CENSUS TAKING, IT HAS RECENTLY BEEN explained by the Census Commissioner for , should be regarded primarily as a detached collection and presentation of certain facts in tabular form for the use and consultation of the whole country, and, for that matter, the whole world. Conclusions are for ot.hers to draw. .

It is upon this understanding of their purpose that Tables have been printed in this volume with only the ,barest notes necessary to explain such points as definitions, change of areas, etc. But perhaps the word , barest' is too bare and requires some covering.

In the past it has been customary to preface the Tables with many pages of text, devoted to providing some general description of the area concerned and supported by copious Subsidiary Tables and comparisons with data collected in other provinces, countries and states. On this occasion there is no prefatory text, no provision of extraneous comparisons, and Subsidiary Tables have virtually been made part of the Tables themselves.

We may agree that the present method of presentation has much to recommend it. Those who seriously study census statistics at least can be presumed to be able to draw their own deductions: they do not need a guide constantly at their side, and indeed may actually resent his well-intentioned efforts. All that they require are t,he bare facts. Yet such people must ever constitute a very small minority.

'Vhat of the others-the vast majority of the public? It is hardly to be expected that they can be lured to Census Tavern by the offer of such coarse fare. Tit-bits, carefully selected by competent caterers and served up with appropriate relish, must appear on the Tavern's menu before they can be expected to grace its board.

Yet it iF! a fact that Census Tavern is not the type of business that can long afford to ignore the mall jn the street, and rely exclusively and sufficiently on a small but select clientele of Statisticians, Economists, Health Officers and others of scientific eminence. It is a business which, it has tardily heen realized, must eventually face liquidation, or at least remain condemned tn aJl-lU1~n.'~"~ Rtruggle to keep solvent, unless the general public 'Jenda itA patronage.

i lJ 1M W llih rlntlIZAtTon--orthese facts tnat it has been decided on this occasioll bo issue, pari pass'u with this /'Volume, another publication; one designed specially for the general reader, without the inCll.bus of statistical tables, and freed of technicalities. A kind of intimation, in fact, to acquaint John Citizen that thOr-{, has been a change in management at Census Tavern and invit,ing his future patronage.

A word to tho~e who w~uld dispense with a guide. Du you know intimately? For, rl YQ1! do not! the~ take \Va~mg that It, has a somewhat unusual background,. and that the path t? its unde~standiIlg often bes hIdden deep In sand. So perchance you, too, may find somet,hlng of value, somethlng even to learn in this latter 1mblication, which oth('rwise you might hay~ been tempted to reject as far too elementary for your purpose.

A. W. 1\ W'EBB, Superinterulent-in-Ohargt, , 15th August, 1941. OeMus Operations in Rajputana and -Merwara. ACKNOWLEDG MENTS

Below is a list of the Rtate Census Superintendents and District Census Officers, who took part in the operat,ionR during Hl40-1941. -

N ~f Stn.te or Di.(jirir't.

Abu./ Captain .J. R. Cotton, I.A., District Magistrate, Abu. Aj mer-Merwara / Rao Bahadur Thakur Onkar Singh, GoneralManager, Court of 'Vards. -- ./ l\1r. S. P. Bhargava, M.A., LL.B., Principal, Haj Rishi College. ..A • Mr. Shiam Shanka,r Shivapnri, Ruperintendrmt of Forest,. Bharatpur """. Syed Dayam Hussain .Jafbry, B.A., LL.B., Tehsildar. Bikanerv Mr. Bishandas Chopra, B.A., LL.B. Bundi ./ Thakur Mahendra Singh Ranawat, Revenue Member (from January, 1940 to 3rd Ootober, 1940). P. Ram Datt (from 4th October, 1940). Dahta )( Mr. R. P. Kanhere, B. Ag. ./ .. Sardar Ranbir Singh, B.A., LL.B., Judioial Minister. l.)ungarpur ./ P. Niranjan Das Dutt, Rtate Engineer (also State Census Superintendent in 1921 and 1931). "Jaipur ./ Swami P. Chanora, Bar.~at-Lnw. Registrar Mehkma K.hns. 'oJ aisalmer / .. Mr. M. L. Maheshwari, M.A. ..,. .. • • B. Kanhiyalal, B.Sc., LL.-B., Judge High Court. "'/ .. B. Kistoor Chand Jain, B.A., Secretary Mehkma Khas (also State Census Superintendent in 1931). _ Mr. Narain Das Mehta, B.A. -Kotah ~ B. Zafar Mohammad Khan, M.A., I.lL.B. Kushalgarh (Chiefship) /.'. l\fr. Shiam Rhanker Shivapuri (under the snpervision of Banswara Stat(' authorities) . Lawa (Estate) "" Swami P. Chandra, Bar.-at-La", (under the supervision of authorities.) . ,,./ .. Mr. Pannalal (from .January, 1940 to 22nd December, 1940). Mr. Udey Raj ]\Iathur (from 23rd December, 1940.) Mewaf,- .. Pandit Yamuna LaI Dashora, B.A., LL.B., Session Judge (also State Census Superintendent in 1931.) .- Nimrana (Estate) ., Mr. S. P. Bhar~avn., B.A.~ LL.B., (nnrler the :supcrvision of AlwlLl' State authorities. ) x .. Mr. Nanalal.T. Desai, High (~OUl't. Pleader. l)artahgarh ,/ .. Mr. Fatchlal I{hasgiwala (also State Census Superintendent in 1921 and 19:11.) ShahpW'a / B. Swaroop Narain, Treasury Officer (also Assistant State Census Super- intendent in 1901.) , Sirohi 1\lr. Jayant L. Desai, B.Se., LL.B. (from ,January, 1940 to 9th Decem­ ber, 1940.) Mr. Sakrul Hussein (from 10th December, H)40.) , , .. .. M. NaRirndoin Haidur, Hnvenuo .Mmnhcw. To all of the above I offer my sincere thanks for their cheerful and never-failing help in an undertaking which, during the later stages at least, had to be rushed to secure oompletion within the greatly mutailed and definite time limit set by the Government of India. Throughout, our relations wer~or so I found them-the ha.ppiest possible. ·IV

To all of them, I repeat, I am deeply grateful. Yet this appreciation ,,"ouid be incomplete were no mentioll made of those whose services pl'Ovecl to be of outRt3.nciing merit. In my humhle opinion the following gentlomon are deserving of special (lOllUllelldation :-

Rnj1mtnnn Agp,'tl('.l1· Mr. Bishanclas Chopra, B.A., LL.B., Census Huperintendent of State. Pandit Yamuna Lal Dashora, B.A., LI.J.B., Census Superintendent of . :Mr. Narain Das Mehta, B.A., Census Superintendent of .

A jmer-M (!:'f'UI",fa. Rao Bahadur Thakur Onkar Ringh, District CenslIs Officer, Ajnler-l\{erwara. Mr. Jawaharlal Rawat, l\!LA., LL.B., Charge Superintendent, Ajmer-.

The untimely death, due to a motor accident, of Mr. Pannalal, the State Census Superintendent for ;\'larwar, in tho middle of operations, waR a great ]m~s to hoth the Rtatp, ann myself.

~"or census of the railways, foul' Chief R,ailway Ccmms Offiecl's werc appllinted as under:-

1. W. Blake, Esq., Dy. Chief Auditor, B. B. & C. t. Railway, (broad-gauge ~ystem), Bombay. 2. A. H. M. Campion, Esq., Dy. Engineer-in-Chief, B. B. & C. I. Railway (metre.gaugp sys. tem), Ajmer. 3. C. T. Venugopal, Esq., Senior Accounts Officer, Establishment, :Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer's Office, G. 1. P. Railway, Bombay. 4. Rao Sahib T. B. Chandwani, Divisional Personal Officer, N. W. Railway, Ferozpur.

I hope that. they also will accept my humble appreciation of the very valuable contributions they made to the success of the operations up to. the final enumeration.

Among members of my own office, I should like to place on record the name of Mr. H. C. Kothari. This young man at tht: outset offered his voluntary services from a sheer love of statistics. Later he became a mem­ ber of the staff and did exceptionally good work both as a Touring Inspector and public lecturer in the pre­ enumeration Ftage and as head of the compilation office in the post-enumeration period. I cannot praise too highly his ahility; his keenness and his immense capacity for work. I am deeply indebted to him for the ~elp he gave me at all times. If in the Rajputana Census operations in J 951 he can again be employed, I am confident that the intimate knowledge he now pos~essos will be of the greatest value to the provino~.

A. W. 'r. \V. TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTE.-The numbers allotted to the various Tables and Subsidiary Tables are those received from the Ct'nsus Commissioner for India. In 0. few cases, due to a variety of causes, Tables or Subsidiary Tables have had to be omitted: hence the of continuity in numbering. PAGE TABLE I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION 1 S'UbBidiary Tables. (i) Density and wa.ter supply 4: (iv) Proportion of sexes by States and Districts 4: TABLE II-VARIATION IN POPULATION DURING FU'TY YEARS 5 'L'ABI.E III-TOWNS AND VILLAGES CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION 9 Subsidiary Table. (i) Distribution of the population between towns and villages 12

'fABL1!: IV-TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1891 o • 1a: Stt.lJBiiliary Tables. (i) Towns classified by population ~3 (ii) -chief figures • 0 33 TABLE V-TOWNS ARRANGED TERRITORIALLY WITH POPULATION BY COMMUNITIES • • 34 S ubaidiary TtJble8. (i) Number per 1000 of the total population and of each main community who live in towns 38 (ii) Communitit'8 of urban and rural population .... 38 TABLE VI-BmTllPLACE 39 TABLE VII-AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION •• 44 Subsidiary Tablu. (i) Age distrihution of 10,000 of each sex in the States and Districts 77 (ii) Age distribution of 1000 of each sex by main communities 77 (iii) Proportion of (a) children under 10 and of persons over 60 to t-hose aged 15-45; and (6) married females aged 15-40 per 100 females; for total population and certain communities 78 (iv) Percentage variations in population by age • . . • • . • • • . 78 (f'i) Fema.les per 1000 ma.les by main communities and age 78 (viii) Distribution by civil condition of 1000 of each sex, community and age 79 (ix) Distribution by civil condition of 1000 of each sex, and community 79 (x) Sex·ratio by civil condition 81 FERTILITY 'l'ABLES Nos. I & II. 82

TABLE VIII-MEANS 01' LIVELIHOOD o • 83 Suh8idia'f!l Tables. (i) General distribution of mea.ns of livelihood .. 122 (iv) Distribution per 10000 total population (by classes) 12~ (v) Partly dependants following the activity per 10000 total population -. .._ 12' (vi) Means of livelihood of females a.nd comparison of occupation 125 (vii) Pa.rtially agriculturists and assistants employed bo3 TABLE IX-INDUSTBY 128 TABLE X(i)-UNEMPLOYMENT BY AGE AND LOCALITY FOR LESS OR MORE THAN ONE YEAR 135 TABLE X(ii)-EDUCATED UNEMPLOYMENT •• 136 TABLE XI-LITERACY BY COMMUNITY AYD AGE 141 Subsiiliarg Tabl~s. ( i) Literacy by, sex a.nd community 151 (ii) Literacy by age, sex and loca:_r • 0 •• 00 o 0 o • 151 (iii) Literacy by community, sex 8. locality •• ·. 152 (iv) Literacy in English by sex, age a.nd locality •• o • •• .. 152 (v) PrOgresi of literacy since 1001 o • 153 (vi) Institutions and scholars .. .0 .. .. 153 TABLE XIII-CoMMUNlTY o 0 .. .. •• o 0 155 8'Ub8idiarg Tables.

(i) General distribution of popuJation by communities 0 • • 0 Hi? (ii) Distribution of main communities by States and Districts 157 (iii) Christians-percentage variation 1M


The States in Rajputana are arranged alphabetically in thif~ Table.

• The apparent increase in the area of 3,500 square miles, as compared wi~h the figures quoted in 1931, is due to the extension of modern surveys with consequent adjustments, to the addition of the States of Palanpur and Danta to the Rajputana Agency, and t,o the transfer of 34:3 square miles of Ajmer-Merwara to the Mewar and l\Iarwar

Areas supplied by the survey of India are entered first and then (in brackets) the areas given by the respective Darbars.

Abu District is under British administration.

Column No.3 of the Table shows! a town each against Jaipur and Marwar. This is due to the jointly owned town and Shamlat Area of Sambhar, detailed figures for which appear in Table V.

LIMITATION OF STATISTICS: -It is well-known that attempts to classify population into the two groups, urban and rural, are beset with difficulties. In Rajputana these difficulties are enhanced by the fact that some of the Sta.tes are small and their capitals little more than village-.s, yet these for reasons of sentiment have had to be classified as towns. On the other hand we find such places as PHani, Bandikui and in J aipur State and Kankroli in Mewar State, which although possessing more urban than rural characteristics, have, nevertheless, for various reasons been declared rural areas. , for instance, hali a population of over 6000 persons and contains an Intermediatp College and several hostels for Rtudents. Bandikui and Phulera are considerable railway colonies.

One more difficulty may be mentioned. It is this. Many a city and town has on its outskirts small iRolated hamlets. In some cases these are inhabited by Sweepers, Chamars and other castes considered unclean. When these people are employed wholly on work in the adjacent town, it is obvious that they should be included in the town's popUlation. But many such a hamlet has no connection with its larger neighbour. Either the town has spread out towards an existing agricultural village, or a village has happened to spring up there. Such places should, of course, be treated as separate villages and classed as rural. Due, however, to a number of causes (often not unconnected with self-interest) it has not been found possible so far to obtain any eettled policy for their classification.

In these oircumstances readers are requested to accept the information given in these tables at face value and to confine their interest to observing changes from time- to time, remembering that it is an accepted maxim of statistics that we uan sturly changes even when the def1JIition is faulty.

DENSITY :-These data can be most misleading without knowledgo of such factors as rainfall, the nature of the terrain, soil fertility and the type of inhabitant. For instance. Kotah, which originally was part of Bundi, has a density of population exceeding that of Bundi by 23 persons to the square mile. This is due to the fact that a large portion of Bundi is uncultivable, being a mass of low hills and scrub jungle. Kotah on the other hand is flat and open for ~he most part.

Then consider Danta with the high annual rainfall of 30 inches, but the low density of 90. This State is largely inhabited by aborigina.l Bhils and is hilly and forest-clad almost throughout.

URBAN RURAL RATIO :-The urban rural ratio, when places of 5,000 or more population are alone treated as towns, is in the case of Rajputana Agency 33:217 and in the case of Ajmer-l\Ierwara 9:16. 2


Inha· Inhabited Ocoupied Rouses Agency and State or Distrif't ...\1'('1\ in squa"" milt's bited . ------, Village!! ,....._--- Towns Total In towns In villages

:! 3 t1 7

RAJP'UTANA " AJMER-IIIERWARA 184969 (184M1) 18t 33098 2487748 8847&9 2102987

RAJPUTANA .• 182669 (131841) 168 32892 2877080 837161 2038909

,I Abu Distric~ (j -1 7II 598 Lt:J

2 Alwar , 3158 (3217) 7 1767 127109 14012 113097

1ft Banswlua 1606 1098 51987 2420 49587

" Bharatpur 1978 (1972) 7 1316 105933 13283 02800 5 Biknner ' 23181 (23317) 19 2882 218416 56487 161929

,.G Bundi 2200 (2220) 4 758 44925 6807 38118 7 (Dant~ 347 2 178 6113 676 5437 -~ 8 Dholpur 1173 (1221) 3 540 39771 6198 33673

~ ~ 1460 3 776 54026 409:! 49934· ]0 Jaipur 16titO (15594) 38! 5938 471664- 85492 386172

J 1 Js.isalmer 15980 (16062) 523 J9501 J 737 y2 Jhalawar 824 (810) 2 nOL 21067 3477 17590 13 Ka.rauli .. ... I :!27 (1242) 3 364 28606 4497 24109 JA Kishengarh .. 837 (858) 3 230 16804 3735 13069 / ill) lCotah 6714 (5684) 2048 141548 11758 )29790

,16 Kushalgarh (Chiefship) 340 1 293 7022 765 6757 yr LaWs. (Estatp) 20 11 476 476 18 Marwar 36120 (35089) 261 4185 468685 66203 40248:! 19 Mewar l:n iO (1iM}41) 16 5563 34j963 26117 316846

20 ( !..,!!6.DP~ 1794 (1800) 2 580 68475 6684 61791 - . t1 Partabgarh 878 (889) 1 504 18293 2064 16229

;l'2 Shahpur"- 405 1 143 9128 1722 7406

23 Sirohi 1988 4 448 51517 5972 45545

'" Tonk 254.3 (2553) 5 1242 61820 12355 4946li

AIIllER-MERWARA , 2400 6 708 90686 27608 88078

Ajmer City 18128 18128

Ajmer Tehsil 1 213 29950 3130 26820

Bes.W61' Tehsil 1 332 22810 4297 18tS13

Kekri Sub·division 161 19798 2053 17745 3

AND POPULATION Popula.tion ,------' .A.-- ( ______-...... A.- :Persons____ ~ Males Females ,---_____ ..0\_- r------A---- Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural 9 10 11 12 13 15 16

14268901 2155195 12098106 7478699 1186211 6840488 6777202 1019684 6751618

'~,---- 1.38702oa 1941697 11728511 7169527 1020180 6149867 8600681 921537 5679144

4680 4316 864 2600 2401 199 2081) 160 888015 851)38 737517 435411 44978 390433 387644- 40560 347084 268760 12772 245988 129471 6444 123027 129289 11328 122961 675826 83872 491753 310340 45135 265205 265285 38737 226548 1292988 339185 953753 695767 182.201 513566 597171 156984 440187

249374 35102 214272 130038 1 BOiH 111987 119336 17051 102285 31110 3079 28031 16218 1737 14481 14892 1342 13550 288901 4064:1 246260 158538 21906 136632 128363 18735 109628 274282 19117 255165 139241 9715 129526 135041 9402 125639 3040876 521789 2519087 1595067 270566 1324501 14458(1) 251223 1194586

93248 7340 85906 51589 3891 47698 41657 3449 38208

122299 17608 104691 63613 9058 54550 586~6 8550 50136 162418 24236 128177 82999 1.2738 70.261 69414 11498 57916 104127 21349 82778 54600 11289 43811 49527 10060 39467 777398 72556 704842 403501 88651 364950 373897 34005 339892

41153 3520 37633 2078;j 1814 18971 20368 17(1) 18662 2808 2808 1474 )474 133.l 1334 2666904 351826 2204078 L3394S4: 184258 1155206 1216'40 167068 1048872 1926698 151065 1775633 992073 79455 1)12618 934U25 71610 863015 315855 27281 288574 162202 14059 148143 13222 140'31

91987 13503 78462 461167 ti861 39806 45300 tl644 38656 61178 9939 51234 31551 .i047 26004 29622 4892 24730 233879 25459 ' 208420 1204,16 13417 LU7059 Ll3403 12042 101361 363887 70602 283085 18584-2 36588 "9254 167845 34014 133831

583693. 214088 888595 307172 116051 191121 278521 98047 178474

147258 147258 79898 798D8 6736(1 67360 161786 17804 U3D81 84232 9709 74523 77553 8095 69458 160882 86720 114162 79007 1991C; 59092 71875 1680;; 55070 123768 12316 111452 64035 652-9 ;;7506 l)973:l 53946 SUBSIDIARY TABLES

(i) Density and Water Supply

Density in 1941 Rainfall Density in 1941 _ Rai1lfa.ll

I. 2 2

RaJputana and Almer-Kerwara 106 Karauil 124 28 Ra)putana 103 Kishangarh 124 22 Kotah 136 28 Abu 780 til Kushalgarh (Obiefship} 121 35 A1war 2fll

Banswarll ltll 140 19

Bharatpur ~!H 27 Marwar It

Mew Ill' 1-16 Bibner :;0 12 PalllllpUl' 17(\ 29 Bundi 113 28 Dantu. 9U ao l'artabgal'h 10:; 22 Dholpur 29 Shahpura 151

t:!irolu 118 21 DungarpUl' 188 25 Tonk 139 25 Jaipur 19,; 24

Jaisalmel' 7 Almer-Merwara 243 21 Jha1awar 148 :Iii

Nute-(l) AI'06 fol' tho seoond oolumn was taken from figUI't'S 8UPI)lieu by tIle Survey of Indill. (21 TIle rainfall figures were supplied by Iudla l1eteorologiNli Dopartmtlllt, Pooua,

(iv) Proportion of S&xes by States and Districts

}'en1alelil pel' 1000 malfls Females pcr 1000 males ,---- ..,A_.______, -.. 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901

1 2 :~ 4 Ii 2 :J 4 Ii

Rajputana and Ajmer-Merwara 906 907 896 909 908 Kal'auli .. 836 S:H 816 831 837 KisluUlgarh 907 927 903 907 916 Abu 800 ti4ti ti80 mlti 709 Kot·ah 927 932 927 935 940 Alwar 890 892 885 914 923 Kushalgarh (Chiefship) 980 1003 1001 1009- 971 Banswara. •. 999 1010 1013 1027 1027 Lawa (Estatl') 905 931 887 969 1014 Bhara.tllur 855 849 823 849 870 Marwa.l' 908 91;') 8911 913 9011

Bibner 858 868 ~97 887 908 Mewa.r 942 941 938 929 916

Bundi 918 916 9]6 932 930' Palanpur 947 936 934 940 931

Ds.nta. 918 896 Pal'tabgal'h 971 963 969 976 998

DholpUl' 810 815 ~11 825 836 Shahpu1'a 939 1l4:J 9:H 927 921 Sirohi 941 -939 92)) G32 904 lJunga.rpur "70 988 98R 1012 10UO Tonk 903 930 9~iO 939 9a9 Ja.ipur 906 81J7 R82 !lOa 892 Jaisalmel' 807 81)] 78t; 821 863 RaJputana 906 908 900 9'0 906

.Thalaw8r· .. 923 9011 fll2 92~ 921} A;mer-Merwara 900 889 827 879 897 TABLE II. VARIATION IN POPULATION DURING FIFTY YEARS

The population at previous censuses has been corrected as far as possible in order to allow for changes of area ..

DEl!'INITION OF POPULATION :-Up to and including 1931 the figures represent a de facto population. In 1941 enumeration was made on the principle of the house-dwelling population being recQrded at its usual place of residence. This latter term 'was held to mean the house or room used or intended to be used for sleeping purposes over a period of three months or more.

Persons who had a 'Usual Place of Residence' were record~d there whether physically present or not, unless they had moved out of Rajputana and Ajmer-Merwara. Casual visitors from other provinces found in Rajputana on 1st March and who stated that they had not been enumerated or, if being residents of Rajputana or Ajmer-Merwara they had no usual place of residence in Rajputana and Ajmer-MeTWara, were enumerated on the spot where they were found on March the 1st. 6 TABLE II-VARIATION IN POPULATION DURING LAST FIFTY YEARS.

Net.Varia.tion. Year. Personl!. Variation. r---A-. Males. Variation. Females. Variation. 1891-194.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RAIPUTANA AND AIMER-MERWARA 1891 12998275 . 6871928 61263.1i · . 1901 10569193 -2429082 5546560 -1325368 5022633 -1103714 1911 11278184 +703991 5906196 +359636 5366988 +344353 1921 10590959 -682225 5584721 -32147'; 5006238 --360750 11'31 12077547· +1486588 6331976 +747255 5745571 +739333 1941 14~5~901 +2176354 +1255626 7p6))99 + 114472:l 6777,202 +1031631 RA1PUTANA 1891 12516029 6615475 J9005l>4 · . 1901 10143066 -2372963 5321888 - -1293587 4281178 -1079376 1911 10823952 +680886 5667128 +345240 5156824 +335646 1921 10144117 -679835 5340198 --326930 4803919 -352905 1931 11570588 +1426466 6063592 +723394 5506991 +703072 1941 18670208 +2099625 +1154179 7169527 +-110593;; MOO6S1 +993690 ABU DISTRICT 1891 3076 1909 1167 1901 4068 +992 2381 +472 1687 +620 1911 4292 +224 2623 +242 1669 -18 1921 3606 -686 2147 -476 1459 -210 1931 4582 +926 2753 +606 1779 +320 1941 4680 +148 +1604 2600 --153 2080 +301 ALWAR 1891 '18'1786 401898 363888 · . 1901 828487 +60"/01 433035 +27137 397462 +33564 1911 '191888 -36799 413659 -17376 378029 -19423 1921 '101154 -90534 371975 ---41684 329179 ---48850 1931 749751 +48597 396261 +24286 353490 +24311 1941 828056 +73304 +55269 435411 +39150 387644 +34154 BANSWARA 1891 180268 92540 · . 87728 · . 1901 149128 -31140 73553 -18987 75575 --12153 1911 185463 +16335 81620 +8067 83843 + 826S 1921 190362 +24899 94562 +12942 95800 + 119!)7 1931 225106 +34744 111983 +17421 113123 + 17323 1941 258760 +33654 +78492 129471 + 17488 129289 + IIn6R BHARATPUR 1891 640308 347830 292473 1901 628665 -13638 335156 -12674 291509 -964 1911 558785 -67880 302254 -32902 256531 -34978 1921 496487 -62348 272345 -29909 224092 -32439 1931 486954 -9483 263325 -9020 223629 -463 1941 575625 +88671 -64678 310340 +47015 265285 +41656 BIKANER 1891 882065 440114 · . 391951 · . 1901 584755 -247310 308462 -133652 278293 --113658 1911 700988 +116228 371489 +65027 329494 +51201 1921 669885 -41298 347690 -23799 311995 ---17499 1931 936218 +276533 501153 +153463 435065 + 123070 1941 1292938 +356720 +460873 695767 +194614 597171 + 162106 BUNDI 1891 295675 156033 139642 · . 1901 171227 -12444:8 88731 -6730:.! 82496 -57146 1911 218780 +47503 113211 +24480 105519 +23023 J921 187088 -31662 97635 -15576 89433 --16086 1931 216722 +29654 113101 -I- 15466 103621 + 14188 ]941 249374 +32652 --46301 130038 +16937 119336 +15716 DANTA 1891 28172 13801 12371 1901 26172 13801 12371 1911 28172 13801 12371 1921 28172 13801 12371 1931 28172 ... 13801 · . 12371 1941 31110 +4938 +4938 16218 +2417 14892 +2521 DHOLPUR 1891 279890 157123 122767 1901 271496 -8394 147880 -9:143 123616 +849 1911 263598 -7903 144456 -3425 119138 --4478 1921 230188 -33·105 127078 -17377 103110 -16028 1931 264988 +24798 140497 + 13419 114489 +-11379 1941 28&901 +31915 +7011 158538 + 18041 128363 +13814 7 TABLE II-VARIATION IN POPULATION DURING LAST FIFTY YEARS-(contd.)

Net-Variation. Y('S,I', Per.mUIl, VIIl'iatioll. ,-----.A--.. Males. Varia.tion. Fenl~les. Varilttioll. 1891--1941 r 2 :l 4 5 6 7 S DUNGARPUR 1891 98448 .. 49444 49004 , . 1901 100103 +1655 50050 +606 50053 +1049 1911 159192 +59089 79105 +29055 80087 +30034 1921 189272 +30080 95233 +16128 94039 +13952 1931 227544 +38272 . , 114480 + 19247 113064 + 19025 J941 274282 +46738 + 175834 139241 +24761 135041 +21977 .JAIPUR 1891 2823986 .. 1505765 1318201 1901 2658666 -165300 1405458 -100307 1253208 -64993 1911 263884'1 --22019 1385750 -19708 1250897 -2311 1921 2338802 -296845 1242742 -143008 1096060 -154837 1931 2631775 +292973 1387067 +144325 1244708 + 14:8648 1941 3040876 +409101 +216910 1595067 +208000, 1445809 +201101 JAISALMER 1891 115701 62699 53002 1901 73870 -42331 39389 -23310 33981 -19021 1911 88311 +14941 48500 +9111 39811 +5830 1921 67652 -20659 37882 -10618 29770 -10041 1931 76266 +8603 42342 +4460 33913 +4143 1941 98246 +16991 -22455 51589 +9247 41657 +7744 JHALAWAR 1891 151097 80389 70708 1901 90175 -60922 46737 -33652 43438 -27270 1911 96271 +6096 50034 +3297 46237 +2799 1921 96182 -89 50318 +284 45864 -373 1931 107890 +11708 56518 +6200 51372 +5508 1941 122299 +14409 --28798 63613 +7095 58686 +7314 KARAULI 1891 156587 84555 72032 1901 15878& +199 85356 +801 71430 -602 1911 146587 -10199 80081 -5275 66506 -4924 1921 188780 -12857 73647 -6434 60083 -6423 1931 140526 +6795 76729 +308.2 63796 +3713 1941 162413 +l1R8R -4174 82999 +6270 69414 +5618 KISHANGARB 60478 1891 115516 ' , 65038 1901 90970 -34546 47475 -17563 43495 -16983 1911 87191 -3779 45718 -1757 41473 -202.2 1921 77784 -94:57 40859 -4,859 36875 -4598 1931 85744 +8010 44494 +3635 41250 +4375 1941 104127 + 18383 --21389 64600 +10106 49527 +8277 KOTAB 1891 718'171 .. 375210 343061 1901 544879 --173892 280912 -94298 263967 -79594 330324 +49412 308765 +44798 1911 689089 +94210 -5720 1921 630060 -9029 327015 -3309 303045 1931 685804 +55744 355056 +28041 330748 +27703 373897 +43149 1941 777398~ + 9l1'i94 +58627 403501 +48445 KUSBALGARB (Chlefshlp) 2855 1891 5775 ' , 2920 1901 16222 +10447 8229 +5309 7993 +5138 1911 22005 • +5783 10956 +2727 11049 +3056 14:575 +3619 14587 +3538 1921 29182 +7157 +3223 1931 8558t +6402 17754 +3179 17810 1941 41153 +5589 +35378 20785 +3031 20368 +2558 LA WA (Esiate) 1728 1632 1891 8380 -287 1901 2671 -689 1326 -402 1345 1302 -24 1262 -83 1911 2564 -107 -199 1921 2262 -302 1199 -103 1063 1445 +246 1345 +282 1931 2790 +528 -II 1941 2808 +18 -552 1474 +29 1334 .ARWAR 1334883 1203266 1891 2&38149 924028 --279238 1901 1948989 -594160 1019961 -314.922 1079839 +59878 986404: +62376 1911 JI088248 + 122254 874311 -112093 1849675 -216568 975364 -104475 ~ .. 1114506 -139142 1020322 +146011 2184828 +285153 )216440 + 196118 9565804 +421076 +17751; 1339464 +224958 8 TABLE II-VARIATION IN POPULATION DURING LAST FlFTY_ YEARS-(contd.) Net-Va.riation. Year. Persons. Variation. ,----'~ Males. Variation. Females. Variation. 1891-1941 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MEWAR 1891 1780720 921044 839676 1901 1081188 -699554 053970 -367074 507196 -332480 1911 1324757 +263591 686845 + 132875 637912 + 130716 1921 1407378 +82619 726190 +39345 681186 +43274 1931 1811392 +204016 ·. 830287 +104097 781105 +99919 1941 1926698 +315306 + 165978 992073 + 161786 934625 +153520 PALANPUR 1891 276114 142657 .. 133457 1901 223627 -52487 115802 -26855 107825 -25632 1911 227272 +3645 117176 +1374 110096 +2271 1921 237781 +10489 122926 +5750 114835 +4739 1931 266371 +27610 137066 + 14140 128305 +13470 1941 815856 +50484 +39741 162202 +25136 153653 +25348 PARTABGARH 1891 87975 45842 42133 1901 52035 -35950 26036 -19806 25989 -16144 1911 82704 + 10679 31735 +5699 30969 +4980 1921 67110 +4406 34090 +2355 33020 +2051 1931 76539 +9429 38991 +4901 37548 +4528 1941 91967 ' +15428 +3992 46667 +7676 45300 +7752 SHAHPURA 1891 83646 33243 .. 30403 1901 42878 -20970 22221 -11022 20455 -9948 1911 47897 +4721 24595 +2374 22802 +2347 1921 48180 +733 24819 +224 23311 +509 ]931 54233 +6103 . 27907 +3088 26326 +3015 1941 61178 ... +6940 ·-2473 31551 +;3644 29622 +3296 SIRORI 1891 184900 .. 96713 .. 88187 IAn 150478 -34424 79039 -17674 71437 -16750 1911 184835 +34359 95666 + 16627 89169 +17732 1921 186839 +1804 96938 +1272 89701 +532 1931 216628 +29889 111675 +14737 104853 +15152 1941 238879 + 1731H +48979 120476 +8801 113403 +8550 TONK IS91 380089 .. 200097 179972 1901 273287 -106802 140928 -59169 132339 -47633 1911 303181 +29914 156390 + 15462 14.6791 +14452 1921 287898 -15283 149168 -7222 138730 -S061 1931 817380 +29462 · . 164401 +15233 152959 +14229 1941 863687 +36327 --26382 185842 +21441 16784-5 +14886 AJMER-MERWARA 1891 4822fo6 256453 225793 1901- 428127 -56119 224672 -31781 201455 -24338 1911 449232 +23105 239J68 +14396 210164 +8709 1921 446842 -2390 244523 +5455 202319 -7845 1931 5089~ +60122 26838t +23861 238580 +36261 1941 68368. _ +76729 +101447 307172 +38788 276521 +37941 Almet City 1891 8!8!13 37985 30808 1901 73839 +4996 39467 . +1482 34372 +3514 1911 86222 +12383 47354 +7887 38868 +4496 1921 113512 +~7-90 67597 +20243 45915 +7047 1931 119~U +6012 · . 66014 -11'583 53510 +7595 1941 14.258 +27734 +78415 79898 +13884 67360 +13850 Ajmer Tehail 1891 174824 91456 83368 .. 1901 144873 -29951 76161 -15295 68712 -14656 1911 145147 +274 77444 +1283 67703 -1009 1921 1212109 -17898 68941 -8503 58308 -9395 1931 148~44 +21195 .. 78157 +9216 70287 +11979 1941 181185 +13341 -13039 84232 +6075 77553 +7266 TehaU 1891 110778 69924 ii0854 .. 1901 101008 -9770 53263 -6661 47745 -3109 1911 111260 + 0~52 58780 +5517 52480 +4735 1921 106937 -4.63 56663 -2117 50334 -2146 J 931 :125U3 +18446 65743 +9080 09700 +9366 1941 :15J882 +254:39 +Wl04 79007 +13264 71875 +12175 Kekd Sub-Division 1891 127801 67088 60713 1901 108407 -21394 55781 -11307 50626 -10087 19J1 10880J +196 65490 -291 01113 +487 1921 99034 -7519 51322 -4168 47762 -3351 1931 :118558 +14469 58470 +7148 55083 +;~ 1941 123788 +10215 -4033 64035 +5585 69733 +48 TABLE III. TOWNS AND VILLAGES CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION

The Village denotes the area demarcated for revenue purposes as a l\:1auza; provided that where such a. village or part of a village forms part of the area of a town, such village or such part of a village has been in­ cluded in the town, the remaining part, if any, being treated for Census purposes as a village. But please read also the Notes to Table I in this connection.

A village includes all the hamlets situated within the area of the Revenue Mauza.

Forest tracts not inoluded within the boundaries of a Revenue Mauza have been entered as a separate village, the boundaries being those recognized by the Forest Department.

A town includes :- (a) Every Municipality, together with the Civil Lines, if any, not aotually inoluded within the Municipal limits. (b) Every Cantonment. (c) Every other oontinuous oollection of houses inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons, or which the Provinoial Superintendent may dec~de to treat as a town for Census purposes.

In Column No. 22 ' Floating Population' is shown. This fioating population is added also in villages and towns where it was found. In 1931 the floating population was not included in different clas868 but entered in one place.

Floating Population means:- (a) Tourists, commercial travellers from abroad who are likely to be found at hostelsJ (b ) Vagrants, street-dwellers, sadhus, etc. (c) Wandering Tribes. (d) Seasonal immigrants, etc. (e) Casual visitors from other provinces who are staying in h~e1s, dharamsalas, sarais, boarding­ houses, waiting-rooms, eto., and admit they have not been enumerated elsewhere. 10


Total No. of Under 500 .100-1,000 1,000-2,000 inhabited Townfl Populatlrm. ,.--__.A..--.._, ,.--__.A.. ___ , .-___.....__...... --, and Vi1la~R. N\1mber. Population. Nllmbel'. Population. Numb",l'. Population

I 2 :1 " ;; f) 7 9

RAJPUTANA & AJMER-MERWARA 38259 14258901 26218 6081222 4647 3218196 1720 2855088

RAJPUTANA 32648 13670208 25747 4974425 4497 3118878 1881 2275256

1 Abu Distriot 5 4680 .J 364 ..... z..- 2 Alwar 1774 823055 1321 305658 :107 206568 112 150439 a Banswaro. 1099 258760 989 1516&5 83 55087 21 27774 4 182S 575825 1013 215345 228 158709 02 84004

;j Bikaner 2901 1292938 2359 481581 392 268184 lOil 139242

fl Bundi 762 249374 664 126315 44264- 2,) 33622

7 Danta 180 31110 172 23419 416ft 1213

8 Dholpur 543 286901 373 87044 120 8352-1 41 .384-20 9 Dungarpur 779 274282 631 123656 103 7llS2 ,')3462

10 Jaipur 5978-1 3040876 4471i 940382 945i 6.1)7581

11 Jaisalmel' 524 93246 489 21i V)79;) 7 8847 12 Jhalawllr 503 122299 463 69408 32 20703 2 230.1 13 lUrauH 367 162413 282 53614. 59 0:1,1023 22 30982 14 Ki8hengarh 233 104127 183 39726 31 21199 10 1971:J 15 Kotah 2553 777398 2265 405492 187 123908 76 110761

)6 Kushalgal'h (Chiefship) 294 41158· 291 363~1 2

17 Lawa (Estate) 11 2808 10 659 18 Marwar 42Ut 2555904 274,7j- 658525 93lt 657885 371 528505 19 Mawar 5579 1926898 4616 785495 625 438360 2 ... 9 327272 , 20 Palanpur 582 315865 384 95997 140 95233 39 fl229ft

21 Partabgarh 506 91967 473 53567 22 14460 9 10435 22 Shahpura 144 81173 113 21984 20 14263 9 12228 23 Birohi 462 238879 320 63033 73 ;)4241 46 59381l 2! Tonk 1247 353687 1113 175920 99 66241 27 32853

AJMER-MERWARA 711 588698 471 108797 160 104318 59 79812

Ajmer City .:/ 1 147258 Ajmer Tahsil .. 214 161785 104 28474 70 48113 30 39051 Beawar Tah8il 888 160882 275 52176 39 26897 II 14786 Kekri Sub-division 163 128788 92 26147 41 2931)8 18 26915 il.


2,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-20,000 20,000-50,000 50,000-100,000 100,000 & Oval' ,---"----.. .A.___ .., .A. __---, ..A._...... , ___.A._ __ ., -. Floating Number. Population. Number. Population. Number. Population. Number. Population. Number. Population. Number. Population. Population.

II) II 12 la L4 15 HI 17 l~ 19 20 21 22

541 1523981 84 586908 29 401399 14 3~200 2 113791 4 577136 54392

514 1441242 83 578663 28 383596 13 369480 2 113791 3 429878 49226

4316 77

an 8437'; :~ 21872 54143 2006 2

., 11462 127H 642 3 l:J 3369.3 .i :15192 1 ISIS\) I :l5541 1128 4 'li ~;85l4, lO 67873 :\ 40MS 4 1002.30 1 127226 7367 ,j

Ii H!067 11260 20lj4~i 1463 6

2312 843 i Ii 17272 7395 1 119:1:; 21311 31H 8 4 LUl2 2 14870 1332 9 J:r; :iIJ9264- 24 171467 I.I~ 8SIS'\) :I 7ti2li7 1 175810 0428 10

2011) 7340 41:12 11 4 12275 0059 1 11549 482 12 :l 7617 19177 382 U 1:1 9030 14459 507 14 21) 61642 :1 lti4iij 1 14087 1 45032 a680 1;;

:1520 226 Hi

2149 50 17 J :Il! 3ti86H 14 100374 8& 115159 1 126842 9427 18 77 2:15412 J() 65342 \,il69 ;:;964~ 7919 19 Ii 4604tl .3638 2l64:J 251.3 20

1 laSO.? 606 21 1 2iJIJ 9939 118 22 10 :12697 :~ 24520 702 23 :1 8071 :1 11:1046 1 13906 :18650 483 24

27 82739 1 8245 1 17804 1 367.20 1 147258 5166

1 147258 2329 I) 28343 1 17804 138,) 7 20303 1 :16720 326 II 34093 1 824.:; ll26 SUBSIDIARY TABLE.

(i) Distribution of the Population between Towns and VUlages.

Number per 1000 of Urban population Number per 1000 of Rural population in Towns with 8. population of in Villages with a population of Number per 1000 r- --A------"""I Population per living in 20000 10000 GooO 2000 500 and to to Under Above to to Below Towns. Villages. Towns. Villages. Over 20000 10000 5000 5000 5000 2000 500

1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 12 13

Rajputana & Ajmer­ Merwara 13380 366 151 849 504 188 248 64 1U 460 420

Abu 4316 91 922 78 LOOO 1000 Alwar 12220 417 104 896 633 193 174 7 94 484 415 Be.nswara 12772 224 49 951 1000 47 337 616 Bharatpur 11982 374 146 854 424 156 420 68 494, 438

Bibner 17S52 331 262 738 671 118 184 27 62 427 505 Bundi 8776 283 141 859 594 178 228 47 363 590 Danta. 1540 157 99 901 1000 165 835 Dholpur 13547 456 142 858 524 294 182 70 577 353

Dungarpur 6372 329 70 930 778 222 27 488 485

Jaipur 13553 424 172 828 483 170 291 1)6 8 147 4,72 373 Jaisalmer 7340 164 79 921 1000 24 286 690 Jhalawar 8804 209 144 856 656 344 117 220 663

Karauli 8079 352 109 841 791 209 33 547 418 Kisha.ngarh 7116 360 205 795 677 323 26 494- 480 Kotah 14511 277 93 907 621 194 153 32 84, 333 575 Kushalgarh (Chiefship) 3520 128 80 914 1000

Lawa (Estate) 255 1000 765 235 Marwar 13276 527 138 • 862 361 327 254 58 5 158 538 299 Mewar 9442 319 78 922 395 101 396 108 ;1 125 430 442 Palanpur 13640 498 8u 914 793 207 1J6 511 333

Partabgarh 13505 156 147 853 1000 31i 683 Shahpura 9939 358 162 838 1000 517 429 Sirohi 6365 465 109 891 763 2:17 24, 137 536 303 Tonk 14120 228 200 800 .i47 197 256 29 350 6.21

Ajmer-Merwara 42890 524 367 688 859 84 38 19 213 4-98 289 TABLE IV. TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPUL.!\TION WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1891.

The definition of 'town' has already been given in Table III.

ADJUSTMENTS: -As far as possible, adjustments have been made in the population where changes of area have taken place. In the ca,se of newlv created to"rns, unlike the past, no adjustments have been made, ~ . since these changes represent net increases in the urban population rather than expansions in area.

The capitals of the largest States have, in accordance with previous custom, been trea.ted as cities, though, properly speaking, Jaipur, , Bikaner and Ajmer are t.he only places having the requisite all-India qualification of not less than 100000 inhabitants.

The populations of Bikaner City and Jodhpur City have for the first time exceeded 100000.

Kishangarh, Karauli and Palanpur are new additions to the list of cities.

The following places have been added to the list of towns in 1941.

Bikaner State. Kotak State. 1. . 7. Bhim Ganj. 2. Deshnoke. 3. Napasar. Marwar. 4. Shri Karanpur. 8. Bagri. Danta 8tate. Mewar. 5. Danta Bhawangadh. 6. Shri Mataji. 9. Bari Sadri. 14


Net-Varia.tion (lltiel:! and 'l'owu,; l'rOVlll(Je,, l'oro;()l1>1 \" aria.tioll ,----"--. Males Variation }'omales Yaria.tiOJ\ District" ek. - 1891-1941 •

I :1 :1 ..j. ;, (I 7 ~ !I TOTAL RAJPUTANA 1891 1538642 794453 739189 · . 1901 1482637 --101105 734264 - -60189 698278 ---40916 1911 1408458 - -24079 723888 -10376 684670 --18703 1921 1352615 -55943 705248 -18640 847267 --87808 1981 1591147 +288682 882818 +127870 758629 +111282 1941 1941697 +350550 +408055 1020180 +187542 921587 +188008 Total Population RAJPUTANA of Cities. 1891 647476 340991 306485 · . 1901 611969 - 35507 317464 28527 294505 -11980 1911 542998 ---88971 283715 - 38749 259283 -36222 1921 525694 --17304 281156 -2559 244538 -14745 1931 fJ18435 +927401 333249 -i-52093 285186 +40648 1941 r60328 +141898 1-112852 407387 -'-74118 35as61 +677'75 Jaipur City (M)_ Jaipur state '

1891 165187 ~~33tl 76H';J · . 1901 L66587 -T- 138U 88166 170 78401 + 155U 1911 L48498 --23069 75158 13008 6834() - -10061 1921 126607 -16891 68694- -6464 i)791:~ -10427 1931 150579 +23972 82245 -+- 13551 68334 + 10421 194:1 175810 +25231 t 101;2:1 93479 -t- 1]234 ~2331 -1-) 3997 Blkaner City (M+S). Blkaner state.

1891 50513 24 !t'i \I 2;)334 1901 5J076 +2502 26709 ,li30 26360 -,832 1911 55826 +2751 2827:; + 1566 27551 +1185 1921 69410 +13584 36712 +8437 32698 +5147 ]931 85927 +16517 45832 +9120 40095 +7397 19-1) l2'7226 +41299 -I- 76713 B9!l75 +24043 57351 i- 17256

Jodhpur City (M). Marwar state j

1891 80406 .j.166:~ :l8742 1901 79109 - -129ti 40043 -1620 39061i +324 1911 79756 -+-647 41838 +1795 37918 -1148 1921 73480 -6276 :197-l7 --2091 33733 -4185 1931 94786 -t 21256 · . 32165 -I- 12418 42571 +8838 1941 l26842 +32106 1- 464-:r;- H88];; + 16650 S8027 + 15456

Udaipur City (M). Mewar State J, 18\11 48580 2J87:i .. 22707 1901 47863 _. -717 24453 - -14211 23410 -l- 703 1911 36116 - -12747 18460 - -3993 16656 -':6754 1921 38678 +1560 19311i +855 17361 +705 1931 45922 +9246 2477;; 21147 +3786 , · . +5460 1941 59648 -J ] 3726 , 11068 :1217:1 1 7398 2747.) +-6328 Alwar City (M). ,

18UI 51427 27764· .. 2!ltHi:\ 1901 56771 +3344- 29574 + 181(1 2719j 7- 3'>34 1911 41305 -15466 22254 7320 19051 --8UO 1921 44760 +3455 234:~:\ H17\} 21327 +2276 1931 47900 +3140 · . 25584- -l--215J 22316 +989 1941 54143 +n:H3 \- 2711) 28470 ...j. 28811 2.;67:1 +- 33:37 Kotah City (M). Kotah State

1891 38620 .. 20003 HHHj . . 1901 3866'7 -4Uti:~ 17588 - ·241.3 16069 -2348 1911 32768 ·-90 I 16949 -639 15804 -265 1921 31707 - 16790 --159 14917 --887 1931 37876 +6169 .. 20259 t:1469 17617 +2700 1941 46032 +71;;(1 I-IHlt U1Ba +:1904- 20869 +3252

Tonk Olty (M). ~

18\11 45944 23203 22741 1901 38759 -·718.i 1898.3 - --421H 19774 2967 1911 388S4. ---489;) , 16837 -2148 17027 -2747 1921 30874 -3490 15097 ·-1740 15277 --1750 1931 35798 + 542.J. 18201 +3104 17597 +2320 1941 38650 +2Rfi2 --7294 111812 + 1611 1 R!l3R. +1241 15 TABLE IV-CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFlED BY POPULATION WITH VARIAT.OJ{ SINOE·1891-(contd.)

Net-Variatioll Uit.jeR l'l'ovillllll, Sta,tll, I'I'>N()n~ Yariation MaleR Va.ria.tion FemaJeK VRTiat.ion DiRt1'iCt, et,.,. lAIH-19H

2 :1 4 ,j II 7 Il 9

Bharatpur City (M)_ Bbaratpur State 1891 67555 37339 :10216 1901 48601 -23954 23703 -13636 19898 --10318 1911 38918 --9683 18803 ..... 4-900 15115 ---4783 1921 384095 -423 19268 +465 14227 --RSS 1931 30178 --3322 16736 -2532 13437 -790 1941 35541 +fi368 - -32014 194A6 +2750 1110511 +2618

Palanpur City Palanpur State 1891 21092 11160 9932 1901 17799 --3293 9144 -2016 8655 -1277 1911 17921 -578 8562 -582 8659 +4 1921 17843 +622 9141 +579 8702 +43 1931 10347 +2504 10609 +1368 9838 +1l36 1941 21648 +1296 +551 nus +619 101lI.1 +677 Bundl City 1891 22544 11980 10564 .. 1901 19818 -3231 9637 -2343 9676 -S88 1911 19598 +285 9805 +168- 9793 +117 1921 16105 -3493 817'9 --1626 7926 -1867 1931 17991 +1886 9179 +1000 8812 +886 1941 20846 +281;5 --1698 ]0706 + 1527 ]0140 +1328

DbOlpur City Dholput' Stnte 1891 17028 8900 . . 8128 .. 1901 19310 +2282 10079 +1179 9231 + 1103 1911 19922 +612 10783 +704 9139 -92 1921 18206 -3716 8519 -2264 7687 -1452 1931 19586 +3380 10535 +2016 9051 +1364 1941 21311 + 1725 +4283 11499 +964 9812 +761 Karaull Ctty Karaull State. 1891 23124 11769 11305 1901 88482 +358 12725 +956 10767 -598 1911 19803 -3679 10548 -2177 9255 -1502 1921 19579 -224 11164 +616 8415 -840 1931 19671 +92 10835 -329 8836 +421 1941 19177 -494 -3947 IOO4R -787 9129 +293

Kishengar~ City Kishengarh state

IS~H 1M57 S{l22 74M 1901 12663 -2794 6658 -1364 6005 -1430 1911 10418 -2245 5443 -1215 4975 -1030 1921 9452 -966 5097 -346 4355 -620 1931 11929 +2477 6394 +1297 5536 +llSO 1941 14459 +2530 -998 7713 + 1319 6746 +1211 TOTAL III CLASS RAIPUTANA 1891 92571 46143 46428 1901 97446 +4875 48144- +2001 49302 +2874 1911 108972 +9526 52485 +4341 54487 +5185 1921 108233 +1261 58892 +1407 54841 -146 1931 187571 +29888 68928 +15086 68648 +14802 1941 176457 +88886 +83886 90430 +21502 86027 +17384 Slkar Jalpur State , 1891 19897 .. 10624 9273 1901 21528 +1626 11373 +749 10150 +877 1911 22317 +794 11504 +131 10813 +66:J 1921 21080 -1237 10737 -767 10343 --470 1931 2629'1 +5217 13363 +2626 12934 +2591 1941 82384 +6037 +12437 16374- +3011 15960 +3026 Churu Blkaner State '" 1891 14014 6910 7104- 1901 16657 +1643 7723 +813 7934 +830 1911 18088 +381 7793 +70 8245 +311 1921 16932 +894 8462 +669 8470 +225 1931 21966 +5033 . , 11107 +2645 W85S +2388 HI41 28269 +6304 + 1425li ]4604 +3497 13B6;} +2807 16 TABLE IV-CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891-(contd.)

Net·Va.ria.tion Towns l>l'ovince,, POl'HOIlS Va.riatiOll ~ Ma.les Variation Felnalcs V ~~l"ia.ti()Jl District, etc. 1891-1941

1 2 :~ 4 5 (i 7 S 1) , Sardarshahr .

1891 9198 . , 4463 4733 1901 10052 +856 4874 +411 5178 +445 I1HI 12375 +2323 6008 +ll34 6367 +1189 1921 14348 +1973 7006 +998 7342 +975 1931 19407 +5059 9714 +2708 9693 +2351 1941 28048 +6641 +168;;2 13387 +3673 12661 +2968 Blkaner state 1891 9781 4824 4957 1901 9762 -19 4723 -101 5039 +82 1911 12088 +2324 5948 +1225 6138 +1099 1921 12&20 +434 6170 +222 6350 +212 1931 17157 +4637 . , 8519 +2349 8638 +2288 1941 24912 +7815 + 15191 13121 +4608 11845 +3207 I'atehpur Jalpur State,/ 1891 18580 7932 8648 1901 18393 -187 7730 -202 8663 +15 1911 17294 +901 8280 +550 9014 +351 1921 17815 +21 8617 +337 8698 -316 1931 19505 +2190 9481 +864 10024 +1326 1941 rB25S +8748 +6673 11441 +1960 11812 +1788 Ratangarh Blkaner State

1891 10536 , , 5123 ' , 5413 1901 11744 +1208 5608 +485 6136 +723 1911 12803 +1059 6078 +470 6725 +589 1921 18468 +665 6596 +518 6872 +147 1931 18338 +2870 . , 8197 +1601 8141 +1269 1941 30981 +4823 +10425 10943 +2746 10018 +1877 lfawallarlt Jaipur State t' 1891 12567 6267 6300 1901 12315 -2;;2 6113 -154 6202 -98 1911 14059 +1744 6874 +761 7185 +983 1921 12570 -1489 6304 -570 6266 -919 1931 18902 +4332 8547 +2243 8355 +2089 1941 20820 +371H +8l).'j:l 10554 +2007 10066 +1711 TOTAL IV CLASS RAJPUTAHA

1891 246286 125243 121048 , . 1901 mt889 -25897 110416 --148!8 110474 -10689 1911 245707 +24818 128961 +13588 121758 +11182 1931 337704 --8008 121090 -2861 118814 -5143 1981 288865 +50861 148298 +27208 140072 +384158 1941 849959 +81594 +103673 182260 +38967 187699 +21827 Phalodi Marwar State 1891 10497 01811 5686 .. 1901 13924 +3427 6600 +1789 7324 +1638 1911 18825 -99 6375 -225 7450 +126 1921 12801 -1024 6175 -200 6626 -824 1931 14982 +2181 7091 +916 7891 +1265 1941 17889 +2707 +il92 8564 +1473 9125 +1234 laipur state • 1891 12267 6387 5880 1901 12279 +12 6168 -219 6111 +231 19l1 18288 +987 6575 +407 6691 +580 1921 11950 -1316 6174 -401 . 5776 -916 1931 14272 +2322 7563 +1389 6709 +933 1941 16874 +2602 +4607 8912 +1349 7962 +1253 LadDun Marwar State

1891 7404 3482 , , 3922 1901 80M +660 3718 +236 4346 +424 1911 9896 +H12l 4574 +856 5111 +765 1921 10181 +496 4774 +200 5407 +296 1931 18275 +3094 6418 +1644 6857 +1430_ 1941 16448 +3171 +9042 8107 +1689 8339 +1482 17 TABLE IV-CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891-(contd.)

Net.Variation Towns Provinoe, State, Persons Variation ~ Males Variation Females Variation District, etc. 1891-1941

2 3 4 5 fl 7 8 SJ

Sri Ganganagar Ilkaner stat. tI 1891 1901 1911 1700 961 749 .. 1921 1741 +41 931 -20 810 +61 1931 9943 +8202 6255 +5324 3688 +2878 1941 18138 +6193 + ]6136 91,)26 +3271 6610 +2922 Ihilwara Mewar state 1891 10848 5485 4858 1901 10848 +3 5448 -37 4898 +40 1911 8763 -1683 4613 -835 4150 -748 1921 9100 +337 4689 +76 4411 +261 1931 10402 +1302 6452 +763 4950 +539 1941 15169 +4767 +4826 8055 +2603 7114 +2164

Laobmanlarb lalpur state ~ 1891 9507 4656 4851 1901 10178 +669 4942 +286 5234 +383 1911 10828 +662 5024 +82 5804 +570 1921 10353 -475 4960 -64 5393 -411 1931 12839 +2486 6324 +1364 6515 +1122 1941 15044 +2205 +5537 7452 +1128 7592 +1077 Rag.ur Karwar state

1891 17191 8~U8 8773 1901 18877 -3814 6541 -1877 6836 " 1937 1911 12980 -417 6442 -99 6618 -318 1921 10227 -2733 4977 -1465 5250 -1268 1931 18887 +3610 6924 +1947 6913 +1663 1941 14714 +877 -2477 7818 +894 6896 -17 Sambbar lalpur state lIarwar state 1891 12882 6802 5660 1901 10878 -1489 5666 -U36 6207 -363 1911 11094 +221 5992 +326 5102 -106 1921 U837 +633 6349 +3"67 5278 +176 1931 12593 +966 6739 +390 5854 +576 1941 14112 +1519 +1750 7484 +745 6628 +774 Baran Kotab State 1891 7087 3503 3564 1901 7899 +825 3994 +491 3898 +334 1911 9507 +1615 4973 +979 4534 +636 1921 10167 +650 5382 +409 4775 +241 1931 11471 +1314 5999 +617 5472 +697 1941 14087 +2616 +7020 7355 +1366 6732 +1260.

SeranJ Tonk State ~ 1891 1901 1911 12091 6083 6008 ' 1921 11780 -331 5996 -88 5765 -243 1931 12276 +515 6264 +269 6011 +246 1941 18908 +1631 +13906 7342 +1078 6564 553 Blndaun ,Jalpur State .. 1891 . 12998 6780 621ft 1901 11988 -1058 6200 -580 5738 -478 1911 10840 -1298 5737 -463 4903 -S3G 1921 8887 -1953 4683 -1054 4004 -899 1931 1082& +2138 5867 +1184 4958 +954 1941 18804 +2979 +808 7452 +1585 6352 +1394 Partablarb Partab,arb state .' 1891 14819 7906 6913 1901 9819 -5000 4.769 -3137 5050 -1883 1911 9 -1490 4186 -583 4143 -907 1921 :1:a +853 4666 +480 4516 +373 1931 10845 +1663 .. .6601 +935 5244 +728 1941 1860& +2660 -1314 6881 +1260 6644 +1400 IS TABLE IV.---CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891--(contd.)

Net-Varia.tion Towns ProvinC6, State, .PersOllli Variation ~ Males Variation FelJl61es Variation District, etc. 1891-1941 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ramgarb Jalpur State I

, , 1891 13197 " 5980 6217 1901 11038 -1174 6299 -681 0724 -493 1911 11566 +533 5657 +358 5899 +175 1921 11479 -77 5645 -12 -5834 -65 1931 18078 +1594 6553 +908 6520 +686 1941 13202 +129 +1005 6580 +27 6622 +102 1891 15166 . . 8223 6943 .. 1901 15409 +243 8156 -67 7253 +310 1911 18147 -2262 7076 -1080 6071 -1182 1921 11798 -1349 6330 -746 5468 -603 1931 11168 -632 5934 -396 5232 -236 1941 18189 +1973 -2027" 6987 +1053 fH52 +920 Banswara 1891 8234i ., 3998 4236 1901 7088 -1196 3376 -622 3662 -574 1911 7865 +627 3729 +353 3936 +274 1921 8588 +923 4202 +473 4386 +450 1931 10444 +1856 5141 +939 5303 +917 1941 127'72 +2328 +4538 6444 +1303 6328 +1025 Pall lIarwar State • 1891 17150 8535 , . 8615 1901 128'18 -4477 6501 -2084 6172 -2443 1911 12939 +266 6580 +79 6359 +187 19~1 10129 -2810 52~7 -1353 4902 -1457 1931 10974 +845 5600 +373 5374 +472 1941 12866 +1382 -4794 6604 +1004 5752 +378 Rajgarh Blkaner state. 1891 .. 1901 1911 4526 2262 2264 1921 5621 +1095 2957 +695 2664 +400 1931 9828 +4207 5134 +2177 4694 +2030 1941 12261 +2433 +12261 6665 +1531 5696 +902 Barmer Marwar state

1891 - 5810 , . 2801 2809 1901 6064 +454 3200 +399 2864 +50 1911 8380 +316 3285 +85 3095. +231 1921 7184 +804 3725 +440 3459 +364 1931 9240 +2056 4825 +llOO 4415 +956 1941 12001 +2811 +6441 6266 +1441 5785 +1370• Barl Dbolpur State 1891 12092 6273 ,. 5819 .. I 1901 11603 -489 5875 -398 5728 -91 1911 11401 -202 6755 -120 6646 -82 1921 9585 -1836 .5034 -721 4531 -1116 1931 10049 +484 5260 +216 4799 +268 1941 11935 +1886 -157 6350 +1100 0585 +786 SoJat lIarwat state 1891 12824- 6060 6564 1901 11107 -1517 5243 -817 5864 -700 1911 1004-9 -1058 4971 -272 5078 -786 1921 8797 -1252 4451 -520 4346 -732 1931 9894 +1097 4838 +387 5056 +710 1941 11790 +1896 -834 5783 +945 6007 +951 Sri DUDgargarh BlkaDlr state ' 1891 1901 .. 1911 8978 2089 1884 1921 8389 +2409 3177 +1088 3205 +1321 1931 811a +1830 4028 +851 4184. +979 1941 11871 +3459 +11671 6221 +2193 6450 +1266 19 TABLE IV--(lITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPl1LATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891-(contd.)

Net·Variation Towns - Province, State, Personl'! Variation -Males Variation Females Variation • District. eto. 1891-1941 1 .2 3 0 6 7 8 9 Kuohaman Marwar state " 1891 12816 · . 6527 6.289 1901 10749 -2067 5361 -1166 5388 -901 1911 9605 -1144 4754 -607 4851 -537 1921 810' -1501 3999 -755 4105 -746 1931 10S6B +2158 5161 +1162 5101 +996 1941 11858 +1391 -1163 5966 +805 5687 +586 Jaipur Stato 1891 6701 3382 3319 1901 7065 +364 3603 +221 3462 +143 1911 7919 +914 3891 +288 4088 +626 1921 7992 +13 3860 -31 4132 + 44 1931 9566 +1574 4816 +956 4750 +618 1941 11840 +2074 +4939 5809 +993 5831 +1081 *Brljuagar 1891 BSS63 12126 11237 1901 14815 -9048 7046 -5080 7.269 -3968 1911 11474 -2841 5597 -1449 5877 -1392 1921 9985 -1489 4993 -604 4992 -885 1931 10442 +457 5258 +265 5184 +192 1941 11649 +1107 -11814 5904 +646 5645 +461 Makrana. Karwar State 1891 1901 1911 8545 3581 2964 1921 7727 +1182 4090 +509 3637 +673 1931 8718 +986 4412 +322 4301 +664 1941 11404 +2691 +114,04 5912 +1500 5492 +1191 Gangapur. lalpur state 1891 6880 ·. 3108 2772 1901 5165 -725 2709 -399 2446 -326 1911 5780 +625 3199 +490 2581 +135 1921 6687 +807 3645 +446 2942 +361 1931 8948 +2356 4846 +1201 4097 +1155 1941 11060 +2107 +5170 5841 +995 5209 +1112 TOTAL V CLASS RAJ'PUTAltA 1891 43S689 222663 210876 1901 399260 -34279 204724 -17939 194536 -18840 1911. 400941 +1681 205865 +641 195578 +1040 1921 38266'1 -18384 197767 -7608 184800 -10778 1981 489881 +56824 226270 +28513 218111 +28311 1M1 5212i40 +81883 +87676 270268 +&89~ - 260966 +37845 Kotputll. lalpur state 1891 7589 3796 .. 3793 1901 8439 +850 4152 +356 4287 +494 1911 6879 -1560 3443 -709 3436 -851 1921 7157 +278 3542 +99 3615 +179 1931 8789 +1582 4511 +969 4228 +613 1941 99408 +1209 +2359 5048 +537 4900 +672 Shabpura. Sbahpura State 1891 11718 5930 5788 1901 8814 -2744 4707 -1223 4267 -15.21 1911 7929 -1045 4074 -633 3855 -412 1921 8296 +367 4223 +14:9 4073 +218 1931 9288 +1002 4689 +466 4609 +536 1941 9939 +641 -1779 OO~7 +358 4892 +283 iAbu Road. Sirohl State 1891 4438 · . 2465 1973 .. 1901 6881 +2223 3801 +1336 2860 +887 1911 7180 +519 4007 +206 3173 +313 1921 8199 +1019 4789 +782 3410 +237 1931 97S5 +1526 5420 +631 4305 +895 1941 9935 +210 + Fi497 5363 -57 4572 +267 - '" OlU name of this town was Jhalarapatan Chhaoni. t The old name of this town was " Kharari " !O TABLE IV-CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891-(contd.)

Net-Variation -Towns . Province, State Persons Variation r--"'---. Males Variation Females Varia.tion Distriot, etc. 1891·1941 .

1 2 3 5 Ii 7 ~ I) !fathtlwara ••war stat. "

1891 9381 4877 4454: 1901 8691 -740 4461 -416 4130 -324 1911 5424 -3167 2906 -1555 2518 -1612 1921 8524 +3100 4553 +1647 3971 +1453 1931 8508 -18 " . 4496 -57 4010 +39 1941 9704 +1198 +373 5162 +666 4542 +532 lalpur State

1891 8570 4351 4219 1901 9800 +730 i631 +280 4669 +450 1911 8497 -2803 3225 -1406 3272 -1397 1921 8713 +215 3427 +202 3285 +13 1931 7807 +1095 4071 +644 3736 +451 1941 9871 +1864- +1101 4-906 +831.) 4-761.) +1029 !fohar Bltaner State 1891 6865 " " 2894 2761 1901 4898 -957 2275 -619 2423 -338 1911 5183 +435 2518 +243 2615 +192 1921 6137 +4 2571 +53 2566 -49 1931 8089 +952 3075 +504 3014- +448 19U 9607 +3518 +3952 4906 +1831 4701 +1687 Slroht Slrohl state 1891 8207 "" 3075 3132 1901 6651 -556 2732 -343 2919 -213 1911 8815 +964 3272 +540 3343 +424 1921 8197 -418 3221 -51 2976 -367 1931 7468 +1266 3820 +599 3643 +667 1941 9&01 +2038 +3294 5023 +1203 4478 +835 Khandela lalpur State

1891 10067 4980 5087 1901 91&8 -911 4444 -536 4712 -375 1911 8108 -950 3995 -449 4211 -501 1921 6990 -1216 3420 -575 3570 -641 1931 9101 +2111 4517 +1097 4584 +1014 1941 9484 +383 -583 4726 +209 4758 +174 Ohltorgarh ••war stat.

1891 9854 4955 4399 1901 7593 -1761 4122 -833 3471 -928 1911 7882 -261 3939 -183 3393 -78 1921 8016 +683 4267 +328 3748 +356 1931 8041 +26 4280 +18 3761 +13 1941 9800 +1259 -54 4854 +574 4446 +685 Dldwana .arwar state

1891 11878 5768 5608 1901 9410 -1966 4919 -849 4491 -1117 1911 1012S +712 5438 +619 4684 +193 1921 6760 ·-3362 3597 -1841 8163 -1521 1931 "8448 +1683 4421 +824 4022 +859 1941 9237 +794 -2139 4846 +425 4391 +369 Kaman Bharatpur State 1891 11417 .. 5951 5466 1901 18083 +666 6252 +301 5831 +365 1911 8912 -3171 4867 -1386 4045 -1786 1921 7873 -1039 4253 -614 3620 --425 1931 3656 +36 7880 -13 "" 4204 -49 1941 9204 +1344 -2213 4934 +730 4270 +614 _aJgarh AIwlU' state 1891 5218 10802 "" 5084 .. " . 1901 11008 +706 5582 +498 5426 +208 1911 9886 -1143 4954 -628 4911 -515 1921 7469 -2396 3828 -1126 3641 ~1270 1931 3658 +17 7683 +214 "" 4025 +197 1941 918& +1482 -1137 4840 +815 4325 +667 21 TABLE IV.--CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891-(contd.)

Net-Variation Towns. Provinoe, State Persons Va.riation Males Variation Females Variation District, etc. 181U-1941. 1 2 a 4- i:i {) 7 8 9 Plpar .Marwar State 1891 8163 3924 4229 1001 8786 -1368-- 3239 -685 3546 -683 1911 7558 +771 3796 +557 3760 +214 1921 8494 -1062 3241 -555 3253 --507 1931 7981 +1467 3913 +672 4048 +795 1941 89tT +956 +764: 4451 +538 4466 +418 BUara Marwar 1891 11384 5996 5388 1901 8895 -2689 4464 -1532 4231 -1157 1911 8808 -89 4453 -11 4153 -78 1921 6884 -2242 3308 -1145 3056 -1097 1931 7451 +1087 3800 +492 3651 +595 1941 8884 +1413 -2520 4608 +808 4256 +605 DIu.. Jalpur State 1891 8416 4518 3898 1901 7540 -876 3836 -682 3704 -194 1911 5191 -2349 2672 -1164 2519 -1185 1921 8687 +1446 3457 +785 3180 +661 1931 7891 +1054 3980 +523 3711 +531 1941 8844 +1153 +428 4575 +595 4269 +558 Kbetrl Jalpur state 1891 8418 4420 3998 1001 8537 +119 4479 +59 4058 +60 1911 7125 -1412 3718 -761 3407 .... 651 1921 6039 -1086 3157 -561 2882 -525 1931 7878 +1339 3936 +779 3442 +560 1941 8727 +1349 +310 4599 +663 4128 +686 SldrI Marwar State 1891 7596 3656 3490 1901 6621 -975 3137 -519 3484 -456 1911 4742 -1879 2389 -748 2353 -1131 1921 6085 +1293 3006 +617 3029 +676 1931 7684 +1649 3707 +701 3977 +948 1941 8701 +1017 +1105 4322 +615 4379 +402 Dualarpu! DUDgarpur State 1891 6431 3003 3428 1901 8094 -337-- 2870 -133 3224 -204 1911 6470 +376 3116 +246 3354 +130 1921 7827 +857 3703 +587 3624 +270 1931 8660 +1233 . - 4418 +715 4142 +518 1941 8870 +110 +2239 4002 +84 4168 +26 Bharatpur State 1891 8085 . - 4154 3931 1901 7887 -1218 3446 -70B 3421 -510 1911 7029 +162 3714 +268 3315 -106 1921 6964 -75 3753 +39 3201 -114 1931 7262 +298 3851 +98 3401 +200 1941 8682 +1410 +577-- 4670 +819 3992 +!>01 Blaau Jalpur State 1891 8041 4047 3994, .. 1001 7728 -315 3716 -331 4010 +16 lOll 8888 -888 3203 -513 3635 -375 1921 6941 +103 3401 +108 3540 -95 1931 7735 +794 3855 +454 3880 +340 1941 8472 +737 +431 4085 +230 4387 +507 Sawal Xadhopur Jalpur State 1891 18972 7143 6829 1901 10328 -3644 5499 -1644 4829 -2000 19l1 11186 +838 59()O +401 5266 +437 1921 7450 -3716 3820 -20 SO 3630 -1636 1931 8218 +766 4293 +473 3923 +293 1941 8892 +176 -55SO 4248 -45 4144 +221 22 TABLE IV.--CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891-(contd.)

.Net. Variation Towns Province, state, Persons Variation ~ Males Variation Females Variation District, etc. 18Dl-ID!l 2 :1 .j. 5 6 7 8 \) "'rar. Blkaner State 1891 6553 3249 3304 1901 5745 -808 2751 -498 2994 -310 1911 5904 +159 2873 +122 3031 +37 1921 5785 -119 2805 -68 2980 -51 1931 8885 +550 " 3103 +298 3232 +252 1941 8819 +1984 -1- 1766 4200 +1097 4119 +887 Rajadesar Blkaner St.te 189J 1901 1911 M&9 · . 2669 2790 192] 6578 +11140 3122 +453 3451 +661 1931 1204 +631 . , 3461i +343 3739 +288 1941 8310 +1106 +8310 4038 +673 4272 +533 Bldasar Blkaner S'ate l80l 1001 1911 4791 · . 2350 ·. 2441 1921 5165 +374 2522 +172 2643 +202 1931 6812 +647 , . 2848 +326 2964 +321 1941 8094- +2282 ,-8094 4296 +1448 3798 +834 Ja.lore Marwa.r State 1891 9856 4768 4888 1901 7443 -2213 3671i -1093 3768 -1120 1911 7824 +181 3791 +116 3833 +66 1921 8270 -1354 3082 -709 3188 -646 1931 7114 +844, , . 3661i +683 3449 +261 1941 7967 +853 -1689 4215 +550 3762 +303 Mandawa Jaipur State t891 4942 2479 · . 2463 .. 1901 5185 +223 2632 +53 2633 +170 1911 5536 +371 2754 +222 2782 +149 1921 5830 +94 2850 +96 2780 -2 1931 6956 +1326 3488 +638 3468 +688 1941 7895 +939 +2903 3990 +502 8905 +437 Balotra Marwar State umt 5485 . 2762 .. 2673 1901 5118 -3li· 2680 -82 2438 -235 1911 5408 +200 2802 +122 2606 +168 1921 5142 --266 2791 -ll 2351 -255 1931 5801 +45!l 2864 +73 2737 +386 1941 7166 f-2164 +2330 4098 +1234 3687 +930 - Jaipur State 1891 8180 · . 3094 ·. 3036 1901 6892 +762 3519 +425 3373 +387- 1911 6738 -154 3367 -152 3371 -2 1921 6899 -39 3006 +139 3193 -178 1931 6995 +296 ' . 3555 +49 3440 +247 W-l I 1898 -f 698 +1563 3836 +281 3857 +417 Jaipur State HI91 10343 · . 6562 a78! .. 1001 8888 -170.3 4793 -1769 3845 +64 lOll 7743 -895 4459 -334- 3284 -561 1921 6441 --1::102 3564 -895 2877 -407 1931 7144 +70:1 4011 +447 3133 +256 HHl 7610 +3(16 - -2833 398(j -25 3524 +391 Bhtnmal Marwar State

1891 5786 .. :2006 ' . 2830 1901 4545 -I11H 2295 -611 2250 -580 1911 &:&14 +669 259B +303 2616 +366 1921 5082 -182 24(9 -149 2583 -33 1931 8082 +1050 .. 3134 +685 2948 +365 194-1 7503 +1421 +176i :1886 +752 3617 +66~ ... The old name of this town was "Rani." 23 TABLE IV.--CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891.-(contd.)

Net·VariatioD Towns Province. State Person,; Val'iation ~ Male", Variation }'emales Variation District, etc 1891-1941

2 :) 4 jj (i 7 S 9 Sri Karanpur Blkaner state 1891 1001 1911 1921 , 1931 " . 1941 7410 +74.10 437fl 3034 Ralathera , 1891 6786 .. 3731 . . 3056 · . 1001 8809 -177 3608 -123 3001 -54 1911 8390 -219 3527 -81 2863 -138 1921 5839 -751 3042 -485 2597 -266 1931 8449 +810 3448 +406 3001 +404 194.1 7395 +946 +609 4057 +609 3338 +337 Tllara Alwar State 1891 7049 3543 · . 3506 · . 1901 7784 +735 3927 +384 3857 +351 1911 8681 -1223 3341 --586 3220 -637 Ion 8284 -297 3161 -180 3103 -117 1931 6272 +8 3182 +21 3090 -13 1941 7380 +1108 +331 3881 +699 34-99 +409 JalJalmer Jalsalmer State 1891 10609 J015 · . 5494 · . 1901 7137 -3372 3575 --1440 3562 --1932 1911 7420 +283 3667 +92 3753 +191 1921 4835 -2585 2433 -1234 2402 --1351 1931 7120 +2285 .. 3706 +1273 3414 +1012 1041 7340 +220 ---3169 3891 +181l 11449 +3ii Ban Marwar State

1891 5354 2617 · , 2737 1901 5188 -168 2644 +27 2542 --195 lOll 5593 +407 2732 +88 2861 +319 1921 4882 -711 2440 -.292 2442 -419 1931 5779 +897 2853 +413 2926 +484 1941 10M +1265 +1600 3500 +737 3454 +528 Nlmkathana 'alpur State 1891 5783 3323 2410 , , 1901 8741 +1008 3726 +403 3015 +600 1911 5948 -795 3291 -435 2655 -360 1921 5547 -399 3022 -269 2525 -130 1931 8150 +603 3329 +307 2821 +296 1941 8987 +817 +1234 364-3 +314- 3324 +503 Nlmbahera Tonk State 1891 5482 2818 , , 2664 1901 5448 -36 2947 +129 2499 .--165 lOll 4278 -1168 2260 -687 . 2018 --481 1921 5141 +863 2759 +499 23, +364 19:n 5948 +805 3076 +317 28 +488 1941 8898 +952 +1416 3618 +542 3280 +410 Surajgarb Jalpur State 1891 5581 2761 , . ~800 1901 5243 -318 2531 -230 2712 -88 1911 5992 +749 2962 +431 :1030 +318 1921 5349 -643 2569 -393 2780 -250 1931 8082 +733 3019 +450 3063 +283 1941 8829 +747 +1268 3403 +384 3426 +363 Bhuda_ar Bharatpur State 1891 7419 3778 :J641 1901 6890 -729 3416 -362 3274 --367 1911 4309 -2381 2252 -1164 2057 --1217 1921 5295 +986 2735 +483 2560 +503 1931 5788 +473 , . 2980 +245 2788 +228 1941 889'9 +031 -720 3461' +479 3240 +452 24 TABLE IV .. -CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY -POPlJLATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891.-(contd.)

Net-Varia.tion Towns Province, State, Persons Variation ~ Ma.les Variation Females Variation District, etc. 1891-1941 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lalsot Jalpur Stat. 1891 8168 4021 4142 1001 8181 -32 4031 +10 4100 -42 1911 669'1 -1434 3300 -731 3397 -703 1921 6501 -1196 2852 -448 2649 -748 1931 6921 +420 3062 +210 2859 +210 1941 8885 +764 -1478 3367 +305 3318 +459 Jalpur stat. ' 1891 8345 4336 4009 1001 6502 -1843 3367 -969 3135 -875 1911 8140 -362 3230 -137 .2910 -.2.25 1921 6373 -767 2844 -386 2529 -381 1931 6998 +623 3204 +360 2792 +263 1941 8815 +619 -1730 3494 +290 3121 +329 Bhlnder Mewar State 1891 6790 3434 3356 1901 6173 -1618 2569 -865 2603 -753 1911 4830 -542 2345 -224 2285 -318 1921 6089 +439 2511 +166 2558 +273 1931 5851 +582 2810 +299 2841 +283 1941 6448 +792 -347 3221 +'11 3222 +381 La'll.heri Bundi State 1891 1901 1911 1824 931 893 .. 1921 4178 +2352 2320 +1389 1856 +963 1931 6530 +2354 3495 +1175 3035 +1179 1941 6260 -270 +6260 3284 -211 2976 -59 Sagwara 1891 1901 1911 4499 2109 2390 1921 6539 +1040 2772 +663 2767 +377 1931 5563 +24 2567 -216 3(06 +239 1941 6200 +637 +6200 3071 +514 3129 +123 ehhabra Tonk State 1891 1001 1911 6184 3108 3056 1921 5251 -913 2614 -494 2637 -419 1931 0462 +211 2762 +148 2700 +63 1941 8107 +646 +6107 8168 +406 2939 +239 XapasJn Mewar Stat. 1891 1901. 1911 1921 .. 1931' 5400 2786 .. 2614- 1941 6085 +685 +6085 3U6 +330 2969 +355 *Ihalrapatan Ihalawar State 1891 10783 5680 5103 1901 7955 ~2828 4089 -1591 3866 -1237 1911 7190 -765 - 3547 -542 3643 -223 1921 8083 -1107 3046 -501 3037 -606 1931 8318 +233 3248 +202 3068 +31 1941 8059 -257 -4724 3154 -94 2905 -163 Chbotlsaclrl lIewar Stat. 1891 6868 2709 2659 1901 5050 -318 2620 -189 2530 -129 1911 4576 -474- 2344 -176 2232 -298 1921 4757 +181 2487 +143 2270 +38 1931 6615 +858 2982 +495 2633 +363 1941 6046 +'00 +617 009~ +11() 2953 +320

4Th. old name of this toWIl was" Patan." :25 TABLE IV.-CITIES AMD TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION SINC:a 189i.--(contd.}

Net-Variation Townfl Province, State Pal"Rons Va.riation ~ Ma1t1s VaTiation Famales Variation Distriet,. etf'. 1891-1941

1 2 :I -J. a II 7 R !l Lohawai :Marwar State

1891 5388 2802 2564 , , 1901 58SS -44 2793 -9 2529 -35 Hill 4-814- -508 2472 -321 2342 -187 1921 4888 -151 2403 -69 2260 -82 1931 5011 +348 2497 +94 2514 +254 1941 802'7 +1016 +661 3155 +658 2872 +358 Toda Bblm Jaipur State I 1891 7058 3682 3371 1001 6629 -424 3422 -200 a201 -164 1911 8888 +257 3519 +97 3367 +160 1921 4-891 -1995 2555 -964 2336 -,1031 1931 5S19 +328 2735 +180 2484 +148 1941 5841 +622 -1212 3083 +348 2758 +274 Mundawa Marwar State 1891 5218 2602 2611 1001 51S1 -92 2554 -48 2567 -44 1911 50S'1 -94 2473 -81 2554 -13 1921 4S54 -773 2155 -318 2099 -455 1931 6284 +980 2555 +400 2679 +580 1941 5779 +545 +566 2856 +301 2923 +244 Deogarh Mewar State, 1891 7400 3635 3765 1001 53M -2016 2801 -828 2577 -1188 1911 5481 +77 2638 -169 2823 +246 1921 4886 -576 2506 -132 2379 -444 1931 60SS +197 2510 +4 2572 +193 1941 5'142 +660 -1~58 2866 +356 2876 +304 Hawa M.rwar State

1891 5128 2742 2384 1901 5840 +514 3001 +259 2639 +255 1911 5857 +17 2963 -38 2694 +55 1921 4824 -833 2576 -387 2248 -446 1931 599'1 +1173 3123 +547 2874 +626 1941 5738 -259 +612 2950 -173 2788 -86 NlmaS Marwar State 1891 5'144 , , 2928 2816 1001 4104 -1640 2058 -870 2046 -770 1911 5015 +911 2520 +462 2495 +449 1921 4441 -574 2252 -268 2189 -306 1931 5021 +580 2533 +281 2488 +299 1941 5'128 +707 -16 2923 +390 2805 +317 San cod Ko&ah State , 1891 5048 2547 2499 1901 4889 -677 2108 -439 2261 -238 1911 5M3 +1174 2767 +659 2776 +515 1921 4778 -765 2472 -295 2306 -470 1.931 4811 +66 2402 -70 2442 +136 1941 5786 +882 +680 2934 +532 2792 +350 Barl Sadri Mewar State, 1891 1901 1911 1921 1931 " " 1941 5705 +5705 2962 2743 Toda Ralalngh Jalpur state 1891 5849 2927 2722 1901 au7 -1802 1974 -953 1873 -849 1911 4132 +585 2321 +347 2111 +238 1921 4192 -240 2143 -178 2049 -62 1931 4'198 +606 2481 +338 2317 +288 1941 5702 +904 +53 3031 +550 2871 +354 26 TABLE IV.--CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891.-(contd.)

Net·VtU'ia.tion Towns Province, 'State PerAons Variation r---"------I Ma.leR Variation l"emaJElR Variation District, otC', 1891-1941 1 2 :I 4. 5 () 7 H 9 Deesa Palanpur State 1891 1901 11047 &321 , , 4726 1911 7117 -3930 4123 -2198 2994 -1732 1921 7218 +101 4235 +112 2983 -11 1931 9019 +1801 4679 +444 4340 +1357 1941 5888 -3381 +5638 2931 -1748 2707 -1633 Nfwaf Jalpur state 1891 5832 3569 2263 1901 4432 -1400 2677 -89;2 1755 -508 1911 4'180 +298 2851 +174 1879 +124 1921 4042 -688 2192 -659 1850 -29 1931 4834 +792 2632 +440 2202 +352 1941 5586 +752 -246 2964 +332 2622 +420 Kumher Bharatpur State J891 6661 3443 .. 3218 1901 6240 --421 3240 -:303 3000 -218 1911 50'15 -=1165 2679 -561 2396 -604 1921 4774 -301 2574 -105 2200 -196 1931 4658 -121 2442 -132 2211 +11 1941 5556 +90:l -1105 2936 +494 2620 +409 Pur Mewar State 1891 6aoO 3450 3350 1901 4498 -2302 2296 -11.>4 2202 -1148 1911 4428 -75 2209 -87 2214 +12 1921 4555 +132 2373 +164 2182 -32 1931 4948 +393 2503 +130 2445 +263 1941 5582 +584 -1268 2823 +320 2709 +264 Baswa Jaipur State 1891 6117 3230 2887 1901 5908 -209 3052 -17S 2856 -31 1911 5532 -376 2820 -232 2712 -144 1921 4289 -1243 2234 -586 2055 -657 1931 4471 +182 2356 +122 2115 +60 1941 5500 +1029 -617 2895 +539 260 Ii +490 Mangrol Kotah State ~ 1891 5714 2937 tiii 1901 5158 -558 2637 -300 2019 -258 1911 4789 -367 2429 -208 2360 -159 1921 4205 -584 2117 -312 2088 -272 1931 4855 +650 2515 +398 2340 +252 1941 5404 +1)4.9 -310 2838 +323 2J)66 +220 Chhapar Bikaner State 1891 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 6363 +5363 2740 2623 .. Mewar State 1891 8029 2952 3077 1901 4692 -1337 2254 -698 2438 -639 1911 4506 -186 2144 -110 2362 -76 1921 4899 -107 2088 -56 2311 -51 1931 4891 +292 2196 +108 2495 +184 1941 5257 +566 -772 2648 +452 2609 +114 Deshnoke Blkaner State 1891 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 5187 +IHS7 2660 2527 27 TABLE IV.-CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891.-(contd.)

Net-Va.riation Towns Province, State, Persons Varia.tion ~ Ma.les Variation Fema.les Variatioll District, (ltc. 1891-1941

1 ~ :J 4 5 6 7 S if Suratgarh Bikaner State 181H 2669 1453 1206 1901 2398 -261 1318 -135 W80 -126 1911 2791 +393 1490 +172 1301 +221 1921 3592 +801 1942 +452 1650 +34-9 1931 3680 +88 2072 +130 1608 -42 194-1 5188 + 1506 +2527 2868 +796 23]8 +710 SinghaDa Jaipur State 1891 5901 2770 3131 1901 5176 -725 24-32 -338 2744 -387 1911 5268 +92 2422 -10 2846 +102 1921 4674 -594 2174 -248 2500 -346 1931 5020 +34-6 .. 2379 +205 264-1 +14-1 1941 5152 +132 -749 2629 +250 2523 -118 Bairath Jalpur State 1891 5748 21)12 2836 1001 5687 -1I1 2806 -lUG 2831 -l) 1911 5273 -364- 2549 ---257 2724 -107 1921 40470 -803 2180 -369 2290 -434- 1931 4973 +503 2406 +226 2567 +277 1941 5135 +162 -613 24-99 +84 2645 +78 Amber Jaipur State 181H 1901 1911 .. 1921 3689 tOSS 1601 1931 4576 +887 2627 +539 1949 +348 1941 5130 +554- +5130 2707 +80 2423 +474 Weir Bharatpur State 181H 6824 3509 :J315 .. 1901 5711 -H1a 3015 -4-94 2696 -619 1911 5180 -581 2678 -337 2452 -244 1921 4548 -582 2503 -175 2045 -407 1931 4602 +54 2421 -82 2181 +136 1941 5071 +469 -1753 2663 +242 2408 +227 :1>' Pirawa Tonk State 1891 1901 1911 4562 2262 2300 .. 1921 4878 -184 2194 -68 2184 -116 1931 4489 +61 .. 2280 +86 2159 -25 1941 5041 +602 +5041 2648 +368 2393 +234 Hanumangarh Bikaner State 1891 1901 .. 1911 1487 828 -- 639 -- 1921 1788 +321 966 +138 . 822 +183 1931 8468 +1680 .. 2012 +1046 1456 +634 1941 5027 +1559 +5027 2913 +901 2114 +658 TOTAL VI OLASS RAJPUTANA 1891 113770 59413 54357 1901 102973 -10797 53517 -5896 49456 -4901 1911 111840 +8867 58872 +4855 53468 +4012 1921 98327 -18518 51853 -7019 46974 -6494 1981 107895 +9088 55878 +4525 51517 +4543 1941 138739 +26344 +19969 69845 +13967 68894 +12877 Bam'fa Mewar State. HUH 5760 2886 2S74 1901 4261 -14!19 2125 -761 2136 -738 1911 4835 +74 2144- +19 2191 +55 1921 4-126 -209 205R -86 2068 -123 1931 4519 +393 2247 +189 2272 +204 1941 4919 +400 -841 2466 +219 2453 +181 28 TABLE IV.-CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891.-(contd.)

Net-Variation Towns. Province, State, Persons Variation Males Variation Females Varia.tion Distriot, eto 1891-1941

1) 1 2 :~ <1- 5 6 7 8 lfalnwa Bundi State I 1891 8093 3148 2945 1901 4501 -1592 2277 -871 2224 -721 1911 4880 +459 2509 +232 2451 +227 1921 3986 -964 2015 -494 1981 -470 1931 4726 +730 2344 +329 2382 +401 1941 1847 +121 -l24G 2471 +127 2376 -6 Begun Mewar State 1891 6882 2988 2894- 1901 8625 -2257 1767 -1221 1858 -1036 1911 4885 +760 2204: +437 2181- +323 1921 8887 -548 1903 -3Ql 1934 -247 1931 4384 +527 2148 +245 2216 +282 1941 4831 +467 -105) 2475 +327 2356 +140 Unlara. Jaipur State 1891 5728 2920 2808 1901 448:1 -1267 2307 -613 2154 -654 1911 4818 +152 2353 +46 2260 +106 1921 4102 -511 2129 -224 1973 -287 1931 43U +209 2221 +92 2090 +117 1941 4785 +474 -943 2433 +212 2352 +262 Merta Marwar State 1891 7185 3654 3481 lool 438:1 -2774 2270 -1384 2091 ~1390 1911 4397 +36 2283 +13 2114 +23 1921 3578 -818 1851 --432 1728 -386 1931 4424 +845 2299 +448 2125 +397 1941 4778 +352 -2359 2696 +397 2080 -45 Bbadra Blkaner State 1891 1901 1911 288& .. 1442 1393 1921 3058 +223 1576 +134 1482 +89 1931 3788 +725 1977 +401 1806 +324 1941 4750 +967 +4700 2552 +575 2198 +392 Bagri Marwar State 1891 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 4780 +4730 2454 2276 Sballpura Jaipur State. IS91 4580 2398 2192 loo1 5246 +655 2681 +283 2564 +372 1911 3683 -1612 1904 -777 1729 -835 1921 4500 +867 2280 +376 222() +491 1931 5041 +541 2562 +282 2479 +259 1941 4695 -346 +105 2549 -13 2146 -333 JaUaran Marwar State 1891 1901 4033 2010 2023 1911 4871 +338 210S +98 2263 +240 1921 3204 -1167 1584 -524 1620 -643 1931 3521 +317 1733 +149 1788 +168 1941 4543 +1022 +4543 2397 +664 2146 +358 Ballror Alwar State 1891 5719 .. 2810 2009 1901 5540 -179 2715 +95 2825 -84 1911 5258 -287 2685 -30 2568 -257 1921 4108 -1145 2111 -574 1997 -571 1931 4.132 +24- 2136 +25 1996 -1 1941 40514- +38.2 -1205 2340 +204 2174 +178 29 TABLE 1V •..-oCITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION SINCE 1891.-(oontd.)

Net-Variation Towns Provinoe, State, POrBODS Variation Males Variation Females Variation District, £ItO. 1891-1941

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D Manoharpur Jalpur State 1891 4844 2425 .. 2219 1001 5032 +388 2549 +124 2483 +264: 1911 2094 -2938 1084 -1,465 1010 -1473 1921 8672 +1578 1875 +791 1797 +787 1931 3908 +236 1939 +64 1969 +172 1941 4495 +587 -149 2336 +397 2159 +190 lalpur State 1891 7870 4,589 3281 1901 4902 -2968 2704 -1885 2198 -1083 1911 3949 -953 2099 -605 1850 -348 1921 8375 -574 1783 -316 1592 -258 1931 4131 +756 2195 +412 1936 +344 1941 4416 +285 -3454 2263 +68 2153 +217 Napllar Blkaner State 1891 1901 1911 1921 1931 .. 1941 4388 +4388 2304: 2084 Pokaran Xarwar State'- 1891 7895 .. 3893 4002 1901 7125 -770 3519 -374 3606 -396 1911 5814 -1311 2863 -656 2951 -655 1921 4438 -1381 2197 -666 2236 -715 1931 41U6 +83 2229 +32 2287 +51 1941 4S28 -188 -3567 2149 -80 2179 -108 Abu Abu DistrIct 1891 1901 1911 aSS8 2083 1203 1921 2804 -482 1668 -415 1136 --67 1931 41e5 +1361 2539 +871 1626 +490 1941 4316 +151 +4316 2401 -138 1915 +289 Jahazpur .ewar State 1891 5106 . . .2666 .. 2441 1901 8399 -1707 1761 -904 1638 -803 1911 8986 +587 2105 +344 1881 +243 1921 3833 -353 1876 -229 1757 -124 1931 3858 +223 1968 +92 1888 +131 1941 40263 +397 -853 2101 +133 2152 +264 Gallakot Dungarpur State . 1891 1901 1911 391t 1965 1949 1921 4288 +354 2263 +298 2005 +56 1931 34078 -790 ., 1726 -537 1752 -253 1941 4247 +769 +<1247 2142 +416 2106 +353 Bamanwas Jaipur State 1891 5806 3014 :2792 .. 1901 5!94 -512 2863 -151 2431 -861 1911 4292 -1002 2229 -634 2063 -368 1921 8605 -787 1855 -374 1650 -413 1931 8731 +226 1943 +88 1788 +138 1941 4185 +454 -1621 2156 +213 2029 +241 SbeoganJ Slrohi State . 1891 .. 1901 4381 2077 .. 2284 19n 4010 -351 1888 -189 2122 -162 1921 8699 -411 1743 -145 1856 -266 1931 4230 +631 2049 +306 2181 +325 i941 4106 -64 +4166 2062 +13 2104 -77 30


Net·Variation 'rOWllS Province, State, PersonS VariatiQll r---"-----. Ma.les Variation jt'emaleB Variation District, ew, 1891-1941 1 2 3 4: Ii 6 7 Ii !l Kishengarh State

1~91 5904 ao:.!!) 2~7/j 1901 4520 -1384 2343 -686 2177 -698 1911 4418 -102 2218 -125 2200 +23 1921 3790 -628 1986 -232 1804- -396 1931 4000 +210 '2086 +100 1914 +110 1941 4054 +54 -1850 2L02 + 16 191)2 of :)B Naraina Jaipur State 1891 5071 26ti8 2403 1901 5266 +19;) 3289 +621 1977 -426 1911 5190 -76 3255 -34 1935 -42 1921 3758 -1432 2077 -1178 1681 -254 1931 4'lOS +945 2729 +652 1974 +293 1941 4055 -648 -1016 2101 -628 19;)4 -20. Bahadarpur Alwar State Us91 4254 2114 :!UO 1901 4087 -167 1996 -111:1 2091 -49 1911 4286 +149 2098 +102 2138 +47 1921 3459 -777 1739 -359 1720 -418 1931 3586 +127 1848 +109 1738 +18 1941 39% +359 -309 2052 +204 1893 +155 Kushalgarh Kushalgarh (Chieflhip) • 181\1 1901 1911 2594 1276 13HI 1921 2781 +187 1337 +61 1394 +7(i 1931 3089 +338 1551 +214 1518 +124 1941 3520 +451 +3520 1814 +263 1706 +188 Ramgarh Alwar State HI\H 5099 2ti49 24050 1901 5179 +80 2675 +26 2504- +54 1911 3505 -1674 1860 -815 1641) -859 1921 28840 -671 1549 -311 1285 -360 1931i 3175 +341 1663 +114 1512 +227 1941 3363 +188 -1736 1810 +147 1553 +41 Patan Bund! State l801 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 8f4.9 +3149 1 :iI)l.) I fiG9 Mandril 1891 1901 .. 1911 2514 1279 1235 1921 23H -200 1132 -147 1182 -53 1931 2701 +387 1366 +234- 1335 +153 1941 3083 +382 +3083 1600 +294 1423 +88 Govindgarh Alwar State 1891 5243 2688 2555 1901 498Z -311 2506 -182 2426 -12:1 1911 3879 -1053 1993 -513 1886 -540 1921 30S3 -846 1582 -411 1451 -435 1931 2843 -19() 1483 -99 ]360 -91 19H 3028 +18fi -2215 1585 -\-102 1443 +R:J Rupangarh Kishengarh State ]!Ol91 1901 .. 1911 2988 1519 .. HUD 1921 2186 -80l! IllS -406 1073 --396 1931 245Z +26fi 1281 +168 1171 +98 1941 2886 +384 -+ 2836 1474 +1113 13H2 +HIl 31 TABLE IV.-CITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION 'SINCE 1891.-(contd.)

Nat.Variation Tnwntol Pl'ovinca, State, PerKons Variation ,-----A-:. Males Variation ]<'emo.le" Yarill.tioll District, etc lR91·1941

~ 2 3 4 Ij 6 7 S !)

Samod Jaipur State I IS!)I 6582 3386 31l.lli 1901 3257 -3325 1660 -1726 15!)7 -Io\)!l 1911 2806 -451 1381 -279 1425 ----172 1921 2120 -686 1082 -299 1038 -387 1931 2353 +233 1245 +163 1108 +70 1941 2693 +340 -3889 1387 +142 1:106 +lns Danta Bhavangarh Danta State 1891 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 2312 +2312 1302 lOW

Bhlmgunj mandl Kotah State ..I 1891 1901 lOll 1921 1931 1941 2307 +2307 J261 1046 Pachp.dra Marwar State 1891 5125 2656 246!) 1001 3194 -1931 1583 --1073 lOll -80S 19H 2168 -1036 1098 -486 )060 -651 1921 1638 -522 888 -210 748 -312 1931 1414 -222 712 -176 702 -46 1941 2178 +764 -2947 1085 +37:l 1093 +3!l1 Sapotr. Karauli State t 1891 19tH 1911 1630 835 70;; 1921 !594 -36 789 -4U 806 +10 1931 1790 +196 945 +156 fli5 +40 1941 1976 +186 +]9ili 1030 +RIl 946 +101 Erlnp1lr. Sirohl State 1891 3466 2098 Uli8 1901 3206 -260 1830 -268 l:l76 +H 1911 3083 --173 1856 +26 1177 --199 1921 261'7 -4:16 1798 -58 819 --358 1931 1645 -972 914 -884 731 -81) 1941 1857 +212 --1609 969 +:;.:; !:ISR -/ l.ii Kherwara Mewar State 1891 648 58S liO 1001 2289 +1641 1523 +9:Jij 71)Ii t-7Uti 1911 2016 -273 1295 -228 721 -41i 1921 1599 -417 1029 -266 570 -151 1931 1899 +300 , . 1266 +237 633 +63 1941 1489 -410 +841 902 -~64- 5Ri --4(i Kotr. Mewar State 1891 150 147 3 1901 903 +753 487 +340 4l1i +!l:} 1911 746 -157 461 -26 28.; -13l 1921 857 +111 485 +24 372 +87 1931 929 +72 534 +49 395 +23 1941 943 +14 +793 539 +5 404- +1.1 Shrimatajl Danta State 1891 1901 ]911 1921 1931 IOU 767 +767 ·435 332 32 TABLE IV.-()ITIES AND TOWNS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATION: SINCE 1911.

Net Variation Towns Provinoe, State, Persons Variation ~ Ma.leR Vario.tion FemaleR Variation Distriot, etc. 191I-1941 1 2 3 4 IS 6 7 8 9

Total AJME:&-MERW ABA 1911 140894 88217 77177 1921 184897 +24303 95755 +82588 88942 -8285 1931 180199 +15502 98874 +8119 81825 +12883 1941 214098 +88899 +73704 118051 +17177 98047 +18722

I Class Almer City Almer Tebsil 1911 88222 47354 38868 1921 118512 +27290 67597 +20243 45915 +7047 1931 119524 +6012 66014 -1583 53510 +7595 1941 147258 +27734 +61036 79898 +13884 67360 +13850

III Class Beawar Beawar Tehsll 1911 22800 12328 10472 1921 22882 -438 1201.6 -312 10346 -126 193i 28842 +5980 15307 +3291 13035 +2689 1941 88720 +8378 +13920 19915 +4608 16805 +3770

Maslrabad Almer Tebsll 1911 20241 11298 8943 1921 19851 -590 11311 +13 834.0 -603 1931 21897 +1746 11861 +550 9536 +1196 1941 17804 -3593 -2437 9709 -2152 8095 -1441

V Class •• Kekrl Kekrl Sub-diVision 1911 5928 3126 2800 1921 5698 -228 2913 -213 2785 -15 1931 7178 +1481 3644 +731 3535 +750 1941 8245 +1066 +2319 4239 +595 4006 +471

VICI... DeoU Kekrl Sub-cllvlslon 1911 6205 3071 2134 1921 84'74- -1731 1018 -1153 1556 -578 1931 8757 +283 2048 +130 1709 +153 1941 4071 +314 -1134 2290 +242 1781 +72 sa SUBSIDIARY TABLE.

(i) Towns Classifted by Population

Towns of Proportion Females VARIATION P.ElR CENT IN THE CLASS TOTALS. Class of 'I'own each class to per 1,000 in 1941 total urban Males 1931 to 1921 to 1911 to 1901 to 1891 to 1891 to population 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1941

1 2 :1 4, ii II 7 8 9 10

RAJPUTANA 156 1000 903 +22 +18 -4 -2 --7 +27 ., I. 100000 and over .J 221 &~j2 +30 +23 -3 -7 +1 +45 II. 00000 to 100000 2 59 876 +21 +15 +7 -27 +5 +14 III. 20000 to 50000 13 185 920 +20 +18 -4 -2 -12 +18 IV. 10000 to 20000 28 198 918 +30 +2.0 -3 -7 -10 +35 v. 5000 to 10000 73 268 929 +10 +15 -5 Below .5 -8 +20 VI. Under 5000 37 69 915 +25 +9 ---12 +1 -9 +18

(ii) Clties-Chie( Figures

Literates per Popula. Females 1000 Percontage Variation. City. tlon Density per 1000 r---A---., 1941. Males Males Females 1931-41 ------~------~~]921-31 1911-21 1901-11 1891-1001 1891-1941

1 2 3 4 {) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


AlwBr 54143 902 301 lie) +]3.0 +7.0 +8.4 -28.9 +] ].ji +5.3 Bharatpnr 355'1 824 343 SO +17.8 -9.9 -1.2 -22.2 -35.5 -47.4 Biko.ner 127226 4104 821 320 89 +48.1 +23.8 +24.3 +5.2 +5.1 +151.9 Bundi 20846 1489 947 258 46 +15.9 +1l.7 -17.8 +1.5 .14.3 -7.5 Dholpur 213H 4021 853 )63 43 +8.8 +2(1·8 -18.7 +3.2 +13.4 +25.8

Jaipur 175810 7032 881 323 65 • +16.8 +18.9 -11.8 -13.8 +0.8 +6.4 Jodhpur 126842 4879 843 348 !)i) +33.9 +28.9 -7.9 +0.8 -1.6 +57.8 Ka.rauli 19177 009 221 26 -2.5 +0.5 -1.1 -15.7 +1.5 -17.1 Kishengarh 14459 875 316 50 +21.2 +26.2 -9.3 -17.3 -18.1 -6.5 Kotah 45032 864 349 97 +18.9 +19.4 -3.2 +1.9 -12.9 +16.6

Palanpur 21643 945 369 III +6.4 +14.0 +3.6 -3.2 -15.6 +2.6 Tonk 38600 951 192 48 +8.0 +17.8 -10.3 -12.6 -15.6 -15.9 Udaipur 59848 854 454 119 +29.9 +25.2 +4.4 -26.6 -1.5 +22.8 Ajmer 147258 8662 843 364 ] 32 +23.2 +5.3 +31.7 +16.8 +7.3 +113.9

Principal Towns.

Abu 4316 798 352 126 +3.6 +48.5 -14.7 -5.8 +34.9 Not available Banswara. 12772 982 368 105 +22.3 +21.6 +12.0 +8.9 -14.5 +55.1 *Brijnagar 11649 956 346 114 -1-10.6 +4.6 -13.0 -19.9 -38.7 -50.6 Danta 2812 776 341 73 Not available. Dungarpur 86'10 926 318 51 +1.3 +16.8 +13.2 +6.2 -5.2 +34.8

Jaisalmcr 7340 886 535 139 +3.1 +47.2 -34.8 +3.9 -32.1 -30.2 Kushalgarh 35Z0 940 403 87 +14.7 +12.4 +5.3 . Not available Partabgarh 18505 968 431 102 +24.5 +18.1 +10.2 -15.2 -33.7 -8.9 Shahpura 9939 969 322 67 +6.9 +12.1 +46 -11.6 -23.4 -15.2 ~irohi 9501 891 Not available +27.3 +20.4 -6.3 +17.0 -9.0 +53.1 *The old name of this town was' JHALARAPATAN CHHAONI." TABLE V. TOWNS ARRANGED TERRITORIALLY WITH POPULATION BY COMMUNITIES.

Definition of ' town • has already been given in Table TIL J In this Table towns are arranged territorially. The capital town of eaoh State is placed at the top of each group and the remaining towns are arranged in alphabetical order.

On this occasion separate figures for males and females have been omitted from this Table, since this information can be obtained from Table No. IV.

The term' Others' includes Sikhs, Buddhists, Parsees, Tribes, etc. The total number of Sikhs is 4189, and of these 3010 are to be found in Bikaner State, mainly as settlers in the Gang Canal area. Parsis number 682, Jews 103, Buddhists 18 and the remainder are Tribes.

The letter ' 1\1' denotes ' Municipality,' and ' T. B.' stands for ' Town Board.'

Sambhar is jointly held by Jaipur and Marwar States, hence half of its population has been shown in J aipur State and the remaining half in Marwar State. 35 TABLE V.-TOWNS ARRANGED TERRITORIALLY WITH POPULATION BY COMMUNITIES.

Hindus Muslims Christians Jains Others District ox State ~----. ..---~ ,-----"-----. l\1a.les lfemales Malos Females Malos Females Males Femalos Males Females

1 3 (j 7 8 I) 10 11 RAJPUTANA " AlMER· MERWARA. 764784 682126 28S291 253863 4458 4255 62015 62823 22663 18717 RAIPUTANA. 693809 620488 246960 225153 1750 1773 57441 58678 20200 15445 ABU. 1327 1017 457, 336 68 57 9 5 540 500

Abu (M) 1327 1017 ~57 336 6S 57 5 540 500 ALWAR. 29900 28729 :12870 12646 49 79 '··U56 1051 1203 10M. Alwar City (M) 18981 16966 8006 7320 44 72 677 630 762 68.3 Bahadurpur 1115 1001 922 877 15 15 Bahror .. 1819 1687 449 425 24 28 48 3-1 Govindgarh 1000 922 516 470 20 16 49 35 Rajgarh (M) 3915 3505 013 538 :~ 22 18 .,285 261 Ramgarh 1184 1044 446 369 1 121 99 59 40 Tijara (M) 1886 1604 1718 1647 :} 277 245 BANSWABA. 3810 3861. 1795 1860 47 55 279 225 513 527 Ba.nswara (M) 3810 3661 1795 ISOO 47 279 225 513 527 BHARATPUR 33235 28171 10655 9570 69 60 800 682 376 254

Bbaratpur City (M) 13659 10938 6348 4747 :It 33 331 289 116 48 Bayana (T.B.) 3493 2896 1056 1003 6 5 102 66 13 22 Bhusawar (T.B) .. 2379 2250 1015 944 11 4 54 42 Deeg (M) ., 5436 4812 1392 1207 17 131 114 2 Kaman (T.B,) 3954 3364 697 663 5 120 130 160 108 Kumher (T.B.) 2259 1998 602 561 63 50 12 11 Weir (T.B.) 2055 1913 545 445 42 29 21 21 BIKANER •. 132500 111530 33782 28990 167 129 18662 140894- 2110 1441 Bikaner City (M.) ,. 52744 42111 12619 10331 1:>3 119 3968 46:29 391 161 Bhadra. (M) 1642 1403 842 710 60 82 8 3 Bidaaal' .. 2437 2101 719 602 1140 1095 Chhapar (M) 2220 2117 192 120 324 382 4 4 Churu (M) •. 9287 8677 4556 4276 5 6 739 703 17 3 Deshnoke " 2167 2000 1.23 102 370 425 DunglU'garh (M) 47.30 3970 659 507 832 973 Ha.numangarh (M) 2129 1442 701 613 3 1 32 24 48 34, Napaaa;r .. 2250 2043 M 41 (M) •• 3505 3424 1214 1105 79 87 108 85 Ra.jaldesar (M) 2899 2940 467 419 660 893 12 20 Rajgarh (M) 4472 3409 1665 1674, 4 466 473 58 40 Rata.ngarh (M) 8407 7610 2184 2033 1 1 338 366 13 8 Sa.rdarshahr (M) ., 8484, 8007 2347 1892 2442 2626 114 136 Sri Ganganagar (M) 7853 5426 977 729 1 2 35 30 660 423 Sri Karan pur (M) •• 30!}4, 2061 658 468 15 5 639 500 Sujangarh (M) 8958 7903 2481 2305 1683 1632 5 Ii Suratgarh (M) •• 2204 1921 553 313 85 71 26 ]3 (Rani) (M) 3048 2965 751 750 394 398 7 6 BUNDI 13114 12676 3629 3382 27 29 842 785 439 279

Bundi City (M) 7519 7400 ~2482 2238 S 10 47a 409 224 83 Patan (M) .. 1269 1233 278 286 8 9 35 31 Lakheri (M) 2621 2338 445 431 19 JII 46 43 153 145 Nainwa (M) 1705 1605 424 427 315 324 27 20 DANTA. 1514 1191 71 47 1 70 64 81 40

Dant& Bha.wangadh 1086 862 71 47 6.3 6L 711 40 Shree Mataji 428 329 5 3 2 DHOLPUR 160J.8 13296 5532 5111 15 42 289 251 52 35

Dltolpur Ci ty (M) •. 8033 6592 3360 3105 1.3 42 48 46 43 27 Bal'i (T.B.) 4574 3933 1765 1642 2 9 8 Ra.ja Khera 3411 2771 407 364 239 203 DUNGARPUR. 5484 5282 3533 3482 8 3 688 653 4

Dungarpur (M) 2714 2457 1408 1377 Ii 370 329 4 2 Galla Kot (M) 892 863 1118 1110 132 ] 32 Sagwara (M) 1878 19~2 1007 995 186 192 36 TABLE V.-TOWNS ARRANGED TERRITORIALLY WITH POPULATION BY COMM.UNITIES--(contd.)

Hindus Muslims Christians Jains Others District or State ,.-----'-----. ,---__...__----. ,.--__"___---.. ~--.. t A.. ____ Malos }o'omoJes Malos FemoJes Males Females Males FemalcB Males FemaiQs

1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 JAIPUR. 184862 171400 71960 67262 341 355 7765 7041 6238 &16& ';,-aipur City (M) 58668 '" 52013 27868 24596 185 249 4646 4114 2112 135\1 Amber 1929- 1776 478 443 7 8 392 196 Bairath 1796/ 1957 432 444 150 140 II2 104 Ba.mnawas 1134 .... 1038 92 68 27 32 903 891 'Baswa 2153' 1916 217 220 35 28 490 441 Bissau 2570 ' 2750 1456 1566 31 39 28 32 Chu.kBu 1748"" 1578 424 483 70 78 16 14 Chomu 3865"" 3669 902 963 72 87 67 41S ChirBwa 4922 ; 4942 876 879 1 11 9 Dauss 3459 3477 SolO 558 69 35 207 199 Fatehpul' 7077' 7328 4001 4111 354 368 9 5 Glldlgapur 3943- 3608 1437 1236 131 94 94 76 236 195 Hindsun (M) 5820'" 5112 1370 1131 2 3 226 95 34 11 Jlmnjhunu (MI 4974' 4340 3836 3535 98 87 4 Khlldldela 3101 _, 3054 1530 1621 56 62 39 21

Khetd 3335~ 296;; 1233 1148 .J 1 12 14 9

KotputIi 3746' 3621 110.i 10.i,j I 1 196 223 Lachmangarh 5845' 6107 1561 1423 27 33 19 29 Lalsot 2901 .... 2944 360 291 78 58 28 25 Malpura 2369 "" 2126 928 836 189 154 8 I) Mlldldawa •• 3282" 3217 706 688 1 1 Manoharpur 1791' 1646 524 49:1 21 20 Narsina. 1531' 1381 494 486 73 83 3 4 2236 .., 1914 321 32:J 2 1 262 281 143 103

Nawalgarh .. 8282 ' 7745 2258 2309 7 3 7 9 Nim-ka-1'hana 3050/ 2826 496 419 8 2 89 77 Re.mgal'h .. 4823 ' 4791 1732 1796 14 26 lL 9 Sambhar j- ., 2326- 2105 1339 1147 7 71 59 2 Samod 1156- 1055 183 174 2 1 46 76 Sawai lUadhopur 2846" 2856 1134 1058 244 209 24 21 Shahpura 2242' 1889 302 2,')1 5 6 Bikar 8899 ' 8298 6930 7072 3 401 454 141 ]31 Singhlldlllo 1170 ,;a 1176 1357 1260 1 102 86 Sri Madhopur 3221 ...., 3230 532 537 12 15 71 75 Surajgarh .. 2585 2581 817 844 1 1 Toda Bhim .. 2022' 1751 391 358 8 7 662 642 Toda Rai Singh 2270'" 1947 502 475 246 244 7 5 Udaipur 3357'" 2923 578 554 51 47 Unillora 1819 _,. 1748 418 4II 158 147 38 46 JAISALMER 2977 2698 683 589 70 63 161 119 Jaisalmer (M) 2977 2698 569 70 63 161 119 JHALAWAR 5844 5420 2732 2884 9 8 284 272 189 188 Brijnagar (M) 3831 3604 1856 1828 R 6 69 79 140 128 .Thalarapatan Ci ty (M) 2013 1816 876 856 1 :2 210 19.') 49 38 KARAVLI .. 9898 9007 2491 2179 6 10 187 149 178 163

Karauli City (M) 7535 (i912 2326 2050 ti 1(1 157 146 24 II Mandrail ._ 1549 1331 110 92 1 SapotrtL 814 764 37 9 3 102 142 KISAlfGARH 7909 7051 2453 2193 7 5 818 715 102 96 Kishangarh City (M) 5257 4631 1744 1:105 7 658 563 47 42 Rupnagar (M) 1199 1097 215 204 00 61 SarwlLr (1\£) 1453 1323 494 484 100 91 5.1 54 KOTAH 88765 23310 10092 9408 81 81 961 772 662 456

Kotah Ci ty (M) 16183 13538 6863 6469 57 47 654 537 406 278 BtLran (M) ._ 5501 5200 1;;29 1297 I 193 130 131 lOS Bhim Ganj Mandi (1\£) 832 697 :121 281 23 IJ 11 8 74 46 Mangrol (M) 2014 1701 756 815 4:1 36 25 14 Slldlgod (M) 2235 2174 623 544 tIO 61 16 14 KUSHALGARH (CHIEFSHIP) 864 861 316 246 329 279 305 820 Kushalgarh (M) 864 861 3l(; 246 3:29 270 :mo 320 37 TABLE V.-TOWNS ARRANGED TERRITORIALLY WITH POPULATION BY COMMUNITIES-(contd.)

Hindus Muslims Christians Jains Others District or State ,.--.-.-A------. .-___..A._ __ ~ ,-_____A_ __ ~ .--___.A-~ ,------..A--_~ Males Females Males Fema.les MaJes Females Males Females Males FemaJes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I}- 10 11 MARWAR 125525 111270 415"19 31520 444 532 15151 17193 1559 1053 Jodhpur City (M) .. 47482 39112 17056 14984 403 489 3593 3328 281 114- Bagri 2070 1892 189 139 190 235 5 12 Bali (M) 2653 2393 349 298 3 569 757 19 3 Balotra (M) 2702 2420 698 625 3 615 549 80 73 Barmer (M) 4393 4-113 693 548 3 1174- 1122 3 2 Bhinmal (M) 2901 2251 276 203 4- 409 957 300 202 Bila.ra 4095 3771 314 278 2 1 197 206 Didwana (M) 3119 2784 1638 1506 2 89 99 Jaitara.n 1765 1463 400 426 232 257 Jhalore (M) 2731 2475 469 395 1 639 645 375 237 Kuchaman .. 4328 4028 1375 1449 262 210 1 Ladnun (M) 4034 3826 2532 2468 1541 2045 Lohawat 2761 2327 75 48 5 9 278 451 36 37 Makrana .. 2016 1916 3862 3556 1 23 12 10 8 Merta. 1886 1417 666 540 1 4 143 119 Mandawa .. 2239 2372 601 542 16 9 Nagaux (M) 4201 3730 2710 2213 3 6 003 946 1 Nawa 2306 2187 518 474 3 121 127 2 1 Nimbhaj 2553 2461 210 212 160 132 Pachpadra .. 676 648 25 34 302 341 82 70 Pali (M) 3934 3210 1889 1738 11 7 702 793 68 4, Phwodi (M) 6218 6435 1200 1204 1088 1426 58 60 Pi par 2951 2933 1117 1087 382 446 1 Pokran 1670 1780 408 344 1 5 3 65 52 Sadri 3281 2907 91 82 2 787 1217 163 171 Sa.robhar t (M) 2325 2105 1339 1147 7 1 71 59 2 Sojat (M) 4235 4314 879 982 4 660 702 9- 5 MEWAR .. 51592 47327 16090 14496 99 93 8108 7522 3566 2172 Udaipur City (M) .. 18499 16053 7618 6560 67 75 3677 3470 2312 1317 Banera 1906 1898 446 441 105 111 9 3 Bari Sadri •. 1824 1736 453 430 1 3 659 552 25 22 Be~ .. 1691 1652 546 507 231 194 7 a Bhi wars (M) 5658 4993 1736 1578 4 2 570 476 87 65 Bhindar 2157 2174 544 551 512 485 8 12 Chhoti Sadri 2163 2083 425 _ 416 379 358 125 96 (M) 3249 2933 n03 1034 3 1 380 345 119 133 Deogarh 2074 2048 253 256 1 1 457 508 81 63 Jahazpur .• 1322 1404 668 67Q 81 52 30 26 Ka.pasin (M) 2198 2166 540 460 261 221 117 122 Kherwara Can tt. 515 465 147 102 23 11 12 5 205 4, Kotra Cantt . 165 129 160 150 3 2 211 123 Nathdwara (M) 4269 3742 519 468 259 235 115 97 Pur 2140 2095 386 352 276 240 21 22 Salumbar - 1762 1756 046 521 241) 268 94 64 PALANPUR 8020 7660 4328 8819 31 22 1383 1448 297 283 Pala.npur City (M) 6118 5806 3598 3225 12 9 1205 1306 195 169 Deeesa (M) 1902 1844 730 594 19 13 178 142 102 114- PRATABGARH 3857 3678 1299 1185 14 17 1586 1695 105 69 Partabgarh (M) 3857 3678 1299 II 85 14 17 1686 1695 105 69 SHAHPURA. 3788 3663 898 892 285 259 98 78 Shahpura: (M) 3788 3663 898 892 265 259 96 78 SIROBI 8865 7502 2180 1751 261 208 1440 1551 1231 1030 Sirohi (M) .• 3250 2921 465 387 2 715 734 591 436 (M) 3256 2826 1351 1094 249 208 107 83 400 361 Sheoganj (M) 1241 1203 221 201 590 693 10 7 Erinpura Cantt. 618 li52 93 69 28 41 230 226 TONK 17241 18218 17805 16527 18 8 1819 1109 205 152 Tonk City (M) 8133 7758 11176 10682 15 7 469 389 19 2 Chhabra (M) 1954 1819 1125 1040 79 76 10 4 Nimbahera (M) 1981 1909 1406 1182 3 1 119 96 109 93 Pitawa (M) H66 1083 1016 913 433 365 33 32 Sironj (M) .. 4007 3649 3082 2710 219 184 34, 21 AJMER-MERWARA 70975 61838 35881 28510 2708 2482 4674 4145 2463 1872 Ajmer City (M) 46781 40432 27721 22199 2167 2023 2221 2029 1008 677 Beawar (M) 13160 I1548 3448 2912 270 176 1753 1635 1284 534 Deoli (M) .. 1770 1413 344 294 17 ]3 43 33 116 28 Kekri (M) .' 3162 3041 761 708 14 Hi 290 236 12 6 Nasirabad Cantt... 6102 i>20i 3057 2397 240 255 267 212 43 27 38 SUBSIDIARY TABLE

(i) Number per 1000 of the total Population and of each main Oommunity who live In Town.

Nllmber par 1000--A-- who li ve______in Town r--- , Population Hindus Muslims Christi811S Jains Sikhli

1 2 3 4 ;) Ii 7 Rajputana and Ajmer-Merwara 151 135 386 743 346 60 Abu 922 895 989 969 1000 95:'> Alwar .. 1<14 W5 110 928 468 007 Ranswara 49 100 496 990 llO Bharatpur 146 137 183 G04 :;44 72 Bikaner 262 246 :l39 705 830 38 Bundl 141 138 595 966 345 242 Danta 99 166 40 1000 411 1000 Dholpur 142 116 575 950 :JOI 261 Dungarpur 70 105 774 750 222 1000 Jaipur 172 144 559 463 465 587 .TaisaJmer 79 90 46 179 375 .Thalawar 144 107 564 293 241 143 Karauli 159 173 599 1000 859 1000 Kishengadl 205 163 613 MO 557 1000 Kotah 93 82 365 139 327 351 KushaJgarh (Chiefship) 86 361 626 " 970 1.\{al."W"ar 138 111 369 861 :o!70 82;} 78 74 479 489 202 473 PaJanpur 86 61 262 1000 222 Partabgarh 147 175 :'>55 674 653 Shahpura 162 143 614 36.3 JOoo Sirohi .• 109 96 546 950 192 895 Tonk .. 200 123 66.3 1000 366 1000 AJ mer-Merwara 367 352 710 897 468 981

(ii) Oommunities of Urban and Rural Population.

province, fState or Per 10000 of the Urban Population .-______Per 10000 of the -...A-Rural______Population --.. District .- --A-- ---. Hindus Muslims Jains Christi811B Sikhs Others Hindus Muslims Jains Christians Sikhs Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RaJputana and Almer- Merwara 6711 2486 579 39 23 162 7844 704 195 3 64 139 Abu 5431 1837 33 290 49 2360 7fJ27 247 110 27 2089 AJwar .. 6620 2843 258 15 8 256 6545 2658 34 763 Banswara 5850 2862 394 80 814 2726 151 165 6958 Bharatpur 7321 2412 177 15 7 68 7884 ]832 25 :j ][) 241 Bikaner 7195 18')0 842 9 89 15 7849 1285 62 79,) 8 Bundi ., 7319 1997 463 16 14 191 7485 222 U4 7 2142 Danta .. 8785 383 435 3 7 387 4846 1017 68 4069 Dholpur 7213 2619 133 14 21 9101 320 51 10 518 Dungarpul" 5621 3670 701 5 :1 3598 81 184 6137 Jaipur 6816 2668 284 13 G 213 8369 4a7 67 3 1123 Jaisalmel' 7732 1705 181 4 378 6644 3050 71 235 .ThalawB.r 6397 3076 310 10 1 201 8995 400 167 4 433 l(arauli 7800 1927 130 7 !j 131 7046 244 4, 2706 Kjshengarh 7007 2176 718 fj ],") 78 9271 355 148 ] 225 Kotah 6902 2687 239 20 til 123 7997 482 51 1:~ ,j 1452 Kushalgal'h (Chiefship) 4901 1597 1727 1775 813 Sf} ;j I 9092 Lawa (Estate) 8700 356 451; 488 :Marwar 6731 2248 IH9 28 6 68 8565 fil3 397 424 Mewar 6548 2025 1034 13 :I 377 6958 188 347 2506 Palanplu' 3744 2986 1038 19 213 8333 797 344 526 Partabgtwh ;;579 1839 2430 2a 129 4512 253 222 2 SOlI Shahpnra 7497 1801 527 f) 169 8725 219 ]78 878 Sirohi " ()232 1525 1175 180 7 881 7151 155 603 1 2090 Tonk .. 473n 4862 344 "- I 50 8434 610 ]49 807 AJ mer-Merwara 6194 2982 407 242 38 137 6598 705 274 16 2 2405 TABLE VI.


Rajputana and Ajmer-Merwal'a ,-___----A-- Rajputana. _____-. District, State, Province or Country where born r-- --"-- """\ 1 Persons MaleR Females Person!'! Males Females :? 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL POPULATION 14258901 7476699 6777202 13670208 7169527 6500681 A.-BORN IN INDIA 14252432 7475816 6776616 18669184 7188911 6500258 I. WITHIN RAJPUTANA AND AJMER-MERWARA 13881906 7329441 6552465 13328374 7040002 6288872 (i) Within the State or District 18386144 7187690 61G8454 12903893 6926922 5976971 (ii) Other States .. 461999 131414 330.585 390718 102743 .287975 (iii) Ajmer-Merwara 33783 10337 23426 33763 10337 23426 II. (a) BORN IN PROVINCES, DISTRICTS AND STATES IN INDIA ADJACENT TO RAJPUTANA 348775 135268 213507 323446 120719 202727 (i) British Territory 246H9 103434 }.!3li,;'i 223432 89896 133536 Bombay 15350 6692 8658 13164 5395 7769 .. 7615 2575 5040 6474 1953 4521 Punjab 151176 68593 82583 148727 65500 81227 Uni ted Provinces of Agra and Oudh 72448 25574 46874 57087 17048 40019 (ii) Indian States 102186 31834 70352 100014- 30823 69191 Bombay States 5610 1373 4237 5805 1371 4234 Central India Agency 65212 19209 46003 83073 18206 44867 State 2062 358 1704 2082 358 1704 Punjab State Agency 19580 7721 11859 19552 7715 11837 Western India. Agenny 9722 3173 6549 9722 3173 6549 (b) BORN IN OTHER PROVINCES AND STATES IN INDIA 21828 10839 10489 17090 8081 9059 (i) British Ter{i tory 18890 7885 6005 10538 5632 4904 Bengal 3396 1817 1579 2712 1371 1341 Centra.l Provinces and Berar 5034 2443 2591 4081 1927 2154 Other Provinoes 5480 3625 1835 3743 2334 1409 (ii) Other Indian States .. 7438 29.54 4484 8554 2399 4 lim (c) BORN IN FRENCH AND PORTUGUESE SETTLE- MENTS .. 307 209 98 147 101 48 (d) BORN IN INDIA, UNSPECIFIED .. 118 69 57 107 58 49 B.-BORN IN OTHER ASIATIC COUNTRIES .. 789 558 238 818 421 195 (i) Within British Dominions " 251 151 100 212 129 83 Rurmlt 193 1 IIi 78 161 99 62 Ceylon 15 HI 5 8 4, 4 StraitA'! Settlements Itnd Mldaya Elsewhere 43 26 17 48 26 17 (ii) Outside British Dominions .. 538 402 136 404 292 112 Afghanistan 214 179 35 165 136 29 China .. 20 Ii, 5 7 {) 2 Nepal .. 197 125 72 168 100 68 Elsewhere 107 83 24 64 51 13 C.-BORN IN EUROPE .. 460 263 197 266 156 109 (i) Unit·ad Kingdom and Ireland 340 211 129 199 127 72 (ii) British Possessions in Europe 18 :i 13 16 :I 13 (iii) Continental Europe 104 49 55 50 26 24 D.-BORN IN AFRICA ., 188 44 124 133 27 106 (i) Within British DominioDs " 28 14 12 26 14 J2 Kenya (Bri tish East Africa) 28 14 12 26 14 12 (ii) Africa, lmspecified 142 30 112 107 13 94 E.-BORN IN AMERICA 41 17 24 21 7 t4.

(i) Within British Dominions 12 4, II 10 2 8 Canada 12 4 II 10 2 8 ElROwhore •• (ii) Outside British Dominions •. 18 4 14- 5 1 4 United Status 18 4 J.t 5 1 4 (iii) America., unspecified 11 9 2 6 " 2 F.--BORN IN AUSTRALASIA .. tt 6 5 9 5 4 (i) Within British Dominions 11 Ii !i 9 5 Australia. 10 Ii 4, 8 5 3 Fiji Islands .. 1 1 1 J" (ii) Australasia, unspecified •• 41 TABLE VI-BIRTHPLAOE-(contd.)

Aimer-Merwara (including Ajmer City) - Ajmer City Abu , State, Province or .------A--- ,--__---A- ___-. Country where born r------A- -. r------'-----. - Persons Males Females Persons MaJes Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 lO 11 12 13 TOTAL POPULATION 583693 307172 276521 147258 79898 67360 4680 2600 2080 823056 435411 387644 A.-BORN IN INDIA 583268 306905 276363 146904 79681 67223 4637 2577 2060 123028 435397 387631 I. WITHIN RAJPUTANA AND AJMER-MERWABA 553582 289439 264093 123304 66393 56911 3955 2180 1775 794088 431753 362385 (i) Wi thin the State or District 482251 260768 221483 91399/ 49616 41783 2102 1155 947 755490 426406 329084 (ii) Other States .. 71281 28671 42610 31905 .... 16777 15128 1724 945 779 38309 5254 33055 (iii) Ajmer.Merwara 129 80 49 289 g;J 196 II(a). BORN IN PROVINCES, DISTRICTS " STATES IN INDIA ADJACENT TO RAJPUTANA 25329 14549 10780 20832 11528 9304 585 333 252 28431 3524 24907 (i) British Territory 23157 13538 9619 19314 10810 8504 550 312 238 27994 3439 24555 (ii) Indian States 2172 1011 1161 1518 718 800 35 21 14 437 85 352 (b) BORN IN OTHER PRO­ VINCES AND STATES IN INalA 4238 2808 1480 2606 IBM 951 87 58 29 507 120 38 (il British territory 3354 2253 1101 2127 1365 762 63 37 26 263 84 179 (ii) Other Indian States .. 884 555 329 479 290 189 24 21 3 244 36 208 (c) BORN IN FRENCH AND PORTUGUESE SETTLE­ MENTS AND INDIA, UN­ SPECIFIED 169 109 60 162 105 57 10 6 2 2 B.-BORN IN OTHER ASIATIC COUNTRIES. _ 173 132 41 145 108 37 6 4 2 17 11 8 (i) Within British Domi­ nions 39 22 17 35 20 15 3 3 10 5 5 (ii) Outside British Domi. nions 134 110 24, 110 88 22 3 1 2 7 6 1 C.-BORN OUTSIDE ASIA 252 135 117 209 109 100 37 19 18 10 3 7 (i) Europe , 195 107 88 173 88 • 85 35 17 18 4 1 3 (ii) Elsewhere f1'I 28 29 36 21 1.1 2 2 6 2 4 Bharatpur Bikaner Bundi Banswara ~ ___---A- ____-. ~ ____---A- ____~ ~ ____-A- ___--. -. PersonS Males Femeles Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL POPULATION 258760 129471 129289 575625 310840 265285 1292938 695767 597171 249874 130038 1198S6 A.-BORN IN INDIA 258735 129453 129282 575608 310328 265280 1292800 696682 597118 249336 130008 119828 I. WITHIN RAIPUTANA AND AIMER-MERWARA 255892 128442 127450 535877 301607 234270 1174577 631787 642'790 248427 129468 118969 (i) Wi thin the State or District 252316 127380 124936 501913 291034 210879 1141957 620320 521637 233476 124121 109355 (ii) Other States .. 8570 1059 2511 32654 9657 22997 32147 11213 20934 14563 0167 9396 (iii) Ajmer-Merwara 6 3 3 1310 916 394 473 254 219 388 180 208 II (a). BORN IN PROVINCES, DISTRICTS & STATES IN INDIA ADJACENT TO RAJPlJTAN A 2807 989 1818 39538 8583 30955 117193 63353 53840 828 489 337 ei) British Territory 848 245 403 37852 8055 29797 99813 56607 43206 774 456 318 (ii) Indian States 2159 744 1415 1686 528 1158 17880 6746 10634 62 33 19 (b) BORN IN OTHER PRO­ VINCES AND STATES IN INDIA 36 22 14 191 137 54 994 514 480 79 47 32 (i) British Territory 34 20 14 173 123 50 948 497 451 79 47 32 (ii) Other Indian States •. 2 2 11 14 4 46 17 29 (0) BORN IN FRENCH AND PORTlJGlJESESETTLE­ MENTS AND INDIA, UN­ SPECIFIED 1 1 36 28 8 4 B.-BORN IN OTHER ASIATIC COUNTRIES .• 21 18 3 9 '1 2 101 63 38 23 22 1 (i) Within British Domi­ nionR 1 1 74 49 25 (ii) Outside British Domi­ nions 21 18 3 8 7 1 27 14 13 23 22 1 C.-BORN OUTSIDE ASIA 4 4. 8 5 3 37 22 16 16 8 7 (i) Europe 3 I 2 29 19 10 14 8 6 (ii) Elsewhere 4 4 5 4 1 8 3 5 1 1 42 TABLE VJ-

District, State, Provinul) OJ' Danta Dholpur Dungarpur JaillUl' Country where born r------A--- ~~--~ ,..---- ~~--.--, r------'------, Persons MaleR Fema.leR Person" Males Females Persons Males Female" Persons Males :Females 1 26 27 28 29 ao al 32 33 34 35 :J6 37 TOTAL POPULATION 31110 16218 14892 286901 158538 128363 274282 139241 135041 3040876 1595067 1445809 A.-BORN IN INDIA 31109 16217 14892 286888 158532 128856 274268 139230 135038 3040667 1594988 1445729 I. WITHIN RAJPUTANA ANI). AJMER-MERWARA 28181 15322 12859 268560 155621 112939 269812 137863 181949 8015605 1585959 1429846 (i) Within the· Statl' or District 25116 14090 11026 268966 154803 109163 262270 136417 125853 2948030 1572072 1370958 (ii) Other States .. 3062 1230 1832 3346 741 2605 7618 1425 6088 66335 12235 54100 (iii) Ajmer-Menvara 3 2 1 1248 77 1171 29 21 8 6240 1652 4:;88 1I.(a) BORN IN PROVINCES, DISTRICTS & STATES IN INDIA ADJACENT TO RAJPUTANA 2895 871 2024 17571 2709 14862 4346 1303 8043 21971 7507 14464 (i) British Territory 118 55 61 12931 2161 10770 913 439 474 18849 6468 12381 (ii) Indian States 2779 816 ]963 4640 1)48 4092 3433 864 2:;69 3122 1039 . 2083 (b) BORN 1N OTHER PRO­ VINCES AND STATES IN INDIA 82 23 9 753 200 563 67 39 28 3055 1448 1607 (i) Brit.ish Territol'Y 31 22 9 753 200 li53 67 39 28 2472 • 1301 1171 (11) Ot.her lndian States .. 1 1 583 147 430 (e) BORN IN FRENCH AND PORTUGUESE SETTLE­ MENTS AND IliDIA, UN­ SPECIFIED 1 1 4 2 2 43 25 18 36 24 12 B.-BORN IN OTHER ASIATIC COUNTRIES 1 1 9 6 3 10 9 1 121 87 34 (i) Within British Domi. ., nions 1 7 Ii 28 2ii ., (ii) Ou tsidc BI·i tish DOlllI· nions 2 2 10 9 1 93 62 31 C.-BORN OUTSIDE ASIA 4 4 4 2 2 88 42 48 (i) 'Europe 4 4 7:1 37 :H (ii) Els('whcre 4 2 2 17 I'i 12

Kushalgarh Lawa Marwar Mowar r------~------, r-----A------. ~---~ I ~------, Persons Male!! Females PerSonS Males Females Persons Males Fema.les Persons Ma.les Femal!"s 1'13 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6} 62 63 64 TOTAL POPULATION 41153 20785 20388 2808 1474 1334 2555904 1339484 1lU6440 :1928898 992073 934825

A.-BORN IN INDIA 41148 20782 20368 2808 1474 1334 2555799 1339390 1216409 :1926592 992001 934591 I. WITHIN RAJPUTANA AND AIMER-MERWARA 38255 19650 18605 2797 1471 1326 2546365 1384749 1211616 1916589 987739 928850 (i) Within the State or District 38971 19248 17723 1937 13;;7 580 2504795 1326617 1178178 1897763 981832 915921 (ii) Other States .. 1275 397 1178 798 94 704 36880 6569 29111 14679 4440 10239 (iii) Ajmer-Menvara 9 ,j 4 62 20 42 5890 ] 563 4327 4167 1467 2690 11.(a) BORN IN PROVINCES, DISTRICTS & STATES IN INDIA AD1ACENT TO RA1PUTANA 2893 1132 1761 11 3 8 8660 3481 8079 8693 3088 6605 (i) British Territory :1990 693 1297 8 7 5871 3061 2810 :1495 738 757 (Ii) Indian States 903 439 464 3 1 689 420 269 7:198 2350 4848 (b) BORN IN OTHER PRO­ VINCES AND STATES IN INDIA ~. 2874 1160 1714 1286 1158 128 (i) British Territory 1778 755 1023 1065 942 113 (ii) Other Indian States .. 1096 406 691 281 216 15 (c) BORN IN FRENCH AND PORTUGUESE SETTLE­ MENTS AND INDIA, UN­ SPECIFIED 24 16 8 B.-BORN IN OTHER ASIATIC COUNTRIES 2 2 40 26 14 94 66 29 (i) Within BI·it-ish Domi­ nions 31 HI 12 (ii) Outside British Domi­ nions 2 2 9 7 2 94 65 29 C.-BORN OUTSIDE ASIA 3 3 . '65 48 17 12 7 5'- (i) Europe 8 a 56 ··H 11 12 7 5 (ii) Elsewhere 10 4 6 43 BIRTHPLACE-( concld.)

Jaisalmer Jhalawar Karauli Kisbangarh Kotah ,-_-.A.--, ,----"---__-.., , Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 93246 51589 41657 122299 68613 58686 152413 82999 69414 104127 54600 49527 777398 403501 873897 93244 51587 41657 122280 63598 58682 152412 82999 69413 104125 54598 49527 777368 403485 373883

92116 51153 40963 108551 59883 48668 149058 82318 66740 108399 5419+ 49205 751736 398475 368281

87563 00736 3HSl7 97710 55820 41890 137107 79715 57392 82161 49005 3315li 714810 376832 337978 4561 416 4145 10716 3984 6732 11916 2586 9330 13182 2834 10348 35940 16168 19772 2 1 1 125 79 46 35 17 IS 8058 2305 5701 986 475 511'

456 212 244 12499 3066 9443 3207 633 2574 542 818 224 25196 9758 15440 280 147 133 434 224 210 1093 251 842 332 198 134 4252 2510 1742 176 65 III 12065 2832 9233 2114 382 1732 210 120 90 20944 7246 13698

867 221 446 1225 858 587 144 45 99 184 86 98 421 249 172 667 221 446 83 65 18 130 38 92 107 33 74 888 218 165 1142 593 1i49 14 7 7 77 53 24 38 31 7

5 1 1 3 3 15 5 10

2 2 17 13 4 1 1 1 1 21 13 8

1 1 3 1 2 2 17 13 4 1 1 18 11 7 2 2 1 1 9 3 6 1 1 9 :1 II 1 1 1

PHlallpUI' .--_ Partabgarh__.A._____ , .....-___Shahpul'a __.A._ __ -.,. ,...-___.__.A Sirobi____ • ,-______.A. Tonk _____ -.,. r-----A-----" -.,. Persons Males I!"emales Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PerSons Males Femalc;lS 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 315855 162202 153853 91967 46667 46300 81173 31551 29622 233879 120476 113403 353687 185842 167845 315669 . 162137 153532 91957 46662 45295 61173 31551 29622 233828 120445 113383 353685 18584.0 187846

306352 158348 148004 83561 44063 39498 60913 31450 29463 230031 118496 111536 343877 183011 160666

299883 155543 144140 75105 40390 34715 61352 29947 21405 214343 113874 100469 320977 17S208 142769 6589 2771 3818 8373 3640 4733 6439 970 5469 14939 4232 10707 22408 4716 17692 80 34 46 83 :l3 50 3122 533 2589 749 390 359 292 87 205

5885 2399 3266 8286 2540 5748 205 76 129 3276 1669 1807 9794 2695 7099 2385 1603 762 208 93 115 46 24 22 2039 1046 993 2579 1070 1509 3300 796 2504 8078 2447 5631 159 i)2 10; 1237 623 ti14 7215 1625 5590

3647 1388 2261 104 56 48 46 20 26 477 250 227 214 134 80 881 674 207 99 53 46 9 5 4 272 140 132 189 l1S 71 2786 712 2054 5 3 2 37 15 22 205 110 95 25 16 9

5 4 1 6 3 3 9 5 4 44 80 14

92 55 37 8 20 13 7

43 14 29 10 49 41 S 8 5 3 10 8 2 94 10 84 2 2 31 18 13 2 2 1 .. 1 1 21 12 9 2 2 93 9 84 1 1 10 6 4 TABLE vn AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION

1. The totals of each community will not tally with the totals of Table XIII, since Danta and Dungarpur States have included Tribes in the Hindu Community.

2. In the past the Subsidiary Tables were for religion. .on this occasion they are communitywise. For the purpose of approximate comparison, however, those, who in 1931 were classed as Hindu by religion, have now been shown as Hindu by community.

3. The Fertility Tables of a few States were found to be defective, and have therefore been excluded.

4. In Subsidiary Tables i and ii and Fertility Table II, Mean Age was calculated by Hardy's Summation Method as given by Elderton W. P., F. I. A.

5. Subsidiary Tables have been prepared for Rajputa;na only.

6. Adjustments have been made where it was necessary owing to changes of area that have occurred during the­ past decade.

7. The number of "Divorced" included in "Widowed" are as follows:- Males. Females. Rajputana •• 3729 3947 Ajmer-~erwara 383 495 45 TABLE VII-AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION


Community and Age Persons Males Females Persons Ma.les FemILles Persons Males Females Persons Males FeJ]la.les 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


TOTAL POPULATION 13870208 7169527 6500881 6047937 8598509 2449428 8322736 3130291 3192445 1299535 440727 858808 0-1 211844 106847 104797 211255 106676 104579 327 135 ] 92 82 36 26 1-2 423815 212012 211803 422291 211298 2lO993 1289 558 731 285 156 79 2-3 451572 227277 224295 448950 226326 222624 2358 829 1529 284 122 142 3-4 471249 234281 236968 466779 232727 234052 4147 1392 2755 323 162 161 4-5 438366 219751 218615 431533 217457 214076 6323 2056 4267 510 238 272 0-5 -1996646 1000168 998478 1980808 994484 986324 14444 4970 9474 1894 714 880 5-10 2000840 1050868 949972 1872292 1012943 859349 123131 35277 87854 5417 2648 2769 10-15 .. 1832137 883374- 748763 1204831 751499 453332 417788 127290 290496 9520 4585 4935 15-20 1299436 689474 6()9962 523083 405064 117999 757484 275872 481612 18889 8538 10351 20-25 .. 1210289 628893 581376 195837 181841 13996 977848 430572 547274 38588 16480 20106 25-30 1167215 609085 558130 95524 89812 5712 1010069 494540 515529 61622 24733 36889 30-35 938474 501295 435179 49017 46061 2956 811647 427745 383902 75810 27489 48321 35-40 778259 408221 370038 31772 29861 19l1 638119 344362 293757 108368 33998 74370 40-45 608848 322115 286233 23516 22158 1358 466819 262522 204297 118013 37435 80578 45-60 593663 314789 278874 21768 20192 1576 396985 240814 156171 174910 53783 12H27 00-55 454508 244152 210356 1«445 15177 1268 277694 176888 101806 160869 53087 107282 55-60 403944 212252 191692 13287 12200 1067 201330 139273 62057 189347 60779 128568 60-60 278537 146137 ]:>24(J0 9718 8501 1217 124354- 90382 33972 144465 47254 97211 65-70 149300 78309 70991 5147 4353 794 56875 42887 13788 87478 31069 56409 70 & over 160632 80395 80237 4932 4363 569 48353 37897 10456 107347 38135 69212 HINDUS t0485914 5508643 4977271 4537744 2722923 1814821 4914466 Z488081 2476435 1038704 847689 688015 0-1 157676 79939 77737 157381 79812 77569 248 100 148 47 27 20 1-2 313235 157114 156121 312048 156557 155491 989 418 571 198 139 59 2-3 337836 169977 167859 335731 169225 166506 1910 668 1242 195 84 III 3-4 352885 175815 177070 349220 174619 174601 341.8 1074 2344 247 122 125 4-5 880908 165927 164981 825858 164017 161339 5162 1725 3437 390 185 205 0-5 1492540 748772 743788 1479786 744230 785506 11727 3985 7742 1077 557 520 5-10 1520786 797316 723470 1412354 765997 646357 104159 29179 74980 4273 2140 2133 10-15 1253084 680386 572698 903756 572014 331742 341718 104692 237026 ';610 3680 3930 15-20 1000688 532884 467799 886819 305550 81269 598841 220642 378199 15028 6692 8331 20-25 927354 485296 442058 143909 135939 7970 754634 336632 418002 28811 12725 16086 25-30 899106 471850 427256 70802 67713 3089 779235 384914 394321 49069 19223 29846 30-35 724902 388814 336088 37599 35802 1797 627132 331650 295482 60171 21362 38809 35--40 603185 :n7044 286141 24812 23524 1288 492585 266908 225657 85808 26612 59196 40-45 472173 251144 221029 18914 17937 977 359810 203689 156121 93449 29518 63931 45-50 461052 244333 216719 17961 16839 Jl22 308688 184819 118869 139403 42675 96728 50-55 353163 189827 163336 13851 12753 898 212183 134570 77613 127329 42504 84825 55-60 817017 165780 151237 11026 10311 715 154398 106897 47501 151593 48572 103021 60--65 218824 113868 104956 8126 7165 961 95345 69215 26130 115353 37488 77865 65-70 118906 60394 56512 4297 31i90 707 43028 32324 10704 69581 24480 41)101 70 & over 125139 60935 64204 3982 3559 423 36003 27915 8088 85154 29461 55693 MUSLIMS 1297841 884821 613020 601187 352126 249041 587:M5 2904-14 298961 109299 42281. 87018 0-1 24037 11892 ]2145 23988 11874 12114 41 14 27 8 4 4- 1-2 45179 22417 22762 44998 22346 22650 165 60 105 18 11 7 2-3 48164 23540 22624 45868 23423 22445 254 93 16] 42 24 18 3-4 48323 24102 24221 47828 23876 23952 450 204 246 45 22 23 4-5 44047 22044 22003 43164 21828 21336 830 188 642 53 28 25 0-5 207750 103995 103755 205844 103347 102497 1740 559 1181 166 89 77 5-10 189217 99957 89260 :177261 96120 81141 11357 3552 780Ji 599 285 314 10-15 154020 82564 71456 117633 71079 46554 35548 10989 24559 839 496 343 15-20 125354 66642 58712 58213 41931 14282 67546 23821 43725 1595 890 705 20-25 114275 59286 54989 22212 19829 2383 88980 37686 51274 3103 1771 1332 25-30 104134 53867 50267 9999 9059 940 89244 42280 46964 4891 2528 2363 30-35 82411 43884 38527 4148 3848 295 72233 37213 35020 8036 2823 3212 35-40 72983 38061 34872 2492 2241 251 61179 32220 28959 9262 36()0 6662 40-4-5 57785 31024 26761 1518 1352 166 46572 25993 20579 9695 3679 6016 45--50 55319 30367 24952 1225 1041 184 40081 24596 15485 14013 4730 9283 50-55 41938 23207 ]8731 839 730 109 27862 17974 9888 13237 4503 8734 5[)-60 35740 19885 1585J; 651 /iii 1 100 19964 14069 5895 15125 5265 9860 60-65 24867 13963 10904 441 :177 64- 12574 9407 3167 11852 4179 7673 65-70 14608 8376 6230 313 287 26 6441 5060 1::181 7852 :'1029 4823 70 & ovel' 17492 9743 7749 383 334 49 6074 4995 1079 11035 4414 6621 46 TABLE VII-AGE AND CIVIL OONDITION-(contd,)


Community a.nd Age Person~ Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Ma.les Females

3 4 (\ 7 R n 10 11 12 13 JAINS 341788 169569 172229 150438 88919 61519 148601 67305 76296 47749 13335 34414 0- 1 5981 2955 3026 5967 2944 3023 10 8 2 4 3 1 1- .2 9484 4851 4633 9444 4829 4615 27 18 9 13 4 9 2- 3 10176 5207 4968 10182 5190 4942 34 15 19 9 2 7 3- 4 9472 4720 4752 9412 4692 4720 49 22 27 11 6 :') 4- ;j 8994 4480 4514 8942 4463 4479 38 Ii 2~ 19 Ii 13 0- - 5 44106 22213 21893 43897 22118 21779 153 74 79 56 21 35 ,j-lO 45149 23595 21554 44341 23322 21019 647 216 431 161 57 104 10-15 3'1416 18982 18434 - 31244 17625 13619 5905 1275 4830 267 82 185 15,-20 30083 14732 10351 14059 9997 4062 15465 4605 10860 559 130 429 20-25 28512 13523 14989 5808 4889 419 21982 8331 13651 1222 303 919 25-30 28242 13561 14681 2987 2856 131 23078 10171 12907 2177 534 1643 :30-35 25229 12646 12583 1959 1872 R7 20839 10059 102~O 2931 71.3 2216 35-40 21426 10404 11022 1502 1408 94 15774 8050 7724- 4150 940 !j2()4 40-45 17868 8957 8911 1261 1196 65 11745 6497 5248 4862 1264 3598 45-50 17675 8772 8903 1210 1166 44 9973 5856 4117 8492 1750 4742 50-5;; 14713 7275 7438 965 900 65 74% 4539 2906 6303 1836 4467 5ii-60 12976 6183 6793 755 692 63 5382 3474 1858 6889 2017 4872 50-65 9108 4326 4782 480 449 31 3251 2230 1021 5377 1547 3730 55-70 4835 2359 2476 238 218 20 1484 1131 3.33 8113 1010 2103 70 & over " 4450 2031 2419 232 211 21 1028 797 231 3190 1023 2167 CHRISTIANS 5941 3070 2871 3229 1708 1526 2358 1231 1127 854 136 218 0- 1 88 43 45 88 43 45 1- 2 178 94 84 178 94 84 2- 3 171 82 89 171 82 89 3- 4 188 89 99 188 89 99 4- Jj 162 74 88 162 74 88 0- 5 787 382 405 787 382 405

.3-10 642 343 299 630 338 202 12 Ii 7 10-15 582 301 281 647 290 267 33 !) 15-20 24 2 2 601 292 309 460 257 203 140 34 106 1 20-25 1 622 309 313 820 196 124 294 III 183 8 2 6 ~5-30 573 292 281 186 101 85 389 182 187 18 9 9 30~5 440 232 208 110 50 60 309 175 134 21 7 14 35-40 390 196 194 69 :n 38 289 151 138 32 14 18 40-45 846 164 181 89 14 2:i 269 138 131 37 12 25 45-50 338 182 154 31 IJ ]6 254 29 50-55 145 109 61 22 280 162 98 25 14 11 192 132 60 43 16 27 fJ5--6tl 166 109 57 15 8 7 106 80 26 45 21 24 60-65 84 50 34 4 1 3 17 65-70 49 35 14 31 14 60 30 30 4 ! 24 20 4 6 26 70 & OY01' ,. 32 53 26 27 2 18 14 4 83 10 2:l SIKHS 81896 46554 85342 43273 27117 16156 34824 17118 17206 4299 2319 1980 f)--- 1 14096 789 698 1496 798 698 1- 2 2715 1438 1277 2715 1438 1277 2- 3 2953 1614 1339 2948 1613 1335 ] 3- 4 2 1 3 2921 1575 1346 2910 1571 1339 9 2 7 4- .j 2 2 2646 1396 1250 2638 1393 1245 3 :2 1 5 1 0- 5 12731 6821 , 5910 12707 8818 5894 14 5 9 10 3 7 5--10 11973 6699 5274 11745 6601 5144 187 76 III 41 22 19 10-15 9989 5763 4206 8748 5420 3328 1'5-20 1172 314 858 49 29 20 8303 4748 3555 4914- 3617 1297 3332 1101 2231 57 30 27 20-25 7638 4297 3339 2853 2088 265 25-30 5172 2134 3038 111 75 36 7012 3846 3166 1212 ] 103 109 5619 2625 2994 181 118 '63 30-31> 5573 3084 2489 580 .j:!7 53 ~417 35-40 4769 2352 224 140 84 4471 2548 1923 341 :~:!O 21 40-45 3803 204:J 1761 327 186 141 3489 2041 1448 211 199 12 2929 1645 ]284 349 197 152 45-50 3109 1899 1210 152 ]45 ,j0-55 7 2479 1495 984 478 259 219 2258 1386 870 107 100 7 1707 1048 659 442 238 204 55-60 2021 1261 760 72 (iK 4 60-65 1385 902 463 584 291 293 1407 912 495 51 4H 3 864 615 249 492 249 243 65-70 847 1i63 284 29 211 3 439 334 105 • 70 & over 379 203 176 109$ fi8(i 413 51 42 I) 473 36S 108 575 279 296 47 TABLE VII-AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(contd.)

STATE OR DISTRICT POl'ULATION UNMARRIHD MARRIED ""'IDOWED --. Community and Age Persons Males }1'emalell Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

J- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ] :{ TRIBES 1468879 758834 899745 711881 406802 308279 640407 318077 324380 104091 34965 69136 0- 1 22857 11215 11142 22826 11200 11126 28 13 15 3 2 1 1- 2 5S018 26096 26920 &290-2 26032 26870 108 62 46 8 2 4 2- 3 54.268 26855 274,13 54.095 26791 27304 158 52 106 15 12 :I 3- 4 574408 27973 29475 57209 27873 29336 221 90 131 18 10 8 4- 5 51801 25823 25778 51263 26675 25588 295 130 165 43 18 25 0- 5 238890 117962 120728 237795 117571 120224- 810 347 483 85 44 41 5-10 233086 122938 110098 225925 120545 105380 6788 2249 4519 343 144 199 10-15 177037 95361 81676 142875 85054 57821 88409 10011 23398 758 296 457 15-20 134388 70167 64221 60577 43703 16874 72157 25669 46488 IBM 795 859 20-25 131841 66171 65670 21720 18893 2827 106790 45674 6Il16 3331 1604 1727 25-30 128105 65648 62457 10318 8964 1352 112506 54364 58142 5283 2320 2963 aO-35 97887 52605 45262 4808 3949 659 86831. 46214 40617 6428 2442 3986 35-40 '15814 39944 35870 2548 2331 217 84478 34974 29504 8788 2639 6149 40-45 58648 28763 27885 1567 ]457 110 45465 24541 20924 9616 2765 6851 45-50 &6143 29219 26924 1183 983 200 40489 23889 16600 14471 4347 10124, 50-55 42169 22286 19873 855 678 177 28293 17618 10675 13011 3990 9021 55-60 36002 ]9018 16984 748 570 178 20146 13837 6309 15108 4611 10497 60-65 24228 13005 11223 618 461 155 12258 8870 3388 118&4 3674 7680 65-70 12035 6582 5453 286 228 38 52&6 4016 1241 6513 2339 4174 70 & over .. 12386 6965 ii421 282 215 67 4761 3805 946 7353 2945 4408 OTHERS 449 246 203 205 119 86 205 116 90 39 12 27

0- 1 9 i; 4- 9 j 4 1- 2 8 2 (j 8 2 6 2- 3 5 2 3 IS 2 :~ 3- 4 12 7 I'i 12 7 [> 4- I) 8 7 1 8 7 1 0- 6 42 23 19 42 23 19 5-10 37 20 17 86 20 16 1 ( 10-15 29 17 12 28 17 11 1 1 15-20 24 9 15 21 9 ]2 3 :3 20-25 29 11 18 15 7 8 14 4 10 25-30 48 21 22 22 16 6 18 4 14 3 1 2 30-35 62 30 22 18 13 .'i 34 17 17 35-40 40 24 Hi 8 6 2 31 17 14 1

40-45 40 22 18 6 3 :I 29 19 HI 5 Ii 45-50 29 ]7 12 6 3 :l 21 14 7 2 2 50-55 19 9 10 3 2 1 12 7 [) 4 4 55-60 22 16 fi 19 14 Ii 3 2 L 60-65 19 ]3 (j 18 JO :J 6 :~ :1 65-70 11 5 I} 3 :l 8 2 ti 70 & over 13 !} 4- 6 l\ 7 :l 4 ABU DISTRICT TOTAL POPU- LATION 4680 2600 2080 1987 1172 815 2297 1275 1022 396 153 243 0- 1 8& 37 48 86 37 48 1- 5 547 257 290 544 257 287 3 3 5-10 &93 316 277 563 309 254 29 6 23 1 1 10-15 521 267 254 898 237 161 117 27 00 6 a 3 15-20 488 252 236 205 158 47 278 90 186 7 4 :~ 20-30 1030 593 437 186 125 11 846 439 407 48 29 19 30-40 676 430 246 24 23 1 5'17 378 199 75 29 41:1 40-50 408 248 158 19 15 4 288 201 87 99 32 67 00-60 226 142 84 8 7 r 121 99 22 97 36 61 60 & over 108 58 50 5 4 1 40 35 I) 83 19 44 HUmUS 2818 1477 1141 1112 884 428 1274 708 588 232 85 147 0- 1 47 25 22 47 25 22 1- 5 305 147 158 304 147 157 1 1 5-10 325 168 157 307 166 141 17 1 Hi 1 1 10-15 298 159 137 231 146 85 88 12 51 2 1 15-20 284 153 131 122 100 22 1&8 51 ,- 107 4 2 2 20-30 575 340 235 72 71 1 477 255 222 28 14 12 30-40 388 241 142 11 11 825 213 112, 47 17 30 40-50 227 143 84 10 10 154 112 42 63 21 42 50-80 f21 71 50 4 4 82 48 14 55 19 36 60 & over 55 30 25 4 4 17 16 1 34 ]0 24 48 TABLE VII--AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(contd.)

STATE OR DISTRICT POI'ULATIO.N l"NMARltIED MARRIED WIDOWED ,-----A-- Community and Age PersonB Ma.les Fema.les Person'S Males Females Persons Ma.les Females Persons Males }t'emales 1 2 3 4- 5 Ii 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MUSLIMS 802 465 337 344 190 154 391 234 157 67 41 26 0- 1 140 5 9 14 5 9 1- 5 77 34 43 77 34 43 5-10 111 60 51 109 59 50 2 1 1 10-15 93 43 50 72 36 36 :19 6 13 2 1 1 15--20 76 39 37 35 23 12 40 15 25 1 1 20-30 164 102 62 29 25 4 130 72 58 5 5 30-40 123 79 44 5 5 105 67 38 13 7 6 40-50 80 56 24 2 2 64 45 19 14 9 5 50-60 43 34 9 1 1 23 2l 2 19 12 7 60 & over .. 21 13 8 8 7 1 13 6 7 JAINS 14 9 5 6 5 1 7 3 1 1 0-1 " 1- 5 5--10 1 1 1 1 10-15 2 1 1 2 1 1 15--20 1 1 1 1 20-30 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 30-40 8 3 3 3 40-50 1 1 1 50-60 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 60 & over TRIBES 1065 552 513 437 244 193 553 287 266 75 21 54 0- 1 28 7 16 23 7 16 1- 5 146 68 78 144 68 76 2 2 5--10 145 78 67 135 74 61 10 4 6 10-15 118 59 59 81 49 32 35 9 26 2 1 1 15--20 117 55 62 38 30 8 77 24 63 2 1 1 20-30 244 127 117 14 14 215 104 III 15 9 6 30-40 135 83 52 2 2 119 76 43 14 fj 9 40-50 72 38 34 57 36 21 15 2 13 50-60 44- 28 16 27 25 2 17 3 14 60 & over 21 9 12 11 9 2 10 10 OTHERS 181 97 84 88 49 39 72 42 80 21 6 15 0- 1 1 1 1 1 1- 5 19 8 11 19 8 11 5-10 11 9 2 11 9 2 10-15 12 5 7 12 5 7 15-20 10 4 (I 9 4 5 1 1 20-30 M 23 21 20 14 6 22 8 a 2 1 1 30-40 32 24 8 6 5 1 25 19 6 1 1 40-50 28 10 16 8 2 4 13 8 5 7 7 50-60 15 8 7 3 2 1 7 4 3 5 2 3 60 & over .. 11 6 5 1 1 4 3 I 6 3 3


TOTAL POPULATION 823055 435411 387644 370632 221478 149154 370244 179585 190659 82179 34348 47831 0- 1 15396 7781 7615 15386 7777 7609 10 4 6 1- 5 106323 52409 5:cJ914 106051 52300 53751 245 90 155 27 19 8 5-10 112217 59676 52541 109085 58910 50175 3001 698 2303 131 68 63 10-1.') 97462 52963 44499 76307 47541 28766 20850 5270 15580 806 152 153 15-20 79825 42714 37111 85223 27427 7796 48789 14921 288118 813 366 447 20-30 189515 71362 68153 17703 16955 748 116263 52055 64208 5549 235-2 3197 30-40 105569 54,928 5064,1 5221 5024 197 88507 45138 43369 11841 4766 7075 40-50 77040 42564 34476 2870 2805 65 55274 32155 23119 18876 7604 1I292 50-60 51321 29109 22212 1649 1623 26 28449 18747 9702 21223 8739 12484 60 & over 38887 21905 16482 1137 1116 21 13856 10507 3349 23394 10282 13112 HINDUS 539369 284081 255288 248365 145246 97119 839577 115677 128900 57427 23158 34269 0- 1 9967 5044 4923 9964 5042 4922 3 2 1 1-"5 68734 33719 35015 68599 33671 34928 117 36 81 18 12 6 5-10 73840 38780 34560 71430 38380 33050 1818 356 1462 98 44 48 10-15 63011 33865 29146 49236 30621 18615 13575 3154 10421 200 90 110 15-20 51190 27271 23919 22346 17477 4869 28271 9560 18711 573 234 339 20-30 90586 46303 44283 11961 11455 506 74615 33377 41238 4010 1471 2539 30--40 89642 36228 33414 4058 3901 157 57456 29290 28166 8128 3037 5091 40-50 61884 28237 23147 2356 2319 37 35979 20843 15136 18049 5075 7974 50-60 85025 19687 15338 1480 1400 20 18708 12264 6444 14897 6023 8874 50 & over 26490 14947 11543 995 980 15 9035 6795 2240 16460 7172 9288 49


:-;TATB on DISTRICT J:>OPU],Al'IUN UNMARRl1!lD M..uc.:RIEIJ WIDOWED..A. ____ --. ~ r- ~ommllnity and Age Persons "MaleR Femalel\ Persons Males Females Persons Males ]'emales Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4- G 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MUSLIMS 220334 117827 102507 100053 59410 40843 101326 49382 51988 18968 9055 9901

1)-- 1 4288 2120 2163 4276 ::!1l8 2158 7 2 :; 1- 5 29437 14571 14866 29819 l4011) 14804 112 51 61 8 5 1 5-10 29981 16151 ]3830 29004 158<3" 13150 947 279 668 30 18 12 lO-15 26628 14754 ]1874 2U25 nnoo 7935 5485 1522 3913 68 42 26 l5-20 22263 11971 10292 10268 7922 :2346 11826 3949 7877 169 100 69 2U-30 38068 19440 18628 4591 4401 190 82294- 14308 17986 1183 731 452 :JO-40 27654- 14-43<3 13219 857 830 27 28991 12177 11814 2806 1428 1378 40-50 19815 11179 8636 368 334 24- 15031 8832 6199 4426 2013 2413 50-60 12720 7503 5217 160 156 4 7740 5177 2563 4820 2170 2650 60 & over 9485 5703 3782 95 90 Ii 3942 3065 877 6448 2548 2900 .JAIMS 4707 2526 2181 2217 1816 901 1944 982 962 646 228 818

0- 1 88 44 44 88 4..f. 44 1- 5 5&2 273 279 551 272 279 1 5-10 627 324 303 621 322 299 6 2 4, 10-15 560 299 261 491 :285 206 68 14 54 1 1 15-20 463 251 212 239 17l 6S 218 79 137 8 1 7 .20-30 752 413 :J39 109 10:; 4- 610 298 3]2 33 10 23 30-40 588 299 289 40 40 \88 238 230 80 21 59 40-50 4067 266 201 41 40 319 177 142 107 49 58 50-60 356 217 139 22 22 185 125 60 149 70 79 60 & ovar 254 140 114 15 I:) 71 48 2:l 168 77 91 TRIBES 58430 30889 27541 25869 15455 10414 27826 13581 13795 5235 1903 830 0- 1 1056 572 484 1056 572 484 1- 5 7575 383.') 3740 7557 383] 3726 15 2 13 3 .2 1 5-10 8236 4402 3834 7997 4335 3662 230 61 169 9 6 3 10-15 7242 4037 320/) 5434 3437 1997 1772 580 1192 36 20 16 16-20 5893 3213 2680 2357 1850 007 3473 1332 2141 88 31 32 20-30 10066 5193 4863 1017 990 27 8716 4M3 4653 323 140 183 30-40 7649 3952 3697 258 252 6 6570 3421 3149 821 279 542 40-50 5361 2876 2485 114 112 2 3938 2297 1636 1314 467 847 50-60 3209 1696 1513 47 45 2 18U 1177 634 1351 474 877 60 & over 2153 ll13 1040 82 31 1 806 598 208 1815 484 831 OTHERS 215 88 127 128 51 77 72 33 89 15 4 11 0- 1 2 1 1 2 1 L 1- .; 25 11 14 25 11 14 5-10 33 19 14 83 19 14 10-15 21 8 1:J 21 8 13 15-20 16 8 H 13 7 6 8 1 2 20-30 58 13 40 25 4 21 28 9 19 30-40 86 14 22 8 1 7 22 12 10 6 1 Ii 40-50 13 Ii 7 1 I 12 6 6 50-60 11 6 5 6 4 1 6 2 4 60 & over •• 5 .2 :1 2 1 1 S 1 2

'BARSWARA STATE TOTAL POPULATION 258760 129471 129289 13"952 74516 60"87 104679 50349 54830 19129 4607 14522 0- 1 5014 2521 2493 5014 2521 2493 1- 5 86716 18185 18531 36716 18185 18531 .. .. 5-10 42440 21916 20524 42104 21862 20242 02 50 272 14 4 10 10-15 32931 16540 L6391 29142 15894 13248 3725 632 3093 64 14 50 15-20 24298 11669 12629 18287 8634 4603 10887 2948 7889 224 87 137 20-30 48708 24018 24685 7187 6168 969 89926 17271 22655 1640 579 1061 30-40 29144 15433 13711 854 738 116 25365 13994 11371 2926 701 2224 40-50 18585 9184 9351 404 305 99 13664 7959 5695 4477 920 3557 50-60 12977 6338 6639 214 139 75 7561 5043 2518 5202 1156 4046 60 & over 8002 3667 4335 180 69 61 3289 2452 837 4688 1146 3437 HINDUS 74522 36799 37723 34488 19667 14821 31727 15866 16361 8307 1786 6641

~-l 1.543 780 763 1M3 780 763 1- 5 8924 4416 4508 8924 4416 4508 5-10 11161 5718 5443 10904 5689 5215 251 26 225 6 3 3 10-15 9608 4690 4918 7621 4440 3181 19409 243 1706 38 7 31 15-20 7865 3417 3948 3390 2492 898 3858 896 2962 117 29 88 20-30 1+077 7051 7026 1576 1443 133 11679 5397 8282 &a2 211 611 30-40 8930 4640 4290 238 197 41 7268 4202 3066 1424 241 1183 40-50 6056 2944 3112 143 103 40 8877 2463 1414 2036 378 1658 ;lO-60 4255 1999 2256 99 72 27 ~037 14f3 574 2119 464 1655 60 & over 2608 1144 ]459 50 35 15 808 676 132 17+5 433 1312 50 TABLE VB-AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(contd.)

HTATK OR DISTRICT PtIJ'VLA'l'10N liNlIlARIU.(o;]) ~"'JARRlEIl \VmOWED --. Community and Age Persons Ma.leR's Persons Males Females Persons ::\IaleR Females Persons Males Females

1 2 :l :; fi .. 8 ~ III 11 12 l:J "' MUSLIMS 7363 3720 364-S 3871 2031 164-0 3108 1547 1559 586 142 444- 0- I 140 56 84 140 oil N4 i) 1- 848 425 421 848 42li 421 " 5-10 1148 iJ89 557 1188 589 li47 9 !I 1 I 10-15 979 504 475 860 482 378 117 .:?1 !HJ 2 I I U-20 764 366 398 427 285 142 335 80 25J 2 I 1 20-30 1344 645 690 214 161 {j3 1086 473 613 44 11 :~3 30-40 87,a 472 400 88 21 12 748 431 31J 98 to 73 40-50 611 312 299 8 s 472 280 192 131 :24 107 50-60 899 210 189 4 :~ 283 J69 6.,. 162 :~8 J24- 00 & over 262 14,1 121 3 I 2 108 9:~ I;; 151 4i 104 IAlffS 4674 2398 2176 210i 1803 802 1816 913 903 653 182 471 0-1 80 36 404 80 3li 44 1- r. 487 2;;6 211 487 250 211 ' ' 5-10 838 346 292 680 346 284 7 7 1 t 10-lG 575 290 28:; 488 289 197 88 87 1 1 1!)--20 467 231 236 243 IS.;! Ul 217 4-7 Jill 7 2 ,:i 20-30 862 448 414 186 U3 :l 686 :l01 :W,; 80 14 46 30-40 579 321 258 25 24 1 487 269 168 117 28 89 40-50 440 230 2lC1 22 21 J 234 161 7:1 184 48 laO 00-80 296 liio! 142 11 II 121 9J :!(l 164 48 lUI 60 & over 170 86 S,I 5 ;, 46 :l!) j 119 42 ii TRIBES 1'72194- 86605 85689 94822 51485 43137 67993 32504 35489 9579 2516 7063 0- 1 3250 1(148 ]802 3250 1648 1002 1- 5 26466 13082 ] ;~384 116466 1:1082 18384 " 00 00 5-10 29485 15256 14229 29424 lfi23J 14193 55 24 :H 6 I i) 10-11) 21760 11048 1071t 20166 10675 9491 1571 367 1:!()4 23 6 17 15-20 15690 7651 8030 9185 J671 3494 • 6427 1925 4m2 98 .j,i 43 20-30 32395 15864 1653l 5199 4428 771 28483 llt94 15:189 713 342 371 30-40 18758 9997 8736 554 496 58 18908 9089 7819 1291 412 879 40-50 11414 569S 571fl 227 173 li4 9082 ;,0,;2 4(110 2125 470 1655 00-60 8017 3970 40J7 99 5:1 46 5182 3311 18lil 2756 (10(; 2150 60 & ove,' 4964 !!Z!l4 2{170 72 2K 44- 2825 1642 osa 2667 624 194a OTHERS 107 49 58 66 29 37 37 19 18

BHAKATPUK STATE TOTAL POPULATION 6'75625 S10340 265285 274317 181475 112842 241348 120881 120967 59960 28484 314'76

0-1 11799 5805 599! 11798 5805 ,j093 1 1 " 1- I) 78738 39155 39581 78826 3908:{ 39543 93 .1', 36 17 1.3 oJ 5-10 86427 43259 431GI'! 88809 4267:; 41134 2551 J4,i :W06 67 39 2~ 10-15 67314 36383 30931 62105 320l() 2{)O95 16010 427:1 10737 199 100 99 15-20 54520 30037 24483 24033 18604: :5429 29905 11122 18783 582 311 ·271 20-30 89553 53428 36125 14538 14126 412 '71174 37346 33828 3841 1956 1885 30-4() "694& 40219 3572~ 4614 <1524, 110 6~S99 :U769 30630 89tO 3926 4984. 4()-50 68894 28320 2507<1 2~47 2490 57 361S8 19495 16643 14'l09 6335 8374 50-60 Sa'l21 19438 14283 1414 1372 42 15980 9585 6345 16377 8481 7896 60 &ovel' 94218 14,296 9922 813 786 27 8147 6189 1958 15258 7321 7937 HINDUS 449091 248961 206130 214580 126160 88430 185688 94250 91488 48828 28581 25281

0- 1 9041 448;> 4556 9041 4485 4556 ' 0 1- I) 60683 29914 30669 60508 29868 a0640 61 33 28 14 13 1 5--10 68981 33906 35025 66781 33458 a3323 2094 4U 1681 56 35 21 10-15 52454 28267 24187 4019B 24776 lli417 12103 a!1i'; 8688 158 76 82 15-20 42461 23510 18951 1850'1 14466 40U 184,78 8801 14672 481 243 288 20-30 68044 42200 25844 11405 IlI31 274 63541 29588 23953 8098 1481 1617 30-4.0 60848 32229 28614 8828 3742 86 49'761 25319 24442 '1254 81R8 4(186 40-50 4t882 22256 10076 2289 2248 41 2'1081 14724 12307 12012 5284 6'728 00-00 2614.1 15~SO 1~461 1298 1268 3{} 11809 'lOSS 4224 185M 'lS2'l 6201 60 & over 19281 11514: 7747 '730 708 22 8815 4872 1443 12218 5934 6282 51 TABLE VII--AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(contd.)


Community a.nd Ago P(m~onf! 1\1&I(,B Fl'm61f'B PerRO]lR Males FemaleR Persons MaJes Females Persons ::Males Female,.; ., :1 :; Ii i s !) II) II 12 13 MUSLIMS 110296 57670 52626 5210Z 80703 21399 48684 22675 25959 9560 4292 S268 0- 1 2430 ll-I-l- 1:l86 2430 H·U 12H6 1- 5 15894 HiO.") 7789 15862 8081 7781 30 :!3 7 2 I I .>-10 15294 81.30 7144 14866 8020 6840 418 120 298 10 4 6 10-1.; 13036 7111 592'> 10440 6:U,1) 4093 2559 744 1815 37 22 10 1.3-20 105...... 5683 4861 4847 3632 121.3 560'7 1989 3618 90 62 28 to-30 18707 H726 8081 2687 2557 L:lO 15374 6736 li638 846 433 213 30--10 13049 U934 6115 6 ...9' (;27 ~2 10989 563n 5350 1411 668 743 40-50 10459 .3:l21 ,323S 183 J61j 15 7979 414'; :1834, 2297 908 1389 50-60 6603 :J22!i 3aHt) 80 70 10 4095 :B55 1940 2428 998 1430 tiO &; oVlJr 4280 :!:J73 Jl)07 58 5:l :i 1583 1124 459 2839 1196 1443

JAINS 2724 1440 1284 1284 753 531 1087 587 550 353 150 203

0- 47 :W Hi ... 7 :!!l J!'I 1- .j 372 1 S!J 183 871 18!J J ~:! 1 5-LU 346 ISS 158 34S 187 156 2 1 10-1:; 300 138 162 285 ]32 133 35 Ii 29 I';--:!O 245 123 122 116 75 41 126 -t7 79 S 1 :2 :W-30 452 235 217 56 56 374 liO :!O..l 22 9 I:} 30-40 361 192 15U 88 38 268 135 128 SO 19 31 40-;;0 294 159 135 27 27 170 95 70 97 37 60 50-00 177 96 81 12 11 82 ,'):! 30 83 33 5(1 60 &- ovel' , . 140 !II 4H 9 !I 34 :11 :J 97 .n 46

TRIBES 12435 6640 5796 5838 3524 2JS14 54-54 26'75 2779 1143 441 702 0- I 256 133 )23 255 1:13 1:.!:l t 1- 5 1747 868 879 1745 86ti tl79 1 I " 1 5-10 1'710 927 783 1677 919 758 33 H 2.3 10-15 1405 790 615 1114 693 421 288 96 192 3 2 15-20 1171 ijli5 506 518 39;; 123 8 ... 5 ::1;1);; 380 8 :; 3 20-30 2151 116:! !J89 349 342 7 1734 789 945 68 31 37 30-411 1562 783 779 108 lO6 2 :1271 613 658 :183 64 119 40-50 1201 626 575 40 :{O I 868 487 381 293 100 193 .30-60 747 40! 343 17 16 I 416 271 14':> 314 117 197 60 &. ovor .. 485 282 203 15 I.~ 197 14-5 52 273 122 151

OTHERS 1079 829 4&0 513 3"'5 188 485 244 241 8:1 400 41 1)- 1 25 l.I II 26 14 II 1- 5 140 iIJ 61 140 70 In G-I0 146 8~ .38 142 81) 37 4 S. 1 10-15 119 77 42 93 64 29 25 12 13 1 15-20 99 .56 43 45 3n !I 54 :!o 34 20-30 199 105 9·'" 41 41) I 161 63 88 '7 2 5 30-40 138 HI 57 11 11 115 63 ,')2 12 7 .'i 40-50 108 58 50 8 8 90 44 46 10 6 4 50-60 53 35 18 '7 .. 28 22 6 :18 ti 12 60 & ovel' 52 36 16 1 18 17 I 33 18 15 BIKAJlER STATE TOTAL POPULATION 1292938 895767 597171 612306 387830 244878 571201 286970 284-231 109... 81 41167 882840 0- 1 19608 10.307 9096 :19603 10507 9096 .. 1- Ii 182902 80022 77880 182634 849011 77728 178 6:! 116 90 54 36 ;)-10 193597 104444 89153 188503 102101 H4402 6329 1997 4332 766 346 419 10-13 161338 86.377 74761 127l:17 75958 514;)9 32898 J006K 22630 1223 ;;iH 672 15-20 133712 73459 6025:1 81693 45117 16;)76 69475 27251 42224 2544 1091 1453 20-30 233867 127707 106160 35381 32217 3lfl4 187876 90.37.; 97301 10610 4915 5695 30-40 155557 83668 71889 8284 7688 .;96 131230 69437 61793 :18043 6543 9500 40-.30 104682 56799 47883 4503 4153 :l.'}O 78176 45193 32983 22008 7453 1"550 50-60 74328 39731 34595 3352 2962 :190 ... 3857 27616 ]6241 27U7 9153 17964 60 & ovel' 58354 27853 2550] 2936 2021 fll.i 21382 14771 6611 29088 11061 17975

HINDUS 992601 533678 ·458923 462152 278781 183391 441085 221860 219175 89414 38067 58367 0- 1 1465 ... 7950 6704 14854 7950 6704 1- I' 121915 63999 579l(} 121820 63963 ,;;857 72 an 42 23 6 17 G-IO 14-72 ...7 79634 67613 t42033 78003 64030 4"/12 l-tf)fl 3312 502 231 271 10-15 123609 60070 57539 96738 5777ti 3t1957 26013 79L:J 18100 868 ,38] '82 15-20 102934 ;)6779 46155 45950 33830 12120 5... 909 2:2089 32820 2075 860 1215 20-30 181245 99566 81679 25889 23830 2009 146539 71691 74848 8867 4045 4822 30--40 120086 fi4382 55704 6251 1i86:l 388 100SSO 53091 47431} 18805 6428 7877 40-00 80961 43502 374:;9 3648 3435 :H3 59238 34130 t510R 18075 5937 12138 1iO-60 58430 30791; 27634 2807 2553 2:;.( 33275 2084] ]2434- 22348 7402 14946 Iill & OW"!' 41520 tlOOfl 2(1,.20 2417 15r;" Ri)~' 15747 lO(\7:; rlO72 23856 87fi7 145S9 52 TABLE VII-AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(contd.)

STATE OR DISTRICT POPULA'rlON UNMABlUED !\'[ARRIED WIDOWED t "-- ---.. Commllnity eud "Age Persons Ma.les Fema.les Persons :\1a.le8 Females Pt'rSOIlR Ma.les Fema.les Persons Ma.leR Femalef,

.) :! -l .) ij 7 ~ !) 10 11 It 13 MUSLIMS 185323 99830 85493 91731 53584 39167 80526 41276 39250 12066 4990 7076 0- I 2936 1463 1472 2936 1463 1472 1- 5 28021 13148 12873 26871 13075 12796 93 2t1 65 57 45 12 5--10 29488 15408 14080 28064 14868 13196 1281 464 797 163 76 87 10-15 28SBO 1:1716 10844 19060 11067 7983 4815 1534 2781 195 11;') 80 15--20 18956 10297 8659 9583 6798 2785 9091 3323 5768 282 176 106 20-30 32214 17540 14674 5459 4775 684 25896 12156 13540 1059 69 400 3()-40 21296 11757 9539 878 789 89 18798 10257 8541 1620 711 909 40-50 14255 8014- 6241 405 :306 99 11518 6825 4693 2382 883 144!) .50-60 9554 5404 4150 281 186 45 6414 4217 2197 2909 lOtH 1908 60 & over 7044 4083 2961 256 237 18 3340 2472 868 3449 1374 2075

JAIRS 34426 16578 17847 14786 8697 6089 16893 7016 8877 3746 865 2881 0-- I 652 320 232 552 :320 232 1- (; 3868 1962 1906 3868 J 962 1906 .. 5-10 5099 2840 2259 4889 2765 2104 170 58 112 60 17 43 10-15 4351 2133 2218 3041 ]802 1239 1193 :1011 888 117 :UJ 91 15-20 3610 1697 1913 1313 927 38£; 2167 74(1 1421 180 24 106 20-30 6950 2546 3404 561 473 78 5006 2003 3003 393 70 :l23 30-40 4844 2053 2291 222 19!) !!3 8589 1764 1775 583 90 493 40-50 3012 1428 1584 96 79 17 2189 1163 976 777 186 591 50-60 2137 938 1199 141 60 81 1187 {i35 502 859 243 616 60 & o VOl' 1602 661 841 133 lIO 23 542 :142 200 827 209 618

CHRISTIANS 420 239 181 216 112 104 189 123 86 15 4 11

0- I 9 .j 4 9 .j 4 1-15 48 24 24 48 24 :!4 5-10 82 23 n 32 2:1 9 10-15 25 14 II 22 12 11) 3 :2 15-20 32 20 12 21 15 6 11 j 6 20-30 104 53 51 37 18 19 82 3:1 29 6 2 3 30-40 95 46 49 35 7 28 57 38 10 3 :2 40-50 48 32 16 11 ~• 4: 35 2j; 10 2 2 50-60 21 18 3 1 17 17., 3 3 60 & over 8 4 :2 4 ". 2 1 1 TRIBEs 1341 708 833 619 334 285 630 342 288 92 32 80 0- 1 81 13 18 81 13 H! 1- 5 189 83 106 189 83 lOti 5-10 190 96 94 187 95 92 8 1 2 10-15 162 81 81 111 65 46 50 15 35 1 15-20 160 73 77 56 38 18 93 34 59 1 20-30 268 164- 104 36 31 j 224 128 96 8 5 3 3()-40 138 71 67 6 tI 115 61 54 17 4 13 40-50 98 64 34 1 J 74 u!J 2l 2S 10 13 50-60 .". 71 43 211 1 ] 48 as 10 22 4- 18 60 & over .. 44 20 24 1 1 23 12 II 20 7 13

SIKHS 78815 44725 34090 41796 28168 15838 32921 18348 18673 4098 2219 1879

0- 1 1421 766 66.'} 1421 756 665 1- I) 10880 5805 5055 10837 5798 5039 13 4 9 10 a 7 5--10 11540 6442 5098 11817 6346 4971 183 74 109 40 22 18 10-15 9631 5563 4068 8460 5236 3224 1124 299 825 47 28 19 15-20 8030 4593 3437 4770 3509 1261 8204 1054 2150 56 30 26 20-30 14084 7838 6246 3458 3090 368 10348 4564 5784 278 184- 94 3()-40 9593 5355 4238 890 822 68 8188 4224 3964 515 309 206 40-50 8806 3756 2549 342 325 17 6169 2994 2175 794 437 357 .50-60 4113 2532 1581 171 161 10 2966 1868 1098 976 503 473 60 & over 3238 2085 1153 180 115 15 1726 1267 459 1382 703 679

OTHERS 13 9 4 8 4 2 7 '6 2 0- 1 1 1 1 1- 5 1 1 5-10 1 1 10-1;) 15-20 20-30 2 2 1 1 1 30-40 5 4 I 2 2 3 2 40-50 3 3 S· 3 50-60 flO & (lY~" 53 TABLE VII-AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(contd.)

I:lTATF. OR DISTHIIJT POPULATION U NJl.lARRIEI) }lARRIED WIDOWhD r r- --... Communit,y anrl Agt' PerHons Males Fema.lcs Persons Ma.les Femalet, Persons Males :Femalos Persons Mal<-s }\'lnaloH

:l ;~ 4- fj 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

BUNDI STATE TOTAL POPULATION 249374 130038 119338 109110 84803 44307 118080 58277 59803 22184 6958 15228 0-- 1 3084 1485 1599 3082 1485 1597 2 .2 1- 5 32812 16326 16486 32748 16300 16446 65 2;; 40 1 I S-10 369a2 1923:l L768!) 85386 18890 16496 1495 326 Il1i9 41 17 24 lo-U; 28436 15341 13095 21323 13508 7815 6998 1788 52]0 115 45 70 15-20 21516 11129 10387 8506 6864 1642 12744 4152 8592 266 1l:J 153 20-30 45104 23482 :!222~ 5219 4991 228 38859 17759 21110 1626 732 894 30-40 34068 18731 15337 1373 1340 33 29lo83 16321 13162 3212 1070 2142 40-50 21314 11159 10155 696 671 22 15345 8986 6359 5276 1502 3774 50-60 16977 8274 7703 626 508 18 9026 5937 3089 6425 1829 4596 60 & over 9541 4878 4663 256 246 10 4063 2983 1080 5222 1649 3573 HINDUS 186063 96603 89460 80065 47547 32518 88792 43744 45048 17208 5312 11894

(J-- I 2300 1091 1209 2298 J()U 1 1207 2 2 1- J 24244 12092 12152 24199 12080 12119 44 II 33 1 5-1U 27345 14274- 13071 26130 14001 12129 1186 ;Wl 925 29 I:! 17 10-15 21035 11348 9687 15533 9900 5633 5412 1409 4003 90 30 ;)) 15-20 16003 8192 7811 6108 4935 1173 9682 3163 6519 213 9,1 111} 20-30 34206 17430 16776 3701 3509 192 29281 13360 15871 1274 5tH 713 30-40 25575 14052 11523 973 1)46 27 22099 12272 9827 2503 834 1669 40-50 16073 8361· 7712 518 500 H! 11455 6695 4760 4100 1166 2934 50-60 12084 6186 5898 406 392 14 6705 4405 2300 4973 1389 3584 60 & ovel' 7198 :3577 3621 199 193 6 2976 2168 808 4023 1216 2870 MUSLIMS 11776 6145 5631 4922 2875 2047 5777 2927 2850 1077 343 734 0-· 1 198 93 105 198 93 Hl5 1- 5 1413 654 759 1410 652 758 3 :2 5-10 1615 868 747 1529 846 683 82 20 Ii:? :! j 10-15 1342 713 629 1008 631 377 328 82 ::!46 t ., Ii 15-20 1055 542 513 438 338 100 603 to:? 4-01 14 t~ 20-30 2151 1113 1038 244 233 11 1829 SJ.i !J84 78 :J.3 4:1 30-40 1584 8,1-6 738 47 43 4 1393 7.111 64:~ 144 ii:~ 01 4()-50 1084 595 489 21 17 4 828 ,31t 317 235 67 168 50-60 803 440 363 16 14 2 490 33S ]52 297 !IS 209 60 & over 5S1 281 250 11 S 3 221 177 44 299 96 203 JAINS 4722 2502 2220 1923 1271 652 2090 1023 1067 709 208 501 11- 78 32 -1-0 78 :>:! J(i ., 1- 5 441 tall t02 489 t:m tOO 2 .3-10 514 26:> 249 507 263 :?4J 7 t ,; 10-15 451 23;; 216 845 214 131 102 :!o 82 4 1 • :1 15-20 407 208 199 147 119 28 252 88 164 8 I 7 20"":'30 852 459 :193 162 11)2 631 274 :157 59 t:~ :~W 30-40 727 411 316 108 107 497 268 229 122 :JU ali 40-50 554 291 263 69 fi9 307 171 13n 178 ,jl ]27 liO-60 439 217 :!2:l 46 .... l) 193 I:W 73 200 ,:;2 J48 (i0 & ovel' 259 14.; 114- 22 21 99 80 III 138 H !-l.j. TRIBES 46554 24626 21928 22076 13027 9049 21308 10517 10791 3170 1082 2088

II-I 501 :!ti.i 23(i 501 2H.; ~:~(i J-- () 6692 :~:J:~o :~36t 6676 :$:318 :J358 16 12 J .)-]0 7409 :1800 :1609 7181 :J754 :1-1,27 220 4:1 177 8 :1 :i 10-11) 5576 aO::!4 2,352 4411 2744 )667 1150 :375 87,1 15 .i 10 1.J-20 4028 217:) IR50 1799 1461 3:18 2198 695 150:3 31 In 1':; 20-30 8454 ±45~ 4000 1098 1076 :!2 7141 3265 B876 215 11:1 10:2 30-40 6144 !140:! 2742 243 243 5460 3013 2447 441 14'i 295 40-50 3672 1890 1682 85 85 2733 1595 1138 754 210 .344 ;)62 ;)()-60 2634 1418 1216 58 :;7 1626 1064-,,- 950 297 653 60 & over 1544 871 673 24 24 764 ,").),) :W!-l 756 2ft:! 40t

OTHERS 259 162 97 124 83 41 113 66 47 22 13 9

()- 1 7 4 :1 7 0.1- a 1- 5 22 11 11 22 11 11 5-10 39 26 13 39 26 13 10-15 32 21 II 26 19 7 6 2 4 15-20 23 15 8 14 11 3 9 4 !l 20-30 41 26 l;j i4 11 :1 37 15 12 :10--41' 38 20 J8 2 I I 34 )S Hi 2 I 40--511 31 2~ II 22 14 II 9 s 50-60 17 13 4 12 10 2 Ii 3 :! (10 & over 9 t :; 3 :l 1 5 54 TABLE VII-AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(contd.)

STATE OR DISTRICT POPULATION UNYAl\lUED l[AltBIED WIDOWED ,-- Community and Age Pel"sons Males Females Personf! Males FCIDa.les Persons Malos Fema.les Persons Ma.les Females

2 :{ 4- 5 Ii 7 Ii :, ]0 II 12 I:l


TOTAL POPULATION 31110 16218 14892 14617 8443 6174 14365 7207 7158 2128 588 1580

0-- I 473 247 2.l!6 478 247 ~:H) .. 1- .i 4389 2068 2301 4348 2059 22t17 23 H 14- ;)-10 4726 2499 ~227 4424 240] 2023 294- U3 20] 8 J :.I IO-U'i 3823 2074 1749 3027 IM24 1203 782 244 ;j3R 14 I) 8 I.i --20 2867 1,;Ofo( 1359 1414 1(123 391 1424 J71 \),j:l 29 U l.j

:lO---:l1l 6657 2!)42 :l71.3 748 7'J-l 44 4753> 2,jI'lJ 156 7U !H.i :JO---tll 8907 2153 17;J4 109 III!) 31)4.3 1960 1;)s:, 255 84 171 2460 laoo ) IIi4 40 -10 1948 1130 81.2 472 130 :142 ,iO-lill 1729 887 B-l2 27 27 1077 717 :)(j(' 825 143 482 1i0 ,Ie 1),,0'\ 1099 03+ ;)1)5 9 ~I 521 .tO~1 ll:! 569 11(\ -l;)a

HINDUS 27810 14509 13301 13333 7698 5635 12679 6350 6329 1798 461 1337

u-- I 387 :!U:l I S;J 387 20:l ISij 1- .j 4006 IS8ii :!121 3989 1877 :!lJ2 17 l! !J .3-10 4279 2271 :W08 4051 l!206 1845 220 00 16U 8 J a 10-15 3410 1864 ]546 2774 1678 1090 623 181 -142 13 5 8 J ii-:?CI 2565 1347 1218 1297 04(1 3:)7 1244- :397 1147 24 lO II

:!I)- 30 5091 26z7 U64 682 Iii:? -10 4276 1!:I3:? 23U 133 ;;3 so 30--40 3466 1908 15,)7 93 93 3154 17JI 140:! 218 fi4 1';4 40-1i0 2143 1132 1011 33 33 1711 1001 710 399 98 301 fJO-60 1513 78:1 728 20 20 962 (j,14 318 531 121 410 IjO & 0\,('" 951 488 463 7 7 472 370 96 472 105 367

MUSLIMS 2968 HiSS 1433 usa 639 484 1570 800 770 275 96 179

11- I 77 31:1 39 '17 31:1 :m J-- 5 332 168 164 326 J 67 l;j9 6 1 5 ,)-10 404 204 200 330 171 159 74 :la 41 10-15 872 187 185 215 123 112 156 63 93 1 1 IJ-20 282 140 133 102 71 :11 175 74 101 5 4

20-30 514 28(i 228 60 *6 -1 444 it.! 2:lO 20 16 4 :10-40 898 225 173 12 12 355 194 161 31 19 12 40-[i(l 270 14G 125 4- .. 209 115 94 57 26 :H .j')-60 • 191 92 99 Ii [J 106 67 :J9 80 20 60 UO & 0\'01' 128 41 87 2 2 45 29 16 81 10 71

JAINS 326 168 158 160 105 55 111 52 59 55 U 44

0- I 9 i :! 9 ; ~ 1- J 3t I.; 16 31 15 16 5-10 43 24 19 43 24 19 10-IJ,) 41 23 18 38 23 15 3 :1 15--211 20 12 8 15 12 :J 5 .3

:W-30 50 ~7 l!3 15 15 32 II 21 3 I 2 :10-40 42 11'1 24 4 -1 32 13 19 6 I 5 40-50 45 27 18 3 a 26 It-! R 16 ti 10 iiO-60 25 10 16 2 2 9 (j :3 14 ~ 12 60 & oveJ' 20 i'i I;) 4- -l 18 1 16

OTHERS 6 6 1 1 5 5

0- 1 1- 5 5-10 10-1.) 15-:!0

20--::1.0 2 2 1 1 30-40 2 ~ 2 :! 40-50 2 2 2 .J 50-60 .. ill) & over .. 55


STATE OR DISTRICT POPULATION UNMAR1UED MARltlED 'WIDOWED r- r------., Cornrnullit.v and Age Persons l\f8.Jes .Fernal"" Persons Males l"'emalt's Person" Male" F"mall'& PersoIls Males ]<~emales

2 :1 ... jj 6 "; ~ ~ 10 11 12 13

DHOLPUR STATE TOTAL POPULATION 288901 158538 128363 131118 82032 49086 125105 62574- 62531 30878 13932 18746

(1-- I 4965 2(31) 2329 4965 2636 2329 L- 5 36712 183()4 111408 36108 18303 L8405 4 1 3 5-10 41178 22000 19178 39354 21542 17812 1797 446 1351 27 12 IJ IO-b; 32476 18186 14290 24134 15671 8463 8200 2446 1i754 142 fi9 73 15-20 31243 14502 16741 10427 87G8 1669 20457 5.H5 14912 359 J99 160 20-30 50138 27666 23070 8335 8111 224 40111 18315 2J796 2290 1240 1050 :10-40 35135 21737 1399S 3590 3509 81 27338 15940 11396 4809 2288 2521 40-50 28115 16563 9552 1989 1944 45 18306 11099 5207 7820 3520 4300 50-60 16177 10109 6068 1022 994: 28 7488 5816 1672 7667 3299 4368 60 & over 11564 6835 472!1 594 564: 30 3406 291)6 440 7564 :l305 42i.i9 HINDUS 253444 140560 112884 116464 73311 43153 109876 54850 55026 27104 12399 14705

0- 1 4361 230;; ~O56 4361 2305 2056 1- 5 32530 10237 1629:1 32526 16236 16290 4 I :1 5-10 36664 19642 17022 35026 19248 15778 1614 385 122H 240 II Iii 10-15 28159 16190 12563 21413 13995 7418 7218 ~142 507ti 128 :m U!j 15-20 28112 It801 1'>311 9153 7762 1391 186403 4808 13775 318 171 145 20-30 44630 N3RG 202Mi 7393 7271 122 35197 16019 19178 2040 1095 945 30-40 31326 19313 1201:1 3268 3233 3:; 23821 14054 9767 4237 202R 2211 40-50 22684 14616 8068 1836 1810 26 13957 9662 429.3 6891 3144 3747 50-60 14215 8998 5217 949 933 16 6465 5110 13;;5 6801 2955 3846 60 & over .. 10188 G067 40M 639 51B 21 2957 26(19 3.J.M 8667 2940 3727 MUSLIMS 18509 9850 8659 8287 48400 3447 8300 4206 4094 1922 804 lU8

0- I 354 19H lo")(; 354 198 1;;6 1- u 23a 1124 11\)1) 2314. 1124 1190 5-10 2548 Ia27 1221 24640 1303 1161 82 .:!2 60 2 2 10-15 2041 1079 1162 1573 963 610 4640 113 351 4 3 I 15-20 1683 892 791 762 584 178 901 296 B05 20 12 K 20-30 3155 1659 1496 497 419 78 2533 1165 1368 125 in 50 30-40 2377 1269 HOS 162 123 39 1929 1016 !n3 286 130 156 40-50 1982 1147 815 78 61 15 14340 904 530 452 lR2 270 ,j()-60 1140 114:6 494 41 30 11 642 445 197 457 171 286 no & OY6r .. 935 [lOg 42() 44 3ll \) 316 245 70 576 229 347 JAIKS 1193 971 822 827 497 330 726 350 376 240 124 116 0··- 1 37 13 24 37 13 H J-- 5 201 93 114 207 9:J 114 6-10 237 120 117 234 118 ill; S .) 1 10-15 194 107 87 157 9S 59 36 9 27 1 1 15--20 150 76 74 65 51 }4. 81 23 58 4 2 2 20-30 285 154 131 403 43 220 99 121 22 12 10 30-40 250 141 109 36 34- 2 181 92 89 33 15 18 40-50 214 132 S2 81 30 I 116 65 51 87 37 30 iJO-60 140 88 !;4 12 12 67 41 26 61 33 28 60 & OVE'I" '79 49 :JO 5 ;:; 22 19 3 52 25 27 TRIBES 12162 6943 5819 5304 3250 2054 6069 2100 2969 1389 593 796

u- I 202 113 SO 202 113 89 1-- 5 1607 81S 789 1607 818 789 ;'-10 1674 879 795 1575 841 734- 98 37 (H 1 I 10--1.; 14043 780 U63 955 592 363 479 181 :.!98 9 7 2 15-20 1263 717 546 4020 347 73 824 301) 468 19 14 is 20-30 2590 1435 1155 367 361 (j 2121 1017 1104 102 :;7 41i 30-40 1721 977 744 112 112 1859 7.'in 609 250 1 IIi 135 40-50 1225 654 571 42 42 778 457 321 405 155 250 50-60 664 369 295 18 IS 304 215 8n 342 136 206 60 & 0"1'1' 873 201 172 6 6 106 87 III 261 108 153 OTHERS 393 214 179 236 1340 102 134 68 88 23 12 11 0- 1 11 7 4 11 7 4 1- 5 64 32 22 54 32 22 5--10 56 32 23 55 32 23 lO-l;; 39 24: 15 36 23 13 3 1 :! 15-20 35 16 19 27 14 13 8 2 6 20-30 76 33 43 86 17 18 40 15 25 1 30-40 81 37 24 12 7 5 46 28 18 3 2 1 40-40 80 14 18 4 1 3 21 11 10 5 2 3 50-60 18 10 8 2 1 1 10 5 5 8 2 60 & over 140 n Ii 6 6 8 "3 I) 56


~TATE OH DTf04THW'I' POPfTLATIO!'. l: N _\1 ARlt u: () :\LAHUU:IJ \\'lhOWI~1> , ____----A- .....__ ..A. ,-- , ,-- r------A. l Commuuity and ,\.1((' P(,I·.~on" Mal(,M Fornalt'''' POf>!OIl" :\1al"" }<'emalo" P(,TROIlt-. Mrtlt> ... (·'elnalp" J1(,T~on" ~ral('~ Ff'mah-~ ., :l 4- ;; (i "i ~ \1 10 11 12 1:1


TOTAL POPULATION 274282 139241 136041 136403 75806 59597 117551 57650 59901 21328 5785 15543

(I-- I 5087 244-1- :! ;;~):~ 5037 2444- 2;;0:1 1- :; 36659 17727 IM!J:12 36653 L772lJ 1~!f27 6 1 ;; 5-10 43597 22964- 200:l3 43396 2291::! 2048:: 198 49 149 3 :2 10-15 34985 18320 16601i 30071 1718fl 12885 4887 L10l!! 3729 77 26 51 15-20 26879 13451 134:28 13237 9267 :3970 13841 4-06l!! 9273 301 116 185

:W-30 51458 25811 2564';' 5873 51;)6 .iI7 48827 19995 23832 1958 660 1298 :iO-40 31564 1(:1443 15121 891 604 87 27690 15097 12593 3183 742 2441 40-50 20485 10121 10364- 337 27a 64 15139 8680 6459 5009 1168 3841 30-60 14871 7527 7344- 218 168 45 8689 5764 290fi 5989 1595 4394 GO &- QV('I' 8747 443:1 4314 95 69 t6 3844 2888 9iHj 4808 1476 3332

HINDUS 259149 131407 127742 128751 71874- 56871 110791 54215 56576 19601 5318 14289

0-- I 4790 2:124 :24()6 4190 :2324 2466 J-- 5 35213 17032 HU8' 35213 17032 18181 5-10 41511 21928 19649 41423 21894 19529 152 33 119 2 1 10-15 33171 17390 15781 28540 16305 12235 4560 1061 3499 71 24 47 J'i-20 25808 12663 1264,5 12431 8676 3755 12591 3877 8720 280 110 170

20-30 48418 :24205 24213 5184 4692 492 41454 18911 22543 1780 602 1178 30-40 29662 15336 1422(j 619 532 87 26033 14135 11898 2910 669 2241 40-50 19058 9383 967:J 289 227 62 14175 8079 6096 4592 1077 3515 .10-60 13854 (1984 6870 179 134 45 8163 5388 2770 5512 1462 4050 60 <'Ie over 8200 4162 403S 83 liS 25 3857 27al fI:W 4460 137:J 3087

MUSLIMS 9068 4743 4325 4032 2323 1709 4288 2:199 2089 148 221 527

0- 1 150 81 69 150 81 69 1- 5 911 442 469 905 441 464 6 5 5-10 124 641 633 1228 625 603 45 15 :W 1 1 10-15 1144 574 570 931 529 408 203 43 160 4 2 :2 15-20 984 470 494 486 343 143 466 ]23 34-3 12 4- H

:20-30 1819 970 849 282 261 21 1455 679 776 82 30 52 :10-40 1185 653 532 21 27 1041 591 450 117 35 82 40-50 832 465 367 8 8 840 410 230 184 47 137 50-60 502 294 208 6 6 316 238 78 180 50 130 fiO & over 287 153 134 3 2 116 99 ]7 168 52 116

JAiNS 6047 3079 2968 2615 1606 1009 2460 1228 1232 972 245 727

0- 1 97 9 58 97 39 58 1-- [) 535 361 282 535 253 282 ,3-10 745 394 351 144 393 351 1 L 10-15 668 355 :U3 592 351 241 74 4- 711 2 2 1 :)--20 601 :U8 :!R9 320 248 72 278 tiS ::!](l 9 2 7

20-·:-10 1217 ti34 .il!!:1 206 202 4 916 405 511 95 27 68 :10-40 811 450 351 46 4.5 810 367 243 156 38 118 40-50 594 271 323 39 38 1 322 189 133 283 44 189 50-60 518 247 266 28 :!s 188 136 52 297 83 2]4- 60 & QVf'r 260 118 142 9 fl 71 ;'iR 1:1 180 ;\1 12fl

OTHERS 18 12 6 5 3 2 12 8 4 1 :1

tJ- 1 i- .J .i-1O 1 1 to-Hi 2 2 15--20

20-30 4- .2 2 1 2 .) 1 30-40 7 ,3 2 7 ;, 2 40-50 3 2 1 2 2 50-60 1 1 60 & ovc;-r ti7. TABLE VII--AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(contd.)

HTATE OR Dl~TR1CT .POPULATlO~ UNMARRIED M.ARBIED WIDOWEb r- ~ ,. Community a.nd Age Persons Males Females Persons Males Females-- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females :! :I 4 r. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

IAIPUR STATE TOTAL POPULATION' 3040876 1595067 1445809 1282812 181107 50170.5 1469.544 710365 749179 298MO 108695 194925 0--- J 4.6796 23534 23262 46735 :!3517 23218 58 1,) 43 3 2 1 1- 5 393723 197565 196158 391344 196962 194382 2289 .'j69 1720 90 34 56 5--10 438986 233818 205168 405009 225245 179764 82850 8033 24817 1121 540 587 10-15 354551 191678 162873 288749 158173 80676 113601 32557 81044 2201 948 1263 15-20 278577 147969 130608 96540 80788 15752 178154 65575 112579 8883 1606 2277 20-30 500899 255922 244477 58385 52049 4316 424730 196487 228243 198M 7386 11918 30-40 389584 202894 186690 20805 18823 1782 328182 170607 157575 40797 13464 27333 -l0-50 289883 155635 134248 13184 12230 954 209829 121503 88126 67070 21902 45168 .00-60 200256 WalS6 92100 8466 7808 658 112558 72967 39591 19283 27381 61851 60 & ovCl' .. 148121 77896 7022:; 5815 .')512 303 57493 42052 Hi441 84813 30332 54481 HINDUS 2468801 1298807 1170494 1021184 62'1524 394260 1196895 681461 616244 246322 84333 160990 0- 1 85796 1804,4 17752 86740S lS031 17712 51 12 39 2 1 1 1- .5 307624 154476 153148 806204 154107 152097 1859 346 1013 61 23 38 5-10 855592 189954 165638 328100 183396 144704 28802 6119 20483 890 439 451 10-15 287738 155746 131992 192312 128691 63621 98894 26289 67401) 1732 766 966 15-20 226594 119952 106642 76989 65190 11799 1466'18 53529 93049 8027 1233 1794 20-30 408544 209040 199504 48283 41169 2064 860040 162132 187908 16271 5739 9532 30-40 818948 166600 152346 15965 14947 1018 289886 140861 128801) 83316 10792 22523 40-50 237009 127316 109693 11080 10332 728 170679 90062 71517 55370 17922 37448 .'iO-60 164295 88640 75655 '1148 6770 378 91467 59216 32251 85680 22654 43026 60 & over 121663 63539 58124 5030 4891 T39 46659 33885 12774 89974 24763 45211 MUSLIMS 249216 128833 120382 110773 84058 46716 116976 68784 80242 31466 8041 18426 0- 1 5929 2876 3053 5923 2874 3049 6 1 4 1 1 1- 5 48340 21513 21827 42522 21340 21182 808 170 636 12 3 9 5-10 86285 18242 17043 81086 16914 14,122 4121 1264 2857 128 64 64 10-15 28248 14916 13330 18297 11646 6651 9756 3159 6597 193 111 82 15--20 224011 11772 10639 7093 5989 1104 14953 5576 9377 865 207 158 20-30 37689 18987 18602 8913 3591 322 32087 14572 17515 1189 82~ 760 30-40 27702 14086 13616 901 798 103 24008 12132 11876 2798 1156 1637 40-50 21464 11542 9922 588 459 79 16541 9542 • 6999 4885 1541 2844 50-60 16192 8364 6828 309 250 59 9398 6273 3120 5480 1841 3649 60 & over 12057 6536 5522 241 197 44 5306 4Q46 1261 6510 2293 4217 lAIN'S 31842 18801 16041 13412 8484 4938 13883 6846 7017 4768 1872 8098 0- 1 556 272 284 555 271 284 1 1 1- 5 3642 1767 1775 8529 1756 1773 12 10 2 1 1 5-10 8927 2096 1831 3839 2061 1778 83 33 50 5 2 3 10-15 3184 1691 1473 2423 1533 890 728 155 573 18 3 10 15-20 2571 1347 1224 t031 859 172 1196 478 1018 44- 10 34 20-30 5180 2666 2495 798 777 21 4080 1817 2243 802 71 231 30-40 4519 2404 2115 486 461 5 3884 1733 1631 889 210 479 40-50 3658 2013 1643 378 372 1 2123 1241 882 U80 400 760 50-60 2808 1537 1272 279 277 2 1289 770 469 1291 490 SOl 60 & over 1988 1009 929 119 117 2 558 407 149 1268 485 778 CHRISTIANS 1503 750 763 832 429 403 5'19 288 291 92 aa 59 0- 1 15 8 7 15 8 7 1- 5 160 86 74 180 86 74 5-10 177 80 97 174 80 94 3 3 10-15 157 75 82 146 72 74 10 2 8 1 1 15-20 148 72 76 124 66 58 24 6 18 20-30 279 135 144 184 74 60 141 59 82 4 2 2 30-40 219 106 113 .3 25 18 162 76 86 14- 5 9 40-50 184 96 88 20 9 11 148 83 65 16 4 12 50-60 t06 61 44 12 6 6 71 48 23 22 7 15 60 & over 69 31 28 4 3 I 20 14 6 85 J4, 21 TRIBES 298898 165015 138883 135708 80425 55281 131850 85087 86268 28843 9508 17389 0- 1 4488 2328 2155 40482 2327 2155 1 1 1- 5 38989 19685 19304 38861 19635 19226 1:12 43 69 16 7 9 5-10 43914 23399 20515 41770 22747 19023 2040 617 1423 10. 35 69 10-15 35176 19210 15966 26507 16192 9315 9401 2951 6456 282 67 195 15-20 26801 14796 12005 11270 8659 2611 16084 5981 9103 447 Ili6 291 20-30 48718 25037 23681 8287 6419 1848 88318 17870 20448 2188 748 138li 30-40 38108 19642 18466 8226 2588 638 80900 15756 15144 3982 1298 2684 40-50 27507 14622 12885 1187 1052 135 20186 11538 8648 6134 2032 4102 60-60 17822 9531 8291 716 503 213 1086. 6642 3722 BnS 2388 4358 60 & over 18880 6765 ,i6) !i 420 303 117 4988 3688 1250 1022 2774 4248 58


~1'ATE OR DISTRICT POPULATION UNMABRIED MARRIED "VIDOWED ...... Community and Age Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 .3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1:3 OTHERS 617 361 "258 305 187 118 282 160 122 30 14 16

0- 1 17 6 11 17 (j 11 1- I) 68 38 30 88 38 30 5-10 91 47 44 90 47 43 1 1 10-15 70 40 30 64 39 25 8 1 .) 15-20 52 30 22 33 25 8 84 5 14 20-30 109 58 51 20 .t9 I 19 37 47 5 2 3 30-40 90 66 34 4 4 82 49 33 4- 3 1 40-50 63 46 17 6 6 52 37 15 5 3 .2 50~60 33 23 10 2 2 24 18 6 7 :1 4 60 & over 24 17 7 1 1 14 13 I 9 :-l 6 lA18ALMER STATE TOTAL POPULATION 98246 51589 41657 48178 31241 16937 34324 16983 17381 t0744 3385 7869 0- 1 1287 712 555 128'1 712 555 1- 5 10848 5369 5479 10831 5362 5469 17 7 10 5-10 14918 8194 6724 14494 8087 6407 406 96 310 18 11 7 10-15 11073 6265 4808 9310 5939 3371 1718 315 1401 407 11 36 15-20 8'184 4984 3780 4978 4048 925 3825 892 2733 188 44 122 20-30 18958 9575 7383 4840 4669 171 11045 4610 6435 1078 296 777 30--40 12..07 667" 5732 1479 1458 21 8847 4669 4178 2081 548 Hi33 40-50 8298 4825 3473 &88 558 8 5114 3513 1601 2618 754 1864 50-60 5578 3249 2329 297 290 7 2596 2039 607 2685 920 1765 60 & over 8185 1741 1394 121 lIS a 958 822 136 2058 801 1255 HIIIDVS 62747 34484 28263 31756 20852 10904 28214 11881 11833 7'177 2251 5526 0- 1 88'J 461 376 83'7 461 376 · . 1- 5 7074- 3509 3565 7059 3504 3555 15 5 10 5-10 9816 5407 4408 9462 5315 4147 889 83 256 14 9 5 10-15 7626 4290 3336 6222 4043 2179 1868 240 1128 36 7 29 15-20 8092 3461 2631 8S43 2790 553 2627 645 1982 122 26 96 20-30 11604- 6644 5060 3188 3114 74 7598 3228 4370 818 202 616 30-40 8881 444,1 3896 919 910 9 5886 3197 2689 1682 334 1198 40-50 5531 3119 2412 421 417 4 3173 2183 990 1937 519 1418 50-eo 3'196 2167 1629 823 219 4 1831 1296 335 1942 652 1290 60 & over 2035 10S5 950 82 79 :~ 57'1 504- 73 1878 ;)02 SH MUSLIMS 27466 15425 12031 14842 9411 6431 9926 4989 4966 2689 1045 1644 0- 1 3S8 227 161 388 227 161 1- Ii 3360 1663 1697 8369 1662 1697 1 1 · . 5-10 4583 2489 2094 4518 2475 2043 62 12 50 8 2 I 10-15 306& 1752 1313 2767 1687 1080 288 61 227 10 4 6 15-20 2363 1351 1012 1470 1130 340 8&5 206 649 38 15 23 20-30 4849 2756 2093 1560 1467 93 8054 1200 1854 235 89 146 30-40 8668 2014 1654 538 627 II 2832 1288 1344 498 199 299 40-5Q 2526 1569 957 138 132 4 1788 1222 661 607 215 392 50-60 1851 1004 647 70 68 .2 905 692 213 878 244 432 60 & over t008 600 403 88 36 846 287 58 822 277 345 .TAlKS 742 404 338 377 241 136 263 lS1 132 102 32 '10 0-1 a 5 3 8 5 3 1- 5 74 34 40 14 34 40 5-10 120 67 53 120 67 53 · . 10":'_15 94 54 40 81 52 29 13 2 11 15-20 '17 41 36 42 32 )0 38 8 25 2 1 1 20-30 121 62 59 28 27 1 87 34 53 6 1 5 30-40 113 63 50 11 11 80 46 34 22 6 16 40-00 72 41 31 7 7 34 26 8 31 8 23 50-00 38 23 15 3 3 12 12 23 8 15 60 & over 25 14 11 3 3 4 3 18 8 10

TRIBES 2291 1268 1023 1202 736 ~66 914 4'15 489 17& &7 118 0-1 84 19 15 34 19 15 1- U 840 163 177 a39 162 177 1 I &-10 400 231 169 394 230 164 5 1 4 1 1 10-15 288 169 119 240 157 83 47 12 35 1 1 16-20 282 131 101 118 96 2.2 :110 33 77 4- 2 .2 20-30 881 212 170 64 61 3 304 147 157 14 4 10 30-40 288 151 132 10 9 1 244 133 111 29 9 20 40-50 188 95 73 2 .2 123 81 42 43 12 31 50-60 93 55 38 t 1 48 39 I} 44 16 28 60 & over 71 42 29 82 28 4, 39 to{ 25 fif)


STATE OR DISTRICT POPULATION UNlIlABBIBD MAmuED WIDOWED -. Community and Age Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalell -- 1 :! :J { 5 6 7 8 f' 10 11 12 13 OTHERS 10 8 2 1 1 8 '7 t 1 0-1 1- 5 .. 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 2 1 1 2 1 1 30-40 8 6 1 1 5 5 40-50 1 I 1 1 50-60 60 & oveJ' · . 1


TOTAL POPULATION 122299 61813 58886 4'785'1 28951 18'706 81481 30698 30'768 13181 3868 8218 0- 1 2412 1231 1241 248'1 1230 1237 4 1 3 1 1 1- 0 13100 6811 6889 18561 6752 6809 118 45 71 28 14 9 .1-10 18908 8873 8035 15400 8534 6866 1458 316 1140 62 23 29 10-15 13522 7142 6380 8942 5909 3033 4488 1204 3279 17 .29 68 15-20 11210 5708 5502 3589 3032 557 7432 2617 4815 189 59 130 20-30 2d155 11626 11529 2090 1998 92 19928 9200 10638 1187 338 799 30-40 18485 8775 7690 816 574 42 13867 7692 6165 1992 509 1483 40-·:;0 11216 5842 5374 455 4:2~} 30 7807 4578 3029 81M 839 2315 50-60 8029 4398 3631 320 300 20 4297 3059 1238 3412 1039 2373 60 & over · . 5622 3207 2415 217 197 20 2281 1891 390 8124 1110 2005 HIHDlll 10M,SS &'852 50&88 410241 2461& 15625 53851 26810 28841 11548 3428 8120 0- 1 2136 1066 1070 2133 1066 1067 3 .. 3 . . 1- 5 11102 5787 5915 11573 5733 5840 107 41 66 22 13 9 5---10 14492 7633 6859 13040 7310 5730 1403 302 1101 49 21 28 to-15 11643 6151 5492 '7410 4982 2428 4144 1144 3000 89 25 64 15---20 9679 4940 4739 2925 2518 407 8579 2369 4210 175 53 122 20-30 Z0088 10075 10013 1742 1673 69 17323 8117 9206 1028 285 738 30-40 14321 7633 6688 535 504 31 12038 6706 5332 1748 423 1325 40-50 9681 5062 4625 403 381 22 6522 3958 2564 2762 723 2039 50-60 6880 3744 3136 288 270 18 8800 2568 1032 S992 006 2086 60 & over · . 4810 2761 2049 192 179 13 1982 1605 327 2886 977 1709 MUSLIMS 9600 41951) 4645 4883 2517 1816 4370 2180 2210 897 278 619 0- 1 192 98 94 190 !l7 93 1 1 1 1- 5 1068 551 517 1063 547 516 4 3 1 1 1 5-10 1410 7lS 692 1880 710 670 28 7 21 2 1 1 to-15 1099 578 521 935 552 383 181 24 137 8 2 1 15--20 900 445 455 443 329 114 451 112 339 II 4 .2 20-30 1718 886 831 234 216 18 1428 641 785 68 28 28 30-40 1198 619 579 89 31 8 1038 546 492 121 42 79 40-50 875 440 435 22 16 6 845 368 277 208 56 152 50-60 622 34-3 279 12 10 2 888 271 II7 222 62 160 60 & over .. 520 278 242 15 0 (j 228 187 41 277 82 195 IAINS 2SO'l 1289 1068 966 614 352 1011 4-97 514- BBO 128 202 0- 1 32 14 18 82 14 18 1- 5 258 138 115 251 138 113 ~ 2 5-10 2'78 140 138 2'78 139 137 1 1 1 1 10-15 231 125 106 189 120 69 40 4 36 2 1 1 15-20 185 101 84 84 72 12 99 28 71 2 1 1 20-30 403 210 193 58 56 2 321 14!? 179 24 12 12 30-40 3S0 180 150 80 30 242 129 ll:~ 58 21 37 40-50 262 136 126 28 23 154 83 71 8i 30 55 50-60 218 126 87 16 16 107 75 32 90 35 55 60 & over 120 69 51 '7 6 1 45 36 9 88 27 41 TRIBES 4889 25M 2355 2088 1189 899 2399 1211 1188 40B 184 288 0-1 111 53 58 111 53 ;;s 1- 5 888 333 335 885 332 333 3 1 2 5-10 72" 380 344 'l00 373 327 24 7 17 10-15 548 285 258 402 252 150 188 32 106 a 1 .2 15-20 US 221 221 138 113 23 300 107 193 8 1 5 20-30 938 447 4.86 51 48 3 849 3S6 463 83 13 20 30-40 601 337 270 10 7 3 534 308 ·226 83 22 41 40-50 385 200 185 6 4 2 281 167 114 98 29 69 00-60 310 183 127 4 4 198 143 55 108 36 '72 1\0 &. ove), .. 186 Dr. 71 3 :4 7Z no 12 91 32 .)9 M TABLE Vll--AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(contd,)


Community a.nd Age Persons Males Fe:ma.les Persons Ma.les li'ema.les Persons Ma.les Females Persons Males Fomales

r, ~ 1 2 :1 4 Ii i x !) 10 11 12 1:) ... OTBERS 65 33 32 29 15 11 80 15 15 6 3 3 - 0- 1 1 1 1- 5 9 2 7 9 2 7 5-10 4 2 2 4 2 :.! 10-10 8 3 3 6 3 3 15-20 40 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 20-30 16 9 6 5 6 9 4 5 1 30-40 9 6 3 2 2 5 3 2 2 1 40-50 '1 4 3 1 1 5 2 3 1 J 50-60 4 2 2 .. 2 2 60 & over 6 4 2 4- :1 , 2

KABAULI STATE TOTAL POPULATION til413 82999 69411 66535 420J;7 24478 89813 33974 35839 18285 8988 9297 0- 1 2404 1211 1193 2404 1211 1193 .. 1- 5 19135 10036 9699 19708 10028 9680 27 8 19 5-10 21618 11750 9926 20276 11443 8833 1871 294 1077 29 13 16 10-15 17846 9916 7930 12281 8271 4010 5476 1606 3870 89 39 50 15-20 18962 7767 6185 &164 4490 674 8605 3195 5410 183 82 101 20-30 271)10 14528 12482 8727 3695 32 21996 10168 11828 1287 66'; 622 30-40 19830 10901 8929 1418 1405 13 15878 8357 7521 2584 1I39 1395 40-50 14141 so 11 6130 855 837 18 9358 0499 3859 3928 1675 2253 50-60 9432 5341 4091 461 454 13 4775 3194 1581 4190 1693 2497 60 & over 6387 3538 2849 285 223 12 2127 16va 474 4025 1662 2363 HINDUS 1092140 69654 48660 46851 29944 16907 50420 24577 25843 11943 5033 6810

0- 1 1740 877 863 1740 877 863 . - - - 1- 0; 14244 72-'3 7001 14218 7236 6982 26 7 III -- 5-10 15406 8405 7001 14231 8154 6077 1153 240 913 22 11 11 10-15 12583 7036 5547 8360 5794 2566 4157 1214 2943 66 28 38 loS-20 8931 5508 4423 3434 3077 357 6367 2371 3986 140 60 80 20-30 18337 10348 8989 2670 2551 19 15828 7344 8484 939 453 486 30-40 140210 7844 6366 1061 1051 10 11310 5989 6321 1839 804 1035 40-50 102-62 5819 4433 671 657 14 669S 3957 2735 2889 1205 1684 50-60 8864 3899 2965 886 375 11 8879 2267 1112 3099 1257 1842 60 & over 4647 2575 2072 180 172 8 1518 1188 330 2948 1215 1734 MUSLIMS 1800 4182 3618 3464 2081 1383 3548 1768 1780 788 333 455 0- 1 112 60 52 112 60 52 1- is 1030 515 515 1029 514: 515 1 J oS-10 1128 581 547 1070 570 500 57 Jl 46 1 I 10-15 888 478 405 662 415 247 213 59 154 8 -! 4 15-20 728 396 332 822 264 58 398 128 268 10 4, 6 20-30 1441 771 670 t79 176 3 1187 549 638 75 46 29 30-40 959 511 448 44 42 2 800 424 376 115 45 70 40-50 684 381 303 25 23 2 492 297 195 167 61 106 50-60 492 294 198 12 11 1 277 200 77 203 83 120 60 & over 343 ]95 148 9 6 :1 125 99 26 209 00 119 IAIIfS 888 201 167 162- 107 65 160 78 82 46 16 80 0- 1 6 2 4 6 t 4 1- Ii 84 16 18 84 16 18 5-10 43 26 17 43 26 17 10-15 404 27 17 37 25 12 7 :.l .; 15-20 38 22 16 17 14 3 21 8 13 20-30 64 31 33 8 7 J 52 23 :29 4 J 3 30-40 47 28 19 10 10 33 )7 16 4 1 3 40-50 38 18 18 3 3 2& 13 I!! 8 2 6 50-60 83 19 14 2 2 17 11 6 14 6 8 60 & over 28 12 11 2 2 5 4 I 16 6 10 TBIBBS 85000 19060 15950 16089 9919 6120 15475 7546 7929 3486 1585 1901

0-1 54& 271 274 545 271 2;4 1- 5 4422 2260 2162 44a2 2260 2162 - - 5-10 5094 :!736 2358 4927 2691 2236 161 43 118 6 :! 4 10-15 4384 :!3U 1960 a220 2036 1184 1099 331 768 16 7 8 15-20 3251 1841 1410 1388 1135 253 1830 688 1142 38 18 15 20-30 6184 3378 2786 968 961 ; 4927 2252 2675 269 165 104 30-40 4609 2515 2094 803 302 1 3730 1924 1806 576 289 287 40-50 8186 1791 1375 156 154 1 2-147 1230 917 864 407 457 00-60 2043 H29 914 67 66 1 1102 716 38.6 874 347 527 1;1) & 0 ver' 1372 7!in 6Ji 44 1:1 J 479 :11'.2 11';' 849 :J50 499 61 TABLE Vll-AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION--(contd.)

tiTATK OR DISTHlL''l' POrULA1'ION UNMARRIED MARRIED WIDOWED r-- --"- " .... Community and Ag(' Porsolls }Iales Femal!'!> Person!! Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Fomalt1~ ,.... 1 2 3 4 ,j 6 7 IS fJ 10 II 12 13 OTHERS 31 12 19 19 6 13 10 5 5 2 1 1 0- 1 1 I t I 1- S 5 2 3 5 2 3 5--10 6 2 3 (; 2 3 10-15 2: I 1 2: I 1 15--20 4 4 8 ;} 1 J 20-30 4 2 2 2: 2 30-40 4 :,! 2 2 2 40-50 "3 2 1 1 2 2 50-60 1 ] "1 1 60 & oveJ' 2: 1 2 1

KISHANGARB STATE TOTAL POPULATIOK 104127 54600 49527 38318 23472 14846 54775 27382 27893 11084 3146 7288 0- 1 1449 762 687 1416 755 66] 30 4 26 3 :1 1- 5 11829 13846 5783 11371 5781 5596 238 56 182 14 9 ;i 5-10 15193 7896 7297 12874 7075 5599 2438 765 1673 81 56 25 -lO-IS 12563 6799 5764 7338 4847 24!H 5075 1859 3216 150 93 57 15-20 9967 5283 4684 2747 2307 44-0 7018 2853 4163 204 123 81 20-30 18984 9896 9088 1502 1465 37 18684 R017 8647 818 414 404 30-40 13615 7377 6238 509 503 6 11811 6364 5247 1495 510 985 40-50 9489 4889 4000 356 350 II 6624 3805 2819 2509 734 1775 50-60 7065 3762 3303 274 267 7 3678 2521 llM BU5 974 2141 00 &OvCr 4.1'13 :moo 2083 12& 122 :J 1403 )13% 265 2640& 830 1815 HINDUS 91707 48000 43707 38433 20439 12994 48688 24269 24867 9638 3292 6846 0- 1 1254 662 092 1232 65" 1)7:1 19 . , III 3 3 1- 5 10843 ;;162 5181 10112 ':1104 5008 219 :>1 168 12 7 5 5-10 18457 Silo.! 4663 11108 6226 4882 2279 719 1560 70 40 21 10-15 11115 6012 :)103 6386 4216 2120 4645 1711 2934 184 85 49 15-20 8761 4627 ·U34 2325 1951:! 367 6255 2559 3696 181 llO 71 20-30 16720 8697 8023 1250 1220 30 14751 7116 7635 719 361 358 30-400 11996 649-1. 5502 436 433 3 10261 5617 4644 1299 444 85" 40-50 8286 ~263 4023 294 289 :; 5807 3831 2476 2185 643 1542 50-60 -, 6166 3283 2883 236 231 .i 3205 2192 1013 2725 860 1865 60 & OVOI' 8609 1806 1803 104 103 1 1196 1\73 222 2310 730 1580

MUSLIMS 7585 4055 3530 2833 1775 1058 3948 2013 1935 804 261 537

U-1 lOS ;jj ttl 92 53 :I!l 11 ! 7 1- 5 758 41:.! 346 741 406 335 15 4 11 2 2 ;,._10 1051 555 496 927 515 412 114 .'iJ 80 10 6 4, 10-15 898 403 405 601 382 219 288 105 183 9 6 3 15--20 774 421 353 263 217 4H 495 194 301 16 10 6 20-30 1410 731l 672 148 143 3 1195 558 637 89 37 32 3Q-40 968 537 431 25 23 2 888 474 364 105 40 65 40-50 712 372 340 19 18 I 528 304 222 167 50 117 50-60 552 28n 26:1 13 12 1 321 :221 ]00 218 56 162 60 & o vel' 359 lSI 178 6 fj 145 11.3 30 208 60 148 JAINS 27M 1473 1281 1221 770 451 t094 55& 539 439 148 291

0- I 407 21 26 47 21 ;W 1- 5 271 134 137 271 134 137 5--10 349 173 L76 346 172 174 2 2 1 1 10-11; 284- 153 131 239 148 91 41 5 36 4- 4 15-20 2S4 132 IO:! 107 89 18 123 42 81 4 1 3 20-30 450 258 192 82 81 1 349 168 181 19 9 10 30-40 418 223 L95 46 45 I 804 Hi8 146 68 20 48 40-50 319 175 144 43 43 180 99 61 116 33 83 50-60 239 131 108 25 24 l 82 57 25 132 50 82 60 & over 1403 73 7fl 15 13 :! 33 26 7 95 34 81 TRIBES 2028 1042 984 804 475 829 10'12 530 542 150 37 t13 0- 1 45 :!2 :!3 45. 22 23 1- 5 253 136 117 249 135 114 4 1 3 5-10 329 171 158 286 159 127 43 12 31 10-15 257 137 120 154 97 57 100 38 62 3 2 J 15-20 189 98 91 49 41 8 187 55 82 3 2 I 20-30 390 195 195 19 19 380 169 191 11 7 4 30-40 229 121 J08 2 2 204 113 91 23 ti 17 40-50 167 76 91 127 68 59 40 S 32 5()-60 105 56 49 67 50 17 88 6 32 60 & over .. 62 30 32 30 24 6 32 6 26 62 TABLE VII-AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(contd.)

STATE OR DISTRICT POl'tl'LA1'ION UNMABBmD MARBlED WIDOWED ,.-----A-- r- ~ Community and Age Persons Ma.les Fema.lE's Persons Ma.les Fe:ma.les Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

1 2 :~ 4 Ii 6 i I'! !I 10 11 12 13 OTHERS 6& 30 25 2'1 13 14 25 15 10 a 2 1 0-1 1- li 4- 2 2 4- :.!; 2 5-10 '1 3 4 '1 3 4 10-15 9 4 5 8 4 4 1 1 15-20 9 5 4 S 2 1 6 3 3 20-30 14 8 6 5 2 3 9 6 3 30-40 4 2 2 4 2 2 40-50 5 3 2 4- 3 1 fiO-OO 8 R 1 1 a :2 fiO & over


TOT AL POPULATION 777398 403501 373897 32893[, 192998 185937 3720405 188005 188040 78418 24498 61920

0-- 1 13591. 6712 6882 18591. 6712 6882 , . , . 1- 6 9Sa9D 47726 48564 93199 47684 48515 64 35 29 27 7 20 5-10 110321 5i09R 53223 101115 56483 5(692 3012 669 2443 184- 46 88 10-16 86491,. 46094 404uO 66016 41635 24441 20074 4321 15753 844 138 206 15-20 89JJ7 35947 33090 26378 21794 4582 41888 13736 27932 993 417 576 20-30 1449~8 73292 71656 13391,. 12849 545 126112 58069 67643 5842 2374 3468 30-40 108226 58361 49865 2916 2811 135 93068 51878 41185 12217 3672 8546 40-50 70803 36944 33659 1821 1550 71 50046 29808 20238 18938 5586 13350 50-60 49.a34 25826 23408 1028 978 .'i0 26840 18388 8452 21868 6460 14906 fiO & OVOI' 28851 15501 13150 526 ,')1)2 24 11566 9201 2365 16559 5798 10i61 HINDUS 618719 318150 295569 256138 150629 105509 295700 147973 147727 81881 19M8 42383

0- 1 10868 5291 5577 10868 5291 5577 . . ' . 1- 5 75817 37406 38211 75548 37368 38180 53 31 2:l 18 7 D 5-10 86458 44731 41727 83783 44223 39540 2600 474 2126 96 34 61 10-15 67137 36113 31624 50809 32374 18435 18615 3633 13042 253 106 147 15-20 54233 28268 25965 19938 16727 3211 38552 11206 22346 -743 335 408 20-30 114132 58153 06579 to.!87 9915 372 99379 46352 53527 4566 1886 2680 30-40 86103 46639 39464 2313 2222 91 73934 41489 32475 9828 2928 6898 40-50 55817 29251 26626 1319 1269 50 89.:S42 23tH J 158:JI 15216 4471 10745 50-60 39177 20289 1888R 845 811 :~.t 20837 1427Jl 6562 17495 5203 12292 60 & ovel . - 22917 12009 10908 448 429 19 8798 7002 1796 13871 4578 9093 MUSLIMS 58481 27982 25499 23959 13939 10020 24561 12408 12153 4961 1635 3826 0- 1 914 472 442 914. 47!! 442 1- 5 6478 al90 3283 6473 3190 3283 :i-lO 7680 3974 3706 7512 3935 3577 159 :~5 124 9 4 5 10-15 6206 3295 2911 5141 3090 20!)1 1042 19l 851 23 14 9 L5--20 4920 2577 2343 2393 1819 574 2464 725 1729 73 33 40 20-30 9395 4816 4579 1163 1l0fl 57 7870 3538 4332 382 172 190 30-40 70409 3793 3256 192 174 18 6200 3393 2807 657 226 431 40-50 4949 2640 2309 108 100 6 3862 2180 1482 1181 360 821 50-60 3506 1913 1593 45 3(1 8 2096 1469 627 1866 407 958 60 & over . , 2389 1312 1077 20 16 4 1078 877 201 1291 419 872 JAINS 5307 2891 2416 2274 1483 791 2264 1144 1120 789 284 505 1)- 1 69 33 36 69 33 36 1- 5 526 277 249 525 276 249 1 I 5-10 841 349 292 885 347 288 6 2 J 10-15 558 306 252 467 299 168 90 (j 84 1 ] 15-20 468 266 202 238 197 39 226 68 158 8 1 0 20-30 1014 534 480 176 164 11 780 355 425 59 15 44 30-40 808 468 340 81 81 693 337 256 134 50 84 40-50 539 293 246 48 '6 310 181 129 188 66 117 50-60 441 238 203 30 30 195 137 58 216 71 145 60 & o VOl' 243 127 ll6 10 10 83 57 6 170 60 llO CHRISTIANS 1026 558 487 565 326 239 410 207 203 50 25 25

0- I 11 6 5 11 h 5 ]- 5 111 56 55 111 [}fl 55 5-10 122 70 52 121 ;0 51 1 1 10-15 118 57 59 112 57 55 4 4 15-20 130 73 57 107 68 39 28 5 18 .. 20-30 194 1I7 77 83 61 22 108 53 55 8 3 30-40 87 46 41 14 H 6 88 36 32 & 2 3 40-50 119 48 71 3 3 93 37 56 28 11 12 liO-60 109 67 42 3 3 92 60 32 14- 7 7 6() & o"el' 26 IF! 8 21 IR .; 5 ~ 3 63 TABLE VII-AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION--(contd.)

~'r ATI<~ OR DISTRICT "OPVLA'l'lOJ'Ii UNMAlUUE)) MARRIED 'VIDOWED ---. r- r------"- ~ Communit,y Bnd AlZe Persons 'Males Fema.les Persons Males }<'emales Persons Males Females Persons "Ma,les F('Imales

~ I :? :i 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TRIBES 103238 53553 49885 45898 26432 19288 48824 24116 24'708 8'116 3005 5'111 0- I 1720 904 8111 1720 004 816 .. 1- 5 18488 6758 6730 13467 6755 6712 10 3 'j 11 il .3-10 15337 7920 7417 15061 7854 7207 246 58 188 30 S 22 10-15 11803 6279 5524 9481 5771 3710 2255 491 1764 87 17 5(1 15-20 9218 4729 4489 3666 2958 707 5383 1723 3660 170 48 122 20-30 19501 9609 9892 1667 1586 81 16984 7727 9257 850 296 554 30-40 14096 7369 6727 341 325 16 12170 6583 5587 1585 461 1124 40-50 9049 4669 4380 144 132 12 6584 3864 2720 2321 673 164.8 50-60 5961 3290 2671 104 H)O ! 3593 2425 1168 2284 765 1499 60 & over 3065 2026 1039 48 47 I 1599 1242 357 1418 737 681 OTHERS 628 367 261 301 189 112 286 157 129 41 21 20

0-1 12 I.) ti 12 tI li 1- is 76 .19 36 75 39 36 5-10 83 54, 29 83 54 ':!9 10-15 74 44 30 66 44 22 8 8 15-20 68 34 34 37 25 12 30 9 2] 1 20-30 112 63 .t9 19 17 2 91 44 47 2 2 30-40 83 46 37 5 1 4 68 .to 28 10 ,j {i 40-50 70 43 27 3 3 55 35 20 12 ,} 7 50-60 40 29 11 1 27 22 I) 12 7 .; 60 & over 11 9 :! 7 7 '1 2 2 KUSHALGARH (CHIEFSHIP) TOTAL POPULATION 41153 20785 20368 22432 12257 10176 16019 7848 8171 2702 680 20S8 0- 1 1166 ;)24 642 1166 524 642 1- [) 6379 2926 ::J454- 6379 2925 3454 5-10 8447 3612 2835 6418 3607 2811 29 u 24 10-15 5127 2622 2505 4699 2524 2175 420 95 325 8 3 J 15-20 3842 1854 1988 2230 1394 836 1585 44,8 1137 27 12 15 20-30 7621 3793 3828 1293 1072 221 6092 2602 3490 236 119 117 30-40 4609 2416 2093 135 122 13 8998 2197 1801 376 97 279 40-50 3011 1603 1408 61 54 7 2313 1400 913 637 149 488 50-60 1932 942 990 33 23 10 1128 751 372 776 168 608 60 & over .. 1119 494 625 18 12 ti 459 350 ]09 642 132 510 HINDUS 4784 2370 2414. 2251 1266 985 2010 977 1033 623 127 396 0- 1 141 60 81 141 60 1:11 1- I) 613 268 245 513 :l68 245 5-10 723 357 a66 720 357 363 3 3 10-15 566 292 274 504 284 220 62 8 54 15-20 438 215 223 224 164 60 211 51 ]60 3 3 20-30 945 450 495 111 99 12 775 327 448 59 24 35 30-40 638 340 298 16 15 ) 525 297 228 97 28 69 40-50 415 219 196 12 10 2 284 181 103 119 28 91 50-60 258 112 141 8 7 1 110 79 31 135 26 109 ~~ liO & over 152 ,) I 9;) 2 2 40 34 6 110 21 89 MUSLIMS 898 488 410 419 242 177 412 219 193 87 27 40

0- L 22 9 13 22 9 13 1-- I) 92 43 49 92 43 49 5-10 133 63 70 12& 63 62 8 8 10-15 114 53 61 91 .')2 39 23 1 22 15-20 90 43 47 45 33 12 45 10 35 20-30 173 103 70 37 35 2 132 66 66 4 2 2 30-40 126 81 45 6 6 107 70 37 13 IJ 8 40-50 74 44 30 65 37 18 19 7 12 50-60 48 30 16 30 24 6 16 6 10 60 & over 28 19 9 1 lS 1.1 1 15 7 8 lAINS 827 345 282 310 196 114 251 126 125 66 23 48

0- 1 140 9 5 14 9 j 1- 5 82 28 34 82 28 34 5-10 96 52 44 95 52 43 1 I 10-15 75 40 35 65 40 25 10 JO 15-20 62 30 22 31 25 6 20 J 16 1 20-30 114 64 50 28 27 1 81 35 46 5 2 :1 30-40 88 49 39 5 5 74 41 33 9 3 II 40-50 88 39 27 5 5 89 28 11 22 6 16 GO-60 41 21 20 5 5 19 11., S 17 .; 12 60 & over 19 13 0 .. 7 12 Ii t'I 64


:;; ".\'1'1:: OR LHt'I'J'}UCT l'oPULATtoll. UNMARRIED MARRIED \VWO" I>:D ---, ,--- --" r ~ r --, r-----..A.- Commuuity and AII':<" Person;! Males Females Persons MlLles FE'malE's Persons :Males 1<'onlal<,,~ Persons MalE's Fcmalt'ls

2 :I 4 I) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 La TRIBES 34841 17579 17262 19449 10550 8899 13346 6526 6820 2046 508 1543

()- 1 989 446 .343 989 ,i46 l)4~ L- .j 5712 2586 3126 5712 2580 3120 5--10 5495 3140 2355 5478 :U35 2:'143 17 .j L2 10-15 4872 2237 2L35 4089 2148 1891 325 8fi 239 8 :I ,'j 15-211 8262 1566 1I)\)" 1930 1172 758 1309 :183 926 23 11 12 20-30 6389 3176 321:1 1117 911 206 5104 21H 2930 168 9J 77 30-40 3656 1945 1711 10'1 95 12 3292 1789 IJ03 267 61 196 4O-bO 2455 1300 1155 43 :18 .') 1935 1154 781 477 108 :i69 ;;0-60 1591 778 81:J 19 10 9 964 637 :127 808 131 477 60 & over 920 405 515 15 9 6 400 298 102 506 98 407

OTHERS 3 S 3 3 0- 1 1- 5 rl-l0 10-15 15-20 20-30 30-40 1 1 40-:;0 1 1 3n-60 1 1 60 & ovel'

LAWA ESTATE TOTAL POPULATION 2808 14'14 1334 1099 684 415 1437 897 740 272 93 179 H- I. 43 31 12 43 31 12 L-- .i 355 177 178 352 177 175 3 :I .j-In 400 217 183 358 209 149 40 7 33 2 1 to-I.; 339 176 16:-1 200 134 66 138 41 97 1 1 15-20 285 139 14t; '19 67 12 204 71 133 2 1 1 20-:30 482 258 224 38 37 I 427 :H:! 211) 17 9 M ;30-411 373 19t; 177 14 1.J. 314 165 IW 44 L6 28 40-iiH 243 laG 107 8 tI- 1'16 lOR II~ 58 t9 39 jiO-60 1'17 91 SO 6 Ij 92 (j:! :IH 81 25 56 46 60 & OV(,f 111 a3 ;)R 1 1 43 3t 12 67 2J HINDUS 2443 1291 1152 946 592 354 1271 625 646 226 '14 152

0- 1. 41 30 11 41 30 11 1- ,j 312 156 156 311 156 155 1 1 .3-10 340 186 154 303 178 125 35 7 28 2 I 10-13 292 155 137 16'1 115 52 124 :l9 85 1 1 15-20 247 122 125 68 MI 10 178 6:l 115 1 I 20-30 425 226 199 31 :)0 I 380 189 1\)] 14 7 7 30-ol0 329 172 157 18 ,3 216 145 l:n 40 14- 26 40-1)0 20B 116 9.2 7 7 157 98 59 44 11 33 50-60 156 82 74 4 4 84- !i8 26 68 20 48 60 & OVl'r 93 "'6 47 1 1 36 26 10 56 19 37 MUSLIMS 100 54 46 39 29 10 52 21 31 9 4 5 0- 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1- {i 16 13 3 15 13 2 1 1)-10 17 7 10 12 7 I) 5 5 10-15 11 5 6 6 4 2 5 1 4 15--20 8 4 2: 2 6 2 4 20-30 1'1 8 9 1 1 15 6 14 1 1 ao-4O 10 6 " 10 6 4 40-60 9 7 2 1 4 3 I 4 3 1 50-60 3 "3 1 I 2 2 60 & ovt'r 7 3 4 5 3 2 2 2 JAUiS 128 66 62 50 SO 20 52 25 2'7 26 11 15

0- 1 1- 5 9 3 6 9 3 6 ,j-l() 22 13 9 22 13 9 10-15 16 8 8 12 7 5 4 1 3 15-20 13 6 7 Z 2 to 4 6 1 1 21 11 10 2 2 17 8 9 2 1 1 20-30 2 ~-40 17 10 7 2 2 11 6 5 4 2 3 40-50 14 7 7 1 1 7 3 4 6 3 11 6 5 2 2 9 4 5 50-60 3 60 & over 5 2 3 1 1 4 1 65 TABLE VII-AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(oontd.)

I'lTATE OR DISl'RWT POPULATION UNXARBIED MARRIED WIDOWED ,------"------, ,- "---, ,------. Community a.nd Ag(l PersonS Ma.le!:! Fem&lf's PerRons Mlloies Fema.les p"rsonR MalE's Females Persons Males Females ·2 3 4 5 6 7 S 1J 10 11 12 13 TBIBES 137 83 74 84 33 31 82 28 38 11 4 'l 0- 1 . . .. 1- I) 18 5 13 17 5 12 1 I 5--10 . 21 II 10 21 11 10 10-15 20 8 12 16 8 7 5 ii 15-20 17 7 10 7 5 2 10 2 8 20-30 19 13 6 4 4 15 I) 6 30-40 17 8 9 17 8 9 4()-liO 12 6 6 8 4 4 4 2 2 50-60 ., 3 4 5 2 3 2 1 1 60 & over 8 2 4, 1 1 5 I 4,

MARWAB STATE • TOTAL POPULATION 255&904 1339484 1216440 1153814 682847 470467 1150647 579638 571014 261948 76984 174169

(1- 1 36807 18516 18291 88871 18443 18228 108 57 61 28 16 12 1- li 333779 167984 165795 327272 165556 161716 5987 2158 3809 540 270 :no 5--10 870519 190231 180288 337504- 179103 158401 31497 10403 21094 1518 726 793 10-15 824216 179499 144717 248410 148894 94516 78519 29351 49168 2287 1254 1033 15--20 251999 137257 114742 :109563 80243 29320 :138445 55144 83301 3991 1870 2121 20-30 422922 222194 200728 61597 56800 4797 342695 157873 184822 18630 7521 11109 30-40 308848 161055 147791 :17984 16944 1040 258242 134181 122061 34620 9930 24690 40-50 222191 117882 104309 8917 81I8 799 159339 94947 64392 53935 14817 39118 50-60 166435 86531 79904 5995 5275 720 92241 61300 30941 88:199 19956 48243 60 & over 118190 68315 59875 4401 3471 930 46694 34219 1I375 88195 20625 47570 alNDUS 2124601 1117402 1007199 947981 583179 384802 987241 489678 4'77688 209379 846&0 144829 0- 1 29531 14962 14569 29432 14910 14522 82 43 39 17 9 8 1- 5 275379 138418 136961 269628 136300 133328 5307 1880 3427 444 238 206 5--10 806099 155779 150320 276686 145777 130909 28148 9383 18760 :1270 619 661 10-15 273626 152792 120834 202677 125465 77212 68945 26251 42694 2004 1076 928 15--20 2:11301 116089 95212 8957:1 66554 23017 118312 47913 70399 34:18 1622 1796 20-30 3535:16 187689 165827 49241 46215 3026 288598 135008 153590 16877 6466 9211 30-40 256201 134565 121636 14851 13917 734 213056 112403 100653 28494 8245 20249 40-50 183989 98270 85719 7325 6698 627 131980 79162 52818 44684 12410 32274 50-60 137506 71596 65910 5111 4510 601 76038 50310 26728 58357 16776 39581 60 & over 97453 47242 502 II 3659 2833 826 36780 27320 9460 57014 17089 39925 MUSLIMS 214151 113335 :100816 101046 69653 41393 94865 47769 47096 18240 5913 :12327 0- I 3420 1725 1695 3402 1717 1685 12 5 7 6 3 3 1- 5 30019 15548 14471 29459 15323 14136 494 207 287 86 18 48 {i--IO 32771 17792 14979 29867 16871 12996 2712 838 1874 192 83 109 10-1.3 25716 13482 12234 19050 11183 7867 6472 2165 4307 194 134 60 16--20 21597 11494 10103 10106 6944- 3162 11193 4384 6809 298 166 132 20-30 35218 18( 01 17217 6647 5341 1306 27282 12041 15241 1289 619· 670 :10-40 21781 12930 11851 1462 1355 107 20714 10658 1(;056 2605 917 1688 40-;J(l 17741 9548 8193 514 458 56 :18584 8079 5485 8668 1011 2652 (>0-60 18008 7195 5808 311 263 48 7710 5557 2153 4982 1375 3607 60 & OVE'r 9885 5620 4265 228 198 30 47:12 3835 877 4945 1587 3358 JAINS 119742 56456 63286 53434 30863 23081 48596 21721 28875 17712 4882 :18330 0- 1 2491 1192 1299 2481 1184 1297 6 5 I 4 3 1 1- 5 13711 6968 6743 13603 6924 6679 82 33 49 26 II 15 ~10 18019 8357 7662 15760 8285 7475 222 57 165 37 15 22 10-15 13231 6551 6680 11468 6056 5410 1718 469 1244 52 26 26 15-20 10220 4676 5544 4912 3187 1725 51:18 1444 3672 192 45 147 20-30 18367 8087 10280 2627 2381 246 14534 5457 9077 1208 249 957 30-40 18326 7270 9056 1123 994 129 1256:1 5755 6806 2642 521 2121 40-50 12606 5910 6696 758 688 65 7651 4241 3410 4202 981 3221 50-60 9888 4395 5493 407 383 24 4584 2752 1832 4897 1260 3637 60 & over ., 6888 3050 3833 802 271 31 2127 1508 619 4454 1271 3183 OHRISTIANS 1134 634 600 592 281 811 447 221 228 95 32 83 0- I 17 9 8 17 9 8 1- 5 142 68 74 142 68 74 5-10 98 46 52 92 42 50 6 4 2 10-15 110 49 61 102 45 57 8 4 4 15-20 110 41 69 83 37 46 27 4 23 20-30 235 101 134 97 57 40 183 43 90 5 I 4, 30-40 178 90 88 36 12 24 :128 72 54 18 6 10 40-50 126 68 58 11 5 6 93 55 38 22 8 14 SO-60 74 43 31 9 4 I) 41 28 13 24 11 13 60 & over 44 19 25 3 2 I 13 11 2 28 6 22 6e


VUJ'IJJJA'I'IUN 1T N.M.\JtR11<:JJ -"lARlll}!;)'} \VIDOWW) STAT.E OR DISTRICT -.A.____ --, ,.------"--- Community ann AgA PerROTIR MaleR ]'emalt'R Pt'l'ROnR :!\falt'R FflmaleR PerROTIS Mal!,R Femalt'R Pf'rSOllS ~'al{,R FcmalpR _. 1 :3 :1 4 ~) Ii 7 8 jj 10 II l:l I".J TRIBES 96922 51517 44405 50101 29280 20821 39326 20140 19186 6495 2097 4398 0- 1 1339 622 717 1330 617 713 8 -1- ..I- 1 I 1- ii 14494 6957 7537 14406 6916 7490 84 :!S 4(J 4 :1 I 5-10 15490 8235 7255 15059 8 WEi 6953 413 121 292 18 s HI 10-15 11506 6610 4896 10093 IHal 3962 1878 462 916 35 Ii 18 15-20 8'740 4942 3798 4874 3511 1363 3783 139.1, 23811 83 :J7 -1,6 20-30 15528 8281 7242 2973 2797 176 12098 5299 ()79!) 452 18;) 267 30-40 11288 6153 5135 700 660 40 9728 :j2:;2 -1-476 860 141 OW 40-50 '1893 4061 3632 302 262 40 6028 3393 2635 1383 40(i 957 50-60 5948 3285 2658 155 l1a 42 3855 2642 ]21a 1983 530 140:l 60 & over 3906 2:l71 153,i 209 167 42 1951 153.; 411i 1'146 !l6H 1077 OTHERS 354 220 134 160 101 59 172 109 63 22 10 12

0- 1 9 I} :1 9 I~ :1 1- 5 34 25 II 34.- 2 ..} !I 5-10 42 22 20 40 22 18 1 1 1 1 10-15 27 15 12 22 14 H 3 3 2 1 15-20 31 Ii) 16 17 10 7 14- J !J 20-30 83 35 28 12 !) :1 DO ~,)')- 2;) :1 30-40 72 47 25 12 Ii Ii 57 41 16 3 a 40-50 36 2:> 11 12 7 ;j 23 17 Ii 1 I .J 50-60 21 17 4 2 :! 18 11 6 ~ :! 00 &ovnr 19 13 Ii 11. 10 8 :~ .i

ME WAR STATE TOTAL POPULATION 1926898 992078 984625 822174 480901 341273 929100 459159 469941 175424 52018 128411

0- 1 23526 11734 11792 23483 1169':; 11768 63 39 ~.J 1- 5 261691 129357 132334 258756 128287 130469 2800 1014 183(; 85 J(l 29 5-10 286182 149415 136767 264188 142072 121566 21519 6541 14978 525 30:! 223 10-15 225608 ]21002 104606 161838 100757 60576 68076 19631 41144,; 1199 614, 685 15-20 180380 93029 87351 68155 51838 14317 111627 39934 71693 2598 1257 1341 20-30 360179 184172 176007 32692 30782 1910 312638 147066 165572 14849 6324 8525 30-40 235363 127513 107850 66i1 6360 291 205198 113787 !)1411 23514 7366 16148 40-50 156043 77709 78334 4041 3872 169 112580 63416 4916,' 39422 10421 29(JOI UO-60 1229'18 62279 60690 3274 3155 JI9 69661 4537:1 24188 50143 T:l7.n :1 6:1!)!! 60 & OVf'J' 74748 :M863 3888;' 1671 lo8:} aH 29988 :!23J8 7630 48089 11922 :lllli7 HINDUS 1384445 887709 846786 538994 320712 816282 684613 828881 335'138 132838 38116 94'722 0- I 15684 7907 7777 15638 7877 7761 46 30 16 1- I; 170919 84838 86081 168546 84021 84526 2314 7711 1538 59 U I~ 5---10 190726 99710 910]6 171944 94074- 77870 18360 lia81 12979 422 j5J Hii 10-15 154686 83229 71437 104083 67070 37013 49629 15666 3396a 954 493 461 15-20 125761 65368 60393 42882 35120 7762 80937 29354 ii1583 1942 S!).t. 104~ 20-30 251735 129474 122261 22526 2157:1 953 218015 103375 114640 11194 45;.!(I fl668 30--40 167404 90756 76648 4766 4592 174 144853 80704 64090 17785 li410 12374i 40-50 113056 S6190 568611 2967 2876 91 80349 45561 34788 29740 775;) 21987 :>0-60 89808 44997 4480 Ii 2443 2367 76 49331 :12454 16877 38029 101711 27853 60 & ovor 54691 2ii24O 29451 1199 1142 li7 20'779 15530 5:240 32713 S.jIIS :U14.; .MUSLIMS 68849 88549 30300 27097 15818 11279 31580 15868 15862 5222 1863 3859

0- 1 '189 382 407 788 382 404 3 :~ 1- I) 8229 4090 4139 8149 4060 4089 75 2ti 411 5 .. I 5-10 9059 4724 4335 8399 4533 3860 645 187 458 15 oj. 1 I 10-15 7339 3911 3428 5457 3330 2127 1845 5Uij 1277 37 1:1 t-l: 15-20 6058 3080 2978 S485 1842 64:1 3497 1203 2294 7ft :1.; 41 20-30 11711 6128 5583 1404 1301 103 9904 4597 5307 403 ~30 173 30-40 7990 4360 3630 210 187 23 715'1 3905 3252 623 268 355 40-50 5638 aOO!) 2632 9'7 85 12 4389 2.345 1844 1152 376 776 50-60 4267 2346 1921 '72 6-.J 7 2707 1817 890 1488 464 1024 60 & over 2189 lli22 1247 38 33 II 1308 ]02(1 288 1423 46!l 954 lAIRS '77232 39840 37392 33986 20507 13479 33118 16218 16900 10128 3115 7013

0- 1 1095 534 o'i61 1092 532 :ino 3 :! 1 1- (I 8686 4369 4317 8848 4350 42f18 34 IN ]6 4 I 3 5-10 9929 5016 4913 9818 496R 4850 lOt 41i ;;5 10 2 8 10-15 8134 4223 3911 6951 4031 2920 1150 18:! 968 38 10 23 15-20 6689 3422 3217 3183 2425 758 83'10 97~) 2391 86 18 68 20-30 18871 7032 6839 2083 2028 55 11056 4797 6259 782 207 526 30-40 10806 5730 4876 819 805 14 8374 4538 3836 1413 387 1026 40--.50 7889 4107 3762 85'1 645 12 4777 2772 2005 2435 690 1745 50-60 6484 3397 3037 520 511 9 2954 1947 1007 2980 939 2021 60 & over 3969 2010 195!) 215 212 :1 1299 937 362 2455 861 1594 6'7 TABLE VII-, AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(contd.)

STATE OR DlSTRW'l' I:'OPULATION UNMABBIED MARRIED WIDOWED ~ ----"- (lomrnllIlity and Age Pl'rf'!OnR Malt's Ff'malt's POJ'flOTl~ Males Females Perflolls Males Females Persons Ma.les FemaleR

~ ;1 I) Ii i S !I JH II 12 13

CHRISTIANS 393 225 168 197 121 76 181 98 83 15 . 6 9 0-- J 6 :1 :.I 6 a :j 1- - r; 52 ;;u 28 62 24- :.!8 ;}-lO 46 25 20 45 ~5 20 10-1;:1 36 22 14 34 22 12 2 2 1;:1-20 44- 24 20 27 ~o 7 17 4 I:J :!O-30 8S .j", :n 23 H) 4 60 :J.j, 26 2 J 30--W 47 23 !?4- 8 7 I 36 15 21 3 1 :2 40-:;0 33 )8 1;:; 1 I 29 Ii 12 3 ] 2 50-60 30 2:~ 7 1 27 20 7 2 2 00 & ove!' 15 !J (j 10 S 2 5 I . 4 TRIBES 450651 230669 219982 223839 123704 100135 199595 98053 101542 271117 8912 18305 II 5947 2905 a04-:! 6936 28\)8 3038 11 7 4 1--- " 73785 360;W :1i75!l 78342 ;15823 :17519 426 lII3 233 17 10 7 i)-HI 76408 39930 36478 78917 :J896:! 3495il 2413 027 148U 78 41 37 10-1,1 55425 :~9612 25813 44800 26299 1850J 10450 3215 7235 175 98 77 IIi-iO 41871 21129 20742 17574 12427 5147 23803 8392 15411 494 310 18,1, ~o-,-ao 82747 -H467 41280 6650 5855 795 73581 34253 39328 2518 1359 1157 30-40 49398 2662~ 22664- 846 7i>8 78 44757 24.5i>1 20196 8690 1300 2390 40-50 29438 14381 15057 318 265 53 23028 12515 10513 6092 1601 4491 50-6U 22436 11510 10926 237 211 26 14586 9129 5407 7663 2170 5493 60 & OVP1' 13301 7080 6221 219 ]96 2:3 6590 4861. 1729 6492 2023 4469 OTHERS 128 81 47 61 39 22 63 41 22 4 1 3 0- I 5 ;J 2 5 ;J :! 1- ,j 20 10 10 19 !) 10 1 u-l0 15 )0 ,) 15 10 :.) 10-15 8 •• ;~ 8 5 :I 15-20 7 6 1 4 .j. a :! ) 20-30 30 17 13 6 tI 22 10 12 2 1 1 30-40 28 1.'; 8 2 J L 21 14 7 40-50 9 7 2. 1 1 8 (i .2 50---60 8 II :! 1 I 6 Ii 1 I liO & (IVOI' a :l 2 :l 1 I


TOTAL POPULATION 315855 162202 153853 132470 77592 54878 164711 75992 78719 28674 8618 20056

0-- I /' 5318 276.3 2.3.33 5265 2740 251.3 40 13 27 23 12 11 1- [) / , , 41840 20586 21254- 40630 20086 20444 1025 347 678 285 153 132 5-10 48225 2'>818 22407 42090 23560 18530 6852 1979 3673 483 279 204 10-15 37158 19908 17250 25765 15606 10159 10988 4047 6921 425 2,')5 170 15-20 29537 16023 13514 11879 8794 2885 17351 6927 10424- 507 302 205 20-30 53976 27681 2629;') 5306 4994 312 46890 21800 24890 1980 887 1093 30-40 37907 18781 19120 899 866 ;13 33313 16874 16439 3695 1041 2654 40-50 27564 13693 13871 470 470 20881 11628 9253 6213 1595 4618 50-60 20299' ]0420 9879 304 30,1, 12489 8070 4419 7506 2046 5460 liO & OV('l' 14031 6527 7.304 172 172 6302 4307 1995 7557 2048 5509 HI.NDUS 256143 131829 124314 104302 61297 43005 129095 63718 65377 22746 6814 15932 O-J 4327 :2257 2070 4268 223'> 2033 37 1l 26 22 11 11 1- 5 344010 16931 17479 33166 16471 11)695 980 323 657 284 137 127 5-10 39287 21066 18221 33509 18956 14553 5342 1862 3480 438 248 188 H)-Hi 29990 16073 13917 19637 12087 7550 9976 3757 6219 377 229 148 15-211 23991 13146 10845 8667 0706 1961 14899 6179 8720 425 261 164 2O-:iO 44007 22716 21291 3782 3598 ]84 38669 1842;1 20246 1556 695 861 30-40 30527 15167 15360 632 603 ~9 27018 13776 13242 2877 788 2089 40-50 22091 10975 Illl6 320 320 16895 9387 7508 4876 1268 3608 50-60 16238 8336 7902 208 20:) 10110 6533 3577 5925 1600 4325 60 & over , , 11275 '>l(i2 6113 118 lIt! 5169 3467 1702 5988 1577 4411 MUSLIMS 31151 15774 15377 14374 8812 6062 13528 6419 7109 3249 1043 2206 0--1 608 323 285 607 322 :21:15 1 1 1- .:; 3725 1797 1928 3698 1776 1920 23 16 7 6 ii I .3-10 4536 :2-107 2129 4323 2322 2001 193 70 123 20 15 5 10-1,') 3668 1962 1706 3088 1771 J:H7 557 L7!.l 378 23 12 H 1,')-20 2841 1489 1352 1582 1093 460 1240 380 860 39 16 2:1 20-,30 5882 2683 2679 873 806 67 4280 1759 2501 229 118 III 30-40 3848 ]876 1972 103 100 :1 3284 1613 1671 461 163 298 40-50 2843 1386 1457 63 63 2081 1138 !l23 719 18,1 534 r,o-60 2146 1071i 1070 35 31) 1250 790 454 861 245 616 00 & OVO!' 1574 ~~~II,) 799 24 :!+ 569 467 HI!? 891 28-1- _GO 7 68 TABLE Vll--AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION-(contd.)

STATE OR DISTRICT POPULATION UNMARRIED :MARRIED WIDOWED ___J._ ___---., ---., r- r------..., Community and Age Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalos Personf! Mal('s .i:'('rnalE'f! Personil Malp!, FemalE'''

2 3 4 [) 6 7 Ii !) III 11 1:t I :J JAINS 12767 6387 6400 6037 3530 2507 4881 2354- 2527 1849 483 1388 0- 1 222 115 107 222 115 107 1- 5 1284 670 614 1284 670 614 5-10 1705 878 827 1702 877 825 2 1 ) 1 10-15 1484 740 744 1372 720 652 108 17 91 4 a 15-20 1167 585 582 741 474 267 409 102 3U7 17 I) 1'1 20-30 1984 963 1001 418 375 41 1436 556 880 112 32 ~o 30-40 1883 819 864 135 134 I 1303 632 671 245 53 192 40-50 1409 713 696 79 79 890 529 361 440 105 335 50-60 1092 549 543 59 59 510 345 165 523 145 378 60 &; over '157 335 422 27 27 223 172 51 507 136 371 TRIBBS 15674 8174 7500 '1702 4419 3288 7154 3479 3875 818 276 542 0- 1 159 69 90 156 67 89 2 I 1 1 1 1- 5 4210 1182 1228 2873 lI63 1210 22 8 14 15 11 5-10 2688 1461 1225 2545 1399 1146 115 46 69 26 16 10'" 10-16 2006 1128 878 1659 1023 636 326 94 232 21 11 10 15-20 1528 800 728 704 519 185 798 265 li33 26 16 10 20-30 2620 1309 1311 224 207 17 2313 1060 1253 83 42 41 30-40 1828 907 919 24 24 1692 846 846 110 37 73 40-00 1211 616 595 8 8 t028 571 457 175 37 138 50-60 814 453 361 6 6 612 391 221 196 56 140 60 &; over 414 249 165 3 3 246 197 49 165 49 116 OTHERS 120 58 62 55 34 21 53 22 31 12 2 10 0- I 2 1 2 1 I 1- 5 11 6 5 11 6 5 5-10 11 6 J 11 6 5 10-15 10 5 5 9 5 4 1 1 15-20 10 3 7 5 2 3 5 1 4 20-30 23 10 13 11 8 3 12 2 10 30-40 28 12 11 5 5 16 7 9 .2 2 40-50 10 3 7 7 3 4 8 ::I 50-60 9 6 a 7 r; :2 1 I 60 & over U 6 i) 5 4 1 6 :2 4 PARrABGARB STATE

TOTAL POPULATION 91987 46667 45300 41065 23621 17444 4.2070 20684 21386 8832 2862 8470 0- 1 1802 918 884 1802 918 884 1- S 12582 6252 6330 12482 6231 62[H 99 20 79 1 1 5-10 13708 7058 6650 12953 6861 6092 725 180 545 30 17 13 10-15 10651 5562 5089 82.85 4951 3274 2381 592 1789 45 19 26 15-20 8712 4356 4356 3377 2575 802 5200 172() 3474 135 55 SO 20-30 17757 8800 8957 1595 1497 98 15311 6996 8315 SS1 .'f07 544 30-40 11683 6282 5401 309 288 21 9893 5601 4292 1481 393 1088 40-50 7169 3589 3580 162 149 13 4843 29::13 1910 2164 507 1657 50-60 4951 242.5 2526 lOt 100 4 2539 1768 771 2308 557 1751 60 &; over 2952 142.5 Hi27 58 51 :; 1079 868 211 1817 506 1311 HINDUS 42935 21835 21100 16837 10078 8759 21054 10405 10649 5044- 1352 3892 0- 1 807 428 379 807 428 379 1- 5 5250 2618 2632 5166 2600 2566 83 17 66 1 1 5-10 5964 3062 2902 5338 2901 2437 800 146 454 28 15 11 10-15 4805 2507 2298 8201 2092 1109 1571 400 1171 33 1.3 18 15-20 4031 2029 2002 1277 10.57 220 2869 942 1727 85 3n 5J 20-30 8544 4303 4241 673 648 25 7363 3479 3884 508 176 :J32 30-40 5791 314{) 26,'H 160 152 8 4780 2756 2024 851 232 619 40-50 2625 1814 1811 107 99 8 2308 142ii 883 1210 290 1120 50-60 2514 1203 1311 71 68 3 1177 830 B47 1286 :JO.5 961 60 & over 1604 731 873 37 33 4 503 410 93 1064 288 77(, MUSLIMS 4478 2346 2127 2036 1207 829 1979 993 986 458 146 312 0- 1 82 34 28 62 34 28 1- [j 536 272 264 536 272 264 .. 5-10 625 329 269 612 326 286 13 a 10 10-15 523 278 245 438 258 180 83 19 64 2 1 I 15-20 456 239 217 424 171 53 224 64 160 8 4 4- 20-30 848 438 410 125 115 10 679 303 376 44 20 24- 30-.40 586 308 278 27 21 6 482 261 221 77 26 51 40-00 419 220 199 7 5 2 287 180 W7 185 35 90 50-60 283 138 125 8 3 138 106 :J2 122 29 93 &; 60 (lver 165 90 65 2 2 73 :)7 III 80 ~I 49 69


HTATJ<: OR J)I~'l'RICT POPULATION UNMARRIED MARRIED WIDOWED _A.. ~-~ Uommumty and Agp Parsons M"If's Fomah,s Pe r'so II I'( -:\{a}6s Fama}AR Pt'l'sons Males Fema.lfls ParsOIlS Ma.lI'S Vf'mAl!ls - 2 :1 ~ ;; Ii 7 s II lO 11 l~ 1:1 JAIlfS 5022 2487 2585 2228 1808 920 2142 1024 1118 657 160 497 0- 1 112 Ii! 48 112 64 48 1- 5 540 256 284 540 256 284 5-10 690 326 364 685 :J26 359 6 5 to-15 545 272 273 457 266 19] 86 (j SO 2 2 15-20 462 244 218 209 174 ;J5 248 69 170 5 1 4 20-30 845 397 448 118 117 1 684 t73 411 48 7 36 30-40 676 344 332 40 39 I 533 288 245 103 17 86 40-50 556 270 285 33 :12 I 333 202 13+ 189 :UI 153 50-60 391 204 187 19 19 192 135 57 180 .iO 130 60 & over 208 lJO 96 10 10 61 51 10 135 49 86 TRIBES 39482 19970 19512 19946 11020 8926 18866 8248 8618 2670 702 t968 0- 1 819 391 428 819 :l91 421<1 .. 1- 5 8248 3101 3147 8232 :1098 :U34- 18 3 13 5-10 8425 3338 3087 6814 3305 3009 107 31 76 4 ~ :2 10-15 4775 2504 2271 4127 2334 1793 640 167 473 8 3 ,'5 15-20 3781 1843 1918 1688 117:1 493 2059 851 1408 38 19 17 20-30 7508 3656 3860 677 615 62 6573 2937 3636 256 104 152 30-40 4624 2487 2137 80 76 ~ 4094 2293 1801 450 118 332 40-50 2563 1281 1282 15 13 :! 1908 1122 786 640 146 494 50-60 1778 877 901 9 9 1029 695 334 740 173 667 60 & over 983 492 491 'l 6 440 34.9 91 586 137 390 OTHERS 55 29 26 23 13 10 29 14 15 3 2 1 0- 1 2 1 I 2 I 1- 5 8 .j :l 8 5 3 5-10 4 3 I 4 3 1 10-15 3 1 2 2 1 I 1 1 15-20 2 I 1 1 I 1 20-30 14 6 8 2 2 12 4 8 30-40 6 :J 3 2 2 4 3 1 40-50 7 4 3 7 4 3 50-60 5 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 fiO & over 4 ~ 2 2 1 1 2 !

SHAHPURA STATE TOTAL POPULATION 81173 31551 29822 24084 14268 9816 31154 15340 15814 5935 1948 3992 0- 1 1290 615 675 1289 tHi) 674 1 1 1- 5 7630 3844 3786 7492 3799 3693 121 38 83 17 7 10 5-10 8772 4608 4164 7841 4224 3417 1.081 348 713 70 36 34 10-15 7193 3787 3406 4565 2901 1664 2547 834 1713 81 52 29 15-20 5641 2881 2760 1774 1418 356 3789 1401 2368 98 62 36 20-30 11225 5760 5465 786 774 12 9984 4722 5242 475 264 211 30-40 7843 4236 3607 230 230 6792 3686 3106 821 320 501 40-50 5299 2762 2537 140 140 3815 2220 1595 1844 402 942 50-60 4002 1967 2035 111 III 2178 1399 779 1713 4li7 1256 60 & over . , 2278 1091 1187 56 .'i6 906 692 214 1816 343 973 HINDUS 52154 28867 25287 20199 11987 8212 26778 18186 18592 5177 1894 3483

0- 1 1094 518 576 1094 I)IS .376 . , 1- I) 8398 :J240 :U58 6275 3203 3O'Z2 108 31 77 15 ti 9 .)-10 7411 38il 3540 6396 :1531 2865 951 30S 643 64 32 32 10-15 6141 :122R 2913 3837 2447 1390 2227 732 1495 77 49 28 15-20 48'a0 2470 2350 1493 1196 297 SZS7 1217 2020 90 57 33 20-30 9649 "9n 4676 664 652 12 8561 4084 4477 424 237 187 30-40 6784 3625 :n09 198 193 5817 3145 2672 724 287 437 J.O-50 4585 2354 2181 112 1I2 8254 1899 1855 1189 343 826 50-60 3421 1665 1756 90 90 1844 11S1 6611 1487 394 1(193 60 & ovel' .. 1951 923 1028 45 45 779 5S9 190 1127 289 838 MUSLIMS 2914 1521 1393 1176 710 466 1457 721 736 281 90 191 0- 1 57 :u 26 57 31 26 1- 5 370 179 191 387 176 191 3 3 5-10 407 ::?3a 174 369 216 1511 36 15 21 2 2 10-15 388 189 149 228 150 78 107 37 70 3 :! 1 15-20 279 140 139 95 77 18 181 61 120 3 2 J 20-30 518 200 268 42 42 460 202 258 16 6 10 3Q-40 846 194 152 9 9 806 173 133 31 12 19 4(l-50 270 137 133 4 4 202 112 90 64 21 43 50-60 208 102 106 3 3 112 76 36 93 23 70 60 & over 121 oli 55 2 2 50 42 R 69 22 47 70 TABLE VII-AGE AND CML CONDITION-(contd.)

STATE OR DISTRICT POPULATION UNMARRIED llARRlED WIDOWED ~ Community and Age Persons Males Females Persons Malos Females Persons Ma.les Femalott Persons Males Fomales _' I 2 3 4 5 (i 7 ~ !I 10 II J~ ) :$ JAIN'S 1486 749 687 632 389 243 586 290 296 218 70 148 0- 1 85 17 18 35 17 18 1- 5 141 68 73 141 68 73 5-10 185 81 84 165 81 84- ., 10-15 143 75 68 127 75 52 16 Hi 15-20 123 69 54 68 50 16 56 10 37 1 20-30 221 115 106 33 33 178 80 !It) 10 ::! 8 30-40 212 108 104 20 20 159 81 78 33 '; :26 40-50 180 10] 79 22 22 102 56 -iU 56 23 33 50-60 183 73 60 18 16 55 37 18 62 20 42 00 & o VOl' ' , 83 42 41 7 7 20 17 a 56 18 38 TRIBES 4883 2409 2854 2075 1180 895 2829 1140 1189 259 89 170 0- 1 lOB 48 55 102 48 54 1 1- 5 720 356 364 708 351 357 10 4, Ii 2 5-10 789 423 366 711 396 315 74 25 49 4 2 ::! ]0-15 571 295 276 873 229 144 197 (iii 132 1 I 15-20 419 202 217 120 95 25 295 104 191 4 3 1 20-30 836 422 414 47 47 764 356 408 25 19 6 30-40 550 308 242 8 8 509 286 223 33 14 19 40-50 818 169 144 2 2 256 152 104 55 15 40 50-60 240 127 113 Z 2 167 10::1 62 71 20 51 60 & OVOl' 122 59 63 2 2 56 43 1:1 64 14 50 OTHERS 6 5 1 2 2 4 3 1 0- 1 1 1 1 1 1- 5 1 1 1 1 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 1 1 1 30-40 1 1 1 1 40-50 1 1 1 1 50-60 60 & over , . 1 1 1 .,

SIROHI STATE TOTAL POPULATION 283879 120476 113408 10890B 62327 M5Bl 108603 52B97 53706 20388 5252 16116 0-- 1 2511 1271 1240 2497 1266 1231 10 2 Ii 4 a 1- 5 38379 16733 16646 32868 16526 16342 398 171 2~i 113 3(j 7j 5-10 86220 18669 16551 38627 18100 15427 1469 489 980 224 80 144 10-15 26916 14886 12030 22192 13454 8738 4486 1331 315i> 238 10] 137 15-20 20287 10764 9503 9557 7339 2218 10370 3269 7101 340 156 184 20-30 40474 20056 20418 4885 4500 365 34148 14944- 1919U 1466 612 854 30-40 29805 15041 14564 692 6Ot! 84 26162 13741 12411 2761 692 2069 40-50 20753 10453 10300 308 253 55 16024 9307 6717 4421 893 3528 .:l0-60 14988 7717 7271 219 165 54 9209 6256 2953 5560 1296 4264 60 & over . , 9766 4886 4880 183 UU 67 4342 3387 9503 5241 ]:183 3858 HINDUS 164913 Si138 79775 74396 43720 80678 75572 37620 87952 14945 3798 11147

11- 1 1828 936 890 1818 931 887 5 ,) :J 3 :~ 1- 5 28541 11946 11595 23131 11776 11355 330 145 185 80 2,3 J):J 5-10 24363 12873 11490 280" 12450 10594 1169 371 798 150 62 98 10-15 19017 10508 8509 15540 9417 6123 3807 1015 2292 170 76 94- 15-20 14115 7659 6456 8579 5222 1357 7300 2324- 4!)76 236 113 123 20-30 . , 28647 14189 14458 3879 3209 170 24222 10571 13651 1046 40$1 637 30-40 20830 10438 10392 488 362 71 18422 9605 8817 1975 471 ]504 40-50 14448 7402 7044 200 162 38 11011 0599 4412 3285 041 2G94 50-60 10887 5606 5281 151 108 43 6634- 4514 2120 4102 984 3118 (j() & OVCI' 7241 3581 3660 121 83 38 8172 24:74 698 3948 1024 2924 MUSLIMS 7113 8820 3298 3307 1925 1382 3283 1705 1578 523 190 333 u- 1 71 33 38 70 33 37 1 1- [; 951 449 502 936 44:1 493 14 ,; !I 1 1 ;}-10 1086 570 516 1041 5[ii) 486 43 I.) ::!t) 2 ., 2 10-15 795 435 360 677 406 271 115 ~7 ~s 3 1 15-20 685 360 275 346 263 83 277 HI) 188 12 t) .J 20-30 :U197 701 596 193 182 II 1052 489 56;~ 52 30 22 30-40 1027 547 480 21 21 921 485 4:lfi 85 41 44 40-50 589 361 228 10 f) 472 :Ill; uw 107 :10 71 50-60 408 230 176 5 Ii 266 188 H7 135 :J7 98 60 &OVCt' 258 134 122 8 8 122 !II :11 126 :15 91 71 'fABLE VII-AGE AND CIVIL CONDITIOH-(contr],.) • S'l'A'!'E on JHI::Vl'RW'" l,>Ol'ULA'L'WN UNM:ABBIEJ) MARBlED WWOWED r- ~ Communit.y and A~Cl PorsonR Males :FemalPs Persons Males Females 'Persons Males Females 'Person!'! Males Females - 2 :1 4- 5 6 7 R 9 10 11 12 1;\ JAINS 15546 6966 8581 6720 3618 3102 8839 2841 8498 a.l87 50& 1981 0- J 204 96 108 204 96 108 1- ii 1811 88;; 1)26 1788 878 910 2 2 21 t) lU ;)-10 2067 105\ 1016 2021 1031 9oo 3 2 1 48 18 25 ],(}-15 1586 750 836 1426 719 707 131 20 III 29 1] IS 15-20 1305 !l68 737 707 413 294 573 148 425 25 7 18 20-30 2515 100.; ]420 371 307 64 2007 744 1263 187 44 1)3 30-4-0 2167 951 ]216 87 85 2 1700 SOO 900 380 66 314 40-50 1650 710 940 50 46 I) 1028 557 471 567 107 460 50-60 1325 500 825 38 29 I) 583 347 236 704 124 580 60 & over 916 359 ,157 23 14 I) 312 221 91 581 124 457 TRIBES 45686 24209 21477 22147 12867 9280 21159 10597 10582 2880 745 1635 ()- 1 395 200 195 390 200 190 4 4 1 1 1- 5 6993 3415 a578 6930 3391 3539 52 ~il) 33 11 !) (; 5-10 7829 4133 3496 7347 4022 3326 253 101 162 29 10 11. 10-15 5460 3157 2303 4492 2876 1616 982 269 663 36 12 24 15-20 4165 2153 2012 1889 1420 469 2209 705 1504 67 28 39 20-30 7919 4017 3902 879 770 109 6810 3118 3692 280 129 101 30-40 5488 304(1 2442 181 123 8 &040 2813 2227 817 110 207 40-50 3981 1936 2045 85 33 2 8440 1796 1644 508 107 399 50-60 2332 1354 !l78 24 22 2 1697 1185 512 611 147 464 1)0 & OVC'r 1324 7!lg £,20 30 10 20 722 591 131 572 197 371i OTHERS 821 344 277 388 197 141 2&0 134 118 38 18 20 0-- J 15 () 9 15 6 9 1- Ij 83 as 45 88 38 45 5-10 75 42 33 74 42 32 1 1 10-Hi 58 36 22 57 36 21 1 1 15-20 47 24 23 36 21 15 11 3 8 20-30 96 :14 42 43 32 11 52 22 30 1 30-40 93 !i!) :J4 20 17 3 69 38 31 4 4 40-50 87 44- 43 8 :l Il 73 39 34 6 2 4 GO-60 38 27 11 1 1 29 22 7 8 4 60 It OYer 29 14 Hi :1 I 14 10 4 a :J 11"

TONK STATE TOT AL POPULATION 353687 185842 167845 147514 86882 80682 174868 88891 86972 31810 10819 21191 0-1 5743 2848 2895 5748 2848 2895 J-!i 45686 22657 23('00 45378 22533 22845 286 122 164 2 2 5---10 51668 27304 24364 48011 26237 21774 3590 1042 2548 . 67 25 42 10-lI'i 39594 21387 18207 27822 17675 10147 11609 3650 7959 163 62 101 15-20 31918 16792 1512H 11285 9085 2200 20185 7516 12669 448 191 257 20-30 65171 33416 31755 8401 5919 482 58246 26333 29912 2525 1164 1361 30-40 46314 25271 2104-:1 1521 1356 165 40296 22274 18022 4497 1641 2856 40-r.O 31677 16667 15()10 787 639 98 28187 13767 9420 7758 2261 5492 ;jQ-60 21771 1174;; 10020 391 343 48 12872 8690 3982 8708 2712 5996 60 & OV<,,· 14185 "''''r!-J I'.).J (\410 225 197 28 6298 4997 1296 7647 2561 5086 HINDUS 272203 142780 129423 110325 65150 45175 187077 69465 67612 24801 8185 16636 0-- I 4504 2234 2270 4504 2234 2270 1-- ii 35084- 17394 17690 34823 17281 17542 261 113 148 .)--J() 39784 20967 188]7 36625 20104 16521 8116 849 2267 43 14, 29 10-1.') 30186 16405 13781 20387 13300 7087 9678 3063 6615 121 42 79 15--20 24467 12897 11570 7800 6535 1265 16816 6218 10097 862 144- 208 20-30 51095 26162 24933 4221 3942 279 44858 21271 23587 2016 949 1067 30-40 35908 19675 16233 979 894 85 31378 17491 13887 3551 1290 2261 40-50 24302 12733 11569 585 462 73 1'7568 10485 7083 8199 1786 4413 50-60 16586 8802 7784 288 255 33 9448 6446 3002 6850 2101 4749 60 & OVl'r 10287 5511 4776 183 143 20 4455 3529 9'l6 5869 1839 3830 MUSLIMS - 51816 26717 24899 24204 13874 10830 28024 11421 11808 4888 1422 2986 0- I 787 366 421 787 366 421 1- r. 6501 3197 3304 6489 3194 3295 12 3 9 :',--]0 7585 3875 3710 7340 3767 3573 241 107 134 4 1 3 10-1:; 5924 3056 2868 4915 2787 2128 997 266 732 1S 4- S ]5-20 4707 2422 228;; 2416 1762 654 2285 636 1599 56 24 32 20-30 8729 4407 4322 1641 1488 153 6760 2787 3973 828 132 UI6 30-40 6548 3413 3135 388 318 70 5668 2883 2685 598 212 380 40-50 4943 2604 2331) 136 112 24 3'795 2199 1596 1012 293 719 50-60 3366 1922 1444 56 48 8 2178 1526 647 1187 348 789 60 & over 2526 14M 1071 36 32 4 1248 1010 228 1247 408 839 72 TABLE VII--AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION--(contd.)

l'OPULATION I!NMARRIED ,..-----A--MARRIED __--, WIDOWED CITY & AGE ...-- ...--_--A.. --, Persons Males Females Persons Males Fema.les Persons M&les Females Persons Ma.les Femt.les I) H 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 ~ JAINS 6636 3804 3032 2711 1741 970 3048 1551 1497 877 312 565 0- I 102 61 41 102 61 41 1- 5 708 365 343 702 3U4 338 6 1 5 5-10 848 468 380 822 458 364 25 9 16 1 10-15 685 386 299 515 :l39 176 169 47 122 1 I 15-20 559 306 253 232 198 34 823 106 217 4 2 2 2U-3U 1201 643 55~ 189 173 16 961 452 509 51 18 33 30-40 950 515 43,) 68 67 1 752 399 353 180 49 81 40-50 689 391 2911 42 42 452 283 169 195 66 129 50-60 515 273 242 27 27 242 164 78 246 82 164 60 & over 379 196 183 12 12 118 90 28 249 940 155 TRIBES 23200 12719 10481 10256 6054 4202 11203 5947 5256 1741 718 1023 0- 1 349 186 163 349 186 163 1- 5 3371 17UO 1671 3382 1693 1669 7 5 2 2 :2 5-10 3446 1992 1454 8219 1906 1313 208 77 131 19 9 10 10-15 2795 1537 1258 2001 1246 755 765 275 40U 29 10 13 15-20 2180 1163 • 1017 834 587 247 1810 555 755 86 21 15 20-30 4141 2201 1940 349 315 34 3662 1821 1841 180 61) 65 30-4\) 2905 1666 1239 85 76 9 2596 ]5UO 1096 224 90 134 40-50 1740 936- 804 24 23 1 1370 798 572 346 lIS 231 5U-60 1300 745 555 19 ]2 7 808 5:;3 255 473 180 293 6U & over 973 593 :380 14 10 4 477 :363 114 482 220 262 OTHERS 32 22 10 18 13 5 11 7 • 4 3 2 1 0- I 1 1 1- Ii 2 I 2 u-lO 5 2 3 5 2 3 1O-1:i 4 3 I 4 a 1 15-20 5 4 I 3 a 2 1 I 20-30 5 :1 :2 1 I 4 2 2 30-4U 3 ., 1 I 2 I 40-50 3 :1 2 2 1 50-liU 4 :1 1 t 2 60 & over · . AJMER-MERWARA TOTAL POPULATION 583893 307172 276521 238928 144493 94435 287579 143572 144007 57188 19107 38079 0-- 1 8035 4139 3896 8030 4138 3892 5 1 4 1- 2 14909 7390 7519 14864 737a 7491 36 J2 24 9 fi <1 2~ ~~ 16441 8335 8106 16363 8306 80:;7 69 26 43 9 :J 6 3- 4 18018 8891 9127 17810 8832 8978 189 51 138 19 8 11 4- 5 16375 8477 7898 16038 8373 7665 322 97 225 15 7 8 TOTAL 0-·5 .. 73778 37232 36546 78105 81022 36083 621 187 434 52 23 29 5-10 81200 42450 38750 73923 40043 33880 6998 223~ 4760 279 169 110 to-Ii; 68502 36565 31937 48568 3C064 18504 19453 6220 13233 481 281 200 15-20 57190 30068 27122 22033 17186 4847 34156 12266 21890 1001 616 385 20-- 25 56261 29222 2703!l 9062 8559 503 45356 19583 25773 1843 1080 763 i5-30 54447 28779 25668 4406 4223 183 47231 23176 24055 2810 1380 1430 :10-3;; 43872 23952 19920 2300 2194- 106 38139 20341 17798 3433 1417 2016 3fJ--40 35153 19036 16Il7 1507 1427 80 28854 16033 12821 4792 1576 3216 40-45 26578 14481 ]2097 1014 954- fiO 20376 11885 8491 5188 1642 3546 4:;-'JO 28374 14163 12211 977 917 60 17479 10969 6510 7918 2277 5641 5/-55 20085 10876 9209 720 675 45 12221 S073 4148 7144 2128 5016 55-60 174-83 9078 8405 630 597 33 8361 6049 2312 8492 2432 6060 6 -65 11651 5977 5674 386 360 2ft 4879 3726 ll5:J 6386 1891 4495 65-70 54.75 2724 2751 188 127 11 1927 1574 :J5:l 3410 1023 2387 70 & over · . 5644 2569 3075 159 145 14 1528 1252 276 3957 1172 2785 HINDUS 376481 196484- 179997 144476 87992 56484- 193861 96165 97196 38844 12327 26317 0- 1 5435 2782 2653 6430 2781 2649 6 1 4 1- 2 9441 4627 4814, 9410 4617 4793 24 6 18 7 4 3 2- :1 10438 5372 5064 10374 5348 502(; 58 21 3;; 6 3 3 :J- 4 11389 5586 .5803 11217 5543 5674- 154 36 1I8 18 7 11 4- 5 10248 ))346 4902 9984 5271 4713 254- 70 ]84 10 5 0- 5 46949 23713 28236 46415 23580 22855 493 134 859 41 19" 22 l'i-IO 50811 26456 24355 45017 ::?4509 20508 5580 1811 3769 214 136 78 10-15 43368 22899 20469 28209 17796 10413 14782 4881 9901 377 ~22 155 15-20 86854 19142 17712 12052 9705 2347 24058 8973 15085 744 464 280 20-25 36770 1900 I 17769 4905 4761 144 80606 13510 17090 1259 724 535 25--30 35884- 18962 16922 _2550 2503 47 31448 15581 15867 1886 878 1(08 30--3:; 28844 15716 13128 1401 1374 27 25115 13424 11691 2328 918 1410 35-40 23045 12391 10654 979 957 22 18799 10443 8356 3267 991 2276 40-45 11263 9312 7951 695 672 23 18082 7606 5476 8486 1034 245i 45-50 17335 9149 8186 720 687 33 11238 6986 4252 5377 1476 3901 50-55 13233 6985 6248 586 514 22 7832 5( 87 2745 4865 1384 3481 55-60 115~4 5842 5702 499 483 Hi 5250 3768 1482 5795 1691 4204 60-65 7688 3806 3877 293 281 12 8048 2316 732 4342 1209 3133 - 65-70 3476 1646 1830 95 90 5 1161 934 227 2220 622 1598 70 & over · . 3422 1464 1958 110 100 10 869 705 164 2443 659 1784 7"0' TABLE VII-AGE AND OIVIL OONDITION-_ (contd.)

POPULATION UNMAlmIED MABBIEl> WmOWl!:D CITY & AGE Persons Females Persons Males Females Persons Malos Females Persons :Ma.les Females -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 MUSLIMS 89899 t9132 to767 toa07 24317 UI.290 40699 .21079 19620 8393 3588 4857 0- 1 1101 576 525 1101 676 525 1- 2 2470 1247 1223 2488 1243 1223 3 3 1 1 2- 3 2719 1311 1408 2709 1308 1401 8 3 i) 2 .2 3- 4 29401 Ulio7 1487 2938 1452 1481 10 4, 6 1 1 4- 6 2808 1320 1283 2580 1312 1268 21 6 15 2 2 0- 6 U887 59ft 6928 11789 5891 5898 42 16 26 8 4 2 5-10 13041i 6865 6180 123t8 6661 li687 856 182 474 41 22 19 10-15 10728 5810 4918 8805 tH73 3432 2083 600 1463 70 37 23 15-20 819& 4748 4051 4204 3139 1065 4448 1519 2929 t4.7 90 57 20-26 8888 4788 3898 1899 1774 125 6448 2792 3654 341 222 119 25-30 7867 4364 3503 8405 821 24 8581 3238 3293 491 305 lil6 30-35 6207 3517 2690 428 412 11 5274 2825 2449 510 280 230 35--40 6412 3123 2289 2M 251 13 4424 2528 1896 '124 344 380 40-45 4277 2633 1744 141 132 9 8826 2042 1284 810 359 4lil 45-00 8945 2311 1634 102 97 5 2788 1808 928 1107 406 701 50-55 2918 1729 ll89 68 53 I) 1886 1821 665 974 3lili 619 55--60 2509 1414 1095 48 38 5 1860 1004 356 1108 372 734 00-66 1675 945 730 88 32 6 810 621 189 827 292 336 65-70 HI 472 369 18 15 3 837 285 52 488 172 314 70 & over 1158 602 551 80 28 .2 380 298 62 783 276 487 IAINS 18827 8995 8882 U18 512f 8089 7940 3883 3957 2874 888 1788 0- I J61 127 124 261 127 124 1- .2 418 .208 .206 413 208 200 2- 3 609 264 245 508 264 246 3-4 4114 224 240 488 223 240 1 1 4- 6 463 224 229 449 224 225 3 3 1 1 0-6 2090 10407 1013 2080 1048 1039 4 1 3 1 :1 5-10 2SS4 1209 1115 2801 H96 H05 20 12 8 3 1 .2 10-15 2110 1148 962 1800 Il03 697 303 42 261 7 3 4, 15-20 1189 994 795 908 708 198 880 277 li83 28 9 14 20-25 1610 847 763 827 314 13 12240 509 715 59 24 3li 25-30 1596 835 760 187 181 6 1299 613 686 109 41 68 30-35 1514 825 689 189 134 6 1213 640 572 163 til 112 35--40 1385 690 595 104- 98 6 947 521 426 234 71 163 40-45 1052 578 474 84 90 4 677 4()2 275 281 86 195 45-50 1008 553 455 89 86 3 088 352 186 381 IUS 266 50-55 882 454 378 77 72 .5 388 260 128 887 122 246 55-60 705 359 346 65 liO 5 247 176 71 403 133 270 60-65 478 245 233 2'1 25 2 182 102 30 818 lI8 201 65-70 240 124 116 12 11 1 65 45 10 173 68 105 70 & over 196 87 108 10 10 34 31 3 151 46 105 CHRISTIANS 5783 2993 2790 3580 1943 1837 1899 956 94S 304 94 210 0- 1 78 34 44 78 34 44 1- 2 146 87 60 147 87 60 2- 3 159 90 69 169 90 69 3--4 168 89 77 188 89 77 4- 5 151 72 79 151 72 79 0-6 701 372 829 701 372 829 5-10 721 377 344 719 376 343 2 1 1 10-15 704 353 351 698 350 348 8 3 3 15-20 649 345 304 591 338 253 67 7 50 1 I 20-25 578 290 286 380 236 144 191 51 140 5 3 .2 25-30 528 252 271 208 127 81 801 116 185 14 9 5 30-35 484 217 217 109 ii7 52 305 150 155 20 10 10 35-40 8&4 192 162 8J 32 30 271 153 118 21 7 14 4.0-45 31'1 16a 154 89 20 19 2M 135 109 34 8 26 46-50 281 149 132 28 13 15 209 122 87 44 14 ao 50-55 202 122 80 18 9 9 147 100 47 37 13 24 56-60 181 72 .59 8 3 li 80 60 20 43 9 34 60-65 sa 43 4.0 8 3 5 401 32 9 84 8 26 66-70 &2 28 24 '1 .5 2 3S 17 9 19 6 13 70 & over 66 18 37 .. .2 .2 19 9 10 82 '1 20 74 TABLE VU--AGE AND CIVIL CORDITIOH-(contti)

POPULATION UNMA.BRIED MAB.BIED WIDOWElJ CITY & AGE r- ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Fem.ales Peraons Males Females Penons Malea Female>!

1 2 3 4 &) 6 7 8 9 10 -11 12 . 13 TRIBES 81412 47889 48638 41243 24568 18885 48117 21048 -28069 .7112 2238 4879 0-1 1150 611 539 1160 611 539 1- 2 2410 1208 1202 2400 1205 1195 9 3 6 1 l 2- 3 2588 1276 1312 2588 1274 1308 6 2 3 1 1 3- 4 8019 1519 1500 2996 1509 1486 24 10 14 4- 5 2899 1501 1398 28S3 1480 1373 44 21 23 2 2 0- 6 12066 8115 5951 11880 6079 5901 sa 86 48 4- 4- a-l0 14144 7469 6675 13885 7228 6157 788 231 507 2t 10 11 10-15 11459 6286 5173 9184 5577 3557 2288 690 1598 87 19 18 15-20 8981 4771 4210 4201 3242 959 4895 1476 3219 85 53 32 20-25 849t 4218 4273 1600 1434- 66 8818 2678 4135 178 106 72 25-30 8447 4286 4161 689 570 19 7661 3571 3980 807 145 162 30-35 6'162 3600 3162 211 208 8 8188 8241 8892 408 108 262 31'1-40 4964 2577 2387 88 81 7 4888 2330 1998 648 161 382 40--45 3812 1854 1758 39 37 2 2998 1664 1335 574 153 421 45-50 3780 1971 1789 3& 33 2 2728 1676 104-7 1002 262 740 50-55 2867 1567 1300 28 25 4 1912 1289 653 898 253 643 55-60 21i61 1368 1193 28 21 2 1402 1024 378 1138 323 813· 60-66 1105 gOO 786 18 17 1 886 646 190 851 207 094 65-70 8&5 446 409 8 6 842 287 M 507 153 354 70 & OVf'r 808 391 417 5 I) 240 204- 36 .668 182 381 OTHERS 1281 729 602 808 859 260 588 341 222 59 29 80 0-1 20 9 11 20 9 II 1- 2 28 13 15 28 18 16 2- 3 80 22 8 80 22 8 3- 4 88 16 20 38 16 20 4-- Ii 21 14 7 81 14 7 0-5 185 74 8t 185 74 81 ii--l0 155 74 81 153 73 80 a 1 1 10-15 183 69 64 122 65 57 11 4 7 15-20 118 68 50 79 54 25 88 14 24 1 20-25 128 78 50 51 40 11 78 37 39 1 1 25-30 181 80 In 87 21 6 101 57 44 8 2

30-36 121 77 44 17 14 3 100 61 39 4 ~ 2 36-40 93 63 so 10 8 2 80 63 27 3 .:l., ] 40-45 57 41 16 8 3 3 48 36 12 3 l 45--50 45 30 15 3 1 .2 36 25 10 7 I ;{ 50-GO 88 19 14 2 2 26 16 10 6 1 4- M---60 33 23 10 .2 .2 .82 17 1) 9 4 1) 60-65 27 18 9 2 .2 12 9 3 13 7 ti 65-70 11 8 3 8 6 5 .2 3 70 & over 11 7 4: 8 5 1 & :2 3 AlMER CITY 1472&8 78898 67880 84889 39010 25669 89048 3&882 88188 13541 5028 851& 0-1 1978 979 999 1978 979 999 1- 5 17109 8748 8361 17074- 8736 8338 . 27 6 21 8 6 2 r,_10 19482 10227 9235 188M 10066 8819 642 146 396 88 16 20 10-15 16416 13293 S016 5277 8048 67:; 2371 78 31i 38 15-20 Igog-- - -;~U--~g:~ 8804 5130 1674 7883 2619 5264 222- 116 ]06 <: 20-30 287..98 15718 13080 4818 4445 368 28714 10506 12158 1271 717 554 30-40 20727 11724 9003 1089 993 96 1'1479 . 9838 7641 21&9 893 1266 40-50 "Dt1O 8383 5807 418 375 41 10518 6900 3613 8261 1108 2153 50-60 8808 4720 3689 18'1 162 25 4829 3519 1310 3293 1039 2254 60 & over 1m 2805 2556 13t 109 22 201& 1603 412 321& 1093 2122 ALWAR 54097 28448 26649 21421 12838 8788 28897 18518 18t79 &979 2297 8882 0- 1 881 601 380 881 601 380 1- 5 8088 2983 3085 6041 2968· 3073 24 13 11 3 2 1 5-10 8860 3626 3124 8460 3465 2985 198 58 135 7 3 4 10-15 &7H 3046 :2708 4497 2723 1774 - 1284 312 922 .. 23 II 1.2 15-20 5401 2794 2607 2108 1602 001 8221 1150 2071 '17 42 35 20-30 10079 5113 4966 941 885 56 8740 4036 4704 898 192 206 30--40 7121 3803 3321 285 226 10 8089 3266 2823 SOO - -312 ·488 40-50 &881 2987 2374 148 140 6 8980 2376 1554 1286 ·471 814 50-60 88&& 2004 1861 79 78 1 2088 1388 6SO- 1508 ·638 - 970 60 & over 8184 1691 1433 48 46 2· 1198 919 279 1878 726 . 1152 75 TABLE VD-··AGE AND CIVIL OONDITION-(ccnid.)

POPULATION UNMABlUED HAltltIED WIDOWED CITY &-AGE -.--- Persons Hales Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Fema.les PersoM Males FemaleI'!

1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 l() 11 12 13

BBARATPUR 35541 19486 ' 16055 18229 10280 5999 10442 7786 7657 3870 1471 2899 0- 1 830 423 407 880 423 407 1- {) 4243 2:262 1981 4229 2250 1979 13 11 ~ 1 1 6-10 - 4114 2675 1239 4888 2644 1989 76 26 49 6 J J 10-15 3863 2148 1715 318'1 1974 1213 687 169 498 9 5 4: 16-20 3492 1902 1590 15400 1192 348 1911 687 1224 41 23 18 20-30 6612 3595 3017 1819 1286 33 5021 2174 2847 272 135 137 30-40 4894 2596 2098 248 243 5 38S3 2134 1689 823 219 404 40-50 8577 1998 1579 188 128 8 2484- 1523 941 977 347 630 50-60 2080 1091 939 86 56 9 993 686 307 972 349 623 60 & over 1486 796 690 42 34: 8 476 375 100 969 387 582

BIKANER ~27226 69875 67361 60840 81792 18848 63184 33461 29733 134002 4632 8770 0-1 1786 964, 802 1766 964 802 1- 5 12832 6214 6118 12332 6214 6118 .. ~10 17503 9458 8045 18627 9243 7284 989 207 732 3'1 8 29 10-15 15040 8225 6815 10369 6852 3507 4456 1291 3164 226 82 144 15--20 13988 7753 6235 4987 4125 862 8609 3397 5112 492 231 261 20-30 25606 14584 10922 8081 2919 162 20718 10872 9847 1706 793 913 30-40 1'1624 9975 7549 765 733 32 14380 8330 6030 2899 912 1487 40-50 11811 6667 5144 886 365 21 8482 5288 3174 2888 1014 1949 50-60 7367 3888 3479 270 219 51 4098 3801 1297 2999, 868 2131 60 & over 4889 2147 2242 167 HIS 9 1642 1260 377 2680 724 1856

BUIfDI 20846 10706 10140 7_ 4619 2970 10568 5361 U15 8891 788 1956 0- 1 645 226 319 645 226 319 1- 5 1832 906 926 1823 903 920 9 3 6 6-10 2371 1286 1085 2247 1246 1001 118 37 81 6 3 3 10-15 2138 1161 977 1639 1011 52S 582 145 437 17 5 12 15-20 1915 952 963 875 549 126 1209 394 815 31 9 22 20-30 4126 2112 2014 443 412 31 3480 1627 1853 203 73 130 30-40 3066 1618 1448 146 130 16 2507 1374 1133 418 114 299 40-50 2166 1121 840 7'1 63 14 1451 891 560 888 167 471 50-60 1840 806 834 57 49 8 826 573 253 757 184 573 60 & Oval' 1047 518 529 37 30 7 384 307 77 626 181 445

DHOLPUR 111811 11499 9812 8948 5889 3579 9920 5190 4730 2443 940 1503 0- 1 409 237 172 409 237 172 1- 5 2458 1219 1239 2458 1219 1239 , . 5-10 .. 2731 14.66 1265 2658 1437 1219 70 27 43 5 2 3 10-15 2808 1268 1040 1787 1115 672 510 148 362 11 5 6 15-20 1989 1045 944 819 625 194 1i86 402 734 8t 18 16 20-30 8808 2011 1797 475 431 44 8182 1493 1669 171 87 84 30-40 1899 1624 1275 17& 158 17 239& 1329 1066 329 137 192 40-50 2147 1247 900 92 80 12 1190 951 539 666 216 349 50-60 :1410 798 612 42 37 5 774 048 226 594 213 381 60 & over 1152 584 568 35 30 5 S8S 292 91 734 262 472

JAIPUR 175810 93479 82881 86562 400'18 26484 89896 46387 43029 20852 7084 138t8 ()- 1 2480 1130 1295 24030 1135 1295 1- 5 t8240 9113 9127 18174 9107 9067 62 {} G7 4 1 3 5-10 2:1731 11558 10173 205:17 11320 9197 1189 225 964 25 13 12 10-15 18178 9799 8377 12831 8378 4453 5251 1383 3868 9t 38 56 15-20 \7209 9045 8164 6055 .4986 1069 10885 3937 6948 269 122 14,7 20-30 333tt 17797 15514 8566 3323 233 28220 13783 14437 1635 H91 844 30-40 11434.2 132M _. 11058 88S 818 65 10446 11396 9050 8018 1070 -1943 40-50 '18159 9894 8265 568 510 53 12741 7851 4890 4855 1533 3322 50-60 11'119 6785 5934 888 308 30 6919 4818 2101 6482 1659 3803 60 & ovel' . 9493 0069 4424 21& 193 22 8683 2969 714 5595 1907 3688

JODHPUR 128842 68816 58027 53867 38811 20046 59928 31229 28699 13057 3'175 9282 , 0- 1 2344 1154 1100 2383 1146 1187 II 1 I 9 7 .2 1- 5 14909 7599 7310 14860 7513 7147 178 51 125 73 35 38 5--10 18852 9181 7471 1&318 8891 6422 1186 215 971 163 75 78 10-15 ·14860 -8335 6625 10995 7294 3701 3783 940 2843 182 101 81 15-20 . tJ799 - 7734 6065 6879 4667 1012 '1842 2916 4926 2'18 151 127 20-30 ·'-94381 13585 10782 8.177 2834 343 S0101 10300 9801 1089 451 638 30-4,0 ·1694& 8840 7105 757 6J.>7 100 18172 7651 5521 2018 532 1484, 40:"""50 11576 6246 5330 460 397 53 8042 5118 2924 80M 731 2353 50-60 7369 376G 3604 813 267 46 3896 2680 1216 8180 818 2342 00 & over •. 4921 2376 2545 :180 14-,,) ~Ii 1728 ]357 371 3013 874. 2130 76 TABLE VII-AGE AND OIVIL CONDITIOK-(ccmtd,.)

POPULATION UNMABBlED MABBIED WIDOWED CITY & AGE Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

KARAULI 19171 10048 9129 7284 4399 2885 9459 .191 4888 2ta. 868 1676 0- 1 322 HID 172 322 150 172 1- 5 2190 1105 1085 2190 1105 1085 a-l0 2881 1282 1099 2250 1250 1000 128 32 96 3 3 10-15 1991 1079 912 1860 871 479 684 206 428 7 2 5 15-20 1830 961 869 569 460 99 1248 492 751 28 9 19 20-30 8602 1851 1751 299 289 10 8107 1482 1625 196 80 116 30-40 2528 1316 1212 125 117 8 2061 1091 960 852 108 244 40-50 1968 1029 927 94 80 14 1287 765 532 676 194 381 50-60 1419 774 645 63 53 10 706 400 216 860 231 419 60 & over 968 501 457 32 24 8 303 243 60 823 234 389

KISBENGARH 140469 1nS 6748 5108 8231 1877 7570 8950 auo 1781 582 1H9 0- 1 162 89 73 159 87 72 2 1 1 1 1 1- 5 1306 664 642 1289 660 629 11 1 10 8 3 3 5-10 1884 1061 823 1733 1017 716 141 37 104 10 7 3 10-15 1610 876 734 1048 693 355 645 174 371 17 9 8 15-20 1478 748 730 898 324 74 1047 407 640 33 17 16 20-30 2922 1611 1311 295 277 18 2471 1260 1211 156 74 82 30-40 2081 1124 937 75 70 5 1700 961 739 288 93 193 40-50 1.29 728 701 56 54 2 959 578 381 .14 96 318 50-60 1026 526 499 37 34 3 .9B 367 131 490 125 365 60 & over 682 .286 296 1B 15 3 198 164 32 888 107 261

KOTAB .5082 24163 20869 17800 U193 8607 21484 11298 10186 6748 1671 4076 0- 1 648 331 317 ·848 331 317 1- 5 4332 2253 2079 40332 2253 2079 5-10 6258 2844 2414 6160 2818 2342 93 24 69 5 2 3 10-15 4711 2583 2128 3833 2412 1421 881 163 698 17 8 9 15-20 4581 2464 2067 2012 1689 323 2451 757 1694 68 18 50 20-30 9484 5192 4272 1884 1229 55 7783 3807 3926 447 Ili6 291 30-40 6809 3765 3044 860 236 24 6496 3244 2252 1053 285 768 40-50 4388 2300 2068 147 129 18 2S00 1764 1036 1421 407 1014 50-60 3101 1526 1575 83 65 18 1480 1032 398 1588 429 1159 60 & over 1810 905 905 41 31 10 620 507 113 1149 367 782

PALANPUR 21643 11128 10615 8803 5108 3195 10905 5860 5545 2485 860 1775 0- 1 369 188 181 369 188 181 1- is 3210 1123 1087 2189 1115 1074 16 6 10 .. 5 2 3 5--10 2718 1471 1242 2368 1326 1037 827 129 198 23 16 7 10-15 2522 1407 1115 1733 1117 616 787 276 491 22 14 8 15-20 2268 1203 1068 987 736 231 1264 451 813 35 16 19 20-30 3981 2076 1885 534 481 03 3243 1521 1722 184 74 110 30-40 2985 1408 1577 80 77 :I 2512 1230 1282 893 101 292 40-50 2233 1054 1179 37 37 1614 885 729 &B2 132 450 50-60 1442 750 692 22 22 810 576 234 810 152 458 60 & over .. 942 448 494 9 9 352 286 66 681 153 428

TONK 38850 19812 18838 16218 9505 6711 18617 9180 9427 8817 1117 2700 0- 1 680 337 323 880 337 323 1- 5 4378 2224 2149 4882 2221 2141 11 3 8 6--10 5258 2740 2518 4985 2601 2364 289 137 152 4 2 2 10-15 4251 2218 2033 3294 1960 1334 944 263 691 13 5 8 16-20 3639 1841 1798 1578 1163 413 2014 6u7 1357 49 21 28 20-30 8570 3284 3286 975 882 93 &829 2291 3038 286 III 155 30-4() 4919 2544 2375 215 195 20 4215 2197 2018 489 102 337 40-50 4028 1981 2042 91 79 12 8046 1675 1370 881 227 660 50-60 2891 1546 1345 50 44 6 1797 1211 586 1044 291 753 60 & over .• 2086 1097 969 28 23 5 973 766 207 1085 308 757

UDAIPUR 69545 32183 27412 38945 14816 9129 30028 16519 14509 5572 1798 8774 0- 1 815 381 434· 815 381 434 1- 5 6768 3443 3315 6899 3414 3285 54 25 29 5 4 1 ,6--10 7214 3819 3395 8870 3724 3146 832 87 245 12 8 4 10-15 6887 3507 2830 4799 31I1 1688 1509 384 1125 29 12 17 15-20 6219 3406 2813 2521 2089 432 8639 1287 2352 59 30 29 20-30 12228 6755 5468 1586 1491 75 10209 5009 0150 448 205 243 30-40 8177 4555 3622 381 354 27 6941 a007 3034 U6 294 661 40-50 5543 2925 2618 134 116 18 4126 2456 1670 1283 353 930 50-60 3893 2104 1789 106 90 16 2267 1563 704 1520 451 1069 60 & over 2886 1238 1128 54 46 8 9&1 751 200 1381 441 920 77 . SUBSmIARY TABLES (i)-Age Distribution of 10090 of each sex 1941 1931 1921..__ 1911 1901 Age r------"--~ ~----. ~ -- Males Females Males Females Males Females Ma.les Females Males Females --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 11

0- 1 149 161 293 327, 295 326 3~2' 405 131 144 1- 2 296 326 287 326 140 157 141 159 122 138 2- 3 317 345 298 344 224- 260 276 313 192 210 3- 4 327 365 296 329 261 309 314 355 204 223 4- 5 306 336 293 307 • 268 301 273 290 228 240 0-- 5 1395 15033 1467 1633 1188 1353 13~~ 1522 877 955 5-10 1466 1461 1332 1290 1517 1641 1212 1186 1204 1223 10-15 1232 1152 1267 1160 1290 1109 972 798 1339 1172 15-20 962 938 957 938 841 708 923 789 1111 992 20-25 877 894 925 946 689 766 899 995 903 973 25-30 850 859 783 788 825 807 957 942 907 871 30-35 699 669 685 683 001 915 947 965 006 9Ui 35-40 069 569 616 615 588 550 659 524 570 548 40-45 449 440 546 533 710 756 718 779 741 813 45-50 439 429 458 422 341 302 335 305 350 332 60-55 341 324 364 340 501 524 534 563 491 541 55-60 296 295 237 248 153 135 147 128 190 176 60-65 204 204 192 213 292 354 273 65-70 109 109 77 82 59 57 50 347}47 411 489 70 & over 112 124 {I4 109 105 In 88 110 MeaD Age 28.7 23.5 23.5 28.4 24.6 24.8 24.8 25.2 25.4 25.9 (ii)-Age Distribution of 10000 of each sex by main communities Community a.nd Age HINDUS 0- 5 1359 1494 1456 1625 1164 1331 1349 1499 ~U9 1.141 5-10 1447 1454 1327 1283 1496 1528 1196 1173 1188 1216 10-15 1235 nol 1269 1157 1200 1102 9'70 700 1334 1158 15-20 967 940 961 937 851 707 931 789 1112 982 20-40 3019 2996 3013 3036 3020 3043 3389 3433 3283 3313 40-60 1545 loll 1613 1555 1720 1744 1708 1803 1796 1895 60 & o vel' 428 454 361 407 459 645 412 513 418 495 lIeaD Age 23.9 83.7 33.8 2S.& 24.6 24.8 24.9 2&.4 25.5 26.1 MUSLIMS 0- I) 1518 1692 1499 1692 1203 ]394 1317 1469 1034 1147 5-10 1460 1456 1339 1331 1442 1483 1233 1236 1321 12{1(l 10-1 IS 1206 lI66 1241 1181 1286 U5S 1112 963 1311 1202 15-20 973 968 944 962 846 766 968 851 1019 967 20-40 2850 2914 3047 3064 3045 3066 3151 3256 3127 3081 40-60 1525 1408 1531 1396 1655 1606 1721) 1689 1722 1760 60 & over 468 406 399 384 524- 540 498 536 466 547 Mean Age 3S.6 22.7 23.& 22.7 24.8 24.2 24.9 24.8 25.0 24.8 JAINS 0- 5 1310 1271 1439 1358 1157 1100 1319 1248 864- 894 5-10 1391 1252 1249 1124 1378 1251 1235 1124 nOli 1022 10-15 1119 1070 1143 1019 1268 1128 923 813 1405 1285 15-20 869 891 89lf 906 775 737 838 793 1228 1168 20-40 2958 3093 2994 3187 3076 3221 3404 3503 3137 3206 40-60 1839 1860 1881 1933 1877 1982 1871 1987 1888 1939 60 & over 514 563 40] 473 469 581 410 532 373 486 MeaD Age 25.5 28.2 24.8 2&.8 25.& 28.8 25.5 28.8 25.2 26.4- CHRISTIANS 0- 5 1244 1411 1432 1715 ]482 1557 1204 1727 764 IlO4- 5-10 1117 1041 1316 1329 1585 1779 1038 996 1167 1604 10-15 980 979 1249 1157 1024 859 1121 617 1925 1553 15-20 951 1076 969 1026 554 602 938 1110 1063 1036 20--40 3352 3470 3087 3321 3499 3668 4109 4110 3165 3192' 40-60 2010 1706 1728 1288 1535 1269 1420 1148 1703 1307 60 & over .. 346 317 219 164 321 266 170 292 211 204 Mean Ace • 26.0 24.8 23 .• 21.4 28.~ 22.4 23.8 22.8 24.1 21.9 1941 Males Females SIKHS TRIBiS 0- 5 1465 1672 1355 1872 0- 5 1559 1725 5-10 1439 1492 1194 1425 5-10 1625 1573 10-10 1238 1190 1I7J 1223 10-10 1260 1167 15-20 1020 1006 1080 950 ]5-20 927 918 20-40 2959 3089 :1288 3048 20-40 2966 29111 40-60 1415 1213 ] :"J()!) 1188 40-60 1312 J311 60 & ovel' .•• 464 338 403 294 00 & over. :lin 315 lIean Ale 23.4 23." 22.8 22.2 MeaD Age •• 22.4 22.4 78. SUBSmlABY TABLES-(contd.) (iii)-Proportton of (ca) OhUdreD under 10 and of persoD'S over 60 to those aged 15-40 (6) M.urled femlles aged 15-40 per 100 lam lies for tot1l p,plll1tlon ani in carbin commu:lltles

Children (both sexee) per 100 Persons over 60 per 100 aged 15·40 Agency State Married l"ema1es aged 15·40 per or District r------A------~Persons aged 15.40 Married Females aged 15.40 1941 1931 1921 1911 ---~1901 JOO Females of aU ages ~ ~ ~ ~ r--"-. I ...._ ~ 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 M F M F M F M F M F 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1 2 3 li 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 RAJPUTAlfA. • 740 7S 740 82 48 180 175 189 151 183 11 11 9 10 12 14 10 12 9 11 $4 34 31 37 34 1 Abu 56 46 46 .. 155 149 139 553 4 5 6 .. 38 40 39 2 Alwar 72 65 11 64 61 171 161 182 152 159 13 11 11 10 15 15 14 14 14 15 35 36 32 35 35 3 Rmswara 8.2 93 107 79 44 201 220 253 185 123 787 9 8 13 4 7 2 5 32 30 28 36 36 4 Bharatpur 80 67 63 54 63 213 165 168 137 Hi6 12 10 9 8 12 12 10 11 11 13 31 37 34 36 36 6 Bikaner 72 72 75 61 49 187 182 200 156 133 10 11 11 12 14 18 10 14 9 14 34 34 29 31i 34 6 Bundi 72 68 77 68 35 170 165 197 159 101 9 10 7 8 10 13 8 10 5 6 36 35 30 38 36 7 D3.nta 77 187 . . 8 10 .. . . 34 34 8 Dholpur 70 66 66 58 63 172 170 178 148 157 11 9 8 9 13 15 11 13 11 13 37 33 36 35 9 D mgarpur 78 90 98 72 36 187 204 230 171 112 887 8 7 11 3 623 34 32 30 38 33 10 J\ipur 75 70 67 58 52 i76 167 168 139 129 13 13 11 II 14 16 12 14 10 14 34 35 33 37 36 11 J\iAahner 71 68 71 62 61 203 198 248 174 182 8 8 7 8 9 14 8 11 9 16 32 32 25 33 29 12 Jhalawar 65 61 68 57 38 153 150 177 142 106 12 10 11 9 15 14 9 967 37 36 31 38 35 13 KarBuli •• 72 69 70 57 57 177 174 187 146 144 11 10 9 9 12 14 10 11 10 12 36 35 33 37 36 14 Kishetlgarh 66 71 67 55 36 157 168 172 139 96 9 10 7 9 8 11 7 10 6 8 36 35 33 38 38 15 Kotah 68 64 73 62 43 161 151 180 145 116 9 9 8 8 12 13 9 9 6 7 37 37 32 39 36 16 Kushatgarh 88 100 lIO 84 32 218 237 267 205 168 6 8 8 10 9 15 4 8 4 8 32 30 28 34 29 17 L"wa 70 70 68 55 37 161 156 170 132 89 9 11 8 8 10 11 10 8 7 8 37 38 35 38 40 18 MBrwar .. 75 77 75 63 48 190 246 202 156 146 II 13 9 11 11 15 9 13 14 13 32 33 29 36 28 19 Mewar 74 74 81 87 33 174 237 203 163 101 9 10 7 9 9 12 5 8 3 6 35 34 30 38 35 20 Pa.lanpur 79 184 .. 10 13 .. 34 21 pa.:-tabuarh. 74 74 83 65 35 175 179 202 156 103 7 8 6 8 9 11 4 6 3 6 35 34 31 39 35 22 Shahpura 72 69 75 63 33 165 230 181 152 88 8 lQ 8 6 9 14 6 10 4 6 36 36 32 39 39 23 Sirohi 79 79 84 73 49 184 183 211 171 132 11 11 9 10 11 14 9 12 5 8 34 30 30 37 35 24 Tonk 72 '70 75 64 39 170 167 183 163 105 10 9 9 9 11 13 9 11 7 10 36 35 32 38 35 AJMER- MERWARA 88 86 8S 68 88 161 180 18. 1M 100 9 10 7 9 10 1S 8 11 8 9 87 86 34 39 S8 CommllDity Hindu 73 72 72 81 48 176 173 187 149 130 11 12 9 10 11 14 9 12 10 12 34 34 31 37 34 Muslim 80 13 71 64 59 193 177 179 153 156 12 10 10 10 13 14]2 13 11 14 34 35 33 36 32

(ifJ)-Percentage variation In population by age

Period All Ages 0-10 10-15 15-40 40-60 60 & CH'f."r 1 2 345 6 7 1931.1941 +18'1 +20'9 1-16·0 --\- 17-4 +13·0 +33-0 19~1·1931 +14·0 +16'6 +15·2 +19·2 + 5·0 -11·5 1911·1921 - 6·3 _. '8 +26·7 -16·.1) - 8·4 + ·4 ("i)-Pemales per 1000 m:lles by main communities. and age Total Popula.t.ion Hindus MuslimsJt... _____ ~ JainB Tribes Age ,--_~_-A-__ ---., 1941 1931 1921 1911 1941 1931 1921 1911 1941 1931 1921 1911 1941r------""-----~ 1931 1921 1911 1941 1 234 G 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 All Ages 901 908 899 909 80. 904 891 921 895 889 889 905 1016 1060 107S 105. 926 0- 1 981 1012 991 989 972 1013 986 988 1021 1003 996 984 1024 964 986 983 993 1- 2 999 1030 1008 1022 994 1033 1004 101'1' 1015 1000 1014 1037 955 lu06 1052 1055 1032 2- 3 987 1048 1041 1029 988 1048 1034 1026 961 1097 1047 1031 954 1035 1012 987 1021 3- 4 1011 1009 1165 1030 1007 1006 1062 1028 1005 1019 1063 1028 1007 1014 1044 1(,03 1054 4-0 995 903 1013 967 994 950 1007 964 998 959 1035 987 1008 984 1032 992 fl98 0- 5 996 1011 10S. 1008 893 1010 1018 1003 997 1004 1030 1009 986 999 1020 996 1028 5-10 904 879 912 889 007 875 910 885 893 884 915 907 913 954 973 960 896 10-15 848 831 772 747 842 825 761 735 865 846 - 798 783 971 945 955 928 856 15-20 885 889 756 778 878 882 741 765 881 896 795 803 1042 1075 1021 997 915 20-25 924 928 999 1006 911 923 985 993 928 925 983 1014 1108 1131 1221 1169 992 25-30 916 913 879 896 903 909 864 883 933 910 862 895 1083 1)28 1071 1071 951 30-35 868 004 IU3 927 864 902 003 919 878 870 916 959 995 1112 1174 1099 860 35-40 906 007 841 838 003 90S 835 834 916 855 785 818 1059 1141 1025 967 898 40-45 889 885 91S7 981) 880 883 955 983 863 833 932 978 995 1108 1222 1237 969 45-50 886 837 797 829 887 8305 792 828 822 780 762 764 HIlS 1059 982 969 _921 50-55 862 849 940 959 860 848 939 956 807 788 885 896 1022 1059 1221 1193 892 55-60 903 947 790 786 912 951 789 787 797 852 702 696 1099 1152 969 902 893 60-65 906 1007 1090 1157 922 1014 1091 1158 781 884 980 1034 111.,5 1263 1431 1466 863 65-70 907 961 874 860 936 977 886 874 744 792 651 667 1060 1190 1078 987 828 70 & over 998 1045 1050 1139 1064: 1067 1063 ] 156 795 859 911 976 1191 1280 1247 1433 778 79 SUBSIDIARY TABLES-(cootd.)

(viii)-Dlstributlon by elvU condition 01 1000 01 each sex community and age Age, Sex and Civil Condition All Communities Hindus Muslims Jains Christians •SUms Tribes ..~-. . - i 2 3 4 II 6 7 8 MALES 502 494 514 624 555 582 636 All Ages 437 443 424 397 401 368 418 .. {~ 6] 69 62 79 44 50 46 994 994 994 996 1000 999 997 0- 5 I) 5 II 3 1 3 .. {~ I 1 1 1 964 961 962 988 98t1 985 981 6-10 33 36 35 9 15 11 18 .. {~ 3 3 3 3 4 1 851 841 861 929 963 941 892 10-US 144 154 133 67 3Q 64 105 .. {~ 5 5 6 4 7 I> 3 265 259 294 324 481 413 264 15-40 696 702 662 635 494 657 703 .. {~ 39 39 44 41 25 30 33 62 66 34 121 80 72 36 40 & over 708 699 748 615 780 732 768 .. {~ 230 235 218 :.164 140 198 196 PEMALES 377 365 406 357 531 457 438 All Ages 491 497 485 443 393 487 463 .. {! 13Z 138 109 !OO 76 66 99 990 989 988 990 1000 997 996 0- 5 9 10 11 4 Z , .. {~ 1 1 1 1 1

905 893 009 976 977 970 957 5--10 92 104 87 20 23 21 41 .. {~ 3 3 4 0 4 2 605 579 651 739 915 791 708 10-15 3S8 414: 344 251 85 2()4: 286 .. {~ 7 7 5 10 IS 6 56 49 76 70 391 121 80 16-20 870 874 868 808 573 81>5 863 .. {~ 74 77 56 122 36 24 57 6 6 6 7 107 8 8 40 & over 466 455 517 377 599 703 528 ··{i 528 539 477 618 294 289 484 lix)-Distrlbution by civil condition of 1000 01 each sex communit, and age

Unmarried Married Widowed...A.. ______~ Community Sex and Age ,---- -~ 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 2 a 4 I) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14- 15 16 17 MALES All Ages 502 491 511 494 479 437 488 895 f38 m 81 71 M 88 89 0-5 994 990 996 998 994 IS 10 4 2 6 1 6-10 964- 938 977 980 965 33 60 21 19 31 3 2 2 1 4 10-15 851 852 885 888 854 144 '144 108 108 129 5 4- 7 4 17 16-20 588 510 648 677 629 400 474 381 309 328 12 16 21 14 43 20-40 162 173 205 220 223 790 767 694 722 681 48 60 101 58 96 40-60 64 63 69 71 90 749 717 688 702 715 187 %20 243 177 195 60 & over 56 48 62 62 69 562 538 515 564 572 382 414 423 374 359 All communities PEMALES All Ages 877 848 353 817 808 491 498 457 601 499 182 158 190 182 198 0- I} 990 981 991 eM 987 9 18 8 6 12 1 1 1 1 6-10 905 824 920 934 910 92 173 '76 64 84 3 3 4: 2 (I 10-15 605 592 689 558 60S 888 401 396 438 874 '1 7 15 9 23 15-20 193 85 108 91 197 790 888 849 878 738 17 27 43 31 65 20-40 13 13 II 8 17 895 860 832 869 808 92 127 157 123 177 40-60 5 4. «I 4 6 84-2 476 4-63 472 497 453 520 529 li24- 497 60 & over 9 3 6 3 6 205 161 144 141 142 788 836 860 856 752 8() .SUBSIDIARY TABLES-(conttl.)

(i.t)--=-Dlstributioll by civil condition 01 1000 Of each sex commllnlty and age--(ooiltd.)

. Unmarried , _____.A_-. Married Widowed Community Rex and Ago --"-----~ 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1941 1931 1921 1911 loOi 1 2 3 4 ij 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 16 16 17

MALES rAll Ages 494 48B 608 481 478 443 441 395 440 484 83 71 97 89 80 0- [) 994 991 997 998 994 Ii 9 :1 2 6 1 0.-10 961 936 978 979 965 36 62 22 20 31 3 .2 .2 1 10-15 841 846 880 883 851 154 150 113 lIS 133 I) 4 7 4 16 10-20 573 501 642 672 620 414 484 336 314 336 13 15 22 14 44" 20-40 158 171 208 224 223 794 769 688 717 681 48 60 104 59 96 40-60 68 65 72 74 93 740 712 679 747 711 192 223 249 179 196 60 & over 61 51 61) 60 71 550 532 506 556 564 389 417 429 378 365 Hindus J FEMALES

All Ages 365 841 S44 808 292 497 500 480 506 507 188 159 196 186 201 0- 1) 989 981 991 993 985 10 18 8 7 13 I I 1 2 5-10 893 813 913 928 903 104 184 83 70 91 3 3 4 2 6 10-1 i) 579 572 M2 030 578 414 420 422 460 398 7 S 16 10 24 15-20 174 74 94 76 174 808 89D 860 891 761 18 27 46 33 65 20-40 9 11 9 7 13 894- 860 828 868 809 97 129 163 121) 178 40-60 5 3 6 3 5 532 472 457 469 496 463 525 537 628 499 60 & over I) :l I) 3 5 199 156 140 139 234 792 841 855 858 761


All Ages' 514 498 500 491 494 424 436 410 444 439 82 88 80 85 67 0- I) 994 988 989 998 997 5 11 II .2 3 I 1 5-10 962 939 972 979 961 35 59 27 20 30 3 .2 1 1 9 ... 10-15 861 877 888 899 864 133 119 106 97 114 6 4 6 4 22 15-20 629 56" 680 684 66S 358 418 299 302 301 13 17 21 14 31 20-tO 179 178 198 204 223 766 760 ,706 739 707 55 62 96 57 70 40-60 35 34 42 43 61 791 767 736 798 791 174 199 222 159 148 flO & over 31 28 33 35 51 607 580 559 610 670 362 397 408 346 279 ~IllB1imfl I FEMALES All Ages 406 381 372 348 361 486 493 472 502 479 109 126 156 152 160 0- fi 988 979 987 99.:J 996 It 20 12 5 4 1 1 1 5-10 009 861 929 939 947 87 136 66 60 50 4 3 5 1 3 lO-W 651 674 663 655 694 344 320 326 337 295 .5 6 11 8 11 15-20 243 149 165 165 271 745 830 808 813 676 12 21 27 22 53 20-40 22 21 19 15 35 908 885 869 892 833 70 94 112 93 132 40-60 6 6 9 8 16 601 538 532 546 563 393 456 459 446 421 60 & over Ii - .5 8 7 11 226 210 181 177 298 768 785 811 816 691

rMALES All Ages 524 517 540 616 493 391 390 846 391 396 79 93 114 93 111 0- 5 996 988 908 999 994 S 11 2 1 6 1 1 5-10 988 966 9.92 995 954 9 33 7 4 4-2 3 1 1 1 10-15 929 929 959 944 84:1 67 68 37 53 134 4 3 •. 4 3 25 lii-20 679 575 686 695 604 312 410 297 296 3G6 9 15 17 9 40" 20-40 220 242 276 262 265 730 688 616 666 631 00 70 108 72 104 40-60 127 1I5 124- 124 127 653 612 578 620 599 220 273 298 256 274 60 & over 101 71 109 93 71 477 462 400 446 451 422 467 491 461 478 Jains


All Ages 8&7 821 880 30B 818 443 438 3M 425 442 200 247 288 273 2D 0- 5 995 982 996 998 993 4 16 3 2 7 1 2 1 0-10 975 918 983 987 927 20 78 12 12 67 IS 4 5 I 6 10-15 739 723 774 705 685 251 265 211 2&6 281 10 12 15 9 34 15-20 265 78 73 77 284 707 868 851 869 650 28 54 76 54 66 20-40 14 9 11 6 30 836 767 690 737 713 150 234 299 257 21.7 40-60 7 2 3 3 0 441 356 338 344 424 552 642 659 653 671 (',0 & over 7 3 6 7 166 110 107 96 247 827 887 889 899 746 I '* 81 SUBSIDIARY TABLES-(contd.)

(iro)-Dlltrlbutlon by elvD .conditlon. Of ·1000 01 each sex community. and ags-(conrJd.) Unmarried Married Widowed Community Sex and Age r- ~ ----. 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1941 1931 1921 1011 1901 1 :! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

MALES All Ages 166 188 648 688 U6 401 413 404 887 819 44 48 60 80 46 0- 5 1000 993 995 1000 1000 7 3 2 5-10 985 961 988 996 989 15 39 10 4 11 10-15 963 900 959 981 978 30 90 41 19 22 7 10 2 .. 15-20 880 694 834 934 881 117 293 152 53 113 3 13 14 13 6 20-40 367 254 239 367 460 602 682 700 604 494 31 64 61 29 46 40-60 83 69 82 61 85 802 810 796 842 763 115 121 122 97 152 60 &,over 66 48 98 28 651 76i) 702 707 743 283 235 250 195 229 Clu-il:ltians .. FEMALES All Ages 531 508 491 471 641 393 421 489 447 378 78 73 80 sa 88 0- 5 1000 987 1000 1000 1000 13 5-10 977 946 978 984 984 23 51 20 16 16 3 2 .. 10-15 915 854 929 930 945 85 126 71 44 44 20 26 11 15-20 657 507 573 585 607 343 467 420 405 385 26 7 10 8 20-40 308 152 III 165 168 645 793 842 798 718 47 55 47 37 114 40-60 121 67 45 80 65 665 645 601 571 675 214 288 354 349 260 60 &, over 33 46 49 56 83 242 227 328 129 292 725 727 623 815 625

KALBS All Ales 686 411 46 0- a 997 3 5-10 981 18 1 10-15 892 lOS 3 f5-20 623 :166 11 20-40 152 80S 40 40-60 37 805 158 60 & over 34 629 337 '!'ribes PEMALES All Ages 488 463 99 0- 5 996 4 5-10 957 41 2 10-15 708 286 6 15-20 263 724- 13 20-40 24 005 71 40-60 7 l>95 398 60 & over 12 252 736 l

(:l')-8ex-ratio by civil condition. age and community

______Females pel'..A-- 1000 Males r-- --"""\ COlllDluni ty All Ages 0-10 10-15 15-40 40 &, over r--~ ..--___.A.-~ r------'-----, U M W U M W U M W U M W U M W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

All communities 681 1020 1949 919 2418 1026 003 2282 1076 189 1126 1708 00 589 205'" Hindus _. 666 1016 1973 915 2494, 984 580 2264 lO6S 168 1111 1758 1:1{) 586 207() Mu.lims •• 707 1023 1585 921 2186 1045 655 2235 692 236 1189 1143 149 563 1779 ...Jams " 692 1134 2581 942 1759 1782 773 3631 2256 228 1345 3201 64 6-12 2435 (,"b,ristians 896 916 1603 968 1400 886 2667 803 1U5 1424 1169 617 1693 Tribes .. 7M 1026 1978 947 1919 1277 680 2337 1544 282 1140 1000 2014 622 2138 s.a FERTILITY- TABLE -I Social Groupe Brahmins Jats ,____ ,..A ___ ,_~ ,--______.._____, __ ---, r------__.....------. Total -Propor· Tota.l Propor. Total To tal PropoJ.:;.­ Number Total number tion of Number Total number tion of Number number number tiOD ot Age Group of number of survi. of number of survi. of 8urvi. . ad of Average children vals to • d of Average children vals to ~ed of Average children vaJs to lIlIIiITl children women born surviv. 1000 ~::w n childrenbom surviv. 1000 women ch~:n Burviv. 1000 ing born ing bom ing hom 1 2 3 4- (; 6 23' 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 RAJPUTAIIA & AJIt1ER-MERWARA TOTAL 25078 !l4948 3.4 60751 697 16833 42781 2.7 28938 830 2821& 87888 8.4 57_ 858 9-11 279 828 1 .001 1 1000 838 11 .17 3 273 12-13 580 9 .0 ..·) 4 444 884 1M2 101 .12 27 267 14-16 200'1 277 .14 174 628 1604 39 .03 28 718 1897 621 .37 178 287 17-21 4084 3883 .95 2724 702 8268 1494 .63 1001 670 3935 4671 1.2 3002 643 22-26 4883 12460 2.6 7966 639 2682 5847 2.2 3658 626 626'1 13707 2.6 9400 686 27-31 3935 16006 4.1 10094 63] 2450 8672 3.5 5661 653 4452 17520 3.9 12276 701 32-36 2787 14246 5.1 8872 623 1638 7604 4.6 5067 666 2626 13429 5.1 9112 679 37-41 2120 12326 5.8 7197 584 1205 6664 5.5 4234 635 2828 13085 5.6 8613 658 42-46 1837 7901 5.9 4588 581 729 4069 5.6 2505 616 1361 7895 5.9 5091 645 47-51 1364 8038 5.9 4329 539 '159 4252 5.6 2516 592 1443 7962 5.5 5016 630 52-56 607 3700 6.1 1946 526 355 1772 5.0 1024 578 576 3222 0.6 1993 619 57-61 690 3180 5.4 1549 487 811 1692 5,4 914 540 841 3348 5.2 1809 570 62-66 280 1314 5.7 593 451 68 331 . 4.9 165 498 1M 878 0.7 460 540 67-71 164 910 5.5 430 473 45 217 4.8 103 475 175 855 4.9 417 488 72 & over 129 698 5.4 285 408 22 127 5.8 59 465 96 563 5.9 258 458 N.B.-The following States have beell, excluded N.B.-The following States have been excluded N.B.-The following States have been excluded from this group :- from this group :- from this group ;- 1 Alwar 6 Jaipur 1 Alwar 6 Kotah 1 Alwa.r 6 Jaipur 2 Bharatpur 7 Kotah 2 Bbaratpur 7 Ma.rwar 2 Bikaner 7 Kotah 3 Bikaner 8 MarwSr 3 Bikaner 8 Mewar 3 Bharatpur 8 Lawa 4 Dholpur 9 Mewar 4- Dholpur 9 Tonk 4- Dholpur 9 Marwar (; Ja.isalmer 10 Sirom /j Jaipur 10 J aisa.Imer 5 Dungarpur 10 MaWILl' 11 Tonk 11 Tonk FERTILITY TABLE II Social Groups r------~------~

Brahmins_----"--- ___.., ,..---_____---A-- J ats ______.., ,- Total Total Propor. Total Total Propor. tal Total Propor. Number number number tion of Number number number tion of Number To be number tion of Age at the birth of f A of Burvi· of survi. of num r of survi. of the first child . a verage. of of Average married h'lodf Average children vals to ::r~~~ chiboldren chIldren. vals to married children children vals to c 1 ren . rn Bu.rviv. 1000 women bom surviv- 1000 women bom S1lrVIV· 1000 mg born iug bom ing born 1 2 3 4- ;; 6 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 456 RAIPUTANA & AJMER-MERWARA

TOTAL 19496 84948 4.4 50751 597 10424 42781 4.1 26936 680 21125 -87888 4.2 57655 656 11 17 73 4.3 46 630 4 18 4.5 8 444 10 40 4.0 25 625 12 62 292 4.7 156 534 26 129 5.0 82 636 115 •• 511 4.4 322 630 13 228 980 4.3 599 611 102 489 4.S 817 648 302 J304 4.3 849 651 14 762 3513 4.6 2131 607 2'73 1197 4.4 769 642 865 3602 4.2 2307 640 15 2288 10686 4.7 6366 596 882 3995 4.5 2456 616 2805 10541 4.6 6972 661 16 2623 11949 4.6 7022 588 998 4258 4.3 2545 598 2384 9976 4.2 6418 643 17 2297 9278 4.0 5590 603 913 3694 4.0 2354 637 1852 7314 3.9 4779 653 18 3438 15422 4.5 8923 579 1721 7195 4.2 4580 637 8894 13830 4.1 9024 652 19 1611 5749 3.6 3767 655 856 3199 3.7 2030 635 1652 5855 3.5 3929 671 20 8202 15351 4.8 8923 581 2149 9182 4.3 5818 634 4020 18446 4.6 11735 636 21 640 2"432 3.8 1522 626 489 1877 3.8 1103 588 815 3027 3.7 2111 697 22 748 3108 4.2 1952 628 662 2601 4.0 1676 644 981 3932 4.0 2648 673 23 366 1378 3.8 903 655 288 997 , 3.5 '671' 673 415 1714 3.6 1194 697 24 260 962 3.8 657 683 221 748 3.4 481 643 4n 1461 3.4 1039 711 25 58'1 2391 4.5 1381 578 449 1848 4.1 1149 622 sa5 369J 4.4 2474 689 26 73 238 3.3 154 647 70 268 3.8 179 668 184 485 3.6 317 654 27 74 256 3.5 169 660 62 210 3A 138 657 120 466 3.9 305 655 28 64 217 3.4 129 594 83 285 3.4 197 691 139 493 3.5 361 732 29 62 101 1.6 65 644 34 88 2.6 60 682 46 153 3.3 100 654 30 158 3.6 296 517 152 508 3.8 323 642 293 1127 3.8 746 662 Mean Age 18.2 19.2 18.7

N.B.-The following States have been excluded N.B.-The following States have been excluded- N.B.-Tbe following States have been exoluded from this group :- from this group:- from this group :- 1 Alw6l' 6 Ja.ipur 1 Alwar 6 Ja.ipur 1 Alwa.i' 6 Jaipur 2 Bharatpur 7 Kotah 2 Bha.ratpur 7 Kotah 2· 7 Kotah 3 Bikaner 8 MlI.rwat , 3 Bikaner 8 Marwar 3 Bika.nel' 8 Lawa 4 Dholpul' 9 Mowar 4 Dholpur 9, Mew&r 4: Dholpur 9 Marw6l' 1) JaisaJmer 10 Sirohi 5 JaisaJmer 10 Tonk 5 Dungarpur 10 Mewar J I '1'onk 11 Tonk · TABLE -Vlll MEANS OF LIVELIH.80

The general scheme of classification in this table follows that of Table X of the 1931 Census, with a few6,_.. minor alterations only. In 1931 the total number of groups was 195 as against 235 on this occasion. This soheme of classification, first worked out by Dr. Bertillion in 1889, was introduced into India by Mr. E. A. Gait, the Census Commissioner for India in 1911. The great advantage of Dr. Bertillion's classification is that it can be applied universally irrespective of the stage of social development of the country. He divided all occupations into four classes and twelve sub­ classes with a series of minor sub-divisions. It will be noticed that the four classes have been arranged on the principle of the gradual evolution which has taken plaoe in the world of occupations, commencing with the production of raw materials. Then comes the preparation and manufacture of such new material into material substances and the supply of them through com­ merce, etc. This is followed by the professions and liberal arts. In the last class are placed certain miscellaneous occupations. The table was abstracted from replies to the following questions:- 9 Are you wholly or partly dependent on anyone else ? 10 If so, what are the means of livelihood of the person on whom you are dependent? 11 Do you employ (a) paid assistants (b) members of your household? If so, how many 1 14 What are your means of livelihood in order of importance? A brief note of explanation concerning these questions will aid understanding of the statistics. 9 A person who has no income in cash or kind is wholly dependent. Contributions in labour should not be taken into consideration. A person who contributes in cash or kind towards the support of the household without being definitely oapable of supporting himself is partially dependent. assistants must be employed in his or her oocupation, and must be employed regularly. Simi­ larly the members of the household must regularly assist in the person's occupation. 14 The instructions to the enumerators were to enter the various, means of livelihood in the order in which they contributed to the livelihood of the person being enumerated. The Table is divided into five classifications :- (1) P-Principal means of livelihood without any subsidiary. (2) PS-Principal with some subsidiary means of livelihood. (3) S-Having this means of livelihood not as principal but subsidiary. (4) PD-Partly dependent on this means of livelihood. (5) TD-Tota.lly dependent on the persons having this means of livelihood (total de­ pendent includes partly dependent and wholly dependent on others, who have this means of livelihood).

