bal 1 Tkt delueioni of drink are liar· to in until lull ut enough to enjoy il, sappose roar aemberl···, think it they was now in place of alacbry. to sa?, and Lucy will dance fteiy repetition, particul.tr· J niJl aerea· (lie." but there is une ef lb·· whiek 1'aals in (L be ft)ifor!) two tlio tlic bridal cos'.umer, the house were grandmother forgir· and bottom?, and sech nnnseese, il would the pig's trough, lot flic's years they $tmccrat, in vf to that it IS p. to to mu! the furtiiuir· alteady pur· •Ί f»ar not. Sk· persiste thinking Lh· way reform decidedly be lAftler, don't you?" oldest, you know, and lielind/· goin' j occupy, JJoetr msanl to deceive k·»." caiii for decided treatment. We alluvia Kvary loi mod of the «tory. )ou yakllahaU Tmtilij Voinluf, by "1 dare say," was tk· teply, «nil while be married lirit." chased, part tegular indeed. to lh· notiou that it i· a aie· to iar- "It come· Γιυιη the to it must bo ••Tkal would hat· hn #rae', ibing drink F Ε. S H J Κ' OLl> I V/> ///./>/>. carefully away thii souvenir "Sho!" said the deacon, looking family, Κ Ο, grandma put no bet- or η :ι· clincher that convinced «11 As tli· matter staid·, I kaow of nice win·· at mi·'· friend·, au4 ho tiied te his 80," tiic liquor· KIM'IVUS Λ; *r j «λ m of old times, study way prised. PKOMtlKTOKtû, in ter wsy to atone for «ff oriuie, than to to make them uinialer to good out of the "She e»u*t bo very "Yes, Helindy'.s fjoin1 to be married doubter·. fellowikip » a Smvw. v>Eo II. Wat&IX·. i »ο· scrape. (•.tlléDi tiray-brard, can't 70η make rnr true, aud nt social while It i· a I'll oiico meetin' next luorniu' to young [ Grandma liad lettled her hnge sky· »ηρρς··4 stery ivcry gathering, Veu uncut ■·. on.il>!e î»at. deaf," thought ht, "bit try Sunday you differed to diink bad that'· law With ol a bonnet with many nnd long marij Melind·, after all." very thing liquor, Wiiil« jrou pla\ tlu· dcrolee. more." Mr. May, reading Squire sciaper Term#. ? Mr. nnd Ac Mitli inm I.awten, "Caie never da iu bad and in auûti··. Λ Thai ttic 4: 11· l»o,h i.i at you Willard'·. A dreffal nice young man lie o^nsuliaiions of the mirror, nnd place·, large q Ι»·ι· if P-*iil in "U here arc ilis»cs lleiicô ami Lu·?," $«.*.00 Υ·:»γ—l.ftO as like lo man full of wina leel· Laa as a Now he come Mr·. Freeman to walk to chuich loll these you'd good that be AUranc»· Y.»n were b.ic>Km( in your «lay, lie scrcKiued, wbeu she had settled Ucrsolt i>, too, pool y pink. proposed partlculaiej··» a to look with lnu arc well [n-eacrrel and th illy, afternoon when ilie wn» with both nut lu feel the hear em," ·β Ivauaet tell what Lieliuda tight ouatempt upo· the in a chair. in here tliis gals her, Irving Au<l your insane:*, one may »ay, (itand· but when fall ··«·, aud Mr. Irishman wbo i· full of bad It Rate» of tus beo» at work In tlio kitchen, and just set down rldicu!ou9iieM of the situation. »ai<l, May whi«ky. Advertising. Are *«i«*rfc, arc City "Yes, sir, Tiyphena Newkm (J* bill—ymi bcea ««limited hi ike there was 1· not u time since the election ot a I» 1 aqnarc, I iuci» of a, ·.*- ! «auk. |I and visited with me as an I alien- ! aia «ni formed aomewhat like Mis. had bar, long *· at work her· all winter, bat she's gone polite Encta aaL-MMumii ; Ik.n't l>e ι.,οΐι.ΐι, 09* eld, in a wa· m you're a· like a ol fcAlhet· a k'reemao'fe flout instead of Britiah Κ >,J> Λ v. !■ a I »av. lî talked over all his affairs S'.owe'» old Indie*, bag v*ed«liii£ftt profcuor university 4?. in (hi* feeb!· home now with a sort ami Tut lire, jus*, ov! Mirtiiijj fathion,— Anger, .Mivmjltw- (.