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Si ByMABKYABLON8KV __„ our intentions and procedures used where the public interest would be After shifting from ite policy of tonight.". endangered or the personal privacy ?'•-• conducting interviews hi private, the "It's always from the public or rights of individuals would be -rSpringfield Board of Education standpoint," said Greenspoon, who endangered." . •' , -'opted to postpone naming a suc- explained ttayhe^tta«t!=sfcthfc ' cessor for an open seat on the nine- Sunshine Law is to provide as much p •i:i-.' ' member body Monday night, '.'public scrutiny as possible" unless sessions, all three candidates an- leaving the status ofrihe three doing so falls into conflict with other swered questions from individual candidates seeking to,fill it unknown aspects of the 1975 law. board . members, ranging from until the board's regularly- "It's my feeling ihat as much qualifications, interest in serving scheduled meeting onMay 18. j business - hi public as possible be and the role and functions of the ?'->, In deciding that various-board- conducted so as to comply with the b^ t/f members'.•.; were,: "uncomfortable" spirit of'the Sunshine Law," added "I really would like to be a board member because I plan.on being with taking a vote "30 soon," board Elsen. •. . '. > ,' ' •' '•• . - . • president tee Eiseii announced that.. really active," said Kessel, who is a Following a public question-and- kindergarten teacher In Hillside and . the decision on the'successor to M. answer session with Ben Stravato,. '0- Donald Davidson would be held in a* past member of' the Springfield Leona Kessel and Arthur D. Kindergarten Assessment' Com- ' two weeks, giving absent board Welnbergr-however, the board — member Jeffrey Rauchbach an mittee. "I feel there's only one place • after failing to approve vice for Springfield to go. The way it is opportunity to participate as Well. * president Ned Sambur's motion Davidson, who was. elected to a and up. I hope I can continue to seeking to appeal Elsen's decision to make it as good or better." ' .. three-year term last year, has conduct open; discussion on the already submitted an official letter "I'm seeking this appointment as 1 candidates — decided to postpone its of resignation, although it has not discussion and ^probable ap- a sense of civic- responsibility,-"— yet been accepted, one board official pointment until May 18. , . ' - explained,Weinberg, who is a former . said: Davidson will soon be moving vice-president of the Kiwanis Club toCalifpmia. . '••'.' Known officially as the. Open Public Meetings Act, the purpose of and a current-member-oHhe-New ' Previously, board officials ex- the 12-year-old "Sunshine .Law" is Jersey Commerce and Industry' plained, it had been board policy to "to insure the right of citizens to Association. "I favor rigid stan- conduct candidate interviews In have adequate advance notice of and dards of grading. I think kids have to h private; however, after hearing the right to attend meetings of public earn their promotions." from Greenspoon that two public bodies at which any business af- Stravato, the head soccer coach of Photo by HUrkY.blontky ; cases on the issue appeared to fecting the public is discusse••/ ' •".•,•• ;•" ,.';.!'•• of New Jersey on the high school . Lonney split; his' time between studies department supervisorjt ? ':^S: was »,:; admitted computing Wmily, A family that; That campaign will be spread level. She said this topic will be Walton and Caldwell, and later. Arthur L. Johnson Regional High' added to the district's 10th grade "Tyburikll 'i:^^^t^^iBVhVuie:•^:•^^|^t•^^•t'•«^e^^t'l^.•• throughout Union County via the use School, Clark, said the main reason ethe r between Sandmeier and Ca)d- of several 30-second cainpaign spots ' U.S. history survey course., • •yoimgeit of, the three /award ^ «« r- ' • -- weU) after Walton's closing In for the removal of the course was the jj't'It's a nice tionor to be: that Taranto hopes local radio absence of written materials on the A major force In the development stations will pick up In the next few high school level. of a curriculum is the creation of since 1964, the same year .she V "Xbiiney is befiig honored as the" w6eks.; :.••; •-•'' // /;,, • ' ••'•• '=/'•'' sunimerworkshops ;for staff —Sandmeier- jSchoblisT-^aWord— i_JlThepublJshers have really put us _ -^-One~messagBrfeaturea~£r"youth In a bind,"she said^"Whlle urban memberspaccording to Katharine ^WhUe • the,:: . winner.;/ Vv;.\/.;' •':•.' .'• .,' telling of a personal tragedy that Venditti frpm Jonathan Dayton: ;; "I wouldn't go back and change studies Is still being taught on the' branches''77 or practically every . , occurred after a graduation night of college level,' hlgfilchobl materials , "We feei these workshops are subject with; the exception of;J a minute of anything," he said-.in- .: drlnklng.^wlth the popular __ _ 'We have ; are no longetbeing published^' science — are what she has been looklng back on his. long and graduation processional "Pomp and a department thatcpwtantiy needs distinguished-career. "You have • Ronald Fernandez, supervlsoe-of-. iteaihlng/for.some .time^; it is Circumstance" playing in thei .revision^- 'kr^r::/<^[ : ••/ ..'', language ^that; Ihterests; her: the ' good times; and bad times, but : the David Brearley, program, said background.'; ; ^". ,'.;_..;,•. •"•"'-. . .,•'" declining enrollment was also a Venditti saldthe world culture and n-the Springfield- district , .most: Defining,language as,"the;-,; . there's nothing I would/change, / 'Two other spots "advise • that '**•- '• -"--•"••---•---;l.|eft: "»:•'.•• factor in the removal of the course.. : history course will be evaluated this _power of words and the process of;,( I've just enjoyed everyjthlng that drinking and driving Is neither the •writing in all forms, of com"-: .ryeidohe. 'I).''''. :;:"^- 7',•:•. •:•' •'..'• . Hooper said Instructors who are summer because of the state ' v ' best rior the safest way to celebrate teaching the Holocaust course, an muni cation," Friedman has a ,•''_• vrye'enjoyed'the children and; prom night. ; : ,, ' mandate. •'•.'•' . •:' •'•. elective for 11th and 12th graders, According to Venditti, all of the simple, but thoughtful message; • everyone else that I worked\vith. ;; The campaign also will distribute wholiad nqminate^ me. ( Effective teachers must prepare/',, It Was the parents and teachers have had a difficult time teaching courses offered in the district's x posters warnmg of the dangers of the subject because of the tack of a ; It slibwiwj hie thfltthey have the students. for. the future, in the - ,• and everyone else that all made It drunk driving, the posters feature a social studies department, with the ,same love and respect;tor.:.me ~ rvmidatofgreatphange.V.. v, ; worthwhile." ' teaching guide. ; . ";. exception of the Holocaust course, l chart like the one on page seven "It's been-very hard to. teach that'I have for them. I love all of "The mostimpprtant'message . The three teachers will ' be showing the effects a night of are products of the workshops. j_ • '<: ttiein::'- I^cliajag ;;,'has.,,',beW;a. ',..• . that I can give my students Is that' among 1,572 ; Instructors , ' drinking can have on the ability to ., wonderful 'experience. It's . they are needed now,": explained statewide who will be officially : 1 ,. drive acar.' ,;:.'•''•,.:', . , '••,.., :. ;. the -fbrmer- Brooklyn, N'Y., honored at Princeton, Univer- . taranto said, jhe^jesters, will ; i Tyburaki, to put It blunUy, has resident, who received a B.A. in ; sity's^ Jadwln^jjlymriasium on stress that beer, wine, wine coolers News Briefs. education, and English from, Wednesday, sj/faddltlpn to ad- , described hirnself as a man who : and whiskey will all cause the same "The Why and How of JrookJyttCQUege. "We need their - dresses fro* Cooperman'and " The Parent-Teacher -'"loves the cotopmer;" Originally amount of impairment in large ' A»»oclntlon of the Thelma L. -Recycling,"-a^speclaFprogram hopes, dreams,, energies, in-' Gov. Thomas Kean, U.S. enough quantities./"""": .••' •'*, frbin i'Keaniy, ,:the SftyearTold telligence, Imagination and Sandmeier School on South presented by the Springfield r Education" Secretary, William For example, he pointed out that ,i Nutley resident had taken a few Bennett;.will; be • pn; •';nand • to, Springfield Avenue is sponsoring Environmental Commission, will taientaropeoVl; one shot of whiskey, one glass of a "Parent Awareness Night" this air on TV-38 on May 13,20, and 27 electives In computers during his proyJd^ the keynoteaddress/ />,! wine, one bottle of wine cooler and • ••;;, undergraduate .ye«f»' ';at'1|«pn' 'depends vtpon their motiysUbns Each- teachei1/ will, receive a evening from 7 to 10. in the at5:30pm.' tolbn" 1;; >:;/;::/:;/;•;'•• "^ one 12-ounce beer all have the same school's auditorium. The •''•• ftafl' Unlversi^Js ;,?Schoql ;;pf effect on blood-alcohol content. program's purpose is to educate Thejrogram features a short ana "One of the messages we're trying -pBrefflS~wfln general information "film on recycling and a quesUon- English wai on-the-job to get across la the matter of and safety tips that wlU help their and-answer period with Molly equivalency,". Taranto said, "the «peri«^ 7 _childreain.dealingjyith everyday Adams, Union County's assistant up and applaud the dally ac- fact that the alcohol content of any working uij children," she added. "As they ; situations. ' ' recycling coordinator. V A write, too;" tlvmei'(^ V'MceUe^ce/;in/'(}ur particular drink is about the same said Superlntendetit "No matter what you're "The teachers drinking," he said, "It has the game Inside story Irt Focus effect.'; , • County news ..Page n Business directory. •. g year are fine examples tha Taranto said he Isn't sure how editorial .,.Page4 Calendar r represent our faculty. The things extensively ln-«chool programs-will Legislative forum 7". P ^Cgw I note, are their dedication and be used to bring the campaign home Letters CroMword puzzle,,, n,. .Page 8 hard work, abilities to relate to to studenta, although students who Obituaries.,,,.,., A ..Page 13 Entertainment..'. Page 6,7 have been spoken to have been Photoforum;.'."...... Page 4 Horoscopf. ,....<. Page 10 RellglouiriSws .Pages 12 Lottery Page 10 ldi art really good." "W .'.•'. •••'••.•' •"'•'•• •'-••(•'':'•£•. ••."• •.;-;>'Xi'-'>!.^v^";'fv.

2,3,4* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, May 7,1987 — 3 In the

^-'^•i^i'ii'V- '. '-' TJ-:';/-\^'^^'i^v<-/"'/'7:C//."-'- Individuals, can exert Influence the Future. Business Leaden of get It becomes contagious and you service oyer even u unpleasant working America '•:, tar' New;Jeney••' ;«nd'' cancreateabettereiNironment/] Tbe^ audience was welcome by environment, an audience of onfc program specialist (or the' New rUibertV.Maher, vice president «f Marine Gunnery Sgt Harold standing New Jersey high school Jersey gute-rDepartment otfv development at ;T»egBei««ey Seheidegger, son of Harold Jrand 1 {reatest acbteviement is to business students was told at an EducattoaTlw students, selected to one's resources," the Pauline W. Seheidegger of North awards program beMin their honor for the awards by buslnees teachers Future Business Leaden executive continue their education^'he toW Eighth Street, Kenilwortbrhas been by TheTBerkeley Schools of. Garret in their respective high schoob,; told the business students. Soe had listeners, -There is a great deal of promoted to bis present rank while Mountain, Woodbridge and Mount received, plaques bearing (heir 'some concrete suggestions for finan(^ aid out tbereaad no one serving with the 4th Marine Division Laurel ••;•'..•••'.• " '-^r~ jwmes. achieving success: "Enthusiasm ~- need be denied an education because in Dover. • nothing great >• is accomplished • oftack oftunds. Berkeley jnoke&fs Marine Pvt. Steven M. Zinna, son Diane StowsU «f Springfield and million a year1 available: indirect Barbara Carpency of Mountainside Addressing the stiidmhi, parents, without tt; acu^ ^ do it ino^j'- of Michael B. Zinna of Bloomingdale tuition grants." He abo;described Avenue in Kenllworth, recently were among the bonorees. Both are and- teachers, Pracaroli suggested the program by which Beriteley students at . Jonathan an experiment that could be per- the Golden Rule—help others grow reported for duty with Marine formed by employees in the work- and develop; doa'Cbulld yourself up matches, up to the amountof fl.000 Ava&Qon Training Support Urc-up in DaytpnReglonalHigbScbool. . per academic year, scholanuilps Lakehurstr • place. "Go into work Monday at the cost of-tearing others down awarded by such bodies as high Speaker for the occasion at Itie morning and smile for cue hour," and don't wait for others to be Marine Lance Cpl. Robert Hoff- school' dubs, community service man, son of Robert F. Helen Hoff- Landmark Inn in Woodbridge was—rshe—began;---"Feel -good—about—friendly; patience—do quo thing at organiiaHo^andcorporations.-.. •; - Mary Lynn Fracaroli, supervisor of. yourself. See the reaction that you a time; a positive mental attitude; man of—Sherwood -Road -in Kenilworth was recently-deployed to the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center located about.70 GEO-FUN—Students In a class at Deerfleld School In Korean Day Camp set miles south of Reno, Nev. .,. Mountainside are working on math geoboards made in their During the three-week excercise, •classroom and Industrial arts class. Pictured, from left, are Hoffman was instructed in mountain ••'. The Korean. Culture Day Camp Tang Soo Do (ancient martial art), Amanda Wladykat Joyce Bazydlo, Adam Perle and Anthony warfare skills, • including rock Cusano. • • ."..' . announces its fourth camping brush painting, cboralr singing, arts climbing, assault climbing, river season. Once again, "Camp" and crafts, cooking,'"folk theater, crossing, survival, emergency DIANE sfpwSKI.of Springfield, left, a senior at Jonathan Friendship" will be held on the dancing, and origami. xevacuation, patrolling and mule TJaytbn Reg1onaT-^fgtf=iSthbblr"SbrIngtleld, was among -grounds of the Shrine-of St. Joseph in -Many-children^ca packing; '..''• English teachers at forum outstanding New Jersey high school business, students Stirling. This year's session will run when they were lnfanb. and have no from July 27 through July 31,10 a.m. memories of their nt.tive culture. Marine Pvt. Steven M. Zinna, son honored at an awards program. Also shown is Janet Dun- until 2p.mi , : , • ' of Michael ft. Zinna of Bloomingdale . School officials in Springfield student compositions., Eighth-grade shee, admissions representative with The Berkeley Schools. Other children arrived in the United STUDENTS' ART FESTIVAL—Daniel' Avldan of James Caldwell School, students receive .seven.,periods of The purpose of this camp is to States when they were older. These Springfield, is one of 150 finalists whose artwork is exhibited In 'Thirteen's Ninth Avenue, Kenilworth, was graduated announced that the, New Jersey provide Korean-born adoptees and •from Aircrew Survival Equipment Council of Teachers-of-Englislrhas~ 'English per week, with two of the children will have the opportunity to Annual Students' Art Festival.' Avldan is featured with his work, titled periods .devoted. exclusively to- their siblings with an appreciation of reinforce some of their earlier 1 school. ; ;.. _.;:,_: 1 invited Joseph Blanda and members : 'Stedasaurus,'at the Festival's opening reception, which'.was held at the.WNET/- of thelSpringflelcl' bchool staff to writing skills and word processing. .the various - aspects;; _of Korean cultural experiences. THIKTEEN Building April 7. In response to the theme'Draw Me A Story,'tr^state During the self-paced course at culture. The expectations at "Camp present the districtTexperimental: -Througha team teaching approach, "Camp Friendship" Is so named area students submitted artwork Inspired, by reading. The artwork will be the Naval Air Technical Training the English and computer teachers Friendship" will be geared toward because' it provides support and Center, Lakehurst, Zinna received writing project at its annual con- fosteruig a stronger cultural Iden- displayed at Newark Public Library, 15 Washington St. from June 26 to July 10 and ference during_April. The focus of assist the students in mastering the friendship and an opportunity for . KeanCoHege/MorrisAvenuerUnlon, from September 10 to 20; __J I instruction, on the survival system most difficult task of transcribing tity. Campers will experience first these children to meet others with and equipment installed aboard the conference was on promoting hand several of. the artistic and "success" in the development of ' ideas onto paper, According ' to similar backgrounds. Navy and Marine Corps aircraft. He . Blanda and Roosevelt Williams, creative contributions that the -': This year registrations will be studied the operation, inspection and student skills in writing, literature, Korean people have made to society. and grammar. , . team.teachers at Gaudlneer School accepted for children < who are Candidate details campaign maintenance of aircraft oxygen spearheading this project, "Our. The instructors, are represen- eligible for kindergarten in the fall systems; inflatable life jacket and Math day set 1987 ' snowstorm..' The hazardous The Springfield School District, students learn the fundamental tatives of the Korean community of 1987 up (o those in their teen-age Kenllworth Democratic mayoral rafts; rescue and survival kits; and skills of writing business letters, and will hope to offer courses in the years. Applications can be obtained The 24th Annual Joseph J, Sott candidate Phyllis Baldacchini has condition of our roads speaks loudly the inspection, repair, rigging and this year initiated an experimental of my opponent's inadequacy in an program in Grade 8 linking the use friendly letters, and progress to the following areas:: Korean language, by calling 464-2098. Mathematics Day will be held at issued her first statement outlining packingof parachutes.. more difficult tasks of writing the Jonathan Dayton Regional her reasons for seeking office. • emergency situation. With the ex- He was also provided the op- of computer technology and ception of being photographed, with portunity to participate in volun- traditional teaching of written ex multipage \ essays with the High School May 16 Students "I:>feel that niy Republican op^ : assistance of the computer." with two or three years of ponent. lacks the kind of overall the district assemblyman, J know.of_.taryrfree-fall-parachute jumpsr •— pression to improve the quality of School lunches DO-SI-DO—Principal Richard Brockel of Gaudlneer School mathematics study from the experience in municipal govern- no county level boards on which he, REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS fruit, cheese steak on roll, cold n Springfield displays his dancing ability while participating David Brearley, Jonathan ment demanded b„y _._ the office of serves nor meetings he attended. Airman Adrlenne Fudge, FRIDAY, pizza, breaded ..veal submarine sandwich with lettuce, In the fifth-grade gym class. Dayton, Arthur L.-Johnson-and -mayor to answer the needs of our "Conversely, during my council daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garden Planting Time isHefe!" cutlet with gravy on bun, chicken large salad platter, homemade soup, Governor-Livingston Regional residents. As .-a—two-year-plus terms,- I chaired various depart-- Fudge of ~~Nf-Eighth Street, salad sandwich, carrot and celery desserts, milk; THURSDAY, baked 1 High Schools will participate. councilman, he personally ments, including Health, Education Kenilworth, has graduated from the • Geraniums • Hanging Baskets • Annuals sticks, vegetable, fruit, large salad ziti with meat sauce, bread and There will be two levels of restricted his service'to the library and Welfare, the Police and Public U.S. Air Force freight traffic Poof registration under way Works departments. During this specialist course at Sheppard Air • VegetableJPlants • Potted Tomato Plants platter with bread and. butter," butter, tossed salad with dressing, competition: one for students and Health departments. His only J homemade- soup,' desserts,-,-mllk;- fruit, hot southern baked pork roll on time, I also served as council Force Base, Texas. . The 'Springfield Recreation kiddie pool, bathhouse, recreation who have completed two years of exposure to any other Borough "GROWN IN OUR OWN GREENHOUSES" MO.NDAY, frankfurter on roll, bun, vegetable, tuna salad In Pita mathematics study and the other department was when he covered representative to the Union County ...Graduates of the. course were pierogies, dinner roll, egg salad with lettuce, large salad platter, Department is currently accepting house, first aid station, snack bar, Community Development Board for taught procedures f6r shipment of Municipal Pool membership ap- bocci courts, paddleball courts, for those who have completed for the absent council -liaison of-tHe> sandwich, potatoes, vegetable, fruit, homemade soup, desserts, milk three years of mathematics ' Public Works department during the two years, and served as secretary government property by military plications. Registration is held at the horseshoe pit, volley ball court, 1 to the Recreation Department for arid commercial carriers. They also large salad platter, homemade soup, basketball court and shuffleboard study. Awards will be presented desserts, milk, TUESDAY, Italian Sarah Bailey Civic Center, 30 to the contestants from each of three years. This bro?d spectrum of earned credits toward an associate 22 Cross St. Kenitworth Greenhouses cheese calzone, hamburger on bun, Conserve energy Church Mall, 'Monday through courts Club tq meet .' ~ municipal and county experience, degree -through.,;the Community Kenllworth Friday during office hours. Activities include daily and the four schools, who attain the Open.Rally BARBARA CARPENCY of Mountainside, left, a senior at peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Recyling converts waste highest scores in each of the The Foothill Club of Mountainside along with a spirit dedicated to College of the Air Force. ,276»0263T .ample parking Sun. 9a.tn.-12 r -_The_Municipal Pool is open to weekly tournaments, arts and Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Springfield, was-alsa tossed—salad with—dressing, materials into new-productsr levels of competition. • will hold its May meeting May 7 at improving.the day-to-day conditions She is a 1981 graduate of David vegetable, juice, large salad platter, serving valuable natural resources residents and nonresidents. Fees crafts, entertainment, dances and ; of our Borough, are the qualities I Brearley High School, Kenilworth,. among outstanding New Jersey high school business students vary according to eligibility more The contest is named for the the' Echo Lake Country Club, honored at an awards program.-Also-shown-Is Cynthia homemade soup, desserts, 'milk; for future generations Less energy A Westfield;; There will be the in- will bring to the office of Mayor..LV.;_ requirements Additional Information can be respected educator, Joseph J. -Thompson, admissions representative with The Berkeley WEDNESDAY, hot turkey sandwich is needed to manufacture products Sott, recently retired, who. stallation of new officers and flower I challenge my opponent to refute LEG ALLY SPEAKING Schools. with gravy, potatoes, vegetable, The-pool facility includes a 75 obtained by calling the Springfield arranging by Ruth Goense. A cash these facts and compare his from waste materials than from raw Recreation Department at 376-8554. worked in the Regional pjgtript, by JOEL I. RACHMIEL ATTORNEY AT LAW fflateriftls,, ,jmin01 * nounum focoy.ex.40 years. bar at 11:30 a.m. qualifications to mine," Baldacchini -•- ' • J lunchfoifyUow.~7*. '~";~;y:'"'7~j7,..-, .saio^ . •"" , •.-. •; .._. .'• ,.__ "united Way festlmbnv that a driver involved In an acci- V Jk -<\- Do You Suffer From... dent drank alcoholic beverages befprethe_col- Back Pain ^^ Headaches ilslon is not permitted In a civil trtaTwilesTre^ Leg Pain mJ Shoulder Pain can be shown that the drinking affected the Neck Pain ^r v Arm Pain motorists ability to driversafelyrsuch suppor-. AUTOS • TRUCKS ! Workjn|urles J - Auto|n|urles _# "».„—.•-!--—--i: T=rx.ii-.ii^i3t«ii^ which would .4 ^^^^^ Michael A. COREY, D.C. fComplele Mechanical Repairs »N.J. State Re-lnspecllon permit the testimony to be admitted might •Complete Body Repairs .•Glass-Work .•Hl-PressureWashinj Include Indications of excessive drinking, For Mother's Day... And All Week •Towing & Road Service 24 Hrs. operation at an extremely high rate of speed, reckless or erratic driving, drunken behavior MECHANICAL SHOP BODY & GLASS SHOP or similar displays which tend to demonstrate 523 South AveJVestfield, N.J 401-413 S. Elmer St., Westfield, N,J anunfltnesstodrlve. Newark, N.J. (301) 589-2828 233-2651 232-6588 JOEL I. RACHMIEL ESQ.— ier S Classic CERTIFIED CIVIL AND CRIMINANAL TRIAL ATTORNEATTORNEY ^im 07031 •V 467-9200 Shear Sophistication ^C personalcriminal iniurv and Related[Matters and Accidents, .-<&>. [ DELI its Our 4 Year FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION STRAWBERRY Special Prices Valid through 8 pm Sunday Anniversary Special! "^r Wisconsin-Cheddar ^X »:- .v Celebrate with us for V2price CHEESE PIE! Boars Head Franks Ib. Han-cut s*5°° Corned Beef Haircuts Blowout CLIP THIS COUPON! 9 Haircut & Perm Virgina Ham »2 V V- With Ann, Tracy or Sharon Boars Head Turkey ~ " -*439«». - new customers only • not valid children under 12 THE LADIES DEPARTMENT 69 We specialize In Nexxus & Sebastian products. CLASSIC APPAREL FOR TOWN & COUNTRY Slab Bacon •l *. 240 MORRIS AVE. SPRINGFIELD • 379-3898 ESK. Cheese Tortellini Salad *33Ju,. -Hard or Genoa Salami *399». Suffering With Pain? V We May Be Able To HELP!! "HEALTH RESTAURANT - -SNEAK PREVIEW- complete Tuesday thru Saturday Evenings ^ announces selection for Monday, May 1 lth Only WORKMAN'S featuring AUTO that special ACCIDENTS COMR. French Fried Shrimp Dinner 20 % OFF All Salads & Cold Cuts Mom in your Includes: Salad Bar • Bread-* Potato • Vegetable NECK PAIN BACK PAIN 50 % OFF All Layer Cakes SPORTS life Special Menu for Mother's Day* INJURIES ON PREMISES $1°°OFF AUQuiches "\ HEADACHES WHIPLASH * We will gladly accept your reservation of 10 or more May 10th * Come in for details on Free Desserts for Frequent Shoppers! ' ' MAJOR MEDICAL B/C - B/S only. . NEW PATIENTS SEEN SAME DAY -New Hours* SECOND OPINIONS * SE L....™..^ , Wo-WIII Process Your1' Claim To Your Ins. Co. , OPEN EVERY DAY TJRrTIKLEIHE PHILLIPS 8:30AMTO8:00PM • 9PMFRI. &SAT. (Diplomatic NaWnal Board ol .Chiropractic Examlhera, UNION CTV. CHIIIOPIMCTIC CTB. • KJIO UKBCHIROnUCTICCTH. Msdlcal Arts Building ' 540 Springfield Avenue Westfield - ••• ' Across from Qa\g»n pmlurant ?="4NewPro etaer's MO W. JttSBV ST. Sl)ITtS06 iioBsnumintiDAVt; ' "Mountainside CUMBETH. rO noiiNTAinsiot ru Our 60th Year 1927-1987 207, Eagt Broad" Sireet. .WesHield • 233-1171 352-37QO 233-88OO Johrt franks and Major Credit Cards Accepted —CALL TODAY" AMPLE PARKING

Vfe 1.2,3,4,5,6* -COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday// 4 — ThvrSday.May 7,1*7 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS •** v ft J^ I • '*• J , MmMMiMM^^'SSS^.&^SSSSS^msi

: : Financial crise • - CURB8IDEPJROGMM8. ? - • »v _ y: ' T^cematerlalsatcurbsldeforcollecUon.^ __ - " ' "1964 -and. 1885 were- years of billion far surpassed the previous business of writing liability in- WHArflAHEAD .'".." ' " " ' NEWSPAPER" financial disaster for the propertyA record of »4.J billion set In 1975, and surance very~unattractlve~to~the~ FOR1HE INDUSTRY? ' ' KENUAVORTH . . . casualty Insurance industry, there the 1985 underwriting loss of $25 companies: TttrflrstrpHsfl Weekly: Tuesday-Nortbside; Thursday-Southslde were unprecedented losses, In- billion set another new record. Here in New Jersey, the number of year many property/casualty, LINDEN dustry-wide return on net worth was . While investment Income in 1984 <*lajmn against municipalities in- companies Had seen in sometime, Make some noise Monthly-lst Monday—Wards 2,4,5,6,7.' at an all-time low, and a record also bit a then-record 417.7 billion, creased 658 percent from 1876-1965, but industry spokespersons TjaveT 1st Tuesday—Wards 1,3,8,9,10. number of insolvencies "occurred the. combined impact of un- according to a study done by the warned, that the figures must be GLASS, ALUMINUM CANS ft USED MOTOR OIL. - Critics claimed that the Industry derwriting and investment results County and Municipal Government examined. ' • . • M. wo bills are wending their ways through the Senate was only experiencing a downturn in was a record 1984 operating loss of $4 Study Commission in . 1966. The Nearly half the declared profit of ROSELLEPARK— " a normal cycle; Although the in- legislative machinery which require some political "noise" Weekly billion. Operating income is the sum ~ amount paid from the state's.Tort 111.5 billion was realized capital from New Jersey citizens. surance industry had weathered of underwriting income and In- Claims Act Fund soared from gain-^the result of selling stock in a 1st day of regular garbage pick-up, except holidays. difficult financial times before, Senate bill No. 1455 would make it unlawful for super- . CRANFORD ' ' vestment income. This exceeded the . $170,000 in 1975 tti almost $5.5 million booming market—a situation which however, it had never been hit as previous record operating loss of in 1965. The average award inthlin-tmsB - cannot be relied upo_. n to occur again„_._.. market8 to sell any item without a price Sticker which gives . Newspaper, Glass, Aluminum Cans, Steel Cans-Conservation Center, hard as it was"^uringThis4wo.year_- , Birchwood Ave^-off-prange Ave. 1st Saturday, except holidays, 9:30 $300 million set in 1975. Again, the period more than quadrupled from Another $1.5 billion wariirfederaj the cost in numerals. Small convenience stores are excluded • period. What circumstances created 1985 operating loss of $5.6 billion was $4,737 to $22,940, income tax credits based on the from this requirement. • .:,»";.. , . a.m.-4 p.m.; newspapers St. Michael's School 108 Alden St. 3rd ; : NURSES'DAY-These two "Saturday, 9a.m.-2:3O p.m. • - . • thteiir ':; i; even worse, despite a $2 billion ln- Risks became difficult to predict, companies' $17 "billion, ih^un- -crease in investment Income. derwriting_ l^ What shopper has iiot experienced the frustration of not . nurses pose In °l»12 $t the .-'.-•.-,; V."".;"'. ;,•''.•;.••• .• ROSELLE ~ - .--•—..•.:.-.-r-7-..~ -and thus to price; -with theresult that knowing the cost of a product? Shelf labels are often missing |~tften newlyrOpened John' E. Newspapers, Public Works garage 1121 Chandler Ave. Saturdays, 9 like any business, the property/-• The spyprity nf thlB cycle is also responsible Insurers either- raised companies were able to use profits 1 Runi^arrtj&^JBeckeleRuni^arrt&^JBeckly v a.m.-lp.in.; Thursdays, 6p.m.-9 p.m.; newspapers.-St. Luke's Church. casualty industry is governed by the proven-by-tbe-record number of . their prices or refused to insure the to rebuild their reserves, which had or misleading. Sale prices are marked down from what? The been reduced during the last cycle. Heights. Seventy^five years Walnut St. and 4th Aye. 3rd Saturday, 9 a.m.-l p.m. Used motor oil law of supply and demand. Each company insolvencies. In the two- risk ••-.'.. price code can only be read by a computer at the^heckout— year period of 1984 to 1986, 52 too late for the shopper to compare similar values among a later, ona National Nurses' PublicWorksgarage,Monday-Friday,8a.m.-3:30p.m. .' . • Insurance: cycle, begins with rising - Day, May fcRunnells' nurses '-.;',. '\"i .•'•-• • .ROSELLEPARK .: •••-'•'' •• rates leading to a peak, of ! companies went under, topping the particular product line.. ' . ,., were honored forcontinuing Newspapers, Adase Contracting lot Laurel Ave., off Webster Ave., : profitability, which attracts new record set 10 years earlier by more Whether a young family trying to stay within a food budget a rich tradition of, dedicated Saturdays,8a.m.-lla.m.; Wednesdays,8a.m.-lOa.m. •. . : competitors to the marketplace. The than 60 percent: New Jersey and the Constitution ofaT senior citizen living on a fixed income, this issue hits patient care. '•, •< '•/:• ••$"< •: :•:•.;. • increased competition causes prices ^CONTRIBUTING FACTORS home. is poised for a second reading at this time. Newspaper, Glass, Aluminum.Cans^ublic-Works garage, 58 Center 1 to drop, which reduces profits. When • Events that occurred in the -SU-next to Municipal Building Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.^:30 p.m.; prices hit bottom, competitors leave reinsurance market, as well as in Hamilton Senate bill 1484 is still in committee, but there's no tune to 1 J lose in expressing your views. This bill would allow tenants Saturday,8a.m.-noon. ' •. • • the market! supply shrinksrprices the civil justice- system, were Alexander Hamilton's best-known involvement with New .Jersey is •, ;•'• •. • ''. . • UNION ' " •.'.•• .' ' ••••••.••.••• • . '; begin W rise, and-the-cycle-begins prominent among the factors that • his death in 1804 after a duel at Weehawken with Newark-born Aaron who owned a pet prior to June 16, 1986 to keep the pet impacted negatively on the in- ' Newspaper Grace Lutheran Church 2222 Vauxhall Road. Call for 1987 again.' 'v .-..•• '•'•..',•• Burr. Though Hamilton lived most'of his life across the Hudson hi New surance companies' financial providing they notify landlords and maintain the pet .dates. .".•..'• •,''',' '.".''•. • •. •' • • ' •.'•. '• 7 York, he had many close associations with people and places in New In the past;, cycles ;have been stability. \ properly. Landlords could riot deny the tenants renewal of ,. BUY-BACK CENTERS : r 1 somewhat predictable: Peairyears" Jersey. • «.' • • ' • '. ••-•••- •;/.••. their leases based on the fact the tenants had-pets. ' Sell materials to recycling companies at these locations. Payment in Reinsurance is coverage pur-. 1 The young Hamilton's merchant .employers saw to his education by .'cash or by voucher. \- . • . ,'" ' occurred roughly every six years for :The sad scenario of an elderly tenant having to abandon a the last quarter ' of -a—century^- chased-byJnsiirance companies on putting him in the hands of Elizabeth residents William Livingston, ••.••••,•'•• •-' • •••"•• ALUMINUM CANS '• :'• ' . • y combined income had reached highs the risks .they themselves are. governor of New Jersey between 1776 and 1790, and Elias Boudlnot, cherished pet or face eviction would no longer be feared. ' Store hours Shop'Rite, Clark, 1184 Raritan Road; Foodtown, ""Landlords do not lose their right to determine whether pets in 1961, 1966, 1972 and. 1978. 1984 covering.-Reinsurance allows these president of the Continental Congress in -1783. They had Hamilton EUzabetli, 1122 Elizabeth Ave.; Pathmark, Linden, 1111 St. Georges should have been another.highly primary insurers to spread their tutored In the local academy run by Francis Barber, ' are to be permitted in their properties. The law only offers a Ave. •' • " •'. • •• ' : . •• • ' ' ••• '..••:. profitable year for the industry, but own risks, thus limiting their' Hamilton's military career extended through the Revolutionary War; "grandfather" provision which allows tenants to keep pets instead, it marked the beginning of liability and increasing 'their Serving as Gen. George Washington's aide, he saw much wartime already a part of the household — a pet amnesty. ', the worst financial times the in- capacity so they can provide ad- service in New. Jersey. ! ' • ,' • Voice your opinions — let your representatives in the Iietteis to the editor PLANNING TO RETIRE? dustry had seen. What happened? ' - ditional coverage to-customers. At the Constitutional Convention In Philadelphia in 1787, Hamilton' _ >•.' USE THE TELEPHONE TO Foreign insurers, such asXloyd's of" Senate know you are concerned and care. ~urged the creation of a more powerful central government. He opposed Congress to demonstrate our loyalty to our flag and.our country. As in-. . ^ILE FOR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS ' NOT JUST ANOTHER CYCLE . London, are major providers of William Peterson's New Jersey Plan that - called for a national Police Department needsimprovements reinsurance^. • L : structed by Congress, each year the President of the United States . If you will be at least age 62 within the next three months and are •• Since 1978 was a peak year for the legislature in which all the. states were represented''equally. With -I have been a resident of Springfield for32 years. . ' •. ;. • . thinking of retiring, file for Social Security benefits the quick and industry, the downslide that began James Madison and John Jay, who had married William Livingston's .During these many years, I have foiffldjUiecessary to call on the Police' proclaims May 1 as Loyalty Day. Why do we have a Loyalty Day? The' During 1984 and 1985, reinsurers reason is simple — we need such a day. How did Loyalty Day come about? _;:_easyway-by,telephone.,Clip the coupon below and mail it to the the following year should have daugther, he wrote' the Federalist Papers in defense of the proposed Department to solve • various problems. Some of these problems were : also suffered record losses and Early in the 20th century, the Communist nations adopted May 1 as their .:'.'•. SpcialSecurityAdministration. . , . ; bottomed out in 1981. However, these j-aised their prices substantially or Constitution. ••,'..'' minute, and some required tac^r One, in particular, such as the death of my In 1791 Hamilton promoted the-Soclety for Establishing Useful A day of prayer husband, was answered with promptness, efficiency and compassion. In ' special day of celebration, and over the world they staged parades, rallies three years also brought record high refused to reinsure some lines, , • You will be contacted by a Social Security representative within 10 Manufactures (SUM), created to build an industrial city at the Great ' other words, these men in are always there when we need them."''""",'' -and demonstrations. America during this time wfis the scene of many such- interest rates, which' prompted altogether. This left primary in- : : ; • ' days of the receipt of your coupon/Arrangements will be made to insurers to rely too heavily on in- Falls of the Passalc River. Gov. William Paterson signed SUM'S, ' Recently, I found it necessary to go into the Police Department oh per- activities"; :.;•:•/,' c •.-,; .':.':.•:•'.:;. ::r-h-;:- -:•••'. •;• ^-.i -- ;-^w: .•••.• .-, v •• surers with no alternative but to Xleccene t Gallup polls confirm the commitment of the ] take your application at that time.' ' ' •''• . • ' vestment income. When interest charter into law, and the future city was named in his honor'. sonal business, When I entered what I will call the lobby, I had to wait a few ' follow suit with their own customers. ' Ten years later, Hamilton's 19-year-old son Philip was killed in a duel American people to religious values. Yet we have only to look minutes in order to talk to the officer that I felt could answer my problem,;'. in order to combat these Communist activities, and to provide Americans SOCIAL SECURITY . rates returned to lower levels, in-, at our^ociety and the world to see that all is not well — crime; a special day to display, their loyalty and devotion to the United States and surers found that their price-cutting Within the civil justice system, the at Jersey City — a few miles from the place where the statesman- Upon looking around. I got a sick feeling, seeing walls that needed pain- - Social Security Number had been excessive. Asa result, the combination of an unprecedented politician would meet his own death. . is_ increasing, the drug scene has:grown to frightening ting, loose plaster, an air conditioner with loads of paper stuffed all around it our way of life the Veterans, of Foreign Wars__dUigenUy_ancLfinally_woh_ congressional approval for the establishment of May las Loyalty Day. .' "Date'of Birth; :"" " Clip and mail to: . ' ' [ cycle did not hit bottom until 1984.' increase in the number of lawsuits, . This "New. Jersey in the Age of the Constitution" feature is provided proportions*, AIDS threatens our wajMrf life, teen suicides are probably to keep out the cold air ui the winter; and bugs from coming into the: Address •• Teleclaims ' The then-record 1984Underwriting and high dollar award?, together by The New Jersey Historical Society. An exhibition, "New Jersey In on the rise, terrorism and famine are on the increase. station in the summer. _ . C •.'. ' , ^ the Age of the Constitution." opens Sept. 16. at the_New_Jersev- Loyalty Day is a day to rejoice for what we have enjoyed and lived by City, State, Zip, , , Social Security Administration loss (the difference between _with the courts' relnterpretation of Thus, we support President Reagan's proclamation of May I thought to myself; why do these men who lay their lives on the line for the -EhoneJhomeL -PostOfficrBox-12017——— "premiums earned.and 'claim costs policies to extend coverage to areas Historical Society's museum In Newark. ' ~ . 7,-1987,-as-a-Natiorial-Day of Prayer. This continues the evTryla;^^^^ Best Hours to Reach Me Newark, New Jersey 07101 • and' expenses incurred) of $21.5 not originally covered, made the. tradition of national days of prayer established by the conditions? ^^ devotion to this country of ours. It is a day toshowthe rest of the world that 1 I am writing this editorial, as.a follow-up to the one appearing in the' Americans are still proud of their freedom,, their heritage, and their country. Continental Congress in 1775; We see a great need for such Springfield Leader on April 23,1987, admonishing the unsanitary conditions Yes, we the veterans of Battle Hill Post 7683 are proud of our country, We prayer——-prayer~offered-by-people^rom"^all"TeligiouS"~~«dsting in the basement of the Police Station where the men's lockers art also know it's not perfect-there are inequities, but we are working to backgrounds. We join with President Reaean who calls located, andian over thePoIiceStationarea.•••." ' , . ." overcome them. There are Injustices, and we are striving to overcome these injustices'. We also know America has faults but we also know that our A" f this great Nation to gather together on -—fia^eresiaedihspringfield Last year, aU of bur properties were reassessed country is a compassionate, generous and an honorable nation It is a nation places of worship to pray." In 1986 he in 1988, part of the increase in our taxes wereto be allocated to improving that honors its commitments to its citizens as well as to other nations. In to exaggerate the role that prayer our Police Department itejpyajty and devotion QUIT H life that is based on of the Nation as a whole." ' ' the entire Department has beconie so rundown, that although pur police are ,. jost 7683 Veterans of the finest in Union County, the building which houses them, belongs in —. Foreign Wars ask that this Loyalty Day bring forth the actions and • li^l £ y^i»i Take time today to count your blessings, acknowledge a Americanism that will prevail through out the rest of the year that we are need for the renewal of moral values and ask for continued "tobacco road " ,_ IT proud of America and that their is more right with the United States than CRED —What has happened to these funds, and why are these repairs not for- guidance for our nation and its leaders. thcoming7 wrong — that this is a country of freedom and is still the bastion of liberty PRESSURE TREATED Churches, synagogues and those in charge of public FANIKLUGMAN and the greatest nation the world has ever known. Ashwood Road THE UNION CENTER NATIONAL BANK buildings are asked to take part by ringing their bells and THOMAS BIERNE chimes at noon today as a reminder of the day and a call to Veterans celebrate Loyalty Day Commander Let the "Home Team^ LUMBER and TIMBERS united prayer. -_--— Battle Hill Post 7683 • Southern Yellow Pine The major-event for this day will not take place in May 1 marked our celebration of Loyalty Day Editor's note: This letter reached us too late to be printed before Loyalty put yourhome to work for you •.60C C A Pressure Treated Washington, D.C., but will collectively be all the numerous Loyalty Day is a day set aside since 1958 when it was first authorized by Day. events in communities throughout the nation. Anyone can If you own your home you may qualify for a line of credit may be one of the few loans Rustic Square take at least five minutes at noon to be a part of this historic Washington report Home Equity Line of Credit at Union's only thai allows you to take a full tax deduction •Timbers and significant day. hometown bank^-Based on the equity in on the interest you pay ( - We hope that Americans of all faiths will respond to"tfie~ your home you can arrange to have access Come in or call the Bank -for full details. proclamation of the 1987 National Day of Prayer. Phone access pooling change possible to a line of creditjimply by writing a check For your convenience, the lobbies at our whenever you need it. Use Main Office dhd Springfield Patio By MATTHEW RINALDO reformed. He agreed and called for service Is redistributed nationally to Ihto the access pool for ap- the money for virtually any 4 Make great step walks. Pressure Branch are open Saturdays treated Interlocking squares make Congressman. 7th district the study whichjgwyited imhe-Jouif-~lietp~keep aown we cost 01 local lent to companies in states purpose...a new car^ • For landscape A panel of federal and state service Under the present system, from 9AM to 1PM pallo construction a broeiel Board's recommendation that New where the cost of providing access . education/ home im- edging or fence regulators has recommended a Jersey be permitted to withdraw, each time a long-distance telephone was higher. Florida, California and Drive In Windows open posts change in the national telephone from the pool. company,-such as MCI or AT&T Wyoming are among the major provements or to pay off ^Saturdays from • 40 Year Warranty Legislative addresses access pooling arrangement that If the depoollng proposal is ap- interconnects with New Jersey Bell beneficiaries oLthe system, while outstanding credit card ' 9AM to 1PM. ILAND could save New Jersey consumers proved by the FCC along with the or another local network to complete New Jersey, Pennsylvania and balances And, under the Republican, 324 Chestnut St, Union tens of millions of dollars annually in Joint Board's recommended 15 a long distance call, it pays an ac- Massachusetts—.were—among -the-.- new- tax law, a home equity The Senate 07083 .- revenue now_used—to—subsidize percent rollback in Iong~dtatance__eess_charge of about three cents per majoccontribui BUI Bradley, Democrat of Denville, Assemblyman Charles Hardwlck, telephone service in other states rates, New Jersey telephone users minute. The money goes into a pool S15 Russell Senate Office Building, While such aid may be necessary Republican, 203 Elm St, Westfleld The suggested change was made will definitely see a reduction in administered by the National Ex- for some small telephone companies Red Pine Washington, D C 20510 (telephone: 07090 to the Federal Communications their long distance bills The two change—Garrler Association. 1-202-224-3224), on 1609 Vauxhall serving rural areas, there Is no 40 Year Warranty. Use for - Assemblyman Peter . Genova, Commission (FCC) by the Federal- changes could result In a $13 billion Telephone companies drawupon the justification for requiring tow- terraces, stepping, etc. Road, Union 07083 (telephone 688- Republican, 23 North Ave East, State Joint Board, which is made up savings in the cost of telephone fund to cover their actual In- income residents of Union and 0960) Cranford 07016. of FCC commissioners and "state services in the state over the next six terconnection costs. Plainfield to helppay the phone bills 99 Frank Lautenberg, Democrat of regulators The FCC is expected to years. "^ New Jersey telephone users must of those who live in Palm Beach, or Joe Collins—Yankee First Baseman Montclair, - Hart Senate Office take final action on the proposal this It This represents economic justicje pay the approximate three-cent per the citizens of Elizabeth to help pick Building, Room_717, Washington, 1948-1957 " 5tt"x5ft"x8', Rough spring - for telephone users hi New Jersey minute charge even though New up the phone tab for the stars of me D C 20510, or Gateway I, Gateway The House As the ranking Republican on the and other states with low cost Jersey Bell-can provide the in- Beverly Hills. - v Center; Newark 07012, (telephone; Hnuse Subcommittet e nn -telephonejystemj^who have been terconnection service for slightly If New Jersey Bellis permitted to 545-3030); Matthew J. Rlnaldo, Republican of Union, 2469 Rayburn House Office Telecommunications, Tpolnted .out- —required to underwrite the cost of ~ more than a penny-'a* minute. As a • withdraw from the. pool, and I think Building, Washington, D.C 20515; last year to FCC Chairman Mark local service in such high-growth result, the state's phone users were it will be. then it can Saturday full service banking too!... District office, 1961 Morris Avenue, Fowler that the national telephone statesrarflorida and California. charged $174 million more last year- -access charge to long-distance Another Reason To Bank With Trie Champs In Trenton Union" 07083 He serves the 7th access pooling arrangement un- The-pooling—arrangement- is a than the actual cost of the service and eventually Rounds State Sen. C. Louis Bassano, District. _ fairly penalized ^New Jersey and revenue-sharing .plan in which they received. The $174 million went lower rates for consumers. some other states and should be money collected for long distance pro-cast Garden Letters to the editor must be received no later than noon on the 14* 18" Monday preceding the date of the Issue in which they are to appear. Edging They should be typed, with double spacing between lines (not in aU News tips: Give US a call" At the library capital letters, please). AU letters must Include a written signature, a complete address and a YANKEE THE UNION b.** TiwyarauiyloUM In Do you know of a news story that we, too, should H 11 phone number where the writer may be reached daring daytime boon w«wwyi and pilkmi— damp wndeyoonciwt \>% £\ •*• M«bM*>ndMIMnl>Klon« (and Flexible pressure treated edging know about? Has your club or organization under- JtxXl (for verification purpose* only). CENTER In 4 sections. Creste curves, • XlwJL This newspaper reaerverthe right to^ edit or reject any letter and to TICKETS c«l b* nMtMd by wing comblwtoi of •« ^ tumsorclicla^.lnataswitsllrr-^ taken a project that might be of interest to others? -- - publish only one letter from any one person within any four-week •UMrtlogiwmX Would one of your friends or neighbors be a good BYROSEP.SIMON evoke Ethel Barrymore's." This period. Some lucky winner will receive 4 field level NATIONAL r Sunavan> by critical appraisalp with her charm box teats to a Yankee game plus 4 free subject for a feature story? If so, be our eyes and LaWttmc2j Quirk " and good looks, her aggressiveness, passes to the Yankee's Combo Club in our Southland and restless energy, propelled her special drawing. BANK Spagnum ears — and tell US about it. Stemming from "good Southern into making movies in Hollywood by Springfield Leader PiweBarkor Call us at 68fr77bawith a news tip and we, in turn, «*>*" *** dedicated film and stage 1933 To enter, complete this coupon and bring it Peat Embarked on 4 spectacular to any office of The Union Center National 37 Mountain Ave. Bqnk. One winner Will be drawn each MlnhBatk will offer a tip of the hat to you with special cinematic career she made 18 films, Springfield N.J.07081 MAINOFNCEl •, ' recognition on this page. >» early age, is. Walter Worrall month, April through September. 2OOS MorrlrAvenu? Union •" and took time out for two successful Publisher Nuggets And during her school days, when stage productions, Stage Door, and STOWE STRCST DRIVE IN ; stisrhadtestW hertheatrica l talents, Editorial Office Wo-7700 2022 Stowe Street, Union The Deep Blue Sea, and eight years FIV( POINTS BRANCH 2cu.ftW . Ol+* .... •MP • t 1 she solidified a passionate deslrt} to Subscriptions 0M-7700 Rae Hottcfn 1 for" pure domesticity* and - fiusinesflOfflce . .r. 6M-*700 —Executive Editor 556 Chestnut street Union Plns>aartc The number on* l Ol 1 IP ii ~ become an .actress, despite-strong motherhood. Of her .three children, IARCHMONT BRANCH produottofdeooratlvt m only one, Brooke Hayward, author of . 1791 Stuyvmnt taout, Union, N.J. 07083 * * -J 2055 Morrlj Avtnut. Union, Isndtoaping MW^afk: Ideal _ *w I* w JL Ii opposition by her horrified, strait- AAaria Cutter ••- STUVVISANT BRANCH ••ground cover «or bare and y , „ . . I Iflcedparents. Inl925,atl9,shewas "Haywire," an autobiography, Associate Editor 1 172] stuvvesant Avenue, Union The. following are the ppople to contact If you have specific questions or wimllart in E.g. dive's Copley survives. Thl* biography portrays Sprlngflefd Leader JUSPS 512-720) Is SPRINCHItO BRANCH: suggestions regarding thjf> newspaper. Bach of the Individuals listed below ~ Theater In Boston Sullavan's quixotic'character, her publishepubl d 6^ialand.religiouinewi ,,.,, BeaSmUh^aocULadltoj,,' yaWHwa/'wd bar JnltW link with with her profession:' j Send address changes to Marie Dutter, Focui managing editor, "ber throaty voice with Ita ^?n»ri"g Fonda, WUllamWylerapd •"•.-SprlnoMd.Leader. P.O. Box 3109, ^.DonPatte«oo,aQ>ertlaihg:41rector.' tooeawliurpria^raiwedlduideed LeUDdHaywsrd. 'J_ Union, N. ,,...... rUyniomlWorMU, general manager, ' ; < -T "

