CONVERSION IN CHHATTISOARH M('7S q. MV7HS Rajendra K. Sail v INSRF (Indian Social Action forum) CONVERSION IN CHHATT1SGARH FACTS S MYTHS By : Rajendra K. Sail 1st Edition : November 2003 Published by : INSAF (Indian Social Action Forum) Copies Available at : • National Secretariat, A-124/6, FF, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi - 110 016 E-mail :
[email protected] • Organizing Secretary, H-12, Anupam Nagar, PO: Shankar Nagar, RAIPGR - 492007 E-mail :
[email protected] Support Price : 25/- Printer : Sagar Printers, Raipur CONVERSION IN CHHATTISGARH At the Root of the Controversy The State Assembly Elections in the newly constituted state of Chhattisgarh are due to be held on December 1, this year! The two major political parties-Congress (I) and the Bhartiya Janata Party - are vying with each other to raise issues that would capture the public mood. The Congress (I) has announced “development” during its 3-years tenure as the main plank for the forthcoming elections. Of course, it is another matter that in the name of development, the Congress (1) is ruthlessly peddling the globalisation agenda on the people of Chhattisgarh. The privatisation of Sheonath river water is only a burning example, thus denying people their control on and usage of natural resources. Although the BJP and its coalition partners in the NDA government at the Centre are also pursuing the globalisation agenda, in Chhattisgarh it has declared “ Dhan Aur Dharmantaran” (Paddy & Conversion) as the election issue. It is quite in line with the BJP’s policy of cashing on the communally surcharged atmosphere, especially in the wake of Gujarat’s so-called success story in elections.