«««χ J |W;'|ci)l a the and at the and Belieda'· die·· ws« un the Ikat be Jo «11 >v\ He's a home all with lied around middle ; church, oppoaed solelj ground <ri·. I *L Son· La 15 μ,-r c«ul acKi amaal. Tr> ,*« a hearth jfrotrn C->1 1 M raiil «he'll liar· a felon ui'l. An τ U open heartod. got string <01 K»t»t« i *> drank wine uor to hi· fni'l'iil Si un* il OiJ.IiC'M 1» :« il^hl a boynh Iho skirt· of her blark gray ai«k instead of Grand' neither ottered it 1 M |n««K)iii as James's wife'· first h ι«- and t'»ej'ie goiu* right to1 ample •ullypacky' pearl poplin. k'"«ia»-a au VI ilté. l«ar a^uaia, it jeat engaged, I Λ· begins a nm on η tat!· in and a (mall w a;u « a a ·(■· ·· seemed to from short and had soft Deal, ·*ρ, place friend·; when, by niajoiity, μι »<tu.vl. Yo.i h ιτ* ha 1 yeui <Uy of T«uth, sitter's felou in* S ki housekeepiu'." hang chubby A «. ■· a ni ·Γ«' XalltM, 1 ΛΟ (•nnd's began—she Ja. alali II', cere- kie election wai Λ·γ With il» Nader fre«k> ami fauei·*; were a!I cider bat re I. An old red «hawl covered of her bonnet and after the efTucted, the other pro* AU v a·* «4«t >vUc«-a, t 0 par a^uar», Mari she had a proper hat Tlio deacon's ears agipeto; big Ui:n *·ηι>Μΐ«. You hit· known .1 lu uiu'i truth, Gage—and as fcs»or· decided not to bin leol- hear further but Mr. Free- lier broad shoulder·, and over and alwru mony, proof that ike had forgiven recogni»· Jus J»MIBTI«ti «r OaaarlpM·· An.I hav· lived I.jie'i in tot romance?. time oii't. Sire wee kttpia'1iie dcestrick particulars, C<rarjr There are thtf· two men a a 4 \aal ) Ll'tal«a. cut the •II—the t»f tho whole Mr. for his deception, ally. whosn ricapiiy school sud leardia' wiifc un «hou elm αιηιΓ· entrance just thon *bort eionning glory May enpnoied A*. 1 know her n:c •r· M l'«iua; J * (. υ Iw Stata H·»· lljm red; she waddled lo hi· aal him a these «tickler· for wine : to old an.I as her son maJe outfit—\va& thit bonnet, for her little up gave despise—?ii Uu *a«) .ir kaaaaa at Ν·« V k » Κ >iU·· | True, lier riirl· are b!*<-k anj «Ιο·«» ; vsai teak with it. The gals have do garuiluus lady, * the man who drunk on Ica-t at aud Γ. I' k-ana. ]M aalitu^ioa kl to the in thw wrinkled face in the middle ol rousing kin. gel· bad liqaor, ΐ ·>. i!.· U'lin a daialy bead. tho wwk now, bul tbej're smart as uo allusion coming «rent, appearing k ilva ·:a aiilutntM Agent* and tho man diink«no at Au J lotr »;n a.· ■»«< au J aatu y. low β 1U0 dcaoon ; its citcurclerenco, in about the wbo, liquor all. 'lection, though 1 iht*k Β»^·ι|\'· η ti tle conversation which fol J, huge pro- Indeed, ihey the latter with katred Uni the know* a ·( a not sucii) ujd so re of a bumble-be· in the centre of The l)r!it a(»m Drhih. regard >ab»oi»«:a caa t*ll kjr aia .r.g t a «olutoJ you part, the b*kt for buaiaese. Ma>be would inquisitive, posions 9f Jou'ic or a Um sn^ard la Uwir y a. a.a Ita a luaut Ju«, itud Vf iiiic you liy to t«a au«t Ler,— a bloisom. contempt which they do not fe«l for one ·:ι run tinned look- ceired no more information. SjIouioii has Ike erodit of ii it » la >( >>· a«a lariatt 'a· D! <feaaJfa a.4 court in1 'em," she pumpkin Kiug being Know», Old M*ke It Ίίονο, your hi'art • the drunkard. aain»« h iflibi· raw a« ati W aa L'« iJ «r k(u4 va tt-a I pout The absolute λ "*« "I re iieard soiuc he said lo the Thu haTe said tho wisest man that «τκ lived and he 1» a· dead a» Juliui1 at».«t ni liiiii with tut uisatit lur news," gals gone. ipose," j a a.'. *>i ajam »·ι>ι 1 '.k au Iha ali|> laatM ing tip with at the foot of the slniis oaity which many m«n in aoeiety tbr ;·»»«! >a yaiti io. .a Ltl tia.a W m· a.··»»» smilo. when ho g»t Irrne. "Ueliudy grandma, pausing declared that he who ladeceivud wiee, j Κι: >W· a » 1· lamily by il a. ai aa. a «hau 4 W* lakao lu »as*jiu» L « it, tlioujth 'ti| ^Irl. roguish one who is alip, in the h:ill. she regard coneeientiomly opposed *» — to be mauied.** "Belinda," up • ail J »:.« a«c< .a uvlc «Ui.«d .k.u lit ο «(«At, Ai»d h *h;lo ; it!' wis JJr. men La Freeman'* goiujf squealed the tuoeker, and strong drink,the raging, Ι·'.ΐ£ΐ·ιΐ;( y,m |m(Ci "Hung Jdf)'· to v.
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