Comprehensive Plan

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Comprehensive Plan City of Beckley Comprehensive Plan May 1, 2001 1168 North Main Street Bowling Green, Ohio 419.352.7537 fax 419.353.0187 Contents Acknowledgements 1 Elderly Households Map 39 Female Heads of Households with Children Introduction 3 Map 41 Chapter 1 Vision 2020 5 Homeless Households 43 Chapter 2 Natural Environment 9 Parks, Recreation & Open Space 43 Topography 9 Schools 46 Geology 9 Libraries 47 Soils 9 Cultural and Entertainment Opportunities 40 Climate 9 Serious Crime Offenses Reported in Beckley, Watersheds 10 West Virginia 49 Drainage Areas 10 Law Enforcement Facilities 49 Floodplains 10 Traffic and Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics 50 Area Topography Map 11 Fire Protection Facilities 52 Chapter 3 Socioeconomic Conditions 13 Healthcare Facilities 53 Churches and Civic Organizations 53 Historic Roots of Beckley 13 Central Business District 15 Chapter 5 Trends 55 Population Characteristics 16 Population Projections 55 Select Demographic Information 17 Employment and Income Trends 56 Employment Traits of the Community 18 1990 - 2020 Population Growth Estimates Business Development 18 Unemployment Rates 1990 to 1999 57 Labor Force Employed by Service Industry 19 Urban Sprawl/Urban Revitalization 58 Income 20 Commuting in Larger Urban Areas 59 Travel To Work 21 Shifts in Preferences on Where to Live 59 Household Wealth 22 Shrinking Demand for Retail Space 60 Taxation 22 Telecommuting 60 Housing 23 Future Influences on Cities 61 Important Local Trends 61 Chapter 4 Quality of Life 25 Historic and Archaeologically-Significant Chapter 6 Land Use & Urban Design 63 Resources 25 Residential Land Use 63 Prehistoric History and Architecture 25 Commercial Land Use 63 Courthouse Square Historic District 25 Industrial Land Use 63 Other Historical Areas 26 Generalized Existing Land Use Map 65 Households Living in Poverty Map 27 Current Zoning 67 Social Health (Special Needs Populations) 29 Generalized Existing Zoning Map 67 Residents Living in Poverty 29 Open Space, Parks, and Recreation 69 Public Assistance 30 Adjacent Land Uses 70 LMI Persons 33 Infrastructure 70 Raleigh County Median Family Income Limits Gas and Electric Utility Availability 70 33 Water 70 Elderly Households 30 Sewer 71 Households Receiving Public Assistance Map Cable Television and Telecommunications 31 Providers 72 LMI Map 35 Significant Environmental Limitations for Elderly Households 35 Development 73 Female-headed Households 37 Key Gateway and Corridor Locations 73 Mentally Disabled/Physically Handicapped Projected Land Use Patterns 74 Persons 37 HIV/AIDS Infected Persons 37 City of Beckley Comprehensive Plan Table of Contents Page i Poggemeyer Design Group Contents Chapter 7 Transportation 79 Public Housing Map 105 Summary of City Multi-Modal Transportation Plan 79 Chapter 9 Land Use- Neighborhoods Existing Transportation Modes 79 107 Interstate Linkages 79 Land Use Focus 107 U.S. Highways 80 Beckley Neighborhoods 107 State Routes 80 Neighborhood Organizations 113 Other Major Roads Utilized in Beckley 80 Map of Neighborhood Areas in the City Railroad 80 ofBeckley Airport 80 Functioning Neighborhood-Based Organiza- Future Transportation Network Map 81 tions in Thriving Neighborhoods 112 Significant Areas of Traffic Congestion and Potential Development Partners 113 Short-term Solutions 83 Neighborhood Strategic Planning 115 Proposed Major Transportation Improvement Participation in Public Decisions 116 Projects 86 Neighborhood Identity: 116 Coalfields Expressway 87 Ward Issues 117 Bike Transportation 89 Quality of Life Issues: 117 Transit Plan 89 Observations and Implications Concerning Quality of Life Issues: 120 Chapter 8 Land Use - Housing 91 Housing Issues: 119 Homeownership 91 Observations and Implications from the Hous- Inventory and General Analysis of Housing ing Issues: 120 Conditions 91 Economic Development Issues: 121 Age of Homes 92 Observations and Implications Concerning Percentage of Homes 92 Economic Development Issues: 121 Household Income and Housing Price Require- Transportation Issues: 122 ments/Opportunities 92 Observations & Implications Regarding Trans- Household Incomes by Income Range portation Issues: 123 93 Infrastructure Issues: 124 Analysis of General Ability to Afford Housing Observations and Implications Concerning 83 Infrastructure Issues: 125 Analysis of Housing Affordability by 1999 Public Services Issues: 125 Household Income Range 94 Observations and Implications Concerning Households-Category 94 Public Service Issues: 125 Analysis of Housing Demand and Supply 94 Zoning Issues: 126 Housing Demand and Supply Analysis 94 Observations and Implications from the Zoning Recent Housing Construction 96 Issues: 126 Single-Family House Construction 1993-1998 96 Chapter 10 Uptown Beckley 127 Housing Needs