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Tephrocactus verschaffeltii - A surprising addition to the flora of Peru

Article in Bradleya · January 2014


1 author:

Paul Hoxey



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Tephrocactus verschaffeltii — A surprising addition to the cactus flora of Peru Paul Hoxey 34 Stonehill Road, Great Shelford, Cambridge CB22 5JL, England (email: [email protected]) Photographs by the author except where stated

Summary : Tephrocactus verschaffeltii , until re - Introduction cently better known as Austrocylindropuntia ver - Issue number 24 of Quepo , the journal of the schaffeltii , has hitherto only been known from Peruvian Cactus Society, published in 2010, con - Argentina and Bolivia. A single population dis - tained an excellent article by Daniel Montesinos covered growing at 3660m in the department of Tubée (Montesinos, 2010) documenting the cacti Moquegua, Peru is approximately 400km distant and succulents found in the remote and little vis - from the next known population in the depart - ited province of General Sánchez Cerro in the de - ment of La Paz in Bolivia. This new population partment of Moquegua, Peru. The province is confirms Tephrocactus verschaffeltii as a member situated in the north of the department, sand - of the Peruvian flora and Tephrocactus as a new wiched between the departments of Arequipa on generic record for Peru. the west and Puno on the east. The area is pre - dominately high Andean altiplano but also in - Zusammenfassung: Tephrocactus verschaffeltii, cludes the upper reaches of the Río Tambo (Figure bis vor kurzem besser bekannt als Austrocylin - 2), which cuts through the area forming a deep dropuntia verschaffeltii , war bisher nur aus Ar - gorge with a sheltered micro-climate at lower al - gentinien und Bolivien nachgewiesen. Eine titudes than the surrounding altiplano. einzige Population wächst auf 3660 m im De - Daniel visited the region between 2005 and partement Moquegua, Peru, ungefähr 400 km von 2012 and recorded a flora containing over 500 den nächsten bekannten Populationen im De - species (Montesinos, 2011, 2012) including 17 partement La Paz, Bolivien, entfernt. Diese neue cacti in 8 genera. One photograph in particular Population bestätigt Tephrocactus verschaffeltii published in his Quepo paper caught my attention als Teil der peruanischen Flora, und Tephrocac - (Fig 1.7 on p.30) which is captioned “ Cumulopun - tus als neuen Gattungsfund für Peru. tia sp. ”. The illustration shows an opuntioid with clusters of variable shaped stems, some small and almost spherical, others elongating and finger-like

Figure 1. Simplified bayesian phylogeny of the tribe Tephrocacteae showing constituent genera expanded to species level within Tephrocactus . Statistical support based on combined sequences of the trnK/matK region and phyC exon 1 region. Posterior Probabilities (PP) and Maximum Likelihood Bootstrap percentages (BS) are given above branches (PP/BS). Based on Fig. 4 from Ritz et al . (2012).

