2 Preface The research and outreach programs described in the following report are the result of an ongo- ing partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey Biological Resources Discipline, the Na- tional Biological Information Infrastructure, and Mississippi State University. Funding for these programs was provided by an award from USGS BRD to MSU under cooperative agreements 08HQAG0139 and G10AC00404, a Gulf Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Coopera- tive and Joint Venture Agreement. The MSU program was managed by the Geosystems Re- search Institute. The USGS BRD Invasive Species Program manager was Sharon Gross and NBII Invasive Species Information Node manager was Annie Simpson. This report should be cited as: Madsen, J.D., P. Amburn, R. Brown, E. Dibble, G. Ervin, D. Shaw, C. Abbott, G. Baker, K. Bloem, C. Brooks, D. Irby, S. Lee, V. Maddox, R. Rose, R. Schulz, L. Wallace, L. Wasson, M. Welch, R. Wersal, D. McBride, and N. Madsen. 2011. Research to Support Integrated Manage- ment Systems of Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species: Annual Report, 2010. Geosystems Research Institute GRI#5047, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS. For comments or questions, contact Dr. John D. Madsen at
[email protected]. 3 Table of Contents Introduction Page 5 Participants Page 6 Collaboration Page 7 Task 1. Aquatic Invasive Plants Page 9 Task 1.1. GIS Model of Invasive Aquatic Plant Distribution and Abundance Based on Watershed Nutrient Loading Rates Page 10 Task 1.2. Nonindigenous Aquatic Plant Database Plant Observation Entry Page 11 Task 2. National Early Detection and Rapid Response Webpage Development Page 13 Task 2.1.