Odonatological Abstract Service

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Odonatological Abstract Service Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Landhausstr. 10, D-72074 Tübingen, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7071 552928; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Trier, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 1997 viously known from Southwest China, etc.)." (Author) Drepanosticta vietnamica, Rhipidolestes owadai] Ad- dress: Asahina, S., 4-4-24 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169, Japan 6081. Anholt, B.R. (1997): Sexual size dimorphism 6083. and sex-specific survival in adults of the damselfly Beschovski, V.L.; Gashtarov, V. (1997): Se- Lestes disjunctus. Ecological Entomology 22(2): 127- lysiothemis nigra (Vander Linden, 1825) - a new genus 132. (in English). [" (1.) A population of adult Lestes dis- and species for the Bulgarian fauna (Odonata: Anisop- junctus (Odonata: Lestidae) was studied in eastern On- tera: Libellulidae). Ent. Zschr. 107(7): 309-310. (in tario, Canada. Mass at sexual maturity and activity ra- English, with German summary). [First record of S. tes of individuals were measured. Population density nigra in Bulgaria. One male specimen on 4-VI-1996 in was estimated on transects, while survival rates and the small floodplain of the river Melnishka, a left affluent population size were estimated using mark-recapture of the river Struma near the town of Melnik.] Address: methods. (2.) There was no difference in mass of ma- Beschovski, V.L., Inst. Zool., Bulgarian Acad. Sci., Boul. ted and unmated males. Females were more than 50% Tzar Osvoboditel 1, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria heavier than males, and were also more active than 6084. Goutner, V.; Furness, R.W. (1997): Mercury in males. (3.) Males were almost eight times more abun- feathers of Little Egret Egretta farzetta and Night Heron dant on transects than females, but Manly-Parr estima- Nycticorax nycticorax Chicks and in th their prey in the tes of male population size were only a maximum of 2.5 Axios Delata, Greece. Archives of environmential con- times larger than estimates for females. (4.) Males were tamination and toxicology 32(2): 211-216. (in English). 2.5 times more likely to be resighted after marking than ["Mercury concentrations were measured in feathers of were females. This accounts for much of the discrepan- little egret and night heron chicks and in their prey in cy between transect estimates and mark-recapture the Axios Delta, Greece. Significantly higher concentra- estimates of relative population size. (5.) Daily survival tions occurred in night heron than in little egret in 1993. rates of sexually mature females were not significantly In the night heron the mercury content of feathers was less than those of males, and therefore cannot account negatively correlated to the size of chicks, possibly due for a change in sex-ratio from 1 : 1 at emergence to mo- to inhibition of growth. Mercury concentrations were re males than females in sexually mature adults. (6.) higher than reported for heron feathers in seriously pol- Differences in mortality must occur prior to sexual matu- luted sites in North America and Japan, but the toxic rity, coincident with the time during which differences in hazard is unclear. Diets differed considerably between mass gain are also taking place." (Author)] Address: the two species due to use of different foraging habitats Anholt, B.R., Dept Biology, University of Victoria, PO and this seems responsible for different mercury con- Box 3020, Victoria, BC, V8W 3N5, Canada; e-mail: tents of feathers. Mercury concentrations in the pump- [email protected] kinseed sunfish Lepomis gibbosus, goldfish Carrassius 6082. Asahina, S. (1997): Records of Northern Viet- auratus, and in dragonfly Odonata larvae were the hig- namese Odonata taken by the expedition members hest among the prey categories. Frogs and water beet- from the National Science Museum, Tokyo. 6. Platystic- les Dytiscidae had moderate concentrations whereas tidae, Megapodagrionidae, Lestidae and Synlestidae. saltwater fish and terrestrial prey had very low mercury Bull. natn. sci. mus. Tokio Ser. A. 23(2): 107-113. (in concentrations. The implication is that the deltaic mars- English). ["Seven species of northern Vietnamese dam- hes are the habitat most polluted with mercury. Night selflies are classified into four families, Platystictidae (1 heron chick feathers, freshwater fish and dragonfly lar- new species and 1 new subspecies), Megapodagrioni- vae could be used to monitor mercury contamination in dae (1 new species and 1 species previously known this region, but use of bird feathers alone could give from Lower Burma and Laos), Lestidae (1 common misleading results if changes in diet occurred." (Au- South Asiatic species), and Synlestidae (2 species pre- thors)] Address: Goutner, V., Dept of Zoology, Aristote- Odonat. Abstr. Service 20 (June 2007) - page 1 lian University of