92 Bradleya 32/2014 Figure 2. The Río Tambo near to the village of Yunga at 3500m but all predominately spineless. Several segments opuntioids which included this species. The study, clearly have persistent leaves, a feature which is now published (Ritz et al ., 2012), shows that not so obvious or pronounced in members of the Tephrocactus is a monophyletic with good genus Cumulopuntia , although is seen in some op - statistical support only if Austrocylindropuntia untioid taxa, particularly in the genus Austro - verschaffeltii is included. Tephrocactus nigrispi - cylindropuntia . I had never encountered anything nus , a puzzling species whose generic placement like the illustrated during my field work in has been questioned for some time, is shown to be Peru and wondered what it could be. In the text a sister species to Austrocylindropuntia verschaf - Daniel reported that the plant grows at Ichuña, a feltii . Based on the results of the molecular study small village in the upper reaches of the Río the new combination Tephrocactus verschaffeltii Tambo at 3580m. was formally published by Hunt & Ritz (Hunt, After studying the literature, the closest 2011). match I could find to the plant illustrated by The genus Tephrocactus has in the past been Daniel was Austrocylindropuntia verschaffeltii. used as a genus to include many of the Andean op - For example the illustration in Iliff (2002, fig. 40) untioids but recently there has been a move to a appears a very good fit for the vegetative charac - larger number of more tightly defined genera. ters of the plant illustrated in Quepo . Could Aus - Today, Tephrocactus is restricted to just a small trocylindropuntia verschaffeltii , which presently group of predominately Argentinian species is only recorded from Bolivia and Argentina, also mainly found on the eastern side of the Andes at grow in Peru and be included in the national relatively low altitudes (usually below 2000m). flora? Friedrich Ritter (Ritter, 1980) was an early pro - ponent of this narrow circumscription of Tephro - Tephrocactus or Austrocylindropuntia ? cactus . It has since been followed with minor The possible sighting of Austrocylindropuntia modifications by others (Kiesling, 1984, Gilmer & verschaffeltii in Peru was of particular interest to Thomas, 1998, Hunt et al., 2006). Seed character - me because at the time Quepo 24 was published I istics (Stuppy, 2002) have been important fea - was collaborating on a molecular study of Andean tures for the delineation of the various segregate

Bradleya 32/2014 93 Figure 3. The habitat of Tephrocactus verschaffeltii in Peru at 3660m

94 Bradleya 32/2014 Figure 4. Tephrocactus verschaffeltii PH1027.04 - an example of a large clustering plant.

Figure 6. Tephrocactus verschaffeltii PH1027.04 - a small plant with small rounds segments and unfertil - Figure 5. Tephrocactus verschaffeltii PH1027.04 ized flower.

Figure 7. Three segments of Tephrocactus verschaffeltii PH1027.04. showing variation — left spineless, middle spine - less but with leaves and right with spination.

Bradleya 32/2014 95 Map 1 . Geographic distribution of Tephrocactus ver - schaffeltii. Green dots show Argentina and Bolivia pop - ulations and red dot shows the Peruvian population. Country boundaries (black lines) are included for Ar - gentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru. Data for Bolivia and Argentina locations is provided by Martin Lowry. Tephrocactus nigrispinus was originally de - Figure 8. Tephrocactus verschaffeltii GC429.02 in habi - scribed as Opuntia nigrispina by Schumann in tat with Cumulopuntia boliviana at Escoipe, Salta, Ar - 1898 and the combination Tephrocactus ni - gentina at 3110m. Photograph: Graham Charles. grispinus was made as early as 1936 by Backe - berg but it was not generally accepted by other authors. Ritter (1980) placed it in his genus (Platy-)Opuntia although possibly mixed up his material with a Tunilla species (Iliff, 2002). Kies - ling (1984) considered it a Maihueniopsis whilst Iliff (2002), without making any nomenclatural changes, placed it in an informal monotypic group 'nigrispina'. Hunt et al . (2006) accepted the taxon as a Tephrocactus but only as a “least worst option”. Tephrocactus verschaffeltii has had a rather more settled taxonomic history. It was described as Opuntia verschaffeltii by Weber in 1898 and Figure 9. Tephrocactus verschaffeltii GC441.03 in habi - it had been considered an Austrocylindropuntia tat north of Nazareno, Salta, Argentina at 3400m. by most authors since publication of the combi - Photograph: Graham Charles. nation by Backeberg in 1939. However, Stuppy (2002) questioned this placement and remarked genera of Andean opuntioids and have been sup - that the seed structure is rather alien for the plemented by molecular studies (Wallace & genus. Illiff (2002) also places it in an informal Dickie, 2002, Griffith & Porter, 2009, Ritz et al ., monotypic group “verschaffeltii”. 2012). Fortunately, the results have been broadly Figure 1 shows the relationships between the in alignment, although neither Tephrocactus ni - segregate genera in Tribe Tephrocacteae with grispinus nor T. verschaffeltii fit comfortably Tephrocactus expanded to show 9 species in 4 within the genus Tephrocactus when only seed species groups. The data is derived from figure 4 characteristics are considered. in Ritz et al . (2012) and is based on combined ma -

