Betting of Board of Health To Talk About the Plant Wizard. street, east ftorn Franklin avenue to Pas­ A LATER CAR saic aveuoe, was referred to the Water The Board of Health held its regular A talk “A Viait With Luther Burbank, :re and there Committee. y ■. . : - monthly meeting on Wednesday night. the Plant Wizard,’’ will be given by Mr. A Little Talk On FOR LATE RIDERS The Milton avenue petition was again Several cases of measles were reported to William J- Kinsley, at the residence of read by the (.leik. Town Attorney Reed! t Items of Genual Interest to Local exist throughout town, but not an unusual Mr. and Mrs. Kiosley on Monday after­ Subject fT.i " . ' examined it and decided it wasnot yet: The of (i‘ : v"’ Readers, number for this season of the year. An noon, May 3, Mr. Kinsley has had special Ask For All Night Service and Get Hour in proper ■ form. The signatures on the ordinance to establish a bureau of vital opportunities for observing the work of fy- E. J. Mitchell, of Philadelphia, Pa., Mr. Burkbank, having met the "Plant Concession. document are largely made by an X. An. ICE CREAM statistics in connection with tbe Board, jpt the Easter holidays with friends in Wizard” at the San Frandsco Flower Councilman Halsey reported to the , affidavit is required from the person who! was passed to its second reading. Final Show and upon invitation visited him at action on the proposed ordinance will be Town Coundl on Wednesday night that ^as witness to the mark made; .j A. good tnapy factors enter into his Santa Rosa home. A San Francisco the ■ sa tisfactory sup plying of ice cream,' -V. and Mrs. F. C. Fries ell, of Pittsburg,' taken, at the next regular meeting of the daily paper, recorded the meeting of Mr. beginning with Thursday the Public Ser­ Councilman DeVries put up an objec­ Board, " The first essentials are* .quality of In-, M Quests of Miss Myrtle A. Hoey, of Kinsley with Mr. Burbank, and with the vice Corporation had promised to give a tion that as a member of the Road Com-! gredients 'and cleanliness. in the:; Californian desire to boom, stated “that mittee he;had not seen the petition. ,j making. . . nklin avenue. Mr. Kinsley’s fifteen acre New Jersey later nigbt service to Nutley. The last Improvers Will Hold Rally. car from Newark will - leave Broad and The Mayor said that the petition should! The New Jersey Ice Cream Co. SMisa Elizabeth Rinehart, of Baltimore, grounds were planted mainly with Bur­ control their own dairies.-thus insuring bank specialties’’ referring to Mr. Kins­ Market streets at 1.54*"a. to., and the last first have been submitted to the Road is a guest of Mr. and Mis. J. H. The Nutley Improvement Society will a plentiful supply Of rich, heavy cream. ley's few experimental plantings of the ear for Newark will leave the comer of Committee. ‘ ' . " The other ingredients used are all ,of Ber, of Beech street, hold a “ Membership Kally " ou Wednes­ Burbank products on his Nutley home Franklin avenue and Kingsland street at Councilman DeVries aaid lie would like the best quality, and as the ice cxSatn; day, April 21, at 3.30 p. m. at the home grounds. T he Misses Anna and Louise Gray of 2.37 a. m. : ■ to know the. cost of carting the cracked is ail made in their own factory with of Mrs. Ramon Alfonzo, on Kingsland the most modern machinery and under : j Brooklyn, who bave been visiting Mrs. A, stone from the quarry at Great Notch. street. AU ladies interested in the work Dance at Fortnightly Clubhouse. The Counoilmen seemed to think they the Cleanest of conditions, the product ! £ . Cooper, of Centre street, haveretumed being done by the society will be wel­ had gotten more than was expected and Councihnun Banta wbo is Chairma h; of conforms in every respect to the staiul- ) home. ; come. It is expected that the results al­ The dance tendered to Mr. and Mrs. A. directed the clerk to acknowledge the the Road Committee, said it was eighty ard laid down by the Pure. Food Law;' ready accomplished by the society will be B, Starges, in appreciation of their efforts cents per ton. : ' ;.. No matter how good ice cream The Nutlet Sun acknowledges the cour­ courtesy, reviewed and plans for the future dis­ in connection with the’subscription dances may be when it leaves the manufact­ tesy of the Rev. John Ogden Winner Former Councilman Dittig told -the Councilman DeVries said "he had been urer. if it is . soft and mushy when it cussed. during the winter, held at the Fortnightly tilIn forwarding to this office a copy of the Counrilmen that oiling portions of the unable to obtain this Information until reaches your table, is not satisfact­ Clubhouse last night, was a very pleasing road beds of Passaic isnd Nutley avenues now. He understood the stone shipped ory. A plentiful supply of ice. and Methodist year book for the year 1903. Surprised Hiss Vreeland. function. Favors for both ladies and salt, with an expert to pack it, keeps gentlemen were presented in the grand last season had been regarded as a suc­ was not weighed. A certificate of weight Dudley Booth, son of R. W. Booth has Miss Cora L, Vreeland, of 456 Franklin should; be given with each load. He our cream in the pink of condition, march, which was led by Mr. and Mrs. cessful operation by himself and ‘others firm and hard, r ■ v been elected captain of the drill corps of avenue, was given a surprise party by a Sturgea. At 12 o’clock twenty couples ■wanted to be able Kt intelligently pass who had financed the plan. This year upon bills requiring his signature.' , Another point is. we have it al­ th e Reformed Church Sunday-school. The number of friends on Tuesday evening. sat down tosupper in the balcony on the ways on hand and: can .supply any west end of the’ ballroom. Dancing they propose to repeat the oiling. Mr. , It was explained that the scales at the zation will meet for drill this She was not at home when the visitors Dittig said if the town would stand half quarry was temporarily ®ut of order. quantity you want when you want it. continued until about 3 a. m. : We make no extra charge for % arrived, but returned shortly afterward. of the expense incurred the property-own- The Mayor said as the stone was. , pur­ Guests came from Arlington, Jersey City, chased by the ton a certificate of and is coal of quality, which means Here we are after you again on the curb ^t her residence on Edgewood ^ NUTLEY THEIR IIOMK IS GROWING IJVRGER EACH YEAR. ' ‘ jiey saving. Now because the price is feed because it is important that THE OFFICE OF avenue Was read. The clerk was in­ fer than it will be any time this year. structed to inform hex that the town has you have good feed for your animals I , V V:! : : I ; W: G, STOVE and NUT COAL are now no jurisdiction over the thoroughfare as It '3 per ton and delivered before the and fowls. We have the best and L0WRIE DEXTERis not an accepted street. M We have several very dearable houaes-in NUTLEY £ARK,S e goes up. Don’t letthe summer nass our prices are tight. Give us a triai The resignation of Arthur Stager from : t f PROSPECT HEIGHTS and LAKESIDE TRACT in course of con-1 iout putting in your coal as it is for your OatB, Com, Hay, Poultry or Yantacaw Engine Co. was accepted. The’ ier to get good coal in summer than Pigeon Food and you will remain SPENCER COAL names of Joseph Werner to become at­ M struction, to sell at $4,000 to $8,000 each. ' No better built or finer! tinter. Nail the prices now. with us ^ satisfied customer. Will be removed to tached to West Nutley IIosc Co., arid; Ml M designed houses are to be found for the money. They contain all I J. Callahan and W. J, Brewn to Yanta- ||S modem conveniences and are a>nveniently/arranged1 artistic and® No. $75 Franklin Ave. caw Engine Co., were teferred to the Fire M complete in every respecL Committee...... ; ; w y OUR HdUSES USUAIJLY SELL BEFORE COMPLETION. 5 A communication was read from the N0TLEY COAL & SUPPLY CO. Tuesday, March 30 Board of Health saying it approved of An early se^wtion of those now building will be advisable. ' ; J. H. HILLER, Manager the recommendations made by the Com­ Orders also received a t the yard opposite mittee oil the Free Collection of Garbage, LEY REALTY COMPANY West Nutley Station Office: Ashes,-etc. Recontmerwlntion was made >iutley, N. J'. , v 99 Nassau Street, New.Yc Pbqhb 167 ' ...! that the plan be considered when the West Nutley Plaza budget was taken up. : V -v'i. ;; : A petition for w»ter mains on Harrison f&l ' w m

■ .-'Y'.

An Author's Initials, TH E TU HN 'O F THE ROAD. ijhough tia9eo«oerted, Oramfana Abbott <01 Ly ot bicdciog tjie : rtsJht imea far tiha f Initials are sometimes the resort of stood tiy her suns. " K e (has er eat TigHt TV^rk. -He induced a ‘'book ,far- tbe writer who ts nnxious to conceal (By Alice Rollitt Coe.) gtfts," She repeated. 1 : moi’'' tesm Louisiar.11 to oarne isto tiie liis Identity, and a through any Soft, gray buds on the willow, ' . She *aid th at frw.vK'ntly; indeed, Cacoliiia mountains and take ehtarge ana of t'ie 7 00 volumes that comprise "Warm, moist winds from the bay, so irectuently th a t (halt in earnest, the o t tLtte'SfieW's, flocks and ihcitds. . T hat ^K <«0Sf For Catarrh o i Hie Tlirji the catalogue of the British il use urn Sea-gulls out on -the ■sandy iieaPh, otli&r -guests took it up, -atipbuis it to eleven h-ears ago, and until ArKhiir - . . . Years’ Sta ' And a road my yager feet mnild reach, reudins -room will (list-over some Phil wJiether 'he chanced to lie, sl us­ 0. Wheeler 'began riding tup .and-dawn ^ feji ; “I v*as afflicted for two: strange inslanct-s. A theological Tliut leads to the Far-a.way, ing “Ann is Laurie,” or playing the hitis ar.^1 th o u g h bhe tbattoins he catarrh of the throat. At Ibook entitled ■ “Inquiry Into Hie “catdh,’1 or exMhitirfET, Siis aecomiilis!)- had never iknown otf a^JouJture e-vee^t very slight, but every cold-lf Meaning of Demoniacks in tile New Dust ou the -wayside ikiwer, > inouts as a 611*11 er, when - be spelled from thie 'printed pages. (Ho te&ted . .STAI^g ON TAB^' TjTNEN:. It worse. ' ■' - ■' '' ■' - . ■ -Y-- _ Testament,” is attributed to T. P. A. The mea-donMla^kfi luring tone every word with tihe same letters— the soil of tihe few little worn-out ■ (Never 'having, seen my ■wao* of i-e- “I followed your d?r«,otioti| P. O. A. P.. I. C. O. S. Ita real author Is silent now, jroni tiie [grasses, tipped “■c-a-t.” The guests admitted tbat pkmtationa on the estate and ihe ei- Tras a certain Arthur Sykes, anil the W ith dew at the 'diawn, t i e ipeai'ls mo7lDg stains from table linen I offer very short time 1 began to Cora also bad great gifts—although aiMnenl /tihe ■h.lftaideB. He Jirought fn- it for the benefit of the Post readers. initials reveal Ms position as "the : have slipped— it "was true 'that wiien, following (her to play Iris knowledge of fertilizing took one Lottie and am ti precentor and prebendary of Alton Par bave 1 fared alnne, iFor coffee, psnr 'boiling hot water my second, I can safely say Ibrotiier'5 lead, she would assert tihai ’'th e earth, of cmp rotation, of the fod- tiiroiigh the sta ia and t'heiL push it “Borealis in the church, ot Salisbury. ' . ■ ' ■ a ' ' “I can stand on M>‘ Jhead, too,’1 al­ throat arid head are cleareif! dar and Br-ain vrhi&i might grow ifcere, down in the w ater ifor ;l few minutes <—Load-on Chronicle. And tihen, (by the alder tib'-cket ways collapsed in confusion and tarrh at the present time, bt and especially of the liye stock ■wthiidbj until the Stain disappears, -then’-rinse Tihe turn oE th e to ad—and -you! tears. ' . ■ ■ " . magtit flhtlye oaid yield a profit. He continue to take my usual^de ?o Lacking. tn clear water. _ Treat 'fruit stains the ThnugtL tbe earth lie ,s, itooik it as a (hogs and poii.'fry, and tJiat tilie (product and jt -wlu disa,ppear In a - low ml n- tendant: "Have you no skull of crying feet, m atter oE course. “Well, rwe !kaew of fflw soil abaoJd be first for their utes; if dry it may tata a few irii-n- Siberian RiV*^ Well Ulgh Oliver Cromwell.” ■What do ■we care—two two! it iong sigo," ihe said. "But mhat ■beneflt, Kites m ore w ith & little nJbbin®.—Bos­ 1 One. of the most romarkabj “No, madam," replied the attend­ From Scribner's Magazine. makes ’em seem so dumpish, tonigfht?” So t i e to re thills (became 'pastures ant. “W e’ve never had one." ton P o st. . .■ . . - . '.. tures of~ the Russian naviaM "Cora complained afibeingcold, so I and lota ttor tihe swine to -range, am»»ists in the| “How -very odd!1’ she exclaimed, put ?her to ted early," Mrs. Temrey 2SHS2S2S2SHSc!5H5HSH525HSHSa5S5S5HSl Ejielters being, o£ course, (provided. ; EOOS TO PRESERVE. oiigh way In which eadi verst q “Tliey -have n fine one in the museum, answered, “I think there's nothing the nt Oxford!’’—Ijadic3’ Home Journal, The poultry farm nwas atoclced -with, Eggs can ‘bo ib ought ; cheaply in rfevigabla 3000 or -moie is lij master with Phil, except that lie’s record etgg ‘layers of (higit degree, also Eummer, and that is the ibest ttme to T-here is always a lainpipost in . _.., t tired. Hia cou^h—” pigeons, for ■sq.aabs are profltaile. aid liese are painted white FOUND THE CAUSE. The etnre them for 'Winteruse, !svihen tiie The luoiher stopped, started, aud Modem incubators hatched ■chLokers so as t o . (be easily discernible durga clasped her ihan-ds. From the next (pri-ce renders them a ]u±ury. A very the day. This must neeeasitate -t® Sftcr Six Tears of Misery nnd Wrosg hy tihe (hfUTBlreds. EverythtnB. (how­ simple plan ig. to procure:- a large Gifts of .the room there sounded tihe fam iliar cough ever, was conducted on strictly ibuBl- employment of at least 1000 iij" T reatm en t. —this time, (however, H'ith the addi­ ness lines. Baoh Jersey t o t iher awn enrtlieru jar with wide mouth, and keepers, who-also patrol and so: John A. Enders, of Hohertson Ave­ T w i n s . tion of i n unmistaliaibie w.hcop, stall and a ipage in the dairy record. some common salt. Pul a layer of the river’s dep th “within their|]_ nue, Pen Argil, Pa,, suffered Tor six Mr. Tenney rose an'd walked for- Every time she is -milked tiie hiumjbar salt at {bottom, then one' of- eggs, spective beats. Each isolated; years with stinging ^ B y "WaltiST? X,eoi3u S a w y e r w-aril. Phil wasr awaTcei, and smiling. of quarts she giv,es is imaried on the standing them upside down. Then pile must have its guardians, pain in the hack, vio­ EES2SaS2Sa£ES25aSES2SaiH5H5H5E5ZSH5 “Hello, old m an!’’ -the ifattrttr said. recced, as is Also the butter test—tihe more salt and eggs till the jar is fiill, live nearby Ih a log Suit or tw o '.-^| lent trend ache 3 and tie top layer toeing salt. Tihe ja r “Pieutiy of playmates for them "W hat m cough tihat -way?” quantity of 'butter wliidti the cream dizzy spells, and was ‘‘Vat’s Ihow Jdhnny W ard couglhs,” Should bays 0. stone -cover and he assw'ed by a special­ here a t TJi« Ovii.ion'it,1' said iMr, Ten­ ■would make. All the ensilage pr a reddish, trick-iiust had ve ipigeoo, yon know,” Phil added, to tihe egg tunsd she enters a "trap” llltis. Tenney smiled ®nd aighefl, to (burn coal. 1 'have a recipe that “One of those horrid -ohikLren they nest /hy wtwdh dhe ehuts a gate wlhicfi CURED IN ONE DAY sediment. Not satisfied, Mr. Enders She did not lit* to dash ber hus­ will help muny housekeepers, ; To started using Doan's Kidney Pi 13a, m et -when thay ran aimay to tihe band's ihepes, ‘but she iad 'haiil snore heaps iisr a prisoner uivtil the (poultry repair toriefcs whioh iiave <>cen iiroJien “The kidneys began to act more reg­ Swarup," -Hrs. Tenney TOhiapered. But fexperience of the ing enmity of tiie lreepei finds her. 'He loakg at the mim- take 10 cents’ -worth of titaok cement, . V •" ularly,” he says, "and in a. short time her hutlband, having >had the experi­ toer oh the leather tend around ter twins. ' all -prepared;: 5 cents’ worth of plan­ I passed a few gravel stones, I felt ence that (befalls a -boy Tvttro is one of neck, takes the egg, aad -fihen rel&ases “■Perhaps they m ight tstke a notion ter. M is piaster with, w ater, then better right away, and sinee then a -large, family aocuatoni'ed to “cat(Si her, Etadh lisn also has a, record (page, to TMin OiW^ay 'with, it,” fdtue rejoined. m il with the -c.oment. W ash inside have had lio kidney tronhle." BMngs,” was al ready on Ms er, and the num- ■Mean'wOiile, toavin® ju st landed on of stove with salted water to taie the Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a hoi, the other crib. He peered a t -Cora’s trer of eggs she laws in a mon(th or the ilg piazza and cast a critical ashes away. Take [broken pieces and Foster-Milhurn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. far ahead1, lifted ih'ST sleeve, and year erf iher life is noted on the hooks glance about Jitm. Master Phil Ten­ adjust io,stove; then 211 in with tho His Hard Task. ney ihaid already perceived a Qhftmce glanced at a clmibhy arm. at the fsjim -office. "Meaales, I reola>n,” fhe muttered. mixture. If .pieces are missing fill In It is true that while f hold myself, for amusement, and was (preparing to Seventy-five farmhands are needed 'Kie voice Tfas low, 13111 Cona ovev- also. Then Qight .stove. I>q not mi* without mock modesty, the humrhlest ri-amiher donvn the stei>s, to regain the for all pun poses, including the milting, lieard. ; the cement and,(plaster until.ready to . Munyon’s Cold Eemedy Reij of all individuals who have ever been lawn, wliitfh -is dona toy Iha-nid. The creanx- head, throjit and Incgs aliaost iiameofctie-,-,, “if fink Nellie McEntee (had a (measle, eioi itas S’ttuh a mecliaDicfll system that use, for it will dry. Once fixed mrith ly/ Ctiects Severs, etaps DtMliarges a t elected president ot the ’ United "1 fiulc -I’d like to .play wiv vat lit­ this mixture it (will outlast three sets the nose, to^es away all ftrh r./ az^i jnuns States, I yet have a more illtheuit tle boy over vere," he announced, as he too,” dhe murmured, sleepily. in it three men prepare over a. thon- caused by-colds. It cufes Srip and ob* "The Swamp again!” It was Mrs. fiand quarts oi-^nllk daily in hotties, ■of new 'bricks. I 'have tried ovany ettnate Cougha and prevents. Pueiimonia. task to perform than nay oue of them descended. And 3Iiss Cora Tenney, ways and have had new Ibrick-s put in frico 25c. .: "--. Y 6 as ever yet encountered.—From a feis twin, indorsed the sentiment Tenney’s tragic comment. “But mow, in =huttei‘ a-iid in ice cieam, the yield ' Have yoa stiff or ewollen joints, no many times, bnt have not found any­ ter how- chronic? A s k jour dreggipt io r; -y Speech liy Lincoln in 1 SC1. what are we to do?'! she asked. of th e cows averaging ifrotn eight to while she imitated iShe action, "I thing so lasting.-^tNew Haven Regis­ ■ M nij.vou'^ Rheumstism Kemedf' aj:il see f fink I -would, too,” she said. “You’ll 'have to go down and talk to fifteen quarts or more a day. The how qnlckly you will be' cureiC : - . Asheville people wtno hoaet o l ter, . ' ■' ■ . .. t ■ 11 yon hare shy kidney or MadSer turn-® How’s This? The parents raised no ohjection. So the manager, John.” And: 'bravely, if Me g«t Muuyoo’s Kidney Remedy. not joyously, iMr. Tenney went. a Yauderbilt for a milkman tiave to Munyon’s Titallzer tcaiea w eat W e offer One Hundred Dollars Beward far from that, Jlr. Tenney looked after EMBROIDERY BAO. for any case of Catarrh that cannot be Yet the manager was very nice >pay 11 cents a quart ps at -0011106 from strong and . restores lost powers. ' them fondly and proudly. A very nice little embroidery Ihag is cured by H alls Cut.-mil (Jure. a'bont it. “Such things will happen,” flhe Shiny yellow wagons hear ins the _ !<’. J.O heney & Co., Toledo, O. “You Viiotela,” lie sa id .1 “They’ll the said, wiiuh a iMieiful smile, “and ■sign “Biltiiuore Dairy,” and tM n t it nade of cretonne covered with.two . we. the undersigned. liare’kDoim Jj\ J. m ate ifriends >in just about a ■minuto. emibroidery ihoops and finished at the iiwf Fanrt3iiil4Start€Sv £.___ ' Cheney tor tbe lash 15 years, aad believe It'll he tho same with the rest a£ Hie since you’re here, you ma|y iss well is cheap.—Nerw Broadiway Magazine. ew.Moathly of . him perfectly honorable in all business stay, Profcalbly the mischief ihas al- ends with cardboard covered with BaTCaioa, profcBely illu stratem ailed fr & ; we pay / > ll transactions and iiiwucially able to carry clhildi'en ihere, and in less than two cretonne ju st Hhe size nf tiie ihdops, W4T R. R. fate. E, A. STROUT CO., BotjIfeCl. .1 out any obligations made by his firm. days all 'the grown folks an the ply is taikeh tagion, and quite a number wiro toad wihicli.are fastened at ea-cih end to the tHnseu light, but: that in radhnn we; * Bacon—Don't know what he's going This time itm ay lia-Te teen a sisfi. of fnom * the Mal'iquloa "River, twenty escaped, the common disease of child­ ombroidery hoops. -It is vetijy pretty, Btill bave unexplored Qelde ot use* .'i lo do with that boy of his, ■ relief. It was a comfort to know miles northeast o.f Manila. hood no.w took their choice of two. and the eeiwiiig m aterials do not get fulness. .. . ■ ; . ; ’ ,0» Egbert—Why? ■ tflrat, 'vrttiatever tiie twins m igjit do, The w atershed a,liove 'the rponnit at Wit moat of hhe patients and Hielr lost "rt'hen thus proteoted.—New Ha­ This writer believee, widioat isair-ij Bacon—He’s so alow. at any rate Whey ■w’ere miles away divert on covers about 140 square Ing to raise falee bajtes, nurses Che spirit of piiilosofpihy j m - ven Register. , Y Egbert—Perhaps he’ll make a chess from “the Swamp.” mules of mountain and forest and is Tailed. Two or three made slurring will1 cure every form o< nae. 'player of him.—Yonkers Statesman,. The etreial instinct "was very strongly ■witlhd'na'wn froan settlem ent. Prlvats TO >flON'D L-AOK. whether it is a port wine stain, . - developed in Phil and Goto., and since rem arks about "tihat woman’s selfish, property within thiis reservation will carelessneos in -bnngin^ Uhose child­ To mend lace curtains is a very pigmented mole or a feMny intttej- and'Y, TOTAL LOSS OF HAIR In their -own city neighborhood tlhere 'he expropriated, aays the Colonial Re­ tedi-cus taste and all those to whose rodent ulcer which h&e not yleldeii| ■nrere if-flw dhildren oi thoiT own a®e, ren tliere.” -bnt people in general -rsal- view, and the entire 'district wiill bo Seemed Imminent—Scalp Was Very lot this Las fallen Itnow bow 3»ard it to the Finsen light pr the -jC-r^yS;;# they Bonglitcoanipanionshipinamy anil ized th at -Mrs. Ten nay was an linno- freed from ibuman contamination for­ Scaly and Hair Caine Out hy Hand­ ■eeut osfeuter, and governed them­ is. A new and noyel way, and at tho and that too - in two sittings of one.^ fuls— .Scalp t1'! cared .md New every quarter, even the most unsa­ ever. same time waiting a very much bet­ ■hour each. Wonders are also ; acoom-: j vory. Two'days'before, they ibad eli.p- selves aocoiHlingly. Ou their account Hair Giwm by Cuticura^ T!he reeervolr is reet&uiguliar in plan ter appearance to the darn, is the fol­ pllshod in the earSy stages cf epithetJ ped. away 'Prom (home iu the m om tns. she had small cause /or uneasinesB— ‘ "About t.tvo years ago 1 wjis troubled and measures 500 toy 7-64 feet and is 20 lowing method: Draw together as lioma of the lip and tongue.—Brit with my liend being scaly. Shortly after and only returueft to the>ir idlatrauted altiboingh eho did shed tears when dhe feet deep, its capacity is 50,000,000 miicih as ipossi'ble the edses of the net lledic-r.l Journal. " . Y - ...!. that I lind an of typhoid fever and motfoer1 at nightfaill—stiajserlng -uu-flnr Sheai’d that Grandma Abhott iiad be­ gallons, Khe ■water enters throug'h under the torn .place an j tihen, in­ I Iras out of tiie hospital possibly two a htirdfin of wean'-iuess sin-d dirt, ■!ii'm f Jii’st ni >1:iml the !■: s of a concrete lined conduit four and nne- stead of hasting- a. (bit of net nnder The poomed Hansom Cat hearing spoil from the expedition in “Every.body—alm ost everyib0 dy—(has hair, my sr.iin being still scaly. I sUtTted 'haif miles in length, of -wOiicih a small air. 13. S: Strauss, 'W. P., .has el^ tihe iform of 'a. dead pigetv-n, for which toeen just sweet.,” the mgittvev eummed the torn place, haste a piece of light­ to use dandruff cures to nn effect whatever. aroouTit lies near the surface of the weight ;s'-£)er On the wrong side and I had actually lost hope of saving any liair fhey had ^xofumsed a si.lit scarf ■and up thouiglitfully, as the family stood from ti;o Home Secreta^-therri ground and ,was: constructed in an then 'begin the mending ctoi‘ Mr. Ten-ney, w ith the prcverhml den­ duit Ktibks under the hed of the Dulu- durable, and better darn than though imotor cahs nave increased 2.U24. Props, of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass. said it would improve in imo/un-tain air. sity of a mere mau, — fon lyver aad at another St is oar- ■She told 'herself, ton, tihat ia a “■RTliy, people "will never forget,” ihis you bad done it by hand.—Margaret More striking Stiil, nearliy the • One pound of cork is amply sufficient to -ried across a stream by a CO too t con­ ®a.nrlly illotel -wtliore there were many wife explained. “If X ahould coma Sext-ivn, ir. the Newark. Call. Y ot th* c.taage has been . support a mau of ordinary size in the crete arch bridge. In th.e last three years.—Jjendo: water. children, the tiwlns couM satisfy their 'hack ih-ere years fpom now;, fihere’d Tihe "water is carried ifmin fihelhead- Newe. . , .': Y ' Litilies Can Wear Shoos cmvlmg for society Tvihhcnit ta.k!ing ibe somehody to say, ‘That’s the wo­ - HINTS TO HOT'SWKEEPERS. wiorfks to the tunnels (by m eans biTaug,ht. the etok Children and riveted steel pipe line 42 imohes in dl- s i c k n o o r o K - Eaee, a powder. It makes tight cr new chocs ntade suiTeptitious visits to itlbe dnifeet-ed the 'house.’ I know I'd ?o- fire with the boiling water in them easy. Cures swollen, bot, sweating, aching anneter a^id’ ten and OD^ihaJf (miles for several hours ibefdre food is put Proper Food fu t Him B ^kt: feet, ingrowing Tails, corns and bunions. At Qwzmp and other city jungles. ^ mertfbor it -if anybody e-tee ihad done long. Tifee 3>lcie is carried wttder the Into tliem. ■ ' . ' . r - all Druggists ami Slice stores. 2oc. Don’t ac­ And in the first few dal^ ter made tpienda witih. evenjHwdy. a distamt windmv, and. Ihe lifted his (poimts the pipe is carried ftorosis toy water Trill d<>oct0Tji9 tibe-m. ■ able-;- : - . ' ■' -v:' ■; 1 A IKimcstic Eye Kennedy Bvci'jlbculy 'helped, take care of them, ibait. Then EMddenly, oe FM1 and Cora «teed triLss bridges wihere 4be widlib. of Oelatiiie is usually put la two •'An at tack of grip, wi'MTeM'iS Compounded by .Experienced l^hyr-iciatis. ounce pa-diageaj th-ougjh i swme .few. Conforms to Pure food and Drugs Laws, too, aad even wrttteatod for She priv­ waved tiheir iiands to her, ihe turned She streaaE ia to® great for concrete. came near mating an end of ate, fcrands are in pactaages that contain Wing Friends Wherever Us*ed. Aak Drug­ ilege. aside i3i>d chuclcleil. Hhe dam is 40# feet long on the my stomach Sh such condition gists for Mil line Eye Remedy. Try Murine. "When tiie young tpeople pramoteil ‘^Grnrvd.m.'a said th at these were •becoriiing yollow when . Absoiutoiy the most Katiins-fi Herli.laiatiivft; it eon-ipcts consti^ ta te in Amerl-ca- He 'has torn dewn for a stoiip to (be away from its home iri t.he world ■ ■ Trfal q f iti*’1'1 PfhiVi.p?” sihe - added. S' ^ - packed aw.'-.y, uprinWe 'bits of white ■patiou, puriliefi tHo.blmid, briiige Heitlth! a mountain, built a ■great castle, and ■part,: (but that Is. Wie n>oo:v of a days! proves.] •' " Ph-il ilookftl at lier aW gravsly Iron fiaveJlifiiits n ere first iaiil in L^hdou w a s sPTt'nte™ square miles of moun­ -wflmling bart; th a t baa jiiE-t njook-sd in treistreeiy W piig the'iplfite..'. ■’ : ' Look in j .in 1S17. ' ' ■ ■ ' i, ' ■ ; wcigihed tiie tiuestion. \ . tain i-oiiTitry. These miles, iiowever, .-New Bedford. Tiie-; vessel loft New ; A fetv drops oi oil of lavender scat­ •‘The Itoadj ■------, .■ ----- ;— — . ■ ■ ■ : - ' MJ IHi'k, if 7 0 U please, I’rti^ravver be are all under t'he most carefuToiilti- Bedford to lSfc‘4 f in abShem latitudes. : - - ■ ' > ' )

