One Hundred Twentieth-Century Philosophers

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One Hundred Twentieth-Century Philosophers ONE HUNDRED TWENTIETH-CENTURY PHILOSOPHERS ONE HUNDRED TWENTIETH-CENTURY PHILOSOPHERS Edited by Stuart Brown Diane Collinson Robert Wilkinson London and New York First published 1998 by Routledge II New Fetter Lane , London EC4P 4EE 29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001 This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 200 I. © 1998 Routledge All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. British Lib rary Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data One hundred twentieth-century philosophers I edited by Stuart Brown, Diane Collinson, Robert Wilkinson. p. em . Includes biographical references. 1. Philosophers-Biography. 2. Philosophy, Modern-20th century. I. Brown , Stuart C. II. Collinson, Diane III. Wilkinson, Robert B804.055 1988 190 '.9 '04-dc21 97-30846 [B] CIP ISBN 0-415-17996-3 (Print Edition) ISBN 0-203-02750-7 Master e-book ISBN ISBN 0-203-17468-2 (Glassbook Format) CONTENTS Notes on Cont ributors vi-vii List of Abbreviated Sources vii i- ix Structure of an Entry x Entries A-Z 1-207 Guide to Schoo ls and Move ments 208-241 NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Bredin, Hugh Fulford, K. W. M. Senior Lecturer in Scholast ic Philosophy, Professor of Phil osophy and Mental Hea lth, Queen 's University, Belfast. Unive rsity of Warwick. Brown, St u ar t Gorner, Paul Professor of Phil osoph y, Op en University. Lecturer in Phil osoph y, Department of Phi losophy, University of Aberdeen. Bunnin,N icholas Fellow, University of Essex, and Director, Jones, Barry Phil osoph y Proj ect, Centre for Modern Chinese Formerly research student, Unive rsity of Studies, University of Oxford. Ma nchester. Cad wallader, Eva Professor of Phil osoph y, West minste r College, Kuehn, M anfred Penn syl vani a. Associate Professor of Philosoph y, Purdue Unive rsity, Lafaye tte , Indi ana. C ar r, Indira Mahalingam Senior Lecture r in Law, Un iversity of Exeter, Lace y, A. R. Spec ial Lecturer in Phil osoph y, Unive rsity of Senior Lecturer in Phil osophy (retired), King's Nott ingham, Director of Exe ter Un ive rsity College, Unive rsity of Lond on. Centre for Lega l Int erdiscipli nary Developm ent (EUCLID) Lamb, David Reader in Phil osoph y, Department of C h a nt, C oli n Biomedical Science and Bioethi cs, University of Lecturer in History of Science and Technology, Birmingham. Ope n Unive rs ity. Lee, Keekok C oli nson, Diane Reader in Phil osophy, University of Sen ior Lec turer in Philosophy, Open Manches ter; Dir ector of the Centre for University. Phil osop hy and the Environment. Davey, Nicholas Le ggatt, St ua r t Lecturer in History and Theory of Art, Research stude nt, University of Reading. University Co llege Llandalb. Edwards, Jim Lewis, Peter Senior Lec ture r in Phil osophy, Unive rsity of Lecturer in Phil osoph y, University of Glasgow. Ma nches ter. Ellis, Ant hony Lyas, C oli n Professor of Phil osoph y, Virginia Sen ior Lec ture r in Philosoph y, University of Commonwealth Unive rsity. Edinburg h. Ev eritt,Nicholas Ma rtin, R. N. D. Lecturer in Philosoph y, Schoo l of Econom ic Self-employe d; part-time work for the Open and Social Studies, University of East Anglia. University. NOTESON CONTRIBUTORS vii Mason, Richard Reese, William Fellow of Wolfson, College, Cambridge and Former Professor of Philosoph y, State Tutor in Phil osoph y, Ma dingley Ha ll. University of New York at Albany. Ri ck amn, H. P. Mills, Stephen Visiting Professor in Phil osoph y, City Lecture r in Phil osophy, Un ive rsity of Ulster at Univers ity, Lo ndo n. Coleraine, No thern Ireland. Sim, Stuart Outhwaite, William Profe ssor of English Studies, University of Professor of Sociology, University of Sussex, Sunderland. Bri ghton. Singer, Marcus Plant, Kathryn Professor of Phil osoph y Emeritus, Unive rsity of Wisconsin, Madison. Tutor in Phi losop hy, Open Unive rsity. Walford, David Pollard, Denis Lecturer in Phil osophy, Un ive rsity of Wales, Sen ior Lecture r in Phil osoph y, Unive rsity of Lamp et er. Glamorga n. Whitford, Marga ret Quinton, Lord An t hony Teacher, Queen Mary and Westfi eld College, Formerly Pre sident of Trinity College, Oxfor d London . and Fellow of the British Aca demy. Wilkinson, Robert Reck, Andrew Staff Tutor and Senior Lecture r in Phil osophy, Open Un ive rsity. Professor of Phil osophy, and Dir ector of Liberal Arts Program , Julane Univers ity, New Orlea ns; Editor; History of Philosophy Williams, James Quarterly. Lecturer in Philoso phy, Unive rsity of Dund ee. LIST OF ABBREVIATED SOURCES These abbrev iations appea r in the Sources fie ld at the end of an entry, whe re the author