Clere School Ringing the Changes with an IT Upgrade

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Clere School Ringing the Changes with an IT Upgrade

Spring 2016


Clere School Ringing the changes with an IT upgrade

IT Service Desk 01962 847007 1 News Welcome to the Spring edition of the Airhead, the award-winning cloud desktop launched as Microsoft IE 11 SIMS Teacher app Hampshire IT Schools newsletter. part of the Children’s Services TITCH programme, was Security and online safety continue to be tested at several Hampshire schools before being made upgrade completed now available of critical importance especially in light more widely available. On page 18 we find out how for HSS devices The SIMS Teacher app from of the DfE’s proposal for consultation these early adopter schools got on. Capita is now available across The project to rollout IE11 to all on ‘New measures to keep children safe We’re also featuring one Hampshire school that recently Hampshire schools. HSS connected devices is now online at school and at home’. Hampshire IT’s Security upgraded their IT infrastructure with the help of complete. However, it’s possible Everyday classroom tasks can be Architect, David Wigley talks about the importance of Hampshire IT. You’ll find a review of the changes at The that some devices (for example made more simple with the new app safe anti-virus software on page 5 and the dangers of Clere School, near Newbury, on pages 19 – 21. desktops or laptops that have so that taking registration, looking up fraudulent callers on page 8. I hope you enjoy this edition of Hampshire IT Schools. not connected to HSS for a few a student’s information, or checking Once again, I’d like to invite you to get in touch with On page 6, Sue Savory, County Computing Inspector/ weeks) may still be running the a timetable doesn’t take a teacher’s any comments and contributions, which you can Adviser, outlines the new Ofsted framework around older version. In such cases a attention from the class or teaching. send to [email protected]. online safety and summarises questions which could second tab is opened when Senior leaders find the SIMS Teacher be asked by Ofsted inspectors when visiting schools. launching IE, prompting the app helps to ensure schools have Sue also reflects on the findings of the Organisation for S.Riddle user to download the update. accurate real-time data on every Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) into Steve Riddle If this happens, make a note of pupil in school. Its intelligent-sync the impact of technology in the classroom Schools IT Business Partner the machine or device number design and ease-of-use means (pages 16-17). Hampshire IT and contact the IT Service Desk Text messages for teachers can complete essential (or your onsite HSS support unplanned outage tasks efficiently without any delays or team where appropriate) to be frustrating database updates. guided through the next steps. If Remember that we provide SMS not done, the same prompt will updates for a serious unplanned With the Teacher app, teachers can: repeat every 72 hours. outage that prevents notification see an overview of every pupil Inside this via email (eg HPSN2 or O365 award achievement or behaviour outage). Further information and points by tapping a pupil’s picture 3 – 4 News from Hampshire Services Information Technology sign up details are available from access assessment marksheets and the following link: http://tinyurl. 5 Who watches the watchman? Using anti-virus software safely – IT Security Architect David SCCM bubble enter grades, comments and marks com/sms-outage-update Wigley discusses reminder for HSS quickly record present, absent and late marks with a few simple taps 6 – 7 What does Ofsted want to know about online safety? Sue Savory, County Computing schools Inspector/Adviser take registration for another class HSS uses Microsoft SCCM (System check your timetable, other 8 Beware the bogus boss – David Wigley advises on fraudulent callers Centre Configuration Manager) to Micro:bit for year 7 teachers’ timetables and 8 Upgrade to anti-virus service auto deploy curriculum software. The BBC is providing all year 7 pupils’ timetables. Wherever possible software 9 – 15 What’s new in SIMS teachers and students with a BBC SIMS Teacher app is being delivered is deployed ‘silently’ with no micro:bit. This is a programmable as part of the Children’s Services 16 – 17 Findings from the OECD study into technology in the classroom – Sue Savory, County further action required. However, device that will help develop IT programme known as TITCH Computing Inspector/Adviser you may occasionally see a computational thinking. (Transforming IT for Children notification ‘bubble’ asking you to in Hampshire). 18 Airhead put to the test – what did the pilot group make of the award-winning cloud desktop restart the device to activate the Visit for a 19 – 21 Out of the dark and into the light for The Clere School software, normally within a four form to request your devices. hour window. In such cases either For more information call the IT 21 Work experience at Hampshire County Council simply restart the local device Service Desk on 01962 847007. 22 Computing with special educational needs or leave it switched on for the Hampshire SLA schools should visit software install to complete. 22 Destination Africa for Hampshire school app.htm for information on technical 23 My IT: Nick Mirchandani, Governor at Kings School, Winchester set prior to ordering. The Capita website is http://www.capita-sims. If you need this information in a different format, or if you have any other enquiries, call the IT Service Desk on 01962 847007. Download this and previous issues of Hampshire IT Schools at

2 IT Service Desk 01962 847007 3 Primary Computing Conference One-stop-shop for IT For the first time this year, Hampshire County support and ordering Council and CAS (Computing at School) have Schools with HPSN2 can already use the online joined forces to run the region’s primary service desk to raise and track issues as well as computing conference. search the knowledge base to find information Taking place on 30 June 2016 in Southampton, the day to resolve issues themselves. will enable primary teachers to hear about the latest In the coming months IT will be extending the features developments in teaching the computing curriculum. of the IT Service Desk to include ordering. Requests can Much of the content will also be relevant for be raised for equipment or services including remote Key Stage 3. working access tokens and mobile phones. Topics included will cover developing programming The IT Service Desk ( skills as well as teaching digital literacy and raising uk) will include user-friendly prompts for information online safety awareness. about the products and services being ordered. This The day will be led by Sue Savory, HIAS County ICT will help make sure orders are correctly submitted and Inspector/Adviser and Phil Bagge, HIAS Inspector/ speed up response times. Adviser IT. Self service provides schools with 24/7 access to report For more information and to book your place, visit any IT issues which will be seen the next working day Who watches and to search the knowledge centre for known fixes – beyond the IT Service Desk’s core hours of 7.30am – 6pm, Monday to Friday. the watchmen? For any urgent IT faults or problems, schools can still David Wigley, Security Architect at Hampshire Services Information Technology telephone the IT Service Desk on 01962 847007.

