bal 1 Tkt delueioni of drink are liar· to in until lull ut enough to enjoy il, sappose roar aemberl···, think it they was now in place of alacbry. to sa?, and Lucy will dance fteiy repetition,· J niJl aerea· (lie." but there is une ef lb·· whiek 1'aals in (L be ft)ifor!) two tlio tlic bridal cos'.umer, the house were grandmother forgir· and bottom?, and sech nnnseese, il would the pig's trough, lot flic's years they $tmccrat, in vf to that it IS p. to to mu! the furtiiuir· alteady pur· •Ί f»ar not. Sk· persiste thinking Lh· way reform decidedly be lAftler, don't you?" oldest, you know, and lielind/· goin' j occupy, JJoetr msanl to deceive k·»." caiii for decided treatment. We alluvia Kvary loi mod of the «tory. )ou yakllahaU Tmtilij Voinluf, by "1 dare say," was tk· teply, «nil while be married lirit." chased, part tegular indeed. to lh· notiou that it i· a aie· to iar- "It come· Γιυιη the to it must bo ••Tkal would hat· hn #rae', ibing drink F Ε. S H J Κ' OLl> I V/> ///./>/>. carefully away thii souvenir "Sho!" said the deacon, looking family, Κ Ο, grandma put no bet- or η :ι· clincher that convinced «11 As tli· matter staid·, I kaow of nice win·· at mi·'· friend·, au4 ho tiied te his 80," tiic liquor· KIM'IVUS Λ; *r j «λ m of old times, study way prised. PKOMtlKTOKtû, in ter wsy to atone for «ff oriuie, than to to make them uinialer to good out of the "She e»u*t bo very "Yes, Helindy'.s fjoin1 to be married doubter·. fellowikip » a Smvw. v>Eo II. Wat&IX·. i »ο· scrape. (•.tlléDi tiray-brard, can't 70η make rnr true, aud nt social while It i· a I'll oiico meetin' next luorniu' to young [ Grandma liad lettled her hnge sky· »ηρρς··4 stery ivcry gathering, Veu uncut ■·.>!e î»at. deaf," thought ht, "bit try Sunday you differed to diink bad that'· law With ol a bonnet with many nnd long marij Melind·, after all." very thing liquor, Wiiil« jrou pla\ tlu· dcrolee. more." Mr. May, reading Squire sciaper Term#. ? Mr. nnd Ac Mitli inm I.awten, "Caie never da iu bad and in auûti··. Λ Thai ttic 4: 11· l»o,h i.i at you Willard'·. A dreffal nice young man lie o^nsuliaiions of the mirror, nnd place·, large q Ι»·ι· if P-*iil in "U here arc ilis»cs lleiicô ami Lu·?," $«.*.00 Υ·:»γ—l.ftO as like lo man full of wina leel· Laa as a Now he come Mr·. Freeman to walk to chuich loll these you'd good that be AUranc»· Y.»n were b.ic>Km( in your «lay, lie scrcKiued, wbeu she had settled Ucrsolt i>, too, pool y pink. proposed partlculaiej··» a to look with lnu arc well [n-eacrrel and th illy, afternoon when ilie wn» with both nut lu feel the hear em," ·β Ivauaet tell what Lieliuda tight ouatempt upo· the in a chair. in here tliis gals her, Irving Aue ι.,οΐι.ΐι, 09* eld, in a wa· m you're a· like a ol fcAlhet· a k'reemao'fe flout instead of Britiah Κ >,J> Λ v. !■ a I »av. lî talked over all his affairs S'.owe'» old Indie*, bag v*ed«liii£ftt profcuor university 4?. in (hi* feeb!· home now with a sort ami Tut lire, jus*, ov! Mirtiiijj fathion,— Anger, .Mivmjltw- (.«««χ J |W;'|ci)l a the and at the and Belieda'· die·· ws« un the Ikat be Jo «11 >v\ He's a home all with lied around middle ; church, oppoaed solelj ground ,*« a hearth jfrotrn C->1 1 M raiil «he'll liar· a felon ui'l. An τ U open heartod. got string <01 K»t»t« i *> drank wine uor to hi· fni'l'iil Si un* il OiJ.IiC'M 1» :« il^hl a boynh Iho skirt· of her blark gray ai«k instead of Grand' neither ottered it 1 M |n««K)iii as James's wife'· first h ι«- and t'»ej'ie goiu* right to1 ample •ullypacky' pearl poplin. k'"«ia»-a au VI ilté. l«ar a^uaia, it jeat engaged, I Λ· begins a nm on η tat!· in and a (mall w a;u « a a ·(■· ·· seemed to from short and had soft Deal, ·*ρ, place friend·; when, by niajoiity, μι » ami fauei·*; were a!I cider bat re I. An old red «hawl covered of her bonnet and after the efTucted, the other pro* AU v a·* «4«t >vUc«-a, t 0 par a^uar», Mari she had a proper hat Tlio deacon's ears agipeto; big Ui:n *·ηι>Μΐ«. You hit· known .1 lu uiu'i truth, Gage—and as fcs»or· decided not to bin leol- hear further but Mr. Free- lier broad shoulder·, and over and alwru mony, proof that ike had forgiven recogni»· Jus J»MIBTI«ti «r OaaarlpM·· An.I hav· lived I.jie'i in tot romance?. time oii't. Sire wee kttpia'1iie dcestrick particulars, CiU·· | True, lier riirl· are b!*<-k anj «Ιο·«» ; vsai teak with it. The gals have do garuiluus lady, * the man who drunk on Ica-t at aud Γ. I' k-ana. ]M aalitu^ioa kl to the in thw wrinkled face in the middle ol rousing kin. gel· bad liqaor, ΐ ·>. i!.· U'lin a daialy bead. tho wwk now, bul tbej're smart as uo allusion coming «rent, appearing k ilva ·:a aiilutntM Agent* and tho man diink«no at Au J lotr »;n a.· ■»«< au J aatu y. low β 1U0 dcaoon ; its citcurclerenco, in about the wbo, liquor all. 'lection, though 1 iht*k Β»^·ι|\'· η ti tle conversation which fol J, huge pro- Indeed, ihey the latter with katred Uni the know* a ·( a not sucii) ujd so re of a bumble-be· in the centre of The l)r!it a(»m Drhih. regard >ab»oi»«:a caa t*ll kjr aia .r.g t a «olutoJ you part, the b*kt for buaiaese. Ma>be would inquisitive, posions 9f Jou'ic or a Um sn^ard la Uwir y a. a.a Ita a luaut Ju«, itud Vf iiiic you liy to t«a au«t Ler,— a bloisom. contempt which they do not fe«l for one ·:ι run tinned look- ceired no more information. SjIouioii has Ike erodit of ii it » la >( >>· a«a lariatt 'a· D! i ajam »·ι>ι 1 '.k au Iha ali|> laatM ing tip with at the foot of the slniis oaity which many m«n in aoeiety tbr ;·»»«! >a yaiti io. .a Ltl tia.a W m· a.··»»» smilo. when ho g»t Irrne. "Ueliudy grandma, pausing declared that he who ladeceivud wiee, j Κι: >W· a » 1· lamily by il a. ai aa. a «hau 4 W* lakao lu »as*jiu» L « it, tlioujth 'ti| ^Irl. roguish one who is alip, in the h:ill. she regard coneeientiomly opposed *» — to be mauied.** "Belinda," up • ail J »:.« a«c< .a uvlc «Ui.«d .k.u lit ο «(«At, Ai»d h *h;lo ; it!' wis JJr. men La Freeman'* goiujf squealed the tuoeker, and strong drink,the raging, Ι·'.ΐ£ΐ·ιΐ;( y,m |m(Ci "Hung Jdf)'· to v. tfcaa t wc a. vr.»a«i a: :t · nui no wine cenld Iront Know· it Wvii, hkv λ who rained tho but there answer, are drinking, only spring and, cuti, "but the ca ls will "When to»'' tlio questions staircase, ie not wi··. The dolusteae of drink — "■■■ 1 ■ ttjiicuiation, piubab'r ) Τ W.tKi. 1 u»l liti i«av\m β. a dcluaion In to tke real natere of juu ;,r" so on she went. Her son dutifully λλ as drink n»4 are as regard îkj in »oo·. I'll iclitve htr aiind of | down. old itself, prevalent their own habil·. The > and wile aeniitirenete ot Uut if you imukI a.H a part; 1 "Next Sun in clin ch, t lier hii arm, his pattered meekly now as In Soloinoo'e time. There are Professional Cards, 4"*·' notion. Oh, bo, iudeed !" ho replied, lay morning, If «ou cannot y our ι iheie on thia drvp lei^nmy, tint II/s a hou'e behind, ueithcr to tho men that alcoholic people aubjecl, however, — leilow. i^ht who beliere Λ τ. k aa — "I am a yocug man just May g>t along looking honestly you have not in y uut heat t loudly only •hows thai Ike deluiioi of I. I diJn't a»k what one, nor left. The girls from the win- drink if fta ihcm there ia nut they (aspect FOMltC Λ IILItSLl, Jsirh a tli'uj a- I·'re lem ti .·η,;. iaw, y ar«r je Cuaj 11. Hbkiit. *- deprecate drunkenneas, IK i do. aad pretend don't so! At "lie's callcd on the and waitod her "Do leo mother for its taste. The del uiioo touch- really itaaM71 tl surprise. "Now yoi say girls, eyes. you trotting pleaeent Not to cam a Uj about bcr '■ see what Is to be done abint it. They coursc. Njw kow on them loo," said his Nancy on after them liko a little lta healthfnlneil grnwt oat of the — meeliu' of *!y they daughter, dog?" ing ». U. HIT4 1II*S. Scr.i ntr'tfor April. wish thnt nun would b· mure rational la there was 1 an which have kept it from me!" Jane, "but I didn't suppose "Like a lamb led to tho slaughter, desite to jnstify appstite mny at their enjoyment of good thing· of the Attorney $· Counsellor Laic, "You Ciisundcistand me," k« screamed, anything serious as yet." should say. I'd like to be there and see «•ither fx? natural or ae^ilred. If a men world, etc., etc. but their se·· Hr«fOltl>, MK. it it'· all sotlled. Tlio sa d like· er he likes to think ; eye· in terror. "I didn't say »e." "Well appears how poople look when they go in," whisky wine, Al"·;! ; »*:i blinded to the fact that thej itatidjin the Ston. too? Well. I'm gla.l it's her old lady gave me full particulars. Sho Belinda, "that is il 1 coald without being that It Is good fbr hln, sad he trill take Selcctfli "DUndy, of all reform. The horrible drunk· W. I as a i« to waj KETU FIFE, for sake. Canse she won't say scorned as pleased child, and told soon." somo palus to prate that It ·ο, both yonr yr>or ennes· of the citie· ol Great Brit- Mr. was with her. a to himself nnd others. larger Counsellor at J,aw. no to so an ofer. Beliedj'l a good how sooisSle May "I she won't tako notion go Artomty £ GRANDMA'S MISTAKE : good hope ain. with which bo hell that Aamiea know." Is α stimulant. FKYKBl'RG, MIC. jj*1, too. She'* named aller mo. and per- UH folks like to bs noticed, you all summer,"said Lucy, Now, alcohol pare Anil What Cnin· ol it. hold· ran eomparo ior a moment, can #·. MUiSSIuSL·!: Jvr hwnfthtrt. I haps that's why I like her a littlo tx.iter When Nancy Jane went over that "Oli ! 1 hopo not, indeed !" exclaimed There is not so mush matvhnent in il ae 41·; 1·. :t-ly never be reformed uctil the dricking hab- than I do bit I shall do what is evening to carry Jerusha Spec.1 well, the Belinda. "Il ia too bad lor ercu to day, there is in a chip. Il nerer added any- Grandma Free m mi was Lucy; its of the and the tc:j, very ol she to fermes of and Knglish clergy knglish Ci. » BlfcKFE, light by her when ahe goes to home dressmaker, her daily pint milk, lor they really need ns on that new thing the pormaneat lile, deaf. l'ut ihu «orst of il «a* $be diJii'i gentry are reformed. With elerea- :Γ. I'm savin' a hslf d>z«n S0I1J told her the news. anthem." fiever can add anything. I>e momentary 3r Counsellor at Late, know i·, but alwajs insisted sic wis not keep: nt-> twelfths of the Uritisk clergy wine-drink· Attorney an I "I it must be a sail ns ii out to and intensification of fore·» ie ft H*. *ilvir teasp >or.s t>r lier, l shall cire guess mistake," Κ very body but day, permanent Barkflild, Οιfard (aaatjr, "I teil jc." she w ouid jtual out i: Λ way ers, and water-drinker· tabooed in society iier hold of Jernshn, doubtfully. all sect» to be to eur church, abstraction of fore· irons the drinker's that at once that she wii dcAf, my gold bea.I\ too,'' taking they going and »ocial the fashion In all the ν proved slock. Ail arrtftelal excitants drinking iXAi s. mu .hat of ancient adernments which ; no, it isn't," too." capital e!»e s lie con 1! never endure the s< unil ol suing "Oh, persisted Nancy life of the realm, the workaan will ATTOliXEY AT LAW on exhauitian. ΑΠ know high •ncircicd hei great far neck "ShVljoiti "for we had it from the "There's Mr. May. and «ee, he'· got bring physicians *· 40 κ *2i« St'*«î, Ler own suicc, hearin's as Jane, tight •tand hi· will ia "my jest good and tho man's reason Is by fin, brutality reign jo to And that those Irish Λ new auil." this, amiplert ΡΟΗ ι MAI Ε. a- ever \wav It's all in the way folk· light Leepin'houiei" family. explains it· own choacn center· undistmbed, and LAND, the ol ce it. It t· l'««Lucrtwe. be dresses the had this For that rumors, quite capable mprebendir.g mjr Ta t' ai:«aii.>a p.«M bas o' luuni'jlin' and chrwm' their words "I tell yoa I'm not g'-iag to poplin girls spring, j gentleman,hearing tho·· center· will teeorce la» tetb, l»:i- U man that eren increasingly se that it Belinda's was and mid well how they nny supposes daily driuk, wo λ th it I ci:.'t hear η >:hin' named," he screamed, loud pearl gray, Lucy'» knowing enough what, to a Allays, in h eonducive to bis frightlnl extent, tk«y already must and 1 it leer rlarlvd, took no to contradict them, emali qnanthles, K. S. KIDLO^j. I'ourao 1 ain't ileal—it never run in the kerned to hitn ail the neighbors g>»ld mixed, thought q they pains sores the social, he is delndel. If he a are—festering upon body didn't have some alike, but I jjuess th<*j but rather tiiem along by buying health, posse· at father and mother both lircd tear. helped and a stench In the nottril· of th« world. and Counsellor Laic, family. My h· roar bo able to Attorney a to be was m ire suit iblu loi a new suit ol clothes on Black sluggish temperament, to be over and could hear as wel! "Of eoune you want honft thought pearl gr.iy Saturday. The neither o( Wreat Brltlaa u*i Kxrn.isi χ stxkct, eighty, drab his buiden wtthent mtch habit·, I did η bride."1 dress coal, lilac rest and glores, ciiiry apparent ν ar.Kdfral the died as I can, and not jne of nppy. anybody does. and always □or America, will he until mea day they iinrm, but burden it ηη»1 burden il η ill improved main κ. in folks to house "S ue said Miss and hat. lie passed the alow-paced Is, T'oirri.A.M). us thirteen children ever was the leanest : jcliere young goin' enough," Specdw«ll. pant· ot Influence ia every walk of lilt are will- I «η» atl»e}'"y n« soon a* was married "1 lilted lh'»se dresses less lhan month Freeman family church «tep·, and, grain hard o'hcari:i' My mother w is t ;et-j»in' ihey ing to dispense with their drinkleg cus- u the last took a seat arc he but I never tiling.'' Miss oulcring tilling room, A'ier a man has oonliaued moderate wiison λ sw lin. l'rigftins, an I the IVigginses never was "You altogether rn.»U\on," ago, thought toms. Hundreds of ihoeaanda of Knglish- her tirxl customers that near iho door, unconscious of then comes a — 1 rev.ned in hor eir, ike told apparently drinkisg long enoagb, Jt Counsellor*ι -1 1 i.L... 3 .. s sink v.. V\. I I >' wuii uonne; ηιι·ι < 1*1" lîM'M WCIll ΙΟ UC1II1U» u»uill uwvn ιιυι ·ΗΗι·«, ai.« A IIU m, a' ÛIH ^vm married I.ukc'itioid p.'j· pr y giuTcs «{'mum J a· relate to root· A w !!.«« > Ε Sîo.iLiiis—she ronaiderationi they the bluiti tlic but llio ι lever! Am! «ο think ili»r was to to match. in gallery, general opinion which hare been Insensihly undeimiacd, j J .nr U for liu second wife—hi> ;ii-t wilowasehe tryin' crate drinker, and in th· in aurely nothing I am! told njr» V Tint while t'ie Freeman girl< •vas tint k!io would appear just lime clamor, unt!«r th· preesnr* oi business, that was M:.1er; wal, Aunt iC"j> it from me, you've evening, of the moderate drinker,to mil·» H. Côariiy thoi; It ie pleasures W. UK0LOM, k'joatit! I ihvt't loll ·:η. tli nor neie at prayet meeting, anil only lor the ceicmony. fui increased stimulation. applied, Κα.ιΙ> «a» a lev le bard o' beariu', bal il >j|>, Ignte this curie. It ia all a delueioo.— the lattei starH ofT the Counsellor at so oeadn't t>3 η parents at home with grandma,n T.'ic cn'rancc of llio Ficcmani nti nnd llie machin· grandly ; Jitonuy iV Laic, al! came υ' uold arler Ihe mcas'.ts, mybody else, you grnin put The water drinker ia the healthy mnn, gittiu' : out lit/ 1 Κ » A!.L«i. *1 \1>K. l. I cm a sîcret it' i an nn went into her bedroom and soon r.vnc to all doubts in ax well a* man ίο·!· strong, hi* farm glows portly, wluu th.· was a ifr.ii koep cud any mind·, and tho man. wine, beer, *■ il rx-lirr tu bwla wxfucd aqU 1 cri OUIUO. gaJ." happy Spirita, f >!d worn™.*1 a huge bandbox, large enough to in most. Little childron ami h« work· under coûtant pressure.— IViabv V lvi Aud giaudma baling cleared bel skill* bringing sobriety alcohloiie beverage· of all «orl aw a kar- "1 wonder who if ta'ki to contain a scoro of bonnets in these older ones tittered, and Nun· he is in κ condition of great danger, of ihe mu and ci bring deal, granimt >g K'o»'ctl outiight, den and a bane, and (here la do p!ac« J. S. WKIVH Γ, disgrace took is that he is in villi ?" sai I as * lull in tho clatter days. Opening it, the even tlic most sober minded lound it hard but the delusion apea him j would dig ibe f id ol iter knitting ueedlc Liey. degenerate where a good man can atand unahadowed straw bonnet, at nil. Al Υ A Τ LA 1 »f dishes tlte soind ut tj'cîi t<> out a huge old to a smile, 'l he chuich liilcd uo last,however,drink ATTORNL· if, iulo lûe sheath ou her brought carefully icpies* up danger a fatal deluaion. cxcepl upon the aafe zealously pinned ef food. His by ears. dated half a century back, and trimmed nil full and and te take the Paris mi.L, Mtni:. side, and to heir rapidly, p.'ws crowdeJ, begins place lota! abatiaente. Until that go mulling agaiu. and fitful, lie giouudof «V oi!r··; ·»η· ia< lr Alto with faded uizr ribbon. Mr.and cauie. Tho somewhat feeble ommpiir ΙΙβϋικΙ*. green g stiil they ptosy appetite grew* ia and held, mea ΙΙ.ιιι.,ιί i.gli UXucii ik* loi! I. ll was not afteu lual wos "Father, probabîj," repli··! ground taken, by good grnnditiv Mis Freeman looked on in looked at llio multitude live· on hie di iak, and, ef eenrse, there Mat ·. OCX 11 1 h ire hoard no on? cuin iw." * oil lier carefully flying tumors, knowing may threegh and America hare the whisk v-dunken of bcr tuo daughters or s OT COLO V.iTKR CCRK pretty hi* 10 drawn out the ol all hU er paralysis, 1 aal In Ihe eiiti ng "There! s .id she. "I've that power of had peo- power·, Mtrengh in their What do Uig aproa, appeared keeping. they prvpaa· mc to state that lie it come iVrc» ·Η atrophy and 1 much lo Mr. afier bo; net live years, ami 'l'unh compels may s!ewly Dr. and herself sececy. go;)d strings hardly Scrilncr't March. .·.» wlu-u >!»e yeni« younger, jramlmn pi·:!*·! aannftt see at all. fur »· a: eu 1 rbt«ic:at· A *nrfr*n Γι.ty Mr. himself, but he it c| Oj.e:s:.».g ihe «tarte ! ia i·· wk·· ihw ϋ* the little soiled, but I can irnnli >m out, and from the audience, however, May killing > It. never hvsi;atetiiilltreirciUt I try spiing j; la a de!a«1et> fTom hi· a then il « ill bo all tu wear to mccliu' and Freeman divided it nbout He walk· early —"One time," lay· writer, "whilst Mr. fUCSt. ready grandma afternoon, >oung Way, gelling sleepy | to bis death. a risit from an next I to add that, at the manhood I 1 àPH riAU *1 book* "Why! Μι. Maj! τjh hero l Cjine Sunday." equally. grierc enjoyed Englishman, over liis !nw studies, threw lh<) nuts wore served iu the w 1 been to fui other the minister almost weeks one of ear hiokory evening, Κ Γ II Ε Κ 1 F r aïo th a I L \tj !