Issue 65 / 2010 MISHKAN A Forum on the Gospel and the Jewish People I SSUE 65 / 2010 Editor : Jim R. Sibley Pasche Institute of Jewish Studies · A Ministry of Criswell College Mishkan 65.indb 1 1/13/2011 9:22:25 AM Mishkan issue 65, 2010 Published by Pasche Institute of Jewish Studies, a ministry of Criswell College, in cooperation with Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, CJF Ministries, and Finnish Lutheran Mission © 2010 by Pasche Institute of Jewish Studies Editorial Board Jim R. Sibley, Ph.D. (candidate), Editor Olivier Melnick, Editorial Secretary Richard Harvey, Ph.D. Knut Helge Høyland Richard A. Robinson, Ph.D. Michael Rydelnik, D.Miss. Erez Soref, Ph.D. Diana Cooper, Linguistic Editor Cindy Osborne, Asst. Linguistic Editor Board of Reference Craig Blaising, Ph.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, USA Michael L. Brown, Ph.D., FIRE School of Ministry, Concord, North Carolina, USA John Fischer, Ph.D., Th.D., Menorah Ministries, Palm Harbor, Florida, USA Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ph.D., Ariel Ministries, San Antonio, Texas, USA Ole Chr. M. Kvarme, Bishop, Oslo Diocese, Norway Peter Stuhlmacher, Ph.D., University of Tübingen, Germany International Subscription Agents Danish Israel Mission Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission Evangeliumsdienst für Israel Norwegian Church Ministry to Israel Graphic design: Diana Cooper Cover design: Heidi Tohmola Printed by Evangel Press, Nappanee, Indiana, USA ISSN 0792-0474 Subscription Rates One-year print $40; one-year print Israel resident $36; one-year digital $25; one-year combo (print and digital) $50 Subscriptions and back issues: Criswell College 4010 Gaston Avenue, Dallas, TX 75246 USA
[email protected] Mishkan 65.indb 2 1/13/2011 9:22:26 AM TABLE OF CONTENTS A Word from the Editor 3 Post-Holocaust/Shoah Theology Henri Blocher 5 Jesus and the Land: The New Testament Challenge to “Holy Land” Theology (review) Barry E.