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■ ' • ^- ■ U ' ' - I ' ■''■■ A-' T’-f. ; Colder Temperatures falling WEATHER tonight. Details on page 2. fcwttiitn Hkt Vol. C, No. 76 — Manchester, Conn., Tuesday, December 30, 1980 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER • Since 1681 • Single Copy 2Sc • Home Delivery 20c Iran to accept alternate ideas By Uniird Prrnii International are not afraid of American threats.” Iran would accept new American His remarks were relayed by proposals of guarantees for the telephone to London by a Pars news return of disputed Iranian assets and agency reporter at the press con­ the release of the 52 captives if the ference. alternative were acceptable to With time running out on the Algerian mediators, a spokesman for Carter administrtion to win the the Iranian government said today. Americans’ release, the State "If another form of guarantee Department Monday said that its which is acceptable to the Algerians response to Iran ’s term s of a is proposed, that will be acceptable collateral deposit of $24 billion to us." State Affairs Minister ^hzad dollars will be a restatement of LOWTAR earlier U.S. proposals — proposals Nabavi told a news conference. But he said "the next step will be a Iran has not accepted. trial" for the American captives if "We’ve been kept here for one Iran’s terms for their release are not week,” Elizabeth Ann Swift, 39, said met. in the latest Iran-released film Mon­ "If it becomes apparent that the day showing' 18 of the hostages. United States is wasting time in the “Tilings recently have been better." negotiation of our conditions and-or Tlie remarks by Miss Swift, one of the U.S. reply to our demands is the two women hostages, indicated negative, without any hesitation we the captives’ living conditions had will do what is our duty and the next Iran released new film Monday of the hostages and for the been more severe, and she was heard step will be trial," Nabavi said. on the film as saying her ordeal had He repeated Iran’s insistence that first time showed the only black known, to be among the cap­ been a "frightening experience.” Washin^on "must place acceptable tives. He is Charles Jones of Detroit. (UPI photo) financial guarantees with the Iran claimed at one point the Algerian Central Bank. We cannot hostages were being kept in luxurious rely only on Carter’s or Reagan’s matters have been acceptable," Nab- in a Western film, and for this reason surroundings. The film showed the signature or promises alone," lavi said. “We only made very small he can go around bullying," Nabavi hostages in a room that could have Nabavi said. changes." said. been in a hotel or a large house. But his statement about "another Nabavi echoed the criticism of "The United States is now bluffing, The exact whereabouts of 49 of the form of guarantee" seemed to in­ Presldeht-elect Ronald Reagan made and because they know they cannot hostages hostages is unknown. The Algerian Ambassador to Iran Abdelkarim Ghoraib enters his dicate some Iranian flexibility on Monday by Majlis (parliament) do anything else, they are now three other captives are in the Ira­ car after talks broke off Monday at the U.S. State Department this point. speaker Hojatoleslam Hashemi Raf- threatening us," he said, “But they nian foreign ministry, where they on the reply to Iran’s demands for releasing the 52 American should know that we are prepared to "Apart from the financial sanjani. were when the U.S. Embassy was hostages. (UPI photo) guarantees, U.S. replies in other "Reagan thinks he is still playing fight and our people and the forces seized Nov. 4, 1979. Prices up, but no shortage of heating oil WASHINGTON (UPI) - Recent A state survey to be unveiled next Ronald Reagan have urged immediate its annual supply," he said. "1 es­ Energy Department statistics show week should show retail heating oil decontrol of oil and faster decontrol timate we will use about 42 million home heating oil stocks have dipped prices in the $1.09 to $1.10 per gallon of gas. Controls are currently slated barrels.” slightly below the seasonal average, range, thanks to the latest OPEC in­ to come off domestic crude oil by New England, with its 23 million Limit order to end but northcasterners should have crease, gradual oil price decontrol Oct. 1, IMl, while most natural gas is barrels in storage, uses 21 percent of WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi­ been less than universally popular and nervousness over the Iraq-Iran nothing to fear but the price this to be decontrolled by 1985. the heating oil. Tlie three Middle dent Carter has until Jan. 16— four with businessmen. winter. war, he said. Nemergut said energy conserva­ Atlantic states of New York, Penn­ days before he leaves office — to If Carter extends the rule until "Even with the coldest damn Previous surveys showed average tion c a u ^ by rising prices already sylvania and New Jerwy bum 35 per­ extend his controversial restric­ Oct. 16. 1981, with an executive winter we can rake up between now Massachusets prices of $1.02.4 per seems to be keeping some cent of all heating oil and now have tions on building temperatures, and order, it could provide an early test gallon for October, $1.03.4 for and the end of February, we still wholesalers from taking their full winter stocks of 55 million barrels. the Energy Department of President-elect Ronald Reagan’s November and $1.05.6 for December. have 23 million barrels in storage,” margin on sales. Sales of distillate — They will bum about 87 million recommends he do so. conservation and energy policy. The Energy Department lists the said Charles Burkhardt of the New diesel and home heating oil — are barrels of heating oil before the end Tlie agency sent a recommenda­ U.S. average September retail price England Fuel Institute, a trade group running 8.1 percent below last year in of February, said Burkhardt. tion to the White House on Dec 16 Some Reagan aides have assailed E as 98.2 cents. of oil dealers in the six New England the state, be noted. “We haven’t been in such good asking for a nine-month extension conservation by government fiat, "We see increases of 1.4 cents per states. "Nothing can hurt us this Burkhardt said last Friday the shape in many years,” he said, of the emergency conservation reserving special scorn for policies gallon per month from now through winter” country had 207 million barrels of making an exception for the winter of rule, now slated to expire Jan. 16 that strike at the American December 1981, just from phased Fred Nemergut of the distillate in storage, more than half 1979-80 when a federal stockpiling The rule covers an estimated 2.8 lifestyle, such as forcing people to decontrol, assuming controls are not Massachusetts Energy Office, said to be burned in the eastern states. goal led to a big surplus. But he said million non-residential structures, turn down thermostats or snuff out removed immediately," said retail and wholesale heating oil prices "From Dec. 1 through Feb. 28—90 this winter is turning out colder than both public and comm'ercial. It has backyard ornamental gaslights. continue to rise, despite flush inven­ Nemergut. days — New England will burn half last year. tories. Some advisers to President-elect C ^ ’ ' fr • • Imports hatter hulh firm LEWISTON, Maine (UPI) - and only decorated them.” making Christmas bulbs." she said diameter — in all colors of the rain- Yuletide is nowadays a little bleaker Paione got out of the Christmas "A lot of people thought I'd get tired bow at Ernest Paione’s workshop — bulb blowing business in 1974 — when of it but I never did. ” "Look at that quality, they still which once turned out 50 million red had become the color for more "You figured a part of you was shine six years later,' said Paione, glittering Christmas tree bulbs a than Santa’s suit and poinsettia. everywhere at Christmas time and proudly fingering his wares, year. “I saw the red ink on the books," the kids loved to come in and watch And he's given into American taste For Paragon Glass Works — as said his wife Frances. “ I don't like us make them." for the imported — selling wooden with American automakers — the that kind of red at all." Another problem for Paragon was figurines r pixies") from Japan, felt sparkle has been dimmed by The firm’s sales dipped from $1.2 the rising price of silver and reindeer from Hong Kong and "pixies” from Japan and Europe, million in 1962 to a $^,000 by 1974. petroleum products in the early elaborate bulbs "created by Euro- imported products flooding the U.S. "It got to be a total loss due to a 1970s. pean craftsmen in the Old World market. shri’'king market for glass bulbs," "Just like in the photographic field tradition” And the factory which shipped brit­ Paione said. "They were bringing in there’s no substitute (or silver solu- Paragon at peak production tion in Christmas bulbs— that's what employed 110 people to create Christ- tle bulbs to dangle amidst tinsel in pixies and novelties from the Far living rooms coan-to-coast is now East — satin and styrofoam balls and makes them shine," said Paione, 48, mas cheer. making small yellow turn-signal little wooden figures," a stocky broWn-haired man with The plant now has 12 people horn-rimmed glasses. making the automobile bulbs and bulbs for Detroit. "And the Germans sold finely- "And we used lots of lacquer for glass casings lor chandelier light- "My father was the first one to decorated, hand-painted, paper-thin the color, and that's a petroleum- bulbs —using the same glass-blowing make Christmas ornaments in the bulbs," he said. "People started based product." machines equipped with new molds. early 1930s," Paione said of dad buying those instead of the plain When sales faltered. Paione But memories of Christmas past Angelo, who moved the business round bulbs — the historic American opened a Christmas trim-a-tree shop still haunt the sprawling plant from Newark. N.J., to Maine in 1958. ornament.’’ “ We w ere the only ‘p rim e’ to "start selling our surplus stuff” located in an industrial park in Eleanor Roy, checking hot turn- Areas of his plant once used for Maine's second largest city 3 manufacturer, who blew the glass signal bulbs for shape and color, has It should be a very happy time of year at Lewis Paione's and made a complete product from Christmas production now house The fading sign marking the fac- manned the Paragon molds for 20 thousands of unsold Paragon bulbs — tory says P-A-R-A-G-(J-N — the workshop in Lewiston, Maine. But sadly enough as times raw materials,” he said. "Our com­ years. petitors bought bulbs already blown ranging from an inch to 3”, inches in letters emblazoned on a string of change, so does the public’s spending habits. (UPI photo) “I was real sad when we stopped seven Ctiristmas bulbs. Leaders split on expansion 0 By MARY KITZMANN cause a conflict. enlaraing the board," Cummings tue$cla/___ : Herald Reporter "I support it to help relieve some broader base, was similar to expan­ said. MANCHESTER — The chairman of the workload of the directors, not ding the board to lessen the He would not elaborate why he Top stories Day 423 and the vice chairwoman. of the to provide more votes" workload. strongly opposed the suggestion, but Gov. Ella Grasso’s illness and Today is the 423rd day the Democratic Town Committee are not She likened her support of expan­ Asked if communication between stressed the voters "thoroughly shot resignation leads the list of Connec- American hostages have been held in agreement on suggestions to ex­ ding the board to suggestions by 15 members, allowing for a down" the earlier proposal and ticut’s top 10 news stories in 1980, captive in Iran pand the Board of Directors from Deputy Mayor Stephen Cassano to in­ minimum minority representation of "reaffirmed their belief in the type Also on the list are the election, the nine to 15. crease the Advisory Park and five members, and 10 majority of council established in 1947." ' New Britain corruption scandal Irmidp todov While Ted Cummings, chairman, Recreation Commission from five to members, would be difficult, Mrs. Cummings suggested the proposal and the Ku Klux Klan, Page 5. MnaMV luuuj said he had not heard of any sugges­ seven or nine. Brlndamour cited several other to expdnd the board “one person’s Business...... 20 tion to expand the board and opposed Although she supports the board cities with 20 council members. oplnionj" that should be questioned. , Classified...... 17-18 the proposal, Dorothy Brlndamour, expansion, Mrs. Brlndamour said the "Bridgeport has no trouble with its He was angered that the electorate Comics...... ■...... 19 vice-chairwoman, did know of dis­ discussions concerning it were, likp council, it eases the workload," she might read more into the publicized Editorial ...... , ...... 4 cussions and supported it. Cassano’s "just ideas thrown out," said. account, than there was. "The X Entertainment 15 However, Mrs. Brlndamour and nothing “active" was happening. However, Mrs. Brimlamour’s sup­ Democrats are not going that way," narrowly defined her support, saying Mrs. Brlndamour, a membier of the port of the Board of Directors expan­ he said. In sporu Kt::::::::::::::;::;:;’. it had no "political motivation” and Park and Recreation Commission, sion clashed with Cummlng’s strong But he said he was not trying to UConn finalist in Connecticut Peopletalk...... 2 that she had no wish to create a party criticized Cassano’s suggestion to ex­ opposition. squash discussion on the board Classic. Page I I . f ^ r t s ...... -...... 11-13 conflict. pand it, saying it came at a bad time, Cummings noted two years ago expansion. " I’m just giving my Dallas and Rams, dominate NFC Television ...... 15 “It’s been mentioned,” she said. when the commission is embroiled in voters rejected a proposal to expand opinion," he said. "If if comes up we All-Pro Team, Page 12. TownTalk...... 10 "Certainly I would be in favor. But if a controversy over the recreation the board to 11 members. There has will judge it on its merits and (the Mike Rogers NHL player cf the Update^...... 2 not been, to my knowledge among it’s in the perspective of yesterday director. She said expanding the sincerity of) the person who makes week. Page 13. W eather...... 2 (the news account) it would only recreation commission to provide a serious Democrats, (talk of) the proposal." EVENING HERALD, Tues., Dec. 30, 1880 - 3 Chemotherapy improves Grasso^s condition

Hartford (U P I) - Monday. "They're (doctors) going to eat semi-solids foods such as chicken receiving the bulk of her nutrients in­ will be sworn in to replace her at 4:30 found the cancer had spread to her Chemotherapy has improved Gov. increase the quantity of semi-solids soup, gelatin and farina. He said her travenously. He also said she hadn't p.m. in the state Capitol's Hall of the liver. ' Ella Grasse s condition in Hartford and there will be a few more oc­ vital signs remained stable. lost much weight since she was Flags. The first phase of chemotherapy Circus Circus hotel-casino caught fire and sent smoke This sum, said economist Robert Heller, Is twice as In the second, a SIRT train with crewmen but no Hospital, where she continued her in­ casions of walking in the room and "The next step will be to see if the hospitalized because she had no Only the immediate family of was started at that time to control Afghan forces quell mob billowing into some areas of the hotel, but caused no in­ much money as there was in the world six years ago. passengers, derailed in a tunnel at the same station at the take of semi-solid food and got out of sitting up." governor can take solids — that's the adverse reaction to the O'Neill and Senate President Joseph malignancies in her liver. Mrs. NEW DELHI, India (UI’Il - Afghan security forces juries or evacuations. Heller, vice president for international economics for height of the evening rush hour. bed a third day in a row, a hospital prevailing question," he said. chemotherapy. Fauliso, who will become lieutenant Grasso was readmitted to the spokesman says. backed by .Soviet troops quelled a mob of Kabul Clark County fire officials said the fire Monday night Bank of America, did not count aH the money Just to The 61-year-old governor was being governor, have been invited. hospital Dec. 8 and two days later For the third day in a row Mrs. policemen with little bloodshed and the Afghan capital blacked out a 400-room highrise tower for more than two provide an item for the people who like to know financial treated for cancer which spread "Patients who do (have an adverse doctors found malignant obstructions hours. There was no fire damage other than to the trivia. He said it is serious. It accounts for inflation Economic squeeze play "The tests for the third straight from her ovary to her liver to her in­ Grasso walked from her hospital bed reaction) aren't able to contain food Mrs. Grasso underwent surgery for in her GI tract. returned to normal today, a Western diplomat said to a chair, sat up for 15 minutes, and The riot began Monday when about 40 Afghan B.OOOvolt electrical panel everywhere. PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) - A Bryant College day have shown some response to the testinal tract. and nutrients." Battaglio said. ovarian cancer in April and had eight A second phase of chemotherapy policemen became enraged over orders to continue on ac­ Some smoke entered a restaurant and two floors of the Money is a means of exchange for things, he said, and economist says Ronald Reagan will take office next chemotherapy by the GI (gastro­ Battaglio said Mrs. Grasso's condi­ then walked back to the bed, Bat­ Mrs. Grasso's resignation because weeks of radiation treatments. She was administered last week and taglio said. tive duty after completing two years of required service, hotel, officials said, but not enough to force any there aren't that many more things in the world now, so it month caught in an economic squeeze play as the nation intestinal) tract, " hospital tion was still considered guarded, of her illness takes effect was back at Hartford Hospital in physicians have scheduled the third the diplomat said evacuations takes more money to buy them. begins a long, painful recovery from double-digit infla­ spokesman James Battaglio said although the governor Is now able to But he said Mrs. Grasso is still Wednesday. Lt. Gov, William O'Neill November (or phlebitis. Doctors then series in four-to-six weeks. The policemen beat up their commanding officer, who Gary O'Keefe, casino shift manager, said the panel, tion. delivered the order, at a government compound in down­ located outside the building, short^ out about 7 p.m. Two tenants town Kabul Security officers had the fire extinguished by the time Two train accidents "He can't crank up the defense progam on one hand and fire units arrived, he said. fight inflation on the other," Dr, William B. Sweeney said Gaming overseer The diplomat said the mob apparently gained strength NEW YORK (UPI) — Two rush-hour accidents on Monday. still missing as they went on a rampage and stoned a Soviet Staten Island commuter trains — one of them causing "I don't think it's feasible to fight inflation by cutting bookstore that Moslem rebels earlier had attempted to tnore than 80 injuries — are under investigation by NEW BRITAIN (UPI) - Police World^s money counted taxes, I doubt that it's possible to cut government spen­ blow up The rebels mistakenly blasted an electrical, federal an state authorities. say two tenants are still unaccounted ding drastically when we consider that 75 percent of the ends his tenure supply shop's back wall next door SAN FRANCISCO I UPI I — If you had all the money in In the first accident, a Staten Island Rapid Transit for following a weekend fire that left train carrying 800 passengers overshot its platform and budget is mandated, and particularly when Reagan two people dead and destroyed four the world, how much would you have'’ NEWINGTON (UPI) - A second Bassett, on the job only since Another fire^ blackout slammed into a retaining wall at the St. George terminal himself and his advisers have proposed a drastic increase stores and an apartment building. You would have J2.130.000.000,000. a Bank of America former FBI agent has formally September when he succeeded Monday morning. There were 86 injuries. in defense spending." Sweeney said. But Police Detective Robert Walsh LAS VEGAS. NK\' > I'I’I i — An electrical panel at the executive said Mondav wrapped up his tenure as overseer of another former FBI agent, John said Monday one missing tenant may Connecticut's multi-million dollar Devine, said he was leaving for per­ have been away when the fire raced gambling business with a veteran sonal reasons and would return to his through the Main Street building. state employee ready to take the job. Falls Church, Va., home. Meanwhile, fire officials continued Division of Special Revenue "It's been fun," said Bassett, who an investigation into the cause of the Houley dismissed Executive Director Harold Bassett admitted he did not even know how to fire, believed to have started in attended his last meeting of the state play poker when he took over as Gaming Policy Board Monday. The either a restaurant or a jewelry store Peopletalk executive director of the division of on the ground floor. panel greeted his successor. Fred special revenue. Oppenheimer, deputy secretary of The txKlies of Walter Kolinowski from hospital job Bassett, who spent almost 30 years and Eusebio Hernandez Camacho the state Office of Policy and with the FBI, said he had no plans in buying a water bed, two color TV sets, Management. were found in a fourth floor apart­ ISancy in & Roz out ROCKY HILL lUPD — Robert Houley except to return home and enjoy life ment. has admitted he used pcxir judgment, but bar stools and silk flowers, but insisted he Oppenheimer said he would not with his wife of 31 years and their City officials said serious fire and As if Rosalvnn Cartor didn t have enough trouble insisl.s he violated no state laws despite violated no state law or regulation. comment on his new job until after two grown children. Now she's been replaced by Nancy Reagan as one of But state auditor Leo Donohue toid the he was sworn in at ceremonies building code violations had existed his dismissal as Veterans Home and Bassett, 54, and his wife, the in the building. the nations top ten stylemakers (or 1980, says the Hospital commandant tor improperly panel the state personnel department scheduled to be held today in the former Diane Thomson, are natives National Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Associa­ spending taxpayers' money policy which Houley violated has not been state (Japitol. of Hamden. After graduating from tion The home's commissioners voted enforced "by any state agency" since it Columbia University in 1950, he was But Mrs Carter has company Barbara Walters was publicly Monday to lire Houley. reaffir­ was established in 1976. sent by the FBI to Seattle and Los Prime dropped another 1979 lop ten winner who failed to make the 1980 ming a secret vote taken 13 days ago It was a report last September by Angeles and re-assigned to