;n : > •>• —• 3 •ji •-IS -• Jl n < XI , ^if. n o rn :o ) o ra . J XI j» 1 ~ D 'D Si ByMABKYABLON8KV __„ our intentions and procedures used where the public interest would be After shifting from ite policy of tonight.". endangered or the personal privacy ?'•-• conducting interviews hi private, the "It's always from the public or rights of individuals would be -rSpringfield Board of Education standpoint," said Greenspoon, who endangered." . •' , -'opted to postpone naming a suc- explained ttayhe^tta«t!=sfcthfc ' cessor for an open seat on the nine- Sunshine Law is to provide as much p •i:i-.' ' member body Monday night, '.'public scrutiny as possible" unless sessions, all three candidates an- leaving the status ofrihe three doing so falls into conflict with other swered questions from individual candidates seeking to,fill it unknown aspects of the 1975 law. board . members, ranging from until the board's regularly- "It's my feeling ihat as much qualifications, interest in serving scheduled meeting onMay 18. j business - hi public as possible be and the role and functions of the ?'->, In deciding that various-board- conducted so as to comply with the b^ t/f members'.•.; were,: "uncomfortable" spirit of'the Sunshine Law," added "I really would like to be a board member because I plan.on being with taking a vote "30 soon," board Elsen. •. '. > ,' ' •' '•• . - . • president tee Eiseii announced that.. really active," said Kessel, who is a Following a public question-and- kindergarten teacher In Hillside and . the decision on the'successor to M. answer session with Ben Stravato,. '0- Donald Davidson would be held in a* past member of' the Springfield Leona Kessel and Arthur D. Kindergarten Assessment' Com- ' two weeks, giving absent board Welnbergr-however, the board — member Jeffrey Rauchbach an mittee. "I feel there's only one place • after failing to approve vice for Springfield to go. The way it is opportunity to participate as Well. * president Ned Sambur's motion Davidson, who was. elected to a and up. I hope I can continue to seeking to appeal Elsen's decision to make it as good or better." ' .. three-year term last year, has conduct open; discussion on the already submitted an official letter "I'm seeking this appointment as 1 candidates — decided to postpone its of resignation, although it has not discussion and ^probable ap- a sense of civic- responsibility,-"— yet been accepted, one board official pointment until May 18. , . ' - explained,Weinberg, who is a former . said: Davidson will soon be moving vice-president of the Kiwanis Club toCalifpmia. '••'.' Known officially as the. Open Public Meetings Act, the purpose of and a current-member-oHhe-New ' Previously, board officials ex- the 12-year-old "Sunshine .Law" is Jersey Commerce and Industry' plained, it had been board policy to "to insure the right of citizens to Association. "I favor rigid stan- conduct candidate interviews In have adequate advance notice of and dards of grading. I think kids have to h private; however, after hearing the right to attend meetings of public earn their promotions." from Greenspoon that two public bodies at which any business af- Stravato, the head soccer coach of Photo by HUrkY.blontky ; cases on the issue appeared to fecting the public is discusse<r~Or- the Fairlelgh Dickinson University's ; "come down" ori the side of public acteduponinanyway;". -_^- Teaneck-Hackensack team, said he WINNING RECOGNITION-SprlrKifleld teachers /Joan Friedman and Paul interviews,'the board, as the at- Exceptiohs under the law, has "a,lot pf qualities to offer." ' T/burskr'are-(thls.year's winners oHhe annual Governor's Teacher:Recognltlpii torney., stated, i felt it was time' to however, allow, for .private "One, as a coach, I've Viever been :Program'. The tionor goes toone teacheHtorrveash school,statewide. Not pictured ,"a.lter our policy so it will confirm discussions "in those circumstances a loser," he stated. , • ; ," Is William Lonhey, the third winner In the Springfield School district. .; ..; •.••••+•• .••'• • feen drinkers ' - ,;•;; :By kENNETH8CHANKLER|:;.v. lip. "The kids are aware that Home,', a' Weekend transportation drinking are a problem." ; service started last year by students teacKlng at a private The' statistics present a chilling- .jRlcturert;""^ ""' •"'•'' '" "'"""" i',., last'week talked, of- of Jonathan Dayton Regional High ifo&Salem when he: bringUig in a totalled car destroyed School inSpringfield.: New.V'Jei in a wreck Involving a drunk driver MbaUy.-though, the effort Uiimed ;a,t- getting prom and graA»tton B In the past to dramatite the iit to." hphnvft in a' an opening in the Grarden State, According^ to; :Krank TarfiHtft^ point, but beyond that Isn't sure : ; responsible:manner, • "T " "'"— . which, ,;;o( .,cpurse, • was' ;ih; : ; media coordinator for the Linden Wbit pise will be done. /..SpringfteW.'' ,'vV'iif; V •//::.-• public schools, the nuniber of auto Taranto did mention efforts to /''We're going to try to, make all threeof the district's schools: • After having dismissed tlie'ldea : .accidents Involving teen-agers and establish a transportation prpgram people aware.