Onwards with the iranian resistance Regime Change Within ReaCh

maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the national Council of Resistance of iran (nCRi)

A Special Report Prepared By The Washington Times Advocacy Department And The U.S. Foundation For Liberty And Human Rights Iranian dissidents rally in France for the overthrow of Iran’s theocracy

By The Washington Times

VILLEPINTE, France — Thousands of supporters of an Iranian dissident group rallied here Saturday for the overthrow of Tehran’s theocratic regime at an event that featured speeches by several Trump admin- istration allies — including Newt Gingrich and Rudolph W. Giuliani — as well as the former head of Saudi intelligence. The boisterous event, held annually in this town just north of Paris, was organized by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a France-based group of Iranian exiles that brings dozens of current and former U.S., European and Middle Eastern officials together to speak out in support of regime change in Tehran. While the Trump administration’s pos- ture on the issue is elusive, Mr. Giuliani drew loud cheers by asserting that the new U.S. president’s view is far different from that of his predecessor, who led world pow- ers to ease sanctions on the Islamic republic with the 2015 Iranian nuclear accord. Photo:TME Mr. Trump is “laser-focused on the A cheering crowd of tens of thousands welcomed National Council of Resistance of Iran President-elect Maryam Rajavi to the July 1 Free danger of Iran to the freedom of the world,” Iran Rally. said Mr. Giuliani, who was perceived by many at the rally to be an emissary for Mr. E NT A RTM Trump despite holding no formal Cabinet regime change in Iran — the ’s “Overthrow is possible and within Iranian public,” said Ramesh Sepehrrad, a position in the administration. Shiite powerhouse and Riyadh’s main rival. reach,” she said. “Iranian society is simmer- longtime Iranian-American women’s rights Y DE P

C Unlike the Obama administration, Mr. Prince Turki bin Faisal’s appearance ing with discontent, and the international activist who works with George Mason A Trump “is not in a state of denial” on Iran, prompted speculation that the Saudis may community is finally getting closer to the University’s School of Conflict Analysis

VOC the former New York City mayor said. even have helped finance the rally, although reality that appeasing the ruling theocracy and Resolution. “Iran must be free,” said Mr. Gingrich, organizers flatly denied that, asserting in- is misguided. Ms. Sepehrrad told a panel ahead of a former House speaker who rallied the stead that funding for the National Council “The only solution is regime change,” the rally that it is difficult to measure the crowd by condemning Tehran’s record of of Resistance of Iran comes entirely in the said Mrs. Rajavi, who has led the National council’s popularity inside Iran because human rights abuses. form of donations from Iranians who are Council of Resistance of Iran since its the “regime has made the price very, very The two, who were advisers to Mr. disgusted with the government in Tehran... founder — her husband, Massoud Rajavi high for the Iranian people to express their Trump’s election campaign, headed a U.S. The rally was a marathon of speeches — went into hiding in 2003. support” for the movement.

HINGTON TIM ES AD AS HINGTON delegation that included several former and musical performances... In attendance In an email interview with The Wash- “Thousands of their supporters and Democratic lawmakers as well as three were more than a dozen current and for- ington Times last year, she said the organi- their family members have been executed active Republican congressmen — Reps. mer officials from EU nations, including zation “represent[s] the voice of millions of and imprisoned by the regime,” she said.

Y TH E W Ted Poe of Texas, Thomas A. Garrett Jr. former French Foreign Minister Bernard Iranians who are being oppressed in their Shahin Gobadi, a member of the Na- of Virginia and Robert Pittenger of North Kouchner.... country and who seek regime change and tional Council of Resistance of Iran’s for-

A R ED B Carolina. The most aggressive speech came from the establishment of a democratic, pluralist eign affairs committee, said the group has But it was an appearance by Prince Turki Maryam Rajavi, leader of the National and non-nuclear government based on the become more active inside Iran over the bin Faisal Al Saud, the former longtime Council of Resistance of Iran, who con- separation of religion and state.” past year. “People are realizing more and Saudi intelligence chief, that may have demned the “religious dictatorship” of Supporters of the council say it is the more, especially young people, that regime been the most significant part of the rally. Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khame- most influential organization on the Iranian change is the only answer,” Mr. Gobadi told “I salute you,” said the prince, who was nei, and asserted that the regime is run opposition landscape. The Times. in attendance for the second year in a row. by “executioners” who have imprisoned No one in the Iranian opposition “stands This excerpt is from a Washington Times PORT PR E P CI AL R E PORT His presence suggested that ’s or killed tens of thousands of opposition out the way the NCRI stands out” in terms staff-written news article that first published Sunni Muslim monarchy openly supports figures since coming to power in 1979.... of their “day to day engagement with the on July 1, 2017. A S P E THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON


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Special Sections are multipage tabloid products that run in The Washington Times daily newspaper and are posted online and in PDF form onits website. Sponsors and advertisers collaborate with The Times’ advertising and marketing departments to highlight a variety of issues and events, such as The Power of Prayer, North Korea’s 18 • 2017 • July Tuesday Nuclear Threat, Gun Rights Policy Conference and Rolling Thunder Memorial Day Tribute to Veterans. Unless otherwise identified, Special Sections areprepared separately 2 ADVOCACY/SPECIAL SECTIONS and without involvement from the Times’ newsroom and editorial staff. ‘A freer Iran is on the horizon’ Rudy Giuliani can cut them off of support around the world. And time has come for regime I am so overjoyed by the focus of this change in Iran…. conference, the theme of this confer- Not only do we have regime change, ence, the hashtag of this conference. but we have an alternative, and that #Free Iran. alternative is you. It’s a democratic al- It’s been a long road, and there is ternative. It’s a force for change. It’s well still a few more miles to travel. And the organized. It has popular support. And road has been littered by the blood of it has a vast network of supporters. And your sons and daughters, fathers and whoever doesn’t believe that, I ask them mothers, relatives and friends. That book to do two things: Take a look at how contains 20,000. There have been over many of your fellow compatriots are 120,000 that have been martyred. ... So murdered by the regime. Think of how let’s just take a moment to think about frightened the regime in Iran is of the them because we wouldn’t be here today MEK. That will tell you how strong you without them. We also wouldn’t be here are.... And second, supporting the MEK today without the leadership of Madame is one of the reasons and one of the ways Rajavi through the difficult times and the to break that loose under the leadership good times and the horrible times. She of a great hero, Madame Rajavi. has always remained hopeful that we I truly believe ... that a freer Iran is on could stand up and say free Iran. Photo: TME the horizon. But I’m happiest to be here Under President Trump’s leadership, I because finally I can say, and I can prob- believe he can help us rid the Iranian peo- the theme of your conference: a free Iran, and I hear the name Rouhani, I think of ably say this with a good deal of author- ple of the oppression that has subjected built on the principles that we all share…. the fact that he has actually killed more ity, that the government of the United them for so long. You only need to read You stand for freedom of religion, you people in Iran than Ahmadinejad. He is States supports you, we’re behind you, his speech in Saudi Arabia to see that he stand for freedom for women, you stand a complete phony. He presents a moder- we agree with your values…. And finally, is laser-focused on the danger of Iran, not for free elections, you stand for the rule ate image to the world and to the Iranian I can stand here and say to you, I, my just to the freedom of the region, but the of law, you stand for respecting human people he is a violent, vicious murderer, government and your leadership, we see freedom of the world. He understands dignity and human rights. That’s what so they’re afraid of him. Iran in exactly the same way. The regime how it would be extraordinarily danger- we need in Iran, and that’s why you’re the As Madame Rajavi said, it is long past is evil and it must go. Free Iran. ous for the world to have a nuclear Iran. hope of Iran.... time to declare the Revolutionary Guard He realizes how dangerous for the world Without Madame Rajavi, people a terrorist organization. They have on Former New York City Mayor Rudolph W. A S P E it is to have an Ayatollah who is a theo- sitting there, all of you, we wouldn’t be their hands the blood of so many of your “Rudy” Giuliani is a cybersecurity expert CI AL R E PORT PR E P cratic dictator and a madman. And he where we are. We can see being able people and they have on their hands and an informal adviser to the Trump also realizes, as we do, that the only way to convince the world that there are no the blood of my people too, whom they administration. This is an excerpt from we’re going to have stability in the Middle moderate members of the present Iranian helped to kill in . We should declare remarks he gave at the July 1 rally in Paris. East and stability in the world is exactly regime. When I hear the word moderate them a terrorist organization so we A R ED B

