In the preface to the first issue of the Indian Year Book, the Editor appealed to the public continuously to edit it, for only in this manner could it assume and retain the qualities requisite in a current handbook to the Indian Empire. · The appeal met with a very welcome response. Whilst the proverbial kindness of tho English reading public induced many grateful words of appreciation, many valuable suggestions were offered, which been incorporated in the second. issue so far as possible. H the response has not in all cases been as adequate as was desired, I hope that the critics will appreciate the difficulties of editing the Year Book during a great war. Not only did the war throw a heavy burden of work upon every journalist during the months when the work of revision was. most active, but it also impaire.d the capacity for help of those valued colleagues to whose co-operation so much of the success which has been attained by the Indian Year Book is due . ..4.mongst the new features introduced in response to these suggestions is a. review of the work of the Legislative Councils. The summary of the proceed­ ings of tho Impe~Lcgislative Council has been made as complete as poBBihle; those of the Provincial Councils are naturally ~horter. Another f('aturo is an analysis of the aystems of Local Government in India, though thi~ mnst necea· sarily be incomplete where such wide diversity exists "and when the promised declaration of Government policy is still awaited. The section dealing with the Peoples of India baa also been enlarged from the materials in Mr. Gait1s re­ port on the census of 1911 ; and a special section dealing with manners and cm1· toms has been introduced for those who are visiting India for the firt:Jt. time. The important events of an exceptional year have been recorded with greater fullnesfl, and the part which India has played in the war is described in n separate article.

The Edit-or would gladly have accepted the suggestion to expr~s all valueH in sterling, but a.s long as Indian official literature jumps from rupees to sterling and from millions to crores and lakhs, this is impracticable. An explanatory statement is given on page 314. The Army Commands have been omitted from the present volume, because, owing to the wa.r, any lit>t is out of date by tho time it i.:! printed. In other respects the second issue of the Indian Y car Book, with additions and improvements, closeJy follows the plan pursued in the first volume. The public then evidenced their approval of the work by exhausting a large editiop, within three months of publication. Whilst gratefully acb:nowledging this vnlucd support, and once more offo1ing his thanks to the contributors whoso assistance baa made the Indian Year Book what it is, the Editor would repeat his appc.9.l for continuous editing by tho public, and his ~surance that evepW" practicable suggestion will be embodied in future issues,

THE· .EDITOR. ------· ---- CALENDAR FOR 1816. ~----'!)~anuar!). .------~)u~lll~·------~. ::::::\ ::: ! :~ I :~ : ~ ~.I. S...... I 4 II I IS ~~ Twu. •••••• •. 56 I'32 2~~ :_. ~67 ·::: \ .. . I ~· :::::: ::: I' ~ :~ I ~~ ~~ ::: Th...... 7 I4 2I 28 ... Th..... ;. I s '5 22 29 .. . F...... , s ,5 22 2 9 ... F...... 2 9 !6 23 30 .. . s. ······ 2 9 t6 23 ; J~- S...... 3 to 17 24 31 .. . ;~bruar!). JIUI)USt. s. ······ ... 7 '4 21 28 ... S, •••.. I s I5 22 29 ••. M. I 8 IS 22 ••• . .. M ...... 2 9 I6 23 30 ••· Tu...... 2 9 I6 23 ••• ••• Tu ••••••• 3 10 17 24 3 1 w. 3 IO I7 24 ••• • •• w. 4 Jl 18 25 ••• •.. Th. •••••• 4 I, IS 25 ••• . •• 12 tg 26 ••• ••• F...... · 5 12 19 z6 ...... J~· :::::· ~ ·~ 20 27 S •• •••·•• 6 I3 20 27 ••• ••• s ...... 7 14 21 :z8 ••• ••. marcl!. ______s~~~p~t~m.~b~~r~--~~- e...... 7 14 21 z8 ••• s...... -~ 12 '9 '26 ••• Mo oUooo [ s •s zz z9 ... M. .•..•• ... 6 IJ" 20 27 ••• Tu...... 2 9 16 23 30 ••• Tu. •••••• ... 7 14 21 28 •.. w ...... 3 10 17 24 JI ••• \V. I 8 15 22 29 ••• Tti...... 4 11 18 25 ••• • •• Th...... 2 9 lb 23 30 ••• F. .... 5 12 19 ii!6 ...... F...... 3 10 I7 24 ... •.. 6 s ...... IJ I 20 27 ••• • .• s...... 4 I, IS 25 ...... Jlprll. s ...... =---~---O~c~to~b~~r~·---~~ 4 II t8 25 ••• S. · ... ~ ... 1 3 Io 17 24 31 M. ••···· .. . 5 12 tg 26 ••. '!'u. ••···· ••• 6 13 20 27 ... ~~. ~ =~ ::: w. ... 7 14 21 28 ... :::::: ::: I; : :: oo• \V, ...... 6 I3 20 27 Th...... I s .5 zz z9 ... Th...... 7 '4 21 2S ... F...... 2 9 1b 23 JO ,,. 3 F...... I I s 15 22 29 .. . s...... 10 17---=~ S ...... 1 2 9162330 ... maJJ. ltou~mb~r. s...... 9 I6 2J 30 M. e...... 10 17 24 JI M. 1 Tu...... hI :; =~ :: ::: w. :::I i II 18 25 ••• Tu . •••... 2 9 I6 23 JO ... 12 19 26 ••• w. 3 10 17 24 ... • .. Th...... I 6 IJ 20 27 ... Th...... 4 F ...... 11 I r8 25 . • • •• s ...... ,. I ~ 14 21 :z8 ••• 12 19 26 ...... IS 22 29 ••• ~: :::::: ~ IJ . 20 27 ••• "' Jun~. ll~c~mber. e...... 6 I3 20 27 ... e...... ::: I g II :~ I9 26 ... ~~...... ··; ~ :; :! ~: ::: ~~- :::::: I 7 .4 :~ =~ ::: w. 2 9 16 2J JO ••• w. ·-J 8 IS 22 29 .•. Th...... 3 10 I7 24 ...... Th. ... 2 9. 16 23 30 .. . F...... 4 II IS 25 ...... F...... 3 IO 17 24 3I .. . -=.S·:...... :·~":.:·.:.!.·_i!5..:...:':.:2...:....'::;9~::26~:.:··:.· !...::"::.· .J..:s~·.-:"~'"~"~'!.4_" .s 25 ...... Phases or the Moon-JANUARY 31 Days. 0 Full Moon • •• •••• 1st. 6b. 60"5m. P.H. · e New Moon ••••.• 15th, Sh. 11'9m. P.M. }) First Quarter .•••• 23rd. llh. 2"3ru. A.M. ( r.a.t Quarter ••••• 9th, 2b. 42·6m. A.lL 0 Full .lloon •.•.••. 31st, 101\. ll'3m. A..lf. Perigee ··~······12th, 7'6h.p.J1, I Apogee ••••••••• 24th. 2'2h. I'.H. Day or IDay of ~----,.M_ean_T_I_n_••..,· Moon's I D~~~~~ Dey ot the Week. the the Sunrise. 1 Sunset. I---1 True Age at tlon llontb. Year. A..K. J P.JI. Noon. Noon. atNMen.n I oon. B. ... "· H. I"· "· D. 8. ll"rlday .. .. 1 1 7 12 6 12 I .: ... ·42 15"2 28 6 2 8 13 16"2 28 1 Saturday .. 2 7 12 I o 42 Sundal' .. 8 8 7 18 8 13 0 43 17'2 22 56 Monday .. 4 • 7 13 6 14 ' 0 43 18"2 22 60 Tuesday .. 6 6 7 18 6 15 I 0 " 19"2 2Z " Wednesday .. 8 6 7 13 6 16 I 0 " 20"2 22 37 TbDniday .. 7 7 7 u 8 16 I 0 45 21"2 22 30 ll"rlday .. 8 8 7 u 8 17 0 46 22"2 22 23 Saturday .. 9 9 7 14 6 17 0 46 ({ 28"2 22 15 Sundal' .. 10 10 7 14 6 18 0 46 24•2 22 7 Konday .. 11 L1 7 14 8 18 0 46 25"2 21 ;;s Tuesday .. 12 12 7 16 6 19 0 47 26•2 21 40 Wednesday .. 18 18 7 15 6 20 0 47 27"2 21 89 Thursday .. 14 u 7 15 ti 21 0 48 28•2 21 .. l'rlday .. 15 16 7 15 6 22 0 48 • 20"2 21 10 Saturday .. 16 16 7 15 6 22 0 48 0"7 21 8 s unday .. 17 17 7 16 6 28 0 49 1"7 20 67 Mo uday .. 18 18 7 16 6 .. 0 49 2"7 20 45 Tuesday .. 19 19 7 15 6 .. 0 49 8"7 20 38 wednesday .. 20 20 7 15 6 25 0 60 4"7 20 21 Tbursday .. 21 21 7 16 8 25 0 60 6"7 J 8 ll"rl day .. 22 2Z 7 16 8 26 0 60 6"7 19 55 Saturday .. 2S 28 7 15 8 27 I 0 50 ]) 7"7 19 41 s unda:r ...... 7 15 6 27 0 51 &·7 19 27 Mo nday .. 25 25 7 16 8 28 0 61 9"7 19" 18 Tuesday .. 26 26 7 15 8 .. 0 51 10"7 18 68 w ednesday .. 27 27 7 15 8 .. 0 61 11"7 18 48 Tbursday .. 28 28 7 u 6 .. 0 52 12"7 18 28 l'rI day ...... 7 14 6 80 0 52 18"7 18 12 66 Saturday .. 80 80 7 14 6 30 0 62 14"7 17 17 40 Sondal' .. 31 81 7 14 6 31 0 52 0 15"7 Phases of the Moon-FEBRUARY 28 Days.

( LMt Quart£r , •.. 7th, lOh. 40'9m. A.K. }) First Quarter ..... 22nd, Sh. 28'8m. e N<'W Moon ...... 14th, lOh.l'Om. A.ll. Perigee ..••. , .. . 7th. 6·8h. P.M. Apoget> ...... 2Ist.l1"4h. ~ll.

Mean Time. Suu·~ Day of\ Dayoll Declina· Day of the Week. I the the, Moon"• Sunrise. Tn1e I ARc at tion Month. I Yl•or. I Sunset. Noon. at Mean A.>!. P.H. ' Noon. J Noon.

H. B. Jl. B. D. 8. "· P.ll."· ~nday 1 32 13 81 52 16"7 17 23 ruesday 2 I 33 13 32 52 17"7 17 Wednesday .. 18 32 0 M 18"7 16 40 l'hnrsday 35 12 83 53 19"7 16 32 Friday 36 12 53 20"7 16 14 SaturdAy •• 37 12 34 53 21•7 15 56 Sunday 88 11 S5 53 ( 22"7 15 38 Monday 89 11 85 53 28"7 15 19 Tueoday 40 10 S6 58 24"7 15 Wednesda.y 10 41 10 S6 53 2$"7 u 41 l'hnnday 11 42 16 37 63 26"7 14 22 Friday 12 43 37 53 'lf/"7 14 Saturday 13 44 88 58 28"7 lS 4l! Sunda~ u 45 88 53 • o·t 13 22 llonday 1$ 46 39 53 1"1 18 Tuesday 16 47 39 68 2"1 12 41 WedneBday 17 48 40 53 s·t 12 21 ThlU"Bday 18 40 40 53 4"1 12 0 Friday 10 50 40 53 5"1 11 89 Batur&y 26 51 41 63 6"1 11 17 Sunda~ 21 52 41 53 7"1 10 56 Monday 22 53 41 58 ) s·t 10 TueBday 23 54 42 52 9"1 10 12"' Wedn"""y 24 65 42 52 10"1 9 61 Thundny 2S 66 42 52 11"1 9 28 Friday 26 57 .. 62 12'1 Saturday 'lf1 58 48 62 18"1 8 SnndQ· .. .. 28 59 , .. 52 u·1 8 21 !

2 Pbase1 of tbe Moon-MARCH 31 Days. 0 Full Moon . , . .... 2nd, Oh. 2·6m A.K. e New Moon ...... 18th, th. I2•3m. A.M. C!: Last Quarter .... 8th. 5h. 57'6m. P.K ) Fl'"t Quarter ..... 24th. 4h. 1S·Om• ...,., Perigee .....•.. . fitb, 8'6b. P.M. I Apogee ...... ,21st, 6'7h. A.JL

IDay of IDay or I Mean "ftmc. IMoon's I D('rlinn.-Snn"• Day of the Week. M:u. Stm1'isc. f SllllBct, True Age at tton • re:r • A.lf.. P.H. Noon. :Noon. at.Mcnn I _.:.._ -----.~~ ...... )(. P • D • s. H. ..."· Monday 60 59 44 0 51 16'1 71[59 Tuesday 81 58 46 61 0 18"1 36 Wednesday 82 57 45 61 17"1 13 Thursday 83 58. 46 51 18"1 6 50 Friday 64 58 46 51 19"1 8 Z1 Saturday 65 55 46 50 l!J0•1 Sunday 88 6 64 47 50 21"1 5 41 Monday 87 58 6 .7 50 ( 22"1 5 17 Tuesday 88 58 I 47 50 28"1 • 54 Wednesday 10 69 52 48 •• 24"1 • 81 Thursday 11 70 51 48 •• 26"1 Friday 12 71 50 48 •• 26"1 .. Batuiday 18 72 6 49 48 •• 27'0 8 l!JO Sunday 14 73 •• •• 0 48 28•1 2 66 lfonday 15 74 48 49 0 48 211"1 2 83 Tnl"Sday 18 76 47 •• I 48 • o·s 19 Wedneeday 17 76 46 •• •8 1"5 46 Thursday 18 77 46 •• f7 2"5 1 22 Friday 19 78 .. 50 .7 8"5 0 68 Satuiday 20 79 48 50 47 ... 0 8•' Sandal' 21 80 42 6 50 48 6"5 0 11 N Monday 22 81 41 50 0 46 8"6 0 1S Tnl"Sday 2S 82 40 61 48 7"5 0 37 Wedneeday 24 88 89 61 0 46 ) 8"5 Thmsclay 26 8< 89 61 0 46 9"5 1 24 Friday 26 85 89 51 46 10"5 1

