 774-6676.

AD&D is a registered trademark owned by TSR, Inc. 118 APRIL 1992

Letters What is the current gold-piece selling value of from your list. Add your name to the fourth Continued from page 5 a harem girl? If the PCs decide to keep them, do position on the list. send the letter bearing your they get XPs? name to ten women you admire—ten prospects. . . . Constantine received this chain letter in Mail your letters within 48 hours and do not break 1953. He asked his secretary to make 20 copies I have word that you wish to sell this the pattern, please. When your name reaches the and send them out. A few days later, he won a company. [Here are] nine million dollars. Mail first position, it will be your turn to collect the lottery of $2,000,000.00. Aria Daddit, an office keys and directions to above address. fees. 10,000 intelligent, wonderful women may employee, received the letter and forgot it had Everybody out for new management. [Play participate and you will be $10,000 richer. to leave his hands within 96 hours. He lost his money enclosed.] job. Later, after finding the letter again, he Any typos in the letter are not actually errors. mailed out 20 copies. A few days later, he got a We the members of “Death, Destruction, and They illustrate the new way to spell the words. better job. . . . Don’t Forget the Chaos” have something to discuss with you. It is a matter of character This past weekend I went to the first Arisia If a woman is polymorphed into an animal names. Our fifth party member, Ungee Con in Boston, Mass. The best and most and mates with another member in the species Greenwood, Bard of Renown, is quite distressed important part of the convention was a panel she was polymorphed into, and gets pregnant, at a certain author, one , for called, “Earth Girls Aren’t Easy.” Five women what will the baby be? Will it be human? The using his name. . . . We are requesting that Ed (one was the moderator) led a discussion about animal the woman polymorphed into? A change his name. It’s a simple matter, really. what women like and dislike when men try to crossbreed? A mutant? Something along the lines of “Ed Grubwood” pick them up at conventions. . . . I hope that you would work (and the Rot would be more would consider mentioning “Earth Girls Aren’t Every time I initiate a new group of players understanding). Easy” in the next possible editorial so that into my TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES others can hear about the idea and have a panel game, at least one of the new players asks me, I would just like to thank you for all your in their cons. I think that it is a very worthy “Where’s the trees?” And I think, “I don’t know.” great articles. They have been a great game aid. cause. So now to alleviate the burden on GMs They really spice up my games. I especially like everywhere, I may now answer, “Here they “The Ecology of the Giant Leech.” It gave me [opening line from a short story] The ritual are!” new insights on the game, slaughter of the anteaters traditionally took Now most people think that I could just tell place on the longest day of the year, this year my players that there is nothing interesting [from a monster description] Jelly bellies are a being no exception. about trees. However, if you take a close look, viciously clever humanoid race that feeds on there is quite a lot. To save myself the work of humans. They look like corpulent men and women One of my players read something in writing down all of the powers a hundred and cannot be distinguished as anything but. DRAGON Magazine about sex in D&D games, different times, before I give you the trees but it didn’t say anything about it and I didn’t themselves, I’ll give you some powers trees . . . Just follow the instructions. Send $1 know what to say so I wrote this letter. Is there possess. . . . wrapped in a blank sheet of paper to the first such a thing as sex in D&D games and if so, person on the list below. Then omit that name how is it done?

120 APRIL 1992

AD&D™ Trading Cards Magazine Set Three

You hold in your hands the result of an experiment that has gone very well for TSR, Inc. These trading cards have proven themselves high- ly useful to collectors and game players alike. The cards in this mag- azine are from the first print run of 1992 and are rare in themselves. Your comments have made them as good as they are, and we thank you for your efforts. Every year from now on, you can expect a sheet of cards in this maga- zine. These cards are automatically valuable and will make your maga- zine more collectable. These cards will also be highly useful in your fantasy campaign. There is nothing like a free deal that’s a great deal, and this deal is both. In May of this year, a limited sup- ply of the first half of the series of cards will reach store shelves every- where. In July, the second half will Foleas Alvestar Jankins reach the stores; again, there will be 13th-level Warrior 6th-level Cat Burglar only a limited supply of these. RACE: Half-elf RACE: Half-elf ARMOR CLASS: 2 ARMOR CLASS: 6 These will all be first-print-run THAC0: cards, and no more of these special THAC0: 5 17 MOVEMENT: 6 MOVEMENT: 12 cards will ever be printed. The 1992 HIT POINTS: 81 HIT POINTS: 26 factory set of second-print-run ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good cards will be out in November. EQUIPMENT: Field plate armor, two- EQUIPMENT: Thieves’ tools, slippers of Again, a limited number of these handed sword of wounding, gauntletsspider of climbing, flatbox sets will go out to stores every ogre strength BACKGROUND: Alvestar’s dexterity (18) where. Please write to me and tell BACKGROUND: Foleas remembers the War provides him with an AC bonus. He has me what you think of these cards of the Lance as the happiest days of his never been able to resist opening things or any of TSR’s products. life. He enjoyed sacking towns, getting and looking inside. His father tried in vain Trading Cards/James M. Ward drunk with draconians, and even throt- to use more and more locks around the tling one or two passed-out baaz, just to house, and Alvestar felt obliged to open TSR, Inc. watch them turn to stone. Now he leads a them all. He doesn’t really care about P.O. Box 756 band of thieves outside of Sanction, and he wealth; he simply loves getting away with Lake Geneva WI 53147, U.S.A. talks incessantly of the “good old days.” what he steals.

