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W~$T~Rn Marylan« ~~II~G~ 2Gf~ * €erfer10~u~, 1894-'95. W~$t~rn Marylan« ~~II~g~. R0F ®fUC21rz.r}s0f k0flj ®rz.xrz.s D:> ®eptllFtIlfrz. :Qrz.pt/lFfI:9rz.l;Jfs. 28T.~ -~··8NNUAL 6AT AL8GUE>·-+--- -OF- -AT- W~£TMIN£T~R, FRo. BALTIMORE: WILLIAM J. C. DULANY COMPANY, 8 BALTIMORE STREET, EAST. 1895. FIRST TERM DEGINS Tuesday, September 17. 'rERM EXAMINATIONS " Mouday-Friday, Dec. 2-6. SECOND TERM BEGINS , Monday, December 9. ANNIVERSAR Y OF 't'HE vV EBSTEI~ AND THE PHILOMATHEAN SOCIETIES Wednesday, December 18. ClmIsTMAs HOLIDAYS BEGIN Thursday, December 19. 1896. OLASSES REsuME 'I'h ursday, January 2. ANNIVERSARY OF THE IRVING AND THE BROWNING SOCIETIES Friday, February 21. TERM EXAMINATIONS Monday-Friday, March 16-20. 'rHIRD TERM BEGINS Monday, March 23. EASTER RECESS Friday-Monday, April 3-6. SENIOR FINAL EXAMINATIONs Monday-Friday, May 18-22. TERM EXAIIUNA't'IONS Monday-Friday, June 8-12. SCHOOL CLOSES Thursday, June 18. COMMENCEMENT VVEEK. JUNE 14-18. SUNDAY,10.30 A.M.-Baccalaureate Sermon. S P.M.-Annual Sermon before the Christian Associations. l\lONDAY,3 P.M.-Opening of the Art Exhibition. 8 p.M.-Elocutionary Contest and Calisthenic Exhibition. TUESDAY,2 P.~I.-Society Reunions. S P.M.-Society Contest. WEDNESDAY,10 A.M.-Meeting of the Board of 'I'rustees, 10.30 A.M.-Class Day Exercises of the Senior Class. 3 P.M.-:Meeting of the Alumni Association. S P.M.- Vocal and Instrumental Concert. THURSDAY,]O A.M.-Commencement. BeARD er lRHSTEES. ELECTED. REV. J. T. WARD, D.D Westminster, lIld. 11>68 J. W. HERING, A.M., M.D Westminster, 1868 HON. JOHN K. LONGWELL Westminster, " 1868 REV. S. B. SOUTHERLAND, D.D Baltimore, " 181)8 REV. LAURENCE W. BATES. D.D Westminster, 1868 REV. JOHN J. MURRAY, D.D., M.D Union Bridge," 1868 REV. DANIEL W. BATES, D.D Edesville, lS68 REV. RHESA SCOTT ~ORRID Baltimore, 18(l8 REV. DAVID WILSON, M. D Washington, D. C. 1.'>(j8 REV. E. J. DRINKHOUSE, D.D., M.D Baltimore, Md. 1868 JOHN G. CLARKE, ESQ Baltimore, 1868 JOHN S. REPP, EsQ Union Bl'll1ge," 1.'>68 CHARLES BILLINGSLEA, D. D.S Westminster, " 1872 E. O. GRIMES, ESQ Westminster, " 1876 REV. J. THOMAS MURl~AY, D.D Baltimore, 1871; WJ\J. G. BAKER, ESQ Buckeystown," ]877 HENRY SWOPE, EsQ Libertytown, ,. 