/ A 3 - ' ;V His Share. ; \ '' ';;^ “So ycu contemplate entering Into a life partnership with Miss Bullion?':' f tihe old .man said, smiling fondly ujj- Used White Steamers / on his son. “Of codrSo you are old enough to Judge for yourself, hut it hardly seems to me-----: : at Bargain Prices., "Oh, that's all right,” the yoiitii hastened to assure iilm. ‘/You see -her faHier Tvill give us a house And ' 4 ^ - lot: her uncle a handsome check, and Do you? I don’t see why the world should smile upon she ;has quite a little money of her J M S OF ora, EBtrCAEWNfil SYSTEM. owu------’’ .. ; ■ v By Dr. W, Hutchinsoa. women wlra Laven't cured enough for the worlds opin­ ion to keep n g»od reputation. IC’a a good deal of a buy “Aud what do you contribute y> The first e**dkl«n ef the modern educa­ and sell proposition—(jbla iivlnff boBiuess. We pay for the partnership?’' the old inan de­ tional ejetei I wotrid criticise is the what we ’wnat ci* what we think we want, not for what manded with a twinkle in his ey*. o»nfiuci*eet oi the child In a stuffy room lor t&e person who is trying to sell us the goods wants us The young man hlushed slightly. five er ete h#ura a dny. He must begin by to w ant “Well—er:—principally the name, Jtatlswtae Aafaed precise methods and mast I know two sisters, both of them clever, both pretty, dad; principally the name,” he admit­ not even Tussle 1b his seat. Then tbe school bath industrious and both OKtremely good ijuwiness wom­ ted.—H arper’s Weekly. '.. tit-day tiiHjs net teach tbe thlu^s which sts en. 0de of them has a bank, account, small, hue sale, a of moat importance to the pnpil. The child good iuocme and a lot of eincete, true-hearted friends. A Problem Solved. Is taught te draw lines to represent tbe coasts The other, equally capable, is in debt, has two frocks to "Say, mister,” said the small hoy, W e have on sale a number of 1908 arid 1907 W hite ot Europe, and the instructions gl.ven iu hygiene arc ^ breathlessly, "take down this order her name and is half the time out of a position. The Steam Cars belonging to customers who Have purchased . ludicrously inadequate. Another criticism is that a. world isn’t trying to get even with the second sister— quick; I got to go ta sohOol, Two jreat doul of time ia ousted teaching the child things it’s just poying her In her own coin for her own wort. pounds of coffee at 45 cents; three our 1909 models. These cars have been thoroughly th a t lie would If-arn by instinct. A child would grow to and one-half of sugar at 7 cents; six She’s light-headed and vain, and she gets herself talked overhauled and repainted in our own shops and are war­ read aud to write, and if lie i^ere allowed to run about about In every office where she works. Then she won­ boxes of cocoa at 34; two dozen loud enough he would grow to cipher. A boy with rea­ ders why her sister, who attends strictly to business egg3 at 32, and four pounds Of but­ ranted to *be in first-class condition. These cars will last sonably intelligent parents and surroundings will malie ter at 40 cents. How much does it and keeps her name free from even a whisper, gets along longer and give better service than m any types of new cars his own start toward Ills mental development. so much better thau she does. I don’t see anything wou- ooroe to ? ’ : , : We try to get tlie child, to express ideas that we are cerful nbont it, do you? It’s lots of tun running hills— “Four dollars and eighty-tbiee which ate sold at higher figures than we are asking. : ' pot ot nil certain he has to express, We would est far but it isn’t so much fun when the collector begins to cents, my little man,” said the groc­ better results by developing the health ot the whole body er. “What address, plaaseT” come arovmd- . TM SS: SS YOUR. OPPCeia.T'aXKIT^. than by directing all pur energy to the one end, and the The world treats women just about as the particular :‘Gee! Thanks!” said the school- irrong end at that—the top Instead of the base. woman tn her particular place has treated the world. hoy as he made his escape. “That was the only one I couldn’t do!”— I wondor why thero is anything particularly patheile , Keep, in'm ind that the- W hite car is by far the most .WHY SOME WOBEEH CAITT GET WOKE, ‘ about that! 1 Success Magazine. — *- By Winifred Black. desirable on the market and is the ideal machine for the ' Mrs. Bradley, tile woman who tilled Sen­ Historical Research, . 1 man who drives and takes care of his own car. • ' . - ator Brown in Washington some time ago, BEST CUBE OB WOEK CUKE? The fireproof curtain at a local la In trouble. She can't get work, she says. By Prof. Llewellyn P. Barber, theatre presents a (picture of some C an o r tv rite for further Inlonoatidnj’ Mrs. Bell, a Colorado woman, who run away While we must protect our minds by avoid­ old ruims, w ith the -words "Asbestos” from her husband with another man, Is In ing any Injury to our nervous forces, still placed oh the lower part of the trouble. She can't get wort, she says. A we must actively exercise onr minds If we picture, hut that wasn't sufficient ex­ woman I know came to see me. She is In are to strengthen them aud lead them to the cuse .for the ShreYeport lady wttio 're­ trouble. Bjie can’t get work, she says. The fullest development of which they are capahle. cently returned from a performance THE WHITE ;GOp;P^N^ __ ^ woman I know W d quite a responsible and A brain and its corresponding mind will be­ there and got out her history of Greece Broadway at 62d St., New York.' well-paying position with a prominent firm until about come weak If it la not used, just afi surely to read np on “The Rains of Asbes­ a. year ago. Then She fell in love with a married man, as a muscle will waste and weaken if it has tos -Shreveport Times, ( and tlie married man's wife come to the office and made no exercise. Our minds should have suitable P ea th 'o f the Otrfeet Nun. Beenes and tho woman I know lost her position. "I occupation and proper work to do. Many of the people In the Yukon mining regions elec­ The oldest nun in the world has tric lines for conveying power up to A n ' ■ ' - ■ em’t get a thing to do,” she said to me. “Etc ry tv he re who apply to physicians for a rest core really need a ju-i died at the 'Cistereiaji convent of Excellent. I go they ask nae where I worked last, and then they work cure more. Properly ordered work does not hurt a distance of 60 miles have heen in­ Sarnen, near Lucerne. She was Remedy telephono ond find out all about my trouble—and I don’t tho mind, bnt helps it. stalled. U.P.— 16 known as Mother Andrew, and was For - H a l e y s get the place.” There is, however, such a thing ae overexertion [ horit on Dec. 14, 1812, She snade her Coughs i How ctuel tho "wnrld is to a woman who has made n It Is by no means uncommon among our high-strung, proSession on June 10, 1837, und from A n d ' Colds Honey mistake, Abd yet, somehow, I’m afraid I cannot, for ombitlouB and overconsdeutlous people, and leads to that, time had charge of the vestiary my part, shed many tears worrying over tbe world’s nervous exhaustion and all the physical and mental evils of the consent until 1S97—a’bout ^bc- cruelty to woman who baxa shown the world just ex­ which this condition carries In its train. Our efforts to AFTER ty years: She was able to road actly what sort et weak creatures they are. If two strengthen the mind by exercise are defeated If we think without spectacles almost to , All DrygjjU women come to me for employment in my home, I only of the work and neglect proper nutrition and suit­ and had never heen under the doctor’s choose the woman -with tlie best record, don’t you? Per­ able intervals of rest and diversion- The strong mind care until her last Illness. She never ■ When it ; ^ haps I am cruel to want to taitjir wh&t the woman who is not made Jn haste, hut results from a long-, slow and quitted the cctovent from the time of Aches again wishes to work for me did ia tlie last place where she sensible training. Good sleep at night, restful recreation her pwfeesion, and ■ passed her reli­ IbyjPikc’sTdotlmdu Drops worked. Perhaps I ought ta loek upon her ae a brand- Sundays and holidays, enjoyable exercise tn the open gious life under six different jrlores* new human being with a branA-ncw record—but I don’t. air, the essential to It. ses general of the, order. ; Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children EEAEFDXLT AHB, W 0EDEBJTUX1Y MADE. Ccmntny s are Cured by Lydia E. Pmk= Advertisements first appeared m nawa- Roads To h f o t ham’s VegetableConapouud papers in 1652. : : . ■' ■ ■ TOILET ATOSEPTI0 H ault oiJjlf J.—I feel that LydiaE. Pinkham’s vegetable Compoupd has -----NOTHINC LIKE IT FOR ------WMncn. InVykln&theLan In'WaiklMtheL ‘Ten me new life, T6IF' T F FT!! aajr.denlSEoee suffered fox ten 1 n iL 1 L t flU fn! deibaag, whitcokg anil tfuid and Listless nay Fi: fyears with serious removing Laitai fcom die teetli, beEodea dcettoyiEg female-troubles, in­ all germs of decay iu>d disease which ordinary Abounding Vitality and flammation, ulcer­ tooth piopararionc canncrt do. : v : ■ - ation, indigestion, Heightened Sfctfrrts: nervousness, and T U B * M f i i n * U gsgd asa-riiQotji- eouid not . sleep. I n w ^ ai^fcctsthemm#!! Doctors gave me aad diroat, purifci the -breatJi. ond fcills lte selm* np, as they said m j which coliect m Ae mouth, causing sore throat,; As a plcaiuat ib I kMltfcful recrea­ t r o u fc lfl s wer« bad teeth, bad bieath, pippe, and muchffiiJaieis. tion nr rim «pi^li j wittU{ was discov­ chxoaic. I wjis in T H S * F V p C when mflamed, tirod, aclie ered 4P3r re*Mtt^-. With Me exception despaii, not ■ and bum. may " be instantly of a tew e*«|»O e jfcgrs*«al emteurlsLs, . . .____^___ care wb#feeiIiiTed relieved and strengthened by Paxtine. : . who' wie*t K witft on air *f tbls- or died, when I read abairt IffdEa ^ A T iA B B U will deslrdy the genu Pinkham ’s Vegetable Censpotmd; bo 3 V n I M n i l l l lUat catt&e .1 * ’ ’ ‘ inay-kfflrjB^-teH’Tw-jft-to-de-it, those The Benson I Stake and Sell MoreKett’s $?,00 , . ] the m- who weH«* AM. a* mly bemuse they began.a t© take it., and am weEI ‘ * &/ $8.59 Shoes Hum Any Other Maaafttotjrar flamtnaliOD and itop the JificWgc^ It is a stm reHev for Every Jl£«inbe» the Fntail^, scarfs, and hib buckles. The latter wJ Airily .Boys, Women,auit Chlldrtjn. URGE SAMPLE FREE! ihny these le*s were capable of locomo­ .jn file in tbe Pinkiiam laboratory at For salft fl>y dioe ilcalwre crery THE P^ASCTOPI T blL ^t CO« BOSTONi MAGS. tion.. Whereupon there was a decided satin used in the trimmings. Big omul 'Lynn, Mass., from women who have OflHTIfliM 1 None xeniilite without W* L. Dort?i*s lieen cured from alm ost every form of uHU IIU11 . name and prlrt. fiuunped on hdttpiiv Ifafllictedn stir and more dust was kicked np Ly F u i Catalog mailed lree. 'tritli w e a k female complaints, inflammation, ul­ W, L. DOUGLAS, 167 Sw k S*,, Srackton, Hass. eyeaj ■ u se' foot power than ever had been seen oil and rniu are the host cosmetics yet dte-| ceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, country roads. Aad, strange to say, covered. irregularities, peri odic pains, backache, many of theie converts to pedestrian- Englishwomen long since learned the indigestion and nervous prostration. ism were womei, generally believed to lesson af walking for profit as well as Every suffering woman owes i t to her­ be tntally fieToid of aoy perpendicular pleasure. And their robust health anti self to give Lyaia E. Pinkhani’s "Vege­ table Compound a trial. clear complexions always have been tht I ^pavdtaat improvement in health painfully, fatigued, Xhe begin uor jit I Sold tven/tehttt in thru slxe Vlts—a slinking off of minor ill-g walking for recreation should attempt* ' hollies, $ I ~00i 50c, 25c. land body. no record-breaking tramps but should I -in..the open air is the heat aeeustniu herself gradually to tho oxer- i te for ailing women, and the else. And to enjoy it one must walk tni ‘ medicine that may tie self' somewhere, not tramp idly about with I RICH LANDS red wttlumt professional ud- no objective point. There may lie some) IN Til K SUNNX;SOUTH." VTomen wall;til i'or pleasure pleiimtre in walking merely for ivalk-J : Alontf tho Seal»ord Air Line, MUdi nnd bcnUhy (OUnato tha year round, Frttj ti anti vogataiile ■ they should (anil no morel lug's sake; hut the real relish lies ini aet $I0!>D per iu?rei Vfolt* lor full informi’iCloiiJ - he )ii> ceiscm of “nerves,,T J . W* W f/X T’e; J- J-ndh Aat.y ; «m-yius oat n plnunwl cxcorsion (ol . . idiiftbvara Air LIliCi ' stiessuesss, unsightly obesity sonic spot of. Interest. Uncli-V hiu-U fun-1 Dept, V* <1* J»<) M y DLODTII, TA* siiijj “sei'isssiiiess.” For ilLtiona the attention is 11:;ed ahead iuia| i**r ticurl, weak ’ ov a not nmider oueV feet. ’■ ottect- - eoinpunion, even ill unshine '* a dog, is much! Cdlbr jTood^ 1Lrt.=^ wyl^r3. ** aid voter t i '■ f Zbe IHutle'e S u n PREPARE FOR f - i Open 8.30 a. m.; close # p. m.; Saturdays Excepted The Only Newspaper Printed and Pub- (' MAY M Y AT listed in the Town of Nutley- ! Down-stairs Enteted at the Post Office ot Nutley, PARK SCHOOL N. J., as second-class matter. , I I The ladies of ths Woman’s Public | F the Main Telephone is ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY I School Auxiliary are planning to hold a downstairs, an Extension AT . May Day fete at tlie Park School on ■ Telephone upstairs will add NUTLET, K. J. 1 Saturday, May 1.' Home-made bread, greatly to the usefulness and; j cates and pies will be offered for sale. A ] Subscription, $1.50 P er T ^a convenience of the service. -literary and musical program will also 1 Upstairs or downstairs, a tele­ MB E E H W m .. New Jc rsoy’s ■; v NEWARK. Office;\ Franklin and Vieeiatid Avenues be prepared. Tiie proceeds will be for phone willtje close £t hand and the necessity Shopping Centre. T e le p h o n e 96-W tlie benefit of the Penny Provident Fncd. of stair climbing eliminated* JAMES D. FOY, Editor Operetta “Snow White.” Incoming and outgoing night messages are often emergency or highly important calls. BEAUTIFUL MUSLINWEAR k Rehearsals fot the operetta “Snow V SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1909 An upstairs in, or near, Whits," to he given in Town HalCJon S a t­ Extension Telephone urday night, April 24, and which-promises the sleeping apartment will save much time i Annual Reception Dance. and add greatly to your comfort and protection. 