DIM BULB August 2018 Volume 28 Issue 08 The High Beemers M/C of Northern Nevada Chartered Club #337, BMWRA Charter #75, AMA Charter #3185301 Breakfast in the Pines Page 2 Dim Bulb Aug 2018 Presidents Column High Beemers M/C Club Wow! The month of July was HOT and towards the end PO Box 3127 SMOKY! Sparks NV 89432 During the first week of July, I had foot surgery so my President July riding was limited. Fred Barrie Our breakfast ride found our leader Nick taking us up to 775.745.1936 cooler temperatures at the top of Kingsbury grade.
[email protected] I led the club ride in the middle of the month and it was Vice President getting warm then. We were up in the mountains in the Russ Ristine Graeagle area and it was a little cooler, I thought? 775.742.5866 I journeyed back to the Midwest to Kankakee Illinois
[email protected] which is just south of Chicago. Visiting with the family for one week allowed me to experience one of the joys of Treasurer living there. “High Humidity”. Got off the plane back here Ernie Baragar at 10pm and it was still 93°. But it was a “Dry Heat”!! 775.219.8881 The next day I went out and met with Herb who was
[email protected] leading our monthly GS ride. Herb did a great job of lay- HIghbeemers Website ing out a route and then reviewed with the rider(s) what Larie Trippet they might encounter that day. After some discussion 775.690.4936 (not much) it was determined that Tracy would be the sweeper.