~ QUOTABLE ~ Need the

SIC perfect om many issues gift? in a rom can you slam Greek houses?" —Ask Lois Question End the shopping search and check out Associated Students —University of Idaho Gumby, The Green Album Please see ASK LOIS page Please see page VOL..92, -N0.,30 ~ . DECEMBER 15, 1989 Secrecy IFC drafts alcohol ': Candy Land surrounds policy for parties

settlement By M.L. GARLAND —Editor

By SHERRY DEAL Greek houses are considering a controversial poli- News Editor cy that would limit fraternity parties to bring-your- own-booze affairs. The Interfraternity Council will The University of Idaho reach- vote on a final version of the proposal in early ed a settlement with four female February. UI employees who claimed sex- "Iam proud of IFC on how they handled things," ual discrimination and salary said Greek adviser Linda Wilson. "The Interfraterni- inequity prompted them to file ty Council has taken a pro-active position." formal complaints with theIdaho The 10-member committee, consisting of theassis- Human Rights Commission and tant Greek adviser, IFC president and a mix of vol- a suit with the U.S. Department unteers and recruits from eight of the 17fraternities, of Labor. started about two months ago on the rough draft Betsy Thomas, Tiajuana Coch- proposed to IFC this week, according to assistant nauer, Innam Fenton and Dianne Greek adviser Todd Wiggen. Milhollin, all Student Advisory Based on the Fraternity Insurance Purchasing Services employees last'ear, Group stringent policy that bans kegs, the fraterni- filed the charges after James ties would self-regulate enforcement of alcohol poli- Bauer was promoted from direc- cies. The proposal would limit parties to BYOB,with tor of student activities to assis- attendants checking in alcoholic beverages to tant dean of student services last . trained bouncers and bartenders after ages have spring. been verified. The policy would also require two --:weeks'dvance notice for Cochnauer and Fenton are parties scheduled. "Either the Greek system something together now employed in other universi- puts . or the university or 'SAS would put one together for ty departments, us," said IFC President Doug Korn. Last March, former .ULIhesi; ;. Korn said he anticipates tha't one-third of the orig- dent Richard Gibb admitted inal proposal will be revised after input is received "mistakes" were made when . from the houses. Bauer was promoted. After job .Thirty-one national fraternities are members of title changes and several other the FIPG insurance plan, and seven UI fraternities alterations were made, and after must abide by the plan's regulations. Four other the position was advertised campus fraternities have similar policies. nationally, Bauer applied and Wiggen said the houses that oppose the proposal was hired. are not guided by national policies and "don't want to give up parties ...or feel their social life will dry However, none of those up." involved in the settlement are "Not one chapter can tell me they follow their willing to comment on the terms national policy," Korn said. "We are putting out the of the agreement. fire before it starts." "In the settlement, the parties If the policy is accepted, the tribunal would prob- agreed that the terms of the ably have to be revamped and a Greek judiciary release shall remain confiden- board monitor created, according to Korn. tial," UI President Elisabeth UI Greek advisers must report any infractions of Zinser said in a news release the FIPG policy or be held liable. Currently the UI Tuesday. has an alcohol policy that gives guidelines to living According to the release, the groups. dis- agreement came after many "I don't want to play Robocops on Greek Row," cussions with the four employ- Wiggen said. "Iwould like to see IFC enforce them- ees, Zinser and Carol Hahn, selves. It's not unprecedented. Many universities Affirmative Action officer. SPREADING CHRISTMAS CHEER. Candy canes and lights make have similar or more stringent policies." The agreement dismisses the an original Christmas display at a house on Walenta Drive just'south of the Uni- Wiggen said he anticipates that if the policy is not charges made against the Univer- versity of Idaho. l TRAvls GADS8Y PHQTQ) sity of Idaho. Please see POLICY page 3» Admiriistrators agree to work with SHA. ort prayer issue affairs,-said,he to supports:hav'ing tion and .benediction removed By Wl.L.::GARLAND 'HA'resident a student plans Religion, pray-; j'd.'..co-'ounder"Todd::Harper & 'SHERRY DEAL and other work with'he commericeinent er at 'any event;.,but said he from thegraduation ceremony SHA'emb'ers.-said",-.they: are committee on the issue. believes no one should be forced According to Wollenberg, the " University of Idaho admini- opposing praykf at WpitImence- '. "I'took forwar'd- to entering to'ray.. ",,...,.'„: .- ';.. -administration'did not respond strators and''campus church ment ceremonies because it is into a discussion on the topic;" "I would .fully support the, to'their l~tters, but the prayers officials agree the Student unconsti tu ti on'al, and also Godwin said. "SHA has a legiti- Student .Humanist Assoc'ia- . were "quietly dropped from the Humanist Association may because't may'- offend non- mate vie~v and we will give tion," Wollenberg said; He sai'd porgram." have.a valid complaint about Christian students: them a forum." he might help with their cam- 'Religious groups should prayer at commencement "We fully support. religious However, Rick Bouillon, paign.:... sponsor their own strictly pri- ceremonies. freedom," Harper said, "but it commencement committee When Wollenberg w'orked at vateaffairswithnoofficialsanc- "It is totally inappropriate for has no place at a state chairman, was unable to speak the University of Cilifornia at tion," he said. any religion to be ex'ercised at institution." on behalf of the committee. He Santa Barbara, he became Elizabeth Brand t, American commencement," said Bruce SHA does not anticipate liti- did say he was concerned about involved, in a similar situation. - Civil Liberties Union member Wollenberg, director of the gation at this time and would how commencement relates to Several members of the reli- and UI associate professor of Campus Christian Center. "It' prefer to work out the situation religion. gious community conducted a law, said she has looked into the Hansen, director of the letter campaign against the a public-sponsored event for the with the administration. Jan 2> entire citizenship of the state." Hal Godwin, acting dean of Latter-Day Saint Institute of administration to have invoca- Please see SMA page

OI ~ FRIDAY ARGONAUT Edited by SI-IERRY DEAL 2 DECEMBER 15, 1989 News Desk ~ 208/885-7715 results - Pre-registration gets good ~ TODAY ~. . By SCOTT TROTTER wen t through the pre- hasn't happened." Associate Editor registration process, which is Telin said that students who FINANCIAL AID FORMS.'Financial aid for applications The University of Idaho's first actually the first phase of a three- have filed for pre-registration 1990-91 are available in the Financial Aid office. Students are attempt at university-wide pre- part plan that will incorporate will now be able to avoid the encouraged to pick the forms prior,to Christmas break to up registration Nov. 13-17was a suc- Touch Tone registration in the problems of registering in the allow adequate time to fill them out. FAFs can be sent in any cess, according to Registrar Matt next few years at UI. ASUI-Kibbie Dome and will time after Jan. 1, 1990. only Telin. "I'm really happy wi th the per- need to go to the Dome for finan- nitelyy 'I'dlike to congratulate the centages, especially the number cial aid disbursement and to students, faculty and staff for of undergraduates who used the finalize fee payments. making the first pre-registration process," he said. "It makes things simple in a success," Telin said. "UI is defi- Telin also said the percentage regard to finalizing registration ready for pre-registra tion." of students who used the pre- come spring semester," he said. "We'e only half way through registration process may actually Telin said that students who looking at the results, but we feel increase by the end of finals owe the UI money should pay the pre-registrahon went beyond week. their accounts to avoid additional our expectations," he said. "We "We'e still receiving course hassles. figured on anywhere from 4,000 selection sheets daily, so there are "Students who owe outstand- to 5,000 (students) to go through probably still students out there ing accounts should clear them pre-registration;and we got over who need to file at the Registrar's up before leaving to avoid having 6,000. So we are really excited." Office before they leave," he said. to make a trip to the Bursar's Telin said S5 percent of UI's "Students who are still hanging Office," he said. "We had 2,300 undergraduates, almost 100 per- on to their registration forms students stop to outstand- ( by pay cent of the law. students and 26 need to make sure they actually ing debts before registering this percent of the graduate students turn them in, or registration (fall) semester." %IJ ~)) Holiday and the came out of the ASUI General -Pcarty SUI Senate Protempore. changes, such as a new university Reserve, and will be used to help .i1I In a'tearful final presidential president, food service, and defer costs for the Jan. 15-22 address, Kagi thanked her family bookstore. activities.

'x41 I Outdoor Rentals U of I Presents >SHA from page 1 NINE Ifi DELICIOUSLY ntnpeno peppers case as an ACLU member, FRESH j but'ot I as a lawyer. IN G R ED I EN TS 0 N 0 N S ALL LAYERED ,i!!Il Cheddor Cheese "I do feel they have a good IN A CRISP jx I !I]i [fj philosophical argument," she TORTILLA RANCHERO SALSA "It's BOWL 18 DAYS OF " said. definitely worth 'alii discussing." SURROUNDED GUACAMOLE III BY MOUNDS f 81)%II'H'(NQI gROSS COUNTRY SKIING She said last year's prayer at OF FRESH i(III the UI commencement was TORTILLA CHIPS SALSA Nu'EPO -When you Pay fOr 6 FOR DIPPING! "very religiously oriented." PACKAGE PACKAGE Brandt said. "It shouldn't be r REFRIED BEANS OR... ; something a public school TAKE (1!I ENTIRE BREAK does.N IT SKI SPECIAL HONE! Dec. 21- Jan. 15 $25.00 $30.00 The local ACLU does not 1st HALF SKI have the ability to litigate, but SPECIAL may be interested m a letter writing campaign, according to dA Dec. 21- Jan. 2 $20.00 $25.00 Brandt. She plans to address 2nd HALF SKI Harper's idea at the next local SPECIAL ACLU chapter meeting in early Ellj Jan. 3- Jan. 15 $20.00 $25.00 January.

~ Q ~ aco mme I ~ Thechapter will decideat that CLARKSTON ~ LEWISTON ~ MOSCOW ~ PULLMAN ~ ~ time if it will become involved Iff. ii j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ with the issue. ARGONAUT ~ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1989 ~ 3 New coordinator seeks to involve P/ease ... minority students, improve image mentt, "There's a lot to explore," Al- groups provides minority stu- VIVIANE GILBERT By manza said.".I like the environ- dents with a sense of community Staff Writer and the change in terrain." and increases visibility, Almanza Minority students at the Uni- His decision to come to Idaho said. Mnority students need to versity of Idaho have a new was influenced by the people he realize they have something to friend at Student Advisory Ser- met while here for the interview, contribute to the university. vices: Miquel Almanza. "The larger is Almanza said. community Have Almanza has been named UI's "Iwas very impressed with the strengthened," Almanza said. a safe holiday new Coordinator of Minority cohesiveness of the group," Al- "We need to build 'stronger Programs. manza said.,"I knew I could bridges and connections be- Almanza replaces .former work with the people." tween peoples." coordinator Tia- Almanza was also impressed Almanza said that interchange juana'och- by UI President . Elisabeth between minority'nd non- PIZZA SPECIAL', .nauer, who res- Zinser's commitment. In addi- minority students benefits the ''I igned last spring. tion, he said, this'rea is open to institution because it creates a ~ I e- ~ . ~ -,:.:I"I Almanza has a developing opportunities for mi- 'healthy tension.", l bachelor's de; norities, more so than Mid- ."That.'is in ~ ', '-', I::I the good a learning -I y ~ ~ . ™ i gree in art from west or Eastern . environment," Almanza said. "It Bethel rid I II College at gets of monolithic points of . '.I ALMAN2A North Newto view, when people get a chance master's ccI Kan., a degree in educa- I t gets. rid of to see different..lifestyles." PICK UP or DELIVERY ONLY tion from Arizona State Univer- The'ffice of Minority Ser- at'5 'pxn monolithic points Delivery starts. sity, and a doctorate in secon- of vices works with..UI's 300 U.S. dary education from North Illi- view, when people minority students. U.S. minori-- nois University. He has more get a chance to see ties are defined as Asian, Black MNSINS'S than 12 years of teaching experi- different lifestyles." and Native Americans, Hispan- ence, from junior high to the ics, Pacific Islanders and Alaskan university level. —Miquel Almanza Natives. Expires Dec. 31 308 W. 6th 882-4545 '~~~~aP~~ Almanza arrived in Idaho Coordinator of This distinction can cause a froin Illinois in late October. He ~ Minority Programs problem, according to Almanza. visited the Northwest for the first "People think the minority po- time when he came to Idaho to pulation is OK, because they interview for the job. He is still Almanza said one of his main lump them (minorities) together looking arourid and trying to get goals for the UI is to further with the international students," used to the various aspects of life develop the miriority:profile of Almanza said. HOME AUDIO in Moscow, including the unpre- the university using organiza- Another office at Student Ad- dictable weather and the lack of tional techniques. visory Services deals with inter- ~»'-,'X . big cities. Organization in minority national students. Borah Symposium seminars offered for credit iosa';,ego. -.':tGOCERB . Europe:-'An ..;. By SHERRY DEAl tary cooperation between East-,,-sis in Eastern Impedi- News Editor ern and Western Europe." 'ent or a Driving Fo'rce Behind ADIT EgT PLCCtSC

