Comparison, Selection and Use of Sentence Alignment Algorithms for New Language Pairs Anil Kumar Singh Samar Husain LTRC, IIIT LTRC, IIIT Gachibowli, Hyderabad Gachibowli, Hyderabad India - 500019 India - 500019 a
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[email protected] Abstract than 95%, and usually 98 to 99% and above). The evaluation is performed in terms of precision, and Several algorithms are available for sen- sometimes also recall. The figures are given for one tence alignment, but there is a lack of or (less frequently) more corpus sizes. While this systematic evaluation and comparison of does give an indication of the performance of an al- these algorithms under different condi- gorithm, the variation in performance under varying tions. In most cases, the factors which conditions has not been considered in most cases. can significantly affect the performance Very little information is given about the conditions of a sentence alignment algorithm have under which evaluation was performed. This gives not been considered while evaluating. We the impression that the algorithm will perform with have used a method for evaluation that the reported precision and recall under all condi- can give a better estimate about a sen- tions. tence alignment algorithm's performance, We have tested several algorithms under differ- so that the best one can be selected. We ent conditions and our results show that the per- have compared four approaches using this formance of a sentence alignment algorithm varies method. These have mostly been tried significantly, depending on the conditions of test- on European language pairs. We have ing. Based on these results, we propose a method evaluated manually-checked and validated of evaluation that will give a better estimate of the English-Hindi aligned parallel corpora un- performance of a sentence alignment algorithm and der different conditions.