1 ' Our Spring showing of n ear'Sue lingeie in imported French and Ameri­ to be one of the prettiest affairs eve<:'given can makes surpass aU previous Showing, both in beauty and newness of ^The annual Reception Dance of NuUey by the schools, are being held daily. The The additional expense is but trifling design, gtacefn] lines, exquisite quality, greatness of vaHety, superior work­ Lodge, No. 167, F. and A. M. held at affair is given by the Yantacaw School —less than two cents a dsy in connec­ manship and all the improvements that fashion now demands. tion with a residence contract. Masonic Hall, on Thursday night was, as children under the direction of Miss Hoey. American Hakes of Rare Bsauty French Embroidered Ifnriswear ■ Call our Local Office for full iJifonnajioD, in the past, one of tlie most successful The operetta is adapted from ’s NICE GOHBINATIOKS-In e v e r y PRETTY HATCH SETS-^ i­ affairs of the season. Nearly all of the fairy story of the same name and set to ■ shape, some : ■ piece, gown,' The N .Y. & N .J. Telephone Co. fraternity in town were present and many music by George F. Raot, tbe hymn j with ve.y full skirt, drawers/ in chemise, drawers and corset cover, simple and elaborate design,.some exquisitely embroidered in dainty.; guests. The hall was decorated with writer. The production will require a cast | ‘ are open on side, lace and ribbon design; some have insertions of myriads of pfilm3, azalms. spireas and a eighty children, of which seventy-five trimmed, to waist line; others in cluny lace with hand embroidered hydrangeas. Late: in the eveniug supper compose tlie chorus of fniiies, forest chil- : closer fitting knickerbodier style, edge and trimmed With chinny lace- was served to about one hundred persons. d.en and dwarfs. The principal charac-! others cut and made in regular edge; very effective, pretty shaped sleeve, hand embroidered and The members of the committee of tars are “ Princess Snow White,” ployed; BANK OF NUTLEY, N. J. S'SS! “y!'98c to 24.98 arrangements, whose carefnl wor!; made by Miss Edith Kierstead, “Prince’’ by PRETTY K ! * & W K S - 0 f batiste, Set 10.98 to 62.50 everything So smoothly during the evening, nainsook, Harry Yeiy; “Queen” by Lillian Dodd;; BAfO-MABE GOWNS— ill many w ere: Messrs. L. M. Thatcher, F. L. Rusby, “Carl, the Huntsman” by Ralph Zellers. ' dimity, cambric and muslin, very L O G O 0>EPQ5ITQkS elaho.ate as well as simple Empire . : :: : styles, from A. B. Sturges, J. D. Dicke.-scm, H. W. St. The “forest children" thirty-eight in; styles, trimmed with new Cluny a simple hand escalioped edge to John, R. A, Parke, A, C. Fox, Samuel number, who compose a part of th e ; an elaborate Empire embroidered and Val- laces, also beautiful em­ front and back; sleeves are all of Bird, Jr., L. F. Rhoades andE-L. Drndiey. chorus will each be dressed to represot a ' The number of individual accounts has reached broidery, all have very pretty; novel deigns many embroidered, Those present were: Former Mayor flower. The dwarfs and fairies who com­ ' this gratifying total. sleeves ia novel styles, many are all made up in the prettiest fash­ James Gilmore, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. M. plete the chorus will have appropriate; ions !■ ever presented and welt Tbatcher. Mr. end Mrs. I* F. Kiioades, «emrtob«l;§0£ to 29.00 costumes. Those taking part in the play i We respect Mly invite your account either as a Armor individual, whether Mr. and Mra. A. C. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. B. M W STYLE DRAWERS— v; e r y “ “ 2.98 to 25.00 are: Forest children—Edith IlilTe, Jennie 1 large or small, it is our purpose to extend every banking facility to our cus­ ■ ■ . ■ ■■ ■ new est R. Colwell, Mr. and Mis. Frederic Davis, NICE aiHBWAHOSS So^an, Marjorie Dexter, Lydia Zitzman, \ tomers and furnish any financial, inforinatiah desired, . cut iu sheath, Directoire and Isa~ Hngh HaUidy, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. , embrmdered Gussie La Forge, Martha Simpson, Irene ; Fouriier cent on Depositsin our Provi den t Department. All deposits made hella styles, also star band with front, escalloped edge on neck and Iliffe, Mr. and frfrs. Edward Be.nard, fnli skirt drawevs, all handsomely Horn ich, Pauli tie Hah’e, Beatrice Eel, Pearl : and all amounts opened on or before the TENTH day of the month will draw armholes, escalloped ruffle on full Frank H. Post, Me. and Mrs. J. H. Miller, trimmed, some open oh side or join- Wilke, Mildred Van Wart, Jeasie Peavson, INTEREST FROM THE FIRST. : drawer, button in' back; also but­ Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bird, Jr., Mr. and Phyllis Gothwahe, Francis Smith, Mary bir^.2Sfito:i3.98 S ? 8.98 to 12.00 Mrs. A, B. St urges, Miss F. M. Unger, Bowen, Margaret Hannen,Bessie Howling^; BEArarOL SEKTS-AI1 cot In Mr. and Mrs. Williem A. Lambert, Mr, Ge;trude Dexter, Sarah Wilke, Hilda Hor- ^ SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TO REST AT REASONABLE PRICES ■ ■ . new, closc- HAMD-MADE CHEMISE—s q u a r e. and Mre. William R. Bennett, Mr. and fitting style, exquisitely lace and _ round and nich. Bessie Wilkinson, Helen Cummings,! Epire style, embroidered, in ma~ Mrs. T. JL. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. embroidery trimmed, many finish-^ Edna Wit beck, Gertrude Zitzman, Annie ed with wide insertion and ribbon, deiia, operiwork designs; also rose Dickerson, 0. B. Rusby, Mr. and Mrs. E, Simpson, Mildred Ho nich, Grace Wiley, spray, wreath arid many other de­ G. Yerg. Miss Bertha. Bium, Joseph Blum, Lulu Crocker, Margaret Dale, Alice Ed wards iS = 89c to 50.00 signs, made and finished it the Mr. and Mrs. George K. Koth. Dr. and Gladys Holt, Isabel Humphrey, Katherine w t 1.45 to 12,98 Mrs. Royal Langdon. Mr. and Mrs. Tho?. Lloyd, Jennie Loefller, Roberta Saunders, WELL MADE CHEHiSE—o f a i l % s t yl es , Nichols, Jr., Pr. and Mrs. A. F. Jackson, Katherine Ussher, Fairies—Regina Bowen, sho t hip lengths, medium and fiili HASB-MACE CORSET COVERS— Mr. aod Mrs. W. F. 0rm3bee. Mr. and Rouhd and, square necks, embroid-■ Dorothy Fleming, Katherine Nichols, Mar- ! length, made of muslin, cambric, ered in dainty design, hand escal- - Mrs. C. yff, Peckham, A. C. Rutan, Jr.. lode Riker, Dorothy Simmons, Nathalie ! nainsook and batiste, plttin and loped edges : Dr. ana Mra. H. H. Hey wood, Miss ilaugh ter, Ruth Smitli, Henrietta Wood, I ,s s r d 50c to 18.95 ;„n,,r,cll-75 to 8.98 'Lilian" Van Riper, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. .dillicent Yarrow, Katlferjne Yerg, Cor-! fr; ntting, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Foy, nelia Bird, EUen Baldwin, Helen Boddie, [ FIRE COSSET C11V IK ' ' ...... HANDMADE. DRAWERS-- wide . ^ styles in ■■■■■■■■; and reg- j iss Carrie Williams, Charles Parke, Mr. Marjory Clements, Margaret Eville, M ar-! Our Spring line dainty and elaborate trimmings of ulnr styles, trimmed witli embroid- I ,nd Mrs. C. R. ’Washbourne, Miss JBell- jorie Fuller, Eunice Forrester, Edna La- , embroidery and lace, and charming ed flounce, perfect fitting garments inger, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Memam, Mr, Forge. Ida Brown, Dorothy' Hoit, Anna designs of trimmings that are that Will please the most critical and Mrs. E. H. Blunt, and Miss Martha Honitz, Edna Ho.nich, Anoa Kahre, Con- [ of GO-CARTS and Hill, alt of Nutley; Miss A. D*^an, of stance Little, Elsie Osborn, Audiey Speer. Save 17c; to 6;98 1.50 to 12.98 Kearny; Howard Oimsbee and Miss Flor­ Dorothy Taylor, Evelyn Taylor. Dwarfc— : ence O.msbee. of Summit. Wells Ront, Jean Fuller, John DeVries,' 7 0 7 to 721 Broad, St., Newark, N- J. Walter Van Wait, Haiold Nelson, Allyn ; CARRIAGES is ready Newark-Paterson Trolley Cars Pass' Our Door V Vroom, Harold Smith, Wilfred Lindstrom, MAIL ORDERS FIIXKD - ! t NO BBAJTCH 6TOKBS Wedding Reception. Thomas Woodruff, Robeit Shaw. ; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Williams, of Prince­ with all the newest styles. ton street, gave a wedding reception on Methodist Episcopal Church. Wednesday *evenmg, April 14, to their On Sunday, Sunday School a t 9.45 a. m. Folding Carts, with Hoods daughter Maude, who was married the and services as usual at 11 a. m. and CHECK OVER YOUR ORDER same afternoon. The bride received 7.43 p. m. The pastor, Rev. J, Ogden numerous and handsome gtfts. The Winner, will preaeh at both services. From $4.98 Up and you will find the items absor house was very piettily decorated with The Easter nusic, which was very pleas­ lutely correct after we make a de* roses and paims. The wedding supper ing, will be repeated and the order was served at an eirly hour. Among reversed. The young peoples choir w ill' livery. Not only ip. number those present were Mrs. A. A. Franck, sing at the morning service and the adult j .quantity, not merely in weights and Mr. and Mi's. W- Wagner, Miss L. Wyatt, choir at the evening service. Junior; Furniture Co. Mre, H. Hartman and son Henry. Mr. and Berdan' measures, but you get the best ;• Epworth League, 3 p. m.; Epworth Mrs. J. Scott, the Misses Idn and Florrie League Vesper Service at 7 o'clock. | Main Avenue and Washington Place njualities, too, and the prices you .pay' Scott, W. Kershaw, M. Stuart and Mis. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at S p. m, j are not higher than you pay for -. M. J. Williams, af Jersey City; Mr. and All welcome. j PASSAIC, NEW JERSEY Mrs, C. B. Lefferts and daughter Grace, IqWer grades elsewhere. We are/ Mrs. Maicolm. and daughter Myrtle, of prompt in deliveries and pjwite s/ Newark; Edward Joues, J. Sarfleant, John _ LEGAL NOTICE our service. You will Ond it say' Nelson, Mr. ond Mrs, G, Hamer, Mr. and 1 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ESSE! you money to deal here regular^., Mrs. S. Hamer, of Passaic; Mrs. II!ig, j COUNTY. Mrs, Ganley, Mvs, Kessler, Miss M. Van I In tiie matter of the application 1 In going over our stock we find quite a large assort- Brunt, Miss McCall, Miss Velders, Miss J of Earle Ammond Slesser for V Bo!tun. Miss Roaner, Miss Noblett, Miss leave to assume the name of (' m ent of Curtice Brqg. Canned Fruit, in las Hass, Miss Fetdeis, Wallace Fredericks, Earle Ammond Hershberger. J Earle Ammond Siesser, having on the ja rs.* R. Barker, C. W.. Barker, J. Noblett, tenth day of April, instant, applied to this R. Felders, C. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. court by petition, setting forth the grounds Strawberries T. H. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. of the application and verified by the ! Raspberries Nelson, the Misses Carrie, Jennie, Hattie affidavit of said applicant annexed there- \ i] to, for an order to authorize the said Peachea I Regular 50c, Special 42e and Master Welcome Williams. petitioner to assume another name, to wit, that of Earle Ammond Hershberger; Pears J And it appearing to the court by said Tulip Bazaar and Supper. petition and affidavit, that said Earle PickeJed Peaches, Regular 60c. SPECIAL' Ammond Slesser resides in the Town of Brandy Peaches, Regular 75c. SPECIAL The ladies of the Nutley Methodist Nutley, County of Essex, and State of Episcopal Church held a “ Tulip Bazaar ” New Jersey, and that he is more thari and served a supper in the ieitureruomflf twenty-one years of age; Also an assortment ol Hartley’s Pore Fruit Jams, 1 Pound Ja the chnrch; on Thursday night. The And it further appearing to th(i court that notice of such application has been pub­ .iaspberry decorations were tulips and hunting. . lislved a t least once in each week for four There were various fancy articles for sale, rjice home3 on Prc)3pect, Beech, Church ; weeks successively next preceding the Strawberry which were presided over as foiluws; and Chestnut streets. Hillside, Brookfield ; time of the said application in "The Star : .. | Regular...... 22c, Special' reu Vjurrstnt , 1 \ Candy table—the Misses Mamie Dooald- and Vreeland avenues, Rutgers and ■ ai\l^ ^ewar'1 Advertiser. * a newspaper of ,, , , , .. , : said county, and the court being satisfied soiK Gladys Stacy, Madeline DeVausney, Maple places and North Road. I can , hy said petition so ¥erified t,latsthere are led Currant and Raegberry \ Esther Lewis and Anna Donaldson, suit every taste and ni\y purse. See my reasonable grounds for tlie proposed larrnalade Jelly , ■ ./‘J Faney table—the Misses Rae Eagleson. list before you buy. change, and that there is no reasonable URT1CE BROS- JAMS, AI-L VARIETIES, Nellie V. R, Brown. Millie De Vausney objection that the petitioner should assume \\ Some to rent. another name; and Lucy DeVausney, A few Iot3 at a bargain in Nut- It is on this twelfth day of April, nine­ APPLE BUTTER v; JELLY POWDERS—AU, W Tulip table—the Misses Mabel Orr, “ Lr ley Terrace. teen hundred and nine, ordered that Jruikshanks 3 lb crock, rcg. S5c. Spec. 30c Jellycon, ^ Jello, Je Alice Allen, Mand DeVansney and Dora Earle Ammond Slesser be and hereby ichimmels, 3 lb " “ 35c. Spec. 30c authorized to assume the name of EarU Schnetter and Mrs. A. B. Davis. ieinz, 2Jb cans, regular 2Sc. Special 20c * 3 PACKAGES 25c Ammond Hershberger, from and aftei ______' r Ice Cream table—Mrs. J. P. Laffin, Mrs. the twelfth day of May next, and tha George Rea, Harold Lewis, and the Misses 800 Broad St.. Newark, and Nutley, N. J. within ten days from this date, the sail NelUe Warren, Emma Yarrow, Marie petitioner do cause a copy of this orde We have added to our stock a full line of Purina Poultry Fc to be published in The Nutley Sejn, Thorne and Jessie Perkins, public newspaper printed in said Cotmtl high: quality goods are made from only tiie finest reclet_ i Supper table—Mrs. Joseph Motch, Mrs. of Essex, according to the provisions f -arid'seeds and are absolutely free from grit Chick Feed;' C. B. Vroom, Tracy Wood, Raymond POYERSHON the statute in such case made and pi Feed, Mash, Alfalfa Meal, Grit and Oystqr Shells.* Cali Synionds and the Misses M. Housby, vided. THOMAS A. DAVIS, .Judge ■■ for prices. • Fanny Symonds, Dorothy Winner, Pearl Orr, Edna Dunn, Cornelia Dtinn, Josic N U R S® BIES HRS. T. P. DAYI We Will Iiave one car of Maine Seed Potatoes about Stirratt, Helen Lindstrom, Amslia Guen­ 228 Chestnut Street, Nutley, N. EARLY ROSE—BEAUTY' HKBRON—NEW QUEEN Al^| Prop. . Depot for Van Dyk's Teas, Coffee; ther, Helen Rusby and Alice Sharp. [717, Cocoa, Spices. Extracts and ^ nOUNTAINS—At Prevailing Prices 6 4 2 ^ Street Baking Powder. Easter Rabbits given with every 25c. sa Something New—WHITE PORT for the Invalids, full qnai During tlie spring exery one would be 0 benefited by taking Foley'sKidney Rem­ N, J. edy. It furmshes the (Heeded umic tn the i Vegetable kidneys a ft el the extrji strain of winter, Flower Sad Flow er a n d it purifies the hlood by stimulating Jn- SEEDS *':'*'ipvs, and causing them to elemin- ■?nts. Rollabta and T estod* Catarogu? Hailed tVeo ■uirities from it; Foley’s Kid- ■nd - W E E B E R D O N j Imparl^ nW jife and vigor. & m chambers s rn E rr ' _;Hop■ r T. Le/ftiCts. Pas- ! 'Tqncbantit M^.W TQRJt Chestm \ \