-,'Cg Three special political science Richard Spence,'ssistant pro- the Transition .Toward a Market pgpeppyg '"' 'lWESIOCONO Ol seminars are planned for next fessorof history, will teach "The . Economy" is planned by Piotr ',, semester in conjunction with the Other Europe: The Political and Jankowski, assistarit professor of h, lk,~ oMM~c'BL upcoming Borah Symposium. Social History of Eastern Europe geography.-it will examine eco-, The three, one-credit seminars in the 20th Century.".In his prop- nomic and environmental condi- Come visit us at Optimum coun- an't live without music? will cover topics related to the osal,.Spence said the course is tions in Eastern European Sound today. We'e the oldest audio specialty store in Borah topic "The New Europe." intended to:"give students his- tries and the Soviet Union. the Palouse, and with good reason. We provide" '. ."Gorbachev's New Europe torioal background. to recent and According to Borah. Commit- superior service and knowledge, and we carry some of House". will be taught political future. events in Eastern Europe tee member Bill Broadhead, Bor- the most respected brands of high fidelity equipment- by Pacific Northwest- science Professor Amos Yoder. In by examining the political and ah Symposium guest: speakers at prices as low as you'l find in the also visit the seminars. Guaranteedt a memo to the chairman of the social evt)lution of the region " will Borah Foundation Committee, d uring 'this ceritury." The course "Students will have the oppor- Yoder said that the seminar will look at the Baltic States, tunity to talk to people who are Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hun- coming in for the conference," he "would be designed to examine QOIPPTrlllRAAUUU Inn'QOUIAD -- the Soviet and East European gary, Yugoslavia, Romania, said.'The seminars. should be internal reforms of the past two Albania, Bulgaria, Greece and'nteresting, informative and / g / East Germany.. timely in light of the world 334-28S7 yearsand how they arepreparing 'uite N.W. 104 Stadium Way, Pullman . - . American Express the way for economic and mili- "Economic and Ecological Cri- situation." VISA Mastercard

.>POLICY from page 1

='.;:, =...,';,',-;.,-.=-,''.': Advisory Services would work. r~. with the administration to design their own more stringent policy. Qgf'5. Both Korn and Wiggen said the / Ngg university policy would be enforced by campus security.and the Moscow Police Department. . ItIACH0 OO itI S Ifia ~ill I don't want to ... ONLY

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ps m ~ ~ m m m aaQ Q Q + P+ I AIIHIHIHI WIISIHI WIHI WIRkIWI WI WI WIQ I ~/ I I If your mate can'0 war m you up I off I.I I this winter RIMA will I I II $10 OFF HEATERS Picture Calendar I any WITH THIS COUPON I I I limited to stock on hand (Titan Rival or Pelonis safe-t-furnace) I I i offer only valid with this coupon I i At the U of I Bookstore RIMA Building Supplies 'We"ve got your lumber" I Exp. 12/31/89 I 123 W. 7th MOSCOW 8824541 I II m m m m ~ ~ m m~~ +p~ n m m m ~ ~ ~ ~ aa mlslamamaasamasmasllmamlmaawamlisasttaaattam Edited by. MATT HELMICK ~ FRIDAY ARGONAUT & SCOTT TROTTER 6 DECEMBER 15, 1989 Editorial Desk ~ 208/885-8924

Messotint bats to appear here soon :: ': ','..:SHAINE::::,ON.';:U;:,

"dammitt doll" has been stuffed in a box Kara Garten did an excellent job covering various Did you know? ...Probably not. The administra- he tion's keeping it a secret. with the REM poster and Munch's The Scream events. editors Viviane Gilbert and Beth Petti- T Copy Fancy that. I've'even removed the'posted (female) Rules. bon spent hours making articles coherent. print. Four female containing Occasionally, a very tough job. University of Idaho employees filed The endless 2 a.m. production nights sexual discriinination and it's time for me We all owe eternal gratitude to straightening god- complaints with the Idaho flashbacks of my bed are over Human dess Donna Prisbrey. She's straightened out the pap- Rights Commission and a suit with the U.S. to move on. Department of Labor. congratulations and. condolences go to my er in more ways than one. Chris Farrar, alias Dwee- My Were they denied promotions, and was their Editor Matt Helmick who will take over zil, and Todd Smith, gr'aphics god, m'ade those last- pay Managing less than. their male counterparts? next semester. he spend many nights minute illustrations possible. as editor May Former President Gibb admitted "mistakes" were messotint bats. Due to a lack of space I cannot thank each writer cutting out made over the situation. Deal saved me turbulent. and columnist individually. But as I have always News Editor Sherry Student Advisory Services Tho- of news editor problems. Keeping the front stressed, we wouldn't have a paper without you. employees Betsy nights mas, Tiajuana Cochnauer, Innam Fenton and Dian- newsworthy will be a small task compared to How true it is. age ne Milhollin filed the complaints last when er messotint bat watch on that next semester. Ed Moore, my counterpart in ASUI Advertising, spring page James Bauer was promoted to assistant stu- 'Hey, dean of Dude!" has become part of vocabulary literally made the possible with his excellent my paper dent services. thanks to Associate Editor Scott Trotter. He, with sales and production staff. And there is something The position's title was changed and a national some has, always made production nights inter.- to be said about his high-voltage office basketball help, search took but Bauer as he out into th'e real world, ames and original renditions of tunes. place, was reinstated to the esting. However, goes pop position. I must give him this advice: Don't throw your nfortunately,1 can't print them. boss'hoes Hmmm. out the window. You may not have a ladder We would have never made it through without Well, a settlement has been reached. But no one them out of the ivy. our adopted moms, Stephanie, Jamie, Cynthia and handy to get knows the details. individuals have claimed copy goddess/ Juanita. They screened many-a~all, fixed the compu- Many "In the settlement, the parties agreed that the titles, but Chief Karolyn Nearing is'he ters and provided us with wonderful soup/snack queen Copy terms of the release shall remain confidential," UI one who has deserved it. She will always reign days. only 'resident Elisabeth Zinser said in titleholders. And thank would be incomplete without a prepared over former my yous statement. Editor Russ Biaggne was a godsend to a kudos to Lady Elisabeth. You made some interesting Sports It's surprising we were allowed to know there illiterate editor. And Entertainment Editor Ste- articles and editorials possible, and I have the sports was a settlement. Bailey managed to beat Russ one night and utmost respect for and wish. you luck in every phanie you Perhaps Ziriser has been buffooned into the boys- complete her section first. That is a tremendous endeavor. ,network, but at. least the complainants received honor. Thank all for bringing UI 'omorrow's News you some satisfaction. Pity no one will ever know. Despite threats of violating open meeting laws and Today." It hasn't only been Good for U, but good having to deal with difficult people,'ews Assistant for the credibility of the Argonaut. —M.L. Garland

LETTERS TO THE:EDITOR ~ ooSO 'THE. REp NOTE REALLY 'B'KIN CANCER No commitment that article, the Student Human- < PROM l'HE. 44+ HOLE W ist Association takes a stand 'THE 020NE LAYER?> Editor: against prayer at university com- I am writing in response to mencement exercises. your article "Humanist Group We are in complete agreement Opposes Commencement. Prac- with them (SHA') on this issue tices" published in the Dec. 12 and strongly support their fight issue of the Argonaut. In that arti- to keep religious practices out of cle Todd Harper, president of the state institutions (such as the ' Student Humanist Society, indi- University of Idaho). c cated that the ACLU is "willing. Not knowing of this so-called to assist in a writing campaign ..." traditional invocation and bene- in support of the SHS position. diction practice, we were This is not a correct statement of appalled last spring when the the ACLU's involvement in the prayer was formally conducted issue at this time. over the Kibbie Dome public Mr. Harper contacted me as a address system, forcing it upon member of the local ACLU everyone in attendance. 0 regarding'.whether the ACLU 'It does not seem appropriate to 0 would be interested in support- us that a state institution '0 ing the SHS,position on this issue. endorses the .Christian or any b I indicated to him that I thought other religion. The right to freely 0, that this was the type of issue that choose and practice religion 0 the ACLU would be interested in, should be cherished and b and that a likely response was protected. that the local group would write Likewise, the right to not prac- letters to the university seeking a tice religion and not have it resolution of the problem. How- forced upon you should also be ever, I told Mr.. Harper that I would protected., have to raise the issue at the next The SHA is correct in their GWAUT 'oard meeting of the ACLU and seek claim that this exercise is a viola- their approval. I did not make any tion of the establishment of the Ask commitment to Mr. Harper First Amendment of the U.S. Lois: regarding ACLU support for this Constitution. issue. As there was no December As graduating seniors, we are Have a board meeting, I have not yet had looking forward to the com- problem with Greeks' an opportunity to raise this issue. mencementactivities,but we will Once I saw this comedian who look at my mail, shall we? This is problem with Greeks but I do the ACLU Consequently, has not be forced to boycott if the admi- got a lot of mileage out of the fol- a direct 'quote. have a problem with your Engl-, taken any position yet on Mr. nistration does not resolve this lowing line: "You CAN go right ish. Get. the "your" (possessive) Harper's request. inappropriate practice. on a red." Well, I have a similar and "you'e" (you+are contrac- the Finally, article indicates —Bob Piper Public Service Announcement. LOIS tion) worked out, please. Also, that local ACLU members have —Randy Ross The speed limit between Moscow and nothing's "fair" in the real world, "refused time." GRIFFITTS comment at this Pullman is FIFTY-FIVE (that's 55 especially in newspapers (if it This is also incorrect an statement Humanists disrupt to you and me) MILES PER HOUR. were, we wouldn't have to of what has transpired. I was con- I stuck behind Mr. and Mrs. .,Idyll' got endure "Dennis the Menace" and tacted Commentary by an Argonaut writer at Editor: Forty-five again yesterday. Can "The Family Circus" ). Get used 10:10p.m., at home, on Dec. I am my writing in response to the we banish these sightseers to the to it. Further, I'm not majoring in 1989 —the night before the Student 11, Humanist Association's OLD highway? Geez! How Dear Lois, journalism. I have an English 'article appeared. I was not opposition to at universi- should it take 20 told'hat prayer annoying. Why Do you have problem (sic) with degree. So don't worry about me the article would be to commencement exercises. going ty It is minutes to go eight miles? This Greeks? Every chance you get you in the real world. I'm safe right press the next day and that from Tuesday's Argo- isn't Los or don't my apparent Angeles anything. hesitate to rip on us. Idon't see here on the editorial page. That' comment was urgent. Because of naut that the har- group plans to you doing that to people who liv'e in where the people with indepen- the late hour and the intrusion ass the administration and let's have a little lesson dorms. Hey, in Maybe if your (sic) majvring dent opinions appear. The next into the peace of home, I pursue litigation to the tradi- journalism now.'For those my stop people in journalism, you should reconsid- letter should be an interesting asked the person to call me at tional benediction and invoca- out there who never took journal- You'l my er. find in the real world, one for you (and for all those office the next day. I have not tion at commencement ceremo- ism: ever wonder yet Didja what it newspapers require fair journalists. readers still paying attention been nies. to contacted. This is clearly one of the means when a newspaper says You don't seem to have that impor- the "(sic)" thing): —Elizabeth Barker Brandt most senseless objectives this "(sic)"after something in a direct tant quality. You'e losing student group has taken up. quote? This is used to denote an interest by those Greek putdowns. Dear Lois, I am sorry that Todd Harper error or peculiarity that appears It's getting old Lois, with How SHA correct along your many issu~ in a row can you and his fellow humanists have so in the original document, one attitude. Signed, A Greek slam Greek houses? Your (sic) on a Editor: little worthwhile to do that they which is not an error of the this Is letter from "Fluff," or a good roll, now don't stop. I ]hink This letter is in response to an typesetter and/or copy editor. freshman?. article in Tuesday's Argonaut. In Please see LETTERS page 8> For a real-life example, le Ys take a Response: No, I don't have Please see ASK LOIS page 7> ARGONAUT ~ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1989- 7 Better to give than receive

