Baltimore College of Dental Surgery Catalog 1899-1900

Item Type Course Catalog

Publication Date 1900

Keywords University of , Baltimore. Dental School, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery--Curricula--Catalogs; Baltimore College of Dental Surgery

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(The Oldest Dental College in the World.)


CAT ALOGUE 1096 AND 1699.




Open Daily during Entire Year from I to 5 P. M. Laboratory Open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.


Many of the Operations Are Performed Free of Charge and Others at the Cost of Material Only.

The Ln fi r'm ar y is in Charge of the Professors and Demonstrators of the College, and is daily crowded with patients who are operated on by Students of the College. A:J ANh;STHETICS in use are administered in the Extraction of T'ee th , and in Surgical Operations of the Head and Face. All the different materials are employed in the construction of the ARl'IFlCIAL Tl!ETH. Infirmary and Laboratory in the College Building, Corner Eutaw and Franklin Streets, Iiattirnore. The Baltimcre College of Dental Supgerry.


The Oldest Dental College In the World.

FACULTY. M. WHILLDIN FOSTER, M. D., D. D. S., Professor of T11erapeutics and Pathology. WM. B. FINNEY, D. D. S., Professor of Dental Mechanism and Metallurgy. -B. HOLLY SMITH, ]VI.D., D. D. S., Professor of Dental Surgery and Operative Dentistry. THOMAS S. LATIMER, M. D .. Professor of Puyslology and Comparative Anatomy. WILLIAM SIMON, PH. D., M. D., Professor of Cnemrstry, CHARLES F. l3EVAN, M. D., Clinical Professor of Oral Surgery. J. W. CHAMBERS, :1\1. D., Professor of Anal,omy. WM. F. LOCKWOOD, M. D., Professor or Materia Medica. LECTURERS. WM. F. SMITH, A. B., M. D., Regtonal Anatomy. R BAYLY WINDER, PHAR. G., D. D. S., Materia Medica. EDW. HOFFMEISTER, PH. D., D. D. S., Materia Medica. J. N. FARl,AR, M. D., D. D. S., Irregularities. DR. GEORGE EVANS, r rown and Br idge-work. KASSON C. GIBSON, New York, N. Y., Oral Deformities and Fractured Maxillartes. JOHN WAL'l'EI(HOUSE LORD, A. B., L. L. B., Couusel and Lecturer on Dental Jurisprudence.

CLINICAL INSTRUCTORS. '1'. S. WATERS, D. D. S., outer Clinical Instructor, Resident, Md. CORYDON PAU,tER, D. D S Ohio. J. HALL MOORE. D. D. s...... Va. E. P.A.RMLY BROWN, D. D. s N. Y. R. B. DONAJ,DSON,D. D. s D. C. A. L. Nm


H. H. HAYDEN, M. D.• Demonstrator of Anatomy. O. F. BLAKE, M. D., Demonstrator or Anatomy. L. F. KORNMAN, M. D., Assistant Demonstrator of' Anatomy.

The Sixtieth Annual Session will commence on the r st of Octo' -er 1899, and continue until May 1900. The Infirmary is open during the entire year for Dental Operations. Students corresponding with the Dean will ple.ise be careful to z ive full address, and direct their letters to '.' M. W. FOSTER, M. D., D. D. S., DEAN, 9 vr. FRANKLIN STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. BOARD OF VISITORS.

The following Board of Visitors have been appointed by the Faculty. This Board holds Annual Meeting and appoints every year a Committee from its Members to attend the final examination of the Graduating Class and advise with the Faculty as to the qualifications of Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. From this Board there will also be selected, each year, a number of gentlemen who shall hold clinics and deliver clinical Lectures during the Collegiate term. The members of the State Board of Dental Examiners are also invited to be present.


THE SIX'l'IE1'H REGULAR COURSE; OF INSTRUCTION in the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery will begin on October 1St, 1899, and continue until May 1900. T'h e oldest of Dental Colleges, this institution enters on the sixtieth year of its career with its prospects for usefulness brighter than ever be- fore. It has added to its Faculty and Clinical: Corps strong and active men, and is better equipped t h an at any period of~its existence. It makes no special claim to the consideration of the dental profession and public, aside from its actual worth as an instructor of young men in a specialty, and claims only the modest place of aiding in developing with others, (what it did for so many years alone and opposed.) a single science and art. The results of its work in these sixty years are world-wide in their influence upon dentistry. Two thousand and fifteen (2,015) graduates have gone from this College into practice, and these are scattered all over the civilized world. They are located in nearly every eity of Europe. They lead the profession in all the great centres of civilization, ann have won eminence in England, France, Russia, Prussia, Switzerland, Spain and . They have carried the honors of the institution into Asia, Australia, and the land of the pyramids, while in every State in the they have established their own worth and reputatiou of their Alma Mater. The College may well point with pride to the standing of its graduates. Many of them have reached high stations in the profession; many have become renowned for tbeir attainments, original discoveries and writings. They have met with signal honor abroad, nearly every Court dentist in Europe being a graduate of this institution. Very many of them are men of broad cultnre, who had been previously trained in ot.h er high educational institutions, and collectively they have developed a degree of worth and usefulness which reflect the highest credit upon the College. Four thousand two;hundred and ninety-one (4,291) students have matriculated at th is college. The course of study, in addition to the regular lectures, embraces daily clinics in the College Infirmary and demonstration in the College Labora- tory, by the Professors and Demonstrators. The practical course of study runs through the entire year, the interim between the sessions being very highly prized and of vast service to the student. The opportunity is free to all matriculants. The Faculty desire to state in this place that its diplomas are not pur- chasable. It would bardly seem creditable to the reputation of dentistry schools to be obliged to make this statement, but frequent applications, made almost every year, for the diploma on other terms than actual atten- dance on the lectures, and a satisfactory examination at the close of the session, indicate that this matter is not well understood. THE NEW COLLEGE BUILDIl"G, into which this College was removed in June, 1881, is one of the finest structures in Baltimore City. Every part of this spacious and handsome building is devoted to College purposes, except the large stores on the ground floor. . MUSEUM. BALTIMORE CO:'LEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, 5

The" Infirmary Hall" is a model for space, architectural beauty a d convenience, and is han(!somely furnished. Situated on the second story, it occupies one-half of this extensive floor, the remaining portion of the same floor being devoted to the extensive Museum of the institution, (which is a large snd beautiful hall,) the "Extracting Room ", hat and coat room, water-closets, &c. Immediately over the Infirmary is a large and handsome "Lecture Hall", capable of seating three hundred students. Opposite the Lecture Hall are the large halls devoted to "Laboratory" purposes, three in number, one of which is used exclusively for plaster work, furnace work, vulcan- izing, etc.

The ceilings arc some twenty-feet high, with numcrous windows COlo. responding in size, and the halls an! rooms are f,irnished with beantiful chandeliers and gas fixtures. The entire building frontiug on two wide streets, has every advantage of location, light, etc. 'Wide stairways and corridors separate tne principal halls, this fiue structure has been erected without regard to cost. During the summer of 1895 the interior of the College Building was greatly improved. The floor or the Lecture Hall has been raised, giving an unobstructed view of the lecture platform to students occupying the rear seats. The bene he have been removed and the latest improvements in folding opera chairs substituted. The Infirmary has also been much im- proved. Stationary brackets have been placed at every chair. On this floor has also been added a toilet-room for women. Among the improvements for session of 1896-97, are the electric motors for ruun ing all the lathes in the laboratory, and the attachment made in the mfirmary fox electric mallets. Mallets will be furnished by the college. Still more marked are the im.prov-ern en ts for the session of 1898-99 as electric lights have been placed over each chair and fountain cuspadors beside each chair. Another improvement which will add to the comfort of students is a gallery extending across the south end of the Infirmary wh ere they can store their dental engines and instrument cases for safe keeping. The entire establishment is thorough and complete in all its appoinr. men is, and is one of the finest and best eqnipped college buildings in the world devoted exclusively to dental instruction. This College is extending relief to many thousand charity patients every year. The inmates of the Baltimore Labor Manual School, Child's Nursery Hospital, Bal tirnore Orphan Asylum, St. Vincent's Orpha.n Asylum, the Boys' Home, the Aged Men's Home, the Aged Worncns Home, 81. James, Home for BGYs, St. Joseph's House of Industry, St. Paul's School for Girls, the Christ Church Orphan Asylum, Spring Grove Asylum, Mary- laud Penitentiary, Baltimore City Jail, and, in short, without further enumeration, the inmates of every charitable institution of the City of Baltimore and its vicinity, of every character and forrn of religious belief, are freely invited to avail themselves of the advantages of the Infirmary, and are there treated entirely without cost to the patient or to the institu- tion from which they come. All the institutions enumerated, and many others, DOW depend for treatment of these diseases which the dentist alone can al levia te OJ' CUTe, upon the succ r which the Infirmary of this College affords. 6 BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY,

The Museum of the College is the growth of years, and is a large and rare collection of anatomical specimens. Plates and drawings and photo- :graphic prints of anatomical and physiological subjects, (which are freely used in illustration of lectures,) are in great number, exceeding variety, a nd being constantly added to. The collection of dental morbid specimens is alone worth a visit to examine. A large number of beautiful pathological specimens have been recently ad led to the collection. The collections were commenced in r839, and have continued without interruption until now; and owiug to the many years this College has been in existence, the supply of patio lotrical and other specimens for illustrating the lectures and d em on str ati o us is larger than in any other similar institution. Located in a city of 500,000 inhabitants, the clinical matter is abundant, thereby enabliug the student to carefully prepare himself for futnre practice, and instilling a. degree of confidence which experience can only impart. Special Lectures by eminent scientists are delivered during the session, in addition to the regular cours e, also Clinics by celebrated operators. The number of patients daily visiting the Infirmary is very large. All such patients are operated on by the students, uuder the careful supervision of the Professors and Demonstrators. Since the close of the session of r88r-'82 this College has formed an alliance with the College of Physicians and Surgeons, by which the Students of the former can avail themselves of the extensive clinical facilities of the latter~unsurpassed in any institution of this State. The Dental Class is at liberty to attend any or all of the Lectures, on Medicine and Surgery at the College of Physicians and Snrgeons, where the clinical material is superabundant. The Faculty of this school, however, are distinctly of the opinion that those students who do not propose to graduate in medicine had better devote their time to the close study of Dentistry, a proper knowledge of which can only be acquired by the closest attention to the Dental Infirmary and Laboratory. The study of general medicine, therefore, is, in our judg- ment, properly a post-graduate course of dentists. Graduates in Dentistry are given advanced standing and are admitted to the two year course, on conditions that any studies required in the first year Medical Course, not taught in the dental course shall be made up iu their second year. There has been started ill this' College and in the College of Physicians and Surgeons a joint" College Y. M. C. A." A large number of students from each of these colleges have joined the organization. - Religious services have been held at the Central Y. M. C. A. Building Sunday afternoons at which addresses have been made by the leading ministers of the city and by students. Denominational or doctrinal matters .are not mentioned. As soon as the organization becomes sufficiently strong, cosy reading Tooms will be opened near the respective colleges. Two of the principal -objects are: first, to welcome young men from Christian homes and try to prevent them from being enticed into evil ways by the allurements of a large city. Second, to raise the moral standing of the profession generally. Owing to the change from a two to a three years course the graduating class of r893 was necessarily a small one. COURSE OF STUDY.,

DENTAL SURGERY AND OPERATIVE DENTISTRY.-Tbese chairs win, embrace everything pertaining to Dental Surgery and Operative Dentistry- including the construction and application of appliances for correcting ir-· regularities of the teeth and dental arch ; treatment of dislocation and, fractures of the maxi l lse , etc. The different fillings of teeth, in their various classifications, materials, used, and methods of introducing the same, will be carefully explained and' their relative importance clearly demonstrated. The different instruments used in Operative Dentistry, together with their formation, tempering, use. etc. will be carefully considered and fully discussed. CLINICAL DENTISTRY.-The Demonstrators, aided by the professors and clinical corps, will deliver Clinical Lectures at frequent stated terms during the session, and bold Clinics for practical instruction. PATHOLOGY AND THRRAPRUTICs.-The Lectures of this chair will com- prise such principles of Patbology and practice of medicine as are essential to 8 knowledge of pathological relations of the teeth to the other parts of the system, together with the symptoms, causes and treatment of all

diseases which involve the dental str uct u i es , such as inflammatory action effecting the various tissue diseases of dental pulp, periodontitis, alveolar abscess, dental exostosis, dental caries, necrosis. etc., together with many other conditions which are of interest to the dental practitioner. Tbe Lectures on Therapeutics will comprise a comprehensive classifica- tion of medicines employed in dental practice, with a careful explanation of their properties and therapeutic effects, whether applied locally or otherwise. MECHANICAL DENTISTRY AND METALLURGY.-The professor of this chair will aim to lay down the general principles which underlie the science and art of Dental Prosthesis. The student will be carefully taught discri- mination in the selection of materials and their skillful use. Whatever is useful will be fully and copiously dealt with, and things of doubtful utility carefully scrutinized. All methods of merit will be fully noticed, and the labors of inventors and others recognized. The course will combine eesthetie with simply useful mechanism. The metallurgy of Dentistry and so much of Chemistry as is fairly in- cluded in the working of metals, porcelains, etc., will be fully dealt with, and also the details of Laboratory work, with the history, structure, and properties of the materials with wbich the dental m ec hanist has to deal. The lectures are fully demonstrated and illustrated and cover the ground of gold and metal plates generally, continuous gum, ann of the m ore com- monly used and less costly materials, such as vulcanite and celluloid. A complete series of demonstrations will illustrate the lectures on the art of preparing substitutes to supply the place of the natural organs and adapting them to harmonize with the character and expression of the face. In the Laboratory and Infirmary, ample opportunity will be given to each student to perform, uud er the daily supervision of the demonstrators; every operation in Mechanical Dentistry. BALTH10RE COLLEGE OF' f)"8~TAL SORGERY,

