
JOURNAL O F RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards - A. Physics and Chemistry Vol. 75A, No.3, May - June 1971 The Structure of BaCa(C03)2 ()

B. Dickens and J. S. Bowen*

Institute for Materials Research, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234

(February 3, 1971)

The barytocal c ite phase of BaCa(CO,,), c rysta llizes in the monoclinic a= 8.092(1) A, b = 5.2344(6) A, c= 6.544(1) A, (3 = 106.05(1t at 25 °C with cell conte nts of 2[B aCa(CO,,), I. The Slru et ure pre viou s ly reported by Aim is correct in its coarse details but has been rede te rmined he re and re fin ed to R w = 0.028 , R = 0.023 in space-gro up P2 1 / m using 1652 observed re Rections. Correcti ons we re made for absorption, isotropic extin cti on, a nd ano ma lous di s pe rsio n. The struc ture of barytocalc ite has an ... AB C ABC ... s tackin g of cati on layers a nd re peat e very

3 la yers. The cal cite phase of CaCO:1 has an AB C c ati on layer seque nce a nd re peats every 6 layers. The orie ntations of th e CO:1 gro ups in barytocalcite a re like th e CO:1 gro up ori entati o n in th e a ragonit e phase of CaCO:1 , and are rotate d a bout 30 ° from t he CO" group ori entati on in . The cation layer seque nce in a ragonite is. . ABAB. . and th e s tructure re peats eve ry 2 laye rs. The Ca in barytocalcit e is coordinat,ed to seve n o*ygens, in c lu ding a n edge of a CO" group, with Ca .. . ° di s tances in the ra nge 2. 305(2) A to 2.518(2) A. The Ba io n is coordin ated to fiv e edges a nd one apex of the CO:1 groups with Ba . .. ° di stances ra ngin g from 2.729(3) A to 3. 14;0(2) A. The di ~­ lances of th e C atoms in the CO:1 ~r o up s fro m the pl anes of the °a toms are 0.025(5) A a nd 0.022(4) A for C(l ) and C(2), respectivel y.

Key words : ; ; ; crys ta l structure; single crys tal x-ray diffraction.

1. Introduction standard deviations on any para meters and used limited film data. The structure of barytocalcite was, The crystal s tructure of th e baryto calcite phase of therefore, poorl y known by modern s tandards, and BaCa(CO:lh has been redetermined in our program of has been redetermined he re. structural investi gations [Ili on calcium , calcium phos phates, associated hydrates, and related 2. Data Collection and Structure Refinement compounds. The structural features in these com­ pounds have important applications in understanding The crystal used in the data collection is an ap· possible , syntaxy, and substitutional solid proximate sphere, radius 0.094(3) mm , ground from a solution in biological min erals such as hydroxyapatite crystal from sample R1 3868 (from Cumberland, (Ca5(P04 h OH) and calcite, aragonite and , ) obtained from the National Museum of the three phase of anhydrous CaC03 . Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, From a consideration of the morphologies, d'spacings D.C., and supplied by J. S. White, Jr. It was mounted and possible space·groups of barytocalcite and calcite, in our usual way [4]. Gossner and Mussgnug [2J gave a structure for baryto· calcite whi ch is a rearrangement of the calcite struc· formula (i deal): BaCa(CO:1}2 (barytocalcite phase). ture. They assumed the space·group to be P21 . AIm [3] cell: monoclinic used a relatively large (0.3 mm) single crystal of baryto· a=8.092(1) A at25°C calcite and unfiltered Cu radiation to s:o]] ect photo· b = 5.2344(6) graphic data from the hOl , hll, hkO and hkh levels. He A c = 6.544(1) A also assumed the space·group to be P21 , rather than f3 = 106.05 (l) ~ P21/m , on steri c consid erations which are inva"ltd. The volume = 266.4 A3 structure he gave for barytocalcite differs from that space·group P2,/m; cell contents 2(BaCa(C03 h] given by Gossner and Mussgnu g in the orientations of reciprocal lattice extinctions, OkO :k= 2n + 1 the CO:3 groups. However, AIm made no correcti ons for calculated density 3.72 g' cm- 3 ; observed density what mu s t have been considerable absorption, gave no 3.71 g' cm- 3 [5].