. May T,JW7 - COUNTY LgADER NEWSPAPERS - 7A4AA* 2,3,4* -COUNTYLEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday,May7^1987 — 7 1 Coalittoriseh? rouptohelp with amnesty Hdfjfie care goal for elderly. ___, three major voTflntary health -agencje -ibe-. w briefs... A state-wide Consortium of nan- ,Hplpta_tbefraUeMerlyfimlfuiuJirj_sothe^ lean Lung Association; to rejate to the Immigration and ty, through its Immigration Law thWown homes is one of the most important support services offered Americ profit organization! has been NaturalizaUonjService as a single Center, will coordinate the worirof ~ American Cancer Soolety gpA wtfapBshad to astlst with toe to the Sumuilt area by S.A.G.E., the SummiNurea Association for American Heart Association —have Schools mark special week unit The Immigration Reform and the Consortium. Tbe Institute will GerodologicalEndeavor,8ay8Exe : Kim McMUlon of Springfield wUlparticipale in a performance of the Sym- some capacity to become productive sidered essential to tbe success of American Red Cross at 353-2500 for ThecoaliUon plaits to support antt- a larva on a stretcher phony No. 8 of Gustav Mahler at Carnegie Hall on May 11 at 8 p.m. with the _citizenB. According to INS ragiiin. In addition, a few private insurance companies have begun to include -smokingiegislationTtiecreasesmok^- -Wblch-Is-«bout-to hatch— -the program———— ' '. -^ informationabouttriefliig^essibrg^ coverage for home health care as part of existing health insurance ggr Pingry School-Women's^lee-eiub-andthe-Middle-Schooi-Boys'-ehorusr tionv applications will be accepted .„ Tjje International Institute of New for prospective applicants to be held, ing among youths, support an in- The show was sponsored which includes 90 students from some 30 communities. : ; plans, or as a separate plan. •'; ' ; "'• •••"•"-.••"•;••• ••--,--•-:v-- -T by the Parent-Teacher only during a one-year period. Jersey, headquartered in Jersey Ci- over the next three months. . : crease in excise tax on tobacco pro- The concert marks the 35th Anniversary Year of the Choral Society^ Organizations participating in the ••: Each year S.A.G.E. continues to expand its servicesto the communi- Association. ty ta its funcUcm as a commum'ty resound m gerontology awl innovator ducts and recognize public and Singers from several metropolitan schools participate in this extraor- "'Consortium have all had experience private' institutions that have dinary program, including David Brearley Regional High School. • in working with immigrants. They of new programs, all of which meet the multiple needs of the elderly. 1 Cites critical need for blood Further information abpuLSXG.E., a United Way Agency, and its -created smoke-free environments. Information can be obtained by calling The Pingry School Music Office at. : will engage in joint planning and V A sponsor of Athletes Against 647-5555,Ext. 14; or the Carnegie Hall Box Office at 212-247-7800. : staff training activities and expect. Up to 25,000 pints of blood may be needed to produce the component, available services, can be obtained by calling 273-5550 between 9a.m. • cryopredpitate, to keep a child with hemophilia aUve for one year. People andip.m.weekdays. •,-••;.- • „•• .. ••„. • ' -• .'./,•"-;•',:'•• ".'•'•"..' Tobacco '— an 'anti-smoking, .who donate blood help give hemophiliacs and other transfusion patients a organization created .by Sen. Bill Animals aided of fighting chance. • • ••' •'.-.':. '•• Bradley, D - N.J., the coalition.will ,' Slide show at nutrition site Anyone in good health, weighing at least 110 pounds and between the ages help implement the project in New walk-blke-a-thon Jersey. .- , :. , ••.• ">, '''•' of 17 and 66 is eligible to give blood. . • : Confab is for black self-help ''Haven In Summit," the Reeves-Reed Arboretum's professionally produc- The Annual People for Animals "This coalition represents the.. ed sound slide documentary will be shown at the Becky Seal Nutrition Site at -Thereis no risk of contracting any disease by giving blood. All the equip- "Mutual Aid, Self-Help and the Walk-A-Thon/Bike-A-Tboo will take ment used is sterile, used for only one donor and then discarded. sent how- the organization utilizes combined efforts of the three largest' the Chishohn School, May 12 at noon. ' ' • place May 17 from 9 a.m. to lpm. at Black Community: Tools for Em- the self-help model to encourage voluntary health agencies in New Tomorrow, from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. a drive is planned at "Eastern Union "The natural beauty of the arboretum's 12.5 acres of woodlands and formal Warinanco Park at the Junction of powerment" is the theme of a con- .black women to analyze their lives, Jersey concerned with smoking," gardens in all seasons Is the focus of the show, together with the social Elizabeth, linden, andRoselle' County Red Cross, 203 .West Jersey St., Elizabeth. Additional Information ference to' be. sponsored by the New saysDr. Mary Jo Berger, this year's , can be obtained by calling 353-2500. ' • ., their health status and their per- ' history of the area. . • • . . Individuals: may participate Jersey Self-Help Clearinghouse. The sonal development- hi a supportive- chairman of the New-Jersey Coali- Reservations for lunch and the program may be made by calling 376-5814 regardless of where they reside and event will take place May 20 at the environment The intention of this tion on Smoking OR Health. "It will "• between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at least one day prior, All seniors and may obtain information by phoning Hilton Gateway in Newark. affair is to. promote'the increased serve as a .vehicle, for increasing;• •their guests are invited. - i. . ' . 2893403-or 374-1073 or by .writing Cocaine abuse up Registration is open to the public. In- .-awareness, understanding, '., and. public awareness about the hazards People For Animals IncI, 433 terested persons can call the Self- -utilization of mutual aid groups as of smoking'- and for influencing Plebe-parent Hillside Ave., Hillside 07205. "Ifs very frightening to think that Ambrose, .a nurse who recovered Help Clearinghouse toll-free at 1-800- empowering tools that can enrich public policy in the interest of im- Yvonne Yetman, chairwoman, over 5,000 people try cocaine each from drug addiction. The group 367-6274 for more information. and improve our lives. proved public health." event held emphasizes that this Is not a race day for the first time," saicLclinical discussed chemical • dependency, - The program features twp KNOW YOUR LIMITS and the entire course does not have psychologist Gerald Shulman, at a with special emphasis on cocaine speakers: Commissioner Alfred A. MMHMUDiuuuniiiauiimtiuiamiiuiiiiianiiiii Cadet James Yee,.a 1986 graduate • to be completed. Entrants may pro- seminar on one of New Jersey's and crack, how to define addiction, Slocum will share insight from his of Jonathan'Dayton Regional High APPROXIMATE BLOOD ALCOHOL PERCENTAGE unique perspective as New Jersey's School, took part in the- annual ceed around the course at a leisurely most serious health problems — identification of the population at PINGRY EXPERIENCE Drinks • — Body Weight In Pounds pace and rest as frequently as they chemical dependency. risk and changing addiction patterns Chief Public Advocate, Public Plebe-Parent Weekend at the U.S. MartlnsvilleRoad Military Academy March 11-15. ,\ • wish. Prizes are being offered in The seminar, cosponsored by and treatment modalities. Defender, and as a legal educator. 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 various categories. The proceeds of Sharon Gary-Smith, self-help group Martinsvllle.NJ. 08836 Joseph and Fong Yee of Bryant. Influenced Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. and the Avenue, Springfield, visited their -1 .04 .03 .03 .02 .02* .02 .02 .02 this event will benefit homeless and New Jersey State Nurses director of the National Black Slattery, who represents a number Women's Health Project, will pre- son for the event, The relatives and 2 .08 .06 05 .05 1.04 .04 .03 .03 Rarely abandoned—animals, and this Associaton, was held last month at of nurses before the Board of Nurs- June 29-August 7 organization's Low Cost SpayA friends of plebes, freshmen at the 3 .11 | .09 .08 .07 .06 .06 .05 .05 Roche headquarters in Nutley. ing involving Ucensure issues, said, Academy, are invited to West Point Neuter Clinic. Shulman, an accredited member 3 wk/6 wk sessions 4 . .15 .12 .11 | .09 ^.08. ^08- .07 .06 Possibly "Attorneys representing impaired for Plebe-Parent Weekend to tour —5 — .19 .16 .13 .12 .11 .09 .09 .08 An added feature this year is the of the American College of Addiction nurses face the potential dilemma — Otters SS advice Transportation Available the grounds, meet with staff and "Team Walk" where groups may Treatment Administration spoke a legal duty to avoid confrontation A free brochure providing faculty members and learn first- 6 .23 .19 16 .14 .13 .11 .10 .09 participate together. before an audience of 200 nursing and "minimize sanction while re- answers to thje mast commonly ask- Boys & Girls _ hand about the regimen followed by 7 .26 .22- .19 .16 .15 .13 -..1.2 ,11 professionals and media members. maining aware that confrontation ed questions on Social Security the academy's newest cadets. .30 .25 .21 .19 .17 .15 .14 .13 Definitely "Women in the workforce are four may be the only effective means for benefits is nowwatiable through the Day camp 3-14 _ Cadet Yee, ^ne of llWplebes' at 1 9 .34 .28 .24 .21 .19 .17 .15 .14 Seniors get fob aid times more likely to use cocaine impaired nurses to seek -treatment New Jersey .Society of Certified — West Point-, plans to graduate in 1990 -10 .38 .31 .27 ~23 -19 Senior citizens who are 55 years of than housewives," said Shulman. and counseling to ultimately sur- Public Accountants. Tennis Camp 8-15 and be commissioned; as a second? age or older who need work can get "It may be the most compulsive vive." The brochure is produced by the lieutenant in the U.S. Army, assistance from the New Jersey drug we know 'of — even more so American Institute of CPAs in Computer Camp 9-15 DivtolOH~Sn~Agiiig's~Empl6yment than heroin." ~——= Ambrose told the group how his cooperation with the" United States" Resource Specialist Shulman also noted that chemical peers ignored the physical and men- Office of Consumer Affairs and the The resource specialist can pro- dependency' is crossing over tal, signs of his drug addiction and Social Security-Administration. CONGRATULATIONS—Glna Mlllln of Springfield, center, was the honoree at a re- EXPERT vide paid job training to program monetarial boundaries. "Cocaine is ' expressed concern thaFother im- Ca m ps $435 for 3 weeks- ellgibles and free.placement ser- no longer the drug of the rich and paired nurses may be in need of To receive a free copy of "Plann- vices. famous. Two children can easily help. "A real challenge facing nurs- ing for the Future: Your Social $840 for 6 weeks .organized by Up'sy Daisy VCR REPAIRS For furthep details call: Erika S. pool their lunch money and bus fare ing in general; supervisors, direct Security Benefits," send a self- and Margaret Gerst. care igiversk and •edmlbieiratar* is j addressed, stamped envelope to Call for information. . _ " x it V* • r><> Vn Wltot flee; 319 North Broad St., Elizabeth, included nurse/- that they not shut their eyes' to the Social Security Brochure, NJSCPA, 'I I , I •!> 1 li I ir 07208; 820-3195 i ,.___ problem.!' 65 Livingston Ave., Roseland 07068. attorney Jill Slattery and William 647-5555 Plants & Flower Arrangement Designed wlthaSpeclalTouch iianaiiiniiiiuiaiiHimiinaiiiiuiiiniaiinuiniiii Open Mother's Day 9AM to 3 PM FTD . TELEFILORA 2415 VauxhailRd. •Union Center Florist 686-8866 _____ 60S CHISTNUf ST. UNION AHA CTC7 (Across from Red.Devll) .. (•NXT TO POST Of NCI) UOOa3/9/ Union Center's Only Florist OPEN Mon,FH. 9-6, Thurs. 9-9, S.L 9-5 THE HOWARD OPEN- —• ANOTHER. UNIQUE Magnificent Fashion Store is open in Union Center MOTHER'S DAY 9 AM to 2 PM "The off-price fashion specialty store of the future. fresh flower arrangements bouquets, corsages balloons, plush toys blooming plants* IN CLARK, N.J. VISIT TODAY cfedit card ordtra accepted by phone for great Howard Powered services 964-7877 UP TO 974 Stuyvesant Ave. 60% OFF We even offer the convenience WELCOME! of MAC* 24-hour banking, which The most wanted Visit the Howards newest office lets you bank at over 600 locations at 2000 Morris Avenue in Union across New Jersey, and over 10,000 fashions Center, and discover the many ways PLUS® System locations in the - you're better off, Howard Powered. .Stuyvesant Ave. FURSBYSEVERYN United States with the designer Right now is the best tune to say and Canada. labels attached! - hello to Branch Manager Robert Visit us to- COLD FUR STORAGE Sferrazza and his friendly staff of day. We look | Cleaning and Glazing Professional Roslyllng Advice professional Howard bankers, and forward to— • 5 times larger than discuss the great Howard Powered showing you Havo YouJEyorjaqldJIilsX.—. our other stores -services available to you. *"l luutlly~worn my lut It doosll t • Tremendous selection why you're bet' nppfl dunning" The Howard can meet virtually ter off, Howard I »r "Uul I "(list |\at) il cloonod lost of everything for ladle every financial need from home Powered. MM yonr" • Exciting Inventory of mortgages and HERO" home equity, ' ' BrwcfcMaunr THE TRUTH IS... children's sportswear Spectacular Savings Now! iiuxlam procosslng (loos lor moie credit, to checking accounts and safe Robert Sferrazza deposit boxes. Ihnn |usl cloan-- Not Only Mink, but Sable, Fox, (und bollovo us II doesl) • WIN '1000 or UNION CENTER HOURS: * IT REVITALIZES ;. Lynx, Raccoon, Coyote and More! - * IT REJUVENATES - - - •500 WARDROBES, * IT LUSTERIZES Full service: MAC hours: ___ VCR, COLOR TV or Yes, every fabulous hew fur In our exciting Monday thru 'ltiucsday 24-hours a day 'I 1988 fall collection Is specially priced rjo_w for— 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $15 OFF . '50 GIFT CERTIFICATES Every day ' Dohiu Ckao 1 Cold Fu> stotnga outstanding preseason savings) Because the Friday 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Apply for a FREE Plonso pisseiil this coupon with No purchase necaiiiry. selection you make now helps us plan our fall Saturday 10 a,m.-l p m. Howard MAC card today. bx-otiilim rfwt«Inrknl LIMirONFI'FniAMIIY Drawing datalli In store. production, you save more on the fur you've ExpiiesMy3l. 1987 Ott Miiuilidur.r'i always wanted. Hurry In during May. Just a All univkm itpiloiiiMMl «m |HottWsm Suggiitid Ritili niu, small deposit hold8.your_sel9Ctlon Until fall, when everyone else who wants fine furs will i Your old IIIIS loslykxj m No Inineal loyawny tlto Inlosl 87 Inslilons Cloaiilng and tjUuIng be paying more.-.—— 1_ • Cuslom made oil mound t llopab Ol all kinds the Howard lwsoivk.0 • MonogiaininA MORE THAN MINK IN MAY SALE- • Cold lu( stiwngojuiul! on PRICED FROM $395 TO $45,000 . pionusos , ANOTHER UNIQUE, NEW YoUr banker life • Ttodo !i» .ucoiiloij > we HONOR 2000 Morris Avenue, UniohV'NJ 07083 PKom: 6S8-6MQ 401 North Wood Ave., Linden VTNDERSICEEPERS flemingtonfur company - - 925-3797 Master Fbrrier ' jSj.Equal()pp(.rlunltyU:n*;r .. , "^ "We Find The. Values, You Keep The Savings" OPEN 8UNDAY & EVERY DAY 10A.M. TO 8 P.M. . -Hours' Moti -bat '10n.m -Op m Frl 10a m -9p ni. of America Since 1951 45 Central Avenue, Clark. N.J. 07066 (201) 489-6925 NO. S SPRING ST., FLEMINQTON, NEW JERSEY. Matter I'mtl, Vlmt A Amnfrmi Kximvn (BradlM Shopping Cantar) On* of the World's Largest 8peclallats In Fine Fur*. UJMNPAY 1 A.M.-».P.M. ^_ "'''••vv' Y>--:'V'-*-J','•. . • - • {>...'• •• ,

• - ThorWir,M«» 7,1M7 - COUNTV LEADER NEWSPAPERS \. . 1,2,3,4,5,6* • COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, May 7,1987 — 9 Ms take

; (components transfused in the with1 patirarconsent,v so facilities ,every :pregnant,•woman in -our historians^ in tne state have procedures in New Jersey . and . The Odyssey of the MWisa, . tto&eiieral Assembly that would-•• United States; according to the',such as birthing clinics and mid-wife '•stated •. TT .;;•- ,, ; .• ". '••/ suggested that the'slogan "New recommend changes to streamline creative problem-solving program * establish a- public Information assemblyman. , .':, (^tierawilladmlniBterit,too, ]•-[ The bill now goes back to the Jersey and Its 'Heritage, Imperfect the regulatory process. which began eight yeare ago. Now, campaign to make citizens more The resolution has been assigned "If the fetus- and mother have Assembly to concur with amend- Together" might'rally the state to "The cost (o business and' con- . m over 4,400 schools across the United awtwe of the importance of donating to the Assembly Health and Human different Rh factors, antibodies can ments made by the Senate. the need to preserve and maintain sumers of unnecessary government States, Canada and Australia are blood. , Resources Committee for review, he form in the blood causing the disease itsherltage. . regulation •• has reached crisis members of the association. ' Assembly Resohjtion-J46rspon- noted : ' \. , - ,-••/• •'••-. • erythroblastosls fetalls In a later • • * * Ogden noted that the public levels," Franks said."This measure The students at Gaudineer School sored by Assemblyman )?ETEft J. "The importance of blood and its pregnancy. This ^'disease results'in A public bearing to confront the hearing was unique in that it was not will go a long way hi creating a more. involved withtheOWprogram chose GENOVA, It-Union, requests the the baby being stillborn or suffering enormity of the problem confronting efficient government, one'that truly commissioner of the NJ. Depart- components to the thousands of called to discuss specific legislation. 1 a problem called "Chain Reaction." people>ho are dependent upon its .from acute anemia. , • the state regarding historic "Assemblyman Frelinghuysen and I serves the people of New Jersey/"' They bad to find a way to set off 50 ment-of Health to coordinate a - ''However, if the mother is in- preservation attracted more than 40 statewide plan to educate the public avaLJabllity every day.-and the need called this hearing "so that experts mousetrapps which then would ppower for a more broadly based supply of jected with Rhb Immune Globulin, . citizens and an overflo. w crowd to' from across the state could, help us OnTttfferent t tantak , clraybreakibng ^jOUttheneed/nr-Mnnrfrinnnra 72-itours-fiRer—delivery^—ine-siaift-House-tost-weekr-The-—D^flneThe-treadth"TsrtBirpn! a balloonl , ringing a bell and The .assemblyman- said his renewing of tie blood supply so that' miscarriage or abortion, her future , hearing was co-chaired by and to stimulate a positive response the'New Jersey General Assembly,' powering a "mousemobile." At the it is safe and accessible to all, attest pregnancies will beprotected. We Assemblywoman •. MAUREEN to it," she said. ' will be honored at his Tenth Annual competition the students were given A MIND ODYSSEY—Pictured,:from left, are participants To the need for a pub|ic information must make sure every facility where OGDEN, who chairs the Assembly ... Champagne Brunch May 31, at 11:30 points by a team of judges for campaign to educate the general women can go to Rive birth performs Energy and Natural Resources, ••* . a.m. at L'Affaire Restaurant on 'completion of all tasks, for style of medlcallyabletogiveblood.butless public about. the importance of »•"•••-•"•* Assemblyman BO, ,B FRANKS, . . ' bil, l Route 22 in Mountainside. The public aFff^ig^ltWthe r -toTreateBxommlssiontostudyrule—isinvltebrto-mak'ereservatidhs7" U pg 'ilonaBngDlood,' Genova concluded. making in New Jersey has passed —•• ' time limitation and for costumes. Hlllard and Jarah AAoesch. "I was surprised to learn that so Tickets can be reserved by con- The Gaudineer team chose to put few people are providing blood for A bill that*could substantially Legislative forum the Senate and now awaits the signature of Governor Kean, who tacting the Friends of Chuck Hard- all mousetraps, on 'two boards the entire-population I am hoping reduce the infant mortality rate in wick off ice at 654-5507 before May 22, thai this public information cam- New Jersey 'and further protect " has already indicated strong support, painted tojook like dominoes. Their Hardwlck, who was first elected to costume; were domihdes and their paign will make those who are women who go to birthing centers this vital blood test: It could Committee, and Assemblyman Rod for Franks* bill. healthy awdre of how much their passed the Senate recently under the alleviate so much'.unnecessary . Frelinghuysen who is chairman of The bill, which passed 28-6, calls the N.J. Assembly from the Union style included them as dominoes County' area in 1977, expects a falling over onto the dominoe board donations are needed," Geneva said. sponsorship of Senator C. LQUIS suffering in the future." . • ' . the .Government-'Operations Sub- for the creation of a 33-member BASSANO, R-Unibn. The : Senfltbr^ • continued, tf'The Committee of the Assembly Ap- commission composed . of 11 record turnout at this year's event which set off the traps.and gave Genova said his legislation was because of the keen, interest in the "V 1 v also introduced in line with the 50th Bassano said, "It is standard problem of having a pregnant. propriations Committee. ' . . representatives of. executive Xi. :'• • V power to their 10 tasks. ^ .: .. v.. November^elections., I —At-lhefirst-competitionCaudineer , anniversary of the blood bank procedure in most hospitals woman with one Rh factor and-her —-TOgden_n6ted. during the hearing ,.departments and agencies, four came in third and qualified to system in the.United States this statewide to take a blood specimen child with' another—has plngued- _lhat_more_.than_50 percent of. the legislators; and • 18 citizens C. Louis Bassano, who represents compete, at Ramapo College on , year. Blood 'banks . around the , from a pregnant woman prior- to doctors for years. We finally have a state's historic buildings and sites representing business,' labor and the same communities in the N.J. March 24. They did well, but did not' country are commemorating this within JM'j .hours .of' delivery.; The solution to rid ourselves of this have been demolished during the civic , organizations. This com- Senate that Hardwick and ^Wttiill ' anniversary by recognizng ' the blood is tested to determine the dilemma.' All it takes is a. simple past half century "mostly in the mission would be given a one-year' Assemblyman Peter Genova of . volunteer-blood donors who con- women's rhesus (Rh) blood type. My blood test and an injection. This name of urban renewal or economic charter and a $90,000 appropriation Union represent, will be master of. tribute98 j«rcent_of the Wood and legislation mandates this blood test; procedure should be available to development." She said, some to evaluate current rule-making ceremonies. /' • WAYS TO KEEP HEALTHYT-Wllllam Bl- NO DRUGS—Recently at the James Caldwell Schopl, the fourth grade class J akely, a guidance'-coiin- --pledged-to-berB Just'Say*Nb"to drugs class under the guidance of Phyllis Nelson; 1 selor at the David SHOR'S DRUGS _;R,N. After all students memorized The pledge, each one signed,the poster, which Brearley; Regional High THE MEDICAL , was then presented to Principal Dr. Robert Black. Pictured, from left are student School In TCenilworfh, Brian Luper, Black and student-Tracy Folino. • speaks to a class of SERVICE CENTER freshman health students '•Complete Health care" , ' as part of the school's 401N. Wood Ave., Linden Substance Abuse Program 486-4155 on April 14. The program ••••> FREE DEUVERY Springfield library plans lobby sale t School play due included showing students HoiLW.fc3Oi.ra.to 10p.m. • The Friends of the SpringfieldSDrinttfield, Public Library have scheduled a two-day • .' • a;_ yideotape on the v Sit 8:301m. to 9 p.m. "•• Danded "Lobby Sale" forMay 8'and"9, fromlO a;nr.to 4 p.m-in the Library's "The Florence M. Gaudineer School; -methods of overcoming » Sun. t Holidqfi 8:30 «.m. to 6 p.m. PUBLIC NOTICE Meeting Room. • , - will present , "Tumble Weeds," peer pressure,.' a class » HlaJ)ewlopliit» tomrita Master Charge • r"tobby Sales" are the Friends version of a garage sale. Offered at at- based on the comic strip created by discussion period in which tractive prices are items made of china, ceramic, glass, plastic, metal, Tom K. Ryan, The cast consists of •the students could ask :Ad • leather, and linens, in addition to pots and pans, small appliances in working fifth, sixth," seventh and eighth- of Union, State of New Jersey, will hold a public questions and convey their hearing on May IV, 1987 at 8:00 P.M.'prevailing Townshfpof Springfield, New Jersey! order, small pieces of furniture, tools, and jewelry. . ' graders. There will be, four per- feelings on the ' subject, time In the Municipal Building, Mountain : Avenue, Springfield, N.J. to conilder the; ap- • *' , , , Townshlpcierk Donations will be accepted from now until May 8. Items may be brought to formances with limited seating. The and the distribution of plication of J. Binder for • variance to the 05452 Springfield Leader. May 7 and May 14,1967 - the clrclation desk at the Library. No clothing or books will be sold. • shows will be Held injthe school Zoning Ordinance, concerning, Block 54 Lot » — •••,..-:. (Fees:»33,M) •literature on the/perils pfj located at 4! looker Ave., Springfield, N.I. 1 PORK STORE auditorium on South. Springfield substance abuse. • • Secretary Avenue, Springfield, on May 11 at 3 1 ."•:•• . Harry A. Kolb Notice |s hereby given that the Board of Ad- No:87-4 • • •' ' • , lustmentof the Township of Springfield, County —p;m-and-May-l2-to-May-14-,at-7:30- Date;J/ :. of Union, state of New Jersey. wlll-hoUlapubllc Edwin Case named Merit'High Scorer' 7 n—nwsHiHron'May 1», 1W7 at B!t»p:Mnirevaliing" SPECIALS EVERY WEEK V p.m. :"/•• •--.••;—• ------.-^...•--;--.;•• - (Fee:ts.75) time In the Municipal Building, Mountain Edwin Case, a junior at Newark Academy in Livingston, has been named a 11111 : , ' —M-W«*^— Avenue, Sprlnolleld, N.J. to consider the ap'. FRESH MEATS High Scorer by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation for his scores on • Additional information can. be :• PROPOSAL FOR RgNOVATIONi Plication ofs.casternovla for a Variance to me REROOFINO' ' i ' ' , ' • Zoning Ordinance, concerning. Block, 50 Lpf;17 the PSATs he took last fallr The son of Sarah K, Burton of Springfield, he is obtained by calling the Gaudineer ATTHE MUNICIPAL POOL located at 295 Morris Ave., Springfield, N.J. • : HOMEMADE COLO CUTS _ School at 376-5080 during the day and INTHETOWNSHIPOFSPRINGFIELD .. • . , , \ ' H.A.Kolb among some 50,000 students who achieved the High Scorer designation put of - ' Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be .' . .^ Secretary the more than one million taking the test last fall. He is, now eligible for -bycalling Louise Clayton at 467-3217, received by the Bids Committee of the Township'' No'1711 of Sprlnglleld for Renovation and ReroofIng at .' t>ale 5 19 a7 2019 Morris Ave. possible designation as a National Merit Semifinalist, to be named this fall. at night. the Municipal Pool In the Township ol statlng that said Surely Company will I . ownship Clerk r the bidder with the required bond and stjbll bet- 05153 Springfield L*ader;'May7.19S7 enclosed In a sealed envelope bearing the'name (Fees:U.5O) FrLfcOWM of the bidder on the outside and shall be SI17J0-U0 UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED dellvered'at the piece and on the hour named Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Ad above. w luslmentDf the Township of Springfield, County Plans and Specifications for this work may be of Union, state of New Jersey, will hold a public examined and procured at the office of M Dlsko hearing on May 19, 1987 at a 00 P M prevailing Associates, 2005 Route 22, Union, New Jersey time In the Municipal Building, Mountain Plans end Specifications may be purchased for Avenue, Springfield N J, to consider the ap the payment of sio.oo check payable to M. Dlsko plication of O Marlanlno for a Varlance-nrthe zoning Ordinance, 40212 Section d concerning CARPEl Associates, said cost being the' reproduction RIGHT Block 106, Lot 35 located at 300 Mllltown Road, prlco of the documents and Is not'returnable. Table Saw - 10", % horsepower prospective"bldders are reminded that they will Springfield, N J be required to flle.an affirmative action,plan secretary with the State Treasurer as required by Statute 1 Harry A Kolb motor with extra bladesr— AWAY P L 1975, c 127 and as stated In the Sup SALE! No 87 10 SOL plementary Specifications. Dale:5/l9/87 Good" condition. The Township Committee reserves the right to . 05(43 Springfield Leader, May 7,19t7 relect any or, all bids and to waive minor (Fee (6 00) 15 Year Fixed Rate - 30 Year Fixed Rate - Shop At PUBLIC NOTICE HOME . Sorvlco '5" for first 20 words SUMMARY OR SYNOPSISOF AUDIT REPORT FOR PUBLICATION MANY % USE A PREPAID M" each addod 10 words -SUMMARYOR SYNOPSISOF 1944 AUDITOR Rate . .10.875 Enclose check. BOROUOHOF MOUNTAINSIDE AS REQUIRED BY N JS «AS) SPECIALS! I Rate 10.50 or 78.000,9) 33,000.00 298-1331^ ^MonthlyMonthlyrayment Payment ± + n~ munwiyjrt*ynw &c% A1 TOTALASSETS (3,803,530.58 (5,297,781.28 H LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND: $ FUNP BALANCE CITY. ZIP. Bonds and Notes Payable' * (1,784,000.00 JI.S13.000.00 per$1,000 *11.06 per $1,000 9-43 improvementAuthorlzation. - - - -S3&426.74- - ,i»3,94l).90, other Liabilities and Special Funds .1,443,489.56 1,345,710 98 Amortization of Debt of Fixed Capital Acquired or Authorized 347,044.17 '347,044.17 Reservo tor Certain Assets Receivable ,247,987.29 - 194,423.(8 Fund Balance- 1,243,580 82t 1,303,440.35 . Write your ad in the spaces below and mail to TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES ANDFUNDBALANCE (5,803,530.58 NEWSPAPERS BOROUOtToF MOUNTAIN5IDB " Also available. .Jumbo Mortgages and, &_7 Year Adjustable Interest Mortgages COMPARATIVE STATEMENTOF OPERATIONS ANDCHANSF IN FUND BALANCE. CURRENT FUND "^nn""r YEAR 1985 CLASSIFIED -z YEAR 1984 The rates quoted are as of publica on date and are subject to change REVENUE AND OTHER I * « Your new INCOME REALIZED This Is a limited odor to qualified borrowers In our trade rea and subject to chnngo or withdrawal without notlco; P.07BOX 3109, Union. N.J. 07083 " ~ Fund Balance utilised (842,000 00 (870,000.00 MIscellaneousFrom Other Than ' jieighbors Local Property Tax Levies 1.44O.O05 00 ' 1,543,940.52 Collection ofDellnquent Taxes , and Tax Title Liens . . 174,(77.74 150,821 27 T collection of current Tax Levy? ;. -v,««,150.il - 1,917,159.91: just Total Income (12,403,033 18 EXPENDITURES (11,502,241 70 For additional information call931-6856 BudgeIget EExpenditures moved 3. 4. Munlclunlclpal l Purposes (3,388,487 43 (2,999,(17.48 County Taxes 2,418,190 75 2,374,305 44 Local and Regional School Taxes 5M7.S40.14 5,141,567 02 in... Interfunds Advanced 29,1M 74 1,973 78 Other Expenditures 4,«74.04 23,047 89 Did you meet them yet? Total Expenditures (11,8M,50l U - (10,441,711,43 Almost 1 ol every 5 Ameri- Lest: Expenditures to be Raised cans moves each year, and 7. 8. by Future Taxes 42,000.00 —Total Adlusted Expenditures (11,(11^01.54 (10,441,731.43> wherever Americans move, Excess In Revenue (784.531.44 M40.520.07 Getting To Know You wel- UNITED COUNTIES Fund Balence, January! 1,323,154.79 1.111^34 73 comes them, with much (2,007,484 43' (1.093,154 79 more than just "Howdy," Leu: Utilization " Anticipated 1 12. Revenue. :t70i0»0.«l- Getting To Know You and Fund Balance, December 31 (1,145,4(4.43 11,113,154 79 Its sponsors make new TRUST COMPANY families In town feel wel- BOROUOHOFMbuNTAINSipE ' come with a housawarmlng CQME»RA.TIVE-SIAIEMENXQE_0EEHATIONSANDCHANQE- - package full of needed.In- MEMBER, UMITED COUNTIES BANCORPORATION IWFUNDWLANCE.SWIMMINGPOOLUTILITYOPERATINORiNDS '" . ....^...... ~ ••»• • —IQ. •••>•••••••• — IO #••• Jl--, formation about selected MEMBER, FDIC-"— -— REVENUE ANDOTHER VEAR1W* ~ YEAR lfM —community .servlcesv-Qet-- INCOME REALKIBD- ' ' '— * tlng To Know You Is the Fund Balance Ulllltad - (30,000 00 120.000 00 -best way fine merchants Membership Feee 121.197 00 11U3100 and qualified professionals Miscellaneous From Other Than •ii.uiin can invite new business, Belford • Berkeley Heights • Clark • Cranford • Elizabeth •' H jlslde • Keansburg • Kenllworth • Llncroft • Linden • Madlsoh 17 18 19 20 Membership Pees 18,1*1 35 1U14 7t new friends to come Iq —*~ Mlddletown • North Plalnfleld e Oakhurst • Portllonmouth • Shrewsbury • Springfield • Summit Budget Expenditures Operating ta3,nooo (81,447 00 Capital Improvement MO90 00 31450 00 Deferred Charges and statutory 23." ...... 24 Expenditures 1,400 00 3,40O.fJ0 2i7^ 22 TotalExpendllures •111,370 00 (121^97.00 i Excess In Revenue (31,211 II (34,748 79 Fund Balencei Balance, January 1 71,05314 '54,307.05, 1109,174 It (91,055,14 becreasadby: \ 25.1 26 ....: 27 28 Ullllied by Swimming Pool Operating eudoet ~" WiOOO.OO '10,000.00: WELCOMING Fund Balance, Dice 31 (19,274.19 (71,055 8,4 NEWCOMERS ", ' ' _ ReCOMMbNOATION' > ' That a Currant Fund Oeneral UedeefandPlxed Assets Msrujgement Ledger be maintaineaintained NATIONWIDE :rL 3i :...:.. 32 J.1!? •b•, • • •'>*

. 10 —ThOT»d«y,Atov7.19e7 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS • COJJNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, May 7,1987 — II Trade Expo comes to town > ByCHRIBNEIDENBERO • operate the reeourco recovery faclU- The Union County Business Expo and Festival is scheduled for May- :s Th^iaolid waste program 'Of, the ty, which, they expect, will be com- 'l3 and Hat Farcbers Grove in Union. Sponsored by the Union Tdwnship UnlooCountyUtmtiesAiithoritywUl pletedlolWl. ' Chamber of' Commerce' and, co-eponsored by the Central Jersey' -Inftem "Chamber of Commerce, Suburban Chambers of Commerce and the. _ ... . it«ods and notes, Union County Chamber of Commerce the expo will feature exhibits by througharesolutigoBpprpvedbythe more than 70 business and industry representatives. ', ' • county Board of \Chosen resulting from the burning of trash According to Union Township Chamber Executive Jim Schaefer, the at the plant. The facility will burn festival is a unique opportunity for networking and socialiiing. He said .•=,.;: At Its meeting April 30, the board garbage to generate electrical thousands of giveaways for attendants will be provided. ' s voted : 6-1 - to express support for .. power...•.> ....••.•..•....•.,--;.• "MtdttetaUrillbe provided and the expo should proVe' plans by the Union qounty.UUUties Authority Director Joseph Kazar to be a worthwhile visit.which will feature something of interest for •tVirv»-li«u^_i«-.VrL"-TA-''-: :,.• sr." L i • •-<:.> _:- •'•... J. ': .. • : •••/•• •,.".•..•.'.••. told the board that it plans to use everyone."•..'.• S* ' :.<-" -•"<•-. . y .-,.':. •''....':.' ^..'."..'::\:.. some of the short-term financing to •pay-forilariouB, techitlcal and~en~ vironmental studies, which will be conducted in studying the landfill Agency to present awards The Strength of our Communities "^ programs. Workshops on jolj i , , andlinden. • • , •sites. ' .'!• •. ... :•• ' ;•'. . '•. - L.. v ing skills and other topics, as well as According to CUA Chairman Ken- Board member Michael Lapolla, . The Association for Advancement some of the many individuals that special events wiD also be part of the neth MacRltchle, the notes will be the only Democrat, expressed con^ of the Mentally Handicapped will make our job easier throughout the 'Haf-f''' '••••••••••••• :i '•,•••:•' ' •••• : -partially^Bedtoproviaetheaulbori-- -can .thwt-thiffp has been Infrequent--hold-its-third annual-Awards-Nlght- -year,-11—says—Sidney—Blanchard— ,,. -, ^^anld workshopsV Admission to Job Expo '87 Is free tywith capital funds from mid-1987. communication between the county tonight at the Knights of Columbus AAMH executive director. "Their ginany aspects of train-'. and Hiiach will be available at a f 1 I CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: 5 through its pennanent financing in and both municipalltes while the inUnion.. ' ' • ^concern and support help and 843 St. George Avenue . VS AUTO SALES 1ng ,and;^nployment. It is joinfly moderate cost. Interpreters; for .me miil988. ::::::';,;, •-•"': •> •'.•• EYEGLASSES, INC. 8 p I / CUA hasstudied the sites. To The AAMH, a New Jersey non- ,.motivate us in our efforts; to help Roselle. New Jersey 07203 .40 years in Business l P W *W; the'.University Affiliated plains. Additional information is between authority.and municipal of- MOST INSURANCE PtANS •cocktailLounge million in bonds will be issued for tions that-have-shown-their-support""reservations, call Sharon Healy at .Majorcredltcanas FadHty-TJMDNJ-RobertV Wood • available from Charles Newman at , construction of a 1,440 toh-per-day ficials.. ' ••• for improving the quality of life for 354-3040. BRICKFACK; STUCCO, STONEFACE ACCEPTED- Johnson Medical School. • - 820-31J2 (TTY- No. 820-3132) or" Ina ' resource recovery plant off Route l handicapped persons.* ' ;•"• SPL1T-RIB BLOCK. EXPOSED AGGREGATE Newark Airport courtesy car. Free in Room Movies White at 527-2326. \ ;- •; in Room steam* Whirlpool The:;•' prograni will include inRahway. ./.; •; "l •: Sandy and Dory Thompson of '1721 Morris Ave. & pte 22. 2486 Vauxhall Rd. representatives 'fr6m area . The authority will also use the County group Roselle Park will be honored as Essayists honored Cull /nr FREE lonjullulion, dvsiitn & Bradlees shopping center Union 686-1886 Open 24 HoursVCheck in for Comfort • employers' who will be available to Oh Highway U.S. no. 1, Unden _»86j-45W . temporary financing; to repay the ; "Volunteers of the; Year" by the , • / Union •687-7878 provide {-information: about their gets prize • county for money it has ah-ieady bor- begins drive agency, for their-many and varied Alan J. Schnirman, Linden at- businesses. These representatives rowed from the county. volunteer activities and constant torney and chairman of the Union « w^.*.,, .••J. "Whe« Future Musicians THE WEEK ; will be ready to/answer questions ; The United Cerebral Palsy League •• CUA officials noted the authority For .34 years, May has'been support. •• • County Bar Association Law Day- AMERICAN .; and Familj Heirlooms VITOS AUTO ELECTRIC, INC. aboutourrentand projected employ- of ;Union County announces that, ; will not be able to generate any ap- designated Mental Health Month Receiving community awards will Committee, announces the winners ^yUPlC Get Their Start" Electric ft Diagnostic Service Specialists ment opportunities and theChristina Alvarado'8 class of young , preciable revenue .until.: they: can. in America. In conjunction with be Doreen Randall, family life of the Bar Association's Law Day qualificaOons required for these adults has won- the Grand Prize in this, the Mental Health Associa- specialist; Larry Lockhart, deputy Essay Contest. . 'r /" •••••"•'•'• Service and Parts : : jobs.; V '.'.::.: ...••.•,-, ;::.•;.Z^' - • the AssociaUonof Schools and Agen- ^ tion of-Union County-will launch chief-of-staff-of the-New-Jersey •—;:—Thefive.-winnerstwho-will-receiv *7 G)HOPPE -IhspKtion^tnjice . ; 7 —^An exhibiraTea WiU feature an ar-~ . cies for the Handicapped poster con- its annual membership drive dur- Department of Human Services;' a $100 U.S. Savings Bond are: Lisa .GRANDFATHER CLOCKS JAQQ • flnetune-ups 'gauges ray of equipment and devices to test for Special Education. Special ing May. . ••• ;•.',' ; Robert Dudek of the Elizabeth Ur- ' Anilines, Mother Seton Regional FREE LESSONS ft™'f*X . • cartjurators • electric windows •—More than ,30' million • air Conditioning, • power seats Education week begins on May 12. ' ban Drop Out Program; Bev Allen of High School;. Kris Bufanio, Union. with keyboards • wiring • horns* wipers formance. and; trahsportatiQn,": |n •. They have won a $50 bond and a sien as Americans suffer from some the Union County Association for High School; Michelle A. Meade, eluding the latest technology. In ad- .framed certificate. >A meeting attended by about 40 form of mental illness.Thanks to. Retarded Citizens; and Nancy Cec- Cranford High School; Mario A. Union Market Place ASE certified people' representing county. research,- improved insurance cori of-the New Jersey Division of Pollan, .St. Mary's High School, 1374 stuyvesant Ave.- union municipalities, the; Union County benefits and better housing in the Developmental Disabilities. Elizabeth; and Julie Reivie, Gov. 2445 Springfield Aye. Union Economic Development. Corpora-, cohuhunity greater numbers of "This, is our opportunity to thank Livingston Regional High School. Fri thru Sun II to 9 •WEEKDAYS 349-5029 tion, and Union County officials was these persons are receiving quali- held recently to discuss mutual con- ty treatment and have a chance UNCINGM! MEYEW& DEPEW cerns and establish .. a to lead normal, productive lives. communication-information net- The Merital Health Association SUMMER HOURS work among the munclpalities, with of Union County is a local citizens OPEN UCEDC toserv e as the hub of this 1 nn renldenllal mrtomeri ilnce 1953 group which helps patients, their Weekdays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. - — network—== — families and the public leafir Sat., Sun., & Hols. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. • HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING Sponsored jointly by UCEDC and about mental health and mental • HUMIDIFIERS New Jersey Bell, the meeting was illness through its various pro- •ATTIC FANS Carrier chaired by Joseph Hartnett, city ad- grams. • ELECTRONIC ____ mMmMm M __. ministrator in Rahway, who is also According to Vera Stewart, AIR CLEANERS ' FREE KvTIMATIal chairman of UCEDC's newly formed president of the Board of Direc- LocaLEconomic Development Com-— tors-of-the Association, "MHA CALL 272-21OO mittee depends on the United Way, 309 Lafayette Avenue • Kenilworth Present were a number of mayors, private grants and membership businesss administrators, municipal contributions' to be able to keep economic development officials. its programs going." •SCREEN PRINTING County Manager Donald Anderson In the past, mental health pro- and Deputy County Manager Arthur fessionals and families of the •AIR BRUSH THE JOB—are Sheriff Ralph Froellch; right, and Pat JOINT EFFORT—Frederick W. Sullivan, president of •IRON-ONS . Englese with their golden retriever Josh of the Onion County Ungar mentaly ill have responded Several points emerged focusing generously because they have Elizabethtown Gas, presents a check to Ella Teal and AAyrta •GLASS ETCHING Search and Rescue Unit. The unit now consists of eight dogs, velez, president and director of housing, respectively, of the all of which have been donated or funded. The dogs are train- on interdependence ~and—mutual seen the need in such a personal •METAL ENGRAVING need The loss-of tax ratables in one way. MHA is looking for more Urban -League-of Eastern Union County as the agency's ed to sniff out drugs, drug users, and dealers, explosives, and share of the $85,178 raised by Ellzabethtown's Project -WOOD SIGNS In locating missing persons and criminals. The Search'and municipality, it was pointed out, is contributions from the general bel.^CUSTOM FAINTING' RBWUftfRBWUftfjanltfeJotj d In jhqfo(d wajchyng sttallJi& jgyjilltefllly boufldjeAncrease county public in, order to continue its taxes in all of the municipalities work on behelf of the mentally ill • •' BASKET WIZARD-KathV Vida arranges a Mother's tlfy basket at the Basket talnslde. off last winter's heatirjg bills. • Wizard In Roselle Park. 1419 STUYVESANT AVE. p UNION, N.J.Q7083 iiaiHiMitw^

FIN N' FEATHER PET SHOP Baskets for occasion 241-9025 TNL-rri.54 023-7222 239 Morris Ave.. Springfield • 376-5641 SillM Sun. US S2S-7227 Specializing in Tropical Fish "We're sending love in a basket.' -Priqes vary depending upon the size and nature, of and large Birds v^ That slogan has become'the unofficial motto of the desired item. THE SHOE INN Helen Stevens and her two daughters, Kathy Vida Preparations for Father's Day items are and Lynn, owners of the Basket Wizard, Roselle something the Basket Wizard is also working on as LARGEST SEL 205 Sheridan Avenue Park, whoserbuslness has been growlng-by-leaps dad's day is just around thecomer next month Roselle WE'RE DOUBLE DEALING 0~ IN THE AREA , and bounds since opening just over two months ago Kathy said the Basket Wizard materialized two Young Birds-Hand Tamed The self-described "mother-daughter" team has months ago almost out of nowhere. "Quality Shoes for the •^•been/selling pre-made baskets stocked with special "We started doing it as gifts, for showers and entire Family" *l FREE HOOVER UPRIGHT VACUUM WE CARRY lAMS^J .effects for every occasion since they set up shop stuff," Kathy said, "and the requests started to pile ' 'Eye wear and Much More" come by and look at our shoes vacationing? Leave your birds with us, up We started it as a hobby and we really enjoyed WITH PURCHASE OF 50 SO. YDS. OR MORE OF ANY STAIN MASTER, if...cetlntothe —^—We do everything — romantic evenings, bridal- doingit" STAIN BLOCKER, OR ANSO WORRY-FREE CARPETS. A RETAIL VALUE showers, birthdays,". Kathy said, noting that the Jlgners ~ ioamvi.mt.amorumm.vm. Since the business officially got started, she said, OF $95.00 (MODEL 110. U4363-042) Drdable fashions. ' utm«r» , • Basket Wizard will put its creative talents to the test customers have been calling constantly for just about any request. "We'll do anything for a c our regular low price "People just keep calling us from word of , LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER Courteous Service with a Personal Touch __j:ha!lenge.." . : ,., . mouth," said Kathy, who also runs a word process- BIEftTUEMPElxfrSTERTAG AGENCY. INC nff with the purchase of any ."••• Any Job»»»»*» Anywhere , ' Lately, the demand has been for baskets to pre- ing business from her home ''Our first two weeks, Iii^RI Ett v 11 complete pair of eyeglasses .corporate accounts welcome . '''. sent to mom on Mother's Day, which is coming up a wesold48baskets." V 1880 MORRIS AVENUE. UNION EXP. 5/21/87 weekJfrmSunoSy, and the Basket Wizard has three *2 $50 MFG. REBATE Nbt to be combined with any other offer With THIS Ad ., 1 When a customer places an order, Lynn saidjthe gift certificates available types of baskets to mark the special occasion, in- Basket Wizard goes to great lengths to add a per- Residential & Commerical Real Estate '• J^ 22$ hour service ' cluding the traditional basket sonal touch for the recipient of the gift basket ServlnK Union County For Over 60 Years PURCHASE 40 SO- YDS. OR MORE OF GALAXY SPOT-LESS CARPET ;The traditional basket comes stocked with a WE CAN HANDLE ALL COLLECTION WHICH INCLUDE STAIN MASTER, STAIN BLOCKERS, OR -Full Stretch Limousine "We'll ask their Interests, you know, personal YOUR 1NSLU \NCh NEEDS Dr. Mark Nltt! variety of bath items for mom "to pamper herself," traits and things like that," Lynn said — ANSO WORRY-FREE CARPETS AND RECEIVE $50 BACK FROM featuring Lincoln Continental _ .^jcandy, soaps of different shapes and sizes, hand Ul OUT Knowlcdui. and Experience e R e ne r Most baskets can be put together on the day they Work For You. We Cure. MANUFACTURER. uK% cream and a Mother's Day cup are ordered, Lynn added, but extra-special orders 486-5050 —r:.:rnir y:.Y.r:.. 486-5051 Calir241'13i4 Also available Is a grandmother's teetotaler, Rh M-I-STAI E» 686-0656 *• *? " , " , usually require a day's notice B INSLiRANCE* 686-0651 Independent Doctors of Optometry which includes eight different-teasrcinnamoirsticks For now, the Basket Wizard is operaUng out of the GALAXY wrapped in a handkerchief and an assortment of An Easy Way : Stevens' Roselle Park home, but the mother-' COMPUTERIZED PERSONAL EYE CARE To Qat an ExdUrtc N«w kis' ''' '' daughter operation is looking for a permanent loca- STONEBROOK $21.50 MOHAWK 1 LaiKtocap*ci Look! '. '"If they don't like tea, toehav e gourmet coffee," tion to house their ever-growing business ' SET US APART" V . Kathy said. ;~~:I "We're trying to find a place that we can just CONTINENTAL $15.99 i*.pr*pertii VIIUH too. According to Lynnj though, the Basket Wizard move into," said Kathy u I—IWIUSICFOR— GALAXY DECORATIVE GRAVEL & will prepare a basket to suit the personalized needs The Basket Wizard is open for orders from 9 am. We gre a private professional association offering com- of the individual customer "Anything goes," she to 10 p m. daily. Orders are taken strictly by phone XALL INCREDIBLE $27.50 prehensive Quality eye examinations for glasses & con- STONE PRODUCTS^ ~ 1 WEDDINGS NURSERYSTOCK .•said, •..'/'••'.v •''.••.".;'/' . •" and can be placed by calling 241-3371 HOUMOF HtCOROi PHILADELPHIA tact lenses, we utilize thejatest—of high tech In- Etmwunati strumeniatlontg give you the best In eye care In a relax- 201-486-6565 TOP GUN $13.99 LEWOOD NURSERIES BIZNESSor GALAXY ed personal atmosphere: pringfleld Avenue -%-r* 7£Ao MOUNTAIN CREST $18.99 Springfield o/f>-7tKH> 201-382-0695 Remember only our look Is expensfveuour prices HOME (Evtt) are veryaffordablett ALL PRICES INCLUDE PAD & INSTALLATION i , - _ Come celebrate Our Crand Opening Specials FIND OUT Shades ' tt Zkings Fine Art •custom Framlno We Frame etferythlng From NOW FEATURING reg. now the usual to the unusuali How You Can Become — IN OUR Eye examinations (with coupon) ?^HSn^S5dnrpSS •spedalizlno in iwcaiowork (Includes: Glaucoma, cataract & visual Fields Test) $35 (as •larMMleaionof orlalnal art •restoration and repair work B&LDally wear contact Lenses ' $115 *SQ •wa accept commercial accounts 100% PURE WOOL CARPETS •framing sugpestlons: coins, quats,, ' B&LExtended wear contact Lenses $160 $»» DISCOUNTS • rugs, weoamo Invitations, tiles, etc. 4 New Providence Ro*d * . 233-3350 SUCH AS ELICERE AND ROBERTEX Change Brown mymm co BIU* with Contact Lenses $269 • *• 06 • VERTICAL BLINDS Mofiid -open 7 day» formerly The Book Barri VINYL IN MANY DECORATOR COLORS AND STYLES THal alA«KT WIIARP • LEVOLOR BLINDS FUELOIL i lenses for Astigmatism and Class permeable lenses also available. • SHADES REPLACEMENT Prices for contact lenses include: Examination, 90 day unlimited TTFedToFsendlrig flowers that only • WICKER FURNITURE .SO AJJMCP SBLECTIOH OF LIHOLBUM last a couple of days? 1W4-1»«7 WINDOWS foliowup, wear ft care Instructions tlenses. • SILK FLOWERS 3 Generations of - Well we're vour answer- • UNSQUSE GIFTS Friendly Service Aluminum & vinyl Siding TILH AND WINDOW TREATMENTS located In ay« worlf • at St. George Plaza, 1025 w. St. George Ave., linden THE WIZARD WIU DELIVER: (Our *Jrd Aqnlversary) • 0OLLS Storm windows • not combined w/otner offers Coupon Exp.s/21/87 ' 126 CHESTNUT ST, 686-9661 Ample Parking open Frl. 10-7:30 ?0M Morns Avt:., Union 20M Avt» union ROSELLE PARK, NJ. SltlO^Mon-Th«r«104:M b tifo turtty l 12 HiHtH MI< it >; 24T0W |

