September 1959 Collegiates
of GAMMA PHI BETA ^ 1A' ^�.*. .�SffV^ fh ^ d P>. .S>;*r iifr$*^'^^ 'fflS ^^-', �3^-^r^t -./j^fc. 1 ''*�' ^t-aifWBit/---^^^^,^^ , ; '' . �r^"^*w^c^''' ����': A.4.p*^ CAMPUS SCENE, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA SEPTEMBER 1959 COLLEGIATES ON CAMPUS Sharon Mische of North Dakota State is Ihe Lettermen's Sweetheart and proudly displays Ihe trophy presented lo her by Ihe college athletes. Al Kappa Alpha's Dixie Boll, Mary Ellen Hovey (Woshingfon U.) was named Special Maid to Ihe K. A. Rose. She and her escort promenade under Ihe arched swords of Ihe "Confed eracy." Al McGill Universily, Joan Blundell (second from lefl) won the Silver Arrow in Intercollegiole archery compelilion. Also com peting for McGill were Gamma Phis Georgia Whitman, Mau reen Norwood and Joanne Seal, pictured from lefl. Gamma Phi Betos and Pi Lambda Phis ol Ihe University of Gamma Phis of Memphis S(o(� California joined forces for the annual Spring Sing and won "' as dolls in Ihe first place sweepstakes award. are pictured baby skif for fhe Deffo Zefo Follin, �"' "What Do We Think About ��� I" From left, front row, Barbara < more, Sandra Stobaugh, Cofol Dowdy and Connie Holland- H 1^ row, Ann Clark, Mary Frantei Caiman, Margaret McCullai 4 Shown receiving a hand Corinne Wells. some corsage and a kiss from an unidentified gentleman is Carole Piclure-prelly Gwen O/son poses Smith when she was wifh her posies as she was pre named Besf Dressed Girl sented as a Princess of Sigma Chi on fhe Bow/ing Green al fhe Universily of Soofhern Cali Sfofe l/niversity campus.
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