·^ ihe iy, Grandma lu.dn't church ; church, literally A few age city phy- X) F U V aside and saunleicd out lo cul, on li.u ι ρηνίβι ; when friend aaked for 1 ι>· that to baie «vails and read η en the drink· my English sail, oa\ arid u* a'.*»·. "Γ^α mut years, so tlii* announcement created morning, sicians pnMlcly paper KOI HI hlUik, ΜϋλΚ Ν r.v it v> ed thai j inj g prcached, that he new of tho caa* of a wom- Ficeiuan girl*. liap;>ci a w shall have a new a few of the «taid ol women. It wte itating to iavo !ι·Ί m visit ih ! little "You empty pew a, only habite thought· MrAU|ii«e«| meeting." appearing paper, eompeltnt was The and the hit ed bad gone homo, siek, who taken violently ill. aclebrated gill ear. In Hut the ministar with It to hare been of ••I think I J i I." «4 g-nt ο η m. her son shouted irt her their placée. edge of faets. engkl but it »u af- o r. ifuMt. so and liciiud.t bad the kitchen rs,»l j Dr. Abcrnethy wasaeutfor, Lucy (mall audience whs tho lavorcd one, uso to those womea ef the who ihe r*Mon iro4i Uis Or >toi χττ, *k. 'ihe'e haH of isa'l she?" care for tbat. This is a all, large fidgeted espied daagen portrayed, lie mutterod 'Salt, sal»,'of which no notioa elbows in a batch of bread, and lielinJ.i verj he*fi»g. I don't good ntlFQilad to tho sermon, to those wke hare W :■·■·*#,.ί» f'eai v/S.l t.muiptlv "but the doesn't a the uneasily all through espec- and acquired waa taken. Next he went to the a ••Very," «aidLiej; sensible bonnet, worth doxun oi evfeeially morning AS Π 19.· wa» giting the dish cupboard thorough « hen followed sermon, hj mn thr habite it eoaiomnel. 6β·η afterward and ahe was a lie an d that *<· realize it." little noddin' tuck on behind ially prayer corpse. iKttLAND and lo rights. things they place HOHtT oveihauling pulling benediction followed and there in the ealaasaaof a dally had her salt it would have re- "1 see il i» «ο. I eaulJa't make her cars 1 should catch prayer, hymn, appeared they given neither ol them heard the dcor bell. thrir now.vl.aTs. my do came of a a Irons a writer who lieved her. If would allowed him KW IJR A !ίΓϊ Ο EXT inderstanJ a worJ ; from »h« answers cold with one of 'em I'd a still hint r.-edding ceremony. paper protect ought they I _A_ ! Neither did ρ be was J*t death of ; ME grandma, though mora than he to make an examination he would convinc· ROR1TAT, mw she under the audionce filed cut, looking to be a deal latalllgent 1 ihe gate me, I »h· '.henghl dual rather tie a handkershef on my Slowly goud Po l ui«c. the hall and saw it ring great the atomaoh tho nute OrriCfc—o*cr passing through blank and the dieter's eeneiasion. The them. On ilood il a'!. I ^ueii she'll eoncliule I've ; htad than near one." extremely puzzled. is, ag&iatt opening WVir« Liit aaJ Aff Rslind*'· bp** lo a The word llcw from to "We're ed. It Is not Henry stepped Lacy carry private a and my black lip lip. lie saw the card aud remarked: '^1 want Jtlyie.TSli j "Pretty well, I thank ye," pleasant day, allypacky one of the asoet eminent squealed ionfere iee, nnJ waddled on; into the all and one alter another looked, Thompson, rheumatia. bothers dress is all the fashion now." Bold," a ten dollar bill, and I don't ao* it.,' DR. W. P. JOItS, grandma ; "though my medical men in KagUnd,— a man notor- kitehtn. and probably felt elienp—perhaps made "Neither do It "wa« th· laaoiiie me some. Walk right into tha sittin'· There was elosrly no*way but to Uttho the reeeh ef reply. she Ihe the wife resolution, thon and tbere.novcr iously beyend any purely DENTIST "Be'inJy," squealed, taking as room." for Mr. May often called there,so old lady take her own coarse, when oonsideral!er»»-deelared against —A iu Greea kai to scrub cloth Item h?r hand, "go right inlo to faith in rumora. Christian poor family IJay, him well and she foil her mind was made it was like the again put flying «be knew by sight, up tho beer el Baglaad on strictly their aix last week to get KOMWAT VILLAGE, MAlSE. ihe Mr. Miy's in there with Freeman looked atound in a drinking mortgage doge flattered his snlu'.ation parlor. l»ws of the Medes and Persians. Hut Grandma a eaac ia if* by polite Oar literateur dé- barrel of flour. The pitiable. W I mn inserted oo uoM. Silt* or Vulcan quite scattered. sanitary ground*. Κ IT were two Lucy." were overcome dazed sort of way,as the people aid Μ· υ»; il Mr. May hesitated, but there Lu?y and Belinda wholly that the earj out- The great difference between ifyroa "No miller, loaa," Celin to clara* EagiMwowan siJe· gra* laighed "Wheie'e the she squealed waa the »>:ie waa a l>»«. ϋ. other fellows just coming down the llio next morning when their mothct told wedding?'1 Amereian sWier. That Burns iu early youth iiltinoi, won at litr evident frame walk her depend* ila, !eri:ig arach ion. lie looked blank. other a and he dared not risk another theui ol her when Harrow and the walk, grandma's plan. apon the ef life the boy ploigkboy. of mind. entirely period drew all hi a a^oa- so iu he went. "What docs make hor do tof' cried —A Misaoari farmer DENTIST, question and answer, "Where's tho weddin'?"' ahe repeated task ia andriaken. The "I'll finish here, I tel! yon Υοί go typical English- out the tke !ate up Mr. ey of bauk paaie "Take litis aud was Licy. in u "Belinda and May ! woman who ha* et««d the beer diet daring MECHANIC KAIJ.S. ME. chair," grandma ami went to scrub- higher key. by and it knows wher*. Then he right along," gran-lmn sure I but she is put nobody 11 BlTirilLO th« flrtt M»ndar t a "I'm don't know, was to be married, know." lie year* i* A#-'T »i#it active in hauling up big you until aha i* mora than forty old, are : surprisingly at iho shelves, while Belinda, to join' died and now hia keira a* 'a aioa:b ami remainmroatfli a· «««à. bing no suddenly com- bound to do it, atid I s*e to pre- and all at once out of Ng will b« ia tw jn armchair lor "now ain't that way shook his head in surprise, loo fal te walk easily pva* aparaU eudcavuring him; her, went into Ihe pat lor. aeywher* widely in all aerta ef >ali*l*e!f seventy year worth CAl'eil to see Mr. Freeman on lyin* critter !" she burnt thoroughly tried. A stoek ef experience tired for lovers bear in receipt a handsomer oao that I now for." tried to still ΚΟΙ ΤΗ ΡΑΚΗ, M4I*E. I've got sight business. of excitement. In vain they and observation trai ac^alred that ought given by l)r. llrown-Suard—thaiaueeiiug Η"ill t»· atiTBi ia« wcvk aller >ti« Aral M jii lay know one said dccid- worked when I was α "1 thing," Lucy, wrath were un- and can be tke • Mrk ai«n!h. gal." "Walk into the dea her, for tho vials ol lier to hare lasted for a eentoy. Agaia always stopped by pressing right eilti«f«room, "I won't to church a if she 8mI> 187J 3d And down on her knees at the lower odly, go step them out all the ol act Paria, Jaly 13, con," said "Father will be in corked, and she poured thoaoand* and tkeasands time*, upper lip—and ac«ordiugly. I/icy. with that nwiul on her head." agnin, ihe old goes thing man who drank It, t MM ! bureau drawer pluatpcj lady,and so iu the deaeon went. way home. was it that th* —Somo one haï been orir tke l|, K, directly *\Νοι ut in Belinda. "I not, proved loeking out a once but now faded I," ι guess maa. He endured I'AUla HILL, Alt drew gay "Are well tkU ?" lie "Tho ol this town have was the beHer record· of th· ef Weat Vir- you pretty spring !' good people nothing legislature whereon dircrs birds indeed he eame out at ill laat aession it sampler, iinpoSsiblo shoaled to ouc lesson besides what hn better, of and find· that IKSURANPE grandma. said their learned to-day, more, tought ginia LIFE! FIRE A6EMT were in worsted. "Oh ! now, giils," mother, a theownci.s of — man who — and flowers wrought if am than the law"to keg· FOR ! oui well and both have heard in the bernions, I the war healthier paascd prevent ••Oh la, jes, spring "The best way is to be iu they OIFOUD COUNTY said she it over his soothingly. is more demon· from at "Tuere," spreading some of not remarked Mr. May to drank. Nothing easily runnig large." held out wonderfully, though the not mind it." But at mistaken," "I did all that afore I wai fifteen dvpendeut and gills knees; u=> he walked homo with her slrable than that the liquor used by the —A Sioux hot·! kaa · black an! H* Κ C. represent· oui» 3rit-cla·· C^nipan ti neighbors were plagaed lor water 'mosl the indu Ueliuda, city what was eighteen very lately pesscts men and willi»«ue P«l.fte»al nefaToraUeraleiaiaaj Gale ain't nowadays they alter service. two armies, among officer* and alike tan don that killed a thousand rata In a all winter. How's your loiks?" that lo that night evening Mli· mail for Circ.Uart of rniud belongs iorty Ajent. Appliratioa» by then." peudence an curse la them. It month. Thia ia a far th· ··Woll Λ3 usual nodded the deacon. she "I think was nnmitigatad good puff d·^, af attirance, promptly luntrtd, and any part of or so the chureh bells on Sab "Why, yes," replied. "li'< said Mr. May, forty·live, the braies aad vitiated the but i· hard on th· hotel. •be Louai» very pretty," "You hivca'l out to much learned one if disturbed vi»ued if requested. A pi J got iHceliug bath tang to them secluded in think lliey may have they he mutt in morning aud debilitated — after bab Ibinkmg say something praise h.ive It isn't sale to believe council* of the officer*, A loquaciou· bloekhead, u WAITOV ibis winter, you?" (their chamber, peeping through closed will prolit by it. of it. "I called to see the young ladies. and demoralised the aiea. Yet all the bling some time to Lord Krskin, ob»erved ukalek in "Dou't see much »i ? Well, blind» at the church goers. Not one ol all we hcar.r Arc at home ?" licliudy and men he waa afraid he waa o· his iPKCTK n:s, itWKLRT, WAT< II- they a oi time the delation aateag otteeas obtruding and aud to hear tue rumors "It has made me great deal sport sho'i pielty steady UdcMtiious, the family had chanced ear. not at all," «aid CHAIHS. SEALS. KE>3, PICTURES 4 FRAMES. "Not but dreadful little of it at home— that there were Mti eomfort and ilordiibip'e "OH, to see how have becu aold was, j Alao on hao t and a aliete like so*ie. 'Virtue is had been all over town for easily people tor iale loi of T'MWAKk at Such ain't gaddiu' which Hying "I have not bôén auJ other mostly I did it school. things tu whfBBV. KrAiu,· liati-niag." Aung·. volume with iu this matter. I have becu wicked help acd He osvo tlte books used the past two days, gaining WClAKki, tc Htl VJUCT» » was taught at school iu them lime*, reward,' wiiliua Centre, Sumner Item*. the l>t ath of Ι1··ιη·ν ('. Ham- ed; lh<.*hcart'e action was quite regular llethrl Hems. Itum/oril The 1~υί€ on Injiution. Inqnest upon At α ol Invincible I. (). I am lo elosc labors with meeting Lodge mond, Hodnnday, .March 25th. although weak. The Concert and ch»*»ng cnlerluinmcn A« about my ► Some ol Wit) democratic papers are s< ol ϋ. T. (he were chosen dele- (Dtforb Several physicians were present on (lie of tho school incur cam· the school at this vitiligo. 1 wi action ot ilic II >uso in t< Friday evening yuiing On the head 1 could and useful, Lodge session at Lewislon in April: S. PARIS, MAINE, MARCH 24. 1S74. .1 ./W*»r.«—F. K. Shaw. Foreman; Merrick examining outside, church. U«d.r the render the teboel atliactivo incria>e the to thu old gonial currency Ii^wm S. l i Alva Slturt- two sours in tlic there was of Hubineon, jr., Win. Sewall, Hannah H. M I'avK Λ1«·\·. ny»!. discover skin; ot I'rol. i« whoso .crvic but as there ha* been a marked degree cli'ic I to iiidueuco*, am ' True. Chamberlain, ><··>, republican lefl", 11. Ν. Holster, 1). S'. nil of a above, in' Robinson, delegates ; Daniel IJ Uobinson Decisions. I appearance depression so much time has I,ecu and s< truancy, of late, I know not but lhal my Newspaper ο iviim would hav< spent that the demociats front and behind the ear ; ilie depression Kieltl, Josinli Ϊ. Stetson, alter- wal Λ oudenrors have been in vain. As tru- Joseph 1. Any who t.-ike* » naper reffuUil much work done, it 'rul>' g,Cl person ink·.u another course. Tlio New Vorl was between two of I lie nates. J. Field from lb· office—whether iliraoted tu name υ Hrow called.—I was call- the pointe injury; of schools. Chpt. wuicoommendt'd hi* I>r. Tbos. II. 11, sucoo·*. There has never been an enter ancy is the general fault nil another'·, or whether be La» -uUec.iba·! or net- hris tho fairness to stall was to skull at the ΓοΜ, however, to attend Hani- scalp adherent the fur Lodge Deputy. The Lodge is in nil it r>'»iw>uuL)le for the |>a\ meut. ed professionally IlcnrjrC. home talent «ο I class myself with with other teachers, I. a h r — the skin w as gotten up by I! order* y» \ dUrontinml, the ca*e 1 at the after — condition. Ui ρ·ηκ>* ap'T tairly. lt»ays; mond about the I Hit of October last, wound; depression and iho excellent late, meeting* mu*', all or lia puWuhor ui *o and one urnku following remarks: pav (nwra|tia nominal in the Iloueo ο removed louked as ifcit wae nil Inch and meritorious, delightful, cuuuauc 10 aeuil u unill payuivui «· luu ic, a* 4 "The parties about C o'clock p. M. I found him at Mr. have been held weekly. wo so us the ono υ Now that sometimes teach- coilvci the whole taouut, wiwtuer ta« p'per " was that the which were granting were 9o on tin ; the one-half It noticable proud, a ι froui (he 9rtiec uM. Representatives split up Hammond's, upon sofa; long. John has hen liai Uk<« or Peieg ljing Use ers are to discharge suo- Thompson produces 3. Tb« court» to iak I bone had been in the direction Friday Genius showed incompetent baveû«**àl« refusing financial that they seem almos was reel less and In was Injured evening. six inch' s. Ile thiok» Le MtMilWttill Wviu UK .not i.Jic. ijucstiou very great pain, their and fail to accom egg* by eight MwapapClk aitol where the the bone had in hi vocal and coma ceslully duties, or an.1 th*!B uncalled i » to have not to rasko tlie m ille r' wanted to ri*e often. and lie was wound wa>; spots unexpected, as as she can. removing ·»*ν1«ΐί Tor, ngre«d weak and what bo can s'.and it long prtimx />MM evul«ue« of liau'l. healed in the front half of the wound; power, and when we see it wo l>*c plish they may propelly a issue. The voters on Mr ■ from the leiu- has political bleeding pretty badly rijjht the Kev. A. Harrows returned fioiu but in the lower half It was not only make a note of It. Tho audience w cxpeeted lo pel form, rc»|>ooeibility IHw»' Amendment, to restrict tiie cir pie. 1 removed the clothe wrapped around the where ho tho alter all, tor the feeble results,af (ho provinces, spent winter, •ΤΙΤΕ or h.vixk. 1 h'.ood tlssured, but and had not attentive throughout, and thonOair ftnclj cuiaiion were of 4j> republican! the temple and found the running depressed, i:i excellent health. ux composed rests tlie τακ οον&κ>υκ. fiom two closed up fully. We removed the skull, conceived was linelj executed. 1 he per schools, chiefly upon parents am! JJ democrats in the negative. Tin > freely; the bleeding proceeded A PROCLAMATION. in su cut the ai d A teacher cau not luve on fide ol the head—one and doing through drpressed loi mance ol the Cantata Sh.p community. S or nut Item a. voters on the linal ol tne bil i point» the right Burning y adoption had adhered to « hen are aw.η tlieie the membrane was to of tho ιηι ( lull vinsses pupils kept were ! 1 was above the ear, and at that point portion; superior anything Kef. L. IL Tabor bas so lar recovered In buoibb of hautaa iocrea>ing ihe currency compose» *cknow!«*lj(iuen: d«;>en.l bone the skull under the wound. veiy 1 ro or allowed of their own volition to be was a small bruised wound, but the Nothing ever be lore in tho To tho his sickness as to resume Lu Miv uq Divin· faror, Mil in w-conltiKi with ot 115 and Λ 3 democrats i< II village. from miu- republicans beneath noticable about the general character of can not make scholars with- revered cu*s. 1'KATKK. , eocietici »y cjngralulat lut on and bave bolli a meagre score oi voter· lor contrac brane at the same was adherent to Deering St., they l»y —not a cut—was forward and up- point the ivduetion is the uexl still I.n u· a* a itnue ui auch au uNitrvnuc smooth solves that hare been able larger, peopU for inflation." The bruin and they throng made arrangement* to build tasty cot- tion, against iS other wound. The the brain beneath it. itself, 1 of that day a a wJl brtaf ua into closer cotuaiuuioi ward troni the part» him to so much. W « noticct more, and at last, nut one hall of the other membranes looked with the accomplish tage bouses with French roof, as souu ** wltti Him from whom lOineth .Ml our bn-tvl?.' above the *kln were till- healthy cause *>1 — It will be recoliocted that wo wen around and Miss Tucker of l'«ru end Mrs Uluochau original number remains. The ! aeW atrentrth to rr»Kt of a on the side the will thereby gaining t«uipnit"i ; ed with Mood tor a «paee of two or two exception portion ri#ht groutid permit. an P.vorce ca>e, ir of Hmnfard were and aio this we have not far to go to liud. l'ti and otckmn evil, aai even oar toil- an ι piomised interesting the middle lobe for α of four inches, present The ot shoes, iron» tho S!io« and one-half inehe*. I examined thin space 1 shipment trulito be blv· .·« I to our and eternal the 1$7J to wo like their sweet it is duo lo the fact that our prv«eut $.··Ήί oui County, at December Court, the brain was softened, fn* .ay voice, maiiiy peo ior week the into it was the substance of Factory lite ending M.uc'i 'Jl»t, at the Chaml-vr. la Au»n*ta. till wound, linger it; a eNi QmkcII in which two ioruier residents o! Oxford passed much. r under tin too vulue u|h>u education of tu tn« ν «fol ο but held the this rery Pro,.