96 Bradleya 32/2014 Figure 10. Lobivia pampana ? PH1027.01 Figure 11. Neowerdermannia chilensis ssp. peruviana PH1027.03 ternal ( trnK/MatK region) and paternal ( phyC exon 1 region) molecular sequences. Neowerdermannia chilensis (ssp. peruviana ) (Fig - Both Tephrocactus verschaffeltii and T. ni - ure 11). Tephrocactus verschaffeltii eluded us grispinus grow at higher altitudes than the other until, with the sun falling behind the rim of the Tephrocactus species so perhaps have evolved valley and leaving us in deep shade, we nearly characters more suitable to alpine habitats. How - gave up our search before encountering a single ever, the divergence of seed characters, which are small plant growing right by the side of the path. usually more conserved, is a mystery. Recently, Below a steep rock face we scrambled up a steep Guiggi (2011, 2013) has proposed two new mono - hillside covered in grasses where we found several typic genera ( Banfiopuntia & Pseudomaihueniop - larger growing. It was clear we had found sis ) for these two distinctive species but they are our quarry, as illustrated in Quepo , growing at not supported by the molecular data and would 3600m. leave Tephrocactus as a paraphyletic genus if The plant had two distinct types of segment. Tephrocactus verschaffeltii and T. nigrispinus The first type formed the main structure of the were removed. plant and was as long as a finger but thicker and slightly tuberculate. Most segments of this type Searching in Peru were spineless but a few had one or two flexible I was determined to investigate the possible white spines per areole. Those segments that had sighting of Tephrocactus verschaffeltii in Peru so, spines carried them on the majority of areoles and at the next available opportunity to visit southern tended to be larger and situated towards the base Peru during March 2012, I attempted to reach of the plants. The segments had dried remains of Ichuña in the upper reaches of the Río Tambo the persistent leaves which had recently shriv - from the town of Moquegua. Heavy rains but elled up at the end of the rainy season. The sec - mainly a lack of time thwarted my efforts. ond type of segment formed on the extremities of In April 2013, accompanied by a friend from the larger segments (acrotonic branching) and England, I made a second attempt to visit the was much smaller, almost spherical, reddish in area, this time trying the route from Arequipa. colour and quite easily detached. They also had After taking the highway in the direction of Juli - dried up remains of small leaves and were always aca, we turned off onto a dirt road that crossed the spineless. Further examples were found separated vast altiplano desert at over 4000m altitude, pop - from the plant and lying on the ground. ulated with grazing Vicuña, before descending Flowering appeared to be rare and only very down to the Río Tambo near the village of Yunga. few flower remains were observed, none of which We headed a little upstream towards Ichuña had been fertilized (Figure 6). Perhaps this popu - before stopping near the confluence of the Río lation relies on the dispersal of the small and eas - Ichuña and Río Paltuture which join to form the ily detached spherical segments rather than seed Río Tambo at this point. The particularly steep for propagation, as seen in other opuntioids such and rocky valley sides are difficult to access but as Cumulopuntia leucophaea (C. sphaerica ). fortunately a good footpath descended down to the I think this plant matches well with examples river and a footbridge allowed us to cross. We soon of Tephrocactus verschaffeltii described and illus - found a Lobivia species (possibly L. pampana ) trated in the literature. The two distinct segment (Figure 10), Cumulopuntia ignescens , Tunilla types are an unusual feature, perhaps unique to soehrensii and some very attractive specimens of this species. I have yet to see flower, fruits or

