(Pulmonata, Agriolimacidae) A.J. Crawling Either on Species Europe

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(Pulmonata, Agriolimacidae) A.J. Crawling Either on Species Europe BASTERIA, 55: 138, 1991 Deroceras rodnae in Eastern France (Pulmonata, Agriolimacidae) A.J. de Winter c/o Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands Deroceras rodnae Grossu hitherto known in France & Lupu, 1965, from only one locality (Département du Haut-Rhin) is now reported from four additionallocalities in the Départe- ment Doubs. Key words: Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Agriolimacidae, Deroceras, distribution, France. a visit to the French some of the Deroceras were collected, During Jura slugs genus which anatomical examination turned to to Deroceras rodnae Grossu upon out belong & Lupu, 1965. As only one French record of the species appeared known (one specimen from the Departement du Haut-Rhin, Altena, 1970; "Vogesen" in Kerney et al., 1983), it seemed worth-while to publish the following localities (all in the Departement Doubs, J.L.M. Donders & A.J. de Winter leg.): Source du Lison, 2 km SE. of Nans s/s Ste. Anne, UTM KT7O, 375 m a.5.1., 5.vi.1991, 1 specimen. Source de la Loue, 15 km SE. of Ornans, UTM KT9O, 520 Consolation-Maisonette de m a.5.1., 28.v. 1991, 1 specimen. (Cirque Consolation) c. 8 km SE. of Pierrefontaine-les-Varans, UTM LTI2, 600 m a.5.1., 6.vi.1991, 2 specimens. 1 km ESE. of Pierrefontaine-les-Varans, UTM LTI3, 600 m a.5.1., 26.v. 1991, 2 specimens (all material in Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden). All were found in mixed or deciduous forest on calcareous soil, crawling either on rocks. logs or on moss-covered The species inhabits an extensive area in central and eastern Europe, as sum- marized et In addition, records have been by Kerney al. (1983: 196, map 214). pub- lished from Liguria, NW. Italy (Bodon et al. 1982?), and from Leon, NW. Spain (Castillego & Manga-Gonzalez, 1986). French specimens have a unicolorous cream external appearance, whereas in other areas spotted individuals also occur (Kerney et al., 1983). Anatomically they fully agree with the descriptions and figures provided in the papers cited. REFERENCES VAN 1970. les 17. deux ALTENA, CO. REGTEREN, Notes sur limaces Sur especes de Deroceras. Basteria 34: 67-74. A. F. Deroceras BODON, M., BOATO & GIUSTI, 1982? (probably published later). On the genus in western Liguria, with description of a new species (Gastropoda, Derocerasidae). Animalia Catania 9: 53-71. MY. CASTILLEGO, J., & MANGA-GONZALES, 1986. Notes on some slugs (Mollusca, Stylom- in the northwestern of the Iberian Peninsula. Proc. Bth Int. Malac. matophora) part Congress Budapest, 1983 (1986): 43-48. RAD. 1983. Die Landschnecken Nord- und Mit- KERNEY, MP., CAMERON & J.J. JUNGBLUTH, teleuropas: 1-384. Hamburg, Berlin..
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    741 8. Rezente Arten Den Abschluss dieser Studie bildet eine Übersicht der Cochlostoma (Turritus) Westerlund 1883 rezent in Österreich registrierten Molluskenarten. Dabei Cochlostoma (T.) waldemari (A. J. Wagner 1897) wurden die folgenden Autoren (in alphabetischer Reihung) Cochlostoma (T.) tergestinum (Westerlund 1878) berücksichtigt: Cochlostoma (T.) anomphale Boeckel 1939 Adler (1993), Bank et al. (2001), Beckmann (1999), Cochlostoma (T.) nanum (Westerlund 1879) Edlinger u. Daubal (2000), Falkner (1998b), Falkner et Cochlostoma (T.) gracile croaticum (L. Pfeiffer 1870), syn.: al. (2001), Gloer (2002b), Gloer u. Meier-Brook (2003), Cochlostoma (T.) gracile stussineri (A. J. Wagner 1897) Jackiewicz (1998), Kittel (1998b), Nesemann u. Holler (1998), Nordsieck, H. (1993a, 2000, 2002, 2003), Patzner Aciculidae u. Szedlarik (1996), Reischütz, P. (1998b, 1999a, 2000a, Acicula Hartmann 1821 2002a, b), Reischütz, A. u. P. (2000, 2001), Riedel (1998), Acicula lineata lineata (Draparnaud 1805) Schultz, H. u. O. (2001), Slapnik (2001), Stummer, A. Acicula lineolata banki Boeters, Gittenberger u. Subai (1984). 1989 In Anlehnung an Reischütz (1998b: 31) werden folgen- Platyla Moquin-Tandon 1856 de Symbole zur Kennzeichnung verwendet: Platyla polita (W. Hartmann 1840) [ ] – eingeschleppte Arten (Freiland) Platyla gracilis (Clessin 1877) [[ ]] – eingeschleppte Arten (dauerhafter nur in Glashäusern, Thermalwässern u. dgl.) Renea G. Nevill 1880 (?) – in Österreich nicht gesichertes Vorkommen Renea veneta (Pirona 1865) { } Artberechtigung zu überprüfen Ampullariidae Gastropoda Pomacea Perry 1810 Orthogastropoda [[Pomacea bridgesi (Reeve 1856)]] Neritaemorphi Neritopsina Viviparidae Neritidae Viviparus Montfort 1810 Theodoxus Montfort 1810 Viviparus contectus (Millet 1813) Theodoxus transversalis (C. Pfeiffer 1828) Viviparus acerosus (Bourguignat 1862) [Theodoxus fluviatilis (Linnaeus 1758)] [(?) Viviparus viviparus (Linnaeus 1758)] Theodoxus danubialis danubialis (C. Pfeiffer 1828) Theodoxus d. stragulatus (C. Pfeiffer 1828) Neotaenioglossa Theodoxus prevostianus (C.
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