With a Ho, Ho, Ho and a deck Donald Trump, and the compas- truck, is having engine troubles. the halls, it's Christmas time sion of Zsa Zsa Gabor, I would Perhaps Hal would find a new :.again. My favorite time of the give the greatest presents the Ford Bronco in his reserved SUB on year. parking space on Christmas My tree has been trimmed morning. . since November 24. J. E. To soon-to-be former ASUI I'e seen Jimmy Stewart save ERICKSON Presiderit Tina Kagi and former Bedford Falls, both in black and ASUI President Brad Cuddy, I'd ~ white and in color, three times in pen a gift certificate for one free DIIiILiStI2I two weeks. marriage license. "A Commentary 91B G~ Mslin My Very Special Christ- While preparing gift certifi- .'7 eisa~a sa ~e=e lc mas" tape featuring Madonna, world has ever seen. 'ates, I'd make one for soon-to-be the Boss, and U2 was eaten by my For example, I'd give Universi- ASUI President David Pena. His Walkman from Hell. after 24 ty of Idaho President Elisabeth would be good for. three free hours of non-stop play. Zinser her own stately court. In ASUI Senate appointments dur- PARIS VISION CENTER In an effort to avoid the Christ- addition to a "cost of living" pay ing his term of office. Offer valid Where quality and convenience are at your service mas rush, I sent off my holiday increase and a house manager, only until February 21, 1990. Comprehensive Eye Care by a Known, Skilled and Caring Staff greeting cards last Fourth of July I'd stuff her stocking with a Boise Void where prohibited. Look to us for: weekend. foothills mansion. I'm sure For my fellow editorial big - Complete exsmtnatton and And I'm seriously considering Queen Elisabeth and Potato King mouth, "Ask" Lois Griffitts, I'd Glaucoma testtng - buying a Chia Pet, the pottery J.R. Simplot would be great obtain a nicely packaged Greek Instant Rtttng ofmost that grows, and the contact lenses Tao foresee Clapper, neighbors. affiliation. Help me . decide, - 2OtI off all s nglasscs tn stock contact leases' "clap on, clap off," as gifts for dis- I'd --Serengett's 1 Meanwhile, give former UI would Lois make a better Alpha --Vaurnets tant, but not well-liked, relatives. President Richard Gibb a silver- Phi, Tri-Delt or Alpha Gam? In --Ray Bans 'tbru IafJorsa Yet, despite the overcommer- and gold-plated framed .portrait addition, I'd give Lois a lifetime - Discounts for students and senior ctttxens cialization of the holiday season, - 4096 off selected frames of President Zinser digging up supply of Greek letters so she can - Free ultravtolet coating on plasttc lenses I pride myself on my adherence his cherished pumpkin patch. affix them to everything,she -art th purchase of kame and lenses to the "spirit" of Christmas: It is While wrapping gifts for UI's owns, enough hair to (Offer expires 12/SO/89) spray Gift Certtttcate for the dtfscult-to-buy-for person better to give than receive, unless top dogs, I'd tie a big red ribbon achieve the Vertical Hair Syn- In otnce tan what you'e receiving is really, around Hal Godwin's present. It drome with her and two Paris '/ision Center ssi~~

~ >ASK LOIS (rom page 6 I I ~ I "Join Southside Mini Mart in ~ ~ ~ II ~ ~ ~ your (sic) rnakin'ots o'rf'ends on celebrating its Greek rom, snick, snick (sic, sic). IKlZEZKI Response: Do you think so? r I en temps INAu llllr.raa ' That comment doesn't fit in very d Anniversary! well with the death threats gagfts/itt c'r E'RE NO'ANGEL received at the Argonaut. Oh well, "A you win a few, you lose a few.... DELIGHTFUL ROBERT DE NIRO Saturday, Dec. 16th of here' MOVIE THAT HUGS Speaking winning, HEART." SEAN PENN tm ts another interesting comment: THE ~PG 10 am-6pm 7:00 9:30 (4:00') SA 5:00 7:00 9:00 (3:00") SA Q: Hom did President-elect David FREE DRAWING Pena get voted into office when he isn't even affiliated with Sigma Chi? To Be + vCR A: That's a good question. I guess Nt Given ~ 35mm Camera students really went for the hon- WNQI'rj~kol- 25 Lottery Tickets esty and "no soap opera politics" Awayf + P@ssss+ IXl~nx ns * platform. Imagine that; 7:15 9:45 (4:30 ) SA Plus Hey look, I passed up a chance 500 7:30 9:30 (3:15') to "rip on" Greeks. ~ r Hourly Drawirigs! Win a Comeback A x MAIN «l.all Cup. with a Wee Lottery Ticket inside. How long vnll'the "New Hot CHRISTMAS 0o Q: And BI 104" be new? Hasn't it been the CY1 '" "New Hot" 104 long enough? VACATION ~ .25 Hotdogs, Free Deli SA 5:30 (3:30') A: I think the "Old Cold" 104, in 7:QQ 9 l5 (4:30') 7:30 9:30 Samples, Free Coke ~ ~ s e ~ 0 spite of its nice rhyming ring and I HQ1IH us IAH IILI101 picture@ Q all, just doesn't elicit the same I Saturday SpeCial "s horns own~ image. At least they got rid of that business". lame "Pumping the wattage into Rmnaeers your cottage" line. However, I Rainier Suitcases MINI MART ~ IAIIIDRV would out that "No ~P< x Ilarnsxr plcIINE like to point 730 9:45 (4:00'A '5:15'7:15 9:15 (3:30') SA 1)ov Hwy Moscow punk, no funk, no elevator junk" offer good 12/16 only 883 8383 Just off Main isn't too accurate. Since when CTION-No Passes, No Discounts, Nova ue Car s isn't Tone Loc funk? Oh, that' right, I forgot. "Wild Thing" was a crossover, hit on the country chart.

Q: The cube at the library won' answer my question, Will you? Hom the library charges 10 cents a 'ome FINAL5 WEEK copy, when most other placesin town . only charge 5 cents? Even ifyou buy a copy card,. it costs 6 cents. And because you want to copy "maga- zines" which can't leave the library, 'ou pay through the nose. Come on, most copies only cost 2.5 to 4 cents before markup. Hom can we fix this situation? 3.00 OFF A LARGE A: Until this year, the library had Friday — Monday been charging 5 cents per copy .'ince the '70s. I personally think 'hey decided to stop doing the 'harity thing. Hey, if they can 12" l ITEM foi'.50 (thru 12-21-89,affer9pm) buy some extra books with the 'evenue, more power to them. I Open 'till 2am thru 12-21 don't know what to tell you about the magazines, but a downtown copy shoppe (say - "copee shopee") gives away stu- PIZZA PERFECTION dent discount cards for 4-cent 'opies. Hey! Thanks to all the loyal 882- readers who wrote me letters this semester. Ask Lois says, "Have a safe, happy break. Be excellent to each other." 8 ~ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1989 ~ ARGONAUT

>LETTERS from page 6 r Xn Store Special have to try to disrupt a I NORM'S long- I standmg and very meanmrgful I I CUSTOM GLASS tradition. It is. because of leftist loose-cannons like these that the INC. rest of the country has to stand I by 804 N. MAIN and watch our legitimate reli- MOSCOW gious symbols and activities 882-8543 being declared unconstitutional. i 8" Get any Snb, Med. drink, and , It is clear that the First Amend-

a,'owl ment was meant as a prohibition of soup for 3.99+tsx against one state-funded, state- $ owned religion, and against the writing of restrictive religious laws. It was most certainly never i posts sstos r'so'«srs meant to force religion out of government or society in general. "it's ttreot to be SUB conscious." 12-31-89 The Door Window I and Specialists Harper expresses concern that I the large international culture on 882-SUBS Palouse Empire Mall I Norman Peggy Devereaux Spence 'campus would find the ceremo- ~I President Vice President nies offensive. Frankly, the day that this university does one more thing to make life easier for foreign students on campus will be a sad one. Thanks to the hiring e sex Mwhal T.~ of non-English speaking instruc- tors, some of this university's AaC4tENT primary math and science MOBILE MUSIC MACHINE courses as well as others are becoming worthless and incom- prehensible. I welcome foreign students, but I most certainly believe that they need to be catered to. At the very least, the foreign graduates had better real- ize that part of receiving an edu- cation in America might mean having to sit through a five- minute prayer.

s As for the offer by Linda dismal ui .cr ~ Griffitts-Harper to boycott the Music for all occasions ceremony this spring, I encour- ~ ~ age her to do so.Judging from her Dances Parties 'ppreciation of tradition and Wedding Receptions ceremony so far, the commence- Rock, Big Band Era, Funk 8z ment would be meaningless to Country'erformance GREENE'S with no breaks. her anyhow. Finally, I encourage Just give us a call. We come to you. President Zinser and the admi- BODY 8, PRINT SERVICE nistration to ignore the whims of Quality Craftsmanship is Our Product the Student Humanist Associa- ~ Expert Collision Repairs ~Modern Precise Frame Repair QQIPP lll[HTBlomnn SS'OLU~JAD tion and the ACLU, and continue ~ Front 6t Rear Wheel Altcfnment oExpert Color Matching. the customs and traditions that ~ Auto «Appliance Painting ~ Sunrool Sales tet Installation the majority of students appreci- ~ Free Estimates ~Auto Glass Replacement N.W. 104 Stadium Way. Pullman 334-2887 ate and respect. I likewise TRY US, NE TRY HARDER 882-8535 VISA MasterCard American Express encourage the student humanists to realize 435 E. Palouse River Drive, Moscow that they are a bizarre minority and should try to respect those of us who hold these ceremonies in high regard. —Jeffrey T. Drake Erasmus agrees Editor: American society has roots that run deep m religious tradi- . tions. And those traditioirs ought to be watered by spiritual groups, not by public entities. State . sponsorship, even of lowest-common-denominator religion, is inappropriate. Therefore, as a humanist in the tradition of Erasmus and Luther, I fully support the Student Humanist Association in its . opposition to prayer at 'ommencement. —Bruce / Wollenberg I >COMM from page 7 With some help from Kinko's Copies, I'd give recently re- HOODED SWEATSHIRTS elected Residence Hall Associa- tion President Ray Horton a stack of political campaign post- AND SWEATPANTS 2'Z ers. During his holiday vacation, he could tape them all up, and then secretly tear them all down. For Doug Korn, I'd convince the University Curriculum Com- mittee and the Faculty Council that self-righteous Interfraternity Council presidents should also Limited to stock on hand be considered full-time students when taking just three credits. SALE RUNS THROUGH DEC. 23rd And finally, for all my ene- mies, I would load up on Mar- at the riott's collophaned-wrapped banana bread. This Christmas treat is a great new twist on the U of I Boohstore well-es tab 1 i shed ho lid ay frui tcake. What a seasonal shame that I have no money, no power and absolutely no compassion. ,, EdIted-.by'STEPHANIE'.BAIL'EY~:,::,;.:;-;, Ente]tainment:Desk ': 209/885-7705 . '.:;.'.:.-:;,