· Laming plu plueu siiglil wa? IL'6 ease?. tweuty-iir.h Jay March, more or less on the front side, by membrane; «ofienlng. I ord one :h ·ι »αΐι.1 iiunlred aud "»'rn:i won , depressed * omI the means which ure l »r citftlt Couuty, ii\i::g in >iew York City, the of It was beneath, first masters, health lavoring. wiU provided An W talked of l\>r Wedaes «Jour, and of tlte 1 mtcpct*·!w* r>f IN; I tn.e> but could not tell whet lier the Inner plate greater part assembly Mr·». I their children lo ο il liit Γ., it uu S île» oi Amtwa tb« bate;., i.jrblli. to u re. Tho were Lurj and above and behind the fracture; the make them star ρ τ formers. Wc ha«! j they tig parties was tractured or not; I endeavored to evening, Apt il 1st. SSI S M DlXùLKT, Je vs. Jonathan Millctt wore al-o adherent to int. nded to hue ni urt-d to dei stood the lance lo the children j J. Bcarcc, Lint., 1 cold and other membranes many pel- impôt \ The eUi/. ns of School l)i«tri t No. L stanch the bleeding by uppl>iug j 7, the Governor. of the obtain iiearcc. l ue libellant v\.cs a prej o*t «le- The scholars connected will. U.o su'S in iho school» llicy would make α bel tel lady, toriucrly ! fourth* ot an hour. The blceilinj; seemed j lo »··« what sum ol 1 j1 1 diyeiuuiug, cr Mexico «oil of the tract lire; the biain a e.terU.nmcnt a. u»c of the which have. ot Uumford Iroiu small vessels, près poition in·» eU-»s had gi--*l opportunities they of ncighboibood 1 to proceed capillary ! the Di»triet wiil raise lor the support was Mvb litilr. was in several da\s nl I w as then lemoved, and there nothing on a.u Γ woul J not allow their to lie iu sud altcadaut'Q and not from any aitcry, ai.d thought Pattec's Hall Monday evening, key boys a Free Seaool. been men· High 1 ho ol res to vioKnc< her little out noticable excepting what has a at tho House. the streets w hen tho^ sh- ird lie in school. pracliec >iting court. accompanied by pretty h.;d stanched it; cleansed it carefully [ j supper Chapman K. C. and Α. Ε Sanborn, sons oî I'll s was found with Capt. when a i« worsted at mi election,*: The dolt, wns in I lie centre of the wound. tioiud. miigied one ol our IcaJ would not tl « m to abandon party daughter Nellie. formerly and took λ stich Mr. Calvin Kruball. I'liey permit Aib rt S inborn. cf this have the ccrebro fluid between I lie village, the democrats Lave «lone in till'* ami in New and was in η that the wound was swelled spinal lost a .* school for or work, ortrcn to attend u ■; !->r dealer York I th· louiid ing merchants, vilu.ble play λ H ird Ware store in of the brain. Μ υ diocovvrcd | opened Lynn, other States :uid Si 1u.l1\ at Il·· demand from mid that the (deeding ! hemispheres caused a (I st school, and lose an education repeatov!'y, they aUAiedanec Conrt also. underneath, conlly. by .um.iug sharp pomUi ! jiny M i«s. 1 he Uiddefuid Times »ur, A. s:ait- ; a plate on tiic side of the l ight hemifphcic ; did at l>idd ûid, is wUti;c'y .·λJ«.I« n:iblc cd a which hi* wife desired from thence; the bleeding .tick iiiw bb inward»· Μ,. Κ that Would make mon of them that the I public liia!, piocccdcd for Sanboru «fc Suns aie uiauufacluiing at out ami the ! where matter issued which accounted and subversive of all At t·» avoid. The little I used to l»e in < «1 a^.iiii an Τ l eut the stieh *1"»· country will be proud lo own. Few government. \ gii Η the their manufactory at Li:u>.i k on the the pus found. Λ section braiil ... in run bin d flowed a* a* ever. I could j will attend School ol tho municipal elcoti >n, uceully held CiMutwiihhcv mother, ami would freely Π,, rtrtn «I Cl..l.m.n, W.KKlbory 4 children steadily dozens above! I ! «as made iu the ri^ht mltl.M*· lobe of the average se vculy find no of blood, as it wouUl trom ^ llidJeioid, .1 aro»o a·» to th· m .:I.e,· to father freely. Li!>el· spirting Co b«. .uW l« »'« I«'■">·'· Um """ iheir own clioico. The temptations It» question j frwa quite brain that an ab*ec*s per d ly, which wiil be eoutinued the < an I succeeded in stanching it at passed through tlcctiou of some member* of tho ity laiit in iicr Libel Inlidclitv and artery. town,, l«.W. leave school are many, and the advan alleged that contained tldi-k pus, the nb- niljuiniiijî most of the jear, there' V last with cold and drew the wound to- pure part adding Council. Tho i:t ono war 1 w as averse to a rccon- is coin since the tint ol last. ot nio not republicans base ev.uluct. and sees* would hoM a* much as a hen** bush· u( > tages learning appreciated. much lo the business c>( the icw, n* j with adhesive platers. At this largo pi where the electiou was conteste J. *ere ι the deft. was anxious lor it J gether Mr. Κ. K. Morse h η bus. II hand and cncouiag- citation ; it seemed about ni d sur· doing big req'iiicslhe steady well aa lo the intoreiis of lh far.njis in time the above ai d beyond this egg; globular, civeu certiticatcs and uut with the and it seems parts ' at aiker « voice ol the lather and mother to they ihe case was continued rounded a membrane that is the ict no* in his bedhead Factory VN ing the in the demand lor tlfir »«h wour.d were intiltrated with by prod \ieinity, th;it Luuch ol cousiUciably tlio child ia ils coutso. In Council, and crganized were after«vards discontinu- of disease, and «a» nouii-hed the ves· Mille. Mr M haï i;ow ou hand so.m keep ninety proceedings blood, ami swollen; cwidd not place my by J limlier. ι lit The democrats, w ith the in in nine cases in a hundred when scholar* government. ed lure and commenced him sels of tho brain. Λ little drepe", and lilucn hundred bedheads sihi«b he 1'ho Satiborns manufactura a'jout lingers upon it without giving pain. 15,· a weie was ιο- one have been at nchool it Mayor who is Q lixute, On the 21 1 Dec. last, the case in Iront was a second ab»cc*s. eighth tends lo «ell this kept punctually ") 1 >ta:d though the night and went to bed. spring. α dozen Shovel llaudics st Norway, front .run to furious and uiado threats. The republi- to a who decided in tuvor :.s a·· the tlrst : and a little in j Hcibci claims an sc-isoc wiil be louuil upon exam; have icried referee, Ho was sensible and would answer qncs- large uninteriupted J and have secured a laig* iot ef »»h lim- cans to have the Doft. resisted the re of the second was still another of abouti since the 7th ol S J been duo to iho effort* of the adjourned, willing ot complainant. tious, although he was delirious a: times; of good sleighing principally ber this w inter. determined tribunals. the same si/e as the la»t; tl.u brain be-I items. If the are interested I question* by proper poit and moved fora new trial, alleging lie was then iu what is Called a state of wmber. ρ parents The undei the lead of the who (ween the last abscess and fracture was' in the the cl.i! lien wi ! fce. W't 11 oodstock—I'urmcr.i' Club. democrats, that he Could prove tint the witness shock or he had coir.eout ι·Ι tin li is estimated that thirty thousand school, Î1 collapse; same, We loiiud about lids M Ui'rd ia their efforts U con- j ha:denes). tow® mention other matters lhal tend Meohin- ijor, get j t«*'ilied against hiui were not credible »: lining caused by the injury. Thetieat- maplojtrces havo been tapped in tins might The Woo Islock Farmers'and a of Iho middle trol of the «esotted to mob law lie point cousiderab!· pait lo but we decui u met a ol I're*. offices, l'tie w itnesscs were the keeper of a house tnent wae, tlr-f of all. p< rfect rest, within the pa^t two woks. Lu* b-llur de preciate o«ir school#, ic-.' C.nb agreeable 1·> cal! ot the hraiu was softened. I ex- an ot their with lobe lo lo the ι al last Thursday, accouut p;o- nl ill-fame and one of tho inmates, Willi uii< iij a horizontal position day and Sunday were lovely sap "ajs I more imporlaut call Itcntion A. 1". Co!c, 11 the I ;au liait U; yam's j placed ainlucd the thtr wciediik colored the /' «.· a.* him him an lung* ; can?e eeedings beiag ^ivcu iu 1 A Doctor and who swore to ad.;t'on "f ki< } ing gave fundamental that opcia'.es n^; [ Γ .ml, March 26'.h. i'rescnl, 1'icMdu.t draggist, and iuliliratc i w ith blood.but ucro sound. lo!iow>: h l ut It liai lo uolicc less cviis : medicine. Deft, claims that 0| '.iteto quiet m, illy produc- their p.ospccls, than Cole, Vice Presidents D. J. Libhy, and ainiîtoiing 1'iie heart was found in health, as aUo as he w is more or le*» di>- must tui'.o u the dilli· Wan «a un J a let of it is a ut to ruin him. ho ed the effect, ItuckjMil W e g> to llic of Hansom Dunham.Treasurer. Ll.J. Libby. "Mayor roughs ! ; up job though the the stomach and livei He had lust consider· kidney*, «pleen, must that the tiKtde the tirst mot ο in ie*d Louiotui.a iu his afli I ivit, thu bad turbet. evidently While at l)r. Ma*iu.\ at Hartlorl lasi cully. Our leel i-.n.l there being no Seciotary pieseut, ι admits, ri»';ing were sound. Koiinduootlui disease than people and was not iu a condition to altoiuouu. but he went there «bio blood full attention. u.l.e. school is to them and their voted that Lzn Jlwc 1 act as tioTcrnuieut, Thursday l)ou>e, referred to, say* that of the brain. my among ...any important Secretary be his head was not very h.t before While the C.erk WiU absent thc\ lose.! li ri.»r aa I collect m »ney. lie bled; kinds ot fruit, wa. called to three app e children. When they understand that pi ο le m. lU-marks were nude with City was (hat tin· exaininntion was 1 .t „.l the next tiiere not \ciy I s!iuiil a more thau the ο the the Club burst the door ot the and IV.Jll.VCS KKJ ItiViv, »·>·'· treci. si* i.. diameter, it gives huudrcdfold pa*t osrfuînes» of opeu office, UUWMli^ won! I η t have standmg regal.1 huh excitement the ue\l morning —11Ί suftlcieiitly thorough. it ft»r a dcw α low one rod necoud ol bear· ot r»om, or a y President Itinsom Danham, D. Mr. tovk his scat as cletk. The eNe. Tî»è hearing a week npai-.. year factory, shop, counting ; by Cole, lripp j everything lient or wa»$eilsi- been ρ «ssible thai an injury within exc<*ii\e high pil»»·; to iroutiootsuf ttfb vault vveie thtn cut trial was sot down for M irch .1. injr The trees m ο raised ou that larni oilier phlCO ol like emploi nienl, then, J. Libijy. I'- S. Curtis, A.dcn Chas<·, ble and emild remember; was delhlou» or ten day s could hate produced the re- m t » the . sons ai which will be and dow a and the record* amidst the an Nnd bod) by doctor d daughters, they K/.n .leaoil, Columbus Perbaru. grabbed at times, but could alwa\ s bo recalled by sult lonn I I could say by examina- «.ailed ^ al the cheers ol a of » ho were —Beside* the Divorcee granted lathe., Ui.bee, (who the active years ol otlieis, and a I gaug roublis, and I iVtink there wm no time tion whether nil inj iry was fj■ ii:r recent •lep receiving through J g'»j spirit prerailud. questions, j w S. J. » » ill > u z and iLu movement b\ la>t term of the Court, already *.»· ··» 1. 11.·! î.iif hrnv lull·/ ? fill* IM*#· ls a workman .u and manhood an ! womanhood, then they Ivder I inha was espuci uiy jal«>us and present aiding that lie would not anfwer «incstloi»· cor- budding g.alung) are the lollowtrrg r Kith cions cul from a hiru not allow the ol >clioo much revived iho ctilhusiaim whicli their Tell· of approbation. Tiiey wi.1 reported, until the wound healed; I should sny tlint U\<>, Hi:·■«* or more Uicening. by oppoituuiltcs iug pre- O. rectly dres»edj a Almira Charles •elf. number one bears ol lo almost vailed η tie din s of the Club wh «talion guard over tue «ut ran ce and Murray,libelaut,vs. the wound the 1th or S'.Ii day ; it «ceint J mouths lm<1 clapst-d Irum tlie nppeerancc Tice apples becarc!e*i»ly, ciimiuilly neg aily of tuinor child own is tlic a to a dark or frittered l

    y Ilammotis. tion witbout giving him grent pain, and) softening. pre- Β· and improve them to the luilc.-l hereafter member the : libelant, vs. W ilium il. wn<> vious cau.-e to llietc, anil *s α in-iitrr oi A. A. nu alien· ι1 >e« on a.i »··«' mccw 1 Friday morniug. Thece is great excite· J»aui)A Pratt, ! aï there was no paralysis very [|ιο tu et. Ucing piosonled wiibadaik W. 'à* minor child tu not to 1 that the fracti re of u.«.ut, and the riotous acts ci the "Louis- l\ait. Custody ol given I thought there could be opinion *hould»ay red apple, and uuu otio baif red, i»ii:o.iiv and no», a secon lary object. profound Mt.nrs. h'' jr.i :—Ο.ι the "ith of M ireh. ^ btrt that lie conM re- die ftkit!) ami coiuuttiuii ol the t.» t'.e « ·»τ iana" mob arc denounced all lil*!ant. grent a depre«Mon, iud uuo a pure Oiccniiig, which I MW Tac Prelim. a,'tee*b!e if good tlio α colored I the wound* u: lit I of lΙιν biain «si- the fir*t catuc. Absces- present month, bipii-m ι» citizeus. Theeud u uol Whitman. eo»er. 1 drew hoy liuiu tho name 1 ilub. 1 touud siiiulion, lUnsom D mhau yeL" plucked ol appointed cs can occur in the brain fiom tumors took near the city Little H wk, lleoriultu Ma\lui, libelant, vs. \\ <1 healed, nbout 14 or IS days; I attended examination the red nia» place a »o'»iect I >r discussion at t) mellow, prcjont Ling inure than There ha* Ikau iio time since the i Aikaiis is. Λ stream was dammed loi liain W. Maxim. Custody ui minor lihn every d.iy and sometimes j jury and η sour. The other Iwo next *bo Associated xuciiisot the election but it.e juicy pleasant meeting piticiileU quanel, d:a\ lie that Mr. Hammond has been λ well man. tiC occa-ion, η and I hi· ; child !j libelant. once a ; gradually grew better; liaid and uoi at the time, forming pond, I).»ir\ nnd the I'rbci«l«nL resort to violence is to the given • palatable greva- inxr. appointed disgraceiui the ixcilcmeotlu hf condition of the brftin mi^ht have were led in one after another1 lllack. the fe\cr was not gnat, tlie \\ til nut soine negroes ««M on tbe afftruiaii*e. and Han- in the extreme. been very Misfit cati-e», ig keeping lougest. Ezra'Je party, the* was i.ot the delirium ngxiavated by lo the number of two men and Martha vs. William sy»tcui much; jnc ol the reader* of the Democrat eighty [ som Dunham on the ol ll · An has tince been McKvoy. libelant, but with it In such condition lie wa««-ire to man) negative injunction applied less and lew. I do not mean to say η oiucii. A color til has of roursc of minor child given grew me its il ihc baptism j All ho are interested lor the and McKvoy. Custody tliin condition of the bruin could inform through columns, question. pen-on** by republicans, g:anted by that ht did not have spells that he was die; conriertid with it, but it cannot to libelant. ubaefcte» »bove «as a freak of X.tluiw or the solemnity i„ ihc before the Club «re .uviled Howard ne\< r have'h* ::K"d. I think the fruit ! subject Juollen ed II oui a fiera to attend. lor the nod claims that their was inubt have injured, couve) Mavor. pro· the «ystem; sometime* I successful .it t!ic church, of tonic ti*c or M. Delano, libelant, vs. Elias >0011 after. ίοηΐι· unknown eau m·, m no ol the Voted to uinleo weeks,to I ar« correct. M:»ry com- apple» λ«1|' usnUf cctdmgs 'and sometime* not, but lie alwnys si λ han Ircd the cm Delano. brother "f dwi' tl, le*· as was d the pcrsmn, including the 6'.h ol at 'i o'clock P. M. N. Ilo ua< (.o ir?f tî llamniDnil, »ind grew near, I inlorm by At ul, le hi» liouie )ld who m nu e.\tia Urmcr. baptism, Kzuv jh*ku·· The fo delie.Ve a condition thnt I ielt the y* Mamwchuftettλ Senatorahip. in a*« «1 hnn t·* gentleman, as llicx cvonuijf nl Ο tuber Ittti. I rc*|>io-li go lo Lite place ol bapticu, Mii^iag Amsby II. Knsi<-1. libelant, Luc> There' l iie of liie IJ.h K.l.vrti I of him 1 »« id had laid him lu a Register s·*)·" Five unsuccessful ba for a neees.-iry keeping very qulvt. uj> I·· Uu' ter, lîutlerlU Tlio»w who are Ο be \ 11 artlο» tl dajs luting «ont to L i{d. ba;*lUcd,»;aiiy Λ. R esell. wereno Indiquions of excepting lu· and lie wl-hixl to pr.itu t>j wltntw* that tic hail Λ'h.slow, bu\in^ Ll-cu iglaud successor to Mr. Suiuner throws but |*arMlri>i4 in thoir hril> s.v:»s <»r Bt-bec. uollhd. When armed ihrre Mifc.liuUcr· ctrpd large II iving itiptiluteJ Forest Like I.uddeo. the muscles on the right wde which w« re tley is an agent ol iho eokuty in Itil'J.biOUghl j I/»>dge iitlle the result. s and light u|>on probable· Mr. 11, ! J called her I. .«b.«nrf out of Uie l>a>n. lltnrj bundles ol clothing,, <χ·., „f Good u» thiiiy Caroline Blake, libelant, \s. at one tin re w.i> a lit- he fust ot neat taille to mouth Ttmplar»», Stephen a little iij:i'I time; hn bleed l'I) L».iwes has led enjoint ballot and grad- threw llic t>! iiikct o« iiH Intra* lout got «ut have their head·, tied up in a large hand· a**i*tcd sixteen weuibinol Blake. that ι «oven two member*. bv W. i!«- trouble in the voice indicated par- : at the a itne tiioe llutterllel t came out and iVeie uot toil cows, heifer*, gaine*!, but Mr. Hoar runs Tory gig Arrived at tho or is ually ex 'kerchief. pjol, prat tl.o Wave, and the had Walker. I lure nau:cd ail the indications into Uo road with η hoo in hi· hand. Alter .Iters, Iwo bulH, and six goals knowing Lodge near alysis; lutut) him, an! the Iriends of these two it-Id had and bv the ition, in now oci .i- word* tnice, Buttai «liutkllenty > singing contre g to it* folds and o«ntd < Mevi i libelant, vs. Aimer A. of that I »aw. 1 saw him rhnngirg livided ouohu.i Ire J and liltj i χ gained many seem Kn*pp, paralysis to nil among leading candidates inclined to hold Jo* 11 with the hoe, nti'l lie fell, appearance, «:ic;i a strain as UvlLtes οιι ting. one of the lr«l fuinishtd hall* η» l"· t > i < > a 1 i ν Iioiii that time until Uecctuber htsous to leu \ ears Icm oiio only Knapp. η ,1ηι·«* thon forward .111.1 re- in ΙΟ.'/ keep cn. at any rate for a while Mr. dead. The «prsng arj led into trie uratir long.-r. and very boon afterwards it wa* after which they an organ and an extra C. lluic!:in>. Bisbee. iL'ouit. eeiv·· 1 η nc'ond Mow upon his si le. W hen the ialf their use? county, Including Dawes, who was a candi i.ile ami the miicd in tlio usual prominent ever that there was a wa* wa* hi* leins ceremony perl" for I an for.