August 28, 1879
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A Tragedy of the Circus. I fem eu § £0* jfcrufit About -8 jO’cloclc yesterday forenoon, . says the De‘ rojt ^ree Press, a man whose form was i uU’ hfl vwuiklea, and Jrinks, k REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. and twists trawled out o f a coal-shed on the whiff, t ad began yawning and rub- hing Ifls fiyi s like one who had j>ut in a .PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY heavy nigh . A policeman lounged that *ay, gave t re man . a looking over, and asked: ” ’ J O H N G r . H O L M E S . “ Sleep in there last night?” “ yaas> kituder,” was the Jeply. “Loojdng for work?!’ Term s :—81.50 per Year. “N-n-d,!not exactly.” WTAYiBLE IS ADTASCS.*Ol “ You’ll 1 e run in if you hang around ^ r - - ■yOLUME x n i l in this w4y ” remarked the officer. BUCHANAN, MICH., THURSDAY, AUGUST ‘‘28, 11879; NUMBEB 29. The .man p.ut-his hands on the top o f a OFFICE.— In Record Building. Oak Street. snubbing^ tst, and laid his chin on the ' top Of his h mds, and after a long look at listen to his suit, which now, .openly; ■ Canadrij’iie :urned and-said: Notliinar New “ ! A Different;t>. Th'e Porcelain Tow er. Business Directory. declared. 'She had now tried to discour * : “I dunSio exaptiy what I ’m going to ■A great many years ago two young men, vim the dawn ot Spring till thb year grows age him by treating Mm with marked The celeirated Porcelain Tower, . near ; do. I jlid five’ out here about eight mUes, John and Janies, Boston boys both, Avcre SOCIETIES. homy, coolness ’ and indifference; bn the' would -- NanKihg, jChina, is described by a trav but I ’ye’ separated from the old woman. Nothing is now that is done or said ; not take n jrepulse, anji 1 ler, 1 ife. was gro\y, eilpw'clerics on Kilby street.’ John went eler; who says: .Yes, separated last night.” LOOK HERE, Tin- loaves aio telling the same old story; ^tti'Chi'cagojih its muddy days and pros- “In the Iquiet evening we made our : ' “ What’s the trouble?” X. O. O. F. • ing to be ;an unhappy t ope, her iatiief’s. pered,'married, taised a fam ily, and, ere The regular meetings of Bu'.hanan Lodge No. iaare Budding—bnmting—dying-dead. conversation being principally upon tlie' way out o f the city by the South gate, .. i“Waal; :sne was. my second, and I was And ever and always tho birds’ chorus hi8ih.air.w4s gray, hbcame a ' ■.wcll-to-clb through* a fvelL constructed tunnel, and held at their hall, in Unchanan, on Tuesday evening You can buy a perfections o f liei-shSttft; AvlKiin,’ lIt,‘“fi'eart!! (hcr secqndjand we never got along any ot each T oVock. Trausieut brethren in Is ; “ Cowing—building—Hying—fled.” site,cordially dotestedsithou^)t idoiiig'iier1 substautiai citizen, open lianded and open slfoftfy’stood irpon an eminence w|rdse , „ too sw^et. IWe both o f us think we know good standing are cordially invitedi to attenn. hearted! James re in arnechat-'hoiiref^He,-'* W . W . SHITH.N. O. J - c - DtOk. bee. best to treat him with courtesy,, ( ;j ; surface was''a' iira&s o f debris,’ con- ' it all; and neither feels like giving in. We Never tlto round Earllt roams or ranges Philip knew of his contant visits, and tbb1, prospered, raised a --family, and be sjstmg o f broken bricks, tile and plaster 1 came to :sea the .circus.” SUMMIT LODGE NO. 192, Out ot iter circuit, so old, so old ; heard rumors o f 4n!,eu$ig£lh'eht.!“ Hb came one if tnq solid- men ot Boston, says three feet duck. This was all—all: that > . “A h! you difl?” And the smile o’ tho Sun knows bdt the changes; grew glooiny'and miorose, tuid iwfie’n he< the Bqstpnl Transcript. was left of that which, for its historic “And that’8 where 'the separation took ¥. 4 A.M., holds a regular meeting everr MoniUy Beaming— burning- tender—cold. • Now itYell out that when John’s eld- evening on or before the lull of the moon, in each Opening! chanced to meet Dot would,pass, lierin a beauty, -the ingenuity o f its construction, place-Yright in front of the sacred hyenas As Sptiugtime softens or AVinter estranges way Avltich made her po.or little heart, ‘eb't’ son—they calledjiim Jack—Avas twen- and its gr-cirt cost took rank with the won- from Japan. You know they advertised n.°NthMoWKtr, W. 31. » - B- U' « !'ER’ S“ ‘ Tite migldy heart of this orb of gold. -OF ache. ; " • ’ ty-qpe he yisited.