Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Mother by Catherine Wells Mother Grimm by Catherine Wells. The story is set at of the twenty-first century. A virus, called "CM," has devastated the Earth's population since it appeared decades ago. The virus has a long incubation period of 15 to 20 years. Therefore, children can still live long enough to have more children, and so there are still people about. Before the plague took the worst of its toll, a group built a sealed "biodome" in the plains of New Mexico. There, people live lives of normal length, but even inside there are isolated cases of the virus. Consequently, people live with almost face-to-face contact, and in constant fear of becoming ill. The medical staff in the biodome has evolved into a privileged class that effectively runs the entire government. It is inside the biodome that we are introduced to Twila Grimm, a bright young woman who knows that she is unusual in some way. A fast- developing romance with a doctor leads her to learn that the Medical Authority is performing terribly unethical experiments on her in the attempt to find a cure. To stop these experiments, she flees outside the biodome. She encounters two very different indigenous populations outside, both of which seem more like caricatures of cultures than anything realistic. While outside, she schemes and plots of a way to bring the corrupt head of the biodome's Medical Authority to justice. The concept is interesting enough that it could almost compensate for the stilted writing and shallow characters. Unfortunately, the book has an even deeper flaw. Despite holding a day job managing a technology library for a large company, Wells apparently is not good at research. She has fundamental flaws in her understanding of virology, immunology, genetics, and computer networking. Therefore, I found my enjoyment of the story ruined by mistakes that a quick perusal of a freshman-level college textbook would have corrected. Since these subjects are fundamental to the plot, the whole story falls down as a completely unbelievable farce. If you know nothing about these subjects, you may still enjoy Mother Grimm despite its other faults. However, with the large number of excellent science fiction books out there, I suspect that most people would be happier spending their dollars elsewhere. James Seidman is a busy technology manager at a Fortune 500 company, who needs the excuse of doing book reviews to give himself time to read. He lives with his wife, daughter, two dogs, and twenty-seven fish in Naperville, Illinois. Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books. See how BookTrackr lets you customize WWEnd to reflect YOUR reading history. BookTrackr highlights the books you've read, your favorites, what you're reading now and what you want to read next. Mother Grimm. This book does not appear to be part of a series. If this is incorrect, and you know the name of the series to which it belongs, please let us know. Synopsis. A young woman raised within the sterile limits of a Biodome longs to be free. taking her chances Outside, a place where the victims of a devastating virus dwell. But even greater dangers await Outside: the warring factions that have turned the once-beautiful mesas into a slaughterground, the Edgewalkers who tread a fine line between sanity and madness, and the astonishing truth about her own destiny, which may trigger the ultimate destruction of both worlds! Excerpt. No excerpt currently exists for this novel. Be the first to submit one! Reviews. There are currently no reviews for this novel. Be the first to submit one! You must be logged in to submit a review in the BookTrackr section above. Images. No alternate cover images currently exist for this novel. Be the first to submit one! Catherine Schade. Catherine raised Adalind. She can to visit her, on the eve of the unfolding of her plan, to get hold of Nick's key by bewitching Hank's partner. However after Adalind failed, and her powers stripped, she was merciless, insensitive, and unsympathetic, so she had no problems disowning her daughter. After Adalind cursed Juliet, Sean went to Catherine to try and find a cure, Catherine revealed despite disowning her, she was sorry for her daughters fate, and felt Nick had killed her rather than simply stripping of her powers. She also blamed Sean for some of the mistakes Adalind made. She managed to produce a way to wake Juliet up, and gave it Sean. Before she was attacked by Kelly Burkhart, demanding answers for Juliet's condition. The Hexinbiest refused to talk, only revealing there was a royal living in Portland. The two descended into a fight, at the fights peak Kelly accidentally threw Catherine into a giant mirror, impaling her neck and killing her. Kelly Burkhardt. Kelly Burkhardt (née