/ - f f V

You Can’t Keep T-iA i jT h ii - HAIR DRESSING P a&LOR5 f G®od Things Down Beat afld n«st Exclusive 5ervflce in Newark Falling E aii Stopped or Xo^ey Befimded E. ADLER, Hair Merchant IMPORTERS NEWARK’S 5TQREE 6 AUTIFUL S79 B^OAD ST., cor. CEVTtiAL AV., KS.VV ARK, Trl, 818 Nswark Broad, New and Halsey Streets An Executor Always Dependable,

who never goes on vacations, who never ■ . _ >L mixes up his accounts, who can always be

and as our Confections are one of the best depended upon to use the best possible Judg­ things known to old and yonng of both Come sexes hereabouts, it stands to reason ment with respect to investments, who has their purity and delicious ttavor have in made them well known and popular. experience, foresight and organized resources, They are made of the very best ingred­ and ients in o scrupulonsly clean manner, and and who will outlive the longest trust. j Our Women’s Ready-to-Wear business is not under a angle: head, as in many store, but is in they are fit for the tnbles of the best fam­ tnlk three fliviaions—each under a distinct head, and each chief directly responsible for thelluccess of Ilia ilies. As (i preseat to “ Her" they have no equal. it That is what the or her particular division. . : , ’ . - . .: • : - So we have in the Garment Section these separate divisions : . , . : ■ ' . . HENRY T. LEFFERTS over. (1) Women’s and Hisses’ Suits and Skirts. DRUGGIST AMD CHEHIST FIDELITY TRUSTvCO. (2) Junior Suits, Girls’ Dresses and Women’s Waists. Passaic and Natley Aves. Kutley, N. J. p h o n e 90 (3) Women’s Coats, Capes, Furs and AutoingApparel for ^Vten NEWARK, N. J., and Women. ' - The Firaroan’s Tournament There is still another division of Apparel for very Little Girls and Infants, aa well as the Clothing The bowling tonmainent of the Nutley . ■ < ■ ■ fire ladilies was continued on the Central will be to your interest, if you leave them in Store for Men and Boys. ^ ; alleys on Tuesday night. Yantacaw Engine Herein lies the secret of strength of our Ready-to-Wear business, each division being .uuder Co., has gotten so far ahead in the race its cafe. tliat it has a strangle-hold on the the direct supervision of an experienced huyer-mana^er, one vying with the other in an,endeavor trumpet,. The other teams are still close to excel and to better the business hy bringing into the house the very best outerwear the makers.. enough to each other to malte a very in­ produce and selling it at prices that keap competitors wondering and guessing, and iu striving to teresting struggle for second place. The record to date is : make friends with every visitor to the store. . - , “ . WON LOST The combined energy, ability and enterprise of these managers make this stoic the despair of Yantacaw Engine Co 18 6 Fvisit The Stemmerman competiti&ti, and while so many others complain of ths Spring's dullness ws proclaim . r - West Nutiey Hose Co 10 14 Avondaie Hose Co.. - 6 16 The individual scores made w ere: Y antacaw C hemical E ngine Co, Pharmacy’s New Store Davis...... IBS 173 ' T h e B e s t Brosa...... 132 183 Blnm...... 154 144 The most beautiful Pharmacy in America. No DeVausney...... 107 126 expense has been spared to made it complete in H allidy...... 142 178 every detail and a pleasant place to trade. Total ...... 781 BD4 Not only is this the finest drug store, "but the W est Nutley Hose Co. Speer...... 129 133 131 prices are lower than any other. , ' Willse...... 130 142 115 Only the highest grades of goods are sold here. Zimmermann...... 104 119 144 The following are but a few examples of our Cueman...... 157 154 KG ’Garrabrant...... 179 175 1S3 extremely low prices. Judge the rest by them :

Total...... G99 723 7£9 Scott’s Emalsioa...... 35c and 67c Frostilla...... 17c A v o n d a le H ose Co. Father Jolrn’s...... 35c and G7c Duffy’s Malt...... 75c by the good it does. Over Gehring...... 120 118 145 Bromo Seltzer.. ,17c, 34c aad 67c Malt Nutrine...... 17c .iBarnes...... 133 144 122 Fitting...... 149 168 145 Meilin’s Food...... 34c and 55c Danderiae,...... 17c, 34c ani 67c $ 19,000,000 paid polic; Van Winkle...... 13G 179 141 Lydia Pinlham’s Comp...... 69c Hftstetter’s Bitters.71c Sm ith...... 17G 149 164 Castoria (Fletcher’s)...... 21c Carter’s Liver Pills...... 13c holders in 1908, which T otal...... 766 "756 717 We often wonder how any persons \ can be persuaded into taking anything =:=THE=:= brought comfort and se­ but Foley’s Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung trouble. Do not be fooled into accepting “ own make" or other sub­ CTEMMERMAIU stitutes. The genuine contains no harm­ curity to thousands of ful drugs and is in a yellow package. ° PHARM ACY Henry T. Lefferts. Passaic &. Nutley Aves. ' families. Our Joint Offerings Main Ave., and Jefferson St., Passaic, N. J.

IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY and have your work doneby a practical watch= maker, bring it hsre—We can do any^ind of repairing. . Wa also have a stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Optical Goods. c tm : GIVE US A TRIAL are always of ths tenJarest and juiciest kind, Wa kill none but fine fed cattle, NUTLEY’S EXPERT JEWELER - - NEW Huntley & and our Meat, consequently, is of the very highest quality in flavor and taste. All ^ PNIONBCILpmG \ our Meat offerings are strictly fresh and A Good Variety and Large Assortment of Wash Goods, 9-11 C liatoa5t.,N ew ark1 pure, and we base our reputation on G. H. ANGELL the character of the Meats we offer. Beef, Ginghams, Shambreys and Seersuckers, 15c values at Pork, Lamb, Veal, Mutton and Poultry of ,72 CHESTNUT STREET, NUTLEY, N. J. 12c and 12 l-2c per yard REAL ESTATE INSURANCI all kinds in season. Mild Hams and Bacon a specialty. Prices mast moderate. J Our White Goods assortment in Persian Lawns, India -SELtlNtt ; tTKE Just arrived. Van Camp’s Baked Beans. Linen, Swiss, plain and dotted; Nainsook, plain and RENTING > : :■" accU)p;n t burglaey. : FRED SEIDLER, Butcher The only absolutely Fireproof barred; Madras, fancy and figured; Lawns, striped, COMMISSIONER p i,a t e g la ss Chestnut St. and Chestnut PI. barred and figured—Prices ranging from 10c a yard 0F LIABIfXIY' PIANO TUNING DEEDS . AUTOMOa Foley's Honey and Tar is a safeguard Warehouse in Passaic County and up. , : ■> ■* ,inst serious results from spring colds, We Specialize Nntley Property ch inflame the lungs and develop into Piano Player Repairing \iruonia. Avoid counterfeits by in- All New Goods— Latest Patterns^-Good Values Phone 3710-W Newark ■ ig upon having tiie genuine Foley's HAINLOIVS ;y and Tar, which contains no harm- 7 rugs. Henry T. Leflert, Passaic and W. 0. Mentnech ;y avenues, 191-193 Jefferson St., PASSAIC, N. J. 278 MADISON ST. w.-o; DAVIS WH —THE— PASSAIC, NEW JERSEY PASSAIC AVEm AMD CHESTNUT ST., NUTLEY, N. J. 1 You are selecting Presents give us a call. We have the finest selection Furniture and Pianos Moved to all parts Five years with J. Wanamaker, New York of thecity or eonntry. ■ %*."■ in tlie city. \ : '■ ■ ashianable Finish 1 Separate Locked Booms. Our Perfect Lanodry Work SOLfl W4TCBES, LADIES1 $8.00 0P FOR YOUR . Highest Testimonials. . j First Class Paddee Vans. . nssds no extolling , to tliuise who have tLLARS AND CUFFS tried it, hat to strangers we desire to: OUMOHD BINGS - - 10.00 GP IS THE Res. phone 453-S. Office phone 698 Charles G. Hauck Htate that it is: this BEST E y iR . :; : : SEKTS’ GOtDF’D WATCHES 12.00 UP ■ ■': —THE— n il F^inls^H. BOTTLER OF LADIES’ SILVER WATCHES 3.00 DP I Mr. F; G. Fcitts, On eon ta, N. Y., w rites: .. When buying from ws you buy frora We mill for work in •'My little girl was greatly benefitted by Ballantines Export Beer, Nutley find Avondale taking Foley's Orino Laxative, and I think Lager, Ale & Porter * a reliable- Ann. We are the oldes'' It is the best remedy for constipation and ITotw TTnder H bw Mangemeiit ■ jewelry store iri Passaic. Estab- II jLIEK & CO., liver trouble." Foley’s Orino Laxative is HIGH GRADE WINES AND LIQUORS STEAM LAUNDRY. best for women and children, as it is ■Cr. UT. KYDiEEB) P rop. ; . : ■ iiahe

’ ......


3 ,Whatever materials composed, ana ah n ofcber toys hot ■composed of rubber, china, poncelain, parian, 'bisqne, fid These Jig-Saw earthen or stone ware, and not spe­ cially, provided ior In Section 1 or 2 of this act, 35 per cent, ad valorem; provided that no articles shall ihe du- tfBtble as toys except those made as ■playthings for children. Drawback provisions were removed WASHINGTON. FRA.\CISJ.McKB.\.\T from live animals also, so that the . mass-meeting oE women represent­ Dr. F. J. Farrington packers can no longer get drawbacks ing many -clubs voted th at the tar lit . . DENTIST GENERAL CONTRACTS NO on exported meats. on gloves, hosiery and-linen propos­ Office Howks:—9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Grading, Curbing, Flagging1, Pav- ed in the Payne bill is a gross in- ■ .: ■: ing, Cement Wftllis,.Etc; . . POWDER PUNT jratice. Realty Building West Nutley Plaza The Rev. Joseph D. Rees, of Park­ :: : WEST NUTLEY, N. J. : : Franklin Ave. near. West Nutley Stat DEMOLISHED ersburg, W. Va„ died at the Emer­ gency Hospital from injuries receiv­ \yiLLIAM ~H. PARRY Explosion Kills a Man, Hurts Fifty ed in a street car accident near the W. L. JONES and Shakes Several Jersey Capitol. , , Towns. Attorney and Counsellor at Law l-'I.O K IS T President Taft and Vice President Finn of Hampson and Parry Paterson, N. o.—Twenty-five tons Sherman received complimentary sea­ Cut Flowers, Palms, Ferns,. Etc. ■otf smokeless powder, the ■property Office: Room 404 Union Bide., 9 Clinton ft. son tickets for the games ol the NEWARK. N. 3. Passaic Ave., and Centre St. of the United States Government, ex­ -American League Baseball Club.. Residence 440 Ceaiira Street. Nutley ploded at the -Wayne plant of tie du PltOQeBi73-J H.utiey—3SS9-LHewark : 's.-'.' .. \ ; .. Phone • '• '_____• Pont Powder Company, eight m-lles T ie Senate confirmed -the nomina­ ■west of Paterson. One man "was tion of Charles p. Orr to be United State D istrict Judge for tihe W estern J. Searle & Son H. E. BROWN killed, one badly injnred and flftr District of Pennsylvania. others slightly hurt, the .powder plant m i PORK, MUTTOS, LABBi VEIL was practically wiped ont and hun­ It /Tvas asserted tbat Speaker Can­ Shaving anil Hair Dressing Parlor non and Senator Aldricb had agree a Poultry and Qamo in Season dreds of buildings within a radius of Children's Halt Cutting a Specialty ^ fifteen miles "were damaged. virtually on the creation of\i perma­ 301 Pranklin Ave., near Church S t, Tbe man tilled -was Ttooine Marsh, nent tariff cdtnmission. \ 194 Chestnut St, NUTLEY, N. J 33 years old. William Crum, 30 Philadelphia representatives’ of the ' PHONE 177-W years old, bad part of his right -foot ingrain carpet indnstry besieged Sen­ torn off. ator Penrose and Philadelphia Con- S.S.DOTS LOUIS K NAB What caused the explosion .will j gressmen to urge the protection of , Hardware, Tinware. ■ EAST NUTLEY TRUCKING STABLES never *be knomrn, 'hut it is believed | their 'product lirom'.Chinese and Jap- that .some foreign substance got in­ f anese mattings. ' " Paints, Oils an&G-lass F urnit lire awd P iamds kove» w ith care to the powder. . - Several resolutions calling on . the Depot for Lucas & Co.’s Paints and Colors For Sale—Ashes, Sand, Gravel ; : Not one ■buHding in Wayne escap­ Secretaries of State, Agriculture and 168 Chestnut St.. Nutley, N. J, and .Fertilizer Well Mulched. ed serious damage. In Singac, little Commerce and Labor for information VllOHE 10-L :: 264 Avondale Road, East Nutley Palls, Caldwell, Montoair—aad all concerning dntiee on sugar Tvere the surrounding villages the shock adopted in the Senate. ■was felt with, great force. The House voted to cut the -duty F. C. Wittman’s / -HlOtt OKADB It is estimated that the -property on petroleum to 1 per cent, ad val­ : CHOICE TEAS AND COFFEE!. damage -will exceed $200,000. orem. BUTTER AND EGOS. ; Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco —DldLICATESSliN, F.TC. Jce Cream all tiie year FRANCIS MARION CRAWFORD, THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK, Avondale road and Western Place SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS NUTLEY, N. J. 305 Franklin Ave Phone 60-J THE NOVELIST, DEAD Returning Confidence and a Lack of —Cartoon from tiie 'N&w York Press. Market 'Buoyancy Nirted, End of American Writer’s Active Ca­ New York City.—Tbe commercial C. C. BATES L. n. LeFEVRE reer Came in ;]taly. reporting agencies: note retnrnlng OROCER , GeBeral Line 6 Housefurnishmg Goods tf Sorrento, Italy,—F. Marion Craw­ confidence in business circles, at. i ford, the novelist, died (here after a though -markets thepiselves seem to G enera I ^lerchandis© Paints/dils, Glass.flarfwarB ; lack 'buoyancy. Dun’s Review say a: long illness. 271 FRANKLIN AVENUE B3cycle 5nndTies aad Generat Repairinff ■ -F. 