A Survey of Odonata of the Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge and Management Area

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A Survey of Odonata of the Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge and Management Area 2012. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 121(1):54–61 A SURVEY OF ODONATA OF THE PATOKA RIVER NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE AND MANAGEMENT AREA Donald L. Batema* and Amanda Bellian: Department of Chemistry, Environmental Studies Program, University of Evansville, 1800 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, IN 47722 USA Lindsey Landowski: Mingo National Wildlife Refuge, Puxico, MO. 63960 USA ABSTRACT. The Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge and Management Area (hereafter Patoka River Refuge or the Refuge) represents one of the largest intact bottomland hardwood forests in southern Indiana, with meandering oxbows, marshes, ponds, managed moist-soil units, and constructed wetlands that provide diverse and suitable habitat for wildlife. Refuge personnel strive to protect, restore, and manage this bottomland hardwood ecosystem and associated habitats for a variety of wildlife. The Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) lists many species of management priority (McCoy 2008), but Odonata are not included, even though they are known to occur on the Refuge. The absence of Odonata from the CCP is the result of lack of information about this ecologically important group of organisms. Therefore, we conducted a survey, from May to October 2009, to document their presence, with special attention being paid to rare, threatened, and endangered species. A total of 43 dragonfly and damselfly species were collected and identified. No threatened or endangered species were found on the Refuge, but three species were found that are considered imperiled in Indiana based on Nature Serve Ranks (Stein 2002). Additionally, 19 new odonate records were documented for Pike County, Indiana. The results of this survey will be used by Refuge personnel to assist in management decisions and to help establish priorities for the Patoka River Refuge activities and land acquisition goals. Keywords: Odonata, dragonflies, damselflies, management, wetlands Odonata play vital roles as predators and terrestrial habitats (Bried 2005). Odonates are prey, contribute significantly to ecosystem also dominant or co-dominant organisms with biomass, are important bioindicators of eco- respect to biomass in permanently flooded system health, and are of conservation concern wetlands (Batzer & Wissinger 1996), beaver in wetland and aquatic habitats. Odonate impoundments (Benke et al. 1999), constructed nymphs and adults have been extensively or restored wetlands (Fairchild et al. 1999), and examined for their roles in predator-prey and many other wetland types. trophic relations (Kennedy 1950, Sih 1987, The presence of odonates in aquatic and Corbett 1999, Peyman 2000, Silsby 2001). Both terrestrial habitats has been linked to ecosystem damselfly and dragonfly nymphs feed on small health. Odonata are used as indicators of aquatic organisms, fish, and tadpoles (Corbet ecosystem health because they respond readily 1999, Colburn 2004), while adults feed on to changes in hydrology, are sensitive to mosquitoes, butterflies, and other winged degradation of water quality, and are directly insects associated with vegetation of aquatic linked to the composition and structure of habitats. Odonata nymphs and adults also fall vegetation (Burton et al. 1999, Chovanec & prey to other organisms, especially fish and Rabb 1997, Chovanec & Waringer 2001). Clark birds (Kennedy 1950, Orians & Horn 1969, & Samways (1996) noted that Odonata are King & Wrubleski 1998). highly rated (top 20%) for their suitability as Odonates associated with the vegetation of indicators of ecosystem health because they lakes, ponds, and streams contribute a signif- occupy a wide spectrum of aquatic habitats. icant amount of biomass to aquatic and Recently, odonates, in conjunction with plants, have been evaluated for use as possible ‘umbrella’ species for bioassessment purposes * Corresponding author: Donald L. Batema, 812-488- (Bried et al. 2007). The umbrella species 2795, e-mail: [email protected] concept focuses on a few core species that can 54 BATEMA ET AL.—ODONATA OF PATOKA RIVER REFUGE 55 be used as proxies for protecting and managing authorized acquisition of approximately a much larger community of species. 23,000 acres along a 20-mile stretch of the A number of Odonata are beginning to lower Patoka River in Pike and Gibson appear on lists of rare, threatened, or endan- Counties in southwest Indiana. The Patoka gered organisms as a result of declines in River Refuge is one of the last remaining intact odonate populations caused by environmental bottomland hardwood forests in southern stresses such as habitat loss, introduction of Indiana, providing a variety of habitats for a exotic invasive species, or grazing activities number of wildlife species and other organisms, (Foote & Hornung 2005, Stewart & Samways including odonates. 