Survival Guide TU Dresden Dresden Remarks? EDITOR ERASMUS Student Network TU Dresden e.V. EMAIL Represented by the board: Simon
[email protected] Doll (president), Janine Richter (vice-president), Dennis Guhl PICTURE CREDITS (treasurer) Fabian Lange (Title) Layout: Martin Sommer DD-Schloss-gp.jpg: Kolossos/CC BY-SA 3.0 (Page 34) ADDRESS Deutsches Hygienemuseum, mit Despite thorough research it is Erasmus Student Network TU Plastik Ballwerfer von Richard still possible that sources of imag- Dresden e.V. Daniel Fabricius-9716.jpg: Rai- es might be confused. All images c/o Akademisches Auslandsamt mond Spekking/CC BY-SA 4.0 are published in good faith. Please 01062 Dresden (Page 35) contact the editor in any case of Deutschland issues regarding the publication. 2 ESN TU Dresden Survival-Guide 2021-03 CONTENTS country: 9 DVB Tickets 22 After your arrival in Dresden: 9 Getting Around Germany 23 ABOUT ESN General Info 10 By Train 23 What is ESN and what are we do- How to find a room? 10 By Bus 23 ing 5 Dresden’s districts 10 Getting Around Europe: RyanAir Contact 5 Registering in Dresden 11 and Flyla with ESNcard dis- ESNcard and Partner 5 GEZ 12 count 24 Furniture and Equipment in Stu- Apps and more 24 EVENTS FROM ESN TU dent Dorms 12 DRESDEN Internet in Student Dorms 13 Garbage separation 14 STUDYING How to find events 7 Deposit system 15 Campusplan 25 Our Weekly Language Exchange: Additional costs 15 Acronyms 25 Café Lingua 7 Daily surviving 16 Mensa 26 Our Weekly Party: The Länder- Help for problems with your Library (SLUB)