-that's all," taranto in'vthiej Gbveirnpr's , /Everyone', in grades one only a year earlier, Lonney by alcohol rises dramatically in May along the. lines of Safe Ride-Safe said. ••'.,'•. ::::-:;;--^----~.— Lecognition' Program. - .throtigh eight'receives computer - this time had changed his mind- ~and~,June, a time~6f celebration of represent both; a" link with the .,'t:;'edu^atibnji^' quite unlike , the So in the spring of 1958, he went_ graduation and proms...-.., •.;,'. /past /and/ a/fitep/forward ;in students of several years back, fofian:interview at'Gaudineer :„ Taranto has been been chosen by r'. wh6dld/not^.v."s'v'':•-'; '!''• '••:'.•..-'v, /; School,';; with ' JJr.'''\ Thelm'a L, the National "Association Sandmeier, who was the school's' , Joan Friedman I,. "We Were:one of the fbreruh- r Secondary School Principals to head '/principal for a span that covered a campaign urging teen-agers not to and; William JLbnney have seen ners In the Gifted and Talented ByPAWL PEYTON . because the 'materials were not and taught many students during, Program," said Tybureki, the~T-four: decides. Needless to say, he drink and drive during the prom and Sandmeier School hondree, who gbttiieieb, which turned out lobe graduation season that begins at the Union County Regional District readily available to .us," she said. -—spends timeat the district's other in English, and not In math as he endofMaV^ ''/ /': ;;:; '\[ ' school board, members were given "It would be my recommendation j^ / ./,: .. \\ an overview of the district's social , 1 / sVs^:ifeSlMtetto^pparent twoschbols as well. "Even now, had originally thought. ~ • "Driving "Sown the. turnpike that We never offer a course again we -have—a—morer-extenslye- „/ After "•. teaching' .seventh and ' studies program by Its four-regional without a, teaching guide," said achievements in the district, all drinking beers Is not what you 1 eighth-grade English .fit high school supervisors during Hooper :'''. .••• '•";' '• ,' .../ . ,. /•/three seemed, "surprised" when should/be doing," said Taranto. Tuesday's meeting in Clark. ' a special nine-member 'panel. ':dte,tr^^i;We^h«v9.'a.v|l9t;pf Gaudlneerjor some 10 years, "Nobody should be drinking that Hooper said' the Nriw Jersey programs going on here. Lonney:. was1 offered the The major concern among the Department of Education has recentlyselected them! as ,win-, .night, It's a celebrate sober cam- board,and the supervisors was the librarian's jobtt both the Walton • paign. •••;. -., • ••; •••••.• .-.;..•• ' • mandated the inclusion of a world . ners In the prpgram, which, ii) the removal of the urban studies course, < • ''•• .''^ 1 1 '•''•L L_'' A V, '' ' ' ' ' ' with'fte cbiripqtex the resti,qf my and Chisholm schools,: both of ' "Don't get in a car with anybody culture and history course in the words of state edacation com-' ; life/'icohtinued the teacher, who : y which have since been closed to 1 from the 1987-88 curriculum and the .. missibrier Saul-VCboperinan; ;' "who has been drinking either, ' curricula of all students. This course feels*that everyone will Jbe in- :' students. His master's degree In.,,. ' problems associated With the ab- . Is presently offered as an elective , "enables the state to recognize in [ Taranto;warned, noting strict law sence of a teaching guide for the w^tK, cpmpHters in some; '•library.'science, left him: as a enforcement, efforts . police for 11th graders. She said state . strortg, candidate ;for the, job, Holocaust course. ' : education -officials ' have also; throughout the county and the state In-discussing the urban: studies V which he has 'held. ever;'since. haye been using to combat drunk mandated the teaching of the history 1 course, Dorthea Hopper, social ^SumriMd^ -^* ^-ff' V '; , gbinfrtfrgo away. I have awhole After Chisholm/dosed, In'. 1972^ '.driving; ""••>••/ ' •".•,•• ;•" ,.';.!'•• of New Jersey on the high school . Lonney split; his' time between studies department supervisorjt ? ':^S: was »,:; admitted computing Wmily, A family that; That campaign will be spread level. She said this topic will be Walton and Caldwell, and later. Arthur L. Johnson Regional High' added to the district's 10th grade "Tyburikll 'i:^^^t^^iBVhVuie:•^:•^^|^t•^^•t'•«^e^^t'l^.•• throughout Union County via the use School, Clark, said the main reason ethe r between Sandmeier and Ca)d- of several 30-second cainpaign spots ' U.S. history survey course., • •yoimgeit of, the three /award ^ «« r- ' • -- weU) after Walton's closing In for the removal of the course was the jj't'It's a nice tionor to be: that Taranto hopes local radio absence of written materials on the A major force In the development stations will pick up In the next few high school level. of a curriculum is the creation of since 1964, the same year .she V "Xbiiney is befiig honored as the" w6eks.; :.••; •-•'' // /;,, • ' ••'•• '=/'•'' sunimerworkshops ;for staff —Sandmeier- jSchoblisT-^aWord— i_JlThepublJshers have really put us _ -^-One~messagBrfeaturea~£r"youth In a bind,"she said^"Whlle urban memberspaccording to Katharine ^WhUe • the,:: .
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