Use the Service Desk number for contacting IT orders by You’ve probably – if they can compromise the anti- their software code, and as a result, selecting the relevant option. This one stop approach heard me say virus program, they have unfettered they introduce more risks. Others means that schools just have to remember a single “Keep your access to everything on your point to targeted attacks by nation contact and allows us to better track call volumes. software up to computer . . . and they can probably states against anti-virus software date . . . apply use that access to attack other going back several years. regular security computers on your network which The anti-virus industry knows it patches to fix vulnerabilities. . . run the same anti-virus program. needs to change and evolve to fix make sure you have anti-virus Back in June 2015 some major this. Some companies are looking Training? Borrowing equipment? FLEXIBLE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WITH THE LATEST INTERACTIVE TEACHING TECHNOLOGY software running . . .” It’s the sort vulnerabilities were found in at safer ways to interact with your of thing that security people say Find out more. 2016 – 2017 Kaspersky anti-virus software (one computer using “sandboxing”; others SIMS AND TUCASI COURSES all the time . . . but what happens DIGITAL LITERACY COURSES of the industry leaders). Researchers are looking at how their software By the time you are reading this magazine you should CURRICULUM COURSES BESPOKE TRAINING when your anti-virus software is TECHNOLOGY TO TRY found that they could exploit these can run with fewer privileges, so have received this year’s copy of the eLearn eTeach your biggest risk? directory which includes courses on SIMS, Tucasi, MS vulnerabilities to take control of there’s less impact if your anti- Office and the computing curriculum Anti-virus software has been around computers over the network (or the virus software gets attacked. In as well as online safety training. It also includes for ages - it’s one of the first things internet). So instead of protecting the meantime, operating system details about the conferences that are facilitated most of us think about to keep our computers, the software was providers are trying to find ways of within Hampshire. computers safe. We trust anti-virus actually leaving them open making their software so secure software to protect our PCs, laptops to attack. that we don’t need anti-virus In addition to this we have revamped the flightcases that programs anymore. and servers from viruses or malware Kaspersky fixed the problem can be loaned to schools. Among others we now have a that will steal our data, wipe our computational thinking flightcase that includes class sets straight away, but they weren’t the So what do we do about this? The hard disks and bring down our only ones affected – in the second consensus is that we still need anti- of Beebots and Probots as well as other hardware that networks. And because of this allow you to practise your programming skills. Schools half of 2015 similar issues were virus software, but we should use it trust, we allow anti-virus software found with other leading providers in a balanced away alongside other have already borrowed this flightcase and provided really to read EVERYTHING on our positive feedback. like AVG, Avast and McAfee. Some measures like user training, email computers and to run with almost industry experts think that the filtering and web content filtering. Other new flightcases include speaking and listening, a unlimited privileges. speed that anti-virus software So as I said at the start: “Keep your discovery flightcase that supports science and movies All of this means that the anti-virus changes, with almost daily updates software up to date . . . apply regular and sounds. To find out more please look at our program on your computer is a in some cases, means the anti-virus security patches . . . make sure you have new look directory. huge target for cyber attackers companies don’t have time to check safe anti-virus software running . . .”

4 IT Service Desk 01962 847007 5 Inspectors will consider, among other things, children’s and learners’ understanding of how to “keep themselves safe from relevant risks such What does as exploitation and extremism, including when using the internet and social media. Inspectors should include online safety in their discussions with pupils and learners (covering topics such as Ofsted want online bullying and safe use of the internet and social media). Inspectors should investigate what the school or and skills provider to know about does to educate pupils in online safety and how the provider or school deals with issues when they arise. Inspectors should ensure that they are aware of information available to the public, reported in the press or accessible on the internet, including that available on the early years setting, school

or further education and skills provider’s website,

if available. This may contain information related to safeguarding. Inspectors should do a check on the internet as part of their preinspection “ planning to see whether there are any safeguarding issues that may need to be followed up during inspection. All evidence related to The Ofsted framework that was published in This article quotes directly from the following planning should be recorded. September 2015 outlines clear expectations around guidance documents for inspectors: online safety. Online safety has replaced the term Inspecting safeguarding in early years, e-safety in an attempt to recognise the wider education and skills settings technologies that are now used. Cyber-bullying has Online safety training is provided by now been replaced by the term online bullying. School inspection handbook Hampshire County Council and includes The common inspection framework, training tailored to the needs of all education, skills and early years stakeholders as well as scheduled, offsite CEOP accredited training. To find out more email [email protected] or to book a scheduled training course go to: http:// Safeguarding action may be needed to protect children and learners from: take action immediately if they are concerned about bullying or children’s well- being. Leaders bullying, including online bullying and of early years settings implement the required prejudice-based bullying policies with regard to the safe use of mobile Questions that could be asked by the inspectors: the impact of new technologies on sexual phones and cameras in settings. How do you ensure that all staff receive appropriate online safety training behaviour, for example sexting 1. Staff, leaders and managers understand the that is relevant and regularly up to date? Adults understand the risks posed by adults risks posed by adults or young people who use 2. What mechanisms does the school, have in place to support young or learners who use technology, including the the internet to bully, groom or abuse children, people and staff facing online safety issues? internet, to bully, groom, radicalise or abuse young people and vulnerable adults; there are children or learners. They have well-developed well- developed strategies in place to keep 3. How does the school educate and support parents and whole school strategies in place to keep children and learners learners safe and to support them in learning community with online safety? safe and to support them to develop their own how to keep themselves safe. 4. Do you have online safety policies and acceptable use policies in place? understanding of these risks and in learning How do you know they are clear, understood and respected by all? how to keep themselves and others safe. Staff leaders and managers oversee the safe Leaders oversee the safe use of technology use of electronic and social media by staff and 5. Describe how your school educates children and young people to build when children and learners are in their care and learners and take action immediately if they are knowledge, skills and capability when it comes to online safety? How do concerned about bullying or risky behaviours. you assess its effectiveness?