U.S. should prepare to ‘help freedom win’ in Iran Y TH E W

Newt Gingrich charismatic leaders who communi- winning because freedom is threatened HINGTONAS TIM ES AD cate both a sense of hope, a vision of everywhere as long as this dictatorship I come today to bring you a very a better future, a moral cause, and an stays in power. And so we are allies, just simple message. Iran must be free. The ability to connect with people. In our as much as Washington and Lafayette. dictatorship must be destroyed. Contain- country, that was George Washington And I’m here with my fellow Americans ment is appeasement, and appeasement and his young supporter, the Marquis to pledge to you that we’re going to take

is surrender. The only practical goal is to de Lafayette. In Italy, it was Garibaldi. I the story of the hope that is embodied THE WASHINGTON TIMES support a movement to free Iran. After can tell you from years of having come in the one thousand Ashraf strategy, VOC all, a dictatorship that appoints as its jus- here that in history, the name of your and the potential that the next time that A C

tice minister someone who killed 30,000 president-elect, Maryam Rajavi, will go there is popular dissent, it will be across Y DE P people is telling you everything you down in the same tradition of fighters the whole country, it will be organized,

need to know about the core nature of for freedom as Washington, Lafayette, and that at that point, unlike what hap- A RTM E NT that dictatorship. This is a regime which and Garibaldi. …. And she’s a great pened last time when the American thinks it’s justice to kill 30,000 people ... leader because she has great follow- government shamefully did nothing, it’s justice to have an election where no ers, because so many of you are so at that point the Trump administra- | one is allowed to run ... threatens all of dedicated. I know that this movement is tion needs to be prepared and leaning Tuesday • July 18 • 2017 its dissidents, all of its critics, with jail at going to be a movement that goes down forward and ready to do everything it best and death at worst. ….. in history as one of the great examples can to help freedom win and dictator- I’ve come here several years and I of the human spirit defeating the evils ship lose in the great struggle that is have been impressed with the growth of dictatorship. And so I thank each of underway in Iran. of the movement, the dedication of PHOTO: TME you on her behalf for helping make her the movement, The 3,000 people you a truly historic figure, because that’s Newt Gingrich, a Republican and just saw in Albania are an enormous Albania, who understand that we have what you’re doing. former Speaker of the U.S. House of victory over the dictatorship.… And to replace the dictatorship, and that is a All of us have an obligation to recog- Representatives, represented Geor- the dictatorship was determined to kill serious defeat for the current leadership nize that while you have a great interest gia’s 6th Congressional District for 20 everyone. And when they failed, they in Tehran. in winning because it’s your country, years. This is an excerpt from remarks now have 3,000 warriors for freedom in Freedom ultimately involves we in America have a great interest in he gave at the July 1 rally in Paris. 3 ‘Your efforts to confront this regime are legitimate’

Royal Highness Prince Turki bin Imam was not immune from his wrath, Faisal Al Saud as he also conferred other titles on him- self like the “Leader” and the “Guide.” As Peace, mercy and blessings of God be soon as Khomeini arrived in Tehran, he upon you. turned against all his Iranian allies who I am honored and thankful once more accomplished the revolution. They were for inviting me to participate in your suppressed, imprisoned, assassinated or annual meeting. It is the forum where the killed. You were the first to be stabbed in sons of Iran, who have left Iran due to the back by Khomeini. the injustice of the Velayat al-Faqih rule, Khomeini promised the Iranians meet with representatives from many democracy, and the regime today countries of the world who have suf- brags about holding elections. What is fered the terrorism of this government, the meaning of these elections whose PHOTO: TME the largest sponsor of terrorism. This candidates cannot enter the race unless meeting is to remind the world of the they go through the filter of the Vali-e continuous crises in order to survive. including Arabs, Kurds, Belukha, Azeris, crimes of this regime against its citizens, Faqih? These elections are not consid- Consequently, Khomeini’s successor and Persians from the oppression of the its neighbors and of its threat to regional ered a certificate of good conduct.... The has been keen to establish paramilitary Velayat-e Faqih rule, as was said by Mrs. and global security and stability…. behavior of the regime in Tehran does forces and militias in order to use them Maryam Rajavi, is legitimate and an When Khomeini came to power, not make it a democratic system, but as armies in capitals dominated by the imperative. and after carrying out the executions of a murderous dictatorship. The execu- Revolutionary Guard forces. These Therefore, advance with God’s bless- opposition activists in prisons, the very tions carried out by the butcher regime include the Houthis in , Hezbol- ings. May God bless you. people who played a role in the revolu- and the deaths of thousands of Iranian lah in Lebanon and militias in Syria and tion, the same colleague reminded him of prisoners in 1988 still resonates and will Iraq. They want to make these militias as Turki bin Faisal Al Saud is a statesman the mosquito story and Khomeini’s fear bring an eternal curse on this regime and subservient as the Revolutionary Guards and diplomat. A member of the House of of killing insects while he is now killing its leaders. These executions prove that in order to create tools in the hands of Saud, he currently serves as the chairman human beings after the revolution. Kho- war criminals must be brought to justice the Vali-e Faqih, to whom the Iranian of King Faisal Foundation’s Center for Re- E NT A RTM meini’s response was that these people by the International Criminal Court.... constitution has granted absolute powers search and Islamic Studies. From 1977 to are the enemies of . This means that The first victims of Khomeini and his as the successor to Khomeini. 2001, Prince Faisal was the director gen- Y DE P

C whoever opposed or stood up to Kho- followers are the Iranian people, who Dear brothers and sisters! eral of the Kingdom’s intelligence agency. A meini was an enemy of Islam, a traitor, have suffered horrors and are still forced Your efforts to confront this regime This excerpt is from remarks to the Free

VOC and death would be their fate…. to endure the sick ideas of the system are legitimate, and your struggle to Iran Rally on July 1, 2017. It is translated He wore the robe of “Imam,” but even of Velayat-e Faqih, which is in need of rescue all sectors of the Iranian society, into English from the original text. History shows that freedom takes courage, sacrifice HINGTON TIM ES AD AS HINGTON

Ed Rendell and placed that sign near the memo- Y TH E W rial saying the price of freedom, well, And now the next step is to free Iran. in Philadelphia, there’s a park called

A R ED B And regime change is up to the people Washington Square Park ... There are of Iran, and that means you, that means 2,000 dead colonial American soldiers the people who are in Albania, and it under the ground in Washington Park. means Iranian dissidents in Iran, in Teh- And there’s a monument, and it says, ran, and all of the different cities.... “Here lies evidence that the price of But the has to stand freedom isn’t free.” And I pledge to you firm and stand behind this movement. today — and Madame Rajavi — I want PORT PR E P CI AL R E PORT And I believe we will. Not only will her to understand that Americans — we, because we do admire people who Republicans, Democrats, Independents, A S P E THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| fight for their freedom, are willing Americans, Progressives, Tea Party-ites, to die for their freedom, we’ll stand Americans from red states, blue states behind you because it’s also in our self- — we all stand behind her because all interest. Because what will a free Iran Americans have one thing in common. ruled by Madame Rajavi mean to the We’re behind you because you’re fight- Middle East? It will mean peace and ing for all the same things. Thank you. security. It will mean an end to extrem- ism. It will mean an end to Iran being a PHOTO: TME Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Ren- hotbed for terrorism. It will mean that dell also served as mayor of Philadelphia

18 • 2017 • July Tuesday women will no longer be persecuted.... work and my energy somehow contrib- I’ve never felt prouder of anything I’ve and chairman of the Democratic National In my public career, I have never felt uted in some small part to getting the done in my public career... Committee. This excerpt is from remarks 4 a better feeling than knowing that my people of Ashraf out of Iraq to safety. And when Madame Rajavi went over he gave to the July 1 rally in Paris. Iran’s youth hold the key to freedom

Rep. Ted Poe horizon, the sun is rising for a new Iran ... And so I encourage you young people The fact that many of you are here and the young people of Iran ... take to today is proof that one day soon we will the streets in peaceful demonstrations see freedom and democracy in Iran, and make sure that the ayatollah knows your original home. We will see it. that you want a free and independent The path to democracy is always country and free elections. long. It’s always hard. But important As we celebrate in the United States things do take time; they are not easy. Independence Day, we will think about Have faith and hope that one day the independence for Iran, so that they can people of Iran will be able to throw off be a free people. And the day is coming the shackles of the supreme leader and when the mullahs will reap what they become a nation committed to the rule have sown. They will be held account- of law and freedom for everybody. And able for their crimes. They will be tried that will happen soon. I mean there’s in international courts of justice. And Iranian dissidents and exiles — two and the people of Iran will be free. Do not a half million throughout the world. give up. Be strong and courageous. Be And I think we have all two and a half bold, because it’s important. million right here in this room, it seems like. PHOTO: TME Republican Rep. Ted Poe represents the Thirty years ago ... the government, Auvers-sur-Oise, France, July 1, 2017: Rep. Ted Poe, Robert Pittenger and Tom Garrett 2nd Congressional District in Texas and Khomeini, murdered 30,000 people presenting Mrs. Rajavi with a congressional memorabilia. is chairman of the House Foreign Affairs because they were political dissidents. subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonprolif- They wanted a regime change. And eration and Trade. This excerpt is from here we are, almost 30 years later. It’s those people that were murdered. democracy, you sons of liberty, do not his remarks to the July 1 rally in Paris. time to have a day of reckoning for So I say to you, you daughters of give up. Do not despair. Because on the

Americans support freedom-loving Iranians A S P E CI AL R E PORT PR E P

Rep. Robert Pittenger Are you ready to get rid of the greatest Now is the time. When our forefa- sponsor of terrorism in the world? Are thers met 241 years ago this time, they Republican Rep. Robert Pittenger The American people love and sup- you ready to restore freedom to Iran? Are pledged their lives, their fortunes, their represents the 9th Congressional Dis- port the freedom-loving people of Iran. you ready for honest elections? Are you sacred honor, for a Declaration of Inde- trict in North Carolina and serves on I would like to ask you today, are you ready for a democracy in Iran? Are you pendence for a new America. Yes, from the House Financial Services Com- ready to hold the mullahs accountable? ready for equality in Iran? Are you ready that we found life, liberty and the pursuit mittee. This excerpt is from his re- A R ED B Are you ready to hold Khamenei account- for human rights in Iran? Are you ready of happiness. And that’s what we want marks to the July 1 rally in Paris. able? Are you ready for regime change? for religious freedom in Iran? for Iran today. Y TH E W HINGTONAS TIM ES AD The time is over for THE WASHINGTON TIMES

‘business as usual’ VOC A C

Rep. Thomas A. Garrett, Jr. with shame and horror and disgust, as Y DE P people rose up and demanded freedom,