AD&D and GEN CON are trademarks of TSR, Inc. ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ©1992 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. DRAGONLANCE is a trademark of TSR, Inc. is a trademark of TSR, Inc. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Aurora Guido del Confuso Mellenea 9th-level Wizard 8th-level Priest 14th-level Psionicist RACE: Human RACE: Human RACE: Human ARMOR CLASS: -1 ARMOR CLASS: 7 ARMOR CLASS: 10 THAC0: 18 THAC0: 16 THAC0: l4 MOVEMENT: 12 MOVEMENT: 12 MOVEMENT: 12 HIT POINTS: 47 HIT POINTS: 42 HIT POINTS: 41 ALIGNMENT: Neutral good ALIGNMENT: Neutral good ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil EQUIPMENT: Bracers of defense AC 2, ring EQUIPMENT: Cloak of protection +3, robe EQUIPMENT: Robe of scintillating colors, of air elemental command, wand of light- of blending. mace of disruption silver sword, elemental compass ning, ring of invisibility, boots of El- BACKGROUND: Guido’s preoccupation BACKGROUND: Mellenea is adept in the venkind, dagger +1 with wine, women, and gambling barely psychoportive devotions and spends a BACKGROUND: Aurora’s dexterity (17) leaves him enough time to pray for his great deal of time probability traveling on gives her an AC bonus. She is a genius (Int spells; sometimes they fail him. However, the Astral plane, looking for wanderers to 19) who loves research and views the world he is so good of heart that his god has not rob or enslave. She has the silver sword of a as one huge laboratory for learning. One of forsaken him. He is not interested in defeated githyanki and often casts graft her goals in her adventuring career is to wealth or glory, but adventures purely “for weapon upon it to sever the silver cords of amass a huge library. Her familiar, a great the sport of it.” Of course, a captured wine those who refuse to serve her. horned owl, is her constant companion. keg always helps!

ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ADVANCED DUNGEONS&DRAGONS is a trademark of TSR, Inc. is a trademark of TSR, Inc. is a trademark of TSR, Inc. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

“Slipper” Kindric 4th-level Rogue “Thalios” Zinnabar Albbee RACE: Human (Maltus Vindir) ARMOR CLASS: 9 7th-level Spy 17th-level Wizard THAC0: 19 RACE: Half-elf RACE: Human MOVEMENT: 12 ARMOR CLASS: 5 ARMOR CLASS: -3 HIT POINTS: THAC0: 18 THAC0: 17 15 ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil MOVEMENT: 12 MOVEMENT: 12 EQUIPMENT: HIT POINTS: Thieves’ tools, manual of HIT POINTS: 30 38 stealthy pilfering ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral ALIGNMENT: Lawful good BACKGROUND: Slipper, so named because EQUIPMENT: Elven chain mail, c/oak of EQUIPMENT: Ring of wizardry, ring of pro- she has been caught at the scene of the elvenkind, ring of mind shielding tection +6, necklace of adaptation, robe of crime several times but never apprehend- BACKGROUND: Maltus has been a mole in the archmagi, well of many worlds ed, enjoys a bonus to her AC because of her the Valley Militia, helping to guard the Val- BACKGROUND: Zinnabar reminds you of dexterity (16). Her main goal is to please ley of the Mage for six months. His mission your grandmother, and she loves to grant her guildmaster because she wants to is to wait until a band of humans enters childish wishes. She has been wandering work her way through the ranks and be- the valley at midnight and calls out, “The through wildspace “on an extended retire- come a guildmaster herself. Hence, she fre- Black One awaits the dawn,” at which time ment tour” so long that she doesn’t quite quently volunteers for jobs that are he will kill his watch companion and secret recall her home world. beyond her capabilities. the party past the guard.