([ Quarter •• ,,6th, lOb. 62·6m. A.ll:, l> First Quarter •••.. 22nd, lOb. 2Q•Om. A.H. e New ~loon •.•. ,,14th, Oh. t·Om. A.M. 0 Full Moon , , , .. , .29th. 3h. 2·9m. A.K. Perigee .....•. •. 28th, ll'lh...•. P.H. I .Apogee , .••....• 15th, 2"9b •••.• A.K. ~ ~ Mean Time. IMoon's \ Dccllfl&oo~uo'd of IDayoll Day oil Day the Week. the the Sunrise. Sunset. True Month. Year. Noon. 1fcio~ attl~~ A.l!. I P.l!. I ____ _!"~ IL B. B. D. N; ... P.M. "· "' 86 16'8 H 45 Saturday 121 11 0 86 17'8 16 Sundal' 122 11 86 18•8 15 22 Monday 128 10 19•8 16 40 Tuesday 124 10 86 20•8 16 67 Wednesday 125 85 86 C[ 21•8 16 14 Thund&Y ·6 f26 86 22•8 16 81 FridaY 127 85 28·8 16 48 SatUidAY 128 85 24•8 17 sunda:r 129 25·8 17 21 Monday 10 180 85 85 26•8 17 87 Tuesday 11 181 85 27•8 17 62 Wednesday 12 182 7 4 0 85 28•8 18 Thlll'BdaY 18 188 85 • 0'2 18 22 Friday 14 184 s5 1'2 18 87 Saturday 15 185 0 85 2•2 18 61 Sunday 16 136 85 8'2 19 Monday 17 187 85 •·2 19 10 Tuesday 18 188 85 5•2 19 32 Wednesday 19 139 0 85 6•2 19 46 Thunday 20 HO 36 7•2 19 58 Friday 21 141 85 s·2 20 11 Saturday 22 142 » I 0 85 9'2 20 28 Sunday 28 148 9 85 10•2 20 34 lion day 24 u• 36 11•2 20 46 Tuesday 25 145 10 85 12·2 20 67 Wednesday 26 146 10 86 18•2 21 Thtm~day 27 147 0 14•2 21 17 Friday 28 148 11 86 0 16•2 21 27 SaturdAy 29 149 11 86 21 87 0 86 16·Z Sunday 80 160 11 12 0 86 17 2 21 Honday 81 lSI I •• fi Phases or the Moon-JUNE 30 Days. ( Last Quarter .•.• 4th. lOh. 2'lm. P.M. )) First Quarter ..... 20th, 7h. 54'3m. J>.lt. e New :\loon ...... l:nb, Oh. 27·3m. A.X. 0 Fullllooo ...... 27th, 9h. 57'4m. A.lJ. Perigee .....••.. 26th. i · 6h., . , , , . A.lf.. Apogee ..... , .. . 11th, 5'9h ...... A.H.

llean Time. Day of \ Dn)" of Day of thf' Week. the the Month. Year. Sunrise, Sunset. Trnc \ A.M. P.ll. Noon. I B. ... B • ... B • ... D • N; I P.x. I Tuesday 1 152 6 1 7 12 0 86 18•2 21 55 W<:dnesday 2 153" 6 1 7 12 0 86 19•2 22

Thursday 3 154 6 1 7 ~ 13 0 86 20"2 22 II" Friday • 155 6 1 7 13 0 37 ( 21•2 ~ 111 Saturday ;; 156 6 1 1 ,. 0 a? 22"2 22 2G Sunday 6 157 6 1 7 14 0 37 23•2 22 38 Monday .. 7 158 6 1 7 u 0 37 2«"2 22 :19

Tuesday 8 159 6 1 7 15 0 37 25•2 22 ~ WOOilcsday .. 9 160 6 1 7 15 0 38 26•2 22 31 Thumay .. 10 161 6 1 7 15 0 38 27"2 22 50 Frlda.y .. 11 162 6 l 7 16 0 38 28"2 23 1 Saturday .. 12 163 6 1 7 16 0 38 29"2 23 5 Sunday .. 13 16< 6 1 7 16 0 38 • 0"6 2S 9 Monday .. 165 6 1 7 17 0 89 1"6 23 1S Tuesday " .. 16 166 6 1 7 17 0 89 2"5 2S 16 WOOilesday .. 16 167 6 1 7 17 0 39 8"6 2S 19 Thursday .. 17 168 6 1 7 17 0 89 4"6 2S 21 Friday .. 18 169 6 2 7 18 0 89 6"6 2S 2-1 Saturday .. 19 170 6 2 7 18 0 6"6 2S 25 Sonw .. 20 171 6 2 7 18 0 '" ) 7"6 28 26 Honday 21 '" .. 172 6 2 7 18 0 8·s 28 27 Tuesday 22 .. 178 6 8 7 19 0 '"40 9"6 23 27 Wednesday .. 28 17< 6 8 7 19 0 10'5 ~ 27 Thursday 2« '" .. 175 6 8 7 10 0 41 11"6 28 27 Friday .. 25 176 6 8 7 19 0 41 12•6 23 26 Saturday 26 177 .. 6 8 7 19 0 41 18"6 28 26 Sonda>' .. 27 178 6 7 19 0 o u·5 28 28 Konday .. 28 179 ' 6 7 20 0 «2" 16"6 28 ·'"2ll Tuesday 29 ' .. 180 6 7 20 0 42 115'6 28 18 WOOileeday ' i .. 80 181 6 6 7 20 0 42 17•6 28 15 6 Phases of tbe Moon----.IULY 31 Days. ( L'lBt Quarter ..•• 4th, llh. 24'2m. A.v. ) First Qmutn •.•.. 20th, 2b. 38'8m. A.M. e New Moon •••••• 12th. 3h. o·am. P.H. 0 Full Moon ••..... 26th, 5h. u·om.P.M. Perigee •••.••••. 24th, 10'9h..... A.ll. Apogee ~········Btb, .a.·sh. ..•.•. r.x.

llt'anTime. Da.yor Day of Moon's Declinn.- Day of the Week. the the Sunrise, Agfl at tton Month. Year. Sunset. True A.Jl. l'.H. Noon. Noon. at A!ean I Noon. H. H. II. H. i D. N; "· P.ll. "· Thursday .. 1 182 6 6/ 7 20 ·o 42 18'6 28 11, day .. 2 183 8 5 7 20 0 42 19'6 28 • Saturday .. 3 18-1 8 8 7 20 0 43 20'5 28 8 SundaJ .. • 185 8 8 7 20 0 43 ( 21'6 22 69 M6nday .. 5 188 8 6 7 20 0 43 22'5 22 •• Tuesday .. 8 187 8 7 7 20 0 43 23'5 22 •• WcdncodAy .. 7 188 8 7 7 20 0 24'6 22 •• Thursday .. 8 189 6 7 7 20 0 ""43 .... 22 38 Friday .. 9 100 8 8 7 20 0 26'5 22 30 Saturday .. 10 191 8 8 7 20 0 " 27'8 22 23 SundU .. 11 192 8 8 7 20 0 " 28'5 22 18 Monday .. 12 193 6 8 7 20 0 " • 29'5 22 8 Tuesday .. 13 104 8 8 7 20 0 " 0'9 22 0 Wednesday " .. H 195 8 9 7 20 0 •• 1'9 21 61 Tlnuaday .. 15 198 8 9 7 19 0 (4 2'9 21 .. Friday .. 18 197 8 9 7 19 0 8'9 21 38 Saturday .. 17 198 8 10 7 19 0 "45 ... 21 23 5DDd8J' .. 18 199 8 10 7 19 0 f5 ... 21 14 Monday .. 19 200 8 10 7 19 0 f5 ... 21 3 Tuesday .. 20 201 8 11 7 18 0 •• ) 7"9 20 53 Wedneoday .. 21 202 6 11 7 18 0 46 8'9 20 41 Tbunday .. 22 203 8 12 7 18 0 45 9'9 20 30 Friday .. 23 204 8 12 7 18 0 45 10'9 20 17 Saturday .. .. 205 6 12 7 17 0 45 11'9 20 • SundQ .. 25 206 6 13 7 17 0 •• 12'9 19 64 llonday .. 26 207 8 18 7 17 0 45 0 13'9 10 41 TucodAy .. 27 208 6 13 7 17 0 45 14'9 19 28 Wedn...U.y .. 28 209 8 14 7 18 0 45 15'9 10 15 Tbunday .. 20 210 8 14 7 16 0 45 16'9 19 .,1. Friday .. 80 211 6 lf 7 16 0 45 17"9 18 Saturday .. 81 212 6 15 7 16 0 f5 18'9 18 ..- Phases of the Moon-AUGUST 31 Days. ({ Last Quo.rter •••• Srd, 2h, 57•3m. A.M. ]) First Quarter •.••• 18th. 7h. '7'4m. A.K. e New Moon •••••• 11th. 4h. 22·4m. P.JL 0 Full Moon ••••••• 25th, Sh. 10'5m. A.Y. Perigee ••••••••• 20th. 7'7\1., .P.ll. I Apogoo ••••••••• Stb, 8"lb••••••• P.H.

Sun·~ Day of Day o: Meu.nTlme, \ D('Ciina.­ -Sun-rl-sc-.~-S-un-s-et-.--Tru-e- 1::'a~·~ tlon Dtt.y or the Week. M~~~h. · y~~- • A.H. P.M. Noon. Noon, at :\ltno I Noon- B. ... B...... lL D . N, B,Jl, Bunda 7 .. 1 218 6 15 7 16 0 45 19"9 18 16 l[onday .. 2 214 6 15 7 14 0 46 20"9 18 3 Tnesdaf .. 8 216 6 16 7 14 0 45 ( 21•9 17 48 Wedn esday .. 4 216 6 16 7 13 0 45 22"9 17 32 Tbursdaf .. 5 217 6 16 7 18 0 45 23"9 17 16 J.l'rlda y .. 6 218 6 17 7 12 0 46 24"9 17 0 SatUidaf .. 7 219 6 17 7 12 0 26"9 16 44 Sunde7 .. 8 220 6 17 7 11 0 "44 26•9 16 27 Hand ay .. 9 221 6 18 7 11 0 44 27"9 16 11 Tnesday . .. 10 222 6 18 7 10 0 44 26"9 16 sa Wednesday .. 11 223 6 18 7 9 0 44 • o·3 16 86 Tbursday .. 12 224 6 19 7 9 0 44 1"8 16 18 J.l'rlda y .. 13 225 6 19 7 8 0 44 2"3 15 0 AJ .. 14 226 6 19 7 8 0 43 a·3 14 42 Sundaf .. 16 227 6 20 7 7 0 48 4"8 14 24 -Honda f 16 228 6 20 7 6 0 43 6"8 14 5 .. Tneadaf .. 17 229 6 20 7 6 0 43 6"8 18 46 Wedncoday .. 18 280 6 20 7 6 0 48 ) 7"8 18 27 Tbursday .. 19 281 6 21 7 ' 0 43 8·a 18 8 l'rlday .. 20 282 6 21 7 ' 0 42 9"8 12 48 8atlttday .. 21 2S8 6 21 7 8 0 42 10"3 12 29 Sundn y .. 22 2S4 6 21 7 2 0 42 11·a 12 9 Honday .. 2S 285 6 21 7 1 0 42 12"8 11 49 Tnesdaf .. 24 236 6 22 7 1 0 41 18"8 11 29 Wednesday .. 26 287 6 22 7 0 0 41 0 14"8 11 8 Tbursday .. 26 2S8 6 12 6 59 0 n 15"8 10 48 J.l'rlday .. 27 289 6 22 6 59 0 40 16"8 10 27 SatUiday .. 28 240 6 22 6 68 0 40 17"3 10 6 Sunday .. 29 241 6 2S 6 67 0 40 18"8 9 45 Honday .. 80 242 6 2S 6 66 0 89 19"3 9 24 Tnesdaf .. 81 248 6 2S 6 66 0 89 m·a 9. 2

8 Pbases of the Moon-SEPTEMBER 30 Days. ( Last Quarter •••. 1st, 8h. 26'6m. P.M. )FINt Qunrter •.... lfith, Oh.5t·sm. P.K. 0 Full lloon ...... 23rd, 3h 5"2m. P.lll. e New l:loon ••••• • 9th, 4h. 22"7m. P.ll. Apogee ...... ,2nd, z·7lh . .t.JI. Perigee ••••••••• 14th, 8.8b. P.H. I , ..•.•.. . SOUl, 10'3h. P.ll. Mean Time. Snn"s Moon'! Declina-. .. IDayot IDayot Age at tlon Day of the Week. the the l True Bunrbe. ' · Sunset. 1' Noon. a~]Jfe:m. Uontb. Year. , PJI. Noon ... I I I oon. D. H. a • ... P. H. ,N. i "· H.H. I I I Wednesday .. 1 244 I 6 24 6 66 0 89 « 2l•S 8 41 I Thursday .. 2 245 6 24 6 64 0 89 22"8 8 19 Friday .. 8 246 6 24 6 63 0 88 28"8 7 67 Saturday .. 4 247 6 24 6 62 0 88 24"S 5 S5 Sunday .. 6 248 6 24 6 61 0 88 25"3 7 n 8.7 26•8 lfonday .. 6 . 249 6 24 6 60 0 6 61 Tuesday .. 7 260 6 25 6 50 0 37 27"S 6 28 Wednesday .. 8 251 6 26 6 49 0 87 2a·s 6 6 Thursday .. 9 252 6 25 6 48 0 86 • 29·S. 6 44 Friday 10 253 6 25 6 47 0 86 0"7 6 21 .. fi-1 Saturday .. 11 264 6 26 6 46 0 S6 1"7 4 33 0 S5 2"7 4 S5 SundaJ" .. 12 256 6 25 6 46 llooday .. 18 266 6 26 6 0 86 8"7 4 18 267 6 26 6 "48 0 85 4"7 s 60 Tucoday .. 14 l"i WedneodaJ .. 16 268 6 26 6 48 0 84 6"7 8 27 Thursday .. 16 269 6 26 6 42 0 84 ) 6"7 8 • 7•7 Friday . .. 17 260 6 26 6 n 0 84 2 40 2 17 Saturday .. 18 261 6 27 6 40 0 88 8"7 9•7 1 54 s unda:v .. 19 262 8 27 6 89 0 88 onday .. 20 263 8 27 6 88 0 o8 10"7 1 S1 "' 11"7 1 7 Tuesday .. 21 264 6 27 8 87 0 82 Wednesday .. 22 266 6 27 6 88 0 81 12"7 0 .. 0 13"7 0 21 Tb ursday .. 2S 266 6 27 6 38 0 81 0 u Friday .. 24 267 6 28 6 85 0 81 14"7 .. 0 26 aturday .. 25 268 6 28 6 84 0 81 16"7 16"7 0 49 s unda;v .. 26" 269 6 28 6 ss 0 81 I IS ){onday 27 270 6 28 6 82 0 so 17"7 . 86 18•7 1 Tuesday .. 28 271 6 28 "6 Sl o· so 19"7 2 0 Wednesday .. 29 272 6 29 6 80 0 29 20•7 2 28 Tb ursday .. 80 273 6 29 6 29 0 29

9 Phases of the Moon-OCTOBER 31 Days. « Lasf.Quarter •••• bt,Sh.U·sm.P.H. 1 ~~~~~~·.·.·.·.·.~~;~::1:~::~·.!·. • New Moon .•.••• 9th. Sb. 12'lm. A.K. I ( Last Qu&rtl'r .... :lbt, lOb. o·sm. A...)(, Pf'rigee ...... 11th, 6'6b ...... Pll. Apogl'C ...... 27th, 4'6h...... A.!I.