It is an amazing honor to stand in front and the world community and the Ameri- A RTM E NT of so many people who, like every other can government did nothing. And I will person in the world, love freedom. ... not stand for that — at the very least I As an American, I tend to break things will raise my voice and stand united with | down into American terms, so if you the people who insist on a free Iran. Tuesday • July 18 • 2017 think that 120,000 people murdered by I didn’t go to Congress to watch. You this regime in 1979 and 1988 and 2009, and didn’t come here to watch. I came to you convert for the population difference change “business as usual.” You came to PHOTO: TME between the United States, it would be change “business as usual.” the equivalent of all the Americans who Let us put our friends and enemies on IRGC controls the entire black market again next year — in Tehran. died in the entire Second World War. notice alike — we are many and we will economy ... They use those monies to Like many of the Millennials, I don’t prevail. fund terror literally across the globe, to Republican Rep. Thomas A. Garrett Jr., remember very well the events of 1988, There can be no change, however, oppress voices of dissent in Iran and to represents the 5th Congressional District but I do remember watching in 2009 without addressing the instrument of kill Iranians in their own streets…. in Virginia and serves on the House For- during the Green Revolution, first with horror that props up the oppressive mul- And so ... it is my sincerest hope eign Affairs Committee. This excerpt is respect and awe and admiration, and then lahs. The IRGC must be eviscerated. The that I see each and every one of you from his remarks to the July 1 rally in Paris. 5 ‘You can never enslave a people forever’

Joseph Lieberman in public places, is a sign of the unrest of the people and the growing confidence of I want to say to each one of you that the people that change is near…. the size and commitment of this gather- Long before the Berlin Wall collapsed, ing sends a powerful message to both our long before the Soviet Union fell, the enemies in Tehran and the people of Iran United States was supporting resistance who are yearning for change ... that every movements within the former Soviet one of you didn’t just made a decision Union. It is time for America, and hope- to come here to this meeting. By making fully some of our allies in Europe, to give that decision, you have put yourself into whatever support we can to those who history, and you have identified with a are fighting for freedom within Iran.... destiny that is a destiny for freedom. It’s hard not to see the resemblance One of the great freedom fighters in between the resistance that you and American history, Dr. Martin Luther the people of Iran are part of and those King, said the moral arc of the universe who fought for America’s freedom in the bends slowly but it always bends toward revolution in the 18th century. Or those justice. I want to say to you today that who fought for the freedom of France the political arc of the universe may during the 19th century. Or those who bend slowly, but it always bends to- fought against Nazism and fascism and wards freedom. Sometimes we have to communism during the 20th century. help to bend the arc more quickly, and And every one of those fights, every one that is what your presence here today Photo: TME of those struggles for freedom, ended can make possible. successfully. And with the help of God The change in administrations in many, including many Americans, contin- You can never suppress a people, you and our continued partnership, this America has made a dramatic difference ues. Their repression of the human rights can never enslave a people forever. The one will do. So I end with a prayer that in our policy towards Iran. And I speak of the people of Iran continues…. Raqqa people of Iran inside Iran have shown the sometime soon, maybe even next year, as a Democrat and somebody who sup- was never the capital of Islamic extrem- courage to rise up. In the past year, there we are able to hold this meeting in a free ported Hillary Clinton. ism and terrorism. The capital, since is a social movement that has adopted the Tehran in a free Iran. The one thing that hasn’t changed in 1979, of Islamic extremism and terrorism cause of bringing to light what happened the Middle East is the behavior of the has been in Tehran under this extremist to the 30,000 Iranians, mostly members of Former U.S. Senator Joseph Lieber- regime in Tehran…. Their aggression regime, and that is why it’s got to go. the MEK, who were massacred in 1988… man represented Connecticut for 24 continues throughout the region. Their But some things have changed inside To just talk about that, to just talk about years. This is an excerpt from remarks support of terrorism which has killed so Iran, and that’s at the level of the people. that, to hold Madame Rajavi’s picture up he gave at the July 1 rally in Paris. E NT A RTM Y DE P C A

VOC The world’s quarrel is with Iran’s mullahs, not its people HINGTON TIM ES AD AS HINGTON

Michael Mukasey where the United States joined many Y TH E W others in abandoning the policy of hallu- Free Iran is right… In the last year cinating goodwill in the Iranian regime,

A R ED B since we gathered here, I think it’s fair and where it recognized in the words to say that we are grateful for what’s of President Trump that the Iranian happened. In a sense, we’re in an entirely regime’s longest-suffering victims are its new and better place. And just so that own people. everybody understands who I mean Although we’re in a better place, I Photo: TME when I say we are in a better place, think it’s no exaggeration to say that now I mean everybody who wants to see comes the hard part. Now comes the part provided both an example and a tool with join together with them and with the PORT PR E P CI AL R E PORT regime change in Iran in general, and the where other countries must combine to their daring publicity campaign within entire civilized world in changing the MEK in particular. delegitimize the Iranian regime, to isolate Iran, urging regime change, and posting uncivilized regime in Iran and in Tehran. A S P E THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| The most immediate source of it internationally, to designate the IRGC photos of Mrs. Rajavi and slogans op- We now have governments in power in our gratitude is that our good friends as what it is, a terrorist organization. And posing the clerical regime. They’ve been both the United States and Saudi Arabia who were trapped in a camp that was to take other steps that will bring about writing slogans on walls to support this and elsewhere who are willing to do it. ironically named Liberty are now out the pressure, both from inside and from gathering. It’s up to us to ensure that the Thank you very much. of danger. And that happened thanks outside Iran, to get rid of the mullahs. energy behind that effort remains focused to the courage and the hospitality of The best way for both Iranians and on the goal of regime change. Former U.S. District Judge Michael the Albanian nation and the Albanian non-Iranians to do that is to align with the Now that Arab states, including the Mukasey served as U.S. Attorney people, to whom we are and will remain Iranian resistance, so as to make it clear premier Sunni state of Saudi Arabia, General under President George W. eternally grateful. to the oppressed citizens of Iran that the are focused on the danger from Iran Bush. This excerpt is from remarks

18 • 2017 • July Tuesday In May, the United States and the world’s quarrel is not with Iran but with — even to the point of two years in a he gave at the July 1 rally in Paris. Arab states in the Middle East held a the mullahs who have subjugated Iran. row having sent a representative of the 6 historic summit meeting in Riyadh, The PMOI members within Iran have royal family to this gathering — we must Only one group is ready to lead ‘Persian Spring’

Tom Ridge There’s only one popular, organized, and magnificently led organization that A couple moments ago, I was walk- can provide the democratic alternative to ing outside and had a brief conversa- the existing regime. Only one group with tion with a woman who has lost six proven leadership. Only one group with family members in the struggle for a an exciting and clear vision for the future free Iran. It’s an extraordinary and a of Iran. A group led by an inspiring Mus- very personal reminder as to why we lim woman who mirrors the aspirations are all here together. It’s an honor and of the Iranian people who seek a secular a privilege for all of us to join you in republic with gender equality, separation this cause. We join you in solidarity of church and state, respect for human to raise our voices in support of a free rights and peaceful coexistence with its Iran, regime change, and certainly the neighbors. A new Iran so that someday strong and inspirational leadership of the spirit of freedom, a Persian spring Madame Rajavi. will erupt through a regime change led by Only the light of liberty can over- you, by the martyrs who have preceded come and replace the darkness of the you, under the leadership of Madame tyrannical Iranian regime. That light Rajavi. I join with you, and we need to of liberty, ignited and sustained by the join the entire global community to raise martyrs, by the men and women of their voices, sustain their voices and call Ashraf and Liberty, and those who’ve PHOTO: TME throughout the international community: managed to survive that terror and We want a free Iran. now in Albania. The poet and patriot again, if need be with bricks from my away the blood off your body with and human rights advocate Simin life. I will build columns to support torrents of my tears. And once more Former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge Behbahani envisioned the new Iran your roof, if need be with my bones. I the darkness will leave the house.” The served as Secretary of the U.S. Homeland and the end of the darkness when she will inhale again the perfume of flow- darkness will leave the house with a Security Department. This excerpt is from wrote, “My country, I will build you ers favored by your youth. I will wash free Iran. …. remarks he gave at the July 1 rally in Paris. A S P E

‘Your perseverance gives us hope’ CI AL R E PORT PR E P

Linda Chavez the regime in Tehran. Your movement, Your perseverance gives us hope that under the leadership and the direction of we shall in the end defeat the phenom- There is a growing conviction Madame Maryam Rajavi, is the one true ena of Islamic fundamentalism, whose throughout the world that the only way to movement that can replace this regime. heart beats in the clerical regime in Iran. counter the extremism and the funda- I want to salute you today for your cour- A R ED B mentalism in the theocratic regime in Iran age and for your perseverance of the Linda Chavez is founder and chair-

is to replace that regime. And you — you, MEK and the NCRI. You are the ones man of the Center for Equal Oppor- Y TH E W the free people of Iran — are the hope for who remain committed to freedom and tunity and a syndicated columnist. the future of all of the Iranian people. to democracy for Iran, and to eradicate This excerpt is from remarks she You are the ones who can eradicate the suppression, the terrorism and the gave at the July 1 rally in Paris. HINGTONAS TIM ES AD this scourge on humanity and who can regime’s demonizing campaign that has PHOTO: TME stop the export of terrorism that is from been directed at you. THE WASHINGTON TIMES

‘Rajavi’ is now synonymous with freedom, hope VOC A C Y DE P Robert Torricelli who survived Ashraf, fought through