"7'r '-V s bi\ , A COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, May 7,1987 — 13 A\I*\ April V In Miierendino, 78, of Union Hospital. Roselle Park died -April 30 in her Bonrta-Newark, Mn. Koch lived •home. •;?:•.•..; v^'- ;.-. .. .• France,. Bhe, Ui Elections, sales, gue 1B38. She had been a dental clerk Newark before moving Jo Boselle with the Pennwalt Coq>,, a dental Park 23 years ago. MrsMlserendino FormaHratalliitinnwiDtikfipUwi 'J__ atory in Newark, for 15yeara. was a member of theSenior CJtLtenn ^ p June Mat a dessert reception in toe forristown v Union elected a flate of offlcenJor. "hQwjtba colon you wear can L,^ smorgasbord May.l8trom3.fiJ Edna Walker,.80, of Springfleld George, three daughters, Kathleen Mrr. KochretiredtHfln.Sbewaga oQtoseDe Park and Winfleld;— social hall of toe temple Also being Further information can be out the besllnyour natural beauty.* member of the Senior Citizens Club Surviving are her husband, 1967-1888. They are-Irene Petou, installed that evening will be the - 'at "the, church ban located i (HedAprilMinherbane . Barton, Lynn Schade «nd Nancy -by calling Steve Slegel; Her topic; 'TJnk|uelyHta|," is about Elizabeth and Ziegler - fii _ Bom Jn Bolmdd, sbe moved to In Union. .: Vincent; two sons, Thomas and C. president; Barbara Zucker and temple officers and the Hen's Club J DUsman; a brother. Oswald associate, attne-federaBon ottlce it 'ourinner. beauty, our value as God triangle, one block east of-Wood Springfleld 51 years ago She was a Nering; two sisters, Olga Robertson Survivtnglsason,WalterD - Richard;;, two daughtersg, , JosephinJosephine Irene Lattdis, fund-raising vtce- officers for 1987 to 1968. 351-5060.. sees us" Special music win be prcsUentsps s EEUis e MinHHt^ prosrapam Avenue, Linden. .The smorgasbord member and formerly secretary of and Lydla Nering, and four grand- Hardardt and Marianne Cullari; two provided by Jeannlne GallenkatniL. _will feature roast beef, ham and the Community Club of Springfleld chilffrcii Sauy Cohen, 76, of Springfield died sisters, Marie Stath and Gloria vicfrpnaidentiidt ; HyrH e SSchrah m and THE YOUTH OF Grace Lutheran TOE MOST REV. Theodore E Womeri of all faiths are Invited to Kenee Weinfeld, PHA vice- turkey, soup, salad, a variety of She also was a member of the April 27 in Overlook Hospital, Musto; a brother, Stephen, seven Church, 2222 Vauxhall Road, Union, McCSrrick, archbtehopHiHtewark, attend the Tree dinner'and to bring , casseroles. ;and deperfs and^a Missionary and the building com- Summit grandchildren and a great- presidents; Gloria Young, will bold a cap.wash at the church the seventh largest Catholic diocese tb^ir mothers and mothers-in-law, or $ s Morris WeitsTwrof Union died corresponding secretary; Susan beveragbeveraoee .RfiurvaHnmi'^anriVariJtesecvatioqs . l—mittofrof the Antioch Baptist Church— Mayl in Union Hospital Bom in Newark, Mrs. Cohen lived grandchild. Saturday from 10 a m. to 4 p m. in the United States, will be jthe aunts or women friends with them diUonaJinformetioncan be obtained and the Springfield Senior Citizens Schaefer, recording secretary; Julia Proceeds will be used to finance the Born in Newark, be lived In Ir- in Maplewood and Baltimore, Md., honored guest speaker in Temple Reservations are required and can by calling 5484630, 8KWQ49 or 836- Her daughter, Janet Hardlson, is the .before moving to Springfield 10 Ruu> Meyer, 79, of Edison, for- Gelb, treasurer, and Fran Fried, youth camping trip in July. B'nai JeBhurun, Short Hills, 1 vington before moving-to-UttiotriS- be madefy calling the chapel at 232- 2822. w , r . ' Springfield postmaster. years ago. She was a secretary,in merly of Union, died April 29 in the advisor-past president, A fish and chips supper win be tomorrow evening. The comniunUy years ago. He was the coordinator Trustees elected for a one-year $456BetweenTam and 1:30pm, RABBI JOSHUA GOLDSTEIN of Abo surviving are three-other— -for the transportation department of the U.SJHarshall's Office in Newark Somerset Medical Center, Somer- held at the church May 15 Serving is invited to celebrate Shabbat and Monday through Thursday for many years before retiring. ville. term are lisda Bauman, Rachel will be from 5 to 7 p.m., with take- the historic occasion at 8-15 pm — PREPARATIONS daughters, Elinor M. Johnson, Doris the Union County Divison of Motor Borenstein, Sally Fenicbel, Elaine THE YOUNG' DBRWAV for E Harris and Elizabeth A; three Vehicles for three years Before Surviving are a daughter, Judi She was a member of the outs available Tickets and ad- Robinovitz, and two grandchildren. Lehmaiv-Muriel-MargolieSr-Helen—ditknaHnformation^an be obtained- stwBrUchawlFVJameIUhlFVJ s S ,an,-and -thatr-Mr—Wetes-was-an-asslstant- Hadassah of Union County; Born in p Irene Bolton," educational raisingeve>tt6lepldMay80affl»e Ralph"E.-;-B sister, Ann Chaseh , two manager in the appliance depart- -N^*xatMMUd Rfilss._ Paula Schulti, Tova - by calling 6864965 or 688-4269. director, will introduce the religious SUberman, Arlene Stein, Robin newly opened Tara, Ca|Ue Hotel, ^ brothers, Melvin and Nathaniel ment of the former E.J. Korvettesin Albert K Wallers, 66, of Roselle Union and Whiting before moving to school faculty ancl discuss, the full Park died April 28 in Newark Beth Edison one year ago. ' - Weinstock, Lonnle Winick . and FREE IMMUNIZATIONS, free Parslppany.at7:30pjn.Dr.Nancy* Cheek, 24 grandchildren and four Watchung for 15 years curriculum available at the temple M^ f BUUfato"? great-grandchildren. Israel Medical Center. *" — Surviving are a daughter, Phyllis ISAAC DOSTIS AND DIANE SUNRISE NonnaWolfowitz. health screening and testing and Rabbi Barry Hewitt Greene, of the Catholic Men's Club of St More information can be obtained He had been a Democratic can- Petras, a resident of Union for of CCS, recently announced*) t He was an auto machinist for Nover; a son, Arnold; a brother, counseling will be offered at a health Cantor Norman Summers and Rabbi Stanislaus Polish Church in Newark, by calling 379-5387 _ ^ didate for districMeader for ue Milton Weinfeld, and seven grand- about 20 years, has been active in ^anity-Eah^MMhe theme for the* Marie B: Burke, 79, of Union died township of Union Mr Weiss was a Walters Machine Co., Jersey Ctt»x fair sponsored by Franklin-St. Susan G Warshell will officiate at are the same men of '1987 who The Elizabeth Coalition J« House ^ for 40 years until he retired in igeBr^chUdren: temple committees for many years. John's United Methodist Church, black tie celebration. GgvrandMn _ _ May2 in Union Hospital member of B'nai Brith and the AHolocausi program the Sabbath service The Temple celebrated their delayed 70th an- the Homeless and Hie Interfalth t |n -He was an Army veteran of World She has held offices on the Keer and Maple avenues, Newark,' Choir, directed by Warren H Thomas H * "tT*f i *p«»«tr|A Born In Pluckemin, she lived in Diabetes Association, both of Union. niversary last Sunday at the 9 a m Council for the Homeless of Union War n and a member of the Nancy 1 Sisterhood and temple executive -Saturday from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. honorary i chairmen, and Mr'and Newark beTore moving to Union 28 He was a sergeant-of-anns with the Walter W. Elko, 78, of Clark, "Righteous Gentiles, ' a nual contest for Union High Brown, will sing the liturgical Mass and a communion breakfast on County win be the beneficiaries of Luzon Post 1743, Veterans of formrly of Kenihvorth, died April 30 -boards-lmddltion-to-the-temple—The health fair has been designed to portions of the service Marshall the church ball, 146 Irvine Turner Mrs Joseph J. Melone will'seryeas years ago. She'was employed at Union Democratic Club'and:was a presentation by Act One Theater School students who have studied the proceeds from a production of genera) chairmen Heis president of Schering-Plough Co in Union for 36 member of the Hillside Chapter of Foreign Wars. in Rahway Hospital. , Productions of Leonia, will be about the Nazi Holocaust during board of trustees. She has served on provide health care and education Sherman is president of the 139 year' Blvd The mass was celebrated by "Pinocchio," which will be Born and raised in Kenllworth, the . Union Township Community old Reform Jewish congregation Prudential Insurance Co, A special years and retired as a supervisor in the Knights of Pythias .Surviving are his wife, Rose; a given Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the this past semester in their classes for young, and old alike. Qualified the pastor and chaplain, the Rev presented by Temple Sha'arey son, James; two daughters, Teresa Mr. Elko moved to Clark in 1965. He Betterment Committee, one year as physicians, nurses and technical The Women's Association of BogumilChrusclel ( humanitarian award will bo- 1969 Surviving are his wife, Carolyn; a First Congregational Church, of United States History I and II. " Shalom of Springfield Bobbe presented to Philip D Kaltenbacher, Walters and Patricia Correia; four was a machinist mechanic for the 1340 Burnet Ave., Union. Spon- The-students were asked to ex- chairman and treasurer of the Union staff will conduct examinations or Congregation B'nai Jeshurun hi John BienkowsU of Union, an Weinstein of the Springfield Players She is; survived by her husband, daughter, Amy Joyce Weiss, his chairman of the Port Authority of John. brothers, John, Henry, Charles and Volco Brass and Copper Co., sored by the Union Township press their understanding and Township Community Relations tests for hearing, vision, blood Short" Hills will sponsor an annual officer of the dub, (recently was wiU direct the cast, which includes father, Solomon Weiss, and , a Kenllworth, for more than 40 years Committee. New York and New Jersey and brother, Harry Richard; two sisters, Ellen Bplam Interfaith Committee ' on feelings of this portion of world pressure, dental, lead poisoning; spring luncheon at Mountain Ridge honored, with a plaque for his 50 Phyllis Landow as Pinocchio, John and Loretta Hopf, and two' grand- andreUred in 1984. A member of the Union Township Country Club Tuesday Tat II a m chairman of the board of Seton Co, Mary C. Schmidt, 83, of Union died Holocaust Awareness, the annual history through art,' poetry and anemia, tuberculosis and' other years of membership, as the Schlager as Geppetto, Barbara children. Surviving are a daughter,.Carolyn Board of Education's Adult Ad- George Plimpton, author and member with the most years "for his never ending generosity and May 2 in Union Hospital Born in educational event and com- other writings. All entries will be health concerns. Children Can Goldstein as the Blue Fairy and a Ferinden; two brothers, David and memoratloruof the Holocaust is exhibited before and after the ! I _vlsory Committee, Petras was Its receive immunizations for measles, founding editor of "The Paris Michael Meryn Is president contributions to the handicapped Scotland, she came to the United Shirley Schwartz, 82, of Union died full children's chorus Per- anddlsadvantaged " Ida J. Stelmle, 84, of Springfield George;,a sister, Barbara Adams, open to the public without charge. program in Founder's Hall of the chairman for three years. She mumps and other chiIdHo~etf Review^'-will be the guest speaker - States-when she was 25. She lived in April 28 in Irvington General -fonnances are May 16 at 7 30 p m Hospital. died April 29 in Overlook Hospital, and two grandsons. church. Savings Bonds will be. participated in other civic activities. diseases. Counseling on /.good Reservations for the. luncheon are CONGREGATION ANSHE and May 17 at 1 p m and 3pm at The CCS event has become one* of Irvington before moving to Union 48 A life member of Hadassah, she also 1 necessary, it was announced, and the major events of the New Jersey years ago. She was a domestic Mrs., Schwartz was a salewoman Summit. . The-one-hour dramatization,, presented to first, second-and- nutrition, adolescent pregnancy and CHESED of Linden and its the Thelma L Sandmeier Public third place winners. Part of the is a member of B'nai B'rith Women can be made by contacting the social season, it was announced worker • for 30 years./ until her for the Public Service Electric and Born in Newark/she lived in Hymie Shumsky, 80k of Linden based upon stories, poetry and breast cancer also will be available, Sisterhood will honor Betty Babbitt School, 666 South Springfield Ave, - Mountainside, before moving . to prize money for the three winners" of Union, the' Jewish Federation of in addition to educational literature, temple at 379-1555 Springfield Additional Information Entertainment will be provided by retirement 20 years ago. Gas Co. in Newark for 25 years until died May 3 in St. Elizabeth Hospital, some of the letters and speeches of Linden at annual Mother's Day 1950. She was a member of the Union Springfield; 20 years ago. She was a represents the offerings from the Central New Jersey Business and and handouts. Sabbath services Saturday Each can be obtained by calling 467-8470 Marty Ames and his orchestra JEbis- Surviving are a daughter, Bar- Elizabeth. . of the rare Christians who openly Professional Women's Division and event "Is the primary source, of bara Huff, a son, Robert, four Township Democratic, Club and the cashier in the coffee' shop of , Born in New York City, he lived in, opposed the Nazi oppression ~bT ".. annual Good Friday service by ( COURT PATRICIA 1254, Catholic year on the Saturday prior to or 487-0876 Overlook Hospital in Summit for 11 the Union Township Christian the Phil , Portnoy Humanitarian Daughters of; the Americas, will "-funding for CCS, the largest, non grandchildren and two great Sisterhood of Temple B'nai Linden for 75 years. Mr. Shumsky Jew's and other minorities LEONARD POSNOCK, 1987 Mother's Day, the congregation and Abraham of Livingston.' years before retiring in 1977. Mrs. clergy. ." . . Association. One of the founders ot general-campaign chairman of the meet Monday at 7 30 p m , in Ber- Sisterhood honor a member whose profit) social service agency in the grandchildren. was a carpenter for many years throughout Europe, has'been AS PART OF THE 100th'an- Steimle was a member of the Senior until he retired in 1970. He was a the Union Township' Jewish Com- Jewish Federation of Central New nard Hall in St Joseph's Church, efforts "on behalf of the synagogue state," Under Dr. Monti's direction, Surviving are her son, Martin, and 1 produced by Isaac Dostis and In announcing this event, the munity Council, she also holds niversary celebration, Eva Morris CCS provides more than 65 com- a brother, Abe Stern Citizens of Springfleld and was member of the United Brotherhood Diane Sunrise. A discussion . Rev.. Nancy- E.Forsberg, host Jersey, has announced that Lew Prospect Street, Maplewood The have been of great help in sustaining - Thomas, soprano, will be in concert Rose Mary Janowskl, 83, of Linden' active with the Springfield membership; in the National Schwarz of Union'and Jon Ulanet annual coronation of the statue of ~ and nurturing its growth, aims and munity programs ranging from died , may 1 in St. Elizabeth's of Carpenters and Joiners of period will, follow under, the -pastor, stated that a "free-will Association"of Female Executives, at First Baptist Church, 100 High St, preschool care* to day centers for the Herman Eschebacher, 79, of Historical Society. She was on the America Local 715, Springfield, and leadership of the Rev. George J. offering will be received' to^- have been appointed as chairmen the Blessed Mother will take place ideals and who has provided loving Cranford, May 17 at 4 pm The Hospital, Elizabeth Embroidery Guild and a member of American SocletjrorNotarles, and for the Lifeline campaign, a spring Among the participants in the and devoted service to its mem- elderly It also offers a number of Born in - Poland, she lived in Springfield died May 1-ln Overlook the Workmen's Circle Branch 1067, Sheridan, a Union resident, who defray other program expenses:" hh the Thursday Morning Bible Study ^Elizabeth. :...... - recentljrwas-elected to the board of— cleanup telethon, scheduled for ceremony_will beJtegent Catherine special services for immigrants, the Scranton, Pa and Elizabeth before Hospital, Summit ;r : is a regional interfaith worker for A special invitation has'been . Patania of .Union. The recitation of moving to Linden 10 years ago Mrs _ Bom in Germany he-livwnir -Group of Holy _ Cross Church,! Srviving are his wife, Sarah; a' ^the Southern Baptist Convention. issued to the students and the trustees of the Hillside Industrial Sunday to May 14 and "Intended to th e Association. the rosary for deceased,and their and Campus banquet information and reservations can be Janowskl worked for the Fulton Hoboken and Linden before moving Mountainside son, Marvin Benof/; three During the evening, winners community at large toattendthe" finish the work of Super Sunday and position of social secretary for many Surviving are "two daughters, program. In 1982 she received a Meritorious to complete the fund raising for the sick members will precede the brief years and in that capacity she has Specialty Co for 18 years, retiring in to Springfield in 1939 He had worked daughters, Reba Eidelberg, Phyllis will be announced from the an- business meeting for the William Kratt Co., an in- Aileen C Surges and Mary L. . Nadel and Marilyn Herf; two r Service award from Temple Israel 1987 United Jewish Campaign.", "shared the joys, sorrows, and other f'SA Cordascoat596-4064 1960. meaningful occasions in the lives of Canaan Baptist Church of Christ, Surviving are two sons, Henry E, strument manufacturing firm in Haase, a son, August R , six grand slsters,.Yetta Alberts and Rachel of Union and also has been honored Schwarz is co-chairman of the New York City, N Y, wiU be the children and five great by being named to "Who's WhoJn-, Union-Community Council nnri th? THE LADIES. Outreach of ihff memhern nf the congregation " and Joseph, a sister, Mary Becker^ Union, from 1945 until retiring-two Adelson, 11 grandchildren and four -banquet-speakei—TickefiFfiir-the- and five grandchildren years ago as a foreman ~^=- -grandchildren — — — — ^^great-grandchUdrenr;~—^—r^—~ proclaimed- American Women" and "Who's Who Union Community Division of the Mountainside Gospel ChapeChap l will She and her husband. Max, are the banquet can be obtained by con- A ONE-DAY-bus trip to Amlsh in Professional and '• Executive hold a dinner for "Mothers and parents of Warren Babbitt and Surviving are his wife, Johanna, Jewish Federation of Central New tacting Samuel Fuller at 756-2777 or Lancaster County in Pennsylvania and three sisters, Mina'Burk, Mrs. In compliance with the joint action couragement to participate in Us Women." Jersey. He also Is on the federation's Daughters and. Friends" at the Celina Shinbein, who, with husband, Dorothy Douglas at 753-4922. The will be sponsored by St Theresa's James J. Catenaro, 72, of of Congress in 1952, President. Professionally, Petras is a sales chapel, 1180 Spruce Drive., Moun Neshanic Station, formerly of Union, Lisa ' Mannhard and 'Lisa significant day is extended to . board of directors. Schwarz,is a past Dr Aaron Shinbein, are parents of 100th anniversary worship service Club of St,-Adalbert's Parish, Eschebacher. .Ronald Reagan made the annual everyone. Some "communities" will executive and comptroller! with tainslde, May 14 at 6 30 p m The died April 28 in the Robert Wood 1 president of the Union B'nai B'rith the Babbits' grandchildren, Phillip, will be held May 31 at 5 p m .Elizabeth, Saturday The trip will Obituary listings proclamation establishing today, . have events bringing together men Goldie Industrial Supply Co, Chapter and a past vice president of speaker will be Laila Froisland of Beth Ann, Larry and Naomi A include bus transportation, family Johnson University Hospital, New- May 7, the 1987 National Day of Hillside. She is married to .George Image Improvement Her program Brunswick. John J. Paulik, 81, of Mendham, ' and women of many different Solomon Schechter Day School He special kiddush following services style Amlsh dinner, Easter show and AKLONIS-Joseph, of Roselle, May 2. . ;,' Prayer. • Petras III and is the mother of three will include hints on how to select the THE WORKMEN'S CIRCLE Bern in North Bergen, Mr formerly of Union, died April 28 in -religious perspectives, while others is a board member and past and catered by the Sisterhood will be District Educational Committee of a tour of the Kitchen Kettle Village ——"On our National Day of Prayer," will be coming together-to pray children, George IV, Laurence and president of Congregation Beth wardrobe for your style and dress Catenaro lived in Union before the Holly Manor Nursing Home, BURKE—Marie B, of Union; May 2. ^—— —. •:—-•--•——^— served to mark (he occasion i f I {Essex and Union counties will and an Amlsh home Reservations CATENARO^fJamesJ.,'.of Neshanic Station, ; 'said the president, "then; we join within, (heir • respective Robyn. Shalom In Union; Schwarz is em- for positive influence She also will HOLY TRINITY Polish National can be made by calling 289-5271 ' "moving to Neshanic Station 12 years Mendham. present another segment of its 1987- Born in Orange, Mr. Paulik lived; formerly of Union; April 28. — .together as people of many faiths to congregations. The religious ago Mr Catenaro had been the petition God to show us His mercy secretary and treasurer of the rn"MrfpIewood and Union before COHBN-Sally, of Springfield, April 27, ' . .freedoms, of worship and .speech,, : and His love, to heal our weariness" Bakery Drivers Local 194 of the moving to Mendham more than a JMSSMAN-Mariha.of RosellePark; Mayl. . . ' • "."..: have aUyays been considered a vital' , ( ; and uphold our hope that we might' Teamsters Union in Union, where he year ago Mr Paulik had been a ELKO-Walter W ;ofClark7fornierlyofkeriUworth;April30. <•- factor umhe. building fina- preser- ' maintenance supervisor with the ESCHENBACHER—Herman, of Springfield; May 1. live ever mindful of His-justice rind vationofour 'American way.' '-.': worked for 35 years He retired three thankful for His blessing;"-~-r~. yearn ago. Schering Plough Corp in Union, FABRICATORE—Anthony, of Union; May 2. v~ ~ Where he worked, for 22 years. Mr. JANOWSKI-Rose Mary, of Linden; May 1. ' ' . ' On this day, the-prcsident has "We are a volunteer, non-. Surviving are his wife. Rose, a called- upon "all citizens- of the_ ^denominational.. gask^force. _com- son, Anthony, two daughters, Lucy Paulik retired in 1970 During the KOCH-EUa, of Union, April 27 1940s, he served as a special LAPOLLA-DianeP, of Linden; April 27^ .'- _ • , United States tojoinrwi.th-miilions of "mitied to getting the information • Schaedler and Mary Gibson, five "Americans in prayer, to gather_Jn_ _about National Day of Prayer;out to sisters, Rose Molino, Lena Spaldo, policeman with the Union Township LAWSON—Bertha A., of Laurence Harbor, formerly of Linden; May 2. Police Department MEYER—Ruth, of Edison, formerly of Union i April 29l homes and places' of worship to the people of this nation. • Anita Timpone, Lillian Maznick and pray, in ways appropriate for them, Surviving is a sister, Ruth Kulger MATARO—James, of Laurence Harbor, • • "It has personally been _an Jn- Antoinette Boitti, and 11 grand for the unity of the hearts of all men. spiration to work .with people of air ALLIANCE BAPTIST NON- children. formerly of Springfield; May l. , EPISCOPAL NAZARENE REFORMED MISERENDINO--Jermena, of Roselle Park; April 30. Embrace one of our greatest races and religious denominations EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH DENOMINATIONAL \ DIape D LaPolIa of Linden died freedoms — [iray for God's wisdom _ THE ORCHARD PARK CHURCH Martha Dtaman, 68, of Roselle NEBENFUHR-Geraldlne A , of Linden; May1, as we are united in our desire to seek 242 Shunplke'Road, Springfield, TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH THE REFORMED CHURCH ~ April 27 in St Elizabeth Hospital, 12M Victor Avenue/ Union 487 SPRlXGFIELD CHURCH i WORD OF LIFE PAULIK-John J., of Mendham, formerly of Union; ApH128. /. and guidance for our nation and~ "God's guidance through prayer on 379-4351 Wednesday 7,15 pm 34-40 Myrtle Avenue, Irvlngton, OFUNDEN Park died May 1 in Overlook- Elizabeth — _ •leaders." .-''.. 0344. Service hours: Sunday 9:30 Prayer Meeting, Choir, P G's and New Jersey P7111, 372-4095, The OFTHE NA2ARENE Wo;Id Outreach Center Hospital, Summit RINCON—Anna Marie of Roselle; May 3. - '•:.'•••: behalf of our national "trust that our '• A.M. Christian Education 34 Evergreen . Avenue, 400 North Wood Ave, Linden, Born in Elizabeth, Miss LaPolla : Battalion Sunday 9 45 a,m Rev. Monroe Freeman; Rector. Pastors Efrain X PV John L. Magee, Jr Pastor, Born in Carteret, she lived in SCHMIDT-MaryC,ofUnion,May2. . . ••" • •'• . ' ' -.. .'' Gladys A. Dickelman, executive-' own lives.will reflect a greater sense, (Biblical Teaching for ALL Ages) Sunday School; 11 a.m. Worship; Sunday Services: 8:00 a.m. Holy Springflpld, 379 7222 Rev. VSIetlne. Sunday Service 9i3ft lived in Linden most of her life She dlrettor-of-the: National Day of1 10:30 A.M. Fellowship Break, Richard A Miller, Sunday Sunday Worship and Church Roselle Park for 37 years Mrs SCHWARTZ-Shiriey, of Union, April 28. : ; ' of appreciation asj stewards of our _ 4 p.m. Evening Service. Friday; Communion, 10:00 a.m. Holy. a m , meeting at Connecticut School 10 a.m > Junior Chlr 11 was a housekeeper for the Delaire Prayer Task Force in San Ber-' citizenship of this United States of 11:00 A.M. mornirtg worship ser- 7 15 p m Pioneer Girls, Sunday School for all age groups, Farms school Auditorium Dissman was a library clerk with SHUMSKY-Hymie,ofLinden;May3. , .'•....:. .. vice, 4:45 p.m. Evening Worship Communion and Church School. two;—Morning Worship and a.fiT Youth Fellowship 7 p.m Nursing Home, the last two and a ^-nadino, ' Calif., says "the en- America." •'• ' _..' Stockade; 7:30 p.m. Youth Group Weekday Services: Tuesdays and" Chestnut St ft Stuyvesant Tuesday Men's Brotherhood 8 the Roselle Park school system for half years Prior to that, she worked STEIMLE—Ida J , of Springfield, formerly of Mountainside; April 29. service Tues & Frl 7 30 pm Rev Joseph Lombardl, Pastor Children's Ministries (1st and 3fd Home Bible Studies. Wed 10 A.M. Thursdays, 10 00 am Holy Sundays pf the month, children's Avenue, Union. Wednesday 7:30 p m. Wednesday. Women's Guild 15 years and retired in 1985. She had for the Town and Campus, Union, for STOPECK—Barney, of Linden, May 1. Communion. .Transportation p m. Home Fellowship Groups Womens Bible Study, 7:30 P.M. choir rehearsal; 2nd, Sunday^ of 12 noon. Thursday: stouts 7 p.m , been a member of the former nine years Miss LaPolla was a WALKER-Edna, of Springfield; April 16. Praise a Prayer. Friday. 7:30 Available for all services. the month, children's missions Call church office for more > in- Senior Choir 8 p nv WALTERS-AlbertK.ofRoselleParkjAprim. ' '~ . iiuiiuiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiuiiunaiiiMiniiii P.M. Youth Group. Women's mis- program; 4th Sunday of the formation, 487-4447 Bethany Chapter 239, Order of communicant of St Theresa's sionary prayer fellowship -3rd GRACE* PEACE; month, children's sermon) 10:45. Eastern Star, Roselle, and formerly Church, Linden WEISS—Morns.ofUmon, Mayl. ~ . ' TRUE JESUS CHURCH 1 YACEK-^Iohn, of Roselle Park, April 30. ; Thursday of; each month. Rev FELLOWSHIP CHURCH LUTHERAN Evening Service and 'Children's 329 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth, was a Brownie and Girl Scout leader Surviving are her mother, Ann SAINT JAMES SCHOOL Henry C Cierwlnskl, Jr Pastor/- 950 Rarltan Road,. Cranford, 274- Bible Study, 4 00 Wednesday: PENTECOSTAL J CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 3J2 7990. Service Hours Friday, in Roselle Park. Laklewicz, and two sisters, Dolores Teacher.- 1740. Rev bean Knudsen; Pastor, Prayer Meeting and Bible Study, 8 30 to 9:30 p m.; Saturday 11 00 45 Springfleld Ave. •Springfield Sundays 10 a.m. Praise .& 1359 Morris Ave, Union, NJ 484 7 QO DELIVERANCE JESUS IS Surviving are her husband, Daniel and Donna LaPolla. 0188. Rev..Glenn A. Englehardt. COMING ASSOCIATION-—- a m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 00 p m Teaching.Service and Children's to3p.ni 5kyhKuahgVang. Registration for 1987-1988 School Year Ministry Tuesday 7 00 pm - Worship Service 10 30 AM, 801 Springfield Ave, (at Harrison GREAT EXPECTATIONS MATERNITY SHOPPE Grades K thru 8 .. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Prayer Meeting,. Wednesday Sunday School 9-15 A M age* ? Place), "Irvlngton 375 8500. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Every 13; 1Q;3O A.M- ages',3:B. Nursey Sunday School 9 30 a m , Sunday ROMAN CATHOLIC May 11 thru May 15-10 arn- to 2 p.m. Dally CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD during worship service available. - DENOMINATIONAL Worship 11 a m and 7:3.0 p m , Death Notices Mother's Day Special second and fourth Friday of each Holy Cgmmunlon 1st Sunday 9S3 West Chestnut Street, Union, month Is the Jr a. Sr High Youth Tueday 4.30 p.m. Prayer and ST. LEO'S CHURCH - BMKf-Marls B of Union an Saturday CRACKtN t-UNtkAL HOMt, 1500 Morris _944 U3.3 (Church), <82«m Confirmation Class Wednesday ECHO LArjE CHURCH OF CHRjST _ Bible Study, Annolntlng Service KNOWLEDGE THROUGH EDUCATION Group at 7 00 pm _ __ -7-00—P M"7—Choir Rehearsal 103 Myrtle Ave., Irylngton, N J May 2 1987 In har 80th yaor wile of Ave., Union, NJ,, with a Funeral Mass (Parsonage) Sunday School 9 30 Easf~Broad~"St at Springfield Friday 7,30 p.nu_J=yjngellstlc 372-1272, Rev. pennls R John Burke. Funeral 'from The. MO at St. Michael's Church. Entombment St. a m , Worship Service 10 45 a m , Wednesday 7 30 P M, Love Ave , Westfield 233 4944 Ser»lce 24,hour prayer line 375- McKenna, Pastpr. Schedule of •Teaching Christian Values for 34 Yrs. _ .Evening Service _7.oo p.m. Circle 1st Tuesday 12 00 Noon; CRAKCEN FUNERAL HOME 1500 Morrli Gertrude s Cemetery Mlnl»triej_Jerry L. Daniel and c. 0777. Christine bay School,* year Masses- Saturday Eva. 5:30 p m Ave Union then to Holy Spirit RC " •Come Shiare the Vision of peace Tuesday Prayer and Bible Study CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Faith Circle LCW 2i)d Tuesday old, K-8th Grade, for information 7.30 P.M Senior Group 3rd Artie Shaffer. Sunday service .Sunday 7:30 a.m., 10 00 a.m., Church, Union, for the Funeral Mais. En- ORBEK - Florence aLEIIiabolh, N.jTcin 7• 30~Friday- Yuulli Ululify^ 9 30a m/BibleStudy; lo 30« m-_ call 478-2556. 11.30 a.m. and l?:45 pm. ^•Peace through ynderstandlnsL 2- p m Rev Paul A Tye, Pastor =F«8ICHURCH OF CHRIST TJiursdau 12 00 Noon tombment Graceland Memorial Park May 2 beloved daughter of Sophie SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS 941 Caldwell Avenue, Union, 944 Worship^* 00 p.m. Worship (Spanish). Weekdays: Monday to Kenllworth. In lieu of flower*, donations Butch The funeral wa conducted from " •Understanding tHrough Knbwle'dae'r—— 3454, Church Calendar; Sunday Wednesday, 7 30 p m. Bible Friday: 7tO0 a.m., 8:00 a.m., __may_be_mgd«. to_the_shgrlty_ and |o|n uil Child care I* 20S NtsMt Terrace, IrvngtWi, 375- EVANGELCHURCH AffiNT-GARDE available at 11.00 a.m service, Study Sunday 9 45 AM Sunday THE OPENING OF tHEIR OFFICE • 7 THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH School for All Ages Adult Elec- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN •548. Rev William Smalley, Sunday School Is at 10-45 «.m tlves this Quarter are: Galatlans, Pastor, Schedule of Masses Colonial Avenue and Thoreau * CHURCH .-—-- Saturday Bve. 5:30 p.m.. Sunday HSITerrillRoad FOR THE GENERAL PRACTICE OF THE LAW-^ Save Up Terrace, Union. Church 4M-497S; ST. LUKE A ALL SAINTS taught hyMIke Bonaventura and Morris Ave, and Church Mall. scotch PijilrtJ EPISCOPAL CHURCH Wafter DeSennartti A Call to Ex- 7:30,, 9:do,, 10:3:30 12 noonn. Week- Study *«M4». Dr. Robert A. Springfield, 37M310. Church days MonPrl 7oo and 8i00 am .AT. ',, •; /•-" ,'•': . .'• ' "•"'''• '; *15 OFF ON LENSES Rismniaen, Mlnlstir, Sunday: 191 Chestnut Street, Union, 4M- cellence, Taught by Rod Bowet*; School Cl«»i,as for all. ages, » po days Mon-Prl. 7ioo and 8i00 a.m., 322*f»3OO 7253, Sunday Worship Services BE -Provertm-taugjit-by R«v,-Rlsh t Saturdays 8!00 and 9:00 a.m When Purchasing A . 9s45 AM. Sunday Sch«Ql .m,lnchurrt. ^ , P.M. Bvenlng Praise service p m. The Holy Eucharist Monady Meeting a Bible study 7>>0D.m,J OFTHEP.C.A. Ol Glasses At The Same Time. Wednesday) 10100 A.M. Udles at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday at 10 Rev. Oladwln A. puble^P•ttor. (One Pair May BsSunalassss) ' a.m., * Friday at 7 a.m. Vicar, awrjaBrajs Club*for children gradeiiti-4, TtM Paul Burrows/ ftF: 07036 PJW. Bible Study and^ prayer SPECIAL MMtlngj •>«» PJM. Choir ua. Rtv. John l»J Nicttu. t SALE! reKNrsai. Saturdey: 7:30 A.M. Pastor, MI.—jflinjr Hooper, (201) 4864611/161Z -Men's KlMe CUn (second ami pastoral Minister. Mi. Monn toSrm of KM month); Men's ROSELLE PARKI UNION fellowship BraaWut (HtlnTof Criminal matters • Medical"Malijractice ItraMttmrtttrNl I 4IICUsrmitthMi «ie month). Women'ii Missionary • Automobile/Slip & Fall Accidents Clrcit* ma«r larMtcommlslan

i ' " •••'• ! 1AM,$,«* -COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thursday. May 7,1987 - Cftiin#%i

ByMABKYABLONSKY Paul Mutek finished up in the seven- made several key defensive, plays, aeodtotheUnlonthreat c;pjJp;;j. ;,q andDANBLACKWEIX th. ... :•;• •••• - , •. . : collected the other Brearley hit ; "We knew Union had a history of M in UM fourth Inning, andlowiaan, terfinais at l:30p^n. on^attirday at Although-rain could not be kept "Our kids really hit the ball," said Chalenski, while striking wit only coming from behind and stealing onenmtatoeflfth.llichpiainerand Williams Field in Elliabeth, The away during SatUtttoy'S*n«r-round Shaw, who is in his ninth year as four, did not issue a single walk.; ' ball games in pressure situations," Mike, Florlo wlanimed solo, home Tigers^«i>e<^to:»iriUi lefty -action,, either,: the precipitation, panther skipper. "You never expect . "Jackie's a good pitcher and as .said' Picaro. '^TJiank.gdbdness our runs in the Union comeback. Pete mound aw Itob.Shalhonh,- who while steady, fell lightly this time to win like that From this point on, long as be has that good curve work- team wasn't the next victim." >••... and was gone altogether by late anything can happen. 1 mean, you're ing, he's going to be tough," said .;Linden took an early M lead in the Unden Is schedueted to play top- afternoon, by which time the sun 7 J2 . going to face probably the best pit- Sturchio, whose club will visit Sum- broke through for the rest of the day. cher every team has, and that's go- mit for a 1 p.m. game on Saturday To be;sure, the sun wjas shining ing to keep all the games pretty with the fourth-seeded Hilltoppers brightly on the Union County Tour- much equal.;You're down to eight "He mixed it up well. The " nament'* eight-remaining clube.-all—teams-nowi-and-anything can-hap-—that's reahiice&'-tha !hpa»_wlU_returjj_to-action-thisT pen" • • .•-.••— ;—^ the curve when he getebehind Saturday for quarterfinal. round is a nice win for us," Play. , ARTHUR L. JOHNSON 2,, "I commend the boys on their To no one's surprise, Elizabeth . BREARLEY1 defense,'' said Brearley skipper . and Roselle Park, the top two Johnson coach Larry Sturchio told Ralph LaConte, whose club now ^".iMd . seeded-cjubs, ended up with decisive 'his club before gametime that in stands at M on the year. ''They victories over Oratory and St. order to advance further-in county, played; a real good game. We have Patrick's, respectively, while' tournament, play,; it' would be nothing to be ashamed of, and pur Linden held on to beat Union, 5-4. In necessary "to start beating some hats are off to Clark. What can you ——-other action, Brearley fell to Arthur quality pitchers." And as the coach do? We've got the staterto look for L. Johnson of Clark, and Summit, pointed out, Mike'Chalenski certain- wardtohdw." , : ly belongs in that category. • Governor! Livingson, Westfield and : UNDENsiUNION4 •' r Scotch Plains emerged victorious as On a day where.he pitched well In Linden," Union's come-from- ' well- enough to win in most instances, behlnd surge fell short in the seventh . In Saturday's lineups, eighth- "Big Chee" simply found himself inning, as the Farmers' threat'to tie , • • seeded Linden will travel to outhurled by Johnson Regional the score was stifled by the eighth ARRIVING SAFELY—Thatfs whatrthls Arthur L. Johnson — Williams Field in Elizabeth to face soiithpaw'rJack'Patte^who tamed ' - seeded Tigers;", baserunner did during last Week's first round UCT victory the top-seeded Minutemen at 1:30 the Bears with an impressive three- over Brearley Regional. >.. i : With Linden coach Tony Picaro „ ...... •; . • ' . ./.•'• ./ .; '• • •'• '• . .. Plio(»-» "• i~< i" designated hitter Robert Baker pro- center for what would be the Bears! :/,'-:- ved to be all the mighty Panthers ..only tally of the day. OOPS!—Roselle Park pitcher Gene AAlrabella Is picked off S: .Owould,need in advancing to the Patten, who had been the losing first base during last week's UCT first-round action with St. ••••„.—;.••••::— :. . . - ,.*pitcber,to Roselle Catholic just two : Patrick's. Little else went wrong as the Panthers romped, 16- .,' :•;. ByMARKYAE|LpN8KX%-• • [hftd^twjo Wfeandjjik^njaay ruris- ^Farmers to score three runs. the Farmers last year when Shanley liJ.II 1' U ! il JjlIUbiSllJ aJlj M I I'll >.U.uI -'1-J •;dayg""befb1"e7"^truck"oUt nine 1 club was hardly about to let up. Mc- Brearley batters with a dazzling andDANBLACKWELL batted-ln, then lofted a sacrifice fly, With one out,.Bonnie Kirk walked was a freshman. . ) , 1, / it ••'\W Caffery, who cracked'three hits and curve,'that along with a fastball, And suddenly, there were four. before Carolyn Hazlehurst stroked and advanced to third on a single bj GOVERNOR LIVINGSTON II, scored five runs," slammed a mighty After scrambling to get in twice- the first of her three singles to Kim Miller. Cathy Wilk followed _ DAYTON 2, delayed "first-round '' action liwt :"• deliverUie~third and filial ruiiof the with an RBI out, and Shanley, Liz After upsetting fifth-seeded Cran^_ two-run homer to deep center field in 1 1 the bottom of the second, plating Griffin on second base and two out in Thursday, Roselle Park, Union/ .'inning; . : '' •.'.'• . ,•••• • •: . .. • Craco. and Laura Poland each ford a week earlier, the Lady -the seventh, however, before the Governor Livingston Regional ,and Cathi Finizio later added a two- followed with hits, before-Elizabeth Bulldogs found themselves unable to "both himself and Critelli, who had" Rahway. found themselves advanc- run single in the second to safely but MAY 10th Highvqltage led off with another single. Before Bears were officially eliminated committed the errors. do much with G.L.'s Jill Geiger, who from further county tournament ing two days later to tfie Union Coun- the contest away. Dragon, .who is ..the .afternoon was over, the Pan- ty Tournament semifinals, which now 134), worked alL seven innings Electrifying- thers were able to poitnd three Celtic play. Griffin was sent in to run jor J will take place on Saturday night in arid allowed'only, four hits to the hurlersforl8hitslnall. ! : ' • Lyons, who had led off the seventh ; ROYAL GIFT SHOP CO-CO - with his second hit of the day. Linden. The numbeE_two-seeded Lady Vikings. o .' ' ' Winning pitcher Gerie Mirabella Lady Farmers will take on sixth- ; '-''/Shortstop Joe Capizzano, who Against Plainfield', the Lady Pan- County softball tournament worked the first; six -innings, before seeded Rahway at 6 p.m., and thers showed absolutely no mercy. fourth-seeded G.L. will face the top- •,After;,feiniao-_ripped^axthreefrun_;. .' .-..•••':,:', — • _1_ 10% -20% OFF seededIi~dy'Panthefsat*8"p.m". The" homer .in the first" inning, Donna—- The-Earmers-earned the right to hurled a nifty three-hitter to send_ two survivors will then Meet in the Lewis followed with a grand play Elizabeth after Thursday's vic- her club on toth e semiflnalsTgainst Imported and Domestic final round in Linden the,following. 25 Varieties of Sandwiches slammer in the second to settle tory over Roselle Qgtholic, 15-5. Roselle Park. With the help of an er- Gifts This charming colonial ort Jean Terrace, Union Is the new home __Saturday.night,,. .things early-Dragon andCathy Daly Union scored five runs in both the ror, G.L. loaded the bases with two Served with of Dan and Freda Abel, formerly of Marlboro, N.J. Connie ROSELLE PARK 9, UNION combined on a five-hitter, which third and fourth innings against outs in the first inning, before right Greeting Cards Skin Fries Kusher Sales-Assocldte with ERA-TEDESCO Realtors Spr- ingfield, arranged.the transaction for Alice Blgwood. We would CATHOLIC 0 took only five innings to complete, Roselle Catholic. fielder Carol Eickmeyer brought be happy to help you with all your real estate needs and add you Rncobnll .imiiiia,. I',..., ..Union Catholic 1 Unlike a famoUJTWateh commer-- thanks' to the 15-run rule. Craco led things off in the third everyone home with a three-run dou- to our (1st of satisfied customers. . " . cial, Roselle Park's opponents in Amy Endler and Jennifer Bebert sit. George Plaza 1230 East LindeMve " , " . „...- •••'•„ Union 15...... HoselleCatholic5 with a single and moved to second ble to deep left-center that put UCT play can't take a licking and added' two hits apiece against error: when Poland followed witha single Dayton in an early hole, from which 1025 St. George Ave; 925-9572 Linden ERA'-TEDESCQREAODRS* Brear ey5 ,...... , ,Middlesex3 union 16...... ,..;:. .Elizabetho hope to keep on ticking, as far as ad- Linden Brearley 2...... T New Providence 6. ;. ,, • • . -.,-,• plagued Plainfield, which commit- it never recovered. 925-1064 617 MORRIS AVE • SPRINGFIELD 564-8989 vancing any further is concerned ted 10 miscues. , ^ After Robyn Colder's sacrifice ^Brearleyl., .Arthur L, Johnson 2 Tennis'• ' .. • ' The Lady Panthers showed little ef- bunt moved the runners over to se- Geiger, who struck out seven, Df$yton6..-;.:...... :..... Roselle 14 Dayton 4...... ;.-... .Ridge 1 UNION 16, ELIZABETHO later helped her own cause'with a . fect from the rains of the previous Sophomore Danielle Shanley cond and third, Jean Winson brought Linden 14.,...... ,.".Elizabeth^ Dayton 5 .,!...... ,,,...'.. Roselle 0 week that had delayed their first- them In with a single. Adrienne two-run single In the seventh and Linden 17...... Union 16 Day ton 4 .;...... New Providence i helped second-seeded Union reach final frame, KareVi Geraghty drove round contest with 'Plainfield. the semi-final round of the UCT after Jackson then followed with an RBI •Linden 5.;....,..jj_.,... Union 4 Roselle Park 0 .., Roselle Catholic 5 Rather, in romping to 24-2 and 9-0 triple and Kirk returned the favor In both of Dayton's runs: with a * Roselle Park Iff.... St;Patrick's3 Union 1 ...... ,.'..•;...... Elizabeth4 Saturday's 16-0 defeat of Elizabeth. Victories, mighty Roselle Park has After being eliminated early In tour- with an RBI triple of her own. Kirk ground out in the second inning, and Roselle Parkp...;...... Ridge 5. Union 0...... •:..!•... ,v.'Summit 5 put itself within just two games of also scored before the inning ended. a bases-loaded walk with two out in HK GIFT WORLD Union 9..,..;.. .••;•. Union Catholic 0 nament play a year ago, the Lady 1 capturing its. first-county-tourna— Farmers appear to be out for, In the fourth, Craco and Poland • the fourth;—^-:; ~^+r-i:,-ry\ '"'.S.^:-'.' Union 4.;... .^.....,., .Westfield 10 led off with singles. Winson knocked NOTICE ment in five years. revenge this time around. Craco in with a single and moved ;."' WESTFIELD 15. LINDEN0 ; . . Day ton 62 ••^•••••.. ^... wage 69 As has been the case all yearjong, _ __W_ith_a 6 p.m. start in Linden on ' After-.holding •third-seeded Softball 1—7;"."payton76v.~;7^;rr7:7T7f7Clark-55; —Ihe undefeated Lady Panthers'took Saturday, Union played as if It would Polandjo third. TO HOMEOWNERS Laura Fluer worked out a walk Westfield scoreless for the first four Brearley 15, .. New Providence 16 Union 104 Plainfield 23 charge early on against eighth- Tuntnit-oHight before the gume was" inpings of play, the 1-11 Lady Tigers Brearley 2...... Middlesex 14 over. But the 14-0 club took care of and" with the bases. loaded, Kirk, WHO DO NOT HAVE Fred Boese, Master Howard Taylor will seeded Union Catholic, and staked caved in during a seven-run outburst painter from West Brearleoitmi^y i2 .... .ArthurL.Johnson 12 winning'pitcher Lisa Dragon to a the situation by shutting out Wilk and Shanley hit successive answer all questions singles to each drive in a hin. in the fifth, and went down to a sting- NATURAL CAS SERVICE Germany will sign all * Dayton 2. ,,,..Gov: Livingston 11 Golf " , healthy 6-0 lead after just two inn- Elizabeth, thus enabling the game to ing 15-0 Joss. Klrsten Froderi and on M.I. Hummel & Linden7.::.-...... Elizabeth10 Daytonfto ...- Millburn 192 be called off after five innings_of Goebel figurines Goebel products, and ings of play. With nobody out, Sue Missy Cozzi drove in twotuns and Janice O'Rourke had' run-scoring-..:.. purchased that day. -*LliidenO.' ...... Westfield 15 Union 192 URosellePark 194 Rielly drew a bases-loaded walk off play, due to the 15-run rule __. IOQ60JBh..inning,_beforeieighti_ jyllLdescrlbe how 4 NIGHTS Unden 1 •,••...,,, •,, • ..^JOnloivS-HnlnTriRtT^ Kearny-179-, ddd tUtimllr'f figurines are made & losing hurler uaricne Cunningham, Union struck early by scoring Roselle Catholic, whose record fell more runs in the sixth saw the con-; Roselle Park 2:;...... '.. Millburn I- * denotes Union County tournament and drove in the only run John 1 Ellzabethtown Gas offers special Incentives painted seven runs in the second Inning, due to 7-7." j test halted an Inning early, +Roselle Park 24 ...... Plainfield 2 game. Wagner's 14-0 squad would need. partly to three bases-loaded errors Union plays Rahway Saturday, in Westfield's Jill Dame fired a one- to begin gas service now. Third baseman Michelle.Hartrwho : by Elizabeth that allowed the Lady - the semi-final round. 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16 — Thursday, May 7,1M7•— COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS M* COUNTY LbAUbKNfcWSPAPERS- Thursday May 7.1987- 17

Todd Richter: a quiet leader Doyfpn Regk ByMABKYABLON8KY cher: he went fe Elizabeth High the plate fora hitter totak e a good HMnroald you fed if on no tea baseball coach and WWetic director rip at Richter, incidentally, teamed High School tfaan threeMparatooccaslaH, you Ray Horn for tutoring. For part of. tbe pitch from Korn. cams to the plate with the potential that summer, Richter had the' Whlte~Rtchter remembers hisr BaiebaU -wimdng run on second base with one benefit of learning more about victory.over EUiabeth as the biggest Ridge, May 7,3:45p.m., A. —out? Now, bow would you (eel if that pitching mechanics and mental achievement of his young career, his Roselle Catholic, May 12,3:45 p.m., chance to be there was quickly attitude from the man who has 3-1 win over Roselle this past April —-. taken away via three walks? Well, gained a reputation as.one of the U should not be forgotten too easily, J.T,BatebaU . Todd Rlcfater can tell you exactly h—t — If nnt th« hurt — hmiriuill either. AU he did was strike out 32 Ridge. May 7.3:45 p.m.. A. bow it feels, simply because it was minds in high school snorts both, hitters, while allowing just one hit in Roselle Catholic, May 12,3: he who was walked those three county and statewide. - a game that took JIO innings, to H. ."- , • successive times in what would turn • Ironically, when Richter hurled decide. Offensively, Richter stroked SoftbaU out to be a heartbreaking, albeit Dayton to a 6-3 victory in the three hits, stole four bases, and Ridge, May 7,3:45 p.m. H. sloppy, 8-7 loss to St. Mary's of quarterfinal round of last year's TOP 'DAWG—Dayton scored, the go-ahead, and eventual Regional pitcher Todd Roselle, May8,3:45 p.m., A. Elizabeth nearly two weeks ago in county tournament, the team he. winning run when Mountainside IloseDe CathoUc, May 12,3:45 p.m., the preliminary round of the annual beat was Elizabeth, a club that went Richter has quietly teammate Kevin Everly'deliveredA_. provided leadership to a Freshman Baseball Union County Tournament. on to capture the Group 4 state twp-ruh single. , , ^ ,.r-, The Hilltoppers were no fools. The championship a month later. And young ' and-" rebuilding Ridge.jyiay 7,3:45 p.m., H. knew what Richter, the best hitter after the season ended, Richter went Even with a 1.25 ERA and 84 Bulldog tearn this spring:— KoseDe CattioUc, May 12,3:45 p.m., on this year's Jonathan Dayton . on toshin e for the Springfield Post strikeouts hi'28 innings of work so Regional High School baseball team, •228 American Legion team as,well, far this year, however, the stoic ; J.V. SoftbaU could do if given the chance. Thus, leading the dub in 10 offensive team leader says that while he does IJdge, May 7,3:45 p.m., H. . with two of those passes to first base categories, including runs scored, try for strikeouts, it's not so terrible Pbotob^JoeLong Roselle Catholic, May 12,3:45 p.m., being " downright Intentional, they ' batting average, and slugging and to get a batter out without expanding AL ' ' ' ... ^ . the extra amount of pitches needed P atten steals secot base Boys Track . meant to see that be did not get that • on-base percentage. ' , < . lrfavi%^nCr]Ztrurn an nt . . * '« >•»• HIGH klCK—Brearley pitcher Mike Chalenskl goes Into his chance..' '•-.••. . . ••" '. ]Wl- ••. • to roll up those lovely looking K's. CaoSo canhof mShI°+ i l? ^^e .at Clark, as Brearley shortstop Joe MVC Championship, May 9, at wind-up against a Johnson Regional batter last week In As a pitcher, he also led the team lost 21 • makeThe tag in time. Patten hurled a three-hitter as the Bears In Just two short years, however, with a i;54 earned run average, togo . "I would say I do," answered Ridge, 10 a.m. Clark. 'Big Chee' allowed only six hits in his team's one-run Richter about going-for strikeouts Girls'Track this quiet-mannered Mountainside with a 4-2 record. v \ ' loss, : ••, .. - • • • • . .'.••''•• • resident has made the most of many . "He's very receptive," said Korn, "Bgt obviously, you' can't strike;; MVC . Championship, v May 9, , at other chances and has become, a former Seton Hall pitching coach. everyone out. I never, try togiv e him Ridge, 10a.m.' '•.'•.' •'.•• without mincing words, a solid, all- who has 19 years of coaching ex- B good pitch, but I try tose t him up, Tourney slated •' ' . • . Boys' Tennis , around baseball player, both on the perience at the high school level.; going out-and coming back in. It's Pitchers dominate early play . Ridge, May 7,4 p.m. A. pitching mound and. at shortstop. In "He's a very coachable individual. great tostrik e people out, but I'd __JMillburn,J«ayn>4p.m.1H, ---• • -— rather have him pop out on the first The 34th annual Mountainside Haueisen hurled a four-hitter to pick The- flrst-annual-Dayton-In^ short,,he has become the one player' He "was a very willing pupil who Photo by Joe Loral baseball season opened on a windy,. vitatlonal Girls' Volleyball Roselle Catholic, May 12,4 p.m., H. LINDEN'SATHtEJE OF THE WEElT a youthful, less-experienced Bulldog pitch.Thelesspltches.tbebetter." . up the win. Job Nabors-cofltinued his Golf wants tob e a good pitcher, and who rain-swept note with ^pitchers . hot hitting fortheMustangs with two Tournament will take place on varsity team has looked up tofo r took the time to work at it." V After he is done with Legion play Ridge, May 7,3:15p.m. A. this summer, Richter will,: in all- 'Dawgs split pair dominating in all three divisions. hits and two RBIs, and Rich An- Saturday, beginning at 10 a.m. in leadership this year, both on the "The thing I like most about Todd Chris Nabors hurled a rain- both of the school's gyms. With Union/Roselle,May ll, 3:15p.m., H. probability, head south to attend tonacci bad a perfect day at the .Volleyball field,andoff; . : Richter Is his truelomfotihe game Georgia Tech, where be will try to The Jonathan Dayton Regional CAR INSURANCE abbreviated no-hitter in the Pony . plate with a hit and two walks. eight teams participating, each . "I think he's a very competitive and' the effort he puts into the High School boys'.track teamha d League inaugural, striking out 11 in squad wHl play a single 15-point Miliburn, May 7,3:45 p.m. A. establish himself in NCAA com- Ryan Driscoll hurled a strong Dayton Invitational, May 9,10 a.m. athlete and be has some very good game," added Harry Weinerman, petition. • While such a challenge an up-and-down week, losing:to AS-LOW-AS CAR WASH the process as the Colts beat the game, with the top.three teams, skills," said Dayton coach Rick the Springfield Legion coach, who Ridge, 69^2, and beating Arthur-| Mavericks; S-l. . . • •'"game-in the Little' League opener, based on record, advancing toth e Caldwell,Mayl2;3:45p.m:,A. ' ' might be unnerving for some, the striking out 11 and allowing but two Iacono, who saw his dub reach the •will be counting on Richter this Mountainside hurler says it's alia L. Johnson Regional, 76-55. The ^ UNION...... $290.00 Mike Servello provided the crucial . DIT playoffs later that afternoon. semifinal round .in both county and summer once again to help anchor Bulldogs now stand at 4-2 on the hits as the Orioles rallied for four Included among the eight clubs' matter of keeping a lid on emotions blow with a two-run first inning' runs, in the last inning to beat' the state tournament play a year ago, his club's pitching and batting year', . :• .• ••••.:•• •••/.. . . ' MRVINGTON. $306.00 will be Dayton, Millburn, when you're on. the mound and ' single. Nabors also contributed two Blue Stars, 7-3. Peter Spultos had a Brearley Regional due in part toRichter' s 6-4 pitching foundation. "Todd is not only an things aren't going all,that well at In its defeat to Ridge, the , Low Donni Payment RBIs. Rich Roche was the only Madison, Livingston, Railway, GARY VALIHARD- Hammered Elizabeth a Kearny Pltche- record. "He's always mentally in excellent pitcher, but an excellent, Bulldogs kept the score'close by key hit for the victors, lashing out a. Plainfield, Cranford and Arthur In'g by going 8-15 with a rbl's 2 homers,idaublesiLLtr:lple^ first, especially after allowing a batter to reach base ., for. the two-run single for the game winner. High School the game. He loves the game. He's . outfielder and an excellent infielder. home run or two. , , -"'~ displaying strength In the sprints Monthly Payments Mavericks,; drawing a walk and. L.Johnson Regional of Clark. - the kind of guy you enjoy coaching. He is one of the most complete and hurdles, as well as in the Tom Unchester laced • a two-run He's low-maintenance and he's high- 372-2191 Baseball . ballplayers I've ever had play for •.' "You can't really," said Richter weight competition. John SeKella St.Mary's,May7,4p.m.H. ,, AUTHENTIC tEE RIDERS® yield to the team." me in Legion ball." when asked if the long ball tendst o won both the 100' and 200-meter C.H. FIORINI&CO. Dougherty played well in center 107J StuytfSJit ht .l(vin{ti>n Oratory, May 11,4p.m., A. STRAIGHT LEG JEANS It's been that way for the last two 'The 17-yearnold senior has an upset him. "If you can't control your races, while anchoring the -field for the losers. ~~~ The American League also wit- Tickets available assortment of pitches, including a Bound Brook, May 12,4 p.m., A. ' years. After breaking in with the emotions, it only gets worse. The winning mile relay team of Chris Nabors came back later in the nessed a solid pitching performance J.V. Baseball fastball, curve, change of pace, and Graham, Gary Bernstein, David for women's open ',jy !»O»nIt«, pun and «Imp varsity squad as a sophomore in most important thing is to control \week, to strike out: 15 and lead the as the YankeeSjand Dodgers battled -St. Mary's, May-7 4 p m^H.—r-:-r -1965, Rlchter-dld something that- a rcutrfastballrwhidi'arKornreiF r; 7 T; Blackwell; and SeKella: ^Mark r i 2(fAUt"l)illldi ouWjndlni (HT| "y6uremotidlis7 *~ "" "" ; ~C61ta•:"to a 1irict-; Mustangs: The run producer for the dun cut styllnf Into mir . Just like he has learned to control ; Benjamin won the high hurdles, . Barisonek of the Yankees opened up annual U.S. Women's, Open Bound Brook, May 12,4 p.m., A. major role in his. success as a pit- so that it will not come, back in over OVERHEAD day was Ryan Pimental with a home the season with a double, Tim Byrne pair. 100% cotton opposing batters. while'John. Lusardi and John Championship, to be held at Softball rmnxilfht dmim Hartudg won the shot'put and GARAGE ITieCdr 'Spa run;' single, and four RBIs. Scott followed with a single. Steve Crosby Plainfield Country Club from July. St. Mary's, May 7,4 p.m., A. ralhbla In dirt IndJp or discus action, respectively. • Marrinelll and Mike Servello each . Snaun Pahrion followed with a triple Bound Brook, Mayl2,4 p.m., H. LM Midnlfht Rldtn bUck 20-26, are now on sale, admissions . dtnlm, Lusardi finished with a per- DOORS had two hits and and two RBIs. Jim and single, respectively, before committee chairman Robert S. Boys Track -\ Hitting greets start of League play sonal high of 49 feet. '.:••.-•' SPRINGFIELD AVE Alder had a solid game in right field • Dodger southpaws Tom Lyons and Byrnes has announced. More in- MVC Championship, May 9,. at Specializing In Work Cloths, Shoes, Sneakers In its win over Clark, William w for the victors. John Nabors bad two Brian Juba came on to close the formation . may be obtained by Ridge, 10 a.m. . . With the start of 1987 Springfield hits each, while Danney Marcus had over Ricon Electric. Steven Keppler Byrne's squad swept everything TO bits for the Mustangs, and Jim gates for therest of the afternoon. and Fashions Wear - Boys, Mans, Big 4 Tall' Youth League play last week, Keyes three. Marcus and SUer bothpitched ' had a triple, and .Chris. Jorda and INSTALL'. (in The'Union Maihel ftMnt Lot) calling 753-1987. , Girls'Track AT DISCOUNT PRICES in the shot put, discus and pole Hlgglns and Joe Augusta each had MVC Championship, May 9, at Jlattin beat AJjdco, 16-1, behind the . Well.' . ; -.', ''••,• :*-;/•••• Darren House had doubles in the vault '•" competition^ with Jim The Dodgers did their scoring in Ridge, JO a.m.-™. '—— — Qtroa&pjpfhgtof Clayfori'Trivelt-- g Mfi g ' Rubaii winning HnV&Ulcusjvith 112 NrWood-Avortinaon and Chris Schwarzbek. The hurlers combined on a _one-hitter :.jif.. WITH THIS coufow Jn the third, while Patel cleared the mark; of J29 sfeet, 10 Inches.- O«. ImMm, Irtnly CUMl were supported by art entire team Oksenhorn's l!P10 victory over bases in the fourth.""'""'' T" Lusardi Jed the snot put squad, batting .effort, with Brian Costello defensive play of the game. PARTY-TIME; Waht'Ads Work Rotary Club on opening day for both and Benjamin, Curtis Ferig and • Real Wood • Solid MMwo*' • 10OQ _ The Mavericks bounced back to : tripled and Nick Mennuti followed! and Pat Reddlngton leading the teams. Gabe Conte smashed a dou- Some key fielding was shown by Dave ,Gerson gave'solid: per- Doors In Stock • Some Specials Mlg. ' fheCarSpq' " with a sacrifice fly, but were held in NIP-N-NIBBLE Call 686-7700 ' ble tocente r to spearhead the vic- Jamie Pederson and Mike Jorda. While You Wait, Others 3-5 Days. • Call pound .out 14 hits and beat; ithe* "way. Gordon Morrison recorded the formances in winning the pole Today lor our Free Now 24-page Brochure, Mustangs,- 11-3^ erupting for five ' check for the remainder of the game • •' Uguor.SDELI 399-8203 . tory. Evan Schacter struck out six ; Pederson speared' a sharply hit and Compare Our Specs; •>Also Available: only hit for Amlco. . vaulting action. ' :;;.."' _ runs-in both the second and third by relievers Fahrion and Crosby. • - 1158_Stuyvo»8nt:AVe, Irvlnglon • ;' In minor league play, Ricon Elec- ; for the Rotary ClubrJoshTCayTJason grounder.for an unassigned put out, Steel, Fiberglass, Aluminum. • Prices by DUNKIN' DONUTS...AND BAKED GOODS, TOO ' Jim Kellerk and Jeff Sumner Innings^ Mike, Logio had three hits ' The Red Sox opened their season (Unlon/Maplowood Line) . trie scored seven runs in the Jast inn- •Perez, Brad Mullman, David Guber- while Jorda made a sparkling over- recorded personal high scores In "cMToiiFn 1-80O872~4980\ nat and Evan Schachter all collected the-shoulder catch. and four RBIs, Rich Roche had three by defeating the Yankees, 5:2, with CBLIBRATB YOUR ing to beat Lions Club, 16-11, with the 1600 and 3200-meter runs New Hd.. Monmouth Jet. NJ . hits and four runs scored, Charlie key hitting from Kevin McManemin, Eric Tuma getting the garae- a hi teach. Open: 8 Mil 4:30-9»t Mil 12 | • CONFIRMATION lOIIADUATtQN' BRUSHLESS_ Dougherty had three and Mike Kris Schroeder, Keith Briggs and • FIRST COMMUNION -winnlng—hitr-Andy^Stier,—Ronnie^-. _ Chris Jorda and Yousha Pate^pit- Byrne and Colin Gordon each had Thomas Tancred providing the Klein and Josh Autenrieth had two ched Kaplow & Co to an 11-3 win with a $10.00 DISCOUNT -two hits for the Mavericks -Craig difference. — '- - on our PARTY PLATTERS BLISS ESTABLISHED 1882 offer flood with this coupon SWARMING . AS RECOMMENDED BY TERMITES . JOAN HAMBURG - W0R RADIO * REGISTER NOW Buy any quantity of any Bakery product, • Act quWdy; avoid additional damage. Bliss SHOP for Quality & l/a/t/e for Fall Childcare and get tfie same quantity of termite experts - plus our technical staff preschoolers -15 months through : JOE'S - provide over a century of trained 5 years of-age. Full and half day *thw*wU««(06n*wwJg«t—]—^1- FACTORY are availablein quality ^nopeyrtothiBpuBrifci OdRbl -—TAK&, TAKE ALLMERCHANDISE OUT interior latex finish. ONLY OFFERING _ Mattress and BoxSprirtgs :Mad« on the Premises: And bakrd good: tool r And baked goodt. tool CLN LOFF 1 Ox-Line's interior palette \ ' Buy any quantity of Croissants Buy any quantity of Muffins,' eroksanbr "" ~." has been carefully selected ' "25•• v %/U UST PRICE y qy Cookies, Brownies or Macaroons and get £55 SEALY«SERTA! andgetthesamc_quantity the same quantity of the same product ! o match today's most popular fabrics _ SHORT Also on Display and wallcoverings. OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL9P.M. Fixtures For sale dfCroissahts FREE* L-fc MONDAY THRU FfflDAY ~'Nol tvallabk on Cralsunl Sandwidic), Donuls. Fanty Donut OFF Excellent Condition, Good Selection 'NoraviUsbleonCrolsMnlSandwictiH." 6MW00O PAMIMUS Palnu are sold exclusively OPEN SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. mmsm ' Voritfles. Munchkins: Donut Holt Trtall or pre-padcijed.CooUct ill NORTH AVeNUS 4?JROUTei»i « ' KitIIM ' ' ' ''''„/ OtelOoodi . pctngs- TAKB ass Beds ' •Bedding Removal 666 MORRIS TPKE. OUT I OUT I Milk 7 -Risers SHORT HILLS, NJ —'" ONLY ,1 •.Custom Sim . l_ ••••'•'•'•.,. • And baked goodt, toot ..-';•• • -CLN And baked goodf. too! »iiinL ARMY & NAVY - (201) 467-0086 1191 ELMORA AVE. ELIZABETH Mtfrfi^MAu-*^ DUNKIN' DONUTS... AND BAKED GOODS. TOO '••ji:•?••: •'- . .- '- IS — ThUOday.May 7; 1987 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS-

