LIBBY KNIGHT Assistant Director of Athletics Communications 590 Cobb Avenue MD #0201 Kennesaw, Ga 30144 OFFICE: 470-578-7589 CELL: 678-428-9808
[email protected] » 2014-15 SCHEDULE AND RECORD Kennesaw State AT NORTH FLORIDA D GAME 25 AT NORTH FLORIDA | FEB. 14 | UNF ARENA | JACKSONVIllE, FLA. R OVERALL 15-9 CO E A-Sun 4-5 Kennesaw State AT NORTH FLORIDA Non-Conference 11-4 Home 8-2 KENNESAW STATE NORTH FLORIDA ECORD 15-9, 4-5 A-Sun ECORD 10-14, 1-8 A-Sun Away 6-6 R : R : Neutral 0-0 COACH: Nitra Perry COACH: Mary Tappmeyer 2014-15 R 2014-15 3rd Season (28-57) 23rd Season (312-347) 2014-15 SCHEDULE STATISTICAL LEADERS STATISTICAL LEADERS DATE OPPONENT TIME POINTS Deandrea SAWYers, 362 POINTS DESTINEE SMITH, 317 NOVEMBER AssisTS KRISTINA WELLS, 88 AssisTS BRITTNEY WRIGHT, 61 8 sAT. EMORY. (EX). W, 108-56 REBounds Jasmine MCALLISTER, 260 REBounds PauLINA ZaveckaiTE, 285 14 FRI. COL. OF CHARLEstON W, 68-61 17 Mon. at Tennessee State W, 65-56 BLocks KRISTINA WELLS, 26 BLocks JANEA WILLIAMS, 34 19 Wed. at Georgia Tech L, 77-48 Three-PoinTers Deandrea SAWYers, 54 THREE-POINTERS DESTINEE SMITH, 38 22 Sat. at Georgia Southern W, 72-51 MINUTES KARLY FRYE, 886 MINUTES DESTINEE SMITH, 783 26 Wed. at Seton Hall L, 77-74 FieLD GoaL % Jasmine MCALLISTER, .496 FieLD GoaL % JANEA WILLIAMS, .414 29 Sat. at Columbia W, 66-62 DECEMBER » GAME COVERAGE 3 Wed. at Georgia State W, 73-64 LIVE STATS: LIVE VIDEO: 6 SAT.