6 IT Service Desk 01962 847007 7 Upgrade to Management Information service We all know that virus protection is important to keep our IT infrastructure running. Over 6,000 new viruses are created every month. And new viruses spread fast - a recent virus spread to 134 countries in just 96 hours. Nowadays good anti-virus software with the latest updates is essential to keeping Beware the organisations running. Hampshire Services IT provides an anti-virus service What’s that is already protecting computers in many schools. bogus boss And this service has just got even better. Pull out David Wigley, Security Architect at Schools that subscribe to the anti-virus element of the & share! Hampshire Services Information Technology Hampshire IT SLA are protected by software from the well-known anti-virus specialists, McAfee. Each time new in a computer is connected to the school’s network the Imagine the scene: It’s 4:50pm latest anti-virus updates are downloaded direct from on the last Friday before half the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (EPO) based term. The school Admin Officer in Winchester. gets an urgent email from the The Hampshire Services IT team has upgraded the Headteacher, saying they have SIMS? EPO which enables IT staff to control the distribution a last minute invoice that needs of anti-virus updates. This change, free to schools who to be processed before the school breaks up subscribe to the service, ensures optimal ongoing for the holidays. The Admin Officer processes performance and that McAfee are still able to support the payment . . . and sends £10,000 to a hacker us. We have also set up a new internet point to The SIMS Autumn 2015 Release was delivered to Hampshire schools somewhere around the world. improve the distribution of anti-virus software to staff That’s the idea behind the “bogus boss email” – a when they use their school laptops at home. last term. The upgrade contained the School Census Spring 2016 Return. recent trend in email attacks, where cyber criminals Devices in regular use were automatically transferred Highlights of new functionality include: use published information about an organisation to to the new EPO this autumn. In December all schools directly target busy admin staff with emails that look subscribing to the service were asked dig out any of your school data and will take convincingly like they’ve come from their boss. The devices not in regular use and to log them onto the New Key Stage 4 SIMS Additional Rising 2s for into account the DfE changes emails are even timed to play on human nature to school network. Thank you to all those involved in Assessment resources to assessment at Key Stage 4, nursery schools finish off one last task before the end of the day, or this exercise, which made sure that all remaining Capita has also introduced new reporting on different Performance With the Autumn 2015 SIMS the end of the week. devices were switched to the new service. Schools that analysis resources for Key Stage 4 Indicators for 2016 and 2017 as the release of SIMS, Capita introduced have subscribed to the service and have their own It’s all very clever and it could potentially happen to to support you in the analysis and new GCSE subject curriculum is two new Year Groups to cope any school – these days everyone lists key names, IT providers have been sent a McAfee agent which reporting of Year 10, 11 and 12 phased in. with the increasing number of phone numbers and email addresses on their websites. should be installed on all new client and servers as progress. These will help secondary pupils being recorded in SIMS Unfortunately technology won’t always help – because they are built. If your school is interested in signing up schools analyse their assessment who are rising 2. Year E1 and Year the attack emails are targeted, they’re less likely to be to the service, free to SLA subscribers, log a help call SIMS Key Stage 3 data with the introduction of the E2 (Early Years 1 and Early Years picked up by email filters, which still tend to focus on with the IT Help Desk via 01962 847007, or complete No Levels Programme new GCSE curriculum, the shift 2) can be added to the Pastoral stopping bulk email attacks and SPAM. an anti-virus order form here: from A* to G grades to 9 to 1 and of Study Structure and new relaxed rules in The good news for schools is that the solution is right will reflect the DfE Performance Capita has also extended the the school promotion will allow Measures, including Progress 8. up your street - education. If you make sure that Programme of Study into Key pupils to be promoted from Year everyone knows the danger from innocent-looking The resources will include Stage 3, to encourage consistency E1, to Year E2, to Year N1 and then emails; knows not to click on links in emails; knows Assessment templates, pre-defined and provide a national framework to Year N2. not to download attachments unless they’re really Discover graphs and SIMS Reports for assessing knowledge, skills sure about the sender . . . and knows that they must that output to Excel. The suite of and understanding against the query urgent emails for payments . . . you’ll avoid the reports will assist with analysis curriculum being taught. threat of the bogus boss.

8 IT Service Desk 01962 847007 9 Hampshire IT Schools - Spring 2016 Management Information

Early Years Foundation The progress bar indicates the percentage of pupils who SIMS Learning Gateway the My Children Links on the My Children Dashboard Stage (EYFS) have a handed in date recorded against this homework Mobile Views for Parents/Carers page of the Parent site: task. Hovering over homework tasks on the My Homework Tap the Timetable navigation bar to display details of the Additional data entry marksheet templates have been Timeline panel displays the name of the task, the number and Students Student Timetable or the School Diary for the current day. provided for Rising 2s pupils. The marksheet templates of tasks Assigned, the number of tasks recorded as Handed Did you know that the SLG Mobile site enables parents/ Tap the navigation bar at the top to display the calendar are called EY TT DataEntry Nursery YE1 and EY TT in and the number of extensions granted (Extended). carers and students to access essential student and select another day to view. Tap a navigation bar in the DataEntry Nursery YE2. information via the SIMS Learning Gateway using a list to view further details for a lesson. To find out more information about the SIMS Autumn mobile device? In order to access SLG Mobile Views, SIMS Learning Gateway 2015 upgrade, take a look at our guidance notes parents and students can use an iOS or an Android- compatible mobile device. To support teachers in managing homework, Capita available on the schools intranet at: has included a new homepage widget to allow When students access SIMS Learning Gateway Mobile teachers to view their own homework. The My Please share this information with colleagues that use Views, they’re presented with a view similar to the Student Homework Timeline on the SIMS Homepage now these areas of SIMS. Details web part on the Student Dashboard. displays a green progress bar at the bottom of each When parents/carers access SIMS Learning Gateway homework task, where handed in dates for one or Mobile Views, they’re presented with a view similar to more pupil/student have not yet been recorded.

