15074 Hon. Emilio Q. Daddario
15074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE July 90 general under the provisions of title 10, Brig. Gen. Lloyd Elmer Pellenz. 019485, _ Brig. Oen. Eugene Albert. Salet. 030790, Un1ted States.Code, section 3962. Anny of the United .States (colonel; U.S. Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. The folloWing-named officers to be placed ·Army). Army). I on the ret1red list in the grades indicated Brig. Gen. Harry Lester Billye.rd. 019524, Maj. Gen. Bruce Palmer. Jr.,. 020117, Army under the provisions of title 10. United .Army of the United States ( colonel.. U.S. of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army) . States Code. section 3962; Army). Maj. Gen. William Reeves Shuler. 020118, To be genera.ls Brig. Gen. Charles' Edward Johnson 3d, Army of the United States (Colonel, U.S. 01.9534, Army o! the United States ( colonel, Army). Gen. ~_ames Edward Moore. 015650, Army U.S. Army). Maj. Gen. James Benjamin .Lampert, of the United States (major general, U.S. Brig. Gen. Robert Carson Ryser, 01~535, 020147. Army of the United States (colonel, Army). Army of the United States (colqnel, U.S. U.S. Army). Gen. Herbert Butler Powell, 016684, Army Army). Brlg. Gen . .John Edward Kelly, 020156, of the United States (major general~ U.S. Brig. Gen. Harry Jacob Lemley, Jr., 019756, Army of the United States (colone1, U.S. Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). To be lieutenant general Army). Brig Gen. Da-vid Woodrow Hiester, 020191, Lt. Gen. Thomas John Hall Trapnell, Brig. Gen. Hugh McClellan Exton, 019780, Army of tbe United States (colonel, U.S.
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