1880 WlVI. FEN BY, ESQ Westminster, " 1881 REV. B. F. BENSON, A.M Carmichael, 1883 P. B. MYERS, ESQ Union Bridge," 1883 JOSHUA W. MILES, A.M Princess Anne," 1886 REV. THOMAS H. LEWIS, A.M., D.D Westminster, " 1886 JOHN DODD, EsQ , Wye Mills, 1887 WM. H. S'l.'ARR, ESQ Westminster, " 1887 HORACE BURROUGH, ESQ Baltimore, " ]888 JAMES S. TOPHAM, ESQ Washington, D. C. 1889 JOHN L. REIFSNIDER, EsQ Westminster, MeL 1891 FRANK L. HERING, EsQ Finksburg, " 1891 JOSEPH W. SMITH, ESQ Westminster, " 1892 NATHAN H. BAILE, ESQ New Windsor, " 1893 CLARENCE F. NORMENT, EsQ Washington, D. C. 1893 SAMUEL VANNORT, ESQ Chestertown, Md. 1893 REV. JAMES EARLE MALOY Rowlandville, " 1895 0FFICERS • OF • IHE . BOARD. PRESIDENT: REV. J. T. WARD, D.D. SECRETARY: REV. T. H. LEWIS, A.lIf., D. D. TREASURER: WILLIAM R. McDANIEL, J~sQ. STANDING ,OOMMITTEES. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: J. W. HERING, A.M, M.D., REV. J. T. MURRAY, D.D., CHARLES BILLINGSLEA, D.D.S., E. O. GRnfES, ESQ., J. L. REIFSNIDER, E5Q. FINANCE COMMITTEE: HORACE BURROUGIJ, ESQ., REV. E. J. DRINKHOUSE, D.D., M.D., JOHN G. CLARKE, ESQ. AUDITING COmlITTEE: WILLIAM H. STARR, ESQ., JOSEPH W. SMITH, ESQ., NATHAN H. BAILE, ESQ, COMMITTEE ON DEGREES: REV. L. W. BATES, D.D., REV. J. T. WARD, D.D., REV. J. J. MURRAY, D.D., REV. S. B. SOUTHERLAND, D.D., REV. B. F. BENSON, A.M. --FACt:1L lv.---- REY.THOMAS HAMILTON LEWIS, A.M., D.D.,PRESIDENT, And Professor of Philosophy. MISS SUSAN WHANN FERRIS, PRECEPTRESS, And Professor of English Literature. REV. JAMES THOMAS WARD, D.D., Emeritus Professor of Ideuial and M01'al Science. REV. JAMES WILLIAM BEESE, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Ancient Lanquaqes and Literature, vVILLIAM BOBERTS McDANIEL, A.M., SECRETARY, And Professor of Mathematics and AstTonomy. BEY. SHA DRACH SIMPSON, A.M., P1"OfeSSOTof the Natural Sciences. GEORGE WASHINGTON WARD, A.M., Professor of History and Political Science. *WILLIAM MARSHALL BLACK, A. M., Assistant Professor of Latin. and Cheek. ROWLAND vVATTS, A.M., Professor uf Mathematics and Physics. ELIZABETH IBENE REESE, A.B., Profeesor of French. and German, =Absent on leave, Place suppl ied by Albert Stevens Crockett, A.M. 6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. HARRY GOLDSBOROUGH WATSON, A.M., P1'incipal of Preparatorv Deportment and Director of GymncLsium f01' Young ]JIJw. MISS KATHERINE, MARGARET SMITH, A.M., Principal of Levine Hall School. *Miss SARAH OLIVIA RINEHART, M.A.S.L., Professor of Dmwing and Pavntinq, MISS MARY EUGENIA LEWIS, Professor of Lsistrumenial and Yocal Idusic, MISS GERTRUDE GLADYS WESTLAKE, Teacher of PiCt1w. MISS BEULAH GILBERT, Teacher of Elocution a.nd Director of Gymnasium for Young Women, JOSHUA WEBSTER HERING, A.M., M.D" Lecturer on Physiology arul. Hygiene, ':'Absent on leave. Place supplied by Miss Harriette Comstock Shattuck. WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. 