by Population Segment 97 History 127 Cost Burdened Households 97 Past Studies 128 Minority Housing Analysis 98 Key Issues in 1999/2000 131 Rental Housing Burden Map 99 Building/Owner Issues 131 Public Housing - Unit Availability and Subsidy Management Issues 131 Allocations 90 Incentive Issues 132 Minority Population Map 101 Traffic/Parking Issues 132 Subsidized Housing Providers 105 Marketing Issues 132 Summary of Prior Findings from the 1964 Plate 10-1 Boundaries 133 Comprehensive Plan 105 Existing Land Uses in Uptown Beckley 135 Plate 10-2 Land Use 137 Table of Contents Page ii City of Beckley Comprehensive Plan Poggemeyer Design Group P Contents Traffic and Transportation Corridors 136 Chapter 12 Goals & Strategies for Vehicular and Truck Traffic 136 Pedestrian Walkways 136 Implementation 177 Bikepaths 139 Goals and Strategies 177 Parking 139 GOAL: Develop the administrative capacity Market Studies 139 to implement this plan. 178 Current Parking Inventory 140 GOAL: Effectively guide future land use: 179 Management 141 GOAL: Maintain and enhance Uptown Beckley Recommendations 142 181 The University District 146 GOAL: Maintain and enhance the roadway and Plate 10-3 Proposed University District 147 transportation systems in and around Beckley Plate 10-4 Proposed Uptown Districts 149 183 Proposed Districts 149 GOAL: Maximize economic development The Government/Service/Retail District 151 opportunities for employment and workforce The Cultural/Entertainment District 151 development. 184 Plate 10-5 Proposed Arts/Cultural District 153 PLAN OF EAST BECKLEY BYPASS Plate 10-6 Proposed Gateways 155 TECHNOLOGY PARK 185 Proposed Gateways 155 GOAL: Housing - Provide an adequate range of Improve traffic circulation and parking in housing choices. 187 Uptown Beckley. 157 CONCEPT DRAWING FOR RESIDENTIAL Gateways 157 DEVELOPMENT 189 Traffic Circulation 158 GOAL: Empower neighborhood-based organiza Recommendations 158 tions to become leaders in the transformation of Pedestrian Walkways 159 their neighborhood. 191 Bikepaths 159 GOAL: Develop innovative and aggressive Parking 160 policies to increase revenues and contain costs. Encourage redevelopment of specific sites in 193 the Uptown. 161 GOAL: Develop land use controls that are an Sources of Support 166 effective tool for community improvement. 193 Chapter 11 Zoning 167 Appendix A. Pennsylvania Anti-blight Zoning Regulations Update 167 Legistation Zoning Use Variances 167 Zoning Code Design and Layout 167 General Zoning Update Elements 167 Parking Requirements 168 Future Update Recommendations 169 Sign regulations 169 Parking lot graphics 170 New Zoning Districts: 171 Add a New Planned Unit Development Zoning District: 172 Add a New Industrial Zoning District: 172 Add a New Commercial Corridor Overlay Zoning District: 173 Add an Institutional Zoning District: 173 Add A New Low-Density Residential District.174 Subdivision Regulations 174 Regulation of Sexually-Oriented Businesses 175 City of Beckley Comprehensive Plan Table of Contents Page iii Poggemeyer Design Group Acknowledgements Mayor The Honorable Emmett S. Pugh III City Council Emmett Pugh, Mayor Ward Representatives Judy R. Radford, Executive At Large Director, 4C EDA Robert Rappold David Riggs, First Union Howard Mollohan Securities Margaret Sayre, Beckley Beautification Commission Ward I – A.K. Minter Roy Shrewsbury, Ward II – Bill File III Engineering Services Ward III – Joan O’Brien Jim Silosky, Mountain State Ward IV – Tim Berry University Ward V – Madrith Chambers Ellen Taylor, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce Steering Committee A.K. Minter, Chairman, Ward 1 City Staff Councilperson Bill Cole, Chief of Police Robert L. Cannon, Chief, Code Paul Bragg, Retired Chief, Fire Enforcement/Zoning Department Manuel M. Cartelle, Director, Arnold Bolen, Chief, Fire Housing and Department Community Development Bob Robinson, Public Works Department Gary Sutphin, Recorder/ Madrith Chambers, Ward 5 Treasurer Councilperson Robert L. Cannon, Chief, James Cox, Pastor & Director, Code Enforcement/Zoning NAACP Mark Matkovich, City Attorney Mike Darby, Comfort Inn Renda Morris, Exhibition Mine Blair Frier, SEM Partners Jill C. Moorefield, Beckley Mike Jarrell, White Oak Land Mainstreet Company Manuel Cartelle, Director, Larry Jessup, Raleigh County Housing/Development Board of Education Ken Richmond, Manager, Bob McLean, Prudential - Sanitation Board Sigmund, McLean & Associates Beckley Plan Commission Jill C. Moorefield, Director, Beckley Mainstreet City of Beckley Comprehensive Plan Page 1 Poggemeyer Design Group This page left intentionally blank Page 2 City of Beckley Comprehensive Plan Poggemeyer Design Group P Introduction Content of this Document The City of Beckley Comprehensive Plan is charts, and descriptive and explanatory a product of
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