
Sorority, Inc.® and Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 2020 Essay Contest Application

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® and Alpha Fraternity, Inc. are two Greek letter organizations that work to improve our communities and provide opportunities for youth to be mentored, recognized and appreciated. In keeping with that mission, we are hosting our annual Essay Contest. Cash prizes in the amounts of $150, $125, and $75 will be awarded to first, second and third place winners in each of the age categories. This contest is your opportunity to present your viewpoint and possibly be heard by the San Diego community. Your research and writing will also help to expand your knowledge of African American history and culture. Please follow the instructions below to enter the contest. Write an essay following the guidelines below on one of the following topics. A. Historical have consistently been unrecognized over the years although we know their contributions to building this country are endless. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is addressing this issue through one of our International Programs, Target 4—The Arts. Our “Salute to the Renaissance” is celebrating the contributions of African American artists during the through student research of African American artists during the Black Arts Movement. Please research an African American writer, entertainer, or other artist. Describe their contributions to the Black Arts Movement and how they changed the world in which we live. Explain why they are important to our country and why they are important to you. B. Many young people have become activists because they felt strongly about an issue that negatively affected their communities. Some of those local protests eventually became national movements. If you had the opportunity to speak to your peers about an issue that is negatively affecting your school or community, what would it be? Describe something nonviolent that you could do to promote positive change. C. The upcoming presidential election in November has put the topic of VOTING in the news headlines daily. How important is voting to you? Describe your experience/s with the electoral process in your family. Do you view voting as a privilege, a right, a responsibility, or all? Why? Identify several things youth can do to participate in the electoral process even though they are not eligible to vote. How will you use voting as an adult in the future? Guidelines: 1. All entries must be typewritten: Times New Roman, 12 pt. and double spaced. 2. Essay Length: Essays not containing the number of words as listed below based on grade level will be disqualified Grades 6 – 8 500 – 750 words Grades 9 – 12 750 – 1000 words

3. All submitted entries must have a cover page that includes the following information Full Name and Grade: School of attendance: Email address: Home Address: Parent/Guardian(s) Name & Phone number (s): Parent/Guardian(s) email address: Please include a picture with your submission (between 3 x 2 and 4 x 6). 4. Entries must be submitted by email. Incomplete entries and entries received after the deadline will be disqualified. All entries must be emailed by 11:59 PM, July1, 2020 to: [email protected] Essays will be evaluated on content, originality, and adherence to guidelines. Essays will not be returned. Plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification. Winners will be notified by email. Questions call Yvonne Yelder-Logan, 619-916-6202.