in Bridgeport list Cheryl Ladd, .laclvn Smith. Carol Burnett and Houley. forcing a smile after the com­ Donohue and a second auditor. Henry Dofld says Washington D.C. in 1957 where he Cheryl Tiegs also were dropped missioners' 90-minute meeting, said he Becker, that led the commissioners to remained until his retirement last BRIDGEPORT (UPII - Citytrust Ollier 1980 in stylemakers were Loni Anderson. would hold a news conference at the state conduct their own investigation into un­ year. has lowered its prime interest rate Bo Derek, .layne Kennedy. Mary Tyler Moore. Capitol today to discuss what, if any, steps authorized spending by Houley. he’ll vote He stressed he was not leaving the by 1.5 percent to 20 percent — one- Stefanie Powers. Priscilla Presley. Victoria Principal, he would take After the Dec 17 vote, Donohue and $43.000-a-year post because of any in­ half of a percent below rates charged Diana Ross and Dionne Warwick "I must be the only state official ever to Becker said they felt the dismissal of ternal problems or financial better­ by the nation's major banks Houlev was " extreme '" for Haig ment. Bassett said he had been Victorian deb be fired twice within 12 days." the former A two-alarm fire leveled a one-story brick Inc. on Franklin Avenue is considered George F Taylor, Citytrust chair­ lawmaker joked while deferring all They said other state oficials in the Of­ offered a job with a substantial in­ man and president, said Monday his One of Queen Victoria s great, great, great grand­ HARTFORD (UPI) - U S Sen- crease. but refused it. furniture warehouse early Monday evening in suspicious. (UPI photo) questions until today fice of Policy and Management and the bank had "taken the lead in reducing daughters made her social bow at the 2Bth annual elect Christopher Dodd says he The former agent said he planned During the meeting, supporters of Department of Administrative Services Hartford. The fire at Greenberg & Beatman our prime rate below the prevailing International Debutante Ball,al New York s Waldorf- expects to approve Alexander Haig's to take it easy for the time being. One Houley tried unsucessfully to convince the were to blame for not enforcing the policy level in our trading area in response controversial appointment as Astoria Hotel Mondav night commissioners to let him oft with a repri­ drawn up by the Grasso administration to thing he won't do, he said, is write a to our commercial customers' secretary of state unless he finds a She IS Bar,mess Alexandra Maria Holzhausen a mand and require him to pay back about limit expenditures among personnel living book about the FBI. borrowing needs ' "compelling' reason not to. He said he had received "110 per­ blonde, blue-eyed 17-vear-old schoolgirl Irom Salz­ $22,800 in overspent funds on state property Taylor said the decrease provided burg. Austria Outside, about 30 residents ot the cent cooperation" from the state "a measure of welcome relief to In an interview Monday in his She IS one ol 44 girls Irom 12 countries to "come out veterans home praised Houley lor the job C ommissioners Molinaro of North police unit attached to the special City fire suspicious borrowers" but it was stili too soon in a fairytale setting of pink and silver he s done since taking over the $35,000 Grosvenor Dale and Frank Draghi of Hartford office. Dodd said Haig's revenue division and the policy board to tell which way lending rates would The International is almost a tradition in Alexan­ post almost two years ago Windsor I^cks said Houley did nothing role in the closing days of the dis­ members during his brief tenure. HARTFORD (UPI) - Authorities engulfed in flames which shot more Deputy Chief Dan Nolan, one of the turn next. dra s familv Her aunt Archduchess .Alexandra ol The commissioners voted 3-3 and Chair­ wrong intentionally and his good record, graced Nixon administration should Herbert P. Schoen, chairman of say a spectacular two-alarm fire that than 100 feet into the air when first firefighters at the scene, said Citytrust has 33 branch offices in be investigated thoroughly but "I'm ‘Sapsburg made her debut at the lirst International in man Robert Cherlin of West Hartford cast hard work, and popularity among the the policy board appointed by Gov. destroyed a furniture warehouse and firefighters arrived about 6 p.m. The the fire "looks suspicious right now. " Fairfield. Litchfield and New Haven not going to do it " I9M the deciding vole residents should be considered Ella Grasso. p rais^ Bassett for his scorched nearby homes may have building's roof caved in and the rear However, officials also were counties. Alexandra s mother is a granddaughter of the late Molinaro said " the full commission When he takes office next month dedication and said he was sorry to been deliberately set. wall collapsed looking into the possibility a gas Cherlin also broke a tie in voting down Dodd will be a member of the Senate Queen Marieol Romania a granddaughter ol Victoria an earlier motion that would have dis­ should share the responsibility " of see him leave No injuries were reported in the "There was a danger to the adja­ explosion may have caused the blaze Houley's actions Also voting to retain Foreign Relations (Committee, which The board unanimosuly approved a blaze and accompanying explosions cent property. We didn't waste any The building was heated bv gas. Councilman ciplined him and require that he pay back will review and hold confirmation Found money the $22,800 that was overspent within 30 Houley was William Johnston of resolution honoring Bassett for his Monday at the Greenberg & Beat- time going to the second alarm, " hearings on Haig's appointment. Fire Chief John Stewart said A Florida man who lost a wallet containing $1,8(X) days Colchester "sound judgment and great man Inc. warehouse on Franklin Nolan said the fire apparently leaves GOP Commandant Robert Houley of the state Veterans Home and "I happen to believe a president .Several adjacent homes and gar­ and 14 credit cards had his laith in lellow men renewed The open meeting held under the glare Voting with Cherlin to dismiss Houley leadership." Avenue in the city's .South End. started in the rear of the building, Hospital in Rocky Hill addresses the home’s commissioners Monda> should be able to put his or her Schoen said later he did not.think ages were scorched even though they when he got it bac k He also decided it was belter to of television lights was called by Cherlin were Sally Ann McDuffie of South W"ind- "We heard this explosion, we spreading quickly. The blaze was HARTFORD (UPli - The man Cabinet together and recruit people the appointment of a third executive looked out and all you could see was had been hosed down by firefighters, brought under control within 15 who ran John Anderson's 1980 in- spend the monev than risk losing il again because ol questions raised over the sor. Serge Mihalv of Nichols and Domenic before being dismissed from his job for improper use of state funds he wants," said Dodd "So I'm director in less than six months flames, " said David Steady. 19, who and some residents were evacuated minutes. dependent presidential campaign in Hill Pearson was in Maryland visiting his daughter legality ol the secret 4-3 vote on Dec 17 to Romano ot Oakville Commission Chairman Robert Cherlin (foreground) cast the deciding presuming that I'll vote for him hindered the operations of the divi­ lives with his family in a three- from their homes Connecticut has taken a cue from the when he lost the wallet outside a Pikesville expel Houley Commissioner Joseph Cermak of vote in the 4-3 decision to fire Houley. (UPI photo) unless a compelling reason not to sion which has become the sixth family house on nearby Warner Stewart said witnesses saw two Fire officials said furniture storeo maverick Republican congressman delicatessen He didn I think he d ever see his monev lloulc admitted he u.sed poor judgment Middletown was absent do so presents itself " largest individual revenue earner for Street. young men flee from the building inside the building was valued at $80 - from Illinois again He said he would vote for Haig un­ the state. The one-story brick building was shortly before the fire was renorted 000 to $150,000 Sidney Gardner said Monday he Hut Kdw;ird Brook lound the wallet and returned it less evidence turned up that he was intac t The Pearsons were overjoyed and gave Brook a would seek re-election next involved in the Watergate scandal or November to Hartford's City Council Moo reward And thev celebrated their good luck Capitol reopens after blaze unless he fails to answer the com­ as an independent, instead of a M\ wile has tieen to a lot ol the shopping centers mittee's answers adequately Republican We ve hit many ol Baltimore s liner restaurants HARTFORD U'PI Tlic stale Capitol Barnett, spokesman for the Division of found some of it isooti." work was recently completed on the Judge orders jail reduction Ogle said the cleaners would be working Capitol, which opened in 1879 The (jardner also said he hoped to build Pearson Said Result most ot the $1.8(Kl is gone reopened today alter workers spent a day I’ublic Works It was primarily smoke But Dodd said he was leaving the municable diseases in the Hartford and heat damage rather than the fire at least until the end of the week and building IS a national historic landmark HARTFORD (UPI) - A federal the number of inmates in the $12 recreation rooms while sitting on the a statewide organization of in­ wiping up soot and replacing melted wires probe of allegations of wrongdoing by floor or on toilets. jail by Jan 21, saying the failure to Itself ' possibly longer and was built at a cost of $2 5 million judge has given the state Corrections million three-year-old jail to its dependents to run or support can­ Quote of the day in the wake ol a weelvend lire that caused Haig in Watergate up to committee But Manson said the state had few do so has been an unreasonable in­ No one was injured in the blaze, which is Luckily, he said, carpets in the Senate Department 45 days to reduce the capacity of 390, and said corrections didates for governor and the U.S up to $30(1 IKK) damage Several clocks in the Capitol were staff members and the press options to relieve overcrowding. He fringement on inmates rights .limmv The We.isel I'ratianno whose career in being investigated by the state fire and House chambers were scheduled to be number of inmates at a Hartford jail, officials could find a way to comply Senate in 1982 Crews armed with buckets, rags and frozen at 7:25 p m. Electrical workers "I'm not a Watergate junkie. " said said there were now only 80 vacant James Greene, director of the the* Malia im luded loan sharking extortion and marshal s office, and there was little cleaned Friday. saying overcrowding violated with the order "without in any way He said he was disillusioned with sicpiadders scoured the Hall of the Flags said the fire probably had been Dodd, a third term Connecticut con-, beds out of 4,300 beds in the state's 10 Connecticut Prison Association, said murder now is the government s lop inlormer in its on the first floor Monday because that s structural damage although fire-fighters The Capitol was closed Monday and was prisoners' constitutional rights. jeopardizing the safety of the citizens the Republican party's shift to the smoldering for two hours before that gressman penal institutions. A juvenile refor­ the ruling should lead to the release war on organized i rime He .ilso is the subject ol an where Ll Gov William 0 Neill will be were forced 'o smash a top floor skylight to re-open today, although David Ogle, The ruling Monday by U.S, District of this state. " right time The first alarm was sounded by matory in Cheshire will be opened as of greater numbers of suspects held upcoming book The Last Malioso and he told sworn in as governor at 4 30 p m The smoke raced through air vents and executive director of the Office of Judge Jose Cabranes was based on a 1 cannot in conscience remain a He said his ruling did not require or an adult institution late next year, on bonds while awaiting trial and Newsweek magazine Whv should 1 get paid lor Wednesday left a black coating on some walls and a Legislative Management, urged the public security guards at 7:30 p m Haig, a retired general and Nixon suit filed on behalf of inmates of the member of a party with which 1 dis­ White House chief of staff, is presi­ Weston Street jail by the Connecticut sanction the release of dangerous creating 40 new beds. should prompt officials to shorten agree in so many ways. " he said writing about the things I ve done" 1 see the point Hut Gov Ella Grasso HI. is resigning in the tine film ol smit over office furniture and to stay away unless they had business at Hartford Fire Chief James Stewart Jr dent of the Hartford-based United Civil Liberties Union and the Connec­ criminals onto the streets. sentences for well-behaved convicts (iardner. 38, lias worked in GOP I don t w.inl III make- ,i million I just want something middle ol her .second lour-year term equipment on all five floors of the gold- the building. said the blaze w"as contained to the base­ Technologies Corp ticut Prison Association. The jail's population was listed as Cabranes recommended modifica­ About three-fourths of the inmates politics for two decades He was an lor mv wile and kids I think it s a serv ice to the coun- because ot cancer domed building The fire blackened most of the base­ ment because the concrete ceilings and 508 inmates Monday, although in the tion of a former National Guard in the Hartford jail are held because Irv what I did Robert Martino, manager of Crystal aide to tormcr New York Mayor John The lire at the 101-year-old building ment in the west wing of the granite and walls served as a buffer to prevent the Dodd's view on Haig differs with Corrections Commissioner John past it has held up to 600 prisoners. facility in Windsor Locks to house they are unable to post bond, a study started Saturday evening in a basement Cleaners ot West Hartford, said the only marble building and melted telephone and flames from spreading ' Lindsay, who had been a Republican Glimpses Rep Toby Moffett, D-Conn , who has Manson said the state would appeal The judge's 46-page ruling said the low-risk offenders. last year showed. Of those, a majori­ before switching to the Democratic where toilet paper and paper towel way to wipe the soot off flat walls was electrical cables, knocking out utility ser­ the decision. jail was so overcrowded that at times He also ordered officials to begin ty were held on bonds of $1,000 or Marlv Paseita who directs the Oscar telecasts and called the appointinent "a horrible fold Gardner also held a sub-Cabinet supplies were stored More than one-hall with chemically-treated sponges He said vice in a portion of the building idea" Cabranes ordered the state to limit prisoners have had to eat meals in isolating prisoners with com- less other television specials will produce and direct Ion ol the jiaper products ignited, spewing he had no idea how" long the clean-up Cleaning crews sprayed white clouds of post in the Department of Health. television coverage ol Ronald Reagan s Inaugural Hall ^moke throughout the building would take chemicals throughout the building to DO IT DAILY - KNOW WHAT'S Education and Welfare in the Nixon administration lestiviiies on .Ian 2U The preliminarv damage estimate is 1 couldn t even begin to tell you. ' he neutralize the odor from the smoke HAPPENING IN TODAY'S SOCIETY - $200,000 to $300 000 said Thomas said "Every" room we've been into we ve About $8 million in exterior restoration read Dear Abby in the Evening Herald. Road proposals Betting down Evening Herald may be delayed at frontons USPS 327-500 HARTFORD il'PU — Attendance Weather Almanac HARTFORD (UPIi - Several recommendation that most in­ dropped at jai alai frontons in Hart­ Published daily except Sunday and certain holidays highway projects, including exten­ te rsta te highway pro jects be ford and Bridgeport during 1980 and by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square. scrapped Manchester, Conn. 06040. Second class postage paid at sion of Interstate 86 through eastern led to a decline in income, the state Connecticut, may be delayed up to 10 The task force also identified sub­ Division of Special Revenue says Manchester. Conn. POSTMA.STER: Send address sidies for mass transit, including up­ Today is Tuesday, Dec. 30, the 365th day of 1980 with changes to The Evening Herald. P.O. Box 591, years because of expected cuts in The Hartford fronton was open 18 federal funds, says Transportation grading of Amtrak's northeast cor­ one to follow. Manchester. Conn. 06040 more days in 1980 than the previous l odav's for<*casl Commissioner Arthur Powers. ridor. as prime candidates for cut­ year but daily attendance dropped 9 backs. Variable cluudiness windy and turning colder with a The moon is moving toward its new phase.. (.iusloiiier Service Powers said Monday he has asked percent. The facility's daily handle — chance ol snow (lurries this aflerniHin Temperatures The morning stars are Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and department staff, members to draw Powers said that recommendation its take from the total money To subscribe, or to report a delivery problem, call could have a "tremendously negative lalling into the 20s by evening Tonight clear windv and Saturn. 647-9946. Office hours are 8:30 a m. to 5:30 p.m. Mon­ up a list of priorities for projects on wagered — decreased by 7 6 percent much colder with lows If to 2(1 Wednesday sunny and the drawing boards once the Reagan impact" on air pollution and energy Although the Milford facility had The evening star is Mars, , day through Friday and 7 to 10 a,m. Saturday. Delivery conservation. cold with highs 2,5 to :i0 The outlook lor New Years Eve. MurMMcaco administration outlines its mass five more performances, its handle Those born on this date are under the sign of Capricorn. should be made by 5 p.m Monday through Friday and The $500 toillion extension of clear and cold New Years Day a chance of snow late in transit spending program. dropped 5 8 percent and daily atten- British novelist Rudyard Kipling was born Dec. 30, by 7:30 a m. Saturday. Interstate 86 linking Hartford and the dav or at night Probability of precipitation im'mocw j ^ The commissioner said he based dane slid by 13.5 percent 1865. Suggested carrier rates are $1.20 weekly, $5.12 for Providence, R.I. would be the decreasing to "ill percent this afternoon and near zero his request on a Reagan task force one month, $15.35 for three months. $30.70 for six biggest item eliminated if the task tonight and W>-dnesdav Northerly winds 15 to 25 mph in­ On this day in history: Fuel cost s a v i n g months, and $61.40 for one year. Mail rates are force recommendation is accepted. creasing to 2(1 to 35 mph this alternoon, diminishing to 15 In 1853, the United States bought some 45,000 square available on request The project has been planned with PITTSBURGH I UPI) - A solar to 2' mph lonighl and Id to 15 mph Wednesday miles of land south of the Gila River from Mexico for $10 Man charged heating system combined with a heat million. It now is the southern areas of Arizona and New .AcIverliHing; 90 percent federal funding in mind. But even without massive cut­ pump wiil supply about one-third of ( 7 / J »no« Mexico. To place a classified or display advertisement, call in slaying backs, Connecticut faces trouble Record greeting ca the hot water supply needs of Mercy oullook 643-2711. Office hours are 8:30 a m. to 5 p.m. Monday u n w tA T H fM rOTOCAII • In 1903, a total of 602 people died when fire swept with several other highway projects Hospital. Pittsburgh, whose officials Extended outlook lor Ni'w England Thursday through through the Iroquois Theater in Chicago. through Friday. FAIRFIELD (UPI) - Tefvik Sivri, because they will require federal New York State Trooper Leroy Schultz 10,000 ol ihein, signed the giant card and gave estimate it will result in a 10 percent Saturdav*" 22, was being held on $500,000 bond financing at about the same time in stands in the center of what is believed to be it to Schultz in appreciation of his capture pf saving of fuel costs New'8 for the Dec. 18 slaying of an elderly the mid-1980s, said William Lazarek, the world’s record greeting card in New two persons accused of killing a policeman in A 6,500-sq ft array of 4x8 foot M,i-«iir)iii«ell-, R hndr Inland ami i .oiiiiei’lieu t: Nutional V4<*alher To report a news item, story idea or picture idea, woman and the wounding of her hus­ a deputy transportation com­ fiberglass-covered panels on the roof call 643-2711. Office hours are 8:30 a m. to-5 p.m. Mon­ band in a robbery attempt outside Hartford, N.Y. The people of Milford, Mass., the Bay .State town. (UPI photo) Chance el snow late Thursday and Friday. Fair Saturday For period ending 7 a m. EST 12,31 80. Tuesday night missioner. collect solar heats. day through Friday. their suburban home, police said. "Overnight lew leiiiperatures teens to mid 20s Daytime will find snow" falling in and around the Great Lakes area highs mid 20s to mid 3(is Who to call: Sivri was arrested Monday for while generally lair weather prevails elsewhere across Those projects include a connector Lottery Manchester — Alex Girelli. murder in the shooting death of between Interstate 84 and M in East \ i riiimii: ("fiance of >now "fliursday and Friday Part­ the nation Minimum temperatures include lapprox East Hartford ~ Patrick Reilly. Clotilde Bychkowski, 61, and charged Region coping with recession readings in parenthesisi Atlanta 35 i.50i, Boston 19 Hartford, construction of Route 7 ly cloudv Saturday Highs in the 20s laiws zero to 15 Glastonbury and South Windsor — Ann Messecar. with attempted murder of Micholas from Norwalk to Danbury, widening i29i, Chicago 2.5 l36i, Cleveland 20 t33i, Dallas 38 ( 64), foreign investment But proportionately. Vermont led above Andover, folton and Coventry — Donna Holland. Bychkowski, 63, police said. of Interstate 91 from Hartford to En­ By United PresH Inifrnalionul Federal Reserve Bank of Boston con- Denver 28 (53i. Duluth 18 (29). Houston 36 ( 67i. Jackson­ Sjie said rankings often merely all states in foreign acquisitions and Hebron and Vernon — Barbara Richmond. The couple was shot when they field, construction of the Central New Englanders may envy other cllides New England is the most pop­ ville 36 ( 59l, Kansas City 29 (50i, Little Rock 32 (58). Los ,N H .Sunday 4551 count up investments in a particular 'Maine and New llainp'liire: Generally (air weather ■Numbers drawn Mon­ Sports — Earl Yost. arrived home in the evening. Connecticut Expressway, plus con­ U.S. residents during the bitter cold ular region for investment by foreign construction in her study, and Angeles 5i2 i77i. Miami 48 (69i. Minneapolis 23 (37i, New N IL Monday 9701 region, and this doesn't "seem to be thru the pei lod except a cliani e of snow over coastal sec ­ dav: Clubs, weddings and engagements — Betty Ryder, Sivri was ordered held on $500,000 struction at Bradley International winters, but two new economic companies. Connecticut was second Orleans 33 (611, New York 23 (311. Phoenix 48 i80), San Rhode Island 7869 quite fair. " She pointed out the There are 271 foreign-owned plants tions Friday Lows zero "n JO above north and 5 to 15 (^estions or complaints — Frank Burbank or Steve bond pending an appearance in Airport in Windsor Locks, purchase reports indicate the six-state region Since 1975-77, she said in the Francisco 43 (611. .Seattle 45 l55i, St Louis 33 i46i, Vermont 286 Southeast has twice as many states south Highs 15 to 25 norli and 20 to 30 south Connecticut 142 Harry. Bridgeport Superior Court. of 200 more state commuter buses is doing better than normal in coping current issue of New England in New England. 1.075 in the Mid- Washington 27 i38i Massachusetts 0698 as New England, with much more Maine 618 Police said two other suspects and restored rail passenger service with the recession. Economic Review, the region has Atlantic states and 854 in the manufacturing employment. were being sought. between Hartford and Waterbury. Economist Jane Little of the moved from third to first place in .Southeast liKC -