Thessaloniki, GR-540 06, Thessaloni- Rambur populations and habitats. Journal of the Japa- ki, Greece nese Institute of Landscape Architecture 60(4): 324- 328. (in Japaneses, with English summary). [Habitat 6085. Mori, S. (1997): Eco-up design & citizens' parti- parameters of N. pygmaea in the surroundings of Mo- cipation - from the cases of the dragonfly ponds in Yo- tegi town, Tochigi Pref., Japan were surveyed. Vegeta- kohama. Journal of the Japanese Institute of Landsca- tion and microhabitats within the vegetation preferred pe Architecture 60(3): 245-248. (in Japanese, with Eng- by the imagines are outlined. For details see: http:// lish translation of the title). [No abstract available. For nels.nii.ac.jp/els/contentsdisp.php?id=ART0006477726] the full text see: http://nels.nii.ac.jp/els/contentsdisp. Address: not transliterated into English php?id=ART0006477675&type=pdf&lang=en&host=cini i&orderno=Z00000005400124&ppvtype=0&langsw=& no=1179656446&cp=] 1998 6086. Olsvik, H. (1997): (Trekkayenstikker) Hemianax ephippiger i Norge, og mulige farste-observasjoner av (takraroyenstikker) Aeshna serrata. Insekt-Nytt 22(4): 6091. Flaspohler, D. (1998): A technique for sampling 13-14. (in Norwegian, with English summary). ["The flying insects. J. Field Ornithol. 69(2): 201-208. (in Eng- migratory dragonfly Hemianax ephippiger is reported lish). ["I describe a procedure for sampling flying in- from Norway for first time. One male was seen, but not sects. Using binoculars, a stopwatch, and a hand-held collected, near Moss on 11.08.1995. Also, a large male counter, an observer counts insects passing through a dragonfly observed at Isesjsen, Sarpsborg the same measurable focal volume for a set time. No insect iden- day, was very likely Aeshna serrata, not previosly re- tification skills are needed. I tested the accuracy and corded from Norway." (Author)] Address: Olsvik, H., N- repeatability of the procedure under controlled conditi- 6694 Foldfjorden, Norway. E-mail: [email protected] ons and found that with known limitations, it is a reliable 6087. Proess, R. (1997): Erstnachweis der Gabel- way to sample flying insect abundance. I used the pro- Azurjungfer (Coenagrion scitulum Rambur, 1842) in Lu- cedure to describe daily activity pattern of flying insects xemburg (Insecta, Odonata, Coenagrionidae). Bull. soc. using a clearing adjacent to a neotropical lowland forest nat. luxemb. 98: 129-131. (in German, with English reserve. While flycatcher and flying insect activity pat- summary). [First record of C. scitulum on 24.07.1996 in terns were not strongly correlated, similarities in activity Luxembourg.] Address: Proess, R., ECOTOP, 6, rue were noted." (Author) The paper contains some refe- Gustave Kahnt, L-1851 Luxembourg, Luxembourg. E- rences to Odonata.] Address: Flaspohler, D., Depart- mail: [email protected] ment of Wildlife Ecology, A229 Russell Labs, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 USA 6088. Saugestad, T. (1997): Stor torvlibelle Leucorrhi- nia pectoralis (Charpentier, 1825) funnet i Hordaland. 6092. Sudo, S.; Tsuyuki, K.; Ikohagi, T.; Ohta, F.; Shi- Insekt-Nytt 22(4): 15-17. (in Norwegian, with English da, S.; Tani, J. (1998): Wing structure of dragonfly: 2nd summary). [The genus Leucorrhinia is represent in report, wing and flight. Transactions of the Japan Socie- Norway with five species, of which only L. dubia is com- ty of Mechanical Engineers. C 64(No.625): 3526-3533. mon. Two males of the endangered L. pectoralis were (in Japanese, with English summary). ["This paper is recorded on 19.07. and 22.07.1997, at Leirvikvatn, concerned with the wing structure and the aerodynamic Tysnes, HOY. This is the first record from West- characteristics of a flying dragonflies. The structural Norway. In addition, 10 taxa also recorded at the locali- properties of dragonfly wings were studied through the ty are listed.] Address: Saugestad, T., Gamle Kalve- measurements of some morphological parameters. The dalsvei 12B, N-5019 Bergen, Norway scanning electron microscopic observation showed the morphological characteristics of the dragonfly wing. 6089. Tani, J.; Qu, J.; Yamaguchi, E. (1997): Rhyth- Dragonflies (Sympetrum infuscatum, S. kunckeli) were mic movement of dragonfly wing model. Transactions of examined in a small low-turbulence wind tunnel. In the the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C 63 (No. experiment on the measurements of wing flapping, an 614): 3390-3395. (in Japanese, with English summary). optical displacement detector was used to measure the ["This paper describes the model for insect wing mo- displacement of the dragonfly wing. In the experiment vement with the non-linear oscillator. Living things have on the measurements of the velocity fluctuation, a hot- flexibility for various environments and on the whole wire anemometer was used to measure the velocity structures keep a function even if a part of them is out field. The spectrum of dragonfly flight was revealed by of order.
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