Bpml 30-Nov-77 08:14 42492 This File Is a Combination Ot Two Earlier Files
BPMl 30-Nov-77 08:14 42492 ,NLS DOCUMENTS AND PUBLICATIONS LIST - May 1977 This file is a combination ot two earlier files that included a listing of ARC publl~ations and documents through May 1977. It was compiled by Nina Zolotow. 1 AUGMENTATION RESEARCH CENTER PUBLICATIONS 2 Engelbart, D.C., "Special Considerations of tne Individual as a User, Generator, and RetrieVer of Information," Reprinted from American Documentation, Vol. 12, No.2, APrll, 1961 (XDOC··0585,) 3 Engelbart, D.C., "Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework," Stanford Research Inst1tute, Augmentation Research Center, AFOSR-322J, AD-289 5&5m October 1962 (XDOC--3906 J ) 4 Engelbart, D.C., "A Conceptual Framework for the Augmentation Of Man·s Intellect," VISTAS IN INFORMATION HANDLING, Howerton and Weeds (Editors), spartan BOOkS, Washington, D.C~, 1963, PP. 1-29 (XDOC-·0981,) 5 Engelbart, D.C., Sorenson, P.H., "Explorations in the Automation of Sensorimotor SkIll Tralnlng," stanford Research Institute, MAVTRADEVCEN 1517-1, AD 619 046, January 1965 (XDOC--11736,) 6 Engelbart, D.C., "Augmenting Human Intellect: Experiments, Concepts, and Posslbilltles--Summary Report," Stanford Research Institute, Au~mentatlon Research Center, March 1965 (XDOC--9691,) 7 EngliSh, W.K., Engelbart, D.C., HUddart, B., "Computer Aided DiSPlay Control--Final Report.," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, July 1965 (XDOC--9692,) 8 English, W.K., Engelbart, D.c., Berman, M.A., "DisplaY-Selection Techniques for Text ManiPulation," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN FACTORS IN ELECTRONICS, VOl. HFE~8, No.1, Pp. 5-15, March 1967 (XDOc--9694,) 9 Licklider, J.C.R., Taylor, R.W., Herbert, E., "The Computer as a CommuniCation Device," INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, NO.
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