gives the sources use d in compi lation of the entry. Periodical abbreviations, including indexes, derive from the initial letters of each significant word in the title, and remain in italic. Books, including annuals, use the author 's or editor 's name(s), or a contraction of the title where this is not possi ble, and appear in roma n. AJP Au stralasian Journal of Philosophy Becker Encyclopedia ofEthics, ed. Lawrence C. and Charlotte Becke r, New York: Garland, 1992 Burkhardt Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology, ed. Hans Burkhardt, Mun ich: Philosophia Verlag, 2 vols, 1991 CA Contemporary Authors: A Bio-bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and their Works, Detroit: Ga le Research Inc., 1962- present CBD Chambe rs Biographical Dictionary, various editio ns; 1994 ed ition ed . Mag nus Magn usson Cors ini The Concise Encyclopedia ofPsy chology , ed. R. Corsi ni, New York: John Wiley, 198 7 DAB Dictionary ofAm eri can Biography, Oxford: Ox ford Un ivers ity Press and New York: Scribner 's, various edit ions Dancy & Sosa A Companion to Epistemology, ed. J.Dancy and E. Sosa, Oxford: Blackwell, 1992 DAS Directory ofAm erican Scholars, New York: R. R. Bowker, 1942-present DFN Dizionario dei Filosofi dei No vecento , Florence : Sansoni, 1976 DNB Di ctionary of National Bio graphy , London: Oxford University Press, vario us editions DSB Dictionary ofScientific Biography, ed. G. C. Gillespie, New York: Scribner 's, 1970­ present EA B En cyclopedia of Am erican Biography, second edition, ed. J. A . Ga rraty, HarperCollins (US) , 1995 Edwards Encyclopedia ofPhilosophy, ed. Paul Edwards, New York: Macm illan & Co., 1967 EF Enciclop edia Filosojica , Florence: G. C. Sanson i, 6 vols, 1967 Flew A Dictionary ofPhilosophy, ed. Antony Flew, New York: St Martin's Press, revised seco nd edition, 1984 Goldenson Lon gman Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry, ed. R. M. Goldenson, New York an d Londo n: Longman, 1984 Harr e & Lamb The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psy chology , ed. R. Harr e and R. Lamb, Oxfo rd: Basil Blackwell, 1983 !DPP International Directory of Philosophy and Philosophers, Bowling Green, OH: Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University, seventh edition, 1992 Kindler Kindl ers Literatu r Lexikon, Zur ich: Kindl er Verlag , 1965 and 1970 Mitte lstrass Enzyklop ddi e Philosophie und Wissens chaftstheorie , ed . Jurgen Mi tte lstrass, Mannheim: Bibli ographisches Institut AG, 1980- MSS PNB Memoires, Societe des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Bou rdeaux NOB Neue Osterreichis che Biographie, Vienna and Mun ich, Amalthea Passm or e 1957 A Hundred Years of Philosophy , John Passmore, Lond on: Duckworth, 1957 Passmore 1985 Recent Philosophers, John Passmore, London: Duckworth, 1985 PBA Proceedings of the British Academy LIST OF ABBREVIATED SOURCES ix PI Phi losoph er s Index , Bowling Green, OH : Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University, various editions RA Reader s Adviser, Bowker (US) , fourteenth edition, 1994 Reck 1968 The New American Philosoph ers, Andrew Reck, Bat on Rou ge : Loui siana State Unive rsity Press, 1968 Reese Dictionary ofPhilosophy and Religion , William L. Reese, New Jersey: Humanities Pre ss, 1980 RPL Revue Philosoph ique de Lou vain Turner Thinkers of the Twentieth Cent ury, ed. Roland Turner, Chicag o: St Jam es Press, second edition , 1987 Urms on & Ree The Concise Encyclop aedia of Western Philosophy , ed. J. O. Urmson and J. Ree, London: Hutchinson , 1960 WD The Writer s Directory, Chicago: St Jam es Press, biennial WW Who :s Who, London: A. & C. Black, 1843-present WW(Am) Who :s Who in Americ a , Chicago: Marquis Who 's Who , 1899-present WWW Who Was Who, London : A. & C. Black, various editions WWW(Am) Who Was Who in America , Chicag o: Marquis Who 's Who , 1899-present STRUCTURE OF AN ENTRY There are three basic elements to eac h entry. where these are available. For books published The open ing section gives biographical details before 1945, these deta ils may not be so readily and summarizes the phi losophical interests of the ava ilable; for politi cal reasons also so me works ent rant. The first ite m of information after th e may be difficu lt to trace. The Sources fie ld, at name is nationality. Beca use of the diffic ulty of the end of the entry, lists works which were use d establishing entran ts ' preferences, English, Welsh in researching the entry, and not previously given and Scottish have been stan dardized as British. in the Secondary literatur e. Ma ny of these are Cases of dual nationality or changes of citizenship referen ce works or jo urna ls, and are abbreviated.
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