*Hcscarch Associate of tlu' Americ an Dt 'll lal Associa tion at the National Bureau of S ta ndard s. \Va s hillj.!ton. D.C. 202:,4. In the determination of the unit cell and in the col· I Fi gures in b,'aekct s indic at e 11 1(' lit erature refe re nces a t the e nd of thi s pa pe r. lection and processing of data, the general procedure 197

, l in reference [4] was followed. In the present case, minimized lw(lFol-IFcl)t, and included those un­ 3379 reflections were collected from the ±h+k+l and observed reflections for which F hkl calculated more ±h-k+l quadrants and merged into a unique set of than 2u-(F hkl). 1772, of which 1652 are "observed" and 120 are The highest peak in an electron density difference "unobserved." The R factor o;;ynthesis calculated after anisotropic refinement was equivalent to about 1/3 of an electron and was 0.49 A L IFI;kl-F~kll/LF';kl hkl from Ba. When the space-group is assumed to be P2 1 the largest correlation coefficients are 0.90 to 0.95 with i < j between pairs F ~kl and F I,kl of observed between (i) x of 0(1) and x of 0(2), (ii) z of 0(1) and z of equivalent reflections F hkl was 0.018 calculated over 0(2), (iii) x of 0(4) and x of 0(5) and (iv) z of 0(4) and 1189 pairs. i and j are the sequence numbers in the z of 0(5); 0.80 to 0.90 between (i) B I I of 0(1) and B II of list of equivalent reflections. Absorption corrections 0(2), (ii) B 13 of 0(4) and B 13 of 0(5), and (iii) B23 of 0(4) for a sphere with fL=85.6 cm- 1 were applied. The and B23 of 0(5). There are 48 correlation coefficients maximum and minimum transmission factors were greater than 0.50. 0.347 and 0.317, respectively. The isotropic extinction parameter, r , where The 0 - 20 scans were carried out on an automated F2 = F~n c (l + f3rF~nC> and F unc is the structure factor Picker t diffractometer at 2°/ min for ZIJ; backgrounds uncorrected for extinction, was then refined together were counted for 20 s each. Because the least signifi· with the structural and scale parameters using the cant digit in all counts was dropped by the Picker least-squares program RFINE written by L. W. Finger hardware, standard deviations, u- hkl, of the structure of the Carnegie Institution of Washington; these refine­ factors , Fhkl, were estimated from U-II",I=Fllkd5.7 for ments included only the observed reflections. The F'lkl < 5.7; U-IIk{= 1 for 5.7 < Fhkl < 30; andu-IIkl=Fllkd30 resulting R values were R w=0.027, R=0.022. The for Fhkl > 30 where Fmax on this arbitrary scale is 113. structure obtained had essentially the symmetry The scattering factors used were those for the neutral P21 /m; subsequent anisotropic refinement in P2 1 /m atoms in reference 6 for the x·ray 67 refinements and gave Rw= 0.036, R = 0.028 without extinction refine­ those in references 7 and 8 for the extinction and ment and R w= 0.028, R = 0.025 in refinements in anomalous refinements. which r refined to 0.000100(4) cm. All unconstrained The quasi·normalized structure factor statistics on parameters were varied. Finally, three cycles of refine­ our barytocalcite data indicate that the structure is ment including corrections for anomalous dispersion acentric, since < IE I > = 0.885, < £t > = 1.00 (fixed), and extinction gave R w=0.028, R=0.023; r became < lEt - 11 > = 0.709; the corres ponding . theoretical 0.000100(5) em. The largest chalJge in the other param­ values are 0.886, 1.000, 0.736 for the acentric case and eters was an increase of ~ 0.1 At in allB ii parameters 0.798, 1.000, 0.968 for the centric case. E is the quasi­ of Ca. In the final cycle, the average shift/error was normalized structure factor [9] . The fraction of E 0.02, and the standard deviation of an observation of values greater than 1.0,2.0 and 3.0, respectively, was unit weight, [lw(Fo-Fc)2 / (1652-56)]1/2, was 0.43. found to be 0.405 , 0.0027 and 0.0000; the corresponding The final Rw values for the centric and acentric cases theoretical values are 0.368, 0.0183 , 0.0001 for the are near the limit of the experimental data. The weight­ acentric case and 0.317 , 0.0455 , 0.0027 for the centric ing scheme is arbitrary, though reasonable. Further, case. The statistical procedure su~gested an average there are large correlation coefficients in the acentric temperature factor, B , of about 2.5 At and an exponent refinement. From the first two considerations, the of 1.00 for sin 8/ f... . Our experience has been that the authors feel that the ratio test [11] on lw(Fo-Fc)2, quasi-normalized structure factor statistics are normally the numerator of the RIO term, is not really applicable in much closer to the theoretical values and the exponent this border-line case, even though it appears from this of sin 0/ f... is closer to 2.00 than was calculated here for test that refinement in the acentric P21 is to be pre­ barytocalcite. ferred at a confidence level greater than 99.5 percent. Because of the presence of the strongly scattering Because refinement in the centric space-group P2 1 /m Ba , this indication that the space-group is the gives essentially the same result as refinement in P21 acentric P2 1 was not considered to be reliable. The but has more restraints which remove the high cor­ structure of barytocalcite was redetermined by us relation coefficients, the space-group of barytocalcite from a sharpened Patterson function calculated with is assumed here to be P2 1/m. This is consistent with (Et - 1) coefficients and an F 0 Fourier electron density the symmetry of 2/m in the observed crystalline forms synthesis phased from the positions of the Ba and Ca of the mineral [12]. With refinement in P2 1/m, the ions. The y coordinate of Ba was set equal to zero to largest correlation coefficients were removed, and only define the origin along b. The structure was refined six were greater than 0.50. The four largest were about isotropic ally in space-group P2 1 to R w= 0.65, R = 0.057 0.60 and were between the scale factor and the extinc­ and then anisotropically in P2 1 toRw= 0.036, R = 0.028 tion parameter, and between the scale factor and using the x-ray 67 system of computing programs [101. B 11, B22 , and B33 ofBa. The least-squares refinements used the full matrix, Because Sr has been reported [13] in the phase of BaCa(C03h, a refinement of barytocalcite ~ Cert ain commercial equipment. instrume nt s. Of mate ri als are ide nt ified in this pape r in which the cation positions were considered to in order to adequately specify the experime ntal procedure. In no case does such ide ntifica­ ti on imply recomme nd ati on or e ndorsement by the National Bureau of S tandards. nor does be occupied by Sr2 + in solid solution was carried out it imply tha t the mate ri als or equipme nt ide nti fied is necessaril y the best available for using Finger's least-squares program. The occupan- I he purpose. 198 TABLE 1. Atomic parameters for barytocalcite BaCa(C 0 3h