· Mary J Scribner, libelant, vs. Ejeue· plaiiicι than depres- tlr-l blow given Henry holding Who would have thought a few ycats etage speaking. accepted when was cm- nu w itti Iloutw«ll clectcd, is and the two wounds. la Ot:C hand and whip iu tl.o ctber. I lei! m inner, ν tried h jwever, by the iDoro talion to be on ihe filth- anir.vcr· 2ei Scribncr. vi minor child sion o\cr between when il wa* olu-n said the fh >vcl- present l Custody tboreia, un «toi hua. igo, a!r*«*eem, of torest to the iiraod Lodge ! with his that she called he ointment ol some. Oh fora History —Delegates w liatever he desired, la both returned brvtbiTiicorjre; dieapi tion and their votes where my opinion in? onrcniunce of the crowd about the:u. ike remarks throwing they at Sih her husband who Wis in Uie barn, to conic Into L Wis· Usekneil.Esq. ; by Guod ■ «ι the by Templars Lewistoa, April uiind and muscles were weakened—α par- ileam pou thai shall lake surplus will do the moat for their thru ont or hi* blank- live hurrah!" good party. w rates ou the the house, H-ury *ot ffti. •*Tliy kingdom forever, Rev. Mr. Stevens W. C. Τ ; dcolamallon and Oth, ill reduced 1 a confu- if farmers and return to tin un their get tiai loss of memory and froinbiin brush- sup Chas. Francis Ad:uus or Gen!. Banks eted hi- hJ; song l-«kl, by showing i sion of ideas. From uiy knowledge ing hi· band*; that arter exchanging word* with > d: I not roc her husband distnuco. After the ceremony is over, social the marehall and assistant tickets. Over other roads the reduction it is a nieie opinion from what 1 could ped tlniosi ccaicd Lo bo a vittuo. greeting, while Mr. Adams would be more accept- tlrike, but did *ec Henry drop. they return, singiag as boloro. Thoro ihc audience to the town had iu one half. see anJ what lie said of himself. lie d«l Tho ι ol the of conducting Edwm U. Ste.irué, bioiiier-ia-law io deie.isod, in, harbinger spriug, able to the It is not weio live thousaud wore rcpublicaus. a and οί probably' peisoue, below, where table» loaded wiih The indications are that largo not at any time have the symptoms teet.tlvd t'.ial ho fill in witli Henry aome dUtanoe :atne on the l'Jih. that Mr. the black and w witu J»iud tlio core m imptobable Saufoid, Speaker bo and u ot from from the corner; that had an altercation a« tile, >:iy. fanner'* fare, cooked by those who had interesting Msrion will had. ι compression tlie brain depressed th.\i The dome.- lie sweet found i;3 way ot the be tlio r« de that w.ieu re.irhod ihe cor- House, may compromise ilall on or ot' bl< ο ! under the bone. they akii«; ttiey and to spare. la public meeting in tho new City bone effusion m lo tlie fuiuihoute tables. enough Reassembling candidate. Dr. the President of ner ItuUei Held, who «11 coming out of hi» gar- Luring, until liN last sickness the hall with open doors, llickneli by Thursday evening. Kiom December ileu, aeked "what is 11;ami witnee· replloil, IIaimfoud. Itcttm. the Senate, does rot seem to havo much Oxford earnest his ; Mouse The Grand Council will be in session I saw U'iu but very little. I was called to "not much," end Henry, wilti an oalli, asked Tho above communication was all on rciaest.rcpcalod poem He on A lecture to'he "Citizens' strength. will fail, if at all, of I P.utterfield what it wt to h;ro. Η -Ιπι»»' teiiti- supplemental Alien, toast master, offered ou the Tuesday evening previous. see liiui again the 2Mb February. card. E-q lirsl; — in L> liiu oi ihw altef«-a- poetal C'ouieo dolirerod in Oxlord this accouut of his lack of i-jsiiice position before that he had been mon) regard rtlw.i|ndur pa>t •Oar Order," to by the chair; had supposed Uiat of Mrs. ttniterilald. alter responded j tijn corroborated • too uiucb of a man. to take winter, was on eve. the Forest policy lub. and recouiended him went given Wednesday second. Eatcrtainuieut by Lake .lew l tt(i land i*rl>M llural ( gaining, wliich, and before the i.lum of Henry, he Dairying. 25th ex Governor Washburn ol Mr. Dawes is beet fitted aud some he of a sense inat., by 1 uliea'' to Bicknell of the really The New Ciub exercise; complained home. Tho Fryeburg Checso Company held responded by England Agricultural te·- Hi» the rm was "Souie of ihu moet entitled to the his acknowl- ol When I wa« called Feb. 2Sth. Mrs. Albin» E„ wifi of Edwin It. Sîearna, Cortland. third. "Forest Like," position, met at and in tho fatigue. Ls lirst on tho Wave; responded Walerriile, Thursday, tided to ·υι,Ί 14 ^ nl corner, and to legal meeting Monday, was 0 lie of the thront as much as I.earilU Laws of Success." The Iccluro to Mrs Merrill a edged leadership in the House being a complained at & Lewu* store, and made by IVsons,:a ftno poem ; altscncool the President, Col. Necdlnm, seeing her Irotber Heu y lying apparently dead. :h, Shirley of and the head. He said he had been superin- fresh, clear and vigorous presentation Lemuel and Mus Lucas. Ou.y gieat recommendation; generally S. L. ot the Maine \ choice of tho following officer*: F. songs by Boardman, Km]., dow n a house and in most he stands well, as an advocate of the tending taking thought The verdict w a· ri-tnrned by the lury : tho subject, abounding happy one thins to mar the festivities, was the was called to Daniel i'liriey, President ; Jinns Thorn*, Vice Farmor, preside. had and 1 so too. '■That C. Hammond came to hisdiaih and withal was and a the ho taken cold; thought Henry illustiations, intensely sudden illness o( Mrs. Dr. Maaim, who people's interests, supporter of a on the Util of March, JdT t, Iu conseijuenco of 'resident 1» Walker ; Bounds, jinve history a of day ; McKceu,Secretary Esq., Secretary, and for cold; complained a l»low on the side of I', contained many valuable best side of national prescribed injurie* ρ.οΊιι vd by right J. Κ W. practical. was to an part in music questions. Ileonght of the and rend letters Irorn the a .Hi a hoe iu the ti .11 1» of sunder T \ Shirley, Treasurer; Thonis, play important organization sonic in other parts of the body, and head L> hints for men and could not have to be elected. Hoar is a man of pain of Pari», on the lllh day ol October, young mid reminded that Judge of Χ. and others ex- llutterfltfhl, Jurbank, J. C. «Clin*. Being ex-Gov. .Smyth II., a sense of fatigue. The next day lbTX" Stephen Farringloo, than to all who and would till the general been otherwise profitable Sabbath »«« «H te" ·"' high standing, position nt not able to attend. ' but tils head was larriiuan, nud Kdward Kelly, Diiectors; approaching pressing regret being· his throat was better Wo tako the abovo iroiu the heard it. Our Course has thus it would not be a report Lyceum home enjoyed a "feast of rea.oa honorably—while The rest of lue session was in restlessness and were the building Committee, K. W. llurbank, baviaj occupied worse; the pain lo save oui our uiioulce. come to a successful dote. any for ReyiiUr, writing a„dllo«ol Mil!. Ureal credit U dan calamity, by means, Charles various In tho could Chairman. The Company met again rematks by gentlemen. most prominent symptoms; talk; At a recent school Scth T. Fiances Adams to be the Senator from JH L meeting the Uev. Mr. Stevens for order. session Mr. Wi.Uerell of the the instead of higher were according to adjournment, mid afternoon pulse being o-daVj was re cleclcd school old aristocratic Massachusetts. South Parie· Ilolbrook, Esq. Boston Cultivator, read u lecture on lower ; not much ievcr. No paralysis; lurehascd a lot of land on which to Luiid Upton. agent of tho village district for the aud Dairy Slock, could sec and hear well ; exhibited no de- ïho annu il meeting of tho members heir factor) of E. C Farringtou. They T! e following officers were eleeted at Breeding Feeding year. —Another railroad war is threatened No reason to commence at once. ensuing was a discussion. lirium to amount to much. ol the South Parii Savings D;ink Cor- lo building the town which followed by impose William Ward well and J. A. Cald- meeting. in the on account of the failure as was no F. papers, apply cold to the head there will be held nt their banking This starts wilh decidedly Modelator, J. C. ; Clerk L. poration, Company j well, have returned from Northern Douglass of the last ol Maine to worst were restless- at M just legislature pass —The Journal -ays tliat tho Cold heat. The spmptoras rooms on Tlr."rsd.ty, April i l, ') p. [ood pro.-pecLs ofsuccces, having sourool L Selectmen, Charles Abbott. with a lot of very nice horses. Douglass; the act to railroad connections. ness and in the head; the enmmenee Vermont, relating Water of, ou Friday yreat pain ïiio Cheese l'actory will lie strongest men of Fiyeburg and Con j I). C. Iîrooks, U T. Chase ; Treasurer. Temple their them is a of as handsome The Boston ot Maine and bowels were noticable on account of soon. lliat the Among span Kasletn, Hon. Joshua Nye ol operation It is expected ray at its he id, while every stookliolder Chai les Town Agent. J."' evening persented a ones as can lot:ml in Abbott; to the are at flattened I began to notice bo Oxford County. according Frets, loggerheads a silver ice and appearance. niilk of many more cows will bo had ceins to show an interest in the business J. W. B»Na Augusta, spleuilid pitcher Wardwell had several ο! Douglass; Supervisor, about the connection at 1'ortUnd. little In the left side; that condit- Mr. Amos again thus their esteem for that rigidity this year, than Iho last. TI10 company f Ihe Company. Collector, J. H. Douglass. salver, showing worse until his sawed last w< ek at Uawscu The aie more interested iu ion grew death, Λ χ lingers badly public the Mr. the tem· gradually have the services of tho same OnsKRVKR. All third selectman. gentleman. Nye organized procured Handle wor*s. republicans cxccpl connections of other where and he became at last very profoundly 11. ά Co'e Shovel reads, they iu that town tv»o since. they commenced with Fiyeburg, March pie nearly years Ί he eves lost vis- Superintendent The drama "East was fo Lo Coun- are to wait hours to make con· paralyzed. gradually Lynn'' thirty Oxford obliged The occasion oi the was a lust year, when the best cheese were —Somë~twënty~or presentation ion, and the 7th or 8tli day he could at the new school homo a Ne» sections with traius where a of by —We see il staled that Kev. G. L played ami girl, bat change one. It was held in the turned out, and mean to up the ly boys very pleasant theiu a lUtie way; about keep ten minutes in the time tables of each open only of Conn line —Wo visited tiro Soldier»' National Union at itleacoe, M···*hoglr^ hall oi the Tontiue there were of the factory. lunt, Mystic River, bap· L Hotel; time lie could not see. The ability reputation <ΓΜ<1>. TUB NiR< II 14 191*. Scott Young υΐ Put Oilfield, while h: c ird y v ls ci.osk. Our 4,Jito.*' writes: In Sumner. March It, Jo ihe wite of 1. Μ ·1>η TWENIY λΊΝΤΠ ANS UAL HE POST correspondent u v Λ k -r to biaeo ia Ε Dl izoc'« shed, {.ο it eon. eleven I si l !. Buck, pounds.) Hans Car.-ccio*! ^'.· ^ l'otilanj ·ιΐι·η st 11:15 Λ M. »a«l Mi A nui row λ forions aecldeitf (Weight, or γη* 11. X. IIOI.STICli. ï' M tbc U;'t r tr>ail ,.ι l'oill ttid ut t>:lj escapclrniu matureLeghorn cailier than arrivii;# frightened and broke lo. ?e and ran η I any other breed! ih·· uexl niorni-jg. occurred yesterday (Marri» 24) at t'yrus 11> mail, »ia Or.m 1 Truuk, at S: Λ 1'. M mile and λ hall, a* Inr as llio residence ol iltltlED. « M. Mr. Buck If AffL» l^rle,! —X 4 1<*- ► ur Noiw.i» \ M aa.l f<>r the ntit«m Buck's, Nerih Norway. Ν. Y. Life Insurance Co. «•II»'* ·*» On» Chuidiill. lie was struck with a η·.»>« > *.··)—♦< 4 H-~i 1 v* oi tU« coubiv, Tu«»», ami ha«l «ml was tin·» No·. 3 10 aild :l 14 15 UOl IHV A Y. ·*> Tîi'.ireuay» previously mlvcrtlsed, ! BKiN* Ι'*·»/—#» ϋ * ê-i 3«tu:'l:»\ », tia Nwrwajr, at lh« «aiu« time. In March Iter. L. II. T.ibor, Hens ! iSo. club there, aud Miss C. ran oui will» α Norway, 21at, hjr Ε! rTfcU--"»*: β Ids household as well as Mr. Isaac >· Kord uf Cant and Mi.i» l».i!«clla Λ. selling goods ou, Leghornmore than breed ! ! Mid -We. l«y EgK» ol'ier t'H» Κ·»·—!8c it η lid drove him into llio stable, with- Myers· η ol p.iri·». auy JAM'AUT 1x1,1874. « #i MAIL* AURiVE. other property :it auction, preparatory to whip 1,.8\-Λ·. In Kmt Dedham. Mast liv Rer.Z. Λ. Muttar, During the year h.S>4 I'olielc* have bcou U«ae>(. i. H MO. Krv m l A-.iJ out to the horse *.r î'otrtsr. M-'Uvn at 10:30 A. M. an 1 jroing West. The eompany present for any injuiica carriage. Mi, Klj;nr A. Taplry or h'aat Dedham. to Mies liiMlrln^ ♦«,ο.'ΐ,ουυ »). h.i,Kin-Mc. t il*-- P«r ilua. V» I' M. Κ11 :ι I,. ol I'aria. Ja·. 74 ii ItiimpiiM Amoont Not C»*li A»«ct·, |il,5*4,iW H <>ι κ ♦«■>·· 4 ·■! lKiwn mall, via virsuJ Traak. 1Λ 1'. M. ι he purpose of buyiug. numbering some 11 »s xo Wo'ndku thai invalid· lofe At llrvant'a I'oud.iJd in»t.,by Rev. J II K«»>csr. Λί Hens ! INCOME. Hav« *Ι» > ι.,ιη \<»ri· and thr »«»-ν·ηι Mr. A. C 1 tfl-twr lo Mi·* L. l> >th ·«) jiartof the Ci'Un"» to had assembled in faith in nil opecitics. when so many woith- Mary Dunham, I.vitl·1 LK»!·«»*»·>—lie. at lîJO r M. forty fill)· persons, ol ant'a ΓοαιΙ- neverLeghorn want to set ! Premium* and Annuiti·!», #0,lJl,MlS8 l!r;. M. Lto» * -4"*. Icss medicines aio advertised for the cure Ιι· ll.d>lrford. March IX. Mr.Snmurl I>caii>orn of Ιη(<·ι«·Ι recM ami «ccr'J l.4Ι*»,ο».*4 κί the chamber of tho house, where there 1Γ von wish to try them. »e«id Ιλ Γ>γ. J. A. > 3 i«c. ut » an>l Mm· heuiee Ιίιο** Saco. :Λ*«,βιβ« various diseases ; bul which hen tried, Kvjrbiirif, o! MOUTOX, llctliel, and t Ç vc. Rawson's Coaches. ν as a laryfe amount of furniture stored for Malar, Ki li»UM'l —«*.· He. ate found ". We have vit to KGGS V7 Ι'ι'ΚΚ ·».«* 0 over wanting KOIt HATCHING ! #ÎV,li4 >♦>.·. die of *alc, to look the j·..■ χ r<.».!♦—>x· n purpose learn, I» wjvir, of the first failuro of Itr. Pure f Sect ret VliUlMZMUHTH. 1 «·αν« .. lint Frrth y — ttif H :»r ui> initia at >.··.·· Strictly I, airl, Paelfi, t '»'> U*>x jjc. A M. and DIEl). >»; l:Jf» Ρ M different atliclus and make their bids, Wutur's liahtim Wild to cure an t 10 iveretl toexprea*office. M* f ur.-uiefou Lo-,4«> death, #1,4lt>,l£S 04 M <■ i>—Ile. I 'a. of Cherry, I'i.i vi \,y Kvr »l«aw train nt il:» A.M. mu Stock, a» jrooda* any in tlic country. Divided* und return pre- Taa—a s«*. when all at once the floor timbers gave colds, nod di.»cas '. roughs, pulmonary All cash order· promptly Oiled or m >ncy refunded. mium* ou caacl'd politic» i,3ll,3u3 ii· and all with ihc White Life nouaitio· ami luatmed away present largo C'oNst Mi itov, Gknkual In DixfieM, March JCth. Klç. tn I.., Leghari» poraettlajof IS, ΦΙ5) Hkonchitih, (I:ui;1it-'r Oj It:own 00 endow 37,960 A3 J. Madimn an paralytls, \ { FOR ΤΠΪ V. U. VI I IV or ten h-ef. On the lower ll 'or was Mis. prepsra'.i entire M wile of I7VT Commit A —We futni^h lo cacli subscriber th'n .il} I'erhatn, Jotlina lVJhum, aged !& AuJLlA JL POILTIiï HUBLDI «ion*, Uroker«K« difierent in il« combination and tfl-Cl car», Ai agency expense·, 44Ô.MJ ¥l Mr«. and two email ly ) J.»/·». ii Ivfniitiful General Insurance Agent for Oxford week, the i*ul>iic Lias by t!iw Ruck, Whittle, boys Fled frem her JtluttnUed JUugntint, ilrrultnl rx.-lii- Advertising A phykl.ian*' p:i«. J. A. MORTON. enue t:autp>, etc., 239,043 57 ΛΙ rat· tension set ·Ι· this II n>r and that ν U, ·«. which caubvl full to V'li.iM·. table blown on tin: bottle. The signatuio ol Ccaac, aching heait, repining; uiarSMw* Rethel, Mah* 4 (AU ,370»! Mlt-ltl. >Vt». 1U. 1974. Jv I'aith Keully I'll» Ihe veil. B,< \t!!;i^c will meet in '.he on η is writ Miptist Vcalrj lib the Are-frame was the probable [lie iι»νclitor. James I. Fellow», Ucveals Iter dear bioar illumined ft 1,440,97 tf ii Λ Wetlut 1st. ten with red ink across earli label, and \v ub love that can never lail. I P I O.\ I 4HMI sday cvetiiug, April meant of savins I he live· of ihost on tlii* Rock ASSKT9. : he pi ice is bot.le. Fellow's Con» — prr Mr*. AdeltliiΤ nl;'e Col. Plymouth «Γ Counsellor* at as in· ΤΙο.ύιρλοιι, of Π.-nJ Eggs! Cash in tiiut iu Attorney* Laic, Pingree and li til, South Waleilord, lloor. For strange U may seein, FOR 8KTTING ! company, XOUWAY. M U.1E. itound ol II» |« is pre W. I'hompsOti, J.αι. 21-t, 18ÎI, of Νη»ιιηΐ|ιΙίυα, bauk and on hand, |I OUl^a7fi Syrup phosphites Ul «m.s. C«n had «Γ J. IM advertise for the bcnelil of one recehcd the slightest injury except lliu njfi-d Ik) TT»\, Itrthrl, at hU Tnvr^te.l lit I V, Ν Y. Slate A. (tt»r κπ»ίαΙ ■ something >ciibed lir»i j in every fornvrly by Tin Α1'|4ι». by hysieians Mrs Thoinpa >n w»« l»irn in llcthel, Maine, and hoiiax', f.n » l.f»01 packed and deducted at the and other »Ιο»·ι··«, (market • tf \II I'UMiif·· jUrudol lu .*· Mrs. Whittle, w Ih> was w ο pnNBpU; C irriage Manufacturers. severely injured ;ily and town he il has been intioduccd Wa» a daughter ol ΛΙρΙιιη and Koxauu.i I'tvitciiH E*|».r», tit*». JOSIAIi DUITOX. rallie » 4.«7 ,»u U), co*t 4.K30.1H3 M U I uY«1I. \v.ts burned S audaj March notill'iv nml l'util) th it aie nout to t-orl.-ite with 41.O0αού bulldiujf* thûiv· result is strange Indeed. About Billcre.—Al cctlaln ol a COUXSELLOB AI LA ΙΓ, period* th<· fret· air mountain lanJ. she was rnaiac· liîiiïS ! ! ou Insured tor orer M,· lis from tho t». even in lÎjt'O'S, '22J, a ue.l, uatiiriil derision ËggS, by sp.u Los··, •I lite tonic is a but there is early gli 7'»*.u0' and the a*· ^ cLiuincy. nece.-iitv; iioli'-ic.-c ^ n«»· Rue kfletd. ol pirponciindproniplncae ofucllon.uceoinpuuicd tifued U» tbe a« S! PotUmiI, ΜκΙ $;îro. No insurance. I in stimulants the Ο. W. Bi;.\ South company 13 l«A4 H-h b* ί·γ, wger using thul.itijore bv exuberant chcerfiili.e-i' and a remarkable fer· r, Pari·, additional collutciiil >0- *« m I Our cot write·: Me«srt <>l whilt· ol invention in tu Cm W. ualitfrlA&tl, Au)rosct£gln — >r«;aii· III.l}· eerkiug; wit)» raake ullicrt Will receive order* for ci Attention i* called ο Dr. respondent digr>tion jji* injr tempor- curitj ) 14,133,2*0 « ; ?_»xf .f ·ν .Miul.Cfft. Morton's liaiipLr ,.nd tetter. ou Andrews Λ Waldron have tak»n al tlic·· iry relief. To obviate lb»#, and pte&ent Loans nUtiiiu polirien, Itfci'iubcr tf A \\ hen In early life she gave her«elf tu .leant, II LIGHT BRAHMA for (the ιe-erre held bv tbe lv't ol liens' a"d ^r· a ti.nic iron» ai.coiioi.ic Eggs Hatching, Leghorn K.;gs from !b"ir to o'the public free waa an eutu· C'>useeiatio|i of ·οιιI an I to on iheni workmen Brhl^ton factory boJy At SI OO per I)o/cn. coin|. ni) polieir* ι. «οι isdsTm. !>· Datum's llock iDisoN, l>r. (ireene llio h ·» ·< η ice. I lei lovely elurneter aeeiiied At owned amount* to 4,Uji,tl'.) >: l» Plymouth Kggs. Tin) prepared Οχ\- Mv were ai * woik in their lactorv here the tv lb 4 It,.io fitiiii Ihi· tin. until iheiiicond l.ijers selected from hanJ-ome mi t snni-anunal duting a suie diviiio Qi.irterly are both ji.s.vti.»» Hit· Kite. cure l«»r Pv>- id to I.e. L'loil.led huuic. She flock οι' 11'.ill III* AllMAa na wan ever raised Ιιι Y SIC IA S SU RU superior qualities. more began her life work premiums due PJJ $ EOS, have tliuhei the Mate, ind an· warranted true to name. Mil»ι I'am, tit lu, |p;t. ii»· is wide awuke, on the tern iha!» in any previous year, and thesr mill vcnwheie John F. Hi.nky, Cchiian & panion* ,w Ue. 11 !'