SPECIAL ANATOMY AND DENTAl, MATERIA MEDICA.-The lecturer of this chair will present to the class the anatomy of head and neck with special reference to all operations performed by the dental surgeons. Those medicines used in dental practice will be described and their various ap- plications to diseases of the mouth iudicated. Au effort will be made to make these branches as practical as possible. PHYSIOLOGY.- This conrse of Lectures will em brace microscopical anato- my, so that the physical cbaracter of organs and the physical principles involved in their action, may be fresh in the memory of the students at the time of description of their Functions and their physiological relations. The physiology of the dental organs will be very distinctly set forth. Special attention will also be paid to the nervous system. Digestion, normal and abnormal, will be thoroughly investigated, and the importance of oral digestion clearly defiued, as being the first step in that process upon the perfection of which the remaining acts mainly depend. Special attention is paid to the microscopical anatomy of the dental structures. CHEMISTRY.-It will be the aim of the professor of this chair to give an accurate knowledge of the principles of the science, dwelling especially upon those points which are of special interest to the dental student. The physiological relations of chemistry will be unfolded as far as practicable, leaving particular details to the chair of physiology. Careful attention will be paid to the chemistry of Metals and all the Materials used in dentistry; also to the vital chemistry of ansesthe tics. The special chemistry of the mouth, the stomach and intestinal tube will be fully treated. A chemical laboratory has been established with the view of enabling the students to become familiar with the characteristic properties and chemical reaction of such substances as are of practical interest in dentistry. A course in this laboratory is obligatory for all junior students. Although all apparatus and materials required by the students are furnished without extra charge, the students will be obliged to pay for breakage. A!\ATOMy.-General anatomy will be thoroughly taught by this chair in the most careful manner. Models, plates and the cadaver are abundantly supplied for the proper illustration of tbis subject. Special attention will he given to the descriptive anatomy of the head, face and neck, which will also occupy the careful attention of the Professors of Special Anatomv and Physiology. Dissecting material will be supplied in abundance, and with- out cost. ORAL SURGERy.-Clinical Lectures on Surgery will be given weekly by this chair, at the College of Physicians aud Surgeons. Special attention will be paid to clinical operations in surgery upon the mouth and face. The College Dispensary furnishes an ample supply of material. MATERIA MEDICA.-A complete course of Materia Medica and general therapeutics will be given by this chair, white special attention will be called to the nature and therapeutic uses of these drugs required in dentistry. Monthly reviews of the more important parts of lectures will be given with the aid of a stereopticon. INFIRMARY PRAC'I'ICE.-The Facuity have spared no pains to make ar- rangements for the acquirement of practical skill, commensurate with the importance of this branch of tuition. The Infirmary is open during the entire year, and is adequately supplied with operating chain. BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, 9

The operative and mechanical departments are now so well patronized that every student can obtain as much practice as it is possible for him to attend to. With the exception of Sunday four hours are daily spent by the student in dental practice tinder the supervision of the demonstrators and the professors. To allow each one eqnal opportunity, and to put the theories taught into practice, at the commencement of the session, the students are divided into classes, which secures constant rotation through the operating and mechanical departments. The demonstrators ar e always present to give required information. MODELLING CLASSES.-The Freshman's Class in Sections of eight will be instructed in Modelling and carving teeth in plastic materials. This is thought the better methods of teaching the student the form, contour and anatomy of the teeth. Crown and Bridge work is taught in the most thorough manner. The technique having been acquired from models, the practical work will be fnrnished in the College Clinics. The instructions are given in sections of eight so each student wi1J have an opportunity of being near the instructor. Under the direction of the demonstrators, patients will be assigned to the students, who will be reqnired to operate at the chair, and they will in this way be taught the various operations incident to Dental Surgery. The intimate union of theoretical and practical instruction will be in- sisted on during the entire course, and indeed, is considered as the on e thing essential to becoming a competent dental practitioner. In the Labo rator v each student has his desk aud we r k bench assigned to him where his instruments can be kept under lock and key. Students are required to make experiments as well as practical pieces of all materials in use. Each student is expected to provide his own instruments, with the exception of extracting forceps, lathes, and vulcanizers. All expenses at- tending operations upon college patients are borne by the College. It will be of interest to dental students to have their attention called to the fact that the Infirmary and Laboratory are open during the Spring,Sum- mer and Fall, daily, and that this de partm ent of the College affords practice throughout the entire year. The benefits of a large infirmary practice to the den tal stude n t cannot be well over-estimated, as ad van tages are bad wh ich are entirely unobtainable in any private dental office. What students mostly feel their deficiency in, and most lack the opportunity of obtaining under a pre- ceptor-the actual handling of instruments and of witnessing and attempt- ing for themselves the filling of teeth-are here enjoyed in full. There is always abu n dant material for practice, and both Infirmary and Laboratory are well eqnipped with instr umeuts and apparatus. The large and interest- ing Museum of the Co lle ge is also open. to the constant inspection of students, and the study of the many specimens of morbid anatomy cannot fail to be of essential service. Ample op port u ni ty in the dissecting room is afforded for the study of Practical Anatomy. Weekly examinations are held by all professors, as reviews of the lec- tures delivered during each week of the session. THE INFIRMARV in the College building is "pen to patients for de ntal operations during tbe entire year. • TERMS OF GRADUA nON, STATUTES, &.C.

In accordance with the resolutions adopted by the National Association of Dental Faculties at its last meeting, the Course of Study is divided into a Freshman, Junior and Senior term. The qualifications for entering the Freshman class are: A preliminary examination in the ordinary English studies, or a certificate from a Super- intendent of Schools in the county in which the candidate resides. A candidate who has received a collegiate degree, or passed the matric- .ulate examination of a recognized college, or who has a certificate from a normal, high or grammar school, or a teacher's certificate properly atte sted , .may enter without examination. The studies assigned to the Freshman class comprise Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Dental Materia Medica, Didactic and Practical Mechanical Dentistry and Operative Dentistry and Pathology and Thera- peutics. The course of studies for the Jnnior Term comprises a review of the Freshman Year Stndies, Histology, Parhol og y.Ma.ter ia Medica,Therapentics, Mechanical and Operative Dentistry, Dissection, Chemistry, Physiology, General and Surgical Anatomy. In the Senior Year the preceding studies will be continued with the addition of Surgery. Students will be examined at the end of each session progressively-

or i t1 accordance with the demands made of them. Freshmen and Juniors, how cve r, who fail in their examinations, will be accorded the privilege of a second examination at the commencement of the second session. Each candidate for graduation must present himself for examination before the faculty upon all subjects taught in this college. Prior to such -examination, he must show specimens of operations upon the natural -org aus , and present approved specimens of dental mechanism, constructed -in the College; also he must have attended three full winter courses of Lectures in the College. The following, however, will be considered as equivalent to attend- ance on one or two courses. T.he same time spent in any reputable Dental College, prior to matriculation in this school. Students wh o have attended but one course in a medical college will be admitted to the Second Year, subject to the rules governing examina- tion. Graduates of recognized medical and pharmaceutical schools will be admitted to the Second Year class without examination. All students whether graduates of medicine or dental practitioners, are req uired to attend regularly upon lectures, demonstrations, and clinical duties. and be examined by each member of the Faculty. Degrees in absentia are not granted by this College. BAI,TIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, II

Punctual attendance upon Lectures and other College duties, respect to instructors, and a strict observance of all rules will be required of every student. Every student is required to operate in the Infirmary wbenever called upon by the demonstrators, unless excused by a special vote of the Faculty. The seats in the Lecture room are numbered, and will be assigned on October rst and thereafter to students who are present in the order of their matriculation. The Faculty reserves the right of with- holding the degree from students of immoral character. The fees for each session are: $100 Demonstrators' Fees included; Matriculation Fee, $5; Diploma Fee, $30; Dissecting Tickets, $IO; Gradua- tion Expenses, $5. Recent graduates of other schools are admitted on paying the Matriculation Fee a.ud $50-half the regular fees. Graduates in Dentistry of more than three year,' standing the Matriculation Fee only. These fees, with the exception of the Diploma Fee, IHZ/Stbe paid on :matriculating. All tickets will be issued by tile DEAN, to whom students are requested to report themselves immediately upon their; rrival in the city. By leaving baggage at railroad depot until a boarding house is secur- ed, hotel bills can be saved. The Faculty oj" this College has never made any extra charge j"or preparing students j"or examination and have always j"reely given their services j"or such purpose. BENEFICIARY.-On the recommendation of the Association of Dental Facul ties this school will abolish the beneficiary scholarshi p for session J 899 and 1900, providing that all Colleges belonging to this Association are in full accord with this agreement. Should such an agreement not obtain this school will continue to receive a beneficiary student from each State. providing the appointment is made by State Association or Board of Examiners of said State. No student can be assigned to States of which they are not bona fide residents. BOARDmay be obtained at from $3.50 to $5 per week, at private board- ing houses, the quality and terms of which are good and cheaper than in any other city. Several lines of splendid steamships come direct from the principal European ports to Baltimore. TEXT Boox s.c-Taf t 's Operative Dentistry; Guilford's work on Irregu- larities; G.]VI. Evans work ou Bridge and Crown Wor k ; Richard's Mechanical Dentistry; or Burchard's Pathology, Martin's Physiology; Gray's Anatomy; Bryant's Surgery; Tomes' Dental Anatomy; "Voods' Materia Medica, Simon's Chemistry; Dunglison's Medical Dictionary. WORKS OF REFERENCE.-Kingsley's Oral Deformities; Farrar on Irregularities; American System of Dentistry; Mitchell's Chemistry, Stocken's Dental Materia Medica and Dunglison's Medical Dictionary. The amount of money (about $50 per session) paid for books and instruments is a perma n en t investment Iasting for life. It is impossible to practice dentistry without them. This expense is one that all practicing dentists mnst incur and the sooner the student has the requisite number the better for him. Some gentlemen manage to go- through college with a very limited supply. This is poor economy, as they should become thoroughly accustomed to handling all the necessary instruments during their collegiate cc urse , It is much easier, when Possible to make these purchases during their first session. The colle;se furnishes extracting forceps, vulcanizers and lathes. 12 BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAl. SURGERY,

PRIZES.-Several prizes wil l be awarded at the close of the session among which will be a First and Second Honor Medal, giveu by the Faculty; Dental Engine and aset of Forceps from Faculty; a set of Extract.- ing Forceps; from Snowden & Cowman Mfg. Co. Freshman prize for carved work; Gold Medal, by Consolidated Dental Mfg. Co.; First Honor Junior Cl ass , Bracket and Allen Table by Chas. R. Deeley, Dental Depot. The College session opens October i st, and continues until May. No students admitted after October loth to the regular session. THE INFIRMARY in the College building is open during the entire year for dental operations, and studeu ts can enter at any time by paying $50 which is deducted from the fees of the succeeding regular winter course. vV}th the session begiuning October I, 1896. women wi l be admitted

as students, subject to tbe same requirements 3S nJ~U. The rules oj'tltis College conform to the "ujuirements [lj' the National .Association oj'Dental Facu ai es and tile National Association of Denta; Examiners. t.:r.rAlumni of the College who are permauenl1y settled a ud other dental practitioners who desire to receive the Annual Catalogue regularly, are repectfully requested to send their names ani addresses to the DEAN. The Catalogne is published each year at the clo se of the session and con- tains Course of Study, Terms, &c .. and names of all the raduates of the College. Students corresponding with the De-an will pl ase be careful to give full address, and direct their le tel'S to M. W. FOSTER, M. D., D. D. S.


NAME. RESIDE,NCE. PRECEPTOR. Adams, F S... . Kan B. C. lJ. S. Alkire, E R. W. Va Dr. L. H. Lindsay. At lrin so n , W, G. .. Mass B. C. D. S Atterbury, C. \V Kans.... D. of Omaha, Barham. W. 'vV ' Cal Dr. A. P. Preston. Beach, W. H Mel B. C. D. S. Bickford, R. W , .Me .', .. , Dr. E. H. White. Bixler. W. H Mel...... Dr V H. Jackson. Cheadle, G. W ., Ore .. , College of D. S. Cary, A. E, Conn B. C D. S. Coriell, L. D. . . " Md, Dr. G. E. Hardy. Cohn, A. J, , ' La...... B. C. D. S. Cushman, ,V. ,V. .'., N. H , .D,.. E. C. Bryant. Cr aig , S. J " Pa B. C. D, S . .de Chiara ..:.. . ., N. Y...... " Douglas, M Can ' .Dr. F. D. Parker. Duncan, A. G Pa Dr. F. E. Waldon. Dickson, C. B Ky Dr. M. I-I. Dailey. Emmett, \Jr. H Conn Dr. G. H. Henry. Flannagan, T. 0 W. Va .. · B. C. D. S. Frontis S N. r..... " Gowans, C. A... .. Utah Dr. F. ]VI. Davis. Gaston, C. E Miss Dr. C. R. Reucher. Gore, H. C Mel Dr. A. P. Gore. 'Gammans, vv. E Me B. C. D. S. German, A. M ,N. Y B. C. D. S. Gordon, J. E Ky Dr. H. L. Harlan. Humphreys, C. A , .N. Y B. C. D. S. Holmboe, B Norway...... " Halsell,J. W .Tex Dr.J. W. Daviel. Johnson, H. H Nova Scotia B. C. D. S. Johnson, L. A , .N. c. ' .

Johnston, S. B , Jr. .' N. J 0. Dr. S. B. Johnston. Jacobus, E. D N. J Dr. O. Adelbnrg. James, F. H Pa B. C. D. S. KellE'Y, T. D., Jr. Ky Dr. T. D. Kelley.

Lafoud, L. R. 0 Can Dr. C. S. Campbell.

Lambert. F. H.. .. 0 .. Can B. C D. S.

Loouarrl , H. M. 0 •••• 0 ••••• 0 ••• Can...... " Lee. S. PoJ N. C D. C. M. Lakin, R. T Mel .Dr , A. W. Lakin.