Kessler) (1960-2015) was a Grimm, the sister of Marie Kessler, the widow of Reed Burkhardt, and the mother of Nick Burkhardt. She first appeared in "". Contents. Background [ edit | edit source ] Kelly the night Marie picked Nick up. Kelly was, along with her husband Reed, believed to have been killed by Soledad Marquesa in 1994 in Rhinebeck, New York. Her son, Nick, was taken in by her sister, Marie, soon before the accident occurred. After the accident, Marie told Nick that his parents had died in an auto accident. However, it was revealed in "Bad Teeth" that it wasn't her that had been in the crash, it was her good friend, Gina Serafini, who Reed was driving to the airport. She went on the run to further the belief that she had been killed. Appearances [ edit | edit source ] Season 1 [ edit | edit source ] "Woman in Black" [ edit | edit source ] A mysterious woman was seen in the shadows spying on Akira Kimura, the only surviving member of the four Schakals who were suspects in Kelly's murder and who had continued to search for the Coins of Zakynthos. Sergeant Wu and another officer tracking Kimura found her leaving his hotel room, from where she escaped after a brief fight with Sergeant Wu. She showed up again at Nick's house when Nick was fighting Kimura, who she incapacitated. She then turned to Nick and called him "Nicky," to which Nick replied, "Mom?" Season 2 [ edit | edit source ] "Bad Teeth" [ edit | edit source ] Kelly assisted Nick Burkhardt with his investigation into the attacks by the Mauvais Dentes. Nick took her to Marie's Trailer, which she told Nick that she and Marie bought when their father became ill. Kelly showed Nick the surviving page of one of the original Grimm Diaries and explained the history of the Grimms going back to the Fourth Crusade. Later, after Nick told her about the key, Kelly told him that someone in Portland knew who he was. When Nick received a telephone call about Marnassier from Special Agent Kanigher, Kelly accompanied her son to the lumber mill to assist in the confrontation. "" [ edit | edit source ] Kelly helped Nick subdue Marnassier and struck the fatal blow with a knife in Marnassier's throat. She went to the hospital with Nick while he administered the potion prepared by Rosalee; she helped hold the medical staff at bay while Nick worked. Kelly later confronted Catherine Schade, who told her that she did not have anything to do with Adalind's plan, but Kelly persisted in terrorizing her and grabbed her neck. Catherine told Kelly there was a prince in Portland but refused to disclose his name. Kelly and Catherine fought, and Kelly threw her into a mirror, causing one of the broken pieces of glass to slice Catherine's neck, which killed her before Kelly could learn the identity of the prince. Realizing that things had become too dangerous for her in Portland, as she had now murdered too many people, Kelly took the Coins of Zakynthos, apparently with the goal of returning them to the island and destroying them. After a tearful goodbye, Nick took Kelly to Union Station so she could take a train out of Portland. Once Nick drove away, she did not go inside the station. Instead, she stole a car by using a slim-jim to unlock the door. Season 3 [ edit | edit source ] "" [ edit | edit source ] Kelly was hired by the Laufer to facilitate the exit of Adalind Schade and her baby from Europe. She arrived at the meeting place early enough to see agents of the Verrat arrive. Once she was sure that the Verrat were after Adalind and her baby, she killed four of them. On the aircraft she checked the box of supplies and realized that they were headed for Brazil. She told the that since the Verrat were waiting at the pick-up point, they would likely be at the landing site and changed the landing site to near Portland. On the ground in Portland, she stole a truck and took herself, Adalind, and the baby to Nick and Juliette's home for safety. When she arrived, Nick told her about his and Juliette's history with Adalind and reminded her that she had killed Adalind's mother. When Adalind left Nick and Juliette's home, Kelly went with Nick to Sean Renard's home to find Adalind. "" [ edit | edit source ] Kelly saw Weston Steward arrive to Renard's condo building and followed him in. She watched and listened in as Weston showed a picture of Adalind to the building guard at the front desk and asked if he had seen her in the building recently. When Weston went back to his car, Kelly surprised him and slammed his head into the car, knocking him out. When Nick came out of the building, Kelly told him about Weston and the fact that he was an FBI agent. She took Nick to Weston's car and told Nick that he knew Adalind was upstairs with Renard, and the two guys Weston sent around back knew too. Upstairs, when one of the men