MOSCOW CelebrateS Student photographers show. work at SUB Three, University of Idaho student photographers are New Year's in style featured . in the, SUB;Gallery. Jason.. Munroe,. Clint Bush and Main streets, starting at 6;30 and Dan Moyer are',showing, By JOE McM]CHAEL ' m . . their 'work for, a final project. Staff Writer p Downtown buildings wi]] Munroe began 'taking,Pic- As the semester winds down, paint their windows'and preserit . tures while'working for his school yearbook.:Classes you may be thinking of all the live dioramas:with scenes repre- high hereat theUIP ak~hislnter- places you could spend"-New sentlng important everit iri Ida- 'o ' ' . ' worked'or the Year's Eve. Whatever you decide, s hjstory est,:and he don't be too quick to count out At 9 p.m;.the festivihes wi]] Argonaut with no .pay. first ' semester. last for experi- Moscow. move to the Moscow High Schoo] year Munroe is.photo- Yes, that's right, Moscow. auditorium, where the. sounds ence. Now of: md has]earn "Last Night/First Night, Ui S20-'pieceblg band will supp- graphy editor 1989-1990," the New Year'.s lythemusjcfordaric!ngthenight . a g eat deal about develop- . ment and photo, celebration sponsored by the away '"My, design.'hroughout '. Moscow Centennial .Arts Com'- the evening num-.: dir'~on in this parh-. mittee, promises to be a night bered balloons 'wi]] be 'handed ..' cular-showing, is antiques that: aren''sed today 'because filled with:activities for anyone out and,numbers wi]] be drawn - searching for a-way to bring in for prizes,inc]udinga$ 100bi]L there are newer and better 'They'e the new year. Local organizations wi]] donate ~ Munroe said With this celebration, the Latah the, prizes. ' all age-old classics." County and University of Idaho Just before midnight the band, Moyer took Projector film centennials end, and: the state' wil] the to", had been saving from film-- ]cad way Friendship . the Vandal football 100th birthday begins. The birth- Square, where more ha]]oons wi]] ing games celebration will continue and used it as a ProP. He day be gjven out an~ tied to a large in.-his throughout 1990. si]ver star that-:wi]] riseas 'the emPhasizes women 'his is the third, year that Mos- clock st kes midnight. p",0'os cow has hosted a'ew Year' "The main criteria for organiz- "Some.PeoP]e might see my y event downtown. But accor'ding e e t as making t a ' t~'j k' THREE PHOTOGRAPHERS.- Lef] io right, Dan-M to Linda Wallace, who chairs the faini]y-.oriented evening and an '"' ' 'i]m N Mp er Jason Munroe and Glint Bush w]II be:showing theirworkat the SUB. Centennial Arts Cominittee a]terna'tive for those who wish . g ' said; "Th ese h oto hs are the cou n sid e Bu sh d iscov- - iv i wid n m vi i n along with Joan Miller and Barb ot to d n nk a]coh o] Wa]Iace p g ra p try . ers fy, to e y s o Call,'.This is the largest of the illustrated views of women." ered his subject, graffiti, as he a bit," Bush said. Bush would events. We will have more street, Clint Bush previously strolled through our beautiful like to work with an outfitter, vendors than in,previous'ears." and beverages but there js no fee . worked as a deputy and found - University Classroom Center. Peihaps as a . photographic plenty. of free time for.photo- usually concentrate on 'uide. Street vendors every- for in the activities ''I ' offering participating while cruising around 'he outdoors. I'm to Gretchen'elley thing from hot cider and coffee to La st N jg h t / Fi rs f Nigh t graphy trying 'y Idaho baked potatoes and chili 1989-1990"is funded and organ- I will be located in the parking lot 'ized- .by local community of the West One Bank, on Thjrd S Best- break- pick: iristead, is;u'sed;- as-::-ari': ana]ogy",', sorigwriti'rig: effort's".'fir'oughout for- a,'.--'wide.'rarige'f'".n'eo-" ' ',the-.a]buiii;-.'the'; majority 'of 'the Psychedelic''—''(adj.) 1.- A, . psychedelic" bands:and.fash-: .songs.retairi a sincere. effort to 'transcendental alterin'g'f the 'ons that have come','into,vog- . capture,, lyncally'nd'.inusic'a]- Felicit u conscious mind through.. ue in,recent:years.,'. -' ]y, 'deep'.arid complex 'moods means other than experiences . Playing on the, highly corn- —"an important bond'to their novel begins. 'ssociated with everyday exis- 'ercialized, media-celebrated late '60s counterparts. REVIEW By. MARY HEUElT This rather depressing event tence. 2. That which pertains '60s nostalgia. theme that has Notable examples of the Staff WrIter include "I coincides with a brutal rape and ..to'the effects derive'd, often, . nurtured the resurrection of Stone Roses'fforts haunt- Are you thoroughly sick of lib- murde'r, and sets off a game of ..from the intake of a specifi- artifacts'such as tie-dyes, Wanna Be Adored," a erals, conservatives, feminists, musical beds among the faculty: . ': - paisley and peace symbols, ingly beautiful and rather of non-feminists, professo'rs, stu- members of Pequod College.', . bands such as The Three, .i'ronic,reworking Iggy Pop . The Stooges'"I Wanna dents,.and all the other wonders Felicity leaves her pseudo-Ivy: . cc~ O'lock,'The Bangles and, to and of academia? League setting .for Europe an'd" - I. he "and membe"s a much lesser extent, The Be A Dog." - include "Made of Then try Coral Lansbury's endsupinahareinjn Tunisinher are not out to blOw Church and Love & Rockets, Others "This One," hilarious farce Felicity.- search for the etchings., ":.:..'ou[ mind'o'r their have. made their pillar of. Stone," is the Haigh't-'Waterfa]],". and 'Elizabeth Lansbury'anages to make Meanwhile, back home, Ber- . n. notoriety dressed like o gpr that matter com- 'un of every portion of the nie's Jewish. parents are homb]y . . 'shbury flower. children in My Dear," a sardonic 247 insulted that .he and Felicity 'butJ,they re not designer clothes. mentary- aimed', at the'ri'tish academic world in a bare - pages.. Her .easy-to-read novel broke it off; They personally making pop music, or They share a common char- monarchy, but musically juxta- tune attacks athletes, .school presi- 'hink-she's the. only worthwhile following cur- acteristic of producing carol- . posed against the of simply .. laden" Fair." dents, poets, artists —anyone thing he's ever done for them. like melodies with jang- "Scarborough .ren' t . marark tingingg the extreme- associated with college.. At Pequod, the search'for the . ]y guitars and tambourine In the midst of tren ' >> Yet, she never, leaves the world murderer goes on quietly . -; . percussi'ons. Pleas'ant, pretty ]y trendy and inconsistent of laughter in her wonderful trek because news of a maniac on ' PoP music, most of the '60s British music Press,.the grouP Paul Greenwood as the -next through the silly affectations of campus just might affect S~tf Wnier influence leans more-toward is being penned modern society and the intellec- enrollment Simon and Garfunkel or the bIg thing". in the music scerie. tual elite. Anyonewhohasevert kenan . Byrds, rather than the onglna] Overseas, the band is already Ms. said of the novel, "The English class will appreciate cally classified category of soul explorations of The the most over-hyped and pos- current- story, just for starters, is about Manana's rather physical con- mind-'altenng substances. 3. Doors or Hendrlx. Slbly over-rated band Whistler erotica, rapists, gym- ceptofcrihcism;.-itbreal aroom Art or music that is utilized . There are some excephons, ly on the market. nasts,'all on a small college cam- fullofchairsand sends th«es«- to enhance or evoke thi'however. is undeserved. First, pus. It has the funniest sex scene dents to the infirmary.- experience of altered-states. The Stone'hisRoses, a band although a very solid musical . isn't in years between a self-assured The amusing cast of characters .: 'ailing from Manchester, is offering, the group exact- seducer and a female gymnast includes Felicity Norman and her Neo-psych~e]lc —(adj.) 1. currently being spotlighted as ly the most spectacular or the following the Kama Sutra." est anged lover Bernie Lefko- A recently invented term used the premier neo-psychedelic most innovahve new band in This little scene sends every- ivjtz; Stefan de Mornay, a scru- to descnbe anything, nomn- group in England. On it the Bnhsh music scene. Sec- one's favorite sexual catch (he pu»us]y tidy homos«ua]i toxicating in nature, that is self-titled debut 'album, with ond, becau'se the band is at even thinks so) into the hospital, Chuck Stimsoncoach; Mariana used to make jts pati'on thi~k its echo-laden atmosphere, this stage in its career, unable and int'o traction. Ashmole, star gymnast and con- that he or she is on a wild, heavily melodic guitar jangle, to live up to that reputation, A multitude of plots prevent tortionist; and a pair of hippies eclectic, out-of-body drug trip and passion-ridden lyrics, the the short-lived hype could this novel from ever becoming who fail mis'erably with their when actually the most tran- band shares some similarities foreshadow an unfortunate, boring; it has more subplots than child. scendental, mood-altering to its counterparts, yet stands early demise. Only time will a soap opera. experience he or she has had a cut above on the integrity tell.. 'he heroine, Felicity, is an art if you fee] like laughing at all day is a minor caffein'e scale. The band members are In the meantime, true talent historian and professor in search you"sefande "yoney uknow headrush earlier that morning. not out to blow your mind, and imagination always merit of Whistler's lost erotic etchings. while enjoying yourself, try 2. Art or music used to or their own for that matter; considerable worth in the She's also plagued with a ticking Lansbury's book. With a finely evoke or enhance minor caf- 'ut they'e not making pop music business. The Stone biological clock and a tendency tuned sense of humor, she has the feine headrushes. music, or simply following Roses offers a lively pageant toward slobbishness. ability to show us how absurd The above definitions could current marketing trends. of stimulating visions and Neither endears her to her cur- we, and the world we live in, are. easily be confused as 'an The songwriting team of senses on its self-titled debut Save the caffeine head- rent love, Bernie; thus, they sepa- The book also gives students a;„te„dcd slam on the caffeine singer Ian Brown and guitarist album. less interesting rate with a scream that can be wonderful chance to laugh at;„dustry or a glorification of John Squire has produced a rush trips for admirable bands. heard across campus and the their professors. potentially dangerous, memorable debut album. and 't 0 ~ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1989 ~ ARGONAUT Gumby album makes good gift Are you looking for the perfect remained a popular and famous The ethnic Motown sound is 'pre- gift for that person who has character. He has become a mas- sent with a terrific'horn section. everything? Try checking your cot for college campus festivals The early '60s sound, complete Wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year local music stores for the new and the subject of fanatic Gumby with "wa-ooos," is found on this On your way through, pres'ent your Student Buena Vista'ecords release:of collectors. album, too. I.D. and receive a free glass of the beverage Gumby, The Green Album. At first I was skeptical about With the song "Ballad of Gum- .ofyour choice. Please stop by and enjoylt the album but I soon found that by" comes images of ghost riders This new album is the first the. variety of music offered on in the sky. Frank Sinatra Jr, Drive Safely!! Riggins, ID release. of popular music about the album is diverse; each song rounds out the whole albumwith Gumby. It offers a feast of choices begins with complete curiosity. his rendition.of "The Gumby for alternative. music lovers, Heart Song,". the original TV everything from polka'nd The first song, "In Love With theme song. reggae to pop rock and rhythm You Gumby," features the Zappa All in all, the album is a terrific 4™4 and blues. Artists performing on siblings and reminds me of Eddie present, a package of new and lNlitIN, the "alb'um rarige'. fr'om Dweezil Van Halen.. "Concrete and Clay" fun songs no one has heard and Moon Unit Zappa to Frank by Eddie Wade is the "slow" before. So'if you'e looking for Sinatra Jr. -. song of the album and has a dis- the perfect gift- for that certain II I ~ The flexible, green Gumby tinctive reggae beat. hard-to-shop-for-someone, look appeared more than 30.years ago The album includes Louisiana into Gumby, The Green Album. on the Howdy Doody Show and has Bayou music with an accordion. —By Gr'etchen Kelley 's album an acquired taste A sense of-melancholy is the ing beat and 'an emotional to your shove." 112'N. MAIN- 883-.01 32 feeling one gets after listening to "melody. The lyrics speak of love, The only criticism thatI have of the 'debut album FEEL:.from: rejection, death and hope. Human Drama is Johnny Indovi- Human Drama.. Indovina writes both the lyrics na's voice. Sometimes,he seems Human Drama is an up-and- and the music for every song on to be over-extending himself, and MOSCOW 'coming band from . the album except "Old Man," he ends up not complementing FINE CRAFTS Theband meinbers,lead singer/. which is by Neil Young. It is the music, but clashing with, it. songwriter Johnny Indovina, apparent from listening to FEEL The emotion Human .Draina COOP Charles Bouis, Steve Fuxan and that Indovina is a talented projects through their music has Featuring locally hand-crafted items.' , got together in musician. a way of reaching you. They 'are ' Pottery . Leather Masks 1987. The songs on the album are not a group that can be back- . Stained Glass '-Baskets The musical style'f Human heavy with personal. input from ground music; their music calls Teas, Honey . Photography Drama is similar to the Cure, but Indovina.. "I Could Be a Killer" for listening effort. Jewelry Rugs thebandhassome,uniquequali- speaks about power and diffe- Human Drama is a pleasant -. Handspun Yarn Cards & Graphics ties that set it apart from the Cure rent interpretations of it. "These but acquired taste. ~ 312S. Main ~ .'83-1464 and similar groups.'Their music colored 'yes/Don't want . to (Same Location as Backtrack Records) ADJOURNAL In-Store Discounts with coupon only. is a blend of an urgent underly- fight/I may fall down/Succumb —By Sally Gilpin Ex res 12-31-$9