Bradleya 32/2014 97 seeds of the Peruvian population but assume they ILIFF , J. (2002). The Andean opuntias: an anno - will fall within the natural range of the species. tated checklist of the indigenous non-platyop - Flowers are reported to be red to orange with a untioid opuntias of South America. Studies in deep purple sigma. the (Cactaceae) . Milborne Port, The distribution map (Map 1), with find spots Dorset: David Hunt ((Succulent plant re - (in green) kindly supplied by Martin Lowry for lo - search, 6: 133–244. calities in Bolivia and Argentina shows the range KIESLING , R. (1984). Estudios en Cactaceae de Ar - of Tephrocactus verschaffeltii which stretches gentina: Maihueniopsis , Tephrocactus y from approximately S27.5° to S16.5°. The Peru - géneros afines (Opuntioideae). Darwiniana vian locality (red spot) is approximately 400km 25 (1–4): 171–215. distant from the nearest other known population. MONTESINOS , D. (2010). Cactus y Suculentas de This is a significant distance but less so when you Moquegua. Revista Quepo 24 : 29–41. Lima, consider the overall distribution covers approxi - Perú. mately 1200km of the Andes. Perhaps more note - MONTESINOS , D. (2012). Lista anotada de nuevas worthy is the fact the Peruvian population is the adiciones para la flora andina de Moquegua, only one to be found on the Pacific side of the wa - Perú. Revista Peruana de Biología 19 (3): 303– tershed rather than the Atlantic side. 312. MONTESINOS -T UBÉE , D.B. (2011). Diversidad florís - Acknowledgements tica de la cuenca alta del río Tambo-Ichuña Thanks are due to Martin Lowry for supplying (Moquegua, Perú). Revista Peruana de Bi - distribution records of Tephrocactus verschaffeltii ología 18 (1): 119–132. in Bolivia and Argentina and to Graham Charles RITTER , F. (1980). Kakteen in Südamerika : Band for the use of his photographs. 3. Chile. Spangenberg, Friedrich Ritter Selb - stverlag. Pp. 857–1238. References RITZ , C.M., R EIKER , J., C HARLES , G., H OXEY , P., BACKEBERG , C. (1936) Tephrocactus nigrispinus HUNT , D., L OWRY , M., S TUPPY , W. & T AYLOR , N . Bckbg. In BACKEBERG , C. & K NUTH , F.M. Kak - (2012). Molecular phylogeny and character tus-ABC . Pp.109. evolution in terete-stemmed Andean opuntias GILMER , K., & T HOMAS , H.P. (1998). The genus (Cactaceae− Opuntioideae). Molecular phylo - Tephrocactus s.str .: , ecology and cul - genetics and evolution 65 (2): 668–681. tivation. Schumannia , 2, 85–141. SCHUMANN , K. (1898). Opuntia nigrispina . K.Sch. GRIFFITH , M.P., & P ORTER , J.M. (2009). Phylogeny Gesamtbescheibung der Kakteen . Pp.695. of Opuntioideae (Cactaceae). International STUPPY , W. (2002). Seed characters and the clas - Journal of Plant Sciences 170 (1): 107–116. sification of the Opuntioideae. In HUNT , D ( ED ) GUIGGI , A (2011) Genera nova et combinationes Studies in the Opuntioideae (Cactaceae). Suc - novae in cactaceis austroamericanis ad subfa - culent plant research 6, 25–58. Milborne Port, miliam Opuntioideae K. Schumann spectan - Dorset. tibus. Cactology 2 (Suppl.) WALLACE , R.S., & D ICKIE , S.L. (2002). Systematic GUIGGI , A (2013) Genera nova et combinationes implications of chloroplast DNA sequence vari - novae in cactaceis austroamericanis ad subfa - ation in the Opuntioideae. In HUNT , D ( ED ) miliam Opuntioideae K. Schumann spectan - Studies in the Opuntioideae (Cactaceae). Suc - tibus III Cactology 3 (Suppl. V) culent plant research 6: 9–24. Milborne Port, HUNT , D.R., T AYLOR , N.P., & C HARLES , G. (2006). Dorset. The New Cactus Lexicon . WEBER , F.A.C. (1898) Opuntia vershaffeltii Cels ex HUNT , D.R. (2011). Classification of the ‘cylin - Weber in BOIS , D . Dict. Hort .2: 898. droid’opuntias of South America. Cactaceae Systematics Initiatives 25 : 5–29.

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