SIMS Future Developments SIMS Activities Spring 2016 Upgrade Introduction of a new solution for schools looking to manage extra-curricular activities and trips, including In addition to the Statutory KS1 and KS2 reporting the ability to: updates and the School Census Summer 2016, the Spring upgrade will include some important updates schedule activities to SIMS Assessment Programmes of Study to allow: send/manage invitations customisation of statements create and take registers ability to add in statements simple reporting narrative style reporting Rebuild Exams & Options Solutions SIMS Teacher app During 2016, Capita plan to refresh Examinations Organiser to reflect the ongoing work with the JCQ and iOS updates will introduce: build a solution that allows the transfer of data between attendance comments, providing the ability for teachers Awarding Organisations and SIMS. These changes will to add comments at registration directly into the Teacher ensure the delivery of better quality information and app and view attendance comments that have been support Exams Officers with their important processes recorded directly in SIMS relating to the submission of entries, importing of results and analysing results. At the same time, Exams Officers user interface improvements, including updates to the will have a greater level of information regarding the registration screen and easier navigation product catalogues. In addition to the work with A2C, seven day timetable support Capita will also develop a new Exams solution as the next generation software. ability for the user to select the ‘Keep me signed in’ Similarly, with Options, Capita will take into account the option for the Microsoft, O365 and Google login options way schools undertake their Options activity and what Summer 2016 Upgrade can be selected. They are looking at creating a front end for parents and students so that they can select options SIMS Core Interventions online. This will improve efficiency and modernise the Capita will start to build the Interventions solution, which Options process. will include functionality to define interventions, assign As always, SIMS roadmaps are subject to change but we students and report on those interventions. will keep you informed of any changes to their plans and the timescales for delivery.

10 IT Service Desk 01962 847007 11 Hampshire IT Schools - Spring 2016 Management Information

Hampshire Assessment Model SIMS Resources Just in case you missed Schools Communication SC013839, we are pleased to announce the availability of updated Hampshire Assessment Model resources for primary phased schools. These include a number HAM Report: of enhancements and some essential corrections. The updates apply to those schools that have chosen to Hampshire SIMS Annual adopt the SIMS Assessment resources that Hampshire IT developed to support the work of the HIAS Hampshire Conference 2016 Assessment Model (HAM). It is important that schools Save the Date update their SIMS Assessment with the new pack, which is available at: Primary day: Thursday 7 July 2016, assessment-reporting 09:00 – 15:30 Important note: For the SIMS reports to produce Secondary day: Friday 8 July 2016, accurate data, users must ensure that they have SEN 09:00 – 15:30 Coordinator permissions within SIMS System Manager. Venue: Winchester University If you wish to start using the new Hampshire We’re delighted to announce that our 2016 Assessment Model SIMS resources, please do not conference will be held this year at Winchester download these because they are updated resources University. This much larger venue will enable us to for existing users only. Please open a SIMS support call expand the programme to a whole day event and instead by completing the online support form using allow more variety and choice of breakout sessions. the link below: We’ll keep you up to date with all the details over the coming months and send out booking details. A member of the SIMS Team will provide essential information needed before you can start using the If you would like to get involved in the conference new toolkit. Here are some screen shots of a marksheet programme in a speaking or presenting capacity, and reports, which is a very small part of the excellent please email [email protected] resources available:

HAM Marksheet: Domain Brick Analysis:

SIMS HAM Consultation resources. Hosted by Hampshire SIMS consultants, with HIAS representation and Capita input, the Group Meetings sessions will provide you with updates and answers We are planning to introduce termly consultation to any questions you may have about getting the meetings for users of the Hampshire best use out of the system. So we can gauge the Assessment Model in SIMS. These two-hour meetings potential level of attendance at these meetings, can will provide valuable opportunities for head teachers you please send your school’s expression of interest and assessment leaders to share good practice and via email to [email protected] with the give input into the use and development of the SIMS number of likely attendees.

12 IT Service Desk 01962 847007 13 Quick Reference Sheet Quick Reference Sheet The SIMS Home Page The SIMS Home Page Configuring and Using Configuring and Using

Configuring the SIMS Home Page The SIMS Home Page can be configured to Adjust the size of the The SIMS Home Page is displayed automatically each time you log into SIMS and provides an overview of the key content in your SIMS system, such as display information relevant to your role. Grid here. your timeline, the School Diary, your messages and group summary information (attendance, conduct and assessments). Add or remove the Working from left to right, panels (widgets) My Timeline or By default, the My Timeline and School Bulletin widgets (panels) are displayed but further panels can be added or removed as required, depending on are added in the next available space on the School Bulletins whether any locks have been put in place. For more information, please contact your System Manager/Administrator. widgets here. The Grid shows the Home Page. Where no space exists to the widgets that will be Many of the widgets can be configured to display information relevant to your role in school. For example, a Head of Year might choose to display right, it is placed in the next space available displayed on the Home Page when the assessment results by registration group, whereas a Head of Department might display assessment results for all Maths groups. For more information on on the next available row. These are the configuration is using the SIMS Home Page, please refer to the Configuring and Using the SIMS Home Page mini guide. The content of the Grid can be configured. widgets that can be saved. Drag added to the SIMS additional widgets A wide range of user For example, a Head of Year may wish to The My Timeline widget displays a timeline for classes you will be teaching over the The Configure button enables you to set up the number, Home Page. More into the Grid. documentation is display conduct information by registration than one instance of selected period (applicable only to Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants). layout and order of the widgets on the Home Page. available from the group, whereas a Head Teacher may wish to a multi-use panel can Documentation be added, enabling Home Page groups enable you Centre, accessed by display it by year group. you to monitor more to define a pre-defined widget clicking the The pupil/students who than one group layout for a group of SIMS Documentation make up each of the at a time. users, e.g. Class Teachers, button. categories on a chart can Did you know? Heads of Year, etc. be viewed by  Your Home Page widget configuration The panels assigned to each double-clicking the is retained when your SIMS system is You can revert to the Home Page group can be required segment. For The More... hyperlink is upgraded. widget layout defined locked to ensure that users example, double-click the displayed here on by your Home Page cannot remove them from their Unauthorised Absence panels when more  Changes to your Home Page widget group by clicking the Home Page. This functionality segment in the information is available. configuration do not affect the Home Default Setting can also be used to prevent Attendance Summary button. Before using users from displaying additional panel to display those who Page display of other users. this functionality, panels on their Home Page. If have this mark recorded Each widget can be please contact your against them over the  Widgets can be removed by clicking you cannot add or remove increased to full screen System Manager/ specified date range. panels, please contact your mode, enabling you to and dragging them out of the Grid. Administrator. System Manager/Administrator. view more information, by clicking the Expand button. The widget can Double-click a section of Configuring the Grid Panel Returning to the Home Page Defaults be reduced to normal the bar chart to display the size by clicking the You can revert to the preset widgets and widget order by clicking the associated pupil/students. 1. Click the Configure button at the top of the SIMS Home Page to Restore button. display the Configure Home Page dialog. Default Setting button on the Configure Home Page dialog then From the list, you can access the Teacher View. clicking the OK button. 2. To adjust the Grid size, click the up or down arrows in the Number of Please refer to the Pupil New users of SIMS will (or Student) Teacher View not see any content in Additional Panels section. Changing the Panel Order Quick Reference Sheet. some of the widgets until 3. To effect the change, click the Configure layout button. they are configured. With the exception of My Timeline and School Bulletins, widgets can be