'Marioo Crawford was one of the Although confidence in the future is [ TARIFF BILL PHONE 60-K 3 4 3 Passaic Ave,, " Nntley, N. J* most ■prolific and rapid •writing nov­ more noticeable than satisfaction witb elists America has produced. ^present conditions, yet -one by one His father "was Thomas Crawford, distrcrbing elements are gradually a sculptor of note, ■■whose statue of disappearing. With bank -dearinga Garrabrant & Williams SUBURBAN LAUNDRY FREE LIST Washington is prised in Hi06j it cajmer author. The Wards trace thefr. de­ cause it Jacks the element of ibuoy- Central Meat Market mempers of the Committee on Ways cent- instead of a varying duty of scent to General Francis Marion, the ancy. While the railroads are sitlll and /‘Means, and introduced in tie 20 and 25 per cent. Revolutionary soldier. confronted with many of the ■prob­ V. E- Broadbent, Prop, rionr spar, an ingredient used in FLOUR, FEED, HAY AND GRAIN House of Representatives, was pass­ Tlbomas Crawford spent a -great lems w!hiob iiave ‘troubled them la! POULTRY SUPPLIES ed Ihy the House. -On tte final vote the manufacture of steel, $1.50 a ton deal of his time in Italy, where, in the last four years, yet they are mak­ POULTRY AND GAME IN SEASON the ayes "were 217 and the nofis M l. instead of the differential erf 60 cents ing a really notaible recovery from 2 7 9 Franklin Avenue, Nutley, N. J. Luijca, on August 2, 1854, the future 234 Chestnut St-, Nutley One member, Mr. Leger, op South a ton on the crude aud $1.75 a ton novelist -was bom. His mother in­ the depression of, ISOS, the gain in ' PHONR Carolina, a Democrat, wihq.iwas pair­ on the manufactured product. sisted that he he named after her gross earnings for the month of ed with Scott, of Kansas, Republican, iCharenal iron, from 56 a ton to Revolutionary ancestor. The full ilarrfh being 10.5 per cent., and witih voted '^Present.” Four: Democrats $10 a ton. ' name tie cut down to F. Marlon Craw­ tbe new economies they are report­ William R. Stirratt A- M. H ALLIDY yoted Tvitli the Republicans to pass Round wire smaller than 10 guage, ford when he began to write. ing in mos^ instances large increases OILS, KEROSENE, GASOLINE, BENZINE th e m easure. They -were Broussard, from lYi cents a pound to UNDERTAKER AND EHBALMER In n et receipts. QRUDE AND MOBILE OILS ^ Estopinal, Pujo and Wickllfle, of cents a pound. WOMAN HAD $17,337 HIDDEN 176 Chestnut Street ■Lauisiana. One Republican, Mr. Aus­ Guernsey ware increased to 60 per M a rk e ts . Autos Supplied at aij. Hours ™ WHILE TOWN SUPPORTED SON The Residence:—365 Franklin Avenue- Nutley tin, of Tennessee, voted against the cent, ad valorem. Boston,—Searcih by the 'police in PHONE 123 85 Vreeland Avenue. ,■ NUTLEY, K. J . Ibill with the Democrats. Carbon electrode, rednced frtrai 35 the 'house of Mrs. Adelia -Lombard erf Wholesale Prices Quoted in New York Live Stock—-Beeves, city .dressed, A motion made by Champ Clark, of and 45 per cent, to 10 per cent Malden, "where she was found dead, Missouri, the Democratic floor lead­ 8^i@10; calves, 15; Pactflc coast, 1908, choice, in spices and seedlings. Evergreen BY INDIANA SUPREME COURT. BEEF, VP.M, MUTTON. Etc, tihat crude''1uih and its products shall seedliogs and clove stems are put on 1?. 90-92 Walnut Street, cor. Avondale Rdad Indianapolis, lud.—'By unanimous lie admitted to the Uo!ted States the free list, clove stems having Vegetables—^Potatoes, Maine, per. ’ PHONI: S4-I. ' 344 Passaic Ave. - Phone 85tW without the payment of ■duty. Furth­ heen originally under a dnty of 30 decision of the Supreme Court the 'bag, [email protected]; sweets, per ihasket, ermore, it was provitled that crude per cent, full train -crew law of 1907 was de­ 75(32.00; tomatoes, per carrier, SO® -oil and its products should be ad­ The "dividing line” m the linole­ clared constitutional and judgment 2.00; squash, per bbl., [email protected]&0; peas, A B A R G A I N ARTHUR STAGER mitted free from countries 'which um schedule changed so that ad­ ■was affirmed against the PittSbnrgil, per foasltet, [email protected]; cabbagest jjer discriminates against the United ditional grades of linoleum come In Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis crate,' [email protected] string beans, per Plot 9SxI51 on Franklin avenue'near States in tariff matters and on whose under the lower rate. Railway C-crmpam- for running its basket, l.S'[email protected]; onions, Conn.; Vreeland avepue; reasonabie prite Contracting Masoit articles of export the maximum rates Green peas come down to 25 cents fast mail train from Richmond to this white, per bbl.. [email protected]; asparagus, Apply at city -with a craw of only four men. provided in tlm Payne iblll shnll toe a bushel from 30 cents. per doz, bunches, 1.25 @5.00; (beets, Residence—107 Bnwklield ATe^ Sutle Imposed. The countervailing duty Cottnn collars and cuffs advanced Tbe statute says that any passen­ per hibl., 75 iff11.00; carrots, p er bbl., THE NUTLEY SUN OFFICE proposed to be. levied on oil from hack to tile provisions of the Dlng- ger, mall or express train of five cars [email protected]; spinach, per bbl., 1.75@ countries 'which, require the payment ley act, and put under the same con­ or more must tiave a flagman in ad­ 2.00: parsnips, -per bbl., 1.25(Hi 1.75; of Ait raiiort tax on that product was ditions as linen collars and cuffs. dition to the operatives named. cairlMower. per basket, [email protected]; abolished. ■ 1 - ^ - - r A technical change ot some impor­ radishes, per basket, [email protected]; let­ The effort to Imve lumber placed tance took real horse hair products Dr. J. W. Hall Stricken Near Ja­ tuce, per basket, [email protected]; celery, .per Glen Ridge t the free list met with Failure and out of the schedule, levying a dnty maica White Going Home to case, [email protected]; turnips, ^ e r 4JbI., 60 BLOOnFlELD, N. J. ie rates imposed by the Committee on imitation horsehair. Oyster Bay. @1.10 parsley, per bbl., [email protected]; Franklin Av., atid Jerolemon St., Ways and Means remalu in the Photographic paper secured a Dr. James W. Hall oi£ Oyster Bay ■horseradish; per 100 lb., 2.00*®4.00; as passed. The duty on (barley, s'ligit reduction. died of heart disease on a Long Is­ ouster plants, 100 bun-cshes, [email protected]; Many prominent people of NuUcy and Belleville own u biirisil plot ih this 30 cents, was placed at 24 cents, Shoestrings were taken out of tbe land Railroad electric train between watercress. 10,0 'bunches, 1.25® 2.25/ beautiful cemetery already. Why not you? The location of the Glen RiuSe increase over the 15 cent Tate sihoe schedule, and got a rate of tihelr East New Ynrk and Jamaica- Beans—Mar row. 1908, choice. 2.50; Cemetenr appeals to the people of Nutley and Bdl^viU^ .because it is - ■ j vide d in the Faiyroe toil! as report- own. w hite kidney, IflOS. 2.65@2,70; yellow in reach of their homes, and yet remote enough to secure a permanent resting; <_ 1 originally, and the rate on ‘barley Certain kinds of crude gum used Great Mex?c.n Pfaeens. eye, 1908, choice, 3.45® 3.50; peas, place for thrir beloved departed, with its peaceful surn^undin^s and landscape malt, now 45 cents a 'b"shel, was in the m anufacture of varnish -went Mexico City; Mexico.—The discov­ 1908, ohoice, 2,50; lima, Cal., 2.80@ flied at 40 cents, an increase ever on the free list. ery of a large and Tlch placer field a.K5.. . architecture. ■ ■ ■ "■ '■ ■ the 25 cent rate provided briginaHy Barytes increased from 75 cents to in tbe Sierra Blanca, district of iMifk—The Milk ;E^change price for : : CONSIDEB IT NOW : . ■ >■; !. in the Bayne bill. Both ttiese in­ {1.50 a ton. Oaxaca, Mexico, has caused great ex­ stajid&rd duality is -SH'fi. per quart- LOTS OF FOUR GRAVES AND OVER FROM $50.00 UPWARD ; creases .were proposed by the Gam- Pocket knives changed slightly in citement among miners in this conn- ■ Butter—Creamer3', W estern, estra, mittee on Ways and Jleans. classification, malting $1.25 n dozen try. 27®28Vi; State dairy, common to Home Officb : : .Ofhcf. oh Cemetesy : ~“nuons efforts to provide fnr the dividing line instead of $1,50, fair, 19023: factory, seconds to . Scheuer Bid*., Newark, N. .1. . - V : : Bloomfield, N. J. tii. i position of a ilaty on -hiJps effecting an increase of 5 cents a Secretary Hitchcock Dead, firsts, , Telephone 40G8-K Newark : : Telephone 1643-J n-el _ defeated. knife on certain grades, Washington, B. iC.—Ethan Allen Cheese—State, full Cretan, 1G@17. The section restricting the contents Tobacco fillers, unstemmed, from 7-f 11 i'fi r.-*'1,:. form er Secretary of th e Bgss—Jersey, Taney. 2,?@24; duck ijf pa el; ages of tobacco was amend­ 35 cents a ipound to 70 cents; stem­ Interior, died after a long illness. eg^s, 20SP34: goose .egss, G5@70. KBSIDESOK: A.ND -aJlT'OP1' ed to conform -with the present law med, from 50 rents a pound to $1. ' Fruits and Berries, Fresh—A'pplea, Afflunc ) 535 li’it&NItLlN AVBNtSE PHONES 1 in order that, nniou labels may not Tobacco internal tax changed so as Vfce-Chancetor Ha well issued an in- Baldwin, per bbl., 3,50@5,75; russet, ulim» 1 aiD Hiuni'UELn la ni'; . be excluded from such jiar^Ages. Tilt- to til low farm ers to sell their cured j out tion n gain st striking batters at per bbl., 3.60#4.50: cranberries, C. drawiback section was adtleil to so tcuibceo locally without pay in" 0 Orange, N. J., forbidding picketing, Cod, per bbl., 10.00(3)11.00; strawiber A. L. V A N that it couiil not he taken advan­ cents -a pound tax, with slia/ht congregating, intimidation or other* ries. rou ti d Mr. RO'Jse- Bnroil d'EsLOurnelles de Constaot, in The latest intelilge ti Ger- Wi.e name of the rrencli parltaiiientary m an Southn-pst Aj The -contract: for the construction of. •a 'Ids Hunt.ins trips with ovory > dis- the railroad to connect 'Afri<-a, Chile, • Lumber and Masons’ Materials ' a rb i^ ' Ion group,. (has invited fche obvorles ofidiaimonj , : 1 Lonj; Distance Telephone 66-Montclair . in for ills saf«i-y; T he Sunv iay with La Pa», Bolivia, lias (been award­ f> nor th of Hue nniitMorate IVrl Pnrlhment to a end a delete- are more ijbtpwtan) ‘rst tioa visit . . Paris,- - supposed ' ‘ ed to tbe firm of Sir John .T'tclison, Quarries and Main Offices, 0 ■ I'urthvj - si}’*' of iuirest. \ Lfautcd. ot Ijondon. : : ■ . ■ ■ , / ■ -- / o l sterner staff, ©nwi &ongh efee m u laggedi ta&Ona, &ef the record eay«, scarcely a more aflznl^tis oB&raeter. THE PflSrfH “he followed aiar aft.* Wheii th* company reached the Judgment hall, REBLOMUB Finally cams the tragedy. 1b John went in with Jeans, but Peter, dead of night traitorous statesmen an< AN ELOQUENT SUNDAY SERMON BY straggling Iri late, dared not go there, soldiers broke Into tbe palace and : u r . .c u h t i s l e e l a w s . but with sh&mefaeedtiess sat out in THRONE OF SEMI forced tfeelr way to the royal bed cbom< the court and warmed himself by the her. Then Alexander demonstrate^ fire. Step by sfep he had led to hia that there was still a ?pnrk of manhood Thome: Backsliding. own undoing. The servants jeered him apd taunted him, until he grew left ia. him. He fought valiantly an^ Kins Peter Finds It No Joke io -profane and blasphemous, aud de­ graiiiially retreated to a elosct wbera clared that: be never knew Je^us of Riile the Fiery Little European Brooklyn, N. Y.—In tho Greene Ue was hewn down. The wretche^ Avenue Baptist Church, Sunday, the Nazareth. Had he followed close to M o n a r c h y . Qu 32Z1 shai'sd Ms fate. Chopped beyond pastor, tha Rev. Dr. Curtis Lee Laws, th e Master, Jh.e presence pf Jesus semblance to human beings, the bodies preached a strong sermon on “Back­ would have sustained and strength­ o. the King and. Queen were thrown onl sliding.” The text was from Proverbs ened him, in the companionship of John be would have found courage, of tbe palace window into the courl 14:14: “The backslider in heart PKEDECSSSOHS BUTCHEEED. shall he filled -with his own -ways." and lie would have been saved from . j q s yard. Dr. Laws said: ; - the influence of the evil company Tie ComlsB1 of Peter* ■' Do you recall your early experi­ which proved bjs i-uin. Is not this pjfAVTNG the latest improved machinery for wort of this c£ ■ THien Peter, a descendant of a formei ences iir the service of tbe Lord? Do the proper diagnosis of many sin-sick dynasty, residing in. seclusion In Swits you remember the day and hour souls among: us? Is not tbis the I am prepared to execute all orders prom ptly and solicit 'tUxe Crown Prince George Retires erland, was sent for and was elevated "when the burden of Bin rolled oif exact history of your Backsliding? uni Alexander, a Younger Broth­ to the bloodstained throne. There wal your heart, and When you eod'l’d look, You began by sheer neglect. You did of the public patronage T f / ' ... not. commit outward positive sine, er, Takes His Place. a demand on the pajt of the powert up for the first time Into the face of APPARATUS APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF HEALH your heavenly Father, rejoicing it) but you neglected the means of grace. that he. punish the regicides, but he wai His presence ajid in His love? Do Yon were startled when you recog­ AI.I, ORDEKS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO '' either lmwHJing or not strong enoaglj you nftt recall how th^ whole world nised the growing indifference in.your to do thia and the murderers retained suddenly became more beautiful and heart. Bible reading became irk­ No luonarch in modern times ever their places of prominence and Inftn. how your heart yearned over your some,*and you no longer delighted in 0. E. C. FENTZLAFF friends and enemies as never before? private prayer. In the' meantime nscewded a Woodier throne than that ence. your devotion to business or pleasure .to wMcil King Peter of Servta wns HalZ a dozen times it has heen ru> There was on old mail converted to . 