Camp Liberty, you are now the point of A RTM E NT Before me is the largest gathering of the spear in Albania. Iranians in the world who woke up this Our hopes, our prayers rest with you morning breathing free, speaking free, to destroy the mullahs and create a free | worshipping free, living free. Iran. Tuesday • July 18 • 2017 It is my honor to be with you. It is my My friends, in Iran the name Rajavi pleasure to serve as master of ceremonies, is synonymous with freedom and a hope to introduce to you people from around the for a better future. globe who share this struggle, shoulder to shoulder, with Iranian people in their Robert Torricelli, a Democrat, served as desperate moment fighting for freedom. a U.S. Senator from New Jersey for six But we must all be mindful that while years and U.S. Representative from New this is the largest gathering of free Ira- Jersey’s 9th Congressional District for nians in the world today, tomorrow 14 years. This excerpt is from remarks morning that responsibility rests on a he gave at the July 1 rally in Paris. brave few in Tirana, Albania. To those Photo: Valter Schleder 7 ‘Dad, these people are really heroes’

I am here particularly this year to con- — and I was thinking about several years opportunity to reach its final goal. So, we gratulate you, and thank you and thank ago during the different attacks in Ashraf thank them for their survival and their Madame Rajavi for the freedom and the and then later at Liberty — Madame heroism... life-saving gift that 3,000 of your brothers Rajavi stood so strong and so true and Now we are poised to achieve the and sisters have received and are enjoy- made very, very difficult life-and-death final outcome. And the final outcome ing tonight for the first time. decisions moving to Liberty, what to do is what all of this has been about — the I visited them a few months ago, and once we got to Liberty, negotiating the suffering, the death, the destruction — to I brought with me my oldest son. And safe passage and resettlement. Madame find a free Iran and to have a democratic what struck me immediately was their Rajavi, you not only embody the demo- alternative to the regime in Tehran. You spirit and their strength… My son talked cratic principles of a free Iran, but you are that democratic alternative …. And to a lot of your colleagues and friends, are a wonderful and charismatic leader you will prevail because you never, never Official Government Photo I talked to a lot of our brothers and in crisis. So this year, you are closer than have given up and the end is in sight. sisters… And when we left, my son said, ever to achieving your goal. Louis Freeh “Dad, these people are really heroes.” In many ways, the heroism and the Former U.S. District Judge Louis J. Freeh And you are all heroes and most survival of the freedom-loving broth- served as FBI Director under President Thank you to our brothers and sisters importantly, your leader, Madame Rajavi, ers and sisters in Liberty and Ashraf . This excerpt is taken from in Tirana who are watching us tonight.… is a great hero. Through the darkest days, have given the movement now the his remarks at the July 1 rally in Paris. Why Iran’s quest for ‘arc of control’ must fail

Ambassador John Bolton not merely a nuclear-weapons threat, it’s not merely a terrorist threat, it is a For the first time in at least eight conventional threat to everybody in the years that I’ve been coming to this region who simply seeks to live in peace event, I can say that we have a president and security. The regime has failed in- of the United States who is completely ternationally, it has failed domestically and totally opposed to the regime in in economics and politics; indeed, its Tehran… time of weakening is only accelerating. Now there is underway, as there There is a viable opposition to the often is in a new American administra- rule of the ayatollahs, and that opposition E NT A RTM tion, a policy review to determine what is centered in this room today. I have said U.S. policy will be on a whole range of for over 10 years since coming to these Y DE P

C issues, including how to deal with the events that the declared policy of the A regime in Tehran…. The outcome of the United States of America should be the

VOC president’s policy review should be to overthrow of the mullahs’ regime in Teh- determine that the Ayatollah Khomei- ran. The behavior and the objectives of ni’s 1979 revolution will not last until its the regime are not going to change, and 40th birthday. therefore the only solution is to change The Tehran regime is the central the regime itself. And that’s why before problem in the Middle East. There’s no 2019, we here will celebrate in Tehran. fundamental difference between the Photo: TME

HINGTON TIM ES AD AS HINGTON Ayatollah Khomeini and President Rou- Ambassador John R. Bolton, who repre- hani. They’re two sides of the same coin. But in the region as well, we face through the Baghdad government in sented the United States at the United And it’s clear that the regime’s a very, very dangerous point. As the Iraq, to the Assad regime in Syria, and Nations under President George W. Bush,

Y TH E W behavior is only getting worse. Their campaign to destroy the ISIS caliphate the Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. is a senior fellow at the American Enter- continued violations of the agreement, nears its ultimately successful conclu- An arc of control, which if it’s allowed prise Institute. This excerpt is taken from

A R ED B their work with North Korea on nuclear sion, we must avoid allowing the regime to form, will simply be the founda- his remarks at the July 1 rally in Paris. weapons and ballistic missiles only in Tehran to achieve its long-sought tion for the next grave conflict in the continues to grow…. objective of an arc of control from Iran Middle East. The regime in Tehran is PORT PR E P CI AL R E PORT A S P E THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| 18 • 2017 • July Tuesday

8 PHOTO: TME 1 2 #FREEIRAN Among the tens of thousands of people who attended the July 1 Grand Gathering of Iranians were delegations of attendees from numerous nations. These delegations included (1) Syria, (2) women leaders from several nations, (3) Germany, (4) Jordan, (5) Italy, (6) Belgium, (7) Ireland, (8) Poland, (9) Palestine, and (10) Romania. A S P E CI AL R E PORT PR E P A R ED B 3 5 Y TH E W HINGTONAS TIM ES AD

4 THE WASHINGTON TIMES VOC A C Y DE P 6 7 A RTM E NT | Tuesday • July 18 • 2017

8 9 10 9 PHOTO: TME Villepinte, France (July 1, 2017) — NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi (center) with dozens of senior former and current officials at the Free Iran Grand Gathering. Onwards to a Free Iran Speech by Maryam Rajavi at the The greatest threat to the regime: The Grand Gathering of the Iranian revolts waiting to erupt across Iran Resistance in Villepinte, Paris The second truth is that the regime’s E NT A RTM overthrow is possible and within reach, because the regime is besieged by ex- Y DE P

C EXCERPTS tensive social discontent. As one of the A I am humbled in the face of your love commanders of the State Security Force

VOC and passion for freedom. And I pay my has acknowledged, nearly 11,000 protests respects to the distinguished personali- ... took place in Iran last year. ties who have joined us from five con- Consider “grave dwellers,” the 10 tinents around the world in solidarity million unemployed, the 20 million with a free Iran and to voice support for shanty-town dwellers and the 30 percent freedom in Iran. of the population who are starving. The Three major developments impact mullahs are encircled by these very

HINGTON TIM ES AD AS HINGTON this gathering: people. The hand-picked candidates for First, the relocation of thousands of the sham presidential election admit- MEK members out of Iraq, which foiled ted this regime belongs to 4 percent

Y TH E W the mullahs’ supreme leader Ali Khame- of the population while 96 percent of nei’s plots to annihilate the Resistance the people despise it. Indeed, despite PHOTO: TME

A R ED B movement. Second, the failure of the the regime’s deafening propaganda, the policy of appeasing the regime by the greatest threat to the regime is not a United States and Europe. And third, First, overthrow of the ruling rule, and they accomplished nothing but foreign enemy, but social revolts waiting Khamenei’s defeat in the sham elections, religious dictatorship is an impera- serving the Velayat-e Faqih regime. to erupt within Iran itself. which means the defeat of the regime in tive. Second, the regime’s overthrow is Would giving concessions to the re- The reality is that the overthrow of its totality. within reach. And third, a democratic gime ever lead to its change of behavior? the religious dictatorship is possible and alternative and an organized resistance The answer is NO. This is something that within reach because of the regime’s PORT PR E P CI AL R E PORT Three fundamental truths exists, which is capable of toppling the has already been tested repeatedly for the ineptitude and failures, including its in- The light of change is shining on theocracy in Iran. past three decades by the US and Europe. ability to contain the country’s economic A S P E THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| Iran. The ruling regime is in disarray Finally, is it possible to contain this disintegration and environmental disas- and paralyzed as never before. Iranian Regime change, the only solution regime? NO, because what has been ters, the failure to provide for the most society is simmering with discontent Now, what do these mean? described as a policy of containment in basic needs of our enraged people ... even and the international community is The first truth answers the question effect does nothing but obstruct the path its failure to consolidate the regime. finally getting closer to the reality “what must be done regarding a regime towards the adoption of a firm policy Regime change is within reach that appeasing the ruling theocracy is that has held Iran and all Iranians in against the regime. because the mullahs find themselves misguided. chains and is the driver behind war and Therefore, the conclusion is what the stuck in three wars of attrition in the These intense circumstances speak carnage in the region”? Iranian Resistance has emphasized since Middle East. Their withdrawal from to three fundamental truths related to Is this regime really capable of the outset and many in the world have these conflicts ... will undermine their