.e 3l.iat.-i r.ι Ile-1 her lo aojourn Premium* ou cm. Unit pol; Uangoi <> a > or» -υ»■ r J l». w »tore, lor ·. vi. -l.hrt li: ie. h< r .tdi hand fought Ills rit··. In ro'ir*<· of Iraiumi!*- op;»<>*:ie will nut rent much the eel- •o. 8 and 'J Κ 4Β·> «w. II··".«ο peranee under the auspices of dutlng coming Proprietor?, College l'iacc, noik,nudU.. |· aver uf faith «m uuiwcnil ia »lou and collective (c>ti· question, son il Minis. -,·. Γλι ». IS.I 13, 1-TI. Cm· ! ton. Sew V..|k. taiijc glare u|>.>n lu::ted roerve on lbt-»e woiuen. O.t Sjii I an im \\ war ibe iy nigh: I cil tile cauie, wait II» manifold calls for policies twu.ouj, ih> luded 'Λ II I ΜΊ IH>! The two auction salts fur the estate ot heroic >e!l -aeiill- c, with a aoblr ,1 ter, in Ά UHtS, mense was held, and over ίί"00 S-.lTacrs with IMI.K5 should erect a i|:e, per· for llaUllitir·] U U netting • uail I3y 77 Λ-a Iiubin»on amounted to little more Monument to Dr. Sii>mk for his Iwiieli» Eggs Setting! to 'jfS DEPUTY SHERIFF for Oxford and Mttitt uniuitfMi) teacher» ol the po|.|e. u.-enmpllahi il, ni.d all»· A. I!. ^In li If »r,Houth l'ail», Me w ill mnif 24,410 ,*7» Counties. lion·· , I at'tmy I'linUt >;», ."-oath order f .i for ·· exec»s of — cute eases Held, I·;-** sett in" (rout cli··ί· Premium Add market ralue \VA ΓΚΚΚΟΚ1). MAINE. Λ ven coo! is thai of a our >le lor the worst of »·>>ιι proposition The mumps have seued upon—a! t'..r'd;n Their Ma» Upon th· Ι'τιΙοιι Foiel. on-i^: In·' of II·,ΙΙΊ and IHKk It Κ Λ11 ol securities o;cr coat, 67,12* 04 cases not I ccn a*-.\!l prt«n>U by mil will rvoe:v« junifl fniluro it> 20.000 has line, iu lull »i!{lit <>( (lie JIV» IΊ Λ M t III KH St. J· liu which desires that 11«i-· t a m irk llau- picket enemy'» pie.kel KOi Us, HfKK HIN*. • 1 ...II paper. bti ; li.ey have h!»TJ. ολ Stite i t r U· ι simple suppository, mainland. Hate, undergoing all the should join tho Draiinioo «on. ol privation» utrirtlj- pure breed· An noi uuTEi) as follows : >:«iiihss and easy npplicntion, gives' Incident |.i a.mi life, and riposed to ttnnllpox I Γιΐ to ίΊ OO doxon! >·*·>«·* Ο. V Bit I DDI RV, *1. I».. j that a tat it! eouol bo li\ed ou Uc a 1 tào The Baptist society, Imitating the ex- a»l:»i:t relief, nets as an instlliment, almost constantly, thev pursin*! their twofold § per Amount of adjusted rk of the ol Order* filled in rotii'lon. fowl ^ale «ta· to Jaoo· can te■•e'iing rudiment* learning and Young for aubacqueiit ! Canada and Maine foiks t*c« me lieh. ol the reforuien In oilier and medicine, and | after fli »t. υΟ SURG ample places, uolliinjt poultice wl integ aouli for Jem·. The rtlûfXi frmn Mm September •If) I, 1874, #171,063 PHYS1CIAS ύ· EOS, ici l.ii! to core. L it niiinliri I were nmr.a.uu. Amount of lo*»«* h;tw held er ion·, ointments. \rry mid extremely A^nitlWihe I'OILTIIY a r«*|M>rtr> sad mlK, while M une. one nli4 luul tu a»aillnK |>ri A··., apprehended a t we« k. Mid remedies DIJ tail, by)wjeilge, Krerjr keep* auiot Amount f«»r rein· Ve'K·· *n«i cC -e a: Uiv '■> a««lately oocu· evening dm in;; tho j atiengtli laaUd, they |>r.tiently Inn^ht Ihe eager have it. Addle-». referred at on account the WAKKSIS is inlalliblc—Piicc 1.00.1 ai tier·· the ■ma nee ou j».'*! t'y 11 l'eabli·». ; Susquehanna, Pa., of i!it'k> I. begiuulagi of W:»d nn. urt A Κ Mil s.. Parla. e\i«tiii2 |*oli· V. e lean» tliut Dr. is RTLEFF, tO > ·.·< it. Mr IKf a, |s"t Brldghain ncgoti.i· ; ><, ΐ « i where. lli*re A-'e lh r» igne.l a ν r. ij-ici'ti It wn* η ;iea i:i«urintr ΙΚ^ΑΙ,'ΐη strike ι men. iiy D:tl;rgi>is every IVinci-l uiuoiig tii· tiie ai road ► it never t·· to ·ι· insuianco for a 40 Walker New Voik. ; heloigolirn tnal goMuttdirinnl participating ting wood-pile. ia! s't the will· and d.r tin· PINGREE & HALL. ; it 4 t>«T cent. C irliilc net fiain·» were not allowed lo run, and the Depot, g.rl coiii.u.indinx ting ilfairs Centaur Liniment. lie Sln ritl and Γ swi· 1 County Attorney, jury- U.v tiiiig co|..ny «ini id her, made ii|> ui MAM. t'ACU ltEKS AM' DKALKLa IX premium); nounarluipai· <-> militia were lo scene on ll ftlld IJ th «exes lit Ihe la e ιηχ and 1,078.113'.oiiiag the from this town, rwiuucd liotn l'ail» T'.;c t< w pOfiAgc law brlnfc* » coiuMorebl· av.arthy Mant < f them teemed llierally to worship her and (it 3 |η·γ rent. Carlisle net >und 1 from thr N'en V rk .vlrintl-lng <> Carriage-Wheels Carriages. iy. their w ay nfneie* aunt viiij tall.who-e I*i Ice of \t from #7 OO to premium) ϋ,'>7,ΙΙ3ΐ4 Saturday, picking through blark^trnlghtand hrrlt, $17.OO. 1 -.ukil7 ι\ι lend* on:»tnudiEx, ij'uitei Λ j — ; on hot like me OatDEK* «,773,441» i lie mud oriiinaiy people. wilt .*r al Ihla I "Kl! Mia» iK'llie's t,to SOI.Kill·:IK im c.iso it S«aU> vs. L.bud^c \V. ^ •:i!>«.t * revived CVtc*l ί W'. t!io-'i>f > M 1' t· Rood; • le liear Jcaua ΊΙ liebei Ua'.e hei in di.« w »rl' wore a hue. 1 All Order· Addra»*ed to t I !iei. countenances all ro*y t t'i ,i!l A » un· .it* >*«.· ^ ^ aile tîic a^π "i··* Imi^ 41 U J. fur uiuidii ol J-.i.a it Med U e i-lie ni-! I the Hi 11 nn h husbnn I.who I»m lalhlr Surplin, $I,7 I'J,334 Hiy, Λ II \1.1.. we of—the f W J Carlton,·** Λ I.o-kr, »V W. w ■· ei vinji a« ru otticcr o! the IMMiKKF. of 41. ttie theefleit suppose weather. Slnupr cilored troops W. Γιοτη the tiuilindrd «urj»lu* #1,71.'V>l way, has Let η on were J Γΐ.Ν ,κΕΚ, G. A. ilAT.L, C.W Cl.LUY m Sept. 2mli, 1Ό„», mhich ,n mii eh h Ι··Ιη^ Ihe dull of th Mind Wh u Uo.irdof tru-in·* h»\ «·drrUred a rerrr»ionarr ill»· I Wtier» ιιιο·ί jr Ι'ι one-fourth -iil'i Biu-ktlcld l«a« had tlie i-roiniaeat, « Waterford, March .U, HTt. Siu long reputation ar in· done, I tie ai<|ual:itanr« of Ihe pu kef I ne idend. available on ^.etilt mi nt of licit annual pre- tri ι! :n lor t*o »e< k» u:t« * n:i iiit· atnouat·. llangor, ρi»t, fj'.i.U of above η n a neart m w» w npeiied iiitim and tember 11' mium t'> 1V< * ·ο j» η « lue 1ι (-nu·! l.:B ment li t Lcing unfortunate in i's town ail.iir·. icy, | p*rt!clpaty ouri twelliug ;il but nt last it has nobly redeemed iisln' ftiauufed tho vow» of nucli r.'iei-ιοη m iv bi· used in ΜΊΐ1ι ΐη<η'. of pre- «•nen nkicb il w .! nui curr. Thi, ι» ·: *.·4 verdict cf muidrr in second iiui'..u'c. It a«i it orlllUBi oaea«ion H«*r n> m:uio, if the »o elect. degree. <>r w .u* 1 tin Oxford II l>av\* policy-holder notwithstanding the il) machinati toportC't for Π -ui-ter. bj C. v,;»> I ·Ί .nid no ia.·; M «r· not {,»«· | p.on lier, spared pains 1'roMdrut. ;j.·. but II 1» ttue hrr* th· part» — 10 PERCENT MOUKIS ΚΚΛΝΚΜΝ, Mr. John the f.· make fr· in \V. Kow!er, old and ot to ta e Allwrt lUeOld awaj it- ling uiife»t II Yicc Pree't and I» ki.vti :ire mairtl 1. La· Hebron , Ion α. Π. Waikh:. OV HI1.I.I.VM ltKKU>, Actuary. £~ i>:-oJiwe; « «.· m « pop go. has it ni 1we *lth the a*.»l»t*nce of ItLUkK K C. I»,»V1S s m en I· w a ·ι »·τ« of rheuioat.«m. nrumlm». l aa "Il F i.ll Bfor aati iu aud le.ereni ci «eut uu NORWAY, MAINE. »· ι«β,..ιΐ{4, raV(ilbrci>Îi «.·λΜ· sold out tu Sttnucl Dtviao: 15 .l;to Barrows ai.d the saved htm foil twin# buiin.·*» the ooenpni ipe nppl Jnd«;e Jury, t:»(,'e." llow l>»i woot inl;· an l Cliiisii.iu C.l..»1l. mart I >w ^β·n·. m ii.ruin «a: ihr l.u.utn ,Μ ·η ticl<» iturrli I7lh, isTl. Mlf, 4c npoa lie wn- η ilote- 1,'raii -hfine imtli lu ih it humble ever I VKDIUVOOIIA « interested in the lint· fro Η ;«>r O iin ives n*id our children. let Ιιο· i.\nn, ■» Ί;· ·■ Λ1' 1 ivr I a lew more frji'i | ; ·ί iifl, /"«fui·· /. Κ ο: a j .i il l un.e thi ie are ll.lae»»e» Who.c imcntliir, li vri. XTT' U unl.y n to Drownfieid, and h is als > s > 1 that fore let Hebron put on sackcloth nnd «-It t 5 VYnU >n, l it ol Hfiii'l. Λ ( laik t f il nn-in r ··» will 1 ·ι·*τ lu ar irr ιΐ'·Ι Koi >> iJ )> αίΛ 1 ■Kenu.toeauvaeu •s « ai* r. on* ; ear, '.haï. have al t>tiici ;etae>ilf * >1}i.iii'it U,I -t Btul : f 11% K. Willi.·, lull- ·Γ I'cr.i. W. i'a « au 1 Ι!·.'· e inoutha »'io «va» d to for the miI« . and that in •.It) spur nvii?ii rj It i» a ccoater to Mr. i:> llibbnrd of B. in allies ; remember chapter ; ... j· lhe^n. i«!gto;i. v i-uii.. Adiataletratoi ; ftianr A. Deal, iatc oi | Ιι· l.u-i t d li.cad" m .lii:.ui im. t. .M ftSEICV STOrK. «. Mh| μ*:· rvl,ev#r. Cti|>pioa th o.v *«aT 1 :m<:hy. iorwtl· U«t. I· Beit, A^ininUlralur: LcbbMI I Ί lie h i-tor) of I ! n '···)· âr. ι» a ro· jnl of earn. »t Hone.-t, a "tlvc eurrK'tic men. Addle··, η tli —lier tî C» AsaiMart Mes» j : m. it ! ·ΐ.·.·ι II urUoni.«' ran I bh, JUhun· Id. >r lor li.e good >d other·- uf BOY J. P. COATS' BLACK It G.l'llAIKACO· U.r. »o ιο ara Leavens, & f- ir.ic w» I «tnt |H« I k ρι> bue- i:i * imil^neuinji rafercuoe, I\..rcful lime· Dmktleld now; -li llfi.j. Vciinir, Jr.. lair ol llartlor·!, II. caur ige .n the ρ· inrmmee of «!ιι:ν and «ufti-rinjc Antfurvi if* «τη ίa ; jbe *«er. le.l «rt· li'.-aievl ol tiie il-■ ι>ο of »ei w ιkiioku, n^cr Κ··ρΐι t.itives, tir-t I ill. Ai'initiiMial ·ι J- AU'li.'W.. I.iio «Ί ι, .il*- ι.Ι, ol hul liiiie tailli iu tlie power ol MtrJ 4>* srvat the of January, ·»· « * ..■· ir t» ne ., changeilntt *.»rt \il t f. Λ I :·α ·, W;i* : ud an-wer« t·» tat U bbtu'*i£. Th« r«ci,.e •liitl ol at his in Admnii-tralnr; («rayer wondeiful rreeivnl hei THREAD for MACHINE. icsideuce jj1 ·,.·:· m ui·. sncee«f consumption No ui« :v secret it.· til ■'! I he saw-m H. if Κ tnrd. Κ iwe Adult· ί and "t in |«· »oul« to par li '"t ni T.nJ eu h «»t:ie. Il * x.l a» nu ,-s |)«M) priil ιι|ιη,< I I ■ « Sale. Auixun 31 years. Ile li Ilur Ni 11.. II IVI I. It inn. Inl.· <»f >Xlonl. C. >uelin«liw iu hei c ι.ιιι t.iu··· s have evei-ded. For -e S:\t.jrday, a^eil I ear j *.-t tu. kc l I :i|-vee no κατ· Wi to Atlni nWi at Thmkftil 1 w I: ne«s of 1e life was nut dimuie I in death jafrufiHL expect Burn», or; Cvstneae, Λ and convenletit rcsid-'n'-e eontrallr lo ·· ] jood ■: ». -t :t :e:e:»U to |i· AdntnUbitrtx fi.lly I. -rend u.n cuimiiit, ibc looked ) , pi H-jji l!ic voice of the Untie soon. TYwporu WANTED AGENTS ro.-atcd in Itueklleld \ ilUugi·,. 'ii»i»t.iiK "f lloUi^· I" ill- Huh l.| III >1111 > 1 r«. kril. l.iU .Ί Noi· v. ev eir uai tanee .1 li tfi· RehjT'nn nnd II *!lh united— \ premium f m rtfii: or » « ι'Ιαη^. Uvvrto to lly III f:iee. tplr»innertrd « ith i,'"od cardiii at· .âtum, pa·· ment iho war, and lo»l his u n ,1 .! !.n t it. Aitmii.i list·· fa t > evi rv »nl 1'ke it in ill vuu during light w inter, ri ujiiMwnr in itlh. and My tu an nerilier—i">!tiiiiir .tijf « Mai bl* — ux)ir«*aed fuP) wi|hih> fiijwm nil th·· Shot· and » Ρ if «ill not u»e Cruîaur LiBiiu<"it r — taebed, lojfcllier thi; ~ n Uatu Utimtm .-lonjtini{ to the late Λ-* .f. IMInn· M ν 1 ΛΛ -utifleate» of rtBMil ible cur·;., burg. 1 I «t. -, ι.ιIuni ni. I Iium.·, Oa.ti i in I mill < Κ υ i.t ϊίΓ II" i' aiiVo» and neaiesl friends, sill' It. It. Kimkell. l*nl»IUhrr, C étalon. «on; «Ι»·'nre acre ol ifr.t rla»i till:·*·· lnu 1 If d I ·Ιβ· k-ua».on i \V. in o.idl.ei with It onto II, Man — nk. minor, u.|i.,i ; It.i Lord's coming il one 1; .itf ίι.Ίν η Umba, chrouic rheiiîmat;*®. jo:ti Iîri h a for aipi courage •Irwl. Tine Li a raie opportunity fur any !^!o:i groat plieo literary (' ir corn write»: Dura Brad- f ! a It ;tl«, mil. ·, Itnth |l V'otiair, tlul i:i ide hor r .o-a a ver U«-iln?f. «pondent h to eair.ici· in the bu«in»·»· of a marble r :a.u Ac Uatc b ^η η ei>»l H t aiil ·. in Ilia- kr. « i»h.nj{ ^ >i*, i {I. I.iuku, »; l.tu .lianli .11. Iln tesli noli) waa mort lin e.I·.,I and iu vit»! -t. tue.-l in hilU and h l* tiiun.p'a \vi rker, ;i* there uo oilier «bop ibi» sortioli of »r« r· ar tl n η%i f* lr ,·« I. t· #»« M' ihey itultii^e fonl. »vho the "brick fctorc, Η ,t |··· ( k'.JC «ι rt n'. «ho c.'tenpies Γ'I'd iuir./, !.. th—c asked of lier ho| e, «lie oiten and Mr Rob in κ on bad a laire bw*i· I t« It^iti· New York DAY BOOK the C'< unty, i:t an t other exercises to f ,\ lit alia hi ItryaiiC. *.f I. Iti·. I I. ,n t.-.l "'Tbil bloo l of Je-tu t III ; at lila Mm ι 11 t ! It Ilu· kllcl·! klo Α.- «rati· to tat one rrqm--l:..£ >t Otvï bot '· icnrj enough Veil f""o ft" ίΐ!:·κ'5>· n.-"v· I OKSCCRA WKCXLI h Mi. in ι». Addiv-» the MlbtcriUer suffering 1 Κ χ.-·■ «it ·ι «·γο. M White, laie ul l'r u. 1. m. et:i fiotu all'in l'hu s niv Ιι ·ικ· : on this ■*ii|iji »rt* Wkite ami Mieiil ι· I). RhllKK. Adiuiuietrnlor. M ■>*· l.-niatrn! i« worth λ anlil|'-otl. l ite πι lain;.'· ι;,'tu I...n «m 111 »·· kept il.i}· nj:h piecctli-tl Trim*. *·-|>«*» > :t Γ«ι ιΊ?ιΙμ, niiH· foj $>»*» I * I-. • r 11 fin hundred iluUirt for .wd or >v fdi.cj It Mtea, Aoau I». t*i««·:>',·-"ο· Kxecutoi. -i.C· ip, liri |"i«t m.uncnl» un.· c- * tp*< κ bad I collect member* v% L ilnt in»' \\ 1 »!l* 11 lifili* 1 *Îstoftf ^ Π> [λ Sjm ci ιr>%·ιι coj»k Ifiv. AiMffdi I»A Y 1WJOK. NttW hoy the h·: late ol I'vuihia 'ul, in I -1· f. II I· iu Je» 11» a* — going !i!?-, 1*411», Cuiiuoiim*. »·|· ii'Uli SA.JL.Hi. korat» autl a.u>«. or fur »··»ν« n-mui in ιΙκνι> ifeiilly with a four-ox team ! We \r >II£ the ·!»>«·«." Vo. ί ow thl» ! Ei:acul i» woitîl «rmr ntttntioO. g~est on the line of llir Urnnt Tiuuk ni! ιii nt.itts K'x u >t. Wi I...·1, Tl.r c,,nCuiilf« lint g ,t lu led lu i»»y llio lu»t Γ.», to m u One village, «ml duin* no*· a > u I* ! e .1 mule train ( _>r ! Gammon |ιλ< sent market | ,i.· bf Jort'tul.ih late of Nor- ul to lnr viiia> Ί llailrund, 1.. wi.hout Centaar Liniment. steady toatniu^ Oir'on Wr«tj llot.h», :-:1·ι>Ιι·< rt'pto; rruint.i· the VIΙΟΤΚ o.U bm.d· »· » b.iKinr··. A «table nnd other «\ ."Π(·Γ II. ·ίΙ1*·»< II I. 41 »·1 11(1 IIIII toom .11 wkΛ -ii'' ».i-· Ιι· M ι>.> (he oommawUy, j(· >»l jroo'l J Β MOM6ACO,Swl this srs- mi about tone of dried nj>- EXTERMINATORS Ae. •-(un. Sewaii arrived in Bath Wednes- forty '< .ι lute <>Ι, Ι.ιι Ιml»T, JaU- οΐ llelo lin· ιιΐιΊιιιΐ! «I in Wil Iv» khI," un i her yiuel» log·, j ·χΙ)·, on ■ ι< " Term· Tcrv e.i*y, lonjf time. l" UK 0 : -M.:·<■).. now nt one I; κ.·ι>*ιίι 1 ol Ucbrae; LowU II. »' »1ι<· I il lo lie—"in (ht luiuh me ΛιιιΙ Insect l'ondrr· ("Hotdl'lB s. an.I ha* al>< lilorcr, rvi{ut'»tv t.ill on or adh hi* l>!· ί «·. I. ·:α ιη « -1 · «πι» Μ llulelilit*. minor. For further liifoiluatiou, ( Π ι» itw uiilv a.·. ■·* UoW- b irre'» nid. Li'rate to gntitinl, |'ii|>cr. 11» there as ol Internal Kevenue <./. r. ci s λ ( υ. ν. v. >»:»· be for three week· oulr. 1 t. I >inui». I ili * iiMi't a î f. HKNiiV, icλ a»» »t·, This place will «a!c »l« re wind colic n »r It Supervise anioiii·! of luis bien Λ large nioncj paid t> K'iurnt Α'·/.ι.'<·ι V — raarlCKJw Κ".'ι ι.· r.i Kicr m .ι.· ■>;·. uuij·!· uc «M air«.r tue New ant! district. Tl.e Gen- I» ire.pi/J I, Lng « »· ni » N. υ τ.1 rp idnutMn'a • :l ι* to take ItiM rn ncfl r. -t rr> <> t tin· I. I ten' lieed, !·> latin W.tltli II, |·Ιγλ·λοι lien for timber. «Sc.. during pmt Jt»J-JÛJ ltul«i»m it U 11. u <· Uolaulc :·11 drtU- an inoiliet· may ic»t. ιΚνίΠΐ-Ι.'ηι era! i»diiec* from the Pacific coa»!, ami ilii 4.>li»et, Churchill. liait Ί II ; v\ I ford. Ho lift- PImiib i, and un inter. l>y <'ti« Fa} benight j .ιι ,e A.Turner, tieorge Ur:dgti.iui, K' tîicr Mur : Kλu. miUlIni mM^r FARM FOR SALÊ7 c i.r Con· was on or:· f the trains whirl» was so > » λ tit M ar> «. Maille» A'tiiurt, Coiuhi, Cold·, Lmg ten : li .11 f a ni dosen shovel handle I VV nod Titube* nb< lit ·-. /« i.oiti vi;n vr.(;i:r iblk hpixikic for plaint-, to. I.atve bottl·'*, 3Λ Ct». I>i. A \alu«ble Mock, I'rutt, /'I. fl.'IM /.'il »/. BrtlKI M:ll'· | snow Mwml, one h unie» frwui lb· bound in the Sieiius. » .i ■» .. ι\ kiMtllvN. Aujta-ta, Maiuc. t.t.iuU I ami li:»lf Notices. bai!:_\ blocks for Andrews A. Wnldion of Buck· il, .1 »·* 1 lli.u »ι Hall Ν tl: .·ι ; lté rr llrf of is- ι Π* AI l>* ['lupiMnr Varin, ION, BPBPSIA, u 'i' u M ill not rare. it. Will t>e tol1' Κ ΙΙΚΛΙΙΛΓΙΙΚ ηιι<| ΙΜΙ.Κ"*, Ι» iturLInx I for »uyn. I)ih!gren, dfld. a· <1 abont rtvr l»Op- J ui >anuit I Γ k .rit. applTe Iir. 1. m I h i4 m \v \mh»-ai;knt> tosi.i i.thk i.ikk of cation or (dire*· the Don'l ( osliT< i»rs\ ! t t,ll Ht .1 KjI::U Rciumol, LtloU» nf. Aiiuiliïa· κ I* chviiitut ml For particulars proprietor· Λ ini ;ti 1).ύι greu, l àiicil S. l'.ed uavy, Inr t<-r the tooth-piek factory. * A I'll AN .% I>. It. OUO\ bit. MatUb; Wne. v. Porter t |i T\» ι r■·' «.«nrco <>:'lit·* la •'ι·· l>i«inMi. Ilivirt· lenry lung Went Me., Feb. 1!», is:t. ■ c^me ont in to t;,c e.>rds of wood have1 H'irr«nlt of /» Bethel, ·.;··».·.·.■ t I «*...«■ "*.*··. r». .a ·>ρ·> jsiiion women'» Several hundred Woll uml kuatvu, Hint lit llil« .tulViM'' A Ηη· l'iruiilv-KK^kei'iu 1 ί It· it Ueed. fuvartilil}· p|>«»tluu.ty Had fwtf to «·>Ι, Μι·| It. Π. tin Moth, Sick Wi»liflx Fil s re, for > lite futlr»t rrllniur '· Kl Boeton, ai ce bands. She sa} been landed lo waiting shipment |r/<·· /.'-.'ί.-»;·■-ομ!ι Ν Kli'ntt. In III* at lou».--Λ rlii.rnf ι.. Ι',ι it1.·· \\ >·λ V». »<· ihvir ate ami ovrr the lailrond m tl.e spring. The prt pm Trantcript. operations radically wrong, ( Μΐ ιι ιμ Ksk 'Mtani Γ.' ιι'ΐΜ· Jitiu, Ε Un II νΚΚΙ^Λ » l'IKl^l ΛΙ.1>ι I.czts- ih.I, ΤΙΙΟ*. I>. I.i IIII\ti, Pharinnci-t, Portland, ,\l In i. M « t;· exhibit t .tr il «. -ν νΐι r>e. ·> ntidoin* '»·. g a -ixa· lhat cannot bo atoacc God good courage. STEAM ENGINE people fearing I'itiributioH A'/nrnr·/. I. pf"tr llo 1'ivp.i to;· l'ii c »1'.»J. All ilvuK'il ull it t ! ·: πι» I \ci*··· 'Ktt/thep* ■?, fif nf, and law il < III. K. I'lllLLIlft A anil 4 'Κ··Ι ·>> W, Co., 4*36 -A.T ^xjoTioisn p.ifn i.l Λ1|.·η ol Providence ·:·-1jr>ι »ili. : /*«'·' Tj lai b x. 30 et» l.nrgi- box gentleman says <>t wad 1 injured l.ut week .^SFirHFltLDS! ΡίΤΤίΒΙ'ΐα»' ΡΑ. miction «t tl e Stvam Mexico, a.iiy / .if to St '{ Mai J') pi It I .mil. There η ill lieaold liv ροΙ·)μ- free tor ili>« l*»i iirice. Ιο l;J. in :lic -· h ο I le rvrotc and '» < Ilrc.-cli I. il'iig Ι·ιιη·, tlO t ll.tililo Mill l>v T. ItobetW «irtenWood h 'V κι \m> l: a y February, 15>0ô, r >.o the io.»l e.f Mi. liobcit Ijlu.n, occupied l.orni,; ; Β il m; i»"< M f.ili Wer:li!*?} SI (>t (>i;ni, ri »\U· tiuti-, to <> I1 l'.'l on >*tin. l'Istol·, twelve null NTI-.1M Ι'ΛΙ.ΠΚ (4«>- < * hou«e ii ar Mexico Corner. | IiiIhiîiiiI and He, ami change ol iliunu. Kovulvrie, uj.rlitlit r*B ktWlU <· èor sale ο> Κ — ur- ·»»|>:»ιηΙ*. < il to t.un Matwiial. Κι-Ιιιη^T.vklo. A·: luij/r ml HOII.I^R t'.e »ιιηβ [ on Suint. Ο .