GOES ON SALE The Paradise Creek Jour- nal goes on sale next n semester in early February at Book People m down- from the town Moscow. The journal publishes - fiction, nonfiction and . Lewiston Morning Tribune poetry by University of Idaho graduates and undergraduates. wITbea e The price for the jour- U of Bally Kpllgb nal will be $2 for the cur- I Bookstore rent issue or $3.50 for the for a book signing current issue plus all back Bill LPftllS issues. ~ Selected authors fea- Bill Hall tured in the journal will read their works shortly after the journal goes on sale. Anyone from any major interested in a staff posi- tion for the next issue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ should contact ~vMN

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...atthe U of I Bookstore Edited RUSS by BIAGGNE FRIDAY ~ ARGONAUT Q Sports Desk ~ 208/885-7845 + DECEMBER 15, 1989 I %i7

CAMPUS RECREATION HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Swim Center Lady Vandals down LCSC 64-50, move to -6 - 2 Dec; 18-22 Regular hours except no evening lap swim. Dec. 23-26 By AMY JAMISON points to put the lead into and prepare for a match-u'p Closed their own hands, where it Dec. 27-29 Lap swim 7:30-8:30 a.m and 12:30-1:30,7-8:30 p.m Staff Writer against the University of Port- Dec. 30-Jan. 2 Closed stayed throughout the game. land Dec. 22 at Portland. Jan. 3-5 Lap swim 7:30-8:30 a.m and 12:30-1:30,7-8:30 pm Both the University of Ida- UI was led by senior center The Lady Vandals return to Jan 6-14 Regular hours except no evening lap swim ho and the Lewis-Clark State Sabrina Dial with 17 points. the ASUI-Kibbie Dome in ear- Jan 15 Resume regular hours. College women's basketball Hettie DeJong added 14 ly January to face New Mex- Memorial Gym teams came out of Tuesday points, and Krista Smith con- ico State University and two Dec. 18-21 8 a.m - 8:45 p.m nighYs bout with a 6-2 tributed 12 10 Dec. points, conference teams, the 22 8 a.m - 5 p.m record, but only the Lady Dec. 23-26 rebounds, six assists and three University of Nevada-Reno Closed Vandals claimed the 64-50 steals to ice 'the game. and Northern Arizona Univer- Dec. 27-29 8 a.m. - 5 p.m win. LCSC was led by Tracey sity. Dec. 30-Jan. 2 Closed . Although UI started slowly, Jan. 3-5 8 a.m - 7:45 Bridesel, who scored 20 points In mid-January the Lady p.m LCSC to ahead Jan. 6-7 12-4:45 p.m allowing jump and shot 8-of-10 from the Vandals will take a road trip Jan. 8-12 8 a.m. - 7:45 p.m 14-8 in the first half, the Van- field. to face Idaho and Montana Jan. 13 12-4:45 p.m dals added nine unanswered UI will take a short break conference teams. Jan. 14 12-8:45 p.m Jan. 15 Resume regular hours. Physical Education Building Dec. 18-21 8 a.m - 8:45 p.m. Doc. 22 8 a.m. - 5 p.m Dec. 23-26 Closed The RIGHT GIFTS at the RIGHT PRICES Dec. 27-29 8 a.m - 5 p.m. Dec. 30-Jan. 2 Closed Jan. 3-5 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. for friends, family, and yourself! Jan. 6-7 Closed Jan. 8-12 8 a.m - 5 p.m Jan. 13-14 Closed Jan. 15 Resume regular hours. Diskettes: Weight Room DSDD 5a/4 's...... 59< DSHD 5a/4 s...... 99f2'. Dec. 18-22 11-1 p.m., 4-7:45 p.m. DSDD 3a/2 's...$1.25 DSHD 31/2's...$3.10 Dec. 23-26 Closed Disk Files (51/4 to 3i/a )...$1.95-$21.95 Dec. 27-29 11-1 p.m, 4-7:45 p.m Dec. 30-Jan. 2 Closed Mouse Houses and Mouse Pads...$7.95 Jaxt. 3-5 11-1 p.m., 4-7:45 p.m Copy Holders...$ 5.99 Templates...$ 8.95 Jan. 6-7 12-4:45 p.m. Printer Stands...$ 10.95to $17.95 Jan. 8-12 11-1 p.m, 5-7:45 p.m Jan. 13 12-4:45 p.m Keyboard Skins (different sizes)...$19.95 Jan. 14 12-8:45 p.m Joy Sticks (Apple/IBM)...$ 23.95 Joystick Cards...$20.00 Jan. 15-16 6-8:30 a.m., 11-1 p.m, 4-7:45 p.m Avatex 2400BD Internal Modem...$ -135.00 Jan. 17 Resume regular hours. Kibbie Dome Dec. 24-26 And Lots of Other GREAT EVERYDAY PRICES I Dec. 27-29 Dec. 30 ~D P ~ Dec. 31-Jrm 2 The Right Byte NE 117 Otsen .Downtown Pullman, Next to the BusStation, 334-2226 Jan. 3-4 Close at 8 p.m 'We fill your computer needs without eating your budget'esume Jan. 5 regular hours.

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This offer ex ires Dec. 22 14 - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1989 ~ ARGONAUT Idaho keeps asset; Smith stays By RUSS BIAGGNE % under Smith UI compiled a 9-3 Washington. Then this it 5 % year, Commentary R B Y M ATT WA LOU record, the best ever for a first- appeared that we were going to That was a close one. year UI coach. UI has also earned lose another one —John L. Last Friday, University of Ida- five consecutive playoff births Smith. OO ho Vandal football Head Coach and three consecutive Big Sky I heard comments such as 0 John L.Smith withdrew his name titles. With these statistics in ''What are we, a stepping stone from the list of possible candi- mind, it's no wonder other Unknown to many waterfowler hunters is the excellent duck for good coaches?" or "Sure, just dates for the head coaching at schools and goose hunting only an hour away from Moscow. job keep trying to grab our because we'e doing great, some- New Mexico State University in The chain lakes near St. Maries provide a feeding and resting coaches. one else feels they need our head Las area for thousands of migrating and local waterfowl each fall. Cruces, N.M. It all began with Dennis Erick- coach." These comments hint With an abundance of birds to hunt and plenty of area to escape Although the job was never son, who put the Vandals on the that UI students are tired of los- from other hunters, a shooter can enjoy pass shooting or decoy- formally offered to Smith, as pre- right track (finally), only to ing good coaches. ing without worrying about skyblasters so common to today' vious reports had stated, NMSU accept the head position at the UI has found a great asset in crowded preserves. officials stated that he was their University of Wyoming, move to Coach Smith, someone I don' Most lakes can be easily accessed, so finding a spot to set up top choice. If Smith would have Washington State University, want to see the university lose for the decoys should not be a.problem. If you don't have a boat, a accepted the job, he would have and wind up at the University of at least a while. Hopefully we'l float tube will work great and, in some areas, waders will also reportedly'een making more Miam. Then came Keith Gilbert- be able to keep him for more than work well. Many of the lakes and backwater flats are quite shal- than $100,000 a season, nearly son, who led the Vandals to two two or three years, but if Vandal low, but caution should be exercised because of a deep river double his $51,000 salary as a consecutive Big Sky titles only to tradition continues, our chances channel that runs through many of the lakes; first-year coach at UI. And if he be lost to the University of are not good. Hunting over decoys is my favorite method, and this year I had accepted the job, he would was fortunate to hunt with veteran fowler Tom Raedeke. His. have had the option to take his knowledge of ducks and duck hunting, plus his excellent call- entire coaching staff with him. ', ': . e:FASTBREAK'. ing, caused flock after flock offat, northern mallards to lock their NMSU owns the nation's wings and lower their'anding over gear right the decoys. longest Division I losing streak at The entire chain lakes system is steel shot Men's Basketball Holiday Schedule only, so leave your 17games. The team is 4-40 for the. lead shot at home. The split season reopens Saturday and closes Dec. 23 UC-San Diego last four seasons and has had Jan. 6. With this late cold season,'any of the smaller, slower Dec. 29-30 Albertson's Classic in Boise only one winning season in the bodies of water may be frozen over, so look for patches of open Jan. 4 at Boise State last 20 years —probable reasons water in which to toss your decoys and, most make Jan. 6 Idaho State importantly, in Smith's decision not yourself blend in with the surrounding cover and don't move a to accept Jan. 11 at Montana muscle when those flocks are circling. the job. Jan. 13 at Montana State On the other hand, this year Women's Basketball Holiday Schedule Dec. 22 at Portland Jan. 2 Mexico State Jan. 5 Nevada-Reno Jan. 6 Northern Arizona Jan. 12 at Boise State WINTER Jan. 13 at Idaho State

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LOST: Ladies size 5 1/2 plain gold wed- K2 Skis with bindings, 170 cm, 60. Friendly, and Identifjj. and non-drinker. $155/mo. 1 minute $ non-judgmental atmosphere. ding ring. Very. important to have this Women's small CB ski jacket, red with Call any- from campus: Call 883-3753. Leave time. 882-7534. backi Please call evenings at 883-5576. message. navy blue trim, like new, paid $125, sell- ing for 55. Call LOST: Red and black plaid scarf $ 882-7054 after 5:30 MISCELLANEOUS p.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS between south end of Ad.Annex and Admin., Friday (12-8)at12:30pm. Look, . JOBS Amstrad I.B.M.Competible Behind on shopping? Carrlngton's P.C.comes BUSINESS EDUCATION. Interested in I know it didn't just blow away. Please with: color Catering offers excellent baked EARN EXTRA MONEY FOR monitor, 20 MB hard disk, 5 preparing to teach business, marketing, call Lois 882-3066. Thanks. THE goods, x-mas goodies, gift ideas. HOLIDAY AS A "SUBSTITUTE SEC- 1/4 inch floppy disk drive, softwares, accountiilg,-'.computers, advertising...? LOST: A brown leather jacket; bombers . Will. pack to travel. Call 882-5658. RETARY." Many University graduating must selll Very New! Asking Or, in. the non-teaching area. of office of Idaho style. Last seen Ag. Sci. 277. Call employees would like $900/obo. Gall -Wong 883-0615. management and administration? Con- '83-0681 a break during the after 11;Otk Reward offered.. tact Professor. or. upcoming holiday; however, university Holup Yopp. ED 209, Name is on collar "George Lucker." offices will be open December 27; 28, AUTOS 885-6556. APTS. FOR RENT LOST: Umbrella and 29 and January 3,.4, and 5. If you RESUMES....RESUMES....RESUMES JEB 221. Call are staying'in 1981 Ford Escort. Good body, recently 883-4806. 2 bdrm partly furnished for rent, Parking Moscow'uring the Professionally Typeset semester break and.would overhauled, excellent condition, nice and laundry facilities. $75 deposit. Last like to earn Affordable. Rates . LOST: One set of keys with white, plas-, extra am/fm radio cassette player. Asking month's rent is required. $299/mo. 401 money by being a holiday substi- ',Fast 1,500/obo. 8 Friendly'Service tic key ring. Please return. REWARDI Ponderosa tute, call Bonnie Jacobsen or $ Call Wong at 883-0615. ¹202. Call 883-3377 even- Krystal GRADUATING MUST. SELLlll Call 885-7784, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Call 885-8109. Thanks. ings. Howell in -the Ul Office of Hum'an Mon. - Fri. or visit us at ASUI Student FOUND: Keys and gloves .on South Resources,'85-.6496, EEO/AA; Sublet 1 bdrm apt. W/D facilities, park- Publications,3rd floor Student Union Asbury. Claim at Moscow Police RIDES Dept. ing, no pets. 249/mo. plus 150 depo- Child Care/Nanny. 170/week mini- Building. $ $ $ FOUND: Medium sized Golden Retriev- sit and last month's rent. 200 Lauder mum. Great benefits. New England fam- ¹4. Ride needed to Caldwell area, Dec. 21st PICK UP. YOUR 1988 8( 1989GEM OF er Mix(male). Found on Ul campus. Call 883-8209. Available Jan. 1. ilies. Supportive, helpful agency. Call or or 22nd. Call Lisa Applebee at 882-1809 write: One on One, Inc. 93 Main St. evenings.. Andover, MA 01810. Call (508) 475-3679. - WANTED 'DWEEZIL / By |:;S.FARRAR'. NEEDED Reliable Babysitter for New Years Eve, older children. Willing to Take over my housing contract. pay $25 for. the evening. Call 885-8143. 1f 882-6697 after 5. UH. ~ SEN LIPTON: WANTED: PC System to teach disad- 44tIHr Cig ON WKAta HATH A GOOP PUTTING THE «LOW STANPAIIPS Pizza Hut now hiring all positions. Man- vantaged. Donation or minimal cost.. SIC SAP SEN RELIIEWs .. PULLEP A KILLSIt JOS; 'TLIP'ACK ARE. TRULY THE NEV Debi at 882-3616 evenings; 883-0598 TNTO TO HAPPlNESS e agement trainee, cook, waitress and C'P. SttIPENT'O drivers. Be a part of one of the areas days. fastest growing and most popular dining establishment. You will enjov rapid pay PERSONALS advancements, pleasant working condi- tions, caring and organized manage- Pom- HI ment, and earnings in some positions up Roses are red, corvettes are sporty. C l tc $10.00/hr. Join the team! Call today at You look. pretty good for someone 882-C ':44 or 334-5161. All students whose turning 40I ~') encouraged to apply. Hugs & Kisses, ~sW J. Bear ( ( OVERSEAS JOBS. $900-$2,000/mo. SaasgQIl Summer, year round, all countries, all Stressed out? Confused? It helps to talk about it. Dr. the fields. Free'info. Write IJC, P.O. Box 52 Bruce Wollenberg at ID02, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. Campus Christian Center, 822 Elm, is a trained pastoral counselor. Call Easy Work! Excellent Pay! Assemble 882-2536 for an appointment. No fee.