4 - EVENING HERALD. Tuei., Dec. 30, 1980 EVENING HERALD, Tuei., Dec. 30, 1960 - 5 betty's Notebook Grasso 8 illness tops year s news in state on weapons In the town during the rally. The charge was "hit list” of which only a fraction of the proposed cuts standards set by the U S. Supreme Court. By MARK A. DUPUIS later dropped. were adopted. Castonguay was subsequently convicted of capital HARTFORD (UPI) — Gov. Ella Grasso’s montha-long Wilkinson declined to say how many members the Klan 6— (tie) The bottle’law: felony murder in the Nov. 22, 1977, slaying of Plainville By iUneu and her dramatic resignation as the end of the had in Connecticut but did announce a former New Bri­ Years of effort became reality on Jan. 1 when Connec­ police Officer Thomas Holcomb while fleeing a house $41,000 year approached overshadowed Connecticut’s other news burglary. ^ tain man had become its state leader. ticut’s long-sought bottle bill bwame its anlt-litter law stories in IMW. 5— The censure of Russell Reynolds: and put a minimum 5 cent deposit on bottles and cans The climax of the trial was when his nephew, former BETTY RYDER But the year had its share of other major events, in­ containing beer, soda and malt beverages. University of Connecticut football player Rocco Testa, When the 1961 Legislature opens for business in took the stand for the state in exchange for immunity a year! cluding holdovers from other years and stories that January, Rep. Russell Reynolds, D-West Haven, won't be The law survived an attempt at repeal by several law­ from prosecution. brought new names to the headlines. there. He decided not to run again after becoming the makers who claimed state residents didn't want it. They In looking back at 1960, UPI editors and reporters said the deposit was sending some people over state lines ^ On Nov. 12. Shea described Castonguay as a meal once in a while, or insists on Connecticut Public Television and first person in the lawmaking body’s 300-year history to The value of the average full-time selected the top 10 Connecticut news stories of the year. from border towns to buy their bMr and soda. "professional burglar” and sentenced the 34-year-old changing the baby while you read the several cable TV "access channels." be reprimanded by his colleagues. homemaker's work is $793.79 a week 1 ^ were: But the repeal efforts were defeated and shortly before Bristol man to a maximum 50-years-to-life iii prison. evening paper you must deduct his The course, which begins Jan. 23, ■ t ) Reynolds was censured on an 87-50 vote in the House —or $41,000 a year, according to the year's end, a survey by two lawmakers showed that The Legislature, responding to the pre-trial ruling, services. So, all in all. since usually will be shown on CPTV on Fridays 8 after responding to a United Press International survey Family Circle magazine's " Good 1— Gov. Ella Grasao'g illness and many municipal officials believed the law had reduced rewrote the death penalty law to address the questions the male is providing the roof over to 9 a.m. or on Sunday evenings 6 to 7 that an alternative to new taxes was to "put the niggers News Gazette " column. resignation t litter on roadsides and in state parks. raised by Shea. Now, I know why all you your head (or you both work) it com­ p.m. The cable sch^ule will be on back to work." 10— Rep. Robert Giaimo'a retirement: It had been rumored for months but repeatedly denied 8— Health care strikes: homemakers are happy. es out fairly even. Thursdays 9 a m., noon, 6 and 9 p.m. The former Catholic priest and representative for a In 1979, Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, D-Conn., shook state These figures were given in a new The magazine also reports on an Emphasis will be on the applica­ until shortly after state offices opened for business on nationally marketed personal improvement course A new sector of the state's labor force made its way off Dec. 4. Secretary of the State Barbara Kennelly received apologized for the remark, which he said was the job and onto the picket lines in 1980 as nurses and political circles with word he would not seek re-election. study commissioned by a Chicago aid for insomniacs, which sounds tion of consumer education pertinent In 1980, Rep. Robert Giaimo, D-Conn., joined him in divorce lawyer who intends to use delicious. to the selection of home furnishing the final word in a one-sentence letter. "derogatory” and “disgraceful.” Some lawmakers other health care workers flexed their collective bargaining muscles for better wages. heading into the political sunset. them as the basis for his clients' Sweet snacks are recommended materials. Units such as; Where to “I hereby resign the Office of Governor of the State of sought his expulsion. The Connecticut Health Care Associates struck four The North Haven Democrat was first elected to claims in future divorce settlement sleepy-time food for insomniacs, Begin. Design Basics. Focus on "7 Connecticut by reason of physical disability effective at 6— (tie) The state budget: the close of business Dec. 31, 1960.” state hospitals and at year's end still had more than 500 Congress from greater New Haven's 3rd District in 1958 cases. says Dr. Brian Morgan, assistant Color, From Fiber to Fabrics, will be It was a delicately balanced package, said by many to At 61, Ella Grasso ended a political career that ranged workers off the job at Waterbury Hospital in the largest and was re-elected 10 times. The study says the average professor of nutrition. Columbia among the many other helpful topics / be too little and said by others to be too much. And while In his final two terms, he chaired the powerful House homemaker performs at least 22 University College of Physicians and to the home decorator. from her 1952 election to the Legislature to two terms in the $2.7 billion state budget was adopted by the 1980 nurses' strike the state had seen. Congress and then inauguration as the nation’s first Earlier in the year, the union struck Danbury Hospital. Budget Committee. He said the fact he would have to separate functions. Child care is the Surgeons. He explains that when you Cost for the course will be $30 plus Legislature, it met its biggest test in court. woman governor elected without succeeding her hus­ Johnson Memorial Hospital in Stafford and Bradley give up its rotating chairmanship was one reason he function that takes the most time can't sleep, the level of serotonin in the text, guide and student packet. To Faced with another year of declining revenue and band. Memorial Hospital in Southington. would not seek re-election —168 hours a week on the average your body has not risen as much as it register contact the registrar at any rising expenses, lawmakers turned to "Big Oil" as a new The cause was cancer. Another union. District 1199 of the New England Health Other Htories receiving votes: (At even a token dollar-an-hour this should Eating a snack high in car­ Connecticut Community College. For source of money, adopting a 2 percent levy on the gross amounts to nearly $9,(XX) a year, i bohydrates. such as cookies and fruit Speculation Mrs. Grasso would resign had persisted profits of major oil companies doing business in Connec­ Care Workers Union, pulled its members off the job at 10 —The re-opening of the Hartford Civic Center more information, contact TV Com­ since April 3 when she underwent surgery for ovarian nursing homes around the state on Nov. 25. Coliseum. The roof collapsed in 1978. The seven or more hours a woman juice will raise your body's level of munity College at 566-8760. ticut. spends cleaning house —at minimum tryptophan, a sleep-inducing amino cancer. The Democratic governor said she would serve But a key provision of the tax which barred the com­ Nine other homes had agreed to contracts before the —The launching of the nation's second Trident sub­ of $3.21 an hour —adds up to $24 a acid. The.tryptophan will enter the out her second term and prospects for a third term were panies from passing on its $60 million price tag to con­ strike deadline and at the end of the year, all but two of marine at the Electric Boat Division of General week; 13 hours as a cook —14 75 an brain and be converted into .\«*H W ar’s Kve "alive and well.” sumers was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge. the homes that were struck remained without contracts. Dynamics in Groton. serotonin Vitam B6 also helps But in November, Mrs. Grasso was back at Hartford 9— The Gerard Caatonguay murder case:—The end of an 8-month strike by EB draftsmen. hour —is another $62 a week The If you're planning on traveling to The state appealed while Republicans, who said they produce serotonin Avoid late-night Hospital for treatment of phlebitis. Routine tests showed didn't want the tax from the start, vowed to seek its Gerard "Gary" Castonguay, the first man to stand trial —The sentencing of former House leader Bernard Av- three hours a week (average) that a clubs or friends' homes tomorrow high protein snacks that hamper cancer cells had surfaced in her liver. under Connecticut’s revised death penalty, was spared collie of Naugatuck for the 1975 slaying of his wife. wife spends acting as maid hostess night —do drive cautiously. You know repeal. serotonin production Saying she lacked the “stamina and endurance" to run Similar budget programs again loomed for the next the electric chair when his attorneys' arguments did in —The February slaying of high school cheerleader Cara for her husband —at $20 an hour many times it's the innocent driver, —adds another $60 to her "wage bill " Now doesn't that sound like more the state, the governor announced she would resign on the fiscal year as 1980 ended with lawmakers facing a the law. Quinn of Redding. fun than sleeping pills'’ who gets into an accident with a eve (rf 1981 at which time Lt. Gov. William O’Neill would In a ruling on a pre-trial motion dealing with questions —The U.S. Supreme Court ruling granting former New the magazine reports reckless one. So head for home at a projected $182 million shortfall. Other dollar values for a week's take over. A recurring call was to cut programs — a plan ad­ that could be posed to potential jurors, Hartford Superior York stockbroker Murray Gold a third trial in the 1974 worth of housework are Secretary, 2 Hume Interiors reasonable hour, keep to your side of She returned to the hospital Dec. 8 to undergo a third vanced by two lawmakers in 1980 who drew up a so-called Court Judge David M. Shea ruled the law failed to meet slayings of his former in-laws. hours X $5 equals $10; Gardener, 2.3 the road especially when you see a round of surgery, this time for cancer of the intestinal hours X $5 equals $11.50; Caterer. 15 If you've always wanted to learn car approaching from the opposite tract, and remained in the hospital as the year neared its hours X $7 71 equals $1157. and more about designing home in­ direction, and mainly, watch your end. Dishwasher. 6.2 hours x $3 10 equals teriors, now is your chance The speed. Oft times, ice patches form Connecticut Regional Community this time of year, and it doesn't take 2— The 1980 elections: ,^dam54}eivdei%lnc.^ $1922 Now. of course, if the man of the Colleges will be offering a full three much to send your car into a spin. We Winter brought presidential politics as well as cold and TIME IS RUNNING house helps out i e. takes out the gar­ credit course in the basic principles wouldn't want anything to happen to snow to Connecticut in the early months of the year as the bage, babysits, cooks a gourmet of designing home interiors on you Happy New Year! state prepared for its first full-scale presidential primary March 25. OPEN DAILY The aftershocks of the election reverberated as the OUT! WE CLOSE Story of ‘a fishin’ bum’ year ended. Connecticut followed the nation in November in giving 10 AM - 6 PM cried," says Kaminski, Ronald Reagan a victory as GOP voters had in the March LAC DU FLAMBEAU. "Well." we said. "We did primary. President Carter lost out both times — first in Wis. (NEAi — On a cold, It ' the primary to Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. Thursday Evening ’til 9:00 OUR DOORS SOON dark afternoon when the He then set out to make a High fashion for spring A new U S. senator was elected. Rep. Christopher cries of loons and the rainy name for himself as a tour­ Dodd. D-Conn., bucked the Republican winds of wind whistle over Mitten nament fisherman. For Spring 1981. Bill Blass presents a black right, John Anthony features a silver rose November to easily defeat former New York Sen. James Lake, the best fisherman in His greatest thrill was motif shimmering on nude Chantilly lace for Buckley, a spokesman for the national right. Wisconsin dips his oars silk crepe de chine, at left, effortlessly draped the International Bassing an eleeant evening fashion. Buckley, who had won the GOP nomination in a into the green water and Fisherman's Grand Prix. over the body for this dramatic beauty. At wishes he was rich If 1 primary with stale Senate Minority Leader Richard Boz- an event to which only 25 zuto of Watertown, joined Dodd in setting another elec­ had a nickle — no, a penny professionals were invited tion milestone — the most expensive campaign in state — for every stroke 1 rowed Live Longer annually His catch missed history. ^etkg(hitofSudUtm. guiding Id be a r I first place by 3 ounces — if Republicans made other gains, picking up one con­ millionaire you can believe a fisher­ gressional seat in the 3rd District and improving their But he isn't And it's his \ man still minority margins in the Legislature. own doing Those were the days Protein foods For two state residents, the full impact of the election Dick Kaminski hasn't when tournament fishing made even a penny a wasn't felt until December. Reagan nominated Malcolm was fun But in time the Baldrige, chairman of Waterbury's Scovill Inc., to be FINAL REDUCTIONS stroke in his 15 years of fierce highstakes competi­ secretary of commerce, and made one of his most con­ taking Northwoods tourists tion got to him; it sickened are the magic troversial appointments in naming former NATO Com­ to the fish But he has FOR SALE him to hear of good young products Also in whole mander Alexander Haig, president of Hartford's United NEW found a life that will nut Hi I.KI.OIU) kOKDKI. Lacking protein, the ab­ legumes, sunflower seed TORSALE fishermen stuffing their Technologies Corp., as secretary of state. 8TORE HOUR9 JEWELERS leave him wondering if he Number four of u nericH dominal muscles find it dif­ grains and certain seeds kernels, millet. These are 50% OFF DESK catches with weights to Before you can hope to ficult to do their job This like soybean, sunflower and usually available in health 10-« STEAKING SETi ever really lived win 3— The INew Britain municipal corruption Plenty of fisherm en look younger and live can immediately translate millet food stores. DAILY & So, he gambled again, WATCHES would dispute calling longer, you must make a itself into poor posture If it were necessary to do Our high-speed modem scandal: , THURSDAYS 28 DRAWER OFFICE sending out letters one Kaminski the best of their mealtime companion of Your hair, your skin so, you could live to a society is one of pressures As in the previous two years. 1980 saw the central TILS • B u lo v a winter telling those who METAL CABINET j CHAIBi breed That s usually protein — your "youth your heart, your liver bright-eyed and bushy- and tensions. If we want to Connecticut city of New Britain tackle municipal corrup­ had reserved months in ad­ • S e ik o 3' X 39" X 17' measured by the number of Dick Kaminski offers proof of the "eighth restorer " food. kidneys, brains, eyes tailed old age by eating live longer we must eat the tion uncovered in a more than 2-year state investigation. vance that the resort had fish caught or their size or Protein is the outstan­ nerves, right down to your nothing except the kinds of foods our bodies A total of 24 persons, most past or present city of­ • Caravelle sense " that can send him out on a rotten day become a fishing camp the money won ding food element that toenails — every single proteins. demand. ficials. were arrested as a result of the probe. The first 2 JEWELER^ to return later with a stringer groaning under "I thought aDout a place • W y le rs But if the best fisherman determines whether you inch of you is made of pro­ They contain all the fac­ Kreiln on ilnrlf man to go to trial was Detective Sgt. George F. Sahadi. the weight of fish. that would not only put the tors for maximum human CLEANING IS the one who has done the look and feel like 30 at 50 tein. When not enough protein He was convicted in October on bribery and conspiracy • C itiz e n s people on the fish with the MACHINES Or 50 at 30. Whether your Protein .shortage often nourishment. And in cor­ IS supplied in the diet, your charges. most for fishing — for bum windows smashed by van gullies but would help them muscles cooperate or leads to overeating, which rect proportions' body turns into a heartless By year’s end, preliminary proceedings were started preserving the resource But Kaminski did what dais and fires learn how to fish, too. " he cringe. Whether age is a can be the start of a vicious liiipurlani rules cannibal and begins to feed for a second trial and half of the 24 arrests ended in guilty the sport and the wild he set out to do And he In the attic he keeps a explains places where it thrives - matter of felling or of pattern; - Let's swing back to the upon itself. pleas. Among those who admitted guilt was New uses that nickname on his hardhat with the marks of The idea put him at the Kaminski gets the title years You b eco m e a bit two most important rules When a protein deficien­ Britain's retired fire chief, Raymond Galati. letter heads, his boats and a 20-inch glass shard that mercy of the weather and hands down though he'd What IS this magic stuff overweight You no longer for living to a healthy and cy exists, certain body City officials began their own investigation and found his tackle It s also (he fell iwd stones and could of guests who were never never apply it to himself - this protein"’ have the old energy So you vigorous old age cells are consumed in as many as 80 people may have been involved in the name for the seminars and have ended up in his skull satisfied with the size of Kaminski might call a It IS the basic raw become lethargic You si( 1. Food should be the order to feed the necessary scheme to sell municipal promotions. They also put a the radio broadcasts in He gambled again when their catches He pourt*d fisherman booked for a material of all life It is a around more The pounds first item on your budget ones. price tag on it and filed a $2 million insurance claim. which he tries to teach he decided to buy a broken all his profits back into the week s slay at his D-Bar-U must in every person's sneak up on you It goes 2 Protein should be the Not that the destroyed The unfolding New Britain scandal was the only story % fishermen to fish hard but down resort that had place resort here to report The only lor what they need operated at a deficit the diet, regardless of age from bad to worse lirst item in your diet. cells are unimportant. among the top 10 for 1980 to have been included in the Here is a list to help you fishing's lousy Do you H is youthful odyssey year before When Kaminski's sons The word protein means You begin to look...and But cells even more previous year’s lop stories, when it was ranked sixth •emember the principal want to cancel''' turned out to be more than He did It because on the tiegan working as guides, " holding first place " And feel . and act older than vitally important to the "Ugh protein foods; Another fisherman, par a crash course in self- way home one summer they had to learn from first place in the diet is your years' living body must feed on m • Living tissue — meat, ticipating in the resort s reliance. though he sup­ from a .Northwoods trip, he their father that the guests exactly where protein A protein deficiency can those that can be spared. 