Atoms x y z B22 B:,,, B" * B' 2 B", 8 2" Ba 0.14740 (3) 0.25 0.28824(3) 0.883(6) 0.646(6) 0.652(6) ...... 0.399(4) ...... Ca .62320(8) .25 . 19855(9) .64(2) .50(2) .58(1) ...... 21(1) ...... C(1) .8972(5) .75 .2483(5) .83(8) .65 (8) .55(7) ...... 17(8) ...... 0 (1) l.0057(4) .75 .1393(4) 1.44(9) l.31 (9) 1.03(8) ...... 77(7) ...... 0(2) 0.8457(3) .9620(4) .3089(3) 1.45 (6) 0.85(6) 1.25 (6) 0.50(5) .45(6) 0.03(5) C(2) .6149(4) .25 .7468(5) 0.68(8) .74 (8) 0.61 (7) ...... 27(6) ...... 0(3) .6383(4) .25 .5644(4) 2.4(1 ) 1.9(1) .80 (7) ...... 97(8) ...... 0 (4) .6066 (2) .4604(4) .8474(3) 1.29 (6) 0.61 (5) 1.00 (6) . 16(4) 52(4) - .04(4)

Figures in parentheses are standard errors in th e last significant fi gure quoted, and were computed in th e fin al cycl e of full -mat. rix least· squares refinements. *Therm al parameters have the form ex p [- 1/4(a*28"h2 + b*'8 22 k2+ c*'8",,/2 + 2" *b* 8"hk+ 2a* c* B",hI + 2b*c*8 2:Jkl) ].

cies, 1.003(13) and 1.004(4), for Ba and Ca respectively, in the normal range. These consist of 5 edges suggest that there is no solid solution of Sr ions in of C0 3 groups, 0 (2,21),0(11 ,2" ), 0(1" ,21" ), 0 (3,4), this sample of barytocalcite. 0 (3 1, 4' ) and one a pex, 0 (1). The Ba ion is more ex­ The atomic parameters from the final extinc ti on tensively coordinated than it is in the phase refinement in space-group P2dm are given in table 1. of BaC03 , wh ere it has a coordination of 9 oxygens. The observed structure factors are give n in table 2. The structure of witherite resembles that of th e aragonite phase of CaC0 3 . 3 . Description of the Structure

The structure of barytocalcite (fi g. 1) consists of TABLE 3. Ba environment in barytocalcite, Ba ... CO:1 chains and Ca ... C0 3 chains, both BaCa(CO:1h parallel to [0011 , in which the cations are coordinated to an edge of one neighboring C03 group in the chain, and to an apex of the other C03 group. The C(2)0:1 Atom s Di stance, A group is in the CaC0 3 c hain with its plane parall e l to (100). The C(I )O:1 group is in the BaC03 chain , with Ba, 0(1) 2.729(3) its plane nearly parallel to (101), and is pus hed out of Ba , 0(4.4') 2.833(2) the line of th e chain because of the large ioni c radius Ba, 0(2,2') 2.847(2) of the Ba ion. The chains lie in layers parallel to (2 10), Ba . 0(2".2"') 2.904(2) a perfect in BaCa(C0:1h . The structure may Ba . 0(1'. 1") 2.914(1) Ba. 0(3.3') 3. J40(2) also be considered to consist of layers of CO:1 groups Ba, CO) 3. 152(3) coordinated to layers of cati ons, and is related in this Ba , C(2) 3.294(2) way to the calcite [14 1 phase of CaCO:1, with (2 01 ) of barytocalcite corresponding to (001 ) of calcite. In a ll tabl es of interatomic di stances and angles. th e quant iti es in parentheses are stand ard errors in the last signifi cant figure and 3.1. The Barium Ion Environment we re co mputed fro m the standard errors in the atom ic positional parameters a nd in the cell paramete rs. They in clu de co ntri butions The Ba ion is coordinated (fi g. 1, table 3) to 11 from t he variance covari ance matri x. The atom labels re fer to atoms atoms with Ba ... 0 di stances less than 3.2 A, i.e., in fi gure 1.

