Biodeterioration of Wood Chapter 13
Chapter 13 Biodeterioration of Wood Terry L. Highley nder proper conditions, wood will give centuries of Contents service. However, if conditions exist that permit the Fungus Damage and Control 13–1 development of wood-degrading organisms, protec- tion must be provided during processing, merchandising, Molds and Fungus Stains 13–2 and use. Chemical Stains 13–3 The principal organisms that can degrade wood are fungi, Decay 13–3 insects, bacteria, and marine borers. Prevention of Mold, Stain, and Decay 13–6 Molds, most sapwood stains, and decay are caused by fungi, Remedial Treatment of Internally Decayed Wood 13–8 which are microscopic, thread-like microorganisms that must have organic material to live. For some of them, wood offers Bacteria 13–8 the required food supply. The growth of fungi depends on Insect Damage and Control 13–8 suitably mild temperatures, moisture, and air (oxygen). Chemical stains, although they are not caused by organisms, Beetles 13–8 are mentioned in this chapter because they resemble stains Termites 13–11 caused by fungi. Carpenter Ants 13–13 Insects also may damage wood, and in many situations must be considered in protective measures. Termites are the major Carpenter Bees 13–13 insect enemy of wood, but on a national scale, they are a less Marine Borer Damage and Control 13–13 serious threat than fungi. Shipworms 13–13 Bacteria in wood ordinarily are of little consequence, but some may make the wood excessively absorptive. In addi- Pholads 13–14 tion, some may cause strength losses over long periods of Limnoria and Sphaeroma 13–14 exposure, particularly in forest soils.
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