As in some States sorting and compilation of this table were most defective, it h~s not been found pos­ sible to give figureS.for subsidiary means of livelihood in the Rarjputana 8ummary€· Groups, too, have had to be omitted, for the rea.son. 84-


p PS S I'D 'r)) Class, Sub-Class AIeans of Livelihood and Order 1\l F l\{ F )[ F P P

1 2 3 4 (, 6 7 8 9 10

RAlPUTANA CLASSES ABC D .. ---8381488 565789 898904 106118 S86196 9480978 CLASS A PRODCCTION OF RAW MATERIALS .. 2889286 402498 176779 88434 190986 698M18

SulJ-elasal Exploitation of animals and vegetation .• 2888178 400388 174610 88848 190083 8964699

Order 1 Puture a.nd &gl'iculture .. .2325622 400312 174347 83189 190073 ,6953038 (8.) Cultivation . • . • .. 2250511 383909 156320 78352 181jl74 ' 67284116 (b) Cultiva.tion of spooial crops, fruits, etc., I / / I / (Planters, mana.gars, clerks and labourers) 8390 33156 1226 28;; 1863 31359 (c) Forestry 7805 1630 1913 564- 2165 19864 (d) Stock raising 58068 11230 14888 3982 471() 171243 (0) Raising of small animals and insects 848 187 6 61 • 2077 .2 Fishing and hunting .• • • • • 556 21 163 57 .2() 1661 I lulJ-elasan Exploitation of minerals 18057 2186 1289 188 871 .- 29818 3 Metallic minerals 1762 455 361 72 196 6965 4- Non-metallic minllrals .• 11295 l711l 908 116 676 2285'


Sub-elasa III Industry a88008 81810 6188. 11873 23692 902088 I) Textiles 49066 19728 9U8 2211 4441 133413 6 Hides, skins and hard materials from the animal kingdom 44518 5773 11458 1217 4083 141652 7 Wood 30733 3284 8340 936 2913 87295 8 'Metals 21773 1607 3513 741 1845 585(,3 9 Ceramics 28503 4074 6888 858 1798 81120 10 Chemical products properly so called and analogous 9676 1117 1945 478 521 27692 11 Food industries 13749 6144 1390 734 13.53 41158 12 Industries of dress a.nd the toilet 51383 8057 9248 1058 2671 126594 13 Furniture industries 2044 155 3745 20 64 7483 14 Building industries 42682 7797 4432 1231 1959 85882 1:5 Construction of means of transport 1691 122 217 21 26 5730 16 Production and transmission of physical force 1520 149 815 11 3,; 2M!) 17 MiscellaneoulJ and 1.lIldeflned indllstries 38271 8803 3526 2407 1883 103llti

Sub-oluslV Transport t89IO S8n B889 417 1808 t08782 18 Transport by Ilir 90 3 8 7 313 19 Transport by water '766 52 10 17 9 1289 20 Transport by road 23845 1774 2297 387 1272 53307 21 Transport by rail. • • . • • • • . . 21936 li14 512 11 264 48J>69 22 Post office. telegraph and telephone services. 2484 28 112 12 56 6284

lub-ol... y Trade 212898 27458 _08 1801 9289 848187 23 Banks, establishments of credit, oxchange and insura.nce 23456 2192 4210 438 l<:l52 86657 24 Brokerage, commission and export 7478 251 297 89 184 2.2955 25 Trade in textiles • • • • 26623 2318 2713 540 801 '78870 26 Trade in akins, leathers and furs 11645 1241 1480 80 481 30690 27 Trade in wood •• 2836 534 826 233 301 7674 28 TrRde in metals 2553 169 366 69 123 6301 29 Trade in pottery, bricks and tiles 1858 234 388 27 199 5908 30 Trade in chemical products •• 1117 115 102 3 103 3666 31 Hotela, cafea, restaurants, ete. 6018 598 832 144 264- 16224 32 Other trade in food stntls 87983 0054 . '8369 2497 3231 248699 33 Trade in clotdling and toilet articles .. 6704 926 968 lil2 341 18709 34 Trade in furniture 2031 103 122 33 23 5378 35 Trade in building materials •. 1379 145 227 30 54 5('36 36 Trade in means of transport " 3562 218 222 48 91 7002 37 Trade in fuel.. .. •• 8910 6638 4210 608 663 21006. 38 Trade in artioles of luxury and those pertain. ~ to letters and the arts and .cienoes •• '7839 963 637 130 .. 347 20627 39 Tr e of other IIOrts • • • • • • • • 20808 17S& 267.2 181 681 80786 85

TABLE VDI-IlEAKS OF LIVELIHOOD-(contd.), pV ps\" S PD TD A. ClaElS, Sub.Class Means of Livelihood ) \ a.nd Order M F M F :M F P P 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBE- RAL ARTS 17680 16328 18206 1780 3437 395450 Sub-el•• s VI Public force 6521 119 8281 128 368 69634 40' Army 15418 22 503 50 66 19087 41 Navy 10 48 43 Police 27093 97 2764 76 302 50499 Sub-elass VII Public Administration .. 69997 3004 2748 7& 907'/ 139247 44 Publio administration .. 59997 3004 2746 75 907 139247 Sub-elass VIII Profeesion and liberal arts 11142 12205 10193 1&&9 2162 186589 45 Religion 37681 4792 7357 1110 852 93384- 46 Law 3552' 13 106 4 31 10261 47 Medicines 5125 3328 305 148 309 15653 48 Instrul'tion 10640 1344 559 11 291 24150 49 Letters, artB and sciences (other than 44) 14744 2728 1866 286 679 43121

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 160827 61279 12410 2228 '7291 382514- Sall-el.. s IX PersonA living on their income 10893 2821 1191 137 359 24789 50 Persons livinu principally on their own income 10393 2621 1191 137 359 24789 Su.... el... X Domestic service 48070 18883 2457 622 1828 '. 103192 51 Domestic service 46070 13883 2457 522 1826 103192 Sub-el.. s XI Insufficiently described ocoupations " 48411 21984 8070 884 2930 133124 52 General terms which do not indicat·e a definite occllp8.tion 48418 12964 3070 834 2930 133124 Sub-elas. XII Unproductive .. 554M 12811 5892 130 2178 121409 1S3 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms houses •• 5929 634 21 54 54 Beggars and vagrants •• . • . . • • 44759 11643 5659 711 _.. 1977 111933 5n Other unclassified non·productive irldustries 4758 534- 33 19 ]78 9422 Special class Ruler of Indian State 19 3 64 Rpecial el88" Ruler of Indian Stat.e 19 :-1 64

_-> ABU D1S:r.8lC.1" ~..,."..~-- CfJ CLASSES ABC D •. 1494 198 128 67 149 2808 CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 49 8 2 213 Sub-el... 1 Exploitation of animals and vegetat,ion 49 8 2 213 Order 1 Pasture and agriculture 49 8 2 213 (8.) Cultivation . . . . 31 8 1 183 (c) ForestlY •• 8 13 td) Stock-r aisio g 10 17

CLASS B PRF.PARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE- RIAL SUBSTANCES 884 108 102 55 121 :1241 SuMl... III Industry 866 34 24 S 61 'lJ2 5 Te,.tiles •• 1 3 6 Hides. skins and hard materials from the animal Jdngdom 7 1 68 7 Wool{ 29 3 1 21 39 R Metals 10 2 1 13 9 Ceramics 10 1 1 20 11 Fond industries .. 17 2 68 12 Industries of dress a.nd the toilet 52 4: .. 63 14 Builriin'J industries 181 19 20 2 20 349 .18 Production and traDsmission of physical fores ...... - 27 1 17 17 l\fiscellaneous and undeflJled industries 17 I) 7 72 Sf)


.1' PS ~ S ~ Class, Sub·Class .Means of .Livel~oo(l __.A. __ PD TD and Order ...... _"""' .A. M F M F M F P P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10- SUb-class IV Transport 58 17 a 1 II 107 20 Transport by road 34 21 16 1 6 1S8 Transport by rail , , 6 1 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 27 18 1 .. 22 Sub-class V Trude 211 62 76 61 64 482 23 Banks, est.a.blishments of credit, exchange and insurance Ii 24 Brokerage, commission and export 9 27 Trade in wood .. 28 Trade in metals I) 1 2 1 15 31 Hotels, oafes, restaurants, etc. 48 32 3 1 57 Other trade in food stuffs 34 23 64 46 33 Trade in olothing and toilet articles ,. 15 105 19 4 73 36 Trade in means of trSIUlport .. , • 4 37 7 Trade in fuel .. 65 25 (j .i 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertain. 40 73 ing to letters and the arts and sciences .. 2 :l9 Trade of other sorts .. 2 32 4 90 CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LlBE. RAL ARTS 486 48 10 5 '198 Sub-class VI Public force 92 4- 1 48 40 Army .. 30 4 43 Police 14 62 34 Sub-class VII Public administration 276 28 5 3 618 44- Pnblic administration 275 28 ii 3 518 Sub-class VIIl Professions and liberal arts 119 16 4- 2 227 45 rReligion .. 30 4 26 46 Law .. 4 47 Medicines 2 17 7 2 31 48 Instruotion 59 5 4 49 Letters, arts and sciences (other than (4) 114 9 54 CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 325 34- 16 2 21 581 Sub-class IX Persons living on their income 14- 6 1 1 17 50 Persons living principally on their own income 14 (j 1 17 Sub-class X Domestic service 24-3 8 14- 1 14 447 51 Domestic service 243 8 14 14 447 Sub-class XI Insufficiently described occupation 52 13 2 8 87 52 General terms which do not indicate a defi. nite occupation 52 13 2 6 87 Sub-class XII Unproductive .. 18 7 10 5~ Bej;tgars and vagrants .. 16 7 10

ALWAR STATE \ \.) CLASSES ABC D 198974 10&83 21282 seo ... 2&288 aeo ... 4166 we7t CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW .MATERIALS 141588 5613 1375' 1414- 13122 1128 2788 410148 Sub-elass I Exploitation of animals and vegetation 141110 &803 18'138 1414 18444- 1128 2760 409048 Ordp-r 1 Pasture and agriculture 141169 5603 13733 1414 13444 1123 2748 409040 (a) Cultivation .. ., 135722 5398 12656 1312 12609 765 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruits, etc., 2694 398374 (Planters, managers, clerks and labourers) 1680 9 263 46 (c) Forelllliry 5 1788 343 6 34 .,8 9 2 21 1039 (d) Stock raising .. 3474 191 786 94 780 2 Fisbing and hunting 356 128 7839 1 2 3 Sub-class II .. Exploitation of minerals 418 10 28 78 a 18 1108 4 .. Non-metallic minerals .. ' .. 416 10. 26 78 3 18 1103 87 TABLE VUI-DAIfS OF LIVELIHOOD-(contd.)

P 1'8 s PD TD ,--__.A.-~__. Class, Sub·Clas~ Means of Livelihoou ..----"'-----. and Order M F II F 1\{ }' I) p

,j 6 i 8

CLASS B PREPARA'l'lON AND SUPPLY OF MA­ TERIAL SUBSTANCES 86446 2884 8148 895 7082 799 1024- 116738

Sub-clus III Industry 23:126 2225 5425 898 3957 559 69Z 72588 5 Textiles 3713 458 683 234 703 143 141 1117'> 6 Hides, skins and hard materials from the animo.l kingdom 4575 169 1524 128 lUI 92 141 146011 7 Wood 2168 40 576 64 269 46 45 6430 8 Metals 496 7 128 56 2 [) 1864 9 Ceramics 2203 110 931 16 800 15 58 9323 10 Chemical products propel'ly 110 called aud analogous ,. 826 20 152 5 109 4 12 2100 11 Food industries 420 259 74 122 86 146 10 1337 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 3967 296 772 95 545 47 150 13145 13 Furniture industrie!! 145 221 291 438 14 Building industries . . , , 1409 50 178 13 215 51 45 3884 15 Construction of means of transport 1 31 16 Production and transmission of physical force 45 7 95 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries 3159 816 179 19 72 12 85 8108 Sub-class IV Transport 2542 52 342 15 611 22 44 7318

18 Transport by air 4 40 19 Transport by water 6 3 20 Transport by'TOad 1983 46 332 15 599 18 37 5235 21 Transport by rail 416 6 7 9 4 {) 1568 22 Post otlloe, tele~aph and telephone services 133 3 3 1 472 Sub-class V T.'ado :10778 607 2381 184 2494 218 288 36882

28 Banks, es~abliBhments of credit, exchange and insurance 1522 74 680 31 817 41 20 6693 24 Brokerage commission and export 228 1 23 1 7 2 10 971 25 Trade in textiles , • • . 519 41 148 10 129 4 10 2872 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 274 12 107 252 3 1426 27 Trade in wood •. 119 7 .27 1 22 3 6 492 28 Trade in metals 22 30 2 23 1 66 30 Trade in chemical products . , 43 I 11 I 4 III 31 Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. 128 9 16 17 IO 370 32 Other trade in food stuffs 6135 330 1144 126 933 132 159 17962 33 Trade in clothing and other articles •. 157 3 1 2 10 2 .5 720 :14 Trade in furniture , . , , , , 4 2 2 1 3 29 86 Trade in building rnatel'ials .. 7 21 1 40 165 36 Trade in means of transport .. 22 2 3 159 37 Trade in fuel , . , • • . 216 42 54 5 40 6 25 1076 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertain­ ing to letters and the arts and sciences " 319 17 43 1 23 2 11 818 39 Trade of other eorts 1063 68 72 3 173 25 17 2952

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBE­ RAL ARTS 9:180 408 1140 1101 185 91 25447

Sub-class VI PH. hlie force 1785 170 268 11 5720 40 Army 6:20 18 33 ] 2892 43 Police 1165 152 235 10 2828

Sub-elass VII Public adrninistratioll 3614- :135 86 8528

44 Public administration 3614 125 86 ~528

Sull-class VIII Professions and liberal arts 8781 406 '74- 'l51 185 66 11199 46 , .. Religion, . 1985 87 585 42 527 58 12 tl009 46 Law' 157 9 2 1 437 47 Medicines 259 164 25 19 35 27 12 1090 48 Instruction 726 65 22 1 15 7 22 ] 1125 43 19 2()38 49• Letters, arts and sciences (other than. 44) 654 90 204 U 172

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 11760 1820 ZIt 3593 544- 282 33328

Sub-class IX Persons living on their jnt-orne 1149 2'17 394 13 443 107 18 4019

50 Persons living principally 011 theil' Qwn in(.'Ome 114~ 277 394 13 443 107 18 4049 88 TABLE VDI-IIEAKS OF LIVBLmOOD-(contd.)

p PS PD Tn .,A Class, Sub.Class Means of Livelihood . p a.ndOrder F M F P 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 Sub-class X Domestic service a378 166 388 40 409 206 51 8748 51 .. Domestic service 2373 165 386 40 409 205 51 6743 Sub-class Xl Insufficiently described occupation 3683 649 515 114 1483 169 126 11118 52 ., General terms which do not indicate a defi. nite occupation 3682 649 515 II4 J4.3S 159 125 11116 Sub-class XII Unproductive •• 4656 529 940 54 1308 73 88 11420 53 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms houses 340 5-1 " and vagrants.. • • • • • • 4199 520 940 54 1307 72 88 11388 55 .. Other unclassified non.productive industries 17 9 1 1 32 Special Class Rulers of Indian States 2 18 Special Class Rulers of Indian States 2 13

BABSWABA STATE:. I " 52276 7417 4083 234 4033 234 7114 194801 CLASSES A BCD •• r---- CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 43818 5909 2142 138 1571 106 6931 172015 Sub-class I Exploitation of animals and vegetation 48588 5909 2141 188 1570 106 8828 171981 Order 1 Pasture and agriculture 43559 5909 2141 138 1570 106 6926 171966 (a) Cultivation • . • • 42216 5825 2023 88 1553 86 6905 171343 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruits, etc. 48 41 3 82 (c) Forestry •• .• •• _. 1197 80 40 37 3 20 292 21 249 (d' Stock raising • • • • • • . • 98 4 37 13 5 (e) Raising of small animals and insects 6 2 Fishing and hunting 4 15 Sub-class II Exploitation of minerals 66 1 1 6 M 4 Non-metallic minerals •• 55 1 1 5 34 CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MA. TERIAL SUBSTANCES 6138 818 1248 54 1770 '73 6'77 14886 SUb-class III Industry 2558 298 786 16 1136 31 aSl 6879 Ii Textiles •. 279 33 107 201 84 591 6 Hides, skins and hard materials from the animal kingdom 473 1 234 .2 239 6 29 1552 7 Wood .. " 329 49 69 3 200 3 56 922 8 Metals 310 23 147 5 136 9 46 970 U Ceramics 183 69 33 80 39 490 10 Chemical products properly So called and analogous 82 US 47 3 71 12 12 347 It Food industries •• 69 33 8 2 1 6 157 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 355 56 91 172 1 59 989 13 Furniture industries 17 5 14 Building industries 377 .2 19 19 499 15 Construction of means of transport 6 29 16 Production and transmission of physical force •• ..., •• 9 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries 74" 17 II 16 419 Sub-class IV Transport 14S 85 16 40 7 512 2() Transport by road • ' .• 113 85 9 33 7 377 21 Transport by rail • • . . • . . . 15 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services. 29 6 7 120 Sub-class V Trade 2438 285 487 89 696 42 289 7S95 23 Banks, establishments of credit. eXchange and insurance .• 592 54 56 26 49 29 95 1653 24 Brokerage, commission and export 20 5 46 25 Trade in textile . • • . 143 123 41 5 281 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 85 12 40 6 167 8 16 331 27 Trade in wood •• • • • . :; 6 23 28 Trade in metals . • . • 98 5 5 3 11 288 29 Trade in pottery, bricks and tiles 17 11 89 3 31 Hotels, cafes. restaurants, etc. 107 9 22 11 614 32 Other trade in food stuffs • • • • 519 40 128 6 32 5 47 12C6 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articles •. 4 3 .2 .. " 47 34 Trade in fumiture . • • • • • I 3 54 35 Trade in building ma.teria.lB •. 50 36 1 I) 4 -182 36 Trade in means of transport " 45 36 106 2 21 37 Trade in fuel • . • • • • ., •• 2 38 Tr~e in articles of luxury. and those pertain. mg to letters and the arts and sciences •. 368 75 10 74 21 1535 3D Trade of other sorts 384: 35 R 7 27 1111 si)- 1ABLE VDI-IIEANS OF LIVELIHOOD--(conttl.}

s I'D TD Class, Sub·Class Means of Livelihood r----"--___ &Dd Order M F M F P l'

4 Ii (i 7 R !I 10

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINIRTRATION AND LIBE· RAL ARTS :(804 72 195 10 243 :(0 26 8901 Sub-class VI Public forco 380 36 12 7 2 380 40 Army 141 3 2 247 43 Police 189 32 10 7 2 133 Sub-class VII Pu blic administration .. 812 20 67 9 99 5 1448 44 Publio administration ., 812 20 67 !l 00 1443 Sub-class VIll Profession and liberal arts 662 52 93 1 132 3 19 2078 45 Religion 454 10 63 95 3 15 1632 46 Law 13 44 47 Medioines 28 36 1 55 4-8 Instructions 1M 1 12 2 2 173 4-9 Letters, art!! and sciences (other than 44) 62 5 17 35 1 174

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 1717 818 448 32 44.9 46 180 3999 Sub-class IX Persons living on their incomo 3 3 9 Persons living on their own incomE'! :I :1 Sub-class X Domestio service 609 249 179 14 16 :(2 18 1163 iii Domestic service 609 249 179 14- 16 12 18 1163 Sub-class XI Insufficently described occupations 541 463 95 9 129 17 106 1520 52 Indefinite occupations .• ii41 453 9;j o 129 17 105 1520

Bub-cll~1I XII Unproductive •. 564 116 1'14. 9 804 16 54. 1307 53 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms house~ 103 2 1 7 54 Beggars and vagran ts .• . . . . • . 459 110 174 270 16 51 1247 a5 Other unclassified non-prOductive indulltries. 2 4- 34 2 53

BHARATPUR STATE 4'1 • CLASSBS ABC D :;_; 164068 17893 12828 716 13227 390335 --- .. -~ CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 121620 12314 5873 248 10173 296748 Sub-elass I Exploitation of animal!! and vegetation 121018 12284 5St4 245 10170 298296 Order 1 Pasture and agriculture 121000 12284 5824- 245 10170 296244 (a) CUltivation . . . . 119109 12057 5408 220 9876 292914 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruits, etc. 12 48 7 6 73 (c) Forestry 156 67 102 6 26 598 (d) Stock raising 1723 112 :)07 19 262 2659 (e) Raising of small animals and insects 2 .• Fishing a.nd hunting • • • . 18 51 Bub-olass II Exploitation of minerals 502 so 49 1 3 458 3 Metallic minerals 1 2 4 Non.metallic minerals.. 501 30 47 3 453

CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE· RIAL SUBSTANCES 19827 8890 6278 877 2489 88882 Sub-cl... III Industry 11658 2869 36116 274 1812 40886 5 Textiles 2135 383 619 70 461 7281 6 Hides. skins and hard ma.terials from the animal kingdom 944 85- 422 8 91 3855 7 Wood.. •. 965 76 419 28 78 2939 8 Metals 367 4 103 1 35 1100 9 Ceramics 895 84 552 9 139 3602 10 Chemical products properly so called and .. a.nalogouB 376 38 177 8 36 124G 11 Food industries 922 858 227 108 471 4529 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 1743 218 612 6 181 6376 •• 13 Fu1'lliture indufltries 105 38 1 1 342 14 •• Building indu!!mes • . • . 1266 87 173 7 78 3307 15 .. Construction of tneans of transport 34 33 16 Production and transmission of physical force •• 68 2 12 216 17 Miscellaneous and Wldefined industries 1836 836 252 28 229 1)560 90 TABLE VW-IlEANS or LIVELIHOOD-(contd.)

p PS PD '.rn Olass, Sub·Class Means of Livelihood ~--, ,--A--...., ,..------. and Order M F M F M F P p

2 fi 7 8 1(1

Sub-class IV Transport. 2340 97 314 6 71 6585

19 Transport by water 6 7 20 Transport by road 1284 82 217 (j 50 3556 21 Transport by rail 938 7 97 19 2757 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services. 112 8 2 265 Sub-class V Tradt" 6681 924 1866· 97 586 19392 23 Ra.nks. establishments of credit exchange and insurance 478 19 177 .i 22 1770 24 Brokerage, commission and export 63 19 197 20 Trade in textiles 412 25 91 31 1209 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 99 3 22 354 27 Trade in wood .• 12li 4, 32 1)2 452 28 Trade in metals 156 7 45 6 483 29 Trade in pottery. bricks and tiles 85 28 34 10 ii59 30 Trade in chemieal products 23 2 13 31 Hotels, cafes, restaurants etc. 34 16 6 8 3 103 32 Other trade in food stuffs 2978 587 687 47 386 ]0218 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articles .. 66 51 3 349 34 Trade in furniture 21 1 1 26 Trade in building materials 17 17 67 36 Trade in means of transport 23 22 70 37 Trade in fuel lli7 81) 28 23 14 240 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertain. ing to letters and the arts and sciences .. 247 05 38 11 637 39 Trade of other sorts 647 40 146 4 41 2645 CLASS C PUBLIO ADMINISTRATION AND LIBE. RAL ARTS 7525 249 720 16 117 15997 Sub-class VI Public force 2822 6 188 3 9 2902

40 Army 1086 28 :~ 10311 43 Police 1236 6 110 3 6 1863 Sub-class VII Public administration 8178 36 288 2 45 8226 44 .. Public administration 3178 36 238 2 -t.;j 8226 Sub-class VIII Professions and liberal arts 2025 207 344 11 63 4869 45 Religion 932 56 159 1 Iii 1666 46 Law 139 10 4 491 47 Medicines 211 91 12 6 8 577 48 Instruction 443 36 64 15 1247 49 Letters, artM and sciences (other than 44) 300 24 99 4 20 888 CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 6885 1440 864 77 468 11228 Sub-class IX Persons living on their income 780 246 290 10 155 2456 50 •• Persons living principally on their own income 780 146 190 10 155 2456 Sub-class X Domestic service 1011 888 220 30 114 2684 51 Domestic service 1011 333 220 30 114 2694 Sub-class XI Insufficiently described occupation 1826 822 181 27 104 2948 52 •• General terms which do not indicate definite occupation 1326 622 131 27 104 2943 Sob-class XII Unproductive .. 2268 889 418 10 95 8186 53 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms houses 918 65 ... 54 •• Beggars and vagrants •• 1350 272 413 10 95 3135 55 .• Other unclassified non-productive industries 2 - Special class •• Ruler of Indian State 1 Special cl88s Ruler of Indian State •• 91 TABLE Vm-lOARS OF LIVELIHOOD-(contd.)

p pa PD TD CIMs, Sub. Class Means of Livelihood (~ and Order !\i F T' I' ., .i ti 7 lU '"

BIKAlfEB STATE CLASSES ABC D •• 364424 30165 12558 2031 126&6 2031 6764-0 883772 CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS S62144 --- 21150 9645 1118 3825 149 63540 669878 Sub-class I Exploitation of anima18 and vegetation S80880 21144 9544 1178 8287 747 63523 887118 Order 1 Pasture and agriculture 260617 21144 9544 1178 3237 74,7 63523 667090 (a) Cultivation . • • • 258301 20981 9200 1164 2565 734 63116 662854, (b) Cultivation of special cropS, fruits, etc. 1067 64 13 4- 29 1718 (c) Forestry .. •• .. .. 4 () (d) Stock raising .. 1245 99 331 668 13 378 2512 2 Fishing and hunting 43 26 Sub-olass II EXploitation of minerals 1484 6 1 88 2 17 2782

3 Metallic minerals 14 42 4 Non-metallic minerals .. lt70 6 1 8S 17 2720 CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE. RIAL SUBSTANCES 68406 557'1 2168 781 7773 1018 3023 144552 Sub-class III Industry 32841 3742 1886 563 5253 746 1928 67223

;) Textiles 1866 445 134 163 .:;30 224 221 4226 6 .. Hides, skins and hard materials frOID the animal kingdom 2772 lIW 44 18 389 33 Hi3 6349 7 Wood .. .. 2497 22 120 16 705 34 232 3983 8 Metals 1753 61 65 1 154 o 59 4269 9 Ceramics 1845 150 100 14 527 24 186 4126 10 Chemical products Pl"Operly so called and analogous .• 869 70 52 34, 256 :!o 24 2654 11 Food industries 2034 462 55 29 363 42 15r 4730 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 3155 277 129 80 1036 120 255 7228 18 Furniture industries 195 7 39 6 180 14 Building industries 8942 134:7 410 159 877 179 420 16683 15 Construction of means of transport 1079 67 152 31 9 2942 }{; Production and transmission of physical force ...... 366 118 1 24 3 662 17 Miscella.neous and undefined industries 5268 548 67 49 322 59 185 9191 Sub-elass IV Transport 6505 380 66 23 48Z 81 160 10842 19 Transpol·t by water 456 17 7 28 6 639 20 Transport by road 2159 302 4:9 16 34:0 57 67 3738 21 Transport by rail 3652 61 8 5 61 24 81 5568 22 Post office, telegraph a.nd telephone services 238 1 2 3 r; 397 Sub-class V Trado 27280 1455 707 145 2088 191 935 68987 23 Banks, establishmen t of credit, exchange and insurance •• 1801 230 51 3 1:1 7 9 48.21 24 Brokerage, collllIli.ssion and export 2210 190 34 4 U 1:1 42 4798 2:J Trade in textiles • • • . 64:62 117 260 32 712 42 :280 20992 ~tS Trade in skins, leather and furs 167 S 13 31 10 6 844 27 Trade in wood .• 278 60 I 86 8 649 28 Trade in metals .• 183 4- 40 I) 1 273 29 Trade in pottery. bricks and tiles 284 7 4- 8 58 15 30 286 30 Trade in chemical products •. 91 43 5 27 12 561 31 Hotel, cafes. restaura.nts, etc. 1148 26 2 2 23 8 1531 32 Other trade in food stuffs .. 10672 407 119 71 783 79 327 22889 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articles .. 594 147 1 18 5 22 2037 34 Trade in furniture ...... 7 8 35 Trade in building materials .. GO 2 20 137 36 Trade in means of transport 703 18 3 25 10 1023 37 Trade in fuel • • • ...... • 756 48 145 33 00 975 :)8 Trade in articles of luxury a.nd those ing to letters and the arts and sciences .• 697 124 2 19 62 [) 34 1593 39 Trade of other sorts 1152 28 6!J o 148 11 96 3570 CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINIS'l'RA'l'ION AND LIBE. RAL ARTS 19638 968 390 47 868 76 330 33475 Sub-class VI Public force 5451 1 51 5 101 1 26 3199 40 Army •• 30')1 37 3 38 10 955 41 Navy I 43 'Police 2360 14- 2 63 1 16 2243 ·92


PS S PD TD Class, Sub·Class Means of Livelihood ,---_ ... _---.. and Order M F M F P P 4- 7 s !j 10-

SUb-elU5 Vll Pu blie adminiI:!Lru.t.ion 6848 222 2 121 21 69 14611

4~ Publio administration 6843 222 66 2 121 21 69 14671 Sub-class VnI Profestlions and liberal arts 72440 745 273 40 448 54 235 15605 45 Religion .. 3728 188 206 18 93 28 101 8033 46 Law 431 12 1 1 218 1 9 1001 47 Medicines 894 146 9 10 45 3 16 1580 48 Instruction •. 1090 124 10 14 8 1933 49 Letters of arts and sciences (other than 44) 1002 276 4-7 11 76 22 101 3058 CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 16882 2460 463 75 790 188 747 35857 Sub-class IX Persons living on their income 267 13 8 3 59 22 658 50 PerSons living principally on theu' own income 267 13 3 3 59 22 658 Sub-elass X Domestic service 8873 820 148 23 149 127 282 21944 51 Domestic servico 8873 820 146 23 149 127 262 21944 Sub-class XI Insufficiently described occupations .. 1791 425 21 7 298 5 120 5210 52 Indefinite occupation 1791 425 21 7 296 5 120 5210

Sub-class XII Unproductiv~ .. 5401 1202 293 42 286 58 348 8045 53 hunates of jails, asylums and alms houses 116 91 •;4 Beggars, vagrants, etc. • • • • • . 5246 1104 293 42 284 56 343 7308 55 Other unclassified non.productive industries 4() 7 2 737 Special Class Ruler of Indian Sta.te 4 10 5ti Ruler of Indian State 4 10 ,

BURDI STATE ~J CLASSES ABC D ...---60429 6983 3483 160 2107 188349 CLASS A PRODUCTION 01!' .RAW MATERIALS 35953 4198 2371 89 1415 151044 Sub-class I Exploitation of and vegeta.tion 86054 4097 2369 89 1398 149041 Order 1 Pasture and agriculture 35053 4097 2369 89 1396 140028 (a) Cultivation .. 30707 3832 2089 85 1210 132363 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruits, ew. 165 57 32 44 1762 (c) Forestry 359 49 20 16 2064 (d) Stock raising 3822 159 228 4 126 12839

2 Fishing and hunting 1 13 Sub-class II Exploitation of minerals 899 101 2 19 2003 3 Metallic minerals 14 6 29 4. Non.metallio minerals .• 885 101 2 13 1974

CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE· RIAL SUBSTANCES 8788 1597 802 48 488 25719 Sub-class III Industry 5064 889 362 28 218 14934 5 Textiles 618 276 35 17 83 1057 6 Hides, skins and hard materials from the animal kingdom 711 45 64 1 6 2444 7 Wood 330 44 63 11 1092 8 Metals 306 2 28 2 893 9 CeramicR 437 36 26 2 13 1555 10 Chemicul products properly 60 caJIed and analogous 250 9 14 5 886 11 J!'ood 'industriel:! 252 87 8 4 .. 32 643 12 Industrjes of dress and the toilet 900 109 89 1 36 2400 13 Fumiture industries 101 1 lH 14 Buildin,l!' industries •• •• •• 673 127 13 1 .. 20 1532 15 C',onstructio.n of means of transport \ 1 12 16 PrOduction and transmission of physicaJ -force .. •• 3 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries 485 131 21 12 1419 ~


p PS ~ l'D 'ID Class, Sub·Claas Meanti of Livelihood ~-. ,-----Jo.-.~ and Order M F M F It[ F P I'

., :l 5 6 7 6 9 IO

Sub-class IV l'rantipol·t 781 66 1S 9 1789 18 Transport by air 19 Transport by water 15 2 2 6:1 20 Transport by road 493 63 11 8 1132 21 Transport by rail 216 1< 1 484 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services. 7 1 110

Sub-class V Trade 2968 662 425 22 261 8996 23 Banks, establishments of credit, eXOh8.11g6 a.nd insuranoe 279 29 83 4 5 977 U Brokerage. commission and export 13 1 7 25 Trade in textiles . . . . 156 16 15 5 33 527 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 273 3 14 7 983 27 Trade in wood .. 100 5 12 9 343 28 Trade in metals 41 2 11 51 29 Trade in pottery. bricks a.nd tiles 99 114 30 Trade ill chemical products •. 8 3 1 10 31 Hotels, cafes, rostaurants, etc. 67 2Z "4 4 357 32 Other trado in food stuffs 1417 313 216 5 98 3986 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articles .. 55 2 4 5 234 34 Trade in furniture . . • • . . 15 43 35 Trade in building materials 14 7 1 82 36 Trade ill. means of tl'ansporl. 11 ::I 8 39 37 Trade in fuel 281 :!4.t 38 8 77 879 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those perta~·. ing to letterl:i and the a.rts and sciences .• li4- ]2 :; 13 150 39 Trade of other sorts 85 4- 9 ] 214

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND J... TBE· RAL AR'rs 8466 477 168 '" 72 6619 Sub-class VI Public torco 784 21 6 1657 40 Army 170 1 299 43 Police 594 21 5 1358

Sub-elass VII Publio administration 1380 287 29 19 2131 44 Publio administration 1380 287 29 19 2131

Sub-elass VIII Professions and liberal arts 1322 190 118 4 47 2831 4,j Religion 664 47 86 1 Ii} J :24:1 46 Law 5lS 2 1 183 47 Medicine 118 48 10 1 9 299 48 Instruotions 176 7 .. 5 252 49 Letters, arts and sciences (otber than (4) 309 88 20 2 ]7 854

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 2245 711 122 9 129 4959

Sub-elass IX POl'sons living on tbeir income 170 45 9 1 6 692 6 692 50 Persons living principa.lly on th~ir own income 170 41S 9 1

Sub-elass X Domestic service 790 263 17 2 36 1151 51 Domestio service 790 263 27 2 36 1131

Sub-class XI Insufficiently described ocoupations •. 396 12& 22 2 47 1424 52 General terms which do not indicate a definite occupation 395 125 22 2 4i 1424

Bub-elas. XII Unproductive 890 278 64 4- 40 1692 53 Inmates of ja.ils asylums and alms houses 93 20 54 Beggars, vagrants ...... 68tS 141 63 4 31 IWI 55 Other uncl8BBified non.produc(iive industries III 117 I 9 101 8 8 Speelal elass Ruler of Indian Stato •. 2 a I:! Special class Ruler of Indian State •. 2 TABLE VIII-MBAIII or LIVELIHOOD-(oontcl.)

PS s PD TD Class, Sub·Class Means of Livelihood ...... ,----"----...... --_ -- 11 and Order M 'F M 'F P 2 3 .J 7 II)

DANTA STATE CLASSES ABC D 8141 171 331 9875 24466

CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 442S &6 110 8168 19828 Sub-class I Exploitation of animals and vegetation 442S . 56 110 8158 19828 Order 1 Pasture and agricul tura 4423 &5 110 8158 19826 (a) Cultivation • • • • 4079 49 56 750"" 18325 (c) Forestry 43 6 55 79 253 (d) Stock.raising 301 .. 575 1248 CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY m'MATE. RIAL SUBT ANCES 9 203 1148 3346

Sub-class III INDUSTRY 199 967 2626

Order Ii Textiles 5 1 1 6 Hides, skins, etc. 46 55 223 477 7 Wood 55 23 116 435 8 Metals 29 22 60 220 9 Ceramics 40 55 213 462 10 products. etc. 40 52 109 11 Food industries •• 14 4 2Q 12 Industries of dreBS o.nd toilet •• 54 32 101 346 13 Fumiture industries 2 14 Building industries 00 86 167 16 Production and transmission of physical force .. 3 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries 76 12 101 289

Sub-class IV Transport 105 139 348

Order 20 Transport by road 95 139 :n5 2] Transpo rt by rail I 15 22 Post office, service, etc. 9 18 Sub-class V 'rrade 217 9 4 62 472 23 Banks, insurance. etc•.. 16 4: 60 25 Trade in textile 5 2 13 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 3 8 28 Trade in metals 1 6 ao Trade in chemical products •. al Hotels, cafes, restauran ts, etc. 28 1 5 73 32 Tl'ade in other food stuffs 159 2 1 3i) 297 39 Trade in other sorts 7 7 15

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBE. RAL ARTS 776 1 1'1 59 1164 Sub-olass VI Public force 284 6 288 40 Army 106 46 43 Police 158 6 24.2 Sub-class VII Public administration 285 10 25 494 44 Public administra.tion 285 10 25 494 Sub-class VIII Profession and liberal arts 227 1 1 34 382 45 Relil1;ion .. 1.12 1 14 264 47 Medicines 7 17 48 Instructious 12 28 49 Letters, arts and sciences (other tban 44) 50 20 73

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 196 107 1 10 120 Sub-class IX Persons living on their income 13 16 16 50 Persons living principally on tbeir own income L3 15 15 Sub-class X Domestic service 108 89 1 10 93 Ordel' G1 Domestic service 108 89 1 10 93 95 TABLE VW-MBABS or ldVBLJHOOD-(contd.) P PS S PD '.rn Class, Sub-Class Means of Livelihood ,--.A----. and Order M F l\[ F M F p P

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sub-class Xl Insl1fficien tty described oocnpations 2 2 52 Indefinite occupation 2 Sub-cia" XU Unpl'Oductive •• 7S s 20 53 Inmates of jails, etc. 56 54 Beggars and vagrants .. 5 3 li5 tTnprodu('tive industriaFl 12 20 DHOLPUR STATE CLASSES ABC D 57819 8348 9886 194 480 218060 CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 45584 1871 7770 152 413 183255 Sub-class I Exploitation of animals and vegetation 44686 1789 7687 152 409 180724 Order 1 Pastures and agriculture 44686 1789 7667 152 409 180724 (a) Cultivation " . . 44351 1772 7645 152 40R 179991 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruits, etc., (Planters, managers, clerks and labourers) 3 6 (c) Forestry 85 2 3 213 (d) Stock raising 250 12 19 514

Sub-olass II Exploitation of mineralFl 898 82 108 4 2531 4 Non-metallic minerals .• 89t{ 82 103 ~ 2531 CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MA- TERIAL SUBSTANCES 8664- 828 1202 '10 so 20588 Sub-olass III Industry 8034 848 971 45 21 10482 r, Textiles .. 83 13 262 (I Hides, skins and hard materials from the animal kingdom 241 2 23 1 841 7 Wood ._ •. 249 4 46 851 8 Metals 228 14 567 9 Ceramics 416 38 507 2 6 2142 11 Food industries 333 227 31 28 :l 1130 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 612 197 298 11 9 2348 13 Furniture industries 292 11 10 1 661 If, Production and transmission of physioal force ...•....•• 99 1 204 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries 481 159 28 4 1476 Sub-class IV Transport 812 8 44 a 1978 20 Transport by road 469 .j 12 3 881 21 Transport by rail 368 3 22 1028 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services. 35 10 10 63 Sub-class V Trade 2758 175 187 22 9 8129 23 Banks, establishments of credit, eXchange a.nd insurance 312 35 62 4 162; 25 Trade in textiles 217 1 14 ~.. 796 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 87 7 255 27 Trade in wood ., 35 10 80 28 Trade in metals •. 13 li3 29 Trade in pottery, brioks and tiles 1 30 Trade in ehemioal produots .. 1 2 31 Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. 88 4 115 32 Other trade in food stuffs 1714 10J 93 10 4426 33 Trade in clothing a.nd toilet a.rticles ._ 36 SO 34 Trade in fumiture 6 4 35 Trade in building materials .. 10 24 36 Trade in meanS of transport •• 13 57 37 Trade in fuel 2 R as Trade in articles of luxury and those pertain­ ing to letters and the arts and sciences •. 152 23 2 431 39 Trade of other sorts 72 7 ]70 CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBE· RAL ARTS 8823 161 188 40 32 7814 _' Sub-class VI Pu hlic force 188& 48 2 2859 40 Army 1160 9 1977 43 Police 475 33 2 882 9ff


p PI:! t:) PI> TD (Hllss. Sllb.Clllf'lS :\Ieans of Livelihood ..A.-.---. ,-----"-----... I ..... _----, Rnn. OrdEl1' M F M F M F P P 2 :l 4 ;'"'. r. 7 R !l HI

Sub-class VII Public Administration 1843 49 31 12 30 3054 44 Pnblic Administra.tion 1343 *1) 31 12 :UI 30M Sub-class VIII Professions and liberal arts 845 112 93 26 2 1961 45 Religion .. 400 21i 82 26 Jj.j.9 46 J"aw 1)2 I ]72 47 Medicinos 94 4,') 1 199 48 Instruction J 73 17 L :142 49 J...etters, arts and science (other than 44) 126 24 8 299 CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 1747 485 247 32 5 4840 Sub-class IX Per,.ons living en their incomo 178 81 11 3 408

1i0 Perl!lons living principally on their own income 178 81 11 :I 408

Sub-Class X Domestic sorvice 411 78 6 1 614

!il Domestic sorvico 411 78 6 fiJ.l. Sub-class XI Insufficiently described occupation 499 111 97 29 4 1968 52 General terms which do not indicate a definite occupation 499 III 97 29 4- 19118

Sub-class XII Unproductivo " 659 215 183 1850 53 Inmates of jails. asylums and alms houses 173 1i4 Beggars and vagra.n ts •. . . . • . . 477 133 133 1263 55 Other,ifieci non·productive industries 9 82 87

SpeCial claas Ruley of lndiu.n State 1 S

Special class Ruler of Indian State 1 8


CLASSES ABC D .. 49067 3431 4164 186 :U7474 CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 37884-- 2282 8141 88 191806 Sub-class 1 Exploitation of 8Ilima.lR and vegetation 37882 2232 3141 88 191801 J Pasture and agriculturo 37662 2232 3141 86 191801 (80) Cultivation • . . . 37320 2230 1720 ~6 189233 (b) Cultivation of special crops. fruits, ete. ISO 355 (e) Forestry 69 1 89 (d) Stock raising 143 2 1420 2124 Sub-class II Exploitation of minoral!;! 2 6 " Non·metallic mineral!;! , , 2 5 CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MA·

P PS B PD TD OlIlBB, Sub·ClIIBB Means of Livelihood ,-_--A-_"""_,, ,--___A.-_ --. and Order M F l\{ F M F p P 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 .10

'ub-ola.1 V Trade 3197 280 278 1. 8288 23 Banks. ostabliahments of oredit, exohange and insurance. • . . • 322 40 12 674 24 Brokerage, colllRiusioa and export 17 70 25 Trade in textile . _ .. 298 7 121 1 1106 26 Trade in skins,Jeather ad furs 26 g 157 27 Trade in wood .. 16 4: 48 .28 Trade in metal •• 25 30 Trade in chemical products •. 19 3 668" 31 Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. 124 4 19 1 246 32 Other trade in food 1326 165 100 14 4851 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articles ._ 36 2 22 35 Trade in building materials .. 5 32 36 Trade in means of transport .. 57 61 37 Trade in fuel • • . • • . 23 22 38 Trade in artioles of luxury, and those pertain­ ing to letters and the arts and sciences .• 57 16 ·3 135 39 •• Trade in other sorts R46 17 16 714

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBE· RAL ARTS 1781 60 107 18 3659 Sub-olass VI Publio force 546 24 '164 40 •. Army 171 7 140 43 •• Police 376 17 614 Sub-ola.s VII .. Publio administration 881 28 24 1428 44 ., Public administration 691 23 24 1426 SUb-oIA1. VIII .• ProfeBSions Bond liberal_ta 554 _ 37 59 13 1478 45 •• Religion •. 324 19 47 13 941 46 .• Law 11 1 49 47 .. Medicines 36 5 2 79 48 Instructions 123 9 3 150 49 .., arts &Dei sciences (other than 44) 60 4 6 260

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 1320 490 88 4414 8ub-olllllX Persons living on their iD.come 44· 85 120 50 .. Persons living principally on their own inoome 44 65 120 Sub-ola.. X •• Domestic service 490 84 52 1 1442 51 .. Domestic service 490 64 02 1 1442 SlIb-oll" XI •• Insufficiently described occupations •• 226 180 28 2 1227 52 .. General terms which do not indicate a definite oc~pation 225 190 26 2 1227 Sub-elassXU Unproductive •• 661 :l'11 & 22 1625 58 •. InDllltes of jail, asylums and alms houses 94 .. 54 .. Beggars and vagran ta •• 467 171 22 1625

.TAIPVR STATB t (v CLASSES A BCD 140008_. _____ .1MC» 40996 278& 19092 2185849 CLASS A PRODuarION OF RAW MATERIALS 488930 80565 18748 1186 18418 :1500878 lub-ol.l.l ExpioitatioD of 'animals a.nd vegetation 487888 60387 18647 1186 18S88 1498881 1 Pasture and agriculture 497374 60377 18498 1163 13398 1498442 (a) Cultivation _ . • • • . • • • • 492077 68682 17443 1140 13244- 1471694 (b) Cultivat.ion of special crops, fruita, etc., (Planters, ~agers, clerks and labourers) 376 799 25 11 37 10667 (e) Forestry 463 23 207 3 1396 (d) Stock raising...... • • 4456 873 823 12 -114 1.2690 (e) Raising of .man animals &Ild insecta 3 5 2 •• FiaWng and hWlWng •• .. •• 314 10 49 2 639 9~ TABLE vm ...... lIEA.S OJ'LIVELmOOD-(oontd.)

P PS S PD TD Class, Sub·Class Means of Livelihood and Order M F 'M F M F p- • P

2 3 4: G 6 7 8 9 10

Sub-elan II Exploitation of minerala 1242 :178 :188 11 331. a Metallic minerals 170 6 56 1 634 4, Non·metallio minerals •• 1072 172 140 20 2758 CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MA· TERIAL SUBSTANCES 154500 17188 15884 1188 4089 453248 Sub-Dlus III Industry 88816 18486 11160 969 2966 270103 0 Textiles 15489 4460 1736 329 855 49473 6 Hides. skins and hard materials from the animal kingdom 13759 1686 2794 133 531 42714 7 Wood •• •. 8115 610 1197 106 247 24872 8 Metals 4566 262 324 4 50 13440 9 Ceramios 7148 8(10 1'709 66 234 24992 10 Chemical products so called and analogous •• 2184 167 264 51 84 6205 11 Food industries •• •• .• •• 2394 639 126 58 - 112 9~,76 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 13997 1913 - 1760 92 359 38962 13 Furniture industries 805 89 47 2" 14 2178 14 Building industries 10545 1139 907 95 226 30078 15 Construction of means of transport 238 7 6 13 1 835 16 Production and transmission of physical force 60 .. 120 17 Miscellaneous undefined industries 9516 1664 291 20 253 27158 Sub-oJ... IV Transport 12171 374 486 11 155 a059'1 18 Transport by air 64 8 214 19 Transport by water 5 8 214 20 Transport by road 5946 283 249 7 103 13705 -21 Transport by rail 5521 68 160 3 33 14153 22 Post offioe. telegraph and telephone services 738 15 68 1 19 2311 Sub-elalS V Trade 58410 SSZB 4089 158 968 152&48 23 Banks, estabWJhments of credit, exchange and insurance ... .. 6793 473 903 47 75 20789 24 Brokerage. commission and export 1243 20 26 8 4251 25 Trade in textiles . • . . 5974 217 397 7 89 18155 26 Trade in skins. leathers and furs 4129 340 329 126 11311 27 Trade in wood •. 733 112 100 6 3 2167 28 Trade in metals 460 9 41

SUHlass IX . Persons living on their income 2&78 848-- 'Hf ·1 . ' .. 40 6085 50, Parsons living Principally on their own income 2578 346: 166 ,1 .. , 40. 5065 99 ,TABLE VDI-MBAXS 01' LlVELIHOOD-(conta.)

p PS S PD TD O1aas. Sub-Class it£e&IlS of, Livetihood ~ and Order M F M F M F P P 1 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sub-olau X Domestic service 10689 8686 418 11 114 14888 51 nomestio service 10689 2626 413 21 214 24388 Suh-elass XI :h).euffioiently deseribEld occupations •• 11661 4227 6B4 118 415 84&4z 52 General terms which do Jlot indicate a definite occupation, .. 11661 4227 584 112 415 34542 Sub-olals XII Unproductive .. 17881 8478 1497 111 277 40180 53 Inmates of jails. asylums and alms houses •• 10 54 and vagra.nts •• •• • • • • '1~::l 3357 1494 96 275 38108 55 Other unclassified non-productive induBtries 613 III 3 15 2 2172 Special elas. Ruler of Indian State :t Special ol&8s Ruler of Indian State

JAISALMER STATE I I CLASSES ABC D 18201 1714 9518 225 4803 88638 CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 11817 --- 510 7238 108 8188 44812 lub-olass I Exploitation of animalB and vegetation 11788 497 7228 91 8188 44878 1 Pasture and a.grioulture ll768 497 7226 91 3183 44672 (a) Cultivation 8595 265 6164 30 2008 29716 (b) (Jultivation of special crops, fruits, etc. 73 2 3 78 (0) Forestry 23 8 7 3 58 (d) SJ.9ck raising 3077 222 2052 61 1172 14820 Sub-olass II Exploitation of minerals 49 18 11 17 110 4 Nen-metallic minel'alB •. 49 13 12 17 140 CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE- RIAL SUBSTANCES 44089 957 t950 108 1899' 14885 Sub-olass III Industry 1884 804 1S77 99 588 8871 5 Textiles .. 513 438 305 65 255 1944 6 Hides, skins and hard materials from the animal kingdom 382 10 373 11 115 2259 7 Wood 280 9 234 4: 42 1030 8 Metals 53 I 2 2 147 9 Ceramics 166 13 91 1 49 741 10 Chemical products properly so called and analogous .. 5 9 48 II Food industries 48 289 1 18 41 2('9 12 Industries of dress and toilet .. 448 35 197 47 1471 13 Furniture industries 18 4 3 14 14 Building industries 303 3 51 10 581 16 Production and transmission of physical force 2 10 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries 146 6 10 19 417 Sub-olass IV Transport 1003 5t. S8t. 3 t.35 1228 20 Transport by road . . . • • • . . 999 54 224 3 431 2219 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 4 4 7 Sub-olass Y Trade t072 99 4t.9 4 881 8788 23 Banks, insurance, establishments of credit and exchange • • • . 20D 50 139 1 50 996 24 BrokerajZ9, commiBBion and export 90 7 13 1 171 25 Trade in textiles 121 7 88 9 399 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 3 5 2 62 28 Trade in metals 3 29 Trade in pottery, bricks and tiles 2 47 30 Trade in chemical products •• 3 14 31 Hotels, cafeB and restaurants, etc. 7 36 32 Other trade in food stuffs 348 18 88 285 1411 38 Trade in clothing and tOilet articles •• 2 5 34 Trade in fumiture 1 2- 13 35 Trade in building materials .. 28 12' 6 30 37 Trade in fuel . • " • .. . .. 85 2 6 3 27 181 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertain. ing to letters and the arts and sciences •• 79 4- 1 81 :10 Trade-of other sorts 94- 106 339 1(.


P PS S PD TD Olass, Sub· Class Means of Livelihood A.._----.- and Order M F M F M F P P 1 2 3 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION .ANi> LIBE· RAL ARTS 1riM faS -' Uri a- lP 2778 Sub-class VI Public force 864 ., -- S "4 40 Army 88 2- 100 43 Police 266 7 3 364

lub-class VII Public administration •. 288 48 10 14 m 44 Pub~ic administration •. 263 .43 10 14: 577 Sub-class VIII Profession and liberal arts 937 79 21' a 186 1787 45 Religion 4,17 44 95 1 36 670 46 Law 3 1 13 47 Medicines 27 I 12 64: 48 Instruction 41 108 49 - Letters, arts and sciences (other th~ '44) 449 35 119 1 87 882

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 390 186 80 9 89 1068 Sub-elass IX Persons living on their income 8 22 II 50 Persons living prineipallyon their own income 8 22 13 Sub-class X Domestic service 78 11 2 8 1St - 51 Domestic service 78 "4 19 2 6 221 Sub-class XI Insufficiently described occupations .. 148 82 22 3 82 498 52 General terms which do not indicate a definite occupation 148 82 22 3 32 499 Sub-class XII Unproductive .. 156 77 49 4 31 zt6 53 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms houses .. 48 54 Beggars and vagrants •• 97 42 47 17 274: 55 Other unclassified non.productive industries 11 35 2 4 14 21 Special class Ruler of Indian State 1 Special class Ruler of Indian State 1

.1BALAWAR STATE \ ;,- CLASSES ABC D 8840S 4780 1371 28 4117 sa7az CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 23588 8227 791 12 3747 82176 Sub-elassl Exploitation of animals and vegetation -, 23628 3221 789 12 3747 61U68 1 Pasture and a.griculture .. 23512 3227 787 12 3745 62126 (a) Cultivation . . . . 22002 2505 403 7 3004 49850 (b) Cultivat:on ot special crops 513 215 146 363 4783 (c) Forestry ...... 524 152 171 139 2992 (d) Stock raising 473 355 67 !) 239 4501 2 Fishing and hunting 17 2 2 32 Sub-elass II Exploitation of minerals 4 a 17 , Non.metallic minerals •• 4 2 17

CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE. RIAL SUBSTANCES 6816 'l86 418 12 871 11980 Sub-class III Industry 8015 505 288 5 1'14 1441 5 Textiles 132 66 36 2 14 296 6 Hides. skins and hard materials from the animal kingdom 663 27 96 20 145' 7 Wood 180 29 28 10 389 8 Metals 207 11 . -29 4: 459 9 Ceramics 150 7 - 13 14 362 10 Chemical products properly so called and anaJogous .. 70 105 12 2 136 11 Food industries .. .. 279 83 8 3 .. 36 500 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 614 83 . '42 28 1237 13 Furniture industries 9 3 14 Building industries 380 73 9 17 782 15 Construction of means of transport 1 - 1 1 4 16 Production and transmission of physical force . . .. 20 2 112 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries 310 21 9 26 707 101 TABLE VlR-IIEANS OF LIVELmOOD-{OOntd.)

p PS 8 PD TD Class, Su b·Clus - He-.n,s pi Livelihood • and Otder M F M. F M F P P 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 1) 10

Sub-class IV Transport 388 6 BS S 18 8402 19 Transport by water 7 I} 10 20 Tr8.Jlsport by road 247 4 19 2 596 21 Transport by rail 66 2 2 1 7 173 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 46 I 63

Sub-class V Trade B284 225 108 4 82 4677 23 Banks, establishments of credit, exchange and insurance 219 IS I1t 1 354 24- Brokerage, commission and export 55 7 I 149 25 Trade in textiles . . . . 238 5 4 I 262 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 12 5 194 27 Trade in wood .. 3 2 28 Trade in metals 65 13 .. 93 29 Trade in pottery. bricks and tiles 89 9 2 351 30 Trade in chemical products .. 6 4 31 Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. 68 11 2 65 32 Other tl"ade in food stuffs 1020 106 42 4- 51 2275 33 Trade in clothing and toilet al"ticles .. 74 2 6 5 129 34- Trade in furniture ...... 6 3 84- 35 Trade in building ma.terials .. 5 6 36 Trade in means of transport .. 43 4 108 37 Trade in fuel . . • , . , till 37 1 11 66 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertain· ~ to letters and the arts and sciences " .".... 10 2 1 267 39 Tr e of other sorts , , , , , , , . 128 14 -13 .. 9 268


Sub-class VI Public fOl'ce 738 14 14- 1698- " 40 Ai-my 180 2 7 477 43 P~lice 558 12 7 1216

Sub-olass VII Public administration i088 124 21 22 2279 44 Public administration 1083 124 21 22 2279

Su)J-oJ .... VIII Ptofession and liberal arts 804 182 59 B 17 1684 4-5 Religion 338 37 16 1 4- 461 46 Law 30 2 76 47 Medicines 61 17 5 4: 154 48 Inst1'llctions 137 26 11 2 419 49 Letters, 8ol"ts and sciences (ot,her than 44) 238 52 26 1 7 564

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 18S8 541 78 8 45 2955

Sub-elas. IX Persons living on their income 258 70 14 1 3 493

50 Persons living principally on their own income 258 70 14 1 3 493

lub-elass X Domestic service ass 181 7 5 814 51 Domestic service 293 181 7 5 In4

Sub-class XI Insufficiently described occupatioEls •. 850 211 25 as 103:1 52 General tel"ms which do not indica.te a definite occupation 650 221 25 23 1031

S.. b-elass XlI Unproductive 438 89 27 1 14- 817

53 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms houses .. :. 74 s_ 47 54 Beggars and vap:rants •. • • • • • . 368 37 27 1 12 76S 61$ Other unclassified non.productive industries 24 2 2

S,eel.l elasl Ruler of Indian State 2 6 Special olass Ruler of Indian State 2 (I 10.2


p S PD TD Mea.ns of Livelihood r-----"-----. Class Su b·Class P P and Order M F M F 9 _ 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

KARAULI STATE ' '-. 891 11&807 CLASSES ABC D •• 28802 IS5'1 '1988 179 7988 278 _- 4918 121 SS59 111 480 88820 CLASS A PRODUCTION OF MATERIALS •• IHIS 1431 458 88308 Sub-class J Exploitation of animaJs and vegetation 19311 1419 4855 119 88'18 140 458 88206 1 Pasture and agriculture 19312 1429 4855 119 3676 140 Cultivation • • • • • • • • 18983 1371 4742 117 3lD9 122 3114 87211 (a) 46 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruits, etc. 14 1 Forestry .• •• .• •• 191 46 39 137 4 26 533 (c) 14 49 416 (d) Stock raising 124 12 73 2 380 2 Sub-elass II Exploitation of minerals 100 Z 68 Z 183 1 414 2 4If 4 Non.metallic minerals •• 100 2 68 2 183

CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE· RIAL SUBSTANCES 8833 408 1980 98 2824 99 807 17926 Sub-class III Industry 1081 288 1203 81 1832 88 1'10 10240 5 Textiles 567 145 237 29 301 36 113 2687 6 Rides, skins and hard materials from the animal kingdom 164 260 ~ 400 6 11 1435 6 7 Wood .. .. 177 10 139 206 7 850 8 Metals 18 6 9 71 9 Ceramics 157 2 137 151 3 3 919 10 Chemical products properly 80 called and analogous 73 6 96 2 115 3 3 625 11 Food industries . . • • • . 63 60 16 21 333 24 Ii 253 12 Industries of dreBS and the toilet 298 36 187 3 215 ] 20 1489 13 Furniture industries 3 6 14 Buildin'f industries • • • • 262 6 63 11 63 6 1 816 15 Const uction of means of transport 2 1 /j J 16 Production and tranBIDission of physical !orce .• •••.•• 4- 7 17 Mlscellaneous and undefined industries 294- 19 72 6 38 3 1081 Sub-class IV Transport S09 6 119 237 1 18 818 20 Transport by road 178 6 111 226 1 12 716 21 Transport by rail • • • • • • • • 21 8 11 1 70 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 10 27 Sub-eJass V Trade 1M2 117 888 16 12 131 8873 23 Banks, establishment of credit, exchange and insurance •• •• 174 32 198 2 273 4. 17 1733 24 Brokerage, commission and export 2 1 25 Trade in textile • • • • 200 31 27 13 607 26 Trade in SkirlS, leather and furs 30 3 47 4 77 1 254 27 Trade in wood .. 1 28 Trade in metals • • • • 31 22 1 24 208 30 Trade in chemical products .. 5 1 9 31 Hotels, cafes. ~taurants. etc. 16 10 7 1 64 32 Other trade in food stuJls • • • • 683 79 271 7 291 3 92 3091 33 Trade in olothing and toilet articles •• 3 1 1 13 34 Trade in furniture • • • • • • 12 2 26 31 1 140 35 Trade in building materials .. 43 2 4 2 68 36 Trade in means of transport .. 2 2 4 37 Trade in fuel ...... 9 63 38 Tr~e in articles of luxury, and those pertain. 109 to letters and the a.rts and sciences •• 121 18 9 51Y 39 Trade of other Borts 20 1 8 1 100

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBE. RAL ARTS 2391 &8 817 31 918 18 110 6719 Sub-elass VI Pnblio force 851 I 111 1M 1 18 1747 40 Army 647 4 188 13S 1 12 1381 43 Police 204 23 10 6 366 Sub-elass VII Public administration 910 8 836 19 386 t 42 2783 44 Public administration 920 8 336 19 366 9 42 2783 103 TABLE VIU-IlEAXS or LIVELIHOOD-(contd.)

p 1'8 s PO PD Class, Sub.Class Means of Livelihood and Order M F l\l F M F P. P 3 • Ii 6 7 8 9 10 lub-elass VIII .• Profession a.nd liberal arts 620 270 12 402 &- 50 2189

45 Religion •. 371 16 207 5 284 3 13 1241 46 Law 26 fi 2 1 100 47 Medioines 58 IS 7 I) .2 11 219 48 Instructions •• 69 1 16 1 5 1 6 183 49 Letters, arts and sciences (other than 44) 106 16 35 6 106 19 446

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 888 382 888 31 889 28 2842

Sab-elass IX Persons living on their inoome 71 88 18 2 37 8 3 164 50 Persons living principally on their own income 71 88 18 2 37 3 3 164

Sab-elass X Domestio service 125 95 80 9 28 7 8 8ao 51 Domestio service 125 96 30 9 28 7 3 330

Sab-class XI 'Insuffioiently described occupations •• 108 82 1& 8 27 8 3 323 52 General terms which do not indicate a definite occupation 108. 15 8 27 8 3 323

Sab-elass XII Unproductive •. 582 111 80& 12 277 5 5 1526 53 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms houses 85 54 Beggars and vagrants 477 11'1 205 12 277 5 1525

KISRENQARH STATE CLASSES ABC D 18671-- 81Si taM 169 48S4 169 748 77766 CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 11880 1889 19512_ 88 2362 88 485 67590 Sub-class I Exploitation of animals and vegetation 11818 178'1 83 2827 85 • 485 57342 Order 1 Pasture and agriculture 11218 1767 2886 63 2327 86 485 57342 (a) Cultivation . • . . 10566 1736 2751 59 1160 74 468 54855 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruits etc. 22 1 1 4 2 14 (0) Forestry.. .• •. .• •• 33 12 5 2 89 (d) Stock raising 697 30 122 4: 1168 11 13 2384 8ub-elass II Exploitation of minerals 112 71 85 83 25 8 848

4 Non·metallic minerals .. 112 72 65 33 25 3 248


Sub-class III Industry 8188 881 572 81 983 27 169 8888 5 Textiles •• 1804 301 115 7 189 16 46 3044 6 Hides, skins. etc. 151 5 102 3 279 2 19 969 7 Wood 145 11 60 1 116 .2 538 8 Metals 76 3 16 11 .2 357 9 Ceramics 97 13 71 5 131 8 595 10 Chemical products, etc. 46 3 30 7 46 58 201J 11 Food industries •• 99 26 22 5 I) 7 20 187 12 Industries of dress and toilet •• .. 323 53 108 3 129 .2 11 1033 13 Fumiture industries 6 14 Buj)djD~ industries • • • • 313 125 6 24. 1 610 16 ProductlOn and transmission of phylilical foree " 17 22 17 MiscellaneoulJ and undefined industries 317 121 42 27 1107

Sub-el••• IV Transport 847 8 19 48 8 788 20 Transport by road 238 3' , 15 47 6 476 21 Transport by rail •• •• •• 66 1 .. 170 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 48 3 1 122 TABLB, VIU--JtlEABB. OF LlVELIIIQOD-r(contdJ)

PS s PD TD Class, Sub·CIMIl Means of Liv81iliOOd and Order M F F P P

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sub~class V Trade 1181 104 344 21 428 19 It 441. 23 Banks, insurance, etc•. , 108 10 107 119 2 750 24 Brokerage, commission and export 24 53 25 Trade in textiles 51 14 10 i2 174 26 Trade in akins, leather and fur!! 65 I 23 " . 43 2 221 27 Trade in wood .. 3 1 3 1 5 28 Trade in metals 31 3 9 98 29 Trade in pottery, bricks and tiles 23 1 25 5 1 18 30 Trade in chemica.l products •. 55 3 1 13 7 133 31 Hotels, cafes. restaurants, etc. 40 5 US 1 11 136 32 Other trade in food stuffs 546 34 149 I) 111 1 23 2123 33 Trade in clothing, etc .. , 102 1 14 28 1 355 37 Trade in fuel . . . . 44 31 2 5 14 1 19 76 38 Trade in articles of luxury 30 3 10 2 87 39 Trade in other sorts 39 10 1 13 190

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBE· RAL ARTS 1720 115 306 7 252 5 13 4420 Sub-cla.s VI P\lblic force 447 1 36 1 43 1 8S1 40 Army 275 13 12 1 182 43 Police 172 1 23 1 31 499

Sub~olais Vll Public administration 802 13 '76 t 44 lHO 44 Public administration 602 13 75 1 44 1640

Sub~class VIII Pl'Oiessions and Ii beral arts 871 101 195 Ii 165 6 12 2098 45 Religion .. 204 37 91 105 1 587 46 Law 64 9 I) 104 47 Medicines 60 10 7 8 2 150 48 Instructions 119 10 12 4 .2 203 49 Letters, arts and sciences (other than 44) 224 44 76 4 43 I) 7 1055

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 927 483 142 14 298 30 28 1901

Sub~class IX :. Persons living on their income 98 77 II 11 Ii 175 50 Persons living principally on their own income 98 77 2 2 I) 175 Sub-class X Domestic service 163 137 8 3 11 8 280 51 Domestic service 153 137 . 9 3 II 6 230

Sub-class XI Insufficiently described occupations •. 287 129 19 9 82 7 9 812

52 Indefinite occupations .. 267 129 . 19 9 62 7 9 612

Sub-class XII Unproductive .. 409 120 112 221 13 11 53 Inmates of jails, etc. 35 2 54 Beggars and vagrants 374 118 112 .2 221 13 11 884:

KOTAB STATE '{ CLASSES ABC D 101439 41188 11844 189. 1309 51&918

CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 142751 30821 12489 913 9829 879 30343 384333

Sub-olass 1 Exploitation of and vegetation 140431 30211 12414 982 9704 868 19905 379888 Order 1 Pasture and agriculture 140431 30211 12414 982 9704 858 29905 379868 (a) Cultivation •• •• 134201 29757 11883 905 8517 811i 29340 369064 (b} Cultivation of special orops, fruits, etc. (Planters, managers, "larks and labourers). 247 15 11 1 21 2 33 293 (c) Forestry 847 143 30 34 71 18 45 1798 (d) Stock l'aitling 5136 296 490 42 1095 23 487 8713

Sub-olass II Exploitation of minerals 2328 818 76 t 126 21 438 4486 4, Non·metallio minerals •. 2326 616 75 1 125 21 438 4465 105 TABLE VIII-:MEl\NS OF LIVELIHOOD-(contd.)

P PD TD mass, Means of Livelihood r---'..A_,__ ...... and Order M F P P

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO

CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MAT}~­ RIAL SUBSTANCES 35084 5788 8542 282 5207 348 3528 85709 Sub-class III Industry 19299 3782 2391 188 3087 271 2528 48538 5 Textiles _. 2480 772 214 15 182 17 654 6668 G Hides, skins and hard materials from the animal kingdom 2916 235 521 36 704 71 410 7936 7 Wood 2177 328 407 38 619 26 263 4404 8 Metals 795 13 88 7 165 4 57 1838 o Ceramics 1431 159 242 23 337 24 229 4353 10 Chemical products properly so called and analogous 1002 130 232 10 184 28 90 2718 11 Food industries 901 336 63 5 37 15 90 2472 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 3210 522 401 30 633 17 374 7.561 13 Furniture industries 179 1 1 IS .246 14 Building industries 2415 515 105 16 130 48 201 5761 15 Construction of means of transport 2 5 36 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries ]791 771 118 6 75 21 135 4545 Sub-class IV Transport 4038 110 128 6 102 7 116 8798 18 Transport by air 2 19 Transport by water 119 1 2 6 1 174 20 Transport by road 2318 108 106 4 87 6 99 5011 21 Transport by rail _. • . . • . • 1432 2 18 8 15 3223 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services • 169 3 1 2 388 Sub-class V Trade 11727 1894 1023 90 2038 68 884 28373 23 Banks, establishments of credit, exchange and insurance 1343 34 . 91 3 307 I :)0 2925 24 Brokerage commis.

,...... __ A,P __ __. PS S PD TD Class. Sub-Class Means of Livelihood and Order M F M F M F p P 1 2 3 4, Ii 6 7 8 !) HI

Sub-class Xl Insufficiently described occupation •. 5055 2048 119 45 252 89 446 10020 52 General terms which do no t indicate a definite occupation 0055 2048 119 • 45 252 89 446 10020 Sub-class XU Unproductive .. 2283 819 206 34 337 26 111 3988 53 Inmates .. of jails, asylums and alms houses .. 216 26 54 Beggars and vagrants .. 2010 700 206 34 337 26 J08 3905 50 Other unclassified non-productive industries 57 3 .. :1 83 Speeial class Ruler of Indian State 1 4- Special olass Ruler of Indian State 1 4


CLASSES ABC D ~~j 398 171 38 1'71 38 11 30693 CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 8878 207 118 3 60 24 11 28189 Sub-elass I Exploitation of animals and vegetation 8878 207 118 3 80 24 11 28189 Order 1 Pasture and agriculture 8676 207 llB 3 60 24 11 28189 ( a) Cultivation 8660 206 118 3 1i6 II 28183 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruits, etc. (Planter, smanagers, elerkFl and labourers) :1 1 24 2 (c) Forestry ,. .' 9 4- (d) Stock raising •• 4-


Sub-elass III Industry 292 4~ 25 6 40 9 698 ;, Textiles .. 1 1 6 Hides. skins, and hard materials from the animal kingdom 17 1 20 26 73 7 Wood 70 22 2 1 14 170 8 Metals 23 2 1 02 9 Ceramics 44 7 11:? 10 Chemioal products properly so co.lled and analogous 21 2 1 .j9 11 Food industries 19 2 3 22 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 39 8 123 14 Building industries 35 1 41 Hi Construction of means of livelihood " 4 1 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries 19 4.4 Sub-elass IV Transport 6 12 20 Transport by road 1 2 21 Transport by rail ) 7 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 3 3 Sub-class V Trade 319 81 14 24 I) 713 23 Banks, esta.blishments of credit, exohange a.nd insurance 216 5 3 3 1 584. 24 Brokerage, Commission and export 2 2 1 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 8 4 27 Trade in wood .• . 7 4 31 Hotels, oafes, restaurants, etc. 20 1 2 13 24 32 Other trade in food stufis 72 23 4 3 100 37 Trade in fuel 2 1 1 4

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIB· ERAL ARTS.. •• 418 30 10 3 s 843 Sub-class VI Public force 134 1 8 43 Police .. 134 .. 1 8 Sub-elass VII Publio administration •. 208 21 9 3 3 7. 44 Publio admiDistration •. 208 21 1) 3 3 726 107 TABLE Vm-MEANS OF LIVELIHOOD-(contd.)

P PS ,-J...-S ___, PD TD Class, Sub·Class Means of Livelihood r----'-----. llnd Order M F M F M F P P

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sub-class VIII Professions and liberal arts 78 9 109 45 Religion •• 30 :J 77 4-6 La.w I 11 47 Medicines 3 2 48 Instruction 32 S 15 49 Letters, arts and sciences (other than 44) 13 4

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 146 88 4 22 44 238

Sub-class IX PerBOIlS living on their income 1 1 50 Persons living principally on their own income 1 Sub-class X Domestic service 28 9 1 20 51 Domestic service 28 fI 20 Sub-class XI Insufficiently described occupation 67 67 22 6 154 .'32 General terms which do no t indica.te a definite occupation 67 67 22 6 15!

Sub-class XII Unproductive 50 9 3 38 63 em Inmates of jails, asylums and alms houses •• 27 54 Beggars, vagrants, etc. 23 9 3 38 63


CLASSES ABC D 577 100 86 2 146 2043 :.-- CLASS A PRODUCTION Ql4' RAW MATERIALS 422 68 49 1 137 1513 Sub-class I Exploitation of animals and vegetation 422 68 49 1 137 1513 Order 1 Pasture and agricultul'c 422 68 49 1 137 1513 (a) Cultivation . , ' , 393 68 49 1 136 1462 (c) Forestry 1 1 (d) Stock raisillp; 28 .31

CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE. RIAL SUBSTANCES 91 12 34 1 7 377 Sub-class III Industry 81 11 28 1 7 301

5 Textile 14 11 21 1 (; IG:J I) Hides. skins and hard matel'ials frOIn the animal kingdom It 26 7 Wood '. .. 3 2 15 8 Metals 2 1 2 9 Ceramics 10 33 10 Chemical pl'oductll properly so called and analogous . , 2 5 11 Food industries 4- 13 12 Industries of dress and tbe toilet 12 :1 46 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries 4 8 Sub-class IV Transport 2 4 22 Post office, telegraph add telephone service. , 2 4 Sub-class V Trade 28 1 6 '72 23 Banks, establishments of credit exchange and insurance 4- 2 2G Trade in textiles S ,; 31 Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. I 2 :12 Other trade in food stuffl:l J 39 Trade of other sorts 19 4- 64

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIB. ERAL ARTS •. 29 3 1 .. 30 Sub-class VI Public force .. 16 20 43 Police 16 20


P PS S TD Class, Sub.Class l\Ieans of Livelihood r---..A-.-, ,.-___.A.. __~ .-----'-----t and Ordor M F M F M F r P

1 2 3 I) 7 9 10

Sub-class VIlI •• l'rofessions and libel'al arts 13 3 1 10 4,) Religion o 1 1 40 I,aw 1 47 Medioines 4 3 8 48 Instrnctions 3 1


Sub-Blass IX Persons living on their income 2 1

50 Persons living principally on their income 1

Sub-class X Domestic service 2 9 2 10 .31 Domestic serivce 2 9 2 10

Sub-class XII Unproduct.ive .. 33 8 1 118 .13 Inmates of jail, asylums and alm houses 3 n4 Beggars and vagrants •• 10 6 1 46 ao Other unclassified non-productive industries 20 67

MARWAR STATE I ~ CLASSES ABC D 5'18057 246910 63692 78527 47135 1601718

CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 418288 204140 34897 '10991 33815 1148244-

Sub-class I Exploitation of animals and vegetation 412737 208322 34431 '10873 38610 1188613 Order 1 Pasture and agriculture 412701 203317 34324 70818 33495 1137778 (a) Cultivation 393144 197137 28015 67313 30615 1059544 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruits, etc. (Planters, managers. clerks and labourers) 1379 1294 627 168 1325 7502 (c) Forestry, , 1742 334 1000 200 663 5534 (d) Stock raising .. 16436 4552 4682 3087 892 65198 2 FiShing and hunting 36 5 107 55 15 735

Sub-class II Exploitation of minerals 3601 818 486 118 306 9731 3 Metallic minerals 1538 440 298 69 189 6222 4 Non-metallic minerals " 1963 378 168 49 116 3009

CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE­ RIAL SUBSTANCES 104931 24225 14800 458'1 10865 324190

Sub-Blass III Industry 51887 16506 11292 3669 8641 185664

li Textiles, • 5646 2946 1392 258 1244 21002 6 Hides, skins and hard materials from the animal kingdom 8733 2648 2410 523 1992 28378 7 Wood 6240 1135 2100 231 1391 21078 8 l\letals 5790 933 661 307 1387 18845 9 Ceramics 2534 1678 422 159 461 9179 10 Chemical products properly so called and analogous 261 56 108 36. 98 1453 11 ~'ood industries 2308 1261 171 40 142 7535 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 3725 1082 1224 96 566 12332 13 Furniture industries 415 18 33 13 27 2665 14 Building industries 6008 729 253 53 586 14752 15 Construction of means of transport 209 1 48 1584 16 Production and transmission of physical fOl'CO •• 548 22 785 10 16 5:>0 1i l\liscellalleous and undefined industries 9450 29D6 1685 1843 631 26205

Sub-class IV Transport '1913 410 231 126 210 16555 18 Transport by air 13 3 19 Transport by water 87 25 15 :1'" 92 20 Transport by road 2498 102 210 101 128 ii15U 21 Transport by rail 4870 282 18 1 66 10089 22 Post office, telograph and telephon~ s~rvices 445 1 3 9 9 1215 109


p PS s PD TD Class, Sub·Class Means of Livelihood r-__..A. __----, r----..A..----. and Order 1\1 ]!' l\'[ :M P

1 3 4 13 7 8 I) lU Sub-class V Trado 45151 8810 3277 842 21140 1402071 23 Banks, establishments of credit, Olwhange and insurance .. 3665 386 253 64 347 14850 24 Brokerago, commission and export 2238 2 94 72 78 8994 25 Trade in textile!! . . • . 4490 1279 435 55 146 14839 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 4242 628 453 36 236 7520 27 Trade in wood .. 502 231 346 204. 148 1632 28 '.rrado in metal!! .. 148 96 66 :?O 528 7;; 29 Trade in pottery, bricks and tiles 11 6 217 1168 30 Trade in chemical products ., 187 18 3~ 67 S6! 31 Hotels. ca.fes, restaurants, etc. 293 86 1 5 \) 2349 32 Other trade in food stuffs . . . . 20633 2101 426 78 437 6693::! 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articles .. 1890 199 453 34 12M 0l0:? 34 Trade in furniture . . . . • . 811 41 8 29 1 1462 35 Trado in building materials .. 183 61 6 ... JS 1149 36 Trade !n means of transport ., 476 56 4 45 21 1019 5:146 37 Trado III fuol ...... 2076 2526 8 118 63 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertain. ing to letters and the arts and sciences .. 784 42 1 5 2U lU;)O 39 '.rrade of other sorts 2522 648 438 13 300 3160 OLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBE· RAL ARTS 240778 4007:1 :195:1 363 5'16 54671 Sub-olass VI Pu bUc f oreo 5001 45 49 85 10289 40 Army 735 Jl 47 H 1731 43 Police 4266 :14 2 7U ~,j;;~

Sub-olass VII Pu blic administration 8678 936 387 12 99 19282 44 Public administration 8687 936 387 12 U9 19282 Sub-class VIII Professions and liberal a.rts 11099 8135 1519 302 392 25100 45 Religion .. 6212 1819 1243 171 l\H 1176-10 7M a 222-1 46 Law (i.') 47 Modicilll's 706 :)52 as 80 3280 48 Instl'U(ltioll 1900 40S ]29 4 U-t ·1-1-47 49 Lettel·!!. Brts lind s(·j('n(·l·1j (othor than 44) 14!)7 266 106 47 42 :J:II~;; CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 32110 134074 20M 636 1879 746:13 37 5932 Sub-class IX I'ersollS living 011 theu' incomo 3141 561 206 85 :>93::! .')0 Persons living principally on their own in('offi(' 31U 561 206 80 37

Sub-olass X Domestic service 8192 4883 216 41 359 18995 189911 51 Domestic service In\}2 4883 216 41 359 Sub-olass XI Insufficiently described occupation 9688 4844 593 166 886 24381

52 General terms whi('h do not indicate a definite 686 243M1 occupa.tion \16S~ 4844 ;:;93 16U Sub-olass XII Un productive. " 11089 3186 1029 344 797 25305 53 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms hOUl:lCA 537 .178 and vagrants •...... 7130 2700 1014 344 7 -1:1 2043:~ 54 54 4872 55 Other unclassified non·productive industries 3422 108 ]5

~ MEWAR STATE I, q I 8931 12890402 CLASSES ABO D 4090207 57179 73801 18469 73801 184069 5953 1018130 OLASS A PROllU("'TION o.lf RAW MATERIALS 380437 27224 394050 6260 46521 13117 5915 1013829 Sub.olass I Exploitation of animals and vegetatioJl He245 27028 38265 8251 46:187 13115 6251 45186 13115 5914 1013802 Order 1 Pasture and agricuI ture 359216 27027 39263 5812 987311 (a) Cultivation . • • • ...... 3455-:17 22554 35831 5336 40413 12827 (b) c.,"ultivation of spcclul crop", fl'Uits, etc. 1574 5:l 103 1~ 7 (PlantorH, managers, clerks Rlld labourers) 1334 19:2 4 1798 (c) ]'Or&BtI'Y •• •••• 1415 569 163 210 2fiO 602 4511 :!77 23113 (d) Stock raising ...... 10915 3712 :~217 4 (e) Hll.ising of small unimlloll:l uud il1BOCtl'4 5 27 2 ll'ishing and hunting 29 2 38 2301 Sub-claBs II Exploitation of minerals 1192 196 186 9 334 ., 38 2301 4 N on.metallic mineralfol .. 1192 HI6 185 \) 33-1- 110 TABLE VHI-MEAKS. OF LIVELIHOOD-{contd.) ]' PS ,---_..A.S __ , PD 'I'D Ulass, Sub·Ulass Means of Livelihood r--A----., r---A---, and Ordm' 1\1 }' M J<' M F }_J l'

7 \) 10

CLASS B l'ltEPAJ:t.A'.rlON AND SUPPLY O~' lIA'L'J!:· RIAL SUBSTANCES 98785 23360 28890 8872 23227 3042 2488 194050 Sub-class III Industt,y 59189 17163 17330 5212 12609 632 1109 88410 ,i 'fextiles " 11114 8':;51 :ISIS 991 1886 124 146 14872 Ii Hides, skins and hard materials from t,he animal kingdom 4037 366 19tili 318 264{) 37 172 1367,; 7 Wood 4565 490 241m 417 2003 36 209 849ii 8 Metal~ 4850 232 1550 -104 992 8 27 7968 o Ceramics 815;; 347 1517 540 1524 16 :J7 10646 ]I) Chemical products p:ropel'ly so callod and analogous 2904 442 60:! all (ill) 2J U 6490 U J~ood indust.ries HI38 8U 385 274. 22-l lIH ·HI :-\221 l:.l Industries of dress and tho toilet 11238 2207 2852 (i2;; 142-1 H ~:17 ]2337 1 :1 I

JIj Transport by air !J 54- HI Transport by watel' 65 87 2(J TranspoJ't by road 2599 29':; :.Uj':; 207 48.3 ] 1 KO J015 21 r.rransport by rail 2735 156 21 2 J076 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 2.')1 7 :!B 4 :H8 Sub-class V Trade 31907 5899 10632 3463 10089 2499 1292 95090 23 Banks, establishmOllis of credit, exchange and insurance 3008 375 96t.i 219 1073 19 610 16780 :!4 Brokerage commission and export 673 28 ,)2 8 142 18 33 1339 2;; Trade in textiles . . . . 5149 415 762 41:1 761 20 38 10426 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 623 30 268 1 634 4 Il 297.3 ')­_I Trade in wood 157 50 153 22 69 4 L 702 ~8 Trade in metals 357 6 67 79 1 G 1045 :?9 Trado ill pottery, bl·jcks and tiles 208 20 14 l:J 6.3 875 ao Trado in chemical products " 90 3 10 15 218 :~I Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. 1107 127 349 lO3 251 9 28 3450 :12 Other trade in food stuffs 6169 1733 2123 1911 3056 561 207 18531 :J3 Trade in clothing and toilet articles ., 1614- 139 3;39 102 234 5 88 3124 :14 Trade in furniture 325 3 20 9(1 2 L 673 3,) 'l'rado in building materials 171 20 102 23 129 1 19 968 :Hi '1'r8-do in means of transport .. 641 19 24 1:J!) 3 2 539 :17 Trado ill Cuel 34411 2603 3847 418 2;;72 1802 132 7289 :18 'frado ill articles of luxury and those pertain. in~ to lotters and the arts and soiencos 1934 liS4 290 103 185 27 63 4218 :19 Trade of othCl' sorts 6241 174 1226 117 5~9 21 ,I() 21712

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMJNll3'fRATION AND LIB· l-:RAL ARTR 21181 3302 4169 811 3571 120 250 51127 Sub-class VI l'ubliu fol'c(' 5084- 6 64-2 160 1 33 6108

it, .\.rIllY 1262 (i 128 31 3 541) 4:1 Police 3802 G14 129 30 5.>59 Sub-class VII Public administration 5191 457 285 9551 44 Pllblic administratioll 5191 457 285 46 9551 Sub-class VllI Pl'ofesaiollS and liberal arts 10906 3296 3070 811 3126 119 171 4:' Uoligioll r.1:UI ll57 :!4M 242() 7:i 16691 411 Law [jl!! 1:1 II lli82 47 l\lcdicines 4(il 1431 26 HI 28 19 933 48 Instruotion !J.t6 98 74 1 89 8 2492 49 Letters, arts and sciences (other than 44) 3842 610 493 H7 ':;78 69 13770

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS :11874 3293 1492 526 1482 190 240 27730 Sub-class IX Persons living on their income 505 299 112 15 140 20 38 1540 • l'I'I'solls Ih,jng p"im'ipally on their own income 299 112 ]5 144.1 20 38 1.>40 111 TABLE VIII-MEANS OF LIVELIHOOD-(wntd.)

