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Index Number ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


The Certificate of Primary Education Examination October 2010

HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY (Subject Code No. 142)

Time: 1 hour

For Markers’ Use Only

MARKING REVISION CONTROL Instructions to Candidates Section/ Question Marks Sig Marks Sig Marks Sig 1. Check that this question paper contains 4 questions printed on 1A 12 pages numbered 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. A 1B 2. Write your Index Number on the question paper in the space 2 provided above. 3 3. You should not use red ink in answering questions. B 4 4. Write all your answers clearly on the question paper. TOTAL 5. Attempt all questions. Sig (HG)

10005 © Examinations Syndicate Marks SECTION A For each item in Questions 1A and 1B, circle the letter which shows the correct answer.

Example: Mauritius is found in the

A Arctic Ocean. B Atlantic Ocean. C . D Pacific Ocean. Question 1A (16 marks) (Mauritius)

Study map 1 and then answer items 1 to 5.

Map 1

Trou d’Eau Douce Bambous● Midlands Reservoir

F Rose Belle




10005 Marks 1. Mountain peak E is

A Piton Savanne. B Le Morne Brabant. C Piton de la Petite Rivière Noire. D Lion Mountain.

2. River F is

A Grand River South East. B Rivière Savanne. C Rivière La Chaux. D Baie du Cap River.

3. If you travel from Rose Belle to the airport, you will be travelling towards the

A South East. B South West. C North East. D North West.

4. The distance in a straight line from Rose Belle to Trou d’Eau Douce is approximately

A 15 km. B 20 km. C 25 km. D 30 km.

5. Sugar mill G is

A Belle Vue. B F.U.E.L. C Médine. D Savannah.

3 10005 Please turn over this page Marks Study map 2 and then answer items 6 to 8.

Map 2

● Tropic of Cancer New Delhi

15° N


Equator 0° Lake Nairobi Victoria H

15° S J Mauritius Tropic of Capricorn Gaborone

° 30° E 60° E 90° E 120 E

6. Group of islands H is A the Comoros. B Indonesia. C the Maldives. D the Seychelles.

7. Which capital city is found near the Tropic of Capricorn?

A Colombo B Gaborone C Nairobi D New Delhi

8. Country J from which many people were brought as slaves to Ile de is A Senegal. B Indonesia. C India. D Mozambique. 4

10005 Marks Question 1B (16 marks)

1. A good example of a crater lake in Mauritius is

A Kanaka Crater. B Piton du Milieu Reservoir. C Bassin Blanc. D Midlands Dam.

2. During the times of Labourdonnais people in Rodrigues were mostly

A traders. B carpenters. C masons. D fishermen.

3. One dependency of Mauritius during British rule was

A Chagos Archipelago. B the Maldives. C Réunion Island. D Madagascar.

4. The countries where our manufactured goods are sold are our

A raw materials. B markets. C labour. D power supply.

5 10005 Please turn over this page Marks

5. Manioc was grown by slaves in Ile de France. Manioc was brought to Ile de France from

A India. B Arabia. C China. D Brazil.

6. The last French Governor Charles Decaen is still remembered today because he built

A Fort Adelaide. B the village of Mahebourg. C the road from to Pamplemousses. D a small port at Souillac.

7. The land use in an area where there are many shops and supermarkets is known as

A agricultural land use. B industrial land use. C commercial land use. D recreational land use.

8. The cultivation of crops together with the rearing of animals is called

A mixed farming. B monoculture. C plantation farming. D terrace farming.


10005 Question 2 (28 marks) Marks

1. Diagram 1 shows a volcano in eruption. Diagram 1




Use the words from the list below to name the features marked A to E in Diagram 1.

pipe gas and dust lava flows magma cone crater Feature A has already been done for you.

A lava flows B C D E

7 10005 Please turn over this page Marks 2. Map 3 shows some relief features of Rodrigues.

Map 3

Petit Brûlé

Study map 3 and then fill in the blanks in sentences (a) to (d) with the correct word or words from the list given below.

alluvial deposits limestone Central Ridge tuffs gorges

(a) The relief feature shaded is the ...... ……………………….…………………………......