b L;-=, =-:;---+-+-4--~

F IGU RE 1. The 0/ barytocalcite, BaCa(CO:Jl2' and the environments 0/ the Ba and Ca ions. The ori gin of the c rystallographic coordina te system is marked by *. The labe ls refer to atoms in labl4::s 3 and 4. 199

I~ ------Table 2. Ob8 erved structur e factors for barytocalci. te, BaCa (CO 3)2

, -, 20' 2«5 62 -10 ,,. m - 0 110 500 -9 ", -. '00 -, '"' o bO -, '" 012 n -, 28" - I ]'is - 5 208 - 1 146 -, ", 7 2 ~1 - 1 -, 5<1:9'" bO '20 ]86 - 8 " '" -, 19] 0 -4 1 8'9 o l ab -] '"20" 19'" '" 8 2:'8 - 6 -, ,,, eo, '10 ]75 -7 ,". "0 -, Jb? 1 - ] 211 1 2]1 - 2 200 bO '" ,,, "+]4 - 6 90 '" - 2 7() -I 117 -, 9 IDR - 5 ''0'" o ' 20 "' o 11;> 2 ''2". -, 10 2~) lJb ,,,'" 10]6 19' 252 - 5 , ]04 ] - I 2:'~ "" -, -, '90 ". .HO _4 '"". , 'Ob" '13 , -, " "21 ""039 72 - ] 7<'9 - 8 , '"21h '05 2" -1 0 278 " , -, '" m 196 - 2 27 A -7 ", - 9 61 - 8 29_ '" -11 0 " ,.,'" 15' ]4 " -1 51] - 6 'OA UO - 8 165 - 9 1 0 4 -7 22] 9" -1 0 2"" 1 s m _ 9 ' 00 '">5 -7 21b -a ]20 - 6 11] 10 - ~ 2 19 2 '"l'i7 , ' 50 -, " . '"176 -4 d ' '" - 6 1 0 4 -7 191 - 5 l':lli 11 - 8 3D;'> J us , '29 -, I ~b ] 62 _] -11 '" - 5 ]"+4 - 6 249 -4 220 - 1 1.:2 , 302 - 0 - 11 120 19* -2 '" -'0 _4 238 -5 2 36 - 3 14t. - 6 J:.u 9 -, '"·Ob - 10 2115 -1 ''0 - 9 2(Ja'" - ] "+21 - 4 "'5 - 2 25'5 - 5 '0<3 10 '" -, .", - 9 '" 206 0 -, l 'ill -1 0 78 - 2 2b9 -] lAS -1 88 - '+ ~19 '" -, -, '" 10 , '"21' -, - 9 3:'8 -1 238 - 2 115 o 10;19 - 3 l 1A -'0 -, . OS -, ." 286 2 -, " -8 ~7 o 249 -1 16A 12M­ '". " " 2 ]· ] '0' , , - 2 "J - 9 '90 -, ' 26 - 0 -, '" -7 37" '99 - 1 l U,"" -, 2<0] o '21 -, " "", ' 00 '" -6 1~() 2 1 6" ',,," ~ ':I 4 - ] 6 2" . '" - 0 "e -, '" '"' ,,' ,.'" , -s 3"5 8 " 1 - 5 -, ", 25, -, " 151 - 2 -4 219 '33 ,,, '" - 3 IJ2 " 1 75 - " " -, ". '" ", -, '99'" -, '?1~ - 1 ""m -, '+ u:. - J -, '" -, 17" -11 -, 29. - 2 2:'0 - 6 204 , " -5 2 0 7 '"1"1 J~J - 2 -, '30" 'SO'" " o 322 -10 '" -1 1 :'6 -1 0 1'17 ~.. 187 - 9 '" -9 ]2] - 4 201 9 - 1 - 2 ,0, '" , "."" 0' o 21" - 9 1 0 1 '0 -, JHI 0 -, '"121 " , ] 65 - a 2" -8 209 - 8 IJ7 -] 269 11 -, 201 1 '" ", '" , ]]] -7 'Ok'" '"". -7 2a. -7 292 - 2 129 -, 2 15 .2 '" '10 'eS" '" - 6 3]3 - 6 2011 -I 242 o '"' lI D J m " -, '"'1> -1 ] 2" -I 2]0 -5 186 j39 -11 -., ''2" o -'0 o I b9 o 8b - <0 lao ,'> - 10 l oA -, '" '"In -, 9, " - 9 2B2 1 ]25 - ] 192 2()~ - 9 2 17 -, 190 -, - 10 PO -9 j\ . - 8 - 9 ". , " - 2 201 - 8 7 3 -, m o '" - 9 ' 01 -, ~ j", -7 - 8 ,,, , -1 127 - 7 209 o , ' 09 -, -7 ~7 o 122 , - b 2b9 , , m :~ '",,, -, -. - 6 3"5 ". 9 - 5 219 , - 5 1 1" -'0 ' 0 -, '90 -, '"," -, - 4 00.10 - 9 '00 -, 2t..\ - J -4 100 '" -a 211 11" -, -J '10 -, -9 '19" '" -.-, 170 - 2 -3 208 - 8 297" - 7 225 -, - 2 7ufl - 1 '"92 -, 90 '" -, ~I>. - 1 -, -7 1 211 - 6 192 ,,,'" -1 ':I J -11 <0",5 -11 -, 198 -, 20., 0 - 1 ~" o -1 0 2UI -6 2"5 -5 259 o 702 - lO 1 - 9 1 ]5 - 5 110 -II ]0. -, -: ~ 'e' ' 00 -, 20? ". -, 1 Jlq ' <0 - 9 o '"1]9 - ll ", '" VO''" - a 124 -II 61 -] 149 eo, -, 2 :'J" - 8 '" -, ,. -, _ 0 ' Ob , ,". '>2 ""'00 '"20 ' - 7 23] -3 Iii] - 2 16'1 j Jot, ,",,, - S -:g - 6 bb - 2 1 2] -1 71 o "'"0 -1 -, -, ". , m ". \':1 .