5 CHARLES STREET, hONTCLAIR Christ down in Washington some caused you to give up the prhyer ■ ■ ■ TT.T.FPHDNK CONNECTION . . ta ile d iii 1903. No one a t the time ■ex­ moral tint Peter would prefer to aban­ time ago. He was a rugged old fel­ meeting. Then you became irregular pected that he would escape assasslua- don his scepter and again seek the safe low, his esthetic nature had not been on Sunday evenings, and gradually E. E. FAITH AND THOS. HAYES, Nutley A ^ t s tSen or be permitted to reign Iot aay tj- and comfort of private life, but ths much cultivated, and he did not have you dropped out of all church attend­ ieag:ili of time. In fact It waa !i Ions impopu],ir?ey of his eldest sou modi En artist's eye. The mori'ihg after ance, In the meantime you were- FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRO ITS ifchne before the powers accepted him this tnipccriole unless he cared to set; his conversion, when his wife came, not sustained and cheered by the down to breakfast, he was standing conscious presence of your Lord nor wtSi any cordiality, for it was hard to some mam ber of the old dynasty oi at the dining room, window looking strengthened by the companionship of 61660,NE DOMENICO believe tint he tvis entirely innocent some scion of one of the great powen out at the desolate winter scenery. your fellow Christians. Then you (S at JcaEt a previous knowledge of tho of Europe elevated to tlie Serriae He turned and said: “Wife, come drifted out among unbelievers, and ||t^lt(le tragedy which was to shock the throne. The crown prince lias been a here and look,'come here and look; perhaps they have taunted you into &. Fruits tirfllzed world aud place a throne at thorn in the flesh ot El Tig Peter foi the very trees are clapping their denying your Master in ways which hands in praise to God!” Ah, In the ten years ago you would not bave v ; ' Fresh Stock ------.1.______: ■ days gone by there has been many an dreamed of! Of coarse you did not echo of .those words in many a heart start out to make shipwreck of yotir CANDIES here.' faith. You were hoodwinked by the . . always on hand. Bestbrand*. To me after I found God, the whole devil. Even a fool would shun the world was more heauUful; the sky first steps toward evil if he could was bluer, the grass was greener, the see the end from the beginning. In TOBACCOS AND CIGARS breezes were softer, the sun was our city there are tens of thousands Next door shoe store and uadar - :- warmer and all mankldd were dearer of men and women who have drifted same management. Shoes made to-v '■ to me. * into sin and drifted out of the order $3.60 60 $5. First clast ^ \ What is the meaning ot all this? church. My heart yearns over these It means that I had found that wlilch people, for they belong to God. They repairing done at> lowest p r ic e s .:- was the complement of my whole he­ have been redeemed by the blood of Work called tor and delivered. ' ing. As Augustine said: “O Lord, God’s Bon. They ought to be eating Harness Repairing. Bpotblaofc Thou.hast made us for Thyself, and at their Father’s table, but instead of : : SCat.d in store. . ■ ■’ " ■■■■■■. we ar'e restless till we rest in Thee. tbis they are spending their all in It means that in God I had laund the riotous living, or it may be that’the . STOBES ; satisfaction which this world had devil has already put them to feeding Chestnut St., n«u: FaSssiic^ Ave.^ never afforded me, for as the ocean swine. Only can fill th e ocean’s bed* so God Now let us consider the result of alone caS satisfy the mind of man. tbis .backsliding. I do not mean the Blessed is the man who has been reC- influence of backsliding upon others, TELpPHOWe 5g-—B- oneiled to his heavenly Father, who though this is far-reaching and bane­ has returned like the prodigal to his ful, but the curse of backsliding to 50> YEARS? Father’s love. 'the backslider himself. My text saya EXPERIENCE I turn now to the dark side of the tHat the “backslider in heart shall be picture. How few of us have kept •filled with his own ways.”- “What­ this early joy, and have continued in soever a man soweth that shall he this blessed peace? Of course you alsi> reap.” Tbe law of the harvest know the story of the lost chprd? A js a universal and unalterable law, woman, in the shadows of the twi­ hut a considerable time generally light, wheu ber heart was sad, gently elapses before a man eats the bread touched the keys of a glorious' organ. of bis own sowing, I do not envy the RADE MARK^ : backslider. Ey experience I know . . Designs Bhe did not know or care w hat she Copyrights &c. was playing; her fingers lingered idly something of the bitterness of the Artvono sending n.gltetcTi out? descrijrtionm ej agony which he now suffers or which 44a«sn^irj. opinion ire© whetbar but caressingly upon the keys. Sud­ W ill cure a cough or cold no . invention U iprrtbnwrpatentable- r . denly she struck a chord, and ,Jts won­ the future holds in store for him. tlons atrictlteonlldhntiAi.JiMBOOX It flooded the trims on twilight. and longs for their return. The pic­ $ ture of the father in the.parable ot A handsomely illustrated wecftlf. I.arcest d r-.; Like the close of tin a n il's psalm, This is to certify that all dilation o f n n r anicntlHe jmirnnt- Tanna, t s a [And' it lay ou her fevered spirit the prodigal son Is the best descrip­ yenr: lour raantto, $i- Sold by all newsdealers. With the touch of infinite calm. tion of God in the wnole Bible. And druggists are authorized to re­ ■ J;...... New York is not the picture of tbe prodigal son fund your money if Foley’s ' Br&n&L 5[Kce, G25 r St*- WashluctoivTVO* : It ouleted pain and sorrow. ___ the best description of the backslider Honey and Tar fails to cure Like love overcoming strife; ’ that you know oi? In the heart of It seemed the harmonious echo your cough or cold. Contains From our discordant life. God an abundant welcome for every returning backslider, and tbe no opiates. The genuine is in a It linked all perplexed meanings '* church of God ought not to be less y ellow package. BEFUSE SUBSTITUTED Into one perfect jieace, -■ hospitable than tbe heart 9 f God. HENRY T. LEFFERTS. 'And trembled away in silence, . If again I may use the Apostle Building ^LoaD As if it were loth to cease. Peter as an illustration, we may sure­ KING PETEE OP SERVIA. Tbe .possibility that the world ins.7 Something disturbed this woman ly learn from his restoration that . : A»»QCIATTIOrN ttnd called her from the organ. As unworthy Christians may become hereafter ibe less dependent than it soon as possible sbe hiiTried back and worthy Christians, that weak Chris­ bas been hitherto on the BdhemfaE his disposal. Bnt he has borne himself several years. He has had as a following Organized 1385. began tn play, but this divine chord tians may become strong Christians, deposits of pitehblende is one the well and lias held tho hot-tempered a large number of the younger and o( was gone, and though she kept nn and that onr very failings' may be­ reasons for rejoicing over the dis­ and factional jieopls of his little tin; more erratic of these fiery people and playing she could not bring it back come stepping stones .to success. - BETTER THAN A . dom well in cheeii. I-ately liis greatest has been given to some very silly boast­ agaiu. After bis experience, Peter was tno covery in 'Cornwall, observes the New SAVINGS BANK. danger lias Inin with his eldest son, the ing. How similar to our experience as humble a man to praise himself;'but York Tribune. The use of radium the children of God and yet how op­ w . boastful firebrand, Crown Prince When a few mouths ago Austria-Hun­ all of ns knnw that the Master took for curative and other purposes has posite! Many of uS have lost our him hack to His heart and immedi­ been sadly -hampered by fiie scarcity MONEY TO LOAN. Gei'rtrc. That danger now seems to be gary gobbled up Bosnia and Herzego­ peace, our jny, our rapture, hut bless ately intrusted him with the interests past, however. with the renunciation o£ vina. Servia went mad with indignation God, we can all have this heavenly of His Kingdom. This weak and and high -price of this wonderful Patronize a Home Institution his rights on the part of the prince j’jid ami tbere sprang into existence a party oiusic in onr souls agaiu, If we are baiting and backsliding man was des­ product: The establishment of new :hts-retirement iu favor of his more con­ vi'Ihi would appeal to arms and declare will tug, for God is willing to lieal onr tined to become the-leader of tbe works for Its m-anufiuiture may well Meetings 3d Wednesday evening a servative lirothor, Alexander. war against their giunt enemy. Peter backsliding. Backsliding is so com­ apostles io devotion and suffering and be attended with several-'happy re­ each month, at Park School Ha.ll. : Jsmvspncier readers wii! have no dif­ mon among Christians as/to he almost success. It thrills my heart to watch realizd! the hopelessness *ef any such universal. Of course, there are dif­ the humble and chastened and re­ sults, There is -promise not on\y of ficulty in recalling the tragedy of the effort, bnt tlie crown prince, hoaetful ferent degrees of backsliding. Some stored backslider. I am glad' it was j an increased supply, but also of lower T. S. Bbows, President, ^ ;;' and braggart, talked luudly in the cafes halve gnue only a little way, while Peter who preached the wonderful quotations. Possibly a way -may Be and jangled liis sword as ie walked or others have gone so fur that the re­ sermon at Pentecost, Tot it proves to found to simplify the .process of sepa­ H A. Connolly, Secretary.: . rode about the streets of ttie capital. turn will he difficult, but thank God, me that God can take the weakest of ration and materially lessen its cost. BBinc8T/V'. 0ocia;Fi.T it> T icaB nret. Me made a visit to Russia and expected not impossible. us and make us strong and powerful, Willinm TI. I'arry. Attorney. , , '' First of ull, let us consider bow if we will ouly give ourselves to Him. A fresh stimulus will undoubtedly "be to meet with every encouragement men become backsliders'. The word I close with these words ot invita­ given too, to the study of -methods of there, but the Czar advised the young itself is significant. To, 5 0 ’ forw ard tion from my Master. My first word utilizing -minerals which oontald, ra man to ao about his business and do requires effort, to go backward re­ Is to the Christians within the dhun in microscopic quantities, and less talking. quires no effort at all. In the Chris­ church who have grown cold and to the search 'for -yet undiscovered de­ George returned to Servia and Balked tian life, if you cease to go forward neglectful: Our Master is anxious to posits. - fn his teni. Ills father threatened him you will inevitably go backward. forgive us and to have us start afresh. This backsliding always begins in the Let us be done with indolence and with arrest uuless he abandoned his heart. We may go on for a time in 'indifference, and serve tbe Lord with The American Museum of Natural warlike attitude, hut there was still a the outward performance of duty, In joy and and enthusiasm. My second targe element which drilled aod strut­ the ceaseless round of Christian ac­ word is to the Christians who have History -has acquired two new meteor­ ted and talked of wiping Austria off tivities, while ia our hearts these fallen into sin and drifted out of the ites, one from Kansas and one from the map if George would ouly lead them things are growing more aad more 1 church: Your Lord stands with open Colorado. The Kansas one is a frag­ to the fray. distasteful. The heart may therefore arms and pleads with you to come ment, weigh ins 20% pound Sftnd “com­ be in wrong relation to a given thing, back to Him, and the church wants posed of stone with a slight mixture Peter tried tu every way to induce while our actions may be perfectly ex­ you back, II you will forsake your the powers to interfere and compel Aus­ emplary. But God knows that that sins, no one will remember them of iron: aid a thin metallic coating.” tria either to restore the two provinces man is a backslider, and he knows it against you. Come, and you shall pf the Colorado one two ice. \\t» o ijtaj tt - p^'T E N T^ I Russia, to the surprise aud indignation monds in the rough. ” John 3:lf> is the Master’s message I THAT PftY, l of the Servians, instead of proving _ We constantly say of the man who to you. If you do not remember ness is not nektJ^sodliness 11 is at I CXpUQW, .Wti.4 tp ffiii'W'Jt- -:': ' v - ' .:' 'B sins with his tongue, “Well, you least next d sanitation, and "" Sotrti JiiocltL photo or tch for f r e e report | their champion, cousented to the pol­ the beautiful words, hunt them up in [-ofc '".-SB)■: 7 eHlt^-i ptacrtoe.1'-' s u r i,' know, he is veryhastyand impetuous, your long-neglected BibleS, and. then while the hoj d the mosquito icy of Austria with Scarcely a mummr. and often says things which be does erFUSSING I^(flcua'FKiniE&to REFEPEN Fateiife CCS, Yri-itotjo. For freb : Guido '..’.f I Kitig PetcT realized that, war would come, come, come. . are guilty 1 have -proi> not mean.” But God says these , before now, t503»ESO!5SevonthStr#6t] mean the effacing of Sis little kingdom things have their origin in the heart, - Joyful Service. ably killed f Q,.:: 1 uud has used Ilia Influence to keep his and from the heart flow outward. the little unJ ’lioti comes Blessed is the Christian who works,- ■--i-mj. the angry subject* in check. By the col­ When our conduct becomes bad, it is cheered hy tbe sure hope oi his Mas­ u-p with tliej hecause we have already been back­ ter’s final victory. He stares little sw-amp lective action of tho* powers at Belgrade sliders in our hearts. Then bad leads the uunexaUop. of Bosnia aud Herze­ to worse. Like Peter, we begin “to for the tears now, for ..tie can look needs no 11) govina became a closed inoideiit- follow the Lord afar, off," and this in­ forward to the hour #heti he shall j virus. evitably leads to the denial of our come to the harvest Uome. ^rinsii1^ *OCJLNDEJL' liecently the Servian atmosphere waa bis sheaves with him,; lie bears Eas­ somewhat clarified by tlie act of Prince Master. You remember that :;?u the Master was taken captive Ii ■ was ; ily the noise and the r/ouuding of (ho t- nl^Lit <,f June tioorjge iu .renouncing liis claim to tha immediately forsaken by His applies. battle, for lie hears .prophetically'ths er uud his wife, throne. The Servian Parliament hesi­ Then began the procession from Cslh- music of victory, aad knows that he aemaue to the judgment ball. The follows a Captain." who" has nfivv.r hit listed the )ta- tated to act, but King PeteT rcadllj l:ncir«u defeat, and th a t the joy at- vic­ s. Tlie King, deaf accepted fhe boy's retirement and Master walked alone'His weary way. tory, like . the joy; of harvest, shall *; sfuaroa ai^3 ftfce s (if common de- tie trod the : ae. The Vptitcf■* named his second son. Prince Alesau- shadow of the cross h;;,l alreadv more than cy-npcpsntt; for all life's yb'towt'Kizz.. .Vv' 3[>eud his tiujii "in der, as the heir to 1 Lip throne. Alex­ weary toil ana ul)i earth's strife and falleu athwart, His pathway.' But - % flvcles ot P;iris ander is u luore conservative youth than conflict. alter a little while two ol the apostles . ?«C its L. lliilcit I !1 constantly George and thi* welfare .«j; Servia would L summon up courage aad follow tbe iiiUeimess. be wafer under fctlnr tibau it would be I cortipauy. : One* OC these was John, Groat I'ilc f tut ions. V : ! fl have rc- n n d e r th l‘ i’oi’iiier j * wu princie, tbon^h j ^ssibly"could.3" But"Pet We should wiiMn out expectations to the magnlfican®weep Of His prom­ -vishes of ho is by 110 mo* UJeAl prospective have tlie courage to dc, thatj so be made rider. ise.—MacLaran. g . r. ; V j