Leard, A. W .. 0 ••••• 00 ••••••• P. E. 1. B. C. D. S. Lowther, J P. E. I , " Marven, G. HO'...... Can .

McArthur, C. S. 0 ••••••••••••• Nova Scotia Dr. J. A. Johnson. Munro, M. G Mass E. C. D. S.


Pendergrass, A. L Ark Louisville C. D. Payne, D , Ark t.r , H. C. Howard. Price, E. G N. Y , Dr. A. H. Lee. Stillman, P. R N. Y , .B. C. D. S. Sefton, E. B Md " • Semon, Eva E...... Md " Sellors, C. J Pa Dr. Baxter. Smyth, H. L W. Va B. C. D. S. Smallwood, F. E Nova Scotia.. . " Stewart, C. R ,. W. Va . Street, H. H , .. , .Md . Taylor, J. E s. C . Tage ar t, J. P Ohio . Weeks, W. N N. C .. Woodworth, C. L Me .


NAME. RESIDENCE. PRECEPTOR. Baden, R. E Md Dr. P. E. Scasser. Beattie, ,V. R Pa Dr. B. F. Wendell. Biggs, J. D., Jr N. C Dr. A. C. Livermon. Boydston, W, J W. Va B. C. D. S. Boucher, ,V. E Conn.... " Buchanan, W. H Ga .. Butler, H. H ' England Dr. A. Morgan. Ca:-r, C. F , N. J B. C. D. S. Cairns, S ··.· .Mass . Cammack, E .. , Ind Northwestern U niversi tv, Ching, O. F Pa B. C. D. S. . Cochran. W. R... Ohio Dr. W. F. Lohaas. Copeland, R. R S. C B. C. D. S. Delcher, 1'. B FJa...... " Dillard. J. R... . Ala . Doig, H. M N. Y .. , .. Dr. J. W. Jackson. Dunlop, C. H Fla B. C. D. S. Easley, S. H D. C... .. " Edwards, R. E Pa .. Ferrill, F. B Miss . Ferree. W. E Ind .. Fuertes, M Porto Rico . Fulton, J. L., Jr Pa .. Gaither, W. D Tenn Dr. R. E. Bullington. Gaffney,J Conn B. C. D. S. Gibbons, R. E Md Dr. P. E. Scasser. Golding, W'; J...... N. J , ,Dr. T. S. Dunning. Grace, T. M Ga B. C. D. S. Grosjean, S. S La Dr. E. G. Hardy. Haganour, H. C N. Y Drs. D. G. and S. H. Jones. Hammond, F. O. B N. Y B. C. D. S. Heckel, J. G... . Pa , Dr. A. B. Pnrdy. Hemminger, R.J Pa Dr. C. J. Hemminger. Hudson, W A Can , Dr. J. K. Burgess. Hupp, H. C Ohio , .Dr. A. P. Chambers. Jones, H. M ,Tex.. ' Atlanta Dental College. Keerans, J. L N. C B C. D. S. Kennedy, W. A Md Dr. J. W. D. Maier. King, F. E Md Drs. Le Cron and Primrose. BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, IS

Koontz, G. E · .. ·Va B. C. D. S. Lilliston, H. D , .Va .. Manning, C. A W. Va , Nelson, T. F Md . *Ortiz. A Porto Rico . Palmer, W. C Md Dr. L. M. Parsons. Palmer, T. R ...... •...... Fla B. C. D. S. Patterson, J L , Ky Louisville Dental College. Peeples, T. R , · .S. C B. C. D. S. Reay, W. T , .Can .Dr , W. F. Burns. Richardson, E. E ·· .N. C B. C. D. S. Richardson, E. M N. Y . Sadler, C. D N. C Dr. R. O. Sadler. Sandidge, E...... Ky Loirisvi ll e Den tal College. Seavey, W. S , · ,N. Y Dr. W. F. Wilkinson. Sinclair, J. A N. C B. C. D. S. Skyles, J. R ·· .. Va...... " Searcy, B. S Ala ,' .Dr. P. Nixon. Smith, G.J Md B. C. D. S. Smith. D Mo ,...... " Smith, W. W., Jr S. C . Smith, W. R Nova Scotia . Steeves, N. T ·· .Can . Stewart, C. W. H W. Va Dr. A. L. Boyers. Still, W. W , ,. Miss Vanderbilt University. Tirrell, E. V Minn Dr. A. D. Douglas. Thompson, D. P S. C B. C. D. S. Thompson, J. D N. B . .. Uchoa, A Brazil. Dr. W. Myer. Ullness, T Norway B. C. D. S. 'Walker, L. G , , Va " Waters, L. V W. Va . Weatherly, J. S, , .Texas . Webster, H. B , Va Dr.J. N. Webster. Wilson, E. M N. B B. C. D. S. Wohrna, Jas Md... " Wood, W. S N. Y Dr. H. C. McBrair. Woodward, M. M Pa '" Dr. J. C. Duncan. Wright, T. C , Miss Vanderbilt University.


NAME. RESIDENCE. PRECEPTOR. Aronheim, A. .. .Va Dr. S. DeLeon Avery. Bailey, F. J Mass B. C. D. S. Berry, R. B Md..... " Breinning, L. P Ohio .. Brown, B. W N. C Dr. C. A. Whitehead. Brush, E. R Fla B. C. D. S. *Bryant, M Md...... Burleson, B. B .. , Texas Dr. S. E. Luckett. Cessna, J. M Pa Dr. A. C. Brewer. Chapman, M. C Conn B. C. D. S. Clark, J. P Texas Dr. J. W. Davy. Cooper. A. S Ore B. C. D. S. Cross, F. R Ore.... ., Davis, W. T Ky . 16 BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY,

Davidson, W. L Conn Dr. 1. J. Sylvester. Deibert, F. W Va B. C. D. S. Del liu ger , C. E Md...... " Donmyer, R. W. R Pa . Doolittle, A. M Conn...... Dr. L. T. Doolittle. Duke,].D Md B.C D.S. Ehringhaus, E N. C.... " Evans, D. A Pa Dr. A. G. Finney. Evans. L. B 'N. Va Dr. WI. C. Dawson. Gaylord, H. A CaL B. C. D. S. Graves, E. P Mass... . " Gruner, M Germany . Haggerty, W. D.,]r. N.].... .Dr.]. D.LHaggerty. *Hamilton, F. 0...... Conn Dr. G. E. Wilcox. Hamilton, W. H Va B. C. D. S. Handy, G. S.~ Miss.... (, Higgins,] N.] . Hood, E. D...... Miss . Humphrey, L. M N. C . Hutchins, C. T Md . Imbrie, ,V. D Pa . Jarrett, 'Ow. V Pa Dr. W. R. Sine. Kelley, ]. F Me B. C. D. S Kiunear,]. M Va .. Lana ux, E. D La Dr. A. G Friedricks. Lakin,]. H., ]r Ala Dr. A. A. Pearson. Ladd, L. A '" Vt. B. C. D. S. Levonian, II. W " Turkey .. " Lodge, F. S...... N. B Dr. C. A. Murray. Logan, ]. G. .. . Pa B. C. D. S. Meineking, C. L Germany. . " McGivney, T. F. Conn '" McGlulllphy, W. G., ]r.. W. Va . McLean , E. G N. B . " Mitchell, :11. ]. .. . Mass . Palll,]. L Pa Dr. ]. G. Broad. Pearcy,]. A...... W. Va Dr. M. N. lUcKee. Payza n t, E. R N. S Dr. E. G. Scott. Powell, U. R Mel B. C. D. S. Reynolds D. L Cal. Drs. ]. T. and ]. E. Parker. Roberts, ,V.] " Can Dr. G. H Weagant. Roharge, G. E N. Y B C. D. S.

Rosenwing. Nina , e ••• Russia.... " *Rose, ,V. B N. C . Sinks, \V. ,V Texas Dr. M. S. Merchant. Simon, R. W Md B. C. D. S. Slillkman, ]. H . \V. Va Dr. G. A. Hamill. Smith, T. ] Texas Dr. N. G. Fowler. Smith, T. P Can.. . B. C. D. S. Snyder ]. F Pa Dr.]. C. Buchanan. Stoner, H. M Pa B. C. D. S. Su tp h in . S. S W. Va Dr. C. P. Calloway. Trimble, ,V. C.. .. . Ala Dr. H. Crossland. Watson, C. L Tex Dr.]. \V. David. Walker, C. C Pa B. C. D. S. Welker, G Pa...... Dr. W. R. Sine. Wilson, ]. L Mel D1. J." B. Wilson. Wright, H. P P. E. I .B. C. D. S. LLCTU RE H.\.LL. BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, 17


Students of Senior Class...... 6z " Junior 80 " Freshman Class 73-

Total " ...... ,., .. ,220


DIAMO.'lD MEDAL.-S. FRONl'IS, 567 Yz ont of possible 600. GOLD MEDAI •.-C. S. McARTHUR, 5S8Yz " H onor ab Ie lJfention. E. B. ALKIRE, S. B. JOHNS'tON, J. 8. LOWTHER, C. E. GASTON, C. A. HUMPHREYS, G. W CHEADLE, J. W. HALSEI.I., L D. CORIELr., L R, LAFoND, M. DOUGLAS, F. E. SMALLWOOD, A. W. LEARD, W. \'1. BARHA:\f, S. P. LEE, P. R. STILLMAN, R. W. BICKFORD, Operative Dentistry--A. J. COHN. Ver v Honorable Mention-\V. 'vV CUSHMAN. . Honorable Mention-J. W. HALSELL. Mechanical Dentistry-F. E. SMALLWOOD. Very Honorable Mention-C. R. STEWART. Honorable Mention-H. L. SMYTH. Bridge-Work-F. E. SMALLWOOD. Very Honorable Mention-R. B. BICKFORD. Honorable Mention-W. \'1. BARHAM. Orthodontia-F. S. ADAMS. Honorable Me n tion -F. E. SMALLWOOD. Jnnior Prize-So S. GROSJEAN. Freshman Prize- w. J. ROBER1'S. First and Second Honor-Medal; given by Faculty. Operative Prize--Dental Engine; given by Faculty. Mechanical Prize -Set of Forceps; given by Snowden & Cowman Mfg. Co. Bridge- Work Prize-Set of Forceps; given by Faculty. Essay on Orthodontia-Farrar on Irregularities; given by Dr. J. N. Farrar. Junior Prize-Bracket and Allen Table; given by C. R. Deeley Dental Dep't. Freshman Prize--Gold Medal; given by Consolidated Dental Mfg. Co. REGULAR GRADUATES.

1841. "Ro ber t Arthur, Maryland. R. Covington Mackall, Maryland. 1842. *.J. B. Sav ier , ". -«. W. H. Thackston, M, Dr Virginia. W.~. Scott, M. D., N. Carolina. 1843. John 'Yo Foster, Virginia. c. G. Li n t h ic utrt , Maryland. Charles Harris, Ma.r y l a u d . james Locke, M.D., Pennsylvania. John \Y. Howlett, Nv.Ca ro lin a. B, Ran do lp h Robinson, Ma r y Ian d . 1844, W. L. Hollifield, Maryland. John Wes ley McGee, Pe a nsytvania. Thomas S. Lee, Virginia. *1\1. S. Robinson, Ma r-vla nd . Thomas G. Lockerman, Maryland R. 'N. Thompson, 1-Iaryland. 1845, Charles Bestor, Kentucky, *J. Calvin Gilman. Ohio. "Cyr eu ius 0 Cone, M.D., Mnr-y lau d, 'E. !VI. Hall, M. D., N. Carolina. *A. M. H. Conrad, lVI. D., Virginia. 1846. 'Wilkes Allen, Massach usetts. John Hoban, District of Col. A. Ba'ld w in , M. D., Alabama. John Locke, Peu u s vl van ia., wm. FvBa so n . M..D .• . ]. W. Neil, Eu g-lau d . E. P. Bu rr o ug h s, Canada. Stephen Parsons, M a ss ach usetts, *R. W. V. R. Clarkson, Illinois. Y. M. Swayze) New Jersey. *A. T'ay lor Co-ne, M. D., Massach usetts. 1847. *10h11 C.TIagby, Virginia. w. S. Murphy, South Car olin a. j . N. Baird, North Carolina. Thomas Palmer, Ma s s ach uset ts. \V. H. Davidson, Ten n essee. Samuel Rambo, M. D. Alabama. G. Lucy, M. D., Alabama. "john Waylan, Pennsylvania. j. McCulloch, Ireland. John D. Wemple, North Ca ro lin a. 18'18. 'J. J. Adair, Kentucky. *Joshua King, I\L D., North Caro l in a. *R. D. Addington, Virginia. *Francis Lee, South Carolina. R. \Y, Armstrong, Maryland. *E. \Y. Mn son , Ken tnc k v. 'Charles A . Ba rnes , Maryland, "j on h McCalla, Pe n n syh;an ia. Charles Bond, Mar ylau d. William H. Morg au , Kentucky. Harvey, Colburn, 1\'1. D., Maryland. Daniel v audeuburg , New York. 'T'h o iu a s J. Jones, . "D'i l w in G. Varney, Massachusetts. B. A. Kenuedy Virginia. 18'10. '*Philip H. Austen, M. D., Maryland. Ro her t Mncl lm on t. M. D., England. Charles \V. Ballard. M.D .• New York. Albion Ma r ti n . . Maine. Alfred vr Bl an d y , M.D., Ohio. \Villiam S. Mi lle-r, Virginia. *:\1. j erome Cherry, Maryland. R. R. Sa m s , South Curo lin a, >/< J. U. L. Fcem stej-, 'I'en nes see. Freder-ick N. Seabury, Rhode Js la n d , 'J. H. A. Fehr, M. D., Kentucky. *Thomas D. Thompson, Rhocle Lsla n d . *M ._A. Hopkinson, Maryland. George \V. \Vatkins, Georgia. "Thomas Littig, M. D., Mar-yl an d, J. F. Warren, Keu ruck y, 1850. 'Lev i C. Burridge, M. D" New York. De Lafae Stocking, M. D., Louisiana. Charles G. DavIs, New Hampshire. Reu d a t D. T'h u r m a u d , Virginia. Seraphim H. Du nio n t , Belgium, Isaac J. We a t h er bee, .i\T a s sa c h u setts, Robert j ob nscu , Virginia. Orlando H. Vv'ilcox, Ma r y la n d . Lester Noble, Massachusetts. Henry B. Yonrig , Ohio. J. D. Smith, 1....1. D.} Georgia. 1851. Frank P. Abbott. Germany. R. v«. Bessent, North Cnrol ina. '*R. M, Adair, Ken.tucky. Edward S. BillUps, Virginia. Thomas 'Yo Bacot, South Carolina, George C. Bretz, M. D., Pennsylvania ,villialH S. BrO\\'tl, South Carolina. Lloyd T. IVlacgill, M. D., Marylaf).d. Rufus K. Challdler, Virginia. Dixon T. Miller, England. E H. Ho\Vartot~, Virginia. James North, M. D" I\'Iaille. John A. Johns, M. D., Virginia. Ehrick Parm!y, New York. *\Yarren JOhnson, New York. 'Villiam J. Reese, Alab