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Executives and companies include:

BOEING Fred Bowen. Vice President BOISE CASCADE Rex Gorman, Vice President EGB G-IDAHO Issues inclurfe 2tst century William Engel, Manager human relations slrateqic planning GNA CORPORATION socul investment executwe (A Subsidiary of Weyerhaeuser) compensation consiimer groups Hans Carstensen. pioduct quahty coipuiate Senior Vice President mteinatmnai tiaifv politics PRODUCTS Sponsored by the fm,mcinq plant etc sures GREGORY FOREST !1ebi Chair rn Busmess Wigiam Gregory, President divesutures corporate Enterpnse. College careers corporate culture HEWLETT-PACKARD, Boise of Business and capital iniukets piolII Oon Curtis, General Manager Economics, lfniversrty blisiness enterprise pfivate Greg Smith, Oirector of Idaho property mdividuai choice IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF dual career farmhes risk THE WORLD OF eo ~ ~ ~ AGRICULTURE management technology CORPORATE boo ~ ~ social iesponsibikty capitalism Richard Rush. Oirector BUStNESS. ~ ~ ~ 44444 444444 ~ 4 ~ ~ Business ~ ~ 4 ~ 4 eCOnOmiC SySternS the ~ oooooo IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF 404.02 fooo~~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ 4 444444Oe~ corporation early Amencan COMMERCE ~ 4 ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ Spnnp 1990 I 4 4 ~ ooo444444 emrepreneurs marketing Oireclor ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~' S James Hawkins, 3 credits ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4OOOOOO ~ produrtion human resources ~ ~ 4 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ MERRILL LYNCH Mondays 3 30 p m OOOOOOOO ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 manageinent . corporate executives 500 pm ~ ~ James Steele, Vice President ao ~ management teams, making ano Wednesdays ~ 330 pm 4:30 pm )ooo ~ corporate decisions shareholders ORE-IDA FOODS OOOOOO Home I c Roam 6 ~ financing a h ~ future growth .. Meg Garison, General Manager ~ ~~OO ~ corporauon equity taxation I ~ ~ ~ S.S.SAUNDERS AND For further in(orms ~ ~ OO affirmative action OSHA I ~ ASSOCIATES lion contact ~ ~ ~ lobbying . government ' Sally Saunders, President Lawrence Merk or ~ ~ ~ contracting . inlernalional markets James Tourney al loOO ~ ~ mulhnational hrms . U.S. BANK OF WASHINGTON 885.6611 ~ ~ ~ ~ international trade enviionmental Phyllis Campbell. Senior Vice President h ~ ~ ~4OO ~ concerns consumer groups Oan Nordquist. Commercial Loan boooo ~ ~ product quakty personal Collateral Clerk ) 4444 4 development mergers ~ 4 4444 .. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD I ~ ~ 4 professional development University ~ ~ ~ Michael Walsh, Chairman and 'O ~ innovauon otldaho ~ 4 Chief Executive Officer 4

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shed some light on who I am now. tian. With that, I accept You. Amen." "Jesus answered, 'l am the way and the truth BASEBALL BITTEN and the lit'e. No one comes to the Father ex- CHANGED FOR THE BEST cept through Me.' At eight years old, I won the local Per- I John 14:6 How do know Christ is real? Because sonna Baseball Contest and went to the "itis by grace you have been saved, through while He changed me from a sinner to finals at Yankee Stadium in New York. faith —and this not from yourselves, it is the forgiven-sinner, He also realigned my mo- Walking into that historic stadium on a gift of God —not by works, so that no one tives. My mind was renewed because now can boast." crisp, windy night I decided to be a big I wanted to do what He wanted me to do. Ephesians 2:8,9 league baseball player. I was amazed at I I "All have sinned and fall short ol the glory wanted to be the best baseball player how puny my hits and throws seemed in of God." could be, and now that my motives were that cavernous park. I hit a ball that Romans 3:23 right, I was free to enjoy my pitching rather seemed to go nowhere, and I wondered "God so loved the world that He gave His than be frustrated by it. how a person could ever hit a ball way into one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." the outfield, let alone over the fence. John 3:16 JOHNNY AND THE HYMN- BAT, BALL, AND BIBLE SINGER There are moments in baseball when the Next, when I look back over my minor Butch and I were selected for the Arizo- The night after I pitched the final game '88 game can turn on one swing of the bat, one league career, a jumble of impressions hits na Instructional League in the fall. Out in the World Series to beat the Oak- pitch, one catch. There were enough mo- me. there I quizzed him more. How could this land Athletics, I was a guest on "The ments like that for me in the 1988 season Butch Wickensheimer was a teammate be? What about that? His, answers always Tonight Show." Johnny Carson asked to cover a career. In fact, I sometimes at the Clinton, Iowa, Class A club. He int- came from the Bible. about singing to myself in the dugout, and wonder if '88 was a dream. rigued me. When the rest of us were hav- the audience wanted me to perform! I could In the heat of the National League pen- ing a good time, he was relaxing, reading BELIEVE IT..OR NOT? see there was no way out of it. "Well, nant race, could I help carry the Los An- his Bible, staying sober. I finally got tired of making up questions the one I can remember singing geles Dodgers with a string of 59 I had a Bible. It was in the bottom draw- Butch couldn't answer. I had to do some- the most was just a praise hymn." Sudden- it "As consecutive scoreless innings (longer than er of my dresser at home, where it had thing about the sin problem he showed me ly was deathly quiet. I sat on the would any one pitcher in history), pitch eight been all of my life. I believed in God and in Romans 3:23.I had to make the deci- bench I sing: Praise God from whom all blessings straight complete games, win 23, pitch five Adam and Eve and heaven. People went sion about John 3:16. f/ow. shutouts in a row, then go ten scoreless to heaven if they were good. One September night in the hotel room Praise Him all creatures here below. innings in another? Could I lengthen my When I asked, Butch would explain I was reading the Gideon Bible again. My Praise Him above ye heavenly host. streak adding eight more consecutive what the Bible said about heaven. Good mind was racing. Do I believe what the Bi- by Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." scoreless innings in the playoffs? Could I people don't go there. Forgiven people do. ble says? Yes. That all have sinned? Yes. Amen. named MVP (Most Valuable Player) of I was a sinner, just like everybody else. The That nothing I can do can save me from be Orel Hershiser the championship series? Could we win only perfect Person was Jesus, and He had my sins? Yes. That Jesus did it all for me with Jerry Jenkins the World Series against the highly favored taken the punishment for sin. The only and that He is the only way to God? Yes. Oakland Athletics? Could I become MVP way to God was through Jesus. You had Do I want to become a Christian? To know more about the life and career of Orel Her- receive Him, make Him your Savior. I knelt beside the bed. I figured God in the Series too, win the National League to shiser, read his book, OUT OF THE BLUE (Wol- that?" I asked. would understand if I just told Him what Cy Young award and just about every "Where does it say gemuth Er Hyatt, Publishers, inc.: Brentwood, don't other annual athletic honor I could think "John 14:6and Ephesians 2:8,9,"said was on my mind. I said, "God, I know Tennessee), available at your local bookstore. This I'm oP. Butch. When no one was around, I looked everything about You. But I know a tract was adapted from the book by permission of the publisher. See why I still find it hard to believe? But up those verses in a Gideon Bible in the sinner and I know I want to be forgiven. to know what really makes me tick today, hotel room. Sure enough, that's what they I know I want Christ in my life, and I want Reprinted with permission from the American Tract Chris- Soaety, Garland, Texas. let me highlight certain memories that may said. to go to heaven. I want to become a ran, un y onversion Ask just about anybody within earshot "Come to Jesus," Famer reveals the spiritu- meant for me. When they gave an altar call of an FM radio in the early-to-mid '70s if al reality that sometimes "too much" is sim- I ran down to the'ront and asked God to wife back." they know Grand Funk Railroad and ply not enough. forgive my sins and bring my accept- they'e likely to recall the long, blonde hair The first time that Famer, who did not That very same day Lesia Famer and bared chest of the band's lead grow up in a religious family, remembers ed Christ as her Savior a hundred miles vocalist/guitarist/writer, Mark Famer. praying was when he was nine years old, away, and they were reunited the next day. They'd very likely begin to sing the "closer the year his father died. Famer had heard Famer describes his early response to to home" refrain of "I'm Your Captain," or Billy. Graham preach on TV that Jesus the realization of God's grace as immedi- "I have been locked perhaps "We'e An American Band" or one would take away your sorrows, and he ate. probably should t'o zeal to win of the many other monster singles that are asked God take away his grief. With no up the first year, I had such a I proba- still staples of classic rock formats, which one around to offer spir'itual direction and people who were lost to the Lord. ev- helped Famer and company to sell 25 mil- discipline, Famer says he often prayed bly came on a little too strong," he laughs, he's learned lion albums in over a decade. ery night. He went on to grow up and seek remembering. Today, he says ful- "a but reports Give just one listen to Famer's debut on after the two things he thought would real Christian diplomacy," Frontline Records, Just Another Injustice, fill him: rock 'n'oll, and money. no loss of zeal. "Some ask me what's come over and you'l hear that familiar voice and By August of 1983,Famer was a legen- people tell them all the God of love/Only the sweet guitar sound, but there's something dary rock star and a success story by any me/I his wife Le- truth can ever make you free/It only comes very different at work. "I told many stories, accountant's standard. When from Him above." (From the song "If It made many girls cry/I tried everything that sia left him, he recalled the sense of loss his Wasn't for Grace," Mark Famer, Wake money could buy/When I cried out in the and sorrow that drove him to knees Frontline Records.) middle of the night, I know/I heard the when he was nine. In a church service in Up..., in voice of Jesus...l know how it feels to give a small, elderly congregation Onaway, Reprinted from the August 1988issue of Contem- "I stranger with per- him control/I feel a revival down deep in Michigan, Famer recalls, was a porary Christian Music magazine. Used but word of that service was mission. my soul." In this testimony from the song to them, every en o cience, en o 0

