Module 1.3: Connective Tissue N. Swailes, Ph.D. Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology Rm: B046A ML Tel: 5-7726 E-mail:
[email protected] Required reading Mescher AL, Junqueira’s Basic Histology Text and Atlas, 13th Edition, Chapter 5 (also via AccessMedicine) Learning objectives 1) Name the three major classes of connective tissue and give examples of each. 2) Identify and describe the origin, organization and fate of embryonic connective tissue 3) Identify and discuss the functional properties imparted to tissue by the extracellular matrix: a. fibers (elastin, collagen Type I, II, III, IV and VII) b. ground substance (glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, glycoproteins) 4) Distinguish between different connective tissue cells and discuss their roles: a. fibroblasts b. adipocytes c. macrophages d. mast cells e. lymphocytes f. plasma cells g. eosinophils h. neutrophils 5) Classify the different connective tissues proper and compare and contrast their functional roles within an organ. Introduction The human body is made up of only four basic tissues: 1. Epithelial tissue 2. Connective tissue 3. Muscle tissue 4. Nervous tissue By adjusting the organization, composition and special features associated with each of these tissues is is possible to impart a wide variety of functions to the region or organ that they form. During this lecture you will examine the basic histological structure and function of Connective Tissue. 1 | Page: Connective Tissue Swailes a loose meshwork Part A: General characteristics of connective tissues that cushions and allows diffusion A1. There are three major classes of connective tissue i. Connective tissues proper - the most common class of connective tissue in the body.