, .,,-», ,,. ?:: v :";TjW ffonfim'l"g rfr ,pn?J^iiirfr^ 6^9/p5«.''5Ss • Ttnee lectures and a' debate on Origins of Kean College of New ment at Union Counity College is of- course describes how to use the Hay 5, 6, 7 and 12, will open4Jnion Jersey" and '-'New Jersey's Union vferingnonHcredlt computer courses basic featurea of MS Word on the County College's celebration of the College -A History 1933-1983.;' He in May for people who want to get 200th anniversary of the Constitution . holds a bachelor's degree fromrtbe J^moetout of their computers. : ' •'Advaw^ l^ui^whii* win be of the United States, says Professor CoUege of the City of New York and "; "1-2-3 Toola-The Cambridge oflei^Mayl3;froin6to9p.m;will£ FrankJJ. Coppa, celebration chair- both master's and doctorate degrees .Analyst and Smart Notes" begins from Columbia University. Raichle , tonight from 6 to 9 p.m, In this - serting v and ; aeteflng^; ansplute . : twill be the start of has taught at Kean College since course, students win learn bow to Teferences,:" a- year-long observance planned by 1951 and has served In the past as an use;the Analyst and other software Union County College and will aide to the chancellor "of higher tools that make users more produc- ittKw recognize the formation of the. Con- education in New, Jersey. He is cur- Uvewhen using Lotiisl-SWandl^ni- 'fered May U, frcOT6 to stitutional Convention in rently reworking bis'dissertation course will show how to design styli? Philadelphia on May M, 1787. "The Image of the Constitution In -f'A<^a^ Wordstar 2Opp," which sheete, Use the inaU merge feature The college's opening event will be American History:"';"A" SHayTln Will be offered May 9,"fr6m9a.m.io ^Mtl U to featurea MS . a lecture on May 5 by Dr. Donald Hlstorlcal Writing from David Ram- nborvwill describe Jww to use the Raichle of Springfield, professor • say to John Fiske, 1789-1888." many advanced features that'the Further' inf^TOUogijpoiii^png emeritus of history,'Kean College,' Miller is professor of history-and Wordstar 2000 word processor has to registration 'for the - cojgputer on the topic of "The Constitution: ; director of American studies at St. -offer.'••'-'•'•:••• '•• •'•"'••'•'• ••.'• • .. •••::•?• courses can be Atalned_b^*ci|)lUli Remembered Freedoms." The lec- "Introduction to Word Processing tie' C^tinuing 'EducaUon'Deiairt- Joseph's CoUege in-Philadelphia,' with Microsoft Word" will be offered ture will be presented at 12:30 p.nru where he has taught since 1972. and again at 7 p.m. in the theater of the Campus Center, Cranford cam- Miller is the author or editor of 10 books, including "Dear Master: Let- pus. .:•..-• • • School for dyslexics plan : ters of a Slave Family" and "Ethnic lnnned """TKeMerits of Callingalfew C6Tf~ and Racial Images in American stitutional Convention" will be the FUm and Television," his most re- Hie dePaul Learning Center of letters. Reading __—-,,., topic of a faculty discussion May 6, cent book. He serves as editor of the Central Jersey Is -a "'non-profit tent speUing errors; illegible hand- V writing and spotty performances In' in the Main Lecture Hall, Cranford "Pennsylvania Magazine of History organization'nm by parents for" the remediation of dyslexia. Founded in testing situations are among the Campus at 10 a.m. The discussion and Biography" and is currently at will be sponsored by . the 1979, the program now offers both a many symptoms of this problem. work co-editing the "Dictionary of Saturday School program and an ex- Testing by the dePaul Society is Economics/Government/History Afro-American Slavery, v Miller Department and will feature Dr.,: (/ panded six-wed' summer school -scheduledforMay leandisrequired who received the Lindback Award program, including linguistics, for^admission to the Saturday school Dominlck DeLorenzo—rind—Dr.* "for Distinguished Teaching, js a Thomas Kehoe. ' math, oral reading and auditory' and7or summer school programs for member-of .the Board of Trustees, discrimination. Teaching methods 1987. Reservations for this date must Dr. Randall M. Miller willbe the BalchInstituteforEthnicStudies. ' . guest lecturer May 7—the Main Lec- developed by the dePaul School of .be received by, May.9. •"/^'•'•'l":'."•'":• '.. ture Hall, Nomahegan Building,' at In September, the/college' will Louisville, Ky., have been proven to The Summer School session will 12:30 p.m.-and the Campus Center sponsor, a series of events marking IN HONOR—Mary G. Roebllng, chairman iernerltus_ofJIhe be fundamental in teaching the. be held June.29 until Aug. 6 between dyslexic individual. . Theater at 7 p.m., both Cranford* the adoption of the Constitution on National State Bank, with the bronze plaque bearing Wr, thehoursof8a.m.andl2:45p.m.on :. Campus. His topic will be "The Con- Sept.-n, 1787, and in December the likeness created by renowned sculptor, Marcel.Jovlney The Dyslexics, generally speaking, are Monday through Thursday at Mid- stitution's' Forgotten Freedoms: college will recognize New Jersey's plaque was presenfed to Mrs. Roebling on the occasion of her' people of average or better, than dlesex County College, v blacks and Women." ratification of the United States Con- 50th anniversary In banklngdurlng_a reception also.com- average intelligence with an inabill-' Further information on applica- On May 12, Judge James H. Col- stitution/on Dec. 18, 1787 with mernoratlhg National State Bank ; " sounds formed by different arrays of at the Scotch Plains Campus. ./•' : All events in the 200th anniversary ".Raichle,'college historian at Kean of the United States Constitution are College, Is'the author of such books open to the public at no charge, Cop- as "From a Normal Beginning: The pa says.1- - ———,—__—-—- Mother's DQV Moy 10th JUST CAME flowers.. / with mother in mind

We've Just opened a convenient local homt office. So now H s even easier lo find out all about Beverly Hills, th» Florida community where 4,600 homeowners are retiring In stytol former Nwt» Jereeyresldents are otreoay enjoying the spacious, well-designed single family homes, the swimming, tennis and golf, and the most beautiful 3,500 acres on Florida's west coast, Now you can, tool Visit our local office and discover Horldas Retirement Hometown"-where ••*•• •• M •• tm M •• , thewaterandalrareclean,thestreetsare I Mall To: I UNION i,ondthetaxesarelowl . • Beverly Hills Homes ;l .P.O.Box 1274 Woodbrldge, NJ 07095 — MAXINE'8&MAXINE'SKID8 •The Women's And Children's M€RCHfiNTS Fashion Store" ALCO STATIONERS, INC. 1025 Stuyvesant Avenue "Everything for the Office" Union 688-5475 2020 Morris Avenue Union 688-2526 Beautiful homes from I Free Potted Plant the MO's-homeslle NEIL'S ARMY * NAVY Includedl BAGEL'S R US, DELI TOO Saturday, May 9th "NaUnUnlorhGonter"— "WhereA Bagel Makes A Meal" United quantity 1040 Stuyvesant Avenue 1350 Galloping Hill Road (X 1200 ptuits. Uh|on 686-7843 Union 686-0303 NEW CUSTOM FLJOORS BERKELEY FEDERAL SAVINGS "The Best In Floor Coverings" ft LOAN 1081A Stuyvesant Ave. An dieting statement file? with the New Jersey Real Estate Commlsion neither approves the ollenng n« '•Your Neighborhood Money Tree" Union 851-0255 In any way passes upon the merits and value of the property. O^aln the New Jersey Public Report 4 324 Chestnut Street Broken Releasrfronrthe ReElstered-NewJersey-Brokerand read belore signlng-anythlng Union 687-7030 NMNO 10387042 -j- ' REIMERS CHILDRENS' WORLD THE BOOK REVIEW- "Complete Children's Fashions" MOVIE REVIEW 1035 Stuyvesant Ave. Union 686-4027 "Best Selections" 1049 Stuyvesant Avenue Union 688-4111 _ SCHWARZ PHARMACY "Fine Fragrances—Beauty Aids" CITY FEDERAL SAVINGS 1020 Stuyvesant Avenue 'One of America's Largest Financial_ Union 687-112? ' Services Companies" 1057 Stuyvesant Avenue TERMINAL MILL END Union 687-9378 "Finest In Decorators" 980 Stuyvesant'Avenue CURTAIN BIN » BATH SHOP Union 688-9416 'Xkirtalns, Draperies, Bath Boutique" 1036 StuyvesantAvenue TEIXEIRA'S BAKERY Union 686-5015 "Cakes For All Occasions" - 958B Stuyvesant AyenUe " nihana DE GEORGE JEWELERS Union 688-5647 L'Tho&rsonaL 342 Chestnut St UNION BOOTERY Union 887-3707 "Family Shoes" 1030 Stuyvesant Avenue FASHION FINDS Union 686-5480 "Dress For Less" 1010 Stuyvesant Avenue UNION CAMERA EXCHANGE ft. Union 851-8799 SPORTS CENTER "For all your photographies GERELL'S ' sporting needs" "Specializing In qotton Dresses 2009 Morris Avenue 1047 Stuyvesant Avenue Union 6684573 Union 687-4940 THE UNION CENTER NATIONAL J -HARfcAN 8F«3HieN9 r "Women's Apparel" "Union* Only Hom9tmnBank' 1040 Stuyvesant Avenue 2003 Morris Avenue Union 6864952 Union 688-9500

JAHN'8i RESTAURANT UNITED JER8EYBANK/FRANKUN "Where everyone meets to eat" STATE 945 Stuyvesant Aye. 1930 Morris Avenue RctureMorn ordering somethinc special. Union 68M0Q0 like hibachi steak, shrimp, lobster, or chicken; Union 964-1511- Picture the fun she 11 have as a master chU KAUFMAN'S UDIE8 8HOP UNION 8HOE8ERVICE 1037 StuyvesantAvenue H g cooks her meal, right at the table. Union 688-9494 1021 Stuyvesant Avt^ Picture a dessert created just far her. And Upton 686-3256 , , J —^^.» _.^ ^ compliment Knwt DfoarPharnwcy/Glfu WBARtTE SHOES 342 Chattnut St. "Speckllsta At fiip»|i~r*ii*" -telpyousave theBt^ Union ,686-1212 asaKf MAftmfOWARO J 'thtftShcpKhownFor •Asterisk denotes S Point Ana Fmout Brandt" V Sponsomd By_ J Union Chamber of Commtroa Unlon6e7:4»33 V on Union County

May 7,1987 . . Section Twoot the Union Leader. Springfield Leader, Mountainside Echo, Linden Leader The Spectator, Kenllworlh Leader Over 70,000 Readers 'Big Apple' has theatrical potpourri The New ^gpfck theater Broadway history. A show to --classic novel, is an en-sensational Ruth, a usually • "I'M •••.:.;.• NOT scene — consirtbg of some see and savor again and veloping theatrical ex- mousey part — but not here; RAPPAPORT"-Jack_ 40 Broadway tflafers, more agam Donna ,McKechnie is perience The music is by and Geraldine Page takes Klugman and Ossie • Davis than 300-rtSr^Broadway back in her Tony Award Claude-Michel Shonberg, the another slaT-Jturn as are flawless .in Herb Gard- houses;* —Lincoln Center, winning performance. direction by Trevor ("Cats"•) Madame Arcati. Nicola ner's funny, keenly observed Carnegie Hall, Radio City a "DROOD" — JoeNunn and , and Cavendish scores as Edith, play about two very special Music Hall and numerous Papp's latest gift to the stars are Colm Wilkin- the maid. Noel's servants survivors who take, arms concert and dance theaters Broadway Formerly called son, - Frances . Ruffelle, always shine, and they steal against a sea of troubles-- -r is one of The Big Apple's "The Mystery of Edwin Terrence Mann, Randy every scene in sight and win! An exhilarating 'strongest tourism magnets, Drood," this enchantin^_g_ Graff, Leo Burmeseter and n "BROADWAY evening. Tony Award winner , according to the New York Jennifer Butt The staging is BOUND"-— The last in for best play of 1986; ~. '-— Gonvention -&— Visitors spectacular-Sold out-weeks stallmenti-t>f—Neil-Simon's -•"JACKIE MASON'S- : Bureau — often months — in ad family comedy/drama about THE WORLD ACCORDING Last year, ^17,400,000 vance, so plan ahead or take growing up in Depression- -TO^ME^ne ofthe^ sleeper visitors arrived -|n the big your chances on a last- era Brighton Beach. The hits of the season, Jackie city on business qr pleasure jriinute cancellation at the onhrp nast is snpcrh — John Mason (billed as .''one of the — often both=»«i[»ifit37or many febx office The line forms Randolph, J.onathan world's most famous stand- —of them a matinee or evening -hours before show time Silverman—Philip-Sterling, up comedians"):is at the top in the theater was a highlight I] "OH, CALCUTTA!" - aricTJason of his form in this distilled of their visit to The Big What? You haven't seen it Alexander — but Linda version of all that is hilarious Apple, Here are a few of the yet' This naughty musical Lavin, as the mother who in this crazy world of ours, shows that have settled in for came over on the Mayflower once danced with George Jackie has a knowing way long runs and has settled down to slay Raftj gives one of those with an insult, but he never Broadway musicals Did you remember that the performances that float you wounds and he always • "BIG- " nters-of— its-sketches—in-—oufrof thrrtheate: "amuses. ~~~ ~ ming, jubilant musical elude Jules FeiffCr, John JTI "COASTAL DISTUR O "THE MUSICAL COM- based on Mark Twain's Lennon, Dan Greenburg and BANCES" — Tina Howe, EDY MURDERS OF 1940"- "Huckleberry Finn " Roger Sam Shepard' who wrote "Painting One of the most" enjoyable -'•Nl Miller did the music and I I "STARDUST" - A Churches," has^another off- evenings of off-Broadway lyrics and now stars as Pap lovely musical revue, taking Broadway-to BFdaHway hit, magic-has-moved to The 1 Winner of seven Tony musical, biased on the last — you on a nostalgic, stroll and this one is a love story Great White Way. John I Awards and uncompleted — novel of through the graceful lyrics of set on a beach. Literate and Bishop ; is ..the crafty • "LA CAGE AU& Charles Dickens, first played Mitchell Parish" who is charming, it is expertly playwright, and the cast is FOLLES" — Winner of six free of charge in Central responsible for such hits as acted by Rosemary Murphy, the usually superlative Cuv - 1984 Tony-^rAwards, this Park during1 the summer of "Sophisticated Lady" Annette Bening, Timothy cle Repertory Company r Jl blockbuster musical (c0medy 1985 George Rose, Donna (music by Duke Ellington), Daly, Heather MacRac, lineup: Richard Seff, Bob© is an evening of theatrical Murphy, Karen Morrow and "Deep Purple" (Peter Addison Powell, Jonas Abry, Lewis, Michael Ayr, Lily ,,.jmagic concocted by Jerry Howard McGillin head a DeRose), "Moonlight Ronald Gultman, Jean Dc Knight,'. Pamela Dunlap, Imusic),- Harvey—superb-cast—It's-a-comedy Serenade"_tGlenn_Miller),—Baer-and-Angela Goethals Ruby Holbrciok, _ Dgrpthv_ Fierstein (bookfl\nnlr\) anntnAd ArthuAntrHIHr mysteri. y and1 becausU~ .nen i.t i.„s 'iflefft ' ' V O 1 3 FC ' ' t T\ t\m A V\ I ** t\ Cantwell and Kelly ConneHT Laurents (direction) Keene hangiing, you, the audience, Modugno), and, of course, • "THE NERD"-Mark Curtis and Peter Marshall decide Who done it' Winner "Stardust" (Hoagy Car ("Star Wars") . Hamill, are brilliant as the un-of the 1986 Tony Award for michael) Performed by a Robert Joy and Peter conventional couple whose best musical charming and talented cast Riegert have a high old time son plans a -very con- • "42ND STREET" — Tap 61 singers and dancers in this zany Larry Shue com- ventional madfege Often dancing feet., from curtain D "STARLTGHT EX- edy set in Terre Haute.. sold out, butp'dast-minute rise to curtain fall A joyous, PRESS" — Another, hit Charles Nelson Reilly is the seats and WftJ^fifemy tickets exhilarating musical -based 'before opening, this English skillful director. ~ are usually available on the 1933 film classic At no musical, a smash in London D"SWEET SUE"-Mary a "CATS" - Another tune does the story get in the for years, is by the same Tyler . Moore arid Lynn blockbuster musical, "Cats" way of the spectacular composer (Andrew Lloyd - Redgrave—two pros if there _ is a London import^ by the numbers created by the late Webber) who produced ever were bnest-^couldn't be same composer, Andrew Gower Champion "Cats" and "Evita" The better in this light, fluffy Lloyd Webber, who gave us • "ME AND MY GIRL!" young and athletic cast — all A R. Gurhey comedy about "Evita " Technically, — The toast of London is now on roller skates and all in an established career woman "Cats" is also sold out the toast of Broadway, in the fantastic-costumes — play Q"FENCES"-James who-falls-fo Joye With a col* months m advance But don't theater district's newest and locomotives in a great train Earle Jones delivers another Iege boy. John K: Lintoh and be discouraged — can most spectacular house, The race Yes, you do have to see memorable performance in Barry Tubb, who have trou- cellations and spare seats Marquis, located in the it to-beheve it August Wilson's new family ble keeping their clothes on, are often available at the box Marriott Marquis Hit plays drama about aging Troy offer fine support. . -office.^ Make the effort — p "LES MISERABLES" H "BLITHE SPIRIT" - Maxon who always wanted to Hits off-Broadway "Cats" isa~slycharmer — A smash hit before it even—_Nael Coward's sparkling be a professional baseball •"THE ACTORS"-Ward . .D "A CHORUS LINE" — opened It had-the-largest comedy is as diamond bright player Originally done^ two Mbrehouse III, who grew up .1:; today as it was when new years ago by the Yale Reper- in ffie: New York theatre One of the most exciting advance sale in history 1 _rnusicals_eyer created and. (.more thanJlljnilLiQn), J!hv> back in 1941 Richard tory Theatre, which has_scene, has written a telling d^bttht1 as of Sept 29, 1983, the musical extravaganza,— "Chamberlain iSf a_terriTic _ spawnedTso many Broadway" ' longest running show in based on Victor Hugo's Charles, Judith' Ivey is a hits (Continued on page 2) Gqsiho revenue f ijnd tiits $ 1 bi I lion 36, Shabbat' .Service and Oneg Interweave Center for Holistic p.m., reservations required; 964- The Central New'. .Jersey musical revue that spoofs the pop up its first convention. The profes- -I theater scene, consisting of hun- the casino revenue fund is a partner- 7 short, it's a great argument in favor , sional bowlers association has Summitrthrough May 24,273-9121. Parkinson Association, monthly starspftheSO'sandepis. •'.•..,, • 3 8086. :'''.; . "• .' ' .', /• dreds of theatera all over town: In . ship between the New Jersey gam- , of casino licensing. agreed'toTioKrits US. Open at the O The MontcUlr Art ./Museum, Parents Without Partners,- dance, support group meeting, May 13,1:30 Q'' CITY, UMITS"- 1 lofts, basements, storefronts, bars, Ing industry and—New— Jersey'. O exhibition, "The Interior Self: three to' 3:30 p.m., Coachman Inn , As for the argument that casinos Showboat- bowling lanes. It'll take May 8, 9 p.m., Sheraton, Rt, 18 Witty andwonderful.are the words; churches, converted public and 'residents. Its purpose is to provide encourage gambling addiction, so place in March of 1988, and they ex- ;o Generations—of Expressionist. -south;- Every casino hotel in Atlantic City Holiday Inn, Rt 46 westbound, for ,'ed..,THE off-Broadway find of the- Casino confidential Workshop, improve leadership seasoiil George C, Wolfe is the ex- (the show keeps going as long as an • pays an 8 percent tax on their gross ' Theater directions,-785-9000; for information, legislate any addiction away. I don't; for a first prize of $500,000. That's £ skills, May 7,14 and 21,1 to 3 p.m., tremely talented playwright and be 1 984-9158. •'. ..- - auieMe7keeps.cpmlng) whereas. • revenue . That's before wages,. e?c- know, of any financial benefits com- right folks, a half a million bucks, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of draws blood and laughs from each Jewish Singles Dance, ages 20s off-off-Brbadway stages showcases " . perises- and other taxes are paid, ing from the liquor barons-and the for knocking the most pins down.> YM-YWHA, performance by the Union County, 300 North Ave. East, sketch in this trip through the .and 30s, May 10,8 p.m., Turtlebrook, that runforonly a Umited number of . even if some of the-xasinos-are un- •. tabacco Industry, do you? -What's bigger than a bread-box, Princeton Ballet; May 10, 8 p.m., Westfield, registration is necessary, • modern black experience. • ':' . v^onrua^^'.SU'Oiey:'viant a profitable. Let me break down what YM-YWHA, 760 Northfield Ave., Northfleld Avenue.'.West Orange, Now for some interesting tidbits smaller than Boulder Dam and is 233-9368; •'"•"• '••'•. ; '.•". • longer run, then they have to"g o on : that billion-plus has done for New West Orange, 736-3200 ext. 555. 797-6877. ,D3 COMMON PURSUIT"- on the lighter side. Keep an eagle said to be the largest and,most/ex- YM-YWHA, ('Evenings of Study Echo Lake Naturalists' Club, contract," pay the actors a certain . Jersey residents so far ILypujre pensive hotel complex ever built? ' McCarter Theater, "'"Uncle Simon Gray's -dazzling new -eye out for dealers , who'7 are '" •' "- • May 14, 21 meeting, May 12, 8 p.m., dining scale, and move to either an off: aged or disabled, it allows you topay The Taj-Mahal Casino Hotel,, of Vanya," May 13 to 31, 91 University ^rwm of.the,CranfcMEx^ comedy/drama about six Cam- coughers. Why? Becauset dealers only $2 for each prescription, the are not allowed to coyer their _ courserHopefully," It will be, ready" —Place, Princeton, 6094834000 ,;_ __Center, 20,5_Birchwqpd._ Aye:, bridge students andftelrjprogress. _Z^_!l"15^._™_zrz~'.. state pays the rest. It gets you $225 : West Orange, 7 mouths with their hands when they before" the year is out. It will only be Crossroads . Theater,;• Company, Cranford, 6544895. -• • -,--••-• "from "thegrdves 6f academe tortiie '".- Broadway shows and a selection of |—credit per year toward your gas and —presentation,—n'-'Split-^Second^- The Rttvts-Reed Arboretum, junglesiit business and social life In off-Broadway productJons are listed cough. It's a house rule, They want able to hold 50,000 people at one electric if ybu're single, and your in- to make sure the dealers aren't time; and the casino floor will only -thfough May 17, 320 Memorial home and ggardens of the rich and London. A literate, moving, arict "in/The visitors Bureau's-quarterly come is under $13,000;' if you're mar- 1J t J -stashing-any-chips in their mouths. cover 120,000.square feet. On a slow Parkway, New Brunswick, 249-5560. famous include• ••••••••'•d ina lecture• , "Super- . stuimiiigly acted proiicton by the calendar / ""Stud^y th*e -^-"descriptions" , riedriricomeTnusrbeimder$l6,000. George Street Playhouse, "Man of author of;."Butley" and "Quarter^ pick something that appeals to your"—~ Do you believe it? It's true, and you night"you'll probably be allowed to - The Mmstrel Show Coffeehouse, Spring and Summer* Day Trips," roller skate down the aisles. You La Mancha," performances, May 12, 8 p.m., Reeves-Reed Ar- maine'sTerms.". '.•.-.' ;' . . remember that-you're having an Senior,'.homeowners get a $50 -better-run if one of them is about to Friday night concerts, Somerset ; certainly won't .get lost though'; through May 31, 9 Livingston Ave;; adventure, and['••• enjoy ' thev. ex- I rebate on property taxes. Communi- sneeze because they're supposed to County Environmental Education— boretum, 165 Hobart Ave., Summit, 'CTDQWN AN AIXEJY>ILLED they've got 4,000 employees to show' New Brunswick, 246-7717. .''••• perienced --7•'••;.;/;.v.'..;"'.'!''..-'1.1-; •''•• •' | ty home care TiTpfoviHea, including turn their heads and sneeze into Center, 190 Lord Sterling Road, 273-8787. . ,. WITH CATS"-Australla is conquer- you around, And when you get tired ' : r the personal health care services • their shoulders,' unless their pit boss Tk8kin^Bidge78T30"pln^7335 -'84IKn~ HunUngton's-plsease-Soclety ,of uig theU.SrATlriese"llays" afidThis"," and want to retire, they've got 1,250 Some of the most dependable off provided to "institutionalized pa- rhappcns to be right there. Then • Singles • . •• ' '•"'. America, discussion, "Ethica. , l comedy-mystery gem, is part of the rooms to choose from. : 1 1 ' and'' offrOff-Broadway productions —-^ tienls. It provides' transportation they're allowed to ask_his permis- Decision-making for Huntington's -//campaign,,'.•"•'^.;..;:7;V i.' . * 7..:'. are staged by theater companies. • ' The Taj-Mahal will be connected Suppurtgroups Disease Families/' May 12. 7:30 to *' assistance programs to the counties sjon to take their handkerchief out. • Parents Without—Partner'*- • "A GIRL'S GUIDE. TO. You can count on top quality produc- ' to help get senior citizens and the • Since Mother Nature waits for no'••: with the steel pier by a walkway • 9:30 p.m., Kenilworth Public Uons and performances with such over the boardwalk,. because the . Wntchung Hill Chapter 418, dance/- Association For Advancement of . CHAOS"-Cynthia Heimel is one of ' disabled around town. There are ^man, you may get a face full of Library, 828-3070. .•'..» 7 ."" groups as American PJace!,Theater,, ' steel. pier is being renovated to _social every second Monday of the the Menially Handicapped, The' ...- New York City's sharpest and more services, but I think I've made casino bacteria. It's bad enough, Northern New Jersey Chapter of Circle Repertory, Equity Library FIT FOR A DUCHESS—Among the Jewels from the Duchess feature family entertainment and month,' "orierilatiori, ""7r45~p^n7;~ -sassiest writersrand she.has pulled . thepoint.' . • even if you're winning. Can you imr. SbclelyT^spring of Wlnrisnr rnllprtlormyBrea ruby, snjfrhlre, emprald, citrine ! amusements. Things are really pop- •patents, guaidiansr-giblings—and- -together-her=BliaFpest-ob6ervations- Thffnhy. UnapiYihlo' StildlftThfatr?,' •H-you rfta-senior-citi7Pn nr riitnhl -aeinejf-vou're a~blg loser at the meeting, May 12,8 p.m., 4W4W. ..;,.' and diamond clip, mounted by Cartler, Paris, 1940; a pair of the-HIll, Bonnie Burns Road, friends ofdevclopmeritally disabled . . .their Hudson Guild, Jean Cocteau Reper- ed. the casinos are an ally.. If you're _.time?-Attyway,:it.'sahother.example. ping.. The-Mothers' Center of Central tory, La Mama, Manhattan Punch Ihvislblyset ruby arid diamond earcllps, by Van Cleef.'S. Watchung, 527-O479 or 469-7795. adults, meetings, second.Tuesday of New Jel-sey, workshop, "The f repulsions in this with-it 1 : Line, Manhattan-Theatre Club, , Arpels, New York; and an Invisibly-set ruby and diamond New Expectations, single adult each month; First Baptist Church, 'comedy. ' " "'•..• '•. '.' ••,.'• 7 . ... J Cognitive Development of Preschool' Negro Ensemble Company. Pan clip; byVanCleef&Arpels, Paris, 1936. 7 v. • rap group, discussion followed by Elizabeth,7:30to9p.m.,354-3040. . Children" May 13, 8 p.m., Scotch a"FORBIDDEN BROADWAY'"-- Asian j Repertory,".<: Performing dancing, Morristown, Unitarian Emotions Anonymous, for those, Plains. Public Library,; 1927 Bartle ..One of the funniest (and most r Garage, .Perry7Street Theatre, -Fellowship, Normandy Heights having a problem coping wltl _devastating)^_rovues_ever_wrltt£n. Playwrights Horizon,'The Public . Patricia Mayor, chairman of the Community College. Limited open- on the Arts/Department of State; t Road, Morrlstown,.every_Friday, 8_ Chlego Center. • Church of The The Continuing Education All the sacred names of Broadway— Theater, Quaigh Theatre (free at E)t/che$s7 gems raise . Dance Department of Mason Gross ings are available. Those interested the Victoria Foundation,, other p.miT984>9i58. ;•,_:j:.._^. ['__ Assumption, Roselle Park, Fridays Department of Alexiah Brothers Barbra, Bernadette, Chita, .Kevin, .lunch time), Roundabout Theatre School of the Arts at Rutgers, the in obtaining SAI applications or the private foundations, corporations,, Single Facesrdances, Saturdays, atsp.m. •;'••' ... ;.."•,"'•.':• ","'r"™—:-. ..Hospital,—lecture, "Hypertension" " Patti and Andrew Lloyd to name a Limon, Technique registration local school districts and individual 18:30 p.m.; Sundays, 8 p.m.. 238-0972 " The Suburban Widows 'and : Company, '•• Repertorio—EspanoIT" State University, and Carol Dickert, and Stress Management," May 14,7 few—are given "the treatment." , packet shSbid call 463-3640r - contributors.-The Summer Arts-In- pr679-4311. -""—"77 -."—" .777= Widowers Club, Hawaiian Luau Puerto RicartTraveling Theatre, Se- director, of the NJ Summer Artsrln- p,nu; 655., East Jersey Street, FundinFdi g hah s beeb n provideid d to,the stitute iframornber of the NaUonal New Jersey Moonrakers Club, party,. May 8, 8 p.m., Ryan Hall of: a"LADY DAY AT EMERSON'S cond Stage and the—numerous— 1 stituto, .have introduced a new col- Grassman Hall, 351-9000 ext. 247. ••'.'"•mie "''personal collection of the "Hops'-diamond, was subsequently Guild of Community Schools of the club for tall, single adults; meetings St. Rose of Lima Church, 50 Short : BAR &,GRILI/'-S. Epatha Merker- theaters of Theatre Row on West laboration of interest to. middle ' Summer Arts Institute in part by the Union County -Association of magnificent jewels- of ; Wallis, sqld to the ' Duchess by , Harry Arts and the National Network of;. followed by dancing, every second Hills Ave., Short Hills, 761-4130. ; son is superb in*this haunting evoca- . 42nd St. (For details of current per-' school,' high . school , and college Geraldino R. Dodge Foundation -Educational Secretaries, . annual . Duchess of. Windsor,,; including the 7$Vinstoninl950. ". 7.7,studenls.7..;;:'..-: .'.••—•....: •••.'."> Inc., the New.Jersey State Council ' Performing and VlsimlArteSJi^opljj,' -Tuesday of the month, Meadowlands Single Parent* Support Group, rap. ; tion of the last days and high art. of formances,call2i2:3ti2-44l2.) ; „. __—-—^" ".-.III i •••••..i* i „ ^^_ dinner meeting,; May I4,v7 p.m., most dazzling diamonds, rabies," • •'.;' The 'fantastic, array of • jewek also _ 1 America's, greatest jazz singer, Hilton, 2 Harmon Plaza, Secaucus, "selilon on rejection, Ma"y^8^m7rTrp«bedea"by""8~s^iarhpur,•;, T^wer ' 'Theatergoers on a budget should sapphires and emeralds, were sold • included a ruby, diamond and sap^ -During the Summer Arts Institute- 8:30p.m., 298-0964. Casano Community, Center, 314. Steak House, 'Rt. 22 eastbound, BillieHoliday. ; V:••'•••'.'' try: .the half-price tickets • booths by Sotheby's In Geneva.last month. phire cocktail braceleTmade by Car- l_D"LITtLE ; SHOP OF (TKTS), uptown at 47th and Broad- The sale was for the benefit of the In- tier in 1946, as well as several of the offers arts program way (open at noon for matinee Aug. 8, serious dance students from HORRORS"-A one-of-a-kind stinjt Pasteur.^— •' famous Carder 'Great Cat' gems in The New Jersey State Council on dowment for the Arts, arid local musical! A Lower East Side florist's _ tickets, 3:00 for evening sales), and across the country will have an .op- the. form of panther, and tiger the Arts/Department of State invites educational and nonprofit communl- , assistant nurtures a man-eating downtown at No.;:2 yiorW Trade— !;;.• Many "of. the jewels bear very per- portunity toear n 4 credits for Limon bracelets .and clips. Another par- artists, teachers, students, and com- ty organizations have sponsored 116 Ne\A< Jersey plant. The results are hilarious, the Center (11-5:30, Monday-Saturday.) - sonal andhow historic inscriptions. workshops in technique, composi- 1 ' the Duchess of- munity members to participate In an residency programs this past year .. . '*'.•'•.'•• *.. ''•'..". tion and repertory. ''.';•• Eruu-iniorr»-iacruw(ii^i,ior A Up'• matinee halfrpricp tickets] f^or State Commerce Commissioner applied to a wide variety of projects,' "New. Jersey & You., Perfect i For college students, in addition to arts experience in New Jersey; the alone, ' • • - - certain Broadway and off-Broadway Artii^s-in-Educatlon program, Bqrdeni R. Putnam announces the' including the organization and .Together" logo and slogan in an •"MAMA, I WANT TO SING"-A 1 the Limon workshops, classes in Each program, whether it is a 100- shows may be picked upat the World , • this program places professional , award of 124 tourism matching' promotion of festivals and athletic • acceptable banner,' arid- rousing* gospel:musical about ; ballet and jazz"wlHrbe com- day, long-term rcs|dency,^r a five- Trade~Center. TKTS booth, the, day •.-.--. • artists in educational and communi- grants totaling $350,000. events, as well as the publishing of acknowledge the diviaton's-grant- - young churchchoic-glrLwho-would plemented by dance seriilnars in day, ;short-terrii residency, Is^ •before the matinee. All other ticket , ; ' ty settings throughout the state and The grants will fund an estimated. brochures arid production of ad- prbgrarniBodmanadded. |Ae-t0ibecome apop star. At the nutrition, cafeer awareness, and in- adapted toth e particular setting and sales are^for^^day^jf-performance on- promotes the incorporation of the $2.4 million in. tourism promotion vertisements, The grants range The division—received 20S3 ap- .Heckscher Theatre, Fifth Avenue at' jury prevention, which will'be of- its. population. The resident artist ly.; For,,'discounted .tickets to music_. u arts into the school curricula and in- .•projects by, five of the staters from$205to$!5,000. ; »•.'. ; '; plications seeking nearly $1.3 18-V^37v".,tw° weeks; l>?fore. they; • ' ' . . '7l_i fered as optionals through the Sum- works closely with the classroom and dariie offerings, check the to people's daily, lives. . . ' regional'' tourism .councils, 14 "Projects that are funded by the million in grants to be applied . •"NUNSENSE"-Five nuns from Music &,Dance booth in Bryant ' wete,married, arid,a.'CaHier ruby-i v/:_j _^. .7_ ,jL':K;i 7 '••'• mer, Arts Institute. 'High, school ft teacher to help students learn about ; J w v Public, private, arid parochial- counties,. 24 ;municipalities^^ 15 ma tching-grants-not ^only-increase—toward—projects with a -total.total ; the "mythical ''LitUe Sisters of 1 ; students will automatically par- . ' (he arts Irian exciting and accessible • • •-• 'Parkv" ';':'";;.:::: •••:;7;.'•,''.':'• i--——' arid; diamond bracelet engraved V/efnqm ^Xn/plTM| 1 chambers of commerce and many visitors to out many, diverse at- estimated cost of $4.2 million, Hoboken" stage a .''fund-raising ticipate in the full curriculum and schoofe; school districts; nonprofit' ' way. During a .long-term residency, those "For our first anniversary of June riicnlrtxic nir r\r\ cpmmunltyorganlzatlons; nonprofit local tourism attractions. ' tractions, they promote New Jersey '. Bodman, Deputy State Commerce talent show" tosupport'thei r order. will-be eligible for escrow-college the students also learn from visiting. - coupons that can be exchanged at 1 OIS v local arts centers; and organizations '• •' ".Our state Division of Travel & on a national and international Commissioner Kenneth LeFevre, Their efforts are side splitting!; ',7 third ' are just a few of the many P'V^* M"-' H cred.it at the Mason Gross School of artists and .performing arts box offices for discounted tickets, -(Mrefiil)y--cho^Cand^iB^bed ; " %j' tn m rT"» Helicopter War," which' sponsor not-for-profit com- Tourism's matching grant program scale," says Noreen G. Bodman, and Frank Gurney, a member of the ff B ensembles and companies whose are available at the, Visitors pieces ui the collection, j.. a new temporary exhibit, will be munity projects are eligible toapp - is an investment' In the future oj pg^^y -•'•"' . — . Advisory •"STAGGERiLEE"-A nice! easy skills complement those of the resi- going, rhythm and blues; musical: Bureau's 2 Columbus Circle and Also for sale was the Duchess of launched with' Veterans' Informa- Housing for out-of-state and out-of-' ly. • '...!.•' I. . 7' "• • • ' •• ' tourism In New*~Jersey," • says' and-Tourism. :',The> projects are' Council and district sales manager - -.-,*- ., •••••- Times Square offices. Although riot ' Windsor's favorite diamond charm'' tion 'Day at the Intrepid Sea-Air- commute areas can also be made dent artists. Putnam. "We have seen numerous equally effective in Informing oiir of Pan American World Airways,Zbas!dinMardiGrasNewPrleans'A ; 'Practicing artists working in the half-price (like the TKTS offerings), _ .;bra.cejet by tartier, hung with nine. • Space Museum today.••', '•• available through the Summer Arts fields of dance, theater, visual arts/- ' The deadline for sponsor and aiv ; projects reap Impressive results and ; residents-of-cuitural, historical, and \served on the matching grant review "guaranteed good tbne^for. one and twofera can be used to purchase ad- genivset Latin 'crosses, each The exhibit, which will be r Institute, . 7 ., V, recreational sltesflnd evehts." , winiiiltUH;. -auV crafts, jazz, creative .writing,-ar- tlst applications/Is^May 15. More the state's tourism; revenues in- vance tickets as .well a¥'day-of- representing \ • very. .persona . .. l displayed through Nov, 1, will College level applicants are.re- crease to $11.4 billion annually. , The largest grants were awarded The committee has set aside $3,500 chitecture, and folk arts are also eri- detailedinformation arid~applica- QVVAMPIRE LESBIANS OF performanca Beats—and locations moments of her life such as "Our .featurehelicopters flown during the » quired to have completed one year couraged to apply for positions as tions can be obtained by calling Ber- _jrhe_1987,matching grants will bo to:..Gateway Tourism Council, of the division's $350,000 matching : oi me ,division » wou.uiw maicning Qrtr»nM"^'hn>-lp« Rno^h «. pn ,U . Marriage .Cross Wallis, 3;V-37 Vietnam War,:audio/visual presen-' college-level, daily,: modern dance artists In residence. . ' : ' da Rittenhouse, Artlsts-in- . $rs'0M tor the New Jersey Water- grant allocaUon as an ^incentive- ^QDOM -Charles Busch .& Co. star David," ;••.;•',:•;• •••:•:'• — •• -•• tations, flight uniforrasr-weapons, technique'class or to successfully ' In a three-way partnership, the Education Program Cooitfinator, at ' Amongthe important pieces ffoni models, and live helicopter landing complete the master class/auditions State Arts'Council, the'Natipnal En- ^(609) 292-6130, ironHistoricat Marathonl Society,W,00; New0 to. publis Jerseh ya bonus for the project that achieves '" ' '' ' " 1 J ers pfferedE^^qr the House of Harry Winstori , were^=iori-lntrepid's Flight Deck Uioughout ; which are scheduled through the promotional —guide; Skyland•••'• s the greatest results tmsrrawl above Summer Arts Institute. ':"•" Its initial projections. '.;v'":;•:;,•;:. :' v •palrof pear-shaped canary diamond the summer. Regional Council, $8,000 to produce Several membersT-of- the-New charge, with at least three weeks ad- Middle school and high school can- Lfnioh Hospjiqlgyjid fo hold quctipn Marie Putter Grant recipients are. expected Jo earclips, about, which the .Duchess Inu*pld is^pen to the public •-.', : television 'advertisements; -Mid-. Jersey State Bar Association have :didates:miist"complete the SAI ^ complete. 1 .; later wrote, to Mr;"Winston,' ''thave Wednesday througli Sunday frool 10 r- TheJOnloriHospitalGull«..,«....™ . d Associa-„„..... ! Union, , Mildred Kendig„ of Floeus^ditor : 'Atlantic Center for the Arts, $8,000 to ,1988,7 [ ;rX:^l±S volunteered;to address school and. To 'cbodt ;"the; avallabUlbr of i ; 7 .worn them twice and they > have a.m". untll.5 p:m.,.With:the.lastid- pilcation_ pJ^es37.aridla-_mqstet^Uon^ annual Kenllwirth arid Lelsel Wadle' at'. ^^.j_,_™^,.;C,'-.::^j.";C^^ 'producea plromotlonal brochure and A total of 312 projects.have been' '•community'., groups "on "various", attorney-speakers, coil tact Sheila ; 1 caused' a sensation." A famous mlssiori, at 4.! Discounts for denlor ' class/audition,, SAI dance, par- benefit auction May 13 at the Elks Short Hills. Sarah Irwln of Union is '' video; and "thanWUihtic-City-eon- funded by the division's matching aspects of constitutional law. ' Hess at the New Jeiwsy,Slate-BarJ Golconda diamond known as."The citizens', students," and groups of 25 ticipants are eligible for extensive, club, 281 Chestnut St^-UnionrThe- guild president. • Tickets are vent|on arid Visitors Bureau, $7,500 grant program, which has awarded Association,; 172 West State St., : •''. MacLean'J' diamqnd-ipurchased -by _ or more people are available: More scholarships^—'—,-—• . .,; ;'• . auction will hegln at 7:.3O p.m. ., available in the hospital's gift shop. for advertising. ••„., ' ; •• more than $l million since its in- Trenton,06608; telephone,(609)394- Hatjry Winston from^EvelynWalsh .Jnformatlori" can bejobtained, by con-; -• Masterclass/auditions„ are . The-auction~was-ldcgateed_by___lEurlher information can bo obr : - Each project must ieature the . .ception In 1982..;v ••, •••': '•:.;;! Y - ••; 7/: •:' Speakers are available, free of, •IIOI, '• •' '^'••'•:;)-'A.':';:-''''^ : •..'••, 'MacLean, who had also owned the lading Amy Spech at (212V245-2533. scheduled on May 9, Morris County guild members Bertha Meldleln of tained by calling 507-1900, Ext. 2240. "0