\ 1f.2 ",'" '10 -, '00 -, '" -, '10 , -, ,55 7.0,,_ 3 4 0 - 5 229 -1 2 0b o 20;11 - s -, ,".,. '" -, 190 '"ll. 0' _4 2:11 ,.," ':'" -.. '" '" -, '"210 -, V? - ] 251 '"100 2u5 - J ,,''" '" -, 100 20 ' -, '" '"' - 2 2':15 , 8 219 - 2 ,,, m'0 ' o SO -I 1 95 -a 142 9 _, '0' -. '"' '"". , '0' "0 ", " -, - 7 221 9 lO 0 ' Ob 2'0 0>,'" ,,, '" -, -, 2 4" - 10 - 10 '"b8 '" - 6 145 ' 0 , '0' ' 92 ,n -, '"5<' 6 -, jjl -9 - 9 315 112 -, tl'lt'"l ' 30 '6' o - 0 -, - 8 93 -"+ 14M .," -, ,". , ''"09 -, -, - 7 368 " , -, 00 -3 70;1 '" <0, -, 180 , ,., - 6 1 73 ,,, -, -2 130 -, -, , --., -., - 5 3.) 5 - 0 '" -1 19<0 -s -, '"8b -, -, '"11 0 '" -, ",'" -, -" 2(12 - S '"15,2 o 52 -7 .:A " -, m" -, 200'" -, -, - ] 11 6 '02 - b 1"'1 8 ''99" '" o 11, -, '"' 20 ' 08 o " -, - 2 lil a -, " . -, - 5 2..)5 9 ''9 '" -, , -, -I 2 U6 -, -, '70 -, -It 101 1 0 " -, '" '" '"9" o o 1 06 -, -, o -, -, '" -, '"1<0 " , ;1 ,,' -, o '" - 6 1]]'" , - 2 LO *- -, ,'"'., -11 o m i ". 1>. -, 21'"0 - 5 167 , , - 1 5"8 -, - 11 '0' -'0 99 ., ,., ]<'. 5 - 4 2]_ 9 , o III -11 "e -, leo -'0 - 9 28S -11 m ,., --., '92" - 3 147 , ,,, - 9 - 10 1]] 1 " uJ - 10 '"'' 09 -, '" ". 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"' 1 17 5 '09 - b l un m -, 292 -, '" 2 j U5 -, ,., - 5 2")9 ,0> - ~ 2~: " 0 '" " , -. -, '",,' ' 30 '" -, 11\ ] ., , " -, 259'" -, no -, 1 27R " -, ' 2' 2>1 -, 219 "'' 00 -4 2"" - 3 '"dJ n ' o '" 2 22F1 -, '" so o m - 3 12b - 2 561 'eo" ] 2:'6 10''" '" , - 2 142 -1 0 1 '" '00 -11 '00 '0' , '" o 7D2 -'0 ' 09 - 10 171 -10 ". - 9 " '0' '" -, 230 - 9 2 22 - 9 '" ,>0 -, - 8 l4 0 -, 210'" - u 212'" -, -, -, 210" -, - 7 211b - 1 119 - 10 -, ". - 1 .,.7.L - 7 m 2u.'I - b - 6 ::'6 - 0 - 0 no - 9 -0 '" -, - 0 -'0 q., - 5 -, -, -, -, PO '" - S -7 - 5 '"20' -, -, '" ]65" - II -9 1:'.'1 - " 1 44 -, ,. . -, -, - 6 2 7 . -II 2 ]* -1 1,1 -, 21 4 - ] -J 11 2 - 0 m -, '" -., '" 2"S - 6 -, 9! -, -., - 5 314 -] ' -, , 11 , -, o , , o 180 251 -4 -, '" 2'> o '" -, 9 - 9 IDa 0 , eo , , I lJ5 .. 7* -] -, 20'"9 - 9 - 0 2~~ - 8 2 1<0 1 , '" 2 2]0 171 - 2 -, ' 0 o " -, '" -, '01 -, -7 11 2 , '"'e, ] la8 I b B -1 , " - 1 2"15 -, '.8 - 6 1':1 1 ] 180 , In -, . '20 " 0 " -, -, m -, - ~ 1,,6 18. , IfJ.,''" - 6 - S -, 9 0 ,,' o - 4 I J 2 '" ':17 - 5 - 6 20 0 - 9 '" -, '19 - ] .. U2 -, - 5 U5 -, -, '" o "' ., -2 l A" -, ". 4 . 5 ' L 2U 4 - 3 -4 1 .)9 -, 19'" -, '" '" -, , -, ' 00 7.\ - 2 - ] 1 ~0 _ 9 -, '"' 30 '" 00 9 -, '"' 02 -1 0 2:'0 - II 239 - a '",1< -, - 2 c.2 . -, '" o 212 ". ]09 10 - 9 1 15 - 11 -] 9] -7 ';1 o 170 -1 2eo5 -, 19' , II"> 1!> 1 ," - 2 13e - 6 '" '" -8 2"" - to , -, 'e9 '00 ". '0' - 9 - I 17A - 5 ," '.0 ,,, - 7 103 '" - ll 9. , ." II>~ -, m - 6 1" 1 -, o ]:l. - II '" - 10 2>1 -, " ,,8. - 11 - 5 lOJ -, 1 212 -] '"'m - 9 '"'" . .8 l oA -1 0 - 11 - 4 52 - 0 2 167 - 2 4]f\ -1 0 21. -, '"''00 109 - 'I - lO "" - .!o "98 -, , -, 226 - 9 --., 22] -J.l - 0 ll] - 8 - 9 '" -2 12" -. o 1141 - S -, III" -1 0 - 9 :l ]~ -, -, -, - 1 "",3 -, , 242 - 7 4 ....' - q 21' - 8 6 1 -, -, -, U 22U -, , 2211 - 6 I"';:> - 8 119 - 7 27':1 -, -, , -, , 195 - 5 5 .. , - 7 - 6 111 -,