tried to hide around the corner near the staircase, Kelly ran up the stairs and made the man shoot himself with his gun before throwing him over the railing. Outside Monroe and Rosalee's house, Kelly's locket floated out of her pocket into the baby's hands. Inside the house, Adalind asked Kelly if she wanted her locket back, but she said the baby could keep it. When everyone left the house, Kelly told Renard that the biggest mistake Adalind made was coming to him, and as long as he had his child, he, Adalind, and the baby would all be vulnerable the rest of their lives. At Weston's house, Kelly watched as Renard interrogated him. After the interrogation, Kelly went with Nick back to his house to meet Hank to get him caught up on everything. Later that night, the baby was crying, and Adalind couldn't get her to stop. All the clocks in Monroe's house went wild as the baby started crying harder. Suddenly, she stopped crying and the clocks calm down. Monroe asked what just happened as Kelly walked into the living room. The next morning, multiple police cars pulled up in front of Monroe's home as Rosalee and Monroe were about to start making breakfast. Kelly sensed something was going on and went to look out the window. She saw the cops and ran back to everyone as cops burst in all the doors to arrest her for the murder of Catherine Schade. Kelly was in the interview room when Adalind arrived, thinking she was giving a statement. Adalind asked what Kelly was doing there, and Kelly said she wanted to talk to her because at the very least, she owed her an explanation. Kelly told Adalind that she was looking for her the day Catherine died because of what she did to Juliette. Kelly said that Catherine wouldn't say anything, so she had to make her because her other choice was to let Juliette die. Adalind responded that she was angry at Nick because he took her powers. Adalind then asked why they were having this conversation, and Kelly said she had to give up Nick because of who she was, and if she hadn't done so, he might have been killed. Adalind told her that was her problem, and if she was looking for forgiveness, she didn't have any. Kelly said she wasn't looking for forgiveness, but she wanted Adalind to understand that "sometimes we have to sacrifice what we love most." Adalind then ran out of the room as she suddenly realized what was going on. That night, Kelly was among the masked group who went to get Diana back before Viktor left Portland. After they got her, Kelly told Renard it had to be done, and he said he hoped she was right. The next day, Kelly was driving a truck that Nick and Juliette found online with Diana in a car seat next to her. Diana's toy keys floated into the air, and Kelly told Diana she was going to have to teach her not to do that in public and smiled. Season 4 [ edit | edit source ] "" [ edit | edit source ] Kelly arrived at Nick and Juliette's home, thinking Nick was in danger because of an email Juliette had sent her. ("You Don't Know Jack") Before getting out of her car, she called Nick's house. Juliette answered the phone and said, "Thank God you're here," adding that she was home, but Nick was not there. Kelly then got out of her car and approached Nick's house with Diana in her arms. She entered the home and asked for Juliette but was soon ambushed by several Verrat agents lurking nearby. They began fighting, and landing blows and screams could be heard from Nick and Juliette's bedroom, where Juliette was standing. Kenneth was then heard saying, "Let's take this outside," and soon thereafter, the fight quieted down. Kenneth soon reentered the home with blood spatter on his face and told Juliette, who had made her way downstairs and found Diana, "We got her," referring to Kelly. Moments later at the spice shop, Trubel showed up and told Nick that something big was happening at his house and that there were a lot of people there. Hank, Trubel, and Nick then left for the house and walked in to find that nobody was there. Trubel then saw a closed cardboard box with blood on the floor underneath it. She pointed it out to Nick, who then opened it up and found Kelly's decapitated head inside it. The reality of this shocking discovery quickly hit him hard, as he backed up against a dresser and slid down to a seated position. Nick then screamed, "No!" multiple times in panicked horror and anguish. Personality [ edit | edit source ] Kelly was not at all concerned with breaking the law or whether the police found her actions criminal. When hunting, Kelly was ruthless, and she held a dislike towards Wesen. Not surprisingly then, she was shocked when she learned Nick was friends with two, although after spending some time with them and seeing how much Nick trusted them, she was willing to extend some friendliness to Monroe and