Reducing the number of panels to less than the number that has been re-arranged, enabling you to position those deemed the most important, or Overview of the SIMS Home Page Panels selected for display causes a confirmation message to be displayed. most used, at the top of the Home Page. Click the Yes button to confirm. Click and drag the panel you want to move into the new Grid location, My Timeline Widget My Messages Widget causing the panels to swap position. Repeat as necessary then click the OK Applicable to Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants in Primary/Secondary Any messages sent to you by other SIMS users are displayed in the My Configure layout button schools only button. Messages widget. Click anywhere on a message line to display its content In Primary schools, the My Timeline widget displays the name of your 4. Click the OK button to save the changes and return to the SIMS in the Read Message dialog. Messages can then be printed, deleted or class on a timeline, organised into AM and PM sessions. In Secondary Home Page. Setting Panel Refresh Rates replied to. schools, the timetable for the current user is shown. Right-click options are The panels on the Home Page refresh automatically, updating the available from the timeline. My Reminders Widget Adding Panels to the Home Page information after a set period of time. Each panel refreshes individually, SIMS can be configured to generate a reminder to advise users of and this is indicated by a rotating Refresh icon. School Bulletins Widget 1. Click and drag the required panel in one of the left-hand panels into forthcoming deadlines, e.g. free school meal eligibility, medical events, the required position on the Grid. For multi-use panels, repeat this as Refresh button School bulletins can be published by users with School Administrator or SEN reviews, etc. many times as necessary. Administrative Assistant permissions. Once published, they can be opened Some of the panels refresh at a fixed rate, while the refresh rate of other and viewed by all SIMS users. Each SIMS user can specify the reminders they want to set and the 2. Repeat step 1 until all of the required panels are displayed in the Grid. panels can be set individually. number of days prior to the event occurring that the reminder should be NOTE: If the number of published bulletins exceeds the number that can be 3. Click the OK button to save the changes and return to the SIMS generated and sent to the applicable member(s) of staff. The reminders 1. Click the Options button on the required panel then select Configure displayed in the School Bulletins widget, the More hyperlink enables Home Page. are displayed in the My Reminders widget on the SIMS Home Page. The from the pop-up menu. access to the additional bulletins in full screen mode. date the reminder was Sent, the Subject line and the Read status is Removing Panels from the Home Page 2. Enter the required Refresh rate then click the OK button to confirm Summary Widgets displayed. the setting. The amended refresh setting comes into effect The Attendance Summary, Assessment Summary and Conduct 1. Click the required panel in the Grid then click the Remove Panel immediately. School Diary Widget button. Summary widgets display information for one or more selected groups WARNING: Careful consideration should be given when adding panels to over a defined period of time. For attendance and conduct summaries, the The School Diary is used to record and display any school events that 2. Repeat step 1 until only the required widgets are displayed in the the Home Page. A number of these panels have frequent refresh rates, so view can be toggled between a chart and a data table. Multiple instances of occur during the course of the academic year. These might include school Grid. To remove all widgets, click the Remove All button. a large number of panels displaying on several workstations could lead to summary panels can be displayed on the Home Page, enabling you to view trips, training days, staff meetings, parent consultation evenings, etc. 3. Click the OK button to save the changes and return to the SIMS performance issues. All areas of SIMS may show a reduction in information for a range of groups and time periods. Any school events are displayed in the School Diary widget. Home Page. performance as a consequence. My Scheduled Reports Widget Missing Registers Notification Widget The My Scheduled Reports widget is used to display any reports that you Increasing the Size of Panels on the Home Page Applicable to users with Attendance Manager permissions only have scheduled to run automatically. Many of the panels on the Home Page can be maximised so that they are It is possible to display a list of registers that have not been completed displayed as a separate page, providing a larger viewing area and access Favourites Widget within a specified number of minutes after a lesson or session starts. The to more items in a list. To facilitate navigation in SIMS to areas that you visit most frequently, period of time after which notifications will be displayed is defined as part SIMS monitors and records the most commonly accessed functional areas of the widget configuration process. 1. Click the Maximise button in the top right-hand corner of a panel to and provides them as shortcuts via the Favourites widget. Shortcuts to enlarge the panel to a full screen display. It is also possible to access the registers to complete missing marks. Capita SIMS, Franklin Court, Priory Business Park, Cardington, Bedfordshire MK44 3JZ menus, reports (marked as Favourites in Reports | Run Report), The Missing Registers Notification widget displays any registers that 2. Click the Restore button on the expanded page to minimise the page Tel: 01234 838080 Fax: 01234 832036 Email: [email protected] Web: individual pupil/students and marksheets are provided. back to a panel. © Capita Business Services Ltd 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be have not been completed after a defined period of time (e.g. 10 minutes reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, translated or transmitted without the My Detention Sessions Widget after a lesson or session starts). Any missing or incomplete register is Maximise button Restore button express written consent of the publisher. Any detention sessions for which you are the main staff member assigned displayed in this panel. The panel displays details of the registration