1 Day o( ' Day o( I Mean Time. I Moon's Declina-Snn·, Da.y of the Week. the . the Sunrise. I Sunset. True Age at tion Month. ~ear. A.H. . P.U. Noon. ! Noon. ~.£~;~- \

- ----~-- ,--- H. "·\H. H. U.P.>!."· D. Friday •. 1 274 29 I 6 29 0 29 ( 21·7 5:1 Saturday •• J 275 29 6 28 28 22'7 16 SundaY •• I 276 29 6 27 28 28·7 3 40 Monday 28 Tuesday ::I ~: :: 16 : 28 • 26 Wednesday 279 30 24- 0 26•7 • =19 Thursday 30 23 27 27•7 5 12 Frld.ay 281 30 28 27 28•7 5 35 Saturday 282 31 22 26 • o·• a ss Sund&l' 10 283 31 21 26 1•4 6 2~ Monday 11 81 20 26 ::1! 6 " TUL-sday .. 12 285 31 19 26 3•4 WednCl"day .. , 13 286 31 19 25 ··4 7 29 Thursday 14 287 82 ld s·4 7 52

Friday 15 288 32 17 ~ 6•4 8 ,. Saturday 16 289 33 16 7•4 8 36 Sunday 17 290 83 16 24 a·• 8 58 llonday 1d 291 33 15 24 ... 9 20 Tucsdo.y 19 292 .. 14 24 10'4 0 42 Wl'dn~ay 20 293 34 H 24 11'4 10 "ThtU'Sllay 21 294 34 13 2< 12'4 10 26 Frido.y 295 34 u· 12 23 1a·• 10 47 Saturday 28 206 85 (J' 12 23 0 14'4 11 Sunday 24 207 35 11 23 15'4 11 20 Monday 298 86 10 23 16'4 11 50 TuMay 26 209 36 10 23 17'4 12 11 Wednesday 27 300 36 2.1 18"4 12 32 ThunK_lny 2d 301 37 2:! 10'-1 t2 .i2 l"rldo.y 302 23 20'4 13 12 Suturdo.y. 30 303 23 21'4 1:1 32 Sundoy :n 30-1 38 22 « 22'4 13 50 ------_c.___ __:_ )10 Phases of the Moon-NOVEMBER 30 Days. e Nl'wMoon •••••• 7th, lb. 22·Sm. P.ll. 0 Full Moon ...••.. 21st, llh. o· .uu. r.x. p First Quarter .•.•. 14th, 4h. 33'0m. A.ll. ( Last Quarkr •... 30th, Sh• .w·om. A.M. P£-rlgee •••••••• 8th, 7"8h. P.ll. I Apogee •.•.•.... 24th, 5 · 2b. A.~. Mean Time. Moon'e Il>ecllna· Bun's Day of the Week. Dhyoftho the Age I IDay~ I Sunrise. Sunset. True at tion Month. Year. Noon. at MP.nn .&.II, I P.:H. Noon• Noon. I I I 8. i H, )(, ... )(, D. s. I "· i P.M. ltfonday 305 38 22 23'4 u 11 Tuesday .. I 306 39 22 24'4 u 31 Wt:dnesday .. I 307 39 22 25'4 u 50 Thursday .. I 808 40 22 26'4 15 19 Friday 309 40. 22 27'4 15 27 I Saturday 310 41 6 e4 22 28'4 15 46 Sunday 311 41 22 • o·o 16 ?tfonda.y 312 6 42 22 1'0 16 21 Tuesday 313 42 23 2'0 16 89

Wedn~day 10 314 43 23 3'0 16 56

Thursdo.y 't 11 315 43 23 4'0 17 13 Friday 12 316 .. 28' 5'0 17 30 Saturday 13 317 44 28 6'0 17 46 Sunday 14 318 45 23 l> 7'0 18 Monday 15 319 45 6 23 s·o 18 18 Tucsdny 16 320 46 23 9'0 18 33 \"tedn1'Sday 17 821 46 I 24 10'0 18 48

Tbt~day 18 322 47 24 n·o 10 Friday 10 323 48 24 12'0 10 18 Saturday 20 324 48 24 13'0 19 32 Sunday 21 325 •• 24 o u·o 19 45 l\londuy 22 326 49 25 16'0 1o 59 i'ucsdoy 23 32i 50 6 25 IG'O 20 11 Wcd.ncsdn.y 24 328 51 I 25 17'0 26 24 I 0 25 18'0 26 37 Thursday 25 320 51 I 0 '48 Friday 26 330 52 6 0 I 0 Z6 10'0 i I '"" !Suturday 2i 331 :,2 0 0 26 26'0 21 I " 20 21'0 21 11 Sunday 28 :!32 53 ' I 22 1\londny 2ll 3:13 •• 0 0 27 22'0 21 " 27 « 23•0 21 32 'l'UC:!d:ty 30 as.a 54 I ) II Phases of the Moon-DECEMBER 31 Days. 0 Full Moon ...... 21st, 6b. 22•Bm. P.H. ~ ~e:t~~:::::~~h~~~:~~~~~P~v~: ) Last QUArter ... . 3otb, 6h. 28'8m. P.ll. Perigee . , ...... 7th, 6' Sb. A.ll. Apogee ...... 21st, 6 'lb. .a.. !II.