18 • 2017 • July Tuesday obtaining freedom and liberty in Iran, reform? The answer is NO, because reached today: The solution, the only own existence. as well as peace and tranquility in the claimants of reform were in power for 20 solution, is regime change. 10 region: years out of the 38 years of the regime’s » see RAJAVI | C11 Thanks to the efforts and risk-taking of aspirations for a free Iran, represent sig- people want a constitution based on free- R A JAV I members of the Iranian Resistance, we nificant components of the democratic dom, democracy and equality. The time From page C10 exposed the mullahs’ secret nuclear sites alternative’s wherewithal. has come for the international community when no other government was able to This alternative is the appropriate to heed the demands of the people of Iran. The force for change and the even become aware of them. response to the most significant political Our demands reflect the demands of democratic alternative Now, why is this alternative reliable and social divides in Iranian society: It Sattar Khan, the revered leader of the The third truth is the existence of and can be trusted? Because we have responds to the differences among vari- 1906 Constitutional Revolution, and Dr. a force for change and a democratic always stood by what we have said and ous ethnic groups. It responds to discord Mohammad Mossadeq, the leader of alternative. This alternative’s power ema- promised. Not a day goes by without the and divide between Shiites and Sunnis Iran’s Nationalist Movement in the 1950s. nates from its capability to thrust the movement fighting relentlessly for the ... to the tensions among Iran and the As I have reiterated repeatedly, we want regime from a state of crises to ultimate cause of freedom. Some 120,000 mem- countries in the region. neither money nor arms. overthrow. In 2009, this democratic al- bers and sympathizers of this movement The main demand of this democratic We say that the struggle of the people ternative formed the main nucleus of the have been executed, and the movement alternative is freedom and democracy for of Iran for regime change is legitimate, uprisings and transformed the chants of has been subjected to massive repression Iran. ... From the outset, the regime was righteous and imperative. We urge you to “where is my vote” into “down with the and a continuous barrage of propaganda at war with the people of Iran. All the recognize “resistance against oppression.” principle of velayat-e faqih.” since June 20, 1981. Still, as even the other wars waged against foreign coun- The same notion that is stipulated in the Additionally, since last July, the Ira- metaphorical mountains could not stand tries have been designed to cover up this Universal Declaration of Human Rights nian Resistance has hoisted the banner under the heavy weight of all this, your main conflict. But these wars are not an and in France’s Declaration of Human of seeking justice for the victims of the Resistance movement remained stead- indication of the regime’s strength. They Rights and Citizens’ Rights. This right massacre of political prisoners 29 years fast. And it will not relent until it uproots are an indication of the fact that no gov- has also been enshrined in the American ago, turning it into the main focus of the medieval mullahs’ Caliph, Khamenei. ernment in the region has ever attempted Declaration of Independence, where it says, “Whenever any Form of Govern- ment becomes destructive of” the people’s rights, “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Gov- ernment” of their liking. And the Iranian Resistance is determined to uproot the regime which the people of Iran despise. The solution to the crisis in the region We have welcomed the statements made at the Arab, Islamic, American Summit in Riyadh against the Iranian regime’s terrorist and destabilizing activities. Nev- ertheless, we emphasize that the ultimate solution to the crisis in the region and to A S P E confronting groups like ISIS lies in the CI AL R E PORT PR E P overthrow of the Iranian regime by the Iranian people and Resistance. Accordingly, to the United Nations, the European Union, the United States and countries in the region, we say: Recognize the resistance of the Iranian people to overthrow the mullahs’ religious A R ED B dictatorship. Expel the regime from the

U.N. and the Organization of Islamic Co- Y TH E W operation, and hand over Iran’s seats to the Photo: TME Iranian people’s Resistance. 1. Designate the Islamic Revolutionary HINGTONAS TIM ES AD political discourse in Iran today. In the When a nation offers a political alter- to prevent the regime’s belligerence. Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organi- recent sham elections, our slogan of “No native, it means that it already possesses Two years ago, everyone saw that the zation and evict it from the entire region. to the executioner, no to the charlatan” a major asset in its quest for freedom. clerical regime suffered a defeat at the 2. Khamenei and other leaders of the (“na Jallad, na Shayyad”) was widely Therefore, in its battle against the beast hands of the Syrian opposition forces. If regime must face justice for human rights embraced by the public to the extent of religious tyranny, the Iranian nation it were not for foreign air strikes, the re- violations and for committing crimes

that Khamenei reacted furiously, asking is proud to have created a democratic gime would have been evicted from Syria against humanity, particularly for the 1988 THE WASHINGTON TIMES why the place of the executioner and the alternative by way of resistance, endur- altogether. Likewise, today, the Iranian massacre of political prisoners in Iran and VOC victims have been swapped. ing enormous suffering and making regime lacks sufficient power to mobilize for their war crimes in the region. A C

Yes, the time has come for exposing sacrifices. This decisive asset, a guide and send Iranians to Syria. It has placed Y DE P the executioners ... they will be held to marker, did not exist at the time of the the country’s economy at the service of The mullahs’ time is up, the time

account before the Iranian nation. Shah. Otherwise, Khomeini could not war in the region. has come to march forward. A RTM E NT What force is this alternative rely- have hijacked the Iranian people’s 1979 I rely on your enormous power and ing on? It is relying on an organized and Revolution and turn it against them and The flag-bearer of peace and on your restless and passionate quest for united movement with thousands of the peoples of the region. freedom, defense of Syrians, freedom and equality. I count on you, the | trailblazing and selfless members ... It and a non-nuclear Iran women and youths of Iran, the Kurds, the Tuesday • July 18 • 2017 relies on political prisoners, who reaf- An appropriate response to Over the past 38 years, the mullahs Balouchis, the Arabs, Azeris, Turkomans, firmed their support recently for this Iran’s most significant schisms engaged in war with Iraq for eight years, Lors and Bakhtiaries. gathering from the depths of their cells Our unwavering belief in universal have been at war with the people of Syria There is a power in you that has made and torture chambers. suffrage and the people’s free choice, our for the last six years, and have pursued the ruling dictatorship desperate in the It relies on women, workers, teach- commitment to the separation of religion confrontation with the international com- face of your resistance and protests; there ers, professionals and selfless youths. and state, our emphasis on women’s munity for more than ten years in their is a power in you which can certainly over- It relies on their unsparing love and active and equal participation in politi- pursuit to build an atomic bomb. throw the religious fascist regime. generous financial support, those who cal leadership, and our defense of the In our view and in the view of the This excerpt is from the speech given by borrow money and sell their houses and autonomy of various ethnic groups in the freedom-loving people of Iran, the Con- Maryam Rajavi at the Grand Gathering of properties to help keep this Resistance framework of Iran’s territorial integ- stitution of the ruling religious tyranny the Iranian Resistance in Villepinte, Paris stay independent, strong and resilient. rity, as well as our people’s democratic is illegitimate, discredited and void. Our on July 1, 2017. 11 ‘Change must come to Iran’

of Ashraf free, safe and prosperous. A support by providing economic aid to in Syria, in Yemen and in Lebanon. And commitment was made in 2004, and we communities in the southern part of the countries that use terror to achieve were finally able to deliver on it, with country. And I watched as they actively their political objectives are threats, not the support of the Albanian government trained Shia militias and fomented only to their internal populations but to and the courage and perseverance of a sectarian violence that swept Iraq from the international community at large. lot of people. 2006 to 2007. And today no government that sup- Back to Iran. From the moment that There could be no doubt that Iran ports and exports terror can become a I went in there, it was clear to me that was the principal accelerant of that productive player in our world. Change Iran’s objective was to stop the Iraqi sectarian violence and that they are di- must come to Iran. people from building a free, democratic rectly responsible for the deaths of hun- Photo: TME society that respected the rights of all dreds of coalition forces and thousands Retired U.S. Army Gen. George Casey Iraq’s ethnic and sectarian groups. of Iraqis…. So my experience tells me is a former chief of staff of the U.S. Gen. George Casey And I watched them as they bought that they’re not done. That this regime Army. This excerpt is from his re- political support by contributing to will continue to export terror and fo- marks to the July 1 rally in Paris. I can’t tell you how moving it was Iraqi politicians and political organiza- ment sectarian violence to accomplish for me personally to see the people tions. I watched as they built public their political objectives around Iraq, Iran cannot be permitted to threaten world peace

respect freedom and liberty, with one the ground. They have had some fairly And second, the United States govern- cause and one cause only, to free Iran. significant casualties by the thousands, ment has already declared the Quds Since 1980, the mullahs have stated their and they have had a number of generals Force a foreign terrorist organization. strategic objective every single year: killed, as well. I think the Trump government will de- Spread the Islamic Revolution throughout Just a few weeks ago, President clare the IRGC a terrorist organization. the region. And to succeed at that, No. 1, Trump went to the Middle East and had The United States government will drive the United States out of the region…. a historic visit. He had 55 leaders from no longer appease or accommodate Iran, Iran is on the march in the region, the entire region sitting in front of him but will confront Iran. The United States encouraged and financed by the nuclear in Riyadh, when he stood up and said the government will not permit Iran to have deal. Make no mistake about it…. Iran is No. 1 strategic threat to you and to your nuclear weapons with ballistic mis- building a land bridge from Iran, through people and to this region is Iran…. siles, which are not only a threat to the Iraq, through Syria, through Lebanon, to He said we must stand together in an region but a threat to world peace. The E NT A RTM the Mediterranean. It is their No. 1 strate- alliance against this evil regime. That United States government knows Iran gic objective. is historic. We have not had a president ... is not capable of fundamental change.

Y DE P Photo: Valter Schleder

C That is why Iran moved so quickly make a statement like that to leaders in The United States government knows A into Syria to prop up their client, the the region since the Islamic Republic that Iran is evil to its core. The United

VOC Gen. Jack Keane Assad regime. The facts are these: The of Iran gained power in 1980, almost 38 States government, in my judgment, will Iranian generals run the civil war for the years ago. support the people of Iran to change the I’m absolutely honored to be here with Syrian regime. They direct the ground I’m hopeful and optimistic for two regime. Free Iran. Free Iran. you today. I have never been with a group campaign, and they direct the use of Syr- reasons. One is the resistance is grow- who has had such a singular and over- ian air power and selected use of Russian ing, not only in size and scale, but in Retired U.S. Army General John “Jack” whelming focus as you do. I’m proud to air power in support of the ground cam- determination, dedication and convic- Keane is chairman of the board of the In- be among you. paign. They make up the largest forces tion. And that is a credit to you and to all stitute for the Study of War. This excerpt is

HINGTON TIM ES AD AS HINGTON We assemble today as people who on the ground. Their generals lead it on others who are a part of this movement. from his remarks to the July 1 rally in Paris.