Columns are 1, and lOF .. F I S are on an absolute scale .. o o "Unobserved" reflections are marked by

200 3.2. The Calcium Ion Environment TABLE 5. The carbonate anions and their enmron­ ments in barytocalcite, BaCa(C0 }z The Ca ion is coordinated (fi g. 1, table 4) to seven 3 oxygen atoms, including one edge, 0 (41 1, 4 111 ), of a CO:! group, with Ca . . . 0 di stances in the normal COa i!:roups Di stance or a n ~ l e range. The fiv e apex oxygen atoms li e in a square pyramid. T he center of the coordinated edge of the C(1), 0(1) 1.275(4) A C0 3 group is near the remaining octahedral position. C( I), 0 (2, 2') 1.286(2) The coordination of Ca in barytocalcite is thus inter· 0 (1), 0(2) 2.221(3) mediate between the octahedral coordination of six 0 (2 ), 0 (2 ' ) 2.220(4) 0 (1), C( I), 0 (2) 120.3(2)" C03 apexes with no shared edges in the calcite phase 0 (2), C(I ), 0 (2') 119.3(3) of CaC0 3 and the nine-fold coordination of three shared C03 edges and three apexes in the aragonite phase of C(2),0(3) 1.259(4) A C(2), 0(4, 4') CaC0 3 . 1294(2) 0(3),0(4) 2.229(3) 0 (4) . 0(4' ) 2.203(4) TABLE 4. Ca environment in barytocalcite, 0 (3). C(2). 0 (4) J 21.6(1)" BaCa(C O:!b 0 (4), C(2), 0(4') 1] 6.6(3)