Mean Time. Day of Day of Moon's 1 D~~u::... • Day ol the Week. the the Sunset. Troe AR:e at Uon Month. IYear. Sunrise. Noon. at :\lean - I I A.H. Noon ...... I Noon. I I I B. ... B • D. R. "·I H. P.K. ... Wednesday I 885 55 0 0 27 24"0 21 89 Thursday ··I 886 56 0 ! 0 28 25•0 21 49 Friday 387 66 0 I 0 28 26"0 21 58 Saturday 888 57 0 29 27"0 22 Sunday I 889 57 I 29 28"0 22 H Monday 6 840 58 29 • 29"0 22 22 Tuesday I 841 • 59 29 o·5 22 3•' Wednesday 342 59 80 1•6 22 !7 Thmsday 343 80 2"5 22 •• Friday 10 844 0 81 8•5 22 50 Saturday 11 845 81 4"6 22 55 SandQ' 12 346 2 82 5"5 23 Monday 13 847 2 ! 0 82 ) 6"5 23 Tuesday H 848 a· 88 7"5 23 10 Wedneeday 15 349 83 8"6 28 18 Thursday 16 850 84 9"5 23 17 Friday 17 351 84 10'5 28 20 Saturday 18 352 85 11'6 28 22 Sunday 19 353 35 12"5 28 24 Monday 20 354 86 18•5 28 25 Tuesday 21 855 86 0 14"5 28 26 Wednesday 22 856 37 15"5 28 27 Thursday 23 857 37 16"5 23 27 F'IIdoy 24 358 88 17•5 28 27 Saturday 25 859 38 18"5 28 26 Sunday 26 860 89 19"5 28 25 Monday 27 861 10 89 20•5 28 28 Tuesday 28 362 10 10 40 21"5 28 20 Wednesday 29 868 11 10 40 22"5 28 18 Thursday .. I so 864 11 11 41 28"5 28 H Frldoy .. 81 865 12 11 41 I' 21'6 23 ·u 12 CALENDAR FOR :1818. ------~la::.:n::::u:::ar._,l'T--""·--- . $, '""'' ,,, 2 9 16 23 JO s...... > ' 9/lb ~!. •••••• .•• 3 10 17 24 31 M • ...... J 10 17 24'3130 Jl Tu...... ••. 4 1 r r8 25 ... Tu, ...... 4 ll IB w ...... 1 5 12119 =_. ~~ .. :::::: ::: ~ :; ~~ ~~ ::: Th ...... 6 IJ 20 ""27~i I••• F. •••.•• ,,, 7 14 21 28 ••• F ...... 7 14 21 28 ••• S:.:·~··:::···:::·__:_1_:_~~~:-=~...... :::. 8 15 s .... . H 15 22 >g ••• februar!). Jlugust . .s ...... 6 IJ 20 . 27 I .. . s...... 6 13 20 27 ... I ~f • .,,., . .,, zS .. . ~ ;~ 21 zs I .. . M. ···••• .. . 7 14 21 Tu. .•.... 1 Tu ...... I 8 15 22 29 .. w. 2 w ...... 2 9 x6 23 30 .. . Th...... 3 I~ :~ ~i ::: I ::: Th...... 3 10 17 24 31 .. . F ...... 4 II 18 25 .. . F ...... 4 II 18 25 ...... s...... 5 12 19 z6 .. . s...... 5 12 19 z6 ••. • •• marc!). September. a...... M ...... i :; ~~ :~ ::: Tu .•.•••• ... 7 14 21 28 .. . Tu.~. ••....:::::: :::1 5J 12:~I rg:~I:~ 26 •••::: \V, I 8 IS 22 29 .. . w. 6 I13 20 2j ••• Th ...... 2 9 t6 23 30 ••• Th...... 7 14 21 lz8 .. . F...... 3 10 17 24 JI ... F...... r 8 15 22 29 ... s ...... 4 IJ 18 25 ••• ... s-:.:':.___::"::.:".:.:"'--'•:...:...-'9'--'-,::.::16 __ 23 30 .•. Jlprll. Octob~cr.;-. .,-,---- s. """ "' 2 9 16123 30 S. I 8 15 22 29 .. . M. ... • ... 3 xo 17 24 ... M...... "'"'If 2 9 f 16 23 30 ... Tu...... 4 11 18,25 ••• Tu...... 3 10 17 24 31 .. . W. .,, 5 12 19 26 .,, \\', ...... ~ 4 II 18 25 "' "' ~~- :::::: ."."." ~ :i !~ ~~ ::: ~~· .: :::1 ~ :~ ~~ ~~ ::: ::: I :::S':_:'::.":.::"•:.:_:_1 .:_c8::....c..:,l5"-'-..::22::....c..::;29"-'-.::.:."' S...... 1 7 14__ 21 28 ... -· ll!a!)"-''----- nouember. s...... -· 7 14 -21 28 ... s.:::::::-.-.. -5 12 19 26 .. . M. 1 8 15 22 29 ... M. ... 6 13 20 27 .. . Tu...... 2 9 16 23 30 ... Tu...... 7 14 21 28 ... w. 3 10 - , 7 2 4 3, ... w. 1 8 r5 22 29 ... Th...... 4 11 18 25 ...... Th...... 2 9 16 23 3o .. . F...... 5 12 19 26 ...... F. ... .1 10 17 24 ...... S_._'_" .~.. C....::6:...!..1:.,03'...!...:2:.:0'...!...:2:.! 7-'....':::"'...!...:':::." S. .. . .,, 4 II 18 25 ... .. • June. Otctmber. S. """ "' 4 II 118 25 .,, S, ""'')"' 3 10 17 24 31 M. ... 5 12 19 26 ... M...... , 4 II 18 :g ::: fv· ...... 6 IJI zo 2~ ... ~~- :::::: ::: g ~; ~~ 27 ••. , Th...... "; ~ :~ ~~ =9 ::: T_h ... "'I 7 r.; 21 28 ... F...... "z 9 16 23 30 •.• F,...... 1 8 15 22 zg ••• I S. •••••• 3 10 17 24 ••• ••• S...... Z 9 16 2J JO ••· Under Contract with H.B.M. Govcrm>~e>lt. Passenger Services FLEET. Tonn~ The MAIL STEAMSHIP and INTERMEDIATE STEAMSHIP ~:~fl:'n:::::: :~~ PASSENGER SERVICES of the PENINBULill & ORIENTAL Kahar·l·llind JU)O Mt1rea •••••• 1o890 STEAM NAVIGATION CoMPANY afford frequent and M;p,ntua .••••• 1o885 regular communication between London, the Continent ,, •••• 1oS!!3 Macedonia,, 103U of Europe (via Brindisi and Marseilles) and the M.trmorot .••• 10509 Moolta11 .... 97'll principal ports of the EBStem Hemisphere. ~~~l:f:~:: :::: Kru.hg"ar ••• • =9000 RETURN TICKETS, available for two years from d"te K.tmL.tla •••• 89!13 of departure to date of arrival on return, at a single Khiva •••••• 8947 Khyber .... 8946 fare and a half. llcv:rnba •••• So-}:1 ~~~~b·:::: = ~~n~ :::::: ~: To and from CHINA, jAPAN. the Jn~ ••.••••• 19~ STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, CALCUTTA.

~~~~:::::::Pe,hawur .••• ~7f>34 AUSTRALASIA, TASMANIA and NEW m~~~i~~: :~~ ~ ZEALAND, fortnightly. •••• 7346 To and from the MEDITERRANEAN. •••• '""6- 555,000 tau. P• &0 • Co • {Northumberlud Ayeuue, W.C. On On, TABLE OF CONTENTS.

PAGE PAGB India in 1914 1 Bengal Native States .. 100 The History of India in Outline 2 Bihar and Orissa Feudaloory The Government of Indio. , , 15 State,. 100 The Imperial Legislative Council 20 United Provincea Native States •• 101 The Home Government 23 The Punjab Native States 102 The Provincial Governments 28 Burma Native States 104 Administra.tive Divisions 30 Assam Native States 105 The Bombay Presidency .• 31 Contra! Provinces Native States .• 105 The Madras Presidency 36 Native States' Tribute 107 The 39 Portuguese India 108 The United Provinces 44 French India •• l!O The Punjab 49 Indian Frontiers 113 Burma 55 Persian Gulf 114 Bihar and Orisaa 59 Gun-ntnniog in tho Persian Gulf 120 The Central Provinces and Berar.. 64 Persia and Scisto.n 122 .North-West Frontier Province 68 Independent Territory 124 Assam 71 Afghanistan 127 Baluohisto.n 73 Tibet 12e Andaman and Nieobar Island• 74 North-Easl;,rn Frontier 131 Coorg 74 Persian Debt to Britain 132 -Merwara , ; 74 Railwaya to India 133 Aden 75 Foreign Consuln.r Officcl'A in Indin. 139 Native States 77 Army in India I ~:1 Hyderabad 78 East Indies Squadron 157 Myaore SO Royal Indian Morino 1:;s BaJ:O

PAGE PAOK Sterling Equivnlenta •• 443 Tho T.aW!I of 1914 532 The Indian Civil Service 444 Wirele88 Telegraphy G34 The Indian Medical Service •• 445 Imperial Legislative Council •i3fi Pilot Services 449 Bombay I.egUdativc C'ounril r,.ul The Indian National Congros.• 4aO Madms Legislative Council r..i7 The Moslem League •• 454 Bengal Legismtive Council • • r>-18 The PreBB •. 455 United Provinc•oe LrgislatiVl\ Coun<'illif,O Indian PreBB Law •• 464 Punjab l.egi.. ~IRtivo C'l Scottish Churches •• 478 Indian Names 666 Baptist Societies .. 479 Big Game Hunting .. 608 Presbyterian SocietiC8 • • 481 Routea Betwcon India and Europn 669 CongregAtional Societies •• •• 482 The Suez Canal 57li All-India MiBBiona •• 483 Travel in India 676 Methodist Societies •• 486 An Indian GIOMBry •• ms Royal Army Temperance A... o. The New Capital 685 ciation . • 4R7 Stock Exchanges 500 Crt:mation . • 488 Indian Otllcial RoporiM 5Dl Exciac Policy •• 489, Cuatom• Tarift 593 Warrant of Precedence 491 • • Botanical and Zoological Survoyo •• 612 SaloW. 494 Native Paosengcr Shif"l • • 612 Salaries 496 Tidol Ceru.innta 613 Indian Orders •• 501 Wild Animals and Snakes The Star of India •• 501 Po1'11ian Gulf Trade 616 The Order of the Indian Empire •• 504 India and the War •• 617 Order of the Crown of India 510 Sport in India fl32 Kaisar·i-Hiod Medal 511 Chronicle of the Ycar Indian Nl\mea and Titles •• 5lli Interest Table Lawa 1\nd the Administration of Ju.tice 517 ExcbangeTable The Indian Police •• 624 Indian Stamp Dutico Jaila •• 528 Calendar Executive and Jodicial Functiona . 530 Index .• MAPS.

PAGlO Persian Gulf .. 115 Anglo-Russian Agreement 121 North Wesl Railway 136 India Md Ceylon .. 198 Plan of tho New Capital 587 INDEX.

P.&.GB. A Admin;.trntion,N oW. Frontier Provinces, 69 -of Justice 1>17 Abdurramanh Khan 127 --Pollee 51!4 Abor Expedition 14 --·Pnnjab .. ;,~s Abscess of liver 420 --United Provinces 45 Abyssinian war 10 Administrative Divisions 00 so Accidents, mining 298 Admiralty 011 Contract_ 00 119 --railway 195 Advance of Russia 113, 128 Act, Civil Procedure (Amendment) 532 Adventists, Seventb day, Mission ~ --Co-operative Credit Societies 407, 412 Afghanistan 127,621 --Decentralleatlon 533 Afghan Wars 8, 11, HI> --Destructive Insects & PeSts 532 Africa, trade wltb 225 --Indian, Aircrafts (Amendment) o0 1 534 Agency,l'olltical, Baluchistan 88 -- --Army (Amendment) oo 534 -- --Bijapur •• 94 -- --Companies (Amendment) 534 -- --0-Dhnrwar 0• 95 -- -Copyright 532 ----Kalra 95 -- --Life Assurance Coys. (Arndt.) 0 534 -- --Katblnwar 9!; -- --Motor Vehicles • 0 53~ -- --Kolabn 00 96 ----Post Office and Telegraph 534 -- --.-Kolhapur 97 -- --Telegraph (Amendment) 533 __ --Naslk 08 --Legislation and Inspection •• 313 -- ---,-Palanpur 98 --Local Authorities Loans 533 -- --Rnjputana 84 --Negotiable Instruments (Arndt.) 533 -- -- Kantha 98 --Provincial Small Cause Courts (Adto) 533 -- --Sholapur 90 --Repealing and Amending 534 -- --,-Sukkur 90 -Sea Customs (Amendment) 0o 534 ----Surat . 90 --Universities 362 --· --Tbana 100 Adam's Bridge 197 Agra and Delhi Architecture 557 Aden, administration 75 Agreement, Anglo-Russian .. 128, 128, 180 --area .. 31, 75 --Opium, wltb China oo 309 --British Polley In 75 Agriculture •• 21'>3, 862 -climate 76 -area (tables) • o 267 --Lord Roberts on 7ij ----.under irrigation 262 --physical features 76 --Assam •• 71 --popnlatlon 76 --Baluehlstan- 73 ---strategic Importance 00 76 --Baroda 82 --trade .• 76 --Bengal •• 30 AdmlnistrJ>tlon Acts 15 --Bihar and Orissa 50 --Adeli 75 --Burma .. 55 64 --Assam .0 72 -C. Po and Berar --Baluchistan 73 --expert Investigation In 268 --Baroda 82 --Hyderabad 70 --Bengal Presidency .. 39, 42 --Improvements In 258 --Blbsr and Orissa 60, 61, 63 --Kashmir 83 --Bombay Presidency 32 --Madras Prl't!idcncy_ 36" 80 --Burma 00 .. 56, 58 --Mysore 119 --Central Provinces and Berar .. 65, 67 --N. w. Frontlor Provln"":". 50 --Frontier "124 --Pnnjab 2fi7 --Hyderabsd 79 ---statistics o. o. o· o· --KasJ\mlr 83 Agricultnrsl and HorticuJtbraJ Society of · India (Calcutta) .. .. 40r.. --Madras Presidency 36 -'-ruld Revenue Department • • 17 --Mysore 80 66o Index.

PAGE. PAGE. Agricultural C()o()peratlve Societies 470 Appointments, Military Nursing -holdings. nature of 253 Service 442 --produce 255 --Public Works Department 440 ---i!ervlces, Indi1111 487 --Royal Indian Marine 442 --Societies 413 -state Railways 440 Agri-Hortlcultural Society of Burma 465 --Telegraph Department 441 ------Madras 465 Apprenticeship, Induatrlal 299 Abwaz oil-fields 118 Arch :eo logy 559 Air currents 267 Archreologlcal Survey .18 Ajmer-Merwara 74 Architecture 556 , Emperor 4 f new Capital •• 586 Alexander the Great 2 Arms traffic, Mascat 119 Allahabad Lawn tennis 6a6 Army and the Great W a.r 151 AiwarStste 87 --Baroda 81 AmbStste 91 -commander-ln-ChiM, work of 149 Amber 297 ---conditions Improved •• 152 Ambulllllce Association, St. John 626 --decay of Bengal 146 America, trade with 225 --Department •• 18" American Baptist Foreign Mission 480 ----formed •• 149 ----Telugu Mission .. 480 --distribution of 150 Ambalaraclng •• 635 garrisons 143 Amlr Hablbullah •• 128 --Expedition Overseas .• 145 ---i!llbsldy to 11 ---expenditure 154 Anatollllll Railway Comp1111y 133 ---establishment •• 156 Anchor Line 57 -General Staff formed 149 Andaman 1111d Nlcobar Islands 74 --Hyderabad 79 Andbras 3 --Imperial Cadet Corps 153 Anglican bishops •• 473 --Imperial Service Troops 152 --Missionary Societies 474 --Indian, appointments 441 Angle ltusslsn agreement •• •• 123, 128, 130 --In India 143 ----(map) 121 --Kashmir 83 Animists 345 --Mysore 80 Annexation of Oudh 9 ---orgiiJlisatlon In 1796 143 ----Pegu 9 ----1824 145 -- --Punjab •• 9 ----1863 10 ----Upper Burma 11 -~-pay Increased •• 152 --througb Ispse •• 77 --pollee 150 Annuities, Indian Railway 174 --redistributed •• 150 Anthropological Society of Bombay 465 --reforms 148 Antimony •• 297 --reorganisation 12,150 Appointments of engineers 440 --reserves, Indian 152 Appointments, Agricultural Service 487 ---strength of, 1912·13 153 --Bengal Coven:mted Pilot Service 449 ---supply depot formed •• 149 --Church of England chaplains 437 --Temperance Association, Royal 487 -church of Scotland chaplains 488 --temperance in . . 487 -civil Veterinary Department 437 --Volunteers 152 --Educational Service 438 Art, Indian 562 --Forest Service 439 Arts, Industrial 299 -Geological Survey 489 Arya Samaj 344 --India Office 440 Aryans, history of •• 2 --Indian Army •• 441 Aryo-Dravidlan people 327 --Indilllllll.cdlcal Service 445 Asia, trade with 225 --King"s India Cadetshipe 441 Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta) 465 --Military Flying School 439 Asoka, King of India 2 Index. 66r