Y TH E W Ayatollahs’ overthrow is your objective A R ED B

do you know that you will be successful? How will it happen? It can happen That cannot happen if those generals What must you do to be successful? with a peaceful demonstration that turns are to not risk their troops, not risk their Whether or not that change comes into conflict. The more successful the families, not risk themselves. They have three months from now, a year from now, demonstration, the more likely people are to feel like they can be supported and three years from now, those questions to be shot. make a good decision for what is good for PORT PR E P CI AL R E PORT will remain the same and they must be Now those countries represented here, a free Iran. addressed. to include my own, are also critical to I wish for you that the gods of A S P E THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| The key to regime change is the the equation. We cannot do what we did freedom-loving people everywhere sup- army — the 350,000 Iranian soldiers in in 2009, which is exhibit a lack of moral port your efforts. I encourage you. Your the Iranian army. Why are they critical? courage and indecision and sit on our objective should be the overthrow of Photo: TME Because those men, many of them induct- hands. Good people died in the streets in those ayatollahs who have created a dark ees, are closest to the people on the street. 2009 and we did nothing. I honestly think period in Iranian history. Gen. James Conway They are the fathers and the sons and they were that close. I honestly think that the brothers and the sisters of the people the [Iranian] army was evaluating, “What Retired Gen. James Conway is a for- Good evening to the freedom-loving who are dying in the street, and they are should we do?” But the lack of support mer commandant of the U.S. Marine people of Iran, both here and in Albania. most likely to be able to turn and resist from other nations in America, in Europe, Corps. This excerpt is from his re-

18 • 2017 • July Tuesday Much has been spoken at this conference supporting the government if they’re hav- in the Middle East caused those people marks to the July 1 rally in Paris. about the idea of regime change. What ing to kill their own people. We’ve seen it to feel very much alone and, in the end, 12 does regime change look like? And how happen that way time and again. they lost. Photo: TME 10-point plan offers hope for justice

Sir David Amess MP — particularly its leader Khamenei which is at long last within our grasp. A S P E — has been severely weakened. The We want to talk about a future Iran with CI AL R E PORT PR E P For evil to prevail, all it needs is for mullahs are internally and externally Maryam Rajavi’s 10-point plan. The plan good women and good men to do noth- very isolated. In Iran, society is in an which gives freedom and human rights ing. Now the British delegation joins explosive state. People are crying out in to all the people of Iran. with you today at this inspirational rally the streets for change. The country’s of- Let us hope that, in the future, free- to make sure that something happens: ficial opposition, the Iranian resistance, dom and justice will be secured for the On the platform, we have members of is expanding its activities inside the people of Iran and their vanguards, the the House of Commons, members of country. Internationally, it has emerged PMOI members. Madame Rajavi, you A R ED B the House of Lords. And our Parliament as the only democratic alternative to the have our full support.

is the mother of all Parliaments, and we theocratic regime. Y TH E W feel very strongly on democracy. Today, we do not want to talk about Sir David Anthony Andrew But this year is different from condemnation of the mullahs’ crimes; Amess is a Member of Parliament past years in that the Iranian regime we want to talk about regime change, in the United Kingdom. HINGTONAS TIM ES AD Photo: Valter Schleder THE WASHINGTON TIMES VOC A C Y DE P A RTM E NT | Tuesday • July 18 • 2017

Photo: TME A delegation of United Kingdom political leaders offered support for regime change in Iran. 13 Thousands of Albanians cheer for the Paris rally

Pandeli Majko that are part of the Albanian family, happen when a man, when a woman, they are Albanian citizens. They are when a sister, when a parent, when We are so honored coming here in refugees that have come from Ashraf the kids, believe to the relations with Paris in such a special space where camp, but they are part of Albanian truth, believe to the freedom. Thank East meets the West. Where East family. you very much. meets the West under the umbrella of These are the words that came the Iranian spirit, and we all together from the heart of each of us, but the Former Albanian Prime Minister Pan- dream about the future. view that you have seen on the screen deli Majko also served as Albania’s We all together are here for a — thousands of people in Tirana Defense Minister and a Member of simple reason: Words are words; acts applauding the meeting here today Parliament. This excerpt is taken from and facts speak more than words. — speak more than everything, more his remarks to the July 1 rally in Paris. The Albanian acts are telling you, than every speech, speak the truth, my friends, that all relations between the real truth. That you never ever Albanians and Iranians now have a will be tired ... very special quality. Our 2,700 people You are the example of what can Photo: TME

Strive for a vote for the future of free Iran

Chairman Fatmir Mediu your history, my heart is filled with pain and the shadows will fall behind you. And but also my spirit is filled with hope and I want to build that bridge of Madame It is a great pleasure and honor to be all together to work for the future. The Rajavi about the Declaration of Inde- with you today here once more. Now is more I meet and listen to you, I see the pendence and the member of Congress, time to stand all together and do the best future belongs to the people that fight for [Rep.] Garrett.... That to secure the right for free Iran and help that we all together the right cause. God of life and liberty is a that government is instituted among work for the people of Iran. God that we all have to pray. men, deriving their just power from the I’ve had the privilege to get to know Your fight for life is your fight for consent of governed. your wonderful and great leader, what God has given to you. Your fight for You are the people that have to give Madame Rajavi. You have a leader that freedom is the fight to meet and fulfill the vote for free Iran; you have to decide knows the way, a leader that goes the way, God’s will. Your fight for pursuit of hap- with your vote what the future of Iran E NT A RTM a leader the shows the way. Her actions piness is what godly people have to build will be. God bless you all. God bless Iran. have inspired you and us to dream more, the future with what God has offered and Y DE P

C to learn more, to do more, and to become provided to us, that we have to work all Albanian Republican Party Chair- A more. Free Iran. together. man Fatmir Mediu has served as Photo: Valter Schleder VOC To love your nation and to love Iran You are fighting for liberty, for life, and Albania’s Minister of Defense and as your family. More I get to know you, to build your future. Please, stand, keep Minister of Environment, Forests more I love you. The more I get to know your face always towards the sunshine and Water Administration. HINGTON TIM ES AD AS HINGTON Y TH E W A R ED B PORT PR E P CI AL R E PORT


| 18 • 2017 • July Tuesday

14 Photo: TME Photo: TME Iran’s current leaders are not ‘moderates’ John Baird

Madame Rajavi and friends, it is a distinct honor and privilege for me to join you in the fight for freedom and in the fight against religious fascism. The people of Iran demand and de- serve better than the brutal repression that they face at the hands of the mul- lahs in Tehran. Increasingly, the good news is that the West is abandoning the failed policies of engagement, of accom- modation and of appeasement. These policies have failed the Iranian people in their struggle for freedom. We must also put lie to the myth that [Iranian President Hassan] Rouhani and company are moderates. Look at their record: Eighteen hundred executions. Increased support for terrorism in the re- gion and beyond. Brutal military support against Iran’s neighbors, and responsibil- ity for crimes against humanity in Syria. Rouhani has ... been a leader in this Photo: TME regime for 38 long years. We must speak Former Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird led the Canadian delegation to the Free Iran rally in France on July 1. out strongly against the legitimacy of the recent elections. They are a farce. They are a sham; they are a fraud. Only friends people to take charge of their own I was so thrilled to hear U.S. Secre- the courageous leadership of Madame and supporters of the regime were able future. The time has come for regime tary of State Rex Tillerson proclaim, Rajavi. Thank you for your courage, and to stand for election, and no women change in Iran. The crowd at this rally “We must support the elements inside next year let’s meet in Tehran. Free Iran. were allowed to run for president. today is the best indication of the desire of Iran that would lead to a peaceful Instead of engagement, accommoda- for the Iranian people to seek a new transition of that government.” And Former Canadian Minister of Foreign A S P E tion and appeasement, there is a better path. Let freedom-loving people every- in conclusion, I’d like to acknowledge Affairs John Baird also served as a Member CI AL R E PORT PR E P way. where support the aspirations of the the courageous leadership of all of of the House of Commons in Canada. The time has come for the Iranian Iranian people. you in this hall today and especially

Regime change portends the end of religious extremism A R ED B Y TH E W Because in current form, it started with Rajavi is a good example. She is not example of what Madame Rajavi said. the regime of the ayatollahs. The regime only a good example but the begin- And another time for the third time, of the ayatollahs is the base of extrem- ning of a real perspective to change the thank you. HINGTONAS TIM ES AD ism. So the people of Iran are very regime for democracy. An Islamic lady right and deserve to get at least a better to be president of Iran should be the be- Bernard Kouchner, M.D., is a former regime. They deserve to have freedom ginning of a huge, immense change. So French minister of foreign affairs and and democracy. They deserve to have another time, Madame Rajavi, congratu- founder of Medecins Sans Frontieres free elections through which they can lations and thank you. Muslims who are (Doctors Without Borders) and Medecins

elect their true representatives and not calling for gender equality, separation du Monde (Doctors of the World). THE WASHINGTON TIMES

those who have been elected by the of religion and state — we have the VOC supreme leader. A C