SPELLJAMMER is a trademark of TSR, Inc. ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. is a trademark of TSR, Inc. GREYHAWK is a trademark of TSR, Inc. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Aruthir Chobin “the Punkster” Darwell Tectite 9th-level Druid 6th-level Wizard 11th-level “Box-man” Rogue RACE: Half-elf RACE: Human RACE: Dwarf ARMOR CLASS: 0 ARMOR CLASS: 4 ARMOR CLASS: 6 THAC0: 15 THAC0: 19 THAC0: 15 MOVEMENT: 12 MOVEMENT: 12 MOVEMENT: 6 HIT POINTS: 71 HIT POINTS: 14 HIT POINTS: 43 ALIGNMENT: Neutral ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral ALIGNMENT: Neutral good EQUIPMENT: Bracers of defense AC 2, EQUIPMENT: Ivory-spiked leather armor, EQUIPMENT: Thieves’ tools, chime of scimitar +3, medallion of adaptation, ring ring of protection +2, ring of shocking opening, bag of holding of protection +2, ring of feather falling, grasp, crystal hypnosis ball BACKGROUND: Darwell is a lock-picking staff of Kitsyrral BACKGROUND: The Punkster stole a specialist whose talents are available only BACKGROUND: Aruthir divides his time cursed crystal hypnosis ball from his form- through her guildmaster. Due to her excel- between scouting (in hawk-form) with his er master, not knowing its true nature, so lent dexterity (18) and extensive training, pet, Lari, and acting as healer for his ad- that he could use it to find his parents. she has a 95% chance to pick almost any venturing party. His staff of Kitsyrral al- Since then he’s found monsters every- lock she encounters. Darwell believes in lows him to store ten spell charges in it and where that he’s looked. So far Chobin’s stealing only from the wealthy, and she cast any spell (in his spell spheres) upon de- managed to survive, but his constant bad refuses jobs that would leave anyone fi- mand. Aruthir is handsome and extraordi- luck has given him an “attitude problem.” nancially ruined. narily vain about it.

ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS is a trademark of TSR, Inc. is a trademark of TSR, Inc. is a trademark of TSR, Inc. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jastus Lady Wendolyn of Gaunt 5th-level Barbarian Warrior Hm-boye 10th-level Cavalier RACE: Human RACE: Human ARMOR CLASS: 6 3rd-level Warrior RACE: Human ARMOR CLASS: -3 THAC0: 14 THAC0: 11 MOVEMENT: 12 ARMOR CLASS: 6 THAC0: 18 MOVEMENT: 12 HIT POINTS: 40 HIT POINTS: 83 ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good MOVEMENT: 12 HIT POINTS: 18 ALIGNMENT: Lawful good EQUIPMENT: Stone knife, boots of the EQUIPMENT: Plate mail of fear, shield +2. north ALIGNMENT: Neutral good EQUIPMENT: Ring of jumping horseman’s flail +1 BACKGROUND: Jastus’s superior strength BACKGROUND: Wendolyn began her train- (18/88) improves his THAC0 by 2. Metal- BACKGROUND: Hm-boye’s mother reput- edly came from Kara-Tur, but Procampur is ing in horsemanship at a very early age and lurgy is unknown to Jastus’s tribe, so he became a much better rider than her elder believes that his stone knife is the dead- the only home he’s ever known. Hm-boye lives in a rough neighborhood near the brothers before she was ten years old. She liest weapon ever constructed. and he uses would like to be a paladin like her mother, it very well. Jastus has heard tales of wharfs, where he gets plenty of chances to combine his acrobatic martial arts prowess but she has never heard the call of the gods warmer lands far to the north of his home, and she doesn’t believe that any of the ex- but he believes that they are inhabited by with standard weapon techniques. He’s not a criminal, but the city guards usually try isting orders are deserving of her faith and fire creatures and he wants no part of talents. them. to arrest him on sight.

ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS FORGOTTEN REALMS is a trademark of TSR, Inc. is a trademark of TSR, Inc. is a trademark of TSR, Inc. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Phun Ach-mana Phun Delynn Rosabell Reptilla Half-elven 14th-level Barbarian Priest 4th-level Warrior 12th-level Wizard RACE: Human RACE: Elf RACE: Half-elf ARMOR CLASS: 9 ARMOR CLASS: 5 ARMOR CLASS: -1 THAC0: 12 THAC0: 17 THAC0: 17 MOVEMENT: 12 MOVEMENT: 12 MOVEMENT: 12 HIT POINTS: 63 HIT POINTS: 72 HIT POINTS: 35 ALIGNMENT: Neutral ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil EQUIPMENT: Portable canoe, fur of EQUIPMENT: Elven chain mail shirt EQUIPMENT: Bracers of defense AC 4, warmth. incense of meditation BACKGROUND: Delynn is a mercenary sol- cloak of displacement, curdled death BACKGROUND: Phun is a medium who dier. Orphaned when she was an infant, De- BACKGROUND: Reptilla’s high dexterity communes with the spirits of nature for lynn was raised by a clan of war-loving (17) provides her with a bonus to her AC in his tribe. They tell him when to plant and humans that slew her people. When she addition to her magical protection. She and harvest, when to begin and end the hunt, grew old enough to question her identity, her familiar, Thsst, inhabit a cave on the how to appease the gods in times of fam- she returned to the elves and found that sunny side of one of the Dragonspine ine, and so forth. He is capable of assuming she could not identify with them, either. Mountains, where they waylay lone ani- the form of a deer at will, and he frequent- All she had was the skill of making war mals and travelers for Reptilla’s experi- ly runs with a herd in order to learn news with which she’d been raised, so she set ments in the making of poisons. of the surrounding lands. out alone, seeking fortune in battle.

ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS FORGOTTEN REALMS is a trademark of TSR, Inc. is a trademark of TSR, Inc. is a trademark of TSR, Inc. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.