(Note: There are many men and wom- one of 'the founders of hydrodynamics. In stances...Faith in the divinity and work of Christian, never hesitating to confess his en scientists not included'in this list who mathematics, he laid the foundation for the Christ is the gift of God, and.the evidence faith in the God of the Bible and attribut- have also believed in God; We present modem treatment of conic sections, as of this 'faith is obedience to the command- ing all his success and ability to God. In these men as a sampling of scientists from well as differential calculus and the mathe- ment of Christ;" 1939he was awarded the Roosevelt me- various fields. Some of the more well matical theory of probability. His other dal, with the following citation: "Toa scien- kriown have been excluded, and some of scientific and mathematical contributions Joseph Henry (1797-1878)was a tist humbly seeking the guidance of God the less known have been included.) were legion, including the development of great American physicist and professor at and a liberator to men,of the whit'e race the barometer. well the black." 'e Princeton University. He discovered the as as Johann Kepler (1571-1630) is is equally. famous, however, for his principle of self-induction (the standard unit . - considered to be the founder of physical religious contributions, his best-known for which is named after him) and invent- astronomy. To some extent, he built upon work being his Pensees. He was a deeply ed the electromagnetic motor and the gal- the foundational studies of Copernicus and spiritual man, a leader of the sect known vanometer. He was the first Secretary and Tycho Brahe, as well as utilizing the tele- as the Jansenists, a Calvinistic quasi- . Director of the Smithsonian Institution, scope developed by Galileo, but it was he Protestant group within -the Catholic one of the charter members of the National who discovered the laws of planetary mo- Church. To him is attributed the famous Academy. of Sciences, and a founder and tion and who established the discipline of Wager of Pascal, paraphrased as follows: early president of the American Associa- celestial mechanics. He conclusively "How can anyone lose who chooses to be- tion for the Advancement of Science. He demonstrated the heliocentricity of the so- come a Christian? If, when he dies, there was also a devout Christian, in all his ex- lar system and published the, first turns out to be no God and his faith was perimentation making it a regular practice ephemeris tables for tracking star motfons, in vain, he has lost nothing —'n fact, he to stop, to worship God, and then to'pray contributing also to eventual development has been happier in life than his nonbeliev- for divine guidance at etfery important junc- of the calculus. ing friends. If, however, there is a God and ture of the experiment. Kepler was an earnest Christian and a heaven and hell, then he has gained studied for two years in a seminary, leav- heaven and his skeptical friends will have George Stokes (1819-1903)was ing only with reluctance to enter the study lost everything in hell!" a great British physicist and mathemati- and teaching of astronomy when the Lord cian, makirig major contributions in many opened that door. He was apparently the fields. One of the most significant of his first scientist to state that, in his astronom- studies was the developrrient of the science ical resear'ches, he was merely "thinking of real fluids, laying the foundation of the God's thoughts after Him," a motto adopt- modern engineering science of fluid George Washington Carver ed by many believing scientists sirice.his mechanics. He held the chair at Cambridge time...Kepler wrote in one of his books: University once occupied by Isaac Newton. "Since we astronomers are priests of the Charles -Stine (1882-1954) was Sir George was a godly Christian gentle- 'or highest God in regard to the book of na- many years Director of Research for'the man, especiaHy known for his humility. He ture, it befits us to be thoughtful, not of E.l.duPont company. As. an organic wrote a book on ¹tural Theology and fre- the glory of our minds,-but rather, above chemist with many degrees and honors, he quently testified of'his faith, even when all else, of the glory of God." developed many new products arid patents speaking before learned scientific societies. for his'company. He was a man of top emi- be- He specifically wrote emphasizing his nence in his field, but also a simple believ- Francis Bacon (1561-1626),Lord lief in the deity and bodily resurrection of ing Christian. He frequently s'poke to Chancellor of England, is usually consi- Christ. Jesus scientific and university audiences concem- dered to be the man primarily responsible ing his faith and also wrote a small book for the formulation and establishment of Henri Fabre (1823-1915)was a entitled A Chemist and His'ible. After a the so-called "scientific method" in science; friend of [Louis] Pasteur and was also, like stirring exposition of the gospel and an ap- experimentation and induction stressing him, a great Christian biologist...He was peal to accept Christ, Dr. Stine gave this from data rather than philosophical deduc- an observer of nature with great patience testimony of the Creator: "The world about tion in the tradition of Aristotle. Bacon's and carefulness. His studies of insects, es- us, far more intricate than any watch, filled writings are also credited with leading to Michael Faraday pecially in their living habitats, were un- with checks .and balances of.a hundred of the Royal Society of the founding precedented, so that he is generally varieties, marvelous beyond even the im- London. is considered the father of modem entomol- agination of the most skilled scientic inves- Sir Francis was a devout believer in the Michael Faraday (1791-1867) ogy. Fabre loved children and wrote many tigator, this beautiful and intricate creation, Bible. He wrote: "There are two books laid universally acknowledged as one of the es- books on science for children. bears the signature of its Creator, graven before us to study, to prevent our falling greatest physicists of all time. He was These were very popular textbooks in in tts works. volume Scrip- pecially gifted in scientific experimentation, into error; first, the of the schools until the intellectuals in the new sciences French state tures, which reveal the wtll of God; then particularly developing disco- of the day reacted vigorously against his the volume of the Creatures, which express of electricity and magnetism. He Wernher von Brauri (1912-1977) in- frequent references in them to God as the His power." vered electromagnetic induction and was one of the world's top space scientists. Creator and Sustainer of all things. In the troduced the concept of magnetic lines of With a Ph.D. from the University. of Ber- later. years of his life, however, like Pasteur, - force. He invented the generator and made lin, von Braun was a leading German rock- he received many high honors for his scien- many other key discoveries and inventions. et engineer, developing the famed V-2 tific investigations. His testimony concem- Two basic units, one in electrolysis, one rocket during World War II. He migrated ing his belief in God was as follows: in electrostatics, are named in his honor. to the United States in 1945, becoming a "Without Him I understand nothing; He also made many key contributions in naturalized U.S. citizen in 1955.He direct- without Him all is darkness.'..Every period the field of chemistry. ed U.S. guided missile development has its manias. I regard Atheism as a ma- for'everal Yet this great man was one of the most years and then became Director of It is the of the You could humble and sincere Christians one could nia. malady age. NASA. take skin from me more easily than my ever find. His family was desperately poor, my Dr. von Braun was also a practicing faith in God." but deeply spiritual, members of the San-. Lutheran, active in church and Christian demanian sect, a. small fundamentalist life. In the foreword to an anthology on cre- church whose teaching included emphasis 'eorge Washington Carver ation and design in nature, he gave this tes- on God's creation as purposeful and har- (1864-1943)was the great scientist who timony: "Manned:space flight is an monious, designed for man's well-being, was considered the world's top authority amazing achievement, but it has opened He had an abiding faith in the Bible and on peanuts and sweet potatoes and their for mankind thus far only a tiny door for in prayer. Unlike Newton, however, he products. Bom a slave, he worked his way viewing the awesome reaches of space. An made little attempt.to "harmonize" his through college in the north and then outlook through this peephole at the vast science with his Biblical faith, supremely returned to the south, desiring to devote . mysteries of the universe should only con- confident that the two were both based on his life to improving the quality of southern firm our belief in the certainty of its Crea- divine truth and were necessarily in agree- farm lands and the economic prosperity of tor. I find it as difficult to understand a ment. He was very regular and faithful in his people. As a faculty member at the scientist who does not acknowledge the Francis Bacon the various ministries of his church, both Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, he tumed presence of a superior rationality behind public and personal. He fully believed in the down a number of much more lucrative the existence of the universe as it is to official doctrine of his church, which said: offers, as the fame of his genius as an comprehend a theologian who would deny Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was "The Bible, and it alone, with nothing ad- agricultural chemist spread. He developed the advances of science." one of the greatest early philosophers and ded to it nor taken away from it by man, over 300 products from the peanut and mathematicians and is considered the is the sole and sufficient guide for each in- over 118 from the sweet potato. Taken from the book Men of Science, Men of God father of the science of hydrostatics and dividual, at all times and in all circum- Carver was also a sincere and humble by Hen~ M. Moms. e tie's uest

and purpose in life .than I was —. yet I backfired., THE PROBLEM OF WILL hadn't found it. When I speak in a.literature or a history So I had a problem; I found out that be- class now I state that there's more evidence coming a Christian (or:I:prefer the term a WHAT'S WITH THESE PEOPLE? for the historical reliability of. the'New believer) was rather ego-shattering. - About that time, around the campus I Testament than for any 10'pieces of clas- - My intellect was convinced; but a strug'- noticed, a:small group. of people —eight sical literature put together. For example, gle began in my life. Jesus Christ directly students and two:faculty. There was some- when you study history you need to de- challenged me to trust Him as Savior, as thing different about their lives. They velop a historiography, a proper approach the One who died on the cross for my sins; seemed to have direction. They seemed to to evaluating historical documents. There "To all who received. Him, to those who: know where they. were going, and that was are three basic tests .—.the bibliographic believed'in His name; He gave:,the'right very unusual. test, the internal eviderice-test, and'the'ex- children of God" (John'1:12). Butto'ecome 'Further, they seemed 'to-have a type. of temal evidence test. I didn't want a "party poop'er" inv'ading my, . love that was manifested in the way they Let me jUst touch on.the bibliographic life. I couldn't think of a'faster way to ruin treated people. I had observed that most test; .which asks questions about a.good time or destroy intellectual pur'suits- people talked a lot about love, but these manuscripts A manuscript is a'handwrit- or impede scholarly acceptability with my people demonstrated something special in ten copy rather than a.printed one. One peers. ther relationships with others. They had question. this test asks is how: mariy My mind. told me that Christianity was somethirig I didn't have, so I made friends manuscripts you have. The more true; but my will said, "Don't admit it." with them. manuscripts you have, the easier it is to It came to the point where Fd go to bed un- Josh McDowell After a couple of weeks, we were sitting reconstruct the original (referred to as the at ten at night but I couldn't fall asleep around a table in the student union. I recall autograph) and check for er'rors'r dis- til.four in'the morning. I knew I had to get that six of the students were there and crepancies. Jesus off my.mind or go out of my mind! I KNEW WHAT I WANTED both of the faculty and one of their wives. Let me tell you what I found in relation One day I was in Newport Beach, The conversation staited to get to God. to the New Testament; When I wrote the NEW LIFE BEGINS , riding on a motorscooter with book Evidence That Demands a Verdict On December 19, 1959; at 8:30p.m., 'at a friend. We were zipping along having a GOD AND THE BIG FRONT. in 19?4, I was able to document 14,000 during my'second year the university, great time, laughing, when two women . Let's face it: if you'e an insecure student manuscripts'f just the New Testament I became a Christian. pulled up beside-us in a brand new Con- or professor or.business person,.or ari inse- (that's not counting the Old Testament). That night I prayed. I prayed four things tinental (that's a Newport Beach Chevy). cure anything, and the conversation gets In the revised edition Fve-been able to in order to establish a relationship w'ith After staring at us for about three blocks to God, you have to put on a big front. You document 24,633 manuscripts of just the God .—a personal relabonship with His the womari on the passenger side rolled know what Fve found to be true?. The big- New Testament. The Number Two book Son, the personal, resuriected,'iving down her window and yelled, "What right ger the mouth, the greater the vacuum. in manuscript authority in all history is the Christ. Ove a period of time that relation- do you.have, to be so happy?" Well, I The bigger the front an individual puts on, Iliad by Homer, which has 643 ship has tumed my life around. couldn't see anything wrong with being the greater the emptiness inside. Well, I manuscripts.. First, I prayed, "Lord Jesus, thank You happy. I love to laugh. What's wrong with was putting on that'kind of front. for dying on the cross foi me." Second, I "I wanting to be one of the happiest individu- Their talk irritated me. I wanted:what said, confess those things in my. life that- als in the whole world? they had, but I didn't want them to.know aren't pleasirig to You and ask You to'for-- me."'The : Not only did I,.want to be happy and it..l leaned back on my chair and tried to give me and cleanse Bible says, have meaning.and purpose in life, but I also act norichalant. I looked over at one young .r "Though your sins are like scarlet, they wanted to be free..See, most people know worrian'and said; "Why are you so differ- shall be as white as snow"-(Isaiah 1:18). what they ought to do, but they don't have ent. from the other students on campus?" Third, I said, "Right now; in the best way the capacity, the strength, to do it. They'e She said two words I never thought Fd hear I know,.how; I open the door of my heart in.the university'as of the "solution'." life 'my not free. They'e in bondage. To me, free- part ~wP and and trust You as Savior and dom is having the capacity to do what you She said, "Jesus Christ." Lord. Take control of my life. Change me know you ought. to do. "Oh, come on," I fired back at her. "Don' from the inside out. Make me the type of give me that garbage about religion." She person You created me to.be." . THE SEARCH BEGINS must have had a lot of courage and con- The last thing I prayed was, "Thank You So I started looking for answers.,Now, victions. "Look,"she said, "Ididn't tell you for coming into my life by faith." It was a where I was brought up, a lot of people'had religion; I told you Jesus Christ." Well, I faith produced by the Holy Spirit, based religion. So I took off on religion. I was in- apologized to her'because I'd been very on God's Word and supported by evidence volved in it morning, afternoon,'and night. rude.;."Please forgive rn'y attitude; but to and the facts of history. But I must have gone to the wrong church tell you the truth, Fm sick and tired of that Fm sure you'e he'ard'religious people because I actually felt worse. kind of thing. I just don't want anything to talk about their "bolt of lightning." Well, af- Next I thought,."Well, maybe education 'do with it." ter I prayed nothing happened. In fact, af- is the answer." So I enrolled in the univer- Then you know what happened? These ter I rriade that'decision, I felt'sick to my sity. I was probably the most unpopular 'students and faculty challenged me to ex- stomach. student with the professors in the first amine intellectually who Jesus Christ was. "Oh no, McDowell, what'd you get . university I went to in Michigan. I wanted At first I thought it was a joke. How sucked into'now?" I wondered. I really felt answers. My economic theory professor ridiculous. It was .my opinion that most Fd gone off the deep end —and some of i could tell me how to make.a better living, Christians had two brains. I thought one my friends agreed. but he couldn't tell me how to live better. was lost and the other was out looking for It didn't take me long to realize that a lot it! CHANGES tell y'ou .tViing: In of faculty members, and students too, had —.Butthese people kept challanging me ~ ..AND THE RESURRECTION? But I can one six I. more problems, less meaning to life, and over and over and over again, until finally I felt the second area would be even sim- months to a year and a half;- found I more frustration than I did. I accepted their challenge.. pler to discount.,Everything that Jesus gone off the deep end.. My life was 'adn't Then I thought, "Maybe prestige is the. Christ taught, lived, and died for. was changed. answer." Find a "calling" and give your life THE 'SEARCH CONTINUES. based on His resurrection. All;I had to do A few years 'ago I was in a debate with to it. So I ran for various student body I spent a lot of money to completely dis- was prove that-it never took place. But the head of the history department at a " offices and got elected. It was neat...know- credit Christianity, but it backfired. I con- that, too, backfired on me, and in fact led university, and I said, "My life .'idwestern ing everyone on campus, making deci- cluded that Christ had to be who He to my writing The Resurrection Factor be- has been changed." He interrupted me sions, spending other people's money to claimed to be. "You came to that conclu- cause of the evidence. rather sarcastically. "McDowell, are you . do what I wanted. I enjoyed it. sion intellectually?" you say. Have you heard of Dr. Simon Greenleaf, trying to tell us that God really changed:; life in the What areas?".: But every Monday morning I woke up That's right. Let me show you how. I who held the Royal Professorship of Law your 20th century? the same individual, usually with a concluded that if I could show that either at Harvard? He was a skeptic, often mock- After 45 minutes of my describing. headache because of the night before, with one of two basic areas was not historical- ing the Christians in his classes. One day changes, he said, "Okay, that's enough." the same attitude, "Well, here we go again ly trustworthy or true I had won my case they challenged him to take the three Mental Peace. I told him about my for another five days." Monday through Fri- against Christianity. volumes he had written on the laws of le- restlessness. I was a person who always had to I day I sort of endured. Happiness revolved gal evidence and apply them to the resur- be occupied. had to be over at my girlfriend's around three nights a week: Friday, Satur- WHAT ABOUT THE BIBLE... rection. After much persuasion he did that. place or somewhere in a rap ses- sion. mind was a whirlwind of conflicts day, and Sunday. Then I'd start the whole The first area: to demonstrate that the In the process he became a Christian and My I'd sit down and cycle again. New Testament was not historically relia- went on to write a book about his search. try to study or think, and couldn'. Eventually I became frustrated. I doubt ble. It was written years later, I thought, Greenleaf came to the conclusion that the I But a few months after I made that de- if too many students in the universities of and all those myths and legends had crept resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the our country have been more sincere in try- in, along with errors and discrepancies. best established events in history accord- continued back ing to find meaning and truth and power That's all I had to do, but, as I said, it ing to the laws of legal evidence. on page e tie's uest

