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it':~Yti:~ .. 19anin Proposes 4-PowerMilitary Cut Nfld. Skies ·1 S.\Tl'RII,\ \', June II c'Jnri!f ., ., •• .. 4:03 a.m. I'RESEN'fS • t ., ., 7:57 p.m. E~n!e .... BORODIN 51'SO.\ \', JUlie 10 auUable at 'clt •••••• 4:03 a.m. THE DAILY ·NEWS SJnr.·I .. 5ath"t .•• ... .. 7:58 p.m. No. 155 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1956 (Price 5 cents I Charles Hlitton &·Sons '-j , :.: , ' , , No Operation, Say . ," . Eisenhower Doctors ~. I WASHINGTON (AI') - Presi· Recd by Maj.-Gen. Howard Sn)'· haM for the exhaustil'l consulta.[ ingly, chief heart specin!i;t at dent Eisenhower's doctors reported der, ,White Housc physician, and lions Dr. P:1U1 Dudley White of -Walter Reed. Friday night his condition "is pro· Maj,·Gen. Leonard Heaton, lhe Boston, heart specialist who has I Six other phs),cians took part In gresslng satisfactorilY," with "no hospital commandant. been on the Eisenhower case since the consultations, including Lt. Col. , indication for immedate surgery" James C. Hagerty. White Housc he suffered a heart attack last IWal\er Tkach. assistant White This announcement Wa5 made press secretary, also listed as on Sept. 24, and, Col. Thimas Mat House ·physician. • ! shortly before 10 p.m. ADT. , ' The staff of physicians attend· ing the stricken president did not rUle out the possibility of surgery later. President's Illness To Have ,. "hey arranged to meet again a( midnight when they might decide whether to operate on the chief , executive. Great Effect On Elections A medical bulicHn from Walter WASHINGTON (AI') - 1I0w~ver that he would not remain in the; 1'01' the moment, many Demo Reed Hospital said: serious- or slight it may turn out! presidency if he ever lelt he wasn't I erats put aside politics ar'! joineJ "The presidents condition js pro· to' ~e, Prcsident Eisenholl'er's lat· 1 physically up to handling it. Rcpublicans in expressions of hop~ gressing satisfactorily. cst lilness can be expected to have If it ever should come to that, that the president's intestinal ail "The latest X·rays and examin· an impact on the 1956 campaign; the door Would I>e open for a his· ment isn't serious. aUons, including an eleetroc·ardio· wars.. I torical battle.roYa! among Repub· One thing seems surc: in til! gram, show no change j. his prc· Even if the president recovers oean aspirants including such men monlhs ahcad, GOP IJolitico, prob viously rcported condition c/:cep( swiftly, the issue of his Ilealth as vice-president Ni:;on. Senatori ably will do their utm;1st to en ,that the pre;ident is . _:ting mOl'r might very likcly become an in William F. Knoll'land of California., courage tile attitUde that a health~ comfortably. crease!1 talldng point in tile cam· Governor Christian A. Herter 01 I man is needed in tllc White House "He has required no sedatinn. paing. !low It might affecl Ihe atli· ~lassaclRisetts and others. ! Democratic chairman Paul But "The conducting doe(ol's have tudes of voters is anybody's guess,! E;tillt\;tiCES Sn;\'ENSOX i IeI' has been saring Ei~enhol\'er', , fmD os w.n· TO MOSCOW:-Klshlnev, USSR.-En rOlile to ~!oscow for a state l'lslt with th~ J<rcmll'l Hiera~ch)·. Marshnl agreed to reassemble at mid· Pltllden! 01 \'u~,,;lal'ia Iri~hll Is grcc:ed I>y SOl'Iel pion eers at Klshlnev Station. clpltal- of SOI'lel ilJo~dto\'la: Bouquet. Up to now they han I>een pretty i Similarly it would enhance the' health is an imle and the presiden, night." . i 10 Tifo and his wife, who 15 accol1ll'lnying him. iill, wa5 in[ormed en route. that \'.~I, ~loloto\', Ius arch·loe In the much inclined to ignore presiden stratcgic value of the recent string' and "tile men, around him," not "There is no indkation for im· tial health as an election issuc. : Of victories Adlai Stc\'Cnson hasr-the Democrals. hal'e made il one h.lI rc;i~nc!1 r,~ Furrign Minis:er and haf I>een I'eplawl 1»' Dmitri Shepilov. The switch is seen [·s n gestUl'c of CO!!, mediate surgery," . If Ihc iIIncss should IJroVC severe! hung up in Democratic prcsidential! Butler also has been hammerin! tc Tilo h.l· Ih~ hcad men in the Kremlln (IN Photol. The bulletin IVas signed at Waltel' and prolonged there would inel·it.! primaries. His win, in Oregon. ion lhe idca that. apart from hcalth, • -"'--. I • ably arisc thc big qucstion as to, FI9rida and California ha,'c put: Eisenholl'cr is "a part time pres. wllcther Eiscnhowcr would stay in! him in the lorefront of Dcmocratic ident" hceau.