4— The Ku Klux Klan: fowl. fish. (Organ meats, muskie tournament, learns ported himself with was simultaneously confor- get the fish If there is a belongs. also cause poor bowel At least for the time being. First Lady Rosalyn Carter visited Connecticut one such as liver, kidney, heart early that he is expected Ic everything from cutting ting Don. who didn t want good spot on one end of the Did anyone ever succeed habits because of flaccid It is this continued form September evening at the height of the presidential cam return his trophy fish to th( wood to dealing in Civil boat, the guest must go in trying to make steel with intestinal muscles and brains should be used of protein cannibalism that paign season — a visit which normally would have drawn NOW to go back, and hearing on water unharmed War relics, which became Ins (wo-way radio that more there - and must never mud? Or in attempting to Since every part of your often because they are is the real cause of disease, attention of the news media. Of course, measures likt his other passion than 2(X) calls lor window- know he is being placed repair an iron girder with body depends on protein, a very high in vitamins - an of premature aging. But most eyes that night were on a cow pasture in the that dont maki It was a gamble - and patching in a riol-torn "That's hard on the boys putty? Of course not. shortage can lead to such extra bonus!) ^ tiny eastern Connecticut farming.town of Scotland where millionaires only his first Above neighborhood were waiting sometimes, " he admits And neither can your seemingly unrelated con­ • Eggs and milk Next: Pluniiiiig your a 50-foot oil-soaked cross was going up in flames. products This category of Kaminski s parents Kaminski's barrel-chested at the end of the road Many guests became body be patched together ditions as cold feet. p ru lrin i i k -u I u . H o w The Ku Klux Klan, which drew headlines a year earlier UP could have told him that U form and ragged shirts and That's It," he said gofid friends They liked with builed pudding. Or Or dry skin due to poor foods intended by Nature niurh is enough'? Two when one faction revealed state recruiting efforts, was years ago in Chicago, wher jeans, the romantic silver "Let's go " the "fishing school" and biscuits. Or candy. circulation. to nourish the young, would Hiniple hunir ruleii. Gel­ back to stage the state’s first public Klan rallies in at the 13-year-old dropped oul hair of a riverboat gambler That first fall, he and the hearty suppers at the It takes protein - lots of it Eventually, a protein include natural cheeses ling your money'll worih least 60 years. and low-fat milk. And let's of prolein foodH . Eight persons were injured and nine arrested as hun­ TO of school and set ofl looks out of place But it Don put life jackets on lodge Some virtually - to do the job of repairing shortage can lead to hitchhiking to fish in all suits him their three toddlers and became part of the family body tissues. countless degenerative dis­ not forget buttermilk and Distributed by Specialty dreds of Klan sympathizers, protest-ers and bystanders more the 48 stales and Canada His next gamble was the built a lodge largely by "Catch and release" is That is why a protein eases. yogurt. Or skim milk Features Syndicate. Ail jammed country roads near the pasture rally site under / */« and Mexico before 1 was business he started in guesswork They finished Kaminski's hope for the deficiency can be so The best proteins, of powder. Rights Reserved. the watchful eyes of 200 state troopers. • Seeds of plants in their 50 18" Chicago just after he just as the first flakes of future of fishing, which he serious. It can make you course, are to be found in Condensed from the book Among those arrested was Bill Wilkinson, imperial The elder Kaminski married Don, the girl who snow began falling. wants to see depart from flabby and weak lean meats, fowl, fish, natural state — cereal "Eat Right and Live wizard of the Lousiana-based Invisible Empire of the Ku NOTHING HELD BACK! knew what to call such a lived across the alley He We put our arm s its blood-and-trophy im­ Poor |ionlure cheese, eggs, low-fat dairv grains, nuts, soybeans. Ixmger" by Lelord Kordel. Klux Klan, who was charged with violating a judge's ban youngster "a fishin' earned his living patching around each other and age. • EXTENSIVE COLLECTION .GOLD .GOLD NECKCHAINS, NECf Social Security. ‘Sports Widows’ classes MENS - LADIES OF DIAMONDS RINGS RINGS AND AND JEWELRY Q Since my mother-in- after entry, is a refugee, or years, I returned to work in receive disability benefits law came to the United has been granted political 1978 and the benefits count toward meeting the • MEN'S & WOMEN'S FAMOUS .GOLD FILLED,FILLE SILVER States last summer, she asylum slopped Unfortunately, I 24-month requirement in slated at HJC Center FIGURE SKATES has been looking for a job Q 1 have never worked have had to stop working the second period of dis­ NAME BRAND WATCHES AND COSTL COSTUME JEWELRY If she cannot find a job. outside the home, but I un­ because iiiy condition has ability The Hartford Jewish Community If your husbanu sits glued to the cost for the series is $20 for Center will she qualify for SSI"’ derstand that 1 can get worsened I know my dis­ Q My disabled husband Center, 335 Bloomfield Avenue, West television set every Monday night to memhers and $30 for non-members. watch football, hockey, basketball, • CHOICE OF GIFTWARE A Until recently, a legal­ Social Security benefits of ability payments will begin needs a new specially Hartford, is pleased to introduce Individual sessions are $4 for equipped wheelchair. Will etc., you could be a "sports widow." ly admitted alien could my husband's record again without a waiting members and $5.50 for non­ start getting SSI payments Since I am almost 63. ran 1 period - but what about Mt-dicare help pay for it? "Sports Widows, " a unique new class Join this eight-week mini-series . 10 8. 14 KT STONE RINGS - LADIES AND GENTS 30 days after arriving in start getting my husband's Medicare'’ A. If your husband has available to the community. "Sports featuring a financial management Widows" will begin Monday, Jan. 12 members Advanced registration is the United Stales even if a benefits now even though A. There is no waiting Medicare, medical in­ workshop; a wine and cheese party; required. For further information sponsor pledged financial my husband is only 61 and period for re-entitlement surance will help pay for a at 7 p.m. All sessions will be held at a self-defense workshop; and a the Center. call Pam or Sandy at the Center at EVERY ADAM’S JEWELERS ADAM'S JEWELERS support. Beginning Oct. 1. still working’’ to Medicare if a worker's wheelchair as long as your health and nutrition workshop. The 236-4571. DIAMOND CONTINUES TO 1980, the income and A .. No, you cannot get disability benefits begin doctor prescribes it. You VISA 785 MAIN ST. resources of the immigra­ benefits as a wife until within five years of the can rent or buy this equip­ BE COVERED BY A tion sponsors will be con­ your husband becomes en­ date they ended, seven ment. Contact your Social Serving on college council vouni$izE$ $17.99 MANCHESTER, CONN. sidered as being available titled to Social Security years for a disabled widow, Security office for more in­ CERTIFICATE OF formation on renting or for the aliens support in benefits Payments are widower, or adult disabled Elizabeth Anderson, daughter of academic year 198U-B1. achieved honors in the school's first buying the equipment. APPRAISAL .. . deciding his or her eligibili­ supposed to partially before 22. If. during the Mr. and Mrs. Olof Anderson of .She is presently a senior at the marking period. $7.99 OPEN: ty. The consideration of replace income a worker first period of disability, a Kennedy Road, Manchester, is ser­ college. 2MMIIT. 10-6 Daily sponsors' income or and his or her dependents person did not complete DO IT DAILY - BE ving as a member of the Council on They are: Dale Blagrove, son of M3-7111 resources will continue for the 24-month Medicare Honor Htudenls YOUR GUARANTEE OF CERTIFIED lose at retirement SMART and read the Ms. Luanna C. Blagrove. and Cindy FARR’S oratMiY Thurs. Eve ’til 9:00 three years unless an alien y After receiving dis- waiting period, any months Almanac in the Evening Educational Policy Committee at Two Manchester students attending Katz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. •4PJL ____ CARAT WEIGHT A QUALITY____ becomes disabled or blind abilitv benefits for several fur which he or she did Herald Swartbmore College for the Watkinson School in Hartford Henry Katz of Scott Drive. EVENING HERALD, Tues., Dec. 30, IWO - 7 No answers on sludge and changing the charter when • VERNON — A meeting held Monday ment of Environmental Protection. The two towns were given the approval of lU M\H\ K I T /M A . \ > The commission members main­ something's going on." Siebold gratuities for his service suggestion coming " If we didn't get our work done, I between Vernon and Ellington officials didn’t The meeting yesterday was to talk over who DEP to go ahead with studying the landfill tain It had a responsibility to clear ll i ‘riil

licensed agent in Property and Casualty and ._L - . - I PlM M noM whavm tttar* ii a praraqutMia for iNa couratji) you bavt SPECIAL Democrats set meeting FEES is currentiy studying for her life insurance /t>e(fout>t.csS243-43ri YaalJ N o :i OOPS VERNON — The Democratic Town been soliciting support from committee REQISTRATON FEE Committee will meet on Jan. IS at 7:30 members. Chtcfc EnclOMd $ AHCour«M(ati6aslS15 regittralionlee-non retundMile) license. p.m. at First Federal Savings, Park Place THE YELLOW PAGES FORGOT US— to elect a replacement for John Makowsky Student food drive Malta ctiadt or inonay ordtr peyaMa to: Urdvaratty o( Hartford TOTAL (>n cast ol tolM cancallation ol youf progtAm by the Universdy, paymani is rohinOad) WE DON'T WANT YOU TO FORGET on the Town Council. ^ VERNON — Recently the Rockville Makowsky has resigneoHrom the coun­ High School S ^ i c e G ub sponsored a food t aiTi applying lor banafHs (crodit coursas only) VateransU OepandantO US. FOR THE VERY BEST IN PEST cil as he w ill be moving out of state soon. drive for the 'Fri-Town Pantry Shelf, the MASTER CHARGE OR VISA AUTHORISATION CONTROL- The town committee w ill hold an open town's emergency food bank. I haraOy auttwrua tha Unvararty of Hartford lo charga my Kuaon and laas on Uaaia« CharQ* or Viaa CALL THE MAURO AQENCY election. Several Democrats have in­ Businesses wqo assisted the students by dicated interest in the position, among contributing to the drive included: Insurance — Real Estate them, John Drost, a former council Athena’s Pizza, Carvel Ice Cream, 646-0445 member who has alM been active on the Zahner's M en’s Shop, A rthur Drug, 2592 Berlin Tpke. Permanent Municipal Building Com­ Friendly Restaurant, Great Oak IV Pizza, Eastern Chemical Service m ittee and the former Charter ^ v is io n and Dunkin Donuts. Commlulon. Also: Regal's Men’s Shop, Papa-Gino's Pardvark Termite Control Newington, CT • 666-4681 Frederick Midura, also a former Restaurant, Paul’s Pizza, Sport Mart, Charter Revision Commission member, Vernon Skate Park, Angelo's Pizza, and has Indicated Interest and reportedly has K -M art EVENING HERALD, Tues., Dec. 30, 1980 - 9 8 - EVENINGHHERALD, Tu«i., Dtc. 30, IWO Goddard Editorial brings College Storm Waste reduction struggles ice and snow PLAINFIELD, Vt. (UPI) - God­ By I'nileil Prena Inlernalional Morning rush-hour traffic was dard College was once a pioneer in A storm stretching from the sized envelopes or in 9-by-12 backed up several hours and up to a One of President-elect O p in io n alternative higher education in the Midwest to New England dumped up mile when 25 cars and trucks piled up Ronald Reagan's consistent inch manila envelopes.” United States. to 10 inches of snow on top of frozen on the ice-slickened interstate near Today, the 42-year-old liberal arts rain, killing six people on icy roads. campaign themes was that On the surface, this may ‘How shall we sing the Lord's song West Greenwich, R.I. Several people college is struggling with dropping Dense fog hugged both coasts, were injured, none seriously. elimination of waste and seem a small matter, but in a strange land’; Psalm 137:V 4 enrollment, critical financial delaying flights for late holiday Up to 5 inches of snow and ice fraud can reduce federal when the figures are The feeling of being a stranger Is problems and even loss of its travelers. brought traffic in southeast Wiscon­ expenditures. projected, it is obvious the one we all know. Strangers In the academic accreditation. A heat wave warmed the western sin to a standstill and roadside world. Continuing confrontation with ^ n . William Proxmire, D- practice can mean millions of covers to differentiate from branch in procurement of of­ stitutes another wasteful The latest blow came Motiday half of the nation from Nebraska to ditches were Uttered with as many as the new and the unexpected. Too when the New England Association Southern California. 1(K) vehicles, police said. dollars in excessive costs. the original, incorrect green Wis. puts his finger on some fice furniture. practice. A study by a Senate easily we become strangers to the of Schools and Colleges announced it Ontario, Calif., was the hottest Nearly 100 people spent Sunday spot in the nation Monday with a of the wasteful practices in Helms said. and white ones. "It is outrageous,” Bentsen Subcommittee disclosed last ideas and attitudes around us. Too had voted to withdraw its approval of ■T'- night in high schools, churches and his “Fleece of the Month" In Congress last June. Rep. “Adding the final twist to said, "that millions of square July that "hurry-up” spen­ easily there can be a pervading sense Goddard's educational program. toasty 93 degrees. Scottsbiuff. Neb., the police station in Tomah. Wis , un­ broke a record set in 1956 with a awards. He barely scratches John H. Rousselot, R-Calif. feet of warehouse space is of alienation. Traditional attitudes School officials criticized the deci­ able to gel home over icy roads. this saga of incompetence,” ding is costing taxpayers at sion and said they will appeal. Ac­ reading of 61 degrees. and modem thought rest uneasily the surface, of course. The cited an example “of in­ said Rousselot as quoted in crammed with usable, under­ least $2 billion each year.” creditation cannot be dropped until Rainshowers sprinkled the Pacific together. An old world struggles to opportunity to reduce waste competence and waste” in the Congressional Record, utilized furnishings, the the appeal is heard. Northwest, with three-quarters of an With Reagan’s caihpaign survive. A new world struggles to be seems inexhaustable. the .Department of Energy — “when the corrected' ver­ existence of which is un­ Goddard is best known for its inch of rain falling at Astoria, Ore. Hearing slated emphasis on ferreting out born. The eastern storm first spread a destruction of 8 million pioneering educational programs of BRIDGEPORT (UPIl - Timothy Sen. Jesse A. Helms. R- sions of the guide came out, known to many government waste, fraud and abuse in Yet the future cannot be for the 1950s that put students to work treacherous sheet of frozen rain, then copies of a gasoline mileage Fair. 24. faced a court hearing today N.C. pointed to one source of they were in the original agencies which go ahead and government, his administra­ strangers,if we are to survive and for practical experience and let them coated it with snow to make driving on a first-degree assault charge waste last week in the giiide “because they were green and white — buy new furniture at a cost of tion seems committed to achieve the vision of One World. One design their own courses. nearly impossible in several states stemming from the shooting of his dropped from the helicopters into the prison from Wisconsin to Rhod- Island. laineduck session of bound in the wrong covers. ' thoroughly.- confusing millions of tax dollars every come up with a program for People. Our Human Family. Mutual But, since the mid-1970's, the story Police helicopters involved in the raid at girlfriend while she worked in a understanding and compassion dispel of Goddard has been one of and stormed the wing where terrorists were Six traffic deaths were blamed on Congress — a “widespread To correct this waste of automobile dealers ... year.” controlling these evils. the security prison at Irani, Italy, take off downtown bank, police said the sense of being a stranger. Before foundering finances, and college of­ holding 19 hostages. (UPI photo) the ice and snow, two in Kansas, Fair was picked up by New Haven $300,000 of taxpayers dollars, from a nearby field. Officers, wearing bullet­ three in Wisconsin and one in practice of the federal Earlier this year. Sen. Year-end spending sprees The task will be awesome. the one Lord, our Creator and ficials charged that influenced the police after allegedly fleeing in a car accreditation decision. proof vests and armed with submachine guns, Virginia. bureaucracy — and Congress the Californian charged. Lloyd M. Bentsen. D-Tex. by government agencies to But it needs to be achieved — Heavenly Father there will be no he stole at the drive-in window of "Goddard's educational excellence The heaviest snowfall Monday was as well — of sending out news DOE spent another $200,000 charged violation of federal avoid losing budgeted funds and can be with the right kind strangers. anc'her bank in Bridgeport minutes is not in question." said Richard Son- in northern Indiana and Ohio. Toledo, after the shooting Monday 3 releases in standard letter­ to print new red and white regulations by the executive Ohio, reported 3 inches of snow, with or risking future cuts con­ of cooperation and resolve. The Rev. Alan J Broadhead tag. chairman of the school's board Gail Rogers. 26. of Bridgeport, was nearby communities receiving up to St. Mary's Church. of trustees. in critical condition at St. Vine'enfs "The association is reacting to the succeeds; 10 inches. Daring raid Medical Center with a gunshot wound Manchester Plymouth, Ind., was buried under college's money problems which. I to the head, officials said __believe, its members do not fully un­ 10 inches of snow, Angola reported 9 Police said Fair went to the fifth derstand," he said. inches, and LaPorte and Valparaiso, floor of the People's Savings Bank Herald in Washington is winner Ind., had 8 inches. "The association's decision is dead government where Ms Rogers worked, shot her wrong," echoed Victor Loefflath- Cleveland. Ohio, and Caribou. ROME (UPI) — Italy’s coalition parliamentary struggle with the op­ carried out with relatively light and fled on foot Ehly, Goddard's acting president. Maine, had 2 inches, while an inch The suspect ran across Main Street 0 government reaped political prestige position Communist Party, political casualties," Interior Minister URBAN COWBOY Dr. Richard Bradley, executive fell at Buffalo and Rochester, N.Y., today from a daring helicopter com­ sources said. Virginio Rognoni said in a statement to the Connecticut National Bank and director of the acreditation group, and Detroit, mando raid that wrested control of a The Communists have attacked the congratulating the assault force. stole a car from a woman wailing at refused to say exactly why the group The National Weather Service Ronald Reagan's priorities lop-security prison from political government for its slow reaction to Jailed Red Brigades members the drive-in window, police said had withdrawn accreditation, saying issued a flood warning for the St. terrorists and freed 18 hostages. Italy's Nov. 23 earthquake and for spoke for pther rebel prisoners in only that Goddard did not meet the Clair River along the shoreline north make up for the revenue loss and pre­ make some changes in the budget for On the other hand, he added, "if A crack Special Intervention Group giving in to earlier terrorist demands negotiations preceding the assault, By LEE RODERICK association's 'overall' standards. of Detroit due to a "major ice jam," vent a federal deficit the current fiscal year — which will there was a particular benefit, as of Carabinieri (paramilitary state for the closing of another special police said. WASHINGTON- Ed Meese. He said an appeal could take four Thick fog created morning rush He favors faster depreciation be nearly one-third over when many of these things have, and if it police) volunteers stormed the prison at Asmara, off the island of A Red Brigades communique New sports car counselor to President-elect Reagan months or more. hou traffic nightmares from Reagan takes office — and ‘ a lot was part of a long-range program, modern special prison in the small Sardinia. passed clandestinely to two Rome I I writeoffs for business to stimulate in­ If the decision stands, it could have Southern California to western NEW YORK UPI - The Alfa- told a U S Chamber ot Commerce southern Adriatic port of Trani by The Tram slate prosecutor told a newspapers linked the revolt to a vestment, through a "10-5-3 ' plan It m ore" changes in the Carter- for example, of flood control and serious implications for Goddard, Oregon, and cut visibilities in Kansas Romeo Co. of Italy has announced audience here the other day that helicopter and on foot Monday to end news conference the casualty toll new Red Brigades campaign would allow firms to write off the proposed budget for the full fiscal water reclamation or the like, then I since its students would no longer be and from northeast Pennsylvania plans to "design and build at least many citizens remarked during the a 25-hour standoff. was only 12 injured, including one in­ launched Dec. 12 with the kidnapping cost of buildings in 10 years, equip­ year which begins next October. think we have an obligation to make eligible for federal education loans. to Maine. two new sports cars specifically for campaign that “This is our last During 90-minutes of tear gas. mate. But the Italian news agency in Rome of Giovanni D'Urso, an of­ ment in 5 years and vehicles in 3 " There is no question that when sure these programs go forward" Goddard has about 1,400 students in Flights at Kansas City Inter­ the U.S. market " chance to change the course and the seven loud explosions and bursts of ANSA said a check of local hospitals' ficial of the Justice Department’s The decision, according to Gian­ Reagan has also called for a 20 per­ a government can increase 14 to 18 That attitude will come as good its off-campus Adult Degree national Airport were canceled Mon­ machine-gun fire, the special squad showed 27 people, including four in­ prison administration. franco Bellandi, chairman of the scope of government ■■ Program, but now has just 200 resi­ day night when fog reduced cent reduction in the capital gams percent in one fiscal year that there news to many states, especially in of 30 Carabinieri quelled the mates, were under treatment, though The communique, apparently company's American opcation. is “Well, added Meese. “I don't dent undergraduates, down from a visibilities to a 16th of a mile. tax rate are savings that can be made and the West where President Carter ran rebellion and freed 18 prison guards some of the cases were suffering only drafted before the rebellion was part of a 10-year product and know whether they re right or not, peak of 1,000 in 1972-73. In New York, LaGuardia Airport there are decreases in that growth into a buzz saw early in his ad­ who had been held hostage since Sun­ from shock and most of the others crushed, demanded the closing of top marketing plan to boost Alfa- but if they were right, we had better There has been speculation that the In October, President John Hall was shut down for nine hours Mon­ that can be accomplished. " said ministration when he tried to kill a day afternoon. were expected to be allowed home security prisons, special ARomeo's presence in the United make a good use of that last chance, president-elect would retreat from resigned in protest when trustees day. and most flights at the Albany, Meese number of water projects in which within 12 davs. arrangements for what it termed States. The company hopes to sell and that's what we are dedicated to his oft-repeated campaign promise to asked the remaining faculty to work N.Y., County Airport were delayed He also promised that the Reagan billions of taxpayer dollars had been The prison raid success helped the "proletariat prisoners " to publicize or canceled due to fog. Flights at 15,000 to 20.000 cars in the United doing ' implement the Kemp-Roth tax plan three weeks without pay. "The operation was conducted with administration would look at public invested over the years. two-month-old coalition government their political views and an end to ar­ Green State Airport in Warwick. States by 1985. quadruple its present To that end. Reagan has chosen a calling for a 30 percent tax cut for in­ Goddard recently completed a great technical expertise, in a situa­ bitrary arrest u.ider ,the anti- works projects on a case-by-case Such domestic concerns are high in of Christian Democra Prime R.I.. were delayed up to two hours. volume Cabinet largely cut out of his own dividuals. phased in over three years $100,000 study, financed by the U.S. M inister Arnalo Forlani in its tion of extreme difficulty and was terrorist laws. basis " to see what the purpose is. If the Reagan team's thoughts as they conservative pattern, and has un­ But. again. Reagan seems to be Department of Education, to deter­ It IS simply to secure the election of a prepare to assume the reins of mine ways of maintaining its leashed a mammoth transition staff sticking to his guns senator or congressman in his par­ power In the absence of some new experimental education while whose job it is to enable him to “hit Shortly before his election, Reagan ticular district, and there is no real foreign crisis, they suggest what ac­ making the college more cost- the ground running ' when he told the International Business Coun­ Vesco asks for asylum in Bahamas public value to it. then I think that it tions to look for^durii.g the early effective, assumes power on Jan 20 cil in Chicago that "The second Loefflath-Ehly and Sontag said if national law and treaties. " courts, and he has made restitution sought to bring him back to "force probably will have a very low priori­ months of the Reagan administra­ NASSAU, Bahamas (UPlI — me to give evidence under oath Reagan heads for the presidency in major element of my economic the recommendations of the study If returned to tha United States, he to depositors in a Bahamas bank he ty on our list tion Fugitive financier Robert Vesco is relating to former President Nixon the face of dismal economic news program is a tax rate reduction plan are implemented, the college will said, "I would be persecuted for founded that was liquidated asking for political asylum in the my knowledge of the Watergate The prime lending rate at 20 per­ This plan calls for an across-the- meet accreditation requirements political motives, de facto tried for He said in an interview he sent Bahamas, saying that if he is affair and other U.S officials '" cent. has hit a record high, drying up board three-year reduction in per­ Commentary "(Ourl progams and the college's political crimes and offenses ... and Maynard a copy of a letter he wrote deported to the United States he will In his first extensive interview continuing experiment In resident un­ would in fact be punished for my to a U.S. Senate subcommittee In­ lending commitments for housing sonal income tax rates — 10 percent be persecuted for political reasons. since his residedTjrpermit was lifted. E vestigating unrelated allegations and new cars The stock market suf­ in 1981. 