7 SENIOR CLASS. Y CORINNE WHITTINGTON ADAMS Marion, 1\'[<.1. "OLIVE; BOHANAN PMk Hall, Mel. -.lBERTHA HANNAII CHANDLER Oxford, Pa. "MARY BELLE COCHRAN Baltimore, Mel. IIEDNA RUSSELL JORDAN Cambridge, Md. VNANNIE CA}!ILLE LEASE Mount Pleasant, Md. VETHEL BLANCHE l\IUlWHISON La Grange, N. C. IIMARY EDNA NORRTS Martinsburg, W. Va. VLEILA MARGARET REISLER Union Bridge, Md. VGRACE LEE RINEHAwr Union Bridge, Mel. v GWRGIA MAUDE SAYLOR Westminster, Md. 1/ ELIZABETH LOVENIA THO~IAS Frostburg, Md. VGIUCE SHRIVER 'iVELLER Cumberland, Md. ., T ORMAN RAY ECKARD Uniontown, Md. THOMAS CRA WFORD GALBItEATH Jarrettsville, Md. "JOHN BIBB MILLS Hanesville, Md. l KENNE'l'H GETTlER MURRAy , , Hampstead, l\ILl. 1/ 'iVILLIAnI ROGER REVELL!!: Westover, l\1d. VEDWAIW DANIEL STONE Baltimore. Md. "FRaNK WILLIAn! STORY Barnesville, M<.I. "SEIBERT SILVERTHORN STRAYER Buckeystown, Md , "GEORG!!: URNER STULL Troutville, Md. "ALBERT NORThIAN '7\TARD Jarrettsville. Md. JUNIOR CLASS, .; RACHEL ALICE BUCKfNGHAnr.. , , Westminster, Md, iI IDA MAY DODD Carmichael, Md. V ALICE MABEL ELDERDICE Mardela Springs, Md. "MARY ELIZABETH ENGLAR Union Bridge, Md. liB ESSIE VVILSON GUNKEI Warwick, Md. "BESSIE OBER HERR , Westminster. Md. v'LYDA BROOKS HOPKINS Cambridge, 1\1d, VN ANNIE PAULINE KEATING Centreville, Md. vl\1AY MAlt'rIN KEMP , , Trappe, Md. SARAH VIRGINfA KENLY , , Level, Md. 'iMIRIAM LEWIS , , , '" Westminster, Mel. VSARAJJ ELLEN MYERS , , , New Windsor, Md. *,ENA GRAY PARKEIL , , Suffolk, Va. NELLIE STEWART POH'rER .. , , Loretto, Md. "CARRIE EUGENIA RINEHART " Westminster, Md. VMA1UAN Er,IZABE'l'H SENSENY ", .. ' "" .. Linwood, Md. i)CAROLINE EL1'Ii\:GE JONES SHlUVER ." Westminster, Md. "LAURA VIRGINIA SPIEL)IAN ' , Hagerstown, Md. "GI£ORGEAN.A. WILSON STRAyER , , , Buckeystown. \iN ANNIE BOWLIN THOMAS " Frostburg, Md. "HANNAH ELIZABETH VVHI'fE Midway, Del. 8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. V CITARLES CLARENCE BILT,INGSLEA Westminster, Md. V JOITN ROBERT BOSLEy Baltimore, Md. VLAWRENCE CAltL FREENY Pittsville, Md. ""NICHOLAS OLIVER GIBSON Oxford, Md. VELIAS OLIVElt GRIMES Westminster, Md. VJ\1ARION HEARN Salisbury, Md . ARRY ALLEN LAKIN Frederick. Md. ILLIA~I ORION LIVINGSTONE Seaford, Del. 7ILLIAM AYDELO'f'fE MELVIN Pocomoke City, JUd. WILLlAThI ELLSWORTII P~;'l"l'ET Manasquan, N. J. ~RANK DUN:'<INGTON POSEy Doncas.ter, Md. PAUL REESE Westminster, Md. ",CLAUDE TILDE~ SmTII Westminster, Mel. t/JOHN WILLIS SMITII Elkins, W. Va. II'DANIEL EDWIN STOKE Mt. Pleasant, Md. ~ MILTON