P PS ,______.A_--'\s PD TD ,..-__.A._-,. ,.-~ Class, Sub-Class Means of Livelihood and OrdE'r M F M F M F p P 1 7 8 !) 10

Sub-class X Domestic sorvice 58&7 14M 590 292 299 81 103 10795 51 Domestic service !j857 1434 590 292 299 81 103 10795

Sub-class Xl Insufficiently described occupations .. 2594 803 509 183 302 38 67 8169

52 General terms which do not indicate a definite occupation 2594 803 509 183 302 38 07 8169

Sub-class XII Unproductive 2918 757 281 36 741 51 32 7281 ;;3 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms housos 1047 22 54- Bejlgars and vagran tA •• 1871 735 281 :16 741 ;}2


CLASSES ABC D .. 58183 4395 5805 286 5805 286 4363 249186 V CLASS A PRODUCTION 01<' RAW MATERIALS 38775 1810 3182 94 1763 63 210S '" 179403 Sub-class I Exploitation of animals and vegetation 38775 1810 3182 94 1763 63 2105 179403

1 Pasture and agriculture 3876 ~ 1808 3182 94 1763 63 2105 179384 (6) Cultivation 38765 1808 3]82 94 1763 63 2105 179384 2 FiShing and hunting ]0 2 10

CLASS B PREPARATION AND S{TPPLY OF MA'l'"E­ RIAL SUBSTANCl!}S 11524 1067 2183 126 3002 158 1531 46944 Sub-class III Tndusi,.·y 6579 518 1370 77 1702 117 871 27369 ;; Textiles .. 1133 56 50 ]4 24] O,j 466R 6 Hides, skins and hal'd·materials from the animal kingdom 935 36 256 3 216 23 71 4167 i Wool.. . 683 :1 213 12 197 2 108 . 3647 8 Metals 351 11 189 2 161 13 68 1897 9 Ceramics 400 10 216 R 207 82 2249 10 Chemical products properly so called and analogues .. 100 14- 14 10 11 5 813 II Food industries 634 194 124- 3 1I0 21 li;5 1481 1~ Industries of dress and tho toilet 1001 72 121 188 :~ 119 :1797 13 Fnrniture industries .. 48 2 4 5 64 14 Building industries . . . . 353 15 20 3 183 2 .,)5 1220 15 Construction of means of transport I'i 1 27 16 Production and transmission of physieal " force .. 4 ] 17 }/Iiscellaneo\ls and undefined ind\ll~tri~ 926 106 155 12 188 48 113

Sub-class IV Transport 810 4 93 119 87 2733

20 Transport by road 567 4 90 96 48 19!)4 21 Transport. by 203 1 23 32 644 22 Post office, telegraph a.nd telephone services 40 2 7 gil Sub-class V Trade 4135 545 720 49 1181 41 573 16842 23 Banks, establishments of credit, exchange and insuranoe 1202 205 342 16 266 17 101 5291 25 Trade in textiles . .• .. 590 fi 83 10 274 9 99 1757 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 11 1 (; 1 66 27 Trade in wood .. 18 1 3 4 61 28 Trade in metals 20 7 19 160 29 Trade in pottery, bricks and tiles 134 9 66 1 395 30 Trade in chemical products .• 21 1 3 7 13 268 31 Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. 932 60 85 4 208 7 144 2360 32 Other trade in food stuffs .. 525 52 79 8 173 54 2024 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articles .. 41 48 5 9 7 23 847 34 Trade in furniture . . . . • . .u :l7 35 Trade in building materials 28 :n 36 Trade in means of transport 126 96 31 12 :J7 1111 37 Trade in fuel . . . . 98 26 5 11 21 i21 38 Tradein articles of luxury and those ing to letters and the arts and sciences .. 36 2 3 36 12 230 39 Trade of other SOEts 312 50 73 112 44 178:1 112 TABLE VIII-MEANS OF LIVELIHOOD-(contd.)

p PS H PH 'rD Class, Sub-C1al'lfl ,~---, ,----"------, I1ml0rd!'r 1\f I.' ]\[ 1.' ]\f F I' I' 3 5 6 7 8 9 10

CLASS C PUBLIC ADl\IINISTRATION AND LlBR­ RAL ARTS 2801 133 226 4 471 334 9035

Sub-class VI Public fOf(,C 662 13 23 53 1522 'w Army 270 12 411 .J.:1 Polion :192 12 41 1111 Sub-class VII Public administration 1177 31 96 252 170 4079 .u Pu hli(' administl'l\tion 1177 :n filj 252 170 4079 Sub-class VllI PI'ofcssion!! Rnd Ii horal arts 762 102 117 4 198 11 111 3484 .J.J Religion .. 202 19 41 24 1244 4H Law 49 2 a 430 47 Medicincs 58 17 11 224 48 Instructions 215 8 9 1 28 10 38 607 49 LettcrR, arts and sciences (other than 44) 238 2 87 114 I 35 929 CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 3283 1385 214 62 589 64 393 18804 Sub-class IX Pf"rROnS living on their income 140 240 5 44 7 21 883 Persons living principally on their own income 140 240 4t 7 21 883 Sub-class X Domestic service 98 6 4 23 17 908 51 Domestic servico 98 6 4 23 17 006 Sub-class XI Insufficiently described occupation 1481 933 116 39 282 15 209 7546 (}eneral terroR which do not indicate a definite occupation 1481 933 116 :)9 262 II) 209 7646 Sub-class XII Unproductive .. 1584 208 89 23 240 32 148 4488

a3 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms houses 108 4 M Beggars and vagrants...... 1167 185 77 23 181 32 97 3830 Other unC'lassified non-productive industries 289 17 12 a9 49 639

PARTABGARH AI I STATE \!Y CLASSES ABC D !,!!Q!.. 2803 8880 178 3380 178 1775 88403 CLASS A PRODUCTION m' RAW MATERIALS 12498 1889 2729 102 20940 1040 1653 66281 Sub-class I Exploitation of animals and vegetation 12487 1885 2723 98 2088 104 1652 56211 Order ] Pasture and a.griculture 12487 1885 2723 98 2088 104 1552 55211 (a) Cultivation . . . • 12293 1802 2630 76 358 33 406 54533 (b) Forestry .. 62 67 23 HI 1623 68 1136 168 (c) Stock raising ...... 130 16 70 3 107 3 10 507 (.1 ) RaIsing of small animals a.nd insects 2 3 Sub-class 11 Exploitation of minerals 11 4 6 4 8 1 20

4 ~on-metallic minerals •• 11 4 6 4 6 1 20 CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE. RIAL SUBSTANCES 2902 380 480 43 976 48 124 9078 Sub-class III Industry 1622 225 2tD 27 577 32 91 40568 ;. rrextiles .. 85 8 12 4 33 1 11 153 Ij Hidos, skins, ek. 148 6 39 2 173 4 14 628 Woo.1 .. .. 210 16 41 6 99 7 16 607 N Met,als ]06 8 22 I 44 1 4 381 !I Ceramics .. 67 11 14 I 57 4 346 111 Chcmical produots properly so (,RUed and an Illogous .. 84 )0 6 1 34 2 6 237 !) j 1 ]j'ood industries 119 28 4 3 8 3 390 I:! Industries of dress and the toilet 301 48 74 4 72 4 4 879 1 :1 Furniture industries 1 1 U Building industries 221 77 14 2 38 1 12 482 I;' Construction of means of tl'anllport 1 ]II I'roduction and transmission of phYllical force •. •• )Ii I I 7 17 Undoflhoo industries •. 164 13 17 3 III 3 16 448 113


P S PD TD ClIloBS, Sub.Class . Means of Livelihood ...-----"----. and Order M F M F P P

2 'j 8 9 10

Sub-class IV Transpol·t 137 4, 11 1 65 t81 20 Transport by road 12:i 4- 10 l 62 2U 21 Transport by rail 1 12 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 12 .. 3 35 Sub-elass Y Trade 1248 131 234 16 SSS 16 as 4259 23 Banks, establishments of oredit, exchange and insurance 246 55 61 4, 66 a 1 1000 24 Brokerage, commission and export 80 7 1 12 1 261 25 Trade in textiles 116 4 23 1 39 516 26 Trade in skins. leather and furs 31 10 20 40 27 Trade in wood •. 21 11 18 4 74 28 Trade in metals 14 I 75 29 Trade in pottery. bricks and tiles 35 I 15 60 30 Trade in chemioal product$! 2 1 1 12 31 Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. 66 13 11 2 18 176 32 Other trade in food stuffs 543 G5 81 7 138 8 23 1706 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articlos .. 21 34 Trade in furniture •. 1 1 2 35 Trade in building materials ' .. 7 3 36 Trade in means of transport " 5 25 37 Trado in fuel 17 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertain. ing to letters. arts and sciences 66 2 11 264 39 Trade in other sorts 2 7

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBE· RAL ARTS 1587 398 180 17 384 11 58 8325 Suh-class VI Public force 834 7 :t7 89 1 828 40 Army 1 43 Police 333 7 17 39 1 628 Sub-class VII Po blic administrat·ion 534 119 25 2 27 9 1081 44 Pu blic administration 624 119 25 2 27 9 1061 Sub-etalS Vlll Profession and liberal aTU! &79 1'10 118 15 218 11 46 1836 45 Religion •. 404 65 91 6 179 10 12 889 46 Law 15 1 1 43 47 Medicines 49 62 2 5 12 25 134 48 Instructions 89 5 7 1 5 243 49 Letters, a.rts and sciences (other than 44) 122 38 17 3 22 1 8 327

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 266 258 11 14 27 la 42 '758

SaIMlass IX Persons living on their income 34 31 Z 1 4 1 54

50 Per80nsliving on their own income 2l 21 2 1 4 1 54 Sub-class X Domestic service 125 78 8 8 4- 8 18 446 51 Domestic service 125 78 8 4 6 18 446 Su,",olass Xl Insufficiently described occupations •• 78 141 t II 19 6 15 221 62 Indefinite occupations .. 73 141 1 2 19 5 15 221 Sula-class XII Unproductive •. 44 18 2 3 .. 2 8 37 53 Inmates of ja.ils, asylums and alms houses 26 1 .' 54 Beggars and vagrants •• 16 17 2 3 2 6 34 55 Non·productive industries 2 .. 2 3 Sptelal elan Ruler of Indian State 2 .. 11 Special olass Ruler of Indian SUtte 2 " .. ... 11 114 TABLE VIII-MEANS OJ'LIVELIHOOD-(contd.)

p PS S PD TD Class, Sub-Class Means of Livelihood -"\ and Order l\{ F M F M F "P P --... 2 3 .( Q 6 7 R 9 )0

SRABPURA STAT. '\..),1 ~--- CLASSES ABC D :11214- 888 1788 12 1788 12 407278 CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS -'-8618 892 1858 8 sa8 7 89186 Sub-class I ExploitQ.tion of animals and vegetation 8472 a'f9 12&a 8 556 'I 89124- Order 1 Pasture and agriculture 8472 379 1253 2 555 7 39124 (a) Cultivation 8398 377 1226 2 438 7 38929 (0) Forestry __ 4 1 (d) Stock raising 74- 2 24- 166 195 Sub-class II Exploitation of minerals 41 13 7 58 4 Non-metallic minerals __ 41 13 7 56

CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE- RIAL SUBSTANCEIiJ 1tsl 180 354 8 805 2 t627 Sub-class III Industry 884- 128 288 '1 686 1 2890 j) Textiles •. 222 49 61 6 98 778 6 Hides, skins and hard materials from the a.nimal kingdom 57 31 ISO 259 7 Wood 58 3 22 91 195 8 :Metals 43 JS 27 117 9 Ceramics 37 26 4-3 67 195 10 Chemical products properly 80 ca.lled a.nd QJlalogous _• 36 15 58 106 11 Food industries 37 II 1 2 107 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 144 18 30 82 1 431 13 Furniture industries 10 25 14 Building industries 108 13 10 6 227 ]7 Undeflned industries 132 (} 20 24- 450 Sub-clan IV Transport 6'1 111 5 86 20 Transport by road 1)2 12 5 75 21 Transport by rail ] 2 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 4- 9 Sub-olass V Trade 610 54 104 1 186 1 1651 23 Banks, establishmen ts of credit, exchange and insurance 55 2 5 19 156 24 Brokerage, coJIlmiBsion and export 6 1 .. 12 25 Trade in textiles • • . • 64- I) 15 1 171 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 2 5 2. 27 Trade in wood •• 1 9 28 Trade in JIletals 8 17 30 Trade in cbeJJlical products 1 8 31 Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. 3 1 :1 32 Other trade in food stuffs 183 7 25 24- 489 35 Trade in building materials 2 11 22 37 Tl'ade in fuel • . • • 27 43 1 34- 69 38 Trade in articles of luxury 7 3 2 9 3'9 Trade of other Borta 101 2 48 I 68 .. 678 CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBE· RAL ARTS '160 '18 89 165 1850 Sub-clus VI Public force 806 28 89 .. 852 40 Army 65 I) I) 110 4-3 Police 141 21 34- .242 Sub-elan VII Public administra.tion 8&2 &a 408 3Z .. 992 44 Public administration •• 352 53 43 .. 32 .' 992 Sub-class VIU Profession and liberal arts 198 25 20 .. 1M .' 508 45 Religion •. 49 5 5 52 126 46 Law 15 3 45 47 Medioines 18 16 5 2 ·. 00 48 Instruction 62 5 2 2 ·.,. 124 49 Letters, arts aDd. acianc. 48 5 28 ·. 121 '115 TABLE V1D-MEAlfS OF LlVBLIBOOD-(contrl.)

p PS PD TD Class, Sub·Class - Means of Livelihood and Order F H F P p

a ti 7 10

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 489 238 92 868 8 1818

Sub-elass IX Persons living on their income S7 4 8 149 50 Persons living principally on their own income 27 " 6 149 Sub-elass X Domestic service 91 15 1'1 45 1 218 51 Domestic service 91 15 17 45 1 :218

Sub-elas. XI Insufficiently described oocupations •. 838 190 38 2 871 52 General terms which do not indicate a definite occupation 236 100 33 2 145 2 871

Sub-elass XII Unproductive .. 146 2'1 38 '10 378 53 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms houses 6 54 Beggars and vagrants 139 27 38 70 378

Splelal elass Ruler of Indian State 1 Special class Ruler of Indian State

SIROHI STATE CLASSES ABC "D _-.63301 1'1984 17'10 86'1 8784 15046'1 CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 37243 8476 86'7 185 S141 8664S

Sub-elass 1 Exploitation of animals and vegetation 3'7215 &4'16 857 16& 1141 85542 Ordet· I Pasture and agriculture 37233 8476 857 165 2141 85537 (a) Cultivation 30110 7112 732 141 1924 75300 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruita, etc. (Planters, managers, clerks and labourers) 1282 611 11 356 (c) Forestry .. 39 39 1 109 (d) Stock raising 4964 527 124 IS 145 7707 (e) Raising of small animals and insects 838 187 6 61 2065 2 Fishing and hunting . . . . 2 5

Sub-class II Exploitation of minerals 8 4 Non-metallic minerals .. 8

CLASS B PREPARA'l'ION AND SUPPLY OF l\-lATE· RIAL SUBSTANCES 16198 3'198 711 102 538 35808

Sub-elasa III Industry 513S 1616 218 17 .. 167 14576 5 Textiles •• 396 54 3 1 945 6 Hides. skins and hard materials from the IUlimal kingdom. 1145 217 32 6 33 3986 7 Wood 222 284 5 1 11" 1933 8 Metals 338 24 1 28" 798 9 Ceramics 642 405 57 18 1783 10 Chemical products properly so called and analogous 149 25 29 18 ' 308 11 Food industry .• 98 27 30 336 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 1156 255 18 (j 32 2596 13 Furniture industries •• 104 1 67 14 Building industries • • • • 575 239 32 2 15 1356 15 Construotion of means of transport 27 4:3 4 2 5 63 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries 280 52 1 1 8. 405 1_ 41 Sub-elass IV Transport ZIG 88 18 4811 20 Transport by road 493 141 28 22 .. 37 936 21 Transport by rail • • • . • . . • 1350 82 3 3320 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone serviCCIl 66 !l :I "Ii '116


p PS S PD TD Closs, Sub Means of Livelihood ~~ r-_""'____" ~-. and Order M F M F M F P P

1 :t 3 4 Ij ti . 7 8 9. 10

Sub-elass V Trade 8155 1947 470 63 324 16909 23 Banks, establishmen ts of credit, exchange and insurance 530 52 10 30 1245 24 Brokerage, commission and export 184 1 3 3 838 25 Trade in textiles 13 109 184 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 529 117 54 11 4 002 27 Trade in wood .. 428 8 75 42 440 28 Trade in metal •• .. . 368 67 8 2 766 29 Trade in pottery, bricks and tiles 386 97 19 21 744 30 Trade in chemical products .. 1 1 31 Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. 192 154 6 1 a 426 32 Other trade in food stuffs 1490 259 235 30 39 2968 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articles .. 717 225 25 7 1473 34 Trade in furniture 394 20 8 1 655 35 Trade in building materials 99 1 1 80 36 Trade in means of transport 13 25 37 Trade in fuel 418 135 5 100 780 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertain. ing to letters and the arts and sciences 729 312 1 46 1677 39 Trade of other sorts 1664 391 22 18 26 3705


Sub-class VI' Public force 565 8 7 1701 40 AI'my 130 7 43 Police 425 3 7 1694

Sub-class VII Pu blic administration 1633 16 21 5 39 4921 44 Public administration 1633 16 21 5 39 4921

Sub-elass VIII Professions and liberal Brts 948 287 88 9 H 3348

45 Religion .. 405 99 26 15 1975 46 Law 29 80 47 Medicines 63 14 3 3 105 48 Instructions 117 39 -1 Ii 217 49 Letters, arts and sciences (other than 44) 339 85 [) Ii 13 971

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 7730 6457 140 79 1037 19135

Sub-elass IX Persons living on their income 4 4 1 4 50 Persons living prinoipally on their own income 4 4 1 4

Sub-class X Domestic service 666 1042 28 20 457 8072 51 Domestic service 656 1042 23 20 457 3072

Sub-class XI Insufficiently described occupation 5771 3786 100 53 494 12608 52 General terms which do not indicate a definite occupation 5771 8736 100 53 494 12602

Sub-class XII Unproductl \'e 1899 675 16 6 86 3457

53 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms hOUSM •• 108 2 54. Beggars and vagraIl ts •. 1038 658 16 6 46 2924 55 Other uncla.ssifled nOD"productiv8 industry • ~ U3 15 40 533

SpeCial class Ruler of Indian State 1 f Special elaa,; Ruler of Indian State 4, -117 TABLE YIU-lIEAHS OF LIVELIHOOD-{contd.)

p PD TD Clus, Sub-Class Means of Livelihood and Order M F l' P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10

TOBK STATE CLASSES ABC D' .. 82t67 11472 2730 107 60. 257211 198152 CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS --56113 6548 1898 28 218 Sub-class 1 Exploitation of animals and vegetation 55898 6519 1886 25 212 198008 Order 1 Pasture and agricultul'e 55817 6516 1383 25 197912 (a) Cultivation 54941 6377 13S!) 21 195879 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruits, etc. 95 45 4- 2 270 (0) Forestry 192 40 Ins .) !I 94.'> (d) Stock raising 589 ;)4 91i 2 Fishing and hunting 81 :~ 144 Sub-class II Exploitation of minerals 215 24 12 s 1 ;Jt! 3 Metallic minerals 25 9 .) a 106 4 Non-metallic minerals. _ 190 15 7

OLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE­ RIAL SUBSTANCES 18530 1820 772 50 259 38487 208 19879 Sub-claas III Industry 7824- 1255 868 38 10 592 5 Textiles .. 166' 239 14 5 6 Hides, skins and hard materials from the 2698 animelldngdom 1197 M 5S 4 21 1521 7 Wood 640 59 49 8 49 8 124!! 8 Metals 442 4" 31 5 1550 9 Ceramic!:! 659 57 30 10 Chemical products properly so called and 335 analogous 53 3 2 2 23 2394 11 Food industries 654 242 37 8 7352 Industries of dress and the toilet 2720 509 118 6 84 12 370 13 Furniture industries 71 16 6 1017 14 Building industries 779 52 10 2 32 15 Construction of means of transport 67 4 S 16 Production and transmission of physics'} 128 force _ _ _. .. . _ _ _ .. 48 M8 17 Miscellaneous and tmdefined industries 328 16 11 5 2124 Sub-class IV Transport 858 171 42 .l 1844 Transport by I'oad 737 171 27 20 168 Transport by rail 72 12 21 112 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 49 3 • 11484 Sub.. clall.s V Trade 4848 3940 367 12

23 Banks. establishments of credit, exchange 6 913 and insurance 357 13 52 137 24 Brokerage, commission and export 59 10 440 25 Trade in textiles 212 14 10 1 2 987 26 Trade in skins, leather and furs 346 25 10 I :2 235 Trade in wood .. 31 29 27 133 163 28 Trade in metals 71 1 26 29 Trade in pott-ery_ bricks and tiles 19 35 ao Trade in chemical products 53 7 41 31 Hotels, cafes and restaurants •. 9 19 6(09 32 Other trade in food stufis 2710 221 163 1 3 1111 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articles •. 270 36 17 34 Trade in furniture 22 5 2 ~ , 68 35 Trade in building materials 16 10 2 3 . 2; 582 36 Trade in meltlls of trltllsport 218 5 9 3 1 21 37 Trade in fuel 16 10 4: 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertain­ 16 ing to letters and the arts and sciences _. oj, 1 10 650 39 Trade of other BQrts 333 17 60 -118 TABLE ml-IlEANS OF LIVE.JIHOOD~ntd.)

p, ...Aps__ ...... PD TD Class, Sub·Class Means of Livelihood " and Order M - F M F P p

2 3 7 8 9 10 CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBE. RAL ARTS 40898 180 3405 9 37 10544 Sub-class VI Public force SOlO & 98 18 4598 40 Army 1013 1 18 1 2709 43 Police 997 4 78 15 1883 Sub-class vn Public administration 1975 S8 80 2 10 3541 44 Pu bUc administration 1970 23 80 2 ]0 3541 Sub-class VIII ProfeBBions and liberal arts 918 182 189 7 11 24011 45 Religion •. 198 14: 29 468 46 Law 80 13 260 47 Medicines 109 44 68 5 ... 7 574 48 Instructions 299 35 10 2 722 49 Letters, arts and sciences (other than 44) 227 39 49 4 387 CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 7626 29409 215 20 9& 15078 Sub-class IX Persons living on their income 389 117 33 6 93. 50 Persons living principally on their own income 369 117 33 6 934 Sub-class X Domestic servants 3008 552 42 7 31 352& 51 Domestic servants 3008 502 42 7 31 3521j

Sub"class Xl Insufficiently described occupations. . S108 1898 25 20 8856 52 General terms which do not indicate a definite occupation 2106 1893 25 20 6656 Sub-class XII Unproductive •. Sl408 387 115 18 38 3983 53 Inmates of jails. asylums and alms houses 280 3 20 54 Beggars and vagrants. • • • • • • • 1863 384 115 13 17 3963 55 Other unclassified non·productive industries .. .. . _. ______l___ __


CLASSES ABC D 188128 19818 1088& 15407 10886 15407 82&4 • 401400SS CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 81581 11090 815& 1818 48040 758 878 280948 Sub-class I Exploitation of animals and vegetation 61089 10983 6088 1814 4689 7409 8740 280188 Order 1 Pasture and agriculture 61079 10963 6088 1314 4639 749 874 230154 (a) Cultivation . • . . • • 59022 10876 5645 1293 4062 247 841 224604 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruits, etc., (Planters, managers, clerks and labourers) 81- 1 1 29 (c) "Forestry 89 2 1 2 129 (d) Stock raising • , 1887 84 441 21 577 002 31 5392 2 Fishing and hunting 10 29 Sub-class II Exploitation of minerals 4401 127 67 2 165 '1 2 785 3 Metallic 21 4 1 22 4 Non·metallic minerals •. 421 127 63 2 ]64 7 2 743 CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE. RIAL SUBSTANCES 607&7 400&7 3386 152 40198 4081 1828 1294081 Sub-class III Industry 2340BO 81SS 2193 93 2858 4011 1017 55808 o Textiles .. 7494 - 1227 - 392 - 25- 485 105 200' 13413 6 Hides, skins and h8l'd materials from the aniIU&l kingdom 2589 113 598 - 14' 820 34 89 6882 7 Wood .• _, 1331 81 252 14 400 10 97 2930 8 Metals 1783 79 134' 10' 143 2 71 4938 9 Ceramics 824 ~ 97 242.' 5- 303 132 24 2712 10 Chemical products properly so called and . ' analogous .. 370/ 41i 36 3 78 18 16 2189 11 Food industries . , 898 - 373 90- 9 llO 23 94 2212 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 3230- 241·' 281 3 331L . '._ , 32 156 7857 13 Furniture industries 5' ,.' ...... -' .. " 70 14 Building industries .. 3015. 301/ 85 140 .. -'- -47 127 7061 15 Construction of means of transport 511-/ ,.. 1 5' 119, 16 Production and transmission of physical force ., '. •• •• .. 246 / 1 7 627 17 Miscellaneous undefined industries •• 1640 ./ 83./ 37 8 131 4596 119 TABLE VDI-MEANS or L1VILIBOOD-(contd.)

p./ PS V s PD TD Class, Su b-Clasfl Means of Livelihood Rnd Order 1\1 F M F M F P P 2 a " iJ 6 7 8 D 10 Sub-elass IV Transpol·t. 14472 7'1 188 196 20 222 38556

]8 Transport by ail' 7 19 Transport by wlIoter 5 7 20 Transport by road 1339 16 9Ii 149 9 27 2220 .21 Transport by rail . . . . • • • • 12691 56 34 37 11 IS8 35251 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services ill1- 5 1. 3 7 1078 Sub-elass V Trade 12805 868 1065 59 114. 51 389 35299 23 Banks, establishments of credit, exchange and insurance 1231 9.2 199 8 226 24 3866 24 Brokerage, commission and export. 363 5 5 1 13 5 1033 20 Trade in textiles . _ .• 909 16 97 1 07 3 31 3017 26 Trade in skins, leathers and furs 858 4- 36 23 I) 1066 2'7 Trade in wood __ 64 5 1 1 1 41 234 28 Trade in metals 191 1 3 4 2 386 29 Trade in pottery, bricks and tiles 57 14- 13 18 222 SO Trade in chemical products •. 107 1 7 18 6 213 31 Hotels, cRfes, restaurants, etc. 484 25 20 9 20 3 18 938 32 Other trade in food stuffs 5898 508 008 IS 067 26 175 15963 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articles 386 7 5 6 7 9aS 34 TJ,ade in furniture 61 1 7 181 35 Trade in building materials , • 67 3 1 1 I) 181 36 Trade in means of transport __ 170 1 9 9 1 I 438 37 Trade in fuel _ _ _ _ .. 508 116 72 21 74 11) 15 1330 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertain. ing to letters and the arts and sciences 301 9 8 6 17 887 :Ul Trade in other sorts 163ft G4 69 95 I :~O 4438


-Sub-olass VI "P1.1 blic force .- 3243 :1S -43 59 1 18 - 2583 40 Army 1660 4 4 6 I 1 734 43 Police 1578 8 39 53 12 1849

Jllb-olass VII Pu blic administration .. ,.--2886 164 _78 1 185 114 28 • 8200 44 Public administration ., 2685 154 78 1 1S5 114 26 6200

Sub-elass VIII Professions and liberal artoS 51aa 798 841' 16 431 117 139 v 12892 45 Religion _. 1575 126 137 1 136 15 37 3492 46 Law 310 4 13 5 15 1<.92 47 Medicines 558 203 18 IS 26 5 23 1756 48 Instructions 1492 309 37 32 SO 30 3222 49 J..etters, a.rts and sciences (other than 44) 1287 167 136 10 233 17 34 3330

_iLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 14886 8105 882 62 1012 77 572 81889

Sub-class IX Persons living on their income 1820 841 148 11 300 9 86 87S!8 50 Persons living principally on their ownincome 1320 341 148 11 300 9 66 3728

Sub-class X Domestic service &128 8B8 1&6 9 188 8 157 - 9808 51 Domestic service 5126 888 155 9 168 8 ]Jj7 9308

Sub-olass XI Insufficiently described occupations .. 4918 lOla- 214 86 219 295 15121 52 General terms which do not indicate a definite occupation 4916 1093 214 36 219 48 290 15121

Sub-elass XII Unproductive - - 8828 888 185 6 825 12 54 3782 53 Inmates of jails, asylums and alms houses 640 11 54 Beggars and vagrants. • • • • • • • 2674 872 166 6 318 12 54 3711 55 Other uncl&88ified non-productive industries 4 7 21 Speolal olass Ruler of Indian State 49 Special oIass Ruler of Indian State 49 120 TABLE VnI-MEANS 0,. ~IVELmOOD-(contd.)

p ~ S PD TD Class, Sub.Class .Means of Livelihood r---A---~ ~_A-_____ ~ r---~---~ and Order M F M F M F P p

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9

AlMER CITY CLASSES ABC D 41552 3299 329 83 329 33 1751 102045

CLASS A .. PRODUCTION OF RAW ~IA'rERIALS 979 77 17 2 18 18 2904 Sub-class I Exploitation of animals and vegetation 903 70 17 2 13 13 2784 Ord('r 1 Pasture and agriculture 897 70 17 2 13 13 2721 (a) Cultivation 693 67 12 2 2 9 2366 (b) Cultivation of special crops, fruits, etc., (Pla.nters, man.8.~rs. clerks and leoooufe-rs) 76 I 25 (c) Forestry 31 1 1 1 43 (d) Stock raising .. 97 I -I- 11 3 287 :! Fishing and hnn ting 6 13 Sub-class II lllxploit.ation of mjneralR 76 7 170 Metallic minerals 6 7 Non·metallic minerals .. 70 7 163

CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATE· RIAL SUBSTANCES 26883 1058 171 12 165 22 1167 70172 Sub-class III Indust,ry 7612 660 41 3 58 9 619 18232

1\ Textiles .. SI1 fia 2 1 61 2147 6 Hides, skins and hard me.tet"ials from the animal kin ~dom 580 17 6 18 1037 7 Wood 451 30 HI 13 71 H20 S Metals 792 20 3 :1 57 2087 fI Ceramics 133 15 14 264 10 Chemical products properly so callod and analogous 82 3 183 11 Food industries 442 74 2 16 (; 43 848 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 1602 102 4 I) 1 119 3791 13 Furniture industries 4 62 14 Building industries 1723 ]03 Ii 107 4075 15 Construction of means of transport 22 I 4 63 16 Production and transmission of physical force .. 148 7 454- 17 Miscellaneous undefined industrieil 822 244 7 t 115 2101 Sub-class IV Transport 12904 45 24 7 218 36789 18 Transport by air 7 20 Transport by road 581 3 3 1 24 1145 21 Transport by rail 12007 37 20 6 188 33810 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 316 6 827 Sub-class V Trade 6817 353 106 9 100 13 330 16151

23 Banks, establishment!' of credit, exchange and insurance 658 48 14 3 19 20 1763 24 Brokerage, commission and export 76 2 2 4 4 195 25 in textiles 294 10 6 3 25 888 26 Trade in skins. leathers and furs 78 3 228 27 Trade in wood .. 59 3 41 212 28 Trade in metals 162 1 2 2 345 29 Trade in pottery, bricks and tiles 10 4 53 30 Trade in chemical products •. ;')6 1 5 12 6 183 31 Hotels, cafes and restaurants, etc. 320 8 1 9 508 32 Other trade in food stuffs 2818 234 53 5 25 10 151 7441 33 in clothing and toilet articles •. 340 6 4 2 7 698 34 Trade in furniture 40 '2 111 35 Trade in building materials 40 3 1 4: 124 36 Trade in means of transport 135 3 5 258 12 1 1 1 8 384 37 Trade in fuel 150 ..... 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertain. ing to letters and the arts and sciences •• 127 5 2 1 15 58t 39 Trade in other sorts 954 19 10 30 28 2171 121 TABLE VIU-JIEAlfS OF LIVBL1ROOD-(contd.)

p, ps S PD TD Class, Sub·Class Means of Livelihood and Ordet' M F M F M. F P P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Sub-olau VI Publio force 108& 7 1 4 9 1274 40 Army 133 4 1 4: 1 305 43 Police 932 3 8 969

Sub-class VII Public administration •• 14S0 18 17 1S 2S 3894 U Public administration •. 1420 18 17 12 22 3894

Sub-olass VIII Professions and liberal arts 2Ml 402 48 t " 81 8 119 7088 45 Religion, • 678 44 13 12 28 1480 46 La", 226 3 8 3 16 868 47 Medicines 374 125 9 1 4 1 18 }288 48 Instruction 911 202 12 10 Ii 28 1985 49 Letters, artslL1ld sciences (other than 44) 653 28 4 2 30 1415

CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 8414 1737 77 18 104 6 421 16718

Su'-olass IX Persons living on their income :1045 249 68 9 8:1 4 81 2817 50 Persons living principally on their own income 1045 249 53 9 81 4: 61 2817

Sub-olass X Domestic service 3247 466 13 4 1S 184 6085 51 Domestic service 3247 456 13 4: 12 134 5065

Sub-class XI Insufficiently described occupations 2484 &24 9 & 11 :1 S08 7913 52 General tenDs which do not indicate a definite ?ocnpation 2484 524 9 5 11 1 208 7913

Sub-elass XII Unproductive " 1888 &08 2 :18 921 53 Inmates of jails, a.syluma and alms houses 384 11 54 Beggars and vagrants •• 1254 497 2 18 919 vii Other unolassiBed Don·produotive industries 2

SpecJaI elass R'IIler of Indian State 49 Speeial Ruler of Indian Sta.te .. - 49 122 SUBSIDIARY TABLIS

(i}-General distribution or means 01 livelihood Number for 10000 of the Population r------~~------~ Independent Partly Class, Sub.Claes Md Order MeMs of Livelihood workers following dependents Total dependent, the mil as praotising on them/l principal the mIl a 4, .:;

CLASSES ABC D 3108 173 8892 CLASS A PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 2195 140 5109 Sub-class I Exploitation of Mimals and vegetation S183 139 5087 Order 1 Pasture and agriculture 2182 139 5086 (a) " Cultivation . . . • 2100 133 4:922 (b) " Cultivation of special crops. fruits, etc., (Planters, managers, clerks, and labourers) . . • . . . . . • • • . . . . . 9 1 23 (c) .• Forestry 8 2 15 (d·) •• Stock rs.i&ing .. • • • . • . 64 3 125 (e) •• Raising o£ small ainmals and insects 1 1 2 Fishing and hunting 1 1 Sub-class II Exploitation of minerals 12 1 22 3 Metallic minerals 2 6 4- Non·meta.llic minerals 10 1 17

CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATERIAL SUBSTANCES 596 25 1213 Sub-class III Industry 348 17 880 5 Textiles 59 3 98 6 Hides,lIkins and hard materials from the animal kingdom 46 3 104 7 Wood .• 32 2 64 8 Metals 20 1 43 9 Ceramics 29 1 59 10 Chemical productll properly so ca.lled and analogous 10 20 11 Food industries . . . . . • . . . . 16 1 30 12 Industries of dress a.nd the toilet .• 51 2 93 13 Fumiture industries 2 5 14 Building materials .. . • . . 41 63 15 Construction of means of transport 1 4: 16 Production and transmission of physical force 2 2 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries ., 39 2 76 Sub-class IV Transport 40 1 80 19 Transport by water 1 1 20 Transport by road 20 1 39 21 Transport by rail . . • . • • . . 17 ~5 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 2 e'. Ii Sub-class C Trade 208 7 473 23 Banks, establishments of oredit, excha.nge Md insurance 22 1 63 24 Brokerage, commission and export • . . . • • 6 17 25 Trade in text.ile 24- 1 68 26 Trade in skins, leathers and furs •• 11 22 27 Trade in wood 3 6 28 Trade in metals .. 2 29 Trade in pottery, bricks and tiles .. 2 4 30 Trade in chemioal productll •. 1 3 31 Hotels, oafes, restaurants etc. G 12 32 Other trade in food stuffs •• 79 3 182 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articles 6 14 34 Trade in furniture • • • . • . 2 4: 35 Trade in building materials 1 4 36 Trade in means of transport 3 5 37 Trade in fuel .. • • ...• • • .. 15 1 15 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertaining to letters and the arts and scienoes ., • . •• . . •• • • • • • • 7 15 39 Trade in other sorts •• 19 1 ~4

CLASS C PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBERAL ARTS 16S 3 290 Sab-olass vi Pu blio force 34 51 40 Army •• 12 14 43 Police •. 22 37 Sub...,lass VlI Public administration 48 1 101 44 .. Public administration f8 102 12:4 SUBSlDIAily TABLES -(e6nttl,)

-(ij-GeneraJ dlstdbl1tlon of means of lIveUhoocl-(co-ncld.) Number for 10000 of the Population. Independentr------~------~ Partly CI8.8S, Sub-Class and OrdOI' Means of Livelihood workers following dependents Total dependeut the mil as practising on the mil principal the mil 3 4

Sub-elus VIII .• Professions B!ld liberal arts 70 2 187 45 Religion 37 1 68 46 La.w 3 8 47 Medicine 7 11 48 Instruction 9 18 49 Letters, arts and sciences (other than 44) 14 1 32 CLASS D MISCELLANEOUS 185 5 280 SuJJ-elass IX Persons living on their income 11 18 50 Persons living principa.lly on their own income 11 18 Sub-elass X Domestic service 48 1 76 51 Domestic service 46 1 76 Sub-olass XI ••• Insufficiently described occupaliions 54 97 52 General terms which do not indicate a definite occupation 54 97 Sub-elals XII Unproductive 54 89 53 Inmates of jails. asylums and aIms houses 4: 54 Beggars and va.grants •• .. •• .• 46 2 82 55 Other unclassified a.nd non-productive industries 4 7 r 1 Note.-As partly dependents are also included in total dependents, tIle sums of Columns 3 and 5 are 10000 representing the total population.

(iv)--Dlstrlbutlon per 10000 total population (bJ classes) Independent State or District PD TD r-- A B C D .2 " 4 5 6 7 RAIPUTAlfA 173 6892 2196 698 162 166 1 Abu 318 6000 122 1910 1162 806 2 Alwar 51 7116 1973 G88 131 192 3 BELDswara 298 7528 2002 273 80 117 4 Bharatpur 200 67S1 2431 503 148 137 5 Bikaner 523 6830 2274 579 162 150 If Bundi 84 7553 1709 449 165 124 7 Dante. 3013 7864 1475 308 255 98 8 Dholpur 17 7531 1930 305 146 88 9 Dungarpur 7929 1572 357 72 70 10 Jaipur .. 63 7122 1005 620 169 184 11 Jaisahner .. 51l) 6814 2110 799 205 72 12 JhaJawar •. 337 6765 2254 554 243 184 13 Karauli 58 7585 1699 400 216 100 14 Kishangarh 71 7469 1557 620 206 148 15 Kota.h. 449 6637 2406 575 204 178 16 Kusbalgarb (Chiefsbip) .. 3 7458 2188 ] 79 112 63 17 Lawa (Estate) 520 7276 1923 491 118 192 18 l\Iarwar 184 6267 2841 581 122 189 19 Mewar 46 6691 2249 818 153 89 20 PaJanpur .• 138 7889 1389 472 94 156 21 Part&bgarh 193 74&8 1872 412 218 60 22 Shah~ura. .. 7728 1681 326 1I:iO 133 23 sirohl .• 162 . 64:\~J . 1999 84.7 148 573 24 Tonk .. 17 7272 181! 457 153 306 - ,,'MBR-lIERWARA .. 66- 7098 1371 1000 218 819 AjlDel', City 119 6930 73 1006 395 696 Note.-AII partly dependents are also included in total dependents the sum of columns 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 is 10000 representing the total population. ~24

SUBSIDIARY TA~L~S""'-(~.) (.J)-P8rtly depeDdents followlB, the activity per 10000 .total pO,DlaUOD (by classes)

State or Di&trict A B C D ...,., .. I " " 5 BAIPUTAIfA •• 140 2& 3 ,5 1 Abu 4 239 10 45 2 Alwar .. 34 13 1 3 3 Banswara 268 22 1 7 4 Bharatpur 177 43 2 8 I) Bikaner 491 23 3 6 6 Bundi .. 57 19 3 5 7 Danta .. 2622 369 19 3 8 Dholpur 16 1 1 9 Dungarpul' 10 Jaipur •• 44 14 2 3 11 Jaisalmer 341 150 16 S 12 Jhalawll.r 307 22 4 -I 13 Karauli 30 20 7 1 14 Kiahengarh 47 21 1 2 15 Kotah •• 390 45 5 9 16 Kushalgarh (Chiefship) 3 • 17 (Estate) •• 488 25 7 18 Ma.rws.r 132 43 2 7 19 Mewar •. 31 13 1 1 20 Palanpur 67 ;&8 11 12 21 partabgarh 169 13 6 6 22 Shah{lura 23 Sirohl •• 92 23 3 44 24 Tonk 6 7 1 3 AI MER. MERWARA .. 15 28 a 10 Ajmer City 1 79 10 29

('vi)-Means 01 livelihood 01 females aDd comparison of occupations

Number of 10000 of the Population Females Independent Earners in 1931 per 10000 males Class, t_!ub-Class and Ordor Means of Livelihood workers + partly (principal ocoo· (excluding dependents in pation+working subsidiary oc­ 1941 dependents) cupation) 2 3 5

CLASSES ABC D 8281 D78 2982


Sub-olass I Exploitation of animals and vegeta.tion 2au 8798 1884 Order 1 Pasture and agrioul1;ure 2321 3793 1934

(a) •• Cultivation .. 2233 36tH 1921 (b) •• Cultivation of speoial crops, fruits, etc., (Planters, managers. clerks a.nd labourers) •• . . . . .• .. •• • • • • 10 4 3786 (cl •• }'orestry 10 11 2258 (d) •• Stock raising •• 67 177 2085 (9) •• Raising of small animals and inllEltlts 1 2276 2 Fishing and hunting 1 1083 Sub-elass II Exploitation of minerals ... 18 7 l'la 3 Metallic minerals .2 2482 4 Non·metallio minerlae ,. 11 7 H96 125 SUBSmIARY TABLE8-(contd.)

(vi)-Means of Hvellhood of females and comparison of oeeupatlons-{contd.) Number of 10000 of the Population Females Independent Earners in 1931 per 1(,(,('0 males Class, Sub·Class and Order Means of Livelihood workers +partly (principal occu­ (excluding dependents in pation +working subsidiary oc­ 1941 dependents) cupatIon) 1 3 4

CLASS B •• PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATERIAL SUBSTANCES. 821 917 1633 Sub-class III Industry 885 807 1988 5 Textiles 62 146 3771 6 Hides, skins and hal-d materials from the animal kingdom 49 35 1249 7 Wood 34 52 1080 8 Metals 21 21 929 9 Ceramics 30 59 1394 10 Chemical products properly so called and analogous 10 16 1373 II Food industries 17 19 4543 12 Industries of dress and the toilet 53 142 1603 13 Furniture industries 2 1 600 14 Building industries .• 43 47 1920 15 Construction of means of transport 1 749 16 Production and transmission of physical force 2 1 685 17 Miscellaneous and undefined industries 41 68 2694 Sub-elas. IV Transport 41 45 540 18 Transport by air 306 19 Transport by water 1 SS9 20 Transport by road " 21 24 833 21 Transport by rail 17 19 234 22 Post office, telegraph and telephone services 2 2 154 Sub-class C Trade .. 215 385 1305 23 Banks, establishments of credit, exchange and inBUr~ce 23 31 949 24 Brokerage, commission and export 6 B 437 25 Trade in textiles 25 14 978 26 Trade in skins, leathers and furs 11 B 1006 27 Trade in wood 3 1 2094 28 Trade in metals 2 I 815 29 Trade in pottery, bricks and tiles .. 2 1162 30 Trade in chemical products 1 1 968 31 Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. {; 6 1116 32 Other trade in food stuils 82 131 1199 33 Trade in clothing and toilet articles 6 10 1405 34: Trade in furniture 2 1 632 35 Trade in building materials .. 1 ) 1090 36 Trade in means of transport 3 6 703 37 Trade in fuel 16 21 5523 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertaining to letters and the arts and I!ciences " .. .. . , .. . . .• •• 7 8 1293 39 Trade in other sods 20 27 832

~LASS C " PUBLIC ADMINISTRA'.rION AND LIBERAL ARTS 155 246 897 Sub-class VI Pu bUc force 34 50 54 40 AI'my •• 12 25 45 43 Police •. 22 25 58 SaMlass VII Pu bUo administration 49 58 491 44 Publio administration 49 58 491 Sub-olau VIII Professions and liberal arts 72 18S 1880 45 Rt'li&;ion 38 95 1310 46 Law 3 2 46 47 Medicines 7 7 64tH 48 Instruotion • . • • • . 9 6 1210 49 Letters, artAJ and soieIl.ces (other tha.n 44) 15 28 1815 12.1 SUBSIDIARY TABLES-(contd.).

(vi)-Means of liveUhood 01 lemales and comparison 01 oceupation-(cQncld,)

Number of 10000 of the Population Females Class, Sub·Class and Order Independant Earne1'8 in 1931 per 10000 ,males l\leans of Livelihood workers + partly (principal Occu- (excludmg dependents in pation+working subsidiary oe- 1941 dependents cupatlOn)

3 4 5

CLASS D " MISCELLANEOUS 170 816 8097 Sub-class IX Persons living on their income 11 6 2881 50 Persons living principally on their own income •• 11 5 2381 Sub-class X Domestic service 47 77 2968 51 Domestio service 47 77 2968 Sub-class XI Insuffioiently described occupations 68 185 4428 52 General terms which do not indicate a definite occupation 68 165 4428 Sub-class XII Unproductive 66 68 2215 53 Inmates of jails. asylums and alms houses 4: 4: 1069 54: Beggars and v&Jn'ants • . • . , . 55 48 63 2450 Other unclB8Bified a.nd non·productive industries 4 1 1154

(vii)-PartlaUy agriculturists aDd assistants. employed Class, Sub·Class and Ordel' Paid Assistants Hembersof Means of Livelihood employed house-hold assisting :~ • CLASSES ABC D 116166 1505144 CLASS A " PRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIALS 84416 1887768 Sub-class I Exploitation of animals and veget.ation 82178 1386464 OrdOl' 1 Pasture and agriculturo ,. 82169 1336372 (a.) ,. Cultivation 77679 1277601 (b) •• Cultivation of special crops, fruits, etc, (Planters, managers. clerks and labourers) 787 18813 (0) ., Forestry ". 579 16875 (d) .• Stock raising 3041 22922 (e) ., Raising of small animals and insects 83 161 2 Fishing and hunting 4, 92 Sub-class II Exploita1iion of minerals , , 2242 1289 3 Metallic minerals " 449 91 4, Non-metallio minerals 1793 1198 CLASS B PREPARATION AND SUPPLY OF MATERIAL SUBSTANCES 29800 145819 SUb-elass III Industry 17801 103421 5 Textiles, • 4:028 17677 6 Hides, skins and hard materials from the animal kingdom " 1462 25095 7 Wood .' '" " .. " •• ,. .' 2187 7777 8 Metals 1424 t;502 9 Ceramics 1036 10 11577 Chemical produots properly so c&lled and analoguos •• 440 2851 II Food industries 12 704- 33'71 Industries of dress and the toilet 2322 13 124" Fumiture industries 104- 14 612 Bulldinll: industries 2673 544:0 10 Construotion of means of transport 123 16 144 Production and transmission of physical force 18 17 44 Miscellaneous and undefined industries 128U 10887 1.27 SUBSIDIARY TABLES-( coned.)

(vii)-Parilally agriculturists and assistants employed-(c~ncld.)

Paid Assistants Members of Cll18s, Sub·Class and Order Means of Livelihood employed household assisting 2 :I 4

Sub-eluslV Transport _. 971 8180 18 Transport by air .. il 19 Transport by water 26 20 Transport by road 577 2687 21 Transport by rail .. 352 270 22 Post; office, telegraph and telephone services 41 193

lIub-eIass V Trade 10528 38718 23 Banks, establishments of oreciit. exchange and insurance 1538 5463 24 Brokerage, commission and export 305 633 20 Trade in textiles .. 3466 5042 26 Trade in skins, leathers and furs 95 2201 27 Trade in wood 46 1021 28 Trade in metals 63 387 29 Trade in pottery, bricks and tiles 25 644 30 Trade in chemioa1 produots 62 332 :n Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. •. 222 911 32 Other trade in food stuffs 3345 15058 33 Trade in clothing and toilet e.rticles 289 1731 34 'I'rade in furniture 361 423 35 Trade in building materials 20 117 36 Trade in means of transport 40 396 37 Trade in fuel 66 958 38 Trade in articles of luxury and those pertaining to letters and the arts and sciences lli3 1198 an Trade in other sortl! -432 2203

CLASS C •. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBERAL ARTS 1636 9031 Sub-elus VI Public foree 146 1158

40 Army 62 88 43 Police 84 1064

Sub-class VII Public administration 368 850 44- Public administration' 368 850 Sub-olalS VIII .. Professions and liberal arts 1122 7029 45 Religion 413 3866 46 Law 129 96 47 Medicine 237 632 48 Instruction 186 163 49 Letters, arts and sciences (other than 44) lli7 2272

CLASS D .• MISCELLANEOUS 814 13041 lIub-olass X Domestic service 827 1570 51 Domestic service 327 1570

Sub-olass XI Insufficiently described occupations 415 4429 02 General terms which do not indicate a definite occupation 415 4429

Sub-o1ass XII Unproductive 72 7042 54 Beggars and vagra.nts 51 6816 55 ., Other unclassified and non.productive industries 21 226 Note.-The following States have Qot been included in the above figures :-1. Dholpur. 2. Jaisalmer. 3 8irohi.

The figures for .. Partially Agriculturists" are not shown 88 they were not reliable. TABLE IX INDUSTRY

The Table was abstracted from the replies to the follO\ving questions :­ Q. 16. If you are employed by someone else what is his business?

NOTES :-Only those persons were to be entered in relation to thiK question who were employed by others and who reo ceived cash remu.neration. The word "emp]oyer" covered a. company, etc. This question wag not to be put to thoRe who had given their principal means of livelihood as domestic service or agriculture.

Q. 14. What is your means of livelihood?

While these questions make no reference to organized industry, they were asked for the first time in 1941, to see whether the Census could, through its ordinary questionnaire, cover this aspect. LIMITATION OF STATISTICS :-Interpretation of the word" employer" gave rise to considerable confusion. In Jaipur, for instance, a large number of persons were returned as employers in textile industry. These people, inquiry showed, were in the habit of giving out raw material on contract for weaving or spinning. They have no control over those with whom they contract, and who, in their turn, may entrust the work to various family meLnbers or even make sub-contracts with a third party. In other States" employer" was held to mean only those persons who exercised some direct control over those they employed, or in the strictly legal sense.

Then again, when the State itself is the employer, ~uch as in the case of State railways, Electric Supply, Waterworks, etc., the employee was time and again shown as a State servant instead of an employee of a State­ managed industry. Difficulties, too, tltrose frequently in our attempt to. differentiate between clerical, technical and unskilled persons. In small industries, such as a flour-mill, one and the same man may pour in the wheat, attend the motor and even keep the books.

When we come to "Welfare Doctors, Compounders, School Masters, etc.," local knowledge tells us that these persons are only to be found in Rajputana and Ajmer-Merwara in such concerns as the B. B. & C. I. Rly. Co. Yet the table records many others, and one can only assume that Bhistis and Sweepers have crept in under the" Etc." Since members of the Floating Population were not excluded from this inquiry, we find such an anomaly appearing in the table as a. Manager of a Tea Plantation with no employees. Probably he was a visitor. 129


_ Directional, Supervising and Clerical Staff Welfare Doctors, Supervising Compounders, and Schoolmas­ Industry Managers Technical Clerical ters, etc. Operatives ~~~ ~ r------~------~ Totel.populatioll Indian Other Indian Other Indian Other' IDdian Other Child (less Youth Adult. (17 angaged than 15) (15·16) and over' ~ ,.....--A--, ~ ~ p M F 1\1 F M F M F M F 3 4 I} 7 8 {) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

RAIPUTA.NA TOTAL POPVLATIO.N E.NGAGED IN I.NDVSTRIES •• 81818 .,897 14181 748 26 8S81 282 2146 18 1 811 8 8006 1619 13196 378841108 8810 I. Agrloultural, pastoral, d.alry and. farm produ" • . . . . . 8641, 8021 820 13 1 569 49 13 856 18 1819 178 5098 424 Dairying 524 454 70 I) 13 9 83 2 15 48 329 20 Poultry Farms 92 85 7 3 4 2 8 1 2 3 66 3 Stock raising .• 7616 7073 543 4 1 607 2 37 11 200 15 18711 127 4386 401 Horse breeding 4:09 409 1 4:5 1 2 15 27 318

11. Cultivation of sp"lal crops (plantations, eto.) 698 662 46 24 8 105 20 124 16 291 11 Fruit •• 352 315 37 17 4 78 18 96 14 120 I) Ganje. .... 118 109 9 1 6 2 19 2 13 1 68 6 Tea. 1 1 1 Tobacco 121 121 1 8 15 97 Others (viz., grass, indigo, dates, pepper, cardamom) 6 6 6

III. Railing 01 amaD animals antl Inseota • . 8a 54 9 1 2 1 2 41 1 46 8 Silkworms 63 54 9 1 2 1 2 4 1 46 6

IV. Flsblng and. BunUng 508 508 20 11 477 Fish ouring .. 508 508 20 11 477

V. Mines.. Quarries, etc. .. uno 11070 _0 3S S 110 1 101 85 1 418 124 2200 861 8119 1873 Coal •. 14:85 1479 6 1 16 11 2 56 315 1078 6 Slate, laterite, marble and limestone, and other quar. ries of hard stone •• • • 4324 11807 517 17 1 37 36 5 139 14 221 37 3351 466 Mica •• 1026 713 313 6 21 24 1 106 15 76 19 479 279 Talc and asbestine .• 64 54: 1 13 12 28 Extra.ction and refining of salt and salt·petre . . •• 7031 0017 2014: 12 2 35 1 30 77 1 102 95 1576 795 3183 1122

VI. TextUes .. 18640 10280 8410 69 687 1 398 S8 1866 1042 2569 1836 4818 5532 Cotton ginning and pressing 3616 1705 1911 35 75 79 2 215 356 417 676 882 879 Cotton spinning and weaving 8891 5145 3746 5 315 1 156 21 715 219 1481 781 2451 2746 Cotton carpet weaving 2926 1608 1418 7 19 21 341 153 175 91 945 1174 Rope, (excluding eoir). hemp, 6&x and other fibres .. 63 46 17' 1 2 46 15 Wool oardiag, spinning and weaving 1293 314 979 6 46 14 69 148 86 187 93 644 Woollen oarpetweaving 1433 1117 316 15 125 24 519 165 319 96 115 55 Silk 98 75 23 1 2 1 2 1 9 3 60 19 Hair .. 15 15 2 13 Textile :Gnishing aad process. ing •• 115' 115 3 3 43 66 Lace and embroidery 107 107 2 17 88 Shawl and friDge weaving •• . 51 51 .. 3 19 29 Gold and silver lace weaving 17 17 1 16 Hosiery 15 15 15 130

TABLE Il[-DDUSTRY -(contd.)

Directional, Supervising and Clerical Staff Welfare Doctors, Supervising Compounders, and Schoolmas- Industry Mlmagers Technical Clerical ters, etc. Operatives ~ r-----"-----. r----"'----"I,----A----. ,-----~----,~ Total population Indian Other Indian Other Indian Other Indian Other Child (less Youth Adult (17 engaged than Ili) (15-16) and ovel"} \ ,---"---, f A ,---A---.. p F F l\l F M F M F

4 6 7 9 10 II 12 13 14 ] I) 16 17 18 ]9


VII. Bides, skins and hard mate- rials from the animal kingdom. . 1910 1835 13& 18 31 9 3 300 26 2&0 j8 j2240 94 Leather and leather dyeing BOO 641 a9 2 4 2 51 23 69 3 413 33 Sadlery and ha.rness .• 127 116 11 1 2 7 106 11 Boots and shoes 733 718 Hi 11 19 4 2 115 2 123 444 13 Ivory .. 492 443 49 4 8 3 1 127 47 12 253 37 Bone, hom and shell 18 17 1 5 4 1 8

VIII. Wood 1851 18S8 15 21 20 18 129 4 503 1145 11 Extraction of timber and timbel" yards 513 513 1 2 6 19 46 439 Furniture 492 492 3 15 3 4-1 189 241 Match veneer and splint mak- ing .• 98 97 1 1 2 1 9 85 Saw mills 417 41ii 2 17 2 8 44 120 224 2 Cane and baskets 331 319· 12 1 23 3 139 156 fI

IX. Metals .. 8281 3286 as 52 187 40 879 801 1840 Iron and steel 315 315 3 4 2 1 28 87 190 Arms factories 279 279 1 3 1 24 82 168 Steel trunks .. 411 411 3 G 3 1 47 97 256 Locks .• 33 33 1 1 1 3 7 20 Enamel ware .• 217 217 2 17 4: 87 39 68 Brass, coPJl«!l', bronze, tin and bell metal •• 720 718 2 7 9 6 2 71 183 440 2 Other miscellaneous metals 115 115 1 1 17 96 Jewellel"Y and omaments of gold and silver 1147 1147 5 13 119 118 289 60:J

X. Ceramics 1218 1182 88 8 88 28 828 9 342 4 4400 as Bricks 532 513 19 I) 12 23 189 2 121 3 163 14 Mangalore and other tiles 19 19 19 Glass bangles and beads 3 3 1 2 Sanitary fittings 449 449 3 23 1 113 179 130 Pottery 51 51 3 1 47 Firebricks. etc. 164 147 17 2 23 7 41 81 9

Xl. Cbemlcal produet.; properly 10 caDed; and analogous .• 1812 1217 95 86 94 5. 87 I; a04 11 743 78 Matches 201 162 39 4 10 .. 10 10 58 5 70 34 Fireworks and explosives 125 125 2 15 108 Aerated water 141 141 1 2 3 135 Ice 441 417 24 15 In 20 .. , 21 63 247 24 Oil mills 166 liil 15 9 21 16 1 3 21 4 67 8 Perfumes 91 75 16 4 6 5 17 2 9 3 44 11 Sealing wax and lac .. 17 17 1 3 13 Soap.. .. 119 118 1 2 4 3 29 31 49 1 Tar distillerieS' 11 11 1 10

XII. I'ood •• 3257 2822 435 128 302 108 10 20S 81 884 157 171a 247 Pulse milling •• 109 25 84 3 15 7 28 15 41 Flour gr"'inding lao2 UB7 116 107 210 liO .. 27 6 137 49 652 6Q Biscuits 188 187 1 2 4 9 1 24 26 121 1 Condiments •• • • 219 216 4 85 2 37 1 93 1 Bakeries, confectioneries. etc. 101 101 1 2 23 22 53 Slaugh ter houses 115 115 5 2 36 72 Sugar and gur 606 489 117 5 43 32 1 7 36 43 366 74 Crystallizing works 114 114 15 -41 58 Distilleries 503 389 114 8 38 17 2 19 8 23 36 282 70 131

TABLE IX-IIfDUSTRY ---{ccmtcl.)

,...... Directional, ______Supervising -J~______~ a.nd Olerioal Staff Welfare Doctors, Super'V'fsmg Compounders, and Scboolmas· Managers Technical Clerical terse etc. Operatives ,...--A----., ,---J-----, ~ ,----A--, r----~~----_. Total population Indian Other Indian Other Indian Other Indian Other Ohild (Jess Youth Adult (17 engaged than 15) (15.16) and over) ,...... ~ ~ ,...... --A-~ ~---. P M F M F M F M T"

i 8 9 10 lJ 12 15 16 Ii 18 19

RAJPUTAKA-(contd. ) XIII. Narcotics 872 823 49 a 24 18 88 11 119 13 871 26 Tobacco, snuff biris and ci. garettes 466 419 47 4 2 88 11• 119 13 206 23 Opium 126 125 1 2 13 15 95 1. Ganj&. 80 79 7 1 70 1

XIV. Dress and toilet 504 474 30 4 1 80 12 143 11 2M 7 Tailoring 340 315 25 64 11 87 9 164 5 It.e-dyeing and cleanulg 50 46 4 J 3 2 42 Cosmetics 114 113 1 2 :J ] 6 I 63 38

XV. Building 9709 8428 1283 45 Ii 255 14 161 50 3 615 209 1249 859 8140 414 Stone and ma.rble 5530 4718 812 18 185 43 7 200 161 854 537 3611 114 Lime .. 1625 .1486 139 13 31 47 8 133 27 311 42 943 70 Sand and surkbi 1605 1418 187 14 32 44 11 137 21 143 74 1037 92 Coment and concrete 949 804 145 5 7 14 ]7 24 3 45 141 6 549 138 XVI. Construction, assembly and repair of means of transport '1262 '12.34 as 112 11 621 261 888 13 1 'It 4 492 1 1066 a 4030 24 Bioycles 1187 1187 23 135 40 6 287 302 394 Cart manufacture 817 815 2 6 23 786 Motor oars 817 817 27 1 217 4 29 24 75 186 254 Coach building 388 387 9 24 43 4 53 1 42 212 Waggon buildmg 211 2lJ 2 3 2 4 15 185 Railways 3842 3817 25 51 7 137 249 541 13 I 37 4 77 502 2199 24

XVII. Production and transmission of physical energy 3007 3008 32 3 208 8 186 a 898 Z191 4 Electric works (othel' than hydro-electric works) 819 811:1 24 2 43 3 125 23 697 Telephone 677 673 4 6 26 14 :J 375 249 4 Telegraph 1511 1511 2 137 27 1345

XIX. Stationery 840 811 29 2 ·11 60 2 94 14 452 18 Paper and paper pulp 386 357 29 2 7 2 23 2 45 14 278 13 Envelope and cardboard 89 89 89 Ink 166 165 27 49 85 xx. Miscellaneous and undefined 3817 3578 41 146 a2& 1 301 52 588 713 17 1672 20 Printing and binding 1814 1814 86 70 104 18 379 449 708 Photo, lithography and map producing •• 218 215 3 '7 49 14 56 3 75 Optical, mathematical and musical instruments 198 183 15 5 11 2 11 4 77 5 77 6 Electroplating 486 486 19 35 67 lG 59 33 257 Toys •. 510 489 21 22 44 63 Iv 42 17 '7 286 Water works .. 391 389 2 6 17 1 51 3 61 81 2 169

XXI. Transport, meehanlcally dfl. Yen vehlele 1192 1188 67 8 188 3 81 28 184 764 2 Motor transport 867 867 57 181 27 23 49 530 W ster transport 289 285 4 1 1 85 2 198 2 Air transpro t 36 36 a 1 3 3 26 132 TABLE IX-DDUSTBY';'_( oontd .. , __

Directional, Supervising and Clerical Staff Welfaro Doctora, Supervising Compounders, and Sclioolmas. Industry Managers Technical Clerical tars etc. Operatives ~ ~ ,.----A-----. ~ , "- Total population Indian Other Indian Other Indian Other Indian. Other Child (less Youth Adult (17 engaged , than 16) (16-16) and over) , ~ ,-----'--, ,---A-...., P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 I) t) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Hi 16 17 18 19

-AJJI:BR·.IIEBWABA TOTAL POPULATION ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES .. 1891+ :f7892 1022 it4 5 2888 ta9 899 100 2 255 18 278 188 8H 182 11480 851 I. Agdeultural, pastoral, dafty and [Brill prolluee 99 99 3 1 10 17 88 Dairying 89 89 2 1 10 17 59 Poultry Farms 10 10 1 9 II. Cultivation of speelal erops (Plantations, ete.) is 10 2 a 1 'I 1 l!'ruit .. 12 10 2 3 1 7 1 V. MInes, Quarries, ete. 425 298 182 6 16 21 6 11 80 7 2tt 114 Slate, laterite, marble and lime stona, and other quar- ries of hard stone 218 170 48 4 12 18 6 11 22 5 108 32 Mica ., 207 123 84 2 4 3 8 2 106 82 VI. Textiles 6132 5587 545 27 87 S84 38 84 &'1 S&O 4S 4919 448 Cotton ginning and pressing 521 301 220 13 15 6 34 ii7 73 22 160 141 Cotton spinning and weaving 5012 4693 319 11 63 212 36 143 - 17 4228 302 Cotton carpet weaving 83 83 2 1 1 34 46 Silk 35 35 1 34 Textile finiShing and process- ing .. .• .. 281 275 6 4 12 3 269 3 Lace and Embroidery 45 46 45 Gold and silver lace weaving 51 51 51 Hosiery 104 104 1 4 .2 97 VII. Bldes, skins and hard mate- rials from the animal kingdom 0 - 40 40 a :t a a7 8 Tanneries 17 17 1 2 8 6 Leather and leather dyeing 12 12 1 1 10 Boots and shoes 11 11 9 2 VIll. Wood 128 1a8 1 3 2 120 Extraction of timber and timber yards 15 15 lli Furniture 111 111 I ..OJ 2 ]05 IX. Metals .• 97 97 1 2 18 76 Iron and steel 27 27 3 24 Type foundries . . . • 5 5 5 Br&SB, copper, bronze, tin and bell metal 13 13 2 11 Other miscellaneous metals 49 49 1 -2 13 33 Jewellery and ornaments of gold and silver . • • • 3 3 X. Ceramics sa SS 2a Sanitary fittings 22 22 22 XI. Chemieal produets, properly so called and analogous S77 288 14 9 84 11 15 aa 17S 14 Aerated water 53 53 2 3 2 3 43 Ioe 32 32 1 2 .2 3 1 23 Oil mills 41 27 14 1 1 1 2 1 21 14 Perfumes 13 13 1 12 Soap _. 90 00 3 19 2 7 13 46 Chemical, dru~, antiseptics and pha.rmlMleutical works generally. 31 31 2 7 3 2 4 13 Fertilisers 17 17 :2 - 1 14- 133 TABLE IX-lNDUSTRY-(contd.)

Directional, Supervising and Clerical Staff Welfare Doctors. Su perviBing Compounders, and Schoolmas. Industry llallagel'S 'fechnical Clepical ters. etc. Operatives_...A,._ ____ """\ r----A--.. r--"-----o ~ .---~ ':l'otsl population Indian Other Indian Other Indian Other Indian Other Child (less Youth Adult (17 engaged than 15) (15.16) and over) ,---"---"""\ ~ r--"--> r--A---- ~ P M F M F H F M F M F 1 2 3 " 5 6 7 8 9 lQ 11 12 13 14 Ili 16 17 18 19


XII. Food •. 380 324 56 10 87 14 8 7 29 27 176 22 Flour grinding 261 205 56 7 78 13 I) 7 23 27 79 .22 Biscuits ., 25 25 I- I 2 17 Ba.keries, confectioneries, etc. 49 49 1 2" .2 .' 4 40 23 23 2 21 Slaughter houscs 7 Sugar and gur 7 7 12 DistillerS 15 15 1 1 1 98 4i XIII. lfarootles 563 820 248 3 4 3 87 98 1S7 105

biris and ci. Tobacco, snuff, 105 96 45 garettes 563 320 243 3 4 3 87 93 127 238 XIV. Dress and tolle' 242 242 1 t 2 212 Tailoring 216 2Hi 1 2 10 Hats and caps .. 15 15 ." 7 Re-dyeing and cleaning 7 7 4 Cosmetics .. 4 1 118 8 XV. BullcUng 129 121 8 1 1 118 8 Stone a.nd marble 129 121 8 1 1

XVI. ConMruetlon. &Isembly and 97 6286 repair 01 means of transport 8987 8966 21 9 1 2245 427 498 100 2 217 16 89 113 457 457 3 177 19 86 59 Bicycles 3 HI 55. Ca.rt manufacture 73 73 19 69" 23 2 Motor carS 119 119 6 4 22 Coach building 26 26 276 153 33 .2 3 17 2960 Waggon building 4317 4315 .2 873 2117 Railwa.ys 3995 3976 19 1 1126 151 303 67 214 16

XVII. Production and transmission 188 t of physical energy 865 364 1 3 4 127 12 30

Electric works (other than 75 hydro.electric works) 191 191 3 2 89 7 15 45 Telephone 67 67 1 15 2 4 68 1 107 106 1 1 23 3 11 6 25 XIX. Stationery 84 84 a 1 6 25 Ink 34 34 2 1 24 27 604 xx. MIscellaneous and undeftned. 882 832 84 75 88 2 21 15 376 Prin ting and binding 509 509 23 31 43 Photo, lithography a.nd ma.p 2 3 48 producing .• . . . . 81 81 6 13 9 Optioal. ma.thematical and 1 6 146 musical instruments 187 187 2 24 8 15 Electroplating •. 15 15 3 3 ) 2 Cinema. films production 2 a 19 Water works 37 37 2 7 -4

XXI. Transport, mechanically dri- 128 von vehicles 152 . 152 5 11 13 123 Motor transport 152 152 I) 11 13 TABLE X UNEMPLOYMENT

The data is shown in two separate tables, viz :- X (i) Unemployment by age and locality for less or more than one year. X (ii) Educated unemployment.

They were abstracted from answers to the following questions:­ Q. 12. Are you in employment now? Q. 13. If you are not now in employment, are you in search of employment, and, if so, for how long have you been searching? , Employment' was defined as any activity which would produce a means of livelihood. It was explained to enumerators that married women, engaged in the affairs of their own homes, should not be returned as unem­ ployed unless they definitely asserted that they were in search of remunerated employment. Similarly, students in colleges or schools and employed persons on leave or on holiday should not be shown as unemployed.

LIMITATION OF STATISTICS :-The questions were not asked of persons below. the age of 16 .years.

~ince the object of the inquiry was to elicit information concerning genuine unemployment, intermittent or seasonable lack of occupation was not recorded. Had they been included, then practically the whole of the population living to the west of the Aravalli Hills would have had to be shown as unemployed: in that area, due to climatic conditions, chronic under-employment is the normal feature. Similarly the question of employment versus unsuitable employment was ignored as too difficult and contentious a matter to be decided by census enumerators. 185 TABLE X (i)-UNDIPLOYMENT BY AGE AID LOCALITY rOR LESS (" LESS") OR MORE (" MORE ") THAN ONE YEAR

AgeA--- ______~

Total Unemployment. 17·21 22.26 st.ate or District, ,- _.A • Females Persons Males Females Females ,--__..A- ___~ ,.----.-"---~ Less More Less More Less MUl'l~ 1] ]2 1 3 4 6 7 R 9 10

RAJPUTAM A & AJlIER­ MERWARA 27627 24480 3147 588B 3793 582 409 3536 2679 473 289 RAJPUTAIfA 25989 22878 3111 &878 3274 578 407 3894 2235 468 284 1 Abu 4 4 2 · . .. 1 2 Alwar .. ZU 248 10 34 90 :~ :! 12 3:'! 3 Banswara. 4_33 32 1 11 Ii · . 1 4 4, .. 4 Bharatpur 4971 15 1996 206 I) 1260 86 .. · . 4034 834 413 740 133 129 386 676 101 1241 5 Bikaner 4888 35 6 Bundi 881 452 429 126 127 97 47 37 35 61 7 Danta .. .. .' 8 Dholpur 71 71 7 17 17 II 139 139 44 37 -1 18 .. 9 Dungarpur 12 10 Jaipur 2949 2743 206 644 470 7 402 274 34 11 J aisalmer 7 7 4 1 .. 144 46 12 Jhalawar 1387 614 773 165 169 103 87 52 13 Karauli 49 49 2 24 :\ 15 55 54 1 5 .') l .. 9 3 .. 14 Kishengarh .. Hi 15 Kotah ., 1299 1187 112 342 318 23 28 122 149 16 Kushalgarh (Chiefship) 5 :, 17 Law. (Estate) · . .. 18 Marwar 88tt 6683 128 1594 733 19 G 838 734: 19 }[ewar 243 243 51 23 4-1 11 20 Palanpur ., 66 66 21 20 6 8 21 Partabl!o.rh 18 18 2 5 4- :\ 20 20 .. 2 2 5 2 .. · . 22 Shahpura 85 47 23 Sirohi .• 1725 1124- 601 185 250 89 146 93 J24 Tonk .• 125 114- 1 27 29 9 R AIMBR-HERWARA 1638 1602 36 206 619 6 2 142 344 5 5 Ajmer City .. 1879 1360 19 163 1488 3 94 312 Age r-----.-~.....------~....------.. 27·31 32·36 37·41 State or District liales Females Females FemILles ,---A_~ ~ ~ ,----"-----, Less More Less More Less More Less llore 13 14 Hi 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 RAJPUTANA & AIMBR­ MBRWARA 2238 1856 336 281 1688 1126 200 348 1176 925 156 173 RAJPllTAMA 211H 1520 3S1 279 1580 1082 198 247 1149 886 150 171 1 Abu .. 2 Alw&r .. s 19 6 20 .) 1 (i 1 3 BanswarQ, 3 2 3 3 4 Bharatpur 538 65 4 411 29 .2 346 34- 1 · . 5 Bikaner 404- 482 84 96 250 S18 28 76 112 253 18 49 6 Bundi .. 37 9 :>7 23 20 18 46 18 27 16 35 10 I Danta .. " 8 Dholpur 5 8 2 1 3 9 Dungarpur 4 10 .. 3 6 .. .2 11 10 Jaipur 306 180 21 8 138 113 31 S 120 96 28 14 11 JaisaJmer ] 1 .. U JhalawlloJ.' 53 25 56 80 38 8 37 66 9 8 19 59 13 Karauli 1 1 .2 .. 1 14 Kishengarh 11 4- ., 6 1 S 2 15 Kotah .. 38 80 5 9 29 62 3 14 24 23 3 16 Kushalgarh (Chiefship) 17 Lawa (Estate) .. o. 18 Marwar 614 008 22 10 487 415 6 11 419 341 10 2 19 Mewar 35 1 30 3 39 9 20 Palanpur 3 3 2 1 1 1 21 Partabgarh 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 · . 22 Shahpura 31 23 Sirohl •• 81 116 82 52 92 53 45 52 33 75 34 Ii 1 "4 Tonk .. 9 6 10 9 2 laJMBB-MBRWARA 81 188 5 S 88 84 s 1 27 40 6 2 Ajmer City •• 55 126 4- .2 27 li! 1 17 26 .2 136 . X (U)-EDUCATED .UNEMPLOYMENT

Total Unemployed """'I Standard of Education 17·21 22·26 27·31 ---32·36 37·41 Persons "Males Fein81es " Males Females 'Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ~ 1 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 !l 10 11 12 13 14

RAJPUTANA & AIMER-MERWARA TOTAL 18688 15287 8801 8780 1027 3524 824 2248 648 1582 472 1178 882 Litera.tes 14895 11797 3098 4867 960 2633 761 1844 617 1386 447 1068 313 Middle School 1746 1641 105 926 43 389 31 185 16 90 10 51 5 Matriculates or S. L. C. 1478 1410 62 818 14: 360 18 139 7 4 10 39 13 Intermediates in Arts and Science 247 237 10 100 4: 65 1 41 3 22 2 9 Degrees. Indian- Graduate in Arts or Science 118 III 2 39 48 I 15 7 2 1 Post·graduate in Arts or Science 18 18 I 8 6 2 1 Teaching 12 5 7 .. 2 2 3 a 1 Engineering 10 10 1 7 .. . " 1 Agriculture 5 2 3 2 2 1 Veterinary 1 1 J Commerce 4 4 2 1 1 Legal 7 7 2 5 Medical 9 5 4 2 1 2 2 I 1 Other (e.g., Oriental) la 15 7 6 2 4 4 :I 1 1 1 British 5 3 2 1 2 1 1 American 1 1 I Continental Other foreign 1 1 1 RAJPUTANA TOTAL 17655 14270 3285 8810 1020 3203 819 2110 642 1509 472 1138 832 Literates 140315 11231 3084 4597 954 2484 757 1764 613 1348 447 1038 313 Middle School 1578 1468 105 852 43 327 31 157 16 82 10 50 5 Ma.triculates or S. L. C. 1279 1217 62 736 14 276 18 121 7 48 10 36 13 Intermediates in Arts 01' Science 212 202 10 85 4 5(1 1 36 3 22 2 9 Degrees. Indian- Graduates in Art or Science 98 96 2 31 45 1 13 5 2 1 Post·graduate in Arts Or Science 11 12 1 .. 5 4 2 Teaching 10 3 7 2 1 3 2 1 1 Engineering 8 8 .. 6 1 I Agriculture 5 2 3 2 2 I Veterinary 1 1 1 Commerce 4 4 2 1 1 Legal .. 6 6 1 5 .. Medical 7 3 4 2 1 2 1 .. 1 Other (e.g., Oriental) 22 15 7 6 2 4: 4 :'1 ] 1 I British .. 1 1 .. 1 American 1 1 1 . " Other foreign 1 1 1 ABU DISTRICT TOTAL 4 4 3 1 Literates 2 2 1 1 Matriculates or S. L. C. 1 I I Intermedia.tes in Arts Or Science 1 ) 1 ALWAR

TOTAL " 198 190 8 99 4 45 22 1 11 1 3 2 Literates 120 115 5 G7 1 26 15 15 1 2 2 Middle School 47 44 3 26 3 8 5 5 Matricula.tes or S. L. C. 2& 25 16 8 ] Intermediates in Arts Or Science 1 1 I Degrees. [ndian- Graduate in Arts or Science 2 2 2 Post.graduate in Arts or Science 2 2 1 -1 Other (e.g., Oriental) •• 1 1 l_ 137

X (ii)-BDUCATED UDllPLOYMENT-(contcl.)

Age Total Unemployed Standa.rd of Education 17.21 22·26 27 ·31 32-36 37.41 Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

BAlfSWARA TOTAL 19 19 9 6 1 Literates 16 15 8 '"3 3 1 Middle School •• 8 3 1 1 1 MatricuJates or B. L. C. 1 1 1

BRABATPUR TOTAL 1879 1987 18 885 3 545 3 184 3 212 2 111 1

LiterlLtes 1512 16()2 1() 5~3 2 40() 20S 2 200 2 101 1 Middle School 193 291 2 170 1 84 17 1 12 8 Matriculates or S. L C. . • 167 157 99 50 7 1 Intermediates in Arts or Science '1 7 2 4 1 Degrees. Indiu.n- Graduate in Arts or Science 4 4 Engineering •• 1 1 1 Medical •• 1'" 1 1 Others (e.g, Orienta.I) '" 4 1 2 1 BIKAHER TOTAL 2848 1127 821 886 801 868 248 28& 181 158 112 101 79 Literates 2291 1402 889 709 291 294 242 183 174 129 110 87 72 Middle School 188 172 16 90 I) 27 6 38 4 13 1 4 Matriculates or S. L. C. 126 112 13 48 3 43 6 2 7 1 8 7 Intermediates in Arts and Science 37 34 3 13 2 3 7 1 9 2 Degre ... India.n- Graduate in Arts or Science 4, 4 .. Other (Oriental) 3'" :I 1 1 ] BUNDI TOTAL 862 434 418 84'1 1440 70 96 44. 80 84 63 39 45 Literates 811 399 412 221 137 65 92 43 79 32 61 38 43 Middle School 29 21 8 15 4 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 Matriculates or S. L. C. • • 16 10 5 9 1 1 1 1 .2 Intermediates in Arts or Science 6 4: 1 2 2 1 Degrees. Indian- other (e.g., Oriental) 2 2 .. 2 .. DROLPUR TOTAL 64 64 .. SO 29 8 4- 3 Literate" 40 40 11 22 3 2 2 Middle School 16 15 8 3 2 1 1 MetricuJates or S. L. C. 8 6 1 3 1 1 Dep.... 1ndian- Graduate in Arts or Science 2 2 .' 2 Legal •• 1 1 1

DUHGARPUB .. TOTAL 86 88 33 9 6 4 Literates 83 63 30 9 6 4 Kiddie School j 1 1 Ka.t,rionla. or S. L. C. B 2 l! 138 X (ii)-EDUCATED UlfEIIPLOYMENT-(contd.)