\ell II. iluill- λ νa χ γι:ι». li>ir«r.;ionrr) U VHUixt.N Jt CO·. l'roiw letm ·. No 1 rrctuou: Mexico, and 'lie 14'h inst t >·ιc on t'ie ioof, an 1 while Mr. Guff hiiHyf tlii ·<"/« to ./·<ιIrri r rlult. Revol- Κ M A Saturday, ok ( rt ίο lien: ν I lliiuiliu. Army tinns, i.h»rO t>> I, Γ. Bl>lwt1> of L. bine beatf H ·» ou and&li ',r »; Till·! PKNV Mt'IT A I. I.IKK INslIÎ \χ< Κ CO r. I'm, g.* / \cl-,(l liitutfi.t or tia.l. d ί·> i..><.ds ►■·»»! by I «». f liost' ii—with ;i!l the tlxtar· counected lie lound il in the otlieo at Porter vi!· It.tines his feet .1 (luti Ofrml fut s-Uhm'tit, Λ il' V. li po-u was \i\£ to put out t!ic .t I'll l.tdelphiu. au nlJ 'ialk· Life Ciuipany, t'. () l> t.» te examined bvloie for « f the ti3 I! itr.o* W m. λ Porter nu ιλ|ι:ρ·ί paid therewith For oilier particular* enfuir·! TT 1 ; ; C), Jocl I· «irt··. :tu in ctei ν of llii- State in « hich llWkf Will Ttl to to a dis- agent piirt feub4cnl>er. hAMl'KI. II. Ι.ΟΓΚΚ. returned him from the dead letici 'Mil he fe'l tie j lime; k.uaTvIci; Flurvnee V.ti^rnt, Daniel νΐ-.'η:ΐ(ΙΛ 111V.—*>κ. Κ. ( Wii.KIN.hoVm *»*"· · lage. «'ippvd ground, I it iio· rrpft'tcnUsI It κ itrli'il? Mutual four l»74. *1 * o-icr; Loiora Neuman Frwlmtl West I'nri*, Me., March Irt, Household all iUjtr. ol titled with iut feet.' Holmes; inn), return» it' »u: |>>u to it in· inhere To )Η!Γ*··Ι1« office the L Slates ar> ol about twelve οίιιι Andrew»; Jnvuii ih premium» Great Couah Powdope. IIjhii; Orra U til. \<'r\ viia n- id nr« furulilieii English■ j from IChcumali>m, .run! trpcmri ihhi/I. For I loi. e oui λ -urooiiri J..r Cough-, Cold*. of its has lee η s -me |:i Real l'tlilhiu l.tcnsr to Stil ICtiJ f.ittiti, K· tut et -/ All Nv (m.η;>· η tîie other record many There changes foi :lietu illMiralice at the low po-tilile rule*. SU'ullii.K of itMlilnnil·. ν,.γο, Kpldeade, «dg.a wanderings. ·'. Itrcil, Frai.k 11 ·wι- ; (I :aS <·οι|· ISEW STOCK m.'itui 'loc. icl> b ιΐ ιι· Slc|ihe:i >{ it- policle- ate n in forfeitable for their value c.itari lloree Bud ull dUentet Ol the throat 1 in this tOM n. Mrs. ( larlfta God- M h, Ail, Estate ^ rial·; Floia Κ Snail ! John It··*·, J Λ-a S. Colic Γηιη lb β back, The tr*ck ol the Grand Trunk uici the tli.el jear. Liberal Comini».»ioucontract· mi- «ax. ihl was ?1SKW. Mr. 'j Kuril, N.itl.amel S. Glutor. poisonons Drug-. PruparM by Ρι>λι£λ aail I ιΜαν Κ 4 ; ς t!:e price t KtNfco.v, Veterinar* Ciareniant. Ν. II. being coo wed w iih steel rails. A section /'ctiti-rH fut Ikrtetr, vf. l.cbbt'{t< Allen. iuigeon, I ISSMET is Ol all older* has >uM liis faun to Charles y.iUit^ >»mi br mail for W cent» per box. Fur mile l»> Peter Ati*:fii /'riitn 'f QuafiimM. OC N.t;:,.ui· the eue ν·>ιι want foi tn- near 1'ortland has be η lai J. A »fut fitmetmi ganjj Is Ί Druzjti-I·'. aud u«e Thomas of Greenwood, end about siw:y. (.ho.C. Wholesale Ir.nal external I'tt'tl for ri< tmfnt of Ol New Advertisements. Goodwin, A„"ut, Hoxtun, It h.i* cm d the above commencing at New Gloucester is work Ajtp Jill--. Family to Auburn. c •'.ni·· ol Alirr.l llardinz. DRESS GOODS iu liioua. η 1» moving Btl'I.liul* toward Portland while another start t> JuKtt 7i*ni Mil, Fan· Ibère i« no I ing ; wife of Kimball Martin.1 te, ■/. Mr*. Martin, II IV L.l!· K. STATE ΟΓ iVIAIXE. it. at the Juuctiju is the track ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY OPENING Try changing htr OH' CUBA. ϊ·.α y ali Lru;gi«t·. fell outheloe andfractured hip badly. L>.\Fi>Kr>,*S At a Probate Court h.'M at Paris Liniment h.-·' rE is I'· r 1S74 now Ai'dre»* (1KO AT bjr toward New Gloucester. an > III· ! fwi Ibe County of Oxf rtl OB (lie ihUd I'rn-peit ready. Mr. David Ihtlchin», formerly ohl OniTlAHV. No. H. I ci i:ti> a BROU N, !ing Tue-dav ι»Γ Mardi,  1» l»Tt. ΓΓΙΙΑΜ, 'J, Wfjboiset St., Providence, λυ m fùltii· Sirtct. Sow Yerk. —Mf. John II South a of tiii- town, died fit With ol *orro;r vvo elu-onicle ihc tleulli t iiii instrument purporting lo be a copy of Martin, Paris, resident suddenly f*flln;,'» U'.ili " 1' to a la-t uill and te-t tiu< nt ot Crawfor I A lit η to f 1UU in ofU ajv.·· tlay». nu tin· in μι·Ι Mate of Itliodc «taill)·. ( J rar*' ol an I oi Piobale thereof hirl) Lxprrieiice struaent is, is so well with was about 5*0. Hanker* and Hrokuris, ϊί) Wall-it Ν. Y. Old \m»f. pleased lier U'atli occurre·! iu Charloetown, M.ts·»., Island duljr authenticated, having been presented — $10 Stevens. who ha* bee:' tj thu of Probate lor our Mid for >'Λ his an I Pii i-jj several l-Mward K-q., ill. IsII. hU« tc »!iu ltaU been a Judge County, We are now an entire New Stock ot IluA > mi Ιλ ninjtr's Or.j larcl» «|teii«liDi( opening Vt>. Ulutloi*'* Svolhiuy > ι» Ihf lit· |ΐιιι*|ΐ(ΐοο o| being allowed, tiled and recorded to his house most of the winter. « illi on ιι «η·1 Koliro. preaeitptlOM of one of 1 J Ι··*ρt luiinlp Γίιτ»ι >1 width he bus been tho means of sol· contlncd lort lime hci cbilUren vUlt, l'or (lie in ;.u· Probate C'ouiI for our »ηι·1 Couuty : CoinniiMsient'iV % ».a * n.xl \«Mr« III ti<« 1 tiiUtU aLaira.aa.l !>«· ϋ·*:ι notice thereof lie to all SPRING DRESS GOODS. is now able to be out. ι u.|»o»o of rreororiii; hor health, wli.clt been i|;l'I.Ki ι·, Th*t giien I'M IF. r«rgned, ha* In^ been appointai bv the >. I th.rl) Tf*r> w.ih :.t«cr fa iii-i uutl in this town, that lie has taken the j Interested therein, a lulcl) ling dclir.iti' (or abi'iil llirce \c«r*. lier romaine pt'i'sniin by ptihli»hniir eopy 1 11,.u .lu t·/!· ol I'rubat- t«>r the County of Ox Which we will *ell nt I.oweat Market Price·, ■*"· m an< .>a try m Itf '.wii of :tic.» cuilU:«u.fruia »111· ii- οι lier evk» «uceeuMvelv in '.he Oxford on of Msirh, A IV ■ «>1 and will theui fopl the third Tuesday 1*71, I Irfts· one wcvk oiJ Ui tuc It them, cre to nuJ burietl iullie cbm cli. η η*» at In mi1.1 iiuasI «! ailult. agency kcop fo^ liioiiijlit l'urlcr, 1 >fiiio. riit. ·ρ i|>er |irinU-.| Purin, Uomiui-i-iom r» ί<> rc.eiv·.· au.I examine the claim ■ |(t« ttftWkt MUCh id rift « .β·| CO lie the la»t ι'ΐ·Ό I·· be s CAS SIM Eli Ε SHAWLS KÂIlt} «ale. J hey arc ol German manufactue —At a of tlio corporators of ι > ,ird nt Ibo\illa^e. l'userai ferm.inby IL ΐ'ΐηΐχ, puhli·· thirty dit; prior ngaintt the estate of Heed. late of Canton r :h· b^nrl·. an·' '»·1. hr-allh and meeting to the rii:"i ι a i> tmt Stephen " taule* ol" Porter. Mr*, foarl wa.« ihe tmnijof Mar, U'l, thej in «sid County decease·!, repre-nnted in-olrent, « .-h rt lo in· or ,.δΛ oil.. ! W< Mkt( Il i· lh« Advertisement ucxi week. d.iu^liter 'ii iv .t; m then ami there to 01 tl.U tcaaon, Id ^reat pric«t. tlie Androscoggin Insruuico Company, ηρρ·'·ιΓ l'roli ,(u Court hereby fifenoticeMutt »iv iuhIIi-Irani llie date imported *ai.«t_\jof ϋ> < κη·Ι Snrf«t in tkt in ail i-a»f· I" Janio» Ijarland. 3:ιΊ ·.*·.·»» born lu FlUn^liaui, N. o·' at Parla within and l'or >aid nt teu rMwNlj WorM, iieid County, if »aid appointment are said rruditors 1 an· we held an iht- and thoiv enure II y: bKVriMH ill tUUKI —The item which copied fro:u the Saturday morning, organization j I.. \iij5. G, Sbo tvxi m.iriieti lo Mr. l'rnrl i>'< lo<-k in loivnooii, nny in wliii'h t.i n! slid prove their claim*, an.I Kk. *> *» t ari»«r· Ί or lr· η -.une pre- bctbvr frrin 4*ΙΙιΐι»^ «njr h:>\c the *> m of was bv of Hon I v hen -lie w»i about of with llit-j against il.hi ihev will I»· la *»ion thn <.ftl«-o 0:is A HOrSEKEEPINO other cau«<·. Full d:rf*tioi»a for ιι>ιαι; will acc«»m- Portland ciedited to the effected the choice SiJney eighteen year* a?e, A II WALK DOMESTIC Pre**, Biidgton Ell. Judge. Hu\loi»l in Canton in s-Id comity on the lilt pa&T c h uottl»·. None uni»·" tli« ν horn elie trarele·! ll»e of life pleasantly jffn' now has Peiham as President, and C. F. journey Attdst—II. C. Davis, lU^Uler, S.itiiplnv of Jnne and September »e*f, from "ne tiOOD§, MBi.':te of « I KM·» Λ i» on iIhc «>κ»ια· •Ve'(·$, that tbe Insane Hospital Dunlap, J'KKI^IN·» 1 n i hajtpily. Slie w.i< tno inotlier of eight eli l. tu live O'clock iu thu nue; nurtn ofeat of iadd au.l auortiuer.t at lowest <·*«! » Ίιΐ bv all If il'i». tvere d»yi L.irfre complete MoUic;rw no was Cletk. The rey, of the .Veto*, who olioseu .•aveU Uearly pneut. year IS>71. the an in V^OTU'K le hereby given that br virtue of η Dress (ί. n lure before Iter death c*;tou*ι or Jesse ( in on the eecoud of Ιαηιμ danger «·\ι>Ιο<ΐ.ι;χ that it had a existence until the 4i!i Portland; Oliver Moses, Bath ; Her life hai ever been one of eandor, piudcnre. liuriford, ijaturilay, day V. S. Marshal's Okfice, f r°r <''· DAVIS uking ilrf Mai'ufactiirtd to legal Mavncxtat one o'clock In the afternoon, all the Marcii 1974. Λ PrVTC Improved *xp:e««ly iti»i-larf and and tho leave» none behind I'ortlar.d, 'il, i Ο Vertical feed, Shyt'J·, Ibt u?f of Totut.l* and dai.j{«.rou» n|i. U* «airlr Davis.Lisbon ; F. G. Huiler, ; j i-llrc morality, r ·,.| » ol Κ t lier Sturtevant, lato of llartforil J\.vX J iΛ J. of Api il. Farmington DISTRICT OF MAINE, »e : ua !rr every pjoi&le te*', aad its ^riwi buiniu^ Paris. Tho directors 1 ut friend* to ra ^urn Iter I tu, but what i« lliçjr in .-iid ( nUWty deei-ared, lor the pn> ment of de lit w, H i.' l.c» are b* it» continued «·< in o»cr Perbam, piiai^res of adinlulktrution,and inrMontal T!il« i* to jtivi· notice, That on the 13th of SE η L·Yd MACHINE. i>ruW(l —The Press announces a of Sidney 1 ί-tt ia her Λ. H. M. ehurxei. day o*f meeting κ.ι'.α. a Α. I». lsTC a Warrant in Va» 00 farnil't s. wiil books for to the *-ai (Male cou»l»t- of dwelling liOUS· and March, bankruptcy M liiou» ot have been >oM, and no ace.· ihe Board of Trustees of the Normal open subscriptions b!> ut l'.vt· ::ιιι·.·- of land, with a χοι il orehanl on i««ncd nft«tin.»t the e»tale of AZKI. \V. ΪΛΙ M'ï ol yajlun* 1* β m Illrat hed A. Browa •Knl—direct]> or e»w oenrtnl stf "Πΐ'τ hit; Tut*ε Μεπιγιμκ."—My wife i» the πηιι», beili,5 the former resilience of Ibe Minot in the County <»< AndiokcoKgln and stateof 8—Special Uarguiu indirectly-b*"> at on ti.. immediately. I OttUIX·. I iu burn or it. Schools of Maine, Tues MOSKS Adut'r. Maine, *vho h«*> been iudivid- u,· Μοηηκ haiidlnijr Augusta •et to and ha* tried nil. tlt ceftM'd. AM.EV, adjudct'tl Haajtrupt, (,'atairh anii Paralysis, and a* member of the lirni of Fauuce and Inc ;tnmcn*e Tparly i· ui lue and proj^rty ».isi —Marcellus L Sliarus who becomes Hartford, Mnr.'b tSftli, 1*74. ually d.i>. iust., to consider the ol tennis but ni a constant mediciuc on in Hie reuniting front tne u»e ot cUeap and itiugcroui subject metlirinee, I.arrabee Uis own potition tilvd Dutiirt GODDARD & GARCELON, on account of the ex Court for fcald Distri t, Maieb 19th, Α. D that oii* in ttie t'nitrd M.iic·. is a|>|>alliu( a p t-t graduate course and to ii.lo Governor of Florida , ,r.e liTve ^ircn her no much relief at elio has 1H74, carry Stale of .Hainc. the o| d< bt.« and of auv LISBOS iha lu^urau' Coui[>auies and ire CoinmU· flitters paMnuut any delivery 4 Ρ ILS BURY BLOCK, ST., is a native ol ! erienccd in the use of"I. F." Atwood'» to • iu * Ui« rvcotn.nva I Uie cflV~t '.he reccnt deathot Governor Hart, ι-ropei t. to Mid llaukrupt, linn or for inroufboul country, legislathn authorizing TllF.VSlKKU'S OlTU'E. belOH(ill| Me. U he lia* nl»o found alntoxt immediate benefit In j lih· u«e, and the tranafor of any Mm. marl!) Lewi·ton* .WKAL a» the bc-l safeguard «Heu Uini arc in State, lie was a student ΙΛ4. pr.p^tv by such a cours \ The movement conlein· Lovell AL'OL'STA, March Αϊ, ♦ are forbid Jeu that a v Cred- a-^d. ^-ad for eirenUr. ■iiKtipation and Dyspeimia in dosen of one tea- by law; lueetius wf tl ««-1 β « r .»» *ale at war the or tritct* of lar.d itor* of the H-iid Kankmpt to (aitnU lit* am' tor retail bv the trade #encrailj, und at a wider uselulnise of tho ma! at Walcrvillo College° when the the littler Upoi) foJUiyin^ iouueblpe ptwu Not For eomi'laiutt my «laughter not llalde lu '>·· t txed in any the loll·'» t"»e one or more af bis estate ν wt-ole»ai<· by tne μΓομτ **tur·, ι!Λ·>. 1'ΙίΛΓΙ' A plate» l>uoi:tul. town, in„' n>-iaUv\)> Ul as ser- < with e samerevnlt. weir a be CO lt» Kni ou Siieet, New ïork. Schools and such enlargement ol their broke otr, anil enlistcd orderly ι as u d !hent ti e<-iiii'iile for Mate bix of 1S7I, ina-le b: lie h«-M at Court uf ILiukruptey to hoi.leu m the on the third ol I-rt. lira λ λ I■ W. In I.e»i-tou in »nid hIV J. »u lll Ν. Β I bave been deceived several ines by I.igiilature day March, oflicy q|" Moy, in the 12th Maine lie W. on that may prepare teachers gexnt Regiment. CtHM ν > κ ox ko un. ço'.uil» before John M.a>, Kpi|.. I(egi*t« r· the Boxwood, |>oweis they lu the same bottlrs i liildrcu oilcn look 1 te imitation l>ut up nhnpcd tilth dav of Mav, A. D. I*<7t, at 10 .v'«il7>,tk. jj. Engravers'MAPI.K, MAIIOUANY and ΓΙΝΕ l'ait au«i now so was wounded w hile i:i 8ci \ ice and cauie " No. 40 for the Free High Schools, gener- « ml by ouc "Wood" in place of "I,. F Andnvcr .Surplu·, #10 s, a, MAWULK. Silk j bigued Andov^r West 11 «ι Im- at close of the war with a hist ha- tear- Surplu*! U. S. Marrhai a* JVdiwytf fût said l.ntrUt, Presses, Inks, Bronzes, established. home the ituood, which imitation always proved l\ :« 5C Types. tr> iu no other cau*c titan !iav n; worm* in the atom ally UV\rii 4.1 after· ι worthless. JoilN Pikk, U .vn tii uu acii t. liu Λ'\» V fc Κ Mi I'L'UlC L MFUs lieutenant's com minion. Shortly ujus, posing Stones, * —Tho next session ol the governor and I U I, IÎ&J id destroy U'vium tMlhout mjui y to the cL Id. East Fryfhury, Mi. wards he went to Florida, w here lie has i .lt.L V) 51 being perfectly v\ Hi 1 Κ au·I live iioiu all Color· will commence at the Slate House Mr. John Pike was a lu other of ihe late W. H council I U ·, 45 50 Bethel lag or uiiter u»t»l in Bank. injurioua icgicti—ti usually since been in the ! and of t'orni-h. », It. S. Savings *»ιι# ·»ΐ'·.:·>. at 1U A. M., actively engaged poli 'ike, Physician Druggist, Tut- ha- a buMaena ^Γι_·(>.ιΓ on of this week, " donc very satisfactory Tuesday F K, i. Μ οίι Cl mis A η ROWS, Propiiutor*. tics ol that Slate. lie i· only about also that it bears the tiadc mark "!.. :>, t-iniM* It-* orrfunlantion ; having reeeivoii about WOOD TYPE At this session t. It. i. Y> Oti No ilô ki itou New )ork. and continue several days. or will be dcpoîjte, priucipally beaiallamnauta. >tre«*l, of ll£t> I.nk, larje litters, you grossly r>, u 4. hi ω .'tiJ.QOU S*~. t ami Ν Ε. R. 9. 30 00 ilMliciauul IwtMl lilLUMJA U>X. appointed Superintendent uposed upon. 15, SurplM* of $7UO, Ttie»urpla« if to liedivideil A. B. 1. :ΜΛ0 1 y a lirownjUltl. IKTl. >m Riley pi. cv-mv two years, »o that those ulto allow their of Schools, two steamboat ins|>cctors, MaicUSI, Bachelor )»&n Printers Lïrant, money to renivti, ntuy rçct what i* eipial lo 7 1-4 Complete Outfits for Don't he hnri Linscot of lost Grant, I l (W Dl»coura(ctl. stipp<.»e you board of Trustees of the iceaue Mr. Reuben Brownlield, 4«lniiiiistratoi'S Sale. Frj ebuiv Academy percent. The bmk lia* a Mib«Uniial safe and C««es, Staml*. Gull«y· lucd tlM n«j la Hospital, ». C. II Trca-nrer, Ciibiu«te, Ûl*y lad roce-ve·! birwcil. the Il ia of Atcr, ifOo.l banking room, an-l i* pru.lctttlv and safely ICto! Ihere "uo anu hut tho saw of a I to a lirlleatintv ol O.tfortl. I sli ilKoll :>> \suN, K.«v l'reaUenl aa'i Vcnr liver may be τ< ur Momaeli L c<.ngi'^t«d, It cut off the elbow in on WitnlrtL KVOOIt Koûtkr, dr., Treasurer. l-aif ν nr of the council and one woman to visit the machine. Public Aui't'.o.i on the premises, Hebron, ^iralvietl, uerve· ijaiveriiig, jour au·#- shingle it'lialile and men to eanrass have adopted the liberal rule ol cle» iituràiy, the ISh «lay ol April, l^TI, the hiuuo· cneertic They veiy WEILS & CO., kaottrvl with i«rtai(,yoar bowel* con·Ιη<ΊοΙ, arm so that it was necessary for Ο'ιιίβοΓ· of Kr nee. Interest fr. iu tl.e First οΓ Kai li VANDERBURGH, r from time to lime, and live of the loll S trail farm of the lateMmuel Packard, conlaiitlii^ Ι'οραΙαι- lllntory Allovrtug }> hospital VFEW are on di»ci»€d, your bloo«l lalloi iiupurittea with Ihe there Mati«fiicU>rv vc.fere.iiee» rcciiiirrd. Adrtiea* Moutli, when detKtûiU maile or lM>fore ihe 110 & 10 & 18 J)uUk fit* —yet in wrea J. P. 11 ΙΪΛ acros ol' uood laud, ttuilding' Fulton, :irter cciumen^ing a oonrae of Directors for Maiue of ihe Oentciuiial lo above tbc elbow. Dr. KUANCIS II. Coll IN, Port laud, third to ediutueneo on the litvt of J lut. H At Utc's \ amputate a.' DANIEL Π. oRAt FAM, AtlmV. day, ilHl.try BirrfcK* yoti will Kcl MerS-îw G°ncinl tit fur ilahic. 1^71. ja<«?ut raavlo SUV Y0UM. Uι at 4 uow the licb.ou, Matvh 10, lKI. 3n* Agx crvafMie. euuir ii· I Kxhibitiou. Swell pcifoiuicd operation. orchard at a dlstaose of two rods well w ι ill ou ând elftf'Oi Ale pioduction planted to thj i.cai. il» statements beta;» clctr nnd logical, apart, gives f».r.y CATARRH ! should ilu^j W. J. and tree· at filteen years old jie.d WHEËLEK, and its several points woll foriitied Agricultural. con· to flvo barrels a year ; by illustrated by cases of actual occurrence from three and Accident Insurance A Woman Ca- a few Fire Agent, Having Kroe» U)· Mttiu· Furm-r. tbo orchard, tiuuou· culture they should within Lifo, il included the culture of SOUTH IME., Cured. Jlaine Board »/' Agrieultur« and ol afterwards run lo the perman- PARIS, tarh 30 Years, i.s opetaiion and effect, ait J the profils years up farmers' Convention» an J ultimate, BEl'HKSESTg THE FOLLOWING RELIABLE COMPANIES. Λ in Throat. tlia orchard under culture, bis re· ent average of live barrels, Dropping Cholcinj. high ol· in the eides.Loins. tbo ko The a?erag« price g Stranyiing.Paine [co.>nvrsD.J marts being couGncd to apple ly beyoud. 2 Headache. Dizziness and General Mr. of > as- ... of . orchard. Uined tor apples by Smiley COXTt.tFJVTAL, of X«w ftrk. P£!«.VITi.VA3riA, Or Sngftr-Coâtod, Concentrated Iloot Wcakncss.Ctired by lesa than Th ras EvENLXU. was ISM. A»·!*, J- JM.iVi.oo. > Incorporate) IM. A*»ot·, $l,3tO,Vie.OO. with salboro' lor loar years 1^3-00 very Incorporated unU !S»rbal Juice, AutUHIIIoun Bottles of the the Hun. Chariot L. Flint lie first couinnted Maiue apples In eveûug, it is safe to TRAVEM:ii« LIFE Α ΑΓΠΙ»ΜΤ Π·. crannies, τιικ "urrLEGiivr· il per bbl., and say ... of on tlie those elsewhere, and thought nearly HUûHI.n, Pkllidelplil·. of Hartford, Cunu. CONSTITUTIONAL h lcctnre grown > ■ ...... CO., In Ρ*. r* •f Massachusetts, delivered 1101 ■ iM ·Γ Saltan °' ,',,ce ι'ιι,β ',Λ< Inr >rporM»d1 IS*». A«*cl«, A3,>tl,07I.IC. not true that our were more average Pr*cel AloCIt, t'^,M3,S£I.C0. ^CATHARTIC, •Ά Hundred Years' t»f Auieri- it apples Phytic. Progrès· been The value ol orchard Catarrh les» Remedy.