else in the world was my father. I despised My father touched alcohol only once after concerned with your. words as He is.with him. To me he was the town alcoholic. that. He got it as far as his lips and that the attitude of.your'heart. If,you have never If friends were coming over, I would take was it. He didn't need it anymore. trusted Christ,'you.can:do:that right now. my father,''tie him up in the barn, and park The prayer I prayed",was this ",Lord Je- the car up around the silo. To avoid em- IT'ORKS sus, I need You. Thank. You-for dying on barrassment, we would tell our friends he Fve come to one conclusion. A relation- the cross'or my sins:. I-open the. door of had to go somewhere. I 'don't think 'any ship with Jesus Christ changes lives. You my life and trust You:as'my.Savior Thank person could hate someone more thar I can ignorantly laugh at Christianity; you You for forgiving my sins.and. jiving me

cori hated my father. can mock and ridicule it. But it works. If eternal life. Make me the kind::of'person you trust Christ, watch your attitudes and You want me to be. Thank You'.that I can HATRED BECOMES LOVE actions —because Jesus Christ specializes trust You." Maybe five months after I made that de- in changing lives, forgiving sin, and remov- cision for Christ, love'for my father —a ing guilt. AN OFFER TO YOU love from God thiough Jesus Christ —in- If you have just trusted Christ,'or believe IT'S will undated my life, It tumed my hatred up- PERSONAL you are going to do so, write me. You tiued from page three side down. It enabled me to look my father Fve shared how I personally responded have a loi of questions, as I had. A profes- squarely in the eyes and say, "Dad, I love to the claims of Christ. You, too, need to sor once shared with me some'principles. cision to trust Christ, a kind of mental you." After some of the things Fd done, ask the logical question: "What difference about how my life could be-:changed peace began to develop. Don't misunder- that really shook him up. does all this evidence make to.me? What through this new relationship with God stand, Fm not talking about the absence When I transferred to a private univer- difference does it make whether or not I through Jesus Christ. Fd like to send them of conflict. What I found in this. relation- I was in serious car accident. With believe Christ died on the cross for rriy sins to you. Thanks for letting me share my sto- sity, a 'y again'?" ship with Jesus wasn't so much the ab- my neck in'tr'action, I was taken home. Fll and rose with you. sence of conflict as it was the ability to never forget my father coming into my The answer is put best by something Je- cope with it. I have come to experience in room and asking; "Son, how can you love sus said to a man named Thorrias who Josh McDowell "I a very real way Christ's promise when He a father like me?" I said, "Dad, six months doubted. He told him, am the way and PO Box 1000,Dallas, TX 75221 said; "Peace I leave with you; My peace I ago I despised you." Then I shared with the truth and the life. No one comes to the Me" give you. I do not give to you as the world him my conclusions about Jesus Christ. Father, except through (John 14:6). Reprinted with permission from'he American Tract Soctely, Garland, Texas. gives" (John 14:27). "Dad, I let Jes'us come into my life. I can' 'ou can trust God right now by faith Control of Temper. Another area explain it completely, but as a result of this through prayer. Piayer is talking with God. Bible verses taken from the HOLY BiBLE, that changed was my'ad temper. I used relationship, Fve found the capacity to love God knows your heart and is not as much NEW INTERNA TIONAL VERSION. to "blow my stack" if somebody just looke'd and accept not only you,,but other people at me cross-eyed; I Istill have the scars from —just the way they are." almost killing a man my first year at the Forty'-flve minutes later one of the Please sendrme a FREE New'estament and other ln- . university. My temper was such an integral greatest thrills of my life occurred. Some- for'inatlon on knowing God. part of me that I didn't consciously seek body in my own family, soineone.who to change it. '. knew me so well I couldn't pull the wool One day after my decision to put my over his eyes, my own'father, said'to me, Name faith in Christ, I arrived at a crisis, only to "Son, if God can do in iny life.what Fve Address Snd that my temper was gonel And only seen Him do in yours, then I,.want to give . once in the many years since 1959 have Him the opportunity." Right there my

I lost it. trursted.Chnrst.',, 'ather prayed with me and City, -State,: Zip Usually changes take place oyer.'.several A MAN I HATED days, weeks, 'months...even years. The life . There's another area that Fm not proud of my father was chariged right before Send to: of. Hatred. It wasn't something outwardly It was as though somebody t'cachedmy'yes. The Crossing manifested, but a kind of inner grinding. in and turried on 'a light bulb; Fve never P.O. Box 9754 Moscow, ID 83843-0180 The one person I hated more than anyone seen such a rapid change before or since. e e omes |:o est Melissa Stiingft'eld life. I left,behind nearly all family and friend- ROLLER COASTER RIDE made. It was as if two wariing countries ship ties without a single regret. I was not I didn't even have the excuse of not be- had signed a truce. God had won, but I had a little lost lamb who had strayed from the ing aware of Christ. I knew He was there won as well. He didn't even ask me to LITTLE-TIME REBEL fold; .I was a militant rebel dressed in all along. I knew what the steps were that make reparations, at least not to Him. He I have spent some time reflecting on the camouflage and prepared for guerilla would change my life; The trouble was I only asked me to sin no more, arid He gave earlier years'of my life, I am appalle'd by warfare. feared the change. I didn't believe it would me the assurance of His help. What a joy- what a perfectly deceived and utterly bring me happiness. When I thought of ful release! I had been a pnsoner, but Chnst dreadful sinner I was. My earliest memories TREASURE, HOLLYWOOD coming to the Lord, I immediately thought set me free.. He didn't grudgingly withhold are of sin. I wanted to avoid punishment, STYLE of the selfish pleasures I would lose. My pleasure from me; rather, He freed me so I lied. I,wanted a pie'ce of candy my I moved to the Hollywood Hills and be- life was like a roller coaster going through from bondage to the sinful ones. He gave mother would'not buy, so I stole it. I want- gan liv'ing in a style some people would corkscrew turns, but I didn't want to get me wisdom to choose those which are ed to do something my parents. forbade, envy.' dated produ'cers and directors. I off. I was afraid of where I would land. right and good. He didn't abruptly drop me so I did it. I did not think I was wrong; I took trips to Mexico, Washington D.C., I reached a turning point when I out of.a roller coaster.'He just straighteried thought they were wrong to deny me. New York and Miami. There was no lack smashed my boyfriend's Cadillac into a and leveled the tracks. (He slowed the train These are common childhood experiences, of money, or the pleasures that it bought. tree. I decided there had to be a better way. down a bit as well.} but they are sins, and sin is a net that so I spent my days lounging by the pool and I returned to Idaho and began to sort Now, not only do I have joy in my sal- easily entangles. had my after-dinner drinks in the jacuzzi. through my parents'alues. I was still vation, but God has given my life new I was a reckless, thoughtless child, and I dined at some of the best restaurants and denying, the Lord, determined to do it by dfrection, purpose and meaning. Now I am I became a rebellious, irresponsible adoles- threw parties'in the best Hollywood Hills myself. But, even then, He was working never lonely; I always have the very best cent. I had no respect for anything or any- style. in my life. His Spirit was preparing me for of friends with me. I am not thoughtless oIte. I held no value for myself and, Of course, there was an abundance of His entrance. I abandoned the reckless- of others but directed with care for them. consequently, held none for others. I drugs, -but we used only the most expen- ness and irresponsibility that had governed I am no longer a slave to sin, but have been challenged parental authority at every turn sive types of marijuana and cocaine. As rrie. My relationship with my family was re- given selfxontrol. I have no unfulfilled lorig- and gained a reputation as a trouble-maker sin's dominion over me grew, my group of stored. I stopped abusing drugs and start- ings because God has given me content- at school. We all probably know one or friends grew, to a greater extent, morally ed living my life as much of mainstream edness. two people who fit this description. Bu< dissolute. We were decadent and de- America does. But this was not enough. What wonderful grace that He forgave when you sin, you become a slave to sin, bauched, prideful and profligate. I stood, My house was cleaned out, but it was still even me! What irrepressible joy that He and that master takes hold insidiously and in the midst of dissipation, selfish, uncar- empty. has filled me with. What abundant peace slowly demands more and more. ing, unkind, and unhappy. I was surround- guards my heart and my mind in Christ Je- When I finished high school, I left my ed by material wealth, and yet I had TREASURE, HEAVEN STYLE sus. Let us rejoice and give all praise, all parents'ome. I casually shrugged off what nothing. Numerous friends were always at Enter the Lord! When I asked Jesus to glory and all honor to God forever and little vestige of authority there was in my my home, and yet I was lonely. come into my heart, what a difference He ever.