l'AGE. l'AGB. Assam administration 72 Baluchistan, agriculture 73 -agriculture 71 --area 73 --Bengal Railway 195 --physical features 73 --border tribes •• 132 --foundation of province 73 --Chief Commissioner of 72 --fishing •• 73 --communications 71 -mlnerala 73 --Ecclesiastical Department 476 --otllcials .. 78, 74 --Educational Department 72 --police .. 73 --Judicial Department •. 521 --political Importance of 73 --land tenure 71 ----!!chools •• 73 --manufactures .. 71 Bamboo and paper·making 203 --minerals 71 Bangalore •• 81 --Native States under 105 BanganapaUe 93 -Qtllcials 72 Bank branches 239 --population 71 -Rate 242 --mlufaU 72 ----l!tatlstlcs 238 ----!!chools 72 --Unions 411 Assistant Superintendents of pollee 524 Bankers' Cleaning Houses .• 246 Association, Bombay Millowners' 321 --Native private 242 --Cotton Trade .. 322 Banking business, classes of 246 -Grain Merchants' 823 --In India 221, 236 --Indian Research Fnnd 884 Banks Act, 1876 236 --Native Piece·Goods .• 323 --and paper currency 236!UIIlS, Hospitals and Dispensaries 389 ·-and the Government .. 82 --Leper 474 --Baroda 31 --Lunatic 390 --Bombay and Madr~ 410 Atbleti<'s in India •• 632---9 -Co-operative central 411 Auckland, Lord 8 --Exchange 239 Anrangzeb 4 --failures of Indian 248 Australasia, trade with 225 -Government deposition 236 Australasian Baptist Missionary Socys ..• 480 -,-Joint Stock 240 Austrian·Lioyd Line 571 --Presidency 235 State . 85 Baptist educational work .. 479 --Missions, Australasian 480 8 -- --American 477 Babar, Emperor 4 -- -Canadian 480 Badges, destlnctlve 517 ----English .. 479 Baghdad, of •• 119 ---strict 489 --Railway 133 -- --Tosmaillan 480 ~--Mapof 134 --Telugn Mission 480 --route 615 --Women's Missionary Auxiliary 480 Bahawalpur 102 Barelliy racing 634 Bahrein Islands 117,616 Batlow, Sir George .. 7, 145 -- -communications 117 Baroda, admlnlstratlon 82 -- --customs duties .. 117 --agtlcnltnre 82 -- --imports •• 117 -area 81 117 -army •• 82 -- --language •• 82 -- --pe.arls 117 --banks 117 -Co-operative Credit Societies 82 ----trade 81 92 -history Bajaur 82 224 --Improvement Trust Balance of Trade 81 73 --population Baluchistan, administrations S2 -·-Agency 83 --railways 662 Index.

-~-- -~~--- l'AGE. PAG ••

Baroda revenu~ 82 Bengal, population .. 39 --schools 82 --renulon of 13 Barrackpore racing •• 634 --revenue 40 Barrackpore, Meeting at .. 145 --rising In, 6 Basra 118 --schools 41 Bassein, Treaty of •. 7 --sedition in 12 106 --soil 39 Battle of Buxar 6 --Eastern Railway 196 --Chllllanwala 146 Bengal-Nagpur RaHway 196 --Hydaspes 2 --and N. W. Railway 196 --Koregaun 146 Bengali people 327 --Maiwand 11 Bentinck, Lord William 8 --Pla.'!Sey 6 Berar. see Central Provinces. -sobraon 146 --lease of districts .• 12, 79 --Wandiwasb .• 6, 143 Berars, tbe •• 711 Begum of llhopa.l and tbe war 621 Besant, Mrs. Anni" 377 Belladonna 424 86 Benares 102 State 96 --Hindu Uulversity 378 811 Bengal, administration 39 Bhutan State 90 ----

PAGE. PAGE. Bijapur, architecture of 557 Bombay Presidency, Irrigation 208 Blkaner State 87 -- --Judicial Department. 520 Bills, Council 183 -- --Local Boards 32 --<>f exchange 240 -- --Municipalities .. 32 Birds' Plumage, wild 310 -- --natural productions 31 Birth and Death Rates 388 -- --nursing 430 Bishops, Anglican •. 473 -- --ofllcials •• :!3-5 "Black Hole of Calcutta " 6 ----people 31 Blindness 351 -- --Political Agents 32 Blockade of Persian Coast 122 -- --population 31 Blumea Balsamifera 425 -- --provincial finance 32 Board, Railway 18 -- --schools •• 33 Boards, Local 194, 380 ----sea trade 31 Boils 415 ----soil 31 Bombay Art Society 465 ---staff of Governor .. 33-4 -Banking Co. • • 248 -·- -states under Govt; of .. 93 --Baroda and C. I. Railway 196 -- --talnkas •• 32 -Chamber of Commerce 320 -- --textile Industry 31 ------Indian Merchants' 322 Booth Tucker on Handloom Weavers 281 --Cotton Trade Association 322· Botanical Survey • , .. 18,612 --cricket 639 ----Board of Advice 612 --golf 639 Boy Scouts 402 --Govt., Native States under 93 Boy's Christian Home Mission 473 --Grain Merchants' Association · 323 Brshmo-Samaj 344 ~-Hydro-Electric Scheme 306 Branch lines, railway 194 --Improvement TrUst 393 Brass-work 299 --Legislative Council 546 Breakbone (Dengue) Fever 422 --Medical Union.;· 466 Breweries 309 --MiUowners' Association 321 Bridge, Sara 197 --Native Piece-Goods Assocaition 323 British and Foreign Bible Society 475 --Natural History Soclet.y 465 -Committee (Indian Congress) 458 --pilot service , • 449 --India Law 464 --point-to-point races 638 -- -steam Navigation Co. 570 --police 33 --~fedlcal Assocn. (Bombay) 466 --port extension 399 -<>lficcrs in Native States 78 --Port Trust 399 --policy in Persia· 123 --racing 633 Buboes 421 --racquets 639 Bubonic plague 12, 420 -sanitary Association .. 466 Buddhism •• 344 --tennis 637 Budget, 1914-15 162 --Presidency, admhlistration 32 --effect of rains on 162 ----area 31 --Railway, current 164 -- --collectoratt\8 32 Buildings and Roads 216 -- --colleges •. 33 Bullion 223 -- --council •• 34 Bunder Abbas 116, 119, 120,616 -- --Courts of Jnstice · ·· 32 Bundl State 86 -- --District Pollee .. 33 Bureau of Inlormation, Indian Students' 485 -- --Ecclesiastical Department 475 Burma administration • . 56, 58 -- --education · 33 ----agriculture 55 -- ---<>lectrlc power In 31 -annexation of Upper .. · 11 55 -- --fisheries , • so2 ----area 325 -- -Governors 85 --Chamber of Commerce -Chief Commissioners .. .. 56, 58 -- --hospitals •• 33 57 Industries 31 -Colleges Index.

PAGE• PAGE. llliiill& Commissioners 56 canal, Suez •• 575 -Council 58 --,.system, Punjab 208 -Courts of Justice 56 Canning, Lord 9 ----

!'AGE, PAGE. Chandragupta, Emperor 2 Civil Service examlnl\tlons 444-5 Chaplains 473 -- --history of . 444 -Chnrcb of England 475 -- --reserved offices .• 444 ---scotland 478 --snits 528 Charter Act, new •• 8 --Veterinary Service 487 Chem;cals •• 354 Classical Association (Bombay) 466 Cheques cleared, 1901·1913 246 Clearing house, railway 191 Chief Commissioners of Provinces 28 --houses, bankers• 246 --- --Assam •• 72 Climate, effects of tropical 415 ----Burma •• 58 --North-West Frontier 69 ---officers, salaries of 496 ---of Indian Empire 1 China Opinm Agreement 309 --Punjab 49 Chinese In Tibet 130 Climatic strain, effects of .. 415 91 Clive, Lord •• 6 --campaigu 11 ----Policy of 6 Cholera, natnre 422 Clubs 471 --treatment 423 Coal imported 294 --prevention 423 --prices .. 295 Christian education, effects of 473 --prodnct.Jon (table) 295 --Home Mission, Boys• 484 -- --Bengal Presidency 294 -and Missionary Alliance Mission 473 Cocaine Importation 426 --Missions, Indirect effects of 473 --peiialtles 427 ---

PAGE. PAGE.. Colleges, University 366 Congress, Indian National, session described 451 · Colombo, railway to 1!17-9 ------i!pllt 450 Colonies, Irrigation 206 Conservancy, Forest 289 Commerce and Tndu.try 18 Constants, tidal 613 Commerce, Chambers of 318 Constitution of India Office 23 -- --Bengal .• 318 Consuls, Foreign, In India.. 138 ----Bombay 320 Consumptives' Home Society 469 ----Burma .• 325 Contracts, Railway 189 -- ---Ceylon •. 326 Contributions to Navy (table). 157 -- ---Cocanada 326 --(war) from princes 626 -- --Indian Merchant•' 322 Convict employment 528 -- --Karachi .. 323 Conquest of Sind . . 141> -- --Madras .. 824 Cooch·Behar State 100 -- --Pnnjab .. 325 t'oonoor lawn tennis 637 ----s. India .. 324 Co-operation Commission, 190J 406 -- --Upper India 324 --first· scheme 406 Commercial Congress, Indian 311 --progress In rural (tables). . 408 Commission, Co-operntlon .. 406 -- -urban (tables) . • 409 ---Currency 182 Co-operative Agricultural Societi<'S 413 --Education 362 ---Credit Societies Act, 1904 407 ---<>ffects of, on Education 362 ------1912 412 --Irrigation 207 -societies, financing rural 410 --Pnbllc Services 445 -- --loans to . . . . 407, 410 --Punjab 50 Co-operative Societies, management of . . 408 Commissions, Famine 403 -- --Mysore 80 Commll!sioners, Bengal Presidency 40 --·----<~tore 413 --Burma •• 56 -- --typical 413 -Chief, of Assam 72 -- --unions 411 ---Chief, Burma .• 58 -- --urban 409 -- --central Provinces - 65 -- --variety of 407 -- --Madras .. 37 Coorg 74 -- --Punjab . • . .. 50 Copper 207 --Divisional, Blhs.r and Orissa 60 --- --Weights and Measures 312 Cotton, cultivation of. 270 Companies, Life Aesurance 315 --Duties Act, Indian _234 Company, East India 5 -exports of 270 ------Administratio~ transferred 10 --fires In Bombay 276 ------first formed 15 --Industry statistiC!!. 271-2 Concession, Shargarh . . . . . • 117 -Japanese market . • 270, 272 Conference A,.ociation, Indian Railway . 191 --Trade Aesoclatlo~ (Bompay) .. 822 Congregational Mission • • . . • . . . 482 --varieties of .. ... 256, 270 Congress, Indian Commercial 311 --manufactures, figures . . ----National 270-1 450 -- -excise duty 275 -- --·- --Brlt.lsh Co;,;,;,itt~; • • . 453 ---exported .. · • 270 ------oonstitutlon of 451 -- --progress of ------first session 278 450 ------foundation ----wages In 274. 450 ------results Council,· Bengal Presidency 42-8 452 --Bihar and Orissa 63 Index.

PAGE:. PAGB. Council Bills 183 Cnltivation, tobacco· 258 --Bombay Presidency 34 --wheat .. 254 -·-B11nlla .. 58 Currency 176 -Governor General's 17 ---chest 177 --Imperial Legislative 20, 535 ----{)omm!l!Sion, cash balances 183 ------additional members 20 -- ---council bills 183 ------Budget 20 -- --evidence 184 ------elected members 21 -- ---exchange valne of rupee 183 ------meetings of, in 1914 535 -- --gold standard reserve .. 184 ------nominated members 22 ----India 0111ce 184 ------powers of 20 -- --members of 182 --of India (Home), constitution of 23 -- --report of •• 185 ------members of 23 -- -specific points 182 --Madras Presidency 37 -- --n Frontiers 113 ----Burma ..· 56 Cus-eus (vertlver) 425 -- --Punjab .. 51 Customs 169 -- --United Provinces 45 --Manners and 564 -- --Magistrates' 518 --tarllf 593-608 -- -session .. &18 "Cutch " (timber) 2YO -- -Small causes 519 .. 94 Cramming In Scbools 360 Credit Bank of India 248 Cremation .. 488 D Cricket in India, 1914 639 Criminal Investigation Department 524-6 Dacca University 864 Criminals transported 528 Daooity statistics 527 Crops •. 255, 256, 258 Dairying •• 258 --under cultivation 212-3 Dalhousie, Lord 8, g --value of Irrigated 213 Daman Settlement 110 Cross, Victoria 630 Datla State •. 89 Crown of India, Order of .. 510 Deaf mutes .. . . 850 --transfer to the •• 10 Death and birth rates 388 Croeiferous oilseeds 256 Death rate In mines · · 298 170 Oultlvatlon, methods of 253 Debt of India --of drugs 424 --Rnpee . . . . 173 174 --jute 258 -Sterling · • 517 --linseed .. 256 Declaratory Act, 178(} •• 585 --millet 256 Delhi and Its environs .• 256 --arohltectural style of • • 589 --oilseed .• 424 256 --"boll" . -pulse 589 254 --rice --cathedral achem

PAGE. PA,Gll. Delhi district 28 Diseases 389 --Durbar 13 --Tropical 415 ---expenditure on 589 Dispensaries, Hospitals, Asylums 389 ---:-map of new capital 587 Distinguished Service Medal, Indian 517 --Mutiny at 147-8 Distribution of population 343 --northl)rll sits report 586 District administration 382 --point-to-point races .• 638 --Boards, Bihar and Orissa 61 --racing 634 ----Punjab .. .51 --siege of 9 ----United Provinces 45 ---<~ita, of new capital 585 --collectors 29 ~Town Planning Report 586 -Judges •• 518, 530 Dengue (dandy) fever 422 -Magistratas 29, 518, 530 Denominational schools , • 473 ----Bengal Pres. 39 Department, Archmoleglcal .. 18, 561 --Monopoly Excise Systam 168 --Army •• 18 --Ofllcers, Bihar and Orissa 63 -Botanical 18 --Police, Bombay Pres. 33 --commerce and Industry 18 Districts, N. W. Frontier Prov. 68-70 --Education 18 --United Provs. 44-8 --Finance 17 Din, Island of 110 --Foreign,, 17 Divisional Commissioners, Bihar & Orissa 60 -Geological Survey 18 Divisions, Administrative so --Home •• 18 Dockyards, Royal Indian Marine 159 --Industry and Commerce 17 Dominion, beglnulngs of British .• 5 --Legislative 18 ----French 5 --Paper Currency 176 Dongarpur Stata .. 85 --PostOfllce 18 Dorjieff at Lhasa .. · 129 --Public Health 385 Dornakal Mission (native) .• 483 .--Public Works • , 18 Dravidians, history of 327 -,-Railway Board •• 18 Dress 354 --Revenue and Agricultural 17 Drugs, cultivation of 424 --Bait Revenue · 18 --excise system •• 168 --survey •• 18 --native .. 424 --Telegraph • , 18 Does, Irrigation 209 Departments, India Ofllce 24 Dnfferln, Lord 11 Deposits, Govt.,in bank • , 236 Dnfferin Fond, Countess of 427 Deputy Collectors, Bihar and Orissa 60 Duncan, John and Education 356 --commissioners of Districts 29 Duplelx .. 6, 143 ----United Provinces 46 Durbar at Deihl 13 DesignS and Inventions •• 199 Dutch Reformed Church (American) Destruction of Snakes, &c. 614 llllsslon 482 Development of Burma • , 65-8 --Dholpur Stata 87 Early marriages 347 Dhrangudhra Stata 96 Earulngs of railways (diagrams) . • 193 Digitalis 424 Earthenware 353 Dlr Stata 91 5 Disciples of Christ Missions 484 -- --Railway 196 Uisease, Famine and 334 --Indies Squadron 157 Index. 6og

PAGB. PAGII. Ecclesiastical Dept., Assam 476 Education, school examinations •• 368 -- --Bengal Pres. 475 --statistics 857 -- --Bihar and Orissa 476 -technical sea -- --Bombay Pres. 475 --training colleges 36S ----Burma .• 476 --United Provinces 46, 367 -- -Central Provs. 476 --nnlversity courses 364 -- --Madras Pres. 475 -- ---examinations 364 ----N. W.-Frontier 476 ----worm .. 360, 86~ -- --Pnnjab • • • . 476 ----senates •• 86~ -- --United Provinces 477 ------