10 percent in 1982. and 10 per­ dergraduate education have made Vesco, who has made the Bahamas political opinions.” that he tried to bribe Democratic Vesco told Nassau Ciuardian reporter Goddard a vital center for modern home since 1978 in his eight-year In addition, he said he fears "the fered a paper loss of $110 billion in cent in 1983 National Chairman John White and V’ern Darville that if he is forced to Booming business education." Sontag maintained. flight from prosecution on ever-present risk of being the nine trading days starting Nov aides to President Carter. He said return to the United Slates, "they 11 Brisk Soviet sales in 1979 were Which means that the CIA is telling Books themselves are becoming a Watergate-related charges and finan­ clandestinely spirited away or even '28 Inflation remains sky-high My goal IS to implement three Bv DON DRAKE the letter proves he has been cleared put me in a box and dream up a hun­ largely the product of heightened only part of part of the full story of post-election issue in some com­ Move planned cial charges in the United States, kidnapped to the United States to be Such new s has reinforced Reagan s reductions in a systematic planned of all charges. dred more charges " What has become an $8 4 billion an­ political unrest across North Africa the world arms traffic. While the munities. The American Library made the request Monday in a letter punished for political motives.” commitment to attack the nation s manner He said the FBI and other "agen­ He also told Maynard that his nual business and is still growing'’ and the Middle F’.asf " Soviets would appear to be trying Assoication reports that demands for by Moffett to Minister of Home Affairs Clement He said that it asylum is denied he economic woes as his top priority Ed Meese. Reagan s counselor, cies" have tried to "kidnap " him lawyers — including Deputy Prime Soviet arms sales to the Third To say the least The countries of harder with considerable success, removal from shelves of works some HARTFORD (UPIi - Rep Toby Maynard will use "all available legal means of This was reflected at the Cabinet s again defended this approach in his twice and "eliminate" him once Minister Arthur D. Hanna — were C The Bahamas last month refused World those regions absorbed almost 90 per­ they remain firmly in number-two groups find objectionable are up Moffett. D-Conn , says he decided to compiling a brief to support his fighting the deportation " introductory press conference by the remarks to the Chamber of to renew Vesco's yearly residency since he fled the United States. The CIA, which understandably cent of the .Soviet military exports position. sharply. Many of the complainants, move to the House Commerce Sub­ request foresylum for himself and his Vesco left the United States in 1972. president-elect s nominee for Commerce the other day The tax permit, giving him until Dec. 12 to Vesco told Maynard that all takes a keen interest in the matter, committee on Health and the En­ family. renounced his U.S citizetjshlp and treasury secretary. Donald T cutting said Meese. "will not be in­ India and Ethiopia are other The leader has been and remains according to the association, identify leave. Maynard extended that charges that forced him to leave the has made public its well-informed es­ vironment to play a direct role in It will include, he said, "proof ... stayed in Costa Rica until a change in Regan Let s fare it. said Regan. flationary if It's done as part-of a customers of some significance The the United States with current sales themselves as affiliates of the Moral deadline, but has refused to say for United States — including allegations timate of the Kremlin's trafficking in debate over the Clean Air Act that I am a person prominently in­ government forced him to leave inflation is the No 1 problem facing comprehensive package, and that s Soviets' success is attributed in part to all customers, including its own Majoritv how long. that he plundered his mutual fund of weapons during the last complete Moffett Monday said he would take volved in the Watergate affair" and He has been living with his family the nation today what we intend to do ' to a "Willingness to supply expensive clients in Third World, running at a position on the House health sub- Vesco told the minister he meets $240,000 and gave former President in a rented house on Providence year and concludes that it is thriving A spokesman for that activist Richard Nixon an illegal contribution that the U.S. government and The president-elect has promised Meese. who compared a new ad­ advanced weapon systems on short some $13 billion a year. committee when Congress criteria for political asylum "under Island, outside Nassau, since 1978 Arms sales rebounded from a religious movement responds that — had been cleared up in various "politically powerful figures " have substantial tax cuts for both in­ ministration coming into govern­ notice ' Bud newH about liuokH ... reconvenes next month, and said he Robert Ve§ro the accepted doctrines of inter­ five-year low ' the agency informs in dividuals and businesses, believing ment with "putting a new manage­ The report is limited to arms deals The 1980 election may be turning while there is no organized effort un­ was ready for a "tough battle'' over language echoing a private cor­ that the greater productivity ment team into a failing cor­ with non-Communist developing out to be one of the books in more der way to police collections, the the federal Clean Air Act He said it porations cheery year-end report to resulting from them will more than poration, said the Reagan team will countries The Soviets' dealings with ways than history's eventual evalua­ local initiatives ought to please was no secret President-elect Its stockholders their own allies are not included tion of Its significance. rather than alarm librarians. Reagan and his advisers "would like Soviets leading to rip the act apart" and the law will be under "heavy attack in the up­ Washington Merry-Go-Round coming Congress " "Even in the past, with more in arms costs Democrats in office, we had tremen­ for its relatively small standing dous problems working against those WASHINGTON (UPI) - Tlie army of just over 50,000, an invest­ Bare Tieri crime family role in NY-NJ toxic waste dumping lobbyists intent on weakening clean Soviet Union far surpasses other ment that works out to $40,000 per air protection. It will be a tough countries in arms expenditures, out- man in that single'year. battle." he said in a statement By J V( K \M)ER>ON Tien family according to a con- ping operation A former owner ol The official who conceived the idea spending the United States by nearly "There is every indication that was Frank Vispisiano, who " is iloinework released from Washington. .A.SHINtiTtiN — One of the most lidential memo prepared by the New termed the experiment a success and 50 percent, a government report over the next decade, the more ad­ reputed to be a hit man,' the docu­ Chemical Control estimated that the The General Services Administra­ Moffett will retain his chair­ now preparing a report that will says. vanced countries of the Third World violent crime lainilies in the country Jersey Division of Criminal Justice ment states Vispisiano's name mobster-backed company probably tion appears to be toying with the manship of the House energy and en­ JM tim ^H ours suggest it be repeated. Sources say In its annual year-end report. will seek to enlarge their defense in­ had a major role m the illegal dum­ Ironically one ol the organized “was endorsed on three Chemical made about $7 million in profits by idea of making the federal vironment investigatory subcom­ ping ol poisonous wa.stes that ("ould they are hoping to expand the "World Military Expenditures,” the dustries,” the report said. crime figures linked to the illegal ("ontrol Corp checks and cashed at dumping the dangerous chemicals in­ bureaui'racy a cottage industry. mittee and drop his position on the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament have endangered the health ol technique, having perhaps an entire Brazil and Israel were cited as the We will close at 3 pm dumping was the owner of a the fish market owned by Joseph stead of destroying them as required GSA recently conducted an experi­ Commerce investigations panel Agency reports the total expen­ GSA unit work at home for as long as two most energetic arms exporters 3 millions ol .New Jersey and New wholesale tish company in the Fulton Lapi,' the memo alleged. by law ment to see if employees could do ditures by the world for arm s of the Third World, The report said N ork City residents a year. Wednesday so that our statf Fish Market on the 1/OWer East Side The two other top men in the case Do-it-yuurHelf IriltuteK their government jobs properly in reached $480 billion in 1978. the most during the past 10 years, the Third When slate health oflicials raided ol Manhattan — well within the area One hitch the official see, though, with Lapi are listed by the New Jimmy Carter is making sure that their own homes. An agency engineer Draft foes recent period that can be studied World's arms industry mushroomed members can spend the the dump site on a peninsula in the endangered by the illicit dump across is that the Internal Revenue Service Jersey investigators as Reter his top-level appointees gel job spent two months working at home with any accuracy. from $1 billion a year to the current industrial area ol may not approve the employees' use Adjusting for inflation, the figure holiday eve with their families, the Hudson River in Jersey He is I,aplaca and .Nicholas Rattenni All recommendations that couldn't be and was rated for his performance, set campaign $5 billion. Elizabeth N .1 / Joseph Lapi described by lawmen as of their homes as a tax-deductible of­ means about a 2 per cent increase in Africa’s arms imports bill, from three are "Caporeginas " in the Tien better if they wrote them themselves motivation and productivity. only a lew miles fice. arms expenditures from the previous all sources, grew 21-fold in the past an elder statesman ol the Tien family, according to the memo. — which is exactly what they are BOSTON (UPI) — Opponents of Irorn .Manhattan year. By comparison, world spending nine years. crime lai.iily The document gives brief rundown Quotes military draft registration are and Staten Island doing. for health increased 7 percent and According to the per capita 0 Lapi has been seen often at on the Tieri family. Formerly known calling for a campaign of civil dis­ education 3.3 percent, the report figures, the world's biggest propor­ — they discovered Chemical Control Corporation, " the as the Vito Genovese crime family, In a private memo to department obedience and lelterwriling to said. tionate spenders for arms were nearly 50,000 now bankrupt firm that owned the stymie — and eventually halt — Hcrit^e Savings its acting head is identified as Philip and agency heads. White House Chief All told, the world spends about 5.4 Oman and Yemen, with each spen­ barrels of toxic dump site, according to the official "There is laziness, too much Western suriely and its values. peacetime registration. &ljtan. kvr>t ■iation ■ Sim v IS^I Lombardo of Staff Jack Watson told the out­ per cent of its gross product on arms, ding about 47 per cent of its gross materials affluence ... you are making too "Mother always said, 'Don't think The Boston Alliance Against memo, which explained " Lapi sup­ The Tieri family has a strength ol going brasshats how to do it. The according to the report. national product on weapons. Close solvents and explosives many concessions (to the Soviets) you’re going to get happiness from a Registration and the Draft told a M om OKice: 1007 Mam Slieel. Moncheslei 649-4586 posedly loaned money to Chemical about 650 members and "is heavily tributes should accompany their for­ The Soviet Union was far and away behind came Syria with 36 per cent, K-Morl Ottice: Spencer Street. Monenester 649 3007 and one day it will be too late.” man. You've got to get it yourself.'" Statehouse news conference Monday “Health officials reported that Control and made frequent trips to involved in the carting industry mal letters of resignation. the largest single spender on Taiwan with 34 percent, Israel with Coventry Otilce Route 31 742 7321 — Margot Kidder, actress. it has scheduled a week of protests Tolland Otilce* Route 195. Vi mile south ot 1-86. fxit 99 872 7387 enough poisons and pesticides had the site to pick up the money for through its control of unions as well "Attached to each resignation — Lerh Walesa, independent weapons, the report said, paying out 33 percent, and Argentina with 30 been noted on the premises to Polish labor leader, erlticizing (BHO) beginning Saturday to coincide with the equivalent of $153 billion in 1978, South Windsor Ottice. 29 Oakland Road 644 2484 organized crime. " as loan sharking, " the investigators letter. " Watson advised bigwigs, percent. Moneymarkel In Food Mart; West Middle Turnpike in the Manchester Poikooe the federal government’s registra­ or nearly 50 per cent more than the provide a minimum lethal dose to all According to the memo, Lapi was report A federal organized crime "should be a draft Presidential letter The United States spent about 5 per Moneymorkel m Highland Pork Market Highland Street M anchesie' tion next week of men born In 1962. United States did that year. of Staten Island and lower Manhattan often seen talking at the dump site expert told my associate Tony cent of its total gross national of appreciation to the appointee, Members of the group said they The Soviet Union also moved ahead in the event of a fire,'' declared an in­ with John Albert, an owner ol Capaccio that the Tieri family "is which accepts the resignation and also were encouraging a letter- product on arms. ternal report of the U S Bureau of fllaurhriitn* Euruiiui Hrrali> of the United States in terms of Chemical Control who has been in­ particularly active in contract briefly cites the appointee’s major writing campaign to remind selliiig arms to other countries, Judge is upheld Alcohol. Tobacco and Firearms President-elect Ronald Reagan of dicted in two states on charges of il­ killings." accomplishments and con- Manchester — A City ot Village Charm mainly to the Third World. The And. in fact, a fire of suspicious campaign statements opposing a CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) - The legal dumping. Albert is one of 15 Although the dump was destroyec tributions," United States followed closely New Hampshire Supreme Court has origin destroyed the dump earlier Founded Oct. 1, 1081 peacetime draft. " soldiers ’ of the Tieri crime family in a fire last April, it left a potential behind, and the two superpowers, ruled that a .Superior Court judge this year But by that time officials who IS listed in the memo as being in' ly lethal legacy. Unknown quantities Once approved by the president, he "Letters should be written now to with total arms sales of about $13 Published by the Manchester,Publishing Co., Herald Square, acted properly when he declared a had removed much ol the dangerous volved with Chemical Control. He is of toxic chemicals have seeped into will sign the self-serving encomiums President-elect Reagan insisting that billion, dominated the world of Manchester, Conn. 06040/Telephone (203) 643-2711. he end registration since he claimed mistrial in the case of six Seabrook waste material and a major disaster identified specifically as the one the ground and into an adjacent and return them to their authors, weapons productions and exports. anti-nuclear demonstrators. M«mb*r. Audit Bureau 0*-Circulation Mambar, Unitad PraM inlarnatlonai to be against it during the election Not counting pre-revolutionary was prevented though schools in the "who is reported to have brought stream called the Arthur Kill, which who can then have them framed for The justices said the campaign,’’ said Sally Fox, Iran, the world’s leading buyer of area had to be closed organized crime in to take over leads into the Hudson River their recroom walls or make copies Stavan Harry. Exaculiva Editor demonstrators could be retried Cuatomar Sarvica 047-9946 Frank A. Burbank. Managing Editor spokeswoman lor Parents Against foreign arms was Libya, purchasing "The crime family principally in­ for distribution to prospective without violating their constitutional f'hemical Control." Meanwhile, of course, the Mob has Raymond F. Robinaon. Editor-Pi. ’ tiahar Harold E. Turkington, Editor Emarlluc the Draft nearly $2 billion of weapons in 1978 volved in this case is the i Frank i Another of the alleged "soldiers" made its money out of the illicit dum­ employers. protection against double jeopardy. 10 - EVENING HERALD, Tues., Dec. 3D. IWO EVENING HERALD, Tues., Dec 30, 1980 - 1 1

Mike Rogers Major bowl Dallas, Rams ToumTol A Bolton woman commented the In the “all in the line of duty day when the temperature In some glad to be back at work Monday, Police Station. It's the first living named week's grid games dominated Alb tree the police have had. How come Remember this: a squirrel June other day that Mondays should be department" Blast Hartford Per­ of the offices dipp^ to S3 degrees. Park Director Fred Balet said, top plavier on New Year's the police have it this year? NFC eleven 11 found its way into a 23,000-voit included in the weekend.' Replied sonnel Director G. William Miller “Well, for sure it's nice to be where Because they arrested the man who Page 13 Page 14 Page 12 underground electrical system at her friend, “Then people would just said Monday he felt he was coming The East Hartford Town Hall it's warm.” 6ports chopped it down on private proper­ Manchester Memorial Hospital hate Tuesdays." Yes, said the down with a cold because of staying employees got an unexpected day causing a three-phase electrical woman, but the relaxation of a Sun­ at work on Friday when the Town off Friday when the heating system ty. It was either use It at the station failure which left about 468 Hart­ day wouldn't be marred anymore Hall heating system broke down. jn the building broke down and the Everyone has enjoyed the or cart it to the dump because the beautiful live Christmas tree that ford Electric Light Co. customers by knowing you had to get to work Miller was one of the few brave offices had temperatures of about man who cut it down couldn’t have without power. the next day. ______ones who stayed until4:30 p.m. that 40 degrees. Asked whether he was stands in the lobby of the Vernon it. UConii gains Classic finals Obituaries. By LEN AUSTER to move into tonight's championship was big. We go up by 4 (into the went.” noted Perno. Cadets, 36-19, limiting them to one minutes until 3:31 remained. lockerroom) with a pretty good “It was like we had tunnel vision," shot especially after intermission. Daniel Bursack William Westbrook ^ lleriild SpurlKwriler clash against UConn at 9 o'clock. St. UConn, 5-0, was 34-for-54 from the Kos8 Philip Bernabeo Clarence W. Taft Louis and Army meet in the 7 o'clock feeling,” Perno commented. Army Coach Pete Gaudet recalled Freshman Vern Giscombe, in his MANCHESTER - Daniel Bur- EAST HARTFORD - William Manchester field while Army, relying on outside TOLLA.ND — Clarence W. Taft, One pre-tournament notion by consolation. With a 1-2-1-1 fullcourt zone trap, the opening minutes of the second best outing in a Hlisky uniform, HARTFORD - Ross Philip Ber- sack, 80, of 98 Dale Rd., died Monday Carter Westbrook, of 50 Knollwood jumpers, was 23-for-56. 