(b) The area marked C is made up of ...... ……………………….…………………………......

(c) The area around Petit Brûlé is covered with ...... ……………………….…………………………......

(d) At the mouth of Rivière Malgache, there are ...... ……………………….…………………………......


10005 3. Fill in the blanks in sentences (a) to (d) using the correct words from the list below. Marks One example has been done for you.

soldiers fishermen Curepipe

work agriculture Port Louis

In 1835, the British abolished slavery in Mauritius.

(a) The ex-slaves were free to live and ……….…………..…………work.…...... wherever they wanted.

(b) Many ex-slaves went to live in ……….…………..………….……......

(c) Other ex-slaves went to live near the coasts and became ……….…………..………….……......

(d) Some ex-slaves bought lands and practised ……….…………..………….……......

4. Study Map 4 which shows railways and some railway stations during the British period in Mauritius. Then answer questions (a), (b) and (c). Map 4 I (a) n which village was railway station KEY X found? railways railway station


(b) Why were railways built in many parts of Port Louis Mauritius? Give one reason.




X (c) Give one advantage of using railways at that time.



9 10005 Please turn over this page Marks SECTION B

Question 3 (20 marks)

1. In August 1810, the British attacked the French warships in the Bay of Grand Port, Ile de France.

Map 5 below shows the Bay of Grand Port and some of its main features.

Map 5

Mt Lion

Vieux Grand Port

Ile aux Fouquets

X KEY Mahebourg mountain

Ile aux Aigrettes

(a) Give one reason why the British attacked Ile de France.

...... ……………………...….……...... …......

...... ……………………...….……...... …......

(b) (i) Name small island X shown on Map 5.

……...... ………………...………......


10005 Marks (ii) Give one reason why the British captured small island X first.

……...... ………………...………......

……...... ………………...………......

(c) A naval battle was fought between the French and the British army in the Bay of Grand Port. The British lost the battle.

Give one reason why the British lost the naval battle.

……...... ………………...………......

……...... ………………...………......

The British captured Rodrigues in August 1809. In December 1810, the British attacked Ile de France again.

2. (a) How did the British use Rodrigues to attack Ile de France?

……...... ………………...………......

……...... ………………...………......

(b) (i) Name the place where the British troops landed in Ile de France in December 1810.

……...... …..………......

(ii) This time, the French surrendered to the British. Give one reason why.



11 10005 Please turn over this page Marks

Question 4 (20 marks)

1. Map 6 and Map 7 show the location, altitude and total annual rainfall for Nouvelle France and Médine in Mauritius and Citronelle and Baie du Nord in Rodrigues.

Study maps 6 and 7 to answer the questions below.

Map 6 Map 7

Altitude 50 m Total Rainfall about 900 mm Port Mathurin ● Citronelle ● Port Louis Baie du Nord

Altitude 20 m Altitude 360 m Total Rainfall Médine Total Rainfall 1100 mm Nouvelle about 1600 mm France Altitude 580 m Total Rainfall 3500 mm

(a) Name the prevailing winds which bring rainfall to Mauritius and Rodrigues.


(b) Name the type of rainfall associated with the prevailing winds.


(c) Médine and Baie du Nord have lower amounts of rainfall. Give one reason why.




10005 Marks 2. Map 8 shows the northern part of Mauritius with the main tourist zone. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow. Map 8

Grand Baie zBic

z Rivière du Rempart

Port Louis

(a) Give two reasons why the shaded area z is an important tourist zone in Mauritius.

(i) ……………...... ………………......

..…………...... ………………......

(ii) ……………...... ………………......

..…………...... ………………......

(b) The tourist industry provides jobs to people. Give two other benefits that we get from the tourist industry.

(i) ……………...... ………………......

..…………...... ………………......

(ii) ……………...... ………………......

..…………...... ………………......

(c) Give one reason why many tourists like to visit Rodrigues.

………………..………...... ………………......


13 10005 Please turn over this page Marks



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