PAGE. P!G&. Europeans and Native Magistrates 618 Factories food 354 --Indi8I111and 355 --Madrae 36 Evangelical (Stockholm) Mission .. 485 --tobacco 427 Examinations, Civil Service 444-5 --United Provinces 44 --University 34 --women and children In· 318 Exchange Banks •• 239 Factory hours 318 -- --bnslness (table) 240 --inspection 307, 313 - --deposita (table) .. .. 239-40 Fa-bien, Chinese traveller 3 -- --investmenta 239 Failures of Indian llanks 248 --Bills of 240 Families, Houses and 334 --value of rupee 183 Famine, 1896·7 12 Excise 167 --and dlseMe 334 --diatrict monopoly system 168 --lllhar, 1873-4 403 --duty on cotton mannfactni.- 234 --codes 403 --Free Supply system 168 --commiBBions 403 --Out-stili system 167-8 --contributions 403, 404 --Right of Vend 168 -great, 1877-8 403 --on woven goods 168 --Madras, 1866 403 Executive and Judicial Fnnctioru; 530 --of 1899-1900 404 Expedition, Abor •• 14 --Orissa, 1865·7 403 --Tibet •• 12 --protection 405 Expeditions beyond seas 145 -8. India, 1876-8 403 Expenditure, Bnildlngs 216 --Trnst, Indian .. 405 --capital 163 --under native rule 403 --Education· 372 --Western India, 1868-70 403 --Indian 162 103 --inigatlon 212-3 Female education 368 --marine 158 Fever, dengue 422 -Military Services 154-6 --malaria 415-6, 542 --railway. 192 --typhoid 415, 418 -- ---capital .. 192 Fighting Races 151 --revenue producing 162 Finance 161 --roada .• 216 --~ombay Provincial 32 --Royal Indian Marine 160 --Co-operative no Exporta 221 --Department 17 --1914-5 (tables) 221 --Irrigation 213-215 --llengal Presidency 39 --Provincial 161 --llurma 56 --and the War 622 --Coffee 288 Financial organisation, India omee 184 --Madrae Presidency 36 Fiscal policy 230 --Manganese 295 Fish-curing 303 --principal 222 --fanns 303 ---silk 284 -guano 303 --tea 286 Fisheries, Bengal 302 --Europe, Africa, Amerl;,. Anstralasia --llombay 302 and Asia .. ·.· ' 225 --llurma 302 --Madrae 308 Fishing in llalnchistan 73 F --and hunting .. 352 Factories Act, 1881 ---iighta 302 313 ----1911 Flotilla Company, Irrawaddy 55 --llengal 313 Flying School, Military 436 --commission 39 ------..ppointments 436 313 ------staff 436 Index.

PAGE •. PAGE. Food industries. :354 Gauges, railway· 191 Foods and health 416 Gem stones .. 298 ~·ootball in India, 1914 636 General Staff formed U9 Foreign Consuls in India 139 Geological snrvey appointm•nts 439 --Dept. 17 ----Dept. 18 --money equivalents 657 German Evangelical Synod M;•sion· • 481 - ~possessions in India 108 --railways in Turkey .. 133, 135 --postage rates .. 217-8 Germany, lndta and war witlr 14 --trade 224-7 'Gillespie, Colonel .. 145 Forest areas (table) 291 Girls' schools 368 ---conservancy .. 289 Glass and Glassware 280 --Dept. schools .. 289 Glossary, Indian "78.. 581 --products 290 Goa .. 108 --revenue 289 Goats 258 --Service appointmf>nts 439 Gold, production of 296 -surveys 290 --reserve fund •. 178 --working 290 --and silver imports 223 Forestry systems 289 --standard reserve 184 Forests, Burma 55 Golf in India, 1914 639 ---distribution of State 289 --at Calcutta 639 Fort St. George, Presidency of 36 -Gulmarg 689 ------:Presidents of 38 Gonda! State 96 --William, Governors Gen('ral of 43 Goodstonnagr,1904·14 198 Foundation of Baluchistan Province 73 Gough, Lord 9 Freemasonry 554 --8ir Hugh 146 Free supply system, Excise 168 Government, Bengal 42 --Trade, India and 232 --Bihar and Orissa 61 French claims on Maskat .. 114 --Bombay 33-,4 --dominion, beginnings of 5, 6 ----central Provs. ami Brrat' 65 --possessions in India .. 110 --Madras 37-8 --railway interests in Syria 133 --United Provinces H-7 --struggle with the 5 --Punjab 51 --treaty with Maskat .. 116 --and Banking .. 236-8 Friends' 1\!issionary Assocn. 4R4 --business procedure 16 Frontier Administration 126 ---ing 568 Governors General of Fort Wnllam 19 -- --equipment 568 ----India 19 Ganges Canal 9 -ofBcngal 48 .'Ji> Gaols .:")28 --BombBy Index.

I P.!.Gl!.- PAGE. Governors. Madras •. 38 Hockey in India 636 -of provinces •• 28-9 Holdings, nntnre of agricultural •• -253 -Grain elevators 310 --peaaant •• 166 ---railway lines • • 190 --private Improvements on 166 --Mrrcbants' Ass«n., :Bombay 323 --Ryotwari 166 Gmphlte 297 --Zrmindarl •• 166 Great Indian Penlnsnla Railway 196 Holy Places and the War .. 622 Guano, fish .. 303 Home Charges · 161,221 Gnarantee, Govt.,on mUways 191 -·-Department •• 18 Gu!marg (KIIBhmlr) Go!! •• 639 -Government, History of 23 Gun-running in Persian Gulf 120 Hospitals, Bengal Presidency 40 Gupta Dynasty 3 --Bihar and Orissa 63 Gurkha War 7 --Bombay Presidency •• 33 Gurkhas 151 ---'ld the War 626 88 --Burma •• 58 -central Provinces 66-7 -classes of 389 H --Income of 889 --numbers of 389 Habibullah Amir .• 128 --patients In 389 Ramadan •• ...... 615 ---dispensaries and asylums 389 Handioom weave1'8 •• 281 --Punjab 53 -- ---&llvation Anny and 283 --United Provinces 47 Hardinge, Lady, death of 14 Hostels for Students 366 --Lord s, 13, 17 Honses and Families 334 ----life attemptsd •• 14 Humayun, King 4 Harsha, Emperor " 3 Huns, white s Hastings, Marquis of (Lord Moira) 7 Hunting, Big Game Hastings, Warren .. 568 6, 7 --fishing and 352 ---and education 356 Huttl, Nlzam's gold mine at Health and food 296 416 Hydaspes, Battle of --Dept., Public •• 2 385 Hyderabad, administration --In the Tropics 79 415 --agriculture Heatstroke 79 416 --area He brew Christian Mission 78 Henbane 485 --Barars, lease of 79 _Hides 424 -contingent 79 353 -history of Hides, skins and leather 78 High Courts.. .. 309 --Legislative Council 79 518 --minerals 79 HIU Mlsaions, Kurkn and Central India --Tippera 484 --population 334 Hinduism 100 --railways 79 •• 4, 340 --revenue Hindnstani people •. 79 Hindu nulversity, approval 327 --!!chools 79 -- --movement 377 Hydro-electric scheme, Bombay •• 308-7 -- --objects .. 377 ------capital 306-7 ----proposed faculties 377 ------directors •• 806-7 ----religion In 377 ------progress report •• 806-7 377 ------works .. 306-7 History of Baroda •• 81 --Hyderabad 79 I --Kashmir 82 Immigration .. 336 --Mysore 80 Imperial Legislative CouncU, see Council 20, 535 --Royal Indian Marine 1s8 -cadet Corps .. 158 -Origins of Indian 2 Imperial Service Troops • • 152 Index.

PAGE. PAGE. Imperial Service Troops formed •. 11 _ India railways to 133 ltnport duties 169 --Rellgioll!! of 338 Imports, 1913·14 •• 222 -- --(tables) 339 --Bengal Presidency 39 --Routes from Europe to 569 --Burma 66 --

PAGE. PAGE. Indian Forests 289, 439 Indiana abroad· 431 --Frontiers 113 --and Europeans 355 -Geological Survey 439 --in Gt. Britatn •• 434 --Glossary 578-081 --S. Africa 431 --law, Europeans and 855 India's Marine Expenditure 158 --learning, Macaulay and 356 Indigo, Bihar and Orissa .. 284 --legislation, 1914 532 Indo-Aryan people 327 --loyalty in the War •. · · 621 --Ceylon railway connections 197 --manners and customs 564 --European Telegraph Dept. . 18 --Marine, Royal 158, 442 State 89 --Medical Service 445 Indnstrlal apprenticeship .. 299 --Merchandise Marks Act 311 --arts 299 --Merchants' Chamber of Cemmcre('! .. 322 -- --Assam .. 71 --Military Flying School 436 --Evangelistic Mission .. 483 --?.{ints 174 -expansion need for 299 --Municipalities .• 380 Industries of Baluchistan .. 73 --Muttny, see Muttny 14EH3 --Bengal •. 39 --names 566-7 --Bihar and Orissa 59 --names and titles 515 --Bombay 31 --National Congr.,.. 450 --Baroda 82 --official reports 591-2 --Burma .• 55

1 --Orders 501-510 --Central Provinces 64 --paintings . • 562-3 --Hyderabad 79 --Police 524 --Kashmir 83 --politics 1 --Madras 36 --porta 397 --Mysore 80 --Press 455 --of India 353 ----Law 464 --Punjab 50 --Public Works Department 440 --United Provinces 44 ·--Railways 189 Industry and Commerce Dept. 17 -- --(statistics) 192 --Jute 277 --Railway annuities 174 --Textile .• 270 --Research Fnnd 612 Infant marriage 348 -----i!alntes 494 Inftrmltles •• 350 _:__gcientitlc Research Fund 384 luland Trade 229 --Sculpture 562 Inundation canals .. 254 -services, appointments to 437 Insanity 350 -----i!Ocial life 345 Inspection and Legislation 313 -society of Oriental Art (Calcutta) 467 --·Factory Acts .• 307 --Sport .. 632-9 --of Mtnea 298 -stamp Duties •. 656 Inspectors of Pollee 524 -state Railways 440 Insurance, Life 315 --tariff possibilities 233 Intellectual revolution in India 1 --Telegraph Amendment Bill 535 Interest on Debt .• 170 --tobacco 427 --money·lenders' rates .. 406 --trade 221 --table .• 658 ----and the War . . 622-3 Invasions, N. W. Frontier Prov. 68 tables) 624 Inventions and DeSigns 199 with the enemy 627 I pecaouanba 424 ------Statistics .. 628-630 Ireland Mission, Presbyterian· Church of 481 --train service •• 577 Iron and Steel Works, Tata 304 --travel •• 576 Iron Ore production • · 298 --VIllage Mission 483 Irrawaddy Flotilla Co.· · 55 --Women's Medical Service 427 Irrigated crops, value of 218 Index. ------·------PAGE. PAGB, Irrigation, agriculture under (tables) ·· 207 .. 103 -area under 21l?r-3 State 85 --Bengal Pres. • . 40 Joint Stock Banks 240 --Bombay Pres. 3l?r-3, 20S Judges, District 518-9 --Bnrma .• 57 Judicial Dept., Assam 521 --eanals •• 254 -- --Bengal Pree. . . 520 ----eanals and navigation · 209 -- --Bombay Pres. . . 520 -Central Provinces 66 ----Bnrma •• 521 --colonies 206 ----central Provs. 522 --commission 207 ----Madras .. 521 --Dept., Bihar and Orissa 61 ----N. W. Frontier Prov. 522 ----Pnnjab 52 ----Pnnjab .. 522 -- --created .• 10 -- --United Provs. 522 ~ues 209 --functions, executive and 530 ---early practice of 206 J unagadb State 96 ---economic effects of 209 Jurisdiction in Native States 77 ~enditnre sanctioned 21l?r-3 Justice, administration of .• 517 -- --under consideration 214-5 --Bengal Pres. Courts of 40 --finance •• 207-8 --Laws and 517 --future of 208 Jute, cultivation of 277 --general account of 206, 254 --history of industry 277 --inundation canals 254 --looms (table) •• 278 --Madras Pres. 86 --Mills Association 279 --methods 209-1(), 254 -- --working agreements .. 279-80 --need of 206 Juvenile prisoners •• ~28 --N. W. l!rontier Prov... 69 --policy .• 207 K --Pnnjab 52 -and railwaYB 209 Kaira Agency 95 --revenue 212 Kaiser-i-Hind medal. 511 -state works (tables) 207 KalaAzar .• 428 --tanks •• 209 Kaiat 83 --Triple Project 208 Kapurtbala State 103 --United Provinces 208 Karachi Chamber of Commerce 323 --water rates 254 --fishing at 302 --wells 209, 254 --Port Trust 401 Ivory work .. 301 --racing .. 635 State 87 Kareuna State 105 J Karikal 112 Jails 528 Kashmir (Jammu) administration 83 --population of 529 -agriculture 83 Jain education 349 -area 82 Jalnism 344 --army 83 Jainta Hills cblefship 105 -electric power .. 88 Jalpur State 85 --history .• 82 Jaisallmer State 85 --industries 83 Jalaproot •• 424 --minerals 83 Jalwar (Jbalwar) State 87 --revenue 83 J amkhandi State •• 97 --schools .. 83 Jammu (Kashmir) .. 82 Kathiawar Agency 95 State •• 89 Kerosene 297 Japanese cotton market 270, 272 Kharan 88 105 Jews 345 Khasi chiefs hip Index.

PAGE. PAGE, King and Queen, visit of (1911) 13 La wren!"', Lord 9,16 King Edward proclaimed •. 12 --Stringer 143 Kings of India, ••• Rulers. Lead 297 King's India Cadetsblp appointments 441 League, MosleiD 454 State 86 Lease of 13ihar Districts 12 Kitchener, Lord 149 Leather, hides and skins 309 Kolaba Agency 96 Legal tender 176 Kolar goldfield 296 Legislation and Inspection of factories •• 81 Kolhapur Agency 97 --13irf 1914 532 J,nnatic asylums 890 --Indigenous 517 Lutheran Missions .. •• 485-6 Lawa State .. 86 Lucknow, defence of Residency .. 9,148 Index.

PAGE. P.I.GB, Lucknow racing 633 Afahratta wars •• 144-5 ---racquets 639 llfahrattas •• 144 ___,haracter ol 144 M Mail Service •• 537 Man ward, Battle or Macaulay on Indian education 356 11 Malabar, Cardamom 425 -·-Minute on Education 356 Malaria, causes 416-417 Macdonell, Sir A. • • 406 --prevention 417 )fadras administmtion .•. 36,37 --treatment 417-8 --area 36 --varieties 417 --capture of 6 Malaya, Emigration to 338 --Chamber of Commerce 324 Maler Kotla State .. 108 --Collectors 37 Malwaopiwn 308 --Colleges 36 Mammel Survey 18 --Commissioners 37 Management of railways 191 --Council 36-7 Mandl State •• 104 --Ecclesiastical Dept. 475 Manganese industry 295 --Expenditure 37 --ore production 295 --Exports 36 -.- --prices 295 .--Factories 36 Manlpur 105 --famine, 1866 403 Manures, necessity of 254 --Fine Arts Society· 467 Manufactures, Assam 71 --fisheries 303 --Bengal Presidency 39 --Governors of 88 --Bihar and Orissa 59 --imports .• 36 --llombay Presidency 31 --irrigation 36 -Bullna ... 56 --Judicial Dept. 521 --<:entral Provinces 64 --Legislative Council 547 --United Provinces 44 --Literary Society 467 Map of Anglo-Russian Agreement territory 121 --minerals 89 --Baghdad Railway 184 --natural productions 36 --<:eylon and India 198 ----<> mcials 37-8 --North-West Frontiers 125 --point-to-point races 638 --Persian Gulf •• 115 --population 86 --Trans·Perslan Railway 136. --Port Trust 408 Marathas, '" Maharattas. --President of Fort St. George 81 Marriage 347 --racing •• 684 Marine, Royal Indian 158 --railways 196 ------appointments 442 --rainfall 36 ------dockyaros 159 --revenue 37 ------expenditure 160 --schools •• 36 ------history •• 158-9 --tennis .. 637 ------pcrs~nnel 159 Magadha, Ancient kingdom of 2 ------war service • • 158-9 Magi•trates, Courts of 518 Maskat 116, 616 --Distllct .• 516-9 --Frencb treaty with 116 --Bengal Pres. •• 40 Massacre, of Cawnpore .. 9,148 518 Matcb factories 298 --Native, and EnriJpeans 687 Ma.hableshwar racing 634 Matheran lawn tennis 684 97 --- --racing.. Mahai Kantha 10 Mahomedan kingdoms 4 Mayo, Lord Measures, Weights and 312 ---soldiers • 151 ____ -currency 314 --University 378 511 Medal, Kalsar·I·Hind .. • • llfahomedanlsm 344 517 --Indian Dlstingnlebcd Service .1\fahrat~a country states 97 Index.