officers at an annual meeting April fleers will be installed. the new term wi)l be held at the • THE ELIZABETH CHAPTER of s Scqnnelli- Palma- 11 to serve from May 1987 through home of Use Cohen June 28. Brunch Hadassah will meet Tuesday at the April 1988. They are Adele Pabish, THE UNION LADIES'. Auxiliary will be served by the members of the YMHA; Union, at 11:30 aim. Lun- , president; Jean Ritter, first vice 636, Jewish War Veterans of the auxiliary, Judith Cohen, the hew cheon will be served. A Mother's Lewis Perrette president; Mil Wigert, second vice United.States of America, will hold department president, will be the in- Day program is planned. -Prepara- president; Marjorie Petuck, recor- its'Final meeting of the season Mr. and Mrs: Eirill Palraa of Cran- stalling officer. Bernice. Richter will tions for the group's dinner to be . o Mr. and Mrs.'. Michael Scannelli of ding secretary; Ethell Kunkel, Wednesday at the home of Bernice z ford have announced the engage- be installed aspresident fptihe se-. held at Clinton Manor, Union, will be Bushnel] Street, • Union, have an- treasurer, .and Doris i Hanson, cor- Richter. The Department of New r ' menVaf their daughter, Susan condyear.. , discussed. Tickets for the Jewish Art ° nounced the' engagement of their responding secretary. They will be Jersey held its-honored guest and o daughter, Patricia A. Scannelli, to Maria, to John Thomas Perrette of Festival for June 21 are available, it- installed at a dinner meeting tonight VTP, which means vitally interested THE UNION HOSPITAL Guild was announced. They can be obtain- c John E,. Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Passalc Avenue, Kenilworth, son of at 6:30 at the Galloping Hill Inn, participant, evening April 29 in Tem- Association will hold a plant sale in John Lewis of Newark Avenue, Mrs. Lucille Pen-ette of. Kenilworth ed by calling Sadie Miller at 352- Union..Additional.information can ple Beth Tikvah, Wayne. Tfie aux- the hospital lobby tomorrow from 10 4195. 3 Union. "and Mr. John Perrette of franford be obtained by calling 6864462. iliary honored Jeanne Major, past a.m. to 4 p.m. A variety of plants, in- The bride-elect, who was The announcement was made on The 1988-1987 publicity pressbook, auxiliary 'president,; for .. her- cluding hanging baskets, will be graduated from Union High School, April 4 THE BCM CHAPTER of Deborah compiled by, Mabel Mathis, was • "volunteer work at Cornell Nursing available. The public is invited to at- is employed as a legal secretary in The bride-elect, who was Hospital will meet Wednesday at 8 awarded first place, class B, at the Home in Union and the Workmen's tend. Additional information can be Springfield for Melvin D, Marx, at- graduated ftom—Granfbrd—Hi " p.m. in Temple Israel of Union, 2372 Mew Jersey State Federation of Circle Home in Elizabeth." She ar- obtained by calling 687-1900 ext.' torney. School, Union College and Union Morris Ave. Featured guest speaker Women's Club's seventh district spr- ranges holiday parties for' the. 2240. .••:-• ••••••• • Count/Technical Institute, is a com- will be Jack Coulsen) who will Her fiance, who was graduated ing conference April 21. It was an- residents by providing refreshments puter operator for Unisy's Corp THE TUESDAY SOCIAL Club, discuss his personal experiences as from Union High School, is nounced that it has been entered in and entertainment. . employed as a foreman for Im- Her fjance, who attended David sponsored by the Linden Recreation a member of the Armed Forces and state competition at the NJSWC con- A package was sent to Adopt-A- porters Storage, Inc., Port Newark. Brearley Regional High School, Department, will go to the Cavalier as a. liberator of concentration W.CARV EDWARDS vention to be held Tuesday to May Hospital in Clarksburg, Va. A dona- A June 1988 wedding is planned at Kenilworth, is employed by Trinity Restaurant for its Mother's Day lun-. camps during the Holocaust years. 15. The scrapbook made by Joan tion was made to the East Orange V *^^n nnrt Cnmpm. Wret Paper & Piastre Corp., Elizabeth cheotithiiTuesday^rhe-clubmoets—Coulsen—is—historian for the The Kean College Professional Ohlson won second place at the con- Veterans' Medical Center "enabling' Orange. A June 1989 wedding is planned ference at the Sunnysidc Recreation Center,' Holocaust committee. Additional in- Women's Association will present a it to purchase a piano for the Melrose and.' Orchard Terrace, formation can be obtained by calling special award to W. Cary Edwards, SUSAN M.PALMA _residents."JLjvas-announced-tna't——Qn~den7~~ • •• ArthurPlotkinat964-0642. •••,-'•'•• attorney general of New Jersey, at JOHN T. PERRETTE B'NAI B'RITH WOMEN of Union • members are planning to attend a its 10th anniversary luncheon to be will hold its 45th anniversary in- luncheon May 31 at the Landmark' held at the college tomorrow at noon stallation dinner on May 14 at 7 p.m. Inn, Wpodbirdge—honoring-Marie~l~\~ in Downs Hall, it was announced by at the Kingston Manor restaurant, •Vegotsky, outgoing department PATRICIA SCANNELLI Ann Walko, president Edwards, 1181 Morris Ave , Union The new of- "presidents Installation of officers for JOHN E.LEWIS Hendrix- who has been attorney general since January, 1986, heading the Depart- ment of Law and Public Safety and 4 DAYS ONLY Yacik serving as the chief law enforcement MM wvwwuwvt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Hendrix officer for the state, has been a May 6th thru May 9th of Kew Drive, Springfield, have an- leader in structuring the Btatewide •siW-- •••••'.• nounced the engagement of their comprehensive supply and drug daughter, Valerie Lynne, to Steve abuse program through the Narcotic Duven Task Force He is being honored for Yacikrson of-Mr-and Mrs George 1 "Mrrand Mrs..Daniel Swysh of YacikofRahway. efforts in promoting a drug free New DeWitt Terrace, Linden, have an- The bride-elect, who was Jersey for his support of women as nounced the engagement of their graduated from Jonathan Dayton state leaders John H Staraler, daughter, Nancy, to Robert Duven BUTTONFUTEANS RegionalJligh School, Springfield, Union County prosecutor, will pre- :_of Linden, son of Mr. RoberUDuven and Connecticut College, New Lon-~ sent the award to Edwards in addi- .of Girardville, Pa., and Mrs. don, is. employed by AT&T Com- tion to introducing the attorney Geraldine Duven of South Wood munications, Newark. general to the membership - Avenue, Linden. . Her fiance, who was graduated' The bride elect, who was The association will be presented from RosellerCaUiolic High School with citations from the New Jersey FOOD ARTISTRY J graduated from Linden High School, and Rutgers University, Newark, is is a certified dental assistant for £r Senate and Assembly, the Union Planning a cocktail party or party buffetl Let' employed by Chubb Insurance Co., County Freeholder Board, Union —Zitomer and Dr Osborn, Linden Warren. an experinced graduate of the Culinary In- Dental Association, P A Township and the Scotch Plains An October wedding is planned in Town Council "for its service to stitute of America make your party a carefree Her fiance, who vias graduated— the First Presbyterian Church7Spr- -women in the state - Additional in- and memorable occasion. from Linden High School, Is a zone •ngfield formation can be obtained by calling manager for Budget Rent A Car jS We offer both full service catering or 527--2557W 527-2558 An April 1988 wedding is planned VALERIE HENDRIX prepared foods with full cooking instructions. in the Springburn Manor, Union _ STEVE YACIK THE GFWC WOMAN'S CLUB of FROM BAR'B-QUES TO BLACKTIE Connecticut Farms in Union elected NANCY SWYSH Call Jodi Diane for a Free in-home consultation. ROBERT DUVEN* Stork club P.OJBox 876 Springfield • (201) 277-4232 A 9-pound, 2-ounce son, Mat- JVWVIA thew Charles Hlller, was bom 50th year celebrated March. 25 in St Barnabas Just moved Medical Center, Livingston, to' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Zelenz Linden, officiating The celebrants Mr and Mrs. Michael Hiller of Sr, of Linden celebrated, their 50th are communicants of St Elizabeth's Plainfleld He is the couple's in? M wedding anniversary March 22 at a Church first child, BAYERNVEREIN NEWARK, Inc. dinner for family members and Mrs Hiller, the former J can help friends at the Westwood, Garwood They were married March 7,1937 Kathleen Laslewski, is the . MAI BAUM Hosts were their sons and families, bythefiev LeonardJ Hoag.OFN daughter of Mr and Mrs, John Regis of AUentown, Pa , and Ray in St Bonaventuro's Church In Laslewski of Mountainside Her you out. mond Jr. of Easton, Pa. The Allegany, N Y The Zelenzes have "husbandTTthe son of Mr and SUNDAY, MAY 17th, 1987 Zelenzes also have three grand resided in Linden for the past 46 Mrs Kurt Hiller of_ Bomta, Don't won) ind wotUi iboul lutnln| pur 12 NOON-10:00 P.M. MEN'S SIZES children. v years_He is semi retired from R J my tmai l»n,Of »h»l to IH ud do. Or ' They renewed their wedding vows Zelenz, Paper Hanging Co , Linden, .hob Hi. 28-38 INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM OF ENTERTAINMENT with the Rev. Christian Casper of St - which Mr Zelenz has owned for 45 Twin sons, Kevin James b mi WE1C0ME WAGON Halm, I un SOLD ELSEWHERE -years -sJmpUry tlw bnlnm of ttllini Mtlhd. IWp- Elizabeth's Roman CathohcChurch, . lbd h :AUTHENTIC_BAV_AR_!AN FOLK DANCING- UP TO »32°° »y__ you btjin to tnjof your ruw tann food NOW Albanese, were born April 5 to thopfrt-f, locil iHnctiom, communlly co- ALPINE BELL RINGER IN: STONEWASHED Mr. and Mrs John F. Albanese portimlU. ^UPERBLEACH ofNewtown.Pa. Music By Grant-Stankewich betrothal (nil ni babt h full rt imlul iltb to AND BLACK Mrs Albanese, the former pluM)iW(l«nll( NORBERT LUDEWIG ORCHESTRA Susan L Carroll, who was Mr. and Mrs David Grant of Allen Tib < bnat liom unpkklni and oil mi. Business Machines, Inc, Mountain- graduated from- Jonathan ICE CREAM PARADE FOR CHILDREN Avenue, Union, have announced the side * GRANDVIEW FASHipNi CENTER Dayton Regional High School, engagement of their daughter, MAY POUERAISINGCE^MONY ^ Springfield, and Susquehanna- X MEN'S, BOYS', & JUNIOR WEAR Kathryn Anne, to Eric Stankewich, Her fiance, who was graduated University in Pennsylvania, is I GERMAN-AMERICAN FOOD son of Mr. and -Mrs Matthew from-Union Catholic High School, * 7-11 E. Westfield Ave., Roselle Park the daughter of Mrs. James H Stankewich of Clover Terrace, Scotch Plains, is employed by Lar- BEERS AND WINE ; Carroll of Toms River, former- * (coiner Clieslnul Stieeli 245*8448 Union. Ron Electric, Inc.Union. iuUmh el Union ( SpdiilWd oolj Potatoe Pancakes;— Roast Beef on the Spit ly of Mountainside. Her hus- DYH MUNIC PALP KING The bride-elect, who was 93OY6OOPM MUNIC PA L P KING A September wedding is planned band is the son of Mr. and Mrs * ' S S© '' R FA^^ UNION 9613891 Thuis 1 Fn. 'Ill 9:00 PM MR, AND MRS. ZELENZ 8R. graduated from Union High School, in St Joseph's Roman Catholic John F. Albanese of Avon, 787 FEATHERBE&LANE CLARK, NEW JERSEY SPRINGFIELD 467-0132 ij employed by Garden State Church, Maplewood. Conn Operas are scheduled Artistic styles I Film -needs'rnmm 1 The New-Jersey~SymphOTiy Or- and May 17 at 3 p.m. at Newark A variefyJoLariistic styles and in-' The Suburban Community Music Yanotta, assistant conductor of the chestra planned to stage two 19th Symphony Hall. • tentions will highlight'a sculpture 1 o By MILT HAMMER ; The artists cimtrlbiitihg to. the Center will conclude its "Meet the Youth Symphony, directs the century operas at Newark • Sym-. The. 'Traviata ' ..performances, exhibition now through June 26 in Pick Of The New LPs - ''The. soundtrack Include both established the executive offices of Schering- •&•• Orchestra" series for children Sun- chamber ensembles,The members' pbohy> Hall. The first was held on -which mark, a first-time collabora- tn Original Soundtrack Music From hit-makers and up-and-coming acts. Plough Corp., Madison. O — •••••» day at 3 p.m. when the New Jersey , tfv]uK Percustion,Ensemble are Sunday and the other.will be held tion between the state opera and the the Film 'Burglar'" (MCA Belinda Carlisle sings "Dancing In Youth Symphony Percussion - Evan Shea, Stephen Brown, Thomas SatuWiay at 7:30 p.m. The NJSO.wiU state orchestra, feature singers Titled "SculptureJnterplay.'r.the C • Records). . ' •;-• The City," a 1960 soul-tinged Ensemble presents "Meet the Per- Carnegie, and from Springfield, perform in' the .New Jersey State Adrians Maliponte as Violetta and exhibit features works'" by^ 26*Z' ' I cussion" in the United Methodist AdinaLubeUdh. .They are coached ' Opera's <»• production of ;"La. Rodolfo Acosta as Germont The members of the Sculptors Associa- 5 Church; 17 Kent Place Blvd.,'Sum- 7byTeter;a«s^\. ;.. . . Traviata," "conducted by Alfredo performances are sung- in Italian tion of New Jersey and is open to the mit. Admission is free! Musicians Tickets can be purchased by calling public on weekdays between 10 a.m., 8 z Disc'ndELta ; ;The series'was started as, part of Silijpigni, tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at from the New Jersey Youth Sym- the Kinderm'usikl of MUlburn-Short the John Harms Center for the Arts . the New Jersey State'Opera at 623- and 4 p.m. z phony, will'present a 40-minute pro- in Englewood, the New .Jersey Or- 5757. .'.,. >, • , '-' . , Assembled exclusively for ^ A fast-paced, surprise-filled, Hills Children's-Concert series by number, with celebratory verve. gram demonstrating "the many in- '. chestra will give the first of five per- Schering-Plough, "Sculpture-! i comedy-mystery film needs a sound-, Charmaine Cave! in"" 1983, When ,The performances of "Fidelio" The Jets check in with "Tough struments" that make up the per- formances of Beethoven's only.' Interplay" is part of an ongoing ^, track to match — in the case of Kindermusik merged with the will feature a cast of young Guys." a rock ballad with tasty cussion section in an orchestra. opera, VFidelio/'fh. a concert ver- series of art exhibitions at the com- » ' "Burglar," the marriage is perfect. Suburban Community Music Center American singers including the funk-flavored keyboard lines, The Children will have an opportunity UL. sion with English supertitles. The pany's executive, offices. Schering- ,-J Set in San Francisco, "Burglar" is Smithereens rock on "Some Other in September of last year, the series Metropolitan Opera.'s Gary Lakes as ask questions of the performers arid was expanded to include primary- other, performances of "Fidelio" 'Florestan, the New York City Plough had been host to a collection ^ directed by Hugh Wilson of "Police"-. Guy," a tale about romantic infidell- > explore the kettledrums, marimba)'' age children; This concert is the will be heard on Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Opera's Linda Kelm as Leonore, and of paintings, photography, sculpture 3 Academy" and stars' Whoopi ty. Veteran RtB-pop master Sly' conga drum, torn torn and third and last of the-series for the at the John Harms Center, Wednes- the Metropolitan Opera's.Dawn Up- and fiber art by members of Art- Goldberg of "The Color Purple," Stone is in fine form on "I'm the vibraphone. •" " season. In February and April • day at 8:30 p.mi at the Trenton War shaw'as Marcelllne. Additional in- showcase, an artists' cooperative in and "Jumpln" Jack Flash" and Bob Burglar.1.' The duo Wax,'Andrew members of the Youth Symphony Memorial, May 15at8:30p.m; at the formation can be obtained by calling Madison; and this July will be host to Goldthwait. of "Police Academy." Gold and Graham Gouldman, offer a The New Jersey Youth Symphony presented programs on.the_strings_, Count Basle Theater in Red Bank 624-8203. ;._/ _;: an exhibit of contemporary art by The film casts Goldberg as a simmering, dance number, "All is made,up_ofiteen^ge_musicians_: from the central and northern New and woo^rwind instruments of the or- "' the Jersey City Museum. bookseller-by-day, thief-by-night Right Tonight." The BeUe Stars, a i 1 : Jersey area. In addition to the week- • chestra. ••,: \';v.'-.V; ''' "•;?••!; •:•'•••'' who, with her friend Goldthwait at .! British 'all-female group, mix R&B, ly orchestra rehearsal in Summit, her side, is trying to beat a false rhythms with punchy guitar on The three-concert series was fund- Spring mysic program slated murder charge,and bringjhe real each orchestra member participates ed by a grant from the Frank and i!Check In, Check Out- son on the cello and drum. ; Male glee club set killers to justice. The action on- in ofieTSf the chamber ensembles and Lydia Bergen Foundation. • The Chansonettes of Westfield, Co-writing and playing on many of ,An annual business, meeting and screen is complemented by a stellar receives coaching from professional . Further information is available directed and accompanied by Jean The Orpheus Club,-reportedly New the LP's tracks are the Distance, social will be held on the evening of soundtrack line-up of pop, rock, R4- musicians in the area. Bernard bycalllng377-6599. .Schork, will present its spring pro- Jersey's oldest male glee club, will Bernard Edwards plus ace ses- May 20'at the Westfield home of Btalents.- : : . . ' : gram Wednesday to' the Leisure present its second concert of the 99th sionmen Jeff Bova, Eddie Martinez, FRED BOESE, painter from Mary Strickland, president, assisted Produced by. Bernard Edwards Tony Thompson and Robert Hart. West Germany, Who Forsythe to star in FDU stage comedy -Group - of • senior ^citizens - of St. season May 16 at 8 p.m. in the Genevieve's Church; EHzaboth. by Mary Stanke of Mountainside, Madison High School auditorium, who, with Nile Rodgers, was the. The Group by itself performs "Ber- decorates figurines in Goebel The American Stage has an-, World Turns," for the past 27 years, 1 .Earlier, the chorus entertained the - hospitality chairman. It was an Ridgedale Avenue. John Bunhell, , guiding force behind' Chic, nie's Groove ': and "New Way of Liv- ' Hard Porcelain Studio, will nounced that Henderson Forsythe, will star in the World .premiere of senior citizens at their housing com- nounced that all officers will serve director of music of Madison public "Burglar's" tracks lay down infec- ing, "as well as backing ''Burglar" ' make personal appearances .Who has played Dr. David Stewart "Other•.;People's 'Money." at r plex and • members of the Rosary again this year. '/;.••'. •' schools, will conduct the group. * tious grooves with hard-edged, ar- star Goldthwait on bis comedy-rant at the H K Gift World, Upper on the daytime serial^'^As The Fairlelgh-Dlcklnson University. rangements. A fine example Is the number, "Bobcat Rap (I'm a Lot Level/ Livingston Mali, Tues- Society of St.: Michael's .Church,. •Additional information on the Joel. Thompson, tenor, will be 1 v LP's first single,"Time Out For The., tike You).* day at 2 p.m. and again at 7 Union.,:. •,...• ^'(,;Jv.::!/..': • ' , • group, which holds rehearsals on the . featured as soloist; Among the .Burglar" by The Jacksons. A Btrut- ' From big-beat workouts to mad- p.m. He will personally sign i The program features songs from firsthand third' Wednesdays of each members of the club who will be per- ting, heroic anthem, its upbeat tone cap monologue! routines, the all Goebel figurines purchas- HERE'S TOYOURHE^fH —the. 1920s, highlighting an acconi- month at thfrPresbyterian Church in forming May 16 will be Charles ed on that day. WiUe, Dale Doremus and Thomas sets the mood for the album as a "Burglar" soundtrack LP is a zesty , painment by Schork and Dorothy Westfield, can be obtained by calling L ' M. Treglio, all of Springfield. whole. • • assortment of talent and tunes.. Campbell in a piano diiet and Strickland at 654 8908 or Nancy Lau IN CELEBRATION 6F Miriam Derven and Phyllis Ander- at854-513O. -REHEARSING SCENE—Michael Hodson and Judith Allwyn NATIONAL NURSING HOME WEEK enact scene from Tennessee Williams' TRe tiiass Barbara Nissman fo be guest artist Menagerie' to be presented by the Westfield Community OFLOCALNEWS Bea Smith RIDER AUTO AGENCY, CALL 686-3700 Pianist Barbara Nissman will be Saturday at 8 p m. in the Crescent Players Saturday, May 15,16, 22 and 23 at 100 North Avenue AUTO INSURANCE Detcdre is pleased to present West. A reception for audience and cast will be held on open- FOK HOME DELIVEItY guest artist as the Plainfield Sym- Avenue Presbyterian Church, Wat- Ing night. entertainment phony's flnal concert of the season chungAvenue, Plainfield V'Editor •LOW RATES HEALTHAND •FREE PRICE QUOTES WATCHUNG LAKE •IMMEDIATE COVERAGE SWIM CLUB kYOU COULD STAY HOME THIS SUMMER OR DISCOVER THE NORTHEAST INSTEAD* •LOW DOWN PAYMENT AWARENESS FAIR Always fresh AAA NEW JERSEY AUTOMOBILE CLUB 1360 MORRIS AVENUE• UNION • (201) 687-4825 sole scallops INVITES YOU ON A MOTORCOACH TOUR OPENMON-FRI 9-7pm SAT«-3pm . Salmon Shrimp including, SWord Fish Red snapper May23-25 S»4 Buch • Hcole FidlitiB • Smd BH SAVE$100 - ' "Memorial Day Speacial"* . ' STUYVESAN Ut with Fool Bottom with this ad Baltimore and Annapolis • Inner Harbor • National Aquariarn • Blood Pressure Screening Private-Limited Membership DA SUVA DEALS ON JAEGER OVERHEAD June 8-12 , : i HAIRCUTTING •.••I • Medicare - Medicaid information 1921 Morris Ave> FISH MARKET WHEELS GARAGE DOOR OM Malt Only Onf IS JIM J'June in Vermont" Quality Hair Cuts • Community Resources .HtdhiwIiwIoHeior , Union Manchester Village • Equinox Resort •Woodstock at Affordable prlfes! • Safety & Poison Control paiMtudow«MU(aial«21) R00 964-6633 TIRES - •-Bank Services HtmbnMp for uch «WBOMI child.... Jtt June22-28 ' 1 Budgeting on a Limited Budge? . 'Taste of Maine" 25% OFF NEW & USED • Special Diets Portland • Rangely Lakes • Boothbay Harbor • Kennebunkport Special MON.thruFRI. $Q99 And •"Therapeutic Activity Approaches June 26-28 . ; '••''•'• •'" ':*:fy- and much more "Niagara Falls" ;.-:rj OPEN MON. thru SAT. MAJOR BRANDS DESTROY BEEPER BULGE! Coming Glass Center • Maid of the Mist • Skylon Tower > i REPLACE YQUR OLD FREE MOUNUNG • FIATS REPAIRED MAY 12,1987 -10 a.m. - 6 p.m. - (been pr' bulgh) August^ COMPUTER HIGH SPEED BALANCING WOODEN DOOR NOW! n. unsightly' protoberanco at belt level "Niagara Falls & Toronto"* S39900 Instated* & 3-6 p.m. North Jersey Blood Banfc Niagara Highlights • Harbor Cruise •Toronto Trolley Tour "IF ITS BRAKES INSTALLED •Standard width r or*' donations by appointment please August 11-14 AUTOMOTIVE * Standard Htight«'«"or7' , MOTOROLA UNIT _ "FingerLakesV* KWtt K ' MOST LIKELY Double Doors 16'Wide w Corning Glass Center • Sonnenberg Gardens • Watkins Glen - H , WE HAVE IT." $ftQ95 refreshments^ ~ OJree gifts vsmm Rep** Btannps U«| $ "T MouCwa 600f» Installed | iSSKEK f WHOLESALE Inspect M Hydrate Hjfllwjre For jnore information call: TOTHEPUBUC Two Single Width Dons Replace your old 377-7200 (wofell OIL, FILTER & LUBE lolhioned be.ptr with (Ex*. 269,270,271): • AUTO PAfcTS 10W40 $700°° Installed itate-of-ih«-art«l2 digit • „ (Up To 5 Qts.) McludM: Door, Trim ICD display — 24 digit ""•'<:„ Actual WMtiMntrlppIng,- - Most Cars capacity S message Site Lock* Instillation. storage COOLING C0195 FREE ESTIMATES Compare it to the pen In SYSTEM Vlw your pocket or purse Nethersey Automobile Club Call Bhjce Defaire FLUSH ^ST ADVANCED DIGITAL PAGING INC Worldwide Motorcoach Tours . _ chetkiMttW Parts Extra Tjursisu} andConvtdescent Center (Ml tours depart from Florham Park and Springfield) , np1o2plvitilrtCK .11 needed —T686-0074 848-2272 Division 400 W. Stlmpson Ave, Linden (201) 862-3390 325-8835 • Tour Bjeorted by pri Jud Gaiford JAEGER LUMBER WEST ORANGE EAST BRUNSWICK BUY-WISE' ,' Call 241-5475 2322 Morris Avenue AUTO PARTS 139W.WESTFIELDAVE. Union NJ. 07083 PUBLIC INVITED ROSELLE PARK leooeeweeeaooeiooi oooooc CROSSWORD PUZZLE Alcohol abuse kin Spanish Pavillion Edited by Trade Michel J«ffe- group to heqr-falk • Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge . ACROSS A Print measures 31 Patella 49 Laugh? Wishes its customers in Union County t Walking stick 5 Giggles . :-, locations --.'— -—uproariously- -• Nancy-P. Jones, senior therapist- ! '9 Prongs '"',•"' ' 6 Paragon 33 And others: 50 Eastern for adult children of alcoholics pro- 10 Apiarist* 7 Snazzy CHAPPY MOTHER'S DA Abbr.".•• .. . . bishop's UUe gram at Monmouth Chemical. .'assets. 8 New Haven 34 F-J connection 51 Play a 52 Down Dependency Treatment Center in WejMH be serving 12-9 p.m. 14 Astronaut • ' - scholars ' . 37 Additional ones 52 Instrument to Long Branch, will present ."The '••' . •-.'• THe^Beit Seafood in Town Shepard a Wash, figure 38 An Astalre , 51 Down 15 Roman . .•' 10 "Music hath • 39 Sgt. and Cpl. - 53 Sound pf ACOA Search for Treatment: What • » Spanish/American Cuisine '••. maglstraje '•'. charms to 44 Invests with ' - delight to look for; how to find it." at the 1 : The Ultimate Irt Northern Italian Cuisine 16 Rajah's wife ' sooth a power . 55 Otherwise • May 11 meeting of the Coalition for Reservations Suggested 17 Reveals ' savage —": .45 ,"Your wit's—, 5B Honor Children of Chemically Dependent wrongdoing . Congreve It speeds too • 58 Friends' Families of New. Jersey, at the for Large Groups dinner served 2:00 to closing / 20 SwIH Australian 11 Merit • '; . fast": Shak. . ' adjective Ethical Culture Building, 516 Pro- Open 7 Days a Week Reservations Preferred .. .bird 12 "Counlry" ' 46 Pueblo Indians 59Maydayl —••• spect St., Maplewood, at B p.m. .Catering Room Available 21 Irish poet and Slaughter 48 Lobster claw 222 Galloping Hill Road - ; dramatist ' -13 Trigonometric "Co-dependency is the 'ism' — the William ' i function __ broad-based catch-all phrase for 31 Harrison Avenue . at5Points 22 MedlevaTT"^ tBTram'wKeel ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: persons from dysfunctional homes, Harrison ; S3;;. • Union "• ' merchant guild 19 Urban area whether it's alcoholism, gambling, 23 Only now and 24:Atthrsumrrilt* workaholism, mental illness, 964-5850 then • 25 Pas de deux, e.g. 485-7750 25 —Molnes . :26;0nagers ' : whatever," Jones explains. "The SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX .. .. •-..., .'."•• : 1 l * 26 Playing marbles 27 Melr of Israel therapist has to be able to accurate- 28 Win the debate 28 City on the Oka ly" identify the-symptoms in- a . 32 Go II aloha ; 29 An appeal to ' familial context to successfully treat 33 Marsh denizen • reason ininrj mncinoE the adult child of an alcoholic." Consider tlie one bond that kpeps 35 Moved with 30 Designer • raann aiinn Jones will talk about where to find : '....•••. haste •: • Ashley a . therapist, How to assess a (-Mother's Day "-; growing each year.,% I . .36 False mot/e| 011001 rjcitann therapist, and what to expect from "Spring a surprise on Mom. - • verbally therapy. • " ' •;" ; 40 Ames and nnma nmng : .vSBndnhetTp^. - Asrter 'L_ ram CCCDF/NJ is a grassroots non-,. TheTDiarhond : 41 Appalachian'," profit organization committed to Sevving Baskej Bouquet for one . ' II even includes a travel educating the public about the Anniversary Ring. 42 Remedy '• disease of co-dependency which af- " .'. • ' scv/ingkit! $25.00 ' 43 Pitcher Paige '45 Saint— •;'.:. fects so many children from " Mother's Week starts May 4 chemically dependent homes. The ' A band of diamonds • :.; |usl call.or visit us today Aquinas •'"• :47 Sinclair Lewis coalition-meets on the second Mon- that iays you'd marry her day evening of every other month at all over again. . ',••' ! . to friends 48 Opt ;••... the Ethical Culture Building at 8 A diamond is forever. 50 Loathe - p.m. A steering committee meeting • ; 53 Expression of , is.held at 6 p.m., and anyone desir- A Fine Dining FLOWERS , eagerness '.,':.; AnUabte Exduaimlr At ing involvement with the organiza- 11« North AVWDNW* CtMifenl • 278-4700 54 Ship-shaped tion is invited to attend. Mori.-Frl. 10-6P,M. 143 Chwtmri Sbwt • RoM»t Nik • Z41-t7t7 clock Tradition tIP JEWELERS INC. Thum. Til 8 P.M. 130 WM» Third Awi«l..|toM».« 241J7OO ^,57 Accuses On Nov. '6 and 7, the coalition will H 1321 Mndlton Hill Rd . RAHWAY/CLARK BORDER SAT. 10.5 P.M.. 60 Inhale _ ing-^e^econd-ann 61 GreeUngsl, . - Meadowlands Conference, on 82 Remove from Children of Alcohlolics. Rokelle - . office "'..••.,..'• ;-•.', uri/il to order iiiul MTVCII liv . 63 Cereal bristles Lerner,-founder and co-director of IT> plus ,i \y\nt: lisi sL'cniul in n 64 Dough raiser Children Are People Inc., a 65-Peter Pan plrale counseling, training and consulting ne visit will hrinn vmi l-nuk a^ain ami ii|>:iin, $ 00 firm in St Paul, Minn , and author of v - — 1 Off -I FREECoffee I | ^SFREEB.gels | DOWN "Daily Affirmations for Adult rn wlu'ii it isn't MotIUT'S Dav.

> .Honor -ci »n»Pu»«mi.iui«1 >.noui»«i. j • Withilwpurchawol, .• \\.^^^T^SuMiu!Zi'\ 1 Opera wear Children of Alcoholics," will be the £ ' 'All' ' 5

00 2 Eggs Any Style r v $2 Off 'is ^geye^ge,. We're paying-tribute to Mpm with 'a Reservations will be taken for seat- BaqeiyButter , Bi' AnAhuCI/tnniy Sloppyi JoAn*e PlatterDlaM*r . • - !| !]' ' ': uWMBd**f^Si^SSSii o*pl«i* ! lavish feastbri Mother's Day.. .and ings in our Upper Crust restaurant -—• l/°""e ,j7f^... . Iv Ho|m|«illiii " . • • . . TTEolpf photograph of the whole and our Jester's Court Cafe at ••^ g p nvt|IM I Illll P| ww HIP M|f>V IJ'VI ' j royal family with our complirnents.' 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Please call 515-2000. It's truly HAPPY MOTHERS DAY (Salloplng Hill Shopping Center at Five Points '••'•• ':• Mother's Day Brunch .; ' $19.75Adults. •; •••;';. V a feast fit for a queen. *' '•I-, EatlnOrftkcOiit — 68W)M1 ', '• : . •• $9.7.5 Children under 12v- . :: :'^ '.MJBaiilngbqm'OiiPnimlMt''' Morri will enjoy a variety of deli- 199 Smith Road _dous.and.unusual.dishes.such.asjL_ _Parsippany, NJ Seafood . ; Nosl in New Jersey' One of die 10 best in New Jersey" Jonn ItamlmrurWOR Radio. New York ' NJrMonllilv Magazine 964 STUYVESANTAVE. -.UNION CENTER *A*IMY I lines 686-7788^ •:v-Ty5^r.6PEN'7iPAYSriTVtf'EEI^-^-::-^" r - We Guarantee Our Ffsh To Be The Freshest Money Can Buy 300 MILLBURN AVENUE - : LetMom Choose from:, • MILLBURN. NJ • (201) 379-1595 •CLASSICS : "•COMEDY. • ROMANCE .(NEW RELEASES, 624 Westfield Avenue Elizabeth QPEN DAILY 8. SAT. 10AM"5:30PM, THURS. EVES TO BPM ALL KINDS Of VIDEOS for RENT OR PURCHASE 3522022 Our 57th Year Serving tho Public / Titanic trqgedy-75 years ago a/cfecf marine study —Adversity, like necessity, can be were Mown in hopes of heanng a ' hydrophones had'been installed in- predicted universal application for _stailejLln-jiraaLyessels,_ttierchant -n_ -the mother-ot-inventlon: Electronic —warning echo aud-changwlrnyater~ "~8i3Pwater tanks irTthe ship's bilges, • the electronic marvel. Within a ships, and even larger yachts. In the ° depth -sounders, which helped temperature were observed careful- the returning echoes were heard decade practically every ocean- late '50s, the transistor brought- the £ researchers.from the. Woods Hole ly- i -' • clearly throughout the ship without going vessel in the world had an echo depth sounder to the small- boat o Oceanographic Institute to locate The following', year, Submarine listening equipment: , sounder....' , 't, - --•••-.:.'..--' ^_ owner. " :. z. the sunken luxury liner Titanic, Signal Company proposed an expert- • the ship moved out to a half mile, In , 1946, the' Submarine' Signal Instead of 110 volts needed to drive § came into being as an_unexpected merit with a_.n. underwater" 'and then a mile and' a half. But. a•• Company became part of Raytheon power-hungry electron tubes, g. fall-out, from the lmeFsxoIlisiotr-'rioisemaker called an'oscillatorTThe" strong echo persisted at one mile Company while their Fathometer sounders could be made to operate z express your objections-Things will-work with an iceberg 75 years ago on April scheme Involved sending out an depth sounders continued to be in- cy to press on too hard. As a result, others : can sometimes get you into a lot of trouble • even'after they opened the range to ...... n find themselves a bit stifled when you're when friends and acquaintances take ad- out in time 14-15,1912. •;: •»•;••;• •• . '•.•'•.••••''.•; underwater "thunder clap" and then two miles.Ttie non-directional sound —doing this. . u_ ... vantage of it. Don't mix finances, with CAPRICORN (12/22-1/19) You've been " ' . Electronic depth sounders are in ' listening for the echo that bounced waves were bouncing off the mile- o YoyrNNorpscop# . LEO (7/23-8/22} The week is not going to friendships at this time.. abusing your credit privileges and now find . common use today by professional back when the sound wave hit an deep ocean floor as well as off the go as you planned, but don't let that get you • SCORPIO (10/23-11/21) A,bU5lness part- In a financial blndrGet some advice seamen, commercial and sport iceberg.^ -icebergr-—,.••/", ~:; ——•---- Join-UsFor 2. . down.The opportunities afforded to you will ner Is balking when It comes to a certain expert on> this. __ fisherman,,and.pleasure - boatmen .Professor Reginald Fessenden, World War I brought an Im-'. O; ForWMko ROAST TURKEY-jftND ROAST BEEF • FROM ' Thmfay'tKMO _ ~ AND - 12NOON-10P.M. AN ABUNDANCE OF OTHER DELICACIES! 2O% Oi=l= PLUS OMJMWUBir A SUMPTUOUS DESSERT TABLE AND BEVERAGE Silk Flowers-Wicker Folk Art •Personalized Gifts 277-4492 Hand Pa|nted Clpthlno Christmas Comer _ open 7 days • Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Hours. Monday 8am to 4pm • Tuesday-Friday 8am to 9pm - New Krrinb Dairy " Saturday 9am toiopm* Sunday 4pm to 8pm EVERYTHING BUT FOOD!" Appearing CflLLNOW \ 527 MORRISTLVENUE Attention Cralters. In Our Lounge SUMMIT To Sell On Consignment Some Selections from our Dinner Menu: Tuesday through Saturday 686-7700 2721409 • 3774294 Excellent, Oversized Steaks & Chops "AIRPLAY" S EASTMAN ST veal A La Frederick CRANFORO Chicken Honolulu Coming May 5th Shrimp Orleans • cajon style NEUMTQRK f— • 2 i _• —--| J •••••;• 1 i r

Benefitsale •tllll1111llHIIlIlllIM RESTAURANT & LOTJNGE O N COUNT Y - • Presents *, • .. z at New Eyes z o • New Eyes for the Needy Inc. will Our Spectacular hold its annual spring jewelry and 0 silver sale May 9 from 10 a.m.; to 4 DINNERS "- pjn. _at Its headquarters, 549 MOTHER'S DAY! MUlburnAve., Short Hills. UmlWEjHj Bird llMo_«to_BUdawrdq»d«b from $7.55 ' The salesroom on the second floor -•:•••• .'(.•• .-TtaWUhBrtllwR ••:••• :.:;<.1i;:i. • .:,v COOK'S TOUR—Eight home- kitchens in the Summit Short Hills area will be will offer silver tableware, gold _Sm(JI7iirf $14 3S_HW Hlpm «U5_M «t Stud S1IU5 presented tor the public's view by the Overlook Hospital Auxiliary on the 1987 Ebrunch 1G ot Prime Bb $10.95-10 a. L*jt«fTtf $13.95_JUniCni Us $12.9$ . chains, watches, charms, rings and Cook's Tour of Kitchens, May 14, from 10_a.nitO-4p.m.Tlcketsara$12and Includea— Buffet Style-40a;m. to-2-p;fnv- sterling silver jewelry with precious Vul Hirali $10.95-OiUu PanL$S.9S-Skriaip Sanpin.95 . SpeeUM*rfijTOlnnSi50li_C-. .Cl map of the tour area.TKey~are~avallable by" sending a check, made payable to the featuring; ; and semi-precious stones,jdesigner_| MONDAY NIGHT SEAFOOD SPECTACULAR! (6-13) LARGE TV SCREEN Overlook Hospital Auxiliary ^Cookbook, and a stamped, self-addressed envelope— —7—^Fresh Carved Meats • Fresh Salads sun-glasses and better costume to Mrs. Philip Smith, 49 Blackburn Place,,Summit 07901. For other Information — Eggs-Benedict;" Hot Entree Items • jewelry. .'.. '.••-•• Including where tickets may be purchased on the day of the Tour — contact.Peggy ; /AVj : :'". S- •.'•'' " •••'•' •aincl more ' ,, • ..'.. Betty Allen, chairman of the ; ( a Faronat522-2004; '. .• •..•;:•';..-. / .,.-..•••' ,:' •:;/•'-.:,. . •/'•.,';. jewelry committee states, "This is a PASTA DINNERS fine opportunity;for Mother's Day. j/others T) U Includti: Full (1 Liter) CARAFE of WINE Dinner Buffet shoppers. Silver jewelry has become or 'PJktwr of Soda, Solad, Entrat Stl«ction from fMnu Board, Italian B<*ad ond Butt*r Pir Coupl« •••••'••. ••' .featuring:' very popular again, and we have a 93.49 .CHOICE Of: MVHTEI.il IIR0C00U. UVI0U, SMQHETTI P«r Ptrton Girl Scout sumnier camp registration opens _-.• large supply of lovely pieces, There 1 MMTMLU H UNQUINI w/OIL I M«U0 —-Hot and Cold Entrees . • • is also an "abundance of vcolorhu Treat her to the very best - Applications for summer resident Girl Scouts of the USA. In addition to girls,-.not. only.members of Girl, beads, bracelets and earrings for OucFamQUs camp at Camp Hoover are now the traditional camping activities of Scouting." ;" ' , .- spring and summj!r;.Our.lpwer leyel__ E" HOT 'n COtO BUFFET THUDS. A Ml., 44 MM,- ( Bar-B-Que Baby Back Ribs i available from the Washington Rock swimming, boating, horseback, . . More information about Camp will once again be stocked^ with" AlA CAUTB MENU AVAIL, "Til 10 P.M.4AU NITE MENU noiMi/o to all girls, grades 2-12, the camp of- nastics, cheerleading, and a whale Council, 232-3236; All items-for" sale have been Union , Offtr OOM Not Apply Wrwn fers 18 different program choices watch expedition to Cape Cod Bor Reservations Call 688-6666 donated. Proceeds.from the event' Enltriainmtnl li In Progrcti this summer in seven one-week ses- 1637 Vauxhall Rd & Rte 22 • Union will be used for the purchase of new ; for Reservations call J/ sions" "Flexibility is an Important • prescription glasses for the needy in 105 LINDEN ROAD Located in Stillwater Township on feature of the camping experience at the United States and will help New 686-2 537 ' Swartswood Lake in New Jersey, Hoover," says Fabricant. "Not only —Eyes to continue to provide better ROSELLE 245-5333 ' Camp Hoover is owned and operated do we serve a variety of ages, but we sight to the needy throughout the 1 PAIKWAV NORTH 0 ^ '•'' porate "in house" productions 467-1199 • , created for use by business, educa- beautiful grand ballroom fcatunnR an Incredible ' sr (^ ' tional or scientific organizations and selection of brunch favorites and hou^e specialties, t&h . •' O\ •':'. non-profit or community organiza- All, Aboard For Savings! complimentary charrtpagne, live music ^-, • tions that produce videotape pro- .' grams for use In their organizations' Join as for Mother's Day plus dazzling tablesldc magicl / _ ^SrsT ... : U.S. offices,. subsidiaries or af- Treat Mom to Something Special! / fillates. The JVC Pro Awards are Dinner served from 1 p.m. Adults $17.95 considered the most prestigious in : Children under 13 S'J 95 . . . C\H'kia'il Hmir , . , '.:; •V) $ 9S the world of corporate television. Prime Ribs of Beef < ..' 9 .' , "Like A Person," which describes ahj l:'lii»vr«"''•'•:' ' cerebral palsy.the people who have I LIIUIIIK JuWUv Shiiu-,1 prlvutv.' Hriilal . |~ Aujus • it and other disabling conditions — ; «mv\\'Wii'i;i(.jtSi-.«.ii iv—,*-; , and exactly what United Cerebral Bro&ed Seafood Combination *9 ; Palsy Is doing about it — won in ,' competition with 300 entries from 33 Shrimp, Scallops, Flounder states. •• '• ••••:,':U' •'•••• • $ 95 United eerebral Patey of Union Stuffed Flounder 9 County Is in possession of a copy of 1 the award-winning film and invites Stuffed with real crabmeat community groups or individuals to Most Jewelry Repaired While You Walt Traditional Mothers Day Dinner : attend screenings, which can be ar- Diamonds Set While You Walt Shrimp & Scallops...." 9 ranged by calling the affiliate at 354- Appraisal Service— —— in the elegant Hunt Club Restaurant 5800. Max Rem|Ck,pres)denl of UCP over linguini Scatings 12 30, 3:3Oan"d 6:30 pm .•.• , of Union County, says that-the film • " nPIurDtHerBIackBoard ' serves to "really inform people in a 00 simple and'entertaining way just Specials foU under *1O what cerebral palsy Is all about, and Selecuons from our luncheon menu available at.all -Rcstrrvations;require3 for •-niore: Importantly; how very much - ipren K. times. Our enUreTnenu is available for take-out. _ L ; Brunch ?nd Diriner.., _:Uke you and me are the people who tomoU (201) 273-3000, eXtr4G0 ^eatiom LTD- * i Specials available every day including 358 Millburn Avc> Millburn, Mother's Day through May 16th. 570 Sprlntilleld Avenue By the;year 1990,25 percent of the Summit, Nl (201) 271 VW .U.S. population will be 55 and older. 379-1155 W»»ecePt VISA, MASTERCARD:D1NER-S CLUB& DISCOVER. : The 75 million American men and women over 55 years 'ora|e'contfol $800 biUloh per year in aftertax In- come. HOUSE SALE • Spring a surprise PECT ST. loll Parker J. Sun. Ib.a. walnut JMb rdj, 4 SendtheFTD® Sewing Basket Bouquet. It even includes a travel sewing kit. Microwave info 'The Perfect Mother's Day!" Mother's Week starts_ According to the April Issue of 4. just call Good- -Pood Magazine, o "Microwave energy is a form of MOM & YOU to. electromagnetic radiation that I)inin« At does;not share the dramatic CLASSIFIED AD RATES— o 197$ FORD MUSTANG -43,000 health effects of much higher fre- ins AJVI.C. -4 wheel drive. Eagle, 1984 CHEVROLET - Celebrity, 4 miles. Automatic, 2 /door, very (Effective November 1.1986) Runs well, 135,000 miles. Asking qDenpy radiation, such as X-rays. door, AM/FM Stereo, air condition^ ^reliable Original owner. Great Apponni in HI Union County Nancipm md ilso miltble in combmiuoo $1100. Call 4881400, 9AM-5PM, ask PS/PB, cruise control, low mileage. But the long-term effect of ex- wli ten Essej County Nnrspapen for a toUl itadentiip ol over 195 0001 running car. No reasonable - offer for Fred or Jim; ; , Asking $4900, excellent • condition. refused. 276-43W anytime. posure to low-level microwave 686-5183. ••'.• • radiation is not known. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AO DEAOUNE. fndly 5 P M T»eJ AUDI-Sport Coupe, automatic, 1979 FOR"D- Four speed." 84,000 1977 CHRYSLER-Newport, 4 door, miles, gray/s^ver. $900. Call 763-' '.'In _ fact," ovens cause CUSSinEDADDEADUNE.Tue_*r_3l)r_ air. sunroof, spoiler, am/fm tape, power steering, power brakes, very power windows, air, am/fm, 87,000 '5583. • ./ ••- • • , microwave • energy exposure 1 TO LATE TO CLASSIFY DEAOLINEJuesday 4 « P « miles. $725. Call after 5pm, 232-4237. r lu Potpourri (it Dining "XOLOR" BGC-1 DIUSOM colof(200 good condition. Ca|l after 4,,272-4&65. Microwave energy Is like light — : 1 •1983 FORD LTD- Crown Victoria, BOX NUMBERS AoiUble for i J5 00 fee. $4500. .••.'..••' • , '.• i - . .. ',. " 1977 CAMARO-V6 automatic, beige, station Wagon. Like new, one owner. when you flip the switch. It's All dnilled iMrtuini sadject lo 7* photo reduction lttO AMC CONCORD-4 door, auto, clean, good condition. Power Loaded, 56,000 miles. Asking $6500. gone. It's not in tho oven or in the Reserve Now! power steering. Good condition. steering, power brakes, air con- Mu^fbe seen, 351-3312. food."' TRANSIENT CLASSIFIED Asking $1295 or best offer. Call after dition, am/fm cassette stereo, spoke wheels. $2100 firm. 687-2964. (977 FLEETWOOD BROUGHM - The magazine points out that 24 N. 20th St. v 20tnrdtorles, (minimum) J5.50 5pm or leave messorje, 742-7397. - CORBETT'S Each add.Uontl 10 words of les /Loaded, $2500 or best offer. Call 686- "...microwave radiation is nORFS UNION $150 Four lima M Moit 1982 CHEVROLET- MONTE, 2973, after 5pm.. unlikely to leak out even when the 2760810 CARLO Sliver/blue Interior. Al/ FLOWERS 20«rordlorle». {4 50 I»a4 BUICIC- Skyhawk. Silver. 4 oven is in use. Although this was FLORIST INC. Each additioiuUOwadl or Itss. * conditioning, power steerlng/- 1980 FORD - Mustang hatchback, "Wa ouanntaM our work I0OH SI 50 door. Loaded. 37,000 miles. One brakes. One owner, 62,000 miles. original owner, 4 speed, 77,000 miles, a concern in tho 1960s, innova- Call wiihin 24 houn with ajny probltnui, 2162 Morns Ave. II Ml in til CAPITALS owner. Excellent condition. Call Flowara for all occuionf anyxherai 10 word! or Im. $3,995 or best offer. Call days^731- $1950. Call 487^3205 after 6pm or tions in technology and design $5 50 997-7630 6r 684-2640 evenings. — 5456, nlghtsr467-3739. -—~y • weekends. '______Union Eich additwul 10 words or leu $200 have resulted in ovens that are ^ JgOMS BECOME MOTHERS 837 Grove St., ElizabethrN:Jr 688-6872 CUsilied OiipUy Rile (min. 1 column Inch), lf>«4 BUICK REGAL - In excellent 1984 CADILLACCoupe-ytie Vllle- 1984HONDA CRX-Am/fm cassette 'virtually teakproof,"1 according _ 354-1939 PH inch , condition, loaded,with extras, 15,000 ONE SPECIAL DAY EVERY YEAR Major CMKUI Caxda Acoptad by Phon.. 11430 Roadster top, wire Wheels; low stereo, air condition; Excellent to Food and Drug Administration BordeiedAdiaddS4.00 miles, 1 owner, must sacraflce, mileage; extended warranty. Ex- condition, 34,000 miles,-5--speed.- spokesman David Duarte. Most DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE ~ asking $7800. Call 687-3841 anytime. cellent condition. Ca)f 684-0360^ Must sell. 221-0047. TURAN BRAZIER RESTAURANT SHOP (Cornmisionible) $14 00 per inch emit less than one-half the radia- for your RIMMELE'S CONTRACr RATES FOR ADS THAT 1979 BUICK Regal-Excellent con- 1971 CHEVY - Lagtina, good running 1978 IMPALA STATION WAGON"~ ibn' allowed>• by law Duarte Knows HoMrtoTreat Nlotirters wltri our RUN ON CONSECUTIVE WEEKS dition In and out. Brand new engine condition, air,/automatic, am/fm Power steering, power brakes, air Mother's Day With one year Warranty. Very low recommends that older or worn Unique Food and Atmosphere $1200 perinch stereo, 84,000ymlle3. Call after 5pm, conditioning, (4) brand new tires, FLOWER SHOP mileage. Must sell. Asking $3000. ovens should be checked by an (and a FREE Flower) Flowers $1100 per Inch 687-1707,"'"/^ . new battery, original owner.. Call at these 964 1038.' . , ,' 687-8524, after 6pm. J : appliance repair shop 1638 Stuyvesant Ave. Visa and MC are accepted 198$ .CH^VETTE' Hatchback,' 4 paticipatmg shops 1982 BUICK REGAL - White with door. 34,000 miles. Good Condition, 1978 LTD FORD-Very clean, 60,000 Because We Have Mothers Tool Union 688-7370 blue Interior, AM/FM,' tilt/ A.C., $3200/Call 654-6239. original miles firm. 241-2166, dally, 57,000 miles. Excellent condition. Claulllad Mi are pavabla wlltiln 1 dayt. II ad ll paid by yvadnatday Mora Iniartlon daduct 3] 687-6980, after 5PM, SPECIAL With Dignity canK Tranil.nl ralat apply la tot appgarlng Innr tnan 1> llmoi Paymaflt lor translaitt adi $4200. Call after 5pm, 688-6345. " 198IDATSUN 280 ZX, T-tops, auto, Has Mother's Day mould t» racalvad balora in. publkallon data. I a oo later nan Wadnatday ba'iTO^i»r.. public,,was arranged by Mrs. John Price $3,200. Call 944-6524. . 7272. '••. •' •: • •.,••••:•:•• radio,new transmission asking S. Tennant. •'The Arboretum Is- 1-AUTOMOTIVE AUTO DEALERS :$2,500biBSt-offer.-Call-925-3818 after- 1981 CHEVROLET Camaro 1980 DATSUN- 280 ZX, 2X2 GL 5pm. ••'.•••,• .-'•'. , ." ' located at IBS Hobart Avc , near Rt Berllnettfl-Blue, PS, PB, A/C, P. package. 5 speed black with gold locks and windows, cruise, am/fm pinstripe, $5,000. Call after 6pm. or 1975 OLDS OMEGA - Power STEUERNAGEL'S OLDSMOBILE •••. • •"«•'.'•''• AUTO ACCESSORIES cassette, sunroof, tilt, 45,000 miles. -weekends,201-533-0484. steering. Good tires. Good running - - Wesffeild FlowerShop- OldesfSt Largest $5550 Call687-17B4. ,...-;. condition, $500 or best offer. 3760982, Serving Dinner Exclusive 1980 DATSUN- 280 ZX, 2x2 GL call after 5 p.m. . Wildlife club set 250 Springfield Ave. BUY-WISE AUTO PARTS Olds Dealer In package. 5 speed, black with gold /Unlort County 198] CADILLAC - FLEETWOOD plnstrlp»T$5,ooo. call after 6pm., or 1976 OLDSMOBILE- DELTA 88 ••• 'Molly B. Wells, 4-H program assis- 1P.M. to 10:30 P.M. WHOLESALE to the public Open 7 days, Sunday Bam to 12 pm. Wed / ELIZABETH BROUGHAM, Mint condition, 1 weekends, 201-533-0484, Royal.' Two door; coupe. Ppwer tant, announces the organization of a Westfield 233-3650 nesday and Saturday, 7 30 to / MOTORS, INC— owner, 25,000 miles, white, $1,1,000. steering, brakes, windows, doors', featuring: 1.974 FORD MUSTANG - Good locks, seat. Tilt wheel, cruise r4-H Nature/Wildlife Club in Moun- 5.45pm, weekdays.7 Mam to7pm . Value Rated Used Cars Call 687-4785after 3:30pm. / 582 Morris Ave running condition, new roof, asking control, air condltlonlno; AM/FM 1986 CHEVYc -SPECT1WM— -$750; -Call evenings after 6:00 or Prime Rib _ VAUXHALL SECTION -• Elizabeth 354 1050 stereo $750. Call 272-1971 after 6 PM. -_^=_===. n..tHXlubJL«aderL Automatic transmission, stereo. 900 weekends, 464-6412, . ~ 2091 Sprlng'leld Ave. Miles. Estate car. Fourdoor sedan, „ 1979 OLDSMOBILE- CUTLASS is seeking new members who arein- FIREStDE FLORIST —Union _ 8 -Stuffed-fcobsterTarhs -SMYTHEVOLV blueT-Orlglnafarlcri $9,700. Asking -I«79_FORn_ _CUSXQM_VANt i - --UEREM___JBIUB-. excellent con- terested In designing and building 2376 Morris Ave lVlb. Lobster Exclusive Volvo $7,500 or best offer. 688-2121. , , . ,'cyl pder, A/C, P/S, P/B.'AM/FM, dltlon.. Looks_llkelbranKe bi d new. One natural habitats for wildlife, identi- tilt Wheel,'cruise,.;dual tanks; tow Union •686-2184 AUTO DEALERS Dealer owner.'Askjna$2,495. Cal.l.467-5680. " fying irvarlety of plant and animal Veal Cordon Bleu ~ 326 Morris Ave 1973 CHEVY- IMPALA • Air. con- hitch, new tires, 4cabt chairs, sofa species, and collecting insects and «r •» c°TP>ete Floral Service Summit ditioning, automatic, V8, power, bed. Ice box. $5800.964-0780.. .: •197] OLDSMOBILE- Cutlass Vista _ Chicken Cordon Bleu steering, power brakes, two door. - Cruiser Wagon. Automatic tran- —plants WJnount, We Accept Major Credit Cirds by Phone AM service leasinftirrc 273 4200 -1977 FORD • Thunderblrd-PB, PS, Authorized Good running condition: 379-1339; smission, power steering, power The group will meet every other Juitotasinf Turns AC, B cylinder,. Pioneer am/fm brakes, factory air condition. Factory Service 1978 CHEVY BLAZER-Four Wheel stereo cassette, 57,000 miles. Good Akl$67^7;7S , Monday evening; at the Trailside Free Flower* to All Moms • -One to Fht Yew LorjO Term Leasing 1 condition, $1200.6870827. , Re»crvatlot_Acccp-tcd for Part lea 6 or more drive, power .steering, power Nature/Science Visitation Center, S Ml Hates udModeb brakes, power Windows.1 Asklhg p,m. '.•.:' •'•/<•' REKEMEffiR'S FLOWERS 1561 Monts tame - AUTOS FOR SALE $3200 Call after 4pm, 687:7142. 197S FORD PINTO-Red,;: am/fm, stereo cassette. Good condition or Boys and girls between the ages of r-j 254 No. Broad Si Elizabeth. NJ. 143ChestntitSt, Union, NJ. 07083 1976PACERX 130 West Third Ave 116 North Ave. W 1974 CHEVY MALIBU- Station- . best offer, Call 6BB-1394, after 5pm. - 9 and 19 who have an interest in RoseUePark Autbrnanc, power steering, air KoseUe Cnnford (201)687-7200 1MJ ALFA ROMEO OTV. - Sliver wagon^-Rurinlng condition. Original Commercial fPrafessionil •1978. FORD-LTD-Power Steering, conditioning, 6 cylinder, nature and'enjoy learning about With blue leather> and cherrywood. 5 owner. Best offer. 686-2961; - : _ •289-2520* 241-9797 power brakes, air condition, a/f Clarion stereo, 65,000 miles, wildlife and its habitats should con- 241-2700 27&4700 speed, AM/FM cassette, AC, well ' very clean. $800 or best offer, Major Credit C_rdn Accepted MONEY SAVERS maintained and handles welll 30,000 1979. CORVETTE-Cream, air con stereo, 48,000 original miles. Ex- tact Wells at 233-9366 cellent condition, Asking $2500. Call Call 862-0422 or 486-4828, leave & '84 models at wholesale prices, jnllM^asklnB-SSOQO. CalLElrlanJor- —message.-Beauty carreh? -j—•—2Ji appolntment (201) 374^901*. 373-9421. CUSTOM LEASE 6V-7M0 I ^s at^lliJlilL'lllLLlinilllltlll'lwli't>l*|iiTinimtiiiitiiiiiiiiiMniuiiitiiiiiiiJjJ'llJJilliiiiiitt

• ^ 1987 WRANGLER, loo. ) • 1 ••• Tl O JEEP,- 6 eviden =OOOi •HI fm/ :us c = pwr stT/brks, a/c, crs, buc sis, §

I stk no.. 029-8, LIST PRICES 3 N UNIO whls, leather whl, sp rprs, stk f $11,771; .•. .•:...•.•;;: .v-':;,;.';i a ; no. 403-7, L.IST PRICE $12,962. RRBKBRT^ B i FULL PRICE $9995 J : FULL PRICE $H 093 COUNT Y — A if .•.-.- = f m^SJ^KEr/mt •• AT Vi^SlBRiiRRH SAVE $1776 1 Q 6o OO 6^3 SAVE $1864" iloodl 0LOOJOLOLOLOLQOLOLOOJ01

1 OOOOOOOOOQT) 1987 GRAND WAGONEER ||0OOl 1987 ALLIANCE o =! '• • =•

JEEP, 8 cyl eng, auto trans, pwr CASTLE and MAPLECREST, N.J.'s leading FORD, LINCOLN-MERCURY ARE GIVING YOU = RENAULT, 4 cyl eng, 4 spd man = o str/brks/sts/win/dr Icks, WSW IL | trans, pwr str/brks; fab sts, r = 3 tires, leather bkts, AM/FMA | def, stk no. 066-7, LIST PRICE=' stereo/ cass, stk no. 327-7, . 1 $6898." -,'. "••••:• •••-•'•-:; =:. LIST PRICE $24,781. j FULL PRICE $6015 I FULL PRICE $21,590 ANCIIKJ OFFER ENDS MAY Ml =00 oi SAVE $885 l SAVE$5191 i 00 = ClfOOOOOi •sOO i 1987 GTA 1OOO1 iOOOi APOOOOO I 1987 CHEROKEE I RENAULT, 4 cyl eng, 5 spd man! f ; -5 trans, pwr str/brks, r def," a/c,§§~ - 0% FINANCING JEEP, 6 cyl eng, auto trans, pwr , ;| bkts, AM/FM/stereo /cassyHhtl ?. str/brks, rf rack, radials, bkt HEWBSiKLSiK = ggl,l : flfoglamps;; stk-tkb^105n 7 H^ RETURN ED!! sts, fir mats, stk no. 107-7, LIST ri LIST PRICE 511;523. PRICE $15,379. y™~ mwim VIN»MM27(7B114) .-' , VIN>64M«2«(7S11]) j FULL PRICE $973 J |(iAAE INTO^eflON ESCORT^ LOOK AT AU YOU Git: LOOK AT Ml YOU GIT "FULLPRicT$l3r2l4~ LOOK AT ALL YOU OET: _ TODAY AND SAVE! rtwunnucK SAVE $2165