LEROY VEASEY Pocomoke City, l\ld. \lJOElN LEMUEL WARD Gamber, Mel. --LEWIS KLAIR WOODWARD Westminster, Mel. SOPHOMORE CLASS, --CLARA MAGDALENE BANKERT Westminster, Mel. V1\1!RY HOOD BAXLEy Florence, Md. ' _- CATHE1UNE OLDITAM BILES " Blue Ball, Mel. vEMMA MAY BOWEN Bowens, Md. .......EVA MAY DA.VIS Federalsburg, Md. --LILLIAN SELBY DE!i'NIS Suffolk, Va, ____ '!VIABEL DARLING ELY Frederick, Md. --LILLIA:'< ALICE FRANKLIN Marston, Md. v-FRANCES MABEL FULTON South Amboy, N. J. <-HA'l'TIE RAWLING3 HUBER Westminster, Md. ~ VIRGINIA FRANCES LEMMON Heney brook, Pa. t-: ELLA EUGENIA lVlILLARD Buckeystown, Md. s-: LYDIA JANI!> MORRIS St. Inigoes, Md. -MARY LOUlSE RINEIHRT Linwood, Md. ---ELIZABE'iH SCARBOROUGlI Pleasant Bill. Md. vSADIE 'LEE COOK SNYDElt Mount View, Md. t> CARRIE AGNES STONE Mt. Pleasant, Mel. ~HENRIETTA FRANCES SUTTON La Grange, N. C. r WILLIS ARCHER BURGOON Union Mills, Md. r OITARLES EDWAIW DAVIS StOCkI'OIl, Md. /CHARLES EDWARD FORLINES Osceola, N. C. vJO[iN WESLEY l!'RANK Handy, N. C. f -----JESSE RODOLPH HAINES New Windsor, Mel. VLEON SCO'fT HURLEY Seaford, Del. vJ 01I" MAYS LITTLE Parkton. Mel. v EDGAR BITTLE MILLER Westminster, Md. c--: HERBERT HAYS MURPHY Walkersville, Md. vEDWIN JUSTIN NELSON Harrington, Del. __ GILLIS OWINGS Triadelphia. Mel. v GEORGE HENRY REVELLE , Westover, Md. v FRANCIS ALBERT SMITH , Centreville, Ma. ~ HARRY CLINTON TULL Upper Fairmount, Mel. I! RUSII SPENSER WELLS Fort Mead, S. Da. t- AR1IIUR GRANDON WOODFIELD Manasquan. N. J. t- CHARLES MELVIN ZEPP Dayton, Mel. _ WILLIAM SC01'T ZEPP Westminster, Mel. WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. 9 FRESHMAN CLASS. VCLARA GREENWOOD BACCHus , Washington, D. C. VDOROTHY WATERS BALLARD Upper Fairmount, Md. v'1\1IRlAU BAYNES Baltimore, Md. 'Y'MARY Emu DUHA)lMELL Earlville, JYId. CAROLINE SHRIVER GEHR 'Westminster, Md. v'NANNIE VIRGINIA. RAltDINGER Cumberland, Md. c/1\1ARY ELIZA HOWARD Rutland, Md. VBEM'HA LOUISE KELLER Buckeystown, Md. VCLARA WARD LEWIS Westminster, Mel. VHELEN MYltLE 1\JALEHOIW Westminster, Md. V: USAN ALICE MELVIN Westminster, Md. lIAUDE EUGIl:NIA J\:[ILLER Westminster, Md. FLORl!:NCE HOFF MITTEN Westminster, Md. - MADGE MINETTA MYERS McKinstry's Mills, Md. -- LlLLIE MAY NEWLON Grafton, W. Va. - CARRIE WILLIAlIIS PHILLIPS Laurel, Del. VBER'rHA ALICE ROBER'l'S Medford, Md. ANNIE BELLE SA'fTERWHITE Henderson, N. C. VBDNA EUGENIA SCHAEFFER Westminster, Md. ELSIE DURBIN S~IELSER New Windsor, Md. UNA E~TELLE STIER Daisy, Md. OSSlE EDNA. STlTELY Westminster, Md.
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