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14 IT Service Desk 01962 847007 15 Findings from the OECD: Students, Computers and Learning: Sue Savory, County Computing Inspector/Adviser

In the UK as elsewhere in the world, the majority of students (96%) have access to technology at home with about three quarters Technology is the only way to having access at school. The dramatically expand access to initial findings from examining knowledge. To deliver on the the educational outcomes from promises technology holds, 60,000 students across the world “countries need to invest more did identify an inverse relationship between the countries who effectively and ensure that have spent the most money on teachers are at the forefront of technology in the classroom and designing and implementing educational attainment. More this change. importantly however those involved in education should consider the part of the report that identified The report identified that and change where digital devices the pedagogy and whether why this was the case. When teachers were asked about technology can amplify and have flooded schools without any technology will enhance the their priorities for professional innovate teaching by expanding thought to how they should be learning experience. Andreas Schleicher has no doubt development they identified in identifying that technology content, with access to more effectively implemented as a tool Full report available at http:// teaching students with SEN at the advanced knowledge, supporting for learning. engages and transforms learning top of their list with ICT” skills for new pedagogies with learners and It is not how much technology but questions about how it is used He also identified there is resistance teaching and new technologies in using it as tools for enquiry–based BBC article - you have, but how it is used as a in schools. He found that the quality amongst teachers and students the classroom as being second learning with collaborative work oecdfindingsbbc tool for learning that engages, of navigation is less effective when with a lack of understanding of and third. spaces and knowledge creation. motivates and inspires. there is greater use of the internet pedagogy and instructional design and questions whether copying and Technology can also provide a with low quality educational Most of you will have seen pasting from Google is an effective The unreleased potential of platform for experiential learning, software and courseware. the media reports from the use of the internet. However, he technology was identified as: providing remote and virtual Organisation for Economic Co- He does identify that some found when technology is used labs, project-based and enquiry- operation and Development’s providing learners with a developments seem to be more well, it amplifies teacher practise but based pedagogies with game (OECD) study by Andreas sense of belonging and promising with the development cannot substitute poor teaching. development, local and global Schleicher where he was quoted engagement of highly interactive, non-linear collaboration, interactive and as reporting that “investing His conclusions find that integrating courseware based in state-of-the-art mixing students of different metacognitive pedagogies with real heavily in school computers and technology into the classroom can instructional design, sophisticated ages, abilities, strengths and time assessment. classroom technology does not be done better. social backgrounds software for experimentation improve pupils’ performance”. In Finally the report’s author found and simulation and the use of Andreas Schleicher said: “School allowing for deeper learning a BBC news article Tom Bennett, systems need to find more effective there was a real gap between social media to support learning the government’s expert on pupil ways to integrate technology into creating flexibility for more ideas and principles and the data communities and communities of behaviour, said teachers had been teaching and learning to provide individual choices demonstrates that we are not practice amongst teachers as well “dazzled” by school computers. yet getting this right, claiming as use of gaming for instruction. educators with learning environments accelerating learning that the impact of technology With any articles like this it that support 21st century pedagogies Therefore to summarise, as teachers, using out of school learning was sub-optimal. He points to an is important to consider the and provide children with the 21st when considering the use of in effective and innovative over– estimation of digital skills context of these reports and any century skills they need to succeed in technology in the classroom, it ways among teachers AND students, and recommendations made. tomorrow’s world. is important firstly to consider a naïve policy of implementation

16 IT Service Desk 01962 847007 17 Airhead put to the Out of the dark and into the Launched at the end of last Airhead could be integrated with the year, Airhead is the new award- school’s Google Apps for Education light for winning open cloud desktop for domain for single-sign-on. sharing and organising online Headteacher Marijke Miles was resources, made available as part particularly interested in the future of Hampshire County Council’s potential for Airhead to provide TITCH initiative. a comprehensive dashboard of The Clere School, a small As well as an outdated infrastructure The infrastructure upgrade and new A number of Hampshire schools secure information about each pupil near Newbury, we had a lot of very old equipment equipment has been an important tested out Airhead’s flightdecks and which could be shared between signed up to HSS just over a being used at the school. The part of the overall transformation of launchpads before its roll-out across different agencies. This information year ago. Jenny Piper, Business switches and cabling were slow and the school. the county. Hampshire IT Schools portal is now being considered during a demonstration at a recent Manager at the school, the wireless network was poor with checked in to find out how they for development to integrate with The team from Hampshire County SICATS meeting and, once he’d seen describes how the school’s IT pockets of dropped signal around Council did the upgrade in stages, got on. Airhead by Hampshire County it in action, described it as much has been transformed. the school. Our old laptops were with the first fix taking place in the Council as a central part of the better than he’d imagined. Our IT was not in good shape when heavy and no fun to use. A lot of the Autumn half term 2014. During this Liss Junior School in East Hampshire TITCH programme. desktop computers were over six Warren and his team feel they’ve we signed up with HSS; you could say period new cabling was installed was the first school to join the pilot She said: “Airhead is especially years old. been too distracted by the major we were living in the “Dark Ages” as ready for the main installation in February 2015. beneficial in multi agency and multi building work at the school to fully far as technology was concerned. We Like many schools, we had very little period which took place during Headteacher Andy Burford disciplinary teams working with make the most of the pilot, but were at full data capacity which made money to spend on upgrading our the two weeks of the Easter immediately saw the advantage complex needs and dynamics. he has recognised the benefits of the IT systems slow and we were in out-of-date infrastructure and new 2015 holiday. of using Airhead to launch locally Airhead’s integrating and cross- danger of our IT simply failing. equipment. installed apps and share resources. The upgrade provided new servers platform features. He created his own launchpads and It has great potential to support HSS provided us with the answer to and switches, a new wireless tiles, recreating many of his Windows “learning, support teaching and to Phil Dawson, commercial director our dreams: giving us the ability to network, new laptops for teachers Desktop shortcuts to make them support wellbeing across a range at Airhead Education, added: “For all transform our IT by spreading the and the majority of the desktop easier to organise and access. of schools. It has merits for all users our pilot schools, the number one cost through a five year contract. computers were replaced. The in a school community and we are Hampshire IT team were able to During the pilot, Airhead was benefit of Airhead was being able to excited about seeing how it can solve share resources with other users. set up a solution for the music tailored to Andy’s needs with some problems which we have been looking department’s Apple Mac Suite so useful tile icons created for some for solutions to for a long time. “It’s important for children to be able that they could be used with the of the services he and his team to get onto the internet and access HSS system. regularly use such as SIMS, SAP and what they want quickly. There’s a Berrywood Primary School in Hedge the Hampshire schools intranet. They time and a place for using Google to End, Southampton, also recognised” noticed that these Citrix applications find things but that’s not every time the benefits of using Airhead. The loaded faster from Airhead than from you want them to load an online school already makes extensive use of the Windows Desktop. resource. Using Airhead helps the web-based tools to support teaching classroom get to the learning more A benefit of Airhead is that it provides and learning, and social media like quickly and to eradicate potential SSO (Single Sign-on) authentication, Twitter to communicate with parents. errors when typing long addresses. meaning users can access multiple This means sharing and organising applications with one set of login resources to users and groups is credentials. For the trial, Andy and especially valuable. Technology is only useful if it helps his staff used their personal Gmail improve learning outcomes and accounts to logon but schools will Like several of the pilot schools, “ Airhead does just that by enabling normally use Office 365, Google Berrywood chose not to integrate teachers to share resources with Apps for Education, or Airhead can Airhead through its EDU user account, pupils; extend learning beyond the even connect directly to a school’s but instead accesses the system classroom; and embed technology management information system. through its Office 365 domain. in lessons. Another early participant in the was another pilot was Prospect School in Havant in the pilot scheme. Warren Brand, For more information about Airhead, which specialises in the education Assistant Headteacher, Operations and Systems, was intrigued by the schools should” call 01225 667499 of children with special education or visit and behavioural needs. In the future potential of Airhead’s software