92, of New York City, formerly of UConn Coach Dom Perno was the “I think our pressure defense the Huskies rattled the West Pointers half, “Three guys would be open and netted 12 points in 19 minutes. He nabeo, of Wethersfield, died suddenly at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Road, Blast Hartford, retired chair­ desire to stimulate the offense with Friday at St. Francis Hospital and Tolland, died Sunday in Rockville resulted in us opening up the game," early in the second half. It was still one guy wouldn't and we'd go to him. was 5-for-6 from the field with 3 1 Conn (HI) — Thompson 8 2-2 18. He was bom in Russia and iived in man of the board of Noble and West­ defense. By the result of the opening We became tentative the second half. Medical Center He was the husband General Hospital after a short il­ cited Perno. “We knew we had to 37-33 with 16:37 to go before Connec­ assists. McKay 5 0-0 10, Aleksinas 5 3-4 13, Hartford for many years before brook Manufacturing Co., died Mon­ round of the Connecticut Mutual ticut, stimulated by its press, ran off And (point guard Paul) Mongan not "Vern Giscombe is a fine basket­ of Adlene (Ferlaze) Bernabeo lness. moving to Manchester. .play a fullcourt game. We wanted to Hobbs 1 2-2 4. Dulin 2 2-2 6, Giscombe day evening at the age of 85. Basketball Classic, the strategy 12 unanswered points. Afterwards it playing well hurt us. ball player and opened it up for us." Mr Bernabeo was a long-time resi­ Mr. Taft was bom in Tolland and He was the retired owner of the pressure them on a good hoop and go 5 2-2 12. Bailey 3 0-0 6, Miller 3 0-0 6, He was bom in Hartford, on April worked very nicely. was mostly downhill for frustrated "We haven't played well against Perno stated, "He's an explosive Kuezenski 0 0-1 0, Johnson 1 0-0 2. dent of West Hartford before moving had lived most of his life in New York former Bursack's Supermarket in Rules to be set back to man to man." 12.1895. He lived in East Hartford for Going fullcourt pressure the start and tired Army, which slipped to 4-4 fullcourt pressure. We knew it would player. We needed a spark and he to Wethersfield a year ago. City. Before his retirement he had Manchester and a founding member The Huskies had a slender 33-29 Sullivan 0 1-2 1, Wiood 01-3 1. Benson 1 68 years. He attended East Hartford of the second half the Huskies broke come but we thought we could handle gave it to us. " Giscombe and Norm 0-0 2. Totals 34 13-20 81. Before his retirement, he was with served as an officer in the Merchant of Temple Beth Sholom. halftime edge, thanks to a Karl with the loss. High School, and Hillyer College and open a close affair and overwhelmed it. Once we didn't handle it...,” he Bailey each gave UConn a lift off the the Hartford Department of Parks Marines for many years. ■ Mr. Bursack is survived by his wife Hobbs steal and subsequent UConn's lead grew to as many as 27 \rm> (6(1) — Spencer 3 3-3 9, He leaves two sisters, Mrs. worked for Pratt & Whitney Tool in Siebod probe weary Army, 81-60, last night at the breakaway layup with six seconds points, 69-42, with 4:25 remaining. added. bench, each with 6 first-half points. Brown 7 2-2 16. Waters 0 0-0 0. and Recreation He planned and Sophie Spector Bursack; a son. Jack Co., and Connecticut Trust Co. before Hartford Civic Center before a crowd "The second half we played really Corny Thompson had 18 points and Coyne and Bob Brown netted 20 and directed the Elizabeth Park Rose Mildred Donze and Mrs. Isabelle L. Bursack of West Hartford; three left as he picked the Cadets' Marty Mongan 1 0-0 2. Coyne 7 6-6 20, Schlitt Elliott, both of Vernon. serving in the U S. Medical Corps with gave Siebold gratuities for his ser­ of 12,544. Coyne's pocket. Army was holding well and the pressure was what did 12 rebounds and Chuck Aleksinas 13 16 tallies respectively for Army. 3 0-0 6, Dougherty 2 3-3 7, Gillespie 0 Gardens daughters. Mrs. Beatrice Synder of the American Expeditionary Force MANCHESTER - The town Western Kentucky tripped St. Funeral services will be vices throughout the years. for the last shot. it. We had more intensity. We had a markers and 10 caroms to pace the Brown had 12 first-half markers and 0-0 0. Popovich 0 0-0 0 Totals 23 14-14 Besides his wife, he leaves two Manchester, Mrs. Norma ^ la n t of in France during World War I. Ethics Commission will convene Jan. Wednesday at 11 a m. from the Ethics Commission regulations Louis in the evening's opener', "Hobbs' basket just before the half fivp-nnint lead, revved it up and Huskies. UConn outrebounded the was held scoreless in the closing 20 60. sons. Fredric R Bernabeo of Tolland Bloomfield and Mrs. Ruth Sachs of He joined Noble and Westbrook in 22 to establish procedures for its in­ Fitzgerald Funeral Home, 225 Main state that “no town official or town and David P Bernabeo of West Hart­ Islip, Long Island: and ten 1919 and retired in 1964 after 45 years vestigation into Recreation Director St . Manchester. Burial will be in employee shall accept any benefit or ford. two daughters. Mrs James R grandchildren of managing the financial affairs of Mel Siebold's dealings with a Califor­ MacHardy and Mrs John F Gilson, Riverside Cemetery, Windsor There income, in addition to that received Funeral services will be at 3 p m. the business, in partnership with his nia tour group. both of West Hartford, two brothers. are no calling hours in his official capacity, for having in the chapel of the Weinstein Mor­ brother. G. Edgar Westbrook, of The meeting, the first since eight Larry J Bernabeo of East Hartford, months ago when the commission exei'cised his official powers or per­ 3 tuary, 640 Farmington Ave., Hart­ .South Windsor, and Howard B. No­ and Emil J Bernabeo of' Helen B. (Pearson) Chare formed his official duties." ford. Burial will be in the Farband ble. of East Hartford ruled on Realtors serving on the Pitt after No.l rating WORCESTER. Mass. - Helen B Wethersfield, a sister. Ms Robert Labor Zionist Order Cemetery Board of Directors voting on land The commission will also review (Pearson) Chace, 89, of 36 Wayne St.. He served from 1950 to 1970 on the an opinion it issued at its last Usher of Tolland, and seven Memorial week will be observed at Blast Hartford Advisory Board of sales, will begin the investigation JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (UPI) - Trocano, who switched back to Worcester, Mass , died Monday at the meeting — the commission convenes grandchildren his home and memorial donations Hartford National Bank and for 15 requested by General Manager Jackie Sherrill accepts the fact that quarterback early in the season when Funeral services were today from F'airlawn Hospital in Worcester by case — on a conflict of interest can be made to Temple Beth Sholom. years on the Finance Board of the Robert Weiss. third-ranked Pitt still needs a lot of Dan Marino was injured. Taylor &. Modeen h'uneral Home. 136 She was born in Worcester, concerning Buckland School. Town of East Hartford. He was a Weiss asked the Ethics Commis­ help to win its second national cham­ Trocano ran and passed for 196 S Mam St.. West Hartford, with a daughter of the late Charles J Pear­ sion to look into the four-month long The commission ruled that Bar­ pionship in five years, but the yards and two touchdowns and was son and Mary (Rogers) Pearson charter member of the American bara Weinberg, a real estate agent, Mass of Christian burial from St Helen H. Hamilton controversy concerning the tour Panthers' coach feels his team voted the winner’s most valuable Thomas the Apostle Church. West She IS the widow of Howard P. Legion in East Hartford, a 67-year had no conflict of interest when 0 group, after the Advisory Park and MANCHESTER - Funeral ser­ member of the Congregational deserves that honor. performer. Hartford The burial was in Fairview Chace, who died in 1975 Recreation Commission requested a voting on selling Buckland School, vices will be Wednesday at 11 a m. at Church, and a long-term member of “We’re the only team left among Trocano. a fifth year player who Cemeterv. West Hartford Survivors include a son. Howard joint meeting with the Board of but Deputy Mayor Stephen Cassano the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main East Hartford Rotary Club, those that were considered to be con­ was a freshman at Pitt when the Chace Jr., of Middletown, Conn., two Directors. who is associated with the firm in­ tenders at the start of the season," Panthers won the title in 1976, scored St., for Helen H Hamilton who died He has also been a member of the daughters. Mrs Dorothy Cooper, of The advisory commission began in­ volved in the sale was correct in the game’s first touchdown on a 1- Monday at a Norwich Hospital Manchester Country Club, U S, Sherrill said after Pitt crushed 18th- Mary W . Hurley Worcester, and Mrs Nancy Lewis, of quiring into Siebold's allowing the abstaining from votes, that James Burial will be in East Cemetery. Power .Squadron, the Hartford Yacht ranked South Carolina 37-9 Monday yard sneak with only 4:03 gone in the Gilford. N H , 12 grandchildren and tour group, owned by William Brown, McCavanagh, who worked for the F AST HARTFORD - Mrs Mary There are no calling hours. Club, and the G reater Hartford night in the Gator Bowl. "We're the first quarter: set up a third quarter 15 great-grandchildren his longtirhe friend, to use the C!om- real estate firm involved but was not (WinnI Hurley. 68. of 1611 Main St . YMCA only ones left who were in the top touchdown with his running and Services will be Friday at 1 p.m at munity “Y " Siebold said the group involved in the actual negotiations, died Monday at St Francis Hospital He leaves his wife Lillian, sons. five." passing and was on the throwing end and Medical Center She was the the Aldergate Methodist Church, in Loretta B. Hauptman paid every year, and later said 1980 should decide himself whether his To reach number one, Pitt must of Pitt's final touchdown, a 42-yard Worcester Memorial contributions Crawford, and Wayne, and sister widow of Daniel D Hurley AFRNON — Loretta (Burns) was the first payment. voting created the appearance of a climb over top-ranked Georgia and screen pass to senior fullback Randy may be made to the Aldergate Mrs. Alice Mulford. and sister-in-law .Mrs Hurley was born in Boston. Hauptman. 82. formerly of Loveland An affadivit from Brown said he conflict of interest. second-ranked Florida State when McMillan, who also scored on a 3- Methodist Church, 1048 Main St.. Mrs Ella Westbrook. .Mass and had lived in East Hartford Hill, died Sunday in a Manchester the final vote is taken Friday. yard run, both in the third period. Worcester ■Services will be at Newkirk and most of her life She was a communi­ convalescent home. She was the Whitney at 318 Burnside Ave . East That isn't as far fetched as it The Panthers led 34-3 late in the cant of St .Mary's Church of East widow of Albert J Hauptman. Hartford, at 2:30 p.m on Dec. 3t sounds since Georgia is an underdog third period and Sherrill let the Hartford and a member of its Ladies Herherl L. JarohK Mrs. Hauptman was born in Ver- Shakeup^ coming to eighth-ranked Notre Dame on New reserves mop up after that. There will be no calling hours. Burial Guild and Rosary Society FAST HARTFORD - Herbert nkn and had lived in the Vernon area will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Hart­ Year’s Day and Florida State is an South Carolina's only points came underdog to fourth-ranked Oklahoma on a field goal midway through the She leaves two sons. Daniel T Lawrence Jacobs. 66. of 390 Long Hill most of her life She was a communi­ ford Memorial contributions may be, in the Orange Bowl on New Year’s second quarter and a 14-yard Hurley of South Windsor and Dennis *St . died Monday at his home He was cant of St Bernard's Church made to the First,Congregational P Hurley of Enfield, three the husband of Eleanor (Verchot) She leaves a son, Clifford T. Brier- at college office night. touchdown pass with 3:26 left in the Church. East Hartford. ly of Vernon, two daughters, Mrs. F "There are still some games to be game. daughters. Mrs .Mary Rieger of .New Jacobs By I,Al RE.N DAVIS SHEA ruled there was no evidence of dis­ York City. Mrs Beatrice Kocum of He was born in Brooklyn. N Y and W. (Marguerite) Allen of Vernon and crimination and handed the matter to played. But I feel we deserve to be High scorer in the game was Pitt In Memoriam llenilil Reporler kicker Dave Trout, who had three Broad Brook' and Mrs Elizabeth had been a resident of East Hartford Mrs. Bill (Helen) Staggs of Vincent. right up in there,” said Sherrill. “If M ANCHESTER — Shakeups are in things fall into place, we deserve to field goals — from 36, 26 and 29 yards Gogli of Manchester. 13 'for many years. Until his retirement L o n g v iew , W ash, s e v e r a l In Aad iind loving memory ol Waller Hennequin, Plese said today Vincent is who passed away I)e<’ember 30th 1973 store for the admissions office of be number one." out — and four extra points. grandchildren, and a great- in 1978 he was employed at Pratt & grandchildren and two-great- awaiting a response from Dr. Searles grandson Manchester Community College, Pittsburgh certainly looked like a South Carolina, a nine-point under­ Whitney Aircraft Group of East grandchildren Kverv day m some small way. Charles, executive director of the Memories ol you come our way partly as a response to an employee's number one team Monday night. The Funeral services will be Hartford He was an Army veteran of Funeral services will be board, regarding a letter he sent out­ dog, had hoped that Pitt's preocc- Wednesday at 8 15 a m from World War II Wednesday at 9:15 a m from the Time and years roll swiftly by. complaint of alleged sex and age dis­ Panthers dominated the Gator Bowl cupation with winning the national Uui love and memories never die crimination. lining what he intends to do about the Callahan Funeral Home. 1602 Main Besides his wife he leaves a son. Ladd Funeral Home. 19 Ellington m atter. Vincent declined to be game from the opening period when championshfp might force the Crushing experience St with a mass of Christian burial at Ave . Rockville with a mass of Chris­ Sadly misled by hu Wife, College President William Vincent they took a fumble from Heisman Panthers to overlook their Gator Robert L Jacobs of East Hartford; a daughters son and grandchilren specific about the contents of the will "re-examine the clear role of Gliding hoopster trophy winner George Rogers, built a Bowl foe. 9 a m at St Mary s Church -Burial daughter. Mrs Carol A Coppinger of tian burial at 10 a m. at St. Bernard's letter Pittsburg fullback Randy McMillan drives South Carolina two administrators in order to main­ 17-3 lead in the second quarter and will be in St Mary s Cemetery. East Tolland, a stepson. Jack E. Costello Church Burial will be in St Ber­ However, he did say that roles defensive back on his heels in romp through line in last night's tain the effective growth of that of­ Mike McKay of UConn glides toward basket over outstretched blew the contest wide open with a Hartford of East Hartford; two sisters, Mrs nard's Cemetery There are no Editor dies must be re-examined "t^ a u se of the Syracuse ISo. 1 Gator Bowl game in Jacksonville. Pitt was impressive in 37-9 Friends may call the the funeral Mary Benson and .Mrs Catherine calling hours fice." arms of Army defender Tony Waters to score in last night’s 17-point outburst in the third. home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m In Vincent's statement, released changing role of the admissions of­ Connecticut Mutual Classic at Hartford. UConn prevailed by 81- Rogers, the nation’s rushing leader ROCHESTER, N Y. (UPI) - romp. (UPI photo) Skeliy, both of St Petersburg, Fla., a ROCHESTER, N Y. (UPI) - Memorial contributions may be today by spokesman Charles Plese, fice. It has been expanding under the this past fall, gained 113 yards, but it Syracuse has retained first place in half sister, Mrs. Marion Flynn of Burdella (iaudette Stuart Dunham, editorial chairman new leadership (Paterna) by being 60 count. (UPI photo) made to the Coronary Care Unit at Unionville and two grandchildren he referred to Andrew Paterna and took him 27 carries to gain that much the latest Widmer Cup eastern MANCHFSTFH - Burdella of the Gannett Rochester more aggressive in outreach, placing St Francis Hospital and Medical FuneraL services will be Shirley Belluardo. Mrs. Belluardo and he had three fumbles, two of college basketball poll. Gaudetle, 86. of 247C N Main St., Newspapers, has died at his subur­ greater emphasis on public relations, Center 114 Woodland St . Hartford in Wednesday at 1 p m. from the workeid as an assistant in the ad­ them recovered by the Panthers. The Orangemen, 5-1. received 16 Glastonbury wins died early today at a Manchester con­ ban Pittsford home of an apparent increasing both minority and general care of Sister Frances Mane Newkirk & Whitney Funeral Home. missions office for six years, and was DePaul hack atop "I feel banged up," said Rogers. first-place votes and a total of 178 valescent home heart attack He was 60 enrollment." 318 Burnside Ave , East Hartford passed over when the directorship of “This was my worst game since I’ve points. It was their second week in Mrs Gaudette was born in Jennie (Burrilu) Koniano Friends may call at the funeral home He died in his sleep at about 5.30 the office opened. Paterna, the been at Carolina. I wanted to go out the top spot. Villanova, 6-1, received Greenwood. Maine on March 2, 1894 Plese said since Paterna took over SOI TH W INDSOR - Jennie Wednesday from noon until the time p m Monday, said his wife, former director of student activities, better than I did " one first-place vote and 157 points to She was self-employed before her the post in April, the staff in the of­ college hoop pack Barrila i Romano. 85. formerly of 27 of the service Burial will be in the Maureen. was selected as director. The offensive hero of the Gator retain second place, and Connecticut, in overtime contest retir nent. fice hasn't changed but their function South Road. Somers, died Monday at Veterans section of Hillside Dunham rose from an unpaid, in­ Mrs. Belluardo's current job NEW YORK (UPI) - DePaul Tennessee, No 19 Brigham Young Bowl was a man who was playing 4-0. with two first-place votes and 15() Her only survivor is a close friend, has increased "drastically." Plese made only one of two from the foul South Windsor convalescent home Cemetery, East Hartford Memorial experienced reporter at the classification is "admissions coach Ray Meyer now has something and No. 20 Utah. safely at the start of the season, Rick Doints, remained in third. By MARTIN DICKAl Mrs. Susan MacAuley of attributed that to Paterna. "He is line Lewis and DeGemmis with their She was born in Messina, Italy, ^nd contributions may be made to the Binghamton Press in 1943, to become assistant. " which is not an ad- else to worry about His team is No 1 The Atlantic Coast Conference Corri‘s|>oml«‘iit young, ambitious, has an awful lot of free throws knotted it al 72-all had formerly lived in West Suffield 40 Wethersfield editor at the Rochester Times-Union mistrative slot, despite Vincent's again placed four teams — Virginia, North Heart Association. 310 Collins St , drive. In combination with his sense With six seconds remaining in It s funny. " Glastonbury Coach years, moving to Somers 30 years Hartford Graveside funeral services will be when it won a Pulitzer prize for Its statement which names her as one of UPl s board of coaches, after three Carolina. Wake Forest and Maryland of self-confidence, these are the College basketball roundup regulation and Glastonbury High Gary LaRoeque remarked. "The ball ago Wednesday at 1:30 p m The Holmes coverage of the Attica prison up­ two administrators. weeks of vottng Kentucky ahead of — among the Top 10 while the Big areas into which he has moved the of­ down by four points to Windsor High IS going up but you don't know if it's She was a part owner of Shady Funeral Home, 400 Main St., has rising in 1971. Plese declined to comment as to DePaul for the No. 1 ranking in TenJjad four teams in the second 10 TIiuiiium P. B eakey fice, although he was not directed to in the consolation of the llnited Bank- going in. and there's nothing you can Lake in Somers charge of arrangements. There are From Binghamton. Dunham what that apparent discrepancy college basketball. Monday agreed — Michigan. Indiana. Iowa and FAS I HARTFORD-Thomas F do so in any but the most general Trinity Invitational Basketball Tour­ do " She is survived by three sons. no calling hours Buriaj will be in moved to Camden, N.T. Where he means regarding the "re- that the undefeated Blue Demons Illinois. Beakey of 541 Forbes St . retired cap­ F^ast Cemetery sense" nament. Tomahawk senior Scott The Tomahawks were 25-for-35 Arthur and Joseph Romano, both of was editor of the Courier Post from examination of roles." were the nation's best team. Arkansas, ranked 20th last week, tain of the East Hartford Police Texas" t A&M learned Lewis pumped in two foul shots and from the foul line as Windsor was West Suffield, and Francis Romano 1965 to 1967. He was then editor of the Mrs. Belluardo ,55. had complained Vincent’s review of the opportunity Meyer, whose aversion to the top fell out of the ratings while Illinois Department, died Monday at St four seconiis later Tom DeGemmis overly aggressive and was whistled of Enfield, three daughters. Mrs A1 Mrn. .Margaret Vl'iUon Hartford (Conn.) Times from 1967 to to several agencies, after she was council's response to M luardo's ranking is well known, reacted with returned after a one week absence. F’rancis Hospital and Medical followed with two more charity constantly (Cecelia) Cooper of Carson City. 1971 complaint found him in complete typical pessimism Center He was the husband of Jean MANCHESTER -M argaret denied the director pos(, claiming the NEW YORK (UPI) - The United all about ^anteater' tosses to send It into overtime where If that kid hadn't gotten the foul Nev . Mrs Robert (Gracei Dunham next was executive editor agreement that there was no dis­ "I don't feel there is a real outstan­ (Sheekey) Wilson, 85, of 107 Summer decision was bused oh age and sex P ress International Board of the Tomahawks emerged with an 83- ion DeGemmis) we wouldn't have McCulloch of Somers and Mrs Paul (Thuotte) Beakey. of the Democrat & Chronicle and crimination. However, her complaint ding team, one which dominates NEW YORK (UPI) - In a zoology Tennessee defeated Duke 90-69 in the He was born in County Clare, St., died early this morning in discrimination. Coaches Top 20 college basketball 76 victory. won,’ LaRoeque cited (Jean) Fleck of Simsbury; two Times-Union newspapers, a post he Recently, the Equal Opportunity has served to bring the role of the ad­ everybody else, " Meyer said Mon­ lesson it would not care to repeat, Sugar Bowl; No. 20 Utah defeated Ireland and had lived in East Hart­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. She ratings (first-place votes and records It was Glastonbury s first win after Glastonbury’s next outing is a brothers, Charles Barrila of Bristol held until 1977. when he was named Council of the Board of Trustees for missions office to the public's atten­ day "Last year we beat UCLA in in parentheses): Texas A&M learned something of the Northwestern 73-63 in the Far West. ford for the past 50 years He was ap­ was the widow of Samuel J Wilson. four losses Windsor is winless m home dash Saturday night against and F'rank Barrila of Old Lyme, 27 editorial chairman of both dailies. Regional Community Colleges had tion. Pauley Pavillion and then lost to “anteater " Monday night. At San Diego, Mark Aguirre had 24 pointed a supernumerary on Feb 9, Mrs Wilson was born in 1. DePaul (36) (9-0) 568 four outings non-conference foe Penney High with grandchildren, and 23 great­ Manchester Mar 16. 1895, the them in the NCAAs. There won’t ever 2. Oregon St. (1) (6-0) 479 Cal-Irvine, named for the long­ points to carry undefeated DePaul to 1931 and was promoted to regular its 10th straight victory. The Blue Glastonbury broke the contest open varsity action 8 o’clock grandchildren daughter of the late James and be anything like UCLA was in the 3. Kentucky (1) (6-1) 420 snouted mammal, picked apart 12th- in the extra period as Mike Stowell patrolman on July 11. 