1983 ESCORT, 1970BEERE 1981GMNHM 1981626 1979 SPIRIT YOU GET ALL THISTr. FOR THIS m»0UIH.« nl.ni. «,te : 1979 PINTO 19804000$. AUMXIHOfnOMNU . ro«0, 4 :qi.'«w, S wl m MA2DM aim. into bint .19MALUMKE = but n>( it/Wo, i/t. W/w IIIC a ql ni. * ipd nin AUDI, 4 cilii* 5 iM AM/FM >mifO/C4US. , POWER MAKES tim., d*Vtam. at, in ma but pwtiu, tmn Mi. i/ tint »<. ut nan bud, mm ib/tKkt Vkti, • pwlill/bHo/fii,i/t,liH),|Jil/bH/i/lH|J . biftl. p»i tt'/biVi/ di ld>t FORD. 4 crl lit lull trim ' •EHAlllT,4c|lo«. lulilnni. B bin. 19 ma but mim |jt^t.W«l»r>.i Inn. IM Ui/hu. i/c r M, . tNMIU.4c>l«iiiilobut — tlno Vun. Uk M «li)t. bM.bbU.ignt. Utnui tint bun. tp.mit AUVFUA Ut i/c tl adit roil. bin. mldi. « mrt AU/FH/ . PM ili/bibt •! wfJt ' dH,' .iiiii.tod moon if, AM/rii/ Mmo/cin. »U/FM/ita«.«kw«l!M»UFM/tak«l!M, •nt. ui/tu/ lino/CMS, ttl Unto/ cat III no. AUJ04. NEW 1987 MERCURY GS 4 DR. STATION WAGON ' = VINnlK»l3IIU)l% Vl« Will)!;, J1.I70 itu In u. WJ11. YIN no. CUOMO, ttMO/iiso. Kb M. HUH, bUtcrttpmauiiif,ttkM bod lid mUt u con, AM/FM •e, ab. »»» iaill6.JI.U!«uki • M1liU.S40HUS.J40 0.lM AIUI). VIN M- 1!M18. i/lHh>MI3» = ma '• • an, MJ3I7T' • VIH ;no. 004S4G. & $6295 FUU FUU •«8.4»(iUk>t. :•••, .-.• S = -.PRICE $495 $3995 $9995. ma- fllCE ••MICE; -$3995 $5995 ; MICE- • rtire ptla $7995 I LOOK AT ALL YOU GET Illlll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Illllllllllilllllllllllllll lUllllllllllllllllllllllll l ..™...... ,,,,;.,.,,,..,.,,...... M,,,,„„„„,,,„„„„„„„„ •»••»••• iiiiiiiuiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Prices include freight & prep, exclude tax &. license fees, .^mediate deliveiy on all cars In stock. Prices in this ad cancel and supercedeatl previous offers. Ad must be pr „•.-.. ;.'•.;,.,,;, . -; - ,. of depositto qualify (or advertised prices. Not responsible for typographical errors ' •--- :" ^ • • ^ CALLMR.BUSCH mmmam FOR SAME DAY & PORTUGUESE Ul'fMN tMiwM l«Htr t*MH Mwt (MMciW*. C«1 <»«• Ml AtitokuW iintiiiinil tliri'-iT Ut'i • n rTiTriiir illlf t - V ilMTI kKMf HM« M/W fy. MLL US FOR CREDIT ALL PMCI8 iNCLUM FMIOHT A PMP.. EXCLUM TAX, UC. FEES, !i!)i!!ijilij(iiiliil«iiiiimiiiHiiiiiiiiiini;iiMiiiiiii» GALL US FOR CREDIT Aik for MR. ROBERTS '"MR. PAUL 7 AUTOS FOR SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED LOSTANDfOUNir 0. 197* PONTIAC -BONNEVILLE FOUN&Husky type dog, light with 2 As Low As Station Wagon'Grand Safari, full tan patches. Vicinity Connetlcut sized, loaded,, excellent condition. Farms.School. Call 487,2821. ASSEMBLY PRODUCTION - Call944-4740: ;• : v ;••• WORKERS, _LOST^0OG_L--'._ln. Union-vicinity The 1984 PONTIAC.r"IF=ROS.E.- 21,000 Stanley Terrace. .'Sunday, April 26. miles excellent*!.condition. Air Very.small, mate, short hair With Medium sized Kenllworth JIFFY LUBE manufacturing company has condition, power,' brakes, tilt long tail. Cross between a chihuahua iiS steering, AM/FM. stero cassette. and poodle:' -Blflck-flnd.whlte.very. openings In its plant. Positions W.5O0. Call Kim,1 442-3900 ex. 270/- skinny. Call 688-3624. ,, ' Involve light assembly, electric 487-0581 after 5pm. : testing, etc. Apply it company FINANCING for application and Interview. 1W« PONTIAC- Bonnevllle, 9 PERSONALS Go With TlHe Company See us for detals! REBATES passenger wagon. . Automatic COW SEMI CONDUCTOR -transmission, power steering, power That's Going 144 Market Street See us for details! brakes, factory air condition. All Kenllworth, NJ 07033 original. 57,000 miles: Needs engine '••:-• CEMETERY PLOTS Full Speed Ahead work. Best offer, 379-7283. • • • • . '...' HOLLYWOOD • ..;_ MEMORIAL PARK 6 locations Mar_chJ979 29S-O400 1971 SKYLARK-4 door, 8 cylinder, Gethhes'maric ' Gardens; -6lOiocatl6hYnrrviarch-i987 - new. brakes and exhaust, posl- Mausoleums. Office: .1500 .1200 locations projected by 199O Highest tractlon. Good condition, runs well. StuyvesantAve., Union." . ..'•..- MOO. 484-2207...... ;,: " : '. : 7 ' .•.'.• 688:4300 , : . • •. ', • If your are a high school graduate or have ADULT CARRIERS Trade-In auto technical .training,''.or'just like the idea of Permanent part time positions are - 1945 SUBARU- G.L. Perfect 'con- Allowances! Ooops... working with cars, see if we, have a career available near your home early dition. 27,000 miles. Metallic blue, LOSE WEIGHT FOR SUMMER, 'mornings. Newspaper routes five speed, air conditioning, power, position for you, at one; of pur more than two steering/brakes/windows/locks. ^KEEPTTOFF FOREVER. earning $350 > $400 per.month plus Electric sunroof. AM/FM stereo No... .'.I, herbal, program. Doctor ' dozen Jiffy Lube locations in the,Metropolitan cash Incentives will help you sup If:'-" plement your income. Make your cassette. Trip computer: Plus- recommended. JDQ9fi__guaranteed. '.area-- •-•-—-'—:^ -v--4-^-•-,.:.--.—-- '. early mornings' 'productive and Our Inventory more. $7,500. Call 687-3938. CallArlene (201) 272-5660. • CASHIERS~™— — - - profitable. -Approximately 1 - Vh 1983 TOYOTA- supra, i.cylinder, 5 TIRED- ALL THE TIME? NO LUBE TECHNICIANS hours per day, seven days. Call toll speed.. Fully loaded: Black and ENERGY? Nutritional products FRANCHISE MANAGERS free 1 (800) 242 0850 or 877-4222. silver. Mint condition. 57,000 miles. can help.. Steve, 688-7082 day or night.' " .'.•• •••'.• • .•':.•'..:. ASSISTANT MANAGERS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK- Is Too High.. Asking $8,750. Call (409) 971-4884. B MANAGERIAL TRAINEES Sprlngfleld area, leading retail 198J T-BIRD -Turbo Coupe, 32,000 chain looking for'a bright' con- miles, air, AM/FM stereo cassette, 5 ^EMPLOYMENT AND MORE scientious person, for their accounts speed, excellent rubber. To see call -Corrie see us about an exciting career -.•.: payable department. Hours 8:30- So This Week days 925-A070; after 7pm 574-9292/ \ with the fastestgrowing auto care "'• X:00. Good company benefits. Some i; Cxperlence.requlred, but will train. 1971-VW-- Squareback, good running frqnchfse in America.'', '.-;• '•' " ' . , ': Call Mrs.'Stummer,7447-2200, ext.. condition: $400 or best offer. Call 376- CHILD CARE 233. •,:•-::;,;-..i>:-?:-••.•;,•/. • >•• 5086. •. . •..•:•,•: '•••••• _TJ3e-J#-Y_LUB^Caree'r-Express'is ' L^Every Car & Truck BABYSITTER-Needed 5 days for 22 topping at:" ,. •, ,,.',. - ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER - BOsy moVith old son In your home, Union, Springfield food importer looking foV - AUTOS WANTED Kenllworth or Hillside areas. The Holiday Inn detail oriented full time person References required. Please call Boulevard & South 31st Street, Computer experience a plus. v In Stock Is Nancy at 687-8800, days,' 686-5407, Competitive salary and benefits evenings. Kenilworth, NJ. Call Mark 467 9292,9 - 4pm. TOP S$S IN CASH (Exit 138 oil the Garden State Parkway) For ALL Cars & Trucks EXCELLENT Child care In private home Tiny group, beautiful Friday, May 8 CALL DAYS -589-8400 facilities. "Six years experience 3OOPM-9OOPM ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE or EVES.-688-2044 Excellent references. 964-5822 or 964- Saturday, May 9 Mlllburn C.P.A firm seeking 9276. reponslble person for computer MAKE US ANY (Same day Pick-ups) 10OOAM-8 0OPM Input with time management REASONABLE OFFER- WE PAY CASH- FOR YOUR JUNK HIGH SCHOOL GIRL-, Needed as No Experience Necessary responsibility. Experience wwlth CAR OR TRUCK. 375 companion for 12 and.9 year old girls time and billing systems and Ac f_ CHANCES ARE Just a Willingness to Learn counts Receivable a definite plus 1253 IRVINGTON HIGHEST after school, 3 days per week, May B WE'LL TAKE IT!!! PRICES PA'IDI and June. Putman Manor section of For your reservation on The JIFFY LUBE Please call Carol 376 4800 SELL! Union. Names of people, answering Career Express call J. Ryan at: AFTER SCHOOL- STUDENT We Buy Junk Cars previous ad, lost. Call 964-0623. ' TQPttPAID wanted for general office work in 24 hr.serv. 488-7420 LOVING- RESPONSIBLE mother (2©1 H46-4088 : •Unlom-HSxperlenee^not-neeessai-y— will care for your Infant In my Union $4 50 per hour. Call 688-4596 Home: ' . Great play ' area. GUARANTEED USED CARS! Reasonable rates . Available In TRUCKS FOR SALE September. 687 89271. BOOKKEEPING 12 MO/12,000 MILE GM WARRANTY! + Clerks * Switchboard * Industrials Covers repair or replacement of engine, trans., power sleeting, 1970 CHEVROLET-PIck Up truck, RESPONSIBLE -Mother will care ic E(ooKljjeRers CLERK power brakes, air cond., front & rear suspension, and electrical auto, V8 cap, C-10, 81,000 miles. lor your child part time,hours only, * Keypunch * Secretaries Typing, filing ' and answering components of all used cars advertised. GET EXTRA COVERAGE Make offer. Call 274-3424or 709-0572: In nny Union home.; Large enclosed phones Full time, ^-S Call 684 2000, - AT NO EXTRA COST AT WALLACE! backyard and playroom Call 688 ext 337, ask for Mlbby or Joan 1984 ISUZU-L/S pick up 26,000 0753 ** ** Trucks* Vans! miles, power steering, power SUMMER WORK BANKING * AS IS SPECIALS '8ZCUTUS3SUPRM Oldi t-QI C«|. Wo Irmi P.. Sltolni t ttty> brakes, AM/FM'cassette sterlo. dad. 1/Cliu. *U/IU Sln«. Dulu. WSN Inn, Si Gray/silver $4300 Call 789 8433. EMPLOYMENT WANTED mi. VIN Ho.VIIM . ... Register * NOW for summer assignments, Great positions available TELLERS 77MPRICEWGN I Clw W«o.. < ft.V/ B A,h ta.i. >.> SIMI>i I 1982 TOYOTA-SR 5, 4x4 long bed Telephone necessary. Car helpful Stop by the office nearest your I eiikn. kl O*A. l>ta «U/fu S1«M, H.9S6 ml $5595 home or call today. pick up with cap. Musrsell, $4,500 6r A-l PROFESSIONAL TYPIST We have openings for full and-part. • $895 '." " best offer. Call after 6pm, 379 5534 time tellers In our Union County '83 REGM. Typing done in my home APOXIFORCE offices Experience preferred. Will • B.itk. I ft. 1/1. till rum. P-r Sl«»>| t Olibi. ti consider training applicants with Brand New 1988 Chevrolet Brand New 1987 Chevrolet I dnl. r/Clm, U Oil, *M/rU Sl»» Oil'. 57,086 c Resumes '81CHEVETTE uiuu "ttJciaa r n...r..ji 2-ANNOUNCEMENTS cashier experience, We offer M • Reports competitive salary and paid BERETTA 2-DOOR CELEBRITY WAGON .$6495 benefits. Call Personnel pept.: •Letters w/Opt Air Condition, Electric Del V/6Enj Auto Trans AM/FM Stereo W/DIJ Clfe 4 Door w/opt T/Glass Elect Rr Del Protection Pkg Air Cond Spt Mlrrs All •Term Papers 245-2313 - 1HD Battery PerfMrtana Axle Ratio w/std Full VVhl Covers Power Steering 4 Season StI Belled Tires AM/FM Stereo w/Std Pwr Steering S Brakes 4 Cyl Auto ENTERTAINMENT Brakes Steel Belled Radial: S Much Morel Slk No 8007 VIN No 205970 Trans OS Midgs I Morel Stk No 7278 VIN No 130124 •Statistical typing '84MVWIER- A-l IN Chivy, 4tW, V/81 Auto trim. Pwi SlMiIni 1 Bdlutt. Air List Price $13,704 « roilD VMN I Cond, Rr (H AU/FU Steiea. 17.109 ml.. VIN HoJ 16J6» ACCORDIONIST - Also Strolling CALL 964-7392 COLONIAL List Price $12,177 ! Pl.t V/B, lilo IIIM. FM SlAliM > Bull Violinist or Orchestra for any home TEMPORARIES DISCOUNT -990 DI^COUNT-2,708 AM/FU StHH. 74,071 ml.. VIM Nd BIIM7. . >\ $6695' ; .'., or hall party. leave mesuje SAVINGS $11,187 $10,996 John Lenard 353 0841 1995 Morris Ave., Union 964-1301 $23?S ASSIST-Handlcapped or • disabled adiyMUSjj Responsible and * ex Equal Oppty Employer M/F Just Minutes From You! Prices ••'••••>. J v. '83 QERLINEnA perlenced man, Hours~flextblo Calf Incl. 78"8-PASSV»N" •••••. aiTcUtt §!"% L,7u ,:,fi BASEBALL TICKETS between 6 and 7.30pm, 923 4235 ATTENTION - Mothers, students BEAUTICIAN - Full or part time, LOWCOST TMjymjn* l salary plus commission ant) paid and retiree's, earn extra money, Fully qtulIlM Credit SpaclilUt freight YANKEES 4 METS CERTIFIED-Rollable nurses aide Advertising make your own hours, work near Vacation Great shop In Springfield. l«d. V/l. ««b lf..i>.. ilmlv I BilUl. mill) !wi,«rSWKlH.>lwNhll.iUI4'ml.VINIIl.lll)':^ ALL SEATS WITHIN THE IN seeks position caring for the elderly, 379 6474 ThoucMa • Inatudol on pramlui la iislil you In getting & Dealer FIELD AREA. havecarCallfor buykMTLowntMo ttwImwttpoMlbl* $89 5 nights. Very -good references. Call The Worrall publishing I h»»Wmn*«.C»mortuBltaWhNOW! nlulUptaW- — $2995 ;. ' 374 8735. &?£»' IMontlxTtfPaytoill Prep7 CALL 558-1501 Group has an excellent opening RENTALS • Otily* We«My >-MontMy for a sales representative In our ALUMINUM Siding Mechanic BOOKKEEPER quillllodbuyertl 7~ 'MCQMI HOUSEKEEPERS- Day workers. display advertising depart- Experience preferred, but not Excl HAVING A PARTY? 7 Call SOUND References and experience. Full charge Maplewood C.P A. firm For Fast- - ..j. V/B, 4-Spd Um TIIRL P«l 5lMllnf t BilUl. All ment. - necessary. Must be dependable, CradM 'OK'! tax & Cud. t'Clltl. Rr t»t. Ml/rU Slnw CJM »/CB, 111»!, Systems, music for all occasslons, Transportation provided, call The position will require ser- h«ve-a strong desire to learn and ml, Slk.rta.MII.. VIN latest selections, custom sound Amelia, 688 9477. _Vlclna_and_selllng_acivor-t!slng— havejSMUransportatlon.-ChFls,-«86' MVfees. -system, low rates.924:3322. HOUSEKEEPERS-And nurses in an existing territory for one working coiidlllunt, all benefits aides from around'the' world ofour long established weekly Excellent pay. Call Mr. Berman 7*3- available. Call EUROPA newspapers t SERVICE CORVETTES PARTS LOST AND FOUND' DOMESTICS, 493 4323 Prior newspaper experience ADVERTISING and/or college Is* plus" - '' Is there a more exciting business CAMP POSITIONS- Jewish Y seeks POLISH- Woman wants general Our congenial work environ' any where then real estate ad- teachers, college students, 11-12th Lost & Found ads will run for two housS cleaning, Unlbn/Maplewood ment Includes a salary based on vertising? Learn with the finest graders As specialist, unit heads, weeks FREE as a service to vicinity. Good references Call experience and a lull benefit group of advertising specialists ienlor and Junior counselors. WSI, CHEVROLET residents In our 9 Communities. Yolanda, 371 6526 package Proofing, computer, filing, typing- lifeguard and nurse positions also Please call our Advertising accuracy a must. Great growth available. Camp experience BODY SHOP CARS& TRUCKS LEASING RESPONSIBLE - Woman seeks will train patlentlylcall FOUND - Kitten, male, gray and Director at 474 8000 for more In ireferred, call Tammy Stechler, part-time position as companion to fofcmation, , -white,-wearing a flea collar, on the elderly Available evenings waiu „ Mllltown Road, Springfield. Call 447 References Call Carolyn 761-0340, CARPENTERS NEEOEO- Full, 4579. BERGDORF REALTORS after 6pm. 273-8000 time, must supply own tools and ransportatlon. Call 851-24U. • t 355 EAST LINDEN AVENUE, LINDEN, N.J HOURS DAILY TIL 9 PM. SATURDAY TIL 5 PM HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 8 HBf WANTE& I HELP WANTED HELP WANTED j.-BUMt-t>4 4UI ,.-'--.- — - IIORANGE - targr-«wlol» i"l[ CLERICAL- Busy customer service HOUSE SALE ~ .office-seeks mil/Mrtitlmehelp.?/. •-•?.?. • room apartment, rsncp type. Air I 7 i roonii h«t[ tnd J • • ' -—— £SP6CT ST. (oil Parker [Entry l«vel.y.flrip returnfrgr— Sun 10 4 BANKING OPPORTUNITIES hhomemakers welcome."Seven paid MER M6L'Pi fl#Cj| walnul FAIM (wrier :M^ rdi. 4 holidays. Call Mrs. Fernand, 763- Tl BANKING tot0AM3PJKL tVcItTT/SSJiSfrnerJ mi --F4ILLI4ME- Small Ads- o CLERICAL- FULL. TIME -^ It ,'WrtiOr«no« 'I" PEAK TIME TELLERS Customer..-' Service ' Department. Is c OPPORTUNITIES seeking mature person to help In all* Big Results! . AND PERSONAL BANKING aspects of. customer service... o Pleasant telephone : voice/ c knowledge of figures, and good, , _ •—-"^"«-",>*.CK SKINEIT ;i preferred. Atfi Irch mclo'- z , REPRESENTATIVES customer relations a must. Call for _• •-'••• -•'• '^ywvoid; excelteni condition 15 tttt. 7 " $77 turn. elc. MUrdock 4j'M3. 1141 Ao early birds. 5 Ful| fc Part-Time - Pla», Union. Body& Fender Parts z appointment Monday - Friday, 10 Available at HEI-PI "n AM-3PMJ 354-3776. .,., •,..: •• AST ORANGE XnmiKltm I i PUT YOURSELF o You'll be glad you chose CLERK TYPIST - Busy Springfield WHERE YOUR MONEY IS food Importer looking for full time HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED person.- Computer -experience HELP WANTED If you or someone .you know has an account at the Howard .Savings. helpful. Competitive salary , and Bank, then /Ou already know what a great place-It Is to put.your benefits: Call Mark 467:9292,9-4. 2 money. But have you considered putting yourself in one Of the Howard . DATA ENTRY/ At UNITED JERSEY, NA, you'll |oln a fast growing team enioylng BANK DRIVERS top salaries, great working conditions and exceptional benefits As one Sayings Banks near you. " ili KEYPUNCH OPERATOR of New Jersey's leading commercial banks, we can offer a wide choice CLERICAL PEAK TIME Full time days, good benefits, ex- of work locations, full and part time-schedules-and-career-op- Full Time Tellers Some evenings and' Sundays. perience on 3742 a plus, own cat'. W. Over The Road portunities. Right now, we have opelngs for; Flexible hours. Prior'retail ex- Orange area. Call Ed Hart, 736-9340. UNION BRANCH perience helpful. Willing to train the TELLERS and ~~ - - 27M Morris Avenue |Tlglit person. Call-Bruce for-ap- polntment 376-5500. DATA ENTRY OPERATOR PTDTracWTraileT TELLERS-FULLTIME Going crazy doing the same thing i .If you have light teller or cashier experience (at least 6 months of both) we can offer you a good starting salary and excellent fringe SPRINGFIELD/ECHO BRANCH day after day? A : Fortune 500 ($12.00 Per Hour) All teller positions require individuals with a, pleasant personality, benefits which include medical, dental, tuition and more; publishing company has an Im- cashier experience and.the ability to deal effectively with customers. mediate opening for. a mature data OVER THE ROAD BASIC REQUIREMENTS: '— The positions at our Latin Amorlcan Banking Center require bilingual PHKTWIETEUERS entry operator In Its small Jersey •Must have 5 years fiaclor trailer experience English/Spanish or Portuguese speakers, (FL) 160Rt.22 PUT YOURSELF WHERE City office. UNION CENTER BRANCH Springfield, N.J. 07081; Excellent data entry/typing skills •Mustb«26"yearsofage . • 2000 Morris Annue YOUR MONEY IS. required 7-10 days per month. r Balance of the month will'be spent •Must have respectable driving record "FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 11:30-2:30 on varied Interesting office func- •Must meet DOT and Co. requirements -.. . . ' *SOUTH PLAINFIELD AND SATURDAY 9:45-1:30 keS20OOplus. • APPROX.$7:70/HOUR tions. Accounts Receivable ex- For Summer Season perience a def inate plus. Data entry APPROX.J7.70/Hour Must, have own small car to experience preferred, but we; will P&DTRACTORTRAILER REQUIREMENTS: . Cue Driw 1 Ojk Tree Aitnue Our openings'for'Peak Time requires light cashier handling ex- pick up Pool Water samples for train an outstanding typist. •Must be minimum 21 years of age Testing Lab. Apply In person. If you or someone you know has an account at the Howard Sayings Don't let the Jersey City. Commute perience and a results-oriented attitude. The Howard will offer you in ' Bank, then you already know what a great place It Is to put your stop you. We are located a 2 minute •Minimum 1 year recent tractor trailer P & D ' ~ "LATIN AMERICAN BANKING CENTER exchange for your experience a good hourly ratcand a very congenial money. But have you considered putting yourself In one of the Howard walk from Journal Square Path work environment. GARDEN STATE LAB Savings Bank near you? •.. ;":'.• - . '• Station, an 11 minute ride from Penn driving experience ' * 399 Stuy vesan,t Ave I rvlngton .,.'..,•/.,..•. v: . '. •.• • ', • ' " *. ;• ' ' ;•'" station, Newark. If you drive, we •Must have respectable driving record (Elizabeth) PERSONAL BANKING REPRESENTATIVE "Right now we're looking for Peak Time Tellers with llpht cash han- will pay parking. Excellent benefits. dling experience and a. results-oriented attitude. If you fit this, Don't procrastinate, show us your •Must DOT & C& requirements UNION CENTER BRANCH get Up.and gol Send resume and description, then we will offer you an excellent hourly rate and aJ very HOURS: SATURDAY 9:45-1:30 congenial environment. . . : . . • ••—.—— —-— l^salar-y—requirements—to: Penton _For-immediate.interviewanddrivingtest,-apply in person, Monday TELLERS-PART TIME -COUNTER-HElf- -Publishing—Coir—70—Sip—Avenuer APPROX*tt5oVHotn : So, if yog think you'd like fo put yourself in a Howard Bank, apply at Jersey City, NJ 07304. thru Friday, 9 AM-3:30PM. NO CALLS PLEASE. our Spr|ngfleld/Echo Branch-located at: 871 Mt. Avenue, Springfield, For this position you will open new accounts, answer customer ques All shifts available. Hours and NJ or call our:Personnel Department to schedule and Interview. DENTAL- RECEPTIONIST • Part *WESTFIELD lions on their accounts and services..Requirements-Include 35wpm adfustabte for housewives. Part time. Experience preferred but and an excellent telephone manner, time or full time Call Barry or willing to train. Call Janice at 532' RED STAR EXPRESS LINES Iris: HOURS: Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri between llam-2:30 and Saturday Mon, Tues, Wed, Frl, 3pm 5pm, Thurs 3pm 7pm, Sat 9am 12noon 1133. . .'• • . \ • , 400 Delancy St, Newark, N.J. 07105 If you fit one of the descriptions please apply at the branch or call our- between 8:45am-12:30pm. DENTAL ASS.ISTANT-Wanted for Personnel Department for an Immediate interview. OUNKINl 101 Rt. 22. young, general dentists In large *PORT ELIZABETH Springfield private quality practice. Excellent 533-7467 533-7467 staff, salary with full ihedlcal Monjiam-Sprn, Wed 12noon:4pm, Thurs & Frl 5pm-4pm, flexible benefits. Please call Marge, 276- 564-9358 w€ invtttln your ewtr1 4452 EQUIPMENT RENTAL - - E.O.E DRIVER/YARD PERSON BANK | DENTAL- ASSISTANT -Full time Company is looking for: , ' *NEWARKAVE, ELIZABETH and part time for orthodontic office Summit lumber yard requires responsible . individual with In Linden and Westfleld. Please ball COUNTER PERSON Alternate Mon & Tues, 1.30pm 6pm, Wed & Thurs 1 30pm 6pm, 486 4333 or 233-8648. • .' valid N.J. license for full time the Howard CRT position; Prior materials handl- •mature mlnded-oxp. preferred Frl1:30pm-7pmandSat9am-'l2noori J „ Equo( Opportunity employer MJF/HW log-experience preferred. Ex- OPERATOR cellent salarygi benefits."" " -MECHANIC --— -- • "LATIN AMERICAN BANKING CENTER Equal Opportunity Employer M/FVH/V ESE •part time or full time To deliver and receive merchandise.' ' •small engine exp. a plus Knowledge of accounts FOR APPOINTMENT GJUL •drivers license requlrcd_ l reclevable and sales order DATA PROCESSING OPERATOR Benefits and chance to advance. _ GLENN MILLER E llzabeth. Mon, Wed, Frl 2pmnslder_f ull or pactltme.. We offer good starting salaries, paid holidays and vacation In addition area for bright, ambitious per 'Call Angela Stuehler, 635-7800. son with minimum 2 years ex- 233 CANOE BROOK ROAD to many other excellent benefits Including free checking. To arrange Classified now accepts o it^illl(20U3547400xt321bshNQenl0amancl3Rm perlence_for_grder entry on , SHORT HILLS, NJ 07078 «nintei^iewrPlease<:al(20U3. IBM 36 and general "cferlcaT ^201.351-5460 DRIVERS/ We are an equal opportunity employer M/F/H/V. duties. DATA CLASSIFIED SALES PROCESSING DIETARY- AIDE - Full time WAREHOUSE Visa, MasterCard Call Marilyn for Interview. Flexible hours-Call between 9 AM RECEPTIONIST Immediate opening In Union \ PART TIME and 2 PM for Interview 464 92«0 Part Time _C lUnhed Jersey 686-3100 A career opportunity exists In the manufacturing office for Are you a mom with some free time? bright, ambitious person- or a recent returnee to the work Classified Department. We are-| Minimum 2 years experience force? If you like working with Must delve 18' straight truck. The fast-moving bank • looking for a person wth good typing, on IBM 36, Ordec-entay and people, you'll love this- fob Diver DRIVER Apply In person;. '; • • CUSTOMER SERVICE - Busy office spelling and-telephpne skills. With a general clerical duties. Full slfled duties Flexible full time Straight Jobs. Clean driving-record. seeks ambitious person<• looking to people oriented Personality. Ex- benefits package. Non-smoker' schedule Days, & Saturdays- -Experienced - In "Stop for Stop" MILLER SHEPARD get Involved with growing company, perience helpful, but we will train preferred. Call for appointment available Salary, $4 00 per hour to deliveries. Apply In person between -fyping-sMlts-and-pleasant telephone bright beginner. Friendly office, PAPERCO. COUNTYLEADER CURK TYPIST . _ CLERK TYPIST , -with a routine which is never routine between9airH2noon. "~ ' start wilh guaranteed increase to 28.5 PM only. Relocation; outgoing referral Busy Insurance agency located In personality a plus. Great potential 15.40 after « months. Paid vacation ROGER'S WRHSE 621 Commerce Rd. for )he right person Call Mr. Glaser, or-borlng.— Parking on premises, -emrriolldays: r—v, :— NEWSPAPERS assistant. Typing skills, attention to , Kenllworth Diversified duties. 467 4111. . company paid benefits and vacation: rnuHsrcor Undan JUL___^_. detairrequlredrGre.at-offlce.-SSuper-|~p|easant surroundings. Call Gladys V—, Please call 674-9000 for Interview 14BleekerSt,Mlllburn people. Call Ms Saeger. 373 8005 at 608 7700. appointment. PLEASE QULMTHY Equal Oppty Employer AA/F (behind Kiddy Hart-oH Rtl S) 686-77OO 331-7326 IKIU1 ORAMGE Large lucj y\ __ ,~Z HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED room »partmenl. ranotyp«.-*ir HANDYMAN. GENERAL REPAIR HOUSE SALE ORANGE S roomi l>nt am) J R_O5P6CT STr loll Parker I ""r.'* 'JS lilEI UEC.P •!«• •n FILE : ^VvBEto«!iilfeB CLERK ; no Full time .i I available for a CRfoppoRTUNiTiEs 0 Reset merchandiser- $7.00 per hour. SmaUMs.../"•f W .c -CLERK -' The Summit Medicaal Group. P.A.P. . A M&itl-Speclalltv Group'Practlce, ma Ivldual wlthv'tvplno _«_- Is now acceptinaapolicatlons for the following Ideal opportunities: • ,_ through Frld . Jls, who en|oys diversified office o File person needed for busy your area,Car needed. Call Cell, 914- functions. Heavy phones and people bigKesults! Wlm. Clerical jT/PT ': contact.-Good growth.opportunity. . "manufacturing office. Also 332-9260, Ext. 266. . •.JO « M .CallA. »ED flD Call' 376-6926, ask, for Gary or •1 ' Bracon Htll- C relieving receptionist. Bright Medjcal Records File OerteFT/PT U^ ri. preterred. AvI Ipore. No chrctt. Individual. Typing and general- Marilyn. ?, •.-' ••"••'• ,<"•• . • I r 15 J3JS,; |_aur___..e!c-Ai\UrckKii-iM*3J-i.4«-r No early. birdl^-r office duties. Good phone skills Medjcal TechnologistF/T - ^NEWAIW AIRPORT——^ Body .'Fender Paru • required. Non smoker prefer- 1 Ai_»«.t:B p)aC«>t Unior), Available at, IoI Medical Transcribers FT/PT MJWRm HOTEL RESTAURANT PART TIME- ,-.- v!'i' '••'.••. Mi;;>^~: EAST ORANGE An c red. Full benefits package. Call 1 ;1 for appointment between 9am- Parking Lot Attendant F7T RntMiint Stfwi ' ' •• 12 noon. Full and part lime, flexible TEliPHONE? Patient Accounts Clerk F/T hours. Experience preferred and professional appearance- SOLICITORS HELP WANTED^ HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 686-3100 ~ PhlebotomistsfT/PT required. Start' Immediately. We have 2 Immediate openings for. part .time,, telephone Please call for an interview • .Nl Receptionist F/T , ' Monday-Friday: , solicitors, experience preferred PART Time , Receptlonlst-for but not necessary.. Call Mark Roselle Park internal - medical FILE CLERK * UN's FT/PT Cornwellat: ,' ; • practice. Monday and -Thursday PHLEB0T0MISTSFUI1/PARTTIME SALES CAREER OPPORTUNITY Immediate opening for a file clerk (201)t23-O0Ot,Eitf•'>•. poration Is located In the 485-9420. • ••.._ •, ' PROMOTERS v- ::*.••: v 9am, Interested candidates must Sprinjfielfl?N) POSITIONS AVAILABLE ' Elizabeth area.'-: . • ' , ' MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER Herballfe, Unllife, A.L. Williams, come to Mountainside police employer, •'... ;;.'. • '.'•.;. '• .•' .... ' WAlTER/WAITRESS-20 . Call Mr. Eaton at: „; •; .... .-.,•• \ Amway.-, or successful MLM headquarters, 1385 -US route 122 ' PAINTERS' - • Experienced Interior MCDOWELL'S OIL •Pleasant Working Conditions •-TYPING IOB; distributors can qualify as 376-2434 E.,Mountainside N.J., beginning, painters. Call 373-2242. . . •; ••:• . , - DESSERT MAKER10 •Good Benefits • Decent typing speed and high ac managers for us and earn 6 figures. (201)289-8070 curacy can be your ticket to an in .-Wednesday, April 29 thru Thursday, cdoK-ni/bisMWJtsKER-10 ,•-.--•%•"• INSURANCE ,We.can.putyou_on-top.-.Rald dally. May-14, I«fl7to Jill out .^Notice of PORTERS-General cleaning, large •Fleiible Hours . • . terestlng—lob—In-fhe—fast-paced; ..' -SHIFTSUPERVISOR-IO , v•..._- '233-3213 •Store Discount , • . exciting W6ria ot weekly newspaper SaJes^toolMree. 14 year oldcom- ^ntentloniBo-takeJihe testrand-a apartment building, experienced -RESTAURANT HELP Will train: Good telephone per: lanypo American Stock Exchange. 1 ""only,"Call373:2242—-;—-•?-— 7 customize your work week With day publishing. You'll pick up a valuable ''Release Form ' for the physical and evening shifts: Medical/Dental HOUSE PARENTS sonallty. Knowledge of typing, No products to shuffle. Never lose , agility test,' that must be notarized. .-•-- Apply In Person: .•;-• Pleasant-atmosphere. 9- AM*' lob skill when you're trained on our coverage available over 30 hours. VDT's. Minimal experience downline, "-v Call ; for recorded The due date for submission of the Cooks, servers, flexible hours, PM, five days. 9 KM-1PM, and: message; (409) 770-0720. : • ' 1 Please call Bob Kennedy at 232-0694 full time, part time, will train. 137 Central A»e., Westfield In community based group necessary; perfect for homemaker "Notice of:. Intention" and the •1PM-5PM : also 'available. returning to work. Full-time, but '.'Release Form'Ms Thursday May to arra.ge for an Interview. Equal Night kitchen manager. S'h day SALES/INSIDE homes In New Jersey seek Seasonal. .! '••..' f. ..: OFFICE (2) .Opportunity Employer,, ,' • . week, Apply In person: couples to provide 24 hour- live- hours are flexible. Maple'wod ,14; 1987. An applicant fee of $10.00. In care for . deyelopmentally location. Benefits. Call Brett Bayne, payable to the New Jersey state MERCHANDISERS^- 7430700,9A.M.-5P.M. , , ' FULLORPARTTIMe Association ofjOilefs of Police In the . GROUND ROUND ^Telemarketing. position _dlsat>led-ado!e5ceiits_Eull-tlme- POWERFORCE IS SEEKING SALES i/allablo for out-going friendly SECRETARY^- commltment for couple; Ex- form of a monev oBtetybanfccnecIC: KERCHANDISEIlSWITHJNSUREItAUTOS iRECEPJlOHLSJZi • PT 9? Fast 687=5962 MEDICAL SECRETARY- Full time, or certified check for a test.study Springfield, NJ BKpn—In—our—telemarkctlng- perience preferred. Profes- DAYS OR EVES; —• • : ' ' ' ' "'JM *••.-•. orthopedic office In Union. Typing, guide wrlltten examination and TO RB»BESEHTi^-*—WELL- KNOWN ~TSECRETARY department. Must have, plea- -5lon_|-tralnlna;"~cohsultatlon Busy.. Kenllworth off Ice seeks bright Looking for ambitious Individual 467-4004 . sant , prune voice and some Must be o)!perlenced. Diver- computer, > Insurance forms. scoring .process will be collected COMPANY'S ELECTRONIC ACCESSORY ( and relief staff. . provided. i: persons to call back customers to set: with a great personality. Accurate prior saleV»xperlenco. Call: slflod du res. Must type 50 vpm. Develop career-skills working :-,-,-v. .JHSlBU_mft.;'--i-.:..:;_:,-. Medical office experience preferred. up specific appointments, no selling. when study guides are distributed to UNE 12-16 HOURS PER WEEK DURING typing skills needed. Experience Steno and speed writing a plus 964;6600,9-4; •••"•.'.. .'••"'"•::- :•• applicants, who report for the- SALES HELP WANTED - For as part of a team. $27,000 per A leading eye • care office has a Call Scott, 241-2S00. ,. physical agility test on Saturdya THE, DAY IN LOCAL DEPARTMENT required."FUII time, Monday thru curtain store, no experience needed, Excolent benefits. Call for ap- year plus living expenses.- Will permanent, 'part-time position -STORES. Friday. Call 382-9595. polntnTent. _ also consider live-In,Individual:' MAIL Shop needs experienced typist May 23, 1987. Minimum : full time; 10AM 5:30PM or .part available for, a mature minded, to doing typing at home. Must be : quallf(elation Include: Age IB to. 35 • time, 10AM-3PM _Call Cary or 851-972 Send.resumeto; . . person with good communication) TOR MORE INFORMATION CALL I-SOO- RETAIL Sales Help-Full time VICAR INTERNATIONAL able to pick up and deliver. Please OFFICE ASSISTANT - years. Education.iHighschobl grad; Union and Irvlngron stores Apply Evelyn at 467-3070. Ka7ln's Kur skills: Our program Is ongoing and 'Call for Information, HUMM_L/