18 IT Service Desk 01962 847007 19 The whole installation process went very smoothly with minimal disruption to the school. The staff were HSS – What’s the process? Work experience at hardly aware of the works taking place. The school registers its interest with the Hampshire County Council IT Service Desk. The ongoing onsite support Matthew Wedgwood, a year 11 student at has been another benefit of An IT Account Manager visits to discuss the school’s in Winchester spent HSS. We already had an IT IT plan and detailed requirements. This includes a two weeks with the IT team at Hampshire technician employed by the review of the existing IT estate (hardware, software, County Council last term. This is his account school, Demetrius Lawrence, wireless, etc) to determine what can be re-used of his time there. who transferred to the IT with HSS and what needs replacing at the outset or All year 11 pupils at Henry Beaufort School need to have a department at Hampshire during the contract lifetime. For larger schools we fortnight’s work experience at a workplace they’ve chosen, County Council. Demetrius will also discuss possible transfer of existing IT as long as the organisation can take them. still works onsite at the staff to HCC under TUPE arrangements. school, but will now benefit I willingly accepted the opportunity to get my work Following this visit the school will receive an from specialist professional experience at Hampshire County Council’s IT department at indicative HSS proposal based on a 5 year cost development with good the beginning of this academic year. plan. Wherever possible we will aim to ensure a career prospects. Hampshire IT employed another consistent annual IT charge to aid school budget A tour of the Data Centre by Richard Maple at the Council technician, Michael Atkinson, to join the onsite team. gave me a clear insight on the extent of technology’s planning. Schools have the option to purchase We are very pleased with how well HSS manage their potential. Technology plays a huge role in our everyday lives any new equipment upfront or spread the costs staff. It is very reassuring to have the benefit of not and is constantly being pushed to make developments that throughout the contract term. only the onsite team, but the extensive specialist people possibly couldn’t have imagined. If the school moves to the next stage, we will knowledge and backup support of the whole I spent my first two days with Keith Walkley and Josh HSS team. arrange detailed professional surveys (hardware, Parker at the IT Service Desk; this is where people call when electrical, wireless, etc) to inform the final cost Previously we were often faced with unforeseen they’re having problems with their IT which are beyond maintenance expenses, and the new HSS contract model. We anticipate this will be very similar to their power to solve. The IT Service Desk is able to advise now means our maintenance budget has reduced as the indicative proposal. Of course this depends on technology users to resolve any incidents. the contract includes all servicing and maintenance. the accuracy of the school information provided during the initial consultation. If the incident can’t be solved there and then, the task of We initially thought we would need to purchase a solving a customer’s issue is passed on to second level number of new interactive white boards, but HSS Following acceptance of the final cost model support. Second level support is split into corporate managed to fix several of the boards meaning we we will move to implementation. A Hampshire support and school support and I spent the following day only had to replace a small number of them. County Council project manager will coordinate in corporate support with Ed Tomlinson and Alex Baker the overall implementation and, wherever where any support related to the services of the Hampshire As well as staff, students now have the benefit of a possible, arrange the work during school County Council is given. faster and more reliable infrastructure with modern holidays to minimise disruption. equipment, which they clearly appreciate and After the weekend I went to visit Dave Berry and James their pride in the new This will include all necessary electrical and wireless Regan at a site called The Beach Hut which is within schools equipment is obvious. works (including asbestos checks), ordering and second level support where I went on site visits around the installing all new hardware and software, user area to fix any technical problems. I particularly enjoyed The new IT system has account provisioning, and so on. A Hampshire this part of my work experience placement because it was made a difference to the County Council technician will be onsite for the much more interactive. whole school. The next first few days following go live to manage any The remainder of my time was spent on site, learning about stage of our upgrade immediate issues and queries. common services provided to schools and workplaces is to purchase a set of around the area such as hardware and networking. iPads, which the old A Hampshire County Council technician will visit infrastructure would not each month to manage any outstanding issues Overall, my time at the Hampshire County Council IT have supported. The new infrastructure has also and help the school get the best out of HSS. In the The new IT department was an educational two weeks and the made it possible to upgrade the school website and meantime schools should report any support calls experience I have gained will, I hope, prove useful in my telephone system. And we have finally been able through the normal channels. system has made future career. to go ahead with introducing a biometric cashless The school is also assigned a named IT Account Steve Riddle, Schools IT Business Partner at Hampshire system in the school canteen, which has made the Manager who will maintain regular contact and “a County Council said: “We were delighted to give canteen even more popular. be an escalation point for any issues not resolved Matthew the opportunity to find out what it’s like to work in the IT department of a big organisation like Each one of the IT team at Hampshire County Council through the standard support routes. to the whole Hampshire County Council. has been amazing to work with and I would wholly recommend moving to HSS. It has been one of the school “These work placements for Hampshire pupils are the best things we have done. result of the good working relationships we have with our region’s schools.” 