1946 6111 Senate
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1946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 6111 building in the District of Columbia made available from the unobligated which was bequeRthed to the United balances of appropriations heretofore SENATE States and it cannot be disposed of with made for the construction of buildings out the passage of this legislation. An outside the District of Columbia." MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1946 other item is that of a small piece of land The amendment was agreed to. (Legislative day of ·Tuesday, March 5, in the Barge Office in New York City, The next amendment was, in section 7, 1946) which the Authority must secure in on page 6, line 8, after the word "apply", order to complete a tunnel. Another to insert "to communications systems The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, item is the authorization to proceed to for handling messages of a confidential on the expiration of the recess. complete a heatine plant in the District or secret nature, or." The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown of Columbia. The bill contains a mis The amendment was agreed to. Harris, D. D., offered the following cellaneous group of items of a routine The next amendment was, on page 6, prayer: nature which must be acted on in order line 12, after the word "operated", to 0 God, who only art our refuge and that the Government may proceed with insert "or occupied." our strength, to the altar of Thy for its program. I may say that there was a The amendment was agreed to. giving mercy we come with starved unanimous report of the committee. The next amendment was, on page 6, souls, hungering after Thee. As leap The SenR.tur from Nebraska [Mr. line 14, to strike out section 8, as follows: the spires of Thy glory, how low fiy the WHERRY], the Senator from West Vir thoughts of our desires, their wings too ginia [Mr. REVERCOMB], and \,he Sena SEc. 8. The Commissioner of Public Build ings shall have exclusive authority in all often brushing the very ground. In the tor from Ohio [Mr. TAFT] are members buildings operated by the Public Building sanctuary of Thy riches how foolish and of the committee and voted to report Administration to enter into contracts, upon futile seem the things for which we the bill favorably. The bill was care such terms and conditions as he may find to strive with panting breath; we are of the fully considered. be in the public interest and without securing earth earthy, Lead us now, we beseech Mr. FERGUSON. Mr. President, I competitive bids, for food services in build ings designed to include such facilities or .Thee, beyond the wonder of the morning wish to make another inquiry. Has the to the gates which lead to peace and money been appropriated to acquire where s.uch services are subsequently found to be necessary to establish rules and regula power. We ask it in the name of that these sites? tions for the operation thereof; and to make strong and stainless One who without Mr. FULBRIGHT. Yes; the money all sanitary inspections in connection there shame and in triumph wore the garment has been appropriated. This bill would with. of our affiictions and limitations and provide authority to use the money. The amendment was agreed to. who looks at us and through us in these Mr. WHERRY. I should like to say troubled days with eyes majestic and for the RECORD that I attended the hear The next amendment was to change with a smile that bids us hope. Amen. ings, and I agree entirely with what the the remaining section numbers. distinguished Senator from Arkansas has The amendment was agreed to. THE JOURNAL said. I believe the bill should be passed, The PRESIDING OFFICER. That On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by because it is necessary to obtain the site completes the committee amendments. unanimous consent, the reading of the and buildings provided in it. The question is on the engrossment of Journal of the proceedings of the cal Mr. FULBRIGHT. If the bill is not the amendments and the third reading endar day Saturday, June 1, 1946, was passed quickly the G0vernment will lose of the bill. dispensed with, and the Journal was the advantage of the contracts it entered The amendments were ordered to be approved. into sometime ago, and the time limit engrossed and the bill to be read a third MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT on them is rapidly approaching. time. Messages in writing from the Presi The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there The bill (H. R. 5407) was read the dent of the United States were commu objection to the present consdieration of third time and passed. nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one the bill? Mr. FULBRIGHT. I move that the of his secretaries. There being no objection, the Senate Senate insist upon its amendments, re proceeded to consider the bill <H. R. quest a conference with the House SAUNDERS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL-VETO 5407) to grant to the Federal Works Ad thereon, and that the Chair appoint the MESSAGE (S. DOC. NO, 198) ministrator certain powers with respect conferees on the part of the Senate. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid to site acquisition, building construction, The motion was agreed to; and the before the Senate a message from the purchase of buildings, and other mat Presiding Officer appointed Mr. AN President of the United States, which ters which had been reported from the DREWS, Mr. FuLBRIGHT, and Mr. TAFT con was read by the legislative clerk, as Committee on Public Buildings and ferees on the part of the Senate. follows: Grounds, with amendments. The first amendment was, on page 1, RECESS TO MONDAY To the United States Senate: line 9, after "California", to strike out Mr. CONNALLY. I move that the I return herewith, without my ap "to purchase and remodel buildings" and Senate take a recess until Monday next, proval, the bill <S. 1932) to confer juris to insert "to purchase buildings either at 12 o'clock noon. diction upon the United States District unencumbered or subject to existing The motion was agreed to; and <at 4 Court for the Eastern Di-strict of South leases where in his determination it is o'clock and 18 minutes p.m.) the Senate Carolina to hear, determine, and render advantageous to do so and to remodel the took a recess until Monday, June 3, 1946, judgment upon the claim of the board same." at 12 o'clock meridian. of trustees of the Saunders Memorial The amendment was agreed to. Hospital. The next amendment was, on page 2, CONFIRMATIONS It appears that in 1942 the Army Air Forces desired to construct a hospital at line 8, after the word "and", to strike Executive nominations confirmed by out "said sum is hereby authorized to be the Army air base at Florence, S.C., Dr. the Senate June 1 (legislative day of John D. Smyser, who was the medical appropriated for such purposes" and to March 5), 1946: insert "the unobligated balances of ap director and superintendent of Saunders FOREIGN SERVICE Memorial Hospital located in that city, propriations heretofore made for the TO BE FOREIGN-SERVICE OFFICERS, UNCLASSIFIED, offered to lease the hospital to the United construction of projects outside the Dis VICE CONSULS OF CAREER, AND SECRETARIES IN States. trict of Columbia are hereby made avail- THE DIPL<?MATIC SERVICE OF THE UNITED A series of negotiations took place be able for this purpose." · STATES OF AMERICA tween Dr. Smyser and representatives of The amendment-was agreed to. Oscar V. Armstrong Stephen A. Rynas the War Department, which resulted in The next amendment was, on page 2, W. Wendell Blancke Frederick D. Sharp 3d the execution by Dr. Smyser of an option line 16, after the figure "$2,000,000", to William N. Dale Albert W. Sherer, Jr. Alfred le S. Jenkins L·evl.P. Smith, Jr. to lease the Saunders Memorial Hospital strike out the comma and the words "and Curtis F. Jones Gerald Stryker to the United States for the duration of said sum is hereby authorized to be ap Francis E. Meloy, Jr. Richard M. Tynan . the war and 6 months thereafter, subject propriated for said purpose" and to in Alexander L. Peaslee ~tanley B. Wolff to a right of termination by the Govern sert "Funds for this purpose are hereby Howard A. Reed · ment at any time upon 30 days' notice~ 6112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JUNE 3 The War Department later reached the panying bill, referred to the Committee conferees on the part of the Senate on conclusion that i't would be less expen on Claims and ordered to be printed: the bill <H. R. 6578) to provide on a sive to construct a new hospital than to . temporary basis during the present pe acquire and rehabilitate the Saunders To the United States Senate: riod of emergency, for the prompt set Memorial Hospital, and declined to take I return herewith, without my ap tlement of industrial disputes vitally af up the option or to enter into a lease. No proval, S. 1604, entitled "An act for the fecting the national economy in the contract either to lease or purchase the relief of Leo Stuhr." transition from war to peace. premises was ever entered into by the This bill authorizes and directs the USE OF COAST GUARD RADIO STATIONS Government. Secretary of the Treasury to pay to· Leo FOR COMMERCIAL MESSAGES It is asserted that in the meantime Dr. Stuhr, of Grand Island, Nebr., the sum of Smyser had made arrangements to turn $149.57, in full satisfaction of his claim The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid be over the hospital to the United States and against the United States for payment fore the Senate a letter from tfie Acting had discontinued certain activities in the under the Commodity Credit Corpora Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting institution.