Change in Iran will open the way Y DE P to end the extremism in all the regions

— the extremism born in the name of A RTM E NT Islam throughout the region. This is not because Islam is a good ground for ter- Photo: Valter Schleder rorism. These people are using Islam as | a tool for extremism and murdering. Tuesday • July 18 • 2017 Dr. Bernard Kouchner You have not only your role and a necessity of changing Iran, but chang- We are all in agreement that you ing Iran is certainly the beginning of a deserve to be free, independent and real change for democracy in the whole democratic. We are that for sure. Well, region. unfortunately, the people of Iran have I want to also congratulate Madame been suppressed for 38 years. Thirty- Rajavi because it’s always a lesson, and eight years. Suppressed by your theo- if I was very imprudent, I would say a cratic regime, Islamic extremism and lesson of charm, but I can’t say so. It’s fundamentalism. a lesson of political truths, talking in Meanwhile, we are coming. Why? the name of the , Madame Photo: TME 15 BIPARTISAN CONGRESSIONAL SUPPORT FOR A FREE IRAN ‘We must do everything we can’ for freedom Excerpts from video messages by Members of Congress

and human rights for peace and security House Foreign Affairs Chairman and, above all else, for a free Iran. Ed Royce, California Republican

Sen. Menendez serves on the Senate My colleagues and I are deeply con- Committees on Foreign Relations; Banking, cerned about the ongoing threat posed Housing and Urban Affairs; and Finance. by the Iranian regime which brutally mistreats its own people and exports Sen. John Boozman, violence abroad by sponsoring terror- ism. The regime also continues to limit Arkansas Republican free speech and foster violent discrimi- I’m deeply troubled by the increased nation against religious minorities. human rights violations in Iran, along During the election this spring, the with the regime’s continuing nuclear am- Iranian people were given a false choice bitions. I remain staunchly opposed to the Iranian nuclear deal that was negoti- Official Government Photo ated under the previous administration. I Official Government Photo was proud to recently support additional Sen. Robert Menendez, sanctions legislation in the Senate that New Jersey Democrat will penalize the regime for its non-nu- House Minority Leader Nancy clear-related activities and abuses. Every day, you’re a voice for the voice- Yours is a noble cause and it’s very Pelosi, California Democrat less, you fight for the rights of Iranians important that we continue the dialogue The American people stand in soli- who remain silenced under a suppressive, darity with the Iranian people in your brutal regime. I’m proud to stand with mission to build a democratic, free and you and share your vision of a brighter non-nuclear Iran. future for Iran. A future in which all We stand with you to support the Iranians live their lives without fear and right of every Iranian man, woman enjoy a thriving democracy that respects and child to speak freely, without fear human rights and the rule of law. of persecution or arrest. We stand Across the region, Iran continues to with you to support Iranian women, Official Government Photo E NT A RTM threaten the national security interests students and minorities as they drive of the United States. It continues to progress towards a more democratic between a hardliner and a hard hard- Y DE P

C pursue a belligerent ballistic missiles and free country. liner, both of them handpicked by the A program. It continues to align itself with We stand with you to support the ayatollah. What does it say when close

VOC Putin and it continues to prop up Bashar aspirations of Iran’s young people. to 3,000 executions took place during Assad’s brutal regime in Syria. And even We stand with you in your efforts to the first term of the so-called reformer, as it continues to supply terrorist across advance peace and stability in Iran. Hassan Rouhani? the region with money, weapons and And we stand with you to denounce My colleagues and I in Congress will resources, the people of Iran continue Official Government Photo the horrific 1988 massacre of political continue to press for sanctions on senior to suffer under a repressive regime prisoners by the death committee. Iranian officials involved in these human with absolutely no respect for the basic on this matter. I hope it is a productive The treatment of women is es- rights abuses in this past year.

HINGTON TIM ES AD AS HINGTON human rights of its people. gathering. I wish you the best of luck, pecially concerning. Every country The people of Iran deserve a govern- We must do everything we can to and I assure you that Americans stand benefits when it recognizes talents and ment that treats them with dignity and support the [Iranian people] in their with you in the path for democracy, contributions of women and girls to respect. Which is why the U.S. Congress

Y TH E W quest for freedom. Students and schol- freedom and human dignity. our future. will continue to push back against the ars, artists and political prisoners, men regime’s cruel and illicit behaviors. I

A R ED B and women who believe in the rights of Sen. Boozman serves on the Senate Minority Leader Pelosi represents the thank you. all people to basic human dignity. Committees on Appropriations; 12th Congressional District of California Thank you for coming together and Budget; Environmental and Public and has served in Congress since 1987. Chairman Royce has represented making their voices heard. I’m proud to Works; Veterans’ Affairs; and the 39th Congressional District stand with you in this fight for justice Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. of California since 1992. PORT PR E P CI AL R E PORT A S P E THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| 18 • 2017 • July Tuesday

16 Photo: TME BIPARTISAN CONGRESSIONAL SUPPORT FOR A FREE IRAN ‘The Iranian people deserve better’

United State Congress have co-sponsored there are people there who are very House Resolution 188, which calls for my responsible, and have very sophisticated country and the United Nations to do business, scientific endeavors, etc. Well, the right thing. To hold accountable the we have one obstacle in our way, that’s perpetrators of the 1988 massacre of po- the mullahs’ regime. litical prisoners in Iran. We will continue Today, I’m very pleased to join you to work with you. As you know, many in Paris with holding our fists high and of those criminals who had a direct role the people of Iran deserve to be free. in that crime against humanity are still And the people of the United States and serving and unfortunately in the highest other countries of the world that are free levels of the Iranian government. countries should stand with those people I want to salute and thank my sister, in Iran who are struggling for freedom. Maryam Rajavi, who again I had the privilege of meeting to call as she has Rep. Rohrabacher is chairman of the done, to call attention to the plight of House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Official Government Photo Iranian women and minorities. She has Official Government Photo Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats. stood fast, she has been strong. Rep. Eliot Engel, to make sure that the people of Iran are New York Democrat given a choice as to what government they are going to have. The government of Iran must stop This mullah dictatorship has thus cor- imprisoning political prisoners. It must rupted that society. This mullah dictator- stop and release all its Americans. It must ship has been financing terrorism. This stop being the No. 1 sponsor of terrorism mullah dictatorship has suppressed the around the world. people of Iran themselves. It’s up to us The Iranian people again deserve to to stick together. The people around the be free and, by your rally today, you are world, especially those of you and the sending a clear message to the world that MEK, with the rest of us in the outside we will not stop until Iran is completely world, stand together to what? Not A S P E free and the Iranian people have the reform the mullahs. They are not going to CI AL R E PORT PR E P freedom that all of us hold so dearly all be reformed. We need regime change. around the world. The United States should be doing ev- Iran has been the No. 1 state spon- erything we can to support those people sor of terrorism and has worked with all Official Government Photo who believe in democracy and want to Official Government Photo the worst nations of the world, in terms eliminate their oppressors and the mul- of the human decency and the human Maryam, it’s so wonderful to know of lah regime — this radical Islamic regime

Rep. Brad Sherman, A R ED B well-being. your leadership and your fight for women that does not reflect the heart and soul of The Iranian people deserve better, and and families and your leadership of free the people of Iran. California Democrat that’s why I support the gathering today. people. Thank you for your 10-point plan When Iran is free of this mullah I’m especially honored to know that Y TH E W Free Iran to the great Iranian people. for a free and democratic Iran as a model domination, we know that the people Madame Rajavi is in the audience. That’s what we all want to see. And that’s for the entire Middle East. Your plans there in Iran, like the people of MEK, are I look forward to a democratic, secular why we work together and congratula- call for the ballot box to serve as the a step above. They are educated people, Iran that all civilized nations will view as HINGTONAS TIM ES AD tions for your courage. only measure of legitimacy for a future a worthy partner. The Islamic Republic government in Iran. You are absolutely regime is among the worse human rights Rep. Engel is the Ranking Member of right. The precious right to vote is some- violators in the world. the House Foreign Affairs Committee. thing so precious to all of us here in the Human rights abuses are not new in United States. So let us work together to Iran. In 1988, Iran executed thousands of

help transform Iran, this beautiful nation, political prisoners. That is why I co-spon- THE WASHINGTON TIMES

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, into a nation that respects the rights of sored recently a resolution condemning VOC Texas Democrat all people, the rights of journalists and the government of the Islamic Republic A C

human rights activists, families, men and of Iran for the 1988 massacre and calling Y DE P I applaud all of you in Paris gathering women and children, college students, for justice for the victims.

today to say no to Islamic fundamental- everyone in a nation where its citizens I want to commend Madame Rajavi A RTM E NT ism and to advocate for democracy in can flourish in freedom. for her advocacy of democracy and Iran. It is very important for us to be human and women’s rights in Iran. Only united, very important for us to stand Rep. Jackson Lee is the Ranking the ballot box determines who holds | together. And I know the strength, the Member on the House Judiciary power, when both women and men can Tuesday • July 18 • 2017 honor, the love, and as well, the respect subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, speak freely and parties can debate. Only for freedom and democracy [you have]. Homeland Security, and Investigations. when there is a secular government Our efforts must now be focused on that allows all to practice the religion of freeing the people of Iran. And to de- their choice, only then would the Iranian mand justice for our brothers and sisters Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, people be able to govern the country for inside Iran. I’m so glad that we are free, California Republican the benefit of all. in the court decision here in the United States has indicated that you in fact are I want to make sure that Maryam Rep. Sherman is Ranking Member promoting and supporting democracy Rajavi and all of you and the MEK know of House Foreign Affairs subcom- and freedom as well. that I’m one of your team. I’m someone mittee on Asia and the Pacific. That is why my colleagues and I in the who wants to work with you in the future Photo: TME 17 BIPARTISAN CONGRESSIONAL SUPPORT FOR A FREE IRAN A call for justice for victims of 1988 massacre

Rep. Steve Cohen, Rep. Paul Gosar, Tennessee Democrat Arizona Republican

To my friends at the Iran freedom It is my pleasure to wish you a suc- rally, I send greetings. As the co-chair of cessful conference and to thank you for the Congressional Iran Human Rights all your efforts to reform Iran. and Democracy Caucus, it’s an honor to Your platforms respecting human greet you today. rights, women and religious minorities I have long been a supporter of the are badly needed in Iran. Iranian people for a free Iran. I strongly Your hard work and patience will support an Iran that is democratic, secu- pay off. lar and non-nuclear. The Iranian people History is on your side, so stay the deserve a government that respects their course. The eyes of the world watch your work and appreciate your efforts.