l'AGE. l'AGB · Medlmval dynasties 3 Minerals radio-active 298 Medical aid to women, report 429 --United Provinces 44 ------scheme 429 Mines and Minerals of India 294, 352 --missions 484 --Death rate in 298 -----service-appointmente to 445 --inspection of 298 -- --Civil appointmente 446-7 Mining accidente 298 ----

PAGE. PAGE Municipalities functions , •• 381 Native Piece·goqds Aesocintion .. 32 --income 381 --private bankers 24 --Madras Presidency 36-7 -- --,anne;.:ation through lapse --Mofussll 381 --Sta~~. British Oflcers In --N.-W. Frontier Province 375 ·- --;-education of ruling chiefs --notified areas 381 -- --;-extent .• --number of 381 ~- --lmprrial Scryicr TroOIJII 15 ---octroi 380 -- --jurisdiction 77- --Punjab .. 51, 380 -- --obllgations . 7 --rates and taxes 381 -- --policy towards .. --United Provinces 45 -- --population Mnrder statistics .• 527 -- --railways 19' Mutiny, Indian .. 9, 146 -- --rights of 7: ----at Delhi .. 9, 147-8 -·- ...__,upervisJon of 71 ----Meerut .. 147 -- --tribute .. lO'i -- --political causes of •• 9, 146 -- --Wider Assam . . . . 10!. -·- --racial causes of .• 146-7 -'- -- --Bengal Presidency 100 -- --rellgious causes of 147 ------Jlibar and Orissa 100 --~epoy •• 9 ------Bombay Presidency 98 ---8iege of Delhi •• 147 ------Burma 104 -- ~t Barrackpore 147 ------Central Provinces ]Jl5 -- --Vellore .. 144------local governments 92 Myrabolams 290 ------Madras Presidency 02 Mysore, administration so ------Punjab 102 --agriculture 80 ------United Provincos 101 --area 80 ...__,tudents and religion 474 --anny •. 80 Nativee, appointment to Civil Service 444 --banking 81 Natural productions, Bengal Presidency 30 ---co.. operative societies . . 80 -- --Burma •. 56 --education 81 -- --~ladras Presidency 36 --history •. 80 -- ~United Pro"l"incrs 44-n --industries 80-1 Navanagar State .. 96 --racing .. 634 Navigation and-irrigation cannlti 209 --railways 81 Navy, contributions to (table) .. !57 --revenues 80 --East Indies S~uadron 157 -schools •• 81 of Rsmpur and the War .. 621 --wars 7 --Tonk and the War 621 Nazarana payments 107 Nelfore Fish Fnnn .. 303 Nepal 91 N --war ]4.5 416 104 N ewrasthPnia .J56 Names and titles, Indian 515 Newspapers Act, 1908 Nrw 7-ealand Presbyterian l{ls!>fon 481 Napier, Sir Charles 8 98 Nicholson, Sir Frederick 160 Nasik Agency lOll 639 -committee --golf 176 572 Nickel coinage Natal Line •. 74 National Congress, Indian 450 NicQbar Islands Nizam of Hyderabad and tf\r. war 621 --Indian Association '466 Nizam's Gold }fine, Botti 296 Native drugs 424 Northbrook, Lord •. 10 --magistrates and Europeans .. 518 484 --Society --Passenger ships 612 181 North-Eastern Fran tier ------Act, 1887 613 lA Northern India Salt Revenue ------Committee 612 68o Index.

PAGE, PAGE. North·West Frontier Province, adminis· Ollseeds, cultivation of 250 trative districts .. 69,70 Oild, essential 424 ------agriculture 69 Ootacamund Golf •• 639 ------area. 08 Open Brethren Mission 483 ------development 69 Opium Agreement with Chinn 309 ------Ecclesiastical Department 476 --Bengal •• 39 ------formed .. 12,68 --Bihar and Orissa · 59 ------invasions .. 68 ____, xcise systems 308 ------irrigation •. 69 --Malwa •• 308 -----Judicial Dept. 622 --receipts •• 308-9 ------map of 125 --revenue 309 ------mountains 69 --trade statistics (table) .308 ------municipalities ... 69,70 State 89 ------<>lficials 70 Orders, Indian 501 ---- -·-police 70 Ore, manganese 295 ------population 68 Orient Line •• 573 ------races 68 Origins of Indian History 2 ------rainfall 68 Orissa, see Bihar 59 -----sex proportion 68 .--Famine, 1865·7 403 ------trade 69 --Feudatory States 100 -----states 91 Oudh annexed 9 --Western Railway 196 -nd Rohllkhand Railways 197 Notation 814 Outrages, Political, list of .. 12,13 Notes, currency 176-7 Out-still excise system ••- 107-8 --promissory 247 Overland train service 574 Nursing in India 429 Oyster farm at Pulfcat 303 --Service, Lady Minto .. 430 --fishing 302-3 -- --Q. A. Military .. 442

p 0 Paintings, India'} 562 Obligations of Native States 77 --Mughal 562. Occupations, Indian peoples (tables) 341,351 Palanpur Agency 98 Oceania, imports from (tables) 225 Palmorosa oil 425 Official Reports 591 Paper-chasing in India 638 Officials, Assam 72 --currency 176 --Baluchistan 73-4 --and the war 177 --Bengal Presidency 42-3 -nd the banks 176 --Biha~and Orissa 63 --making 293 --Bombay Presidency 34-5 Parcels postage rates 218 --Burma .. 58 Pars! education 349 --Central Provinces 67 Partabgarh State 85 --Law 518 Partition of Bengal 89 --Madras Presidency .• 37-8 Passengers, railway 198 --North-West Frontier Province 70 Pathan Soldiers· 151 --Punjab 53-4 104 --United Provinces 47-8 Pay, increased, army 152 Oil, eucalyptus 426 -nd pensions, Indian Medical Service 428 --lemon grass 426 ---<>f Police 525 --palmarosa 425 Payments, nazarana 107 --sandalwood 424 Pearl fishery, Bahrein 117 Oll1lelds at Ahway 297 --fishing •• 303 OUs and oilcakes .. 288 Peasant holdings .. 166 Index. 68r

PAGE. PAGB. l'egu annexed • . 9 Plassey, :Battle of •• 6 Penal Code • • 517 Plumage, Wild Birds' 810 Peninsular & Orient 8. N. Co. 369 Pneumonic plaRUe .. 422 --Railway, Great Indian 196 Point-to·point rampire 5 --timber 289 ---and Christian it) 477 --woven goods (table) 300 --possessions in India , .ro 108 --yarn 300 PosEZCSSions, foreign, in In diu 108 Professions 354 Post OfHce circles •. .217 Professional education 368 ----Dept. 18 Profits on Government Railways ••. 190 -- --revenue •. 219 Progress, Educational (tables) 360 --~aff 217 ---sanitary 383 ----statistics •• 217-220 Project, Trlple(irrlgation) 208 --tariff 218 Promissory notes •. 247 -- ---and Telegraph 219 Protection of India 233 Post.nge rates, foreign 218 --from Famine .• 405 ------letter 217 -----<)f tenants 167 ------parcels 218 Protective tariff for India 233 Power looms 277 Protestant Mission 474 Precedence, Table of 491 Provinces, Chief Commissioners of 28-9 Presbyterian Church of Ireland ~fission .. 481 --Governors of •• 28--9 -- --.-N. Americas liiission .. 481 --Lfeut.-Governors of •• 28-9 --lUssion 481 --United 44 Presidency Annies 143 Provincial Councils, working of 28--9 --Banks 237 --finance 10 -of Bombay Council 33--4 --governments 28--9 --Fort St. George 36 --salaries 497 -Madras 36 Proving of Wills 553 --towns •. 382 Public Health Department 386 Presidencies, adll\inistratlon of 28 --service Commission 445 --fonned .. 15 --Trll!!tec 552 Presidents of Fort St. Georgp 38 --Works Department 18, 440 Press Act, UllO 456 -----appointments 440 L-...ccnsorship 455 -- --Railway branch 440 --in India 455 Pudukotial 93 --law, Indian 464, 536 Pnllcat Oyster Farm 303 --statistics 456 Pnlse, cnltlvatlon of 256 --Vemaenlar 456 Puncbayeta 380 Act rc peale

PAGE. PAGE. Pllnjab educational progress 369 Railway, Bihar and Orissa •. 69-60 --forests 289 --Board 18, 191 --hospitals 53 --~utiesof 191 --Irrigation 62 --Bombay B.aroda & Central India 196 -- --Department 52 --branch lines 194 --Judicial Department .. 522 --broiui. gauge .. 191 --Land Act 12 --Burma 196 --languages 50 ---:pendlture 192 --revenue 51 --feeder 194 ----schools 52 --finance 164 ----soil 49 --first 189 --textiles 50 --French interests in Syria 133 --trade 60 --German in Turkey 133, 135 Punkah, uses of 415 --goods tonnage 193 Pupils In Mission schools 474 --Government control 191 -- -guarantee 191 Q ----profits 192 Quee;. Alexandra's Military Nursing Service 442 -grain lines 190 Quetta railway centre 127, 137 --Great Indian Peulnsula 196 Quinine culture 425 --Hyderabad 79 --Government sale of 425 --to India 133 --imports 425 --Indian Conference Association 191 --King, the 425 -- ---gauges 191 B --Local boards .. 194 Rabindranath Tagore 562 --Madras and S. M. 196 Races, the fighting 151 --management 191 Racing in India 632-5 --metre gauge 191 Racquets In India .. 639 --mileage 200-205 Radhanpur State .. 98 -----in operation 202-205 Radio-active minerals 298 --Mysore 80 Railways 189 --Native States .• 197 ---accidents on .. 195 --North-Western 196 --Adam's Bridge 197-9 --Ondb and Rohilkhan

l'AGlll, PAGB. Railway scbeme, Cairo to Koweit 133 Reserve Metallic •• 177 ----de Lesseps' 183 Rt>tail 314 -south Indian •• 197 Revenue, and Agricultural Department •• 17 -statistics •• 192, 20o-205 --Baroda 82 -staff of · 195 --Bengal Presidency 40 --time between India and London 138 --Bihar and Orissa 60-1 ----trafllc 193 --Burma 57 --Trans Persian •• 135 --Central Provincei! 66 ------lluance 135 -Customs 162 -.-Turkish guarantee 135 --Forest 289 --two feet six incb gauge 191 -Government 161 --working statistics (tables) •. 192-3, 20o-5 --Hyderabad 79 Rainfall 268-9 --from imports 161 --Assam 71 --incidence of Land 166 --Bihar and Orissa 59 --Irrigation 208 --and Crops 253 --Kasbmlr 83 --Madras Presidency 36 --Land 165 --North·West Frontier Provinces 69 --Local government 29 --Punjab 49 --Madras Presidency 37 Rains 268-9 --Mint . 162 --effect on budget 162 --Mysore 80 :&ajpipla State 98 ---<>pinm 162 :&ajputana, Lawa State of 86 --Post Ofllce 219 ---agency . 84 --railways 162, 164 Raj puts •• 3, 151 --salt 169 :&amdrug State 97 -8ystem, Land •• 166 101 --tables of •• 161-6 Rangoon Literary Society .• 467 --telegraph 220 --Musical and Dramatic Society 467 --United Provinces 46 --Port Trnst 401 Rewa Kantha Agency 98 --racing 635 :&ewah State 89 ltanjit Singh 8 :&ice, cnltlvation of 254 Rates and taxes, municipal 381 ---<>f citizenship •• 431 ---<>f interest moneylenders 406 --Native States . , 77 Rawalpindi racing •• 634 :&1pon, Lord 11 :Rebate Railway contract system •. 190 Rising in Bengal 6 :Reform of weigbts and measures 312 Roads, and Bnildings Department, Bihar --Indian army .• 148 and Orissa 61 ---social 8, 346, 414 ------United Provinces 46 Reformatory schools 628 --Burma 65 :&agions beyond Missionary Union 483 -expenditure 216 Relief Funds and the War .• 625 Roberts, Lord 11 Religion, native students and 474 ----on Aden 75 Religions of India •• 338 Roman Catholic Churches •• 477 - ----{tables) •• 339 Rose, Sir Hugh, march of 148 --Punjab 49 Route<~ to India from Europe 569 --United Provinces 44 Royal Army Temperance Association 487 Rent law·suits (table) •• 623 --Asiatic Society (Bombay) 465 Report of Currency Commission •. 185 ---Indian Marine 442 Research Fnnd, Scientiftc . 384 -----appointments 442 Reserve Currency Notes 177 :&ubattino S. S. Co, 572 -·-FDBd. Gold 178 Rubber, Burma •• 5, 66 --Gold Standard . '184 -cultivation • , 292 ,--Indian Army 162 Rulers of India, Akbar 4 Index. 685

PAGIII. PAGB, Rulers of India, Asoka 2 Savantwadi State , , 99 -- -- 4 Scandinavian Alliance Mission 482 -- --Babar 4 Schools, see Education and Colleges 366 - -Chandragupta 2 Scientific societies •• 465 - -Gupta dynasty •• 3 Scotland Established Church gf 478 -- --Harsha •• 8 --United Free Church of 479 -- --Hnmaynn 4 Scouts, Boy 402 -- --Mahomedan 4 Scytho-Dravidlan people 327 -- --Medieval dynasties 3 Sea trade of Bombay 393 -- --Mongolian kings 3 Secondary schools •• 866 -- --Mnghal dynai.ty 4 Secretariat Depts, Governor-Generals 7-19 -- -Shahjahan 4 Secretaries of State 23 -- --Southern dynasties 3 Secretary of State, powers of 23 Ruling Chiefs, education of 78 Sedition in Bengal 12 --- --War Contributions 626 Seistan (Persia} 123 Rupee debt 173 Self-Government, local 379 -·---In 1914 •• 173 Senate, University 362 --exchange value of 183 Sepoy army 151 -·-loans, conversion of 170 -mutiny 9 -·- --extant •• 170 Sepoys, Lord Cornwallis on 151 ----Interest days 17Jl SeptiCII!mic plagne •• 422 Rural sanitation 387 Seringapatam taken 144 --schools 368 Servants of India Society 467 Russian advance 113,127 Service, Indian Civil 444 --menace 11 -- --Medical •• 445 Russian railway to Lake Urom!a 133 Services, Educational 370 -- --Tehran •• 133 --Public Commission 444 Russia and Tibet •• 129 Sesamum, culture of 256 --understanding with 13 Session, Courts of •• .• · 518-9 Ryotwari holdings •• 166 Settlement, 0 meers' duties 1G6 Settlements, Dutch 5 s --European 5 Sakchi Iron works •• 304 Seva Sadan •• 467 St. J"ohn Ambulance ABsocn •. 626 Seventh Day Adventists lll!ssion 484 Salaries of Chief Officers 496 Sex .•• 347 --Provincial Officers 497 --In towns 330 Salt Department 18 --proportions of, in N. W. F. P. 68-9 --Range mines 169 Shah ot Persia and the War 621 --revenue 169 Sbahjahan •• 4 Salutes table of 494 Shahpura chiefship •• 86 Salvation Army weaving schools 283 Shan States .. 104 Sandalwood oil 424 Shargarh concession 117 Sandur 93 Shaw, weaving 300 Sangl! State 97 Ships Native Passenger 612 Sanitation 888 ------<'Ommittee 613 --Agencies 885 Sholapur Agency . . · 99 -grants 385 Shore, Sir J"ohn (Lord Teignmout.h} 7 ---<>rganisat!on 384 Shroffs, banking by 242 --progress in 383 Sikh wars .. 8,146 --sanitary services 885 --education 349 --training 385 Sikhism 840 Banthallll!ssion 486 Sikhs, origin of 141HI Sara railway bridge 197 Sikkim State 90 Batara Gaglrs 98 Silk •• 288 686 Index.