Atoms Di stance, A o environm e nt s Distance. A

Ca, 0(2'. 2") 2.305(2) 0 (1 ), Ba 2.729(3) Ca, 0(4'. 4') 2.353(2) 0(1), (Ba'. Ba") 2.9 15(1) Ca,0(3) 2.364(3) Ca, 0(4" . 4"') 2.5 18(2) 0 (2), Ca'" 2.305(2) 0(2),Ba'" 2.847(2) 0(2). Ba" 2.904(2) The atomi c labels refe r to atoms in fi ~ ur e 1. 0(3), Ca' 2.364(3) 3.3. The Carbonate Groups and Their Environments 0 (3). (Ba". Ba') 3. 140(2)

There are two crys tallographicall y different C0 3 0(4), Ca'" 2.353(2) groups in the struc ture. One (table 5, fi g. 2) is in th e 0(4), Ca" 2S I8(2) 0(4), (Ba V ) 2.833(2) Ba . .. CO:3 chains and the oth er (ta ble 5, fi g. 2) is in the Ca ... CO chains. The former, the C(I ) C0 3 a T he atom ic labels rcfer to atoms in fi~ ur c 2. group, coordinates with all edges to Ba ions, and coordi­ nates one apex, 0 (1), to another Ba ion. The two re­ 0 (3,4) and 0 (3, 4t), to ions Bav and Ba tV, respectively. maining apexes 0 (2, 2t ) are coordinated to Ca ions. The average values of the C - 0 bond di stance in the The C(2) C0 3 group coordinates the edge containing C(I ) a nd C(2) CO:! groups, 1.283 A and 1.283 A, respec­ the 0 (4,41) atoms to Call a nd the remaining two edges, tively, compare well with the C- O bond lengths ob-


Y a b ~

F IGU RE 2. The C0 3 environm.ents in barytocalcite, BaCa(C0 3],. The labels refer to atoms in ta ble s. 201 served in the calcite ().283(2) A [14]) and aragonite layers in calcite encompasses six cation layers whereas (1.288(2) and 1.283(1) A [4 J ) phases of CaL0 3 . barytocalcite repeats every three cation layers. As regards the ... ABCABC ... sequence of cation layers, The two C03 groups are nonplanar in barytocalcite. The displacements 9f C from the plane of tpe oxygen barytocalcite is like calcite. However, the rotation of atoms are 0.025(5) A for C(1) and 0.022(4) A for C(2). the C03 groups by ~ 30° relative to the C03 positions Both displacements are toward the two central Ca ions in calcite relates barytocalcite to the aragonite phase Calli and Cal v in fi gure 2, and probabl y ari se from of CaC03• Thus the detailed coordinations of the C03 of the 0 atoms b y these Ca ions. Similarly groups are like those in aragonite, which also has C03 groups rotated by ~ 30° from the C03 positions in distorted C0 3 groups have been found in aragonite [15, 4] and Ca2 N a2(C03h [lJ. (In calcite, the C0 3 group calcite, because all C03 edges in both compounds are pQjnt symmetry is constrained to 32 by the choice of shared in coordination to neighboring cations and all R3 c as the s pace·group.) apexes are further coordinated to cations. The co­ The different C - 0 bond lengths in the C0 3 groups ordinations of the cations in barytocalcite are however (table 5) are consistent with the observed features in different from the coordination of Ca in aragonite, the structure. 0(1) is bonded to three Ba ions. 0(2) is partly because in the former there are two differently bonded to two Ba ions and one Ca ion. Thus 0 (2) sized cations. experiences stronger interaction with its cation neigh­ bors, which is compatible with the C( I)-0(2) distance being longer than C(1)-0(1). Similarly, 0 (4) is coordi­ nated to two Ca ions and one Ba ion, wh ereas 0 (3) is W. E. Brown suggested the problem and gave helpful coordinated to one Ca ion and two Ba ions. Thus, the discussions; P . B. Kingsbury gave technical assistance. C(2)- 0(4) bond distance is expected to be longer than This investigation was supported in part by research the C(2) - 0 (3) distance. Because the 0 (4 , 4') edge is grant DE- 00572 to the American Dental Association coordinated to Ca whereas the 0 (3, 4) and 0(3, 4') from the National Institute of Dental Research and is edges are coordinated to Ba, the 0 (4), C(2), 0 (4') angle part of the dental research program conducted by the is expected to be less than 120°. Both these effects are National Bureau of Standards, in cooperation with the American Dental Association; the United States Army realized. Although 0 (2) and 0 (3) have similar environments, Medical Research and Development Command; the comparison of the lengths of the bonds C(1)-0(2) and Dental Sciences Division of the School of Aerospace C(2)- 0 (3) is not fruitful. Such a superficial comparison Medicine, USAF; the National Institute of Dental only applies when the oxygen atoms are competing in Research and the Veterans Administration. their bonding to the same central atom or when the other oxygens in the C0 3 groups also have similar environments. 5. References