18,33. Benj. F. Arrington, M, D., North Carolina. F. F. E. Kirchner, . Maryland. Amzi B. Arthur, New York. -Sarnu e l A. Mc Do we ll , Pennsylvania .. *Alfred J. Brown, Mar-ylan d. Thomas C. Royce, New York. 'sSam uel T. Church, Maryland. Benjamin T. Reilley, District of Col. Samuel.]. Cockeriile, Virginia. A. Judson Sedwick, Virginia. Charles R. Coffin, Maine. David 1. Shelton, Virginia. George L. Cooke, Massachusetts Wi lliarn C. Stewart, Maryland. *Mortimer D. French) Massachusetts. ~artin S. Taylor. Virginia. Francis M. Or eeu , Mississippi. Dwight Tracey. Massach uset ts, *Decatur P. Gregg, Virginia. Richmond H. Tucker, Bermuda. George P. Kiugs ley , Massachusetts. H. N. Woodsworth-, District of Col. 1854. Henry Fitch Bishop, Massachusetts. Willard Fred'k Hawley, v irg ireia. L. Mon t'y Coch ran , Texas. Edwin T. Ligon. Virginia. 'w il li arn Chapman, Virginia. Henry W. Mason, Massachusetts. John Wi lLiam Der r, Pennsylvania. Hugh S. Paisley, Miss iss ipp.i, Samuel D. French. Maine. *Albert Potter, Massachusetts. *Thomas T'. DeGraffenreid, Virginia. Lloyd Quinby, Texas. j as. 'Nashington Grant, Virginia. Wm. Thos. Russell"M.D., New York. Montgomery Jetter, Virginia. Rogert Forbis Taylor, Pennsylvania. Edward Nathan Harris, Maine. *Waruer A. Wi lliarn s , Alabama. 1855. Samuel Belfor-d." Permsylvan ia. Christenberry Lee, South Carolina. De Witt C. Benbow, North Carolina. Anderson R. Miller, North Carolina. John Henry Bond, Maryland. George \V. Pelletier, North Carolina, *George Jacob Connor, Pennsylvania. Fred'k Hy. Reh w in k le, Germany. . Joshua Caleb Curry, Georgia. *Addisou Ex um Ricks, North Carolina. *Geo. Ric h ard Hy. Duff, Kentucky. *Rufus Scott, "Nor-th Carolina" Fer-d. j as. S, Gorgas, M. D., Virginia. Wm. Shakespeare Tate. North Carolina .. Hugh McGinnis Grant, Virginia. Theodore Suzzara Verdi, Italy. *Chapin Bond.Harris, Maryland. James T'ho m a s w atton , Virginia. \Vest Harris, North Carolina. John Henry Wayt, M. D., Virginia. Randal Duke Hay, M. D., North Carolina. *W. G. Wes trno re lan d , M.D., Alabama. Benjamin Don Hyde, Maryland. Joseph \Vhite -'Niley, Pennsylvania. John Jones, North Ca r-ojin a. Adon ir am Judson Wright, New York. James W. Kilpatrick. North Carolina. 1856. Asa Holmes Balderston, Marvj and , "Wi llia m Haines Hoopes, Ma t-y lau d . Samuel Arm st ree t Bruce, Virginia. Charles Moore King, Pennsylvania. T~os. j effer son Corpening, Nortn Carolina. *Joseph Tvlanly Lauck, District of Col. RIchard Gray Cyphers, New Jersey. George Ctem an t Lewis North Carolina. Henry E Dodson, Virginia. Geo. Washington Neidich, Pennsylvania. "Wit liam Fiero Edington, New York. Berryman Hicks Padgett, North Carolina. Christopher '"v. Reed, Virginia. Thomas Oliver Walton, Maryland. Robert Bruce Reynolds, Pennsylvania. Elias ,"Veile~, Pennsylvania. Edward Wm. Swenzell, Pennsylvania. John D. Wh itrn o re, M. D., Mississippi. 1857. Jose Ar cad io Ansley, Cuba. * Henry Itob ar t Keech , M.D., Maryland. *\:ViJliam Hicks Bracey, Virginia. Jas. Gaston KIlpatrick, Arkansas. "Al ex. M. Campbell, IV!. D., Virginia. Henry Bliss Noble, District of Col. Joseph Djn'wi d d ie , Jr., Virginia James Horace Parker, Virginia. *Israel Francis Di sosway, Virginia. *Geo. Washing-ton Perry, New York. j ames Benj amin Dubose, Alabama. J -ihn Alex. Robertson, Scotland. Richard Davis Fleming', North Carolina. Daniel McCallum Rogers, South Carolina. "Theodore 'turner Fogle, Georgia. Wi lliaru Green Turner, Rhode Island. Conrad Gunther, Maryland. John Yallerchamp, Pennsylvania. *John William Hendel, Pennsylvania. Frederi~k Valek, Maryland. 1858. Fernando Zayas Bazan, Cuba. *N. Heyv:,rard Gibbs, 1'vI:.D., South Carolina .. Samuel Henry Beard, S luth Carolina. Edward D3.niel HanltJe', Virginia. Armand F. Biguon, 1\tf. D., Georgia. Middleton S. Hankel, M.D., South C:uolina. Juan Nepomucena Boza, Cuha. *Thomas Oliver Hills. District of Col. Carver Willis Brown, Virg-inia. Cornelius Searle Hurlbut, Massachusetts. *Chas. \Vm. Cadden, iVt. D., Maryland. 'fhornton \Y. Tom1i.nso:}, Virginia. Alonz. LuciusCartier, M,D., Switzerland. Vines Edmund Turner. North Carolina. Henrv Clark, Maryland. James G. Russell, M. D., Missouri. Luis,Magin Diaz, ~uba. George P. \Voodbury, 1\lassachu'setts. J. Smith Dodge, Jr., M.D., New York. 1859, Joseph \Vm. Blandy, 1\fary1and. . James Samford Lavender, Georgia. Nathan Davis, Pennsylvania. Alexander Law, Scotland. 'Nilliatu De Hart, Kentucky. John Lowry McGee Virginia. Samuel McMaster Field, Virgillia. Albert Phillips. M issollri. Ervin Floyd, South Carolina. Theodore Phillios. Louisiana. George Archer Frierson, Louisf-ana. *Edwin Faust Pierce, Alabama, Alexandre Garnier, Porto Rico. Samuel Sevier, Alabama. *Benj. Franklin Hoopes, Maryland, Samuel Green Todd. Marvland. Francis Napoleon Kitchell, Alabama. Samuel Young- Webb, Alabama. *Charles Knower, IvIissouri. *Samuel \Velchens. Pennsylvania. 1860.

AIllZ1W. A.lexander, North Carolina. Memory Bonnert 1'\'1.D., South Carolina. *James Baxter Bean, M.D., Florida. Abiel Bowen, New York. l'homas E. Besselieu, South Carolina. Conrad S. Boyd. North Caroliu4.. BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY,

Charles Billingslea, Ma rv lan d. w-e. N. Cunningham, Louisiana. John Bland, Arkansas. "Wm Drown Den u is . Rhode Island. Hug-ll Phillips BOlle, Al abam a. John H. Dickson, 1-I.'D .• South Ca ro l inn , John \Y. Doniphan, l\1.D I South Carolina. J. Carroll House, New York. f< John S. Moore, North Carolina. P. Fer-u-an do Hyatt, Pen n s yl v au ia . Henry H. Nelles, Canada. Theodore A. Lafa r , South Caroliua". Perry Ould, Mar vl an d . John M. Lazier, Virginia. George Patterson, Georgia. Geo. C. De Marini, It a ly. Daniel E. Pi-avast, New York. David R. McCallum, South Carolina . ...C. Digh ton Seward, Texas. Adam H. May, Pen n s y l va.ui a , J. Vernon Simmons, Maryland. *Archibald Small, North Carolina. Charles Erskine Dunn, Kentucky. Be nj am iu Smith, Maryland. ewm. C. Dunnavant, Virginia. Samuel Stoddard, Virginia. \Villiam Henry Ga"tes, Georgia. "Br y a n t S. Traywick, North Carolina. Charles Olmstead Hall, Connecticut. \Yilliam H. Waters, Vermont. Thaddeus Haynie; Virginia. Corydon A. Woodward, Rhode Isfand. Thomas M. Henley, Virginia. 1861. Ambrose Barcroft, Pennsylvania. Henry C. Parmiy, Ohio, Charles R. Boteler, District of Col. Samuel P. Pa r m ly, Louisiana. He n r y T. Campfield. Georgia. Alexander H. Reed, Georgia. E. Stephen Carter, Ll lin o is . Charles Ed w ar d Roberts, Maryland. Mar x E. Cohen, Jr., South Carolina. Wi llia m B. Seabrook, Sou th Carolin a. Char-les John Curtis, England. Benj am in B. Seale; Alabama. "Ed w in C. Edwards, Virginia. Luther D. Shephard, New Ha m ps h ir e. Alfred Henry Fuchs) Prussia. James M. Spalnhour, Nor-th Carolina. James H. Harris, M. D., 'v ir-ginin. George vves ley Steine, Pennsylvania. "' H. RiB, District of Col. *Jasper E. Stuckey, South Carolina. "Samuel ,Y. Heald, Maryland. A. Wash in gton Talley, Virginia. \Villiam Henry Hoffm au , North Caro lirra. Wi lliarn M. Wa lk e r, South Carolina. James Bond Littig, Ma t yl an d . \Yilliam P. \Velsh, Ma rylun d. *Mathias Ma r t m, George \Vright, New York. Francis M. McCorkle. ~1~1;·?i;~~(~'a1in:;l. 1862. *:Vfadison Brown, Jr., Maryland. Alfred M. Postley, Maryland. *George We ig ar t Cook, . Maryland. Robert 1\1.Price, Ma r yla nd . James Alexander Du n ca n, Maryland. j a m'es H. Scott, Maryland. -vWi lbu r Morrison. Maryland. Washington C. Swenzell, Pennsylvania. Edward Nelson, Maryland. W. V{orth'n Wilson, M. D., .Maryland. 1863. Frederic P. Durand, New York. Newell Sill Jenkins, Mai-ne. W. \Varrin'tn E\'ans, 1\1,D., Maryland. j ohu Joseph Nelson, Missouri. John Charles Gardiner, Spain. ]. Francis Thompson, M.D., Virginia. Ch ar Ies War ren Goddard. Mass ach usetts. Samuel Wagner, Maryland. Jacob D. Heiges, Pennsylvania. 186!. Lavater Sidney Bell, Maryland. George E. Fost, lVr. D., New York. Wm . Henry Campbell, Mar y la nd. John Daniel Miller, Oregon. Edwin Parkin Keech. M.D., Maryland. *Henry M. Ra pb el , Maryland. Carlton Kimball, Ma ss ncb usett s, Alexander Ridgley, Maryland. Isaac Me Kim McCurley, Maryland. Samuel O. Sultzbach, Pen D syI v arn a. Wm. T'h os. Arnold, 1'.1.D., Mar-y Ian d . Albert Price, Mar-y lan d, 1865. Charles Henry Daly, Porto Rico. "'.Joseph Robinson, Maryland. ''f:Meredith Davis, M. D., Maryland. Van Buren Stephens, Indiana, Jose Calasaus De Es ca l.ada, Cu ba , Reginald Beber Trader, I\1aryland. Charles Edward Kloeber, Virginia. Thomas ~ollers )Vaters, Maryland. Johaunes Paetsch, M. D., Prussia. 18GG. Charles Porter Baird, Tennessee. \Yilliam Albe'rt Jones, Virginia. Andrew Ben 'j Brookins,M,D., Florida. "'Robert Paine Nevil1, Alabama. *Stanley Brown, rvlaryland. *Tholll8.S Nash Reed, Virginia. John Thompson Coumbe, District of Col Charles Henry Thayer, Rhode Island. Albert Philip Gore, Maryland. *C. 'N. Westmoreland, Alabama. 186'7. J-Iugh Wilson Arth11r, Maryland. B. Rush Jennings, l\'farvland. 'Varner Julian Bailey, 1\Iississippi. Henry R. Johnson, Vir£inia. *J01111 Robert Bar.r, Alabalna. Harry Gailbraith Leas, Pennsylvania. '"*T. Ligget Beckellbaug-h lVTaryland. Alge,-'n l\Iosely Lee, 1'v1.D., North Carolina. ]. Robinson Bromwell) 1\'!aryland. Alfred. Fitzgerald l\1alone, Florida. 'V'alter Bruce, Virginia. Geo. \Vm. l\fassamore, Maryland. Andrew Simon Cutler, Indiana . Isaac Canington l\'forton, Virginia. .Augustus Boyd Doremus, Louisiana. James \Yliliam Miller, Virginia. Joshua Stephenson Dorsey, l'vlaryland. Charles A. Norwood, Maryland. J110, Francis Ruter Dufour, District of Col. Robert Lyon Seale, M. D., Alabama. Joseph Root England, Maryland. 1S1ah Simpson, South Carolina .John D'Oyley Evans, France. Ez'l Coop'rStockton~ 1\:J.D.,Pennsylvania . Willianl Farmer, M. D., Virginia. George N. Swormstedt, Indiana. James Taliaferro Grant, Tennessee. l\'fariol1 Elisha Tarvin, Alabama.

