Bulgaria) EAD As of 31 December 2006
karta 2 www.rbb.bg www.rbb.bg 3 Financial Highlights Financial Highlights Monetary values in BGN Thousand 2006 Change 2005 2004 InInIncococommme StSte aaattteeemmmeeennnttt Net interest income after provisioning for possible loan losses 112,402 51% 74,306 48,293 Net commission income 27,121 40% 19,317 10,279 Trading profit (loss) 23,357 14% 20,542 7,795 Administrative expenses – 83,952 33% – 63,206 – 36,308 Profit before tax 78,533 49% 52,691 30,403 Profit after tax 66,970 50% 44,544 24,460 BalBalBalananance ShShce eeeeeettt Loans and advances to banks 856,467 56% 549,827 199,245 Loans and advances to customers 1,554,055 14% 1,362,877 971,767 Deposits from banks 479,506 24% 386,002 173,475 Deposits from customers 2,379,419 49% 1,597,311 1,325,223 Equity 248,025 28% 193,052 120,171 Balance–sheet total 3,907,957 39% 2,808,762 2,005,771 RRRegulegulegulaaatttooorrry ooy wn funfunwn dsdsds Total own funds 335,812 42% 237,017 155,237 Own funds requirement / According to Local Regulations 301,542 41% 214,583 128,967 Excess cover 34,270 53% 22,434 26,270 Core capital ratio 6,78% – 14% 7,89% 10,67% Own funds ratio 13,36% 1% 13,25% 14,44% PPPeeerrrfofoforrrmmmananancecece Return of equity (ROE) before tax 43,4% 19% 36,4% 40,8% Cost/income ratio 48,4% – 4% 50,2% 45,2% Return on assets (ROA) before tax 2,6% 6% 2,5% 2,6% Provisions for possible loan losses/risk– weighted assets/ According to Local Regulations 54,404 24% 43,858 33,085 RRResoesoesourcesurcesurces Number of staff on balance–sheet date 1,921 43% 1,342 823 Banking outlets on balance–sheet date 110 51% 73 51 Official Exchange Rate (BNB) EUR 1 BGN BGN BGN 1.95583 1.95583 1.95583 Source: Audited Financial Statements of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD as of 31 December 2006 2 www.rbb.bg General Information General Information Establishment of the Bank Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD is the first greenfield foreign investment in the Bulgarian banking sector made in 1994.
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