4. Discussion [11 Dickens, B. , Hyman, A., and Brown , W. E., The crystal structure of Ca,Na,(C0 3)3, (s hortite), 1. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 75A Whys. and Chem.), No.2, 129-135 (Mar.- Apr. 1971). AIm [3] showed that the structure given by Gossner [21 Cossner, B. , and Mussgnug, F., Uber Alstonite und Milarit. Zbl. and Mussgnug [2] is incorrect. The general features of Mineral. Ceol Palaonl. A1930, 220 (1930); Beitrag zur the structure gi':,en by AIm for barytocalcite are correct Kenntnis des Baryto·cal cites und seiner strukturell en to within ~ 0.3 A. The details given here are, however, Beiziehungen zu anderen Stoffen. , Ibid. A1930. 321 (930). far more precise. Gossner and Mussgnug and AIm gave [3] Aim , K. F. , The crystal structure of barytocalcite, BaCa(C 0 3 )z, Arki v fo r Mineralogi oc h Geologi 2 , (1960) 399-410. the space·group of barytocalcite as P21 in their limited [4] Di ckens, B. , and Bowen, 1. 5., Refin ement of the crystal struc· analyses of the structure. Our more extensive analysis ture of the aragonite phase of CaCO". J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. shows, however, that barytocalcite can be refined 75A (phys. a nd Chern. ), No .1, 27-32 (Jan.- Feb. 1971). equally well, within the limits of the data, in the centro­ [5] Kreutz,S., P arallel growths of different substances, Min. MaO' . 15, 232 - 237 (1909). '" symmetric space-group P2 1 1m. [6] International Tables for X-ray Crys tallograph y, 3, (The Kynoch Barytocalcite is related to the calcite and aragonite Press, Birmingham, England , 1962) p. 202. phases of CaC03• There are pseudo-hexagonal layers [7] Cromer, D. T. , and Mann, J. B., X·ray scattering fa ctors com· of cations parallel to (101) in the barytQcalcite structure. puted fro m numeri cal Hartree·Fock wav e functions, Acta Crys t. A24, 321-324 (1 968) . If the difference between Ca and Ba is igp.ored, a [8] Cromer, D. T. , Anomalous di spersion correcti ons computed pseJ!do-cell ma-Yv be defined with a' ~c 8.7 A (along from self· consistent fi eld relativistic Dirac-Slater wave func· [101J) , b' = 5.2 A (along [010J ), c' ~ 9.2 A (along [WID tions, Acta Cryst. 18, 17- 23 (1 965). and f3 ' ~ 95°. In this pseudo-cell, the cation layers [9] Di ckinson, c., Stewarl , 1. M., and Holden, 1. R. , A direct repeat every third layer along c' as they do in calcite. determination of the crystal structure of 2,3,4,6·tetranitro· aniline, Acta Cryst. 21 ,663- 670 (1966) . The pseudo-cell of barytocalcite compare% well with [10] Stewart, J. M., editor, X·ray 67 program syste m for x·ray the orthohexagonal cell 8.641, 4.989, 17.062 A of calcite. crystall ography, Technical report 67- 58, University of The orientations of the C03 groups in the two com­ Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742 , December 1967. pounds calcite and barytocalcite differ by a rotation of [11] Hamilton, W. C., Signifi cance tests on the crys tallographic R factor, Ac ta Cryst. 18, 502- 510 (1965) . ~ 30° (the C(2)03 group in barytocalcite further differs [1 2] Palache, c. , Berman, H. , and Frondel, c., Dana's system of in that it makes an angle of ~ t o° with the (101) plane), mmeralogy, vol. II, 7th edilion (John Wil ey and Sons, Inc., and the cell repeat, 17.062 A, perpendicular to the New York , 1963) pp. 220 and 221. 202 [1 3] Chang, L. L. Y., Subsolidus phase relati ons in the systems [15] de Villiers, J. P . R. , The crystal stru ctures of aragonite, stron, BaC03 ·SrC03 , SrC03 ,CaC03 and BaC03 ,CaC03 , J. Ceo!. ionite and witherite, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois 73, 346- 368 (1965). (1969). [14] Chessin , H., Hamilton, W. c., and Post, B. , P osition and therm al parameters of oxyge n atoms in calcite, Acta Crys t. 18, 689- 693 (1965). (P aper 75A3-663)