8ilon Homer Henkel, Virginia. John Charles Uhlerl M. D., J\.1aryland. James Hog&" Maryland. 18G8. Newton M. Burkholder, Virginia. Robert Thomas Couch, Virginia. Edward Z. Buchen, Maryland. David William Crowther, Al~bama~ I~FIRYIARY BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, 21

Tc.xas. Charles rj ray Edwards, Virginia. V1:11liarn Sale Carruthers, v ir g inia. *L3ngston James Go r e e, Texas. RE:'lIjamin F. Cosby, Virginia. Charles w ilso n Harris, Virginia. Alexander Lee O'Brien, Virginia. Rufus Hannibal Reeves, Tennessee. ~'George T'h om aa Harris, v ir-g iu ia. John 'N. Holt, North Carolina. John Duke Scott, M. D., v ir-g im a. John Franklin Setzer. North Carolina. ::*John Keys, M. D .. Virginia. Edwin WalterL'Engle. Florida. George Alsop Sprinkel, F'lorida. Thomas J. Thomas, Cuba. George Allen Mc l n tyr e, •.Jllinois.

John \V. Farmer, M. D., Vitginia. Thomas Richie Vermillion, Virg in ia, Homer Kenyon Green, Pen n s y lva n ia, Louis Jacobi, Chas. Fred. "Vaguer, M.D., Germ a uy, Germany, \Yilliam B. \Yise, Virginia. Oeo. Vernon j eukius, South America Fred. A. Levy, Silas Robert Wyse,. IVIississippI.. Virginia. Vv.S. Norris, Ma r'ylarrd . 'Villiam B. Finney, Virginia. -Charles E. Duck, j. Emory Scott, Maryland. Maryland. G. \V. Caruthers, Maryland. 187:;. Rever dy Brook Beale, Maryl"nd. James Mur phy King, Charles Cam pbell, Tennf~ssee. Maryland. Charles Luther Moore', ]. Ernest Mc Bean Ch ever-s, Georgia. \Vest Indies. Charles James Phillips, .. Joel Beverly Coyle, Georgia. F. F. Drew, Samuel Dil1iard Rambo, Georgia. Maryland. George Ba ug hea r t Raub, New Jersey .. Erastus Clarence Eversole, Virginia. Chas.Denlly Hilliard Fort, Robert Edward Sparks, Canada. Mi s s is s ipp i, 1. Hamilton Thomas James Orlando Hodgkin, Virginia. Virginia. Edw'd F. Wayman, M.D., Hardy Miles Hunter Texas, Texas, Garner Brown Wh ite, South Carolina .. "Wi Lli a m H. Law, J Connecticut. 1876. Rufus Calvin Bowm au , Virginia. Wi lliam Samuel Krebs, George Crowt.her, Marvland. Herbert E. Dennett, South America. Ezekiel Daniel Ma r-gar-y-, \Ves~tIndies. E Duncan, Ma ss ac h u set ts. \Villiam F .. Marshall, New York. Illinois. Brainerd T. Olcott, New Hampshire" John P. Dennett, Massachusetts. Samuel Kimmel, Edwa rd P. Doremus, Ma r y l a n d, Louisiana. Wru. La Fayette Seigler, William Henr-y Dwinelle, Florida. Richard Atwell Fox, . New York. \Vharton Hu me Shine. Florida. James M. , Virginia. Aug. ,\Vilson Sweeny. Jr.) l\Iaryland. .James Allen Glenn, New York. \VillialU Oscar Thrailkill. Kentucky. North Carolina. Otho Frank Wel sh , Elise von Heyden, Yi r giu ia . Prussia. Gurdon F. S. Wright .. ,R. M. johnson, South Carolina .. North Carolina. ].]. Williams, Mar-y Ian d, 1877. ~Pauline Boeck, Germany. Frederick Koerner, Maryland. George Homer Bowman, Virginia. Benjamin Lanier Lane, Georgia . .B. F. Barclay, Pennsylvania. *John E. La Motte, Maryland ... Thos. \Vashington Crozier Virginia. Luke Johnson Pearce, Maryland .. Elias Drayton Earle. Florida. Charles J. Peterson, Iowa. Civilepn Fones, Connecticut. Charles Hectc!' Reynolds) Canada. Hammett Xavier Gale, Ohio. James Mathews Roberts, Maryland. Walter S. H'a r-bari , l\iaryland. James Edwin Shreeve. Maryland. Sandy Stuart Harris, Virginia. Henry S'i ng'r-uen , Germany. Robert Yates Henley, Fr., Virginia. Alonzo Stauch, Peu n sy lvan ia ; "I'hos . Huggins, IVI.D., England. ]\Iarion Wi lli am \Villiams. Tennessee. P. L. Hull New York. Edward 1:".King, Maryland. , 1878. Jose Do to res Amieva, Jr., West Indies. Joseph Cicero King, Tennessee. ·Geo. Edward Baughman, 'Maryland. [o h u w m. Daniel Maier, Ma r'yla nd . Friedrich Mo r itz Brandt, Germany. Alex. Carson McCu rd y , Pen n sy Iv a.uiac. James Thol1!asCalvert,M.D.,South Carolina. Granville Eustace Medley. Kentucky.' J. S. Caroli, Connecticut. \Villiam Henry Richards, Tennessee . .Elvira Castner, Germany. J. Curtiss Smythe, District of Cal .., .Adolfine Peterson, Genuany. H. A. Steber, New York. 'wf ltta m P. Crickenberger, Virginia. James Williams Tucker, Virginia. -CaIv in D. Hayward. New York. Robert Ben t lev Varden, Ma ry lan d .. Charles Simon Hoffman, Maryland. John Nathan Webster, Virginia. -Charles Seymour Kelly, Montana T'er, Charles Lanaux, Louisiana. E. W. Howells, New York. A. S. Moore, Georgia. 1879. A. M. I. Hein, Germany. J. Allen Patterson. South Car oli n a., A. H. Grieffenhageu, Germany. Samuel Edward ]ou~s, Gordon 'Nhite, Tennessee. Texas. Frank: Brumit Perry, Virginia. .Frank Pearce Bernard, Pennsylvania • 'William Rust Laws, Arthur Monroe Rice, Connecticut. Maryland. John C. Wilkerson, Alabama.' Juan Bautista Lombard, Cuba. Edwardo Lombard, Robert P. Fletcher, Virg-i.nia. Cuba. John Madison Phillips, North CaroEna' B. jones Quattlebaum. South Carolina. 'William Roberts Renalds, Richard Hance Billingsiey, Maryland. Virginia. Thomas Sadler Jordon, Alabama. James Armstead Colvin, Vir-ginia. Lauren ce Stafford \Volfe, \Yilliam M. Rawlinson, South Carollna_ South Carolina. Thomas G. Morrow, l'vlaryland Charles .M. N. Latimer, District of Col. Richa,d Grady, 1\faryl8nrl. Andreas C. Ferrari, Russia. Charles Eckhardt. John P. Coult, New Jer5ey~ Louisiana. Alfred E. King, New \~ork. William H. Weems. Texas. Francis S. Harris, Hall Lewis, District of CoL North Carolina. Samuel }\.f. Roach, Georgia. Edwin D, Akers, Pennsylvania. Edward Flannigaiu, Maryland. ~. Disbrow Stone. New ·'iork. Richard B.....,vinder, Jr., Maryland. Elroy F. CTOSS, "Massach usetts. John A. Millard. France. Edmund C. Bryant, .Maine, Henry Bentley, Connecticut •. Edwin]. Parkison, Maryland. *Thomas Stewart~ l\Iarylaud. 1880. C. James Barber) New York. Albert B. King, Maryland. Fran'k A. Barrett, District of Col. Alexander Leeds, Maryland. John D. Basehore) Peunsylvania. Frank P. Lewis, Pennsylvania_ John S. Billopp, Maryland. Burrows' Nelson, District of Col John H. Burnett. South Carolina, Car! Hartwig E. Obermuller, Gennany. BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, 23

New York. John C. Oeland. North Carolina. '()scar Frederic coe, New Vork. Fredrick H. Cole, New York. Elisha T. Payne, South America. Samuel A Peden, Pennsylvania. Pastor A. Cooke, Virginia. H. V. Des por tes, South Carolina. James A. Pierce, Virginia. Ma r io n P'ir k ey,' Virginia. Josiah W. Foreman, Maryland. Joseph M. Quattlebaum, .Sou rh Carolina. James \V, Gorden, Yirginia. Milton H G:ross, Pennsylvania. Henry L. Rankin, Maryland. Abraham V. Robbins, Pe nn g y Iv atti a. Wilham T. .Har taan , South Carolina. ~Joseph S. Hartman, Virginia. J. Ryerson Smith, Georgia. J\1illard F. Thompson, District of Col. ""*Wil1lam Hawkins, Lou is ia na. Garnet L. Hills, District of Col. Louis A. Thurber, Georgia. John H. Twyman, Kentucky. 'Nathaniel A Hollinshead, New York. B Merrill' R, in so n , Ma r-vl a n d , 1. N. Van De'\Vater, District of Col. Louis G. Wietfeldt, Germany . Lo u is C. F Hugo, . District of Col. .Thomao May Hunter. North Carolina John L. Wolf, MD., 1881. Laurence DeLancy Gorgas, Maryland, Sam uel n A dair" Georgia. Roderick Ashton Barrick) Mary-land. James H. Grant, Texas. Ellis B. Bliss·, District of Col. Charles Church Harris, Ma r-ylarrd . l..-ud\vig Brandt. Cermany. Howard "\Villiam Hoopes, Maryland . .)mues A. Hurdle, North Carolina. l3euij all S. Byrnes, Miss iss ippi. james Valentine Ca lver . District of Col. John G. Keller, Georgia. Daniel O. Knight, District of Col. George 'Wh it e C'ar m an . New Jersey. l\fyron A. Carman, New York. Henry D. Kurtz, New York. Leonard T. Caughy, Ma r-ylan d, Frank Adolph Virginia. 1\1Y1'onM. Maine, , Connecticut. "p ho ru as E. Craddock, Virginia. Lemuel Estes Meador, South Carolina., Rober t Byron Cummins, Pennsylvania. Frank S. Milbury, jqs wBr uus wick. 'Edward R. DeNo r m an cli e, Pennsylvania. Robert '\V. Morgan, Virginia. Be uj a rn in Hale Douglass. .Massachusetts. Edgar P. Parsons. \Vest Virginia. Byrd Page Du nn avau t, Virginia. Frank O. E'ileu be rg er , Ltlin ois. H. S'pe11cer Pitts, Virginia. Charles Marshall Elumart, Maryland. Edgar R. Rust, Virginia. Benjamin Flannigan, Maryland. *P. Hen ry Salles, Louisian a. \Vi111a111C. Foster, Maryl and. Frank Morris Seebold, Pennsylvania. ames]. Seigler, South Carolina. "'Theoc1 r ic Thomas Frazier, North Carolina . .1 o 'Nilliam Townes, Jr., Virginia. Damian Silva, Cuba. John Charles w acnter, Mai yland. -B. Ho lly Smith, Jr., Maryland. Ed-win Bv r-on Smith, Pennsylvania. Effington Wagner, Alabama. John Henry Wa.l k er , Louisiana . .Frank Alex. Speck, Tennessee. \\'il1iam Austin 'White, New York. -Ch arle s Lov'incles Steel, v irg in ia. Cuttino Wilbur, South Carolina. 'Robert Wi lson Sterling, South Africa. w. E. Powell Wr ig h t, Virginia. "Caleb A. Thompson\ Virginia. ,Vesley Fletcher Tigner, Georgia. 1882. '1-1, Seraphim Abenschein, Maryland. j ames P. McDonald. 1'vti!3?issippl. Charles Lee Alexander. North Carolina. John Miller, New York. Pedro A. Ar-cen t ales , South Amer ica. George Edward Morrow, Maryland. Julius Alonzo Ba llen tin e, North Carolina. Steuart Brown Muncaster, Districi ofCol. John S. Bizzell, North Carolina. Gustavus N01·t1J; Iowa. Gordon H. Claude\ Maryland. 'George A. Patrick) Gcor-Sia. »«. Connor Cleckley) South-Carol1na. Hugh Pirkey, Vir~jnia. Genaro \v.C?oke, South America. v«, Chalmers Ralston; Pennsylvania. Charles "llllam Daly, 13. \V, Indies. B. Taylor Read, New York. Amos Chapin Daniels, Pennsylvania. Norman]. Roberts, Illinois. Willie Ferdinand pavison, Virginia. Jose j ust ia no ga.njurj o, W'es t Lnd iea. \Villiam Harper DeFord. District of Col. Samuel P. Sharp, Tennessee. *Charles p, Dlnger Maryland. .lames E. Shields, North Carolina.,' l :Louis picquet Dotterer. South Carolina. Char1es Alfred SlOCU1U, Ne\.v York. "Thomas S. Eader, l'vlaryland. Henderson Snell, Nort.h· Carolina ..') -Wallace \-V. Freeman, l\laryland. Mordecai Gist Sykes lVlaryla1id. ·Ferdin :111d Samu.el Gorgas, Pennsylvania. George G. Taylor, Virginia. G ..Ashman Haluill) West Virginia. Lewellen' C. Tucker, Virginia. --"Irby Hardy, Virginia. "1'; ]ohtl y.,le1ch, Virginia. J.ewis James HarmanSou) Virginia. -B. H. \\'hittingtol1, Maryland. \:Vi11iam Hepburn, Jr., New York. R. Campbell \Vil1ianls.M.D.) S. Carolina. -George \.Vesley Hunt\ Pennsylvania. ]011fl M. Wilson, Pennsylvania. Philip Fletcher J,augenour, Nortb Carolina. Cillce,o Reneta Yearick. Ohio. tArchie ,McAlpine. Pennsvlvania. \\'m. B. Manll. Maryland. - 1883. South Carolina.. A. D. Barrett. Virginia. Theod"9re Johnson. Louisiana. George Horatio Jones) England. A. J. Bercier) North Carolina .. J. C. Brewer, . Georgia. john E. Matthews) Virginia. "Ialter D. Moses, Sou tll Carolina. Henry \Vilkes Canada. Virginia. Oscar Redd Colbert,M. D" Virginia. W. ,v. Moss, Georgia. George H _Oliver, Yirgillia. Jam~s B. Cone" South Carolina. F A. COlley, Pennsylvania. G: B. Patrick. Maryland. Eugene Palmer, New York. J. T. Dashiel'l, New York. 'Maurice Dawson .• Virginia. Delos Pahner, Connecticut. H. L. Pearson, Alabama. 'Daniel Dwyer, Alabama. iGeorg.e Jo:hnsonF'ord, Georgia. Louis H. Rambo ",Vest Virginia. John F. Reed,l Virginia. ·~V. Harry-Frey, Mississippi. Juan pi-osa Y Gonzalez, Spain. E. B. Robbins, New York. H. G. Saunders, Louisiana. 'Chlford H. Griebel, Pennsylvania. :Sidney Perry H illi8;rd. North Carolina. Charles S. Seebold. District of Col. John T Skilling, Maryland. Tholl1as O. Hills, Jr .. Illinois. John L. Hitchcock, Connecticut. Engene Vigneron, -¥''11liam M. Horton, Alabama. J. Herbert While, North Carolina. BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY,