·■ West or South. any of niCRAKCE ar.d A < <» f •ail House than those grown LIVKIIPOOT., LMDO.t, GLOBE, RAILWAY P.IM£^)ii:U Tho noT*Hy «f modern W«'!!<-aΤ, Ctumltal To ν***Χ« Ι.ΙΠΙ.Γ.ΚΙΚΙ-Ι» I'roprieln Court Leing superior was Agriculture"—the in liaiu· by the ccnsus ol 1850 Lit Κ In ml. Ι (Ο.,οΙ liirtfoitl Codii. Pli«nnace«.l'"al Sclcar·· .Sou·· if a:iy lonn-r ( 'onilituti· mil Catmrrh H-m-i M_ucUet<· .N. M.iiue is near the noilhcrn border uf the ι-rops a;.J nauaeeaa filled a of tlie audi- A».it«, |III,(K>; *i. tall lift th· )»rjf·, repuUWe |·11Ι', Β dviiMljr large portion was that of 1370, $874,569, I»«Orpont»«lt of the Atlantitc $349.855; by «ompoeed cheap. crnt>, tulkpr ]»,rt4.· I ιν>Ίι]*Μ Minrlmltr,)!. |>r»ri*uaJf ence of groat apple Ing nit·. wb*n we fHi, by «careful « f rr«i')· il II '·»·.« ~a Using composed or mure than two and a half times that ol appluatuia lien· ρ some chemical erlefic·, ·ΐ!ίβ<: «II tli· u'jurllc tu· :»t lair rait «, other me«l.«laAl propertioe •nr iIm I wu It «art cTd; had extend it tho berba. and c<»a. «uiret· Ukh» lata « and it wvuU ot the State beyond m moi m dcuneined PM|lu ■* bon wniett t· ibt fonMr nu toam ml ble route and tin It run «11 puitfil, night» In the alluded to the probably man- Ρτ Uy pel·! b« ilt«u a ».ι · κ·« opening speaker Cider eten now be fit* of U\f »r»l Couulï, I ooDoit Hier pAtioua^e. Ail bukineoa bv· lu.iil «i!l « λ!tir.ta Graai:!·. »r*r«ilr la'f»r η·Ι do·· iiMjrtktotit iea*cns are sh on r su minus ce»ol. may profitably inhnb reopectfullj »;> Wιρ dnp Our ni. Mrya.Ti.»·»»:!..», ,l mi il .it I ν <>iilil r m L-a Centennial Eihiukion ul Aineti- watei MttAMtod Ιο. fnastnrrf irvrf »J cUuLiiw •oming ufactured lor and also |tr»iui>l!v the nuat a «aatir· etoDiarh· and fa·· It *J<·· here are dimiuislmd in size viuegar, Ο»»!· orcr >oull» I'aii* brtbo»»of (O nrt MjrM-Ir fVom »ti anyiiiatiwu £oiue Γι." I ve I'd lut < ii » » Irewb «4 •an to be held at l*hi!» apples t«> S i« ll.ifck WM. J. WHEELER. tulln .· tafia·. iiitlt Parfrat ai. kcail -u Unit J u-lt <>ii 1 ·«■■!. ami same It is sato mj* » indépendance. cider lor the t> « » ·· iy!· ...I !v. a »«i «ι but are more and ct io their p-uposo. i, I«"l. ι la ι noai « tb Htfri' In J'U ft compact iap Smth Ι'ι»π«, .Srpfembcr ai. τ of lh«i in and reterred to the not *» la eitib-ntw d lu Ml k'l .llJl't ·. l»»rl., It t. 4 dclphia, 1^7«». that * well orchard, on!h.irl!« |K>war a t.·!·. I »l.o fij I I'-ll lit ta some »*y managed m In (La !>■** ».» texiuie, and will keep longer la ret pUU f >πη I for urtif kitlu* fr >ni w In Ιι I till·-· I niiciuaU de· rrt! u t.> \», advancement made ia ton cathartic Iti rnj u ► u m» I « «· g:out eveiy Ic.'s than lit'teeu jears old, will yield t'i»!r *«n<;«fnl powir, j bj<| ui'irllirr, tlllli )r:it :ijfv ln»f Ta:iclics ia warmer latitudes. On who lia* e not tried th· rn ar* a;u< tho évi- tree is one ol fret. bot la ill ιrme there be personal r .ι: e«d er S inleod am! J, ο I'll· It dence vt which Wwuld preeeitcd- under proper mausgcmcnt Seing I ν^·;·ιι I, tli·· < Hi/tii/liv.iil LetinJj seveu longoity; » ·' uii a nie»t acurcli· ;i .t· < :.>fa i.a ·'„ pit* groan ia »iiuali'»ns degree? lac· laat Ati^n-t I ί>(m to jruw lie theu toot the of our ji and yet at>d ίο λ to: t!i« lalitl bailla up history sgri- ihe orchard will continue productive I 7 (horo»rli. santljr ••ι/ Ihv airt l.. il·· 1 ηiu souih ot and in Leavenworth, in rathnrtir. Augusta, L I m! I r apr t atai Ιι ia ri.reO ; luy hri'lli i» uatoi*l. I tint ot the the absence < My cuituie, speaking importation or a hundred in jOO ït err *ri li neiehy by the pro- ot W» wliuiv in abundance, sound, vighly years ί hair li·» pailla. a, Coli^'li Kansas, great Fella·, to rheiu'e: » ι'· ia 'till ot temarkii w»« mile need as I» »f th··· ary wbo, atk'.i-ia ι» u..!·(<· on nrti t ΙΟΙ) uoU.- eattle, gtheic «I casualty. Hut will dad in them «ar t'alorael or fiesh and «>( siy.e. liue any extraordinary uj"« tnalyala. ikM kM mont me Γι >m Mnw Htftrlii sjuigbliy, largv <- or other vit to look the ut the li.volu- half or 40 foraM af ucrca./ any lativ-rkl »»·. I now alii·· to uo it * beyond period it to be It·* than this, — •η·Ι almost th·* jfi as a· Hut suuiiug i« .<·. tenure iitid flavor, late April. p. iil'l 1» .11 III·· » ••al*»l r\|n>ann·, a..^ «lei)· at ΙιιΙΓ'Ιι »t %rmk tiou iu search ot the first any amount of It η dol Π«Ι·ι* antlralf »»i»lnMr, norartifu- Ion much tu furor of ib. we our climate years, Ihe aggregate leel ti>at I tihot :ka conat tuiiuu, J on out soi! in abuud Ml:*· I KI.ANlJtlU. and product apple· or .· in i a a m4 i< <-. Ucail- eaiureol this country. li e tiret ani- this and at interest ut ο diet, ;·;*:Ιβ· WunrlicalCi V II Fell. I, 1 r·I· aiice and and ot the period, placed arbr, ('«aid nation, Iaaj>ar«- Uluoit, variety, highest f Η « w * I nn«d would And from I a in *i *> r;l a υ !, liai «· lia·! 'a the orchard* o! per cent., $1207, ( iieal. ie*r l!rartutloiia The idstory of MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. tlfilnaNj » oUl. aiil u ·.» Uc ali iba some iu lê'.'U. quality. r.«« tatie lu aiutitU. *aa y.ui landed at Ja me*! liver, time the assviued with • f ike tiaaafh, oifblrwu < » itil Γ··ι ilar deductions speaker Willi-, U .TC >UMr. ·' I III olltl ill v'ri|>tioM the ibis, but want of eulum Alllon· atlaefco, PaluaIn region υΙ past proves ιι ·-··, IJ *'u" lî»n»al, c'ioki Ο.her lollowed in lelu and that a or u P/4>J#4*- Ιηΐ·>··1 (floated Bin# «I tin· tli'··!'!'1·*·" impeltatious ihundatil good apple The i'cruvia.è ΛI.luira, laver, 111* ·Ι a. » 'Mlι of bas been ihe cau^e of failure and decay safety S'y rup, akont Momarh, Hn'ti «if Hid itmw.'lri ii.· infaC *|U :y cid* feaUnf » iff till I 1'jll. The increase had been *uch thai varieties nnil f d Solution ihn n'vlo *if alai ili l:«u> i· ». Ιι. I n t .t.ri·! chard, with good i*f ■ Inotl ta flral, lllf I» 4 olor« ri I oi has wiib us lui planted rliic, ο < U. io««t>. »,v 1 lie eul.u.c thv <· k'j ctmbintnl as to Κ ivj aiid triril Tom t lutii nal lUrrh were live hundred apple one Iron, I utwrlakllllf l.luntny l°oreho<· ia there about caie is worth thou ia 'utli. I loiiti I ilUiliedi.itc ιι·Ιι*·Ι. state, .veil takcu of, ehtiraclvr un aliment, at uti »r. l'tarre'a riouaiiitt Par· fc^o. len iuto a the c/' lugi, il· ι·» !» Unv· la!" deplorably disgraceful ·ι I CalanliaiiO ill head in the and in 165V closed with » Ρ·ΙΙ···. Colony, actc. lie it lilt an Natures Qwt* a* I t'Oiil I not ton u u< li to. i.'m liou ot suitable agents tertiiizatiou, preparation, of VUalktinff 'kf lr aatiRtlt ι· Aj.· uhm I (rcl ιΓ »,iy a; iu the in H-4 a <·:> ..«.<#»· f •«« •piaf lKi|»r«·»·. that tli ship Charity il not ouo let him s.Hgl·· fouud tlir hmv; Iron in th* bloal, anil :.· u ». «: J iiifoicitii·, or thank (·ι«1 Ιο lirai lily on,·a Plymouth, and manuel lies llie one; p' tive ItfriM Agent, Λ na η Ί îr.feir the.-.;, v<>»t!r:jf time ι ·.. luati I I jVf 'ι*··ιι ι··^(ό ni Wallli. for ti c right quantity, e in·>. i I rur< « "u thousand ill»," mil-a»d la tu ».·.» uauu .ta In lt>Ju a hundred wim a care of it. No better in l! Nvira Nevada ëimply ^ impotted iu tree and take Iclaj MAIM M AUUOIT, conditions of success. O i ne ·ν land· ; if * 'ι uu, ami t. ΙιιριΜ for asy laagt· of tine, fn acy lli© iiKslit'iiia! ] ,οιί. bii Toning Inviyot aling rr No 17 heater I of the "Massachusetts in r oin ba nia, lu '.bat tiief are ilm;· frea'i «ml oryoialiou. company Bty heiitance foitune bequeathed u Urn I'h· #»»- Ivi. different parts of the Slate the nppic Iree aioixtiarkilill :»·ίι«· ti Vitalizing Sy*l*ui. li.i!·!·, »î.!· b la r.·.! tM rra»· *!th Ihe pIQ· f «w>d Mail· lu tn. Ν II .Ian 2Γ, Mc** mid in lt)il-5S Capt to our or our children'» children iii i«'.>i riehed antl vitalised blood pur~ a.uree, p .t np lo WQOé ΟΓpMt> TIk uldiit la ui itlii r. I ..wi a palnlar England," ι· cliildien, of The (jilt li.'.i i.· cheap Ιι·Ι> uij »iill tbi it and in abundance, AIcv'iol. j· î·» Kec»i.«'t t .et t al < ui it\ < ο ,βγιΙ at ing bearing M tier th· b ."·! li* liait·· :ιιι·1 in moiiil·. tlir Mason cattl· liotu 1 »*.η .il ·* ea * l meat*» y part of b^dg, John biotiglit than a orvhasd. dailv I. !u,t ·» r» ».· at A It ο rati vo or Pu rRH- mm bal iu u>.> instances orchard? good and waste, Ire·, ■Mrtwutf. àtmny vont tfcat bmOwt mn mauy joung rejxtiriny damag*» c ti i :eita'fd. Ue*«i 1UU« IVlleta will rive J. into whet is now New Uticniilon. Vixkoar IIit· 1 tl> .·true. «IACOlf ABBOTT, niaik Hampshire: neccnvf out t>»crv- t' ail n-bo u- ou old lands with >ut careful unpnrallelod gt-arehing morbid th. '..u«t aai!«fet Mon Ibcti* planted pre ol ι cad a 11 Our ninrw i ι t! it th« in. and it is an fact that no gicat Mr. Atheiton llallo veil, ami nothing for llau lr··!· ·"«·<■* οι η «iiulltr nut il» env4 iutciesling (ions, leaving i ai a aaiil hy ail çrîterj;» laia^ ( ulT.'id indilTerent satisfaction. cauM nf t! citsc,, lid tbo ί it knit re· La/ .«.il· ιι II·. Ι·« t -miff· mot l.otiuu* nn ou.y in until & parution jiict in lavor of the use ol asl.·. the feet I * tpon. at (A ceula α liotllo. ji'jr feeding be^nn paper it D.'u^^li'a .· iiiki··! ai nit·! The M>S"· I'lTl I'lUN Λ I· C'A improvement le c«>\ci·* Iii) health. i it· an* lli·· i;.. to t>> I'lie reason is The mlr.-gen This in Ihn merçt th* icon- Γ'.# ·■: «'l^w any liuluri* yon j -I uo plain. n a ·<τ oiehmds. of T\I(UI1 itKMKIi^ Ike- at tlw -4. UiiMa culture of the higher ψι «lilies dressing in· I ... ·. In t: »! I..· ni ν any la ι. » ι* ·«! systematic bl I al. ·?·, ρ !·' tlei tncccs»i of thin remedy [ι'.··ι { κίκ Jti»l tin· Coii-tilntioii. ιι· I make it IH'W. au I ·|ηι·» autiii Iroiu lite of tbe ptuiflot pi! m .i»i« » larp -r un g decay organic the ι cat te : lie prwttt ·ί·ιί ·>ι »··«* ni.. ·«· « ot the nattita isse* was 1. In Mr Ζ A. (iiibftt of g a ιJeet ν .i.«l In*.. :.»!··: I Uvcr Com- ΐη») < ..t.'iirb HU'I ;·l| ·| χι aJoptc *p»ko J IfciMv.a! curing >> spt Π( MBIttl Bda. If 'i.r .metal turest, the »t· ; bo J ; ιικ'ιιιΐιι au. .mil thotr altftl'ViiDt noil a. tin. lutUtiolthc |i ρ «f tin- beftnv in the icm rurl «ν cuoia and ru\ivi' jiaiat ΙΟόΓ there weie lut seven ul cultivation of tlio Never Ctironlc l>lur- .n· 'y ; I to lark »liuul kl » ami tidily plow» importance high system. ·■■· t, I>ropsy, |i rt.iiuliiK bru·), leu, 'nr; ol bun s< ·.· ·· ^ if ptât reiiru : mil fruui a>li ai.·.! litr.c have 1ιί·Φ : ν Γ I It 1 :iea !»> tn:»at « and it phosphate on which Uees stand, which, I in the of Massachusetts, upon ■ γΙκγ.ί. Wrvous AttW'tloii·», S«»l«| ·|| A colony οι» ground 11 ·.* icniitkiulo linils, i:. r I'ir.jici:, ν r». Pmp'r, I'rlfr (1 per n>ttle. l»r Γ>πΐ(;ι·Ιι have eoaiiMMiiuIc·! potM* ing I s will From in.' Pa οι ii in it a Γι ralka·' »ιι atiri h w:u not till lilô, th it a small icecri ill the Inline depend. '. ut Viv.ii tit 111 11 !;«·. tli» Chills IYvrr·!, Humors, 1-w.-"ΓΑΙ.Ο. ïi. T. npli.rl |·.ι*··» pi> plow q'ittl.l.» and ituiiNi.eralili· ra*e« or cur·», »*oi autlieient sustenance. Bui on the : t '!!;< ; coutaiuiiig longer the 1»«·ιΙ le^Utl4 sick < !' «1. en υ j: .·. i !. / 1 enough to go between rows ot corn wa> through cultivation are overy Lot* of ('or^tltiitloiiat Yljjor» rckk, bv 1»·Ι·Ιγ« -allijc tur 1-ι·>| Γί·1·»ι otliei hand the oi orchaid an» a Γιιιγ.ιΐΐν·.· ... v.'iju η T nie, corn p.i*t history Last as as pentlo IMsosnrs of I ho and LI I TLEI£ L0 AO·· made. In to the growing ot achieved. year, plenty apples ii«m cr I ilamniui >n tf KWlnoyg M \NI Ν II. regard 1» the c.neful obacrvet ri-lic.. «' (\ιΐιco UK->rKU, culture affords his own U li.aoui l'omato and the cereals, the lecturer sail, con were, successful otchardisls in tin· I.i v. ς I \ :%«·:! niadtior, Complainte, to success i»\ sufficient instruction insure 1). ?t. and all disease* in w. s raikJ or Jarnc* 11 tho t ir had m»! I llicni as as il per originating ver, by •ounty high a had stati the or ac- tlie ol suitable means. 1 lie »Γ I» ;. Watkkb's of brood, were l in· CRUMBS under the tuition ot lite Indians in employineut barrel, but iirojMM'liis ·:(■'■·. or a low I Are UUfl bftUM liïh. they good specimens ιΝ. ·. ! : » ;«·η*. companied t>g debility Mdcn > Λ Miiiti)" ,I"1I'AT'* ** tlKrli ptocedd I give at coc-id h 1C the Ht speaker I he returns ate sure, and the tewaid laxative, l>ii.ret:c, ftate of the tgt.'rm. firing free I^ J Γ and in Ic.'l, pilgiiin* Ply· ι am n.uiv Nutrition·. aiM t:iei in eMail lor I ban II] •thflf pulbk tra'i.e ol lue effects ol Altéra- Alcohol. In any form, 1(1 an length evtmp.··* all needed is to tin· î- il.»; ·.!·.(■ ,.· !inta:.t S from mouth, manured thtircorti by putting bountiful, and gi\o are not λ >ui. effects fol- culture in orchards bie-h he wasacquaiut («κ it··, uni Aiiii-liiii cnrrfTlrhig υι shad ia each hul. Wheat was cultivation recommended by Judge lowed correspondit) <7 reac- COMFORT o! Vrv. l.y V e|.| a hhlllant «then *.n·· n, wiMi io»» than ed. or which had boon the Ciraf«'Γιιΐ Thousands proelalm ere at sowu ou one of the Islands in Lînz- subject beit. tion, hit' permanent, infu- llio l.ibur When nil rr |»oi;»h<·' air u.r.1 lit Hittpûs nn»5t wuudoiful lu, rc'julrcil record. Naaaerous liutaicd Ργ,λγ. tho strength, vigor, and n.eur as a·» 1 and previous lL.n. ol \Vi»ca»set. ; til- sing ZHtd's liiy early C>1; rye Ikury lngalls vy^iai.t i:..t cvi.r sustained tiukiug Into oil ofth systmi, «etc ui.bin lit'* oj»ett.«'i η of man· life parts CRUMBS I uley weie both gio vn a- 10 and oat« pu:.tid a small garden ci^lit ycais ag·· •y-tftu. end building up an Iron Con- where the Uuil of a ncg.celct. Hitters «n l»r ο·»·1 »r*t ia : persou.». m hud used baru No rersrtii ran take these futation. Ai>ane«|*i»deleaiilj/\T1 introduce 1 about tho same tiuie. I iih fiuil trees; yard i. I I Ρ I villi tU i:| si'.·· ft re aj j·..· tree* bad bdi do ;:j!cd j nee to directkws, and ramoiu long Thousand 7: hcen ehanged wh*n ·ι "· tfoanl· of Cist were laiecd Got em >Γ» uanorc occasionally, but as a general >rdtog 4uM iMHtlif i|fles upon their bones nro not do- Lg the use of this remedy, from fatvtitr.r* or fnr|M i·, treoled in quantity ard prv-i>.»t«Iv r in 1»· and tli< rule hid use.I .ι no i«bes the : mineral or other it'eok, ttickly. crea- the aid e>; •troyed poison suffering value, sinijuj l>y by tures, to ami Τ famous li v. Endicott peal tue was rupltdin ol R.n kland, with results entirely satis uiL'ansi, and vital orgaiu waited bejond stray, healthy, COMFOR ►>woik Several instanc*» h η ft η υ m, η r.-i tronu :i : rind ΙΙ.ι· ni >IlMfre ·λΙ.Ιι* -u'i li'.iroa» nr »tra-if a«b1 tgthcs'.l. i an abundance of .. ρ anted iu Jul ». Such the condi I ictory ; had lia pear- repair. -nn-il * lieu « rr· t Γ >r t»·. but aru aaa h»4 v· ini·ι'ιΐid#cannot rcmoiwfrly /*<··- |· were nu to the Ui.efi; I. t.lioncd show a car Ifilious. Remittent ftUil Inter- DR. FLINTS ! lull 111 M tion of the at outbuak of ti ,»r l< ui οι live years; had obtained t» gfrc »' ο tria!. agriculture ot an had nro -> the soil orchard that et s a mittent l· which ριον.ι» the r.ext oi working ua 1 of ashes at Hock land for 10 overs, e that rac*) bfittl* he* Revolution, speaker spoke of our river* St PERU· been uncultivated. Oihcr exam lent In t!.e valleys jjreat CRUMBS nUllUlUL " Λ4 »Jl «7. lon^ add considère·! in the last. **Μ bushel, beside blown y BITTERS III 'ι i* ar« ICfFl'Iitl freight, Mate··, in niMit ι·λ<·1ιirli Ιι !J ol throughout tlio United **t>ecialhr VIAN SYRUP .\|1|ΠAit|i up ιι.·ιιΙ-Ι7Ι.·/-\Τ"|Ι:ι·>ι^Ι*/Λ "Γ1Ι were alluded tho QUAKER 1 ■ ι- l>y hi»tory Ttusr refrbratnl Hitter» are rom- it form m * ·: •i ui. ant· caused in ou; and c: pie» vl.eni a ν β: τ raluabl· 0 the Oluo, IVini Tree. a^: icu'luie. dressing. tli of Mississippi. 11..-wintri, j)hlct· ar Ita.r. remark t le trees 1 e· trees o: i )o*c (Jen- ny (njlili the iartu of Mr. Alden ol > l: ·> SETH W. FOWL Ε SONS, P-oprlctors, JUtrh'i, was Bi-njaiutu in the co.intrv was nn ta·. Ucd, Colorado.Bras Grand·, tian. lt'iltl This mainlr the said Iruit raising >· It iitou, SaraajMrilla, Cherry, pene·. at'.empt " -·" ~î.» Mobile, Savannah. Κ •Τι». 1 Miltmi 1'tara, ΐηι·ι* l'earl, Alabama, 1 htttilelion, ./itiii/ter, ami other COMFORT Ksu t of associated eiTvrt on tiie ci interest. i>r hards in Hi* mi k« l>er>tta· part important .Tamos, and many others, with lot D Β Τ I» U I lITi CIltlilLT, and are so >1 an to tri'llir ΗιιΊ|ιο«Ι ('! I j>"li-li«.J. un κ where the water Ironi slope, ,rr>n λ ι·Λ IΛ1 and care or l'iii.tù themselves as tar!j a* 17*1 ami gentle irrrater âCtUTiû of oio ilto rntiie r.iuhtr. duiiiïj îîie Summer ifir*. Thejf inrariahlt/ the road fl jwed over tlx-m. A ireo on < Pill great11; reliere the foUowiny com- fioin that to 171/U into icu.i irai socio- oilier ! Autumn, and remarkably Cathartic 3, agi morllnaany farting operation Aycr's : Jaundit ■«·, CRUMBS in of Mr. of Lu i» sfns unusual heat and nr# ®"r ·'·· relief plaint* liie tai R-jnolds bee, d< of dryres*. λ- I li tre t ikrn tin .ι <*t:k t! not think well of ■ I !.<»·♦« of* jutl lit·. The fust agricultural exhibition, U d po ulin.' a«f r4-r* f » ι Ivor <'onipininf, Λρ|Μ·- ^\T cvnu^titiou exten.-uvn do- « » « by 1C/ ·ί |· ·.* ci U« ·. 6" o!d, the trunk is two foot in di invariably accompaniod "> ^ ^ years "™\· 1Λ; .·.! + il»t ,v u I". probab.'y entirely upon of tho stomach wjkr t.'i.· «· ίι, atueter ηπΊ tlio covert a eiie'e about r»ngonicnte itcmitlont nntl IiitorinKtMit rc- at t^p manutes In their a l bow»!· They Colnaaoia in 1310. Ket'errinf next ihooght animal inilispom.iMe Mid utbur abdominal viscera. ν«τ·<, AiftlP, (·ο1·Ι ( hills. IClit'titnii· i> 1 < iî ape..· a: 'itaii.klnilit. < Ο M 1 Ο Η Τ in diameter. In '.he I til it I a a ;w- much lo the ot tne tinrly-ioet lie advocates the of root nop» tieatrnont. exerting ρ anlonl.c„w oi- oMpvlir c.-ilihed tviiïi di:t. those various ι Kidnov i)iic;i.scs. f-Vinu'lt*„ thorn foi uu. il n?:rjy I ho will inu.:u.e J ductioa of s d machine*, tin 10 fctil cattle. e*i ecialif * l|\ν implements is There A. U *· !*«kV «fiiil us one dollar, <>ur n.uu». nuit the liante of I» me'.s Tear. Oa tho laini ol puns. essentially necowary. .. I* t\-r £Ûiti«t/. Rpif'Mtf, an a -count ci tight per into orchards, i: ihe in s be! and, in our I "l V| ι· ».l.: .m t u«■ w til u ml you apeaket gave interesting ing sheep tho to nu (ionerrtl Debility, /act, * is no cathartic for purpose equal ta» narciiry < η I a u( iitrlUU'i M..c· n« ntnl Μ.. Cb:i4ouin i;i T>rk i« » an alible county, Willi st.