Age 'l'otal Unemployed _ Standard of Education 17-21 22·26 .27·31 32-36- 37-41 Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fema1es Males Female::....

2 3 4, ;; 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

IAIPUR TOTAL 2418 2235 177 932 42 564- 37 398 33 203 31 143 34 Literates 1757 1594 163 596 41 371 30 319 81 179 29 130 32 Middle School 208 203 5 89 75 1 28 2 6 5 2 Matriculates or S. L. C. 343 341 2 232 66 2 26 14 a Int~rmedjates in Arts or Science 39 39 II 17 i J :J

Degrees. lndian- Graduate in Arts or Science 28 28 2 23 1 1 Post-graduate in Arts or Science 9 9 I 3 4, I Teaching S 3 1 2 Engineering 4 4 4 Agriculture 2 2 2 Veterinary 1 1 I CommercE! 3 3 t Legal .. 1 1 Medical 2 J J Other (e.g., Oriental) 9 4, {) 1 1 4, British .. 1 1 American 1 I Other foreign 1 1

JHALAWAR TOTAL 1330 558 772 313 288 122 189 87 13& 41 103 15 78 Literates 12U 468 754 259 255 98 187 58 135 39 100 l4, 77 Middle School 81 49 12 31 {) 13 2 5 1 3 1 Matriculates or S. L. C. 43 37 6 23 6 9 2 2 lntermediateB in Arts or Science S 3 2 I

Degrees. Indian- Legal .. 1

KARAULI TOTAL 24 24 8 13 1 1 1 Literate 18 16 6 7 1 1 1 M.iddle School 4 4, 1 3 Matriculates or S. L. C. 4 4 1 3

KISHAIGAIlH TOTAL 40 40 8 8 13 5 6 Literates 30 30 7 7 9 1 3 Middle School 8 8 1 1 2 4 3 Matriculates or S. L. C. 2 2 2

KOTAH TOTAL 1190 1172 18 859 4 268 7 122 4 91 2 34 1 Literat-es 1071 1053 18 584 4 244 7 109 4: 84: 2 32 1 Middle School 80 80 58 11 6 4 I Matriculates or S. L. C. 19 29 15 5 6 2 1 Intermediates in Arts or Science 2 2 1 1 Degrees. Indian- Graduates in Art or Science 4 4 1 3

Engineering .• • • 3 3 •• > 2 1 Other (e.g., Oriental) t 1 1 " . 139 X (ii)-EDUCATED UlfDIPLODlEIIT-(oontd.)

Age o _ Total Unemployed r- Standard of Education 17.21 --22-26 27--31 32-36 37-41 Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fcmales

2 :J 4 ,!) ti 7 H !I III J J J:? 1:1 l-l

KUSBALGARH TOTAL 1 1 1 Middle School 1 \ 1

MARWAR TOTAL 4858 4499 369 1767 87 896 107 738 74 668 62 641 29 Literates 3701 3401 300 1124 71 700 76 595 68 490 56 492 29 Middle School 642 509 33 315 14 87 15 50 2 32 2 25 Matriculates or S. L. C. 445 432 13 252 76 9 65 1 20 3 19 Intermediates in Arts 01' Science 108 108 54 20 18 12 4 Degrees. lndiull--- Graduate in Arts or Science 46 45 22 11 7 4 1 POBt.~adu.. ate in Arts or Science 1 1 1 Teachmg ...... 7 7 2 3 1 1 Agriculture S 3 2 1 Commerce 1 Legal .. 2 2 2 Medical 3 3 :!

MEWAR TOTAL 142 142 39 24 30 21 28 Literates 139 139 37 23 30 21 ::!8 Middle School 1 1 ] Degrees • ..Indian- .. Graduate ill ArWi or ::!cieucc 2 :! 1 PALANPUR TOTAL .. 47 47 33 8 4- 1 1 Literates- - 38 38 28 6 2 1 Middle School 2 2 1 1 MatriculaOO8 or S. L. C. 8 6 4 :2

D~,rees. Indian- Graduatos in Arts and Science 1 1 PARTABGAIlH TOTAL 18 18 7 7 1 2 1 Literate 12 12 5 4 2 1 Middle School 2 2 2 1\Iatrieulat;es or S. L. C. 3 3 2 1 Degrees. lndian-- LeiBl .. 1 SHAHPURA "'TOTAL 13 13 S 41 & 1 Literates 12 12 3 4 4 Middle SChool 1 ] J 140 X (ii)-EDUCATED UIfEMPLQDlDT-(contd.)

Age Total Unemployed Stiludard of Education 17·21 22.26 27·31 32·36 37·41 Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females--- 1 2 :J 4 ;) (j 7 8 () 10 -11 12 13 14

8180BI TOTAL 1582 992 590 370 169 207 132 177 130 137 96 101 68 Litel'ates 1421 888 533 299 152 190 120 170 119 131 86 98 56 Middle SChool 81 55 26 40 11 8 5 1 5 4, 3 2 2 Matriculates or B. L. U. 66 43 23 29 4, 7 6 4 4 2 5 1 4. Intermediates in Arts or Science 9 3 6 2 2 1 2 2 Degrees. Indian- Graduates in Arts or Science :; 3 2 1 I 2 .. TOlfK TOTAL 58 58 29 9 'I 9 4 Literates 42 42 20 5 7 8 2 Middle School 8 6 3 2 1 Matriculates or S. L. C. 8 6 2 2 2 Intermediates in Arts or Soience 1 1 1 Degree. Indian- Medical 1 1 1 Other (e.g., Oriental) 2 2 2 ..

AIMER-MERWARA TOTAL 1013 997 16 450 7 321 5 138 4 53 35 Literates 580 566 14 270 6 149 4 80 4 37 30 Middle School 173 173 74 62 28 8 1 Matriculates or S. L. C. 193 193 82 84 18 6 3 Intermediates in Arts or Scienoe 35 31i 15 15 5 .. .. Degrees. Indian- Graduate in Arts or Science 15 15 8 .. 3 2 2 •• Post.graduate in Arts or Scienoe 8 6 3 2 1 .. Teaohmg 2 2 1 1 .. Engineering 2 2 1 1 Legal •• 1 1 1 Medical 8 2 2 " British .. f 2 2 1 2 1

AlliER CITY TOTAL 851 889 12 892 3 272 & 109 4 44 n Literates 480 470 10 237 2 124 4: 60 4: 32 17 .. Middle School 187 13'1 57 50 23 6 1 Matriculates or S. L. C. 172 172 75 75 15 4: 3 Intermediates in Arts or Science 32 32 14 13 5 •• Indian- Graduate in Arts or Science 15 15 8 :I 2 2 Post·graduate in Arts or Science 5 5 2 :2 1 Teaching 1 1 1 En~eering 2 2 1 1 1 Legal .. 1 1 ..._ ~ Medioal 2 ~ 2

British •.. .. 2 2 1 2 1 0'. TABLE XI LITERACY BY COMMUNITY AND AGE

The literates shown in columns 2 to 4 include literate in English of columns 5 to 7.

Danta and Dungarpur have included Tribes in Hind~ Community. 142 TABLE XI-LITERACY BY COMMUNITY AND AGE

Literate Literate in English Literate Literate in English Community and Age r-----".._-----. Community and Age """\ P l\[ F p :M F p :M F p :M F

., :i (i ; 0' :j (i 7

RAJPUTANA ABU DISTRICT ALL COMMUNITIES 706705 639698 67007 66863 62718 4146 ALL COMMUNITIES 1088 846 242 428 368 60

:i-1O 47587 41006 6581 1463 1233 230 5--W 97 68 29 21 20 1 10-15 82718 72274 10444 7602 7027 575 10-15 148 104 44 54 48 (i 1.')-20 9073,1 79712 11022 11466 10701 765 15-20 134- 92 42 54 46 8 20-30 174140 155941 18199 21525 20248 1277 20-30 277 217 60 118 101 17 :'0-1i0 223021 2068,')5 16166 20261 19223 1038 30-50 333 283 50 136 118 IH ,iO & OWL' 88.30;) 83910 459;) 4546 4286 260 50 & ovel' !HI 82 17 4.> :J5 10

HINDUS 649 524 125 212 203 9 HINDUS 502218 460649 41569 47138 44867 2271 5-10 I)'; 44 21 J 1 II :i-1O 34608 30596 4012 905 78R 117 10-15 103 75 28 36 3-i- 10-15 59742 53138 6604 5361 5001 360 H~-20 84 37 !!7 31 28 \'i-20 64897 58038 6859 8068 7588 480 20-30 165 137 28 66 62 20-30 123926 112597 11329 15496 14771 725 30-50 186 16!! 18 .36 oH :m-lio 158389 148445 9944 14375 13874 ,'j()1 30 & over " 46 4:1 :I 12 12 • ::;0 & o veL' (i065(i .')7835 2821 2933 2845 88 MUSLIMS 245 196 50 82 82 MUSLIMS 81716 69490 12226 8314 7927 387 5-10 22 ]ii 7 4 4 5-10 4997 3828 1169 173 154 19 10-10 30 19 11 10 10 lO-VI 9461 7618 1843 906 840 66 15-20 34 24 10 13 13 \5-20 10758 8807 1951 1480 1406 74 20-30 59 46 13 20 20 20-30 21013 17758 3255 2597 2478 119 30-50 i6 67 I) 26 26 :lO-50 2.i377 22318 3059 2492 2410 82 50 & ovel' 24 24 9 I) ,'10 & ovel JOI10 9lfil 949 666 639 27 JAINS 10 7 3 4 4 JAINS 103639 93967 9682 '1782 '1491 271 5--10 10-15 ,i-lO (Hi58 .3.361 109; 194 180 14 15-20 l()--l:l 11397 9804 ]593 1017 979 38 20-30 2 I 1725 1,i-20 12624- 10899 1482 1422 60 30-50 4 21601 2662 2395 4- 2 20-30 24263 2312 83 50 & over :! I 1 30-50 33308 31195 2113 2181 2112 69 lIO & ovel' 1 ,,)38!) 14897 492 493 486 7 OTHERS 184 120 64 130 '19 51

SIKHS 5274 4154 1120 785 726 59 5-10 III 1 (I 5 1 10-1.3 1:1 9" 4- i 3 .t­ ,:;-10 33.; :!-!3 1.1'2 19 14 .3 15--20 16 11 ,; 10 ;; .) 10-1.3 .i3S 406 132 60 48 12 20-30 51 33 114 32 19 1:1 1.')-20 630 471 159 10; 92 15 30-50 67 44- 23 52 34 18 :!O-:JO 143() 1111 319 291 272 19 50 & over 27 14 13 23 13 10 :'0-50 1750 1414 336 258 2.30 H ;>() & over ;;91 ,j09 R2 50 :iO ALWAR STATE CHRISTIANS 3635 1894 1741 2316 1219 1096 ALL COMMUNITIES 39534 36482 3052 4084 3907 177 ;)--10 301; I.'); 149 152 8J 71 5-10 2360 2076 289 65 :;7 8 10-1.') 391 20:l 188 205 111 94 10-1:5 5071 4.322 549 477 455 22 ]5-20 460 226 234 258 128 130 1S-20 5576 4990 586 856 826 :JO :!0--30 911 4,')2 459 596 280 316 20-30 8896 805:) 843 1339 1262 77 :'O-lJO 108i 569 518 779 424 355 30-50 1180.3 11186 619 1033 !l95 :18 .,)0 & ovel' 48() 287 193 32.> 195 ]30 50 & over (i821 5653 166 314 312

TRIBES 9862 9364 508 349 346 a HINDUS 32738 30518 2222 3251 3163 98 .1-10 660 60U 34 13 13 5-10 1939 1731 208 52 48 4 10-1:1 1164 1091 73 43 42 I 10-15 4119 3725 394 382 366 16 15-20 1344 1263 81 59 58 I 15--20 4554 4136 418 677 654 23 20-30 2529 2390 139 112 III 1 20-30 7330 6726 604 1064 102:1 41 :10-50 2956 2825 131 89 89 30-50 9938 9465 473 818 804 14 :;0 & lIvel' 12()9 11711 :JO a:1 33 50 & ovel' 4858 4733 12.3 2:i8 258

OTHERS 361 200 161 200 142 58 MUSLIMS 4286 3779 507 550 630 20

5-10 23 15 8 7 3 4 5--10 238 194 44 6 .3 10-15 25 14 11 10 6 4 10-15 606 513 93 66 64 2 15-20 21 8 13 12 7 5 15-20 675 569 106 120 118 2 20-30 68 32 36 38 24 14 20-30 991 848 143 170 162 8 30-50 154 89 60 87 64 23 30-00 1172 1087 85 147 ]41 6 50 & OVI'I' iO 4t :!R 46 :18 8 50 & over 604 J68 3(; 41 .fll I 143 TABLE XI-LITERACY BY COlOlUNITY AND AGE-(contd.)

Litera.te Literate in English Literate Literate in English r----..A,___ -,. Community and Age r- Community and Age ..----"----. P l't:I F p M F P l'f F p 111 F

2 4 j) 7 :1 7

ALWAR STATE-«('o11f.d.) BHARATPUR STATE-(I'ontrl.)

JAIHS 1940 1698 242 171 170 1 HINDUS 26457 24689 1768 2097 2074 23 5-10 145 116 29 2 2 5-10 1441 1249 192 30 :JO .. 10-15 268 215 53 19 19 .. 10-15 3244 2831 413 196 193 :1 15-20 269 215 54 44 43 1 15--20 3474 3119 355 348 :144 4: 20-30 427 364 63 61 61 20-30 6623 6214- 409 709 704 30-50 533 494 39 :n 37 30-50 R652 8338 a14 728 717 II iiO 8:. Ov~l' 2!lR 294 4 8 8 ,j() & ovpr a023 2938 8.i 86 Rfl

OTHERS 570 489 81 112 54 58 MUSLIMS 4089 3402 68'"1 459 451 8 I) :1 .3-10 43 35 8 t 5-10 ;'!6~ 193 "9 Ii :; 10-15 78 69 {) 10 6 4 10-11i 546 428 118 .38 ;)7 20-30 148 115 33 U 16 28 15-20 :i84 483 101 94 92 20-30 78 70 8 IS 11 4 20-30 971 802 169 143 139 30-50 162 140 22 31 13 18 30-50 1178 1009 169 124 124 aO & ovel' 61 60 I 7 R 1 50 & 0,,1'1' M8 487 61 34 3t

BANSWARA STATE JAIHS 1032 854 178 78 '18

ALL COMMUNITIES 7328 6423 905 472 437 35 5-]0 7J .j) 24- 10-15 127 86 41 !j H 5-10 546 451 95 2 2 15-20 135 98 37 111 Hi 10-15 1050 858 192 51 jj() 1 20-30 236 195 41 31 :n 15-20 976 808 168 99 90 9 30-50/ 314 283 31 ],j Iii 20-30 1873 1628 245 170 157 13 50 & Over 14ii 141 4 tl Ii 30-50 2117 1959 ]58 136 127 9 766 719 47 U IJ 3 50 & ov~r .. OTHERS 321 274 47 53 43 10 3 HINDUS 4085 8655 430 359 356 5-10 27 22 I 10--1,") 4,") 38 7 .3 :1 310 43 2 2 5-10 t67 48 41 7 (j 1)09 46 1 15-20 fI 10-15 592 83 45 85 7;) 10 lfl 14 534 463 71 75 74 1 20-30 15-20 30-50 80 63 17 ]5 I:? 20-30 1044 930 114. 129 128 1 50 & OW'I' 36 :1.; 1 7 30-50 1188 1100 88 100 100 .. SO & over 417 3Rfl 31 .. .. BIKANER STATE MUSLIMS 1842 1045 297 36 36 ALL COMMUNITIES 92821 78505 14316 10531 i;-10 98 (\Ii 32 9911 620 209 t 10-1.; 136 73 6521 ;j093 1428 236 202 204 142 62 M 8 5--10 :14 15-20 10-15 12115 994fi 2170 1386 1309 77 20-30 337 255 82 12 12 13505 11092 2413 2078 1958 14 14 15-20 120 30-50 361 323 38 24797 20626 4271 3640 3399 133 123 10 20-30 241 50 & ovel' 30-50 26575 23392 3183 2804 2677 127 50 & ovp1' 9308 8457 851 387 366 21 JAINS 1828 1602 128 32 31 t

5-10 117 99 IS HIHDUS 69682 59618 10064 8228 '7740 488 10-15 214 181 3:1 3 :1 15-20 202 176 26 8 7 5-10 5032 3951 1081 19) 163 28 20-30 417 383 34 14 14 10-15 9317 7751 1566 114O 107:2 6R 30-50 490 476 14 6 r, 1~20 10197 8516 1681 1640 L544 96 50 & oV('r 188 187 I 1 1 20-30 18596 1559J 3001 2824- 2642 182 30-50 19674 17538 2136 2154 2055 9U OTHERS 273 221 52 45 14 31 50 & ove~ 6866 6267 599 279 264 15 21 19 2 5--10 MUSLIMS 8509 6686 1823 672 636 10-15 35 32 3 36 36 27 9 8 I 7 15-20 528 392 136 !) 8 75 60 15 15 :) 12 5-10 I 20-30 ·1005 777 228 76 74 78 60 18 16 7 9 10-15 2 30-50 1241 954 287 150 141 I} 50 & ov('l' 28 23 Ii r, :) 3 15-20 20-30 2386 1865 li31 230 :H9 )l 30-50 2490 1976 li14 183 174 9 859 BHARATPUR STATE 50 & over 732 127 24 20 4

ALL COMMUBITIBS 81899 29219 2680 2681 2646 41 JAIHS 10182 86'14 1458 985 965 20 5-10 1805 HilS 290 39 37 2 5-10 700 558 14.2 26 2.; 10-15 3962 3383 679 268 262 6 10-1,; 1346 107l 275 133 L30 15-20 4241 3741 GOO 466 458 8 15-20 1526 1214: 312 215 209 20-30 7915 7286 629 899 888 11 20-30 2554 2111 443 320 312 30-50 10224 9693 531 882 868 14 30-50 2921 2688 233 256 254 50 8f, over 3752 3601 151 133 133 00 & ovel' .. J085 1032 1)3 35 35 144 TABLE XI-LITERAOY BY COMMUNITY AND AGE-( contd.)

Literate Literate in Englisb Literate Literate in English fJommunity and Age ,-----"----"'1 -"-----, (!ommunityand AP;l' r------'---~ P M )' P 1\1 F P M V P M }' ...... 2 :1 4: Ii " 7 2 a ·t it (; 7 BIKAJ.IIER STAT&-(contd.) DANTA STATIt

SIKHS 429'1 3404 893 519 499 20 ALL COMMUNITIES 1124 1019 106 51 50 1 5-10 247 183 64 5 3 2 5-10 100 91 9 10-15 435 338 97 33 31 2 10-15 182 153 29 3 3 15-20 523 396 127 65 61 4: 15-20 1M 133 23 I ] 20-30 1194 937 257 218 210 8 20-30 247 222 25 18 17 !W-50 1418 1139 279 16G J 61 4 30-50 :~34 318 ](\ 27 27 r,o & ov~r 4:80 411 69 33 3:1 r)() & o vel' lor; 102 :1 2 2

OTHERS 201 123 '78 117 '71 58 HINDUS 844 756 88 37 86 1 5-10 14 9 Ii IS 3 2 5 10 70 63 7 10-15 12 8 4 4 2 2 10-15 140 115 25 15-20 18 12 6 8 3 5 15-20 129 109 20 20-30 67 28 39 48 16 32 20-30 184 163 21 15 14 1 30-50 72 51 21 46 33 13 30-50 245 232 13 21 21 60 & over 18 15 3 16 14 2 50 & over ,. 76 74 2 1 1

MUSLIMS 180 124 6 BUNDI STATE 5-10 IG 14 1 17 1 ALL COMMuNITIES 492 10-15 18 10838 9885 951 463 39 1(f-2Q 13 12 I 33 31 2 5-10 489 415 74 14 11 3 20-30 30-50 38 37 1 10-15 1017 898 119 41 38 :1 13 13 15-20 1233 1089 144 68 65 3 50 & over 20-30 2659 2395 264 167 156 11 30-50 3792 3549 243 lfi3 148 15 JAINS 144 133 11 9 9 50 & over 1646 1539 107 39 35 4 5-10 15 14 1 21 3 3 3 HINDUS 7'782 '7095 887 351 21 10-15 24 BBO 15-20 14 12 2 1 1 28 26 2 2 2 5-10 369 316 53 10 9 1 20-30 30-50 47 45 2 2 2 10-lIi 756 673 83 32 31 1 ]6 15 1 1 1 15-20 901 805 96 47 46 1 50 & over 20-30 1908 1713 195 121 112 9 30-50 2726 2549 177 114 107 7 OTHERS 6 6 5 Ii 50 & over 1122 1039 83 27 2,'; 2 a-l0 MUSLIMS 1024 895 129 74 '74 10-15 15--20 20-30 2 2 1 1 5-10 56 45 11 2 2 4 4: 4: 10-15 104 84 20 4 4 30-50 4 15-20 119 95 24 13 13 50 & over 20-30 258 226 32 24 24 30-50 319 288 31 24 24 50 & over 168 157 11 7 7 DHOLPUB STATE

JAINS 1829 1528 101 25 24 1 ALL COMMUNITIES 9522 8851 671 722 864 68 5-10 50 43 7 5--10 369 313 56 1 1 10-15 124 III 13 2 2 10-15 961 84:1 120 47 44 3 15-20 171 151 20 4: 3 1 15-20 1169 1046 123 102 96 6 20-30 398 370 28 12 12 20-30 2435 2261 174 228 206 .22 30-60 592 567 25 6 6 30-50 3339 3180 159 277 253 24 50 & over 294 286 8 1 1 50 & over 1249 1210 39 67 64 3

TRIBES 321 312 9 HINDUS 8196 '1'723 473 584 653 81 5-10 10 9 1 5--10 317 277 40 10-15 26 26 10-15 822 733 89 37 35 2 15-20 33 32 1 15-20 987 903 84 86 82 4 20-30 76 73 3 20-30 2108 1994 114 178 169 9 30-50 124 122 2 30-50 2004, 2788 U6 228 214 14 50 & over 52 50 2 50 & over 1058 1028 30 55 53 2 OTHERS 80 55 2& 48 25 17 MUSLIMS 829 899 180 '78 '75 1 5-10 4, 2 2 2 2 5-10 36 22 14 10-15 7 4 3 3 1 2 10-15 95 69 26 5 I) 15-20 9 6 3 4 3 1 15-20 114 90 24 10 10 20-30 19 13 6 10 8 2 20-30 196 163 33 25 25 30-50 31 23 8 19 11 8 30-50 260 233 27 26 25 1 50 & over 10 '1 3 4, 2 2 50 & over 128 122 6 10 10 145 TABLE XI-LITERAOY- BY OOMMUNITY AND AGE-{contd.}

Literate Literate in English Literate Literate in English Community a.nd Age r---~~ Community and Age P M F P M F P M F P F 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 6 7

DHOLPUR S'l'ATE-(contd.) JAIPUR STATE-(contd.) JAINS 246 U9 1& 9 8 1 HINDUS .. 131391 128174 8217 11416 10809 606 5-10 6 6 .. ., 10-15 20 18 .2 2 .2 .. 5-10 6722 5980 742 266 229 37 15-20 30 25 5 3 2 1 10-15 14582 13304 1278 1473 1352 121 20-30 62 57 5 3 3 15-20 16774 154:37 1337 1740 1595 145 30-50 89 86 3 1 1 20-30 31988 29773 2215 3914 3733 181 50 & over 38 37 1 30-00 42885 40822 2063 3265 3165 lIO 50 & over .. 18440 17858 582 757 745 12 OTHERS 252 BOO 52 53 SB 25 MUSLIMS 16989 141081 1868 1912 1812 100 5-10 10 8 .2 1 1 24 21 2 10-15 3 3 1 5-10 912 703 209 33 27 6 15-20 38 28 10 3 2 1 10-15 1851 1548 303 203 182 21 20-30 69 47 22 22 9 13 15-20 2136 1864 272 340 321 73 19 30-50 86 13 22 13 9 20-30 3967 3521 446 583 561 22 50 & over 25 23 .2 2 1 1 30-50 4966 4498 468 588 563 25 50 & over 2107 1947 160 165 Hi8 7 DUNGARPUR STATE JAlNS 11826 10039 1586 1237 1211 26 ALL COMMUNITIES 8166 7505 660 550 542 8 5-10 824 545 279 28 27 ] 10-15 1068 864 204 113 5-10 462 403 59 108 5 15-20 1349 1089 260 205 I) 10-15 1093 975 118 50 200 50 20-30 2739 2300 439 414 404 10 15-20 1248 1115 133 110 109 1 3823 3490 333 359 20-30 2417 2220 197 212 30-50 354 5 206 6 50 & over 1822 1751 71 118 30-50 2298 2173 125 149 148 1 lI8 00 & over 647 619 28 29 29 TRIBES 1986 1941 144 109 108 1 -HINDUS 4661 4360 301 834 331 3 5-10 95 87 8 4 4 .. 297 257 10-15 213 206 7 13 12 1 5-10 40 15-20 272 264 8 16 16 10-15 707 639 68 32 32 518 509 9 32 762 704 20-30 32 15-20 68 70 70 .. 30-50 596 586 10 28 20-30 1360 1286 74 127 124 3 28 50 & over 291 289 2 16 ]6 3i}-50 1223 n74: 49 88 88 00 & over .312 300 12 17 17 CHRISTIANS 1081 491 540 949 466 483 MUSLIMS 1658 1430 228 143 141 2 5-10 107 50 57 87 44 43 5-10 65 55 10 10-15 116 62 64: 99 49 50 10-15 165 138 27 9 9 .. 15-20 131 64 67 115 55 60 15-20 215 171 44 24 23 1 20-30 233 104 129 224 103 121 20-30 507 427 80 57 56 1 30-50 304 146 158 294 145 149 30-50 546 491 05 43 43 50 & over 140 75 65 130 70 60 50 & over 160 148 12 10 10 OTHERS 272 212 60 91 67 24 JAINS 1830 1704 126 62 62 5-10 22 15 7 8 5 3 5-10 99 90 9 10-15 24 16 8 8 5 3 10-15 219 197 22 9 9 15-20 27 20 7 11· 7 4 15-20 271 240 31 16 16 20'-30 65 54 11 21 15 6 20-30 546 505 41 24 24 30-50 99 77 22 34 27 7 30-50 521 402 19 12 12 50 & over 35 30 5 9 8 1 50 & over 174 170 4 1 1 OTHERS 11 16 5 11 8 3 5-10 1 1 10-15 2 1 1 ALL COMMUNITIES 6129 5496 688 175 166 9 15-20 .. .. 20-30 4 2 5-10 386 340 46 3 2 1 2 4 2 2 626 87 30-40 8 6 2 6 5 1 10-15 713 21 20 1 50 & over 1 1 1 1 15-20 755 645 110 34 34 20-30 1546 1360 186 56 li3 3 30-50 1996 1831 165 47 43 4 IAIPUR STATE 50 & over 733 694 39 14 14

ALL COMMUNITIES 162KS 149938 12306 15718 14.473 120\0 HINDUS 5879 4845 584 164 155 9

5-10 8682 7380 1302 426 336 90 5-10 343 301 42 3 2 1 10-15 178M 15990 1864: 1909 1708 201 10-15 629 653 76 18 17 1 15-20 20689 18738 1951 2427 2194- 233 15--20 658 665 93 32 32 20-30 39510 36261· 3249 5188 4848 340 20-30 1365 1209 156 54 lil 3 30-50 52673 49619 3'054: 4568 4272 296 30-50 1737 1599 138 43 39 4 50 & over •• 22835 21950 885 1195 1115 80 50 & over .. 647 618 29 14 14: 146 TABLE XI-LITERARY BY COMMUNITY AND AGE--{conill.)

Literate Literate in English Literate Literate in English Community and Age Community and Age P M F P F P M F p 1\1

1 2 :I 4 fI 7 1 2 3 5 6 7


MUSLIMS 46.1 m 64 2 2 ALL C:OMMUlfITIES 8547 8188 359 228 224 4 5-10 27 28 4 .. .. 5-10 185 167 18 2 2 10-15 47 40 7 L 1 10-15 602 558 44- 14: 13 1 15-20 58 47 11 15-20 832 774 58 39 38 1 20-30 118 98 20 .. .. 20-30 1742 1633 109 91 89 2 30-50 160 143 17 1 1 30-00 2189 2093 96 70 70 50 & over " 51 46 I) 00 & over 997 963 34 ]2 ]2 lAIRS 281 247 34 9 9 HUfDUS 5774 5496 278 177 174- 3

5-H) 16 16 .. 5-10 J66 J63 13 J J 10-15 37 33 4 2 2 10-15 537 503 34 13 12 1 15-20 38 32 6 2 2 15-20 734 600 44 29 28 1 20-30 61 52 9 2 2 20-30 1524 1445 79 69 68 ] 30-50 95 85 10 3 3 30-00 1936 1806 80 55 [j{j 50 & over .. 34 29 I) 50 & over .. 878 850 28 10 10

OTHERS I 7 1 MUSLIMS 488 439 47 15 15 5-10 5-10 9 7 :t 10-15 .. 10-15 39 33 6 . . 15-20 1 1 .. 15-20 67 61 6 a 3 20-30 2 1 1 20-30 151 133 18 8 8 30-50 4 4: 30-50 149 139 10 3 3 50 & over .. 1 1 50 & over " 71 66 5

, lAIRS 187 139 28 32 32 JHALAWAR STATE 5-10 7 5 2 .. ALL COllMURlTIES 9768 8109 1669 1039 1003 38 10-15 23 19 4: 1 1 15-20 27 20 7 7 7 5-10 704- 000 204 22 21 1 20-30 40 30 10 13 13 10-15 1308 DIH 317 147 143 4 :to-50 41i 41 4 10 10 1I~-20 1394 1100 294 24-5 233 12 00 & over 25 24 1 1 I 20-30 2498 2084 414 336 322 14 2378 332 252 247 5 30-50 2710 OTHERS 120 114 6 4 3 1 50 & over .. 115£ 1056 98 37 37 5-10 3 2 1 HlRDUS 6810 5809 1001 790 780 80 10-15 3 3 ., 15-20 4 3 1 .. 5-10 482 369 123 16 16 20-30 27 25 2 J .. 1 10-15 917 714 203 113 109 4 30-50 60 58 2 ~ 2 15-20 987 804 183 191 181 10 50 & over 23 23 ] 1 20-30 1755 1506 249 260 247 13 30-50 1890 1701 189 ISO 177 3 50 &, over 779 725 54 30 30 KISRAIfGARH STATE

MUSLIMS ., ~ 1902 1441 481 189 168 1 ALL C:OMMUlfITIES 87U 6213 519 822 800 5-10 139 84 55 4: 4: 5-10 313 269 44 11 I} 2 10-15 249 172 77 20 20 10-15 733 652 81 73 67 6 15-20 269 191 78 36 36 15-20 883 795 88 130 124 6 20-30 489 373 116 49 48 1 20-30 1647 1510 137 193 186 7 30-50 521 420 101 54 54 30-50 2203 2074 129 164 163 1 50 & over 235 201 34 6 6 50 & over 953 913 40 51 iiI HUrDUS 4936 4545 391 479 lAIRS 981 796 188 89 87 2 483 16 5-10 76 52 24 1 1 5-10 228 200 28 9 7 2 10-15 127 92 35 14 14 10-15 560 495 65 61 55 6 15-20 127 95 32 17 16 1 15-20 668 601 67 103 98 5 20-30 231 186 45 23 23 26-30 1230 1131 99 141 138 3 30-50 283 242 41 13 12 1 30-50 1073 1473 100 125 125 50 & over 137 128 9 1 1 50 & over 677 645 32 40 40 846 800 48 OTHERS 75 84 1.1 11 8 3 MUSLIMS 39 35 5-10 7 5 2 1 1 5-10 21 17 4: 1 1 10-15 15 13 2 10-15 58 51 7 1 1 .. 15-20 11 10 1 1 1 15-20 81 71 10 6 5 1 ~ 20-30 23 19 4 4: 4 20-30 158 144 14 15 12 3 30-50 16 15 1 I) 4 1 30-50 240' 231 9 12 12 50 & over 3 2 1 50 & over 88 86 2 4 4- 147 TABLE XI-LITEBACY BY COlDlUBITY AKD AGE-( eontd.)

Literate Literate in English Litera.te Literate in English Community and Age ...A_---l Community and Age ~---. p M F P l\I F P M F p 1\1[ F

:! 3 .j. 1) (; 7 :2 a 4 ~) (j 7

KISHANGAIlB STATE-(ecmtd.) KUSHALGAIlH CBIEFSHIP-(contd.) JAINS 1130 104-9 81 100 98 2 HINDUS 591 498 98 33 38 5-10 63 51 12 1 1 5-10 51 43 8 2 2 10-15 .. 114 105 9 11 11 10-15 77 62 15 6 6 15-20 ISO 119 11 20 20 15--20 79 58 21 7 7 20-30 252 228 24 35 34 1 20-30 158 128 30 8 8 30-50 385 366 19 27 26 1 30-50 174 154 20 ]0 10 50 & over .. 186 180 6 6 6 50 & over 52 48 OTHERS 20 19 1 4- 4- " MUSLIMS 18t 148 18 t 4- ,;-10 1 1 5-10 9 10-15 1 1 8 1 15-20 4 10-15 18 16 2 4: 1 1 15-20 16 13 3 1 20-30 7 7 2 2 1 20-30 50 46 4 3 3 30-DO 5 4 I 30-50 52 47 50 &; over 5 2 2 1 1 50 & over 19 18 1

KOTAH STATE IAllfS 293 240 53 6 8 ALL COMMUNITIES 47220 41845 5575 4312 4038 878 5-10 27 20 7 10-15 46 29 17 1 1 5-10 3706 294,1} 757 98 78 20 15-20 38 27 11 2 2 10-15 6933 5820 1113 574 503 71 20-30 63 54 9 1 1 15-20 6739 5822 917 833 758 75 30-00 89 81 8 2 2 20-30 11902 10582 1320 1349 1290 59 50 & over 30 29 1 30-1>0 13541 12332 1209 1185 HoO 35 50 & over 4399 4140 259 273 257 16 OTHERS 87 39 48 7 6 1 ; "HINDUS 36019 32056 3983 3065 2886 179 3-10 4 4- 10-15 7 2 5 5-10 2831 2265 566 59 45 14 15-20 12 6 6 2 1 1 10-15 !:i374 4565 809 403 356 47 20-30 30 14 16 3 3 15-20 5192 4338 ISM 619 li63 56 30-00 31 15 16 2 2 20-30 9100 8177 923 985 9'" 41 00 & over 3 2 1 30-50 10346 9481 865 829 811 18 50 & OVOl" .. 3176 3030 146 170 167 3 MUSLIMS 6266 54'14 '181 808 777 29 LAWA ESTATE :5-10 491 408 83 26 24 .2 ALL COM.UNITIES 181 143 18 5 5 10-15 908 749 159 107 98 9 15-20 903 769 134 129 122 7 5-10 4, 3 1 20-30 1598 1400 198 243 234 9 10-15 16 15 1 30-50 1740 1576 164 239 237 2 15-20 21 18 3 50 & over 615 572 43 62 62 20-30 38 33 5 2. 2. 30-50 57 53 4 .2 2 JAINS 2279 1907 372 212 205 7 50 & over 25 21 4, 1 1 5-10 178 120 58 6 5 1 mous 97 86 11 4 4 10-15 290 220 70 33 30 3 15-20 278 226 52 41 39 2 5-10 1 1 20-30 549 444 105 68 67 1 10-15 8 8 30-50 694 626 68 50 50 15-20 12 10 2 50 & over 290 271 19 14 14- 20-30 25 21 4 1 1 30-00 35 33 2 2 2 OTHERS 2687 2208 459 2S9 188 61 50 & Ovel' 16 13 3 1 1 ;)-10 206 156 50 7 4 3 10-16 361 286 75 31 19 12 MUSLIMS 9 9 15-20 366 289 77 44 34 10 20-30 655 561 94 53 45 8 5-10 30-50 761 10-15 1 1 649 112 67 52 15 2 50 & over 318 267 51 27 15--20 2 14: 13 20-30 .2 2 30-50 4, 4, KUSHALGARM CHIEPSIIIP 00 & OVOI" ALL COMMUNITIES 1185 920 215 50 49 1 IAlNS 55 48 7 1 1 5-10 91 71 20 .2 .2 5-10 3 2 1 . 10-15 148 109 39 7 7 10-15 7 6 1 15-20 145 104 41 12 11 1 15-20 7 6 ) '20-30 301 242 59 15 15 20-30 11 10 1 1 1 30-50 346 297 49 14 14- 80-50 18 16 2 50 & over ]04 97 7 50 &ovtlr !) S 148 TABLE XI-LITERACY BY COMMUNITY AND AGE-(contd.)

Litera.te Literate in English Literate Litera.te in English Community and Age ,...-----J------., Community and Age ,-----._._--... P M F P M F P l\{ F P M F

1 4 .j (j 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


ALL COMMUBlTIES 118983 10'78'74 9109 14148 13084 1084 MUSLIMS 10586 8679 1907 887 838 31 &-10 10112 9534 578 282 236 46 5-10 897 663 234 20 19 1 10-15 12120 11061 1009 1187 1084 103 10-15 1012 747 265 71 63 8 1&-20 12709 11305 1404 1922 1762 160 15-20 1109 829 280 104 97 7 20-30 27179 24571 2608 4290 3965 330 .20-30 2688 2215 473 225 215 10 30-50 40297 37719 2578 5347 5014 333 30-50 3452 2934 518 188 184 4 50 & over 14566 13684 882 llll) 1023 92 00 & over 1428 1291 137 09 58 1

HINDUS 78702 7280S 5899 102'73 9664 609 JAINS 26278 24699 1579 1169 1148 21 5-10 8314 8001 313 167 14,3 24 5-10 1843 1708 135 36 35 1 10-15 8463 7797 666 816 747 69 10-15 2853 2648 205 165 161 4 15-20 8265 7354 911 1408 1313 95 15-20 3081 2863 218 251 247 20-30 17816 16144 1671 3114 2934 180 20-30 6057 5652 405 352 347 ";) 30-50 26948 25194 1704 3960 3769 191 30-50 8432 7934 498 283 .276 7 50 & over ., 8897 8313 584 808 758 50 50 & over 4012 3894 118 8.2 8.2

MUSLIMS 10090 8807 1288 1848 1219 124 TRIBES 4474 4116 858 182 182 5-10 422 315 107 44 38 6 5-10 368 334 34 8 8 10-15 951 798 153 116 101 Hi 10-15 527 476 51 26 26 15--20 1234 1050 184 174 157 17 15-20 618 564 54 31 31 20-30 2734 2368 366 405 364 41 20-30 1128 1030 98 54 54 30-50 3590 3270 320 475 444 31 30-50 1287 1191 96 47 47 50 & over .. 1159 1006 153 129 115 14 50 & over .. 546 521 25 16 16

JAINS 27833 25743 1590 2120 1969 151 OTHERS 289 190 99 109 81 28 5-10 1326 1191 135 56 46 10 5-10 19 12 7 2 1 1 10-15 2642 2424 218 228 218 10 10-15 29 18 11 1 1 15-20 3116 2854 262 298 276 22 15-20 36 22 14 10 9 1 20-30 6413 5939 474 662 611 51 20-30 83 53 30 30 21 9 30-50 9423 9029 394 752 701 51 30-50 81 53 28 42 29 13 50 & over 4413 4306 107 124 117 7 50 & over .• 41 32 9 2-1 20 4

tHRISTIAlfS 597 313 284 842 176 167 PALAMPUR STATE 5-10 28 9 19 9 3.. 6 10-15 43 26 17 21 13 8 ALL (lOMMUNlTIES 18802 18668 2184 1952 1906 46 15-20 66 29 37 34 12 22 20-30 167 84 83 101 45 56 5-10 1632 1352 280 34 34 30-50 217 126 91 128 74 54 . 10-15 2777 2372 405 317 306 11 50 & over .. 76 39 37 49 28 21 15-20 2668 2259 409 425 407 18 .20-30 4436 3882 554 541 529 12 261 208 63 70 67 18 30-50 5258 4855 403 476 471 OTHERS 50 & over .. 2031 1948 83 159 159 5-10 22 18 4 6 6 10-15 21 16 5 6 5 1 HINDUS 8112 7664 548 896 692 Hi-20 28 18 10 8 4 4 20-30 50 36 14 13 II 2 5-10 670 590 80 13 13 30-50 119 100 19 32 26 6 10-15 1206 1100 106 101 101 .. 50 & over .. 21 20 1 5 5 15-20 1229 1126 103 159 157 .2 20-30 2026 1892 134 209 207 .2 30-00 2239 2137 102 167 167 IlEWAR STATE 50 & over .. 742 719 23 47 47

ALL COMMUNITIES 94984 87893 7041 5297 6122 176 MUSLIMS 4786 4281 656 895 891 4 5-10 7222 6568 654- 117 109 8 5-10 410 338 72 1 1 10-15 10187 9288 899 542 517 25 10-15 694 614 80 43 42 1 15-20 ll574 10596 978 939 904 35 15-20 672 575 97 82 80 2 20-30 23516 21635 1881 1739 1683 56 20-30 1216 1049 167 133 133 .. 30-50 29859 27783 2076 1563 1519 44 30-50 1313 1203 110 105 104 1 50 & over .. 12576 12023 553 397 390 7 50 & over .. 481 452 29 31 31

HlNDUS 58307 50209 8098 8170 30'75 96 JAllfS 5785 4801 984 820 789 31 5-10 4095 3851 244 51 46 I) &-10 54.2 417 125 20 2(} .. 10-15 5766 5399 367 279 266 13 10-15 864 648 216 171 161 10 -;. 15-20 6730 6318 412 543 520 .23 15-20 755 551 204 182 169 13 20-30 13560 12685 875 1078 1046 32 20-30 1164 925 239 187 180 7 30-50 16607 15671 936 1003 983 20 30-50 1670 1496 174 190 189 1 50 & over 6549 6285 264 216 2H 2 50 & over 790 764 26 70 70 149 TABLE XI-LITERACY BY COMMUNITY AND AGE-(contd.)

Literate Literate in EngliSh Literate Literate in EngliSh Community and Age ,------A-----. Community and Age ,--~--. J> 1\1. ' F P M F P M F P M F 2 :~ ii (i 7 1 2 3 6 7


OTHERS 119 72 47 41 34 7 MUSLIMS 308 261 67 17 17 5-10 10 7 3 5-10 1I 5 6 10-15 13 10 3 2 2 10-15 38 29 9 15-20 12 7 5 2 1 1 15-20 43 35 8 2 2 20-30 30 ]6 14 12 9 3 20-30 83 67 16 9 9 30-00 36 19 17 14- II 3 30-50 97 86 11 5 5 50 & over 18 1:3 5 Il 11 50 & over 36 29 7 1 1

PARTABGARH STATE . JAINS 575 511 64 69 68 1 5-10 ALL COMMUNITIES 6338 5490 36 28 8 1 1 848 485 455 30 10-15 66 52 14 8 7 1 15-20 70 57 13 18 18 5-10 364 ~85 79 5 4- 1 761 603 ]58 :11) 20-30 109 98 11 19 19 10-15 :l5 4 30-50 184 18 15-20 81i9 701 158 96 80 7 199 15 18 50 & over 92 3 5 5 20-30 1667 1440 227 155 148 7 95 30-50 1961 1783 178 148 139 9 50 & over 726 678 48 42 40 2 OTHERS 8 3

HINDUS 8558 3214 344 219 205 14 5-10 10-15 5-10 193 158 35 1 1 15-20 10-1 Ii 406 344 62 14- 12 2 20-30 15-20 458 399 59 36 32 4 30-50 2 2 20-30 1017 932 85 70 76 3 50 & over 1 1 30-1)0 1I30 1051 70 fl6 62 4: 50 & over " 354 330 24 23 23 BIRom STATE MUSLIMS 602 510 92 23 23 ALL COMMUNITIES 10778 8561 1217 1479 1317 162 5-10 23 18 .} 1 I 10-15 67 54 13 I 1 5-10 719 591 128 60 49 11 15-20 87 69 18 6 6 10-15 1285 1101 184 202 182 20 20-30 163 132 31 I) 9 15-20 1289 1098 191 242 219 23 30-/;0 180 163 ]7 6 6 20-30 2545 2255 290 382 348 34 50 & over 82 74 8 30-50 3430 3124 306 474 419 55 50 & over 1510 1392 1I8 119 100 19 JAINS 2102 1708 394 220 216 4 5-10 146 107 39 3 3 HINDUS 5179 4630 549 634 815 19 10-15 279 ]97 82 24 22 2 15-20 304- 224 80 53 51 2 5-10 349 279 70 14 14 20-30 462 357 105 60 60 10-15 • 667 576 91 77 75 2 30-50 631 555 76 67 67 15-20 652 565 87 99 94 5 50 & over 280 268 12 13 13 20-30 1251 1I31 120 181 175 6 30-50 1616 1493 123 217 213 4: OTHERS 76 58 18 23 11 12 50 & over 644 586 58 46 44 2

5-10 2 2 MUSLIMS 711 604 107 187 196 1 lO-15 9 8 1 15-20 10 9 1 1 1 5-10 32 23 \} 3 3 20-30 25 19 6 7 3 4 10-15 71 60 1I 25 25 30-50 20 14 6 9 4 5 15-20 89 75 14 35 35 00 & over 10 6 4 o 4 2 20-30 192 158 34 53 52 1 30-50 238 204 34 68 68 • 50 & over 89 84 5 13 13 SHAHPURA STATE 4404 4080 374 2$4 282 2 ALL COMMUNITIES 8557 3175 882 376 368 8 JAINS 299 265 34 11 11 5-10 223 169 5-10 3 3 10-15 493 433 60 56 56 10-15 452 379 48 47 1 495 427 68 71 70 1 15-20 455 38(1 15-20 81 80 1 20-30 1006 905 101 81 81 20-30 830 735 124 1I9 I) 1410 1327 83 60 59 1 :-10-50 ]088 1016 02 91 1 30-50 00 & OVOI' 701 673 28 5 5 50 &OV6t' .!i0f) 4UO 28 ~8 HINDUS 2671 2410 290 283 7 OTHERS 484 297 187 384 224 140 5-10 176 136 40 2 2 5-10 30 24 15 32 2l 11 348 298 4-(1 10-15 54 32 22 44 26 18 10-15 50 40 , 37 15-20 342 294 48 61 60 1 15--20 53 31 22 20 17 20-30 638 570 68 1)0 91 /j 20-30 96 61 35 67 40 27 30-50 790 744 46 69 68 1 30-50 166 100 66 129 79 50 76 49 27 55 38 17 50 & o"er :l77 368 !J ~')" .. 22 50 & over 150 TABLE XI-LITERAOY BY OODUNITY AND AGE-(contd.)

Literate Literate in English Literate Literate in English r -A.-_""", Community and Age r-~ Community and Age _---A.---...... P M F p M F p M F P M F Ii 7 1 :I J, .j H 7 1

. AJMER-MERWARA DISTRIClT-(coned.) TONK STATE 8957 .8141 1818 2848 1&63 128& ALL COMMUNITIES 13061 11650 1411 965 9S1 38 ClHRISTIANS 314 165 149 186 106 80 20 18 2 5-10 5-10 490 403 87 10-15 555 282 273 339 184 155 10-15 1230 1030 200 145 136 9 578 304 274 395 217 178 15-20 1484 1265 219 207 199 8 15-20 351 20-30 963 468 495 695 344 20-30 3267 2910 357 268 259 9 515 391 4 30-50 1095 652 443 906 30-50 4596 4165 431 252 248 4~2 270 182 327 197 130 50 & over 00 50 & over 1994 1877 117 73 72 1 1891 1888 23 68 65 1 HINDUS 4598 4879 219 276 273 3 TRIBES 5-10 132 128 4 2 2 rJ--I0 147 124 23 5 5 6 1 10-15 270 265 ;) 6 10-111 402 369 33 46 45 272 269 3 15 15 00 15-20 495 467 28 67 66 1 15-20 I 20-30 423 417 6 24 23 20-30 1156 1095 61 74 74 514 510 4 14 14 30-50 1748 ]685 63 77 76 1 30-50 [; 50 & over 280 279 1 5 50 & over 00 650 639 ]1 7 7 742 494 248 410 306 104 MUSLIMS 6669 5564 1095 688 607 26 OTHERS 50 2] 29 25 11 14 5-10 274 220 54 12 11 1 5-10 25 21 7 10-15 79 41 38 46 10-15 679 525 154 88 81 R3 51 32 55 38 17 15-20 793 616 177 130 123 7 15-20 109 81 28 8 20-30 HI4 128 66 20-30 1666 1399 267 181 173 248 187 61 131 112 19 30-50 2235 1889 346 161 158 3 30-50 5 50 & over 88 66 22 44 39 50 & over 00 1012 915 97 61 61 JAINS 1761 1672 89 39 39 AJMER CITY 5-10 65 57 8 2 2 2211 ALL COltMUNITIES 37918 19045 8871 13861 11440 10-15 144 133 11 9 9 179 15-20 191 178 13 8 8 5-10 2865 1921 944 576 397 4898 3359 11)39 1652 1276 376 20-30 436 409 27 10 10 10-15 387 30-50 600 578 22 10 10 15-20 5381 3960 1421 2293 1006 9671 7408 2263 3741 3149 592 ,iO & over 325 317 8 20-30 517 30-50 11255 9151 2104 4060 3543 3846 3246 600 1329 1169 160 OTHERS 43 35 8 17 13 4 50 & over 00

5-10 4 2 2 1 00 1 4616 7645 6889 756 10-15 5 3 2 2 1 1 HINDUS 21968 17351 1744 1222 522 284 214 70 15-20 5 4 1 2 2 5-10 772 171 20-30 9 7 • 2 3 2 10-15 2891 2062 829 943 3177 2420 '157 1340 1176 164 30-flO ]3 13 4 4 .. 15-20 1927 195 50 & ovor 7 6 5 4 1 20-30 5614 4459 1155 2122 6564 0480 1084 2270 2145 125 30-50 655 31 50 & over 1976 1708 268 686 AJMER-MERWARA DISTRICT 2488 .805 MUSLIMS 10272 8842 2030 .8691 ALL COMMUNITIES 73017 60857 12160 19110 16632 2478 683 476 207 74 58 16 5-10 259 34 5-10 5023 3700 1323 711 523 188 10-15 1262 893 369 293 10-Hi 9499 7294 2201) 2222 1816 406 14J 6 1082 334 468 428 40 15-20 742 65 15-20 10513 8,;07 2006 3312 2885 427 20-30 2698 2152 546 807 20-30 18668 15562 3106 5598 4916 682 3002 2562 440 772 733 39 30-50 266 11 30-50 21366 18664 2702 5531 4936 595 50 & over .0 1211 1077 134 277 50 & over 7948 7130 818 1736 1556 180 525 608 17 JAIRS 2042 1475 567 HINDUS 4392J 37559 6862 10842 10010 832 11) 14 I 5-10 147 81 66 5-10 3036 2320 716 348 273 75 170 103 69 65 4 10-15 273 3 10-15 5659 4486 1173 1232 1048 184 293 194 99 94 91 15-20 141 .. 135 6 15-20 6448 5378 1070 1958 1777 181 20-30 485 343 142 20-30 11492 9891 1601 3334 3114 220 577 466 III 153 150 3 30-5O 53 53 :{0-50 12898 11466 1432 3105 2967 138 50 & over 267 221 46 50 & over 00 4388 4018 370 865 831 34 2461 1320 1141 CHRISTIANS 3017 1667 1450 MUSLIMS 14884 12070 2614 3688 8882 231 78 247 123 124 179 101 5-10 987 713 274 99 83 16 5-10 305 158 147 10-15 399 194 205 10-15 1895 1412 483 408 369 39 2Ia 202 341 177 164 15-20 2074 1636 438 635 588 47 15-20 415 303 696 332 364 580 277 20-30 3864 3182 682 1078 1003 7ij 20-30 773 439 334 ;·\0-50 923 504 419 30-50 4192 3627 565 995 952 43 201 136 283 168 115 50 & over 1672 1500 172 348 337 II 50 & over 337 329 23'7 92 OTHERS 619 410 209 JAINS 7822 67.85 1097 1381 1858 25 14: 44 19 25 24 10 5-10 '>04 353 151 51 48 3 5-10 33 42 22 20 10-15 73 40 10-15 1041 808 233 191 184 7 51 29 50 34 16 15-20 1058 869 189 254 250 4 15-20 80 28 178 122 56 91 68 20-30 1732 1476 256 358 31H 7 20-30 50 92 76 16 30-50 30-50 189 139 2419 2222 197 380 376 4 39 16 30 27 3 50 & over ]068 997 7] 147 147 50 & over 55 151 I~ SUBSIDIARY ...TABLES (i)-Literaoy by Age, Sex and Community

Literate per 10000 r------___'-- ______, Dlif.erate per Literate in Eng- Oommunit.y All agee 5-10 10-Hi 15-20 20-30 30-50 50 & over 10000 lish per 10000- r-~ .--~ ~ ~ ,...----"---, ,....---A----..~, ,-----A---., P M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F P M F' '[' M F

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17- 18 19 20 ~1 22

ALL COMMUNITIES 517 892 103 390 69 818 139 U58 181 1280 180 1838 tt8 1102 67 9483 9108 9897 49 87 6

Hindus 479 836 84 384 55 781 115 1089 147 1176 130 1236 94 979 52 9521 9164 9916 45 81 5 Muslims 630 1015 199 383 131 923 258 1322 332 1569 309 1557 245 1219 160 9370 8985 9801 64 116 6~ Jains 3032 5541 562 2357 509 5165 864 7398 1124 7976 897 7650 510 6718 206 6968 4459 9438 227 442 157 Christians 6118 6169 6064 4577 4983 6744 6690 7740 7573 7621 7727 7351 7028 7613 7846 3882 3831 3936 3897 3971 3817 Sikhs 644 892 317 363 174 704 314 092 447 1364 490 1477 475 1059 291 9356 9108 9683 96 156 17 Tribes 68 124 7 49 5 114 9 180 13 181 11 188 10 174 I) 9932 9876 9993 2 OtherR .. 8040 Slao 7931 7500 4706 8235 9167 8889 866710000 9000 9570 9559 8077 8750 1960 18702069445457722857

(ii)-Literacy by Age, Sex and Locality

Literate per 10000 Agency State ,------or Province All ages ---._------"'--,---, ---'-----"'"""1 .--_.A____ -, 5-10 10-15 15.20 30-50 50 & Over ,--'--, ,-----Jo------. ,....---A---.. .--~ ,_A__ -, P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 .-, (j 7 s 9 10 II 12 13 14 Iii ](1

Rajputana 517 892 103 390 69 818 189 1156 181 126j) 160 1338 118 1102 67

1 Abu 2325 3254 1163 2152 1047 3895 1732 3651 1780 3659 1373 4174 1238 4100 1269 2 Alwar 480 838 79 348 55 854 123 1168 158 1128 124 1147 727 1I09 429 3 Bo.nswara 288 496 70 206 46 519 117 692 133 678 99 796 69 719 43 4 Bharatpur 554 942 101 350 67 930 187 1145 204 1364 174 1414 87 1067 62 IS Biko.ner 718 1128 240 488 160 1149 290 1510 400 1607 402 166li 266 1251 142 6 Bundi 485 760 80 216 42 585 91 979 139 1020 119 1187 OJ 1170 87 7 Danta 381 628 71 364 40 738 166 882 169 755 92 919 55 718 21 8 Dho)pur .. 382 558 52 142 29 462 84 721 73 817 75 830 68 714 36 9 Dungarpur 298 539 49 175 29 532 71 829 99 860 77 818 49 518 24 10 Jaipur 584 940 85 316 63 834 114 1266 149 1417 133 1384 95 1180 55

11 J ais8lmer 657 1065 152 415 68 999 181 1294 291 1420 252 1592 179 ]391 105 12 JhaJawar 799 1275 283 564 254 1388 497 1927 534 1793 359 1627 254 1389 162 13 Karauli ,. 430 746 52 142 18 563 55 997 94 1124 87 1107 64 1085 49 14 Kishangarh 647 Il3S 105 341 60 959 141 1505 188 1526 151 1691 119 1560 74 Iii Kotah 607 1032 149 G16 142 1263 275 1620 277 1444 IR4 1294 145 1002 71

16 Kushalgarh 276 443 lOG 197 71 416 156 561 206 638 154 739 140 675 43 17 Lawa 5'13 970 135 138 55 852 61 1395 205 1279 223 1596 141 1458 278 18 l\tarwar .• 458 805 75 501 32 616 73 824 122 1106 130 1352 102 945 63 19 Mewar .. 493 886 75 440 48 768 86 1139 112 1175 107 1354 112 1225 56 20 Palanpur 595 1028 139 524 125 1191 235 ]410 003 1402 211 1495 122 1149 48

21 Partabgarh 689 1176 187 404 119 1084 310 1609 363 1636 253 1806 198 1761 1]8 22 Sha.hpura 581 1006 129 367 130 1001 214 1340 250 1276 174 1452 117 1602 59 23 Sirohi 481 794 107 317 77 740 153 1020 201 1124 142 1225 123 1104 97 .~ Tonk 389 627 84 148 36 482 110 753 145 871 112 993 120 963 71 AJmer-Merwara 1251 1881 440 872 841 1995 690 2829 740 2683 589 2606 448 2283 281 152 SUBSIDIARY TABLES-(contd.)

('iii)-Literacy by Community, Sex and Loeauty

Literate POl' lO(JOO ______;...__ -~ -...... Province, State or District Muslims Jams Hindus ,---__--A -., ~----., Males Females Male& Fema.le& Males Females 1 2 3 4 {j 6 'i RAJPUTAltA 887 84 1015 200 6541 682 1 Abu 3548 1096 4194 1484- 7778 6000 2 Alwar 1074- 87 321 49 6722 1110 :{ Banswara 993 lU 2809 82 6264 579 4 Bharatpm' 1012 86 590 131 5931 1386 Ei Bikaner ., 1117 219 (i70 :!13 5232 817 Ii Bundi 734 77 14{j(j 229 6107 455 7 Danto. 884 114 808 42 7917 696 8 Dholpur .' 549 42 170 150 2358 194 9 Dungarpur 848 59 3015 527 5534 425 ]0 Jaipur 952 70 1093 154 5975 1154 11 Jaisalmer 1405 189 257 53 6114 1006 12 Jhalawar 1059 198 2908 992 6416 1742 13 Karauli ., 923 56 1050 130 6915 1677 14 Kisha.n.garh 947 89 1480 130 7122 632 15 Kotah 1008 134 1956 306 6596 1540 16 Kushalgarh (Chiefl9hip) 2080 406 3033 390 6957 1879 17 Lawa (Estate) 666 95 1667 7273 1129 Hl Marwar .. 652 59 777 127 4560 251 19 Mewar .. 730 48 2587 62!l 1.1200 422 20 PaJ.a.n.pur 574 44 2682 3(i] 7540 1538 21 Partabgarh 1472 163 2174 433 6868 1554 22 Shahpura 897 103 1650 409 6822 932 23 Sirohi 544 69 1581 325 5786 436 24 Tonk 307 17 2083 440 4639 294 AJMER-MERWARA 1912 358 2457 841 8728 1242

(iv)-Llteracy in English by Age, Sex and Locality Literate per 10000 ------., 1941 All ages (5 a.n.d over) Province, Sta.te -., ,.---~----., or District 5·10 10·15 15·20 20·30 30-50 50 & ovel' 5 & over 1931 1921 1911 ~ ~ ~ ,-----A.------. ~ ,--'----. ,--'----. ~ ~ ~ M F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 .2 3 4 jj 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Iii 16 17 18 19 20 21 Ra)putana 12 2 80 8 155 18 164 11 124 8 56 4 102 8 56 4 34 3 24 2 1 Abu 638 361 1798 236 1825 339 1703 389 1740 446 1750 746 1596 344 917 364 1281 664 .2 Alwar 10 2 86 5 193 8 177 11 102 4 61 1 104 I) 54 2 32 .2 23 1 3 Ba.n.swara 1 30 1 77 7 65 5 52 4 11 3 40 3 14 2 10 2 7 4: Bharatpur 9 72 2 152 8 166 3 127 2 39 100 .2 54 4 26 2 32 2 5 Bikaner .• 19 4 151 10 267 20 266 23 191 11 54 4 165 12 93 4 46 2 27 1 6 Bundi 6 2 25 2 58 3 66 5 50 6 27 3 40 4 25 1 22 1 10 7 Danta. 14 7 58 4 78 14 36 1 Not available. 8 Dholpur o. 24 2 66 4 74 10 66 10 38 3 48 5 49 5 40 2 31 1 9 Dungarpur 27 81 1 80 2 56 24 46 1 16 1 10 7 10 Jaipur " 14 4 89 12 148 18 189 14 119 9 60 5 105 )0 57 6 39 () 25 3 11 Jaiswmer 2 1 32 2 68 55 4 37 4 28 36 3 20 8 10 12 Jhalo.war .. 24 1 200 6 408 22 277 12 169 4 49 180 7 87 3 79 1 35 2 13 Kars.uli " 2 13 1 49 .2 61 2 37 14 31 1 21 .2 10 14 14 Kisha.n.garh 11 3 99 10 235 13 188 8 133 1 87 125 I) 78 2 36 :I 33 3 15 Kotah " 14 4 109 18 211 23 176 8 121 4- 62 4 116 9 59 4 38 4 23 1 16 KushaJ.garb (Chiefship) 6 27 59 5 40 35 28 1 56 29 8 17 Lawa (Estate) 78 60 69 39 33 10 9 18 Marwar 00 12 3 60 7 128 14 178 16 180 13 71 7 113 10 75 3 41 .2 25 1 19 Mewar 7 1 43 2 97 4 91 3 74 2 40 1 60 2 23 1 12 1 11 1 20 Pala.n.pur 13 154 6 254 ]3 191 5 145 2 94- 137 4 94 .2 Not available. 21 Partabgarh 6 .2 63 8 204 16 168 8 141 10 104 5 115 8 73 .2 39 24- 22 Shahpura 7 124 3 278 4- 207 9 130 2 92 136 3 90 I) 78 1 36 23 Sirohi 26 7 122 17 203 24- 174 17 164 22 80 16 129 17 85 19 59 16 109 29 24 Tonk 7 1 64 Ii 119 5 78 3 59 1 37 1 58 2 16 1 10 1 13 1 A!mer-Merwara •• 123 49 497 127 959 157 848 129 889 99 498 82 818 103 447 71 384 68 289 38 SUBSIDIARY TABLES -{contd.) (v)-Progress of Literacy Since 1901

J~itffl'at(' per 1000 ~---~------.., AU fI~OS 10 I\)ul ovo!' ,-______1.•. ..A 20______, 20 and ovel' '~------~ ,------~------, Province. State Males J<'emales Males Females Males Females or ])j8t~i('t ,-_ _.A.__ __, ,-~---. ,-___.A. ___ ...... r-----"----, r---_..A.---....., ,... ,... ,... ,...... ,... C\, ...... 1», o C'. o g g; O'l g 5 a; o 0> 0> eo eo...... o .... - - -....0> 2 3 4 ~ 0 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 1 a Hi 17 1 R HI 20 ::n 2:3 2!l 24 25 2(j 27 28 29 ::10 :il RaJputana 117 86 81 79 75 13 6 5 3 2 116 86 80 71 76 18 8 7 4 3 126 96 90 88 83 12 6 5 3 2

1 Abu 391 282 3U .. 145 111 125 ., 30a 265 311 .. 178 97 101 .. :lqf\ :\01) 317 130 11 .• ] 20 2 Alwar 109 83 78 64 68 10 5 a 2 2 ]17 81 105 46 63 16 7 4 :! 2 113 O~ 82 77 76 n 5 3 .) :1 Banswara 69 59 61 70 50 9 4 4 3 2 69 56 55 59 46 13 4 8 :1 3 73 71 69 79 56 8 4 4 4 4- Bh80ratpur 125 101 75 72 ii5 14 8 5 4 1 125 106 72 91 48 20 13 8 tl :3 13 110 81 74 60 ]1 7 5 4 ] {) Bikaner 148 95 87 71 59 31 9 7 3 2 151 95 84 62 56 40 ] 3 ]0 a 156 106 98 78 67 29 9 7 4 3

6 BWldi 102 59 74 61 55 10 4 5 2 1 98 52 65 46 52 ]4 4 8 2 112 69 87 67 64 10 4 5 2 7 Danta 81 Not available. 9 Not available. 88 Not available. 17 Not availabl!'. 82 Not available. II Not. a~·I\i1able. 8 Dholpur .. 74 77 61 46 34 7 753 1 72 77 58 43 32 7 10 8 5 1 SO 86 66 50 39 6 7 [) 3 1 9 Dungarpur 74 67 79 77 79 6 3 10 4 1 83 72 82 60 61 10 4 II I:i 1 78 76 87 85 99 6 :I 10 4 10 10 Jaipur ., 125 83 82 79 59 11 6 5 3 1 127 83 72 71 57 15 7 6 4 ~ 135 94 93 89 66 10 6 5 ~ 1

] 1 .TaiR:llmor 138 62 r,0 75 70 20 2 2 3 2 129 58 49 65 70 29 3 6 :1 t 149 73 68 R6 83 10 2 t 4 2 12 .ThalaWiIl' 1113 131; 1:17 !ll 78 34 19 ]7 7 2 193 149]1)4. 90 Cl2 53 2:~ :11 9 3 103 ]38 138 95 91 28 10 )3 7 :! ] 3 KUl'unli ., ]00 88 75 lil 5:1 7 Ii 4 :-l 2 100 0:1 74 40 47 9 9 4 :1 till 100 83 72 HI 7 H 4 :1 2 14 Kishangal"h 148 134 ]05 107 10] ):! 10 (I (i r. 15] ] :12 10:l lOG 01 HI l() 6 !I :2 )I)] 150 1 Hi 113 11r. 12 ]J (i (j 7 If) Kotah 133 99 94 74 35 18 !) 8 :1 ](12 ] 12 102 71 30 28 13 J2 ,j I I:W J():! O!J 70 41) 1Ii 8 8 :1 I

16 Kusha.lgarh 62 57 63 65 75 15 4 5 » 2 56 63 57 56 76 21 7 6 4 G9 64 67 67 79 13 4- ii .) 3 17 J~a.wa 133 75 III 89 35 18 13 ]6 14 4 129 75 163 52 38 21 8 29 !) ]:J ]4(1 87 I!?] ]07 43 20 HS 14 17 a 18 Marwar ., 102 91 88 94 118 ]0 6 6 4 4 82 92 86 83 132 12 7 7 4 5] 18 102 101 ]O:} ]24 10 (S (i 4- 4 ]9 MeW80r 116 75 65 84 88 10 3 3 3 :J 114 69 63 66 72 II 3 5 :~ :! 120 88 74 92 105 10 :J :! :! :1 20 PaianpuJ' 1:16120112N.A., 17]110 N. A. 141 127 ]66 N. A. ao 18 :!8 N. A. I:HI J28 108 N. A. 14 fJ 7 N. ~\.

, 21 Partabgarh 160 142 149 123 100 2~ 13 12 1 1 61 1 3S 144 ) 15 I)!) 3fi 1 7 Hi 7 2 173 163 162 131 ]14 21 14 11 22 Shahpmll. 134 115 139 121 115 ]6 10 JO 5 4 134 121 ]42 113 !)(i 25 15 12 4 4 142 ]23 144 128 1~3 ]3 8 10 4 ii 2:1 Rirohi 107 ]06 lOt 129 153 14 9 9 I) 7 102 105 ]]7 115 130 20 11 14 12 7 110 lIS 110 138 174 12 9 !J !) 7 24 Tonk 8.) 4,1 52 i'i:1 7,1 11 2 3 1 :1 75 38 44 60 53 14 2 4 :1 ;! !l4- .H (il 80 89 ] 1 :1 3 2 :1

AJmer-Merwara. . 251 223 210 163 142 54 37 28 17 10 283 232 211 160 114 74 48 44 37 13 257 240 227 171 15~ 47 33 26 14 9

Aj ffiE'1' Ci ty 4li2 •• .. Hi3 •. r,o:1 •• •• 202 .. 4r.7 •• 140

(1,i)--Institutions and Scholars


1!H I 1 !,):ll HI2J HI I 1 ,.._---A-__--, r------"------, ,..___ _.A._ __---, Institutionfl Rcholarll Institutions Scholar!! rll!;t.itlJi.ions Sc)JoloJ R TnI~titntion8 8('ho]01'8 2 3 4 Ii Ii 7

Colleges n 2140 7 ] fi:l:! :1 27:1 :1 25(i Anglo Vernacular High Sehools (Ifj 22279 Ii!) 16B:JIi 7:1 1080n :11) 1134U Anglo Vernaeular Middle Schools 2:;7 43220 233 ] 0739 :W) 177MI 2~J 10754 Vernacular Middle Schools .. 47 12()(j9 2(1 67:l2 28 4:189 14 873 Primary Schools 1978 95346 538 :152(\7 3!)8 2 HI;j7 :,na 12;;0:3

Normal Training Schools 4 91 I Ii Unrecognized. Institutions including Pathflhalas a.nd Msktabs 629 21822 723 2143A 431i 127;12 4094 Technical Schools :1 192 3 227 8 :!2s) 557 Sanskrit Colleges and SchoolR IB3 5023 97 2389 1i()4 4287 ] 0751) Oriental Schools 8 (i47 :1 :\91 2 244 2l!)

l<'i~nros for the followilll!'ioI 111'0 Hot uvnilahll'

1\)41 1931 l{)~ l 1911 ,.... ______..___---, ,..___ --A ____ --, , ___.A- ___-., 1 Jaisalmel' Danta I 'Onndi I BuncH .) KiBhangarh 2 Jaisahner 2 Dallt.a 2 Bharatpur J Sirohi :.1 J{ishanglldl :J .Jaisalmer :J Dal1ta 4 Sirohi - 4 Kishongllr]J 4 Dnngarpllr Ii l\fewRJ' 5 .T aisalmcr Ii Ril'ohi Ii Karauh '; Kifllle.ngaJh fl l{ul'lhalgnl'h II MewllJ' III ~iJolJi j ['4

SUBSIDIARY TABLES-(contd. ) (vi)-Institutions and Scholars-(coucld)

Aj mer-Merwara

1941 11131 J921 ,------A--1911 __...... r------~----, r- ..------'------. Institutions S('hoII1I''' InRt.itli t,ions ScholaJ's Institu tions Scholars Institutions Scholars

'J 2 ,J .j. U H 7 8

TOTAL 418 31625 355 22390 292 14841 186 9078


Boys :! 3M:! 2 217 1 87 1 39 Girls

A. V. High Rehools-- Boys 12 4411 10 3238 8 1899 14 2668 Girls 4 516 3 296 1 194 4 428

.\. Y. :\[iddln SC'hools-·

BOyM II W:!1l Ii ,H.i 7 :"i2:l } rnclndn<1 in High SchoolR OiJ·l,; ~ t ~.i 4 117 :I 2:ll

Vernacular MiddlE' Schools-

Boyll U HlIiI; iii li:)O 10 243 9 683

Oirls .j. ii(j Ii-! :! WI

PJ'ima,'y SchooJIl--

ROyfl :?:JS 14(j,ill :2111 10843 133 59.31 44 1489

WrIt.! ,j ~ 4-HS as 27:19 11 ~32 ]0 :127

XOI'mnl TI'nining Achools- ,I HO;'l'R :! :1:1 :! 64- rot 2 i,

nil'l" IIi 17 :1

UJLl"Ocognized illfltitu tions illcluding ~[Ill,;Lllbli and Pathshalas-

Boys ;>2 3190 57 2773 90 3824 71 2537 Girls 13 921 4 a90 22 9.)4 25 611

'J'oi"hnicnl Rchool,;

Hoys 1 :H lIS 1 11.3 Girls 1 !) 200 Schools f01: ad.\\lts- , Boys 1 2fJ 6 120 OirlFi .. J

Si"hoolR fol' ,lof('('tivos-

Roy" Vi ) . CHrls

Oriental institut.ionR-


Tho States in this Table are arranged in alphabetical order.

The heading' Christian' includes 2023 Anglo-Indians and 1461 'Others', the remainder being Indian Christians. Ajm~r-Merwara records the greatest number of Anglo-Indians and' Others', the respective figures being 1005 and 883. Jaipur comes next with 577 Anglo-Indians and 219 ' Others '. The considerable number of Anglo-Indians and Europeans (212 and 20 respectively) returned from Sirohi State is due to the rail way colony at Abu Road. Tribes include Bhils, Girrasias, Merats, Minas and Rawats, full details for whom can be found in Table XIV. Among the Tribes 5717 returned themselves as Animists, 26914 as Muslims, and 1394 as Christians; the remainder profess . Banswara State and K ushalgarh Chiefship have the greatest number of Tribal Christians -980 and 192 respectively.

The figures for Animists are interesting. In 1931 they numbered 229092, coming in largest numbers from Mewar (94544), Banswara (93330) and Partabgarh (26747). In 1941 the total had dropped, as stated above, to 5717, of whom Tonk ~tate returned 5702 and the tiny balance of 15 by Marwar. There is some interesting history behind this which is discussed in the companion volurn(' C These Ten Years ').

Triball\Iuslims are found in greatest stre!lgth in Ajrner-1Vlerwara, where they number 18776.

" Others" include 82763 Sikhs, 686 Parsecs, 106 Jews and 21 Buddhists. The Sikhs are found chiefly as settlers in the Gang Canal area of Bikaner State (78815). LIMITATION OF STATISTICS :--Both Dungarpur and Danta States, for reasons which were not stated, dec­ lined to return BhiIs under the heading of Tribes, and classed them as members of the Hindu Community. Adjustments, therefore, with the help of Table XIV have had to be made. TABLE XlII-COMMUNITY

Population Hindus r -- _____:Muslims.A-.. ____ , Provinco, State 01' Agoncy ,-----,___.,______" r------~ Persons Males Females PersonR Males Females PerBons Males }'emales

.)" 7 9 10 RAJPUTANA & AJMER­ MERWARA 14253901 7476699 6777202 10694286 5619165 5075121 1387740 733953 653787 RAJPUTANA 13670208 7169527 6500681 10317805 5422681 4895124 1297841 684821 613020 Abu DitlLr-il'l, 4680 ::W(I() 208() 2618 14-77 114] 802 465 337 2 Alwal' 823055 4354-11 :187044 5:19369 21H081 255288 220334 117827 102507 :1 BanSWIlJ'llo 258750 129471 129289 74~;22 31)7119 37723 736:1 :n20 :164:3 4 Bharlltpur 575825 31340 265285 4-49091 243961 205130 110296 57670 52626 5 Bikancl' .. 1292938 69.3707 .397171 9!)260 1 5:\3678 45892a 185323 99830 85493 6 Bundi 249374 1300:38 119336 1860(j:~ 96603 894liO 11776 6145 5631 7 Danta 31110 ]6218 14892 16288 81)48 7740 2968 lu35 1433 11 DholpUt", 286901 11)8538 12830:1 25:JH4 UO[l60 112884 18509 9850 8659 !I Dunga1'l'1I1' 274282 1:l9241 135041 102562 [1]406 51156 9068 4743 432ii ] U Jaipur 3040876 ] 595067 1445809 2463801 1293307 1170494 249215 128833 ]20382 11 Jaisa]mer 93246 51589 41657 62747 34484 28263 27456 15425 12031 12 Jhalawar 122299 63613 58686 105438 54852 50586 9600 4955 464ii 13 Karauli " 152413 82999 69414 109214 59554 49660 7800 4182 3618 14 Kishengarh 104127 54600 49527 91707 48000 43707 7585 4055 3530 15 Kotah 777398 403501 373897 613719 318150 295569 53481 27982 25499 16 Kushalgal'h (Uhieftlhip) 41153 20785 ::W:l1i8 4-78,1, 2370 2414 898 488 410 17 Lawa (Estate) 2808 14-74- 1:I:U· 2H:I I:?\) 1 1152 100 54 46 HI 1\[a1"1'I' 801' " 2555904 13:19464 1216440 :H24(iOl 1117402 1007199 214l1H 113335 100816 1!1 Mewar 1926698 992073 934625 1334445 (i87709 646736 6:J849 33549 30300 20 Palanpul' 315855 162202 15365:1 256143 131829 124314 15774 15377 21 Partabgarh 91967 46667 45300 42935 21835 21100 447:1 2346 2127 22 Sha.hpul'a 61173 31551 29622 52154- 26867 25287 2914 1521 1393 2:1 Sit'ohi 233879 120476 113403 104913 85138 79775 7113 3820 3293 24 'ronk 353687 18':;R42 . 167845 272203 142780 129423 51616 26717 24899 AJMER-MERW ARA 583693 307172 276521 376481 196484 179997 89899 49132 40767

Ajmel' City 147258 79898 673~0 87213 46781 40432 49920 27721 22199 2 Ajmer Tahsil 161785 84-~32 77553 113097 58528 54569 23254 12462 10792 3 Bea.war Tehsil 150882 79007 7187':; 74112 38767 35345 11526 6211 5315 4 Kekri Sub-Division 123768 04035 59733 102059 52408 49651 5199 2738 24131

Clll,jllkMU! Ju.ius ,---__Tribc,",.A-..----., .-___--A- Others____ , PI·ovmec. t;tate 01' Agency .- ___.A ---, ,------A--, I'ersons Males :Foma.les l'ersons Males Fema.les Pel'eOIlS Males }'emalctl Persons Males }'ema.les 11 12 14 Hi 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 RAJPUTANA & AJMER­ MERWARA 360615 179554- 181061 11724 6063 5661 1715960 890435 825525 83576 47529 36047 RAJPUTANA 341788 169559 172229 5941 3070 2871 1624488 842596 781892 82345 46800 35545 1 Abu District 14 9 5 129 68 61 1065 552 513 52 29 23 2 A1war 4707 252(i 2181 138 53 85 58430 30889 27541 77 35 42 3 Bansw8.l'a 4574 2398 2716 103 47 56 .... 172194 86505 85689 " 4 2 2 4 Rharatpur 2724 1440 1284- 256 149 107 .12435 6640 5795 823 480 343 5 Bikaner " 34425 16578 17847 4:20 239 ]81 1341 708 633 78828 44734 34094 6 Bundi 4722 2502 2220 58 29 29 46554 24626 21928 201 133 68 7 Danta :126 168 158 1 1 11522 5961 0561 5 ;) S Dholpu1' .. 179:~ 971 822 00 ]7 12762 6943 581H 333 197 136 !I Dungal']>ul' 0047 :1079 2968 J2 8 156587 80001 7(1.386 6 4 2 10 .Taipul' 31842 W80J 15U41 I,')U3 7.30 293898 15;'01:'; 138883 617 :~61 256 11 J aisalmc r 742 4-U4 :1:~8 229j 1268 102:1 10 8 2 1~ Jhalawar 2:107 1239 1068 28 30 4889 2534 2:J5,j 7 2 13 Kal'auli .. 368 201 1(17 16 10 3500() 19050 159:-.0 J.j tI !J U Kishengal'h 2754 1473 128] 24 II 2020 1042 984 31 17 14 15 Kotah 5307 2891 2416 1025 467 103238 .3:1563 49685 628 367 261 Itl Kushalgal'il (Ghiofship) 627 341) 28~ 3 34841 17579 17262 17 Lawa (Estate) 128 66 62 137 63 74 18 Marwil,l' .. 119742 56450 63286 1134, 534 (100 95922 51517 4440li 3.34- 2~1l 134- 19 Mewar 772:12 :l9840 37392 9:~3 225 168 450651 230669 219982 128 81 47 20 Pala.npul' 12767 6367 6400 53 31 2:! 15674 8174 7500 67 27 40 21 Partabgarh 5022 2487 2535 46 23 23 39482 19970 19512 9 6 :I 22 Shahpur a 1436 749 687 466:1 2409 2254 Ii 1 2:~ Ril'ohi 1!)546 fi9(i5 858) 483 270 213 4,')686 24209 21477 1:18 74 64 24 'ronk 6(i:36 :wo,j. :lO:12 26 18 8 232(10 12711) 10481 Ii 4 2 AJMER-MERWARA 18827 9995 8832 5783 2993 2790 91472 47839 43633 1231 729 502 ] Ajmer City 4250 2221 2029 4100 2167 2023 726 477 249 9.i9 5:.11 4:28 2 Ajmer Tohsil 2950 ]605 )341; 1)60 41)9 501 21479 11l1H 10328 45 27 18 3 Beawar Tehsil (j037 3465 3172 [j{1l 332 229 57957 30177 27780 89 oJ 34- 4 Kekri Sub-Division 4990 2704 2286 72 35 37 11310 6034 5276 138 lUi 22 Hi7 SUBSIDIARY TABLES (i)-General distribution of Population by Communities

Proportion per 10000 of Population in Variation per cent Community r------"'------~ --, 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1931-41 1921-31 1911-21 1901-11 IIJOl-41

1 7 10 11

Hindus .. 7540 7v61 7660 7741J 71126 +18 +13 -8 +7 l\luslims 949 950 915 934 951 +HI +18 +6 +37 Jaills 217 268 284 31G +11 +8 -16 -3 -4 Christians 4 5 [) 4 3 +4 • +15 +Hi +50 +107 Sikhs 61 37 9 IJ 2 +07 +378 -3 +336 +3887 Tribes 1199 1179 1127 988 866 +21 +19 +8 +24 +90 OtherS +6 -1 -3 +9 +10

lfote.-1.'}lo figures for Dautu I.Uld l'alu.llplu· Status, !lOwly I.l

(ii}-Distribution of the main communities by State or District

Hi.ndus ,...---____..A__ l\IUlsJim::l Juiutl State 01' District -...A. _.~ r------J~------____ ~ 1941 1931 ]921 1911 ]901 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 ].3 16

·BAJPUTANA 7540 7661 76&0 7749 7826 949 950 915 934 951 247 268 284 316 352

1 Abu 5594 0613 1)189 1714 1755 1633 ao ~46 92 2 Alwar 6553 6635 6732 6785 6870 2677 2620 2548 2516 2474 57 51 48 52 51) 3 Banswara 2880 3066 3330 3647 3192 284 289 272 295 273 177 204 223 266 313 4 BhBratpur 7802 7781 7817 7903 7954 1916 1931 1896 1833 1797 47 49 51 49 53 5 Bikaner 7677 77:H 8:)60 8196 8423 1433 1512 1I33 1311 1130 266 307 :J57 355 400

6 Bundi 7461 7J19 7GB 7626 7664 472 47;) 434 484 489 190 185 248 302 379 7 Danta 5236 954 105 8 Dholpur .. 8834 8825 8804 8791 8695 645 661 650 694 699 62 71 73 77 86 9 Dungafpur 3739 3986 4303 4570 5595 331 338 446 421 427 220 255 287 346 \0 Jaipur 585 8102 8067 8112 8146 8192 820 815 768 74-2 726 105 11~ lZIi 146 168

11 J aisah:uer 6729 672:1 7001 11905 7086 2944 2900 2640 2502 2542 80 120 106 12;) ] 2 Jha.Iawar .. 161 8621 8578 8572 8551 8392 785 792 812 896 964 189 244 257 25~ 347 13 KaJ'auli " 7166 7169 7237 7313 7379 512 510 521 555 574 24 32 311 27 :10 I! Kishengal'h 8807 8809 8816 8769 8n60 728 757 757 738 748 26;) 260 tlH :lOt 449 15 Kotah 789:; 78:11 79.34 8002 8084 688 68G 092 697 690 68 76 87 100 109 16 Kushalgf.U'h (Chiefship) 1163 lIO.) la45 1679 2192 218 240 2311 317 ~164 152 164 174- 233 332 17 Lawa (Estate) 8700 8667 MB8 8417 8li02 :)56 390 li13 542 603 4liG 484 557 554 599 18 Marwar " 8313 82;;2 8179 8164 8]48 838 820 831 798 76~ 469 liat; 560 642 710 19 Mewar 6U26 7145 7281 7-l3G 7602 331 341 349 350 :185 401 421 458 516 631i 20 Palanpul' 8110 8430 8475 986 1086 105li 404 47[) 468

21 Partabgarh 4669 4BtiO 5075 5374 6123 486 511 537 564 720 546 581 604 689 914 22 Shahpura 8526 8575 8623 8577 8573 476 468 470 508 590 235 261 299 342 362 23 Sirohi 7051 7006 6966 7013 6925 304 302 341 383 384, 665 716 793 898 1115 24 rl'ouk 7096 7043 7765 77-11 7526 1459 ]394 1317 1333 1504 I8S 2111 222 261 241

Ajmer Merwara 6450 60&4 6159 6204 6752 1540 1272 1362 1263 1310 323 348 372 405 418

'Kote.-·'l'~~ figures for Danta. a.nd Palanpur States, newly added to tbis PI'ovince, hllNC been omitted in this subsidiary Table in order to p1'61W1'Ve COlUl)ll.ra­ blbty. 158 SUBSIDIARY TABLES-(cum::ld.)