1884. R. A. Armstrong. Pennsylvania. J. D. Lan ier-, C. S, W. Baldwiu, Georgia. New jersey, r. E. Larrick. Virginia. F. C. Barlow, New jersey, C. A. Meeker, A. R. Begun, New Jersey. Iowa. \Y. C. Meri ce. London. E·ng. Frank Boyette, North Carolina. \Vm. A, MOlltell, G. R. Brown, Ma r v l a n d . Maryland. Av O'Da n iel. North Carolin.J. .. E. S. Carroll. Pennsylvania. H. A. Parr, T. G. Carroll, New York. Maryland. P. P. Ritter, Pe n ns vl v a n in Price Cb ean ev , Texas. \V. H. Ross, Wm. Crenshaw, South' Caro l iu a Georgia. T. H. SchaeIer, l\Iaryiaud. A. S. Dabney. Kentucky G. H. S'l yfi eld , Charles Diedel, ]111noi5. Virginia. Dwi gh t Smith, New York. M. H. Dodge. New York. C, A, Timme, New Jersey. ]. F. Dow s lej-, Massachusetts. F, A. Twitchell, ]. C. Duncan, Massach uset rs. Pennsylvania. ]. A. Van Orsdel, Pennsylvania. A, G. Finney. Maryland. \Y. "'V. \Valker T. M. Fletcher, New York. Arkansas. \Vhyte 'Yard, Louisiana. A. H. Fox. New York. ]. A. \Yebb, F. P. Hamlet, Maryland. New York, G. v«. Vv'hitsett, North Caro lina, H. W. Keidel, Texas. ]. L. Wi lliarn s , Connecticut. Wm. T Kelley, Maryland, T. P. ~""'-illiams, Texas. 1885. Eugene F Adair, Georgia. ]. C. Morgan, H. Clay Anders, Kentucky. Maryland. Herbert Pb illips , Massachusetts. John M. Anderson, Virginia. C. G, Ri c h a rd son. J.A. Breland, Ca ro lina, South Carolina. Phineas A. Sherman, Ma ssa c hu set t-, G. P. Cb ap ius, France, G. Marshall Smith, Thos. L. Cobb, Maryland. Atab ama. V\'. B. Sprinkle, Virginia. Ola B. Comfort, Pennsylvania. ]. M. Staire, Pennsylvania. E. E. Eady, Maryland. Claude A. St. Am an d, C. H. Gatewood, South Carolina. Virginia. N. A. Strait, Districrof Col. H. H. Hafer, Georgia. R. E, Sunderlin, ]. E. Hancock, .. New York. North Carolina. ]. H. Swartz, Pen u s y lv a n ia, M. Parke HarrIs, California. Geo. S. Todd, L. Hedrick. Ma r y l a n d . California. R. C. Warfield, Ma r y lan d . 6amuel H. Jones, New York. F. K. White, Maryland. 1886 . W. F. Andrews, .Massachusetts. Sau dv H. Houston, A. n ., Pe n n syl v a n in •. Abraham L. Ashbrook, Pennsylvania. J. Herbert Johnson, Georgia. Geo. ''IV. Baker, ]r .. Pennsylvania. Hen-r y A. Joyner, N. Ca r-olin a . *Harry F. Baynes, Canada. Ceo. Charles Keller. August Burghard, ]VIa ry land F!orida. Chas. C. Laubach, New jersey .. Cha s \V. Bradsher, North Carolina. A. C. Lindsley, Wa lter F. Brown. New York South Carolina, Rob t. H. Ma r s h a l l , Lou is ian n. Emory A. Bryan t, Colorado. john \Y, Jvl it ch ell, Maryland. Currey Cappel, Louisiana. ]. Edgar Ortison, Virginia. *Howard H. Carroll, Maryland. James M" Ove ns h ir-e, New York .. ·Chas. E. Colardeau, West Indies. L. Ernest Payne, Maryland H. S. Co ld ing. M. E., Geurgia. Albert A. Pea rson , R. G. Covode, Alabama. Pennsylvania. ]. F. Patterson. New YOT-k. Wallace l\'r. Downey, Pennsylvania. "Wor t.hi n g to n Pinney, New jersey •. "Wi nfi e ld B. Dulaney, Vii'ginia. Rohert S. Russell, Tennessee. las. P. Farley, Massach usetts. Robert Owen St. Clair, 'Nil1iam Foley, Virginia. 'J. Mar-yla n d. Robert \ .....': Starr, Maryland. j, F. Gregg, .Pen n s y l v a n ia Frank V\'. Stiff, Virginia. J. E. Hendrickson, District of Col. Algarine T. Summerlin, E. HilI, Georgia. Georgia. T'h os, C. Vankirk, Penllsvlv3nia .... Bolling Hobson, Virginia. \Vm. H. \Veaver, A. B., Silas Hubbell, Ceorgla. New York. \V. Burlington \Vright, New York. 1887. A. F, Ambrose, Pennsylvania. A. F. L8nt:l, S. Ashbrook, New'York. Pennsylvania. G. W. McDonald, Nova Scotia. A. E. Barolet, Connecticut. 1\1. M.l\1ixon, Georgia. H. Bitzer, J. Virginia. :Eo:. \Y. Moyer, Pennsylvaui·a~ B. Brodnax, Tennessee. R. L. Munroe, Florida. S. L. Butler, Virginia. \Y. A. Ne~ce; Illinois. C";. W Conner, Kentucky. F. R. ,Parramore. Georgia. E. H. Coolbaugh Penllsylvania. F. M. ?offenberger ]. P. Canfield, 1 Pennsylvania. ]'vIatylaud. ]. B. Powers, .New Hatnpshire_. J. \V. Cowan, Can'ada. S. Pugsley, Nc\v BruIlswick •. IE.. E. Curzen, Maryland. ]. Roach, Georgia. J3. W. Cubbedge, Georgia. R. Roach. Georgia. D, ti. Day, Minnesota. j.]. S2.~razin, Louisiana. ]. S. B. Egan, New York. C. F. Shine, Florida. H. Floris, Germany. 1. Standiford, Pennsylvania. G. E. Furb"y, Ohio. ]. B. L. Swentzel, New York. ]. E. Getty, Maryland. W. S. Twilley, Maryland. B. H. Hawley, Maine. G. A. Urli,,!>, Pennsvlvania .. H. B. F. Heath, District of eel. H, ,v. Urlmg, H. Heims. . Pennsylvania. Massachusetts, S. n. \Vard, Virginia. ]. N. Hestel', North Carolina G. L. \Vebb, New York. D. M. Hitch, Dela ware. J Wise, F. M. Kennedy, Pen n s y 1van j a. Massachusetts. j, E. 'Vyehe, North Carolina ... lL Koen:iart; Belgium. BALTIMORE COLJ

1888. "D. S. Arnold, Alabama. A. Mills. Canada. R. Blackwell. Virginia. R. H. Mol on ey, Canada. R. H. Blair. Texas. ,Y. P. MOore, Virginia. F. V. Brooking. Illinois, C. G. Myers, j nd ian a. C. C. Buck, Maryland. H. Muller, Germany...... V. E. Bunn, J. M. Parker, North Carolina. rv«, D. Cowan, g:t~~~~' G. W. Patten, Minnesota. J. H. Crossland, Alabama. W. H. Phillips, New York. J. C. Dana, New York. *J. Rust, • Virginia. M. L. Da wso n , Virginia. ....V.,H. Savage, North Carolina. 'V. v«. Du n bracco, Maryland. ]. \V. Semones, Virginia. .J. W. Fisher, Virginia . A. W. Seidler, Maryland. J. D. Ford, jr., Maryland. J. W. Smith, Virginia. S. w Gregory, North Carolina. M. A.. Sparks. Alabama. W. S. regory, Virginia. G. J. Sproul, Canada. C. F. Harding, New York. R. H. Stephenson, Virginia. G. E. Hardy, Virginia. S. Sz u w a Lsk i. Maryland. C. W. F. Holbrook, NewJJersey. H. W. Talley, Virginia. ,\Y. F, Hclt, Georgia. W.]. Thurmond, Georgia. ""'T. H. Kellll111, Virginia. J. R. Walton, Distnct of Col. A. E. Kellogg, Penn syl vau ia. J. E. Ward, Pon n ay l va n ia , E. C. Kirby, Maryland, F. A. w a mes, Connecticut. W. R. Knight, Jr., New York. "R. E. Wilkinson, New York. L. P. Leonard, Dakota. W, D. W il l ia m s, Virginia. A. c.. Liverman. North Carolina. L. w.wuson, Virginia. B. F. Mardis, Pennsylvania. J. T. Wright, j r., Virginia. 'c. H. McLean, Illinois. 1889. ·G. E. Adams. New Jersey. w. H. Lockwood, \Yisconsin. .J. E. Armitage; New York. ]. H. M'i nat-d , On ta r ia. L. P. Brown, New York. F. H. MoCre, Maine. E. E. Butler, Virginia. C. L. Morey, Texas. P. C. Carmichael. New York. E. E. Murray. North Carolina. ·G. R. Carter, Virg-inia. J. F. Mc.Ar th ur, Dakota. G, E. Coughlin. Lnd ia n a. T. S. McElfish, Mru-yl and, G. B. Dorsey, Mississippi. J. P. Nesbitt) Ohio. A. R. Eaton, New Jersey. O. M. Nisley, Mar y l a u d . F. C. Exley, Georgia J. W. Penberthy, Mru u eso ta. N.1.,. Hale, Alabama E. G. Powers, l\Iinnesota. W. E. Hannah, Pennsylvania. J. G. Robinson, Jr .. Maryland. J. Hardy, v irg iu ia . F. Ro theu bach , Germany. 1-1,L. Har la n , Kentucky. C. B. Rush, Virginia. L. F. Houg-h, Virginia. v«, E. Walker, Mississippi. G. W. S. Ireland, Maryland. H. L. Sum ptton, Virginia. W. D. James, Mm n eso ta. W. R. Spencer, Virginia. B. B. Johnstone, District of Col. J. R. w a tso n, Pennsylvania. A. L. Jones, Virginia. D. Wil lia m s , North Carolina. \V. C. Kl at te , Sou th Carolina. J. P. Whedbee, Virginia. A. Kraus, Ro uma n ia. C. Wh it n e y , District of Col. N. B. Larkin. Tennessee. A. E. Whitehead, Virginia. 1'890. ]. B. Archer, California. W W Niles New York. .I. P. Bayon , Louisiana . J. ·A .. Noll, ' New York. -'Y. A. Beal, Penn sy lyan ia. H, Or-dou ez , South America. A. L. Beard, 'Yiscousin. B. M. Oxley. Nova Scotia. J. Naves Beemer, New York. J. E, Parker. California. .J. H. Ben i on , M, D., North Carolina . J. T. Parker, California. H. J. Bu r k h a r t, New York. L. R. Pennington. Delaware. J. Clarence Busey, Maryland .. G. A.. Potter, .New Yor-k. A. Foley Butler, Maryland. W.S. Pyk, Maryland. J. E. Da vid so n , Georgia. F. M. Readio, M ass ach usetts, C. R. Diffenderffer, Maryland. R. \V. Reece, North Carolina. H. A.. Donaldson, District of Col. E. H. Reid, Georgia. J. E. Duggar, North Ca rotvna. H. N. Richardson, 'Vest Virginia. '*J. E Freeland. North Carolina. J. E. Rutledge, . South Carolina. -*B. D. Friedenwald, Maryland W. J. Selby, Ma r y l a u d , A. H. Goodwin, New Brut'rswick. R. O. Si 1lH3 , Florida. F. M. Hampton. Alabama F. E. Smith, Conuect icut. -s . M. Hargrave, North Caro lin a. D. T. Smithwick, North Carolina. ]. H. Harrington. . Kentucky. A. B. Soule . Vermont. -t. A. Hews. Maine. W, H. Spangler, ·Maryland. \V, E. Holt, New·York. W .• M. Spanlding. Minnesota. M. H. Hunter, North Carolina. H. Sproul, Canada. ,V G. J a u ken s. Virginia. H. Mv St ai t-e. Ca lifo r-n ia. L. D. Kelley, Maryland. R. \V. Steuart, Lnd i:..\tn~. R. L. Lamar. Georgia. F. C. Streett, Ma ryl an d. J. H. London, North Carolina. A. G. Strickler. Peo ns y lvan ia. "T. '?II. Lynn, Iowa. J. C. Suther-land. 'Maryland \V. H. Matthews. New Jersey. A. Viets Nova Scotia. H. C. Mc Br a ir . N