-Λι». a* deairablc 1·.' rr naral whav- rnusrrf by 1 ti>e invention an-! iuttoduction of ail th· protected 1»k J. Walker's Vinbûar Ηγπβιμ, ecergthina iutpurr !'· «ι lllne ii, lre«» 1 <"u»t Macb »*r·· the K !r I> xr.d t ίιt-enii g lr« e, which *:.»λι!« dark- «•«r ftatr of IH'wd (ii' di κι mi.· ·.» c I'M j un » t.η 'ο· had vf all Wbel*- at labor the *):chai !» in hi* bad been restored as will roninre tho -I .· U a. I g: sa\ing implements county they speedily ai MI eonditiun of Stomach, t.irer, «»/· «aie 1·^" m itd D>iUw m Ibe 1 u.i * ιι«< «i l near the bank of a awale which iuis with which the 1 »fr lf-1 Ι' ll-i r cinili· will Un i llirni tlu m -I r>tt..Wle «r.ji have in onr farm- and thu* colored viscid matter i:,ir< t.n| ; in the Iti tail ΙΚϋίοι·· | ge t!i«y lotheii conditiou, kr;.t u* liu i tor iht.r Kid no/*, lhe aged pud wrooght lluii'y «.-une tiuio «fa ml. tuvi Umm ■ oui Itir fni·! Iti it «ι<· tΙιο 14 Ι···1 »ul!;iif down from tho fcai η which in 1ï»7j bowels aro loaded, at tho I nr.> Auaily Hitter» a they The fits! iron w«i m-ule b> yard, \ lo lun in tItem. I protection nid rtltcf wbnn^vind· Loi| tx· tjnakcr gentle, soothing art··*!)' "f tin- kind iu :he m tri .-t ing. plow allowing lUrrp secretions of the » ·· a: no in their 40 bu»liL'!s of frail. Oje is n!»· stimulating the liver, r: w ha· ι dMMM Ιο I*· UM (iMl Htininiant, desi rattle Γ> V tt I I 1 Λ 4 a:· j I <1 11. Α. LE On New bol i of New in 17*7. jiclde·! Jlr. On.oda'e a tio· of in 1 !;r.l of all tin» i'tils wilh »t. declining yearn. \o 111 X< ri* fruit titurt, k*a. a jmd generally t offuloml UN, the /'AWu>/«<| on the farm <>f Mr. Enoch of oi.iik. abound*. By ttdf utiu t k a it ιu lcvC iu the is ate υ! MmucIiU^Iu \.uiely called tin* ••Nine uunu·" or I η main long II ( unies* rij/licfrd il' t .'1 imivr* .Vr»" lui .ipi'le itppîc. the organe. I i« I. ti β of me ay air di^fstlvo UmiI purflto corruption· ♦ I ■■él· u ii i.· iiimii know n *«. the Sarah. In no year for the tioa· and thtwl trith mm incurable dinrasc) after J I rtHtii Vrc»/, a e ihere wee 1 il.CiC luanu- η hick lie «aid c ι iu the η*ι olMtru rvntovod, p.owa ig'.iiatid Androscoggin Fortify food> di^A^C hi· : :·· '-««'th* Mir· tut. ina a a' bnttU * llw i5t it;' >.( ι·,·» ft of Quaker I nineUvM h it )ie:dt*d loss thai all its tluldi with VIKHi'.aji rtlti'u Μ*'*<·.γ·λ. t, Ι*., factored of a total vniud of ·Γθ7,175 county. by purifying j it* InN'rrfal "rfwi'.t /;*({< /v « ·■ «* » rit/», twentf iiu>lu!s, au J in lS'jJ it H'mcu*. No cpidumic can take LolJ an I ,·.· 1:1 I t Iι/tr'i The MeCormick waa invented in produood Mr. υΙ Naples, had »fTv. !aU>I r « ·■! fhua utriplant ·1ι«- llcaper I'eiley experienced a ami I)r. H. S. Flint \ Co. -VA M WYK" I bu»h cf system thus fore-armed· f. lb· valu· of whi h Prepared by C5 nshel·», the average· being forty u>e aa»<> 1.1 |Dlo iMaSLb, lr·. 4 ami the Wood moa«r in Is**. 1. tliC besl (>l icsulls Γίυω ihe ol allies .!i|vi ! » I' 1 .·. 1; Ue.r Grra*. Med.:al or m a i· cJ..lUe>. » ίι»π· tw> ^ -ι,, ., 'l D«;ct, CRAB. els. 1 !i« tree ii a cotiklaul Lcaiei Iidigestion. can liar ih Ik ll.ui· invention ot the hors· rake. tedder as a in tiie cult»atiou ol fruit Dyspepsia uli> mj"V il cotjiplilil r«ov.0fncε. β ι .anil leitiliier, rain in the Shoulders. Coughs, t> Other of retnarkible trcc> ache, I wfiMMtls| make· thorn pl*aiaoi tat#, irait L utiuj. SEW. examples to Diizinea», Sour «·- » "ir ».·■·. «· ai c ! f-pleiueuls » ere detailed, tic*.», and uiloftitig λ ilv»» k ot klicep Tightness of the Chest, anilpru·· :.n:ij any urti-i:, m tic horn Cole and liMKtli of tune. tn Uial aie u>«r irtih, ami bVKRY SWFFH given 1'uwning, not think Eructations of tho Stomach, Had Taste ·· and the lecturer next spoke of the run m his orcliaid. llo did il» reliable. A »-h ararrhmf, tiny III Ι.ΙΓΙΟΙ *1.1 κι. v* oui 1» perfo > — other authors. Ν »w th«»e tree·are in no };; the Mouth, Hilious Attacks, Palpita· m ι· 1 mil without dieturbanot to Ve I1.1 ·■ 1 II·' m κ ·1·»Λ \\ e lui» e no t- results of the use of the»· » lift guuid it the I revs arc operate improve ρ alcitally damage of the tha or oemj ·ϋοη. ΙΊ !« r 1 :i 1 «ai a: 1*4 r.i·»-. I tu ate uuQO u iLj itou..', I;.!!.;;nmation viiatiluti'1 'lit mu/ (h m ·· '· l'rrrt ·η re u»-l. and in tbe^ieatei examples, 11 there wa* no up. k ill tli.*· Uoiit fi»pa .^1 / implement*, protection put J'uiu iu the ci tt.e "» mem a· a I'hv. bungs, region I u-t> »·/» L lamil» ,00 V:-î' l'.C. MAX WI-il.hiG IV. VA, the ol ι attirai and like " ■ product cause;, of a -c * increase and larger \aiucol the crops Mr. Brackeit of Ile!la»t, >|μ>*ο neys^ and a hundred other paiuful symp- an! i"T ti ". ,'ini.^ J Nj-st» & IiltOeJ. i Ne» Yirk. c.iust s tree» ft/It fir .-'ire : -* th la t! piodircc like effects. These ns a are tho of np· raised. la considering jouion aiighbor who Lad uted altogether toms, otfapri#'3 Dyspepsia. Kur lluuntnU Iiid!jra|l»u, I lal- a Lettm w* re in loc ili'ic* whore were aluud One bottle u ill ριονο ^uaioittf£ I nnxiinr « I I «· of t μ|Μ<· h.s Le gave minute statistics ! they fetliliacr among his Irces, a subject vegetable u III.·; ,i.t. ti .li »'?.· fed. and it we won'l Lave of its merits than lengthy adveitii#- teraietylotlimu· •how lhe amount ol tobao antly si.ig'· subsunue lorm of οι I tir .1 ία ί· ι. t w wheat, corn, in l!ie nuilcb, l"j- mcnt. Jatc .a/\«.r.'iy »r I a tlu 1. e· trees oi whole oichards that will pro SALIMVtMk! cotton ai.d hay produced aonua'iy at di»ssing, and with g«>od results. or Kiiic's Evil, White I I.I· «r ί «aa^l jlut anj lia va:loti« dure like we innst learn that the Scrofula, ;i». nil'»*.· II1M1I41 b«. ktiU tbe cloae ol lbc and the them, llint animal nu- Swelled Neck, i » AIL CASH for Revolution. Mr. Atherton agreed tu ellnip··. fleers, Erysipelas. ■ Irailiii "ij, Jji>4liit i>r Orra'4 4irl>· ail M I Ν Cr l'A Ν from the«c and siiuilir L iufulo'4ii Inflammations, Indolent am, Hi Hou· * wile :ιιιΊ 111 I loua l>*iir·. Λ Κ ΓΜ, ariiOuui and value ot e.tch jr'jwti anii'i· teachings. nuies wure indispensable at time·, Wul Goitre, AÛk. Old ttr·. >h >!iM Ihi Iiir i-arh <·»·», Vil-■ -à full MiiM I* '>f v.ork Πι 1.1 >lie I to no»* Ue» The next numerous exam- Iiillainim»tu,ui, Mci^uriul i.'U>I>'' ai ν at c« speaker ^.ue λ as ol ll.« ·!ι·»·λ»ρ·Ι .V ti u i>l limine t..u η. a·» «·«I ImihI· pi «sent—the tuparUoo bein<. thought the trouldu that tin most Hnr»·;, of thu ijoio sU It:·· iiri"t ;:ηΐιΓΐ·. weil rapcimt.· Eruptions Sill), 1»>ν» < from trees, show- 1ns- v' ·.·«!· (idud it and While ples recently icpoitof ike lurmcrs had In these, as in all oth«r constitutional 'c ι' nnf vuy interesting ataitling. dependtd enliely upon ■nirry fai*· «ftuve, AlJtO that are η at but that mkii 1 ( possible bring up Mr. Gilbert ol Bath, deemed the obstiuate and intractable cose*. |ilMli<>a of iMt* SiiJGER SEWIiiG MACHIKES intelligence pji/»t un i I.oliia. tin·, rl. .·' I 1-c a· on hand inl rale to this ol Leav- NI1I1·, Dut'L, D. Π. YOUNG, ConU..tly for l>j our farmer* has degree productiveness. the .1 !» as to ϋκ dia· IN I. sls-j kept pace with the^e ploughing of orchatds and keeping For and Chronic tiiiu· taken, Nqulred, change DLAI.LIt λΙ /(O^TIILV ΓΑΥΜΙ \Τβ IX WOUK UU luHajuinatory 'i f Ui.· Witu »u«.h this he next alluded to that Lrauch Jiomit.· !U.l;. a>»Uu. thuiife « 'Γ Λ. Ν IJ „V Κ I) ΓΑΚΙΙ, ; the liter a ing «uitace of on scier. Rheumatism, Gouf/hilloua, ι·—··' ·· >r. improvements agricultural loo^e, great value, ; u..»« of his ol tent and I lipases 0/ .1111 tuieof out ha* cxeited a most subject treating of the supply t tic which lie Intermittent rovers, Kit Uiv).·; k/ii>ti»lt^l aaviiiwar country priuciplcs, explained. iiiid tin y >ln>ul«l m- tikor. in Ι.ι,.ί· at. l fre OOMU1. Such iUouu»»jJ I v 'tfe thu imrfe. XKKIiI.KS JL AC /At U.lThH i'AlUii HILL. >|»Γi">pi i\ c? o;il 1 THIM.VlS'dS, H'iVhK. Τ.» a of manuie ! Kup|ir««»l»n, Ur^'C '!"·;· science provide surplus above aro canned Vitiated ltlood. Pari·, October SI, itfTJ. if lo the progress of practical ag:i The f..tetioon ol Thursday was dcToi- by ta'»ea, u» it ( rovlucca Ihi) U'tTreJ effect t'y ayut· ICC MIDDLE ST.. POHTI.^D. I the common en- 1 cuttuie ive an ordinary result* of the o;>- DisPases.—Persons pathv. lutsa-if Bj Mnoti ofll e a: NON WAY L been in measure ed to a business a Dinner PHI, t.iki» or.e nriw" Ville to Tlionamiila of I.Ire· ami Million· of large meeting of the Associa- as Α.ί dations ol the latin, methods which in Taints And Minerals, such duration. λβΊ r^hcT»» the atomai-h. Snreil Ihr of ; and the establish by at pn^rd promote I'roprrtj· l»>- IMii| great importance tion, which the Treasurer, Mr. Charles £r!'<>ri. Gold-beaters, and An ο· a ion.d •t'»»·'· »: r.uleiea tJi· ·ιοηΐλ· h rauSaftt) litrotrut a return T'Iainbc.3, Typa»|··. yield fpecdy lor any unusual an'l l.owo!» r«»tore» the an>l invi*or· mint of arjiicultuml colleges has demon- S. of Manchester, and the Kxecu- Miners, as they «Indicé ia li/v, ·»<> anpeBte. The*e lamp· art of Uras· and η .11 ii*<»r l'ope WWpfJ aiwa μ., i'«neo U t« oftrn advanta- for the is the to of the lîovreû. To g unj I br· Λ strated the wisdom ot the General hov- outlay required purpose tive paralysie Cf.i:·.! TTilWe^H Committee tlirongh their chairman Ifvitu^,^: HAI8E STEAMSHïP COMPANY, TU* biirnc » Iiivd a 1 Tuljc Attael.meat this. take η dose of WAiEfcU'a \*1ϋ· One who ici la o *>s. I Ii ο i4 Ό rallM] an.! ιΐιβτ nifHii1 only I tuip hMuUO· greater application their annual These For Ski η Diseases, Eruptions. t mi presented icports. •iei U:· Useatlra apparatua. » l u·.Λ Ijv or as the l»cst and most direct means for blotches, Srinl-TVfrkl) Line. anilo 1l1.1t ill not Ιι.,μΙ «όΙ>|. m;nd lo the labors of the fraud i« to dis- is show that the tola! were ter, SaltRbouin, Spots, l'impie», i.ln»* (. ami are i.u>afe au l »l- repot receipts γπκγλκ/:» ft Maaqfl Luep· Ibis surplus, th* of corn and I'ohtiiiuS, JJcil·, Cnrbnucles, King-worms, ρβΊ·ί*·— il· · i» tliu uniti*Ti>al Wiupllllt the future over ai! pan gcneia* purchase ill liabilities oftLo Prsotloal Chemists, and after the b:h in*t the fine Sleamer· tinguish $1257 ; Society.éGOO.- core Itch, Dr. J. C. AVER A Cj., » uvr.K »kvr>i; FIT· MlLUOSS o»· G lai» oil meal for to Scald-head, Erysipelas. 1)1 Κ M ;< ami Fit λ Xt ΟΧΙ A, will.until further young " V. Λ. .4. ON L * m ι· ·. lit m m. s am br^kuii in ttil· eiwy tiona, tor tie uumbers ot young feeding growing 37 resources, a defici- Scurf", bisooloratious of iLe dtin, Ο·,..,..;; I WBl /. V « "»'«.. notice, rrn *« follow s : country large ; If!; Jraving Γ. lor tho of a and hiitf usûi the Skin of whatou-Γ nauio FOB 4 M 4.U. CVilBTWBEkK. Li-nvo (islt'o Wharf, h*··< tlnn.l ererv MONDAY I ."Λ men who will toith from stock, purpose obtaining ol pf f? I'rlct of llrrul Ι.·ιηρ>. wltl· M'.·* go every year ency $07.iH. The «Ulcers iiad receiv- and n4ΤΙΐυϋβΡΑΤι MI P. M ami leave Pier rftm|.!ete, us or nature, aro huaaily dug np carried am dollar. Prie··! Bimm Mm ο •urp ol manure to the orchard. In Κ U ,t«'V York urcry M<>Xl)Al ami-1111 KS J ChlMMyi, these institutions, ot them thorougl»- ed for their services. The Prés- out m α shurt tiûid lb» as# -»·.·* ι. t«»<|.>iLar».—avili to a in "file mar.y nothing of die ayeteiu by DAY, Λ 5 V M: l.ani|.n. |>*r. tliii he claimed for it noth- t'nMcJ .-l.-iti·» « >|Ί ^·: »>'- instructed in and kindred regard plan, ot ihono Bitters. The Idugo ami hranconia h.t oiu'il i;j· \>ite lui# i, .vr ly chemistry ident in to the bv I· no to -«Ml Un'.# explained regard arrange- making tlii* the m^il. Apni·· wntiUd Ι.ιπψ* ing new but the The and oilier ■ceonimoiUtioMfor ρκικηρη, m.-i tovh, m sciences, will give us; at least, the con application. plan ments for the tiiet exhibition hut fall at -Pin, Tape, Worms, molt citnvciii· nt *uil 'oiufurtablc ruuic foi travel wmIMicaCbiaumr·I· ww r"> to ahum a liberal il.Mount will le uiaile. ."einl for was out in the lurking; in the system of many thousands, cru between New Yoik h ni Maine. dilions for new discoveries which will figured detail, showing was imICircular· all Bangor. It held iu conncclioti with art and removed. >'o ra^a&ein «laie lojciif. Cabin paMage |4. taiaplt Ub|M |lrii| particu direct and indirect ol the eiïectually destroyed lara The> fer tlioin>el\e», nmi tell Ou the to »o advantages no r.o an- Me:ils extra »pcak open way higher and the Slate The fi t Ijcine, rermifuges, η triumphs, Agricultural Society. Sj*lau\ of Its lour t.. ο 1» forwarded to an·) from Montreal ght. Aiitlir"», same, and we we have uot the frurn worms "ΙΤΛ «laaaiy aMiadaaU, Quebec, AM t. ΚΙ Λ Ν' SAKTV I.AMPlO. on to the regret space thshainitjcs '«.dlfr*» M. John aud all part»» of Maiuc. lead golden age of American show ol the was en- system rp.'.t)», «i-^ritalan, laralaaiarf Halifax, bhip JIO I'earl New i'omologica! Society bke the»* KitluM. to Xo. Street. Tori. to give the gentleman's figures and con- mmmHh.'i rf ··■··■. «ρ·»*». p»r» areifqntMtd «end tbelr IMrtt tu the agriculture. tirely distinct, one-half the receipts ol For Female in young torrhir*. !-v< '«f ^awar, fluy steamers a* early a· 4 P. 11., en the da>» ibe> clusions this head. The culture o! Complaints, loaa of aaJ Ikxtatulxf lb' leaι,· ν At the cloee of Mr. Flint's lecture, npon the door to the latter or old, married or »i the ilawu of wo- iMmarjr, ; IVoficr of being paid Society. sîdkIo, >,-*4 haak-^IKlT, tn.1 a low· l or IieightOY ►< Γorecliisure; in the Tonic pot-nr.». i.n-.hjje apjHV wurtsels orchard, manhood, or tbe turn of life, these arto M ΙΟΜΓ· ilEXIt 1 U'tiaif. notiee I· lietet\ Hon. Harris Lewis, by request, mange! young Considerable time was taken in a dis- •luη it HraBKIf h'«»X,'I,.,11'· Portland κ'»··" itiat teiiar^i· briefly up 10 an influente that ΑΓΙΓΙΠΓι Mo. TWJtHTT- J F AUKS, l'iet i* t New fork. Ilei.r\ McKee·If Mow, ·>f OxnNi was recommended as another means of display decided «*PAT: 1 «>t H"ok Si, l'âge 4U·, eonireye.i t'i Κ ben Weak* ol swine and Wy.iua»ery ducks, iu the orchard w as also the I'implus, La .btUu'i χ nil ▼•tea of thanks were then especially ol ol Emptious, nal. ».κ* u rwf TertWXaa» N' 1 Γ. re· onleil in·! Wert l>i»t passed by McLaughlin Bangor, chairman the cleanse it when find it obstructed and βοΜ and you Una, or (4 \* ato^vaVx. »y At.f. 1'γ1|· BOSTON & PORTLAND llaok i'., Ι'μ,-ι· ,'^ό, h ci rt.iin parcel of |»ηΊ in »ai4 Ike to the recommcndcd. Sheep swino will it when it is Mini Itv mail u« of βπμ Λ Mr«*a η "il board citizens oi Wieeaaset. committee to whom the mutter was sluggish in the rciiin; cleanse riat·. auJ ivaaipt Mow, «le— 1 ir -) η» lol'ow '.e.-tntilii/ ·' lh« rou wben. ΜΙΉ Η ϋ Υ9* ΜΒΙ'ΚΊΝ Χ STEAMEHS. comer of »ο:ι I Ί an the a while being in tho or your will tell Keep IIΓ UOMtt>PAT?ncf ,eatt Ji.inief KuKi | nii^m and oflicers of the Lincoln jield profit Lwpt referred at the foul; fspjicg* Κ. Y. UanJ for «àrrwlar. < Ii suiiih'· County meeting in September .ad the of the CO., 6β4 X'-aoADVaï, eaiterly by I. K. laj'· anil flenr; lanil and (he blood pate, health system eeen tor •hard, besides the lattoi wuik in the riàt h ΓΑΓΚΓίΙ aiirt M I'llltlOIt to the w» it en'nerOf ΙηηΊ ôwne«l anutfi nit»· rod* by-laws Ntrauiera. by IV. Uovartl, thenec L>) soil and the It. II. MrDO*ALD * CM., Sale. pied e eo operation in the arrangements lor the destroy wormy apples. admit the wires and minor children if 9 ^içruioia' llowiril'e lain! t·» : nt llra<1lcy'> lot, then- bv Han Kr&adseo. Ctlifimle, John Hrooltf an*l KoreHt Citv. 1 11» PnificitUiui.lGtn Art< "VrOTlC'B il gl?rn mai tirlaa ci a Itradlcy'· land r >■[ frjier t;f tiiu ^|iire«ai'| of ami CUarltou Sta., Κ. T. hereby oy and for their attendance at the The the orchard under lite and annual members to the annual $aC cur. of Wuhuirtun from tb· Il·η. A II W will, until fmtner uoMceaieat e Franklin Vs imifloi Uanicl Euierxoii lui inà 'e uoitii eiflit' fle^icn* meeting profits apple Utaltri, _i3i license Ai.Ktit, .la.lge aold by all and lljoton, d.rh $unda\ * excepted) nt 7 o'cloek P. c»"i to t lie η t named bomnl. u-lnf culture w as the introdued OruggUla of Probate for Hie CuUntT ol Oxfuid. »va ahall aelt lift> aeveral sessions ;*to the Maine Central Ligh l*»t uuci the annual M. leuxe India W hurt, am. acrc·. moie ο |e><·; and nlieit aa topic exhibitions, incteasing >t aalr at th· Itnhoiro^pin iioaae in f >ix- lii'lurniug. liuitou, at»oet ierenly public Java at 5 P. M. the "Ι .-:ιί>I hare been braVen and Kuox and Liocoin Railroads for the the and hero his flalil m »« atur *y the twenty tbnd condition"· mo.tgige by speaker, again posi- lo $1. Other i'kei.c steamer· h»ve been lienIy rltted witb the antee ιυηι ··1 in «aid a- '*a· membership important day of M « next at t«n o'clock in th· fnrtnêan. a· up aew therefore I, g t tea m fur cabins mil elnim a fo.-erloiure thereof, br •curtesy of tree return tickets; aud lo tions were well fortified by examples amendments wero also The miicli uf tl:· real eatate of Jobu Jackaon late of apparatus heating ktnie ment, do herebv adopted. rooms, nn 10c HI Ml 10 Board orchard was worth an In Ihe afleruoon Dr. J. C. Western ol ι S»jiI real e»tate cvuiista of tin (ormei adjourned without day. good apple $1000 dV»lliiiic tak« the i'l»rli«>l traîna ont uf 50cts. PER HONDRED laoitkD an 11 of the drcea-ed in iaY. uf arriving late at night. Sent nuil oi ELIAS HOWE SEW1N8 MACHINP, by express- Address, Tavloi'» Iu Μ<·χ|ι·ο in a.iiil Couuty. read a most instructive and valuable es- iu Woodstock, Ν. B., 210 bbls. culture ot the grape, confining his Vf. Taken at Low Ratee. AX I) SAVE · I.I.00, et ad for Circular le produced u. mimmuns λ soy. \YII W. tlOLsTKK. I r Freight 1 r Mark P. S. Packet own Kent. U.ik KI.oIîkSTLVF L. goods,care Co. on the "Manure for th· Orchard the ot in 1873, which sold at $j per remarks to his Samples 1(α11,1(««>ΐοη. JACKiON.) Fare .State Uuuuia say ; apples chiefly personal lia Dixflel.l. Ma-.eb 10. liCI. ϊί J1..W. may be secuieU In j.iu·:: ulrance bv mail. D. H. YOUNG, sources ot supply, and the Theory and bbl., or iflOÔO, sufficient to leave $1000 experience, extending over a eerie? ot J. B. t'OYLK, Jr., Gau. Act., Portland. ΛΟΟ MIDDLK ST.PORTLANU, Practice ol iu application.*' It was a clear profit alter marketing. Au apple sixteen years, in ihe city of Bangor. I'dftWlAl, SW. IS, fi7.l. iuUUlf