20 ” IT Service Desk 01962 847007 21 Destination Africa for Hampshire school A group of 27 pupils and now have access to shared laptops African Adventures) has changed – Nick Mirchandani teachers from The Westgate and are able to practise their their outlook on life and hope to School in Winchester helped two keyboard skills and use software continue to help schools in Africa. Ghanaian schools improve their packages for real. As a governor at Kings School in In my work I think the move to CAD It’s clear IT is having a huge Winchester for nearly two years, hasn’t had a negative effect on the impact in schools in terms of ICT resources when they visited The school also raised £1,000 which as well as being an architect industry. But there are some things the curriculum but changes in last term. was used to pay for the materials and a father of two, what is you can’t do on a computer. If you technology are also impacting They took 28 refurbished laptops for windows and doors to finish a Nick’s perspective of changing try to do everything on CAD, you’ll massively on school design and donated by Hampshire County kindergarten classroom which can technology? lose out. I still believe that when layout. In the past schools needed Council to enable pupils in now be used so the classes don’t you manipulate a pencil or a pen, it dedicated IT suites with cooling. the school to have practical have to be held outside. I admit to being completely becomes a thinking tool where it’s Today students are using personal computing lessons. Previously, wedded to technology in my work While in Ghana the group easier to explore ideas. devices and even bringing in their ICT lessons were theory only, with and home life but I wouldn’t say I’m helped render the outside of the own technology so it’s a very fluid pupils having to learn the moves a natural at it. There’s a danger that CAD can make classrooms and screed another time for the impact of technology and keys of a computer from a a design look too finished and too classroom floor. The entire group I’m at an age that when I left on school design. It’s much less book and the blackboard. Classes final when it’s at an early stage felt their trip (organised by university and started work, my restrictive and more liberating. industry, architecture, wasn’t of development. At my practice we tend not to show clients early Technology seems to be heading in computerised. The move from an exciting way for schools allowing drawing boards to computer aided designs in a CAD format, even if we’ve used CAD to create them, education to happen even outside design (CAD) happened very early the school walls. on in my career so I was pretty as it can make the ideas look too comfortable with it. Now I couldn’t finished and polished. It’s far more The process of learning and re- Computing with Special contemplate work without it. engaging to show them a hand- learning we have to go through drawn sketch where they feel they as technology changes, mimics My exposure to cutting-edge IT has can contribute and get involved in changes we’re seeing in the Educational Needs all been through a work route with the design process. workplace. Our children will my home use following. My first use County Inspector/Adviser In the context of some of the visits change and reinvent themselves of anything – other than I’ve been a governor at Kings School Sue Savory reports. Computing can: I made to special schools, I saw throughout their working lives. Spotify and iTunes - has been in in Winchester for nearly two years secondary pupils’ thinking extended now. I do much of my architectural While change and flexibility might Since the launch of the new give students appreciation a work context. seem daunting for older people, curriculum I have had the of what goes on behind by using ‘probots’ to generate work with schools so I have acquired At home we’re entirely Mac based younger people seem to take it in pleasure of visiting some special the scenes drawings of mathematical shapes. a fair bit of knowledge of the sector. which I suppose is pretty common their stride. schools that are delivering The learning was scaffolded by using While this helps me understand move students from for someone in the design field. In computing. In all cases the well thought out prompt sheets issues at the school, you do get a consuming content the past the processing power of work they are doing is not only and questioning. different perspective as a to creating Macs suited designers, although inspirational but aspirational. In some cases pupils were able to parent and a governor. nowadays that isn’t such an issue. through coding promote make their programme more efficient As a consequence I then started I’m like a fish out of water on a PC. directional awareness, by using the repeat command. In researching for resources and ideas My wife used to use PCs at work, sequencing and simple logic the more able year 9 group, pupils for teaching in an SEN environment. but now that she works for herself, were making Lego models with promote literacy and she’s made the move to a Mac. An expert numeracy motors which they then tested using in the field the software provided. In a group of Between the four of us – my of teaching pupils which were largely made up daughter is in the first year at computing He also stresses that computational of children on the autistic spectrum, sixth-form college and my son in in the SEN thinking is only one element of the the quality of talk and collaboration year 9 at secondary school – we environment programme of study and that there significantly supported the learning in use technology a huge amount, is somebody still needs to be an emphasis on the classroom. both for its functionality and as many of digital literacy, IT and online safety. entertainment. My wife and I aren’t you may have heard of – James big users of social media: at least Winchester of Oak Grove College Another resource I discovered I tend to avoid it as I think there in Worthing. He presents at was a website for computing are probably enough opinions out conferences including BETT. If you and ITT ( there already. want to find out more about what computingandITT.) I have checked he has to say go to: http://tinyurl. and updated some of the links to com/senclassroom-wordpress. these resources.

22 IT Service Desk 01962 847007 23 eLearn eTeach – a wealth of practical courses aimed at enabling schools to get the most out of SIMS and ICT

Look for the brochure in your school and at events, or look online at: Hampshire IT Schools Spring 2016 edition is produced by Hampshire County Council The Castle, Winchester SO23 8UJ 0300 555 1375


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