1941 He was ranked A&M 91-74 in the opening Demons made just three field goals trLe-utnlMirv 1831 — Barlow 1 5-7 7, Funeral services will be Charlotte (Pentland) Sheekey She Woman charged past. In the last four years, no team 4 Virginia (6-0) 405 put in a basket and free throw to give Wednesday at 8 15 a m . from promoted to detective sergeant on has returned to the Final Four ” game of the KOA Classic in Billings, in the final 12:28 but converted 15-of- Clinton 7 8-11 22, DeGemmis 3 2-3 8, was a life long resident 5. Notre Dame (6-1) 345 the Tomahawks the lead for good Patenaude 3 3-4 9. Stowell 13 5-8 31. Somers Funeral Home, 354 Main St , Dec 8. 1953. was made lieutenant in DePaul, which routed UCLA 93-77 Mont., sending the Aggies to their 16 free throws. the patrol division on Sept. 27, 1954 She was a member of the 6 North Carolina (8-1) 342 Mike Clinton, whose 22 points were Lewis 2 2-2 6. Proffitt 0 0-0 0. Estes 0 with a mass at 9 a m . at All Saints Manchester Senior Citizens. on two warrants ■Saturday and beat Georgetown 72-67 7. UCLA (6-1) 277. first loss of the year. At Portland, Ore , Mark Radford and was promoted to captain on and Ray Blume combined for 38 second high, added a hoop and lour 0-0 0 Totals 29 25-35 83 Church Burial will be in St She is survived by six daughters, Monday night to improve its record 8. Wake Forest (8-0) 213 Irvine, the nation’s highest scoring March 28. 1964. a rank he held until MANt.HESTER - utility pole, severing it at points to lead Oregon St. past pesky free throws to pul it out of reach WiioUiir (7(>) — Joseph 8 0-2 16, Patrick's King Street Cemetery Mrs. Harold (Dorothy) Hubbard. to 1(X), receiving 36 of 38 first-place 9 Maryland (7-1) 191 team in the country, shot 63 percent his retirement in 1971 Police Sunday afternoon the base. Police said per­ Oregon. Radford scored 20 points and Stowell. who had a game-high 31 Duharl 6 6-9 18, .Stalph 7 2-3 16. Calling hours are today from 7 to 9 Mrs. Charles (Florence) McDonald. votes for 568 points. Oregon State, 10. Arizona St. (7-1) 173 from the floor and gave away two to After his retirement, he was arrested 29-year-old Vic­ sons in a passing car points, netted 6 in the opening period Fullana 6 0-1 12. Hicks 0 0-0 0. Nar- pm Mrs. Francis (Margaret) Gardner, which climbed two spots into second 11. Louisiana St. (7-1) 172 three inches at virtually every posi­ Blume 18 for the Beavers, while employed by the state Department of toria Smith of Hartford and helped Orourke push the as Glastonbury took a 23-10 lead at cisse 2 0-3 4, Woodward 1 0-0 2. Den­ Memorial donations may be made Mrs. William (Helen) O’Connell, place, and Kentucky, which slipped 12. Texas A&M (7-0) 147 tion. Johnson added 13 and was named the Transportation He was a communi­ charged her with two felled pole from the roof of the turn. The Warriors narrowed it to nis 0 0-0 0. McGeachy 1 0-0 2. (.iooge 1 to Somers Fire Department Am­ Mrs Wilbert (Gladys) Garrison and two slots to third, each received one 13. Michigan (7-0) 146 "We were able to control the tem­ tourney's MVP for the second cant of St. Rose Church, East Hart­ counts of misrepresenting his American made car straight year. 35-30 at the half and gained the upper 0-1 2. Roche 1 0-0 2.' .Murphv 1012 bulance Fund Mrs Joseph (Edna) Bangasser, all of first-place mention. 14. Indiana (7-3) 124 po." said Bill Mulligan, the first-year ford. He was a fourth-degree herself to obtain controlled prior to his vacating the At , Al Wood scored 22 hand after three periods, 54-50 ' Totals 34 8-20 76 Manchester; 13 grandchildren. 12 Oregon State was 6-0 after vic­ 15. Iowa (6-1) 88 coach at Irvine. member of the Knights of Columbus, substances. scene. points, including 16 in the first half, Windsor had a chance to ice greatgrandchildren and two great- tories over Northwestern and Rhode 16 Illinois (7-1) 69 Kevin Magee, the top scorer in the JuliuH Singer a member of the Irish American Police said they arrested matters at the end of regulation but great grandchildren. Island, while Kentucky was- upset at 17. S. Alabama (7-1) 64 nation, responded with 34 points and to power North Carolina past defen­ Home Society of Glastonbury, a Ms. Smith on two warrants MANCHFSTFR — Singer, Private funeral services will be Horses may not be all that home by Notre Dame, 67-61. 18. Tennessee (7-1) 53 Randy Whieldon added 27 for the ding NCAA champion Louisville. The 65. of 17 Hilltop Drive, formerly of member of the Police Benevolent from the Blast Hartford intelligent, but we never Anteaters, 5-4. Vernon Smith, Rudy struggling Cardinals dropped their Association, a member of the Police Wednesday in the Holmes Funeral "I knew when Kentucky lost we 19. Brigham Young (8-2) 45 Colchester, died Monday in Planta­ Police Department after heard of one buying a man as probably would be up there but I’m Woods and Claude Riley each had 14 sixth game in seven starts. and Fire Association, a member of Home. 400 Mam St. Burial will be in a hobby. 20. Utah (8-1) 44 Catholic girl hoopsters tion, Fla, He was the husband of Mrs. an incident in a Main still not convinced we are the No. 1 Note: By agreement with the for the Aggies. At College Park, Md., Ernest the Interstate Police Association and East Cemetery. FOR OVER 50 YEARS Rachel (Smith) Singer Street pharmacy. Ms. team in the nation." Meyer said. National Association of Basketball The Aggies, 7-1, fell behind 25-24 Graham scored 29 points and Albert a lifetime member of the State There will bie no calling hours. Mr Singer was the owner of Singer Smith had illegally ob­ "It's just too early in the season. Coaches of the United States, teams with 6:35 left in the half and never King added 26 as Maryland shot 64 Police Association. lose fourth in row Appliances of Colchester. He was a tained tylenol and codeine, In our work as funeral direc­ Every lime we get up there the roof on probation by the NCAA are ineligi­ recovered. The Anteaters led 40-32 at percent from the field to blow by member of the Colchester Jewish Besides his wife he leaves a police said. eaves in." ble for Top 20 and national cham­ halftime and extended it to 82-64 with Marshall. Driver charged Dropping its fourth game in a row. Joan Williams had 20 points to pace Aid Congregation and the brother, James Beakey in County Ms. Smith was THMKSaVMG pionship consideration by the UPI 2:40 to go. At New Orleans, Lafayette Lever tors, each of us tries to deserve Rounding out the Top 10 are No. 4 East Catholic girls’ basketball team Farmington while Monica Murphy Democratic Zoning and Planning Clare, two sisters, Beakey of A FRNON - John H. Martin, 47, of transferred to Blast Hart­ Board of Coaches. The only team on By then it was time to close the had 19 points to pace five ASU Cambridge. Mass., and Mrs. Mary NOVENA TO ST. JUDE Virginia, No. 5 Notre Dame, No. 6 fell, 50-28, to Farmington High in had 9 points and 10 rebounds for Committee of Colchester 1069 Tolland St., East Hartford, was ford police after being the trust that has been placed In „ North Carolina, No. 7 UCLA, No. 8 probation for the 1980-81 season is the zoology boo|(s. starters in double figures and the Sun O'Reagan of County Clare, and may non-conference action last night at East. Besides his wife he leaves a step­ charged Monday night with reckless releas^ from Manchester • Ml H Ml. M l ai Mrtii. Wake B'orest, No. 9 Maryland and University of New Mexico. ' Elsewhere, No. 1 DePaul shaded Devils rebounded from a weekend daughter. Mrs Deborah Smolar of nieces and nephews in Ireland. driving in connection with the in­ on her written promise to i*1a M M li MmM Mr Mmm il us. It's our goal to serve with No. to Arizona State. Georgetown 72-67 in the Cabrillo loss to Tennessee. the Eagles' Nest. East look the jayvee contest. 42-22 Funeral services will be held vestigation of a two-car accident at lMiM.WiMMnMirild#ib- The win was the first of the Michelle Leavitt had 13 points for the Atlanta, Ga ; his mother, Mrs. appear Jan. 12 in nki far nMmu k iM il mA Notre Dame, 6-1, improved six Classic; No. 2 Oregon State thumped At Baton Rouge, La., Greg Cook Wednesday at 10:15 a.m. from the honesty and Integrity at all times. Lisa Rathgeber . season for the visitors after six young Eaglettes, now 4-3. Singer of Meriden, two brothers, the intersection of Route 83 and Manchester Superior Ti fa I hai ra s a feai In M i M notches following its victory over the Oregon 67-57 in the Far West Classic; fired in a career-high 2(3 points and hart ai hu i iMi M la reversals while the loss drops the Fariiiingloii (.51)1—Hawkes02-22. Benjamin Singer of Colchester and Callahan Funeral Horrie, 1602 Main Pitkin Street. Court. Wildcats while UCLA dropped four CHICAGO (UPI) - Lisa No. 6 North Carolina whipped Durand Macklin added i z as LSU St., East Hartford with a mass of a i val pMT ia M i m aiMaa. Eaglettes to 2-5 for the season. Mahannah 2 4-6 8, Shafer 3 3-4 9, Harry Singer of Hartford; a sister', Police said Martin was heading In a separate incident, Mf M h m a a i ai v p i piMa h spots after losing its first game of the Rathgeber has been named Rookie of Louisville 86-64 in the Holiday applied a fullcpurt press in its East’s next outing is Saturday Woods 6 0-00. Williams 9 2-6 20. Toteh Mrs. Sarah Ellsworth of Meriden. Christian burial at 11 a.m. at St. Rose south on Route 83 and ran into the Jeffrey K. Orourke, 20. of aMi I frail i ali pr a * M e ai season. Arizona .State, 7-1, lost to th e Year on the

■ Top-rated Georgia TV tonight 4 Schneider is original *fX. r. uncharacteristically setshia tights B:00 dd Monday Night At The Moviee its accompanying violence, drugs Newt on Ihe holly contested 'Teacher of Flamingo Road' I960 Stare: Kevin and unruly youngsters when he By VKRINOIN SCOTT the Year' award. C|) SUrtAyAfMl Hutch McCarthy, Barbara Rush. In a smell chooses a scholarship winner HOLLYWOOD (UPI) — Occasionally television II) Joker's WHd (tl AmerkanLlfealytea (Repeat) 'CACTUS IN THE SNOW (11) NCAA BaaketbeH Connecticut Florida city, membera of a wealthy provides the world with an original character who east as underdog (if) IntornaUonol WelghtHninB family find themselves in conflict 1972 Stars: Richard Thomas, Mutual Classic-Semifinal America's Cup. Part VI (110 kg with the local sheriff, whoae heavy- Lucille Benson A young soldier Is represents a contemporary American type with whom all (14) Movie *(Dreme)*** “ Oreeteel NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - It r \ WeighI Claat) handed influence le becked by hla legally a man but he aiill has some viewers can immediately identify. dO PorlrMooFomlty Story Ever Told" 1966 Max Von knowledge of dark aecreta. (2 growing up fo do. (Repeal) doesn't seem to make much sense for Sydow. Charlton Heston. Story of The Fonz is one — a cocky, likable young punk from the d# Bask Solsr Energy hra.) ni) Movie -(Comedy) ** Jesus' 33 years on earth from his the undefeated, top-ranked college d7) Studio See 9:30 “ Homebodies" 1974 Peter Broc- •50s. birth lo the Resurrection. (3hra.. 17 football team to be considered d# Movie * World or Laurel And Hardy AN In The Family Gueals Angie Dickinson. Dorn Cl) 9:00 3:00 his own show. The folks at CBS and TA T (which produces are definitely Harrington's. Members of the show are Touchdotvn that broke game wide open C£) Family Feud OeLuise (60 mins) ()) CBS Tueedey Night Movie The C9) News, Weather "One Day At A Time") agree. familiar with the "Schneider primer" which is CF) Face The Musk MatingSeeaon' t980Stars Lucie d r ABC Captioned Newe (ft) Movie-(Myatery) ** “ Great (1$ QrssIssI Sports RIvsIs ThS dd Movie‘(Dreme) “ Station Harrington's proprietary control over the character. Tight end Butch Johnson of Dallas latches LeRoy Irvin was step behind. Score stood up Arnaz. Laurence Luckinbiil A suc­ Manhunt" 1974 LinoVenlura.Lea But if Schneider was to leave, "One Day At A Tim e" Sun^ smog doesnH Nsw York Qisnts vs the Clevelsnd SIx-Sehare" 1964 Carroll Baker. cessful. high-strung attorney and a Massari A member ol the Russian probably would fold. Nobody wants that because the show The actor exercises the right to determine what on to 25-yard pass from quarterback Danny- for 34-13 Dallas victory in NFL playoff Sun­ Browns' Tske s look st Ihe rivalry Peter Van Eyck At a desert oasis, good-natured laundromat owner delegation senltoLondonona study usually is among the top 10 in the ratings. .Schneider will do and say in particular circumstances White in third period which gave Cowboys 27- that dominated ‘The Golden Age' of find love *.nd aggravation at. of ail five love-starved men light for the program is involved in a suspicious day il'PI photo I professionalfoolbsllasHBO sports affections of the alluring wile of a Harrington often stops rehearsals to say. "Schneider places, a birdwalchmg retreat (2 car accident which puls him in an "They tell me the timing isn't right, " Harrington fsatures nostalgic interviews and manwhocraah landedinihe Sahar- 13 lead over Los .Angeles defender hra) English hospital, supposedly suf- sighed. "What that means is they can't afford to have me would never say that " or "Schneider would do it this film clips that recreate classic a (2 hrs ) ( D M Three'eCompany lering (2 hrs ) way." gridiron competition I4d ABC Newt Nightline 111) Tennis Grand Masters From leave 'One Day At A Tim e.' ( f ) Hockey 11:36 set well with coaches You Bel Your Ufe dd d9 Tueedey Night Al The Naples, Florida Singles And Dou­ "When the show started five years ago, Schneider 'There's no doubt that Schneider and Harrington, if not d ^ M.A.8.H. (I) Happy Days Again Movies The Boys Of Company C bles Semifinals clones, are easily identical twins ddd?) MscNeihLehrer Report 11:50 came on and did a two-minute turn. Now he's an in­ 1976 Stars Andrew Stevens. 22 Bewitched dd After Benny It was suggested that Schneider should drop into PASADENA. Calif iLPh - James Whitmore Jr Training and I4d Tuesday Movie Of The Week 3:10 ' tegrated part of the show, a co-star. Sometimes an entire CIB T k Tec Dough Moonrunners'1975 Stars Jsmes combat service ol a Marine Corps (3) Moment Of Meditation episode is devoted to him and his problems. Archie Bunker's Place" as a guest star for the fun of a Washington Coach Don James, who 8:00 Milchum. Chris Forbes Two wild- Company in Vielnambetoreanddur 3:30 "Schneider is a middle-aged, old-fashioned man trying confrontation between the two working class stiffs. The Ex-mates failed comes from the land ol eternally wet (F) While Shadow Salamibellsan dnving hillbilly boys and a runaway 22 Happy Days Again opposing player in a basketball mo Ihe Tet Offensive (2 hrs ) girl tear up some hazardous roads idea appealed to Harrington at once shoes, doesn't like the sun And 24 Conneetkut Prime Time 4:00 to live the single good life in the '80s and to solve the Rose Bowl free-for-all and is charged with eg- as they roar along with their illegal " That would be something." he said "Archie and d f Front Line This documentary 22 Newt problems of the world. He is highly moral Michigan Coach Bo Scheinbechler. gravaledesaault.achergecarrying loads of super-potent homemade examines 11 years in Vietnam 4:30 who comes from an area where the a possible four-year prison sen­ whiskey "I think he has plenty of personality traits to carry a •Schneider have a lot in common They also have a through Ihe eyes of combat camer- 22 22 Alive tence mins ) 12:00 different outlook on the world. I'm gonna talk to Carroll air IS frozen — but clean — doesn t (60 amanNeilDavis using footage shot 4:55 show. (F) PMMegeiine (11 CBS u te Movie LOU GRANT O'Connor about it like smog by Davis and others, this program 22 PTL Club-Talk And Variety "He's a lower middle-class, union-member working (|) C$9 Happy Deye Professor Schools Stars Ed Asner. Robert 5:30 Schcmbechler. who arrived with asks you lo view the horrors of com- man. He's uncouth, but wouldn't use bad language. He's Then, with Schneider-like enthusiasm, he added, "We against Oakland But despite therr complaints of .Scheinbechler .Michigan was a 14- Fonzarelli learns ■ lesson from his batfromafrontlineperspective (60 Walden Lou Grant gets an educa­ ID Program Unannounced auto mechanica afudenis when he tion about life in a ghetto school with could turn it into a musical special. " eerilv reminiscent ol Siabler s the .Southern California climate and point favorite in the 1978 Rose Bowl his team Christmas Day. said three mins ) opinionated and a man of action. He's also a screw-up but O.AKL.AND Calif I'P L - It has emotional lor a playoff game Out­ Irusiraling final two years with the atmosphere, both coaches said Sun­ game, but lost to Washington 27-20 days ol entertainir.'nt and he never admits it. He's got street smarts and good inten­ /HOUKA/ianam/ been written that you can t go home side ol that 1 donX^Jhmk ij makes a Thousands M TU tSTATI §4 IX IT S t tlL V IM L fIN t Raiders day their teams are honed (or their The only dificrence I ■ •. '■ ihis year sightseeing were enough for his tions. lAtTHAirreoiio »#• •#«> again Kenny Stabler. Dave Casper hell ol a lot ol dillerence if you know •AJkOAIN M A Tm U DAILY New Year s Day showdown in the IS the point spread has been cut in players "A few years back a lot of big movie stars failed in TV take photos e m a r sh o w o n l y ts .e o and Jack Tatum may wish to heed He was sacked seven times He any body ' on the other tearn' or not threw a ball that was tippe-d by a 67th Rose Bowl hall, laughed James al his news W'e ve been to Disneyland and all series because they didn't establish a TV persona. MIAMI, Fla (UPD - that advice in the future Linebacker Robert Brazile said he Schneider is popular He makes people laugh. Surround The Eastman Kodak Co. rcHciver into an end-7one intercep­ James put his Pac-10 champion conference in .Newport Beach. Calif the other things.' he said, "but we re The trio of former Oakland was especiallv sorry for the folks him with a good supporting cast and writers and he'll be a tion His running game xvith Karl Huskies — who finished the regular Schcmbechler. in his 12lh season as here to play football and the kids estimates that some 225.- Raiders had traveled to their old back home in Houston hit. 000 persons will take Campbell (ailed He speni much ol season with a 9-2 record overall and a head coach at .Michigan, also said his know that " hometown, hoping lor a chance to It s disappointing to me because "There's a big difference between an actor leaving a photos during the King the alterniNin on his back, sc anning 6-1 mark in the conference — through team is ready lor the game — slated Schcmbechler added however, show managing partner .A1 Davis that we ve got a whole city that pulled so the Calilornia sk> lor a glimmer ol a full-contact practice session Sun­ that the Rose Bowl wasn t a life-or- hit show to try for a show of his own with another Orange Jamboree Parade trading the trio away to the Houston hard lor us said Brazile wearing a to start at 5 p m EST — but said the 9.00 day morning with temperatures near death situation MORNING AFTERNOON character, and the actor who spins off a hit show and on New Year's Eve which, Oilers was the worst move he had hope There was none gold chain around his neck with the Wolverines had a hard time working ' 21 Tom And Jerry 70 degrees It was the team s longest "The Big Ten title is more impor­ 5:00 (i) Brady Bunch 12:00 1ft( Various Programming takes his character with him the company said, might eter made But it was not to be The dillerence was Oakland s learn s slogan Luv va Blue under the veil of smog that moved tant. he said ' W e re here to win News i|) d d PhH Donahue Show (9}(ft)(ft) News 21922217 Taxaa "Ed Asner took Lou Grant with him and succeeded. So make the parade the most,- defense he said laler We needed practice since arriving in Southern over their practice field in nearby 6:16 (id Living Faith 24 Qua Pasa U.S.A.7 (Exc. All three had been regulars on the Campbell who was held to 91 yards '.!) Joe FrertkHn Show did Valerie- Harjier with Rhoda. Another one is Polly photographed night time in make Ihe big plays b<*( ause they California from ram-soaked Seattle .Azusa and we II play hard, there s no doubt Cf) Ed Alien Show 'Ii) ESPN College Football 2d22 dd Card Sharks Thur.) Raiders Super B