Rosalee and seemed to slightly rethink her views. She held a great hatred for the Royal Houses, as they were guilty of much of the turmoil in the world. She was secretive and likely felt that Nick wasn't ready to know everything about her mission, as demonstrated by her fooling him into thinking she got on a bus at the station, when she really stole a car to leave. Despite that, she made it clear she deeply loved her son and just wanted him safe. ("Woman in Black") ("Bad Teeth") ("The Kiss") Mother Grimm by Catherine Wells. Mass Market Paperback. Condition: Good. Connecting readers with great books since 1972. Used books may not include companion materials, some shelf wear, may contain highlighting/notes, may not include cdrom or access codes. Customer service is our top priority!. Mother Grimm. Wells, Catherine. Published by Roc, 1997. Used - Softcover Condition: Good. Mass Market Paperback. Condition: Good. Connecting readers with great books since 1972. Used books may not include companion materials, some shelf wear, may contain highlighting/notes, may not include cdrom or access codes. Customer service is our top priority!. Mother Grimm. Wells, Catherine. Published by Roc, 1997. Used - Softcover Condition: Good. Mass Market Paperback. Condition: Good. Connecting readers with great books since 1972. Used books may not include companion materials, some shelf wear, may contain highlighting/notes, may not include cdrom or access codes. Customer service is our top priority!. Mother Grimm. Wells, Catherine. Published by Penguin Publishing Group, 1998. Used - Softcover Condition: Good. Condition: Good. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the inside. Mother Grimm. Wells, Catherine. Published by Roc, 1997. Used - Softcover Condition: Good. Mass Market Paperback. Condition: Good. Connecting readers with great books since 1972. Used books may not include companion materials, some shelf wear, may contain highlighting/notes, may not include cdrom or access codes. Customer service is our top priority!. Mother Grimm. Wells, Catherine. Published by PEN, 1997. Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Paperback. Condition: Very Good. Mother Grimm. Wells, Catherine. Published by ROC Books, 1997. Used - Softcover Condition: Good. Mass Market Paperback. Condition: Good. No Jacket. Standard used condition. Reading copy or better. Used Book. Mother Grimm. Wells, Catherine. Published by Roc, 1997. Used - Softcover Condition: Good. Mass Market Paperback. Condition: Good. No markings. Historic Oklahoma Bookstore on Route 66. Packages shipped daily, Mon-Fri. Mother Grimm. Catherine Wells. Published by Roc Penguin, United States, 1997. Used - Softcover Condition: Very Good. Mass Market Paperback. Condition: Very Good. 1st Edition. Spine tight and square with faint stress lines noticeable. Very few very slight creases or bends in the cover. Pages mostly white. Light wear noticeable on extremities. 1st printing. John Pierre Pargete cover. MOTHER GRIMM. Wells, catherine. Published by roc, 1997. Used - Softcover. Paperback. first edition. fine, unread, new looking paperback, Mother Grimm: Signed. Wells, Catherine. Published by New Amer Library, E Rutherford, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1997. First Edition Signed. Used - Softcover Condition: Near Fine. Soft cover. Condition: Near Fine. 1st Edition. An Excellent Copy - Signed By The Author On The Title Page. A First Edition, First Printing. Book Is In Near Fine Condition. Boards Are Clean, Not Bumped. Fore Edges Have A Tiny Bit Of Shelf Wear. Interior Is Clean And Legible. Not Remaindered. Thanks And Enjoy. Signed by Author(s). Book. Mother Grimm. Wells, Catherine. Published by Roc (MM) 1997-10-27, 1997. Used - Softcover Condition: Good. Mass Market Paperback. Condition: Good. Item is in good condition. Some moderate creases and wear. This item may not come with CDs or additional parts including access codes for textbooks. Might be an ex-library copy and contain writing/highlighting. Photos are stock pictures and not of the actual item. Mother Grimm (Paperback) Catherine Wells. Published by Phoenix Pick, United States, 2012. New - Softcover Condition: New. Paperback. Condition: New. Language: English. Brand new Book. Twila Grimm has lived her whole life inside the sterile limits of the Biodome, an isolated domed oasis in the middle of a ravaged Earth. *** The outside is world of mystery and disease: where those infected by the deadly CM virus are sent to die. This is a land of disease and death; of warring tribes and half crazed factions that live on the edge of sanity. *** But the outside is also where Twila Grimm's destiny lies. For she is much more than what she appears and the secrets about her own origins may prove to be the world's salvation or its ultimate destruction.