PAGE. PAG:S. Silk exports of 284 Spring mont.hs 266 Silver 297 Squadron, East Indies 157 --eoin age I 76 Staff, Governor Generals , • 17 ---coins 176 --Governors, Bengal Pres. 42-43 --imports •. 297 -- --Bombay Pres. 34-35 --work 299-300 ----Madras Pres. 37-38 Simla tennis 637 j --Post Office , • 217 Sind, conquest M 148 , Stamp Dntles, Indian 656 Sinnur (.!ialmn) State 104 ' Standard reserve gold 184 85 Star of India 501 Skins, bides,-leather 309 State Bank for India 187 Small-cause couits 51B-9 --forest distribution 289 Small-pox, death from 390 --irrigation works 207 Smu~gling of Cocaine 426 States, Native 77 Snakes, cattle killed by 614 -- --Akalkot, see Sholapur A!Ieney, 99 '---destruction of .. 614 -- -- 87 --people killed by 614 -- --Amb 91 Social institutions .. 345 -- --Bahawalpur 102 ----easte 346 -- --Bajaur •. 92 -- --marriage .. 347 ----Baluchistan Agency 83 --refonns 8, 346, 414 -- --Bandas , , 99 --sotieties 165 -- --Bangapalle 93 Societies, Agricultural 413 -- --Banswara 85 --Life Insurance .. 315 -- --Baroda •. 81 --Literary. Scientific and Soci~ti 465 -- --Baatar .. 106 --store 413 -- --.-Denares .. 102 Soil, Bt-ngal Pres. • . 39 -- --Bharatpur 86 --Bombay Pres. 31 -- --Dhavnagnr 95 -Central Prov••. 64 ------Bhopal •. 89 --Indian Empire 1 -- --Bhor (Satara .Tagirs) 98 --l'unjab 49 -- --Bhutan , • 90 --United Provinces 44 -- --Bijapur Agency 94 --varieties of 253 -- --Bikaner •• 87 Sokotra Island 75 -- --Bundl 86 South Africa, Indians in .. 338 -- --Cambay (Kaira Agency) 95 --Indian Famine, 1876-8 403 -- --Chambn .. 102 -- --Railways I 97 -- --Chitral .. 91 ·Southern dynaatlea. , 3 -- --Cocbin .. ·92 Southern India Chamber of Commerce 324 -- --Coocb Behar 100 -- country States 97 --- --Cutch 94 South Indian Railway 107 -- --Daph!apur (Bijapur Agency) .. 94 Sovereigns .. 223 -- --Datia 89 Sport in India, athletics .. 635-9 -- --Dhar 89 -- --cricket , . 639 -- --nharwar Agency 95 -- --football .. 636 -- --Dhnrampur 911 ----golf 639 -- -- 96 -- --hockey •. 636 -- --paperchasing -- --Dholpur 86 638 ----Diu 91 ·--· -·-pig sticking 635 -- --point to point races -- --Dongarpur 85 638 -- --Farldkot 108 ----polo 637 -- --racing •. -- --Gondal •. 96 63~ -- --Gwallor •. 88 -- --racquets 639 -- --t.cnnis -- --Hill Tippera 100 636 -- --Hyderabad 7E Index.

PAGB, PAGE. States, Native, !dar (Mahl K:mthn Agency) 97 States; Native, .Rajpipla .. 98 -- --Indore •. 89 -- --Rajputana Agency 84 -- --Jalota Rills 105 -- --Rampur 101 -- --Jaipnr •. 85 -- --Ramdrug 97 -- --Jaisalmer 85 -- --Rewah •. 89 -- --Jamkhandi 97 -- --Rewah Kantha Agency 98 ------Janjira, (Kolaba Agency) 9R -- --Sandur .. 93 --- --Jaom 89 -- --Sangli 97 ------Jashpnr .• 106 -- --Satara Jagirs 98 --- --Jath 99 --- --Savantwada 99 -- -- (Thana Agency) 100 -- --Savanur (Dharwar Agency) 95 -- --.Jhalwar •. 87 -- --Sbahpnra 86 ----Jind 103 -- --Shan 104 -- --Jodhpur 85 -- --Sholapur Agency 99 -- -- 96 ----Sikkim •• 90 -- ---Kalat (Baluchistan Agency) 83 -- --Sirmur (Nahan) 104 -- --Kankar •. 10~ -- -8irohi 85 -- --Kapurthala 103 -- --Southern ~raratha country 97 -- --Karaull •. 87 -- --Sukkur .• 99 -- --Karenni District 105 -- --Snrat Agency •. 99 ---Kashmir 82 -- --Surgana (Nasik Agency) 98 --- --Kathiawar Agency 95 -- --Snrguja •• 106 -- --Kt.airagarh 106 -- ~Tebri 101 -- --Kharan Agency · · 7? -- --Thana Agency 100 -- --Khalrpnr 94 ----Tonk 86 -- --Khasi (Jalnta) Rills 105 -- -- 92 -- --Kishangnrh 86 -- --Udaipur 85 -.- --Kolabn Agency 96 -- --under Assam Govt. 105 -- --Kolbapnr 97 -- --under :Bihar and OriBBa Govt.. 100 ----Kotah .. 87 -- --:Bengal Govt. 100 -- --Kurudwad 97 --- --Dombay Govt ... 93 -- --'-Las :Bela (:Baluchistan Agency) 83 -- --:Burma Govt. 104 ----Lawa 86 -- --Central India Agency Govt. 88 -- --Mahi Kantha 97 -- --Central Provinces Govt. 105 -- --Maler Kotla 103 -- --local govts. 92 ----Mandl 104 -- --Madras Govt. . . 92 -- --Manlpnr · · 105 -- --Punjab Go\>t. • . 102 -- --~Uraj 97 ----United Provinces Govt. 101 ----Mudhol 97 Stations, Wireless telegraph 534 -- --Mysore 80 Statistics, agricultural 257 -- --Nabha 104 --:Bombay Improvement Trust 395 -- --Naudgaon 106 --:Bombay Port Trust 399 ·-- --Naslk Agency 98 --co-operative .. 408 -- --Navanagar 96 --cotton industry 255 ----Nepal 91 --dacoity 526 -- --North West Frontier 91 --death and birth rates .. 388 -- --Orchha •• 89 ---educatlori · 357 -- --Orissa Fendatory 100 ---<>migration 433 -- --Palanpur 98 --forest .• ·291 328 -- --Partabgarh 85 --Indian Empire 523 -- --Patiala •• 104 --judicial 347 -- --Pudukottoi 93 --marriage 448 -- --Radbampur 98 --Medical Servtct· 381 -- --Ralgarh .• 106 --Municipalltl•s .. .688 Index .

'PAGE. PAGE. 526 Survey Geological .• 18 Statistics, Murder 308 --Zoolotdcal 612 --Opium •. 132 Syrian Church 477 --Persian debt 626 --pollee •. T 658 --press 456--463 Table, Interest --railway 192, 200-205 --of Exchange 654-5 --rubber culti,·ation 292 Talrurat of Rajputana 86 --Sanitary 884 Talukas, Bombay , • 32 526 --th•ft Tanks, Irrigation •• 209-210 --trade and the war •• 622-4 Tanur, fishery experiments at 308 --trade with the enemy 628-630 Tarllf posslblllltles Indian 233 --urban vital 888 Tata Hydro·Eiectdc Power Supply Co. 306 --wa.ges,incomc, &c. 470 Tata Iron & Steel Co_. 304 State Railways 440 ------concessions 304 Statuary 301 ------<~arlyoperations 304 !;!teamship Coys. Anchor Line 670 ------foundation -304 -- --Austrian Lloyd ,.. 671 ------present position 301> -- --Bibby Line 673 ------profit estimated 301> --B.I.S.N. 572 ------Sakchi works 304 -- --Ellerman Line 570 Tasmanian Baptist mission 480 -- --Messageries M... 572 Ta.x,Income 169 -- --Natal Line · 570 Taxation, Incidence of 381 ----Orient Line 573 Tea 286-287 --P.&O.•• 569 --capital invested In 287 -- --Rnbbatino 572 --prices (table) •• 287 Steel Works, Tata Iron and 304 Technical education 388 Sterling debt 174 Tehri state 101 --equh1>lents 443 Telgomouth, Lord, (Sir John Shore) 7 Stones, Oem 298 Telegram Rates 219 Store Societies co-operative 413 Telegraph Department 219 Storms 2M -- --appointments .•• 441 Strength of Army .• 168 ----and Post omce 18 Students Bureau ofinformation 435 --revenue 219 --In Great Ilritain, Indian . 434 Telegraphy Wireless 220 ---native, and religion 474 Telugu Mission, American Baptist 480 ------the war· 436 Telephone statistics · 220 Sub-Inspectol'l! of Police 525 Temperance In Army, effects of .. 487 Subsody to Aiuir •• ,;n --Association Anglo-Indian .. 488 Suft'ragc, Womnn's 414 ---Royal Army • . fJ .. 487 Sugarcane cultivation of 256_ --Conference All India .. · · 488 Suits, civll .. 518-9,523 --reform In India 488 -rent law 523 Temperature 266 Suklrur Agency 99 Tenants, protection of 167 S1mkesnla Fisb Farm 303 Tender, legal 177 Superintendents of Pollee, Assistant 525 Tennis, lawn. In InOla 636 Supervisi~n of Native States •• 77 Textile Industry Bombay •. 81 SupJ>lementary list of civil omcers 493 -- --Uulted Provinces 44-6 270 Supply Dept. formed, Military 149 Textiles --ln1914 278 Surat Agency 99 ----excise duty on .• 168 Surguja State . . • • . .. 10tr 50 -Surplus allotme¥1ts Budget --Punjab 162-8 Thags 529 Survey Archreolegical 18 Thana Agency 100 -·-Botanical .• 18,612 Th~ft Statistics 527 --Dept. 18 Tibet 129 lttdex. 5~

PAGE. PAGE, Tibet Chinese in 130 Turkish railway guarantee 133 --expedition to 129 Turks-Iranian people 327 --political importance of 131 Tuticorn Matine Fish Farm .. 30:r Tibetan Mission 483 Typhoid Fever 418 Tidal constants "613 ---causes of 418 Timber for matehes 293 -- --prevention of 419 --production 289, 291 -- --treatment of 419 Timbers, Indian 290 Times of India 455, 458 u Tin 297 ~5 Tirah Campaign 11 lJnions Co-operative 411 Titles and N amC!I, Indian 515 United Free Church of Scotland •• 479 Tobacco, Bihar and Orissa 59 --Presbyterian Church of North Ame- --cultivation of ... '427 rica mission 481 Tollygungo Gymkhana 632 --Provinces administration 45 --streplrchases .. 632 ----·area 44 86 -- --Chamber of Commerce 825 Tonnage, railway .. 193 -- --Collectors 45 Town.< and villages .• 330 -- --Colleges .• 46 --Presidency 882 -- --Council •. 47 Trade 354 ---Courts of Justice 45 --Balance of 224 ----Deputy Commissioners 45 --Export of the year 221 -- --Distr•ct boards •• 45 --Import of the year 222 -- --districts .• 45 --India and Free 232 -- --Ecclesiastical Department. 477 --Inland 229 -- -educational progress 46 -·-Indian 1914. 221 -- --factories 44 --Marks 311 ----hospitals .. 47 --N.-W. Frontier Province 69 -- --Irrigation 208 ---opium 308 ---Judicial Department 208 --Persian Gulf •• 615 -- --land tenure 45 --Punjab 50 -- --languages 44 --Trans Frontier 227 -- --Legislative Cotmcil 50 ~with other countries tables 224--7 · -- --Lieutenant-Governors •• 44 ~ Tr3.ffic, railway - 193 -- --Minerals •• 44 Train serVIce, Indian 57i-8 -- --Municipalities •• 45 --·-. -overland 577-8 -- --natural products 44 Training Colleges •• 368 -- ---officiaiB •• 47-8 · ~chools, police 525 ----poliee 46 Trans-frontier ' .. 227 -- --population 44 Trans-Persian Railway 135 -- --rellgwns 44 ' of 130 -- --revenue .. 46 ~transport . . , . 354 ----road' and buildings 46 l'ransported criminals 528 -- --schools •• 46 l'ra van core · 92 ----soli 44 Treaty of Basscln •• 7 ----Textile Industry 44 Tribs ... , Frontier 12 Universal marriage .• 347 . "i:i'ibute, Native State•' 107 University courses •• • 364 l'riple (irrigation) Project 208 -education 362 Tropical c!iuiatc and health 415 -:-examinations 364 --diseases · 415-424 --Hindu 377 S7B Tucker, J3ooth, on Ifandloom weaving 281 --Mahomedan 362-4: l --Major, on tropical diseases 415 ---organisation 36U Turkey, war with 620 -·-·-reform •.• 28 ADVERTISEMENT•



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BOMBAY BRANCH: Oriental Buildings, Fort,· BOMBAY. Index. 6go

PAGE. PAGE. 362 University senates .• Wars, ~farat.ha ••• 7, 145 --territory • • . • . • 364 --~fysore Upper India Chamber of Commerce 324 7 --Nepal 145 Urban tendencies .• 330 --Sikhs 146 --VItal •tatistics 3SS Water rates 254 v -supply 387 Weaving, cnrpPt 300 Vaccination 390 --handloom •• i 281 -cost 90 3 -schools 283 Vellore, mutiny at •• 44 1 -shawl 300 Vend, right of (excise Rystem) 6 1 8 Wedderburn, Sir W. 409" Vernacular Press Act repealed 45·5 Weights and Measures Committee ,~b-1-2"'" Vertlver (cus·ci!S) •• 425 ------currency ~~. . . 314 Veterinary Department, Indian Civil 437 ------re~rm of •• --..... 312 --appointments .• 437 ----· --varietyof · •• -.H'l.- Viceroyalty, instituted 10 Wellesley, Colonel Arthur 144 -of Lcrd Curzon 12 --Lord 7 12 ----Lord ~Unto --lf~rquie, policy of 144 Viceroy (Baron) Hardinge 17 Wells, irrigation 20 Viceroys of India •• 19 Welsh Presbyterian Mission 481 Victoria Cross 630 Wesleyan Methodist ll!iss!on 486 Village autonomy .. 380 Western India Famine, 1868-70 .• 403 Villages, occupations in 351 Wheat, cultivation of 254 Vital statistics, urban 388 'Widowhood 348 Volunteers 152 ".idow remarriage .. 348 Wild birds' plunlage 3W w Wild animals, cattle killed by 614' Wages and Income (table) 470 ----destruction of .• 6H Wages in cotton industry (tables) 255-260 -- --people klllcd by 614. Wales, Prince of, tour 10 Winds 266 Wandcwash, Battle of •• 6,143 Wireless telegraph •••t:~n• War, J~uropean, and India 14, 177 --telegraphy 220, 53~ ---and gold reserve 179 Woods' dcspntoh on education 3611' : ----and paper currency 177 Woman's su.tfrage .. 414. --and Afghanistsn 621 Women, medical nid to 428 --and the Begum of Bhopal 621 "'.. omen's medical serYJce .. 427 --- --Nawab of Rampur .• 621 " ..ood-clll'ving 209 -----Tonk 621 --workers 353 --- --Nizam of Hyderabad 621 Working statistics of railways (tnb:es) '192-205 --- --Shah of Persia 621 Woven goods production .• •• 300-1 --Holy Places •• 622 ------(table) 272-3 --Indlnn Lovalty 621 y 627 ----J1:ield Ambulance Yarn production tables 271-2 625 --Prize Courts •• Year 1914, Chronicle of --Relief Funds •• 625 Younghusband's expedition to Lhasa ·~0 -.-Ruling Chief's contributions 626 Young Men's Christian ASRoeiatlon 4fl0 626 ~-st. John Ambulance Association --'\\'omen's Christian Association 468 --Trade with the enemy 627, 630 z -service of Royal Indian Mu.rino 158 126 Zakka Kbel rising •• Warren Rastin gs 6 Jff6 10 zemindar! holdings Wars, Abyssinian 484 --Afghan 8, 11, 145 Zenana i\Ussion, LndJrs' .]8 7, 9 zooiOgicaJ Survey --Durmcse :J4:J ~ --Gurkha 7_:_Z_o_r_o_n_st_rl_a_n_ls_m_