1891. D. L. Aber, Pen n s yl v a ni a , \V. L. Ch-api'nj Pennsylvania .._ C. E. Altemus, Pen nsyjvania. C. O. Chunn. Florida. L. D. Ar c hi n ar-d, Lo u ist au a. L. M. Cleckley. Georgia. W v , Austin, ' Mi n n es ota. C. G. Colby, Connecticut.. T. A. Bailey. Georgia. T. A. Cr ou in. Maryland. s. J Battle, North Carolina, F.IV1. Conkey. S. E. Beec he r., Ll fi uo is. Pennsylvania. U. A. Da lton , New York .. H. 1. Beemer, New Jersey. J. \Y. David, E. Bent, Texas. Ma ss ac h usetts. E. C. Deuel, California. R. C. Bradshaw,) Ma ry lau d . ]. F. Downs, C, D. Brown, Ma r y lan d .: California. *·IiV. D1Ck, California. J. H. Bullett. Pennsylvania. E .. Eggleston, Virginia. J. K. Burg-ess, Virginia. ]. G. Fife, Texas. J. F. Butts. West Virginia. J. G. Findlay", Ontario. ]. J. Carroll. ,\Vesl Virginia. N. B. Garner, Gould, Lou isian a . ]. u. Virginia. O. A·. Parker, Nova Scotia. : W. F. Or-a h a m, South Carolina. ] ..C. Pfeiffer, Maryland, K, T Greenlaw, New Brunswick. M. 'V. Ra in ol d , Louisiana. G. Gress, Pennsylvania. H. Reicb hel m , Germany. E. -Ham m. Massachusetts. C. P. Rice, Pennsylvania .. I....A. Ha user, North Ca ro liu a.. G, 0, Roberts, Georgia. S. J Heindel, Pennsylvania. F. C. Royce. New York. E. E. Henry. Peu nsytvan ia. G. P. Schumacker, Massach uset ts, R. S. Henry. Mat y lan d. T. \V. Sharpe, . Pennsylvania. F.W. HI1I, Iowa. V-r. M. Sh ar p, New Br un s wick .... G. H. Jackson, Pennsylvania. O. F. Sims, Florida. ,Y. I,. Jones, Mississippi. W. N. Steinmeyer,' Sou th Ca rolina .. G. Kress, Ohio. W. 1\[, Stewa r t, New York. T. B. Le the r b u r-y, Virginia. G. E. Stoddard, Vermont. H. S. Lock wood, New York. C. B. Ta r r-, J\1aine. J. C. Maloney. Virginia. 'V. E. 'r'easley, v irg inia. E· n. Marshall, r-, Georgia. T. K. Tharp, Georgia. G. Y. Milholland, • Maryland. R. H. "Valker', Virginia. 'P. S. Morton; Nova Scotia. F:" R. \Yilder, Vermont. J. S. McDonald. Peunsv lvau ia, F. C. wnso», Georgia. r«. E. Nye, Ca l ifor u ia. H. Wu r zel l , Germany. C. E.Orndorf, Pennsylvania. \Y. E. 'Nolfruffi, 'w isco n s in , f',. B Parker" Virginia, A. Youngs, New York. 1892. B. D Altemus) Pennsylvania. *W, S. Holbrook, New Jersey. C. \Y, Arird, Pennsylvania. F, H. j ac km a n, Connecticut. J.N. Baker, Pe n n syl va n ia, A. j eketfatusy, Wis cou s in . I. J. Beach, Maryland. .G. 1\1. j on es , Iowa. W,]. Beatty, Pennsylvania. E. P. Keerans , North Cur ol in a; C. A. Bland, North Carolina. C. Ken ney , Con n ect icu t. C. w. Boucher, Maryland. F. H. Kestler, California. H. V. Bradshaw, Pennsylvania. E. T. Ketcham, California. B. Bridgfonh, Virginia. H. \V. Knauff, Pe n n s y l v arri a, B. B. Brumbaugh, Pe n n s y Iv a n ia, M. D. Koa tr a ba , Pennsylvania ... J. C. Buchanan, Pennsylvania. R. M. Krebs, Pen n s yl va.n ia .. W. C. Ca ll ah a n , New York. ]. E. La Force, Oregon. ·W. C. Cartel'. Missouri. E. T. H. Leonard, Mississippi, B. A. Charles) Massachusetts. J. I. Logan, Alabama. C. A. Coc h e l, Maryland. W. S. Long, North Oar o u n ac. R. S. Cole, North Carolina. W. L, Lowe, Pen u sv lv an ia , ·E. Davis, H. H. Mnlo ney , A. M.~ Louisiana', ·W. C. Dawson, 'Vest v irg-iuia. E. ,Y. Ma rve n , Canada. J. W. De rli n , Maryland, ]. "Y. Moore, Canada. J. S. Donaldson, D. D. S., Co lor-ad o. S. B. j.•Iey er , Maryland. ]. R DonaldSon, D. D. S., Colorado. P. l\fcCOlbe, Austrnlia. H. Donnan, Pennsylvania. C. C, ~1cClol1d, Louisiana. Texas. G. B.. l\1cF<'lrlandf E. Indies. ~',ii. ~\~/l~~]eYl Minnesota. W. H. lVlcGl"aW, Pennsylvania ... ·M. L Fay, New York. P. A. McLean: New Jersey. H. R: Fonda) Vermont. E. MacDougall, New York. H. B. Ford, Canada. ]. E. Parker, Texas. F. A. Ford, New York. L. A. Pusey, Virginia. A. Francis, Marvland. E .. K, Rainey, Georgia. r. A. Frazer, California. *L. A. Reinhart. Maryland. ]. N. Giddet:\s, Alabama. I. L. Ritter·, Pennsylvania. R. L. Gill, Maryland. R. r". Robertson, Canada. ....V.1. GOod',vln. Canada:. R. O. Sadler, North Carolina ... H. W. Gr"haru. Pent1~ylv3nia. P. H. Sasscer, Mary11nd. A. C. Griffith, CalifO'rnia. G. H. Sayre. New York. E. Grosheintz, D. D. S., Switzerland. A. S. Shackleford) Texas. C. N. Guyer, Colorado. ,4. P. Shaw, l\laine. G. F. Hair, South Carolina. ]. H. Smith, Vit-ginia. C. E. Hamilton, Georgia. 'N. H. Stokes, New York. W.1. Hatch. B. A., South Carolina. .T. E. Storey, Texas. J. Hidalgo. Venezuela. J. T. Stuart, Alabama. F. W. S"wf'ezy, New York. J. D. Whiteman. Pennsylvania .. W. A. Taylor, Maryland. E. L. Wilder, Vermont. F. A. Taylor. Canada, B. H. \Yilliams, G~orgia. C. H, Terry, Texas. D. M~ 'Nilson, New York. W, P. Terry, Louisiana. C, H. Winburn, GeorgIa. BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY,

A. G. Tillmann, Mississippi. J. I. Woolverton. New Jersey. Eduardo Vasquez, Guatemala. F. W. Wright, H. AvT'r ux il!o, Canada. Louisiana. J. A. Yates, Kentucky. W. H. Walters. Maryland. R. 1. Youngs, T. F. \Varncs, New York. New York. R. L. Zelenka, Louisiana. 1893. W. H. Greg'g, Pennsylvania. Mi l to n S. Mer ch ant, Har rv C. Gri ffit h , Texas, Ma r-yla n d . Francis H .. Mulholland, \Visconsin. ·G. A.'Hahn. Germany. Luther IVl,Parsons, R. Edward HarbIson, Maryland. Pennsylvania. Erwin S. Rinehart, Texas. Chas. S. Hoose, New York. Andrew \V. Soule, Claire G. Hamilton, Vermont. Vermont, Or ank 'N. Shegogue, Maryland. Al bert C. I-I ays, New York. John ,Y. Tho!11pSOn, Fred Dwight Joy, North Carolina •. New York. R. Franklin Taylor, Can ad a. .Joseph Krainik, Ro u m an ia. B. F. \Vendell, Charles A. Krantz, Pennsylvania . Maryland. John Wood, New York. 1894. Bernard Bar, Maryland. Arthur J. Kiser, T. E. Black, Ohio. North Carolina. L. Klingelhoffer, Ohio. E. P. Blanchard Ma in e. G, Herrn an Kopperl, E. J. Collins, Texas. Georgia. Chas. B. Mc Cu e, Maryland. R. S. Corse, Ma r y l a n k , Wm. G. Mizell, Jr., ]. H. Cowen, North Carolina. New York. Almus Owen. Texas. "'*F. N. Damon, l\1assach usetts. D. B. Paine, w.». P. Davis, New York. l\1ississippi. Elton Perry, Texas. Caleb Dorsey; Maryland. Wm . L. Peters, A. J. Fortier, Massach usetts, Rhode Island. David S. Ray, North Carolina. W. E. Foster, Texas. N. E. Rierson, A. R. Gardner, North Carolina. Mon tan a. Jno. G. Schmetzer, South Carolina. , 'T. 1\1. Guier, Maryland. Gen, E. Shattuck, .E. F. Hadley, Mississippi. Massachusetts. Winston Stephens, Florida . A. C. Hafke, D. D. S., Germany. Geo. E. Th wea t t, 'Vn1. S. Hamilton, Virginia. Georgia. Chas. R. Twilley. Ma r y l a n d , F. E. Hawkesworth, Canada. \Ytn. F. 'Nalz, E. Hoffmeister, Ph. D., Virginia. Maryland. Dan'l B. Wi llia m s , Pennsylvania. -Ch as. Hu t oh in so n , Virginia. 1895. M. H. Adams, Louisiana. C. Meikle, New York. J. G. Armacost, Maryland. 0, Mor g an , A. D. Baxter, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. L, D. Reavis, Oregon, H. J. Boyd, New YOlk. P. C. Ric hard son, 'c. E. Brown, Texas, Virginia. I. C. Rink, Pennsylvania. S. P. Cronan. Connecticut. W. R. Roland, 'V. G. Dalzell, Pennsylvania. Louisiana. B. Rousseau, ,C. R. Dashiell. J. At abam a. Texas. G. F. Showers. West Virginia. A. E. Dev iney, Texas. v«, H. Simpson. H. R. Ea vey, Mas sa ch usetts.. Ma r y lu n d .. B. M. Smith, Pennsylvania. ..K. v«. Egerton, Maryland. E. H. Stiug, F. W. Epes, Ohio. Virginia. W. M. Sturgis, C. H. Frink, Virginia. Florida. E. !vr. Summ~erville, Pennsylvania. J. F.-Geiger, South Carolina. C. H. Th'berath, Fred. Hammond, New Jersey. Maryland. A. C. T'h we a t t , . Virginia. M. J. Hellwig, New York. L. Walker, 'D. S. Henry, J. Virginia. South Carolina. F. Waesche, Mar y la n d, H. Hoeper, Germany. H, Hoffer, R. H. Wei skott in, New York. v«, Texas, E. Weymouth, E. G. Laflin, Mai n e. Connecticut. J. N. Wheeler, T. H. Lowe, North Carolilla.." Ma ss a ch uset ts. H. \Vhlte, Maryland. J, W. Lyle, Massachusetts. G. W. \Villia.l11S, A. M. Marcy, Ohio. New' York. 1896. F. D. Ashworth, California. M. D. King, W. C. Ames, Virginia. North Carolina .. ' J. W. Askew, E. S. McIlvaine, Pen nSYI van ia, Ohio. L. S. McElrath, Virginia. R. Badgley, Ohio. P. J. McElrath, West Virginia. E. R. Baker, Pennsylvania. C.W. Motley, ]. G. Broad, Virginia. Pennsylvania. H. W. Murray, Canada. v«. W. Bruck, Germany. R. S. Peabody, C. F. Chandler, Connecticut. Alabama. W. J. Rolston, Canada. L. E. Chervemou t, West Indies. J. B. Saxby, A. D. Coale, California. Maryland. W. C. Sprague. Cauada. R. L. Carr, North Carolina. F. Staton, F. C. Day, North Carolina .., New York. T. P. SUllivan, E. F. Early, M assach usetts. North Carolina. E. A. Stallings, Alabama. "E. E. Erhart, Florida. S. L. Syckes, C. H. Fallon, Pennsylvania. New Jersey, J. D. Tench, Florida. E. P. Fitch, Connecticut C. A. Thompson J. N. Garlinghouse, North carotlna •., New York. A.C. Wall, . ]. D. Haggerty, New Jersey. L. K. Walz, M. M. Holmboe, Norway. v irg inia. C. M. Wells, Maryland. J. H. Hunter, New Jersey. C. W. Kammer, C. A. "Vhitehead, North Carolina ...] Maryland. Vi. F. Wr l k in ao n , New York. H. E. Kelsey, North Carolina. C. Zimmerman, Pen nsyl vania. 28 BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY,

T. G. Ammennenser, Maryl'tnd. c. w. Granger, )JOi'th Carolina W Avery, South A. E. Guptill, Maine. E. L. Bartley, Pennsylvania .. N. Hoddes, Gerfnanr. E. C. Baxter, Pennaylvan la, W. N. Hoelzel, OhIO E. F. Bergot, Pennsytvanta. W. E. Holidayoke. Maryland. W. R. Bibber, xtutne. .A. P. .ronuson, Montana, H. E. Black. Canada. W. A. Kelly, v trm nta F. L Bordelon, Louisiana. C. H. Kent. vermont:. A. H. Bourque, CanadR." M. D. LaFayette, Nerv Yorlc A. L. Boyers, West Virgini", E. G. Lee, Virginia. F. F. Brown. Texas. M. M. Lindsay. Tennessee. R. H. llrumby, Louisiana. C. Mu nktn. . rrenuessee. C. H. Carson, Maryla nd. E. F. M:artin, Nortll Caro!in3.. R L. Carter, ;\d.issQuri. 11'. C. McLane, .N8\V Jel'sPv. J. a, oonins, Georgla. G. D. JVfOl'gan, penllSyl\-rtnia. C S Conn. Pennsylvan la. E. L. Munroe, PIori'la. V. Cochel, Maryland. L. A. Myer, Marr1amt. W. F. Cook, '