SECRETARY/ BJ. WORLDWIDE • CLERK TYPIST TEACHING ASSISTANTS TRANSPORTATION AIRFREIGHT e,—respontlbla person -lot general office work, typing, filing, Needed: for community based _, Ai phones. People' contact for-busy group home for ' austistlc HWANftGEMfNT— Fast Hm«ini Essex County office. Experienced adolescents. Full time positions Local Pkfc-iip*. ' - only. Send -.resume ' tos involving evening and weekend RED STAR EXPRESS LINES SECRETARY, PO Box 659,,West hours.. Training and consulta- CALL: 997-6577 Caldwell, Nj 07007. - tion provided:' Experience Red Star Express Lines Is seeking qualified-candldante-for-the preferred, but not necessary. positions of Platform Supervisor & Local Dispatcher for our Newark, EXPERT' --"Auto, TrucK~8i Boat- Earn $13,500 per year. Send N.J. facility. Candidates should have mln of 2 years experience, repair, done by experienced resume to: college preferred. These are frontline positions offering tremendous mechanic. Very reasonable. Call .;v_ SECRETEARY/ 842 2080. RECEPTIONIST opportunities for those who can grow with the company. Real Estate Investment office now -™- Nicholas wri Arnold We offer compensation commensurate with experience plus a full GENERAL-HOME-REPAIR - And In South Orange-moving to Office of Statewide Operatjors benefit package. Send resume. In strict confidence to: - painting. Very reasonable. Call Joe • Livingston soon. Experience after 3 PM, 484-8413. needed. Full time with benefits.. Computer knowledge a plus. Know CARPET CARE office procedures. Call 743-7480. ' DYFS RED STAR EXPRESS LINES ~ LEGAL ACCESS PLANS 400 DeUnej St, Newark, NJ. 07105, FOR BUSINESS* SnH»33O BARTHES CONTRACTING INC lS.Hont|omer|SL Attn: Roy L liller, Terminal MIIUIN ~ FAMILY PROTECTION• IMPROVE J4RW00DW0RKING _ 2 ^SUPERINTENDENT :: Legal assistance when you need It at CARPET SALES 4 HOMES WANTED Rooms •Additions •Kitchens-Baths Trenton, NJ. 08625 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V/H U-WSq.Vard SAVEUPTO . •• - • • Doors (Interior/exterior) All items custom designed, specializing^ a price anyone can afford. Capped YOUR CREDIT! Replacement Windows 'Attics •• NEEDED • fees for purchase or sale of home or Bui M Builders Prices $2500 hard wood and lormica. . , Husband and wife experienced team business. For Information call Basements—'Sheeirock •Ceilings TEMPORARIES ' Free Measuring' Don't Get Mad! (All types. Fully Insured). Free •WallUnits*Desks*Vanities —tosupervlsemultl-fmally apartment WORD PROCESSING (201)390 7459, M-F.9 5. To Display new Insulated vjnvi houses in Orage-lrvlngton. full time. CANYOtiBE"TEMP"TED (Mln. 50 Sq, Yards) -SldlngJTiade by.ALCAN CORP. _ GefHelp/r : estimates. All work guaranteed,, •Bookcases*Tables*C6unter Tops Live on premises. Rent-repairs- TYPIST/ WANG •HomeoniHicf Qualified homes will receive 984-5959 FREE ESTIMATES supervise. Good condition. Call 763-. *To earn excellent pay, referral —RESUME? ROBLEMS? •Large Selection*Many Colors' huge discounts. No money 25 years of financial experience 964-4676 5792. . : bonuses, and vacation pay? PASTE-UP We will talk about your experiences down, 100% financing, 50 years CARPENTRY - Exterior/Interior IBM PC and goals and produce a quality ,298-1331, guarantee.: ' , assure you of the best results. ' painting, bathrooms, ceilings, at- •To work at a variety of lobs of your DISPLAY WRITER 3 resume. All done In the privacy, of tics,- basements, siding, roofing, TEACHING ASSISTANT choice? your home. Ask about our.Flex- ALCAN AUTHORIZED Call 201/635-1200 additions, decks, etc. Free 'MAKE OLD To work for local weekly DECK/MATE Resume. Service. Suprlslngly CHIMNEY CLEANING estimates, experienced, reasonable •To use your skills at many maior newspaperi_Monday^T-u»sd8yr MULTIMATE reasonable rates. Visa & Master DEALER prices. Call 964-8039. CEILINGS NEW Needed for community based corps? .' Friday. Flexible hours, good CardacceplecL. 687-1118/Mr.Ssmm •SHEET ROCK group home for autistic s -working—environment. Will IMMEDIATE •SUSPENDED train. CALL HORIZON adolescents. Full time positions If the answer Is "YES" we're In Involving evening and weekend ASSIGNMENTS 527-6215 AARON DELCAN INNOVATIVE 824-7600 Days hours. TralnlnjTSrid consulta- terestedlnyoul For . SECRETARIES MAINTENANCE DRIVEWAYS iARAGE DOORS CONSTRUCTION 687-4163 after 5p.ro.. tion provided.. Experience CALL NANCY CORRAIGO Experienced Operators 1 preferred but not necessary. WORD PROCESSORS —Excellent-posi«on£WItH=- 20 Yearsin Business ; Complete Chimney "Creative Design and Construction" Earn $13,500 per year. 686-7700 &O2T VCR'S S CAMERA'S- -Seiviie. Roofing-Masonry. CRT(Day/Night) Free pickup.and delivery, 90 day OARAGE DOORS Ireldtled, Haraflt SEND RESUME TO: - CASHIERS/CLERKS TOP COMPANIES guarantee. Tune-up only $45. DAN-379-6865 B.HIRTH PAVING extensions, repairs & service, STRUCTION, WE WILL PROFESSIONALLY PAINTING/ TYPISTS Universal Video, 484 4758. electric operators & radio controls HANDLE YOUR EVERY NEED. —HICHOttSimfWUWlOU)--- In Essex & Union Counties Residential and Commercial. STEVEN'S OVERHEAD DOOR PAPERHANGING Asphalt work. Driveways, parking No lob Too Large Or Too Small SUITE330 . Brlng-your skills to one of our CLEAN UP SERVICE JNIIALLODD.JOBS- 1 S. MONTGOMERY ST. • WAREHOUSE TOP PAY! areas, sealing, resurfacing, curbing. —-TFRErESTtMftTES =T1KENXON,.N.J. 08425 convenient locatiODSJmmedlatelyl ALARMS Free estimate. Fully Insured. 687- WEEKENDSONLY Class I Carrier seeking assertive MAJOR MEDICAL ,,_...^GjEgEANING; J«E.T.ROfibLIIAN.DOpR CO. ; HILLY INSURED • Residential; Commerclal7~~ CALL 379-5266 TEACHER - Experienced with early . ll'sa 'TEMP'TINGOPPORTUNITY candidate for casual dock work: SERVICE. ApartmenfsThomes and 564-6197 Permanent employment available - with Dental Option offices. Reasonable rates. Diane, Sales, Repairs & Installed childhood degree and nursery school Experience a plus. $12.00 per hour, ALARMEDTr R&TPUGLIESE Service 8. Parts Department certificate"for federally funded RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL 789-8782. Leave message If no an PM shifts. Apply In person, Monday swer. » Asphalt Paving, Driveways, Parking Lots, Automatic 8. radio control daycare center. Call Mrs. Burns at - Thursday between 10 AM - 3 PM. LIFE INSURANCE BURGLAR AND FIRE ALARMS. door openers. 684-4150, ext. 15 between 9:30- HIGH QUALITY INSTALLATION Curbs & Concrete.. Quality Work. Fully Free estimates. Fully Insured HOME IMPROVEMENTS P&S MAINTENANCE 11:30am, or submit resume to Mr. Red Star Express Lines PAY EVERY WEEK AND. SERVICE. SERVICING Insured, Free Estimates. Residential 4 Complete Home Repaiis 241-5550 SPECIALIZING IN Roosevelt Williams, P.O. Box 123, 400 Delanqr Street FREE GIFTS! CENTRAL NEW JERSEY. FOUR STAR CLEANING— Commercial. Attlcs*Basements*Carpen!ry Vauxhall, NJ 07088. . SMALL TO MEDIUM Hewitt, NJ. 07105 .Rampart Security System HOME*OFFICES*BUSINESSES 272-8865 Insulation Work- REFERRAL BONUSES JOBS (PERSONNEL PEPARTHEItTr 862-0040 — Offices in every County in NJ. Family GENERAL SERVICES Kitchen & Bathrooms • TRUCKING •••••.-— TEMPORARY PERSONNEL, owned and operated. Insured and CALL: 688-8285 Equal Opp'ty Employer M,/h7V Call or visit any of-our offices SEAL-ArDRIVE- Save Your From Minor Repairs to Major Renovation. 50 Union Ave, Irvlngton 375-1545 Bonded. Reasonable Rates/Flee Driveway. Make It look .hotter and O.S.&D CLERK TODAY. ^ last longer by having a Spal-A-Drlve 375-4221 . Union/Elizabeth ; ' 558-0933 DECKS Estimates Red Star Express Lines major Scotch Pins—— - 232 0449 Application. Call 273:8588 For Free WAKE UP SERVICE common carrier seeking o;s;&" ,'D WAITRISS- Needed to work lunch Bloomfield . 748-7541 882-1391 Estimate Tired ol oversleeping? Don't be late Home Interest, Inc. Clerk with trucking experience. counter part time days F W. 574 Bloomfield Ave anymore. For more' Information kitchens, Bathrooms, Siding, RMC CONSTRUCTION O.S.&D and CRT experience a must. Woolworth, 300 No. Wood Ave call. Roofing, Shcetrock, Decks, Win Carpentry, Mronry, Roofing & Siding, ~Hltlirschool-graduate.^-F-ull_tlme. JREtCLIMBER Unden_ _ Union 484-3242 DECKS _ SUBURBAN PAVING dows, Doors, Repairs. IM- Tile, Waterproofing, Bathrooms & Kit- days. Excellent salary and com- 2333 Morris Ave , SUIte A-17~ PROVEMENTS/ALTERATIONS, pany paid benefits. Call Red star COMPANY chens, . • EXPERIENCED tree climber with WAITERS/WAITR ESSES- HOME CLEANING 353-0872 RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Express' Lines, 400 Delancy Street, a minimum of 5 years experience In EXCLUSIVE •Driveways Call: Free Estimates Fully Insured Newark, NJ. 344-7000, ext. 218 ask HOSTESS • New restaurant in Union For People On The Go. tree'work. Aggressive, punctual', seeking experienced staff Part ALL SIZED CUSTOM DECKS_ _?BaihingUlJlCurbing " C>U-388=9*2*= •: • for Joe Hills between 2 and 4 PM. well rounded individual with ad- "Specialty The House."-- 272-2886 E.O.E.M/F/H/V. •-:-.. time and full time days only. Please FREE ESTIMATES vancement potential. Good per contact Art Penny at 538-4495 or 881- asm FULLY INSURED Programs Designed By GUTTERS* LEADERS YOU. 687-313J sonality and drivers license a hiustl 4491! Application accepted Saturday AL 372-4282 Reasonable Rates,.& Available, Send resume with references and To Meet May 10 between 9 AM-4 PM. HANNAMCONTRACTING- TEACHERS wage requirements to. ' YOUR •Renovations For small -Catholic school. En- ARBOR ASSOCIATES Equal Opportunity Employer Roofing/Siding/Decks •Additions . ,\' : . :. ' M/F/H/V Needsl ELECTRICIANS GUTTERS & LEADERS ; thusiastic and positive environment. P.O. BOX1150 Bathrooms/General Carpentry •Fire Jobs ';---•- Primary and Intermediate grades. Thoroughly cleaned and flushed, . Union, NJ. 07083 WAITRESS R.J.'s CUSTOM DESIGNS 245-1945 Insured. J30.00 to 150.00. Minor tree • (201)862-0178 B&FCONSTRUCTION Call 372-1150,372-7555. !• Only serious minded applicants need "When quality Counts" Executive & Professional trimming Prompt efficient service appiyl . • WE CUSTOM BUILD DECKS - ALL Home Care; Inc. SPURR ELECTRIC I also work Saturday and Sunday 578-4679 TYPIST-Doctbr's office. .Irvlngton Fully Insured Experienced. Busy luncheonette in YARD PERSON/DRIVER SHAPES AND SIZES - SPECIAL ~New& Alteration Work - -NED3TEVENS HANDYMAN AVAILABLE - For center. No—steno. Transcribing SPRING RATES. CALL: Specializing In recessed lighting and weekends only Painting, reports from machine. Monday- Summit Call: 226-7379 specializing In small homo repairs Friday, 9-5. Call 375-4844. , TELLERS Summit lumber yard.requires service changing, smoko detectors, STEVE LARSON . Full time. Various branches.: No yard and security, lighting, Very reasonable prices Call 376 responsible individual with 0910, leave message on machine. CONTRACTING experience required, will train. 522-0900 valid N.J. license for full time 276-4253 l&R EXCAVATING alterations, and new developments additions, new construction, decks, Good benefits. Friendly, at- position. Prior-materials handl •License No 7288 Fully Insured No doors, windows,, bathrooms7~~klt~ mosphere. Call Personnel Depart Ing experience preferred. Ex • Foundations* Drlveways*Land Job Too Small. GUTTERS-LEADERS TELLERS Clearlng«Sol| Removal'Etc. ; HASARA CONSTRUCTION chons, basements. lnsured,_froe_ Jmmedlate openings for full, time ment, 447-B800, ext 54 cellent salary & benefits 851-9414 DRAINS ostlmatcs, design assistance. Call 763-667Q - 688-7426 Additions, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Doors, andpart-tlme-posltlorfsVExperlence' CARPENTRY -Thoroughly Owned I Flushed- 488-0094. a plus. If no experience we will train. INTERCOMMUNITY BANK WAREHOUSE HELP TOR APPOINTMENT CALL G. GREENWALD ~ lnierior7EHerior, Shettrock, Ceilings, 52 Mlllburn Avenue Carpenter Contractors •REPAIRS'REPLACEMENTS Call 488-9500 during the hours of 9am Immediate full time opening, Greaf GLENN MILLER ELECTROLYSIS Replacement Windows, Aluminum Siding, & 4:30pm, or come In person bet- Springfield, N.J Work environment and benefits. Will All type repairs, remodeling, kit- •Fully lnsured«Free Estimates SCREENS REPAIRED train: Contact Dan, 487-1400,8:30am AT: 277-0030 chen, porches, enclosures, cellars, - TOP TO BOTTOM 1 M-Masonry-W«k,-Roofing, All Types Fully ween the hours of 9am & 2:30pm. Equal oppty employer MarkMeise 22TW6 Reasonable Rates to 5pm attics, Pully Insured, estimates CLEANING SERVICE Insured, Free Estimates. UNION CENTER KRUPNICK BROTHERS given 488-2984. Small lobs. -CALL 351-2969 Competent and,well trained women CHRISTINE'S ~ 851-2617 NATIONAL BANK TELEPHONE ,' , 909 Rahway Ave, >(j Union to care for your home and make ASK FOR LOU ELECTROLYSIS 2003 Morris Ave., Union RECEPTIONIST 4-INSTRUCTIO yourJJie easier HOME IMPROVEMENTS EOE GARRI6AN CUSTOM ROSE 376-0805 Medically Approved Method Of Permanent Hair Removal First Needed for computerized — CARPENTRY EILEEN 376-0691 Answering Service for 3pm,- 11 TreatmenrHalf-prlce— Free Con WAITERS -SUCCESSFUL MATH TUTOR after 6pm, TELLERS pm, 4 pm-13 pm and. weekends. FULLY INSURED ~ sultatlon. Reasonable Rates. BARTHES TUSCAN Inc. Starting pay J5 per hour and WAITRESSES OVER 25 YEARS TEACHING All Type* 01 Carpentry i partial benlfits Please caJM 245-7467 CONTRACTING INC. CASHIERS- Prestigious—country club In High School/College ~== _TFREE ESTIMATES , CONTRACTORS S CONSULTANTS' Olga> TRlSHA'S'- Pro Condo and single VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS •'* QUALITY *** • : Union has full and part time Algebra 1 through Calculus 351-9119 home cleaning service Call 487 7278 Full and part time Will train. positions available. Day or 7/g" Thwmil Pane CRAFTSMANSHIP AT COMPETITIVE PRICES^ I mmedlato openings With grow 233-0786 ~ evening shifts. Hourly rate Ex FENCES Ing corporation in the Elizabeth - "war Direct from factory -- • CUSTOM KITCHENS& BATHROOMS ' perlnce preferred. Please call: aroa Call to customer, SAVE W • FINISHED BASEMENTS {/ATTICS* JOEDOMAN ALUMINUM SIDING • NEW ADDITIONS & ENCLOSURES * . , WAREHOUSE- Socket Screw 5-SERVICES OFFERED B&ZFENCECO. •Double Hun{*Bay Windows* MR. EATON Distributor needs EXPERIENCED SUBURBAN COUNTRY 686-3124 Industrious employees for CLUB •Alterations/Repairs CHAIN LINK, WOOD, DOG RUNS •Bow Windows»Slidlni Windows* (Pre Season Discounts) ' RECEIVING Department. Good CALIORAPHY - Invitations, en- •Closets/Cabinets POOLS Free estimates Free walk •Casement Windows* DISTINCTIVE DECKS & GAZEBOS ALL- TYPES - Of Surface cleaning. r v 289-8070 Salary.' Paid vacations, company Union, NJ velopes, poems, stationery, cer- •Customized Tables gat e Witrrpurchasi e _oi f in10n 0 lufeet t onrr 964-5959 benefits Apply In person Monday - tificates, cards. Will pick up and •Storage Areas Hot & Cold pressure washing Free more 24-Hour Service estimates, DAVE'S STEAM All Work Guaranteed freoostlmolo fully Insured Friday 9 AM - 5 PM, 5 Cornell - 686-0413 deliver. Call Nancy 742-1889, •Formlca/Wood/Panellng 925 2567 Parkway, Springfield, (off Rt. 32 /Wlndows/Doors/Sheetrock CLEANING, 742 0027 Leat/e FULLY INSURED . East behind Echo Bowling Lanes). message 381-2094 763-1861 'AIHT1NG PAINTING ., Bum «>4 41]' ' || ORANGE Laroe iMcioul S'll ...... :.Z HOME IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPING MASONRY .ji ...... _ room apartment, rancr type.. Air j HANDYMAN, GENERAL REPAIR HOUSE SALE it- WESTJBANsr S room heat and II^M^numn^nim^fld^h^iin i 11 c.j}_——-* PECT ST (oil Parker US SERVICES •0 Mwtag. '_^i^ljjjm . Sun 10 4 0. IMPROVE YOUR HOME WITH GIL GRASS CUTTING SERVICE CUSTOM INTERIOR •MEB KELf .fl»tl| walnut MASORY -•Interior Pairting r'»iie,tjprl»r-l.'r irdl, 4 UwiaNuttp . PAINTING iiwav. work;A'. 17l| Custom Buill I Repairi"" % •Edied Bttement Wtftrptooflni Senior Citizen. Call Bob, Monday- books, ' • Wood Fencer* Basements WORK GUARANTEED. SELF Friday after 4 PM. Saturday & CALL VINCE, 353-2668 Big Results! other $10 and op EMPLOYED. - -INSURED. 35 CLflSSIFIEDfiDS! 'set, and FREE ESTIMATES Sunday after 1PM. J » M 4 » Cilll Fertilidm Available YEARS EXPERIENCE. CALL: 373- kl 8c«con H>l No checks 9644364 964-3575 8773 CMUMMA pr«lr Charles Mikulik 688-1144 OVER 17 YEARS, NEW ROOFING ^ tiC -Avenue—CONTENTS MUST BE Advice on your home painting RAINBOWORIL^: SOLDI!. •••."- B.E.K.& A. LANDSCAPING- Spring Union problems. 30 Years Exprlence In the and REPAIR. ALL WORK clean ups monthly maintenance PROCESSING Trade. GUARANTEED •'• IN WRITING. BICYCLE-Glrl's 10 speed, "M-lnch fertilize lime and sod. Reasonable FULLY INSURED. : FREE TREE SERVICE For All Your Typing Needs ROSS, light blue. Excellent con.|| rates Call 964 74»3or687-3953, PHONE NICK - ESTIMATES. CALL: dltlon.S70.Call964-4759. :.. : ILIMOSINE SERVICE PAINTING 245-4835 Anytime 381-5145 24 hour turnover . CHARGE-IT! Call Phyllis: 2 CRYPTS -In Chaple mausoleum, - Classified how accepts CIFELLI LANDSCAPING NETHER TREE also a grave plots, all at Hollywood "Spring, clean up, monthly—maln- ARIES - Llmoslne Service, (TV, DORIS RASKIN * Painting, ex- _ RJ/s PAINTING -851-0548 Memorial Park, very reasonably Bar), all alrnorts^ZJinUotmed allofJfop Large - ' -EXI >r(cedV762-'4919. -~^- ~'""^"•- tonance, fertilizer! lime/ sod, shrub terior/Interior, excellent references, "Where Quality Counts" Prompt,service. Safety at a(l times work Reasonable Rates chauffeur, 24 hour reservation (201) fully insured, free estimates, 352 2325 or (212) 714 5530 SPECIAL $P,RING DISCOUNTS All Types of Repairs Removals (also stumps), pruning, WEDDING INVITATIONS CEMETERY PLOTS ' Hollywood reasonable rates, work,: guarantee. 'cable and cavity, work. 100 ft. crane CALL 964-7558 All small repairs. Call 564-9293. 20%-Off.- One-year-waminty. All Gutters Uadeis Memorial. Park-,' 2 plots, under work guaranteed by professional service.. Free Estimates. • Fu|ly_ current price, Call collect evenings MAINTENANCE- .craftsmen.. Benlamln^Moote Pflln DOTSYLOU ; -Ihsuredr (609) flfj-i/tTQ—-•'-— ••'• * ' CANIZE LANDSCAPING used "RoonngConlSctod TWRICK BUCKLEY" CALL AND SAVE! y COFFEE «, end:table, wood with Residential & Commercial RISTE MAINTENANCE- General One coat on exterior, $475 &_up 276-4253 Union, M 752-0165 slate. Excellent condition. 1250 takes office cleaning, floor Waxing. - Home Rooms, hallways, stores, offices 688-2188 both. Call 276-3235. "•;'- V Lawn Maintenance, Sprinkler painted or papered, $45 00 & up Announcements Systems, Landscape Design, Patlc and Industrial Free estimates Call STUMPEpPiRid' your yard of ur 24r»7JTT " Free estimates, fully Insured. 374 wanted tree stumps. Fast and eas , •••••••Also';.': • •' -, , COUCH - Cut velvet, gold, Blocks, Railroad Ties, New Lawns 5436 or 761 5511 Free Estimates Quality and Ser THOMAS PAINTING CO. grinding and "removal.' STUMI Napkins and traditional, good condition, best ROOFING & SIDING .BUSTERS^40-0724.: .';y • •...'-• offer. MUltl shaded brown'12x15 COUNTY LEADER Mice. MASONRY Will Paint Your Home With Souvenir Matches ; carpet; Casement^B.OOO BTU air — FRANK, 2416711 . Benjamin Moore Paint New roofs, shingles and. flat. s Aluminum and vinyl siding. Storm Maple conditioner, gold velvet*40" lamp. 25 Yean Experience ; WOODSTOCK ' Call after 6pm, 964'5258,-; NEWSPAPERS RENATOCAVAUARO FERDINANDI PAINTING doors and windows Installed. im SERVICE Composition Interlor'Exterlor. Also.' Roofing Guaranteed Syearsjram peeling FREE ESTIIUItS :, ALL TYPES TREE WORK. COUCH- Extra laroe,Hred- wool GINYARD'S LANDSCAPING MasonnrPanng Fully Insured Free estimates 443 Valley Street- Maintenance clean up. Spring and Brickwork.- Steps, Patios, Gutters, Leaders: Velry neat and NIWortGinnntHd ESTIAAATES. SENIOR ^CITIZEN (In the rear of the •" ••_ - tweed. Excellent condition, $100, fall. Industrial and commercial. Sidewalks, Stonework, Driveways clean CALL ANYTIME-9644537 FULLY INSURED ••-. DISCOUNTi IMMEDIAVE SER: News-Record Building Whirlpool refrigerator) Sfos call 399- Cutting, light hauling. Free quotes. Free Estimates. 964-7359 VICE. INSURED. Maplewood 5810. •.:••• •. .CAU 9644039. 374-8702 2724955 •'.,' ••••••.•••••. •:-. '" .276-5752'' '• -762-0303 PUBLIC NOTICE •a FURNISHED ROOMS ORANGE Large spacious S'li _^ , .. -,. - HOUSE SALE room apartment ranci-Wpe Air HAypYMAN GENERAt, REPAIR OSPECT ST loft Parker UNION-" Furnished sleeping room WHEREAS. EMtmn t*bor«lofk». Ltd., 4JJ7 &^^^!^^^-^"""' i htii and result! Kltsnw Boulevard, Flmhlng, New Yortc I11S5, — Sun 10 * prices Call • for noh-smoKer female.- .Near Mi agrnd to pravloa the neceiurV urine telling walnui transportation and shopping. and monitoring »rvlce» >a delendinM , »nd •\ >• ml as 4 Utilities paid* *«•. weekly. Send ,oroballonen Involved with the Superior Court, I fur .•ri»«HI«l Bnx 44881 County Criminal . Division- and the Union County Fittr-o reply-Xl ProbatioPbationn O«Mrtm»nUwtr>«p«rlodjmvO«Mrtm»nUwtr>«p«rlodjmvl.JM7. — rruy» -• Leader Newspaper, 1291 Styvesent throuoh Decembeb r 3131. 1M1MJ In ththe tur n o( not t oto and •Ave. Union, N.J.07083. exceed 115,000.001 and . 1 WHEREAS, the Local Public Contract* Law books requires that a Resolution authorlilng the Big Results! other, ' CELLARS YA •warding of a contract for professional services V WJ and . cleaned Tcarj HOUSES FOR RENT ."without competitive bidding'.' must be passed •?'*>• 4 JO Ci I garages by the governing body and snail be advertised} Bt«cwv.'H'U pt preferred: ' A7 triclo r NEW t US Ao early birds | removed and . ' • •• vMrs bid!' eVc«flenf condition' 15 M». 7 573 iur« etc MUrtfock James e BERKELEY HEIGHTS - Spacious . WHEREAS, this contract Is awarded without I Body & Fender Paris competitive bidding as a "Professional Service" Call eventng4;;7'.,,'.'l5 ' , yl a Place Un on Available at HELPI house, ,3 extra large bedrooms, 2 -In accordance with 40AM1-S (tl(a) of the Local baths, clean move In condition, Public Contracts law because the services to be performed are medical services: sharing acceptable, $1375/month. NOW, THEREFORE, BE~I.T RESOLVED bV" O _ 107..' ',•.:,•. :••:••'•••• -.. •• , the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of !'.;•;• Union that Eastern Laboratories, Ltd., ia-07 I FOR SALE. 8-REAL ESTATE Klssena Boulevard, Flushing, New York 11J55, Is GARAGE SALE WANTED TO BUY APARTMENTS FOR RENT ' hereby awarded a contract to provide the 'SPRIHGFIEID necessary services as outlined above; and. : BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the LIVING ROOM- Sofa and two club UNION- 519 WINTHROP ROAD, WANTED •••-•;•:•• , MAPLEWOOD-M spacious, rooms County Manager and Clerk of this Board be and chairs with covers. Duncan File all Saturday, May 9, Ralndate May 16, Dead end street. Convenient lo they are hereby authorlied to execute said mahogany dining room "table with 9 AM •• 4 PM. ,FOUR FAMILY shopping and transportation; Wai to plus utilities. Call REALTY contract upon approval by the County Counsel's CORNER,374-2300; CHflcetortheeforesaldprolecliend > pads, three leaves, no chairs.' SALE. Televisions, records, dishes, PORTABLE * wall carpeting, hpt water, and heat ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said Mahogany desk credenza. All good ceramics, lewelry, clothes $1.00 a Included, IVb month security, $850 sum of not to exceed 115,000.00 to be charged to condition. Very reasonable. Call bag. .••'•..'•'• . . per month, 2nd floor.' Adults Account NO.OOI-07snlUWl and P06PEN BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of days 276-7800 or evenings 96>7245. preferred; Can 741-5340. ^ • this Resolution be published according to law UNION- 396 Durham Ct.,(at Colonial For Urge German Sheppard within ten (101 days of Irs passage. LIMOGE- CHINA $75. All wood Ave.) Saturday,, May 9,- 9-5. RAY BELL MAPLEWOOD-Large 2 bedroom. I hereby certlly the above to be a true copu of a I REASONABLE PRICED resolution adopted by the Board of Chosen dresser with Mirror and oriental Refrigerator, washing machine; apartment; Completely remodeled. HOUSES TOSHARE rug. Call 925-8409. Please Call: AND ASSOCIATES Llvlngroom, dlnlngroom, pantry, ,F.reeholders.oUho.Counlyol.Unlon.onlheJato_ desk, kitchen table, car rims, .bov.rn.nl.o~Kf. ,-.E|]•• floor, . 3'.'. bedroom •• ..• • ; «Mets :•".-..• '. ,. $1.00 (U : Repair) Foreclosures; , mer; house, In Beltnar. (across ' I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of a 334-8709 •••,"'.,• Repos, 8, Tax Delinquent Properties apartment plus garage. Available the'street; from the, beach). resolution adopted bv the Board of Cltostn • 'Yankees DOG TRAINING _^.__ June 1. $825.372-4307.,: ; ; ; $600$750 per persOn.for EN- Freeholders of the County of Union on thedale ••'• BOOKS NOW selling In your area Call WlEICAT TIRE^OMMERI:, call Joe above mentioned. • E,|Mn A] cnrwk.; clwk WALL UN1T-3 piece, very good We Buy and sell Books (refundable) 1 -518-459-3546 Ext. H UNION- 1st floor, modern 6 rooms, 3 5380 for listings. 24 Hogrs. - . Farina at' 549-5379 or Randy APPROVED AS TO FORM r~, .•" condition. Pjease call 686-9351. 321 PARK AVE., PLFD. bedrooms,— l'/i—baths, adults Cohenat484-3034. ' •.;•• PL4-3900 preferred. • $800. plus, utilities. CW/YA^RW PERFECT HOME SPRINGFIELD-Resldentall, profe- •054«F<>CUUaay7,19.7 GARAGE SALE COMPANIONS, Inc. ssional property, 2 bedrooms, 2 car Available June 1,. 324 Trotting . detached garage, basement. •Road,call494-3842. • v y •• .' • - ; -OBEDIENCE Beautiful corner property. Great for ATI bNMON VENDORS-And HIGHEST PRICES PAID UNION-Beautlful :3': room '•'•iapart- lO-BUSINESSOPPORTUNIty UNION COUNTY BOARD Op CHOSEN ,: PROBLEM SOLVING :, professional or small family. Low ment, heat Included. .Carpet.'. Near FREEHOLDERS- shoppersi Mlllburn - Rotary Giant . TOR YOUR • 1 SPECIALTY TWHNIMG;.___.iJ " taxes. AskjriB $199,000.544-8817.:.., ; Garage Sole, Saturday, May 16, 'transportation. Good for. business ..,, DATE:4/*V«71 9sm-4pm. .Ralndate, May 23, ' St. ANTIQUES ftOL D THINGS Training deslgntdto mee t the needs of couple.or person. $555. month plus 1 U/MERCAS. there exists a need' for r CONTINUE ; •-•• Stephen's-Church Parking Lot, 119 •-?/••,••".: AND;,- '#';•:;••••: every dog owner.,':; J"'';". : '.• . • ' . month security. No realtors please: . profesilonal-services lo provide partnteral : : MINIMALIHUESTMENT : APARTMENTS FOR RENT 9»-/t»4i: :;•'• f-;;'\>;'-: ••:;••!; rrrlgVlloVTservices to the patlenls.al John E. ...Main Street, Mlllburn. SlO./space. • .-.••• • ALL06ES R l $17.Apace and 8 ft.table. Proceeds MAHOGANY FURNITURE ^; HIGH EARNINGS , WHEREA?; '""sco1chWood Pharmacy, .'44 TO RUN THE AD ^ Also - We will remove odds and ends WIBREEDS :•-.•" FliaORPMRTTIME; MartlSI Avenue, FinwooarNew Jersoyojon, to charity. Phone Robert Sydrock, ELMORA SECTION - Near Keari APARTMENT|>(ANTEp ; has, (grtedII^provide the necessary **™"l">> -•'• A .565-3056 or 347-4263, after 7pm. ' and old furniture from your home. PRIVATE LESSONS College. Beautiful )• bedroom POTENmL UNLIMITED Irrloalfon services to the patients at John E. apartment. Freshly. decorated,.Wall CHARLES MIKUUK : v Unlauesdniicefof small businesses Dun^ls Hosoltal for the period May I, ««.' UNTIL YOUR CAR IS LINDEN- 632 Pierce Avenue,.. (1. ••.:,.•,: ,'aitt.-:--.'- •--••-:;!•.--•. to wall carpet, on site parking. $500. JrVOMANrln' need of i; or'4 rpbm throCgll riSSSber 31, wKlhe-sum of.nol to block from St. Georges Avenue, off 6884144 ^ UNION plus utilities, adults only. " Vh apartment:. 'Union county area. Call for.info 486^542 "*>'SHER5EM!The"ucal.Public Conlracts.Law _SoM!le^ri!etU_^Styi^aV_May_9th_ mnnttn nwurlty and' references Reasonable rent. Call 944-3735. '.' ' and Sunday May 10th. Five family 763-WJNE sale. Lots of goodies for everyone. INTERESTED - In buying pain- required. Please call, 486-0809. Must see It to believe It I... , .. tings, linens, silver/Oriental rugs, '' 'f ' toys, vintage furniture,., etc. House .„,...,,„ -garden ! REAL ESTATE apartment. Excellent location. All CONDOS MOVIHG'OUT OF STATE,- Large Sales Conducted. I Call Anytime- $13.99 one price designer, (Multl tier : Sale, May 8th and 9th, 10AA/MPAA, 31 Hunter^. Owen. 277-4887. . , :, . utilities except electricity.. Newly painted: l'Anionths security. $425. discount or family shoe store. A Maximum 13 weeks - WoodbrookCircle, Westfleld. ALL CASH-Pald for'any home, 1-10 UNION . retail price,unbelievable for quality LIONEL TOY TRAINS-^Any Con- families: 2 weeks closing,- no e^fj (JUHWI f- v I. ^#^ v|l^ JVII^pi ^ ff vj| t 11 •" i -shoes-noTTOaUy priced.fr6nvVi» to dition, Absolutly Highest CASH obligations:" Essex '.-and 'Union INSTRUCTIONS: Sirngiy write dbWnyour- ad '.' MAPLEWOOD-3 family sale- 7 ' $80.~Over 350. brand namesTTiOO. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10- Paldl 1 Item to entire collection. Call counties. Approved contractors. Mr. IRVINOTON-One; bedrobriT'apart DELUXE CONDOMINIUMS ment near Irvlngton Center.' Heat, "^fyles. $14,800 to $24,900..Invehtory,. and mail itwith your^paymenHo: r 4, 22 Porter Road, (off Field Court Days831-1930.. • ' -; ; , ,: •.Sharpe,37*:870O.- ...; . ' ' .,' . 2 -bedrooms, 2 baths, Great room- and hot water Included. $500, month. wlth fireplace,, w/w > carpeting, training, fixtures, grand openings. which Is off Rutgers Street or Burnet Can combine w|th over ,1,000 brands I Avenue, also off Stanley Terrace,' "y" ; OLD CLOCKS* ' • :.; •'•GOVERNMENT-Homes from SI (U Immediate occupancy: 443-8355, washeri dryer, refrigerator, private ' •':• __:EOCKET WATCHES " after6pm. r:..::,.<, /^••'••••—•-"•^r-iLZ of ijpparel,' accessories, lingerie. . 1 • 1 .Union); IMost callto3-77v3; Clothes, repair).Delinquent tax property patio, pool with .club .'house. Highest cash paJd, alsoparts. Union,. ' Ul IUQI| • UOIH.VHBUI f «m »" —f, wan* furniture, linens, dishes, pool lad- Repossessions.. Call 1-805-687-6000, aV5fhn50 .nib 944-.1224; . "v,. :•.;.;•••.'•.-'•(••...'~"7T". Ext.GH-1448. fo^ current repo list. ' IRVINGTON/Upper-Apartments to JUOSOPlUSUtllltles. Call 376-9393, chlldrens storei Can open 15 days. dor, toys, dlnlngroom chairs, Zenjth let. Taking applications. No fee; 371- Mr,Loughlln, (412)888'4438. . coiorTy. JANE; '.-• ••,;._,_ USED FURS•.•'.- IS Time Shaflng.for you? For a>4 UNION -2 bedroom brand new- 1 ROSELLE PARK-41 Charles Street, •' •••;•• --.-...WANTED,'- ..;. page report-jend"I2.50 to Cffatham corido. IVi baths,,wall to wall car- Highest prices paid for fur coats Si Pride Distributors,, P.O. Box 1045, MAPJ-EWOOr>« large.rooms, 2nd peting, • 2 balconies, W7J/month. |-H (off Chestnut) Saturday May 9,9-4. floor, *3 bedrooms, ' llvlngroom,' Miscellaneous Itoms from 4 •Cfi5rham,.N.J. 07928. . • . to/MAKIN REALTY (broker)'488- fjRIEDMAN FURS,(609) 395-8158. dining! room; 'modern kitchen and; 1 UNION, NJ. 07083 • families. No early blrds^,;./: ._. bath, W'W carpet, near school and •'.3M7;: ''"' ;'::.x,:^;"vr" •;;••:';;.,. '• ST. CLOUD AREA-West Orange. transportation. Available June 1st. : SHORT HILLS- Bring Mom, Fan- Princlpasl only. Great starter house. Call any time, 762-6677. ; ' FURNISHED ROOMS •• tastlc ' variety, ,fun/ prices, Walklng~ai5!Snce to. schools, tran- -•-' • ': ':,';'.WANTEDTO BUY/ •: ••- 'T; above mentioned.^ • eJlH1)A.ct.«nk«,ClsVk typewriter, lewelry,.tools clothing, sportation . and , shopping.. 3 hpusehoid, plants, more. May B,-9, Antiques, home' and. apartment MAPLEW00D-5 rooms,, heat/hot FURNISHED- ROOM In private APPROVEDASTORBRM ,-.•••. contents, estates, clean used fur- bedrooms, all .appliances Included. water supplied. No pets. S775/month 9am-5prn. 20" In wood, , Road, Owner moving out of state. $170,000. home for Working gentleman. Call (off/Mlllburn Ave,,Baltusrol,Eml- niture, etc. SPRINGFIELD plus 1 month security; Call 741'7490." . 1 0M4?F0CUS,May7,l9«7 '.GALLERIES, 4W30H' ' ,Ca,ll731r8193..-/-: ';; •••.''•' ;..'..-::'>.--.': •asssow''" ''-- '' •*•;•; : •"• •; criminal Division and the Union County wood,Woodlahd,Oakvlew,Oak Hill). Probation Department; and ,,..,• ••-,;*;.

o z .c equity locnis^i^consumw-wfse approach -z- p If your old sumer credit more expensive, but. . equity loan, then, is basically a loan, equity loan suddenly taken on a new all of the interest paid on your mor^. 5 car absolutely refused to go another the most-expensive of all will be or line of credit, secured by a mor- importance as a financing tool? tgage and your equity loan, provided z mile and you needed money to buy a credit cards. Although .the time has tgage on your home. You may use a Easy. Since this kind of borrowing is that the total amount owed doesn't r> new one, you went to the bank for a come to re-examine financing tac- home equity loan for any secured by your home, the interest exceed the' purchase price of your ~c~ car loan'. If the coat you've been dy- tics, changing people's borrowing purpose—to buy a "car, finance a you pay is fully deductible, as oppos- ing to buy. just went on sale and you home plus the cost of improvements 5 habits may be difficult. Let's face it,. 'Vacation or consolidate your debts. ed to consumer credit interest which made.' " • '- didn't have enough cash to pay for it, the 'American consumer loves is only partially deductible: So an you might Charge it,to your credit. plastic. It's easy and it's convenient Generally, lenders will allow you equity loan can provide substantial Note: Th6 tax treatment for card., And if (he tuition cost at the and lenders know this. While other to borrow from 75 percent to SO per-: amounts of low cost, tax-deductible amounts borrowed above these' college your son has selected is out interest . rates have dropped- cent of your equity. Many of these -creditThe^iew^tax-lawrallowsyoU'tb- limits is dependent oh how the pro:_ of your reach, a student loan was the dramatically, credit card charges loans carry a variable rate which deduct, as mortgage interest, ex- : ceedsare used. If the amount is used usual answer, But,; according to the changes monthly. And because the for medical or educational expenses 1 have not. The average credit card pense, any interest paid on home New Jersey Society of Certified rate at the beginning of this year loan is secured by your home, the equity loans up to the original pur- or to finance a homo improvement, Public Accountants, the old ways of was just under IB percent. rate can be quite low. The index chase price of your house less the the interest costs are fully deducti- financing your debt may not make . most often used by banks is the But with' the phasing out of in- amount you owe on your mortgage, ble.." -•••• . • ••••:•.-•- • •• : r the most, sense,these days, par- terest cost deductions, now it's wiser • prime rate, with most equity Joans plus the cost of all improvements . :. l£ is important to keep in mind ticularly in light of the new tax laws. than ever to use your credit card as priced at 2 percent over prime. The you have made. In mathematical that, sinco you're borrowing against l fees banks charge for opening a terms: the equity in your home, you run the : First and1oremost,"the new"ta)r7Ti convenience only. By charging home equity credit line vary. Some law calls for a phaslrig-out of the purohnsfia during th« month and risk of losing your home if you can- PurehaseprlceT^mortgap I deduction of Interest costs for con- paying off your total balance within not repay, But if you're confident sumer debt. Consumer debt includes the bank's grace period, you can fee and closing costs at others can balance plus home improvement that.you are borrowing within your - credit cards, personal loans, student avoid interest charges. ' range from a few hundred to a few costs equals amount of additional means and can meet the lender's ; loans; car~loans:and- loans against -thousand dollars,— -debt-for—which- mortgage-interest- =repaymentFschedulora" home equity " .\\ ~ Orrbetter^yetrmaybe you should" would be deductible. life insurance policies. For 1987, only look into a home equity loan. Once_your loan is apprOved,_you loan can be a wise choice. : 65 percent of the interest paid is "AltKOugh-homffequity^IoansTnaynot—can-borrow~against your line of An example: If you 'bought your KeepTinmind thatratsome point in deductible. In 1988, the amount be right for everyone, they certainly "credit by writing a check or presen- house for $100,000, you have a mor- Jhe future, Congress may change the deductible drops to 40 percent; 20 have become the hottest ticket in ting a special credit card. You can tgage balance of $70,000 and made, rules on home equity line of credit percent in 1989; 10 percent' in 1990. "town. ._•••._ borrow as often as you like, as long $10,000 worth of improvements, you tax deducibility. As of 1991, no portion of the interest .For the uninitiated, your home as you don't go-over your credit would be able to deduct the interest 'Money Management Is a weekly paid on consumer debt will be deduc- - • equity is the appraised market value _Jimlt. Interest is charged only on the payments on a home equity loan of column oh personal - finance ble.1^,., .,;.;'.: ;.•:.__ _^of your house less the amount of any amount borrowed. upto$40,000. '•••"..' distributed by the Now Jersey Socie- The new tax law will make all con- outstanding mortgages. A home . But why, you ask, has the home; ' Put another wayryou may deduct ty of Certified Public Accountants.

As the real estate .market reels on real estate, according to the lower short-term- prices for all real portant social issues will affect real ding to Eagle. T ^^o^^Ke^^aa^blows of severe over- authors. The legislation will initially estate." pointed out Kenneth Rosen. estate development in the near "No longer can we just build building and ' the effects of. tax reduce property values and cause a However; the overall effect of the future, including an increasing im- buildings," says Eagle. "They must reform legislation, buyers will .turn dramatic drop in new construction, tax bill will be positive, lie believed. migrant population, the availability: be converted, to productive invest- to retail and industrial space in- particularly in the , area of low- '.. VReal estate development shbu!d_of fresh water, and the rapidly grow- ment assets. This will require pro- 7 vestments , rather • than office income housing, which relied almost always hatfe been based on sound ingelderlypopulation. • ') active property management;" • buildings in 1987; , : entirely on tax-shelter benefits to economic demand," he maintained. The tax reforms may .also lead Owners will also rely on in- make construction feasible. "Tax benefits arc nice, but where, owners to focus more on existing For a free copy of the article, telllgent^reaUveymanagement-of- - "Tax reform ;and supply/demand -they; were excessive—theyrc8Used—^income-produclng"real~estate~than "write ttfthe~Jburna!5tlREM;^30 N,7 thelr properties to ensure a good imbalance will result in somewhat - abuse."" JSevcraLother-imz nn clovotnprni-nt_rffnt_.itnt«» yi.nr. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III, 60011. return on their investments^ _._ These Breathe 'opinions • ortfiree real estate and; asset management specialists writing in a recent Issue •V- FOR FREE of the "Journal of Property Manage^.. MARKET ANALYSIS DEGNAN -: BOYLE ment;" Blake Eagle, senior Vice ' president and director of real; estate CALL for the Frank Russell Company, 686-0656 Tacoma; Wash.; Mike" E. Miles,_ B1ER^V$MREEt-OSTEHTAb AGEX/CY, IMC Call for a free Welcome foundation professor • of urban UNION This new development of elegant homes is located in Suburban Union; A town development at 'the University of• - Home Magazine con- Nofth,Carolina at Chapel Hill; and Residential & Commercial lUdl I-stati. noted for its well groomed neighborhoods and excellent school system both • •-.••- Serving Union County ForO er 60 Years taining pictures, prices academically and athletically/The spacious homes of Parkside Manor will undoubted- Kenneth Rosen; chairman of the . Let Our Knowledge anil Experience and descriptions "bf Center for Real Estate and Urban • ....:. .-...• • -..•;•.. -Work ForYou. We Care current homes for sale. ly add to the already established reputation of quality living in the community Economics and. professor at the •These carefully designed homes are geared to today s need for convenience and ef- University of California at Berkeley, 686-0656 i. 1880 Moi ns Ave • Union discussed ttie effects of the tax law -ficieney=for busy lifestyles.at the same time keeping in mind the desire for classic v : on reaI .'.:^tatB,:.''..theJ:'!pn8-raiigeJL ai S S outlook for *real,"Tstate and the parksidSMa nor ii strategicallyJocated for easy access to Routes 22,24 and the emerging role of the sophisticated SUMMIT SPECIAL Garden state Parkway. Shopping areas are close by with union and Springfield "property.mana'ger today. ,• • CpLONIALWITH4BEDItOOMS — centers and Livingston and Short Hills Malls only minutes away. Commuter Services The biggest problem facing the', DON'T PAY RENT! are alsd convenient and provide easy access anywhere in the Metropolitan Area in- real estate market today is the 18. ' l'/2 BATHS, ALSO FEATURES LIVING tremendous surplus of .office space, ROOM, DININO ROOM«_KnCHEN, FAMILY cluding Newark and Kennedy-Airports. ___; j -VanlaKkUfc UUh. bi.IL ft. -which has ledto skyrocketing vacan^_ ROOM VVltH FIREPLACE. SITUATED ON NICE 4*Wn*«MNafat X cles, below-market rents and declin- -SIJ1ET--STREET WITH MANICURED LAWN Start collecting rent from this LETTHE KIDS WALK TO SCHOOL & COMMUNI well kept Two Family, Each ing property values in many of 0*6 T-Y-POOL. ALSO CONVENIENT TO ALL SHOPP very spacious apartment has "nation's major, markets. kitchert with laundry hook ups, Hssho^t^y ^lUsJfi&iMAjOR H tGHWAYS; PRICED AT $259,000 living room, dining area, and 3 bedr'ooms. Plenty of room for loud signal to the capital markets CALL TODAY FOffRU RTHgP INFORMATION CONTEMPORARY LIVING II CONTACT SUSAN HEJNL AT 273 6000 basement, apartment. Price: saylng.-'Stop-the^noney-flow; "we • '-' $259,900. In Union. have enough office buildings,'" says BlakeEagle.v CHU35M200 376-0770 687-3030 — The authors feel that retail space, , which is driven'.by supply and de- mand; and Industrial developments, . SALES OFFICE OPEN-UA.M. to 5 P.M. which are still doing welt overall, will perform well for investors in the P.D. Box 763, River Road • Summit future/ ?*¥;:•••:•:•••'•.::••'••,:;:'<•• '. The receriUy-passed Tax Reform Office 2734000 Act will have an Immediate impact 2 -«= * a I •n O o c u> O C z Do you know Mountainside? Career school set o z Transactions The Career Development School, a n division of Schlott Realtors, is offer- o c 56Shunpike Rd...... $160,000 ing an evening real estate' licensing Union Seller: Estate of Beatrice E. Sim- —course-at-the-Holiday Inn at 4701 388 Ward SI ...... 1140,500 mons ' Stelton Road in South Plainfleld The Seller: Estate of ErwinRcu Buyer Martino and Linda Chiz course, scheduled for 11 weeks on Buyer: James and Debra Lenahan zoniti Mondays and Wednesdays, begins 2809 Spruce St . . $175,000 on May 18. Seller: Viola Miraglia Roselle Park Covered topics will include real Buyer Bipin and Minal Patel estate law, ethics, property interests 1101 Burnet Ave. »22$,000 348 Seaton Ave...... $200,000 and rights, deeds, mortgages, Seller: MamieDepasquale Seller: Ella Naydich leases, listing agreements, sales Buyer: Danil and Ida Verny Buyer: Antonio and Fontina Pctrac- contracts, appraising, zoning, and 422 Tournament Drive .... .1125.000 ca taxation The Career Development Seller: Matthew J. Rlnaldo 118 East Lincoln Ave...... ,vf 152,000 School offers the prescribed 75 hours Buyer: John Masini - Seller: Joseph and Minerva Tyrrell of pre-licensing instruction for pro- 511 Olive Terrace. $168,000 Buyer; Ronald Conk spective real estate salespersons Seller: UobertandEmeliaBomwell To register for the course or to ob- Buyer: Miron and Taisiya tain more information, call Schlott's Goldelman Mountainside 1600 Justin Place...... $470,000 Career Development School at 1-800- 756 Lehlgh Ave $150,000 lle ra nk n ri im n -624-104&-or-766-8920r-The-tuttlOH-18_ sellerTosephandH^l)TBcTIaTlzr^ ^ t ^ *'!^ ^ i '-rr^— TFYDUCAN"iDErTTTFY this location, come Into Korden Buyer- Herbert and Margaret Loy Buyer Antonio and GairApigo - Realty, 44~£4rfl£t7Wesffield, and yoUAWlllwirraT shirts 4245, which includes textbook andall materials 927 Pennsylvania Ave...... $143,000 Seller: Timothy and Diane Drew Linden ELIZABETH Buyer: Steven and Sylvia Gcigcr 607 Cranford Ave $83,500' Watch Seller Claude T Bettis and Mary L Schlott Realtors' Sankcr TV home sales up • WELL MAINTAINED ROSELLE PARK SPACIOUS Roselle Buyer Allan R Martin Schlott Realtors is enjoying an 231 West 6th Ave $176,500 1603 Summit Terrace ...... $110,000 early spring market boom primarily UNUSUAL TWO FAMILY If you Seller William and Joanne Seller Estate of B E Strubbe A ¥ because of the firm's Sunday Plenty of area to pread out in thi hand ome, pa •Lovingly cared for this 3-bedroom Multi-Level home Buyer: Wallace and Maria Skorup- want action Showcase Cleveland ~ Showcase of Homes, a Sunday mom- cious Colonial which has so much to offer you and twill offer you many extra Tastefully decorated, thi ski FEATURING HUGE BASEMENT WITH Buyer Thomas and Beth Geiger ing real estate .program that LARGE FAMILY ROOM PLUS 3 OTHER selling your your family in gracious living. The chef in the family home boa t a family room and a den for hour of k 242 West 6th Ave . $149,000 SlZMlltonlaSt . . $154,500 previews area homes for local ROOMS, SHOWER & UTILITIES house... will loye the new science kitchen aijd entertaining is a pleasure plus one full bath plus two half baths. Don't Seller: Paul A. Anderson Seller Gary and Susan Dickey homebuycrs. must in the formal dining room and large living room. hcitatconthi one $224,900Call687 5O5O(UNI3J1) Buyer: Larry and Theresa Galloway Buyer Richard and Diane Cowley 1st FLOOR LARGE KITCHEN. EAT IN List your home now "Our television shows have AREA FOR 6 PEOPLE, 2 BEDROOMS, The Florida room is~an added plus in this home. See it Every Sunday At 214 thirst Ave . . $120,000 with our CENTURY 21* soon. $164,900 Gall 687-5050 (UNI310) garnered a 3 3 Nielsen rating, that's LIVING ROOM, Tl LE BATH office and get the Seller: GeorgeE.Lawsori about 450,000 viewers," says 9AMOnChannel7 Buyer: John and Caroline Allison 2nd FLOOR COMBINATION LIVING CENTURY 21 Action Springfield Richard L Schlott, president of ROOMINING ROOM, 1 BEDROOM, EFFI Wuranty™ Call for Schlott Realtors CIENCY KITCHEN more details 98ScvernaAVe T$20O;OO»- ® hi The Sunday Showcase of Home Seller Barbara Banach lenilworth ~ senes_wlll be shown Sunday morn 2 CAR DETACHED GARAGE Put Number! Buyer Darrell and Roberta Radin 333 Lincoln Drive . . $82,000 METICULOUSLY .MAINTAINED LOVE ings at 9 on Channel 7 The homes LY GROUNDS to work for you! PLUS 17 Evergreen Ave . .$115,900 _ Seller Carl and Patricia Thompson featured Will be available for Open Seller Henry P Vance Buyer SarinoTropeano House inspection, so would-be Buyer Joseph -and i Sharon _140N£rth Michigan Ave. .. $130.000' buyers can take a closer look that (S- Rutkowski _ Seller' Catenna Cupparl and Sa Sunday afternoon CALL FOR INFORMATION AND AN APPOINTMENT 15 Garden Oval $240,000 viano Cupparl - In a two-minute real estate news 272-8337 JSfiUet Eronk.Ru.vo Buyer _ Robert and Margaret segment, Schlott offers information -irri fWzl,, Ramirez Buyer: Steven and Sandra Cohen on topics, trends and issues in real D.S. KUZSMA "WHY CHOOSE estate A special section highlights properties of special interest, such OFFICE HOURS: REALTY A REALTOR" Has summer rental advice as new homes,' condominiums or 9A.H to9P M .HMdnHtni Friday IISTfiin • Cranford As summer draws closer, many some do not A call to your agent will waterfront properties SltwdJT*S0!Hijy.9«.M toSFM 27M337 people are hunting for that perfect clarify what your specific policy Each olllce indaiwnd«fltlv owned summer retreat Whether you rent a Call Our Extra-EfTort People house, take a summer share,, or stay at the Office Listed Below: in a resort hotel, it is important to know your coverage in case of a fire, theft or accident. UNION UNION UNION The same policy that protects your 530 Chestnut St. home extends coverage to tern 687-5050 porary living away from home, ac cording to the Independent In- Offices in "• surance Agents of New Jersey They advise that before going on vacation -New Jersey, New \brk, or starting that summer rental, Connecticut, Pennsylvania make sure your homeowners or te UNION and Florida. nant homeowners policy is in order "Whether you are the sole renter GRACIOUS COLONIAL STARTING OUT of a summer house, part of a share situation, or a "guest pt a hotel, you will—be ~covered~by—your—own - can be a pecial event when you choo e this ex- homeowners policy," says Paul WESTFIELD** LOOKING FOR YOUR FIRST HOME? Entertom in style In this out landing gracioU Tbwnley Colonial which boasts many extras Prepare meal in panded Cape home With 3 bedroom , 2 full bath , a Iovino, president 6f the Independent CUSTOM COLONIAL large-dming room, a family roonva-fini hed ba e insurance Agents of Union County This is a must to see. Beautiful ceramic tile SINGLE This 3 bedroom Colonial Is PERFECT for youl The designer eat in kitchen, erve in pactou formal dm modern KItchep (with microwave/convection oven-*-ceramlc tlte ment, and a private yard, you've got ju t about every "In a summer share, each person's foyer, oak woodwork. Large living room, Ing room and relax in flreplaced living room Beauti thingl Thi glonou home i in mint condition and i > _ floor) exits to an 18' x 20' deck plus patio Sunny Hying room, din policy would extend-to the.lr.own pro- dining room and eat-in kitchen<-FirsMlqor- higTOom&denr Newly reflnlshed floors 4 celling fans Recrea fully decorated, too $2191900 Call 687 5050 newly dcco>-ated,4nvestigatc soon. $ 184,500 Call 687 perty but does not protect the laundry, den with trench doors leading to tlqn room. Newer furnace & hot water heater Automatic garage (UNI3I9) " 5O50(UNI3O2) Tbe-Extpa-Effort Peopl belongings of other people in the deck. 4 large bedrooms and fh baths. Super door Pretty wallpapers help make this home ADORABLEI Ask" share " linished basement with full summer kit- Ing, $207,900 1 " While standard" Homeowners chen. - -— ' policies cover properly for theft or fire and Insures against liability, if flEAUOR' someone Is injured on your property. 44 ELM ST« WESTFIELD Want Ads Work... (Corner oulmby Street) Call 686-7700 232-8400 O HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOUSE CLEANING TREE SERVICE z KITCHEN CABINETS c IMPROVE YOUR HOME z AUTO LEASING TERMS GARRIGAN CUSTOM UNITY INTERNATIONAL HOME CLEANING JAN'S KITCHENS, INC. o ONE TO FIVE YEARS WITH GIL ' NETHERLAND z AIL MAKES AND MODELS CARPENTRY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR PEOPLE ON THE GO! o BUIUNRCStREMODEUNG TREE EXPERTS o VOLVO PARTS" •ificiAiiuoi nuiiousr CUSTOM 'Vfk'i-F c OLDSMOBILE 1 •Gulom RimaUom/Mlnatim DORMERS •ADDITIONS PftOCRAMS DESIGNED BY KITCHENS" J. it -* z ... • • Oldest & Largest TOP $$$ IN CASH •Mdition*0«mcn YOU TO MEET YOUR AT STOCK : < J&~rT H WHOLESALE JuBUC CABINET •EXCLUSIVE . • Exclusive service leasing, For All Cars A Track* •Replacement KIn»W•- DECKS *2*!« NEEDSI— JVOLVODEALER OPEN 7 DAYS T!lf^ \ TOfts Dealer in WBathrooms CUSTOM BUILT I REPAIRS •Rpoflif f "3 "'••'Union County SMIMI U2»M CALL DAYS Wood FtflCM t Buwitntt' 245-1945 ' Euiopun i Tndilmnil ConctpK 1561 Morns wttiut lSUJlJJS •KHdwMt Bathroom FttiyrtngIhe . •• • 2 ELIZABETH 589-8400 FmEttiiMtfs • Oorwood Custom Cibimt.lliie ', 2734200; MOTORS, INC. Union, N.J. 07043 FUUX1MSURED EXECUTIVE lalPROFESSIONAL AUTHORIZED Value Rated Used Cars 168838481 , or EVES FREE ESTIMATES 964-8364 HOME ORE, IMC FACTORY SERVICE 582 Morris Ave. (201) 687-7200 Vimhin Section 688-2044 964-3575 CALL 688-2460 647-iSSi .LONG TERM LEASINCTy Elliabelh 3541050 2091 SpmiffjeldUrt, Union (Sunday Pick, upij , 351-9119- #• FUUTWSUHED X'. ' for a MEE InHomi EilimiU CARPENTRY CARPENTRY CARPENTRY CARPET CLEANING SERVICE CLEANING SERVICE LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING i. JQEDOMAN SPRINGBROOK J&R TOP TO BOTTOM CIFELLI MAHON We don't Just creace beautlfullowns. 686-3824 WALL TO WALL FOUR STAR CLEANING MARIO'S LANDSCAPING CONTRACTING GLEANING SERVICE 'mwrini jour lawn? COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE We do It at an affordable pricel CARPET SALE- Home •Office •Business LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING HOME IMPROVEMENTS •Sod »Top Soil •Planting •- Competent—and—will—tinned- _Sjmr*jQurtnjL HonBI]JI«inUiurKC_ RailroadJTieij •Full Lawn Maintenance **Hrttais —O{flHBrtnTveTfComityiirlrt— -Ralax^tLu do iUor jou!— "•spring & Fall Cleanup ' "-TVCTERTATIOW AQDJH0N&-1 women to care for your home and •PowwTKilchlni . REPAIRS KITCHENS •Rtptactmwl Windon t Doon •Iwetl frjetj •Eipcrt Installation •iBndinc' , : •Railroad Ties •Misoniy make your life easier. •Fertilizer •Lime •Sod RuttubkbtM •sod/Shrubs > •BATHS •FIN Mutwini •Quality P*dilln|. Family owned ft operated, REASONABLE •Nenlnmsliliiiibi — Ne« oi Enlaiced •Deck! •Huje Sannp •Shop al Homi •Shrub Work Conphtalawnunrk* •Top Soil lms«Hed|ei*ne«fl)«ls YOU NAME IT, WE'LL DO IT! ?• •. CLOSETS/CABINETS DECKS •References Call ROM or Eileen limited I Ponded "„ MONTHLY Customheo'TAB.LES/ FtrbliiiiifTmTriiiimliii For vour f ree estimate call FREE Rtsonablt Rates MAINTENANCE STORAGE AREAS 763-6670 - Rose 376-0805 ESTIMATES —=- _ 298-1331 Reasonable Rates/Free Estimates _REASONABLE— Pintlllni/Sh«lrock CALL: 964-7558 CALL 688-3158 *(INDOWS/OOORS 376-3597 _ Fully I muted WHY PAY MORE after 6 pm 882-1391 241-2681 —CAU CHRIS 686-0638 nfrtauu CONCERT TICKETS CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS MASONRY MASONRY MASONRY MOVING & STORAGE MOVING & STORAGE' PAINTING

*;!• BARTHES CONTRACTING INC. '•CREATIVE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION" HANHAM MASONRY R.C. CONSTRUCTION CO MOVERS TERRY DON'S THOMAS PAINTING C0.( UNION TICKETS COHTRACTIHC QUALITY WORK FORMERLY OF VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS FROM LAYOUT AND DESIGN TO CONSTRUCTION.WE MASONRY PAVING .YALE AVE,, HILLSIDE Will Paint Your Home 2022 Morris Avenue WILL PROFESSIONALLY HANDLE YOUR EVERY NEED. HOWELL PMM|'» —unlonrNew-Jerseyr- -7/8 Thermal Pane- CONTRACTORS With Benjamin Moore Paint | FREE ESTIMATES MASONRY 25 Yean Eiperitnce _ Direct From Factory To Customer save $$ ROOFING FUUY INSURED CONTRACTOR Driveways •Parking Lots • Guarantee 5 yean Front Peelini" 1 851-2880 - CASEMENT WINDOWS SIDING Curbs • Concrete Work • DOUBLE HUNG MY WINDOWS NO JOB TOO LARGE ORTOO SMALL DECKS •STEPS H. .'. Stone Work • Sidewalks • MOVING & Fully Insurid Free Eitimates BOW WINDOWS SLIDING WINDOWS FREE ESTIMATES •FULLY INSURED BATHROOMS__ •SIDEWALKS Steps • Patios - STORAGE • Cameo QCJCQCQ GENERAL Call' •Meb CARPENTRY CALL JOHN - «PATIOS LOCAL ILONO 687-0035 «Hue» Lewis -•Yankees DISTANCE MOVING 964-8537 All Wo* Guaranteed No|obtoim»ll FREE ESTIMATES 375 RoseUnd Place •Eric Clapton Basements 862-0178 - -245=5107 .Anytime FULLY INSURED Dow 564-6197 ~ 7>^tit" 964-8425 272-0955 Call 688-7768 PC 00019 DRIVEWAYS DRIVEWAYS DRIVEWAYS ELECTRICIAN EXCAVATING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING SPURR ELECTRIC, J&R EXCAVATING CUSTOM INTERIOR J.LCAROLAN RJ's CUSTOM DESIGNS R&T PUGLIESE- PAINTING FERDINANDI "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" PAVING Uc.No.72U -PAINTING s ASPHALT PAVING •Foundations AND AINTING INTERIOR t EXTERIOR— ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Where Quality Counts W* Cintom Build DKHS DRIVEWAYS . PAINTING PARKIHGHRUS •Driveways FREE ESTIMATES Quality All Shapes t Sim PARKING LOTS •SmoUDattcton PLASTERING Interior Sptcljl Sprint Diuounl!, •Yard* Security Uititlni, 25V«jraEipenWe Exterior. Workmanship CURBS CONCRETE •Land Clearing REASONABLE RATES •AlUratims FmEtJImilts Stmni all ot Union County- SPECIAL WORK •He* Development^ •Soil Removal (UM.RooflfliGulttn. Uidtn. FULLY INSURED REASONABLE RATES SO%offV Quility Work • Rnorubly piiced One Vear Warranty/ f Professionally Done Special Drscount (or Senior Cituem FREE ESTIMATES SPRING Fully Insured EXCELLENT SERVICt etc. CALL •Interior •Ettirur Very Neat & Clean •CommercU • Rnidenliil All work luiranieed RATES Free Estimates REASONABLE MTES UNNYTUFANO Call Bob, Monday-Friday Fret Eilirnitn* fully Imurtd by Pnlenlorul Ditemin. Residential I Commercial , after 4pm, Sat A Sun alter 1 763-6670 BeniiminUoere Pilnl uud. - 'FREE ESTIMATES ~Ho leb TP Srntll ' pm 634-3475 CALL 276-4253 272-8865 J?, 273:6025,' 964-7359 276-2181 276-4253' ^ 964-7854 687-0614 8519614 688-7426 686-8484 688-5457 ; Ptl [RAINING FORMICA WOUK GUnERS & LEADERS GUTTERS & LEADERS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS PAINTING PAINTING/WALLPAPERING' PAINTING/WALLPAPERING RESUMES ROOFING GUTTERS, PAINTING PERFECT HOME RESUME ' No Job Too Small MAKE OLD HASARA WILLIAM E. LEADERS MARGOLIN y HILLSIDE PAPERHANGING or Too Large pecialiilni In Refaclng throughly CEILINGS COMPAMONSrlncr PROBLEMS? GUTTERS'LEADERS CONSTRUCTION HOMEIMPR.CO". \ BAUER AND ALL ODD JOBS Your Old Wood or Metal cleaned, - NEW , PAINTING We wi(|':talk- about- your OK- All Types of Repairs Kitchen Cabinets •DRAINS Addition • Kitctwn • Bilhioomj Professional WEEKENDS ONLY perlonccs and goals and flushed Doon • {nlorlor/Enhiion • ShHlioch' Gutters Leaders InFmmici • thioo|hl( deined •SIDING •DECKS Senfiullnloa County ' CALL 379-5266 produce a quality i-esume. All INSURED "SHEET ROCK i Wimp • Ripbuminl Windon ' Jnbrior/Eiiirlw~ " Painting done In the privacy ol your KITCHEN , 1 (lushed SUSPENDED •KITCHENS •UTHR00MS $30 to $50 Aluminum Sld!ii|«Roolln| •ROOFING •PAINTING - liturtd home. Ask about our FloX' CABINETS , -CounUr Top* •REPAIRS PLASTER _B£5umc_SerVlct.5urpi:lslnBlV- ptiflij L.QU 11 Minor Tree Trimming. •REPLACEMENTS PATCHING •ADDITIONS •DORMERS reasonablc rates. Visa i. y!y , ALL MASONRY WORK Formica Specialists Very-neat, no job- - •Exterior/Interior - •ImUllalloni Training designed to meet Iho Master Card accepted. _ Clip-n Save -. •ROOF REPAIRS too big or small Roofing Contractors All Tjpei Full) Inwrid •Paperhanging needs of every dof owner. •FUUY INSURED DAYS 824-7600 " •REFACING •VANITIES Ned Stevens FREE ESTIMATES ^Nn*TOPS*UO0UlARS INSURED' CALL HORIZON -^U.nionrH.-J^--'- John Ficchi 27^-02*87 226-7379 •FREE.ESTIMATES " 763-BONE" ' Siw25%jndlniUlirourO«n . 688-2188 JDapHPM BntTime MiikMtm 228-4965 AFTEIISI>M 687-4163 851-2617 ' 686-8980 9230731" - 964-4942 2663 527-6215 Cuitom Countu Top Of Vanlh TYPING SERVICE WINDOWS UPHOLSTERY WORD PROCESSING HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE WORK P&S THE PROFESSIONALS DENICOLO UMIMVaU CREATIVE TYPING HOLLYWOOD CONSTRUCTION J&R JANET DECORATORS MAINTENANCE •KITCHENS • ATTICS • BASEMENTS * TILE CONTRACTORS Small businesses, students, JG UPHOLSTERY -GMMMlConbKtors WOODWORKING.. ESTABLISHED 1»35 """TIRES™"" teachers, homemakers - EnrrUilniForWindoM Any style kitchen chain RA1NBOWORE _ * • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS* anyone In need ol quality -Commercial* Rifct CARPENTRY • DECKS-1 KITCHENS'IMTHROCMS •Computer Balance d PROqESSING- _TYPing. »J rMSonable rates. Eiln specld betwten font 3Dtb. ml - —.-Caiptnti),- MKiiliniitisliitd REfAIRS«$ROUTING— -•Dud Tires- R«iphohti ttl ol hum ted prflom. Iree ' ...for alllroir tjjrliii needs ' tndtoinlu TILE FLOORS •Tires Chanted booths n6 couctm •ADDITIONS • ALTERATIONS .PAINTINC TILE. WORK & AND MORE i •WALL UNITS* DECKS professionally In my home with entry wrticla or blind i)nkr, 24 haur Uirnow :. TUB ENCLOSURES) ~with modern electronic New Foam Rubber •SHEETROCKINC •CEILINGS CALL US LAST- •COUNTER TOPS ATirefofanyBndfcl •DECKS -BATHROOM -KITCHEN . SHOWER STALLS equipment. Free pick-up PICK Ur I Of LlVCiy WE'LL BEAT YOUR •VANITIES .> FREE ESTIMATES and delivery in Union. j||pstPfe$enlAd ' •AtlPHASlSOICONSINUCIION UTORD AUTOMOTIVE MMUOU •BOOKCASES FUUY INSURED '"- LOWEST WRITTEN TIRE WAREHOUSE .1001 Vuihtll »<, Umm ' CALL PHYLLIS NojoktMiMlloftobrii CALL LEIGH AT: 354-496^ DFjUONABU RATES ESTIMATE amSpii FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED

^•:::i::i's':iV'^-'' •' i •if tiMMMM®*,lilf lllli f MMmMi p I you have

to see 'em to ")•' ;•/;•'!"• OF SWINGS RT telievr'iriiE?/" — because new cars and trucks keep coming...and we're out of to store them. BUY NOW

(!• " '<'••''* '•"'-." '$. ••'•.*••. ^^ WORLD AND ENTER OUR EXCITING CHEVROLET

: I.UUTb rlnARulllU, (UUnU, . LOCATE THE 19»8 CAB OR TRUCK WITH THESPECIAL LIGHT DISPLAY THAT TELLS YOU IF.VOU'RE AN INSTANT 'ua» iMUiiii nnuiui vnuwnini i»Mn WIKNER WITH YOUR KEY FROM SELECTED PROCTOR & GAMBLE PRODUCTS. MORE THAN 1.CHANCE TO WIN HO MONE i DOW N! wiunn urns. BUT YOU MUST BRINGWURKEY TO WORLD IN ORDER TO DETERMINE IF YOU ARE AN INSTANT WINNER. ...' ;.• I '••' • CHEVROLET HONDA. BRAND NEW 1M7 HONOA' BRAND NEW i BRAND NEW i 1987 .. ",. IN STOCK! 1987 I CHEVROLET. J-nttruiKttt! TOYOTA rAsi Equipment Include* 4-dr.. «-eyl. engTAT, Man. FUP Slrg.. PDB, T/Glau. Rr. Detroit,' Equlprnenl Includes: ModeT'stTM Wr. Hatchback 44v1. eno..' 5-tpd, STOCKman, Iran*.! Pin Slilpe. Door Edge Ordi.. WW. Oped, MWni.. Int. Wiper, .Cmtom Fulura Pko., INSTOCK! PS, POO, T/Olass. ftr. Delroatmiper, AM//FM lladlo. 6*u, Coniole. All Wedlher Cuilom Option Pkg,. IWH. Stock No. 32«. VIN aMMIM.Ual:SM«r.. ' Ouord Pko, MM.-, 311. StyM WW., 6lock No. 3U»..VIN «H» 19247. Lilt: S«&>. ' •m INCLUDES I • imnrnrs FULL •SOOHtBATIl 'Equip.:' 2;, Dr', 41 '. -i ,..••: ..•• •'• , •' • '• . •' . Cyl., ,5 Spd. >»lan., DELIVERED PRICE ;::,:•.;• M/R»P Slrg.. P/Dlsc. T/Gls.,:.Rr. DELIVERED PRICE Del;. FWD,, Bkts., Rdla. Slk. »4132. VIN. •«S007962,qi8t: BRAND NEW DNEW •1987 ': '•• ', '•''• ^ CDDIIdT INSTOCK! tOYOTA STOCK! CHEVROLET«3rim IN I FHUTUIOFUS! DELIVERED PRICE - - IndutfM'MmM K30U ?^j/.. 4

Front Wheel Drive. Bkls,, Sll. Slid. Rdla.SIK. »3251. VIN t/>4M63, ,','••:.•.' //!•. •.•;"• Vv'1- FULList: $6185.'•L • ' ,• :\ • ^ —- • —- :• -" ' •- ••' 4-DR, DELIVERED PRICE

. MANO Hn»if«» CHEVROLET ; lp4 pip^

'..-*"• CHEVBOIET'WHW "•' CONVERSION y.; Auto., M/R&P '••••" W8T0CKI '.'.• ••'• , Strg., P/Dlsc, T/Gls., f.VtlQ lAd.: 8^cy!., AUW, P8/B, SJO Sld« ^ IfluR^UP^TOOK! •• siodt«iM>AviuuuM., Rr, Del,;.FWO, Bkts;; Console, RdlsM RfOr. (U*. HO R/8p

I Bunaa •••'• •" •"• •• •••'-•••:1-- • MUD; TO YOUR REOUMiO - $ :il|U0^ NICE DELIVERED PRICE FULL T«« OF MS! ^ 926-1209261200 DELIVERED PRICE

-A1 ••••'•• Prices include, freight aijd dealer prep, exclude tax and license fees. Not respbnsible for typographical errors. Illustrations may show optional equipment. ™ this^d>.s^dai^.4o.-dualify.''.fArcadv0rti^jed:DHces.'^''>'':''r.^^ ,i-^';"-;'::;'V-••••>•:: :\;'''T7"-'i'Sl-y'-:?uy':-":-,X'-:':-

CHEVROLET* HONDA WE SPEAK: Uh'i-1.177 NORTH BHOAD SI OH l'i KtTlHiUt '.( If A USi. OUH HOUTt. :••.> WF.S1 tNIHANCf 926-1200 ,[ UM AN lAI'ANi ' Ml IN i .ftMlAN AN( I

'•/•'r ••' \, • •-..' v^^^^^^^^^a^1*^*^:- s. I UNION COUNTY BUSINESS 2 -fib EXPO* FESTIVAL For Good Old Fashioned * SALES • SERVICE • SUPPLIES ~ The urban blends with the suburban in. City and the most beautiful beaches in the Union County to make it a perfect place to world. COPY MACHINES live, work and do business. Educational excellence is the goal of our FHA FINANCING AVAILABLE There are 25 lush county parks and PAPER SHREDDERS two colleges, Kean College of N.J, and • CUSTOM DRAINAGE" "• "recreational facilities, offering every type Union County College. The Scotch Plains FACSIMILE-EQUIPMENT • SUMP-PUMP INSTALLATION of leisure activity just minutes from campus of U.C.C. is a highly advanced and home. We have three expert and well- widely recognized technical institute. PURCHASE/RENT/LEASE • NO SUB-CONTRACTING maintained golf courses, two modern, NEW & CONDITIONED MACHINES • LOCAL REFERENCES state-of-the-art swimming pools and the Our most precious asset, our diverse population of over 504,000 residents, • ALL JOBS INSURED Watchung Stables. Featuring the full line of Superior health care at our ten deserves the closest look of all. Every type TA ADLER-ROYAL COPIERS REQUEST A FREE BASEMENT INSPECTION AND hospitals, dispersed throughout the of employer, business and service can RECEIVE COMPLIMENTARY 3 DAY/2 NIGHTS LODG- draw from one of the most highly skilled AUTHORIZED SERVICE county, offers the most advanced ^INGSEOR-TWOAT-ATLANXICCI-T-Y-OR-EOCONOS-BOTH — ~and~professional—workforces—available HOMEOWNERS MUST BE PRESENT. THIS IS $110.00 technology available. Specializing in service and maintenance _ , VALUE. today. > Offering an extensive mass transit machirm.:rTA Copiers•Mta*Sharp9 Gtjutner TOLL FREE network, we are located between the N.J. Our Chambers of Commerce~are Canon PC* Olivetti•Monroe..,ond many others. Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway, catalysts—common vehicles through which the enlightened mutual interests of 511 CHESTNUT ST. and maintain the most modern train and ROSELLE PARK -241-8500- 800-242-6729 ~l bus routes available today r Minutes to the all segments of the business community WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE AND THEIR NEEDS north-is the largest city in the world, work together for the common good of the minutes south, the glamour of Atlantic total community.