1998). Clausnitzer et al. (2009) examined the We sampled forested wetlands, scrub-shrub current status of a subset (1,500 species) of the wetlands, emergent marshes, moist-soil units, 5,680 known species of Odonata using the constructed wetlands, other aquatic habitats International Union for Conservation of Na- (e.g., ponds, streams, and river), and grass- ture (IUCN) Red List criteria. Their analysis lands. We also sampled similar habitats on the revealed that 10% of the world’s Odonata nearby White River Wildlife Management Area species are threatened. However, because 35% (WMA) and Cane Ridge WMA, both managed of the 1,500 species they examined are poorly by Refuge personnel. known biologically, the number of threatened Terrestrial (or aerial) sampling.—Adult drag- species may actually be higher. onflies and damselflies were captured at Odonata are important in ecosystem struc- various lentic and lotic habitats on the Refuge ture and function, as indicators of ecosystem with an insect net (diameter 15 inches). Odo- health, and increasing as organisms of conser- nates were captured from behind with a vation concern. Therefore, odonates warrant swinging motion and ending with a twist to study in an area, such as the Patoka River secure the individual in the net. Captured National Wildlife Refuge and Management individuals were identified in the field and Area (hereafter Patoka River Refuge or the released, or if new to our collection placed in a Refuge), where they are poorly understood. ZiplocH bag, put on ice to retard movement, The Patoka River Refuge Comprehensive and returned to the laboratory for identifica- Conservation Plan (CCP) (McCoy 2008) out- tion to species. We used the nomenclature of lines a vision and states goals that will direct Curry (2001) for adult dragonflies and either future activities at the Refuge. An overall goal DuBois (2005) or Westfall & May (2006) for of Refuge personnel is to restore, protect, and adult damselflies. Data recorded included date manage the bottomland hardwood ecosystem of capture, collector, location on the Refuge, and associated habitats for migratory birds, GPS location, and type of habitat, as well as threatened and endangered species, and indig- specific distinguishing features to aid in enous fish and wildlife, while striving to identification. After identification, adult odo- develop citizen understanding and support for nates new to our collection were scanned (both the protection of natural resources by provid- top and side view) at 300 dpi using a Hewlett- ing wildlife-related education and recreation Packard flatbed scanner (Fig. 1). Once opportunities (McCoy 2008). With this man- scanned, specimens were placed in acetone to agement goal in mind, our objectives were to: remove excess fats and air dried. Dried (1) Conduct a survey to document what species specimens were stored individually in 3 5/ of odonates are present on the refuge, (2) 16 inch by 5 1/8 inch clear, plastic envelopes examine species-habitat associations, with an (www.cistamps.com) along with unlined index emphasis on locating rare, threatened, and cards containing pertinent collection data. A endangered species, and, (3) provide a voucher voucher collection for adults, housed at the collection (and other materials) as tools to University of Evansville, was prepared and will educate the public about the habitats odonates be maintained for educational and research occupy and the role they play in the ecological purposes. processes on the Refuge. Aquatic sampling.—Nymphs of dragonflies and damselflies were sampled from lentic and METHODS lotic habitats within the Refuge with a standard Study area.—The Patoka River Refuge was D-frame dipnet (0.5 mm mesh). We sampled established in 1994. The federal government each habitat qualitatively by dragging the 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Figure 1.—Top and side view scans of a Spangled Skimmer (Libellula cyanea). dipnet through vegetation and searched for Table 1.—Dragonfly species of the Patoka River nymphs. Nymphs were collected with forceps, National Wildlife Refuge and Management Area. placed in vials with 70% ethyl alcohol, and Families, species, and life history stage are listed. returned to the laboratory for sorting and identification. Nymphs were identified to spe- Family/Species Adult Nymph cies following the nomenclature of Needham AESHNIDAE and Westfall (1954), Merritt & Cummins Anax junius xx (1996), and Westfall & May (2006). Data Basiaeschna janata x recorded included date of capture, collector, Epiaeschna heros xx location on the Refuge, GPS location, and type Nasciaeschna pentacantha x of habitat. Voucher specimens were stored in GOMPHIDAE vials
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