•> .;l ' J ONE 604 TELEPHONE'605 WANT ADVERTISEMENTS WAKT APVERfiS EM ENTS WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- WANTED. _ FAMILY(; WASHING AND wo k. Apply, E. S. GARDNER, : Ironing at home. Xfidress A. G.. Nut- A l w a y s Fiad the Best Goods 419 Hillside avenue ley Post Offlc^ : V ■ / 4-17' TO LET.—HOUSE, WITH EIGHT ROOMS, TO BE READY ON OR BEFORE MAY 1. ■ with all improvements; bath; good order. 1909, Oakwood Villa, comer Whitford avenue and Chestnut street. Drawings .te Lowest Prices at the Apply MRS. W. G. KIERSTEAD, 204 room. Library, Music Room and Dining­ Chestnut Street. ______... > 5-1 room and six bedrooms. Two additional WANTED—DAYS’ WORK BYCOMPE- rooms if. n e c e s sa ry tw o bathrooms; tentwoman—Tuesday, Wednesday and three toilets. House redecorated and in thorough order throughout. Apply to' leuer M arket Thursday open. Address X, Mutiey Sun. 1 . A. L. VAN W1NLKE & (X).. FOR SALE—HANDSOME OAK SEDE- tf Seal Estate, opposite Nutley Station. board, diningroom table and 8 chairs, FOR RENT—3 ROOMS IN NEW Resi­ ebony pedestal, settee and chair up­ st 35c Java and Mocha Coffee, lb . 25c dence 604 Bloomfield avenue. Ail im­ holstered in green damask. Apply 414' provements except heat. Low rent. Apply­ /Teas, lb - - 34c Hillside avenue, Nutley. ______, S-l . : MRS. KOSTECRWA. New J^^spy’s Greatest tos Coffee, lb - - 19c SETTING HENS, $1.00 EACH. CALL 4-17 604 Bloomfield avenue. evenings. 47 Prospect St.______24 FOR SALE— MUST BE SOLD—LO.T ON FOR :SALI&—PURE WHITE, FULL BLOOD­ Cathedral avenue, near Kingsland street; : M a i l O r d e r Best Creamery Butter, lb. 29c ED Angola kittens. 144 Chestnut street, approximately 50x170 to' quick cash Nutley. 4-24 buyer $600; small bam in rear of lot in­ cluded In purchase price. THOS. H. y Tomatoes, can - W Y i C MONEY TO LOAN—t HAVE $1800 TO RITCHIE,"3 High street Nutley,. N. J. 4-17 I loan on bond and mofgage on good real Choice June Peas, 3 can - 24c estate security. WILLIAM H. PARRY, KINGSLAND’S ACME S, C. WHITE ■ 4-24 440 Centre street, Nutley Leghoms-i-bred to lay and win—18 . Choice Stringless Beans, 3 cans 25c' eggs, $1.00; 40' eggs, $200; 100 eggs, $4.00. 'Solid Packed Tomatoes, 3 cans 25c FOR SALE.—WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS Address, ROBERT F. KINGSLAND $1.50 and $2.00 per setting; -white Leg­ S-29 - -Montviile, N..J- /E ARE justly proud of our mail oYder horn eggs, 75 cents and $1; also Wyan­ FOR RENT—7-ROOM APARTMENT, IN dotte cockerel. LANDFEAR, 274 W asl/ system. We feel that it is one of il Kinds of Bread 3 l-2c Loaf ing ton avenue, near Grant avenue. 4-24 a£two family house; first floor; all im­ ------'------:------i provement,, separate halls, large porch, tlie strongest~4inks in the chain of FOR RENT. — 7-ROOM APARTMENT; ia best condition. Rent reasonable. Ap­ trictly Fresh Jersey Eggs, dozen - 21c | 2nd floor; all improvements; best con­ ply. MRS. C. R. SMITH, this great store’s success. We want you to AU Our i2c and 14c Crackers, lb - W tc dition; large - balcony; separate steam heater; lot 60x150. Sent $30 per month. S-l 3S4 Harrison street Extra Fancy Prunes, lb 5c; Five pounds - 2 3 d use it—test it thoroughly and allow us to ______i Apply J. B. FOY, Real Estate & Insur­ FOR REMT^-FURNISHED—-FROM MAY ance. 4-24 to November RESIDENCE OF JAHES R. HAY, demonstrate its many splendid advantages. FOR SALE—THREE 10 ROOM HOUSES- 385 PASSAIC AVENUE GRANULATED SUGAR 5c pound Rutgeis place—Attractive, up-to-date, Grounds will be cared for a t owners ex­ The Bamberger mail order system is not the out of the ordinary. All improvements. pense. Apply on premises. ^ 24 3 Full Weight Cans Milk, 25 c' Restricted neighborhood. Terms to suit. TO LET—STORE IN REALTY BUILD­ result of a day, but the culmination of years Fresh Rolled Oats, 3 lbs 10c Keys can be had at 160 Satterthwaite ing, opposite West Nutley station. Good avenue. Apply to your own agent of W. location an|i low rent. Macaroni or Spaghetti, package - 8c L. SERGEANT, 35 Nassau street. Phone of painstaking efforts. In fact, this branch Copd White Lard, lb - 8c B792 Cortlandt. 4-24 FARM OF FIVE ACRES' WITH SDC- of our business is so perfectly organized WANTED TO RENT FROM MAY 1ST__ room house, barn and outbuildings tXTRA FANCY MAINE CORN, 3 Cans 25c small house or part of two family; good Rent $25 per month. ‘ ' that you may shop as quickly and conveni­ neighborhood; rent not to exceed $20; also ALSO' FARM OF EIGHT ACRES WITH one not to exceed $15. Give full particu­ two small five-room' houses and barns: ently by mail as in person. , There are no A ll our 7Ec Wines and Liquors, full qt. - 65c lars. HUNTLEY & CLARK, Union Build­ plenty of fruit, eta- Rent $25 per month. ing, Newark. 4-17 Fancy Evaporated Peaches or Apricots, 3 lbs 25c WANTED—BEFORE MAY 1ST, HOUSE, FOR SALE—HOUSES IN ALL SEC­ delays—no errors—satisfaction is snugly Full quart bottle Ammonia or Bluing ‘ - 8c in good condition, 7 or 8 rooms; all im­ tions of Nutley and West Nutley from Leggett’s Pure Fruit. Jams, jar - 14c provements; good neighborhood, within $3,000 up, on easy terms. NOW IS THE packed with each parcel we send out. If ten minutes of trolley, good sized lot and TIME TO BUY. suitable for garage. Price about $6,000. you arc not a patron (which is highly im­ Give full particulars,'' HUNTLEY & NUTLEY REALTY CO., CLARK, Union Building, Newark. 14-17 99 Nassau S u New York West Nuttey, N. J. tf probable) send iri a trial order and you’ll toTsen t^ rom ’m a y T Z vertT-com- S. Scheuer & Go. fortable house; on Whitford avenue, SQUABS FOE FINE EATING, KILLED quickly realize the truth of the foregoing 2 1 8 -2 2 4 Washington PI. Passaic, N. J. close to Nutley station; 10 rooms; all im­ •and delivered on order. Also thorough­ provements; good lot. Apply bred Homer Pigeons for sate. Matings ' A. L, VAN WINKLE & CO., guaranteed. A. J. DUGGAN, statements. - tf Columbia'Buildtng tf 159 John Street, Pbone 165 Nutley Goods Delivered Free WOW IS THE TIME TO LEGAL NOTICE. LEGAL NOTICE. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF- ASSESSMENT PLANT YOUR GROUNDS Estimated assessmeuts fnr the opening of AvondaleiSoad, from Passaic avenue to Elm street. ' AWARDS FOR DAMAGES The time has now arrived when people desirous of leautifying their Plot Owners’ Names Quantity of Land Taken Amount Awarded A Joseph Stirratt...... Lot 50x160.93 $600 00 NEWARK, N. J. grounds should begin to make preperatioas lor same. Owing to the shortness B Yantacaw Real Estate Co.. . : 0.96-100 Acres 960 00 of the Spring planting season, every preparation should, as far as^possible, be C Janies Batty...... 0,12-100 Acres . 120 00 D John T. Speer,...... Lot 27,61 front, 38.72 rear arranged beforehand, to enahle all stock to be planted as qnicklr as possible by 202.16 deep and house 1,200 00 E Franklin M. E. Church...... Lot 23.14 by 407.50 250 00 after their positions have been decided upon. - Total damage awarded...... $3,130 00 We would con- aider is a great , Commissioners ’ fees...... 45 00 favor if our pat- R(fseg Engineering fee.i...... 57 00 rons would send Advertising...... 10 00 in their orders as / _ early as possible to enable us to o r - / Evergreen .... - , , ’ $3,242 00 . C ; m B E D E -L,L ganize our forces Leas estimated sale value of ho use...... 100 00 for the carrying Flowericg Shrubs out of their plans and filling of or- Old Fashioned Flowers ders with the great- Total to be assessed as benefits...... 53,142 00 Fresh Groceries, ‘egt possible dis­ Shade and Fruit Trees patch. ASSESSMENT FOR BENEFITS . It is interesting Hedge Plants and educational to Lot No. Owners’ Names - Lot Frontage Amount Assessed Fruits, Etc., visit our nurseries ' 2 ^v/Yantacaw Real Estate Company...... 802.84 “ $1,192 38 ' Vines and the most sat- “ Joseph Stirratt...... 153.10 S27 38 isfactory way to arrange for plant- Joseph Stirratti...... 168.77 1 250 66 description. 863.42 1,282>34 ■ ing. If you cannot visit our nurseries, Yantacaw Rea Estate Co,...... Jam es B atty...... 127.42 180 24 we will have a representative call upon request. Franklin Avenue, Cor. Vreeland Aveuue, . 2115.53 $3,142 00 We shall be pleased to mnil our illustrated general catalog to parties in­ Respectfully submitted this 24th day of March, 1909. " . NUTLEY, N. J. tending to purchase Nursery Products, for the improvement of old or the laying C ha r les C. B a t es , T E L . 8 -J , Wm. D. Bell, . 1 out of new grounds. C omead A. J oerg. r Commissioners’ of Assessment.

To t h e H on o r a ble. We return herewith, under our hands, the facts ascertained, the appraisements, BOBB1NK & ATKINS T h e T ow n C ouncil of t h e T own of estimates, determinations and assess­ N u t l e y , in th e C ounty o f E s s e x . ments made by us concerning said im­ iNURSERYMEN, FLORISTS AND PLANTERS We the undersigned. Commissioners of provement and accompanying this report Assessment of the Town of Nutley, in the is the map above referred to. RED ASH LEHIGH C30AI, RUTHERFORD, N. J. county of Essex, to whom was referred In Witness "Whereof, We, the said WB HAVB THB A RtlCLB the petition for the opening of Avondale Commissioners of Assessment, have here- ' Road from Passaic avenue ts- Elm street, unto set our hands and seals this Twenty- in said town, by resolution adopted the third day of March, Nineteen Hundred Fourteeth day of October, 1908, do re­ and Nine. Now is the time to get your Coal. While spectfully report that we have been at­ Ch a r le s C. B a t e s , tended by Frank T. Shepard, a town sur­ e l l u . E 3 . d o y l _ e : ! Wm. D. B ,. W. H. Robinson veyor not interested in said improvement; Cohrad A. Jo e rg . Prices are Low andYard well supplied that we have caused a map to be made of Commissioners of Assessment of the Ladies’ and Gentlem en’s the improvement, showing the real estate ’ Town of Nutley, County of Essex. UPHOLSTERER to be taken therefor and all the property TAILORING which in our judgment will be specially benefitted thereby, and have designated JOHN HAWKINS CARPET AND each lot and parcel on said map by its ■SUITS TO ORDER proper block aad lot number; that we have NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report, map and assessment for damages EAST NUTLEY. ' NEW JERSEY; Stirratt Building also ascertained, as far as possible, the MATTRESS MAKER names of tbe owners of such real estate and benefits upon and to all the owners of land and leal estate as particularly ■' PHONE 33-L Chestnut Street and Passaic Avenue, to be taken and of the properties to be benefitted and the interest of each oi the affected by the public improvement known NUTLEY, N. J. FRENCH POLISHING owners of real estate to be taken, and that as the opening of Avondale Road, from we have appraised tlie value of interest of Passaic avenue to Elm street, made under each known owner of real estate to be taken a resolution of the Town Council, of the All krtids of Furniture Repaired, Chairs and thedemage to be done to such owner by Town of Nutley, in the County of Essex, Caned, Split, Rush, or Woven. Seats put the taking of the same; that we have passed on the Fourteenth day of October, estimated ail other expenses, likely, in Nineteen Hundred and Eight, consisting in. Work done an your premises if de­ of the opening of Avondale Road, from CHARLES A. KEYLER sired. / ! our judgment, tO attend the completion of the improvement, all of which matters Passaic avenue to Elm street as afore­ / and things are shown by Schedule 1 here­ said (a copy of . which said report im­ to annexed and made a part of this mediately proceeds this notice) havebeen To walk io. the ] Funeral Director and CHESTNUT STRP ET, N. J. made by Uie Commissioners -of Assess­ report. : ' SHOE STORE ylujre. E m b a lm er N e / And we further find and report that ment, of said Town of Nutley, in the • • t there is one building required to be taken Comity of Essex, and were filed with the ■ purchase first-class B Town Clerk of the said town, on the ■ 555-558 B loom field A v en u e , on account of such improvement and that, ; ■ and Rubbers for to wit: a dwelling house on premises of Tweuiy-tbird day of March, Nineteen . BLOOMFIELD^ V. J. . ' John T. Speer; that the amount estimated Hundred and Nine, and that the Town ■ men and children, by m as the ammiflt which will be reaLzed Council Of the Town of Nutley has fixed . T e le ph o n e : prices. 39 ' Kino by |he sale thereof^ one hundred dollars the . ' . ■ . ($100.00), which w^t have deducted from Twenty^eighth day of April, Repairing neatly d; the original estimated cost of said im­ Nineteen Hundred and Nine, ALLAN B. S provement, and we therefore determine usual. the probable net cost of making such im­ at eight o’clock p. m., as the'tim eaiidtfte SATISFACTf U V E R Y £ provement to be the !sum of thirty-one Town Hall in the Town of Nutley,. as the ES hundred and forty-twa have assessed the Council will consider any objections to the said probable net oosi upon the lots to said map, report and assessment, pre­ JOE C : all be specially benefited jby the improve­ sented in writing to the Town Clerk on or .. PROP Furniture aud Pian 11S- ment in proportion to the benefit to be before that time. \ : • - ■ . j Safety md Ia received, which assessmjents for benefits Frank L. Ruhby, 3O7 Franklin A v y are set out in length iw' Schedule 2 an­ : : : Town Clerk ’ Geniff-tl Tnifr. nexed-to and iftade a ( irt of this report. Dated Nutley, N. J.. March 24. 1909. ' :>