R. T. Allan, B. A., "ortll Ca rolt na. H. B. Anderson, Canada. J. E. W. Armstrong, Pennsylvania. ,Y. P. Baker. Pennsylya,uia" W. F. Baker, Pen usvrvauta. v«, N. Barnes, New York. H. N. Bernard. New York. A. C. Brewer. -Penn~ylYania, H. R. Brightbill, pennsylvania. .E. T. Byrne. Penosylvauia .. C. P. Callaway, 'Nest virgtma. A, Chesterfield, Calla,eta. D. C. Clark, west \T"jrginia. G. Collins, Maine. J. C. conover, :, ew Jersey. F. Del Valle, porto .FUco. C. W. Dittman, west vtrgrnta. \1,,1. DoebbeHn, Uerulany. W. O. Dunning, New York. O. W. Eizey, Maryiand. C. V. Emnro, Port.ugal. S. Erumich, Mississippi. Virginia". .J. P. Finn, Connecticut. W. B. Fletcher, west B. J. Gorman, NIarylanrl. F. P. Gormley, unonc Island. J. K. Grisham, Tennessee. G. rIain. Pennsylvania .. G. F. Herring, Nortll. Carolina. G. A. Hitch, Delaware. W. G. Huntley, B. S., Vermont. C. E. Jolmson, Virginia. J. M. Kelly, New York. R. K Koehler, 1'exas. F. A. Lefurgey, P. E. Island. H. M. Lever, New Brunswis'" G. IJoemer, Mar.vlancl. C. E. Lutz. Ollio. C. B. McEirat,h, \Vest Virginia. IlL H. McElroy, HllOrle Island. A. R. McLaughlin, North Carolina. C. II. Merritt, Maine. H. G. Morgan, Ollio. J. H. :Nlorrisolll Ohio. Alabama. C. R. Morton, Nova Scotia. P. NixOD.l H. D. Osborne, Georgia. T. O. Palmer, NewYorl,. M. E. Pftrsons, Marylancl. M L. perez. Cuba. E. A. poe., Texas. E. R. lUlein, pennsylvania, C. R. Riddick, North Carolina. W. C. Riclmrdson,,. T. J. Ritter, Texas V. A. lloaell, NOVfi SCOLia. C. M. Ryan, New York:. G. E. Seay, Virginia. , R. M, Sentz, west Virginia. M. S. Shoemaker, PennsylvanIa. .B. P. Simpson, Jliassaeh llsetts. II. E. SmIth, Pennsyl"aniU C. W. Straight, New York. A. P. Sylvia, pormg-al. P. W. Tankard, Virginia. w. O. Throop, New York. Newy@!'k. W. L. Thwaits, New York. C. H. 'rice, O. J. Toujan, LOUisiana. D. L. Towberman, Virginia. W. wade, Marvland. O. E. wall, Honolulu. W. :M. D. wolf, Maryland .. C. A. wood. penns.ylvnnl;) .. E, ,"y, G;1ynOl~, B. S. ]\([l ~sact1)\lsetts. LABORATORY ~o. 3.



*Solyman Brown, xew York. C. Hayden, District or C. J. S. Brewster, F'rance. A. B. IIayclen, (.eorgia.. *8ir Samuel Cai-twrrght, Englancl. E. Hudson, Peruisvlvanta J. Smull Dodge, Jr. New York. Leonard Koecker, Eng-lanll. *J. F. Flagg, Jr :V[aSSJell u setts, Edwartl Muynard, i\f. D, District of C. E. L. Greenwood, lIlas -acn usetts. ~~Eleazer Parmly, Ne'N York. T. Green wood, Massacnus-t.ts. T, Parrnly, Loui sl an a. James S. Gunnell, ~8'iY York, Levi S. Parmly, Ma,nt-irJl',aS Daniel Harrtug ton, M. D , Peunsylvarua, ,j'H,utlolpll Parmly, Alubamu,

James Alcock, New York, *.J ames D. ofcCabc. G. r+. Brewster, ,,1. D., N. Hampsllir~. Leouaru xruokau, DrI. D·, ~~;lt~;:!~ti~d. E. B. Brown, Missouri. 8nocl1 Noyes. MarY-lanet. M. R. Brrdges, Nev;; York. \\Tlllimn Plt-\[tsants, Virg'lnia. F. B. Chewing, Virginia. !{obert Held., S'~~otlancL A Harland, 111.D., Virg·inia. ':'_A. Roast;jng~ virg inta. F;d ward 1·1 ato, Missourt. S.:ll'I. Siicppard, Virglnla. Jo11n Harris~ Kentucky. Benj. Strickland, JU. D. Ohio. Mozart. Hayden, Maryland Edward Taylor, Ohio. Oliver Holmes, Maryland. :"Jalnes T&:5r101', 01110. *S. P. Hullillen, ill. D., Virginia . "'Joseph Taylor, Keutucky. 'Natllan, C. Kemp, M. D. Massa ell usetts Amos Westcott, M. D., New York. 18'14

R. Blandin, S. Carolina. ,John C. McCabe, Virginia Albert A. Carey, Alabama. .Jonn B. nicn, New York J. F. cassel, Maryland. ,J. C. Ross. Kentucky. Jolm A. Cleveland, S. Carolina. .Tohn W. Sheppard, Virginia . Jesse w. Cook, Ohio. A. Van Camp, 'I'ennessee. Ohio. '\'ilI1~),m "Vare, 11. D., N. Carolina .. ~~~~rtq~~i\i, Virginia. John G. wyat, M. D. Virginia. W H. Elliott, New York. George W. Wescott, Misstssippt.. "Benjamin F. Hall, M. D. Kentucky. 1845

',John Allen, M. D., New York. J Rollinson, England. E. Hryan, New York. E Sanders, England. Rev. J. Brown Dixon, England. Will. Lee Tinker, M. D. S. America. 1846

'F. A. BarJger, Tennessee. "1'. B. Hamlin, Virginia. T. B. meveJand, Georgia. William Johnson, Nlaryl:wd. J. Wash. Clowes, Connecticut, G. McDonald, M. D., Georgia. F. L. Crane, M. D,. Pennsylvania. "Elisha Townsen

"C. C. Allen, M. D., New York. J. S. Kimba,ll, Massachusetts ... 'Daniel C. Ambler, Florida O. P. I,aird, M. D., Georgia. D. O. Crane, New York, W. O. Laird, Georgia. Wm. H. Dunning, New York. 'rlloma.s K. Law, Canacla. 'Wm. H. Dwinelle, M. D., New Yorlc C. S. Miles, New YorK H. M. Fenn, M. D., New YOI'lL J. E. McIillenny, Pennsylvania. N, A. Fisher, ilL D., Rhode Island, Alexander Nelson, New York. C. W. Harvey, New York. "Robert Nelsoll, New York. 'G. E. Hawes, New YOlk. J. Payne, Cana

J. R. Beers, New York. F.l\L \Vel..."11S,M. D., U. S. Navy. Hardy Feltz, N. Carolina, E. F. Wilson, New York. 'OJ. Lee, M. D., S. Carolina. .30 BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, 1849

"'J, H. Foster, M. D.. New York. Daniel Harwood, M. D., Massachusetts ·"E. B. Garnette, Pennsylvania. *Alexander Nasmyt.n, Scotland. . 1850 Lindsey Adams, Maryland. Elisha Parsons. M. D. Georgia. Eldridge Bacon, M. D., Maine. Henry E. Peebles. Mlssourt, C. F. Cushman, Georgia. *B. A. Rodrigues, M. D., S. Carolina. TllOS. W. Evans, M. D., France, Robert 0 shaw, Alabama. Jacob Fogle, Georz ia H. A. Veasy, Misstssrppi. J. Bennett Gibbs, MarY'land. Jonn weainerbv, M. D. Maryland. R. N. Hudson, Virginia. *E. E. Wheeler, JlI. D , Tennessee. "'M B Meade Rllode Island. J. D. wnue, MD., pen nsyl vania. James parry, Pennsylvania. G. J. F. Coburn, New Jersey. 1851

E. H. Andrews, M. D., N. Carolina. J. L Levison, England. W. Dalrymple, New York. *Josepll Linderer, Germany. James Fleming, NI. D., Pennsylvania, Eli Parry. Pen nsyl vanta. *Edward Gage, Massachusetts, Fiavius searie, Massachusetts. Alexander W. Holmes, New York. G. W. smn.n, Louisiana. William F. Lee, New York. E. G. Ward, Connecticut. 1852'

W. R. Bftllard, Italy. George W. Parrnly, Holland. 1853

*1'. L. BllCkingham, M. D. Pennsylvania. Henry Favllle, New York. D. S. onase, M. D., Georgia J'erem l ah Mason, Maine. E. E. Crowfoot, Cunnecticut. W. A. Boyce, New York. *C. A. Du Bouchet, M. D., Pennsylvania. J854 John Bensaro, Australia, 1855 Roswell T. Reynolds, Pennsylvania. J. W. Vervalen, South America. 1858 George Hayes, England. 1860 Ff udley Y. Clark, Georgia. 1871 Norman William Kingsley, New York. 1879 R. B. Donaldson, District of C. E. Parmly Brown, New York. R. Finley Hunt, District of C. M. W. Foster, Maryland. "Byron F. Coy, Maryland. *J. JlI. Riggs, Connecticut. 1880 *Thomas Bryan Gunning, New York. 1885 *T. F. Cherry, Maryland. 1887 J. RO.'Ia Knapp, Louisiana. 1891 c. H. Forshaw, L. L. D., F. R. M. S., F. G. S., England. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS~, BALTIMORE, MD.

FAOULTY. AUIUMB. ARNOLD.M. D., Emerrtus Protessor of Clinical Medicine. THOMASOPIE, M. D., Professor of Gynecology and Dean of tile Faculty. TaoMAs S. LATBIIOR,M. D., Prof. or Principles and Practice or Medicine and Clinical Medicine ... A..-RONFIUEDENWALD,M. D., Professor ot Dtseases of the Eye and Ear. CUARLESF. BEVAN,M. D., Prof. of Pr inciples and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery •. WM. SIMON,Pa. D. M. D., Professor or Cnemtstry. J. W. CHAMBERS,M. D., professor or Operative and Clinical Surgery. GEORGi!J. PREs'roN, A. B., M. D., r roressor of Physiolog'y and Diseases of the Nervous System, .. N, G. KEIRLE, A. M., M, D. professor of pathology and Medical Jurisprudence. C. HAMPSONJONES, M. B., C. M. (Edin.) M. D., professor of Obstetrics. W. F. 8ml'H, A. B., M. D., professor of Anatomy and Dermatology. WM. F. LOCKWOOD,M. D., Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Clinical Medicine. B. l!OT,LYSMTl'H, M. D, Ii. D. S., professor of principles and practice of Dental Surgery as applied to Medicine. HARRY FRIEDENWALD,A. B., M. D" Associate Professor of Diseases or the Eye and Ear. JULIUS ]'RTEDENWALD,A. B. A. M., M. D., Associate professor of pathology and Clinical professor of Diseases or the stornaoh. WILLIAM S. GARnNER, M. D., Associate professor of Gynecology. FRANK DYE R SANGER,M. D., Clinical professor or Diseases of Nose, Throat and Chest, STANDTSHMCCLEARY, M. D.. Associate professor of Physiology and Demonstrator of Histology. CHARLESE. BRACK, M. D., Associate professor of Obstetrics and Lecturer on Pllarmacy, .. CHARLESJ!". BLAKE, ]\'1. D., Demonstrator or Clinical Surgery and Ass't, Demonstrator of Anatomy. JOHN RUHRAH, M. D, Associate professor of Diseases of Children and Director of Clinical Laboratory. SAMUELJ. FORT, M. D., Associate professor of Materia Medica and Pllarmacology. DANIET,BASE, Ph. D, ASSOCIate Professor or Chemtstrv. H. H. HAYDEN,M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. SYLVAN H. LTKE8, M. D., Demonstrator of Pat.hology, Genito-Urinary Surgery and Dermatology. ALEXIUS MCGLANNAN,M. D., Demonstrator of Chemistry and Physiology. HARVEY G .BECK,M. D., Demonstrator of Clinical Medicine. MOSESSAVAGE,M. D., Assistant Demonstrator of Clinical Medicine. LOUTSF. KORNM:AN,M. D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. WILLIAM:.B. WOLF, M. D., Assistant Demonstrator of patllology, ALBERTUSCo'r'roN, :i\L D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. H. R. MCGIUW, r-roscctor of Anatomy.

TlliS school naving adopted the four years' graded course or study in 1895, 18 now well establisllecl on this plan. Tbe minimum requirement of tile Association of American :i\fedical Colleges and most State Boards of Examiners, beginning witn 1898, is tour full sessions or six montlls each in four separate years. A biological degree trorn a first class college entitles the holder to advanced standing. Credit for one session is given to graduates of Dentistry, Pharmacy and Veterinary Surgery. It is the aim of this School to make the instruction, in every department, as practical as posst ole. TIle Clinical materiat i3 abundant and sacn stuoent ubtaius personal experience and bedside instruction in tile Hospital wards. TIle RegUlar Lecture Course will begin Monday, October 2, 1899. For rurt.her information, send for a catalogue and address PROFESSOR THOMAS OPIE, M. D., Dean. CALVERT AND SARATOGA S'fREETS, BALTIMORE, MD .. 32 B-\.I, 1'DW RE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY.




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