Came Visit ALGO STATIONERS At The Expol UNION COUNTY ROUND THE WORLD PouJerStiFEil ••BE? SPECIALS IN 11 SECONDS. STOP AT BOOTH 21 MODEL 410 MODEL 510 INTRODUCING the Sharp z-50, z-55 " High capacity heavy-duty Big shredding lobs made easy pnntoul shredder kqeps with this high capacity straight' business documents and com- cut shredder. and z-70 compact Copiers FOR YOUR puter Information confidential

Witness An . • Shreds up to 17 shoots at a lime, al 60 leet per mlnula II productivity u an Important goal lor yom buwau. • Sharp Compact AMAZING DEMONSTRATION • Ideal for sensitive documents, Cop** can help niaha thai Q.O*I a reiMy, such as Computer generated Slum • «w 2 SO «nd 2 70 Conpacl Copal coupte modem atytinj thai financial statements, customer comptemwls vulany any ollici envuonnml wttti imarl toaluai thai liat lists, sales, reports personnel lhtwail«i«anl>lli«»aju«ilorco|iyin(| al an alfcrdabla fixt LEASEIHE IEKETHE IEKETHE On PoiuerShTed reviews etc Both modds an avilablt »nh blaclti«t bkia tx<«n and vem tartildgts An auto rakalor Lght kgnah »hw a caimdoe nmll nplauig alid ai< MO Z-55 ~ • No dally maintenance of automatic upww a lealurt adiusti conuail lor consislenl copy qgahty cutting cyllnera required. • Destroys up to 40 sheets of And lha 2 50 and Z 70 va to vosatria Ingy avm mow copying Iron ? $oi4i $9593 $3481 Paper Shredders • Extra-wide 17W throat printout at a time. dmnUonalcnalaiKls T»<2 loleliyoumakianlaiganieiiti tool MONTH opening- W, shred width. WMIhw tou have a horn* based bowiei! ind ••"! lha convenience of an 't* MOUTH *»* MONTH **~ MOI • Powerful enough to destroy • Solid cutting cylinders. on pi«t»jen»la< •'"••' lonvdu»doltini*o»acopyinjneedldonl anything from printouts to • 15KPmotQrforalflclenl mandate a laio* moie oupeniM machw or a tuooer lum looking to Available At Special Prices quiet shredding. upplemenl its main copying c«il«r Snaip • Peiional OtllM EJaclionlci paperclips. OiviMn ollars two cost eMeciiv* aoajuons FROM SHARP MINOS • Looks great In any front • U LVCSA listed. OOMC SHARP PROOUCTS- olflce location •Wide. 18"throat — - - • U UC.SA. listed. opening Hi" shred width . • Orje ol a complolellne of • Comes withstand and shredders designed to meol forms rack -Visit Us At Booth 22 •COMPLETE LINE OF OFFICE SUPPLIES ~ - a variety of documont I security needs. —~ CIUM •COMPUTER AND DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES PhotoeoplM Ultra high speed Is the name ol tM gwna. The From automallc dialing, redialing, end *SupplyMay MADE CMEM Adlar-nViyal SupoiloK FK 940 whlska any page . unblended answering, to Dala-Base polling. • Be Limited FOB»FREE letters Illustrations.' ptiolagrephs, rwnd- relay broodcasllng, and Its IB-character oper- •OFFICE FURNITURE . 'WHILE wnlleo messaoes -' coast-li-coast or round ator-prompting display, the FX 040 commu- YOU WAIT RDC COMPANY . DEWWST1UTWM Jho world In ipproxlmately 11 seconds. Far less nlcales .easier, smarter, and fastaJI's the \ expensive and lasler. lhan overnight courier moat economical way lo aulomala yoor bull- Over 40- Years Serving Northern flew Jersey service lele<, mall, or conventional lax, the ness communlcallons. Call today lor an olllce •COPIER PAPER AND SUPPLIES easy lo opiate FX 040 simply plug! Into your .demonstration. lelephong lino. You'll especially appreciate Us 2020 Morris Avenue, Union center * speed and rato^savlna, Sloro-and-Forward 48 1863 Springfield Ave.,*Naplewood, NJ • 762-3374 feature when the phone bills arrive. And lor su- (20D686-A-L-C-O perior high resolution quality, It has no equal. - 95 MONTH

jr. i 1 _. * BUSINESS EXPO EXHIBITORS c X Farcher's Grove Exhibit Hall & Room Floor Plan z o 111 z 8 •n ui EXHIBIT HALL EXHIBIT HALL __ OUTSIDE BOOTHS o 1 - Budget Rent-A-Car, Summit 33 - County Leader Newspapers, Union Mary Kaye_Cosmetics, E. Brunswick - l c 2 - Western Temporary Services, Union 34 - Major Printing Co, Unjon First American Travel, SL Davids, PA . 10 11 12 13 14 3 - Winters Stamp Mfg Co, Elizabeth 35 - Holman Label Company, Summit Suburban lubrications, (T/A Jiffy Lube), Upper Montclair D3 z 4 - Klose Associates, Oakhurst 36- Ramos Real Estate, Union Efiviromcs, Inc, Cranford ~ c 5 - American Legal Access Systems, Passaic z( O 37-Caliance, USA, Union Five Points Family Chiropractic Center, Union 15 Tentl Outside m 6 - Cox Printing & Stationery, Hillside 38- Madison House, Plainfield PublicService Electric* Gas Co., Cranford EXHIBIT HALL H.Gaylin Booths- 7 - Lincoln-Mayitower, Orange 39 • City Federal Savings & Loan, Union Union County Private Industry Council, Elizabeth Buick PAVILLION m z 8 - Lincoln Mayflower, Orange 40 - City Federal Savings & Loan, Union Fogel Stationery Co, Linden 3 9 - Boise Office Equipment Co., No Plamfield 41 - Escape to Lake Wallenpaupack, Perth Amboy University Van Lines, Linden 16 10 - Foundation Health Plan, Short Hills 42 - Bollinger Company, Montclair Apoxiforce/Gerotoga, Union 28 29 3'3 34 39 40 .45 46 .11 - A D X Copy Corporation,' Fairfield 43 • 1530 AM Gold Rush (WJDM Radio), Elizabeth Union County Economic Development Corp, Elizabeth 12 - Russo Business Machines, Inc., Scotch Plains 44 - Rutgers Community Health Plan, Somerset -ArtifatrDesigii Assuciates/PLA PublnrRelatnmsTWestfretd" 13 - M P D Printing Corporation, Summit 45 - PrintMasters, Union Five Points Branch YMCA Child Care Center, Union 17 14 - Son Rise, Roselle.Park 46 - Union Shopper/Union Township Cab; Union U.S Small Business'Aamimstration & S CO R.E, Newark 27 30 N/A 35 38 41 44 47 15 - Coverbind Corporation, Elmsford, New York 47 - Institute for Public Service, Franchise pevelopment Corp., Westf ield 16 - Archie Schwartz Co., East Orange Kean College of New Jersey, Union 1 17 - Contel Executone, Edison, - _ 48 - New Jersey Success Magazine 18 18 - Professional Impressions, Union -26— -31 - 32 - 36 --37— —42— — 43— -48- _ 19 - Executive Binding Systems, Union Tent 2 20 - First Jersey National Bank, Union -Multi- 21 - Alco Stationers, Inc, Union 19 Chevrolet 22 - R D C Company, Maplewood TENT1 25 -23 - Rampart Security Systems, Somerset EXHIBIT ROOM *New Gaylin Buick, Union 24 - Garden State Waterproofing Co,, Fairfield 49 - United Way of Union County, Elizabeth — Food-Bar 25 - United Counties Trust Co Cranford 50 - Sholom & Zuckerbrot — i N/A 1 24 23 22 21 20 26 - Bngantine Inn Atlantic City 51 - Computer Advisory Services, Union 27 -1 P A Inc, Watchung 52 - Union County College, Cranford 28 - The Summit Hotel, Summit 53-3 D Information Services.-lnc-Bndgewater— 29 - Umglobe AMC Travel Corp, Springfield 54 - Open Indoor 30 - United Jersey/Franklin State Bank, Somerset, (Union) -55 • New Gaylm-BuicMJnion . Exhibit "31 - Union Motor Lodge-Raven's Nest Restaurant, Union 56 -Multi Chevrolet, Union Room 32 - Kean College of New Jersey, Union 57 - Hal Systems, Scotch Plains *Multi Chevrolet, Union PRIZES! PRIZES! ENJOY ;—' u , PRIZES! 57 AUTHENTIC 53 Come to a bank that • FREE 6 MONTH CAR LEASE 56 GERMAN 52 • COLOR TELEVISION - ^CLOCK RADIOS ~- :: :* ; ~ values your time 51 • KEY CHAINS 1 • DINNERS FOR TWO 55 MUSIC PROVIDED as much as your money. —50 • BUMPER STICKERS Today, it's a fast-moving world qut there. Time is indeed money. 54 That's why United Jersey is committed to being faster. •HATS 49 MAY 13th and 14th Faster in the way we handle your business. Faster in the way we approve • FIRST AID KITS loans. Faster in the way we respond to your needs for new fmancial services. Sponsored by: Union Township Chamber of Commerce So if time means moneyJto^yqu, comejp_a bank that values both. • NOTEBOOKS CoSponsorfidJjv CTCentral Jersey,Chamber of Commerce Suburban.Chamber of Commerce • GARDlFHLES - Union County Chamber of Commerce • NOTtPADS "—" Promotional Cons.uJtant of Festival: Walker Marketing, Inc. r United JerseyMnlc ^PPDI^IHfFROG VISIT ALLTHEflQQH^ AND REGISTER FRANKLIN STATE • CARRIBEAN CRUISE COME .BRING YOUR FRIENDS

Member FDlC Member bank oT United Jersey Banks, a statewide financial services organization with over $7.5 billion in assets 3* BLACK & WHITE TV " • SURPRISRIDiDrGIFT CERTIFICATES—| ' Commercial-Residential Burglar/Fire Alarm Systems o AUTO DUPLEXING... 0. Accomodations Free Demonstrations and Surveys X AUTO DOC FEB>... include 98 com Visit Booth 35 Ul Ul AUTO EXPOSURE... rortable rooms z AUTOTONEB... featuring air —1ft- conditioning,—col D AUTO EXCELLENCE! or TTVV . and ddireci t •>•• r That's Toshiba's BO-MI2—The dial phones. AM' _ Master Performer. _FM radios, Jking A plain paper copier so full/ fea-— z tured so fully automated. yduwonT size beds and steam j ,o believer*a desktop -'10 Copies per mfnutel jacr.nzzj -Push-button ChromaToucri'V available on two-color copylngl request. Ifampart -Easy-to-read Message Cental HOLMAN LABEL Security FREE Systems Airport Pickup COMPANY — Pressure Sensitive Labels And more automated, automatically accurate, For Alarm Protection automatically efficient capabilities than even Make the automatic choice In top-quality copiers Toshiba s all-new BD-B412- the Win A Free Prize When You for Industry Rampart Security Systems automatic answer to every-buslnesrcopylng Question Visit Booth 31 Quality Alarm Installation & Service TOSHIBA lament Installed-.—..-..':.!_-__ THE UNION MOTOR LODGE 2735 Route 22 West Union, N.J. APRf AUTHORIZED DEALER 19 CHATHAM ROAD UNION COUNTY -862-0040 201-273-1919 Raven's Nest Restaurant SUMMIT, NJ. 07901 MIDDLESEX MORRIS-ESSEX SOMERSET ™KS* SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Toll Freein N.J. 257-0234 285-1131 469-7300

41 Plymouth Street Fairfield 882-2929 1-800-526-4970 Member ol the New Jeney «nd Nitmnil Burglar and Fire Alum Association

COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPER 1291 Stujmint Iwn, Union, NJ 07083 (201)686-7700 We take your future personally. •Union Leader •The Spectator •Springfield Leader •Linden Leader 'N •Mountainside Echo- -tlrvington Herald 1 At IUMII (\>lloj>o oi Now .It'i^t'y, indit '•'tf. •Kemlworth Leader •Vailsburg Leader •County Leader Plus •Focus on Union County th.m :•>">(! lull-time pinl'i'vMii^ t.ik'_.ui iiitiM1 iittoiost mjiiu and jour Intuit' 77/<'ii loinmitmi'iit to oucllt'iitc THE COMPLETE NEWSPAPERS ii"-'/"'" •it->-ni"imi' ol e- ol lompuU'i-, Kean olkT- •Club News •Business Directory l •Religious News it'levant cjmr-e woi U in e.ich ofiN •Local News •Real Estate Transactions •Sport News. in.^oi difCipline- All Ki' •Business News •Senior Citizen News CELEBRATING OVER 30 YEARS l«i the tutuie with hoflT.i piiile—IOIUI •Town Government •Reunions •Recreation News , .IIKI A -ut)iif> libei-.il <» t- batkj>Tound. •County Government •Guest Columns •Special Sections OF HIT MUSIC CIo-o, cooperati\e tie- with local bu-me—, indu-tij and j>o\onnnental 1 / imn mi mliilt uliiili ut mill nil mil Hit ' I In til in ill imi I iiiiimlill hum HI *tIn luiii/iiini mt Ki'iin lut'iHiiiil tin , ' .ap^ncie- enable Kean -tudent- to )n wniiftl utti utiim tlint iiiiiihlul mi In n i/iuililtl itm Itxtlmm i mm ilium II itlt hnlli iiiiiiiiijii'Hinit mill lirlimiliifiii'ii VISIT BOOTH 33 jram a \\oikinn knowledge in their iliviliitilt it I/IIII iiuhii limit t i/mlul mii/ilitl II illi Him ifmi Miiiifi/ffi lutikjiituniil Itiniitijnh irilh Iliiniiiiilti- , FREE Copy of your Local Newspaper • -\ ai iou>- fields of intcne.it. Ibfjethej .l/j/ ytlHinJ.li 1/11 Uuii Illl I /' UH-l)pim'!—~ ^JIUHJIII* tii'-jwuiuiH. Htltiiiktl mi linllwii dulliit M{TIIII»I)'IIIhntliveliiijf ' Illlllllth I Ilillllll Hill Illtll Illlll Illlll III 111 i HIIhul liiiliniii lui>n/inn urn In in Mil i ilm iiliuu n'riuiiilji III'I/HII mi' GREAT ARTISTS of the 50's, 6O's, 70*8 -1 w ith oa-ily accessible academic, JHI tin hitmuiHH iiiulil ~ I'mltiilii inniiifitnfjiji±iiiiiijii'iiii'iitJiiU --fiHhnewl and CMifer counseling, the nimi IIWIIIIIIIIIIIFJ'1'• ••'''' '. ••'.'••• and a few famous artists from the 8O's M.iiniliuLtn Mid ('iin-iiltuiit M I It mt SJ MIIIIIII Kean e\pei ience jwrvuiahzei the lleulut I'suktml <*•> iiliilt road to -ucce-s, . _ \ I^I i M«l-1 )i\ Mini I III vc l(il iirOlH'liilillilK' I.IIIIIIU lumilli i N"u\ IIIM liilm Hill knii, Co. We m\ ite you to \ wt our cimpu^ and County Leader Newspapers is expanding its direct mail, monthly (fiscmcr fiist-hand whiit Kean has to newspaper distclbutionJiUhe Prime Union County Market that con- offer (/'•"'• T)Ui"s an* ofieml at 10 a m _ tainsJJnlpn, Springfield,. Roselle Park and Kenllworth to provide e\eiy Friday. coverage in 42,000 homes. That's 99% saturatjojipf the market when SCAN FOR THE GOLD KEAN COLLEGE advertising Is run In combination with our other community - The K(iiliuim|)U~i~((iilnilK Inniliil in newspapers. BHOFNEWJERSEY Reach it at 1330 on -tlhln h.nl I iiiun ('IIIIIIU.III-IK in M'--|li|i' I Dum llii' Xi w .ICIM'V 'nil npiki. 'ini ill H USE INSERTS Ti:M,i'H(>Nr.an your AM dial Stun- l^nk«i(\ mill I S Itmilci! XSI'.VII (()I.I.Wil>l"XION NI,W II,RSI.\ • PERFECT FOR PINPOINT MARKET COVERAGE 4> Foundation Health Plan .•formerly Crossroads Health Plan LET'S TALK 8 A Partnership of A National Leader z 3 People Caring in Providing BUSINESS, For People Healthcare Services

Foundation •Federally Qualified Health-Maintenance Health Plan Organization •230,000 Members in L The Employer Seven States The Physician •Comprehensive Medical Care The Hospital •Services Provided in Physician's Office— The Members •Dental Benefits BUSINESS! To Build A Solid Foundation United Counties Trust Company offers a complete line of services designed to meet Call201-564-8511-— 1 "your company's needs.

p financial specialists about... • Automated Payroll Plans WESTERN TEMPORARY SERVICES • Lines of Credit • Commercial Mortgages * AND • Accounts Receivable Financing • Machinery and Equipment Financing WESTERN MEDICAL SERVICES • Letters of Credit United Home Equity Revolving Lines •CLERICAL of Credit Municipal Bonds •MEDICAL i •INDUSTRIALr



V Belford • Berkeley Holghts • Clark • Cranford«Elizabeth • Hillside • Keangbyrg .WESTERN TEMPORARY 382-2500 , Kenllwdrtri • Uncrpfl • Linden • Madison • Middlelown • North Plajnfield • Oakhursl _JLP°rt Monmoylh • Shrewsbury • Scnngliold • Summit THEmTEM Page-2—^ Spring-Summer Portfolio^ Spring-Summer Portfolio Page. 3

REDUCE YOUR WAIST BY TWO FEET. Our exerclso program takes only two steps to learn. ._ j A right one. Then a lelt one. — . Repeat as often as you like. Because Rockporf ProWalkers are designed to cushion and support your (o6t (rbmheol to toe. '••,'.. more than just ,S|-)CCiflPiging in CjftouJinfJ you/t own nails So wh|le you're out absorbing the great outdoors, your leet aren't. stocks and -*CCEEIED iond^onyour fiu/tnjif!on. Koekport 5f -.I • Qdak 335 MillBurn Avenue, MUlbtum. N.J. k "TST J*5g__Op<:nThun>dayEvenings 376-0781

R INFORMATION on investments" ••;- 379^4150 tailored to meet your individual needs, , AUTHENTIC

and goals, calF ~~ ' •?_> • A. G. Edwards today. [Crescent IRAs Bonds* Stocks •Options %>out:t>y Add (he charm of Interior & Exterior KOHLER authentic colonial Retirement Plans •Mutual Funds ~^r Expand your decorating ... : colors to your home. .options with Hosier's' • .Interior flat latex Crescent Spout; . ' .:.'•'"!•' and satin gloss, Annuities • Ginnie Maes ~°~ Shown here with Kbhter's latex enamel Alterna Faucets, The .. . • Authentic Williamsburg Life Insurance • Certificates * of Deposit Grescent Spout Is offered InJiV-JInlshcaJucliiiilliai Colors, _____ polished chrome or gold, ^"Hade,spot and. Municipal Bond Trusts ;:. V brushed chrome or gold or stain resistant • • polished brass. -*;..(( ' • Durable - washable. • 'i"ax-Adyantaged Investments. "'••:'• . Installations include widespread lavatory faucets and deck-mounted bath faucets. Colon approved by The Colonul Tito Crescent Spout by Kohler - It's sure to highlight any high-fashion WllliamlburB Foundation, made The A. G. Edwards Managed Account __by The Marfm-Senour Company bathroom.. .-.•"'•" . - . under liceme Irom The Colonial '•fti'.^uitAuuij'iV Wilhamibura Foundalion. --^ owners0( Itie i«B>sle'ed /r4\\

___$: Member SIPC AN-IM-IU-SMC ;—; HheHorlzon t3artk Bulldlng) — 8 W AIN "STREET" Pholie 376TI055 . Page 4 Spdng-Summer Portfolio Spring-Summer Portfolio Page 5

Casual Comfortable Contemporary

SHORT HILLS "ONE IN A MILLION. . Anne Sylvester's REALTY CORNER is proud to present this "One in a Million" Home! We believe the discriminating buyer will appreciate.the fine quality details in this true center hall Dutch colonial situated on almost two luscious Clothes for acres in Short Hills. The first floor features a 40 foot living room with fireplace; / formal dining room with bow window overlooking tho rear property and Fun and gardens; beamed ceiling country kitchen with stone fireplace; beamed ceiling Fitness panelled library with fireplace; cathedral ceiling Florida room; powder room; lovely guest or maid's bedroom with bath. The*second floor offers four family tvildter\ bedrooms and two bathrooms: In addition there is a fantastic 40 foot "English -Pub"-recreatlon-room with-f ireplacerplus a small-soundproof officerPrlccd-at- 11,300,000 this wonderful 5,000 sq. foot home Is contrally air-conditioned and is ready for your inspection. Call our office today at 376-2300 to arrange your ap- pointment. . ' • • . ,-' ' 387 MiNburn Ave. '120 Lenox Ave. _127_Bmjte 27 Millbum Westfleld Edison ~ 376-1060 ; 654-7057 549-9746 , MAJOR CREDIT CANDS ACCEPTEO -GALL 376-2300 TODAY!

Exciting Activewea Christ Church • you'll look ; in Short Hill* TRAINING great in. in hottte care,. IHilU.nd'Av., 4 ForeiiDnw) Colorfully Cordially invite* you lo —~«llenJ-»B-irl-»ucliod—~ ldi iponiored by (he Highlindtri by Sportful •customized home care programs and Tbo Wom«o'» Guild for men, wdmen FRIDAY EVENING I young adults. :.MAY3,1987 ,; •all home care services from PARISH HALL painting to pruning Wine and HorM D'oeuvreM I Preview will begin Gelin gear for d cliaiiipionship season'. l%is til 7:30 P.M. • spring, rfo the gmimlmirk in NIKE Waffle MMMi Auction will begin !•#'*.- for your best cross country season. . JMHI 'free emergency home repair at 8:30 P.M. Donation $5.00 per perton service to our subscribers ~Colleergnd~Dettert—

•<>.:•••• • lo'httow •' BERYL COOK ' •• • For information call:' Women .Running 1085 • 379-2898 Renaissance in Ch.ionll • Tiilbot • Rnphaol Soyor - Moses Soyof Delacroix • Agam Reuvln Rubin' Lubeck*- Coombs • tlcwolyn • Nlerman • La Ba Dong '.'.:•. . The, difference between . home care, Inc. Frlodlandor • Caldor - Mot I'- Jonsorfii' Mlro • Dall • Llborman.' Ronoir h^sheaker Factory dressed and well-dressed Matlsso • Vlckors'-; Max • Hibol • Follx • KordS • Bulfot • Rowo • Churchill Bodo-Persian Oils'-Batiks and many moro. . •••'•-.. 7:315 Millbum AveTTMillburn7Nrjr 374-6094 35 Maple Street • Summit. • 273-6700. Dtl) Page 6 Spring-Summer Portfolio Spring-Summer Portfolio;, Page 7. Confidence makes all the difference

Confidence that you look your bcit, potuhed and pulled together ...hair looking- great...your nuke-up flattering, .'.ikin glowing AS RECOMMElMDED-B-Y ..'and your clothes looking right and spelling now! ' * ..•' JOAlM HAMBURG — WOR RADIO BEAUTY FOR ALL SEASONS Whitesell's Limousine Service can give.you confidence through, SHOP BJIK fOLQUALITY & VALUE A name you can always depend on a scries of professional consulta- tions designed to help you dis- , no matter where you want to go. covcOiow good~you cart look < ATTENTION: — 'through 'your moil nattering AIRPORTS- NEW YORK CITY -ATLANTIC CITY • THEATERS-PRQ^S colors, secrets to beautifulikini—\ nuke-Op application and how to For all update and put together the TALLMENI Tired of Late Pick-Ups? Wirdrohe you always wanted. Your BEAUTY TOR' ALL Tired of No Shows? SEASONS Consultant is a mined your camp professional who iVcoruunily kept ahrcut of titc latest trends BIG MEN! Tired of Outrageous Fares? and research in beauty and iluouith HliAUTY 1OK needs. A AU. SEASONS ongoing and ...ALL MEN! extensive training progrum. rDtitovcTiniifciiylcof "lieaiTiy confidence.. .Call ynur URAU1Y •We welcome corporate accounts. FOR AU. SEASONS Consultant Bills has the '• Telephone equipped luxury cars today—- ,_j_ _ atcpmpact rates latest in shirts • • Open 24 hours a day • : -Ai advertised in SELF . -~- and pants from... SHARON KNSABELLA FREQUENT TRAVELER DISCOUNT PROGRAM 964-0863

INDEPENDENT COLOR CONSULTANT FOR BOTH 522-9409 WOMKN ANI) SUMMIT • NJ MEN—-' FOOT LOCKERS Knit pullover shirts •When-it comes to homes, in solids: and stripes come to us.

™ REGULAR SIZES and-TALLS4y Stop. in. today and SAVE!QurprIces Tp ,..T>LU3...A FULL ilAif of csmpA/Eeps. unrUNBEATABLEI! WOOL CfitAP BLA*lKers..J/Z.W . cor.

'-AT DOR i PRICES// •;••;. CLASSIC SPLENIDOR OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL9P.M. 0 - the Invisible Fence' MONDAYTHRU FRIDAY on pver an acre of park-like grounds in SHOW /> / "^°S containment system OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL9 P.M. OPEN SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Short Hills. Brick Georgian Colonial with ^ MONDAY THRU FRIDAY- it works like nothing -5 fireplaces, 6-bedrooms, 4V2 baths and' OPEN.SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. minis IFXI . HOtiiSAVi you've ever seen. unusual library. $875,000. Call 467-3883 |You can't sou it. But It'b aiwjiys'at work,protecting your .. V v——t 666 MORRIS TPKE. ' MOB without disturbing the beauty of your property. today. , ,;.:•'-." --.-.. •Jlnvlsiolp Fencing safely leachos your dog to s"tay where SHORT HILLS, NJ you Wiint him. University tested, vet approved. It oven 14 offices to serve you. •••• ' —S'loss'than traditional (oncingl Try Invisible Foncino ARM-mNAVY (201)467-0086 lor 30 days. II you're not complofoly satisfied, we'll 666 MORRIS TPKE., refund your purchase. Guaranteed. Invisible. Fencing works like nothing SHORT HILLS, NJ you've over soon. Bills MILLBURN OFFICE ARMY A NAVY ,(201) 467-0086* • MORRIS FENCE, INC-4551142 5.9 Main Street ' MORRIS ANIMAL INN, INC -539-0377 'THE-SIGN OF EXPERIENCE .- • • 467-3883' ; - •'-•• MORRISTOWN • r' _ Spring-Summer Portfolio Page 9 Page 8 ' Spring-Summer Portfolio ' . '

Thei|||ectory 'Showcase

3 - 31—198T7 423 W. Eighth St., Plalnfleld INTERIORS- .is ri iiiilqiifi slwi|f Wild t ijnu/i l I keptgainingand losing thesame20p.ounds. o/i Jusl n |iPnl« Ttolsaid, this time

• "i9i'fin lto|i|irnliig — / us... 1 tried every pill, every gimmick [[5fcl?n-|LL&MML] , to lose weight. Only to feel l miserable when I gained it An Elegant Library wltlvFabric Walls and Period Furniture ail back. Finally I said no, never again-Mi/s time I'm Complete decorating service by ~]---^£M> (201) 63.5-b.450" going to Diet Center. I lost the weight, without hunger. And I'm keeping It off. My only regret? Not-going sooner!- - 455 Sprlngllold AvonUo • Summll, NJ • 273-3140

Center* You're going to ' NEW ARRIVALS make It this time. L\Ht>, R.N., Director When your plans for the newcomer Include Bellihrfurniture, 420 Morris Avenue - baby's hbmecornlngls certain to be a treasured experience Springfield A Joy contihually .renewed by faithful years of service. Call 376-2990 ' Bellini. In the best tradition of chlldcare,'


Register here for your baby shower

770 Morris Tpke -Princeton Shopping Center ShHiHNT J ! N. Harrison Street -376-2450 ••,.•• (60?) Mon-Sat 10 am - 6 pm Page 10' Sprlng-SummerrEortfollo-__i — Spring-Summer Portfolio Page IT


NEEDLEWORK SPECIALTIES A Wide Selection of >M4 • Needlepoint — Fine Handmade Rugs • Counted Cross Stitch • Crewel From - PERSIA • Cross Stitch CHINA •"Embroidery INDIA .By Budlla • Dimensions • Horizons TURKEY I EISH Williams «_ Patcrnayan Yarn Needle Treasures '"Something Special PAKISTAN " ROMANIA

449 Springfield Avenue MOROCCO Summit Also... DHURRIES •Curtams, • Draperies 277-3444- "Verticals, Levolors KILIMS -'Shades- •-•--,' • 'Bedspreads CONTEMPORARY . 'Custom MadeS-Also HANDMADE RUGS 3 61.'tni. II burn a

iom '± Umh-oxtzii to Hjou.

Woo! Dhurries 4x6-$49 6x9-$109 8xlO-$159 9xl2-$199 Room size Persian Rugs from $1799 Chinese Rugs, 90 Line, 8x10 & 9x12 —$1100-$14S0 Indo Persians 8x10 & 9x12 — $729 — $1189 PRICES UP TO 70% BELOW RETAIL v ORIO 515-9797 ~Jl I I B\ 50 Williams Parkway \ (off Route lOWest) ) East Hanover

' -| OPEN: 10 am - 6 pm, Mon. -Sat. 12 noon - 5 pm, Sundays I Route 10 Major Credit Cards Accepted Page 1.2 ' Spring-Summer Portfolio Spring-Summer Portfolio Page 13


V £ O R I U -M-

Gift selections to delight the senses,

Silver, Brass, Pewter, Crystal,. -P- Handcrafted Arts, Antique and Guntempory Pieces, Gourmet Items, Luxuries for the Bath, Potpourri, Dried Flower Wreaths, Custom Gift Baskets:

348 Millburn Ave.

f BERNARDSVILLE V Original 1807 circa Estate ol classic Victorian Gothic ar- chltecture with slate roof and all stone exterior. Magnill- cent vistas (or 25 plus miles and formal gardensjset o(l this Because your car needs property on Berriardsville Mountain. This estate has been I completely restored to its former elegance. Marble recep- tion hall with fireplace, banquet size Dinning Room^grand more than just an oil change... Living Room (26.' x 35.'), Master Bedroom Suite with three . . flreplacesand his or her ultra modern Baths, are among Al commlltton total nvgrtiotol* the many exquisite features. A unique offering, on 8.8 plus • Example or minus acres with additional - acreage available, at , SALE PRICE . 6% AW, $3>700',000.. •.;..• OF HOME COMMISSION COMMISSION HARDING TOWNSHIP S6.000.00 4750,00 $9,000.00 7,125;tKJ •;- NEW VERNON 12,000.00 9,500.00. CHOICE 3 acre level home site adjoining bridle trails off 15,000.00 1,875.00 _private-road-In. exclusive Now Vernon. A fine offering at JIFFY LUBE 18.000.00 21,000.00 $425,000. hasamvedm 24,000.00 NEW LISTING. Custom built, Country Victorian Manor on -3-'private, rising acres with attention to detail throughout. • Computerized MultlpIeTllilIng Service T • Homeowners Warranty Features Include Master Bedroom with Spa, Sitting Room UNION SPRINGFIELD m ROSELLE Guaranteed Advertising Program with fireplace,1 and Porch. Spacious Gourmet Kitchen with Nationwide Relocation Service "Green House eaHnola[eaJ!-Llvlna-R6om.-Ubrarv^-and -1140 Morris Averattehigh^T^ HAHPmEACTOfi family room each with Fireplace, complemented by. an ex- 32 Morris Ave. quisite. 2,000 square foot Redwood Deck. A very special -— Hrirdast-fO1W/mrte^We'll~ NoAppoifftment £ver Needed! Sprlnglleld, NJ. offering at $1,430,000. For additional Ihformation and ap- •0 Change your oil with Pennzoil ' . .,• . ST Check and fill battery .-•_•.'. 376-8700 pointment to soe, call listing broker. 0^lnstall a new oil filter ~~ " . 0 Check your air filter . •,' We SOLD over $10,000,000 at 4V*% ANTIQUE COLONIAL CIRCA 1725 with, a 8 year old addi- m, Gomplelejy lubricate the chassis 0 Fill windshield washer fluid In less lhan 1 year and saved tion on 5.28 acres of rising, partially wooded property— 0 Check and top-off transmission fluid gteheck wiper blades NJ. Homeowner! over w/heatod; pool and spa. Recreation Room and 2 pool $ioo;ooo. changing rooms. 2lcarrlage barn, 8 box stall stables and 0^ Check and top-off differential fluid 0 Properly Inflate tires paddocks. Attractive landscaping sets qlMhls /lne_hpnie__i 1. -&-Gheck-and~top;.oftthe-brake.fluid - —[^•Vacuumthe Interior •-.' which Is In excellent condition. Living Room is glass on 3 M Check and top-off power steering fluid M Then wash your windows, too! slides with wet bar between the Family Room which has • wood burlng stove and also a flreplacerRough Cedar sld— •- ed Great JToom with 10 ft. high ceilings plus a grand fireplace, wet bar and bricked sorpentlne deck for plants. French doors to screened porqh and pallos. Dining Room with llreplace, Country Kitchen with fireplace, cathedral Mastor/BR with Dressing Room and additional 2 twin sized All For Just Complete! miLLBURN BR's with hall bath: This .-lino-home' Is oflered at '- $985,000. . CAfT)€RA CHARMING This recently rostored, Immaculate 7 room, 2 ''A bath col- v onfal Is set on % of an acre of well landscaped, level land SHOP and Is an Ideal location and community" to raise a family. • : Photographic First floor has LR, Deri, Formal DR and Urge E/l Family' .^Specialists J

PageW v Spring-Summer Portfolio Kitchen Cabinet Refacing

ESTABLISHED.1973 Wood Kitchen Doors As we enter our 43rd Anniversary year, we would like to Not a plastic or laminate thank those who made It possible — our loyal omployees and customers who have relied upon us. Our.Door and Drawer Fro'rlts are solid Our organization has operated the same (anilly fuel business at the same location since its inception in 1924. Since- our beginning, we have strived to make our Oak • Cherry • Maple customers warm friends with the same slogan as always — "Your Comfort Is our Business." :_ - Traditional Raised Panel Designs^ Cabinet frames and sides ' We Appreciate your continued confidence. refaced in matching wood New Counterlogs Installed __^ ;::;J WOO Lt E YFUE L CO. ^.zCompletel= -Brai]d'Nam





RICK'S PRICE POLICY Wo will o'adly mbot our compolilbra advortisod price. Jusr ^rstmttirtotoaVlMi dated local nowspapor advdrtl6inonl and ourw I Q ' ROQ. S27000 ^BACKYARD COMBO SET honor Ihol/ a SESAME STREET GYM DANDY ' $109" GYM DANDY SALE $239"


ieOPIES • HUUBLH BIAMK) • CONHNUUUU I OHMS • bWlHAVED SIGNS • FLVbHiJI ,. "Nobody should be without" IrATIQNS. BUSINESS ANNO"1 "*Bv ' US.f "NOUNc) OTARV PUBLIC -CUTTING—AU. • u. ,.J rcf >•*•. 1-U (HNATINO • BOOKLETS • )R6SS ELS-FORM . OSITW • .EADING3 • ORD, OKLETS- LE TIC • PRIq Realtors., r .1 ETIC SIGNS • AP( JENTCAB iONTH a • UHLUNU CARD MOM'S the word ICCESPRIES-Ht WCARr UCEDOOK SDICA IARTS • DENTAL CH 1 get f'State of the Art" hoNNAIRES • PRC ~ " SYMPATH DS." *" VOTES-CA] hNGVCOLLATINO: .iDINQ-INHo YPEf ION IN: "Real; Estalc-ServiceL: |kCIMILE SERVICE • LEl• t.,ncAD3 • ENVELOPE I5INI -AROS- 'ESS and Vera's the place COPIES • RUDDER STAMPS • CONTINUOUS Fpl ENGRAVED SIGNS VERS| ATIONS • BUSINESS ANNOUhfCEMENTSVCOMr^T^I FORMS • SOCIAI 3UNd Call Usl iTARY PUBlKS"- CUTTING .DRILLING. GBC BINDING • t UNG'P' SummH An outstanding collection of INATING •BOOKLETS -ADDRESS LABELS. FORMS • k . " "' . REMi 27JW00 to-buy-your——_^___ . ES • POSTCARDS. REPORTS . TRANSPARANCIE3 •TSD"3RT ^ARDONU high fashion Jewelry IFICATES (INVOICES • STATEMENTS • BROCHURES • LABELS • STICKERS • LEGAl S.PRld Mother's iCABB . • •Patina jewelry -••'•' ITALCI •Crystal Mick ES-CAl 1 ' RON IN: . ... "Ivory • • 'uality Printing INESS - . '•--—-All jewelry repairs n.VERS| INOUNC Loungewear * Sleepwear * Undergarments We Package And Mail Gifts'Anywhere 299 MILLBURN AVENUE NG-Ui Hours: Moiu-Sat.10-5 Thurs. til 1:30 WHEN YOU NEED MORE THAN ONE. • REM and Robes... #• 20% discount always ; . SScollaiid Rood RBONLI .< LEGA| Soulh Ornnec N.J. 07079 ' WE GET THE JOB DONE .••"• 763-8049 , POSIIIOna • r*LEMUlmJK> • UnUCnUUVmLCla. nt^rri.^ imn^iu- n;.nnU3 • PRIC HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 10;OO -5:00 Thurs 'till 6:30 |Bpts:-MAGNETICSIGNS'•APPOINTMENT CARDS • CONTRACTS -CALLING CARD

yg in Floors and Wallpapers UN!T€D All Under One Roof At Factory Authorized Warehouse Outlet • y-^ ... - j—v» y • • • 63 Valley Street, South Orange FOR SCRATCH»N DENT APPLIANCES & TV'S Parking in Roar SAVE 50...' 100 ...UP TO 300 '£-.: "OFF COMPtTIT/VE PRfCES ON MAJOR APPLICANCES

Marble and Ceramic Tile. SAVEUPTO'IOOO "Elegance For Less. •REFRIGERATORS • Carpets and OFF COMPETITIVE PRICES ON PACKAGE DEALS Wallcoverings and • IMPORTS' •WASHERS •'.'.—•'• Linoleum • DRYERS Correlated Fabric Elegant. Selection of 'RANGES > . -.-'— •,:•_ (Custom Vinyl .50% Dispount . Designer's Tile .. • FREEZERS GENERAL ELECTRIC »RGA Marble •COLOR TV'S on Verticals, Pleated; . • MICROWAVE OVENS : -, >.:- Shades • • -; Granite •BUILT-IN OVEN& CALORIC 'WHIRLPOOL •DISHWASHERS" ~- —-—-Mini-and-Miero-Blirids— Professional Installatibri -•-AIR CONDITIONERS^- .25% on Fabrics,. - CDStoTrrMarble Orders'" "| • DEHUMIDIFIERS Bedspreads., .••.'•• Installation Available • •LHOQQS AND COOKTOPSl Hours: Mon-Frl — 9:30-6 By Experienced Craftsmen. Thurs — 9:30-7 Comforters, etc. AS RECOMMENDED BY JOAN HAMBURG, WCBS-TV IN THE SAM GORDON'S APPLIANCE CENTER WAREHOUSE . Sat —9-5 Hours; 9:30-5 TTtiursTto 6:00 9:30-5 ' Thursto7:30 . - t! '•• *'.''-..~r"Sat-.9-3/ • • • 1 10 PROSPECT ST. • MADISON • 377-0151 « 378-8487 •ft-;: 378^-8525 378-8479 US I 2 BLOCK FROM MADISON TRAIN SIA'ION*! ? BLOCK OFF ROUlt 24 (MAIN SI.I • MONDAY THRU SAIURDAY 9 AM i I'M Page 20 ' Spring-Summer Portfolio v . Spring-Summer Portfolio •' Page 21

When You Rent From MILLBURN BAGEL SHOPPE A NursmgJHoine (Formerly Bagel Chateau) Budget, You're Renting : 321 Millburn Ave. — oj Distil Quality! Millburn, NJ. 07041

Budget. Where keeping a late model car or truck In top-notch high profile means having high mechanical condition. Our cars standards. • • • arc all thoroughly maintained after CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS Anytime you got more than every rental. Some even offer you pay for, you consider yourself innovative new car phones. • Graduation Parties- • Bris " Uecauscwc serve so many extremely fortunate. Thatls why ~ • Kiddush renting from Budget is always a people. ..miny of them over and • • Bar Mizvahs 'Providing the ultimate in-professional care pleasant experience. At Budget you over again.. .wo must keep our • Birthdays _s_Condolence get more than jusfa"car or truckT""'"standards highrTry us the next You experience Budget value, time you need a car. See why you tho moment you approach our get more than just a car at Budgei. 20%J0fF any catering with this coupon^: counter. A friendly smile and warm JaLl I Expiration date September 15, 1987 -hclloTCourtoOUTKervice that gets youonyourwayfast. The "right"

'. COUPON "7 • ~7- Juiy 30, 1987 For informationand, reservations call: t 467-3626 "• 763-0900 168 Valley street, South Orange COUPON $ $ COUPON i Buy 8 Bagels Buy 8 Bagels " Sears Auto Center At the Livingston Mall Get 4 FREE 994-3127 Millburn Bagel Shoppo • Millburn Bagel Shoppo 321 "Mllijjum Ave., 321 Millburn Ave., 1 311 South Livingston Avenue, 336 Morris Avenue, Summit Millburn . Mlllburn Present (his Coupon Prosont this Coupon -fb>-Dlsoounl- I lor Discount I Expiration dots: ""^Expiration date: August 30, 19B7,. August 30, 1987 rf« Budget livesjjp to its name. Bagelmania v (201)994-0221 ^Tuesday — Wednesday : , Budget: Buy 1 Dozen Bagels Get 6 FREE' carand ' Hot Corned Beef or Pastrami Saturday a|d Sunday only truck rental $6.00 per Ib. (Regularly $10.00 per Ib.) :•:, , offor cxplros August 30,1987 Serving the Millburn, _Short Hills, Summit ;NO coupon necessary — Not good with any other offer. the Chathams and Livingston Not valid, with Baker's Dozens. Not valid wllhany other coupons. (llHrililillnn cenler* locatid in moil Cf&T ":'".•" : areas for over 19 years . Limit 1 Coupon per v|slt. , : ^. , iDiCii6]i

•*»:•.-.•.•• — Page 22 Spring-Summer Portfolio . Spring-Summer Portfolio Page 23 B?%Princc's Stand at Prince Farm

Special for Mother's Day

Co •Hanging Baskets : uttypin *i> Atmosphere'Excellent Food •Flower Arrangements With This Ad — •Wreaths buy 1 entree- and your guest can have FULL LINE Of FRUITS * VEGETABLES TTFREE! - AND CONDIMENTS , (Samo-cost or lesslei^ J :. Expires A/6/87 •annuals •soi|-

DAILY SPECIALS gp •rosebushes -plant food Wed/Thurs—Eggplant Parmigiana w/salad $4.95 Th r j •Welsh Farm products "" ' " "aked fresh flounder w/potafo and salad - market price 1 •Grunings Ice Cream • Come join us in Millburn in the Courtyard Mall Come Visit Our Country Gift Corner .345 Millburn Avc.< Millburn 376-2331 :" 45 to 75 off Hours: Mon.Ttiur. 11:00-8:00, Fil/SJl 11:00-8:30 pm, Sun. 5:00-8:00 pm 647 Springfield Ave., Springfield • 376-1360 HS • openTdayi ESS---. OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY OF ORIENTAL RUGS ..•'•' - For 2 Weeks In Our MillburriStore Only. Booin. __ _ I--- I- RDgs~Are"Pf icedTo^G o! What started out as a moving experience lor us has bocomo asavings opportunity (or you;.Which Is only lair, .since if it weren't lor all our loyal customers, wo wouldn't nood a bio.gor showroom lor all our royal.oarpols. Now we havo a placo that's throe tlmos larger than boloro, nl 319 MillburryAvo., which, moans,more ol our'bcaulilul. handcrnllod Oriental rugs to chooso Irom than ovor boloro. ; But In the moantime,,,wo\havq sorrfo louely vaiuos in our curront invontory that aro pricod to movo. SAMPLES Or Gun INVENIOUY Room Orlglnal Sain Original Salo Mansion Original' _ 5a|u _ " . Scattor Slim Prlco. ' Prlco ' Prlco ' Prlco SlJot' • Prlco "• Prlco .. Slui . $198 —1 G-Sx-10-n SW95 S2S08- —Dhurrlos— - -. OK IS 5705 DhurrloB : ' . rS-106- -- S49 Homa Horll $474 14x10 S3.305 $1,190 Jndo Aubossnn -9x6. • S1.B05 Indd-Tabrlz S400 S102 Itldo.Horlr ' $374 - 1710»11 10 S0.TO0 $4,475 Indo Sornpt~~! r • Oxfi . SI.495 Chlnono 00 Lino '•'•" : S505 - S238 • H'amedan..!' $1,048. .156x10 1 S7.4O5- S4.122. fiomn Fnrohan 11 IO«O7 • S2 995 Dlouch d.Bxli S050 S325 Korman .'. •' $947 Homa Sorough 17.5x11 11 5S005 • S2.395 Indo Ql|nr u«n 10 S3.790 Qum Persian "1.0x33 S605 -. S302 _$582_ •* **. WWR-—S2.00X- _ Chlnoso-Round— _£x6_ —tsloharrPonitan W-X9-6 —S-M95- -H-,097- • S2.950 S88S P 1.1GxlO6 SB 095 $4,947 Doukara 110x8 2 OldHamodan - 0.3x3.2 . • S1.305 $767 51:905 13CxOG S3.0M S1.909- . Chinoso 12D Lino 0x6 5897 TurklihUdlk" 4.4x3.3 . S300 S195 S5595 53,070 16.5x119' S10.905 • $9,347 n ''10 4x8 2 .AKhar .7.0x4.11 -, S1.205 S847 SJ.595 51.427 1 M9x116 ' SO.905- $3,405 • • Tabriz , i0 3«7 3 SHORT HILLS 6'7x5 ' S1.305 S767 S.1 405 $2,4701 Moud . 55.905 $2,308 Joshognn ' 10 3«7 3 5.5X3.-0 S2.405 51,370 '16 5x0.10 SJ.G05. $1,482" -BI|ar,Flno • • Moud 10 1"6D ALMOSALMosTT THREE ACRES 0 1x3.10 S1.B6S S1.O25 .160x11 ib ' 54.505 $1,838 S3095 $2,197 Naln, Wool 8. Silk Snrough Porsinn Kir.

Gail f_O BIE N TA L R.U (3 CENTER] enstein ,1 Mrj lm,irici«Q ilvn>lnt)l() ^ |« ;" ^"^ Tl| luRS 0 30,0OT .SUN . , (1 aL00B»a»35J5W L,H».lor N J.D4II.VO3O-0.O0. SAT, 0 30-7.00, CLOSED 3VJN (Imi<«.in>i|,ullunl..nu - -. - 271 Essex St, Millburn 376-5060 H^ltOr SUM 1100.5 00(818) aO8-(T1T PHILADELPHIA 030 Old.Vork Rd.VAUHiglonrPArDAIUY 9 30.00O, MOH 1 Ai/« WJWiiflntd. PA. DAILVta^O-aOO. MON. 4 THURS 030-Q.00. SUN. 11 00-500(318) HaB.0333 .. 2^ East Mt. Pleasant Ave, Livingston 994-4323