POSITIONS AVAILABLE KITCHEN AIDES - Mature male or female Store persons for full time and part Manager Qualifications: rime positions, days and Neal appearance, friendly evenings. Persons must be manner, supervisory skills, reliable and willing to work RESPONSIBLE SITTER 1 Praiidant of self-motivat^ individual with every other weekend WANTED for 9 year old boy Yugoslavia desire to devote full energies Excellent insurance benefits, 2 Potaeaiiva sick time, holiday and vaca­ before ad after schooL to this store Prior food ser­ Keeney and Hackmatack pronoun vice experience helpful, but tion time, and good starting 3 Maka alaatic wages. Apply Riverside area. Davs 633-9485 will tram the right person 646-1364 o n A FAST D E A R ABBY; Tin glad aomeone finally aaid what I’ve 4 Compass Call Mr Stephen Rogers for Health Care Center. yLI Main point been thinUng. If my huaband were having an affair, you'd appointment Sl'B W A " Street. E^st Hartford______START 5 Row GET OCT OF THE HOUSE LEARN A S M U better believe I’d want to be told. Why ehould I go around PART TIME CLERICAL 0 EflO P«rt (pi.) and meet nice people selling b eli^ n g that I'm loved and aatiafying hia ne«da? If he'a 7 Ganatic POSITION Invenlorv. filing, SALES STORK MANAGER - Avon. Good tit Call 523-9401 If you’d like to get lU rted in fooling around, I'd want to know about it ao I could either matarial telephones, etc Monday, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 26 Lacquarad Good opporlunily to be an interesting field by lear­ get the matter atraightened out or get out while I waa atill 8 Diffuiion Thursday, Friday, 5 00 to URGENTLY NEED Scfwo/a-Cfaaaaa 79 Dosa-BIrda-Rafa 43 Apartmania For Rant 53 Ofncaa-Sforas tor Rant 55 young and deairabla. matalwara ■i.ssiKiated with New England ning one of more than 200 9 Ezaklt)’a 27 Misfortuna 9 00 Saturday 9:30 to 5 p.m DEPENDABLE PERSON skifls - enlisting in the Army A t any rate,- Abby. I don't go along with the outdated nickname Distributor Lucrative Pay Apply at Al Sieffert s G IFT E D C H ILD R EN 3 to 5 28 Smiling who can work without super­ is a great way to begin. AKC GOLDEN COCKER FRESHLY REMODLED 3 STORE OR OFFICE SPACE philoeophy of protecting the wife from the truth becauae I NEVER ^ TLL b e t TH EV THE i Indiffarant to Out of town Plan Insurances plus Con­ Appliances. 445 Hartford years Nursery .School'Day 30 String pluckar vision for Texas oil company You'll work with modem .SPANIEL puppy, male 2W bedroom apartment. Kitchen, available, 200, 400, and up to ahe’d be "hurt" if ahe found out. If ahe waita for her hueband KNEW COUU7 BE r;~( TRANSYLVANIA (comp, wd.) 11 Writing tool tact R J Mallov. 828-14UI Road, Manchester.______I’arc. Home Environment 26 Mora compact 31 Engrava in Machester area. We train equipment and learn from months old.Call 649-8418. dining, utility room. $425 5000 square feet. 643-1442. to tell her, ahe might waete half her life living in a fool'a B*TS WERE / TRAINEP TD |\^TATE^^CE ^ (Plj 32 Aitronaut Write T P Dick. Pres., Three Teachers. For appoint- monthly, plus utilities. Call paradiae. SO SM ARry CATCH CROOKS- 29 Encloted 19 Ganaral expert instructors. If you inent------to observe ■ well " rounded ■ ■ - ...... 643-500! ...... 33 Roman post ------Slayton Southwestern Petroleum, Box qualify, you can select MANCHESTER - Retail, S O J KNOW, Eiianhowar 36 Famala program. 646-4864, Sporting Goods 46 MIFFED IN MONTANA 34 Osiris’ wtfa 21 Good (Fr.) 769, Fort Worth, Tx. 76101 training in such fields as: storage and/or manufacturing L IK E C ^ S . ' raligiout MANCHESTER •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ROOMATE WANTED - Mid space. 2,000 sq. ft. to 25,000 sq. 30 Colorado 23 Lysergic acid FOOD SERVICE TWENTY THREE FOOT DEAR MIFFED: You make a valid point, but the Indian (abbr) PACKAGE STORE - Part twenties, female, non-smoker ft. Very reasonable. Brokers diathytamida ADMINISTRATION □ REAL ESTATE PENN-YAN Sport L’isherman nail haa been running 3 to 1 against informing the 37 Actrata Taylor 26 Gothic 38 Of pulling time help wanted for BRIDGE CREWMAN to share three bedroom duplex protected. Call Heyman 39 Maka lacs CARRIER NEEDED •••••••••••••••••••••••••• .Sedan Hard top. Excellent ITopertles, 1-226-1206 •pouae. Read on: 38 Troublatoma window weekends Friday night and You’ll earn over >500 a in Manchester. Call evenings. weed 41 Contand Nomas For Salt 23 condition. New electric trim 646-6138 •Saturday Apply in person on- month I before deductions) 30 Arachnid 2 i 4 B a 7 B 9 10 11 for Iv No ptipne calls Wine tabs VIIF CB. Cutty Cabin OFFICE SPACE Center D E A R ABBY: Thanka for adviaing againat telling a wife ’ while you learn, and you can with head Owner bought that her huaband ia having an affair. 40 Football tasm ('haleau Package Store, EXECUTIVE HOUSE - BOLTON - 1 bedroom apart­ Street. Five room complex. 42 Dftaat 12 13 14 move up from there It's a larger boat Call 742-8,537 after My marriage waa beautiful. I waa married to a man who Hillcrest, Lakewood Circle North Route 44 A, Coventry chance to perform a vital Contemporary Cathederal ment. Fireplace, carpetini High traffic area. Near 44 Divition 5:00 p m treated me like a queen. We had two terrific teen*aged IB IB 17 task for your country while ceilings. Three bathrooms. no pets. Quiet neighborhi Superior Court. Now being prapoaition children. Everything waa perfect until my "beat friend" told and South, South Main, Sunset DENTAL A.SSISTANT - One mastering a skill that could Walk-m closets Nine rooms References required. $280 I remodeled 643-2121 q-»o 46 School organi­ ia IB 20 2» monthiv. 643-5983 me that my huaband waa having an affair with a young girl olfice Chair-side and of- pay off for you in civilian 23.55 square feel living area 2 AntlquoM 48 zation (abbr.) and Bruce divorcee who waa working for him. I never would have 22 23 24 2S tice responsibility Must be life car garage F'or sale or rent Wantad to Rant 57 Captain Eaay Crooks & Lawranca 47 Csatt ballot Evenings 649 .563,5, or 643-9508 EA.ST HARTFORD - .Stay auapected a thing if my friend hadn’t opened her big mouth! 50 Doctrin# career orientated No heavy Call your Army recruiter A N T I Q U E S Si 21 27 21 2B M 32 warm. One bedroom with I changed from a happy, loving wife and mother to a [TT household responsibilities today COLLECTIBLES Will G ARA G E WANTED to store adharant CALL B E H Y •Salary in accordance with MANCHE.STER - Two F'amily carpels Utilities included miaerable, nagging ahrew. Our home, once filled with love, A5 THE MUSTACHE KIP GIVES LlVOKIVO TIME (auffix) 33 34 3B 36 643-9462 purchase outright, or sell on one or two cars Call Don al TO Fill. HIS HANO BEFORE PRAWINS HIS OWN experience Appiv to: Box F, on .Mam Street, near Hospital, $215 236-5646 Locaters, lee waa filled with hoatility and noiay fighta. 52 Accatarata a 37 555 Main St. .commission House lot or 633-4577. SIX-OONS- A WARNIMG CRY RINGS OUT- 1 motor 31 39 c 0 Manchester Herald Manchaatar m Business Zone 5 large single piece 644-8962 My huaband went to an early grave, a aick and aorry man. 643-4078 rooms on each floor, two car MANCHE.STER - Won't last •••••••••••••••••••••••••• begging me to forgive him. I’m now 65 and alone, and regret 55 I poaaaii 40 41 42 43 CIX)KS, Full and part time (contr) LAUNDRY WORKERS, full garage 200 foot deep lot long. Two bedroom. Children M fic. tor Rant 58 being auch a fool over aomething that would probably have Experience in institutional and pets ok $245 236-5646. 56 Unamployed 44 4S 40 tim e 11 p m lo 7 a m Group I, Philbrick Agenev. blown over in time. EXPERIENCED PHYSICAL ciHiking preferred but we will Locaters, fee 58 Nota duration .SE;CHE:TARV opportunity Immediate openings available 646-4200 RENTALS FOR R EN T - enclosed garage My beet friend may have thought ahe waa doing me a BO B1 S2 S3 B4 3 THERAPIST wanted part tram Good starting salary •••••••••••••••••••••••••• of lor enthusiastic and skilled in an institutional laundry •••••••••••••••••••••••••• stall. Center Street 320. 649- favor, but ahe ruined my life. time. 20 lo 25 hours weekly and excellent benefit package VERNON -1,2 and 3 bedroom 59 Signal BB sa S7 secretary interested in being operation Apply Riverside Invoilmant Proparty 25 8923. WITHHOLD MY NAME B6 Send resume to Haynes Apply Riverside Health Care Room t tor Root 52 apartments from 3175 236- 60 Siniitar look an integral part of growing Health Care Center, 745,Mam BB ao Physiotherapy .Service! 36 Center. 745 Main .St , East 5M6, Locaters, fee. 61 Dogmata 61 engineering firm Secretarial .St . East Hartford MATURE MALE ROOM $15 D EA R ABBY; For whatever thia ia worth, concerning 62 Printer'! Havnes Street. Manchester Hartford, Ct FOR SALE 62 03 64 schiHil and some experience Female, mature 320 Non- AUTOMOTIVE informing the wife that her huaband ia having an affair: maatura ( p i) MANCHetTCR AVAILABLE NOW - Carpeted desirable Send resume to ITALIAN AMERICAN smokers. Live-In References. I got a telephone call fiom an unidentified atranger (a two bedroom, with iMWtraFIR iN1|RHII6l «66N| Fuss i O'Neill 210 Mam CLUB One must have license, plus woman) who told me ahe thought I ehould know that my Street Manchester appliances, plus more 3240 Autos For Sele 61 • tew errands and meals 649- huaband waa having an affair with a young woman named BUILDING A LAND 23b-5646, Locaters, tee 54.59 Sheila. D A R T T I M E 135 ELDRIDOE STREET WE P A Y TOP PRICES for MANCHESTER. It'a a long atory, but here are the facta; My huaband had 0 RECEPTIONIST M AN CH ESTER - 5 Rooms. 2 wrecked and junk cars A 4 B LARGE SPACIOUS ROOM - indeed become infatuated with a young woman named Allay Oop — Dava Graus C LE R K TYPIST Hours are CONNECTICUT 00040 bedrooms Large kitchen Auto Salvage, used auto parts • All household privileges Sheila. The affair iaated exactly four monthe. Then Sheila trom 9 a 111 to f p m Call i>44- kid$ Available January 1st Lease. Call Tony f Sealed bids may be submitted FIvenings Mature gentleman y27______.Seeuritv 3200 monthiv. 649- •tarted to preaaure him to divorce me and marry her. My prior lo January 19, 1981. when 649-6559 YOU MEAN TWE OIL,FAST THATS EXACTLY/ ME AND HIS BROTHER 2813 huaband then regained hia aenaea and told her it waa all FOODS, SHIPPING, AND WHO I MEAN!/WHATEVER WANT TD LEASE THE UAITRESSES ■ Applications they m il be opened at the over between them becauae he loved hie family too much to clubhouse at 7 30 p m A ll bid.s MINING RUNT BROTHERS? J I M M Y J O E V F O R ? TIME MACHINE' now being taken lor lull and EA.ST HARTF'ORD - Large THE TEXAS MILLlONAtRES? R U N T J U S T ______Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag must be submitted with a 52- TWO BEDROOM break up hia home. part time positions morning EARN EXTRA MONEY. WORK pleasant room, in private WA.NTED JUNK AND LATE C A L L E D M E ) 000 (id C e rtifie d Check represen APARTMENT - Available That’a when thia unidentified atranger called to "tip me and afternoon hours available home Own entrance Kitchen MODEL WRECKS - Cash tmft the down payment January 1st 3200 monthiv. off." She waa hoping I'd be hurt and angry and kick my Low-key defense effective lor housewives Appli in per­ privileges and parking lus utilities Call 649-657'3. Paid Call Parker Street Used huaband out. Then ahe could move in for the kill. O f course it son Mondav thru Friday 3 OR 4 HOURS A NIGHT. The Manrhester Italian available CallalterS OOp m . &etween 10 and 2 Auto Parts, 3nc 649-3391 didn't work. between 2 and 4 Mr Steak American Society re.serves the 569-3885 opened the king of clubs right to accept or rej<*ct any and all STILL MARRIED South took his ace and led a 244 Center Street MANCHESTER - Unusual 1974 SUBARU - Good condi­ Manchester______bids FURNISH ED ROOM in large, tion Front wheel drive. 31800 heart. West ducked and CALL AT 647-9946 Deluxe One Bedroom NORTH negotiable Telephone 643- DEAR ABBY: Thia ia for TOO LATE IN CLEVELAND, 2-30-ao dummy’s king won the trick. Ml NSON S I ANDY nice private home All Townhouse Private entrance, • K Q J 26 utilities Kitchen privileges 67K. or 659-1723 who blamed her friends for not telling her that her husband A second heart went lo West’s KITCHEN IS seeking reliable Bualnatt Propartf palio. and full basement • K J754 Security Genlleinan waa having an affair. She said had ahe known about it, she queen He took one club and responsible woman to work in AT THE MANCHESTER Includes Heat, appliances, ♦ 9 20.000 renovated 4 story brick preferred $45 weekly Call 1968 DART. 1969 CH ARG ER might have been able to save her marriage. led another club for South to manulaclure and packing ot carpeting and air con­ • 6 5 32 649-6017 318 Three speed Posi rear I had the same experience, but I didn't blame my friends. ruff candv Hours are 9 lo 4 Mon- lactory in .No Adams. Ma ditioning 3385 monthiv .No EVENING HERALD end Needs some work Best Had they told me, 1 never would have believed them. Abby, WEST EAST Now South gave West a dai thru Friday Call lor ap- Lease 60 cents buy $5 ft No pets Call Damalo Enter­ ♦ 3 ♦estz offer over 3400 871-7385 a man who cheats will also lie, and if I had confronted my trick with the ace of hearts. IHiiniment 649-4332 I money down Owner will take prises. 646-1021 Tha Flintatonas — Hanna Barbara Productions ▼ A(310 YJ3 low interest mortagage No Apartments For Rent 53 huaband. I’m sure he'd have lied, and I would have believed The defense had three tricks him. Then my friends would no longer be my friends. • K 10 83 «J7652 in. but that was all. South DENTAL RECEPTIONIST, interest first year Elevator, FURNISHED APARTMENT PLYMOUTH FURY II - ♦ KQJ94 *107 TWO BEDROOM ^ m o w 'd t h e ' could take his ace of lull and part time positions elaborate conveyer, dry - Three rooms, split level Im- Excellent condition! Must be Aa it turned out, I found out about it myself. There was ...... HE ROAD IS V , APARTMENT Utilities not L E S S O N SOIITH diamonds, play one trump and experience prelerred Send sprinkler Very low taxes and maaculately ciean seen to be appreciated. Call nothing to "save," and now that I am nd of my huaband, I BESINNINS TO TURN ( PROUD^' heat Many uses Ready now included Within walking dis­ 643-9729: if no answer please atill have my friends, whose friendship is worth much more 6 0 ‘P • a 109 7 6 make the rest of the tricks on resume lo Box FIFI c o Professional person W HEN S H E POES/ • 9 6 2 Literature 413-458-5987 tance ot downtown Main return call to me than a cheating husband. a cross ruff Toward the end Manchester Herald preferred Plenty ot parking « A Q t Street 568-3736 weekdays I'm with you, Abby. Friends should not tell! East was underruffing each ...... ; ...... space Call 643-1879 • a s trump RESPONSIBLE SITTER after 5 00 p m . weekends 1973 C A PR I B-6 Standard HAPPIER WITHOUT HIM MISC. FOR SALE 9 00 a m to 7:00 p m transmission Asking 3850 Vulnerable: Neither At the other table West W ANTFID for 9 year old boy Homes lor Rent 54 Do you wish you had more friends? Get Abby'a came up with a trump lead DOWNEY DRIVE bclore and alter school Will negotiate Good condi­ Dealer: West F'OUR LARGE ROOMS in tion. AM-FM Radio 649-3283 booklet, **How to Be Popular; You’re Never Too South won in his hand and led Keeney and Hackmatack Articles lor Sale Wm I North E u t 41 two family .Appliances, heat, MANCHE.STER HOME - All Young or Too Old.” Send 91 with a long, self- South a heart Now. West made the Fountain Village, Manchester area Davs 633-9485 nights !♦ Pass Pass hot water 3360 No children oi modern two bedroom Lots ot addressed, stamped (28 cents) envelope to: Abby, Dbl brilliant play of the queen 646-1364 ______BUN K BEDS, average shane extras 3350 236-5646. BANK REPOSESSIONS FOR Pass 21F Pass LOTS OF CUSTOMERS IN A COMPACT AREA! pels Available Januarv 15th SALE. 1976 Dodge Aspen. 4- Popularity. 132 Laaky Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. Dummy's king won and a sec­ foam mattresses $25 Call Locaters, tee P u i 4^ Pom Pass ond heart went to Elast's jack 643-7285. yieed. 31900 1978 Dodge 90212. ^ B I R G E R i f Pass This gave East a chance to a •Ideal for Boy or Girl! ' Chargerharger Special Edition.Edi 2 For Money! KING second trump. South led his door. 8 cylinder.yiinder. 32.500.32.5i 1974 last heart to establish two •Pleasant Surroundings! •Excitement! needs several people full or Oldsmobile Cutless Supremelupri Opening lead:AK part-time to work evenings 5 n heart tricks in dummy But •Good Customers In A Concentrated Area! 8 cylinder 31.500 1973 GMC since dummy was down to one p m or 7 30 p m till closing Jimmy utility truck. 4 wheel P o t r o g r o p h Tha Born Loaar — Art Sanaom trump and ^ t still had two. •Holiday Tips Await the Lucky Person! drive. 31.500 1969 AMC Am- Must be over 18 Apply in per­ By O iw h ld Jacoby there was no way for South to bassidor 4 door 3300 1975 son, 467 C e n te r S tre e t, today, mostly because you've CUfT T H A T '^ a^ Alan Sontag get those heart tricks and he E Don't Miss Out on this Super Route - CALL NOWI Manchester between 2 and 6 Crysler Cordoba, poor condi­ worked hard lo lay a good, solid wound up one down. tion. best offer The above % u r '6ELLYACH!U^)>, M O g e foundation and now it’a paying Both South players in an A quiet defense, but one of pm IcAlbWtLC may be seen at the Savings off. Praise will come your wey ^Birthday HXXlftSUBMil IMP match reached four the nicest of 1980 Bank of Manchester. 923 Main O E M M I (Mey 21-June 20) When U K ^ it cornea time to pitch in and help spades. At one table West (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN . St , Manchester N b O C O W J r r ! :: EDUCATIO N with today's festivltlea. you'H be OeownlMr 91, IM O right there lending a hand, thus 1976 T H U N D E R B I R D - gaining much respect from your Prtrete Instructions 78 Excellent condition! May be In the new year you H be given Ihe opporiunitlm to strive for frienda. seen al 42 Battista Road, higher-lhan-usuaMaata They C A N C f R (June 21-Jy»y 22) Con­ CERTIFIED MATH OIL, Inc. Manchester won't be handed lo you on a ail* ditions ara ahifting in your favor 647-9946 ^ 647-9947 T E A C H E R G rades 6-12 ver platter, yet you'll receive today The reauila should be a C Tutor. SAT. enrichment Your plenty of auppoft from those who strengthening of a bond very Manchester, Conn. can make your road easier vital lo you. Look for a happy Our Boarding Housa home Save 649-5453 time. 1973 FORD GRAN TORINO - L IO (July 2»-Aua 22) Even If Good condition Air con­ CAPWCOftN (Dec. 23-Jwi. 19) you have today on, IMa wUt not Winthrop — Dick Cavalli You're very exacting about your be a wasted time for you. You’H « T WITH IT.tSUY^,' t h is AFTER HE / IF H E \ ditioning. power steering, goals today, which is ona of the derive much pfeaaure from tend­ Business & Service PARTY 1$ EL NUMERU UNZ5 g o t H16 OWN power brakes. Brakes recent­ reasons you H succeed Howev­ ing to little things which could EVER ly done. Mechanically good er. friends also wiN play a ma)or benefit from your talents. WHAT DO '»(X1 IF ^ A W H AT I N E E D IS A GOOD Fan yioviii anp acti?e » E 6 PE6K A' g e t s a 649-8841 Please call 647-9946 from 8:30 role In bringing them about Find m o o (Aug. 29-8epi 22) A 'iOU C RO SS ASKUHK PINCLJSHICN FORTABLE LAU5H TRACK. THE CW CKi A U BUT BREAK WORK HE REiEKVEO a m to 5:30 p m . and ask for out mora of what Ilea ahead for bonus you may not have counted wrrvt A FORCUPINE ? W ITH B.O./ OeSHH THE POOF6 TO MEET ^ ENT HIG PARKIN' it M.07 9/10 Per Gallon C.O.D. David you In the year folk)wlr>g your on could provide the funds for a YOUNd EXEZ.6 LIKE ME! N A M E Tcounter today will thing quite fortunate on which be admiring your high standards you've spent a lot of time and / it 24 Hour Call Delivery You'll be flattered wrfien you hear which might better your way of Trucke lor Sele 62 the nice things they're saying. ' life may Rnally begin lo break. PIBCE9 (Feb. 90-Marcb 20) A BCOfim (Oet 3Mtov. 22) PI* 1974 DODGE PICKUP - 6 good time la practicafty guaran­ Good news could come your way li-jpOlAUA Services Ottered 31 Services Ottered 31 Pelnling-Pepering 32 Peinting-Pepering 32 ★ OVER 2 MILLION GALLONS teed today. You're fortunate Cylinder, standard New today concerning aomething enough to be able to spend your you've been cautioua, yet hope­ RE\t HAVING BURN CERTIFIED DOG PHtiF FTSSIONAL PAINTING LEE PAINTING Interior i TO ASSURE YOU DF ADEQUATE SUPPLY paint, brakes, radiator. time with those whose interests ful, about. Vou may have more Levy’* Law — James Schumeister HOLES Zippers, umbrellas GHfXIM ER All breeds Call • Interior and exterior Flxterior "Check my rale Excellent condition and philosophies parallel yours. than New Year’s Eve to cele­ repaired Window shades lor an appointment 528-5903 Cmnmerrial and residential before you decorate " Depen­ throughout! 31550. 642-6731. AMfiO (Maecb 21-Aprtl 19) Only brate. Venetian blinds Keys 'TV those whose standards are first- BAOfTTAfUUO (Nov. 294>ee. 21) I DONTUNOBtSTAND HCW T H W B lfP Free eslimates Fullv in­ dable Fully insured 646-1653 ANIMTELUSENT PERSON ' TIMITIMES, CAN ONE CANONE ISNORE F'OR RENT Marlows 867 CHILD CARFI State Licensed class will share your company You have a great love of the sured 646-4879 Articlee lor Sele 41 Apartmanie For RonI 53 today. Because of this there'll be CAN B04EVE 14 A NEWS- BEBIAMEO TOR CNOWIEPSE, JUST Mam Street 649-5221 home .Snacks, lunches and Building Contracting 33 social Hfe. and today la no excep­ no Interference from dissidents tion. However. It Isn't Hkely you'll PAP&b HOROSCOPE. SEEICIN6AG14AP3E I BECAUSE OF references Call 646-7720 PAl.NTING - INTERIOR AND VERNON - Near 86. luxury when victory Is yours. want to be with just a n y b ^ . Of THE RiaCE?. ARCANE OR46INS ? CERAM IC FIRING Discount FARRAND REMODELING - TAUNU8 (AprM 20-May 20) FIXTFIRIOR Paperhanging Condo Appliances 3345 You'll choose caretuNy. ULTIMATr AUOCEG5 SVMBCl * rates Quick servii e I all 643- B 4, M T R E E SERVICE now Cabinets. Roofing. Gutters, ★ Plans are not likely to go awry INCWSPAPCn INTEkPRtSC ASSN | FIxperienced. references Ser- monthly Security, .... , I .« a- V3C 25>3 ottering Special Winter Room Additions, Decks. All A L l MINUM Sheets used as references Call 423-127 , 4fe- V 1 n g W 1 11 j m a n 11 c , Rates' We ve sawed 25'; Oil, types of Rem odeling and printing plales, 007 thick 3923 plus our usual Discount lor ■Manchester Bolton, Coven- Repairs Free estimates. F'ui- 23x28 D 50 cents each or 5 KH “n’ Carlyl* — Larry Wright 3 Senior Citizens' Free irv. Columbia. Tolland areas ly insured Phone 643-6017 lor 32 Phone 643-2711 Must be ★ W' J Grillo 423-6582 GLASTONBURY ISOUTHI Flstimates Fullv insured picked up before It a m Halt of exceptional new Bugs Bunny — Heimdahl & Slolfel B-B t PHOLSTF.HY Custom References 643-7285 LEON ClEZSYNSKl ONLY Work Free FIslimales Will BUILD ER. New homes, ad­ Duplex F'eatures carpeting, pick up and deliver Please PAINTING BY CRAIG excellent closets, dishwasher, 6 ircftTs I HAVE TRUCK WILL MOVE' ditions, remodeling, rec .SCRFIFINFID LOA.M - Gravel, call 646-2161 after 4 00 p m OGDEN Interior and dispose- all. self cleaning DILLON WILL Large appliances, clean at­ rooms, garages, kitchens Processed Gravel, Sand. ABo)r-m e T FIxlerior Specialist' F’ully In­ remodeled, ceilings, bath tile, oven, private basement with tics cellars, garages also sured Free Estimates Call Stone, and F ill F'or deliveries BRICK. B U X 'K . .STONK dormers, roofing Residential laundry hookups. U i baths, will clean apartments for anytime. 649-8749 call George Grilling, 742-7886 IMST6AI> OF 0IH 06,Btjr F'lreplaces Concrete or commercial 649-4291 deck, neighborhood setting, BE OPEN! Bhorl Riba — Prank Hill Chimney Repairs No Job realtors Call 644-1775 minutes to Hartford 3525 AT l UWE T65TAY Too Small ' Call 644-8356 tor DESIGN KITCHENS, FOR SALFl - Couch, end monthly 633-4566 Broker (iLpVE THEM NOT- Y O l’NG .MOTHER will lake p a i n t i n g 0 E X T E R I O R cabinets, vanities, counter tables, chair. T V antenna, estimates rare of children weekdays, un­ experienced college student tops, kitchen cabinet fronts rotor 39fi 72 West Street FEMALE ROOMATE MID­ Wed. Dec. 31 - ’til 6 P.M. t il 3 00 ..p m in my \ Quality work Very custom woodworking, colonial Saturday. 9 00 am . to 11:00 T W E N T IE S W A N T E D to CiM TREE SERVICE Free .Manchester home Call 643- TflEMlCE (N reasonable prices Call Mike. reproductions J P Lewis 649- am share duplex. Glastonbury & Thur. Jan 1 - CLO SED estimates, discount senior 2023______569-3458 or M9-4945 citizens Company Hebron area. Must be neat Manchester owned anil D a y c a r e n u r s e r y Heeling-Plumbing 35 O R IE N T A L H UGS - 9x12 Pets considered. Rent operated Call 646-1327 p r o g r a m . Slate licensed INTEKIOH PAINTING Kashain 10x14 Kashain negotiable. Call after 6 p m., 228-3,560 Home environment Three un- AND WALLPAPERING NO JOB TOO SMALL - Toilet 2x1 U 2 Kermon. Old Persian KIRBY CENTER OF derslandir.g Teachers Quality professional work at repairs, plugged drains, Rugs 643-9804 CII5CU1T1V. MANCHESTER - Factory FInclosed play yard, kitchen faucets replaced, MANCHESTER. Five rooms Authorized Sales & Service playroom, lunches Learning reasonable prices. Fully in­ on first floor of Duplex. I ITS ALWAYS NICE ID repaired, rec rooms, LARGE SIZE SEARS tor Kirby Vacuums 217 experiences Keeney School sured F'ree estimates. G L. (.'arpeted and apptianced. No f RECEIVE ^ /V m a i l . baUiroom remodeling heat ROEBUCK DELUXE DILLOn Center Street, Manrhester. District Immediate openings McHugh modernization, etc. M & M u t ilit iees. s . No ppets. e ls . 3280 ^UtOrsc-StaASeuriCtS^f -Elatebar’a Landina 649-7143 BROILER OVEN - Never monthly. Call 739-41 13 319 Mari Street from Armory) 3 to 5 years. 646-4864 643-9321. plumbing ji Heating. 649-2871 3 used! Still in original earton! between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m. MANCHESTER CT 6A3-91A5 Call 649-0175. ,’QRDANJ I HMB- ..DeWlU3RD, If- .•10 wap ML Qtr OUT 1 OHOVtUNC; SNCXJ.. YOUCAN-IHINK-Of- 0 P T H I6 ... ------^ D0(JJ J A U A t/...

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