(ii)-Dlstributlon of the main communities by State or Dlstrlct-(collcld.)

Christians____ --. ,--_____Tribes--A- _____...... Ot.herl'! 01' Dil3trict r- _---.-..A __ 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 J941 1931 1921 1911 1901 ]941 1931 )!):!l 1911 1901

17 I~ JI) 21 2:! 24 t6 t7 28 :w :u *RAJPUTANA 40 5 4 3 1199 1179 1127 988 868 61 37 9 9 2

1 .\.bu :!7U :wu 677 2275 2116 2213 III 161 IIW 2 Alwar 1 I :! 710 692 671 646 .394 I I :1 Bauswaro. 4 !J 8 6655 6438 6167 G792 G222 4 Bharatpul" .) 13 16 2 216 223 218 204 193 14 :I I ;) Bikanel' 3 :1 2 11 22 22 19 20 610 432 117 6 BWldi 1867 1818 1704 ]a84 14G8 ~ :! .. 7 Danta. 370J I N Dholpur,. 2 I 44ii 431 470 432 519 12 IIJ {) Dunga.rpur 1 1 5709 li421 4963 4663 3393 "' 10 Jo.ipur 6 .i 4 966 999 988 960 910 1 J 1 J aisalmer 246 266 252 468 211 12 Jhalawar .; 5 4 :1 1 400 379 350 292 287 13 Karauli " 1 1 1 2 1 2296 2279 2211 2102 2016 1 I 14 Kishenga.rh 2 :l 3 195 172 143 125 139 :1 1 1 1 ]J Kotah 13 13 8 (i 1328 1391 1251 1192 1101 8 4- 3 I 16 KURllIdgarh '* (C'hiciship) 8466 8431 8245 7771 7iI:! 1 i (Estate) 488 459 442 487 296 18 Msrwar ,. 4 3 :l :? 1 375 390 426 394 379 19 Mewar 2 :) 1 :2 2 2339 2090 1911 1696 1376 20 PaJanpur 2 1 496 4 :! 21 Parta.bgarh 1 4293 4036 3783 3365 :2241 I 8 22 Shahpur a 762 696 608 .373 475 I 23 Sirohi " 21 23 23 43 40 1953 1944 1872 1600 1527 H 9 .i 13 24 Tonk 1 1 1 1 61S6 746 695 665 727

Ajmer-Merwara .• 99 124 11Z 108 78 1567 Z180 1986 1996 1483 21 12 9 9

Note.-"'The figures for Danta and Palanpur States, newly addoo to thi8 province, ha.v~ been omitte~ in this subsidiary Table in order to preserve compara. bility.

(iii)-Chrlstians-Percentage variation Percentage Variation Agency, State or Distl'iel; ------, ------~ 1931.41 1921·31 1911·21 1901.11 1901·41 1 :2 3 4 /) 6 RAJPUTANA +4 +18 +15 +50 +t09 1 Ab\l -8 -43 }'igul'cS llot available. :2 Alwar +75 +68 -49 -45 -17 :~ Banswara +43 +40 4- Bharatpur +59 -21 +40 +4G5 +151 ;; Bikaner +41 +56 +27 +59 +342 H Rundi +100 +45 -100 +;1700 7 Dante. }'igure8 110t available. H J..>holpur -6 +91 -20 +:;8 + 131 !I })ungarpul' +71 -36 +450 -33 +33 III .JaiplIr -4 +24 -0 +43 +62 1 I ,T ahml mOl' •• I:! .Thalawar ., +16 +39 +39 +100 +4t1O I :l Karauli -16 -32 +27 -27 Ii Kishengodl +60 -12 -26 -26 -23 I'; Kotah +12 +10 +64 -47 +196 16 KushaJgarh (Ohiefship) +300 -100 17 Lawa (Estate) .. 18 Marwar +65 +10 + 41 +96 +406 HI )lewal' -18 +168 -20 -3 +62 20 Palanpur •. +13 +68 Figures Jlot available. 21 Partabgarh -31 -100 +820 22 811alll,mra ,. -100 --100 2:l Sirohl .. -4 +16 --46· +~U* U Tonk -40 +54 +133 -33 AJMER-MERWARA -17 +28 +2 +46 *Includes figures for Abu also,

'l'he figures for 1921,11 and 01 C4Uld not be adjusted lor Community and hence there is some difference between this Table and Table (i). TABLE XIV VARIATION IN POPULATION OF TRIBES J60

TABLE XlV-*VARIATION IN POP'QLATION OF TRIBES & Ajmor-Morwara Uajputo.nR Ajmer-Merwaro. ----. ---"- ~ PerRonB ?!fRIaR FemaloB PerRons ]\[Il]('R FomaleA PersonR 1\'[01('8 Femalos

2 :1 4- ,j Ii 7 S !) W

TOTAL. _ 1715960 890435 825525 1624488 842596 781892 91472 47839 43833

1 Bhils 7.38320 388298 370022 74!)748 383804- 36594-1 8;i72 4494 4078 1

2 Oirl'RAias ,)1349 26828 24;')21 :11341} 26828 24521 :2

3 Merats 27977 1494:; 13032 8959 4972 :m87 19018 9973 '0045 3 4 MinaR 7648.)4- 4111674 36:lJ !-III 7,,9400 398662 '360738 5454 30]2 2442 4 5 Rawats ]] :l460 586!)() 54770 QrlO32 28330 20702 58428 30360 28068 5

*It is unfortunately not possible to include in this table the variatiOlHl from 103], sin('e certain portions of Ajm!'l'-MlIl'\\ ara hay!' 1'(\('(,11 tly been retroceded to Mo.rwar and Mewar States and details for Tribes in these areas are not known.

Palanpur and Danta St.ates appoar in the Rajputana Agenoy for the first time•. In 1931 they forJned part of the Western Indian States Agency. In the (·n.A~ of thORO States, too, the 1931 figures for Tril:fes are riot aVbilable. - TABLE XV EUROPEANS AND ALLIED RACES AND ANGLO-INDIANS BY RACE AND AGE 162


A.--"Europellu and Alli!'d Races (including Arm!'nilUls) , ~------~ (a) Britiflh Subjects (b) Others ,------"------~ ,------~------"""'I ._ M& M~ ,\ II IlPPS O-I:J 14 - J Ii 17 -2:1 24-33 :14-4:1 44-,;:: oVl'r _\ II ngl's 0-1:1 14- J 6 17-23 24-33 :14-43 44-r.:I OVI'(' r--..A -, ,-A---.. r_A_-" ,---1'--" ,-~ ,-Jo._ .., ,-"---, ,.-J"'____" ,-..A__-" r--"---"..A--" ,-A---.. r-~ r-"---,,-..A--,, [) M F M 1~ ~I I" :\1 I<' " I.' !\f I" !\1' F M F P l\[ I" ::\[ F M 14' M F M I" l\-t F M F M 1·'

:! :1 -' f •• li i S !I III II 121:11.1 I:> 11117 ISI!):W 21 222324252H272R2!):lO:113233343))

RAJPUTANA & AJMER-MERWARA 785 424 361 91 75 7 20 39 24 49 67 94 73 86 54 58 48 178 83 96 14 16 4 1 5 6 15 22 1920 10 13 16 17 RAJPUTANA 374 211 163 44 22 1 7 20 11 24 31 54 33 40 31 28 21 85 49 36 6 5 1 3 3 7 9 14 8 8 4 10 7 Abu 57 :J() 27 7 5 4 2 1 •• ;} 7 ;; 7 722 6 2 .. 2 Alwar 5 :1 2 1 211 Banswara Bharatpur 422 1 Bibner 32 21 II :! :1 6 R 3 4 2 2 6 2 4 Bundi 16 6 W 3 I 2 Ii I 5 :! .:! I nanta Dholpur 4 4 2 2 Dungarpul' Jaipur 194 114 RO 33 17 3 1:1 ti 11 ]7 29 1'~ 15 13 12 10 25 II 16 4 2 2 4 321 3 3 .Taisabner .Thalawar ..

Karauli Kil'lhangal'h Kotah 2 KI1l~haIgar]l Lawa Marwar 24 1:1 11 I 3 2 5 3 5 2 37 34 3 fi 5 7 7 1 II Mewa1' :t5 II (j 3 2 4 :! 1 2 2 .. J Palanpur .. Partabgarh 3 2 1 Sha.hpu1'a Sirohi 18 f) i 2822233 1 Tonk 2 2 2 " AJMER-MERWARA 411 213 198 47 46 6 13 19 13 25 36 40 40 46 23 30 27 93 34 59 8 11 8 1 2 3 8 13 5 12 2 9 6 10

, ______n.-Anglo.lndinnFl...A. ______...... ,

All ageR 1).::\ 4·11 i-13 14-]r, 17·19 20-29 :10-39 40.49 ':;0.59 GO.69 70 & 0""81' r----..A- ,.-I'-... ,.A, ~-, ~ ~ ,--"---, ~ ,--"---, ,--"-"""'1 ~ ...-A-" P :!V[ F l\1l<'Ml"MVMFMFM}<'MFMFMF::\IFMF

38 :{9 40 41 4:? 4:1 44 4.j 46 47 48 411 ,30 iiI 52 5:1 54 Ii5 56 57 58 59 60

RA.TPUTANA & A.TMEJl-MERWARA 2023 1042 981 97 93 82 77 155 168 57 62 86 72 152 163 177 131 134 121 70 49 22 25 10 20 RAJPUTANA 1018 501 517 47 42 42 48 72 91 29 29 45 37 67 80 78 71 66 73 38 24 10 14 7 8

Ahu 12 7 .j Alwar .. 3 2 Hanswara 1 Bharatpu1' Hibner 30 I 4 !I 2 4 (; 1 1 Bundi 12 il :? 2 Dantu. Dholpur •. Dungu.rpur 1 1 Ja.ipur 577 283 294 28 20 27 :n :Hi :;;; ]8 1':; ] 8 IS 48 :n 38 42 40 35 20 ]4 6 7 6

Jaisaimer " .Thalawa1' ..

Karauli •. Kishangarh Kotah 4 :~ Kushalgll1'h Lawa . , .. Marwar .. 159 Ii!! !11I!l7·J.IIR7:! 4 4 8 8 ]Ii 14 13 8 ] 7 10 I) Ii 2 2 Mewa1' •• 4 :l r J 2 PaIlUlpur .. Partabgal'h Shahpura Sirohi 212 98 114 10 14 9 10 20 2ti 1) !) 11 11 11 10 ]8 14 !) 14 4 4 2 2 Tonk 3 3 2 1

AIMER-MERWARA 1005 541 464 ;'itl 51

This Table shows, for each Unit, its area, number of towns, villages and houses, population of 1941, de.nsity of population per square mile, population of 1931 and percentage of variation for 1921·31, 1931·41.

Total areas of the states supplied by the Surve.y of India are entered first and then (in brackets) the total areas of the Tehsils or Talukas, as supplied by the respective Darbars, arc entered.

LIMITATION OF STATISTICS :-Due ~o changes of area in Administrative Units, variations for 1921·31 could not in every case be calculated. Areas shown in column" 2 " are as supplied by the States concerned. 164 PROVINCIAL TABLE I-AREA AND POPULATION OF THANAS (TAHSILS, ETC.)

._____ Population.A- _____ -., Thana (Tahsil) Taluk Area ill ,,-___NumberA... __ of ___ Occupied Percen tage Variatioll Density or 'l'pwul:;hip squ6re Hounes 1941 1931 ,--__A.._~ (sq. mile) milcs Towns Villages 1931 to 1912 to ]941 I'ersolls )lalo11 l"emales 1)CI'SO 1111 ]!141 19:11

7 II 10 II I:!

RAJPUTANA 13201)9 156 32392 2377080 13670208 7169527 8500681 11570583 +18.15 +140.04 103 (131641) ABU DISTRICT 6 1 4 711 4680 2600 2080 4632"" + 3. 27 +25.70 780 ALWAR STATE 3158 7 1767 127109 823006 435411 387644 749751 +9.78 +6.93 258 (3217) 1 Alwar City 5 1 8607 54143 28470 25673 47900V +13.03 10829 2 .AJwar '"rahsil .. 543.87 I 224- 14792 89069 47378 41691 82874 +7.48 164 :, Bahrol' 24-3 1 133 11204 797W 40648 39062 7379L +8.02 32tj 4 BallSul' 3;JS. 47 14_:J • 1067:.1 68706 36186 32;;20 6!i898 + 4. 26 203 ;; Kishengarh 221 IiiS IJ:lS3 70179 :1748l 32698 62457 +12.36 318 Ii Lacmangarh !l38.19 254- 141m; 112889 60610 5227!~ 99140 +13.87 291 7 Mandawar 222 132 11257 67141 35477 31664 60999 +10.07 302 8 Rajgal'h 44-0 1 204 13961 88852 46349 42503 77590 +14.51 202 "" !) Rarngarh . , 217.6l 2 167 10177 65911 35413 30498 61212 +7.68 302 10 Thana Ghazi .. 308.S6 138 7495 43]85 22372 20813 43197 -0.03 J40 I J 'J'ijsra 264 193 ]1460 74:Jii7 40481 33876 66678 -I- 11.02 282 it Nimrana Bstate 23 21 122;; 891:1 4546 4367 8015. +11.20 3,')7 BANSWARA STATE 1606 :I 1098 51987 258760 129471 129289 225106 +14.95 +18.30 181

1 Banswul'll Towu H 2420 1277~ 6444 6328 10444 +22.29 +21.fO 1596 2 Badal' 'rahsit •. ,'ji8 41;; 16395 79666 39949 :i9717 67537 +17.96} Not 154 :1 Southern Tahsil 432 :152 17509 90338 44993 4534.3 80894- + 11 .67 avail. 209 4 Northern Tahsil 648 :l:n 15M3 751:)84 38085 a781:19 662al + 14.73 able. 117 BHARATPUR STArE 1978 7 1316 105933 675625 310340 265285 488964 -1--18.21 -1.91 292 (1972) Bharatpur Cit,y 10 1i943 :lJJ41 19486 16055 :Wli:~ -I- 17.79 3,:;~j4 2 Bharatpur Tahsil 186 158 11413 47051 25309 21742 364-7lJ +29.00 253 :I Baya1l8 :no l.H 9207 !i7731 37101 30630 57714 +17.36 218 4 Dig 19:J W:l 10522 57883 31616 26267 47658 +21.45 300 i'\ Kanmll la7 107 8278 44438 22060 22378 37524 +18.43 :124 Ii Kumhcl' 186 112 9347 48870 26527 2234:3 40370 +21.06 263 7 17:1 to9 10247 utI;;;? 28091i 240.37 43265 +20.54 300 R Nagar 181 Hi:, 10934 ii4!l40 29!H:1 25027 47086 +16.68 3()4 !) Pabari 146 IN SI:;5 40485 21768 18717 3G3';.3 +11.36 277 10 Rupbas ., 213 139 lU810 274 11 Uchain ) 58344 :\1870 26474 48541 +20.20 Ij Weir 237 H4 13077 68190 3659.) :W'i9.3 64795 +10.30 288

BIKANER STATE 23181 19 2882 218418 1292938 695767 597171 936218 +38.10 +41.90 55 128317) Bikallcl' City .. 3] 2276:; I 272:W 69875 117351 85927 +48.06 +23.80 4104 I Blkaner Nazamat. :! Bikaner Tahtlil :1867 10098 J4422 28348 ~6U74 4:10l)4· + 26.40 H :\ LunkarsllSal'" 3l3i 6;;15 33~28 1731 !) 1 37()!) 28684 +15.84 11 4 Rurpul's 1862 11686 (l7:!36 :3.3137 :1209!l 1i254 7 + 27 .IJ'; :16 ;i Magrs 1281 :l899 2172 f 11977 9747 J519B +42.!)4 17

II Rajgarh Nlzamat. 6 Bhadl'a Tahsil 678 1 105 109U;! .... lit~o62 ,.- :30.1:111 26026 45:!HO +:U.8!) 8a 7 Chum 683 I 93 W796 681:)!l.1 ali86() 33128 5M28 +24.2:3 101 8 Nohal' 15011 I 1411 12819 7.30:1] " 40046 3498:; 56664 +32.41 50 !) Rajgarh 1000 I 814 12104 71139 :HS:U 33301i 58805' +20.97 71 10 Ta.ranagal' (Relli) 781 1 9a :}954 36924 1!l277 16747 30083 +22.74- 47 111 Sujangarh Nitamat. I 1 Duugargarh Tahsil 4(i!l fI(j !l43.) 48300 25,j60 22740 :17;;49 +28.63 104 12 Ratangarh 396 2 91 11122 63524 33075 :10449 537a3 +18.22 160 13 1860 1 170 11013 69725 SG3S9 33386 56788 +22.80 37 1070 :J 153 1492:J 96522 50564 45958 72896 +32.41 00 14 Sujangarh " IV Suratgarh Nilamat. 1.) Anupgal'h Tahsil 1006 17i) mil) 27:l47 1ja()I 11986 1888:-l +44.82 27 16 HanulUllngal II 1087 149 17<199 101347 ":}23(\ 46111 65272 -\-55.27 u;; 17 Sltl'lIigal'h ~ 771 1 hi 1;64:1 :nli:1O 2057S 17052 32952 +U.:.'(I ·11)

V . 18 Sri Gauganagar Tahsil 7J7 I /' 23;1 1463() 10310{l 57925 45tllt 62448 +6J.ll 144 19 Sri K6ranpur .. 1115 I , 178 8557 G9408 33443 25965 30525 -1-94.62 189 VI Ral Singh Nagar District. 20 Padampul' Tahsil :301 149 6203 38017 21299 16718 18832 +101;87 126 21 Rai Singh 1'!agal' " 5113 215 5843 3552:J 19972 15551 14571 +143.79 71 165


Population Thana (Tahsil) Taluk Area in Number.A.--_, of Occupied r------..A.------"\ Percentage VariatlOll Vellluty or TownShip square Houses ,-____J 941..A.- _____, 1931 (sq. mile) Illiles rl'owlls Villages 1!l31 to 1912 to 1941 l'ul'so1l8 Malus "Fl'Inliolcti 1'01'801111 IU4l ] nal

:! :I .j ,; Ii 7 to\ !) 10 11 12

BUNDI STATE .• 2205 4 758 44925 249374 130038 119336 216722 +15.07 +15 9 112 (2220) a5 1 Bundi City ]4 1 3807 20846 10706 10140 18532 +12.49 :E 14H(l 2 Deopura 773 235 10385 54226 28308 25918 43786 +23.-84 .! 70.15 3 Hindoli 441 138 8332 46776 24511 22265 39626 +18.04 .; 106.0!ol 4 Kapren .. 4-66 2 195 13049 71326 36968 34358 64116 +11.25 l>-., 153.06 5 NaIDwaKila .. 526 190 60662 ... 9352 56200 29545 2665.3 +10.93 0 106.84 ~ DANTA STATE 347 2 178 6113 31110 16218 14892 26172 +18.87 90 1 Vanta Bhavangadh TOVi'll I 486 2312 1302 1010 1778 +30.03 3 2 Sri Mataji TOWll .. 1 190 767 435 332 813 - 5.66 ~., 3 Danta Mahal .. 29 1653 8180 4154 4026 7136 +14.63 :!.; := 4 Mataji Maha.l 24 517 2724 1424 1300 2366 +15.13 :> ~ ., ~ 5 Hadad Mahal 61 1550 8186 4280 3906 7005 +16.86 ... 6 rrarasang Hahal 46 H25 6095 3161 2934 4978 +22.44 0 ...0 7 J ai ta Mall al " 18 502 2846 1462 I:J84 209t; -1-35.78 Z Z

DHOLPUR STATE 1173 3 54,0 39'171 286901 158538 128363 254,986 +12.52 +10. 8 234.97 (1221) 1 Dholpur City 5. 3 I 3287 21311 11499 9812 19586 + 8.81 +20.80 4020.94 2 Bari •• 287. 0 1 113 7:399 54532 30128 24404 46550 +17.15 + 5.70 190.00 3 Baseri " 215. 7 87 5867 45393 25293 20100 41906 + 8.32 + 5.30 210.44 4 Gird .. 238. 7 150 8082 59247 32752 26495 50404 +17.54 +17.10 248.20 5 Kolari J25. 0 77 7028 47654 26150 21504 43544 + 9.44 + 9.20 381.23 6 Khel'a 155. 0 1 79 5343 4132:1 23008 J8315 36808 +22.66 +13.50 226.60 7 Sir Muthra 191. 3 33 266:-1 16864 9406 745R 15588 -I- 8.19 + 9.00 8R.15 8 Nibrol 3. 0 I 102 577 302 275 6W - 3.83 +32.16 192.33

DUNGARPUR STATE a60 3 776 54026 274282 139241 13504,1 227544 +20.54- +20. 2 188 1 Dungal'pm' Town 6 1878 8670 4002 4168 8560 + 1.28:> +16. 8 1-1430 2 Bat'a .. "!i0. 4 228 12702 6733:J 34075 33258 54336 +23.92 143 :I Chhiasat 161 I 99 9152 44697 22407 22290 37765 +18.36 +20. 3 277 4 Chorasi 507 1 291 16239 86342 43971 42371 69752 +23.78 170 5 Tarpod 321 158 14055 67240 34286 32954 57131 +17.69 209

JAIPUR STATE 15610 38~ 5938 471664 3040876 1595067 14,45809 2631775 +15.54 +12. 5 195.003 (155941 1 Jaipul' City 25 1 28030 175810 93479 S2331 150579 + 16.76 7032.4 2 Amber 1158 4 502 26869 231041 119692 11134-9 201825 +14.476 +10. 0 199.51 3 Dausa .. ll2iS 3 730 49515 299426 156415 143011 258456 +15.811 + 7. 7 266.15 4 Gallgapur 677 2 241 23382 128025 67365 60660 106748 +19.932 +14. 5 ]89.10 5 Hind8Ull 628 2 389 30665- 197528 104769 92759 167805 +17.713 + 9. 8 314.53 6 Swai .raipur 1226 I 803 36753 21544-8 112431 103017 190263 +13.237 175.73 7 Kot Kalmn 68 54 4405 18103 9673 84:10 16789 + 7.827 + 3. I 266.22 8 Swai MadllOlJ1Il' 1649 579 36659 204559 107]86 97373 18889jj + 8.292 +11. 7 I) Ma.lpura 1904- a 417 29191 166813 874-93 79320 146806 +13.628 +15. 4 10 S8mbhar 1772 q 448 _tI.QS71 220433 115180 105253 189662 +16.224 + 9. 6 124.39 11 .. 3580 7 451 51>809 373142 199917 173225 317870 +17.388 +14. 6 12 Torawati 1782 5 443 46819 323'320 168287 155033 287509 +]2.456 +10. 3 13 Thikana. } Included in 3 294 21026 175260 90908 84352 148606 +17.936 +15. 7 f-~- . 14 Thikana 8,9,11 &; 4 141043 130316 223509 +21.409 427 38875 271359 +17.02 .!:!l~=~ ... =.1 15 Ulliara r.rhikana 12 ] 160 7795 40609 21229 19380 36363 +11.677 +15. I) r..g JAISALMER STATE 15980 1 623 19501 93246 51589 41657 76255 +22.28 +12. 7 8 (16062) I Jaisabncrl" 1 1737 7340 389) :J449 7120 + 3.09 +47. a 7340 2 Bae .. 680 26 2007 9580 5297 4283 6669 +43.65 + 8. 7 14 3 BUlli 700 9 377 1799 1000 799 1572 +14.44- +47. 6 :1 4 Debi Kot 660 27 S30 4150 2322 1828 3859 + 7.54 -14. 1 Ij 5 Dewa 430 19 514 2414 1320 1094 ]872 +:?R.95 + 4. 2 (J 6 Fatehgarh 700 40 lI9I 5800 3235 2561) 4767 +21. 67 - 6.2 8 7 Jaisalmer_ 1089 48 1237 5682 31li3 2529 4484 +26.72 + 7. 2 /) 8 Khuila.- 1000 18 777 3787 2162 1625 36"'0 + 4.04- +100. 5 4 !I Ki!!hangllrk 400 :J 230 1042 617 425 851 +22.44 +190. 4 3 10 I.akba 262 18 671 3667 2069 1598 3558 + 3.06 + 7. 1 14- 11 Lathi.Nachn8. 1940 37 1804 9024 5022 4002 6409 +40.80 5 ]2 Myajlar 800 12 603 2714 1617 )()97 2429 +11.73 -+ 14. ;) a 13 Nokh Ranjitpura 2000 76 3-107 17387 946!) 7918 129:J5 +34.42 -I- fl. 4 II ~ 14 Ramgarh 400 to 54:J 2920 1.385 1;1:);) 2;;51 -1-14.46 +25. II 7 15 Sam.Khabha .. 1700 ,"~ l:l22 flHIO :14;;:; 272.; 0090 + 1.4~ + 18. =! -l 16 Shabgrah.Ghotl'1l 16(10 104 811) :1484- 100(; lli78 :l220 + 8.20 +24. I 2 ]7 Sri Mohangarh 1400 24 1199 5j'j31 3044 2487 :Jr,26 -t-litl.86 + 7 4- ]8 Tanot .. ... 300 4 137 745 425 320 703 + ii.Wi +30. 9 2 166 PROVINCIAL TABLE I-AREA AND POPULATION OF THANAS (TAHSILS, ETC.)-(contd.) Population Percentage Variation'" Density Thana (Tahsil) Taluk Area ill Numborof Occupied r-----~ ,.-~ (Rq. milo) ,---~----. HOllseos ..A. ____-, or Township square "" 1~1 1931 to ]92] to ]MI miles Towlls Villages r- ]931 POI'SOIlS Males lfemales l'or~onK 1941 II IH II 12 2 :1 :; Il 7 H

JHALAWAR STATE 824 2 501 21067 122299 63613 58686 107890 +13.36 +12.2 50.98 (810) J904 6645 10442 +10.60 +4.6 12832. 2 Al.ijllagar . tI 2235 11549 .. Awar SO 58 1988 11903 6241 5662 10848 + 9.73 + o. :~ 148.80 3 Dag 168 78 3629 21380 11014 10371 19223 +11.29 + 9. 4 127.29 4 Gallgadhur 187 120 4238 27018 13989 13029 23965 +12.74 +10. 6 144.48 2365,j +18.48 +19. 9 136.20 .3 f7 •• 13'4- 4802 27909 14700 13209 Pooh pah ar 204 +16. 2 6 Patan 170. 1 III 4175 22536 11765 10770 19857 +13.49 132.48 KARAULI STATE 1227 3 364 28606 152413 82999 69414 140525 + 8.46 + 5.08 123 (1242) 3,j31 19177 10048 9129 19671 - 2 . .11 + 0.47 6392 1 Kal'Rul! a + 4.:i3 2 Hazur 2ii9 JOI 8200 40554 22403 18151 37089 + 9.34 157 :i l\llWhilpur 223 79 4333 22711 12674 10037 20656 + 9.95 + 6.69 102 4 Mandrail 231 .30 3068 19244 10526 8718 17331 +11.04 +13.24 83 .i Sapotra 217 81 7505 41193 21964 19229 36730 +12.15 + 3.23 190 4150 9048 + 5.37 + 7.43 31 'i Utgil' .. 300 53 1969 9534 5384 +10. 3 121.36 KISHENGA~H STATE 837 3 230 16804 104127 54600 49527 85744 +21.44 (858) Ji 1 Kishangarh City 230J 14459 7713 6746 11929 +21.:H 7229. 5 .2 .. ",i 86.83 2 Kishangarh Ptwgallll :?.j8.4~ 68 3646 22437 11682 10755 18264 +22.85 ~:::t 3 Hupnagal' 193.58 47 3710 22974 12115 10859 19111 +20.21 .§P ~ 118.68 4- Sarwar 62 8840 2.2179 11472 10707 203M + 8.96 138.61 160 00,48 [) Arain .. 244 53 3303 22078 11618 10466 16085 +37.26 "'"'"g KOTAH STATE 5714 5 2548 141548 77739a' 403501 373897 or 685804 +13.36 + 8. 8 136. 8 (5684) 1 t Kotah City 5.08 6579 45032 24163 20869 37876 +18.89 + 19. 4 8864. 6 -.1 Aklerah 242 J 96 759;) 41041 21439 19602 3698;} +10.97 169. 6 3 Antah " 201.02 78 6459 31369 16048 15321 28822 + 8.84- 156. 0 J Asnaw8,' Ill, 82 .2831 16120 8285 7835 13588 +18.63 140. 1 216 .. 187 5911 36173 18874 17299 32962 + 9.74 167. .) Baran .. 204 1 9J 9855 49450 25586 23864 43846 +12.78 24.2. 4 'f; Rarod .. ]58 72 4125 22239 ]1398 10841 20364 + 9.21 ]40. 7 8 Uhechat 140. 7 66 3787 20690 10592 10098 16498 +:W.41 142 9 Chhipabarou 327 170 7795 44334 23080 21254 :15841 +2:), 70 135. 6 10 Digod 159 7:1 4235 21911 11364 10547 20250 + 8.20 137. 4 9746 20217 + .0001 136. 6 11 Itawa .. 148 60 4073 20219 10473 :::~ KsnwaK 289 108 5929 28068 14436 13632 26741 + 4.96 oil 97. I _fa Khanpur 3.38 186 4829 06391 28773 27618 47283 +19.26 ~ ] 57. 7 18800 1727J :J0511 +18.24 ... 60. I 14 Kishanganj 600 170 7780 3607,j g 23543 147. 3 KUJljel' 3:10 132 9337 48598 25005 43511 +11.69 (I;) ~5 98. 4 6 Ladp1U·aj f J58. 8 1 160 10970 54962 28443 26519 48888 +12.42 17 Mangrol .. ' 179. 0 I 72 5786 29741 15391 14350 27544 + 7.98 ~ 166. 2 _JIB Manohar ThUll,'_] 24-8 183 6:l6i 38846 20561 18285 35135 +10.56 ~ 1.')6. 6 ,.-II) Ramganj Mall< 11 157. :i 7.1 .')U8 27635 14533 13102 21585 +35.68 170. 5 20 San god 196. I) 107 6670 34989 18017 16972 29682 +11.88 177. 7 21 Sho.habad 590 127 6JlJ 31263 16177 15086 27669 +12.99 53 22 Kotris 2.111 163 8776 42252 22013 20239 40006 + 5.61 16J KUSHALGARH (CHIEFSHIP) 340 1 293 7522 41153 20785 2036~ 35564 -t 15.72 +22. 0 121 1 l{utlhalgarh Town .8'; 1 7UJ 35:20 1814 1706 '301l11 +14.70 +12. 4 4141 2 Dnngra 53.00 70 1858 10354 5212 ,314:2 934-1 +10.84 +28. 7 ]95 3 M"l.iyad 162.15 16:J 3184 17701 8920 8781 Hi856 +1l.64 +2:30 2 1011 4 l'atan 124.00 110 ]715 9578 4839 4739 7298 +31.24 +IIL 7 77 LAWA (ESTATE) 20 11 476 2808 1474 1334 2790 +0.645 +23. 3 :140 MARWAR STATE 36120 264 4185 468685 255590" 1339464 1216440 2134828 + 19. 72 +15.4 72 (35089) Jod~pur City .. 26 20679 1211842 68815 ,38027 94736 +33.89 4878 :2 Bah 834 1.')7 26763 132522 67234 65288 114249 +15.99 158 :J mlara .. 792 2 1I6 16,j73 89721 46398 43323 73117 +22.71 113 4- Desul'i 710 144 17!)l8 92404 46994 45410 82242 +1:2 .31l ~ 130 ,j Didwalill 1136 .) 240 21697 125006 64294 60712 111168 +12.4J ~ no II .1 sitarall 860 :2 156 21439 108171 56239 51932 87,j16 +23.60


Population Thana (Tahsil) Taluk Area in Number of Occupied ,..------"------~ Percentage Variation Denl!ity or 'rownship square ROHIIl'S 1941 1931 ,...... __.A.._-, (sq. mile) mill'fI VillllgeR ~--~ 1931 to 1921 to ]941 PersonA MaleR FemaleR l'(lr~OnR ]94-l ]031 4 .. Ii 7 II lit II

MARWAR STATE .. Hi PheJodi :\,35;,) 3 139 1966ii 102351 54053 4,8298 84266" +21.46 2R I 7 Sambhar Marwal' 560 2 118 14468 84540 44708 39832 75816 +111.51 151 18 Sambhar Shllmlat ~ ., 160 6 1929 9978 5268 4710 8520 +17.11 62 19 Sanchow 1818 233 15679 91811 48595 43216 84337 + 8.86 UO 20 Sendra 73- 22 1780 10371 5581 4790 8846 • +17.24- 142 21 Sheo .. 2448 72 5597 29168 16010 13158 24814 +17.55 12 22 Shergarh 1789 103 14194 82773 44382 38391 64777- +27.78 4-6 23 Siwana 760 84 10740 55774 28759 27011i 45676 +22.11 73 24 Sojat .. 1172 218 27837 140723 72801 67922 117002 +20.27 J20 MEWAR STATE 13170 16 5583 342963 1926698 992073 934625 1611392 +19.57 -! 14. 5 149 (12941) 1 Udaipur City 10468 59648 J 32173 27475 45922 +29.80 2 Bhilwarll 2 4:12 35418 214464'" 110721 103743 174098 +23.19 3 Chitorgarh 2 678 31829 176023 900 H) 86008 147846 +19.06 4 Deosthan 92 6685 35880 18617 17263 30777 +16.58 I'i Deosthan (Kankroli and Nathd~'ara) 1 46 5294 29982 15630 J 43ii2 26852 +1 I. 66 6 Girwa 328 30384 156307 80494 71;813 127031 +23.05 7 Jahazpur 496 28672 167631 ..... 87403 80228 141010 +18.38 8 Kapasin 3jj7 25014 154814 79435 75379 130414 +18.71 !) Kherwara 2 690 26543 134468 68403 66065 100960 +33.19 ]0 Magra 415 25109 130584 65906 64678 105004 +23.77 11 Merwara 93 8285 49540 25505 24031, 44482 +1l.:l7 12 Rajsamand 445 31508 170006 ~ 90936 84070 142842 +22.52 13 Thikanas (\ 149\ 77754 442351'" 226835 215516 393054 - +12.54

PALANPUR STATE 1794 2 580 68475 315855 v' 162202 163653 265371 +19.02 +11. 6 176 (1800) 1 Palanpnr Cit~· 14. :; 530:> 2]64.3 li128 10515 20347 + 6.:n + Hi.fl3 ] 41l:l 2 Polanpul' TaluJ. 297 112 11719 52625 26435 26190 44777 +17 ..')3 In :1 Disa 'fown 3 1379 5638 2931 2707 5418 + 4-.06 18711 4 Disa. Taluk 516 140 10090 72994 38176 34818 (i7597 +26.73 141 [I Vadp;am TaIII k 22R 107 1385;) 61646 30882 30764 53028 J6.25 27{) 6 Gadh Till Ilk 104 32 ,,6814 31269 15897 15372 27147 +15.18 30 I 7 Dhanera 2R8 70 6623 32895 17105 15700 264-53 +24.35 lIt:!- 8 Panthwada .. 212 66 5119 24366 12809 I 15Ji7 10524- +24.80 11 Ii 9 Ahl'i Amirgarh " 132 49 2340 1l71Ji 6289 5426 9888 +18.48 SIl 10 Oadhwadn ;;~ 4 231 1064 Ji50 Jil4 1]02 --10.74 ]11:1

PARTABGARH STATE 873 1 504 18293 91967 46667 45300 76539 +20.16 +14. 1 103 (889) 1 Partabgarh Town 6 1 2064 13505 6861 6644 108405 +24.53 +18. 1 2251 2 Hathunia 348 208 7960 39696 20254 19442 32536 +22.01 +14. 2 114- 3 l'tlagra 277 127 2507 11708 5975 5733 9786 +19.64 +10.7 4-2 4 2;;8 169 li762 270118 13577 13481 23372 +15.77 + 1:{.4- 10:;

SHAHPURA STATE 405 1 143 91~8 81173 3t501 29622 54233 +12.80 +12. 7 151 c.i 1 Sho.hpura Town IS 1722.1' 9939' 5047 4892 9298 + 6·89 ;)52 2 Al'War 124 37 2177 15085 7791 7294 12992 +16.11 ~ 122 3 Dhikola 76 28 1295 9044 4688 4356 7939 +13.92 .~ 119 4 Phulia 102 38 2396 15730 8069 1661 14396 + 9.27 .., 1.,,4 5 Shahpura 85 4<1 1538 11375 5956 54 HI 9608 +18.39 o 134 ~ SIROHI STATE 1988 4 448 51517 233879 120476 113403 216528' + 8.01 +16. 0 117 (1994) 1 Sirohi Tahsil .. 440 1 84 12689 55576 28228 27348 ii1657· + 7.59 12U 2 AbuRoad 249 1 71 7731 35198 ~ 18409 16789 31951 +10.16 14-1 3 Reodhar Tahsil 434 122 11043 51469 26789 24680 47221 + 9.00 119 4 Pindwara. .. 406. 5 97 10458 47264 24150 23114 4550fl -r 3.86 116 5 Sheoganj .. 342 2 60 9253 42982 22138 20844 38810 10.75 121l 6 De1wara. 122. 5 14 343 1390 .. , 762 628 1383 + O.OOjj 12

TONK STATE 2543 5 1242 61820 353687 185842 167845 317360 +11.45 +10. 2 13S- (2553) 1 TonkCity 19 6737 38650 ]9812 18838 35798 + 7.97 +17. 8 2034 2/Aligarh 157 82 2775 16398 8586 7812 16127 + 1.68 +12. 8 104 \4 Chhabra. :no 1 181 6937 38375 20264 18111 34130 +12.44 + 4. 9 124 4 Nimbahera 386 1 184 10983 644,24 33114 31310 55890 +15.27 +1;'>'01 167 o Piro.wa 252 1 120 5886 36156 18758 17398 31609 +14.39 ,·11.05 143 >6 Siron] .. 872 I 432 18168 100217 53240 4,6968 88782 + 12.88 +1.2 115 7 T(lnk .• ;;ii7 24-3 10334 i)~4-67 32059 27408 55021, + 8.07 +19. 9 79


This Table supplies, for the Administrative Units in each State, figures by sex and literacy for each major Community, the remaining Communities being amalgamated under the head " Others". Tribes of Dungarpur and Danta States are included among HindUfI. 170 PROVINCIAL TABLE II-POPULATION OF DISTRICTS

P =P!,I'SOl1f

HlIldus :\[Ilslimr; .------"------, r------~.A------"""""I.._ St,atl' or Diflt,rict by Administ'I'at,iv(' lTnit. P L P L ,----"------. r- r- r---"---.. }flll(')1 "'mna!!'" ::\fal(,K Fpmalc;;; J\1al(,R Fcmal('s Males F£lmales

Ii i II

ABU DISTRICT 1477 1141 524 125 465 337 195 50 L Abu Distri(·t, un 1141 12.1 40.i :~:n lO.i ALWAR STATE 284081 255288 30516 2222 117827 102507 3779 507 Alwar City I S981 169116 6.;SI 1071 8006 7320 1366 291 2 Alwar Tahflil 25097 222J8 2244- 74 20246 17604 327 24 2 Babror •• :1 8(\:\ i :li089 :l7IlU 172;) 1728 109 4 Bansul' •. :l:lfi8:1 :10244 1007 ;'1 1198 121~ 64 ji Kishallgal'h Hi:?(lJ 14201 L:;Ii!l 20 21HI0 IS:Ii:l ISO 12 6 Lachmangnl'h 420:?:1 :W!Hi3 ::?1i.i2 141 02011 is.ill 171 8 7 Malldawar 270U4 245(il :!!l07 107 711/'i 6540 :li6 :JO 8 Rajgarh .• :JQ707 2838i 3910 279 ~299 195/'i 202 16 9 Ramgarh 12101 10513 1220 73 22502 19331 342 12 10 Thana Ghazi lil2!! 16140 IH;}1 72 606 450 ClO 8 11 Tijara lfj;)27 1:1603 149!1 77 23643 20021 557 ]02 12 Nimrana F.!itnt!' 4~:H 4:?Ii-1- 407 :W I J.i 103 16 BANSWARA STATE 36799 37723 3665 430 3720 3643 1045 297 BanFlWftl'a 1'own :1810 :WIiI 1-l.j8 :IIS 17!I.i ISfiO fi71 Ii!!!l 2 Sadal' TnhKil !l!llii 1U:!:!-1- 4:10 :!(l .t:IS :lfm 1111 14 3 Sonthol'lI 1:!8.t1; I :11;liR 12!lIi 7.1 1I171i 1114 .• 27:1 5 4 NOl·t.ltorn ., 10171i 10170 471 17 411 :Hi!l !! BHARATPUR STATE 243961 205130 24689 1768 57670 52826 3402 Bhal'atpur City .. 1:I6IiH l(W:18 5171 S(I,i j'):\48 4i4i 1249 2 Bharatpm Tahsil 2:J;:iliii 20271; 1884 II !jill ~--14., ji9 3 Bayano .. 329(i-l­ 271~2 2.i94 W3 :12 II 2.iSS 2119 OH 4 Dig :;!(;1i 2187.; 2481 139 4728 4124 2:)0 71) .i Kaman .. 1:131 !) 1l90!! I :1I1 1:10 8285 lOOrt7 170 7 fl Kumh('I· .. 247:?O 207S!1 2:100 1:17 126:1 1134 141'; 01 7 NagaI' 17nll(1 14-(l~.:1 1':!7~ ll(i 12414- 10524 269 R Nadbai 2;,2ii8 2l1illj; 18l'18 7:! 171)!; 1600 IllS 9 Pahari 1;926 61il\ ~Jj~ :10 14118fl I :!4-.i7 :?O'> 2 10 Ruphns 2:li03 I!!I:II I !Ill:! liO I !),32 191i llll II U"hllin .;410 4(i04 41!! 10 40ll :J21 1.1 I~ Weir :11181.; :?fl.;:l:! 2HS!! 14.; 2037 :?:182 2!lf; 2ti BIKANER STATE 533678 458923 59618 10064 99830 85493 6886 • 1823 RikallC'r f'it,y ,;2744 42111 410!l 1201!) 103:n 21;:10 .iO:1 I Bikaner Nlzamat 81959 73993 5378 612 9154 7759 240 39 2'r Tahsil 210:18 20597 21i47 294 ii.j2.) 4i31 102 16 3 LunkaranRal' 14{)04 1:l:lW Sii9 .13 2247 1927 I'i4 11\ 4 Surpnro. :14016 :nOM! 1:100 220 58:? 41iO 34 1 fi MagrR. IllOl 9038 612 4/'i 8011 641 50 6 II RaJgarh Nizamat 144977 127970 12363 1687 18026 14891 1153 143 fi Bhadra Tahsil 28143 23051i 16H;} 81i 225i 1914 132 Ii 7 ChUMl " 2S7:1:' 21m9:1 42H() i21i li26(1 .1012 ,i88 .ii 8 ~ohar ,. :l\i1;7Ij :11 !l81) 2011.2 :\0;) :l2:!1i ~809 94 22 !I Raj ga.rh .. :14:1:10 2!HI4!1 :IOIi4 4711 :?6tlO 2568 268 :m 10 Taranagal' (Reni) " 171!1:1 l.ifiH:? 1272 91 1014 1488 71 17 III Sujangarh Nizamat 125242 113111 11896 1526 11662 10140 1134 127 1 I Dungargarh TahFlii .• 23:120 20:i::?8 18(i3 157 !l3!) 743 168 65 12 Ratangarh 28.;04 2.iO(Hi :1643 .iO!l :1359 :1059 270 II I:J Sardarshahr " :10417 27847 2.'596 :I:')fi 3349 2767 231 20 1" Slljangarh 43110 I 38830 :17114 .;U4 4019 3.:iil 46/'i :J:J IV Suratgarh Nizamat 55169 45897 4515 1024 21888 18363 685 715 l.i Anupgarh a. ,.) -1-283 jiil:! 1 ')01 6801 1'i063 219 272 16 Hanumaugarh :1:?!l13 :?i70ii 2.'0i 47:? 1~020 ]0164 321 152 lIi481 1 :181!l 14:10 430 :10(;7 21i26 145 2111 I '; Sl1ratgarh " V Sri Ganganagar District 49288 36786 80S2 921 22488 19159 643 106 18 Sri Ganganagar Tahsil 3490:1 264/>6 :l86/'i 638 14318 1198S 348 63 10 SI·i Karanpur " 14385 10330 2167 283 8170 71 il 295 43 VI RaIIInlDagar District 24299 19055 1911 185 5993 5060 201 100 20 Pada.mpur Tahsil •• 11073 9065 R68 01) 3684 3242 108 50 21 RaiRingnagar ,. 12fi21l 1)990 1043 00 2MO 181R 03 00 171 AND STATES BY COMMUNITIES AND LITERACY

LE=Literate in English.

,.--______Jains.A ______---, ,.--- 'rribes..A. ____ - __ ._-. ,-_____Others..A. ______-. P L )' L P I. LE ,.---_.A.__ ---, , ___.A._-. ,------"----_-. ,-__..A.- __-. ,-__.A.---. ,--_..A.---, J.-_---, Males 1!'emalof:l MuIo!:! Females )[uicf:I 1<'crnni()H Mall'" Ft'Il11llpH .:\[ah'f:j l"emaics !\f.,les l'\'maleK Mulcl:I .l<'mllllleH

11 12 ) .," I.; IIi J7 IX III :!(I 21

9 7 3 552 513 40 97 84 80 64 368 60 9 i :I ;;13 .~II !)7 84 80 til 368 1i0

2526 2181 1698 242 30889 27541 433 1 88 127 56 80 3907 177 677 630 100 :1:1 6liO !I:I 7:1 lU7 49 Ii!) 2124 1:1./j 1 88 88 .J_-') 1:1 l!)41i Ins :18 I :I I I 178 1:1 2 27 28 1 2.i7 21.3 II 24ti 4 :1 4 1 1301 1057 I :s 27 1 42 23 12 11 I 44 "5 712 628 7i09 litl3!) HII 80 4 (j 4:1 :17 71.i .'):?o 2X J41 1 7 1;;4 120 1:1181 1:W:17 1U H 4- ..j. -I­ .i70 9 8 4U) :148 :180 :?!l!1 -l :! 7 I ;, 99 (i !) 50 29 4;;8:; J18.t 27 :! I I 04 :! 10 310 U9 J :1 320 ., 11 1:1 12 2398 2176 1502 126 86505 85689 185 7 49 58 36 45 437 35 279 22,) 199 33 511 52.; .t9 J7 36 H 389 33 1 G41 G39 345 :14 2!1003 2~.i8,) ..j. ](j 2 738 680 496 4:1 :IU3:1:1 29!)"1 1 21:) 3 840 732 462 HI :W6J8 :Wlj28 3 4 1440 1284 854 178 6640 5795 160 629 450 114 2,646 41 331 289 224 !)II 9J 3.; .; .j7 40 l-:I 11123 20 24 27 U ii94 ;)-l!) :S4- L.i(j 1 J.'i 18 41 119 83 St-! 18 illl­ 71i8 Ii l:l !.I 8 :1 141 J :J 184 160 IJ! 22 lOS 82 2 4:1 2fl Ii 2 I08 4 4 2:"!1 242 lO9 17 232 1(i;; :1 5 I :l ti7 4 .; 87 67 ijli 4;;3 3;;1 13 + 1 70 .i (j 12 :13 11 368 397 .-.:1 20 21 :Jti 7 234 11SU 12-1 710 .;84 I :!.1 B!) 4 41:) 2 S ;;2 52 :W 104- :1" ::J4 9 7 1:1 3 1J7 HiX :12 :m 10 a I 16:2 l.i-l !Hi I) 22 ] I Hili 14i IUJ :l!J30 2.)lO -li ;i 116 1 J:! 16578 17847 8674 1458 44725'" 34090* 893* 956 818 123 78 9911 620 3968 4629 1900 :W6 :127 1l:1 58 217 Jli7 103 71 3li38 i08 1

1852 1870 1152 214- 16 7 3 1 730 884 7·1(1 Hit Iii:! 57:1 7 2 :J66 .t70 129 2ll :! 72 3 537 590 162 21i :2 I 33 4 6;; 64- .ilI 11 4 :l ~j2 -1 5 1942 1960 1098 213 178 103 74 7 436 367 16 6 1851 52 109 138 5:; 10 3 3 :!4 I~ 2(17 2 (; 78.i 749 498 98 12 2 Ii 1 74 72 Ii 878 ~~ 7 84 91 27 8 ]:17 88 47 5 23 Ii .i 317 10 8 570 583 291i 4;; Hi 12 1 2.111 ;?(J3 III :-i27 II 9 394 399 52 11 II (i 57 ]22 7 10

8401 9042 4298 693 8 228 1512 46 1298 1463 :122 6i 7 92 2 II 1129 1420 .i4=! 110 :1 xo 301 IJ 1:2 24GO 2628 ).i7;; 208 l:!a 438 12 13 :1524 3531 HIJ!-J :108 . : IX 681 17 14 339 296 186 64 13746 10585 312 33 18 4 1 809 42 2704 21.129 21i.j 21 JI I 97 15 I':; 147 102 17 10144 804:l 23 12 7 :1 ;;0 Ii 12 16 192 194 47 8aX ;;1:1 :?J. 200 1.; 17 73 48 4-0 8 19489 1G132 1672 289 30 24- 1103 61 ;;1 4:1 28 ~ 8647 (.j(j86 727 U7 Ii 11 768 ·Hi 18 22 5 12 10842 8446 94,i 142 2~ 1:1 335 ]J 19 3 2 10964 8142 839 226 12 10 268 :1 1i!!3!! HO!l 4;;!1 I:W 2(1 :;O~J :n:l:l 38(1 7.j 12 142 21 17.:! PROVINOIAL TABLE II-POPULATION OF DISTRIOTS

HiudlHI Muslims r------~----~ r- ~~------.. State 01''ict by Administrative Unit P L P ,--__--A- _____L --, ,----"--~ ,------"------, ... Males Females Males :Femalos Malea Femalea Males Females

:2 :l 4- i) I) 7 8 I)

BUNDISTATE 96603 89460 '1095 68'1 6145 5631 895 129 BUlldi City 7':;10 7400 2047 334 2482 2:?38 403 !.I3 2 Deopura. , , 21004 19302 739 34 736 6GO 39 1:1 3 Hindoli " 1 968:i 18068 82i) 48 514 472 45 2 4, Kapreu " 2732:i 20401 2466 2Iu 1324 1246 323 2'> [) NamwaKila 21070 19281:1 1018 5li 1081.1 1015 85

DANTA STATE 14509 1330. '156 88 1535 1433 124 6 Danta rrown 11li 1 n02 3li6 6:1 71 47 I1J :i 2 Mataji 4-29 329 82 4 a Danta Mahal 2937 2816 J2!) 9 11'>2 1135 39 4 Mataji 140:J 1278 7 }4, 19 5 Hadad " 419:~ 3852 10'> 4 73 42 2(; I; Tal·sl~ng :1080 2887 5.3 8 78 46 :H 7 Joita 1:106 12:J7 12 IH IH !.I

DHOLPUR STATE 140560 112884 7723 473 9860 8669 699 130 Dholpm· City 8033 li.:;tJ2 14-86 279 :l360 3105 338 99 2 Barl Town 4574 39:~:~ 588 t3 1765 1642 15,j J6 3 Bari Tahsil 2093(; 16829 537 S 507 410 () 4, Basori 22ii};1 17893 078 -lli 1:151 703 27 :1 .3 Gird 'rahsl1 31381 25420 133:l 51 1019 814 :W I 1I Kolal'i :?5059 tOM5 1355 20 1081 959 4-2 Ii 7 Rajakhers TowlL 3411 2771 315 K 407 364 9 4 8 Rajakhera Tahsil l818li 14367 576 7 337 230 3 I} Sit· Mllthra 6174 47H :555 31 515 427 90 1 10 Nibl'ol 294- 270 8 ,j

DUNGARPUR STATE 131407 127742 4360 301 4743 4385 1430 28 Dungsl'pul' Town 2714 2457 832 1:18 1408 1377 369 18 2 Bars 33574 3284-U ,j34 22 166 89 45 3 Uhhiasat 20668 20565 IOlO (iO H09 J072 301 47 4- Chol'asi 41771; 40376 1242 li7 1794 15l)3 - liO:l lti2 (j Tal'pod .. 32676 31498 U2 J.t 266 194 112 I

JAIPUR STATE 1293307 1170494 121374 8217 128833 120382 14081 1868 1 Jaipur Cit.y ii8668 5201a 21625 3329 27808 24596 5473 7,;7 2 Alnbel' Nizaffiat. 99452 1J:!77 I 8421 2:J2 3':;98 4179 542 44 ;j:JS 4335 3486 81:1 :1 DallHa " 115615 10liii16 10007 105 4 Oan:r'pUl' 46851 4l!JSO 4028 242 4441 4049 528 89 .') Hin au 76802 07:l66 5837 lI7 5981 5341 400 11 .... 6 Kotkasim 85:15 7308 831 67 Will 1001 72 ) 7 7 Malpura " 74912 682!)8 5304 384- :{S89 :-1463 :198 10 8 Sambhar " 102:J:55 S)3771 7688 438 7847 li960 748 ;)7 I} Sawai Jaipul' " 9246:1 84:125 5467 ]39 2;)38 2330 277 111 10 Sawai MadhopUl' " 73245 67081 4432 272 79.30 7401 47,; 4-9 11 Shoikhawati " 173929 148657 16153 855 23160 22088 I -liO 1011 12 TOl'ttwati " 1.>3794 141707 14247 477 7627 72.:) 6111 58 13 Khetri Thikltua " 82001i 75712 7384 470 0974 US41 8·)0) 102 H Sikar 11839(1 107819 962':; tiO,j :W764 20624 1190 42:~ IS Unisl's " 16290 15107 152:i i):! SW 72':; 122 11

JAISALMER STATE 34484 28263 4845 534 15426 12031 397 64 I Jaisalmel' Town 2977 2698 1802 395 683 069 221 56 2 Bap PSl'galla 4283 3442 ii64 12 s:n 664 lli :I Buili ;)72 467 9 428 aS2 4- Devikot " 1929 1,100 14S 17 3-l7 2811 10 I) Dcwa 1124 !)i'i-l- 68 I 137 91 H (; lfatebgarh 2407 1926 -202 ]0 610 4-70 2 7 Jaisalmer " 2329 1892 269 2:1 IH4 461 Ii 4 8 Kuiala 474- 371 57 J J642 J2J7 7 9 Kishengal'll 71 5-1- 4 54li :171 3 10 Lakha " 1:H6 1:!4ii 110 10 282 192 11 Lathi-Nachnl\ " 310G 2ii08 278 2U 181)1) H05 1 12 MyajlBf .," 125:; 807 85 4 :13.; 271 I ]3 Nokh-l-tttuJitpul'a 7:123 6296 635 14 InG7 IWI :\0 14 Ramgarh " 136:1 110(} 221) 1 19ti 152 12 15 Sam-K}laba 1781 1364 107 ;i I li33 132:1 01.1 16 Shergarh Ghotl'U 102 R7 2-1- 1777 l-t6!l II 17 Shl'i Mollangarll 17:i1i 14-5:1 20(; X 1223 977 Ii 18 Tanot i)1i 4:1 1 :J69 277 173 AND STATES BY COMMUNITIES AND LITERACY-.(contd.)

Jaius 'l'I'lOOS Others r------"------..., ,,----,--'""------...... --_ ,..-_____..A- _____...... P L P L P L LE -, A ,,----A------... ~-...... - ...... ,..---~ r----A.----, r----..A---~ Males }<'emales Males Fflmo.lcs Males }<'omalfls Males Females Males Females Males Fomales Malf'lR Fl'males

III II 12 I~ I;) Hi lj HI 1(1 :W

2502 2220 1528 101 24626 21928 312 9 162 97 55 25 453 39 473 4011 286 37 ]09 78 14- 33 1.'i J9 :J:l8 25 160 168 71 6 6402 5788 1M I Il J 12 2 387 350 220 IG 3921i 3375 47 1 8 :I ·488 442 359 30 7803 7243 InO 7 28 26 18 2U 4J 14 4 994 851 58:1 1:1 (i297 5444 43 1)5 56 Ii I ;;4- .i

168 158 133 11 6 6 6 50

6{i ~ 61 54 ;i .) ,11 5 3 a 1 1 4 2 4(; 65 75 3 7 3 7 InclUded in Hindus. 14 4 12 13., {j :1 I .J :1 6 !J :1 7 :2 7

971 822 229 16 6943 5819 115 1 214 179 85 51 664 58 48 46 13 58 69 33 4U 556 1 2 2 IJ 8 :1 .. :HI 2 2:1j() 2076 (ill )0 4 7 1 !J 3 a 1 a J!l:W 1503 10 17 4 (i.,l .. 248 186 :1 104 30 1 12 (i 2 4 8 6 1 9 6 239 203 42 7 3 7 4'29 380 107 3 4 8 2701 2240 45 1 ]6 17 11 :J 15 II 10

3079 2968 1704 126 12 6 11 542 8 :HO 329 220 ;;:1 10 5 )() 348 6 ] 335 323 167 I) Included III Hindus. 17 2 630 653 358 38 36 3 400 401 2Gl 4 1 1 108 1344 2 4 1262 708 22 33 )j

16801 15041 10039 1586 155015 138883 1941 44 1111 1009 703 600 14473 1240 46.,j.6 4114 2555 ]047 1953 1255 328 34-·~ 3:1:1 ~l;; 217 7i.i4 398 423 312 :JO ]6179 13920 152 (iii 5:1 4-H 2:24- 726 5(jO 564 :}fi 35638 32236 235 :Wl :.lOI) Hit ]7~ Ill':; ;) :n.; 287 220 4:1 llifiOI 14232 213 157 112 118 7!) 524 4 920 721 443 J2 21062 19328 281 4 a :! ] 255 5 IH 57 8 6 4 52 I (i 2150 19]5 ]375 01) 61)05 1i624 69 2 37 20 HI :i :!:!l :1:\ 7 233(i :?I3fi 1[,38 1113 2401 2179 26 18 241 207 110 !I!) (i!10 !J4 8 I14!1 t02:! 750 38 16272 IG327 167 II 8 (; H)4 7 I) 1654 1377 7:15 21) 24331 21464 156 6 6 4 I 1:1 1-1- lIJ 340 312 216 :14 2486 2165 33 ~ :J :! 1,i4ti (i;i I 1 412 476 249 !) 11453 5607 89 27 1 :1211 :1.; J::! 17 14 a 1886 17611 71 15 J :1 7 4 718 :!Ci J:I 1100 1188 64G 83 773 667 84 16 18 12 lH 814 26 (i28 489 I4 427 21 3494 :IO(i:J 2!J 7 6 4 3 125 5 15 404 247 34 1268 1023 4 8 2 3 1 166 9 7() 54 2n ]58 117 :1 148 4- a 3 9 I :.! 17!J 173 2 2 :1 to ~4 ]Ij 4 59 49 1 5 1)2 74 Ii!) .,.) I:W n5 1 6 ao 22 .... 180 154 7 46 37 ~ 166 9 134 66 1 40 27 5 10 ]() 8 8 1 101 81 (j 10 11 5 :l 21 H- 12 4 5 :1 17,; J Ifj J J:J ~U 27 a 14 41 38 Hi 27 16 (j.(j 17 18 174 PROVINOIAL TABLE II-POPULATION OF DISTRIOTS

, Hindus ----A-Muslims______~ ~ State or District by Administrative Unit , P L P ,...---J.L ____ ..., ~ ,---A-----... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 :1 4 .i Ii '1 H IJ

JHALAWAR STATE 54862 50588 5809 1001 4955 4845 1441 481 1 Bdjnagar 3831 3004 1441 446 1856 HI2S J;!!I ISU 2 Awar 5820 5255 120 II 170 186 35 4 3 Dag 10307 9749 874 99 440 396 138 13 4 Gangadillif 13034 12253 517 34 618 509 81'1 11 Ii Pachpahar 12735 11464 1621 187 1'156 770 285 41'1 6 Patan District 912ii 8261 1236 226 1010 956 366 2:W KARAULI STATE 59554 49860 5496 278 ·4182 3618 439 47 1 Karauli City 7535 6912 1820 164 2326 2000 317 4! 2 Ha!l:ur Tehsil 17440 U008 581 7 359 292 9 3 Machilpur 10633 8248 554 17 37,j 322 27 4 Mandrail .." 7170 5927 745 19 243 190 :U 2 [) Sapotra 13292 11881 1625 71 809 719 53 (\ Utgir 2684, " 3484 171 70 45 lJ KISHERGARH STATE 48000 43707 4545 391 4055 3530 600 46 1 Kishengarh City jj21i7 4631 1624 246 1144 1501i :137 27 2 Kishengarh Pargana 10297 9525 542 22 846 734 28 3 Sarwar Town 1453 1323 291 42 494 484 10:i 14 4 Sarwar Pargana 8769 8245 698 28 193 143 ;;5 5 Roopnagar Town 1199 1097 205 8 215 204 4;; 3 6 Roopnagar Pargana 10203 9138 540 31 299 240 15 2 7 Arain 10822 9748 645 14 264 220 17 KOTAH STATE 318150 295569 32056 3963 27982 2¥99 5474 781 1 Kotah City 16183 13538 6218 149J 6863 64119 lli80 SOl 2 Aklerah 00 15023 13582 822 101 808 758 Hi9 15 3 Antah 13403 12784 1056 117 1072 1052 140 9 4 ASllawar 5611 5190 514 35 283 265 76 9 Ij Bakani 16712 14750 905 76 752 670 140 13 (i Baran 20702 19527 2885 364 1907 1632 433 69 7 Ba.rod 8826 8437 959 72 583 520 159 8 8 Chechat 8560 8187 720 17 730 678 174 74 9 Chhipabarod 17477 16145 1417 165 1076 994 242 23 10 Digod 8879 8194 748 52 554 486 101 24 11 Itawa 6766 6402 598 48 325 309 85 8 12 Kallwas .. 12000 11575 933 42 681 494 127 5 13 Khanpur 23766 23019 2015 192 1220 1092 244 28 H Kish8l1ganj 16445 15241 926 201 648 520 112 Hi 1.3 Knnjer .. 19998 18799 2138 146 1011 962 168 .,-_0 Hi J~adpura .. 21031 19747 22;;3 302 3131 2923 .537 74 17 Mangrol o. 11422 10.538 1494 108 1262 1273 132 14 18 Manohar '1'hana 10053 14445 504 27 1063 964 120 8 19 Ramg8l1j. mandi 11171 10266 1678 162 1216 984 331 37 20 So.ngod .. 14,891 14253 1431 61 1232 1095 185 1 21 Shahabad 15820 14763 493 17 238 223 60 22 KotriFl 17411 16187 1349 163 1327 1136 179 2l KUSHALGARH (CHIEFSHIP) 2370 2414 493 98 488 410 148 16 Kushalgarh Town 864 861 379 82 316 246 120 12 2 Dungra Tehsil .. 616 682 63 2 42 45 II 3 3 Maiyad 452 460 27 8 120 117 II 1 4 Patan .." 438 411 24 6 10 2 (\ LAWA (ESTATE) 1291 1152 86 11 64 46 9 1 Law a 1291 llj2 86 11 ,)4 46 9 MARWAR STATE 1117402 1007199 12803 5899 113335 100816 8807 1283 1 Jodhpur City 47482 39112 18223 3520 17056 14984 3193 1039 2 Bali 49460 47289 2796 163 1465 1293 239 20 :1 Bilara 41861 3890~ 150:; 37 3004 2883 117 7 4 Desuri 40288 3805:; 279i 92 971 800 146 6 5 Didwana 52575 48638 4422 231 91'157 9jj3 412 2 6 Jodhpur .. 84736 76067 3205 49 2385 2360 127 14 7 Jaitaran •. 46837 43074 2065 119 2472 2357 158 2 8 Jalore 0'. 71823 66978 3047 70 2090 1698 77 5 9 Jaswantpura 55991 50402 1258 3 2616 2010 110 10 Malani 101616 87176 3000 49 16175 13399 20 Ii 11 Merte. 72841 65149 3927 170 4446 4547 211 :1 9775 1425 :1 12 .0 .. 78073 70793 4313 383 901l 175

AND STATES BY COMMUNITIES AND LITERACY-(contd.), Jams Tribes Others r------"------. --_...... ----,---"------...... P L P _-----L P L LE r--_.A. r---.A.-----.., ,----'---~ ~-...... ---A----"'I ~ ,---___"_ Males FemalE'R l[alell FE'moleR }lales Females Males Females Males Females Males ]o~omale!l ::\10Ie8 FE'moles

., 10 11 12 J ., 1-1- )5 17 loS HI 20 21

1239 1068 796 186 2534 2355 50 6 38 32 14 5 1003 36 69 79 63 :16 1311 128 !) Ii 5 .;11 I 234, 214- 9.) 3 8 5 .' 4 2 :I 2 257 215 178 18 10 11 7 (I II :1 282 213 147 2 54 53 5 1 1 16 4 182 152 138 38 909 802 21 18 21 5 213 ii fi 215 195 174 89 1414 1356 12 1 2 1 2 262 :l 6

201 187 139 28 19050 15950 107 12 19 '1 6 224 4 157 146 1)3 18 2 '2 12 HI 7 Ill;; 14 ii :l 4500 3846 10 (j 2 1 1665 1467 9 5 :1 1 .. ., 3112 2601 31 8 4 27 16 22 7836 6613 04 8 fi 1829 1421 I Ii 1473 1281 1049 81 1042 984 8 80 25 13 1 800 22 (i,jR iiG3 464- Il4 :n 28 23 ]9 II 462 21 11i Ion 84 416 384 6 Ii 1 14 2 100 91 8~ l)4 r,.i, 1 1 37 :1 16o) 140 114 243 227 I) oJ GO 61 41 .. )1} ~; 110 00 74 1 29 29 1 :n Ii 263 230 187 8 269 262 28 7 2891 2416 1907 372 53553 49685 1583 26 925 728 6Z5 433 4086 278 054 .:i!lj 487 1411 331 211 !l8 R 132 114 98 79 :H77 I!) I 1 9;) R:i 41 Ii MIO Sl76 33 3 1 3 il4 :1 2 12 10 8 .. 1660 1474 100 1 I 21 ii I 2391 2375 33 16 86 lOti 3ti 26 1320 1772 1 4 ) 2 I:l 0; 222 IllS Hi;' :'10 2728 2538 204 a 27 9 15 371 Ii 31 24 23 2 19.i8 1860 147 1 17 2 7 49 3;; Ii 1231 1175 25 :1 16 {1 10 I 3H 2 M - 61 41; ]4 4447 4051 13 Ii :) 2 :l 69 2 II U ~ii 27 II 1823 1802 110 4 8 4- I 20 III 108 73 58 1 3273 2962 144 I 1 2(1 II 87 62 41) 2 1667 11')01 29 4- 1 I 3li 12 277 229 I:W 13 3565 3276 48 2 a J):! :1 ]:1 Ii 23 10 1624 1446 00 :1 66 45 31 Ii 99 4 14- 76 62 [,0 R 3694 3493 178 2 276 227 201) 182 8,) HI }.; 295 247 204 13 3811 3467 92 175 137 125 7(j 495 40 16 82 67 63 16 2617 2471 100 8 1 6 1 lOll 2 J7 tli 51 47 8 3378 2825 13 .. 8 HI 225 169 175 37 1764 1551 109 1 157 132 _ 103 82 1:10 Ii HI 72 6;' 92 14 ]793 1528 85 29 31 2 73 ~II 1'10 74 41 12 :n 20 8 4 4 2 15 ~l 2:JI 202 141 i :W37 2711 32 7 3 4 lin 2 22

345 282 240 53 1'1579 17282 38 48 3 3 49 1 329 279 238 53 305 320 1 I .. 41 I 1 4-544- 4414 12 27 3 :1 Ii 2 4, 2 8344 8204 23 20 2 1 :1 2 4386- 4-324 4, 88 62 48 7 63 74 5 66 62 48 7 63 74- I

58456 68288 25743 1590 51517 44405 96 5 754 784 425 332 13084 1064 3593 3328 2211 flfI!) 125 14 1 ~jJi9 589 33l 288 7487 fI!l9 1 6018 8149 2970 227 10239 8527 6 ';2 30 35 5 1453 4- 2 1529 1531 961 16 .. 4- 1 3 1 87 :1 4190 5148 1688 2;; 1526 1401 19 6 15 2 120 .. 4- 181 R 2462 1018 124- 39 38 5 1 :l 261 4 5 U4-l 1443 828 22 ] 701 1762 1 1 81 Ii 1736 1797 1067 47 S194 4704 67 7 7848 9420 3773 32 8238 7182 6 4- 4 '2 1,j5 8 4481 4934 2554 4 6464 5888 1 ]7 6 2 47 !I 3811 3521 828 16 4696 3796 .. 243 ]0 1230 1176 7 .. 4 21 32 26 12 15 7 14- 31H -1-7 11 2312 2640 700 21l 12 I) Jill) J 12 17H PROVINCIAL TABLE II-POPULATION OF DISTRICTS

HindnR Muslims r------..A.------.., r------~-.A.------, Stlll,e or l)i>ltri(>t hy .\c1minil'll,mtivfI lTllil, I' I. I' L ,....-___,A.~- __-.. r----J.---___ r-- r--_..,...""""-----~ MlJ,les Females -- Males Females Males Females Males Femalel! 2 :J 4 5 I) 7 8 1}


13 Paehhhnul':t 17:18S )G(i!lS 1711:1 S"., :111£)7 2.'S:? liS W 14 Pali :H356 29090 J364 77 2567 2279 27U 1 1.1 Pllrhat,S>lI' 56722 51429 1857 73 6682 5764 605 26 16 Phalodi .. 45223 39707 4172 157 5967 5312 140 II 17 Hambha1"·~Ilwwar 40924- 36260 3389 137 2636 2491 429 79 18 Sambhat··Shamlat 3822 3465 75ii 74 1361) 1I6S 206 26 I!) Hall('hol'e 38143 :14405 669 12 6833 5854 70 211 SOlldrlt .. 1333 101i0 417 12 202 110 36 2l ShergaJ'h :JII041i 3371 I) 7M 26 324:1 2774 4- 22 Sheo 10627 8371) :~IH 9 4HIH 4242 110 23 Siwal1a .. 23M7 2178:; 1413 42 786 527 1m 3 24 Sojat 61i6S9 60571 5407 311 2767 2798 338 28 MEWAR STATE 687709 646736 50209 3098 33549 30300 8879 1907 1 UdaipUl" City IS499 1601i3 8169 l:JOli 761S 6560 :12]8 1189 2 93737 S810!) il7!) 410 ,,394 GO~3 !lIn 14-1 a Chitorgarh 71367 OR4l-t 0270 2Hl 3230 2963 81i8 72 4 Dlloflt,han 13767 1274.i 1033 14.1 11:1 21 [, Deosthltll (Kallkroli and Nat,hdwltl'n) 12234 1117:1 2027 214- 71H (I!\.t. :!:lli 1i:1

(j Oirwa 51i442 1i1692 2377 77 1062 0:12 218 39 7 .Tahazpur 07680 6283:1 2887 ]32 2886 2747 375 40 R KapaRin .. 67818 6490:1 426:1 j~ 2700 24M !lli.; 47 0 Khorwara 17082 148311 J2Hl fl.i 970 780 4~4 :13 10 Magra 247M 251311 1:139 41 718 626 .2.20 2(1 1] Merwllra 6962 6214- !II 9 ;':1 :12:1 :?7:1 72 8 12 Ral Samand 72488 60578 2143 71 1203 1123 191 33 1:1 Thikanal-j 1111i879 1:;8047 97!l4 436 6ii7H tiOii2 1511 226 PALANPUR STATE 181829 124814 7564 548 15774 15377 4231 555 Paldollpnl' Cit,y (1ll8 !JSO" lti41 24r, 3.398 322 .. ]438 264 :! Palanplll' 'I'aluka 20470 1MI08 1027 -tl! :l.t(l() :HI.';9 918 48 Ii l)hflllel'l." ,. 14546 }:121 /) 27!) :;:16 ,;!III HI:l -~I.) (j Gndh 14323 13761 736 24 iRi 808 1.'i3 II 7 Gadwada 539 513 22 1 8 ~; 8 Pan th awada 11317 10205 J!l6 ii 218 IliO IiO 9 Sh,·i Amirg.w.h " 3121 2808 270 U 2iiS 207 60 12 10 Vadgam 24377 24353 1832 3:1 4-9ii:~ 4938 639 22

:1 DeesaTown ]902 1844- 827 178 730 594- :ns fI5 4 Decsa Taluka 35lO7 3190) 734 1280 1200 4-57 liS PARTABGARH STATE 21835 21100 3214 344 2346 2127 510 92 1 Partabgarh Towll 381)7 3678 1419 221 1299 US!) 413 91 2 Hathnnia 12137 11666 1106 (iO 793 727 27 3 Magra 667 609 72 4:1 2.'j 14 4- Sagthali ., 5174 iH47 617 6:1 21l 190 ;;6 SHAHPURA STATE 26867 25287 2410 261 1521 1393 251 57

,,~ 1 Shahpura Town 3788 3663 1247 213 898 892 183 .).) 2 Arwar TehFlil 6901 6520 381 27 321 244 28 3 Dhikola 401i6 374:1 107 3 92 86 Ii 4 Phulia ,." 6952 6666 507 11 13S 131 29 2 5 ShahpuT6 ()170 4689 In8 7 7i') 40 f) SlROHI STATE 85138 79775 4630 649 3820 8293 604- 107 1 Sirobi 23066 22161 1562 41 691 564 109 20 2 Abu 8207 7567 858 324 1686 1383 218 64 :1 Reodhar .• 21644 19736 583 31 589 597 102 12 4 Pindwara 15337 14630 877 124- 428 369 76 4 5 SheogaJlj 16262 15171 748 28 413 365 91 .J 6 .. 622 510 2 1 13 15 8 2 TONK STATE 142780 129423 4379 219 28717 24899 5564 1095 1 Tonk City 8133 7758 1i82 50 ]]176 10682 2957 832 2 Aligarh 4825 4416 195 15 1013 849 160 14 a Chhabra .. 1.5563 14108 530 ]3 1719 1548 a71 53 4 NirnbaherIJ. 25998 25541 1019 26 2717 2258 572 70 5 Pirawa .. 16293 15206 513 34 1371 1219 362 103 6 Silonj 45154 39151 1217 78 67[,0 6717 1010 22 7 'T'onk Pargana 26814 23243 323 3 1971 1626 123 1 177 AND STATES BY COMMUNITIES AND LITERACY-(contd.)

Ja.ins Tribes Others r------~------~ r------~------~ r----~------~ P L p L p L LE r-----"-----.., ,----...... ___~ r---""'___-.., ,-----"------, ,----"------, ~ l\Isles l!'ellllloies Malel:! .!!'etnalel:! 1,'elUaies Ma.lcs l!'cms.lcs Males ~'tlmales Males ~'elUales Males FOlna\es

10 11 12 lli 1(; 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

1474 1452 8M tl 1429 1077 8 5 3 4 1 162 1 13 1688 1885 951 2{) 152{) 1094, 5 7 4 3 2 207 6 14 505 620 49 U 11 18 1 106 7 15 2027 2596 816 ~O 830 6110 12 6 3 317 28 16 1141 1078 689 102 1 6 3 1 491 1 17 74, 1>6 48 11 , . 19 7 2 3 1 176 28 18 1704, 1416 633 11)11) 1532 1) 38 19 34 23 27 4010 3605 49 2 2 2 IG 20 ]078 10;):2 502 5 1016 844 1 3 26 21 :}32 279 199 133 255 2 22 22 2496 3236 444 17 1930 al)7 5 44 2 23 3846 4035 1159 129 474 494 1 25 .24 13 16 889 34 24 39840 37932 2"" 1&79 280669 219982 4116 358 306 215 190 99 5122 175 3677 3470 2957 660 2301 1300 195 78 78 92 53 48 27."i2 131 I 4086 3iBS 2699 150 7471) 7083 137 17 29 IG 18 10 392 15 2 1936 1683 1352 46 lU72 129-15 168 61 4 3 2 2 478 2 3 834, 833 527 II) 3Sli3 3563 26 8 9 7 2 42 4 713 700 521 29 1964 1825 156 8 10 291 4 G 3999 3916 23Q3 62 199&2 19254 146 13 31 19 25 7 158 1 6 1677 1460 1084 73 15158 13188 205 5 1 2 117 7 2893 2500 1840 68 6014 5521 178 21 10 1 8 128 3 8 1163 1162 763 69 49120 49243 162 2U 68 41 29 11 83 1 9 4,8 :\086 2890 1585 37348 36021) 91 14 .. " 34 10 1159 1234 881 -16 17018 16293 2038 83 43 21 23 11 164- 1 11 0067 5012 2467 :l6 I:H74 11357 176 6 4 4 105 12 9550 00 HI 5720 273 44810 42384 438 2U 20 14 19 8 378 15 13 6367 64.00 4801 984 8174 '1500 25 5B 62 4'1 47 1906 46 I:W.1 1306 ]012 U.J6 189 166 2 18 ]2 12 1.1 1205 :16 1 51n 578 485 40 1959 2045 ., 88 2 2 74:2 769 539 69 1281 1210 1 66 3 5 008 545 370 32 279 258 5 13 tS 3 1 1 1 " 2 7 61S 596 475 14 661 606 17 8 82 74 68 II 2828 2337 . , 33 4 9 1089 1063 8Ui 42 463 410 4 43 ] 10 17g 142 H2 66 77 13 40 38 186 :l 1336 1326 893 66 391 153 4 2481 2535 1608 394 19970 19512 39 29 26 19 18 455 30 158U 1695 lllL 351 99 (i6 3 20 20 14 IG 3\)0 211 414 416 258 14 69011 ll(i32 20 2 1 2 1 39 1 :.! 61 44 3;) 0024 0055 1 4- 3 426 380 304 29 7759 7759 15 7 5 3 2 22 4 749 687 511 64 2409 2254 5 1 3 368 8 265 259 185 59 91 77 5 1 3 342 7 1 2W 172 146 359 :~ii2 l;j I 2 29 27 14 oIl 500 1 :I 181 164 130 801 700 8 4 64 65 3U 647 625 4 :5 6965 8581 4030 374 24209 21477 ..7 344 277 230 1B7 1317 162 2602 3138 1517 204- 1866 1485 18 :I :I 399 42 1 163 165 108 25 8031 7402 JO 3!l2 272 224 1116 820 llO 2 1313 1.168 730 2 3237 2774 1 I} 6 1 1 II :I 1142 1510 • 671 85 7:'.41 6605 12 2 2 :J8 9 4 1704 :2174 972 45 3748 3134 26 11 :J8 ., 5 41 26 32 13 86 77 II 1 6 3804- 3032 1672 89 12719 10481 20 2 22 10 15 6 932 33 469 389 254 22 19 2 ., 15 7 12 4 495 23 1 374 333 158 15 2374 2214 5 2 30 .2 79 76 55 9 2901 2379 10 2 ., 2 69 2 3 989 882 617 /) 3407 2628 3 1 1 94 3 4 516 438 296 23 578 535 2 ,. .. 47 4, /) 796 615 239 II 64:7 483 3 2 2 .2 197 1 Ii 381 299 153 4: 2893 2240 7 PROVINCIAL TABLE III TRIBES BY STATES 17H PROVINCIAL TABLE III---TRIBES BY. STATES

'rotal HhilH ( :il'lll:-lhli'i )Icl'uts Minas RfLwats Agency. State , __.A. __ , or District -"----__, , __ -.A.-_--., ,------A..----., ,-----"-----., ,..-----"------. P 1\1 }<' 1'}I F P :M ,,' ]1 :\'1 .I:<' P M F p )oJ ]<~ 1 :1 ;) Ii i 11 III II I:! 1:\ 14 I.; "; 17 1 S 111

lIPUTANA& AlltlE.R­ , MERWARA 1715960 890435 825525 758320388298 370022 51349 26828 24521 27977 14945 13032 764854 401674 363180 113460 58690 54170

RAJPUTANA.. 1624488 842596 781892.749748383804 365944 51349 26828 24521 8959 4972 3987 759400'398662 360738 55032 28330 26102 l ! .1 Abu DistJ'id .. 106.> 502 .;13 1111 Ii' .j 1;1 :W l.t 7' 7 18 l-l 4 ~ Alwar ... 58430 30889 27541 382:;2 31171Hi 274ii6 178 93 8:; 3 BW1SW31'1I. 172194 86505 8;)6~U 171111 III tI.')699 t:l494 1 .. 1,j':;.j 80li 74M • -4 BJ)aratpur' 12430 6ti40 :;i!j.i '2 1 1 J240U 0624 JiS2 1J 12 .:; Hikaller 1341 ,70S Ii:J:J :i :3 6!11I 6::!H l\.I 4:

ti BlIlldi ..• 4655+ UO;W :!J \;28 -; ).')0 :n6:! :13t:l~ :!~I.j.OJ :!08(i.J. 18.140 7 Dallta .. ll52:2 JOIH 5561 ii)!!l~ 38!)1 :J6:It:l 3Im;{S :!U70 HI:!:} 8 Dholpur 12762 6943 5819 12]62 6943 JSJ9 9 Dungal·pm'· .. IJ6.j87 SOOOI 705S6 J.,U;,87 !:II)I)OJ 71i;jijU J II .1aipur :!Il3l:!!IK '53015 1:18883 I itlll 8!JB 873 !I .j 4 ~015U4 133787 137777 . Jaisahner 2:Wl 1268 1023 2~91 126~ 2 Jhalawar 4889 2.334 2355 ~1~J4 11174 1II.;:; :WI) 495 3 Karauli :1.jOO() IIJO 50 159511 , • • :J31100 ] 9U50 13950 4 Kishallgal'h .. 2026 1042 !lIH 114(1 392 554 :~\ll 194 107 233 .0 Kotah 103238 .)35':;3 496R,1 :!;~~J!J. 14:J95 13!Wi ., .• 711J

'Ii Kushalga.rh ' v Il. (Chief ship) ., 34841 17579 172112 :14H.t 1 1i2(i2 VI Lawar(Est~te) 137 63 if 13i 63 74 ". Mal'War 1J5922 51517 444U.) ,~!J,)OO 2!HH9 :!:W81 IHJ82 ·10tlll 2902 6lio7 3710 :!\},j7 2162• .:1,'\ 1I2H;:) 1033~~ 11149 5623 M26 III MeWRI' 4~0651 ~30669 21U9H2 :!11190 107963 lOa227 15706 iil;:J 7!12:l 22.)11 1:!41 WI;') 1711171 91859 87:H2 .J.:!32S 21823 2050;; '20 Palanpul' 15674- 8174 7.;Oll 8601 4439 4Hlt 6S1SX :l607 :1211 :!.;~X 128 127

~ I Pal'tabgarh .. 39482 11:'970 11-1.312 '15971 18159 17812 :15.1 1 ISll 1700 / \) 'J 22 Shahpura 4663 2401.1 2:!;i .... 3296 ]680 1616 1358 722 636 7 '" 2:1 Sirohi .. 4;)68() 242011 ~1.J.j7 ~1I1!:l:! lOi:H 94;)1; 178:)11 !1:!i4 tljiili 7U5!:l 4198 3461 5 :J :2 H Tonk .. :?:J;WO 1tWI ](I·'S I i!lS:~ :U:W 2.;-11 .!l II 1700.j fJlJ5 78;'0 HH II ,j 76 "

ASMERM ·MERWARA 91472 47839 43ti33 8612 4494 4078 .. 19018 9973 9045 5454 3012 2442 584283036028068

Ajmel' City .. 7:21) 417 U!I 61 3U :?2 81 58 2:1 124- Hi 37 460 .:?IJ:l 167 2 Ajmer Tehsil •. 21.479 11151 [(1:1.' X 1386 li78 71)8 . • 1~4J !iliS Ij!'\3 :is 29 29 18794 9881i 8908 3 Kekri Sub· division 11310 6034 i)27', 4226 2:108 ]IIJ8 28 18 10 .3204- 2850 2354 1852 8;)8 994 4 BeawlLl' T('hsil 57!l57 30177 277SU 28t1!l I,W9 14:JH 17U68 O:J:lO X:J2!1 68 46 22 37322 19323 17999