Official Government Photo Official Government Photo

Rep. Tom McClintock, Like you, what I truly want is for California Republican all Iranians to be able to return to a free and democratic Iran that respects The Iranian liberation movement has human rights. That begins by oppos- continued to grow and spread throughout ing this repressive regime. the years. As the tyranny of the mullahs Iran may have just had an election, has become more oppressive, the inter- but we know power still rests with national resistance to it has become more the clerics. resolute. The more the story of Iran is And under Ayatollah Khamenei, told, of its proud ancient heritage of free- Iran continues to be a world leader dom and civilization, and of its current in cruel and inhumane punishments. curse of despotism and terror, the more Hundreds are senselessly executed Official Government Photo the world has rallied to your cause. every year…. We have seen this in the liberation Official Government Photo That is why I thank you for speak- E NT A RTM fundamental rights and freedoms, includ- of the MEK freedom fighters trapped ing out against Iran’s human rights ing freedom for speech, association, as- in Iraq…. Rep. Gosar is chairman of the House abuses. We cannot let up. I believe Y DE P

C sembly, and gender and religious equality. Today, the world is awakening to Natural Resources subcommittee that the Iran nuclear agreement is a A I continue to condemn the Iranian the danger of a nuclear-armed Iranian on Energy & Mineral Resources. historical opportunity, but it can-

VOC regime’s abuses of human rights and its regime.... Gone are the days when our not be a lifeline to Iran’s repressive support of terrorism. I’m sponsor of a government freed billions of dollars for regime. resolution that condemns the govern- the Iranian regime to finance its terrorist Rep. Judy Chu, So long as Iran’s leaders continue ment of the Islamic Republic of Iran for operations around the world. The next California Democrat to kill their own people and support the 1988 massacre of political prisoners popular uprising in Iran will be met not terrorists who kill others, I will con- and calling for justice for the victims. by ambivalence from the United States, From here, in Washington D.C., to tinue to support sanctions and pres- To my Iranian-American friends, but by its wholehearted support, both all of you in Paris, I want you to know sure. I strongly support your work to

HINGTON TIM ES AD AS HINGTON thank you for being here and for your moral and material…. There will be no that I stand in solidarity with you in establish a free and democratic Iran…. unwavering support for the fight for more pallets of cash for the mullahs, no your fight for freedom, democracy not one that funds terror or threat- democracy and human rights in Iran. more undermining the position of the and human rights in Iran. ens world peace, with a dangerous

Y TH E W Your courage is an inspiration to me and Iranian resistance, and no more patience I’m so impressed by the many nuclear program. all members of Congress. for the atrocities of Islamic extremists. students, scholars, former political

A R ED B prisoners, women’s right advocates Rep. Chu serves on the House Committees Rep. Cohen is the Ranking Member on Rep. McClintock is chairman of and other leaders who have joined on Ways and Means, and Small Business. the House Judiciary subcommittee on the House Natural Resources sub- together once again for this important The Constitution and Civil Justice. committee on Federal Lands. cause. PORT PR E P CI AL R E PORT A S P E THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| 18 • 2017 • July Tuesday

18 PHOTO: TME Statement of U.S. Leadership Support for a Free Iran

This is an excerpt of a June 29, 2017 Declaration, which was delivered by members of the American delegation to the Free Iran Rally, held July 1, 2017.

With a long bipartisan history of serving the American people, we stand together today to express our views regarding United States policy on Iran and the Middle East. We do so in solidarity with thousands of Iranians gathered in Paris on July 1, 2017 for the annual rally of the Iranian opposition.

The Iranian regime bears historic responsibility for the instability and crisis in the region today. The regime has preserved its grip on power for 38 years due to widespread repression and blatant disregard for human rights at home and the export of extremism and terrorism abroad….

Tehran has been responsible for a series of deadly terrorist attacks against the United States. These include the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut killing 241 along with bombings of the U.S. Embassy and later the Embassy Annex, the Khobar Tower bombing in Saudi Arabia in 1996 killing 19 U.S. Airmen, and, more recently, aiding and abetting the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq….

Four years of experience with President Hassan Rouhani has established that this regime is incapable of fundamental change or moderation…. His Justice Minister is guilty of a crime against humanity — directly authorizing the mass executions of 30,000 prisoners in August-September 1988. His Defense Minister oversaw the creation of Hizballah in Lebanon and directed the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Barracks at Beirut Airport. Our colleagues in Washington, and the American media, must stop referring to such people as reformers or moderates. The Iranian people have every right to demand an end to the clerical dictatorship, and take responsibility for their own governance.

The Tehran regime is uniquely vulnerable. The infrastructure of the economy has been neglected for decades, and most of the private sector has been taken over by religious foundations and military holding companies. There is a fierce power struggle within the regime….

We believe that change is within reach, not only because the regime is becoming engulfed in crisis, but also because there is a large and growing movement organizing for positive change. A viable organization capable of ending the nightmare of religious dictatorship by establishing freedom and democracy, tolerance, and gender equality has steadily gained visibility, popular support and international recognition. Under the leadership of Maryam Rajavi, a Muslim woman standing for gender equality, which is an antidote to Islamic fundamentalism and extremism, it is working every day to bring about a tolerant, non-nuclear Iranian republic based on separation of religion and state, that will uphold the rights of all.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran, pursuing its long journey that began more than a half-century ago, has the vision, leadership and courage to lead the way to the creation of a new Iran. The obligation to stand up to this corrupt and illegitimate regime and say “no more” rests with the Iranian people alone,

but the international community must meet its responsibility by condemning the Mullahs’ oppression and embracing the Iranian people’s aspirations for a free A S P E and prosperous Iran accepted and respected around the world. Today, we join with the Iranian people and colleagues from many other countries in pledging our support to this great cause. CI AL R E PORT PR E P

Amb. J. Kenneth Blackwell – Former U.S. Hon. Newt Gingrich – Former Speaker of the Hon. Michael B. Mukasey – Former U.S. Representative, United Nations Human Rights U.S. House of Representatives Attorney General Commission

Hon. Marc Ginsberg – Former U.S. Brig. Gen. (Ret.) David D. Phillips – Former A R ED B Hon. Lincoln P. Bloomfield, Jr., – Former Ambassador to Morocco U.S. Military Commander For Camp Ashraf, Special Envoy and Assistant Secretary of State U.S. Army Hon. Rudy Giuliani – Former New York City Y TH E W Hon. John Bolton – Former U.N. Ambassador Mayor, Presidential Candidate Hon. Mitchell B. Reiss (Ret.) – Former

Ambassador, Former Special Envoy to the HINGTONAS TIM ES AD Col. (Ret.) Thomas V. Cantwell – Former U.S. Gen. (Ret.) James L. Jones – Former Northern Ireland Peace Process Military Commander for Camp Ashraf, U.S. U.S. Marine Corps Commandant, NATO Army Commander, National Security Advisor to the Hon. Edward Rendell – Former Pennsylvania President Governor, Democratic National Committee Gen. (Ret.) George W. Casey, Jr. – Former Chairman U.S. Army Chief of Staff and Commander of Hon. Robert Joseph – Former Undersecretary THE WASHINGTON TIMES

Multinational Forces – Iraq, U.S. Army of State for Arms Control and International Hon. Tom Ridge – Former Pennsylvania VOC Security Governor, Department of Homeland Security A – Former Assistant to the C Linda Chavez Secretary Y DE P President for Public Liaison; Chairman of the Hon. Patrick Kennedy – Former Rhode Island

Center for Equal Opportunity Congressman Hon. John Sano – Former Deputy Director A RTM E NT CIA, National Clandestine Service Gen. (Ret.) James T. Conway – Former Hon. Joseph I. Lieberman – Former Commandant U.S. Marine Corps Connecticut Senator Hon. Eugene R. Sullivan – Retired Federal | Judge Tuesday • July 18 • 2017 Lt. Gen. (Ret.) David Deptula – Former Col. (Ret.) Wesley M. Martin – Former U.S. Deputy Chief of Staff For Intel, Surveillance, Military Commander for Camp Ashraf, U.S. Hon. Raymond Tanter – Former Personal and Reconnaissance, U.S. Air Force Army Representative of Secretary of Defense to Arms Control Negotiations Alan Dershowitz – Professor of Law, Hon. R. Bruce McColm – President, Institute Emeritus, Harvard Law School for Democratic Strategies Hon. Robert Torricelli – Former New Jersey Senator Hon. Louis J. Freeh – Former Director, FBI Col. (Ret.) Gary Morsch, M.D., M.P.H. – Former Senior Medical Officer at Ashraf, U.S. Army Reserve 19 20 Tuesday • July 18 • 2017 | THEA SP WASHINGTONECIAL REPORT TIMES PREPARED BY THE WASHINGTON TIMES ADVOCACY DEPARTMENT WE ARETHEFUTUREOFIRAN #FREEIRAN