~e of ab.;cnccs from viet Letter To. EIsenhower Calls I ShiPS, Planes lhe presidential· race. He has said i contender... 'his dc,k. or Reduction Of Forces In Germany .Search For SubiQueen and Duke Greeted By (AP: - Sovict, urmament suh commitlec, wille!: France Join with Rus.sia in cullin 11' ~ore decisive steps in this mat·· Off N.S. Coast Cheer"lng Crowds In Swed'fl" Bal!anin, in a letter to' has been u')'ing \0 soll'e lhe dis,' back the size of their armed fo !r.. • I U ~ ~ I Ellcnhollcr Illad~ public arment problem for years, actually: ces In Germany. He. cited the SO' TIlER :'\OTES SE:"OT HALIFAX (CPI - Ships and I _ ..' . : called on the United "is I'etal'dlng"progress In this mat iet proposal to 11'lthdraw 30,0; ,Dls.patehes f.rom ~broa<1 said, plancs searched an area 130 miles I ~TOCKHOL~1 (Reutcrs)- r.~weni off III an ()~cn C:llTlage betllccn[ came the !)uke of ~(hnbl1l';!h a~d . , ann Fmncc to join ter." [men from East Germany, ar :u,ssian ~otes also ".ere sent to i olf the Nova Seolia eoa.t Friday Ehz~1bcth and lhe Duke of !.. dm.! hnes 01 soldlCrs present~ng arms. quecn LOUise, 11')10 IS the Duk~! , in lI'ilhclrall'ing .ome lie said "It Is difficult to expect" said: , ,ntaln, \\est German) and a num· I for "a possible submarine con. burnh c~me .ashore from thell' In lhe carnage behmd theml aunt .• . HIDed form from Ger· an~' "concrete rcsillts In the area "The withdrawal from Germar ,'cr. of other governments. It wa5 , tact" but no Identilication had been I yacht. Fmlay III a blue and gold -,--_. ---'.------ of disarmament in the I'ery near of 1,he said number of Soviet Irool !nJ.ectured their contents ~vere; made at dusk. ' ; Swc!itsh royal I>ar¥e rowed by J.t, P d C k 0 D" ' unuoubledl)' prepare future,' as a result of thcse docs. not solve the question er IIn~lar to the letter sent to Elsen , . ,nal'al cadets pulhng 182·year.old i ,.010 OC Ilevs 'l1en rIve more deeisil'c .lleps lalks. lirelv lOll cr. A usually rehable source smd' oars. ! J ' r .. BlII~anin said in ,\SKS INDIVIDUAL CUTS '''fhis measure 01 the SOI'ie: "'[ o. it was believed to. ~JC a ~ussia.n I Cheering from the huge crowd I rJ1 R t '" "0·'· "B Il. 6 and dellvcred The Soviet leader proposed "ovcrnment Is only the Iirst step .The presll~enJ ~ rll~~ss.: pr 'sub, uut nal'al offiCIals saId thl,' rang over the harbor as the Queen, ,I 0 01 rll) III mgc d le es e e t wbat he described as "a nel\' ap' Q "However We base our think .i f' h~@ Ie:)' tbl I P, e~ar~. was only speculation. "We're nol • and the Duke stepped on to the LJ '. Proaeh." He saId that until such Ing on the premise that II the go\' Ion 0 IS rep y 0 s a.es e' even sUre it's a submarine," they red·carpeted landing stage in,bril., LONDON (Reuters) _ London's, bombers blast~d thc ancient chI. I , U IS'lange '1 I' I h' t th' t t ' I time as an .International agree· ernments of the n ted tates, I' • sal!. I~~ suns me 0 open elr sac proudcst Cae k n e y \ the pearly I and shattered the dozen bells ment on disarmament Is reached, En~land and France, which have The White House put out the full An RCAF Neptune patrol planc l'lSlt to SI~·eden. I,ings and queens, will deck them· there hal'c been no peals frolT. each country should take "con· their troops on German territory, teKt of Blllganin's letter, which was reported what It suspected to be a TI!l'catenmg weather. and fog 'ell'cs in pl:Jmcd lwts and pearl Bow - and therefore no "real" crete measures for reducing arm· would for theIr part also lak~ the latest in a series of exchanges sub early Friday a~d the navr sent ca~l~er had dela~'ed ~l'1'1l'al of til<' :tudded robes Sunday to launch a! Cockneys born. aments" on Its own. steps to reduce their armed for· on disarmament between the two the aircraft carner Magmflcent llrillsh yacht Bntanma by an hOIl), 'und dril'e fOr the aneicnt church I Of the £150.00a needed, less thar As a starter, he proposcd that ces In Germany, then this would hcads of state, without com men"., and the destroyer, escol·t lIuron. to As .the Qltcen .s~cpped ashore fo: I'hose bells made them' ('uckneys ! half has been raised so far. the United States, Britain and undoubtedly prepare the' ground Government officials Who stud·: the sc.cne.