- Boston, bearing a letter ders o f thq world—the famous Porcelain cm electnc light there?” So things went ou froth bad’ to worke, Jo his fathpr’s, old friend, whom he iiad . Tower. If must have -been, very beauti? •’Yes.!' BTJCHANAN LODGENO, 68, From our great sire’s birth to tho last morn's found in’a dingy , Pearl street counting- breaking, until Dot would hayq bccii glad, if her ful iii ife perfection, if we accept the “ Well, wje’d rieFer seen one. When we F 4 A M The ranlar coromnuications of this hotlge room;'’deep in the Advertiser. are held at Ma*uTolW l, on-Friday evening on or There wore tempest and sunshine, fruit and inheritance had'been siink in the,sba. 'A t statements] of its various historians, who’ got into th£ menagerie there stood the ei- Itolore the m il or thenusm in each month. frost-; last another actor' a^peiirfe’il—a ,:yoiihg ' : Jackipfesented the letter, and stood, differ so’ little'in theif accounts that one ' en came the camels. Then S kth Smith. AV. M. ' p - a u s a s d e *. te c. 3sT E "W And the sea was calm, or the sea was shaking girl, Avho created quite Asensation in the ; ,l\at in. hand, .while the old gentleman read does for all. From them We learn that; weeame a darned old bear. Further It's mighty maue, UUe a lion crossed ; quiet village. She was from 'iv cifcyiu the it <twice; ! “So you’re John’s son?” lie its form, was octagonal, nine stories high, ton were fife lions and tigers and nron- a t t o r n e y s . Anil ew r this cry the heart was making; far West, and was very pretty, and. knew saicb “Yqu donlt look a bit like your tapering as it ‘ rose, to the bight o f 201 keys, buti o electric light. We walked •'Longing—loving—losing—lost.” just what colors to choose for her toilet 'father.” Then there was a pause, Jack feet from the ground, the circumference three time4 E. M. PLIMPTON, around the old tent without ■ F O R to set off the tints o f her glowing bru still standing “AVhat brought yoti to o f the.lower story being ISO teet.'"The coming to 1 Is .cage and I got mad. Says Attorney ,n<I Counsellor a t Law, and Solicitor in Forever the wild wind wanders, crying, Boston?" ihe asked. “AVoll, sir,” said body of tlje pagoda-was'of brick; but its- Chancery. Offi-'e over N obles Store, lonhanan, nette complexion. ’ * J ^ T toijne’ of the chap* over the rope:— Southerly—Easterly—North and AVest; Jack,’ “ father thought I’d better see Ms Orrrien County, Miciu Dot’s heartfelt like lead in her bosom,, face was composed o f porcelain tiles of- “Whar’ .in | iturder is the cage with the And one worn song the Helds are sighing: when one day she met the stranger walk old home find got a taste of salt air!” many colors, Each .story formed; a.kind elecM cbp it in? W e want to see him or VAN RIPER & W ORTHINGTON, CARPETS! Sowing—growing—harvest—rest,’ ’ ing jauntily by_ Philip's side. She lytis “ Going'to jbe here oyer 'Sfindny?” '' ,‘’‘YeS,!' of saloon, 'through which rah the spiral have our oney back I” The feller he A n d the lived th ou gh t o i the AA’ovUl, replyin g Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, and Solicitors in shortly, afterward introduced tb her, tinu ’• siiT.”, 5-f’My pew is No.—at Trinity. Hope staircase leading to' the suffiinit,: aiid grinned all over, and lots o f folks Iaffed Chancery. Collections made andjBOceela pronnitlj Like an eelto to what is last mid best, for a few; monieuts a •Jiatotulispiijit.sug-, to see you there,; glad to have' met you.”, whose walls were covered with small * right out; and my wife she flew up and remitted OOie >,orer II. II. Kinv-.n.« store, buclian- Murmurs—“ Itestl” Aiid here the- interview ended. gilded idols, resting in niches; the entire , —(.Ella AVheeler. gested that’she should make herself disa said-I’d :made a fo o lo t myself. ‘How?’ J .J U« v CRiC£ir. -A A.rroKTmx«TOH-. AMD A— greeable;! but slio fcsdlHteij’ fiut the' Now’ lit!'chanced .that, not long after apartmentj richly. painted and gijded. says I . , ,‘Why the electric light is not an temptation away from ’ hertluii’ appeared’ ’ that,, Jambs’ sbn; roving through the AVest Each story was defined by a projecting animal at allr’ says ahe, ‘but it has some reached..(PMcago. ..He remembered his DAVID E. HINMAN. TILE BACHELOR’S W ILL. her own ilaturnl, lovable self.;; She soon' - cornice.-off green tiles, from whose point thing to dp vrith the clown.’ We had a Attorney and Connseltov at Law, and Solicitor in Chan ceased to wonder .