829 bus time schedule & line map

829 Richmond - View In Website Mode

The 829 bus line (Richmond - Bedale) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bedale <-> Richmond: 3:45 PM (2) Richmond <-> Bedale: 1:00 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 829 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 829 bus arriving.

Direction: Bedale <-> Richmond 829 bus Time Schedule 22 stops Bedale <-> Richmond Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 3:45 PM

Monday Not Operational Market Place, Bedale Market Place, Bedale Tuesday Not Operational

Bay Horse Inn, Great Crakehall Wednesday Not Operational

Coronation Road, Little Crakehall Thursday Not Operational Friday Not Operational Old Rectory, Saturday Not Operational The Green Tree, Patrick Brompton

Mallard Road, Scotton

Scotton Gardens, Scotton 829 bus Info Kemmel Close, Scotton Direction: Bedale <-> Richmond Stops: 22 Kemmel Lines, Scotton Trip Duration: 30 min Line Summary: Market Place, Bedale, Bay Horse Inn, Helles Barracks, Great Crakehall, Coronation Road, Little Crakehall, Old Rectory, Patrick Brompton, The Green Tree, Patrick Brompton, Mallard Road, Scotton, Scotton Catterick Road Old Dental Centre, Catterick Garrison Gardens, Scotton, Kemmel Lines, Scotton, Helles Barracks, Catterick Garrison, Catterick Road Old Dental Centre, Catterick Garrison, Catterick Camp Catterick Camp Centre, Catterick Garrison Centre, Catterick Garrison, Tesco Superstore, Catterick Garrison, Shute Road, Catterick Garrison, Tesco Superstore, Catterick Garrison Dane Road, Catterick Garrison, St Oswalds, Hipswell, Rawlinson Road, Hipswell, Haig Road, Sandbeck, Old Shute Road, Catterick Garrison Road, Holly Hill, Rimington Avenue, Holly Hill, Old Richmond Road, Scotton Station, Sleegill, Station Road, Sleegill, Market Place, Richmond Dane Road, Catterick Garrison

St Oswalds, Hipswell

Rawlinson Road, Hipswell

Haig Road, Sandbeck

Old Road, Holly Hill Rimington Avenue, Holly Hill

Old Station, Sleegill Rimington Avenue, Richmond

Station Road, Sleegill

Market Place, Richmond Tower Street Castle Wynd, Richmond Direction: Richmond <-> Bedale 829 bus Time Schedule 23 stops Richmond <-> Bedale Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 1:00 PM

Monday Not Operational Market Place, Richmond Tower Street Castle Wynd, Richmond Tuesday Not Operational

Friary Gardens, Richmond Wednesday Not Operational Queens Road, Richmond Thursday Not Operational Station Road, Sleegill Friday Not Operational Station Road, Richmond Saturday Not Operational Old Station, Sleegill Rimington Avenue, Richmond

Rimington Avenue, Holly Hill 829 bus Info Old Road, Holly Hill Direction: Richmond <-> Bedale Stops: 23 Haig Road, Sandbeck Trip Duration: 30 min Line Summary: Market Place, Richmond, Friary Rawlinson Road, Hipswell Gardens, Richmond, Station Road, Sleegill, Old Station, Sleegill, Rimington Avenue, Holly Hill, Old Dane Road, Catterick Garrison Road, Holly Hill, Haig Road, Sandbeck, Rawlinson Road, Hipswell, Dane Road, Catterick Garrison, Tesco Tesco Superstore, Catterick Garrison Superstore, Catterick Garrison, Gough Road, Catterick Garrison, Catterick Camp Centre, Catterick Gough Road, Catterick Garrison Garrison, Dental Centre, Catterick Garrison, Helles Barracks, Catterick Garrison, Kemmel Lines, Scotton, 20 Richmond Road, Scotton Scotton Gardens, Scotton, Mallard Road, Scotton, Catterick Camp Centre, Catterick Garrison The Green Tree, Patrick Brompton, Old Rectory, Patrick Brompton, Coronation Road, Little Crakehall, Dental Centre, Catterick Garrison St Gregorys Church, Great Crakehall, Squash Courts, Bedale, Market Place, Bedale Helles Barracks, Catterick Garrison

Kemmel Lines, Scotton

Scotton Gardens, Scotton Scotton Road, Scotton Civil Parish

Mallard Road, Scotton

The Green Tree, Patrick Brompton

Old Rectory, Patrick Brompton

Coronation Road, Little Crakehall Mastil Lane, Crakehall Civil Parish

St Gregorys Church, Great Crakehall

Squash Courts, Bedale

Market Place, Bedale Market Place, Bedale 829 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved